the Inside this issue: NorwegiaN Barneblad: Flowers that bloom in Spring american story on page 23

Volume 129, #7 • April 6, 2018 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $4 USD A student’s take on Drexel University students travel to to compare its to those in America

What’s inside? Michael Kleiner « Blir vi rørt over våren fordi Nyheter / News 2-3 den minner oss om vår egen Business 4-5 The Norwegian American engstelige og karrige, men tross Opinion 6-7 Our ideas of prisons mostly come through TV and years they discussed how to collaborate. alt naive og rørende ungdom? » Sports 8-9 movies. After moving to Drexel in 2014, Hyatt applied – Sigurd Hoel Research & Science 10 The loud clang of the iron bar doors closing. The for an Intensive Course Abroad (ICA) program to take Arts & Entertainment 11 rows of cells on each side. Guards with rings of keys students to Norway to compare American and Norwe- and billy clubs walking menacingly down the hall. gian prisons and attitudes about criminal justice. He Taste of Norway 12-13 Watching eyes during work routines. A dark cell with took five students in December 2016 and 12 in 2017. Norway near you 14-15 a dim light bulb, hard bed, sink, and toilet. A warden “There are two general goals,” said Dr. Hyatt. “The Travel 16-17 charged with keeping prisoners in line. first is practical: understanding the nuts and bolts of Norwegian Heritage 18-19 Does this work to rehabilitate inmates? Do inmates different corrections. We teach our students about how need terrible conditions as punishment for their crimes? things work and what prisons are for. We have a very Norsk Språk 20-21 Dr. Jordan Hyatt, assistant professor of Criminol- myopic, almost ethnocentric approach to teaching. I Roots & Connections 22 ogy & Justice Studies at Philadelphia’s Drexel Uni- wanted them to see in practice a different approach. Barneblad 23 versity, became intrigued by the Scandinavian model “The other is more philosophical: to look at a cor- Bulletin Board 24 while teaching at a boarding school in southern Swe- rectional system that approaches the idea of how an den. He returned to the to earn a law de- individual committed a crime and reintegrating them $1 = NOK 7.8929 gree. While at the University of Pennsylvania, he met back into society from a very different group cause. Synøve Andersen, a researcher at Statistics Norway, You can learn about how the systems are different, but updated 04/02/2018 at the American Society of Criminology convention. it’s meaningful to go and actually see what they do.” In comparison Andersen had been writing about similar interests but 04/02/2018 7.8929 with Norwegian data. Over the course of the next few See > PriSonS page 18 10/02/2017 8.0020 04/02/2017 8.6158 Among other amenities, Halden Prison offers a sensory garden. Photo courtesy of Dr. Sarah Lewis the american 2 • April 6, 2018 Nyheter fra Norge NorwegiaN Nyheter Norsk app kan redde liv i fjellet USAs ambassadør tror landet får toll- unntak fra nye straffer Nå kan du vere USAs ambassadør til Norge, Kenneth Braithwaite, sier han jobber for å sikre med og redde liv i Norge unntak fra USAs nye straffetoll. Adresseavisen, som har snakket med fjellheimen Braithwaite, sier han går langt i å sig- nalisere at Norge kan få unntak fra USAs Even Lusæter og Reidar Kjæstad nye toll på stål og aluminium. NRK — Når det gjelder slike kompliserte avtaler mellom land er det av og til slik at Det er ein strålande dag i toppturel- ikke all informasjon kommer fram. Toll- doradoet Leirdalen i Lom. Rundt oss står saken er ikke ferdig utformet og avgjort. 2000-metertoppane på rad og rekkje, som Forhåpentligvis kan vi løse det til beste freistande turmål for ivrige skikøyrarar. for både USA og Norge, sier Braithwaite Tre karar på randoneeski har sikta seg inn til Adresseavisen. på ein av dei, men endrar ruta etter eit møte Fredag ble det klart at Norge ikke med skredekspert Albert Lunde. står på listen over land som unntas Trumps — ville ikkje anbefalt å gå dit i dag. nye toll. Så langt er det kun EU-landene, Vindretninga er nordvest og det er 35 graders Canada, , Mexico, Brasil, Argen- Foto: Even Lusæter / nrK helling på delar av turen, seier han, og kjem tina og Sør-Korea som står på listen. Stadig fleire vil gå på ski i bratte . Nå kan dei rapportere om snøskredfaren i området der dei går. heller med tips om ein annan og tryggare tur. (VG) Snøskredvarslinga melder om betydeleg snøskredfare over store delar av Snørekorder kan gi storflom på Østlandet drønn i snøen er det fort gjort å gå inn på 45.000 meldingar. landet i innleiinga til påska. Jotunheimen er telefonen og registrere kvar du er. Eg vil — Det er all grunn til å kome seg til Den snørike vinteren øker faren for flom. ikkje noko unntak. absolutt anbefale alle å bruke denne appen. . Men ein må vere merksam på at det er NVE oppfordrer folk til å gjøre forebyggen- Lunde er observatør for Norges vassdrags - lagdelt snø der det er fastare lag som kviler de tiltak, og allerede nå tappes flomutsatte Dette er ekspertverktøy for folk flest, eit fa og energidirektorat (NVE)i Jotunheimen og Mjøsa for mest mulig vann. belaktig hjelpemiddel. på lausare lag. Blir flaket stort nok og terren- Årets vinter er blant de mest snørike på leiar for Nord-Gudbrandsdal alpine rednings- I appen, som er utvikla for NVE, kan du get er bratt nok så kan ein løyse ut snøskred, lenge i lavereliggende områder på Sør- og gruppe. Nå ber han fleire hjelpe til. leggje inn dine eigne snøobservasjonar, i til- Østlandet, noe som øker flomfaren betrak- Gjennom appen regobs kan alle vere legg til at du kan lese kva andre har opplevd. Se > SnØSKrEDFArE, side 21 telig i disse områdene. med og registrere snøforholda der dei fer- I tillegg til fare for snøskred har den også — NVE oppfordrer både beredskap- dast. Tidlegare har den vore brukt av folk i oversikt over usikker is på vatn og innsjøar, English synopsis: A new app developed in Norway, sapparatet lokalt og publikum, første om- redningstenesta, nå blir alle fjellfolk oppfor- flaum, overvatn og jordskred. varsom, will make it safer for Norwegians to enjoy gang i lavereliggende områder på Østland- dra til å bruke den. Kvar dag blir det meldt inn 3–400 ob- winter sports in the mountains, sending out avalanche warnings throughout larger areas of the country. et, til å gjøre tiltak for å redusere faren for — Når ein oppdagar fareteikn som servasjonar, og i 2017 fekk dei inn til saman lokale oversvømmelser når snøen der be- gynner å smelte, sier hydrolog Inger Karin Engen i Norges vassdrags- og energidirek- torat (NVE) til Nationen. Aktuelle tiltak er å sørge for åpne av- Vanskelige Babyboom hos lemurene løpsveier som stikkrenner og kummer for å sikre at vannet får fri passasje. For første gang Avdelingsleder for vassdragsdriften i forhold på åtte år er det Glommens og Laagens Brukseierforening, Hans-Christian Udnæs, opplyser at flomut- satte Mjøsa allerede nå tappes. Russland-eksporten unger hos ring- — Alt er åpent, og vi tapper så mye halelemurene i Kris- vann som det lar seg gjøre, sier han til avisen. faller, importen øker I det meste av Trøndelag og Nord- tiansand Dyreparken Norge, bortsett fra Finnmarksvidda, er det aftenposten uvanlig lite snø i år, og dermed er flomfaren aftenposten betydlig lavere. Sanksjoner har bidratt til at norsk (Aftenposten) eksport til Russland har falt med 75 prosent Høsten 2017 ankom tre nye ringhale­ siden 2014. lemurhunner til fra Wildlands Krever ekstra betalt for å la passasjerer I samme periode har den russiske zoo i Nederland. I Dyreparken i Kristiansand gå om bord først eksporten til Norge økt. Begge landene har ble de satt inn i en flokk bestående av 13 Norwegian tester ut nye grep for å bedre inn ført sanksjoner mot hverandre etter at hanner. Nå har alle de tre hunnene har fått inntjeningen. Flyselskapet innfører nå en Russland annekterte Krim-halvøya i 2014. hver sin unge. helt ny avgift. Passasjerer som vil gå om Siden den gang har norsk eksport til Russ- — Det ser ut til at de tre mødrene tar godt bord først må betale EUR 5 (rett under land falt fra NOK 8,5 milliarder i 2014 til vare på ungen sin og sørger for både stell og NOK 50), skriver det danske bransjenett- NOK 2,1 milliarder i fjor, skriver Dagens mat. I tillegg hjelper de også til med hveran- Foto: Wikimedia Commons stedet Næringsliv. dres unger, noe som er gøy å se, sier Helene Ringhalelemuren holder i naturen til Madagaskar. Den nye avgiften er foreløpig kun in- Samtidig økte Russlands eksport til Axelsen, Biolog i Dyreparken. nført på fire flyplasser i Norge som en test, NOK 12,6 milliarder i fjor, mens den lå på Dette er første gang siden 2010 at det er men ifølge kan Norwegian rundt NOK 10 milliarder i 2014. unger hos ringhalelemurene i Dyreparken. smake på maten de voksne lemurene får. De innføre den på alle ruter – hvis det viser Mange norske eksportbedrifter melder Det har vært fødsler ved et par anledninger et- er også veldig avhengige av sin mor i en len- seg å bli en suksess. om vanskelige forhold i Russland. ter det, men ungene har ikke overlevd mange gre periode. De vil , med unntak av små opp- Såkalt «priority boarding» er innført — For norsk side er skadevirkningene dagene. Axelsen er likevel optimistisk for dagelsesferder på egen hånd, holde seg på på flyplasene i Molde, Haugesund, Kris- av sanksjonene større enn fordelene. Om fremtiden til disse tre små, og ungene har magen og ryggen til mødrene sine i tiden som tiansand og Ålesund. man ser at sanksjonene bare skader norske allerede begynt å klatre på egen hånd. kommer, forteller Axelsen. Ryanair er blant flyselskapene som bedrifter, bør man ta sanksjonene opp til ny — Den eldste er over en uke gammel og Ringhalelemuren holder i naturen kun til har en slik ordning allerede. vurdering, sier direktør Salve Dahle i kon- ser veldig frisk og fin ut. Den har til og med på Madagaskar, på lik linje med andre lemu- — Vi opplever at en del reisende øn- sulentfirmaet Akvaplan­niva i Tromsø, som begynt å klatre bitte litt på egen hånd, noe som rarter. Grunnet politisk uro og fattigdom som sker å sikre seg muligheten til å gå om har drevet forretninger i Russland siden er et kjempegodt tegn, sier hun. igjen fører med seg ulovlig jakt og hogst av bord først. Derfor tilbyr vi, som en rekke 1990. For skuelystne gjester er det allerede mu- skogen, der lemurene bor, står arten under andre flyselskap over hele verden, rei- I fjor var handelsbalansen med Russland lig å se de små lemurene i parken. I en periode sterkt press. Bestanden har sunket kraftig de sende som ønsker å gå om bord først, mu- på minus NOK 10,5 milliarder, den dårligste rundt fødselen er hannene og hunnene atskilt siste årene. Arten er klassifisert som sterkt ligheten til dette mot at de betaler et lite handelsbalansen som hittil er registrert. for å la de nybakte mødrene få ro til å kon- truet på IUCNs rødliste. ekstrabeløp for denne valgfrie tjenesten, sentrere seg om de viktigste oppgavene sine. sier Lasse Sandaker-Nielsen til E24. English synopsis: Sanctions following the Russian an- Lemurhannene tar ikke del i ungestellet. English synopsis: For the first time in eight years, (VG) nexion of Crimea have led to a 75 percent decrease in – De små lemurene drikker kun melk i there are three baby ring-tailed lemurs at the Kristian- exports to Russia, while imports have increased. noen måneder før de begynner så smått å sand Zoo, and it is reported that they are all doing well. theNorwegiaNamerican News April 6, 2018 • 3 New justice minister Ban on face- This week in brief Norway’s Joachim Trier appointed jury covering veils president of Cannes Film Festival Norway appoints Norwegian director Joachim Trier, whose immigration hardliner proposed latest feature Thelma has received two top prizes from Norwegian film critics, after Norway to consider has been appointed jury president of the 57th Critics’ Week at the Cannes Inter- Listhaug’s resignation banning face-covering national Film Festival, which takes place garments in schools between May 8 and 19. the local “We are delighted to award the jury presidency to a filmmaker whose body Minister of fisheries and member of the the local of work offers a sensitive, mature ex- anti-immigration (FrP) Per ploration of some of the great issues of Sandberg is temporarily replacing Sylvi List- Three ministers from the Norwegian his generation,” said the Cannes festival haug as Norway’s Minister of Justice, Public government presented on March 23 a propos- management. Security, and Immigration. al to ban face-covering garments at schools, The 58-year-old Sandberg, who is con- daycares, and other educational institutions. Trier’s first selection for Cannes was his second feature, , August 31 sidered close to the FrP’s populist wing, has The proposal was presented by ministers (Oslo, 31. august), which screened in the often made headlines in the media. from each of the three parties in the coalition Un Certain Regard sidebar in 2011. His government—Finance Minister Siv Jensen In 1997, a court slapped him with a third, the English-language Louder than (Progress), Minister of Education and Inte- NOK 3,000 (almost $400) fine for hitting an - asylum seeker from the former Yugoslavia at Photo: © Alexander Helberg / © iC Hendel gration Jan Tore Sanner (Conservative), and Bombs, was in 2015 Norway’s first con tender for the Palme d’Or in Cannes for a late-night party at his home. Per Sandberg outside Stortinget in 2015. Minister of Education Iselin Nybø (Liberal). “I don’t remember who started it, but “Even though few people wear the 36 years; it became Norway’s best­selling burqa and niqab today, there are instances of film of all time, licensed to more than 92 the headbutting went off like a pure reflex,” countries. Sandberg wrote in his 2013 memoir. it. A national ban will make things clearer for fidence in the government, the outcome of (Norwegian Film Institute) Social media users were indulging in which was uncertain. everyone,” Sanner said to NRK. the irony: “It’s a bit strange to have a jus- In a Facebook post on March 9, List- The ban will ensure good communication tice minister with a police record that would haug shocked the nation when she accused in educational contexts, the minister added. More than 140,000 electric cars in make it impossible for him to work in the po- the opposition Labor Party of believing that “Norway is an open society where we Norway lice or as a prison guard,” a Twitter user said. “the rights of terrorists are more important are used to seeing each other face to face. The number of registered electric cars in Listhaug, who had been under fire for than the security of the nation.” This was in This is particularly important in teaching Norway was 142,490 at the beginning of over a week, announced her resignation on response to Labor’s rejection of a proposal to situations, daycares, and schools,” he said. 2018, an increase of over 40 percent from Facebook, sparing Conservative Prime Min- the previous year. The vast majority of ister Erna Solberg from calling a vote of con- See > SAnDbErg, page 7 See > vEiLS, page 15 electric cars are passenger cars. Electric cars now constitute 5.1 per- cent of the passenger car stock, compared with 3.7 percent at the end of 2016. The increase seems set to continue at about Top Nordic nature photos chosen the same rate in 2018. The stock of electric passenger cars Norwegian Jostein in Oslo increased from 16,773 to 24,808 between 2016 and 2017, This represented Hellevik takes the 37 electric cars per 1,000 inhabitants. At the beginning of 2018, a total top prize with photo of 144,646 hybrid passenger cars were registered in the country. This was 58.8 of hunting osprey percent more than at the end of 2016. A total of 46.6 percent of these were plug­ natur & foto in-hybrid cars. The highest number of Drøbak, Norway hybrid passenger cars was registered in Oslo, with 36,037. Jostein Hellevik from Dalen in Norway (Norway Post / NRK / SSB) was named Nordic Nature Photographer of the Year earlier this year during a ceremony Norway could reduce cost of in Oslo Concert Hall. Knut Erik Alnæs from snowmobile travel Norway was named the Young Nordic Na- Norway’s Progress Party wants to make ture Photographer of the Year. snowmobile travel cheaper by removing The magazine Natur & Foto sponsors the vehicle’s eligibility for road tax. the competition, which was arranged for the “The government forbids the use of seventh time this year with 4,800 participat- snowmobiles on roads while demanding ing pictures from 375 photographers from they are paid for through road tax on fuel the Nordic countries and other European use. That makes no sense,” Bengt Rune countries. This is the largest nature photog- Photo: Jostein Hellevik / courtesy of natur & Foto Strifeldt, a member of the party’s parlia- raphy competition in the Nordic region. The year’s first-place photo in the birds catogory is this shot by overall winner Jostein Hellevik. mentary transport committee, told NTB. Last year there were Swedish overall With Easter a peak time for snow- winners, but this year the champion is again mobile use in mountain regions, Strifeldt Norwegian. Jostein Hellevik is known for his There are also only two non-Norwegian value of prizes was almost $20,000. said it was not logical to pay for some- work with nature photo shells, but has now category winners; the winner of the mammal The pictures are judged by a diverse jury thing owners were not actually using. proved to be a talented wildlife photographer class is Swedish and the Photo Journey win- with photographer Pål Hermansen as leader. Current tax rules do allow for road- too. He won with his picture of an osprey ner is from Israel. tax exemptions for snowmobiles used in making off with a fish, taken in Telemark. The contest’s main sponsor this time Full list of winners: areas where there are no roads, but not in Knut Erik Alnæs won the title Young is Nikon, offering a main prize of a Nikon • Nordic Bird Photo: Jostein Hellevik cases where they are used for recreational Nordic Nature Photographer of the Year two D850, worth around $5,000 USD. Other- • Nordic Mammal Photo: Per Karlsson purposes or for reindeer herding, accord- years ago. Last year he was No. 2, but this wise, the prize table is sponsored by many ing to NTB’s report. year he is back on top of the podium. different players in the market. The total See > PHotoS, page 7 “Fees should be relative to the ser- vices they pay for. It is natural to pay road tax if you are using the road. But it’s high This issue’s news from Norway is brought to you through a partnership with: time to scrap road tax on fuel for snow- mobiles,” Strifeldt said. (The Local) the american 4 • April 6, 2018 Business NorwegiaN

Business News & Notes Båragutt a Gazelle Statoil to change name to Equinor Norwegian “Value Airline of the Year” Fishing now and selling later is a path to The board of directors of Statoil has made Norwegian has been named Value Air- the proposal to change the name of the line of the Year by Air Transport World, success for this small Norwegian company company to Equinor. The name change the leading monthly magazine for the air- supports the company’s strategy and de- line industry, at the ATW Airline Industry velopment as a broad energy company. Achievement Awards. The name Equinor is formed by combin- “I sincerely congratulate CEO Bjørn ing “equi,” the starting point for words like Kjos and the entire team at Norwegian for equal, equality and equilibrium, and “nor,” this well-deserved award. The global panel signaling a company proud of its Norwe- of judges was highly impressed with Nor- gian origin, and who wants to use this ac- wegian’s achievements and entrepreneurial tively in its positioning. spirit. Norwegian has truly shaken up the “The world is changing, and so is all-important transatlantic market, intro- Statoil. The biggest transition our modern- ducing quality service at low prices, and day energy systems have ever seen is un- demonstrating that long-haul can be done derway, and we aim to be at the forefront of at low cost,” said ATW Editor-in-Chief this development,” says chair of the board Karen Walker. in Statoil, Jon Erik Reinhardsen. “To be named Value Airline of the “For us, this is a historic day. Statoil Year is a major accomplishment for the en- has for almost 50 years served us well. tire Norwegian team—and I am extremely Looking towards the next 50 years, reflect- proud of all our dedicated employees. Our ing on the global energy transition and airline was founded on the premise that ev- how we are developing as a broad energy eryone should be able to afford to fly, and company, it has become natural to change with each new market we enter, we are able our name. The name Equinor captures our to demonstrate Norwegian’s value and of- Photo: Lars Åke Andersen, Dn heritage and values, and what we aim to be fer even more people affordable fares and Above: Terje-André Hansen, general manager of in the future,” says Statoil’s President and high-quality service,” said Kjos. Båragutt Pelagic AS in Tromsø, which was last year’s CEO Eldar Sætre. The ATW Airline Industry Achieve- Gazelle winner in Troms by Dagens Næringsliv. The new name will be proposed to ment Awards recognize excellence across a shareholders in a resolution to the annual range of airline operations and are widely general meeting on May 15. The Norwe- considered the most coveted in the aviation gian government, as majority shareholder, industry. The 44th ATW Awards were pre- supports the proposal and will vote in favor sented on March 27, 2018, in Dublin. of the resolution. (Norwegian) (Statoil)

8.6157 Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance rasMus falcK (April 2, 2018) Winners Losers Oslo, Norway

Norsk Kr. 7.8929 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Each year Norway’s largest business that generate the most jobs in the economy. Dansk Kr. 6.0555 Tomra Systems 164.00 9.33% Storm Real Estate 0.75 -5.66% Treasure 16.10 6.98% Biotec Pharmacon 6.38 -5.34% newspaper Dagens Næringsliv publishes Opposite the gazelle is the “elephant.” These Svensk Kr. 8.4001 Insr Insurance Group 6.98 4.49% Subsea 7 100.25 -4.84% the ranking of the country’s fastest growing are the large companies that create very few Islandsk Kr. 98.76 REC Silicon 1.50 4.32% Asetek 90.80 -4.42% companies: the Gazelles. Gazelles are firms new jobs. The “mouse” describes those com- Canadian $ 1.3066 Skue Sparebank 127.00 4.10% Group 1.78 -3.78% that over the last four years have experienced panies with little or no potential for generat- Euro 0.8099 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit an annual average growth in revenue of at ing new jobs. least 20 percent, have at least 10 employees, In Norway, 99 percent of businesses and are less than two years old at the begin- have fewer than 100 employees. They are ning of the growth period. The rankings have the most important source for change and in- been inspiring. novation. Even if the majority remains small, With a boat specially made for catching a few experience a tremendous growth and and storing live fish, the company Båragutt create a lot of jobs. Pelagic AS in Tromsø was last year’s Ga- Båragutt Pelagic AS was founded in zelle in Troms. Their concept is to catch liv- 1955 by brothers Kåre and Eilif Hansen ing fish and store them on board in specially when they bought the fishing boat Ragna 1. constructed tanks. Later they deliver the fish A few years later, they bought another one, to their fish farm. The local coastal fishermen Dønnøy. They were operating both until catch most of the fish in a short and hectic 1966, when Kåre became seriously ill. Then spring season. This pressures the price. By they condemned Ragna 1. The year after storing the live fish in big nets, they can wait Kåre died, in 1968, Eilif was operating the until the price increases before selling. This boat, with Kåre’s wife as partner until 1970 way, both the fishermen and the fish farm when the boat was sold. In 1971, Eilif, then makes more profit. They can offer stable sole owner, bought the first Båragutt, the deliveries of wild cod over a longer period boat that gave the company its name. The of time. This gives them a 15 percent higher company became a share company in 1998, price for the fish. However, fishing live fish and a few years later, the sons Egil, Arvid, means that Båragutt must fish more slowly and Ernst took over 90 percent of the shares. and more carefully. They need more men on They still own the company with Terje-An- board. This costs more. dré Hansen as general manager. The term “gazelle” was first used by Da- Business and individual vid Birch at MIT to describe this type of com- tax returns; audits; forensic pany’s ability to generate jobs. In his classic research, Birch found that small business Rasmus Falck is a strong in- accounting; financial startups accounted for most of the nation’s novation and entrepreneur- ship advocate. The author of statement preparation; new jobs. Birch used the term gazelle to help “What do the best do better” distinguish between three types of compa- Certified Public Accountants litigation support. and “The board of directors nies he was observing in his job generating as a resource in SME,” he 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. data: fast­growth companies, stable compa- received his masters degree Seattle, Washington 98119 nies, and companies that weren’t generat- from the University of Wis- ing any jobs. Gazelles were the very small consin-Madison. He currently lives in Oslo, Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: • Email: [email protected] percentage (3 to 5 percent) of the companies Norway. theNorwegiaNamerican Business April 6, 2018 • 5 Achieving business success: Establish mission, market business model 3. Prove the concept by offering an initial solution to the target market Jennifer Vessels 4. Analyze customer behavior to iden- Next Step—Silicon Valley & Oslo, Norway tify where and how customers are engaging and developing loyalty The power of today’s technology, en- 5. Invest in the services and elements trepreneurial ambitions, and digitalization of your offering that create the greatest cus- allows innovations to disrupt traditional tomer engagement and loyalty markets. While the ability to launch a new 6. Define the business model around service worldwide overnight may seem like the areas that are of greatest interest and ben- nirvana to entrepreneurs and digital business efit to customers unit leaders, that is simply one step toward 7. Build a recurring revenue stream success. Over 85 percent of new initiatives to provide predictability of revenue that can fail, often as quickly as they are launched. be supplemented through individual product sales. Lessons from Amazon Whether you are an entrepreneur build- The 15 percent that are successful, ing the company of your dreams or a corpo- such as Amazon, Netflix, and Adobe Cloud, rate business leader chartered with develop- started with a clear mission and alignment ing new digital solutions, by starting with a of “what they were trying to achieve” long clearly defined mission, market, and needs, before launching a new service. Preparation you have greater opportunity for success. included customer research to identify a spe- Through proof of concept by engaging cus- cific market with unaddressed needs. Photo courtesy of Jennifer vessels next Step tomers in your target market you are then The next step was a series of pilots of- It’s important to start small with a new business and test it before scaling up for growth. able to implement the business model that fering simple solutions to address the needs will support future sustainable growth. of this initial (small) target market. Through close monitoring of customer behavior and One example of this progression is Am- launching a new digital solution quick and You can reference the Business Success Can- adaption of the solution, the successful azon, which started with a mission “to build easy, investing the time by following proven vas from Next Step at www.nextstepgrowth. digital leaders proved the concept that the a place where people can come to find and steps for success pays off. By following the com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Business- offered service or solution would meet cus- discover anything they might want to buy.” Steps to Success (noted below), you can be SuccessCanvasEditsNS2.pdf. tomer needs. The initial market targeted was educated among the 15 percent of ventures that are Rather than an immediate launch to adults in urban areas. By offering a range of successful after the initial launch. Jennifer Vessels, of Silicon Valley and Oslo, is multiple markets, developing customer en- books (sourced directly from publishers at 1. Identify and ensure clarity and CEO of Next Step, leading business transfor- gagement, i.e., repeated use of the solution low cost), Amazon tested the concept of easy alignment on the mission mation for Adobe, Autodesk, Avinor, Micro- and demonstrated loyalty to the service, is a access, ordering, and home receipt. 2. Define a target market that has soft Nevion, Posti, ShoreTel, and more. If you critical milestone achieved by Adobe, Ama- Through investment in an efficient lo- needs or desires that will be met through the would like to take the next step in your busi- zon, and many entrepreneurial ventures. gistics system for accurate home delivery, mission ness, contact [email protected]. combined with a relentless dedication to cus- business model based on engagement tomer experience, Amazon quickly gained a The question of “how the business will loyal customer base. Analytics revealed that make money” is best answered after the ini- areas of great value were convenience, low- Come and share tial pilots have proven that customers will cost shipping, and personalized customer engage with and return to use the solution. engagement. the excitement By studying behavior patterns and prefer- What followed was Amazon Prime, ences, the business leaders can identify the an annual subscription (paid in advance) The immigrant elements of the solution that are of greatest for convenient (free two-day) shipping. By plaques are complete! value to the customer. The business model is closer engagement with their most loyal then built around the customers’ perception Prime customers, Amazon was then able to of value and what they are willing to pay to offer more (often higher margin) items for address their needs. purchase, creating greater revenues while Ideally, the business model defined in achieving the initial mission. this approach allows the company to consis- tently generate revenue through some aspect Steps to success in digital world of a “subscription” or recurring revenue pay- While technology, innovative ideas, and ment structure. global access to broad audiences can make

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On the EDGE An opinion column about current issues in Norway and the United States Join the conversation! Keep your tips; I need change at every meal to “earn” the right to a liv- ing wage. In the best of circumstances, we cole W. chernushin ask for a fake smile. But in the worst of Arvada, Colo. times, that fake smile must be held while also receiving comments that degrade the These days, service professionals in personhood of the server being harassed. the restaurant industry face widespread This cycle undoubtedly plays into the issues that often seem to be left on the incredibly high turnover rate of waiters table, completely untouched. From egre- (53.5 percent). If more servers could rea- giously high rates of sexual harassment, sonably hope to stand up to creepy cus- to an average take-home pay of less than tomers, more servers would stay within $16,000 a year (including tips), to a turn- the profession, which one can reasonably over rate close to 70 percent, being a assume would lead to a higher quality of waiter carries burdens many Americans servers who carry far longer tenure than appear not to be aware of. The question under current conditions. remains: what should we do about it? By increasing the base wage for serv- Well, for starters, let’s do away with tip- ers, we would give far more strength to ping. Entirely. the position of wait staff. If a table treats a The night has been coming to a close server in wretched ways, with a high base for some time now. With a full meal hav- wage, the server doesn’t have to worry ing been consumed, the waiter drops off about being punished by proxy by miss- the bill. Maybe you went out for some- Photo: Helena Lopes / Pexels ing out on essential wages (tips). Instead, thing nice for you and the three others at Imagine a dining experience without having to worry about how to split the tip—or about whether your the onus would be put on customers to your table. Maybe that bill reads some- server lives in poverty. carry their end of the transaction unless thing like $150. Maybe you ordered a they want reciprocal poor treatment. few kids meals, no appetizers, only drank America has long been a service- tap water, and your bill reads something to look a lot less savory. I posit that this pic- cost. This certainly can sound like a deter- based economy, and the sooner we come like $70. ture should be radically altered within mod- rent for consumers, but one must also keep together to expect more from our nation’s In both of these scenarios, if one ern America. Servers and other restaurant in mind that the consumer would also no lon- businesses, the sooner everyday Ameri- were to tip what many consider the stan- staff provide an essential service, and the ger be required to tip at the end of the meal. cans can begin accumulating wealth and dard for adequate service (20 percent), system we currently have in place often fails Imagine a meal without the stress of calcu- stoking far larger flames within the engine the person whose job it was to convey to provide the stability that working long, lating how much you will be expected to tip of our nation’s economy. In reality, we your food order from the kitchen to your hard hours should provide. out at the end. A meal where the waiter has can have our cake and eat it, too. If one table, spark intriguing small talk, have The fact of the matter remains that the not been running around all day, attempting truly believes that the pressure of receiv- full knowledge of the menu, and handle owners of a restaurant walk away with the to take on the maximum number of tables al- ing adequate tips leads to better service, any other desire your table expressed, lion’s share of the profits every day and night lowed, and frantically (though likely silently) then always feel free to tip your server. should walk away with somewhere be- that their establishment is open for busi- hoping for each table to contribute essential However, being a waiter will remain a tween $14 and $30. Not bad for a single ness. Even if the owners were required to wages to pay for anything from childcare, to disempowered job until we require that table. Of course, restaurants often require pay a living wage of close to $15 an hour, medical bills, to rent. This thought exercise every waiter, regardless of the arbitrary tips to be distributed to various members by slightly adjusting menu prices upward by plays out in very real ways. of the front and back of the house staff, so a single dollar, the restaurant’s bottom line According to a report released by Restau- See > tiPPing, page 7 that number will often be diminished by would hardly be affected, and a waiter would rant Opportunities Center United in October somewhere around 5 percent. Less that be able to count on a far more reliable stream 2017, over 50 percent of both male and fe- Cole has a Bachelor of deduction, one must also keep in mind of income. So far, various studies have found male servers report being sexually harassed Arts in Sociology from that many tables will choose to tip from inconclusive results on how higher mini- on a monthly basis by customers. The fact Pacific Lutheran Univer- slightly to far less than the expected 20 mum wage affects workers and restaurants. that servers are may only walk away with the sity. Currently they work percent. In reality, a waiter only makes A distinguishing factor in how increasing the wage of $2.13 an hour without tips undoubt- several service jobs and close to 15 percent on a good table. wages of servers can be mitigated is through edly plays into the power certain customers eagerly await moving to All of a sudden, the picture of work- up-charging the per-dish cost of a meal, ef- feel when deciding how to treat their server. Norway to pursue further ing for a primarily tip-based wage begins fectively requiring the consumer to eat the Waiters should not have to be your best friend education.

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. the NorwegiaN (secret) personal enrichment! american’s plan for global domination: shhh... don’t tell! Step 1—send^ us your Your Name: Norwegian-American Friend’s Name: friend’s address*** Step 2—???* Friend’s Address: Step 3—you PROFIT!** City/State/Zip: * Step 2 is that we send your non-subscriber friend a sample copy of the newspaper (no other nefarious purpose, we promise!) ** If your friend signs up for a year’s subscription, YOU get a free month added to your subscription *** Call (206) 784-4617, email [email protected], or mail 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 theNorwegiaNamerican Opinion April 6, 2018 • 7

Letters to the Editor theNorwegiaNamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tel:฀(206)฀784-4617฀•฀Email:฀[email protected] Write to us at The Norwegian American, Letter to the Editor, 17713 15th Ave NE, Publisher #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily฀C.฀Skaftun฀ [email protected] Assistant Editor / Nyheter < PHotoS Lori฀Ann฀Reinhall฀ [email protected] Opinion Editor From page 3 Linn฀Chloe฀Hagstrøm฀ [email protected] • Nordic Landscape: Audun Rikardsen Business & Sports Editor • Nordic Close­up: Leif Rustand Michael฀Kleiner฀ [email protected] • Nordic Tour Photo: Ingunn Sørhaug Ran- Taste of Norway Editor heim Daytona฀Strong฀ [email protected] • Nordic Creative Nature Photo: Jørn Travel Editor Areklett Omre Cynthia฀Rubin฀ [email protected] • Threatened Nordic Nature: Espen Bergersen Copy Editor • Photo Journey: Roie Galitz Becky฀Kruse฀Gjendem฀ [email protected] Advertising For more information and to view all the Lori฀Ann฀Reinhall฀ [email protected] winning photos, visit the competition website Subscriptions [email protected] at Contributors Photo: Knut Erik Alnæs / Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. courtesy of natur & Foto Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway Knut Erik Alnæs, the year’s top young photogra- Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. pher, also captured birds in flight. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska M.฀Michael฀Brady Asker, Norway Daughters of Norway Members Various < tiPPing < SAnDbErg Christie Ericson Anchorage, Alaska From page 6 From page 3 Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. opinions of those they serve, deserves to strip jihadists of their Norwegian citizenship Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. make enough money to live. pitality-employee-turnover-rate-edged- without due process of law. Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. higher-in Labor members were the main victims Liv Marit Haakenstad Hamar, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Further reading “The Glass Floor: Sexual Harass- when, on July 22, 2011, terrorist Anders Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. “Hospitality employee turnover rate ment in the Restaurant Industry” by the Behring Breivik, who was once a member Ilan Kelman Agder, Norway - - of the Progress Party, killed 77 people in Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. edged higher in 2016” by National Restau Restaurant Opportunities Center: rocu Thor฀A.฀Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. rant Association. www.res- twin attacks targeting then-Prime Minister Solveig฀M.฀Lee Seattle, Wash. REPORT_TheGlassFloor_Sexual-Ha- Jens Stoltenberg’s office in Oslo and a Labor Donald฀V.฀Mehus New York, N.Y. rassment-in-the-Restaurant-Industry.pdf youth camp on the island of Utøya. Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. Randi Millman-Brown Ithaca, N.Y. David Moe Sun City, Calif. Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. David Nikel , Norway 10. april 15. april Mona฀Anita฀K.฀Olsen฀ Ithaca, N.Y. Dave braaten Cyrus MN Paul H. gilje St. Petersburg FL Barbara฀K.฀Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Carla S. buchanan Tacoma WA Colleen Elise grobstok Kirkland WA John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. ole J. Hellie Pipestone MN Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Harvey Johnson Cannon Falls MN 16. april Judith Gabriel Vinje , Calif. Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway turid bouchoukian Edmonds WA Linda Warren Washington, D.C. 11. april Janna glomstad Tretten Norway Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway robin Fossum Chetek WI Christie grimsbo Lake Mills IA The Norwegian American strives to make its Howard Hansen Moraga CA betty Hoadley Boise ID news report fair and accurate. If you have a ques- 6. april barbra Kronborg-Mogil Park Ridge IL virginia F. Mansell Springfield OR tion or comment about news coverage call (206) gerd Andreassen Vista CA gretchen Lieving Minneapolis MN 784-4617. • The Norwegian American reserves Sophina Karland Hanford ND Eric nelson Santa Monica CA 17. april the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the right Palma Mcgavin Portland OR Doris Johannessen ryder Long Beach CA Simon Hansen Canby OR not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Astrid virding Thousand Oaks CA John Pedersen Prince Rupert BC Canada taste, or not suited for publication in this newspa- 7. april Mary rolf Brandon MN per. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of The bertin Hansen Minneapolis MN 12. april norma Watterud Fort Myers FL Norwegian American, and our publication of those Linda Hoffman Rainbow CA viggo Christensen Seattle WA views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, Sandy Johnson Seattle WA Selma Erickson WA 18. april suggestions, and complaints about the opinions Hilda Kristiansen Trondheim Norway Hans Everett idso St Peter MN Carl A. Alfheim Seattle WA expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • The Norwegian Marvin Skogen Porter MN Arnt Lyngen Vernon BC Canada Arthur Hilmo Davenport IA American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473-1293) is Judy Morken Anchorage AK roy E. isaksen Auburn WA published every other week except the first issue 8. april o. Hilmar rud Birchdale MN Alvin Lansverk Murdock MN in August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. Sacramento CA Earl Lillestrand Bloomington MN 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 Jeanette C. Braafladt • Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and norman Jensen New Canaan CT 13. april vernon Mathisen Nordland WA at additional mailing offices. • POSTMASTER: Elias Leversen Seattle WA Margaret Furan BC Canada Leraine olson Maplewood MN Please send address changes to The Norwegian Chris Lindberg Rainbow CA Sonia Heggedal Fargo ND Ursula rickman Duck NC American, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Katherine Motschall Rainbow CA James g. Jerpseth Vista CA Paul W. Sevig Ft. Pierre SD Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Norway Sadie thompson Vista CA James Leider Kent WA Marie Strand Bisbee ND and all other foreign countries. Magnhild thoresen Lynnwood WA olav S. Meum Vista CA gordon Winsor Jefferson NH Danny L. Strand Seattle WA 19. april SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: Alma Swanson Louis Park MN Delores Cleveland Sioux Falls SD Norwegian American Weekly 9. april Marit Ekelund Lunner Norway Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Western Viking & Washington Posten Erik gusaas St. Louis Park MN 14. april Alma nelson Monica CA Stanley A. Kjekstad Mt. Arlington NJ torval Engevik Norway Maxine Paulson-Foss Seattle WA Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Egill olsen Duluth MN bjarne Magnussen Norway Edward Svanoe Stillwater MN Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven Alvin g. olson Ashby MN Marie olson Dalekvam Norway Janet K. Ungerman Brooklyn Park MN roger Wangen Burnsville MN russell tangen Milltown NJ NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Mildred Wilder Sidney MT ross Willison Federal Way WA

Want to see your birthday in The Norwegian American? Email naw@na­ or call (206) 784­4617. Must be submitted one month in advance to guarantee placement. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! the american 8 • April 6, 2018 Sports NorwegiaN Norway, Schrøder meet Paralympic goals Female hockey player makes history just by playing; team Norway wins eight medals

Michael Kleiner The Norwegian American

Another Norwegian woman made Win- ter Olympic history—this time in the Para- lympics. Lena Schrøder, who was born with spina bifida, didn’t win a medal and she hardly played. Her mere presence as the only woman among the eight hockey-playing countries’ teams made history. Goalie Britt Mjaasund Øyen was on Norway’s 1994 silver-medal Paralympic hockey team, but rules then allowed for more gender mixture. A women’s player traveled to Sweden in 2006 but did not play, so rules were changed to allow one spot for a woman on a team. Norway was the only one who did include a woman, and the only country that ever has. Schrøder was the first woman position player to see action. “If I was only included because of that quota I would not feel like an equal part of the team,” Schrøder, a 24­year­old fifth­year medical student at the University of Oslo, told Dagbladet. “Although I’ve known that I’m not directly competing for a place with the guys, I’ve felt I am. It has been the same criteria for me as everyone else and I think that is very good. Then I feel I’m not just on Photo: Joel Marklund / oiS / ioC / vg vacation. I see myself as a player, and I think Lena Schrøder, in Norway’s locker room, suits up with her male teammates. She became the first woman position player to play in a men’s the boys do, too. Being the only woman ice sledge hockey game. hockey player at Paralympics is very fun. I have to give myself a little pat on my shoul- ders.” paralympic ice-hockey team, hoped to med- “I am very happy with her game and she Declan Farmer of the United States She was not a token selection to the al. It lost the opener to Italy 3-2 in a shoot- defended very well,” said Hegde. hockey team scored with 37 seconds left in team. out. Morton Værnes, Schrøder’s partner, The Norwegians then beat Japan 6­1 regulation to tie Canada, then added the sud- “Lena was taken based on the same cri- and Audun Bakke scored, while Knut Andre behind a hat trick and an assist by 48-year- den death game-winner to give America a teria as everyone else,” coach Espen Hegde Nordstoga had two assists. The second game old defenseman Rolf Einar Pedersen, two 2-1 victory, and the gold. told Dagbladet. “She is considered a tactical- was an 8­0 loss to Canada, but Norway fi- goals by Bakke, and a goal and three assists The Americans’ Paralympic success was ly strong player and a positive mood spreader nally got in the win column with a 3-1 win from Bogle. Bakke’s three goals, Pedersen’s powered by Daniel Cnossen, Oksana Mas- in the locker room. She deserved to join the over Sweden on two goals and an assist by two goals and an assist, and two assists by ters, Kendall Gretsch, Andy Soule, Andrew team regardless of gender. She was actually Magnus Bogle. Værnes led to a 5-2 win over the Czech Kurka, Noah Elliott, Mike Schultz, Brenna among the first 16 we nominated, while two It also marked Schrøder’s first appear- Republic. Schrøder didn’t see any more ice Huckaby, and Amy Purdy. men were later left off the team.” ance, playing 5:13. “It’s great to write his- time. Cnossen took home five medals: gold Norway, the second most decorated tory,” she said. While hockey didn’t medal, Norway in men’s 7.5km biathlon sitting; silvers in eclipsed their goal of seven medals with 12.5km biathlon sitting, 15km biathlon sit- eight, but trailed the United States, who led ting, 15km sitting cross­country, and 7.5km with 36. It was Norway’s most since 2002 sitting cross-country, and twice as many as 2014. Jesper Pedersen, Four medals went to Masters: gold in 18, took gold in the men’s giant slalom, after women’s 1.5km sprint classical sitting cross- placing second after the first run and then fin- country, silvers in 6km and 12.5km biathlon ishing first in the second run. American Tyler sitting, and bronze in 12km sitting cross- Walker won silver. After placing first in the country. first run of men’s super combined slalom sit- Gretsch won gold in 6km biathlon sit- Custom jewelry in ting, Pedersen settled for bronze. ting and 12km sitting cross-country. Soule Other Norwegian medals include Sil- earned gold in 1.5km sprint sitting cross- silver and gold ver: Vilde Nilsen, 17, women’s 1.5km sprint country and bronze in 12.5km biathlon sit- classic cross­country standing; 4x2.5km ting, while Jake Adicoff took silver in 10km featuring cross-country open relay of Nils-Erik Ulset, classic cross-country visually impaired. Håkon Olsrud, Erik Bye and Arvid Nelson; In Alpine skiing, Kurka won gold in Norwegian filigree, phenomenal rally by the men’s curling team; downhill sitting and silver in Super-G sitting. Bronze: Ulset in 15km biathlon standing and Huckaby and Purdy took one-two in Nordic designs and Olsrud in 20km free standing cross-country. women’s snowboard cross SB-LL1, and one- The wheelchair curlers lost their first three three in banked slalom SB-LL1, while Brit- Scandinavian matches by a combined 25-4, split the next tani Coury earned silver in banked slalom two, then won six straight to reach the gold SB-LL2. gemstones by medal game, where they lost to China, 6­5, For the men, two medals each went to which had beaten the Norwegians 10-1 ear- Mike Minor (gold in snowboard banked Debra Carus lier in the tournament. slalom SB-UL, bronze in snowboard cross “I’m starting to laugh because I’m so SB-UL), Schultz (gold in snowboard cross happy,” said Norwegian Paralympic general SB-LL1, silver in banked slalom SB-LL1) Cato Zahl Pedersen to Dagbladet. “Paralym- and Elliott (gold in banked slalom SB-LL1, pics in Pyeongchang 2018 has been an in- bronze in snowboard cross SB-LL). Silvers [email protected] credibly successful championship for us. We went to Keith Gabel in the 971-221-8151 have reached our goals. First, the main goal SB-LL2, and Evan Strong in snowboard of seven medals included one team medal, so banked slalom SB-LL2. we got one bonus today.” the american NorwegiaN Sports April 6, 2018 • 9 Cross-country wrap-up: Sports News & Notes

Wins for Klæbo and Weng Eliteserien: Molde remains undefeated Highlights from the Easter Monday games: Two goals by Etzaz Hussain gave Molde a 2-1 win over Tromsø, keeping Molde unde- feated. Sandefjord beat Start 4-1 behind two goals by Pontus Engblom, while two goals by Michael Karlsen led Ranheim to 4-1 victory over Stabæk, and two by Patrick Mortensen led Sarpsborg’s 3-0 shutout of Vålerenga. ( Soccer: Norway’s women out of champs England’s Jessica Park’s 53rd-minute goal would have been enough, but a Norwegian own goal in the 60th gave the Brits a shock- ing 2­0 win over Norway in the final wom- en’s soccer U­17 Elite Round Group 5 match, March 31 in Klepp. England advanced to the European championships in Lithuania. Nor- way had defeated Switzerland 5-0 March 25 in Klepp and 1-0 in Ålgård, March 28. Julie Blakstad, Marthine Østenstad, and Eline Hegg scored in the second half, adding Photos: Simon Hastegård / bildbyrån / Dagbladet to first half tallies by Elisabeth Terland and Runa Lillegård against the Swiss. Lillegård’s Johannes Høsflot Klæbo (left) and Heidi Weng (right) with their World Jo christian Weldingh Cup globe trophies. 13th-minute goal stood up against Slovenia. Oslo (

Klæbo the overnight sensation Jessica Diggins. kollen victory, a women’s record. Diggins MMA: Norwegian TKO in South Africa Johannes Høsflot Klæbo started out sec- “I am proud of myself, even though was second, becoming the first American Torbjørn Madsen recorded a TKO of Bruno ond in the finishing pursuit race of the mini­ I haven’t performed very well in a long woman to medal at Holmenkollen, Nor- Mukulu of the Congo at 2:03 of the second tour in the World Cup cross­country final in while,” Weng said. “In a way, I feel like I way’s Ragnhild Haga was third, with As- round in his debut with the South African Falun, Sweden, March 18. Obviously tired don’t deserve the trophy, but at the same time trid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen fourth and Øst- MMA organization EFC in the caged match after a long and impressive season, he was I feel like I do. My first half of the season berg fifth. With 18.3km completed, Bjør- in Cape Town, South Africa, March 31. overtaken by no less than 23 skiers, ending was very good.” gen trailed the pacesetters by 32 seconds. Madsen is combining his psychology studies up 25th but still managed to win the overall The season’s finish has been hard on At 27km, she trailed the leading trio by six and MMA career in South Africa. World Cup. Russian Alexander Bolshunov Weng. She did not perform well during the seconds. With 1.5km left, she had caught (VG) won both the race and the mini-tour. At the Olympics and got sick during races in Dram- up, then passed the three in the last kilo- age of 21, Klæbo is the youngest male skier men and Holmenkollen. meter and beat Diggins by 3.6 seconds. Handball: Hungarian team powered by to ever win the overall World Cup. “My body has told me that it needs a Norwegians “It feels good being done with the sea- break for a long time now,” she said with a Jo Christian Weldingh grew up in Lille- Veronica Kristiansen is the fifth Norwegian son, and it feels amazing winning the over- smile. “Today, I decided to at least keep my hammer, Norway, and lives in Oslo. He has national women’s handball player to join all World Cup,” he told the press. “Standing head in the race, but I wasn’t able to do that a bachelor’s degree in archaeology from Hungarian club power Györ. The other famil- here with ‘The Globe’ feels unreal.” either. I feel really lucky to have won the tro- the University of Oslo and a bachelor’s iar faces on the Hungarian Champions League Klæbo, who was unknown to most phy this year.” degree in business administration from BI titlists are Stine Bredal Oftedal, Kari Aalvik Norwegians until last year’s breakthrough Weng won earlier this year, Norwegian Business School. Grimsbø, Nora Mørk, and Kari Brattset. season, had a season surpassing both his but she still feels like the season was a dis- (VG) own and everyone else’s expectations, win- appointment. “I should have done things dif- ning three Olympic gold medals, the overall ferently. I haven’t felt like myself after Tour World Cup and the sprint cup. “My goal be- de Ski and the pressure probably got to me fore the season was to win the sprint cup and heading into the Olympics,” she said. ski fast in the Olympics. The season has sur- Diggins had a great season finale and ELITESERIEN passed my wildest expectations. It has been passed Ingvild Flugstad Østberg in the over- a fairy tale!” all World Cup standings. Her second place Norway’s Premier League Klæbo is looking forward to the start of is the best placement ever for an American the soccer season and traveling somewhere cross-country skier, male or female. RESULTS STANDINGS warm. “I have had to struggle to get through Sadie Bjornsen also had a great pursuit this weekend, and I will probably spend the race, ending up in third place, making the po- 04/02 Molde 2 – 1 tromsø teams W D L PtS next day or two in bed.” dium 2-3 American. 04/02 Sarpsborg 08 3 – 0 vålerenga 1. Molde 3 0 0 9 Three-time overall World Cup winner 2. Sarpsborg 08 2 1 0 7 Holmenkollen 04/02 Start 1 – 4 Sandefjord , who finished third 3. Haugesund 2 0 1 6 in the World Cup standings, can’t praise his Norwegian Maren Lundby captured ski- 04/02 Strømsgodset 1 – 1 brann 4. Vålerenga 2 0 1 6 teammate enough. “The most impressive jumping gold with jumps of 134 and 126 me- 5. Brann 1 1 0 4 thing about Johannes is what he is like as ters on March 11, her 13th World Cup win of 04/02 bodø/glimt 0 – 3 Haugesund a human being,” he said. “The way he has the season. Among the men, Kamil Stoch of 6. Kristiansund 1 1 1 4 04/02 ranheim 4 – 1 Stabæk handled his success this year is even more Poland won, with Norway’s Robert Johans- 7. Ranheim 1 0 0 3 unique than his accomplishments. He is a son second. 04/02 Kristiansund 2 – 1 Lillestrøm 8. Start 1 0 1 3 unique person who is as great at taking care In cross-country, of 9. Sandefjord 1 0 1 3 of others as he is at skiing.” 04/02 odd 1 – 1 rosenborg Switzerland won a photo finish with Sundby 10. Bodø/Glimt 1 0 2 3 in the 50km race on March 10. With 33.3km 11. Strømsgodset 0 2 0 2 Despite flagging, Weng takes the cup complete, six of the top 10 skiers were Nor- Klæbo wasn’t the only Norwegian to wegians—Hans Christer Holund led—and 12. Rosenborg 0 2 1 2 take home an overall World Cup trophy that 10 seconds separated first and 17th. With 13. Odd 0 1 2 1 Sunday. Heidi Weng secured her second con- four km remaining, the pack was seven and 14. Lillestrøm 0 1 2 1 secutive World Cup trophy, despite finishing remained that way into the last half lap. Co- 15. Stabæk 0 1 1 1 the season in less than peak condition. Weng, logna and Sundby sprinted the last 100 me- who dominated international cross-country ters, Cologna barely stretching a ski over the 16. Tromsø 0 0 2 0 skiing this season until the Olympics, came line before Sundby. in 18th in the finishing pursuit race. Marit Bjørgen rallied to win the women’s To฀read฀more฀about฀football฀in฀Norway,฀visit฀ Bjørgen won the race in front of American 30km mass start, her seventh career Holmen- the american 10 • April 6, 2018 Research & Science NorwegiaN Polar solar: Do solar cells work in a Nordic climate?

christina BenJaMinsen NTNU Gemini

In recent years, the price of solar cells has fallen so dramatically that more and more people are now looking to invest in so- lar panels. These can be installed either as free-standing structures on roofs, or as inte- grated components of construction modules such as roof slates or façade panels. Traditionally, solar cells have been eco- nomically viable in countries with high elec- tricity prices. Today, however, solar-generat- ed electricity has become competitive even in Norway, despite the country’s inexpensive hydroelectricity. This has encouraged researchers to look into how effective solar cells really are under Norwegian climatic conditions. And, so far, the results are promising. “Our experiments show that solar cells Photo: ilan Kelman function very well under Nordic climate and Dr. Halvard Buhaug presents at the University of Agder. weather conditions,” says Research Man- ager Eivind Øvrelid at SINTEF, a research organization headquartered in Trondheim. “Moreover, computations made by the Eu- Photo: Pixabay ropean Technology and Innovation Platform Solar panels work very well in the cold and even snow, as long as they aren’t covered by snow or opaque ice. PV (ETIP-PV/ show that it is economically viable to invest in solar-gener- ated electricity from day one, provided you A self-evident solution? the robustness of materials such as window reduced by about 0.3 percent for each degree consume the electricity yourself,” he says. To find out how non­reliant solar cells claddings and other construction materials in of temperature increase. (PV stands for “photovoltaic,” Ed.) are on clear weather and sunshine to gener- harsh weather conditions. Temperature exerts its greatest influence “This assumes that we’re talking about a ate electricity, researchers at SINTEF have Output from the solar cell panels is test- on voltage or, put simply, the force that mo- plant of about 1 MWp, and that interest rates installed the technology in a climate cham- ed under different temperatures, light rain, bilizes the electrons. Voltage increases when hold their current levels,” says Øvrelid. ber. Normally, such chambers are used to test heavy rain, snow, and situations in which ice the weather is cold, and this makes the cells forms on the panels. generate more output. The climate chamber is fitted with ceil- Solar radiation (a measure of solar en- ing lamps that simulate solar radiation, mak- ergy) controls the amount of electricity that ing it possible to conduct experiments us- the cells generate. It can be very intense in ing entirely constant levels of illumination, winter, especially if sunlight is reflected by while varying the weather conditions. fresh snow. These two factors combine to “It was important to us to establish a produce the electrical output we obtain flow- Sealift Inc. reference value for solar radiation in order ing from the plug in the wall. In other words, to ensure that conditions were identical dur- sunshine and cold weather are ideal condi- ing all our experiments,” explains Norwe- tions for solar cells. gian University of Science and Technology What has surprised the researchers is • Ship Owners • (NTNU) student Gina Opstad Andersen. that the cells withstood rainy conditions very “For this reason, we connected up a solar well. Experiments involving light rain gave cell fitted with a sensor that made it possible positive results. • Ship & Cargo Brokers • to calculate the level of radiation that the “The solar rays simply pass straight cells were exposed to in the chamber,” she through the rain,” says Øvrelid. “The rain says. Andersen took part in the experiments had no effect on the amount of incoming ra- • Steamship Agents • as part of her master’s studies at NTNU and diation. The same happened when the cells was responsible for constructing the test ap- were covered by a layer of ice.” paratus. A solar power station in Svalbard? Cold increases output and rain is no When either snow or opaque ice covers problem solar panels, this results in a distinct shadow Using a potentiostat, researchers were effect. So, the advice to owners is to keep able to measure the electrical output gener- your panels clear of snow. If opaque ice ated by solar cells under different experi- forms on a panel it may be a good idea to mental conditions. melt it using lukewarm water. “The results confirmed observations “But whatever you do, don’t try to we had made before showing that the pan- scrape it off,” says Øvrelid. “This could els work very well in cold weather,” says damage the solar cell.” He also recommends Øvrelid. that the cells be given a thorough cleaning A cold environment may be an asset to twice a year. Both chimney soot and airborne a solar-cell panel used to generate electrical dust from roads have been shown to reduce energy, because it keeps the cells’ operational the panels’ efficiency. temperature at low levels. High temperatures Solar cell researchers at SINTEF now increase the cells’ “internal energy leakage,” want to launch a new project to look into because electrons are more active in warm solar cells as possible sources of electricity conditions. In the case of the silicon-based in Svalbard. The challenge here is to find an 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 solar cell used in the experiment, output was effective way of storing the surplus energy. Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 E-mail: [email protected] THANK YOU for reading our paper! the american NorwegiaN Arts & Entertainment April 6, 2018 • 11 Book review: Norse goddesses cry, Ducks versus sons Henrik Ibsen’s influence on Arthur Miller is “Me too, Neil Gaiman!” perhaps best seen in All My Sons

reBecca snoW Nine Mile Falls, Wash.

As some readers and critics insist, Gaiman’s Norse Mythology stories might be best appreciated via the audiobook, in the voice of Gaiman himself. They began in ancient times as oral tales, after all, and are meant to be absorbed that way. But af- ter reading the book, I know I won’t bring myself to bother to listen to the audio ver- sion. I have a hard time believing Gaiman’s prose comes close the rhythm of the compel- ling tales told through the long Norse winters around a fire. While his retelling of the stories is well written and often funny, Gaiman’s prose lacks any emotional weight for me until the final chapters, when the beloved god Bald- er is murdered, Loki the trickster is finally christine foster Meloni bound and tortured, and the long-awaited the absurdity of his behavior, but he doesn’t Washington Ragnarok occurs to end the world and begin balance his humor with a sense of horror the cycle of life anew. I found myself caring that makes the reader want to shed one tear Early in 2017, students at the George Ann’s brother George discovers the truth about Loki—the least likable character—the for the chaos and violence resulting from Washington University in Washing- about Keller and wants his sister and her fi- most, because Gaiman made him by far the Thor’s—or any of the gods’—actions. ton, D.C., staged a production of Arthur ancé to know. Chris becomes enraged with most interesting, probably because he is and Perhaps because Gaiman hadn’t read Miller’s All My Sons. When this play first his father and turns against him. Keller then has been the most interesting of the Norse stories from the ancient texts beyond the appeared on Broadway in 1947, critics commits suicide. gods since the tales were first told. Whenever Edda, he leaves out Odin’s rape of Rind called it an “Ibsenesque” play. Jodi Kanter, the director of GW’s pro- Loki was missing from the page, I slogged altogether. In the History of the Danes by Miller discovered Ibsen while a uni- duction of All My Sons, readily acknowledg- through the stories a few paragraphs at a the Danish monk Saxo Grammaticus, Odin versity student. When he became a play- es that she was affected by the Ibsen-Miller time, even though I have a vested interest knows the avenger of Balder’s death must wright, he readily acknowledged his ad- connection in the preparation of the play. in the Norse myths. My mother was born in be the child of a human princess, Rind, as miration for Ibsen. If the plot of All My She says that she was influenced by Ibsen’s Norway, and I enjoy using and reinventing detailed by the Oxford scholar Carolyne Sons is compared to that of Ibsen’s The proclivity for making the community the real the mythology in my own fiction. Larrington. Her book The Norse Myths, by Wild Duck, Ibsen’s influence is evident. protagonist of his plays. (She points out Ib- Gaiman makes Odin and most of the strange coincidence, came out the very same In The Wild Duck, old Werle and sen’s An Enemy of the People and Miller’s other gods less interesting than they could month as Gaiman’s book. Odin attempts to Ekdal are business partners until the com- The Crucible as the best examples of this have been, and the goddesses and other fe- seduce Rind and fails, so he rapes her in- pany illegally acquires a large quantity of characteristic in the two playwrights.) male characters are overshadowed by males stead. I can hear Rind whispering, “Me too” lumber from a farm owned by the govern- As Kanter worked on All My Sons in more than necessary. Gaiman does a good into Gaiman’s ear. Here is Gaiman’s sani- ment. Werle is responsible, but he blames the context of the 2016 campaign and post­ job of showing the deceit, treachery, and tized version of the event (though I would Ekdal, who goes to prison. After Werle’s election environment in the United States, absurdity of the masculine roles in each of assume he left the rape out unintentionally as wife dies, he has a relationship with Gina, the question of what the individual owes the myths, but he does so with a tongue-in- it is left out of the Prose Edda as well): his servant. He then arranges for her to to the people around them who are not our cheek humor that diminishes every tragic “While Hermod was in the underworld, marry Hjalmar, his former partner’s son. biological (or national or racial) family was consequence. Odin had had a son to replace Balder; this When Werle’s son Gregers discovers the foremost in her mind. For this reason, it was In the final battle of Ragnarok, for exam- son, named Vali, was the son of Odin and the truth about his father’s treachery and that important for her that the four neighbors, ple, the god Tyr battles the hellhound Garm: goddess Rind. Before he was a day old, the Gina’s child, Hedvig, is his father’s and whose roles in the script are minor, have a “Tyr will stop him, Tyr the one-handed, and baby found and slew Hod. So Balder’s death not Hjalmar’s, he feels it his duty to tell pronounced presence on stage even when they will fight, man and nightmare dog. Tyr was avenged.” Hjalmar the truth. Hjalmar becomes very they were not active in the world of the play. fights bravely, but the battle will be the death Every detail, aside from Rind’s role as upset and turns against Hedvig, who then The influence of the great Norwegian of both of them.” I may have laughed a little mother, is focused on masculine triumph. commits suicide. playwright continues to be felt in the works at “nightmare dog,” but I know Gaiman is Gaiman does go into more detail in other sto- In All My Sons, Joe Keller and Steve of his successors. His own plays, of course, capable of more interesting, imaginative de- ries involving female characters, especially Deever are business partners. It is discov- remain as popular as ever. tails. I couldn’t care less about the Tyr he de- Odin’s seduction of Gunnlod (although she ered that their company has sold cracked scribes, because he makes him meaningless is pretty much reduced to a stereotypical cylinder heads to the Air Force and caused Christine Foster Meloni is here, even though he was one of the braver role; saying her lips are one of her “best fea- plane crashes in which 21 pilots are killed. professor emerita at The - Although Keller knows about the danger- and more selfless gods, sacrificing his hand tures,” she is briefly valiant when she real George Washington Univer- for the sake of the gods early in the tales. izes she has been duped). But Gaiman’s be- ous flaw, he goes ahead with the sale any- sity. She has degrees in Ital- Odin may have sacrificed one of his moaning on the lack of tales about goddesses way. When the flaw is discovered, Keller ian literature, linguistics, and eyes for wisdom, but his ways are full of rings hollow in his introduction to the book. succeeds in placing the blame on Deever, international education. She crafty misogyny and selfish deceit, elabo- He may not be able to “retell the tales of who is sent to prison. Keller’s son Chris was born in Minneapolis and rated at length with a humor that makes the Eir” and other goddesses because the myths later falls in love with Deever’s daughter, currently lives in Washington, stark tragedy of his behavior seem silly. “An- “have not come down to us,” but he could Ann, and she accepts his proposal. Then D.C. She values her Norwegian heritage. other bite and a crunch and a swallow and have used a lot more imagination, I think, in Odin, the all-father, greatest and wisest of all retelling a host of available stories, featuring the gods, is gone as well, never to be seen females like Freya and Sif. He tells some of again.” Good riddance, but I wish I could them, yes, but the focus is primarily on the Newspaper ads never go out feel something about all of Odin’s horrible male characters. actions finally coming to an end, besides a This could be, of course, because the of style. Place yours today! bit of a chuckle rising into my throat and a myths themselves focus more on the male, sense of relief that I’m almost finished with but today we need a reimagining, a feminine the book. elaboration, a creative, emotional “me too” Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] Gaiman turns Thor into a ridiculous hiding in the shadows of all the myths fo- oaf from the very beginning. Yes, we laugh, cused so much on the masculine. to request a personalized advertising proposal and maybe Gaiman is trying to emphasize the american 12 • April 6, 2018 Taste of Norway NorwegiaN Playful desserts, inspired by nature Bakeland cookbook features Nordic flavors and ingredients with a quirky look

daytona strong Taste of Norway Editor

When it comes to Scandinavian bak- ing, it’s hard to beat a classic cone-shaped krumkake or bløtkake with layers of sponge cake, strawberries, and cream. But the ones that break from tradition can be just as deli- cious and provide a good dose of inspiration. Bakeland: Nordic Treats Inspired by Nature (Greystone Books, Spring 2018) by Nor- wegian graphic designer and photographer Marit Hovland does just that. New Nordic chefs take inspiration from nature in their creations, and so does Hov- land in this playful book that’s filled with creative recipes organized by the seasons and gorgeous food photography. Nature certainly inspires the desserts in the book, from ingredients to decoration. The cinnamon bun cake with rum glaze is shaped like a daisy. You’ll find templates and instructions for decorating treats with deli- cate petal designs, along with maple leaves, butterflies, bird eggs, and snowflakes. The birch bark cookies start with a va- nilla cookie that’s decorated to look like the distinctive white bark of birch trees. And the chocolate “rocks” are a mix of nuts and dried cranberries encased in a chocolaty shell. If you’re more in a beachy mood, there are also Photo courtesy of greystone books white chocolate seashells filled with rasp- This bun cake is shaped like a daisy because of the special way you cut and twist the dough. The zesty berry. glaze makes this cake the perfect accompaniment to a fine summer’s day. While you’ll find some classics in here, including cardamom buns with almond fill- ing and a kransekake (decorated with co- conut frosting), most aren’t the traditional Cinnamon Bun Cake Scandinavian desserts you may know well. Instead, most of the cakes, cookies, and other with Rum Glaze desserts take inspiration from the flavors and ingredients of the Nordic countries and then buns: cinnamon filling: whirl them into something entirely new and 3 ½ tbsps. butter, melted 2 ½ tbsps. butter, at room temp. innovative—and beautiful at that. Norwe- 2⁄3 cup whole milk 3 tbsps. granulated sugar gian troll cream—an airy whipped dessert 3 tbsps. fresh yeast, or 1 ½ tbsps. 1 tbsp. cinnamon made with lingonberries and egg whites— active dry yeast becomes the topping for a pistachio brownie 2 ½ cups all­purpose flour rum glaze: cake. Cardamom makes its way into maca- 1 3 cup granulated sugar 1 2 3 cups icing sugar Daytona Strong is The Nor- ⁄ ⁄ rons with blueberries and cream cheese, as 1 ½ tsps. ground cardamom 1 tsp. rum extract wegian American’s Taste of well as a blueberry crepe torte. Norway Editor. She writes ½ tsp. salt 1 tbsp. lemon juice Whether you’re looking for something 1 egg (for brushing) 1 ½ tbsps. water about her family’s Norwegian to help you break out of a baking rut or just heritage through the lens of want something beautiful and delicious to food at her Scandinavian Combine the melted butter and milk in a mixing bowl. When the mixture is lukewarm, read through, Bakeland is likely to do the food blog, www.outside-oslo. crumble the yeast into it. In a separate bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, cardamom, and salt, trick. It’s a gorgeous book with a playful com. Find her on Facebook then add to the yeast mixture. Work the dough with your hands for about 10 minutes. Cover touch, and it’s sure to be a treat whether you (, Twitter (@ the bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough rise for 50 minutes. bake out of it or just enjoy flipping through daytonastrong), Pinterest (@daytonastrong), Mix together the butter, sugar, and cinnamon in a small bowl. the pages. and Instagram (@daytonastrong). Knead the dough and divide it into three equal parts. Roll each part into a ball. Flatten each ball to a diameter of about 7 inches. Spread half of the filling on one circle, leaving ½ inch clean along the edge. Put the sec- ond circle on top and spread the rest of the filling in the same way. Finally, cover with the last circle. Press the edges together. Transfer the bun cake to a baking sheet lined with parchment Hungry for more Norway? paper. Press it out to a diameter of about 8 inches. Gently place a glass in the middle of the cake. Use a sharp knife to cut notches from the edge of the cake toward the glass, cutting all the way through the cake to make 16 sections. Take hold of one section, gently pulling it from the middle without tearing it. Twist so that the side faces up. Repeat with the rest, twisting each section in the same direction. Let the cake rise again for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Brush the cake with a whisked egg and poke several holes in the middle of the flower with a toothpick. Bake for about 12 minutes on the middle rack of the oven. Transfer the cake to a wire rack to cool. In a bowl, stir together the icing sugar, rum extract, lemon juice, and water. Put the mix- Photo: tinE Mediebank ture in a piping bag and pipe out on the flower petals. Makes one round bun cake, approximately 10 inches. Call฀(206)฀784-4617฀or฀email฀[email protected]฀to฀get฀ 25฀recipes฀every฀year฀(and฀the฀rest฀of฀the฀newspaper฀too). Variation: You can replace the cinnamon filling with a macaron filling. Finely chop ½ cup almonds and mix with ½ cup icing sugar and one small egg white. the american NorwegiaN Taste of Norway April 6, 2018 • 13

Pistachio Marzipan Pears

marzipan pears: decoration: 1 cup unsalted pistachios 2 tbsps. icing sugar, more as needed 1 cup almonds 10 pretzel sticks 1 2/3 cups icing sugar 20 almonds 1 egg white

Using a nut grinder, grind the pistachios and almonds into a bowl. Stir in the icing sugar, then grind the mixture one more time. Add the egg white and work everything together with your hands to make a firm dough. In a small bowl, stir the icing sugar with a little water to make a paste. This will be the glue for the almond “leaves.” Shape pieces of marzipan dough (about 1 ½ tbsps. each) into small balls. Roll them a little extra on one side so they take the shape of pears. Stick a piece of pretzel ¾-inch long into the top of the pear. Use an almond to make a little notch near the pretzel. Remove the almond and put a spot of icing there before you re- turn the almond “leaf.” Store the marzipan pears in an airtight container.

Variation: You can also make green apples by rolling out small round balls. If you want other colors, you can replace the pistachios in the recipe with additional almonds, and color the dough with liquid gel food coloring.

Photos courtesy of greystone books Left: When you replace some of the almonds in the marzipan with pistachios, the resulting color will remind you of pears. Then all you need to do is decorate with some pretzels and almonds to make your own extra-sweet pears. Below: White cloudberry flowers tie themselves in knots and then turn into juicy berries over the course of the summer. The strong orange color of the cloudberries brightens the bogs where they grow. Enjoy these macarons as you close your eyes and dream yourself back to the mountains. Vanilla Cloudberry Macarons vanilla macarons: 3 tbsps. granulated sugar 3⁄4 cup + 2 tbsps. almond flour orange liquid gel food coloring 3⁄4 cup + 2 tbsps. icing sugar ¼ tsp. vanilla bean seeds, or 1 tsp. cloudberry filling: vanilla sugar 2 ½ cups cloudberries 2 medium egg whites 1⁄3 cup granulated sugar pinch of salt 1 tsp. fruit pectin powder

Sift the almond flour into a bowl. Stir in the icing sugar and vanilla seeds, then sift again into another bowl. Using a handheld mixer, beat the egg whites in a bowl at medium speed until foamy. Add the salt. Gradually add the sugar, continuing to beat at medium speed. Add the food coloring toward the end, a drop or two at a time. When the sugar has dissolved and you have a thick meringue, add the almond flour mixture, using a rubber spatula to beat it in. When the mix- ture is smooth, fill a piping bag. Pipe out macarons onto a macaron baking mat or bak- ing sheet covered in parchment paper, forming circles about 1 ¼ inches in diameter (see template). Tap the baking sheet against the kitchen counter to make any large air bubbles rise to the surface and burst. Let the macarons dry for about 40 minutes on the counter. Preheat the oven to 250˚F using the convection setting, or 275˚F on the regular setting. Bake the macarons for about 15 minutes on the middle rack (a few minutes longer in a regular oven). Press the cloudberries through a strainer to get rid of the seeds. Make sure you end up with approximately 1 ½ cups of mashed cloudberries. Combine the cloudberries and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Turn down the heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes before you add the fruit pectin. Boil for 1 minute more, then remove from heat. Let it cool, then fill a piping bag with the mixture. to decorate: in a small bowl, mix a few drops of food coloring with a little water. Use a cotton swab to stamp dots on the macaron shells. The more water you use, the weaker the color will be—you can use different shades if you want. Pipe out the cloudberry filling onto half of the macaron shells, and place the rest of the shells on top. Keep the macarons in the refrigerator until you’re ready to serve them. Makes 35 macarons.

Tips: If you can’t pick your own berries, you can find cloudberry jam in some stores. You can also use raspberries instead of cloudberries, and red liquid gel food coloring instead of orange for the shells and dots. Use liquid gel food coloring if you want to color the macarons. This type of food color- ing won’t change the consistency like liquid food coloring does. One of the mixing bowls and the handheld mixer must be completely free of grease. This is necessary to get a thick meringue. You’ll need an extra baking sheet placed on the oven rack below the baking sheet with the macarons. This prevents the macarons from cracking.

Recipes and caption text excerpted from Bakeland: Nordic Treats Inspired by Nature by Marit Hovland, published April 2018 by Greystone Books. Reproduced and condensed with permission from the publisher. the american 14 • April 6, 2018 Norway near you NorwegiaN What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events photographer Nancy Bundt, an expat residing in expert quilter, has died. He travels alongside his produced by the School for Anthroposophy at Bjørnson Lodge 108th Anniversary Norway for 25 years, guests witness the stories estranged transgender father to bring her final the West Lenin Theater, 203 N. 36th Street, ad- April 14, 6 p.m. of a diverse group of Norwegians, which allows masterpiece to an important competition. Two mission is $22, $16 for student/senior/veteran Pleasant Hill them to consider their own relationships with screenings will take place at Scandinavia House, 58 tickets, plus service fees, available online at Join Oakland’s Bjørnson Sons of Norway Lodge Norway in a new light. More info: www.norway- Park Ave. Admission is $7 for ASF member and $12 6-014 as they celebrate their 108th anniversary for non-members, or a series pass for the spring More info: call (206) 729-3977. with a dinner at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 sofnorway. program of Scandinavian films is $72. More info: Gregory Lane, starting with a no-host bar at 6 Seattle-Bergen Sister City Association Spring p.m., followed by dinner at 7 p.m. , $50 per per- Tusenvann Kaltbord Potluck Luncheon Membership Meeting & Waffle Fest son. Checks must be sent to Nancy Eikeberg, April 13, noon-2 p.m. Art of the Trio: The Thin Line April 15, 2-4 p.m. 2211 Coloma St., Oakland, CA 94602-2311, by Isle April 20-22 Seattle Monday, April 9, payable to Bjørnson Lodge. Join Tusenvann Sons of Norway Lodge for one of Hudson, Troy, Alban, Ballston Lake, Brooklyn The Seattle-Bergen Sister City Association will their most honored events at the Isle Rec & Ed Norwegian composer Bjorn Bolstad Skjelbred will hold their quarterly spring membership meet- The Emigrant Trunk Program & Brunch Center (REC) at Minnesota Highway 27 & Mille Lacs be flying in from Oslo to attend five concerts with ing at Leif Erikson Lodge Kaffestua, 2245 N.W. April 21, noon Avenue. The annual Kaltbord (Cold Food) offers a Shawn Lawson and The Progression Ensemble for 57th St. Plans for the official visit of Mayor Santa Rosa sampling of traditional Scandinavian and popular the world premiere of his piece, The Thin Line: Marte Mjøs Persen of Bergen will be discussed, Join the Sons of Norway District 6 for a delicious American dishes. More info: call (320) 983-2886 or April 20 as well as the overall 2018 program. Enjoy cof- brunch at Freya Lodge, 617 W. 9th St., followed email [email protected]. Hudson - 7 p.m.: Time and Space Limited fee and fresh waffles with brunost. More info: by a program by District President Mary Beth April 21 [email protected]. Ingvoldstad with her family trunk. The cost Nordic Celebration and Marketplace - Twin Cities Troy - 11 a.m.: Troy Public Library is $17 for members, $22 for non-members, April 14, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Albany - 2 p.m.: Albany Public Library Viking Easter Egg Hunt with tickets at Edina Ballston Lake - 7 p.m.: Our Lady of Grace Church April 15, noon-1 p.m. event/3236231 or by calling 1 (800) 838-3006, Celebrate Norwegian heritage at Vesterheim’s April 22 Poulsbo or RSVP at [email protected]. More info: annual Nordic Celebration and Marketplace at Brooklyn, 7 p.m.: Spectrum Bring your children, age 10 and younger,, or call (707) 579-1080. the Interlachen Country Club, 6200 Interlachen These concerts are part of the Composers Con- to the Poulsbo Waterfront and Marina at Blvd. The marketplace includes Nordic vendors cordance “Art of Sound” Festival. For address 18971 Front St. for the annual Poulsbo Sons Scandinavian Festival with unique gift items, folk art demonstrations, details and more info, email [email protected]. of Norway’s Viking Easter Egg Hunt. There April 21-22 scholarly chats, and delicious treats, followed will one golden egg prize per age group Thousand Oaks by a delectable meal and a program. More info: Viking Auction at an event that offers fun for the entire Come to California Lutheran University Kings- email [email protected], or call (563) 382- April 27, 6:30 p.m. family. More info:

men Park, 26 Faculty St., for two days filled 9681. St. James events/1879764708936854. with music, dancing, food, lectures, demon- Loyal Lodge Sons of Norway is holding its annual strations, and vendors. Visit the Viking En- Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner fundraiser in the Parish Hall at St. James Lutheran A Family’s Journey into the Syrian Jihad campment and Sami Village. Family activities April 14, 4-6 p.m. Church, 230 Second Ave. The cost is $15 for 25 April 17, 7 p.m. include: head wreaths; Viking kubb game; cro- Minneapolis numbers, with additional yellow cards for $10. Be Seattle quet; parade of flags, old world costumes, mu- Your dinner will be prepared and served by the sure to bring your friends for the chance to win Welcome Norwegian journalist Åsne Seierstad sic, and dancing. More info: email Mindy Miller Norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis at Lutheran many exciting items. Free coffee and cake will be together with Nordic Seattle and Town Hall at [email protected]. Church of the Good Shepherd, 801 France Ave. S. served. More info: call (631) 880-8820. at the Rainier Arts Center, 3513 S. Alaska St. Reserve a place at, Seierstad is an award-winning correspondent or call Earl Evenstad at (612) 861-4793 or Bob Ol- OHIO and writer known for her work as a war cor- ILLINOIS respondent. Tickets are $5, available online at Bjornson Male Chorus Dinner Concert son at (612) 866-0687. Hedda Gabler

April 27, 6:30 p.m. April 20-29 Town Hall’s website: - Elk Grove Village Quartetto Testosterone Kent event/asne-seierstad. More info: www.nordic April 20, 7:30-9 p.m. The evening starts with at social hour, followed The Kent State University School of Theatre and Minneapolis by a concert at 7:30 p.m. at Avalon Banquets, Dance presents Henrik Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler at Norway’s all-male string quartet will present an 1905 E. Higgins Road. The cost is $35. Call John the Wright-Curtis Theatre at 1325 Theatre Drive. Norway Day evening of music at Mindekirken, The Norwegian April 21, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Lee to make your reservations: (847) 741-4210. In this new production directed by Corey Atkins, Lutheran Memorial Church, 924 E. 21st St. This the newly married Hedda learns that boredom can Lacey concert is free of charge, with donations accepted be both dangerous and deadly. General admission Come to the Thurston County Fairgrounds at IOWA at the door in support of Edvard Grieg Society of is $18, with a $4 senior discount. Tickets may be 3054 Carpenter Road S.E. to enjoy food, music, Koselig Exhibit Minnesota programming. More info: www.face- and vendors offering a variety of Scandinavian now-April 22 purchased online or at the box office. More info: items. Visit the Viking encampment, see the Decorah Norwegian elkhounds and fjord horses, and Come get koselig with Vesterheim at 520 W. NEW YORK OREGON bring the kids to the Troll’s Den for troll crafts. Water St. in a series of “living room” environ- Admission is $3, with children younger than 12 ments and discover the Norwegian secret to New Nordic Cinema: Framing Mom/Rosemari Viking Chainmaille Bracelet Class April 13, 7 p.m. April 28, 2-5 p.m. free. More info: call (360) 923-1242 or email surviving winter. More info: www.vesterheim. [email protected]. org/exhibitions/special/koselig. New York Portland The American Scandinavian Foundation presents Join us at Nordia House, 8800 S.W. Oleson Road, 42nd Annual Norwegian Heritage Festival Rocks and Hard Places: Emigration Through a contemporary Norwegian film by director Sara for a special class with Debra Carus of Elentari Johnsen that tells the story of a young bride who Handverk. In this three-hour session, you will April 28, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. the Lens of Knud Knudsen Tacoma now-Sept. 23 finds an abandoned newborn girl in a hotel rest- learn one of the most ancient weaves to make a Pacific Lutheran University presents a day of Decorah room and their reunion years later. The screening beautiful bracelet. Tickets are $70. For more info musical entertainment, craft demonstrations, Explore emigration through first-person ac- takes place at Scandinavia House, 58 Park Ave.. or to reserve your spot, call (503) 977-0275. Tickets are $7 for ASF member and $12 for non- information booths, vendors, and the- Nor counts, family histories, and the stunning black- wegian Café at Anderson University Center at and-white photography of Knud Knudsen at members. More info: TEXAS events. 122nd St. S. & Park Ave. The Scandinavian Cul- Vesterheim, 520 W. Water St. More info: www. Norwegian Society of Texas State Meeting tural Center will also be open with children’s April 13-15 - Quartetto Testosterone activities, Viking re-enactors, and more live en Austin tertainment. Admission is free. More info: call Spoons: Carving. Community. April 17, 7:30 p.m. Norwegian Society of Texas members from ev- (253) 535-7349 or email [email protected]. now-Nov. 4 New York ery chapter around the state are welcome to - Decorah Experience the unique sounds of the award-win attend the semiannual meeting, this year held ning Norwegian string quartet Quartetto Testoster- The Nordic Fiddlers Bloc This unique exhibit showcases historic and by Hovedstad, the Austin chapter. For more info April 28, 7:30 p.m. one ( at Scandinavian House, modern examples of spoons carved in wood and registration, contact the NST: www.norwe- Seattle and horn. At Vesterheim Museum, 520 W. Wa- 58 Park Ave, with a performance of Grieg’s string Seattle Folklore Society and Skandia Folkdance - quartets. This free program includes both the light ter St. More info: Society welcome back this popular fiddle trio: tions/special/spoons. and cheery F major quartet and the grand, dramat- ic G minor quartet. More info: www.scandinavia- WASHINGTON Olav Luksengård Mjelva (Norway), Anders Hall An Enemy of the People - (Sweden), and Kevin Henderson (Shetland Is MINNESOTA April 6-20, 7:30 p.m. lands). Tickets are $18/$16/$9 at Brown Paper Perceptions of Norway: A Photographic- Ex Tickets, with a discount for SFS, Skandia, and New Nordic Cinema: Going West/Rett vest Seattle hibit on the Identity of Norwegians Today April 18, 7 p.m. & April 20, 7 p.m. David Axelrod will direct this all-too-relevant clas- Phinney members, and are an additional $2 at now- June 10 New York sic play by Henrik Ibsen about a zealous, altruistic the door. More info: 1 (800) 838-3006. Doors Minneapolis open at 7 p.m. at the Phinney Center Concert The American Scandinavian Foundation presents doctor whose attempts to warn the townsfolk of Come to Norway House at 913 E. Franklin Ave. Hall, Brick Building, 6532 Phinney Ave. N. a contemporary Norwegian film by director Hen- deadly pollution turn everyone against him. Co- to experience a photographic exhibit that ex- pands our viewpoints of Norwegians and rik Martin Dahlsbakken. In this road-trip story, music teacher Kaspar learns that his mother, an their culture. Through the eyes of American Send฀your฀event฀to฀[email protected]฀or฀call฀(206)฀784-4617฀ to be added to The Norwegian American! Check฀฀for฀complete฀listings Event฀listings฀are฀free,฀but฀space฀is฀limited.฀Please฀contact฀us฀at฀least฀one฀month฀before฀event. theNorwegiaNamerican Norway near you April 6, 2018 • 15 In Loving Memory SON headquarters Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. sale is finalized Evelyn A. Dalland New project will have apartments, retail, November 10, 1929 – March 16, 2018 and new offices for Sons of Norway Evelyn A. Dalland, 88, of Willow Street, Penn., formerly of Whiting, N.J., de- parted this life on Friday, March 16, 2018, at Lakeside at Willow Valley. She was the lov- ing wife of the late Raymond S. Dalland, Sr., sharing 62 years of marriage at the time of his passing in 2012. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Evelyn was the daughter of the late Einar and Alfhild (Me- berg) Abrahamsen. Evelyn was a graduate of Bay Ridge High School in Brooklyn, class of 1947. After high school, she spent most of her life caring for her family and her home. She was also employed by Rockland National Bank (currently Bank of New York) as a teller and service officer. During her lifetime Evelyn was always an active church member, most recently a Photo: ryan Companies / City of Minneapolis member of Grace Community Church of The Sons of Norway will continue to be headquartered in the new complex. In this rendering the of- Willow Street. Having a talent with needle- fice space that the organization will lease is seen to the left. work, she would regularly knit and also stitch needlepoint projects. Evelyn enjoyed cBre cooking, and her family longs for the ex- daughters Lynne (Bob) Marum of Moores- Minneapolis cellent dishes she used to prepare. For lei- ville, N.C., and Lorie (Steve) Whiting of sure, Evelyn and her husband, Ray, enjoyed Lake Pleasant, N.Y.; grandchildren Andrea, The sale of Sons of Norway’s berg stated, “Uptown Minneapolis has been traveling together. They also enjoyed taking Karl, Lindsay, Kurt, Scott, Kelly, Kjersten, 60,000­square­foot headquarters build- our home for nearly six decades. We look retreat at their summer house in New York. and Kathryn; and great­grandchildren Zach- ing has been finalized for $16.8 million. forward to returning and maintaining the Family was very important to Evelyn. She ary, Alexander, Hunter, Emma, Owen, Au- The building sits on 2.17 acres of land in wonderful Nordic presence in the neighbor- loved playing games and spending time with brey, Stella, Anders, Silas, Theodore, and the heart of Minneapolis’s Uptown neigh- hood. In the meantime, we’ll continue to her children and grandchildren. Max. In addition to her husband and her par- borhood, and a mixed-use project is now serve the insurance and cultural needs of our Evelyn is survived by a son, Raymond ents, she was predeceased by a brother, Ernst planned for the site. members from our temporary offices.” Dalland, Jr. (Janet) of Speculator, N.Y.; Abrahamsen. The buyer, a partnership between Ryan VP of Real Estate Development Ryan Companies U.S., Inc., and Weidner Tony Barranco told Finance and Commerce Apartment Homes, plans a mixed-use that demolition should begin in a few weeks. < vEiLS apartment project on the site. The proj- The planned new development will con- From page 3 ect includes 317 units of housing, retail, sist of several buildings, each unique, of six and 15,000 square feet of first­floor office to seven stories with underground parking, The ban will not apply to small children majority backing in parliament, with oppo- space for Sons of Norway, which has op- with a public walkway through the middle to attending daycares. “Children need open sition parties Labor, the Center Party and erated in Uptown for more than 55 years. provide access to ground­floor retail. A tow- and safe communication. Children will not the Socialist Left, as well as the center-right Once complete, Sons of Norway plans to er will be the focal point of the complex on be covered by the ban. Experience shows Christian Democrats, all having previously continue business operations on the site as Lake Street and Humboldt Ave. The structure us that children do not use the niqab and spoken in support of a ban on the veil. a financial services and international cul- is inspired by Norwegian lighthouses. burqa,” Sanner said. Jensen said that responsibility for ap- tural organization. But the rule will apply in teaching situ- plying the ban would lie with educational “We are incredibly excited to close Sons of Norway, a financial services and ations outside of school hours, such as at institutions. this sale for our client and to allow this international cultural organization head- after-school clubs and lessons. “[Institutions] should initially try to use best-in-class development team to begin quartered in Minneapolis, promotes and pre- Nybø, who presented the guidelines that dialogue. If that does not work, responses this transformational project,” said Brian serves the heritage and culture of Norway, would be applied at universities and higher can be used. The most serious, as a final Pankratz, First VP of CBRE, which repre- celebrates its relationships with other Nordic education schools, said that the ban would consequence, is expulsion… employees who sented Sons of Norway in the sale. countries, and provides insurance and finan- apply to those attending all forms of teach- break the rules several times could lose their Sons of Norway CEO Eivind J. Hei- cial products to its members. ing in those types of institutions, including jobs,” Jensen said. lectures. Rules must be clear and set out in ad- “It is important to have a framework to vance, Jensen said. Community Connections apply to teaching situations. These are, to a The proposal, which was initially an- high degree, grown adults who can make in- nounced in June last year, could make Nor- dependent decisions as to whether they cov- way the first country in Scandinavia to ap- Happy birthday, er outside of classrooms and lecture halls,” ply a ban on wearing the Islamic face veils, Nybø said to NRK. although a comparable proposal is currently engagement, birth, The proposal is expected to receive being processed by Denmark’s parliament. family reunion, etc! The Scandinavian Hour Your name and Celebrating over 50 years on the air! message here! KKNW – 1150 AM Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST For more information, call Streaming live on the internet at: us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. the american 16 • April 6, 2018 Travel NorwegiaN All the travel in one place: Travel Show experience

cynthia elyce ruBin Travel Editor

Recently, as travel editor of The Nor- wegian American, I attended The New York Times Travel Show, the largest consumer travel trade show in the U.S. This year the show celebrated its 15th anniversary in grand style, with 2018 numbers surpassing those of 2017. The New York Times announced a new record of 32,398 participants, including 10,628 travel agent and media attendees, and 22,130 consumers during the three-day event that took place from Jan. 26 to 28 at the Ja- cob K. Javits Convention Center. The show is known for celebrity pre- senters, and this year did not disappoint. Well-known fashion designer Zac Posen, on a culinary journey with his new cookbook Cooking With Zac: Recipes From Rustic to Refined, appeared in conversation with New York Times Food Editor Sam Sifton. Award- winning TV star Andrew Zimmern, one of the most versatile personalities in the food world and host of Bizarre Foods and Deli- cious Destinations, gave a talk. He has ex- plored foodways in more than 170 countries. Photos: Cynthia Elyce rubin Viewing Mexico City and Barcelona through their burgeoning art scenes was Above: Zak Fouad of Travel Point of America sells Egypt and reads The Norwegian American. collector Maria Brito, who has built art col- Above right: An Indonesian couple in full tradi- lections and designed the homes of such tional costume. celebrities as Sean “Diddy” Combs and Right: A Selection of unusual souvenirs might just Gwyneth Paltrow. Travel Channel program follow you home from the travel show. host Samantha Brown and Pauline From- mer, editorial director of the Frommer’s series of guidebooks, were there offering Cynthia Elyce Rubin, Ph.D., tips about the people who are changing and is a visual culture specialist, challenging destinations around the globe. travel writer, and author of Emmy-Award-winning travel journalist Jo- articles and books on decora- seph Rosendo, host of the PBS show Joseph tive arts, folk art, and post- Rosendo’s Travelscope, shared his five -de card history, who collects cades of travel experiences. And there were postcards, ephemera, and many more, including talks about the best early photography. See www. travel gadgets, the best travel books, and for more. food and coffee culture in the land down un- der with Aussie-born tastemakers Nicholas Stone and Eddy Buckingham. pavilion, organized by editor-in-chief of gay to focus on the Caribbean and Latin Ameri- and for consumers. Who could pass up the There were book signings and food travel magazine ManAboutWorld Ed Sal- can countries, European countries, and Asian bargains? tastes galore. As for culinary tidbits, the vato, where you could learn about destina- countries, with the global stage presenting Giveaways and souvenirs? Many booths Turkish booth gave out piles of sesame- tions and events as well as tours, cruises, miscellaneous performances, such as the distributed the mundane pens, notepads, and crusted simit and sweet baklava. In an Indian and experiences the world over. The family Scottish Highland dancers and bagpiper, tote bags. But there were some that certainly booth, a man prepared samosas, and Adriatik pavilion showcased lodges, destinations, and tips for things like scoring free upgrades seemed special. Tours, specialist in tours to Albania, distrib- cruise lines, along with new activities of arts and handling delays, and a celebration of the And when you’ve had enough? uted kosavare cakes “Baked with Love,” or and crafts and social media engagement op- diverse African cultures, courtesy of the Af- There’s no place like , so the wrapper read. portunities for attendees of all ages. rica Travel Association. In addition, people a bustling and dynamic place where people A pavilion was devoted to family travel, On Saturday and Sunday, pavilion stag- in native costumes walked around the event continue to build new lives on old dreams and for the first time there was an L.G.B.T.Q. es held events and demonstrations grouped drawing everyone’s attention and joining in and where just about every nationality and many a selfie. every language is heard. If you stopped by the Meet the Experts Walk across the street to the High Line. booth, you could gain insight and tips into This once abandoned former New York Cen- Where in Norway? credit-card miles, points and rewards, wom- tral Railway spur is now an elevated park en’s solitary travel, travel writing and pho- and trail complemented by foliage and plant- It’s time to call this one with no winners. The clue to the location tography, tracing family roots through travel, ings, although winter does not show it at its was the fjord far below with the cruise ships in it. See? It’s Geiranger! and everything you need to know about RVs. best. It’s an aerial greenway redesigned as a This was taken at the Dalsnibba overlook. Better luck next issue! Patricia Schultz, author of 1,000 Places to “living system” that draws from landscape See Before You Die, was on hand, as well as architecture, urban design, and ecology to Alisa Clickenger, founder of Women’s Mo- form a unique public space. With a view of torcycle Tours, just in case you want to view the Hudson River, it is a popular destination the world from a two-wheeled perspective. for New Yorkers and tourists alike. The romantic getaway, advice for travel- Then head for lunch. Ethnic restaurants ers with special needs, volunteer travel— abound in Manhattan and nearby boroughs. no trend or practice seemed to be missing. Queens and Brooklyn come to mind. Join There was something for everyone. intrepid New Yorkers who walk a lot. And And then there were on-site deals and where else can you find the 24­hour coffee offers that certainly grabbed the imagina- shop that serves not only good coffee but tion. Win a free trip, get 15 percent discount, also the best-value dinner in town? I’m with Photo: John Barry / submitted by Pat Barry spend more and save more. Frank Sinatra who crooned, “New York, Have a photo for “Where in Norway?” Submit it to [email protected]! There were discounts for travel agents New York. Start spreading the news....” theNorwegiaNamerican Travel April 6, 2018 • 17 From Island to Sonora Island Beaches and wildlife make ’s Strait of Georgia an adventure playground

Maureen littleJohn Toronto, Canada

Living as I do in Toronto, it is easy to forget about the beauty of British Colum- bia. But last summer I was reminded with a quick thwap upside the head. Mountains, glittering water, verdant forests, and mag- nificent wildlife were on the agenda at the two spots I visited, one on Vancouver Island, the other on Sonora Island in the nearby Dis- covery Islands. tigh-na-Mara The tide was out, and the moist sand stretched endlessly into the horizon. My husband and I had just checked into Tigh- Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort & Conference Centre (pronounced Tie-Na-Mara, it is a Gaelic phrase for “house by the sea”) and al- though I loved the fresh, bright, rustic style of our suite, the panoramic Strait of Georgia Photos: Maureen Littlejohn view had me mesmerized. After getting my Above: The View from Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa fill of the gorgeous landscape, I surveyed the Resort and Conference Centre is sandy beach as suite, which was spectacular too—king bed, far as you can see. comfy sitting area, gleaming kitchen, and a Left: Grizzly Bears abound at Sonora Resort, and deep bathtub in the living area. if you follow the dos and don’ts you can spot them Located on 22 acres outside Parksville, in the wild without becoming their prey. on Vancouver Island, the resort was opened 70 years ago and has since become a tradi- tional vacation spot for families. The con- ference center also draws corporate groups, and I was told there were 70 weddings on site last year. Log cabins dotted the prop- erty along with low-rise buildings—192 guestrooms altogether. The cottages were nestled under towering Douglas fir trees and had decks and BBQs, while the suites (like shrimp, roasted garlic, green onion, and Upon arrival, I was ushered into the ing the river. The nos included making noise, mine) featured spacious balconies. There cream cheese as a starter, then dug into a cozy main building, complete with multiple moving around too quickly, bringing food, was free Wi-Fi and an indoor pool, but the main of seared scallops and bacon with gas fireplaces, lounge area, long bar, dining and straying from the group. We all followed sandy beach with what the brochures called squash purée and watercress. Delicious. room, and games room (a giant Scrabble the rules to the letter and were rewarded with “the warmest swimming waters in Canada” Back in my room, tucked into the board adorns one wall for team word sports). sightings of nine bears, including a mother was the only place I wanted to be. pillow-like bed, I drifted off to sleep with After getting a rundown of the 88-guest unit and her loud cub that groaned and moaned “Nooooo! I don’t want to go back yet,” the hypnotic sound of soft waves drifting property with 30 hot tubs and a spa/fitness as mother nudged him toward the river and cried a small child. I looked over and saw through the balcony door. What were they area with outdoor hot/cold mineral pools, the salmon. Recalma told us the guides had that he and his family were standing by a whispering? Could it be Tigh-Na-Mara? sauna, and steam rooms, I headed to my nicknamed him Noisy. He’s like one of those huge sandcastle. No wonder he didn’t want ( room. Woodsy colors matched with gray kids who’s always saying “Aw, Mom, do I to go. That castle, complete with minarets slate tiles and warm, tea-colored hardwood have to?” and moat and decorative shells for win- tigh-na-Mara activities floors brought me to the main living space, The bears ate well, and so did I. The re- dows, would be gone once the tide came • Caving at Horne Lake Caves, swim- a bedroom with gas fireplace at the foot of sort’s chef Lukas Gurtner prepared delicately in. Warm water splashed over my feet as I ming at Rathtrevor Beach Provincial Park, or the bed and floor­to­ceiling windows over- spiced and herbed dishes made from local peered down at live sand dollars and min- golf ( looking the water. Heavenly. This called for seasonal ingredients and paired with British nows trapped in the puddles. I had been to • Shop Coombs Old Country Market for a treat from the mini-fridge that was stocked Columbia wines ( shallow beaches in the Great Lakes before, kitchen gadgets or have lunch and view the with complimentary snacks and drinks (al- Experiencing the splendor of these two but I had never seen anything like this flat goats chomping on the grass roof (Oldcoun- coholic and non­alcoholic). I opted for BBQ destinations made me realize just how much plain of sand skimmed with slowly receding peanuts and a glass of ruby red Okanagan pi- British Colombia has to offer—beauty, ad- water. It was the perfect playground for chil- • In July and August, take in the Cana- not noir that sat atop the credenza. Staff had venture, wildlife, top-notch resorts, spas, and dren and a delightful place for adults to slow dian Open Sand Sculpting Competition & also thoughtfully supplied me with a metal fine food. Some ad campaigns really stretch down and enjoy nature. Exhibition at Parksville Beach (Parksville- water bottle with a tag saying “Sonora’s the truth, but the province’s tourism depart- My next water adventure was at the spring water is some of the purest drinking ment hit it spot on with their slogan “Super, Grotto Spa, named the No. 1 spa in Canada • At the North Island Wildlife Recovery water in the world. Enjoy!” What a treat. I Natural British Columbia.” by Spas of America. Before dipping my toes and Educational Centre see rescued birds filled my bottle, and I took a sip. They were in the mineral pool, I had a facial featur- and a flight rehabilitation building for in- right. It was cold with a touch of mineral and Sonora resort activities ing the Éminence organic skin care line. It jured eagles. View rescued bears by video a dash of sweetness. For an extra fee, Sonora Resort can ar- smelled divine, with a faint citrus scent. The monitor ( I was there in peak grizzly-bear season range: spa building also housed the Treetop Tapas (September and October), so I opted for an • Grizzly­bear tours & Grill, where I noshed on a few small bites Sonora resort expedition to see the magnificent creatures on • Salmon fishing of local fresh seafood. Then came hydrother- Viewing sea lions, seals, porpoises, griz- the Orford River where they feast on spawn- • Eco­adventure tours apy in the grotto, complimentary with every zly bears, and even the occasional humpback ing Chinook salmon. We suited up in the • Sea kayaking 60­minute treatment. Constructed to look whale is the marquee entertainment at So- gear room with warm jackets and gloves and • Raft & snorkel with the salmon like a glowing, blue-hued cave, the space nora Resort, on Sonora Island, part of Brit- boarded a covered boat for the hour-long ride • Helicopter and whale watching tours featured mineral pool, hot tub, and cool ish Columbia’s Discovery Islands. Guests to the Orford River. The grizzly-bear spot- showers (the Nordic way to get blood circu- at this Relais & Chateaux wilderness lodge ting site was on Homalco First Nation land, Maureen Littlejohn is a Canadian travel lating). After an hour of paddling around, I have two transportation options: A two­hour and the Homalco run the tours. Our guide, writer and Executive Editor of Culture Mag- was relaxed as a baby seal. boat ride starting in Campbell River on Van- Jesse Recalma, met us at the dock, gave us azin. Originally written for Culture Maga- Dinner was in Cedars Restaurant. I couver Island or a 50-minute helicopter ride a “Dos and don’ts” briefing and drove us to zin. Reprinted with the author’s permission. indulged in mushroom caps stuffed with from Vancouver International Airport. the first of many viewing towers overlook- the american 18 • April 6, 2018 Norwegian Heritage NorwegiaN Drexel University students travel to Norway to compare its prisons to those in America

Photos: (left) courtesy of Emma nolan; (above) courtesy of Dr. Sarah Lewis Left: Drexel senior Emma Nolan (right) interviews Are Høidal, the governor of Halden Prison, having returned to Halden to do an independent study in April 2017. Above: A Halden inmate uses the Halden recording studio, which is cleverly called Criminal Records. < PriSonS From page 1

Halden fengsel is eye opening. While a “Specifically, we did an inside­out class, There is more to Halden than a lack of for their inmates. Obviously, they did have concrete wall gives indication of enclosure, 15 Drexel students and 15 inmates,” said se- iron bars and jumpsuits. Students were sur- security precautions with the doors locking the grounds have trees and gardens. Inmates nior Emma Nolan, 21, of Mystic, Conn. “You prised to be joking with murderers. behind you.” wear neither orange jumpsuits nor black and sit across from each other. You learn in the It is unusual for students to visit Halden. “The prisoners seemed to have a lot of white stripes. Their cells include a TV and pri- same classroom. You’re learning the same “We have a lot of visits by employees from freedom,” said Yih-Chi Lam, 20, a junior vate bathroom. The atmosphere is amicable. information. You’re reading from the same various prisons around the world and people Criminology major from Havertown, Penn. “As a criminologist, I’ve been in prisons books. We’re meeting them every week. The from public offices, politicians and scien- “The prison grounds actually look more like across Pennsylvania and in America,” said first time I went there I was a little bit ner- tists,” said Høidal in an email. “The students a college campus than a prison. There was a Hyatt. “You come in with a very fairly well- vous because they weren’t handcuffed. ... from Drexel were very positive and inter- giant concrete wall. Inside, there were hiking formed understanding of what a prison is and These prisoners are in here for murder. How- ested. They had many good questions and paths, bike trails. There were gardens where has to be like. Going to Halden for the first ever, after my first class, I was never hesitant the right attitudes. We have the same goals inmates could sit.” time, I had the same kind of experience my to go into a prison. as all other prisons in Norway. Our social “I feel that nature can be really rehabilita- students did. A little bit incredulous, a little “In my freshman year I went to State mission is to enforce remand orders and sen- tive for people because it gives them time to bit of disbelief, and a little bit of envy all Correctional Institute [SCI] in Chester tences in a manner that reassures society and think and reflect. They don’t feel trapped be- at once, and a whole lot of questions about [Penn.]. We were able to go talk to inmates, attempts to prevent recidivism. Our job is to hind the stone walls of the prison,” said Ma- how that kind of a prison functions. The who had life prison sentences with no chance help offenders change their criminal behav- zuchowski, an environmental studies major. more time you spend there, you get a better for parole. It was crazy to just talk to them ior through their own efforts. Our goal is that “I know how color can make people feel sense of how the very different philosophi- and get their perspective. I didn’t realize that the offenders will choose a life free of crime psychologically,” said Kruetz. “Going into cal, practical, and social environments these that’s what prisons were like.” after completing their sentence. The vision these prisons that is something I looked for. prisons sit informs what’s possible.” “The class was a very cool experience,” for Halden prison: Punishment that works— You could see they were making efforts to said Amanda Mazuchowski, 20, a sopho- change that lasts.” turn a white wall into something else, with Developing context more Criminology and Environmental Stud- color or designs.” The students did not visit Halden in a ies major from Bensalem, Penn. “You might Punishment? “A rather unique feature of Halden is the vacuum. All criminology majors must spend have ideas of what might be happening in The students will be surprised to see layout of the prison,” said Andersen. “This time in prisons. For the first time in 2017, prison, and then you actually talk to people punishment as the word used in the vision is designed to replicate a ‘normal’ daily rou- there were some non-criminology majors on who are going through and experiencing it.” statement; they see that as the stark differ- tine for inmates. Keeping housing, work, and the trip, who brought a perspective from their Allyssa Schuetz, 21, a senior Design and ence between American and Norwegian pris- leisure activities in separate buildings and discipline They, too, had to visit an American Merchandising major from Detroit, found ons. American prisons punish, while Norwe- providing opportunities to cook, go grocery prison. In one course, students took a class SCI “very cut and dry. It felt very sterile. I gian prisons rehabilitate. There is no death shopping, and do laundry. While building a with inmates in the prison. On the recent was just a visitor, but I was scared to step penalty or life imprisonment in Norway, so prison for 250 inmates in a Norwegian blue- trip, they also visited a detention prison, Oslo out of line.” all inmates have an expectation of return- berry forest is clearly different than building court, and a juvenile facility in Sweden. Nolan was so affected by the trip to Hal- ing to society. With varied educational and a large maximum-security facility meant to Halden governor—warden to us—Are den in 2016, she arranged an Independent vocational programs, Halden sees its role as house 3,500 people, I believe certain aspects Høidal and Andersen have also visited pris- Study and returned in April 2017, and then developing inmates who will become pro- of this idea could be applied in an American ons here. He has run Halden—which is an again in December. She is still organizing that ductive members of society. setting as well—the walls in different parts of exception even in Norway—since it opened work, though she has presented at the Ameri- “I have been particularly impressed by the prison could be painted in different col- on March 1, 2010. can Society of Criminology conference. the students’ curiosity and openness towards ors, for instance, or various forms of art could new perspectives on crime and punishment, accompany the murals that decorate the walls as well as their ability to recognize the posi- in some prisons—all to reduce the sterile and Culture, entertainment & tive and the negative aspects of both the institutional feel of the prison environment.” Scandinavian and American systems,” said fun for young and old! Andersen. relationships for rehabilitation The design and merchandising ma- Also shocking was the interpersonal re- General meetings: 7:30 p.m. every jor had a perspective on the inmates wear- lationships between the inmates and officers, second Wednesday of the month at Leif ing their own clothes. “A lot of times what who are uniformed, unarmed, and not referred Erikson Lodge, except July and August. you’re wearing affects your personality,” to as guards. Inmates and officers were seen said Kruetz. “It’s how you represent your cooking and playing basketball together. Høi- image. The fact that they’re able to be more dal and Andersen said the officers go through Wednesday, April 11, 5:30: Fundraising fish dinner for LEL than a number on a uniform allows them to two to three years of paid training at Univer- Educational Fund, Past Presidents night, Announcement of show their personality, to have a little piece sity College of Norwegian Correctional Ser- scholarship recipients including our new Queen. of home in a way.” vice, where they take courses in psychology, The facilities had a familiar look to the criminology, security, law, human rights, and Second Saturday April 14, starting at 10AM: Kaffestua, Genealogy students. ethics. “The most important thing is the way with Are, and Happy Hour, starting at 5PM! “Halden is clean, organized with brand- the guards work with the inmates and the dy- new IKEA furniture,” said Nolan. “It was namic security,” said Høidal. For more inFo: (206) 783-1274 • nicer than a college campus. My dorm room “Dynamic security is the interpersonal had two people in my freshman year and it Leif erikson HaLL, 2245 n.W. 57tH st., seattLe, Wa 98107 was the same size as their one-person cells Continued on the next page > the american NorwegiaN Norwegian Heritage April 6, 2018 • 19 Tax time in Norway If all you know about Norwegian taxes is that they’re high, how they’re prepared— and who can see them—may surprise you

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

Just as in the United States, taxable resi- dents in Norway file individual income­tax returns. The Norwegian equivalent of Form Photo courtesy of Dr. Jordan Hyatt 1040 filed with the Internal Revenue Service is Skjema RF­1030 filed with Skatteetaten Drexel University students visit Hladen Prison in 2017. From left to right, top: Jordan Hyatt, As- (Tax Administration). But the procedures of sistant Professor of Criminology & Justice Studies; Dr. Synøve Andersen, researcher at Statistics Norway; students Briana Schuetz, Sotiria Del Valle, Emma Nolan, Alex Tieu, Michaela Parrish, filing tax returns and the availability of tax Awurama Agyei, Amanda Mazuchowski; and Halden Prison Governor Are Høidal. Bottom row: and income information differ between the students Madheline Gomez, Alyssa Schuetz, Skylar Ricci, Rachel Palitto, and Yih-Chia Lam. two countries. Norway is one of a growing number of countries that use pre­filled personal income < Continued from previous page tax returns. As the OECD observes, the trend toward pre­filled returns is “one of the more relationships and systematic forms for inter- and that can actually make a difference.” significant developments in tax­return- de action between prisoners, convicts, and em- “A lot of social issues and crime are sign and use of technology by revenue bod- ployees. Examples include presence together tied together,” said Lam. “They really ies.” After all, in most advanced economies, low the Administration logo at the upper left, with the inmate in the unit, contact officer try to address the root causes of crime. It the tax administrations have data on wages which will bring up the first page on personal work, leisure activities, work, and program made me a lot more interested in the ef- paid, taxes withheld, interest paid, and the income tax matters. Select “Tax assessment” activities. What we call the ‘import model’ is fects of crime policy and collaborations like, which along with family details is most and then “Search the tax lists,” which will also very important. That means that crucial between different fields.” of the information needed to calculate taxes. bring up the page shown here. services for reintegration are delivered to the So in eight OECD countries, including To initiate a search you will need to prison by local and municipal service pro- Cultural exchange Norway, tax administrations fully prepare identify yourself using an electronic ID viders. The most difficult part is the follow­ From the students’ viewpoint, ele- tax returns for the majority of their taxpay- authorized by the Agency for Public Man- up with the inmates in the community after ments of Halden could be implemented ers. The routines of using pre­filled tax re- agement and eGovernment (Difi); link to release. The inmate shall, if relevant, have in American prisons, but it would take a turns vary. In Norway, by April 4 of a tax the Difi electronic ID page on obtaining an help with getting employment, education, change in attitude. Little could be offered year, taxpayers receive pre­filled tax returns electronic ID:­porten/how­ suitable housing accommodation, some type in reverse. Hyatt, Andersen, and Høidal with an assessment of the refund that can be obtain-electronic-id. The Tax Administration of income, medical services, addiction treat- don’t see it that way. When Høidal and expected or the amount of tax owed. A tax- keeps a record of all searches, so if you have ment services, and in-depth counseling.” Andersen visited U.S. prisons, they were payer may then change the information on an electronic ID and are among those whose “They have the concrete wall on the fascinated by dog-training programs for the tax return and submit it by April 30. If names and taxes are listed, you can check outside and certain infrastructure that would inmates, like Animal Planet’s TV program a taxpayer makes no changes, the tax return who has viewed your tax data by clicking keep the prisoners in,” said Lam. “Between Pit Bulls and Parolees, which works with need not be submitted. In March 2016 The on the “søkestatistikk” (search statistics) people, the security was more social than in- prisoners after release, and professional Atlantic reported that the use of pre­filled tax tab at the top of the opening page for your timidation. I think prisons here [in the U.S.] workshops. returns brings about considerable savings in search. In short, the Norwegian practice of are seen more as places of punishment and Høidal and Andersen were also struck work and expense, both for individual tax- public disclosure enables you to find the tax containment. Over there, it’s rehabilitation by the sheer size of American prisons. “I payers and for tax administrations. Nonethe- and income information for any taxpayer and and containment. So, the correctional offi- have not seen too many American prisons, less, the United States remains reluctant to also enables you to find who has searched for cers there are assigned to a prisoner or two but I think they were very big, with many adopt pre­filled tax returns. your tax and income details. as a mentor. They had a lot of programs for inmates and few prison officers,” said Only four countries—Norway, Finland, them, like culinary that released a book. Høidal. “It is difficult to work with change Iceland, and Sweden—publicly disclose tax Further reading: They had woodwork, art classes. They even processes for inmates in big prisons like and income information. The principal rea- • “Tax Administration 2013, Com- had a music studio named Criminal Records. that. I think the prisons mostly are ‘stor- son for public disclosure is that it is believed parative Information on OECD and The first time I saw the sign on the door I age’ of people and do not focus on reha- to deter tax evasion. In January 2014, Statis- Other Advanced and Emerging Econo- didn’t think we were supposed to go in there. bilitation of people. They also use a lot of tics Norway published a discussion paper on mies,” OECD, May 17, 2013: www. I was in for a surprise.” solitary confinement in American prisons. the deterrence effects of public disclosure of There were too few inmates who were of- tax lists on the internet. As pointed out in that tion­2013_9789264200814­en A life-changing experience fered activities in workshops or schools.” paper, “Norway has a long history of public • “The 10­Second Tax Return” by When asked how the experience changed “There are several aspects of Ameri- disclosure of information from income tax Derek Thompson, The Atlantic, March them, Nolan said, “I’ve always wanted to be can prisons I find worthy of praise, includ- returns, going back at least to the middle of 30, 2016: a sharpshooter since I was a kid, to do some ing the work done in the intensive treat- the 19th century.” archive/2016/03/the­10­second­tax­re- sort of work for the government. After doing ment units,” said Andersen. “I also have The Norwegian tax lists for the 2016 in- turn/475899 the project, I want to research criminology a great amount of respect for the people come year were published last October. The • “Taxes on the Internet” by EE Bø, J and justice reform.” whose jobs involve being responsible for Norwegian Tax Administration’s English- Semrod & TO Thoresen, Statistics Norway “My goal when I graduate is to help a the lives of so many people with a very language guide to initiating a search of them Discussion Paper 770, January 2014: www. company become more socially responsible limited amount of resources.” is shown above. The tax lists for the 2017 in- with their employees,” said Kruetz. “I would come year will be published this October and tachment/161120?_ts=143e822ee80 be open to hiring an inmate, because this Michael Kleiner has more then will be available for search. To access a • “Individ og integritet: Personvern i det process took away that negative stigma I had than three decades of ex- tax list after its publication, start by visiting digitale samfunnet” (Individual and integri- growing up in the States. I realize they’re perience as an award-win- the Norwegian Tax Administration website ty: Privacy in the digital society), Norges of- normal people. Humans should be treated ning journalist and public at In the language box fentlige utredninger (Official Norwegian Re- relations professional. He as humans. That’s a right. We shouldn’t be at the top of the home page, scroll down and ports): treating people any other way. This rein- has operated his own PR nou-2009-1/id542049 (in Norwegian) and web-design business select English (identified by an icon of the forced [that] I should be doing this.” - in Philadelphia since 1999. British flag). Then click on “Person” just be “It made me see that punishment might Not of Norwegian descent, he lived in Norway not be the best system for treating criminals, for a year with his family at age 11 and has but rehabilitation is definitely important be- returned as an adult. He is the author of Be- Vesterheim cause you want to try to help the people,” yond the Cold: An American’s Warm Portrait the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center said Mazuchowski. “It’s very eye-opening to of Norway, and a member of the Norwegian • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world see that you don’t have to treat prisoners like American Chamber of Commerce Philadel- • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa animals. You can treat them like real people, phia.; the american 20 • April 6, 2018 Norsk Språk NorwegiaN Corner Words about words: NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES ANd TROLLS An ode to panegyric

M. Michael Brady Volume 1 Asker, Norway With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, Tuss og Troll is now se- Words are means of expression that of- rialized in The Norwegian American’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes ten are classified in registers, spectrums of Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. usage reflecting factors such as social- oc Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden and Jens R. Nilssen. Tuss og Troll was edited, designed, and published by casion, purpose, and audience. Panegyric Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. is a word at the high end of the spectrum of words about words. It designates a public speech or writing in praise of an achieve- ment, person, or thing, and is most used in laudatory discourse. Its etymology can be traced back to the Latin panēgyric-us, mean- ing “public eulogy” that was adapted into the French panégyrique (as documented in the benchmark reference by Adolphe Hatzfeld, & Arséne Darmesteter, Dictionnaire général de la langue française, published in 1890). In the early 17th century, it was adapted into other European languages, including English it’s a seldom-seen word, used mostly in and Norwegian (via Danish). scholarly works of the literary sector. But in It first appeared in print in English in ecclesial affairs, it’s the term for a familiar 1603, in a small monograph by English poet element of the Lutheran Liturgy, the lovsang and historian Samuel Daniel (1562­1619), (“Hymn of Praise” or “paean,” a song form entitled A Panegyrike Congratulatorie de- of panegyric), such as the “Gloria,” short for livered to the Kings most excellent Majestie. SKARVANE FRÅ UTRöST THE CORMORANTS FROM UTRöST the name of the Christian hymn “Gloria in The King was James VI and I (1566­1625), del 2 av 4 part 2 of 4 Excelsis Deo,” the first phrase of verse Luke King of Scotland as James VI from 1567 2:14 of the Bible, translated from Latin to the Men rett som det var, skura båten mot Then all of a sudden the boat scraped and as James I of England and Ireland from English “Glory to God in the highest” and the stranda. Då kan det vel henda at Isak fekk against the shore. Then it may well have the union in 1603 of the Scottish and Eng- Norwegian “Ære være Gud i det høyeste,”* augo opp. Sola skar gjennom skodda og happened that Isaac opened his eyes. The lish crowns. There’s no record of what the sung in services through- lyste på eit vent, grønt land. Der var vide sun cut through the mist and shone on a new King James I thought of Daniel’s con- out the country. åkrar og enger, og han kjende angen av beautiful and green countryside. There were gratulatory work, most likely because he was groe og blomar. Han kunne aldri minnast at - broad cultivated fields and meadows, and busy preparing for the January 1604 Hamp * Wordings of translated verses vary; those han hadde kjent så søt ein ange. he recognized the smell of new spring grass ton Court Conference that conceived a new here are from the dual-language Det Nye — Å, Gud skje lov, no er eg berga— and flowers. He could not remember having translation of the Bible now known as the Testamente / The New Testament, Oslo, dette er Ut-Røst, sa han Isak med seg sjølv. smelled such a sweet fragrance before. King James Version, one of the landmark Norsk Bibel 1992. Beint framfor han låg ein byggåker med “Oh, thank God, now I am saved— books of the culture of English-speaking aks så store og fulle at han aldri hadde sett this is Ut-Røst,” said Isaac to himself. Right peoples. Despite the King’s lack of interest, M. Michael Brady was edu maken, og gjennom den byggåkeren gjekk in front of him lay a barley field with ears Samuel Daniel’s monograph was printed in - cated as a scientist and, with ein smal stig oppover bakken til ein grøn, of barley so enormous and full as he had several versions. Today a modern 90-page time, turned to writing and torvsett jordgamme. never ever seen before, and through this paperback edition published in 2010 is På toppen av gammen beitte ei kvit barley field was a narrow path going up the translating. stocked by at $18.75. geit med gylte horn. Utanfor sat ein liten hill to a green, turf-roofed peat hut. In Norwegian, remains a On top of the turf roof a goat with panegyrikk blåkledd mann på ein krakk og smatta på ei high-minded word used in tributes and for- pipe. Han hadde eit skjegg så stort og langt golden horns was grazing. Outside sat a mal expressions of praise. In everyday life, at det nådde ned på bringa. — Velkomen til little blue-clad man on a stool sucking on a Ut-Røst, Isak, sa kallen. pipe. He had a beard so enormous and long — Kjenner du meg då? undrast Isak. that it reached down his chest. “Welcome Legend of Siljatjern Seter: — Kan nok vera, sa kallen. — Du vil vel to Ut-Røst, Isaac,” said the old man. Life, love and faith on ha hus her i natt? “You know me then?” asked Isaac. a Norwegian mountain dairy — Ja, kunne det vera så vel, sa Isak. “Could be,” said the old man. “I guess By Gunlaug Nøkland • Bilingual English Norwegian text — Det er gale med sønene mine, dei you would want lodging for the night?” SAVE toler ikkje kristenmanns lukt, sa kallen. — “Aye, that might be just as well,” said • Hardcover, 6″x 9″, 448 pages 60% • Recipes & pictures of old seter life Har du ikkje møtt dei? Isaac. • Was $29.95, now only $11.95 plus — Nei, eg har ikkje møtt anna enn tre “There is something wrong with my $4.95 S/H in USA skarvar som sat eig skreik på ein rekved- sons; they cannot stand the smell of Chris- Legend of Siljatjern Seter tells the story of stokk. tians,” said the man. “Have you met them?” Mette agreeing to take a summer job as a — Ja, det var sønene mine, det, sa kal- “No, I haven’t met anyone except for budeie (dairy maid) on an old-fashioned len, og så banka han ut or pipa si. — Du får three screeching cormorants sitting on a demonstration dairy called Siljatjern (Silja’s pond) Seter. Now you can experience life gå inn så lenge, du kan vera både svolten og driftwood log.” as your ancestors lived in Norway before tørst, kan eg tenkja. “Aye, they were my sons,” said the old they immigrated to America. — Takk som byd, far, sa han Isak. Men man, as he knocked the ash out of his pipe. Call, send check or visit website då mannen let opp døra, var det så gildt der “I imagine you are both thirsty and hungry, Astri My Astri Publishing Phone: 563-568-6229 inne at han Isak vart reint forglana. so just go inside.” Deb Nelson Gourley [email protected] Bordet var dekt med rømmekoller og “Thank you for the invitation, father,” 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 uer og reinsteik og levermølje med sirup og said Isaac. And when the old man opened ost på, heile haugar med Bergenskringle og the door, it was so nice in there that Isaac øl og mjød, og alt det som godt var. Isak han was completely taken aback. Did you know... åt og drakk alt han orka, og endå vart fata The table was laid out with sour cream aldri tomme, og alt han drakk, var glaset strewn with crumbs and sugar, and rose- • Print ads in this paper start at just $38 per ad hans alltid like fullt. fish and reindeer steak and flatbread with • Web ads start at just $225 per month liver fat, and syrup and cheese on top, and • Newsletter ads are just $50 per week mounds of bread from Bergen shaped into • You can reach a targeted audience and Tuss og Troll 2-vol set figure eights, and beer and mead, and ev- support the nation’s only Norwegian paper erything else that was good. Isaac, he ate $35.95 with FREE and he drank all that he could, and still the Can you afford not to advertise? Email ads@ shipping in USA. plates were not empty, and no matter how or call 206.784.4617 to get much he drank, his glass was always full. your custom advertising proposal! the american NorwegiaN Norsk Språk April 6, 2018 • 21

< SnØSKrEDFArE « Are we moved by springtime because it reminds us of our own anxious and awkward—but despite all—innocent and moving youth? » Fra side 2 – Sigurd Hoel seier skredekspert Albert Lunde. Ørjan Venås Pondus i den alpine redningsgruppa i Nord-Gud- by Frode Øverli brandsdalen sper på med fleire gode råd for dei som har tenkt seg høgt til fjells i påska. — Det er ein del utstyr ein må ha med seg. Sendar og mottakar er viktig, og ikkje minst at ein kan å bruke det. Søkestong må ein ha for å finne ut kvar ein person ligg, og du må ha med spade for å grave fram den som er teke. I tillegg er det viktig å pakke sekken slik at ein kan takle raske vêrskifte. — Ha med varme klede, vindsekk og nok mat og drikke, er rådet frå den erfarne fjellkaren. FOR SALE—$35.00 You can’t Bjarne? Wanna throw Bjarne See? Bjarne? Wanna go Norwegian girl's bunad, 46" long Why not? I bet parachute splat? Pupper go splat? off Devil’s he’s hankering jump? Pupper White apron and blouse Rock with a for some air. wanna jump? parachute! Stop playing around! Call Tove: (425) 271-5672 Let’s get the bag on him!

Lunch by Børge Lund Norwenglish Crossword

Kjell, you rat!! Is he playing dead? Solution to puzzle #26: Where are you?

I’ve decided to live like Bear Quick! What Grylls! The open office’s own would Bear do!? Fantastic, isn’t it? Survivor Man! Never at a loss! Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord

Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten, with translations by Emily C. Skaftun Solution to previous puzzle:

Hush! He’s coming! Of course I 200 bucks to mow the lazy He’s coming! mowed the lawn neighbor’s lawn! Hee hee! But… I’m not fin… He’s coming! myself, Father! Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland

Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy Solution to “Nordmenn”

No, I’ve never That there is a strange This is a weird appliance. heard of anything machine you have. But like it before. what is it used for then? It is easy to fatten up a pig when you have a machine like this. I Well, sir, I’ll be shipping pigs worth many Oh Ola, you know so little. This shipped three pigs to Equity the thousand dollars this fall. I’ll tell you, there’s is a force feeder to feed up pigs. other day that tipped the scales money in the pig business. It is a business I’ll start it and give a demo. at fifteen hundred pounds. that never blows up, so to speak— the american 22 • April 6, 2018 Roots & Connections NorwegiaN Genealogy Detective The making of a A monthly column putting people in touch with their Norwegian traitor Norwegian roots Part two of four: Nasjonal Samling rises by Liv Marit Haakenstad + Kathy Anderson

Genealogy Detective is back with a new wife, Mary (Marie Olsen), and worked as inquiry! This time we hear from Dinea Nor- an iron worker. Mary and Axel had a son, rell who writes: “I am interested in how one also named Axel Otterback, who died be- becomes a genealogy detective subject. My fore Christmas of 1909. About two years great-grandparents immigrated here in the later, their daughter, Gladys, was born. early 1900s. Axel Otterbeck (Otterbekk) and Axel Karlsen Otterback died in 1960 in Mary was great grandma. I’ve tried to find Minneapolis. out info, but it’s been hard to find out Nor- As a side note, reviewing the origin of wegian info.” the name Otterbeck, “oter,” the prefix in Otterbeck—is the name German or Norwegian, is the same small animal you Norwegian? That was the first thought we would expect in English. “Bekk” is trans- had, because there is a German sound to the lated to “creek.” It is very likely that, in name. However, a simple search in the Nor- Norway, Axel lived near a creek populated wegian emigration records quickly gave us by otters. He obviously Americanized the a result. Axel Karlsen Oterbæk was born in spelling, but kept his Norwegian name! 1882 in the town of Kolvereid, Norway, and emigrated in 1906 to Minneapolis, Minne- Want to have your genealogy mystery sota. Kolvereid was a part of Namdal in Sør- solved in this column? Current subscrib- Photos: national Archives of norway Trøndelag. On Jan. 1, 2017, Kolvereid was ers of The Norwegian American can sub- Vidkun Quisling, center, with his Nasjonal Samling party in the 1930s. He used the banner of Saint the smallest city in Norway, with a popula- mit their queries at Olav as the symbol of the new party, which was deeply nationalistic and shared many commonalities tion of 1,748. It is a very well­known place contact. Haakenstad’s research team will with Hitler’s Nazi party. for fishing. In the 1900 census, Axel named pick one case every month to get free help fishing, in addition to being a farm worker, to find their Norwegian roots. Information alianna Boszhardt as his occupation. from the submissions and their findings will Washington Also in the 1900 census, Aksel Karlsen be published here, and a detailed report is listed as living at the Lund Oterbækken sent to the person submitting the case. If Norway in the 1930s was experiencing drew widespread criticism from both inside farm in Kolveried with his parents, Karl your query is not chosen, the research team many of the same issues as other countries. and outside the party. NS leadership was in Ludvig Johannesen and Marianne Georgine is also available privately to respond to ge- The depression had hit worldwide in 1929 need of reworking to draw more members on Edvardsdatter, and his three siblings. Axel nealogical inquiries for a fee. and blame for the economic crash fell on the a revised platform. Yet overall it was Quis- was born Feb. 9, 1882 at Oterbek, according current government. In Norway, the Labor ling who needed the most work, as was seen to the 1874­1885 church record for Kolver- Liv Marit Haakenstad party, which had gained popularity at the end by his closest friends and advisers within the eid. His date of birth is also confirmed in the has been doing geneal- of the 1920s, quickly lost influence. In 1931 party. They told Quisling that he must nar- World War I Draft Registration Card at An- ogy research for more they were overthrown by the Agrarians. row his political platform and consult with than 30 years. She is now The registration describes him as Vidkun Quisling took this shift in power his lieutenants. a medium build, tall man with light brown working on her master’s to heart. He saw the Agrarians as the source With this in mind, NS was redesigned, hair and light brown eyes. The WWI Draft thesis in non-fiction writ- for his ultimate political destiny and quickly and on Feb. 15, 1934, a new party program ing. She has published Registration card also gives his address as joined their ranks. He worked with them as was signed that laid out the platform that several books on Norwe- 3009 E. Franklin, Minneapolis. I was just gian emigration and genealogy, and dozens Minister of Defense, but by 1933 he saw would be followed until its demise at the end in this neighborhood the weekend of March that the class party politics of the established of articles. She is a frequent contributor to of World War II. It was now that outsiders 10. Some years ago, this was the heart of the the research staff of the Who Do You Think Norwegian parties would not allow for his and opponents drew hard comparisons be- Norwegian-American community in Minne- You Are? television show. Many of her distant prophecies to play out. Thus, he formed the tween Quisling and Adolf Hitler. His new apolis. relatives immigrated to the United States and Nasjonal Samling (NS). party platform called for a “true Norwegian According to the census records, Axel Canada, including several who settled in Wis- With the formation of NS, Quisling’s socialism, which guaranteed order and jus- Otterback lived in Minneapolis with his consin and Minnesota. ideology of a pure Norway could begin to be tice, which united freedom and individual- implemented. He attacked Bolshevism and ity with fellowship, and which maintained its perceived threat to his homeland, which values not form.” While not stated outright, he saw personified in the Labor party. He his views on Nordic racial superiority were used the banner of St. Olav, a golden cross implied. on a red background, as the NS party sym- The new NS platform was seen by those bol. He harkened back to medieval monarch who opposed it as a near copy of the Nazi Haakon Haakonson when he adopted the party that was growing in Germany. From motto, “Norway was a realm; it shall become similar party mottos to their uniforms, ev- a people” (Norge var et Rike, det skal bli et erything Quisling did with NS was compared Folk). His nationalism saw no bounds, and to Hitler. Quisling wished to be called Fører, he quickly drew comparisons between him- suspiciously similar to Fuhrer, and he began self and Germany’s Adolf Hitler. Both men had started their parties in See > qUiSLing, page 24 1933 and both used highly nationalistic im- agery to draw supporters, yet where Hitler had charisma and a commanding power, Alianna Boszhardt lives and works in the Washing- Quisling was soft­spoken and weak in his ton, D.C., metro area. She direction. Because of this rather ambiguous start grew up in western Wiscon- sin among a large Norwe- to NS, Quisling drew a variety of supporters. gian family, attending many But due in part to the vague outline Quisling events at Norskedalen Na- Photo: © Alan Pennington drew, those supporters he did find showed ture and Heritage Center The Otterbecks probably lived near a creek populated by otters in Norway. weak allegiance when they voted, or more in Coon Valley, Wis., and the Sons of Norway often did not, in the elections of 1933. NS Heritage camp outside of Eau Claire, Wis., ev- failed to gain any seats in Stortinget and was ery summer. She has a passion for Norwegian THANK YOU for reading our paper! thrown into frantic planning in 1934. history and always enjoys a good meal of meat- Following this defeat, Quisling and NS balls and lefse. theNorwegiaNamerican April 6, 2018 • 23 A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Lori Ann Reinhall Fl ow er s t hat bl oom in spr ing

With the festivities of Easter week over and days getting longer, there’s a new sense of excitement and awakening in Norway. The sounds of birds chirping can be heard in the morning sunlight, and bright flowers begin to pop up through the remaining snow and ice: springtime has come to Norway. For children everywhere, spring is a wonderful time. Soon they can head outdoors in the sunshine without having to be completely bundled up, as they begin to explore a new world, fresh and green and full of color. The Norwegian treasure chest of children’s songs is full of tunes celebrat- ing the happy days of spring. “Blomster små” is cheerful tune that every Nor- wegian child sings year-round, but when spring comes, it’s a must to join in:

Original Norwegian: Creatively translated for singability: Snøkl ok k e (galanthus nivalis: snowdrop) Blomster små Flowers little Snøklokke is one of the earliest spring flowers. It starts to bloom at the Gule, blå Yellow, blue end of February and beginning of March. Titter opp av marken nå. Looking up through snow and ice Vinker til Ada-lill Waving to a little girl For hun er så snill! Because she is so nice! Hest ehov (tussilago farfara: coltsfoot) Hestehov grows in moist areas. You can The melody of “Blomster små” is just as cheerful as the text: find it in the woods, along the roadside, or even In this lively recording from Barn i Studio—Barnas Viser 1 (P&C Egmont up on hillside slopes. Serieforlag AS), the children sing along with the belief and hope that flowers get even prettier if you talk to them! In the Norwegian version, “Ada” is the name of little girl, but when sing- ing “Blomster små” with a group of children, it always makes it more per- sonal to include their names instead, and when children hear the names of their friends, they can wave to them. This simple game makes this one of the most popular songs in preschools and kindergartens all over Norway. (The English version can be adjusted with the names of your boys and girls, too.) As school classes and families head outdoors on walks, it’s also time to learn the names of spring flowers. Some of the most common are to the right.

Gåsunger (salix cinerea: pussy willows) Before gåsunger come into full flower, they are covered in fine, grey fur, with a likeness to tiny cats. These “pussies” are one of the earliest signs of spring.

These are the earliest springtime flowers in Norway, which begin to ap- pear in more abundance as the season progresses—and they are joined by Bl åv eis (hepatica nobilis: liverleaf) even more beautiful wildflowers going into summer. What could be more fun than picking a little bouquet of wildflowers to bring home to share with your family as you add a splash of color and joy to your life? And if it happens to be a rainy day, another simple activity is to sit down and draw and color them together while learning the flower names. A love of flowers and nature are a part of life in Norway, but you don’t have to be in Norway to share this experience with your children: you can easily pick and choose the flowers you love. In America, and depending on where you live, the flora may be different, but the educational value and fun of these activities remain the same.

Photos: Pixabay Blåveis grows in the woods, but you can also find it in the mountains. In Norway, picking wildflowers is a spring ritual for schoolchildren and is a fun and educational Many Norwegians plant blåveis in their gardens. springtime activity to share with your family. the american 24 • April 6, 2018 Bulletin Board NorwegiaN

< qUiSLing From page 22 Oops! using the fascist salute so widely connected was called the Hird, a name taken directly In “Down Memory Lane,” in the to the Nazi party. from Viking chieftain bodyguards of old. He March 23 issue, we mistakenly However, NS backing in Norway was also chose the old Nordic greeting “heil og reported that the competitors still relatively small. Quisling formulated sæl” for members to use, which was quick- in Road Worlds for the Elderly the idea for a “national bloc” in the hopes ly and disparagingly compared to the “seig had traveled 75,000 miles in the of gaining the upper hand against the La- heil” used by the Nazi party. Quisling’s ro- first three weeks, with the male bor party he so disliked. But because of his manticism was soon seen as politically de- leader having biked an average of temperamental past with Labor, NS was on lusional, failing to instill confidence in party 150 miles a day. The actual figure its own as the 1936 Storting elections came members and causing support to dwindle. for the first three weeks was around. As the 1930s came to a close and war in 8,000 miles, and the male leader Quisling began interspersing the politics Europe seemed imminent, Quisling looked averaged 22 per day. 150 miles is of NS with his unique brand of romantic na- to the support of those he viewed as allies the longest leg in Tour de France! tionalism. He made allusions to the Vikings, outside of Norway. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi comparing himself with St. Olav and using party seemed the last hope in the survival this ancient banner for NS. His police force and growth of NS.

th Little Ole was sitting at the kitchen table doing his school homework. He had a puzzled look on his face as he considered the assignment that was due—writ- 17 of may GreetinGs! ing an essay about his origins. Purchase your space in our annual 17th of May Issue He turned to question his mother. “Mama, vere did Grandma come from?” he asked. Name:______“Da stork brought her,” answered mama Lena. “Vere did you come from?” asked Little Ole. Message:______“Da stork brought me,” his mother an- swered. City, State:______Phone:______“And vere did I come from?” he inquired. Gratulerer med “Vell, son, da stork brought you too,” mama Happy 17th of May! Lena replied. dagen norge! With a scowl on his face, Little Ole picked up Bjorn and Nina Ola og Berit his pencil, turned to his school tablet, and began Steffensen Nordmann writing his essay:Dere have been no natu- staten island, n.y. Blue mounds, Wis. ral births in our family for three yenera- Ole and Lena tions. America’s favorite Norwegians! $20 for small ad $25 for large ad Deadline: April 20 – mail this form today!