Industrial and Commercial Parks in Greater Bergen

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Industrial and Commercial Parks in Greater Bergen INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PARKS IN GREATER BERGEN 1 Greater Bergen Home of the ocean industries Bergen and the surrounding munic- companies have shifted towards new ipalities are strategically located on green and sustainable solutions. Tone Hartvedt the west coast of Norway. Being that Vestland County, being the biggest Invest in Bergen close to the North Sea and its natural producer of hydropower in Norway, +47 917 29 055 resources has put the city and the makes the region an attractive place for [email protected] region in a unique position to take a establishing companies with business leading role in developing the ocean models based on hydropower. industries. The region is playing a significant role Vidar Totland Vestland County is the biggest county in developing new electric ferries and Invest in Bergen in Norway for exporting goods. is now leading in the construction of +47 959 12 970 Greater Bergen is home to the ocean boats fuelled by hydrogen. The new [email protected] industries, which are mainly based carbon capture and storage centre, on export. Shipping, new clean Northern Lights, is located here and maritime technology solutions, oil, will attract several other businesses gas, renewable energy, fishery, and to be part of the supply chain for this aquaculture are the leading ocean huge development. A green hydrogen industries in the region. production plant is also being planned for in the region. The green shift The region offers several possibilities Greater Bergen has the competence, for industries that want to transform sites, and spirit to be part of the green their businesses in a sustainable revolution we see coming. direction. The competence in the region and the focus for existing Learn more about the sites and join us! Published by Invest in Bergen is a publicly owned initiative. Invest in Bergen Our owners include Vestland County and the E-mail: following municipalities: Alver, Askøy, Austrheim, [email protected] Bergen, Bjørnafjorden, Eidfjord, Fedje, Gulen, Phone: Masfjorden, Modalen, Osterøy, Samnanger, +47 917 29 055 Ullensvang, Ulvik, Vaksdal, Voss and Øygarden. Illustration front page: Nordhordland Industrial Park 2 Kinn Stad Bremanger Stryn Gloppen Kinn 17 exclusive Warehouse/ Industry Logistics Data center zoned sites Luster Askvoll Sunnord Greater Bergen has 17 listed zoned 1 Mongstad Industrial Park B Skipavika data center site 11 Espevoll Industrial Park sites that are suitable for numerous 2 Sløvåg Industrial Park 6 CCB Energy Park 12 Voss Business Park Istad industries. Some have access to Fjaler abundant hydroelectricity, making 3 Skipavika 7 CCB Ågotnes Industrial Cluster 13 Storebotn Industrial Park them ideal for power-intensive 4 Nordhordland Industrial ParkSolund 8 Lyseparken 14 Mjølkevikvarden industries. Others would be perfect Hyllestad Høyanger Sogndal 5 9 Os Business and Logistics Park Årdal for warehousing and logistics. Each Bergen city centre 15 Eide Industry and Innovation Park area, along with their potential uses, A Børdalen data center site 10 Ulvenveien are marked on the map. These sites are located throughout the Greater Bergen area and can Gulen Vik meet the needs of a wide range of B 3 Lærdal companies. We have organized these Austrheim 2 Modalen sites geographically, with the majority Fedje Masorden of them being larger than 500,000 m². 1 The largest sites are located at Aurland Mongstad Industrial Park, consisting Alver of 2,677,000 m² of zoned greenfield. 4 We have complied some key facts 6 about these sites to give a general 12 overview. We can also provide more 14 Osterøy Askøy Vaksdal Voss detailed information for most of these 7 11 Ulvik sites. 13 5 For more information or to get in touch Øygarden Bergen A with the property owners, please 15 SSamnangere Kvam Eidord contact us. 8 9 10 Bjørnaordenn Ullensvang 3 Austevoll Tysnes Fitjar Kvinnherad Bømlo StS ord Etne Sveio Bergen Pioneering a sustainable ocean Greater Bergen is the heart of western Norway and the ocean industries. “Pioneering a sustainable ocean” is the ambitious goal for the future development of the ocean industries, leading to greener shipping, more sustainable seafood, and cleaner energy solutions. The ocean industries in Greater Bergen are playing a significant role in developing sustainable solutions for the future. Bergen is a key centre for Norway’s ocean industries. The region services a wide range of companies that specialise in energy, maritime and seafood. Oil and gas extraction are also vital industries, with several production sites and remote-controlled platforms located in the North Sea. 1. Norway has gained much ocean knowledge from shipping and the oil and gas business. Clusters as driving forces The centralisation in Bergen of several ocean industries and businesses has allowed companies to cultivate In Bergen, you’ll find several business In Bergen, you have a unique relationships with various firms in other industries. A cluster organisations within the ocean opportunity to take part in the result of this collaboration has been the introduction and industries: seafood, ocean technology, development of the ocean industries. development of new, sustainable solutions and business shipping, and the development of The clusters are melting pots models that will aid these firms in adjusting to the green zero-emissions maritime technology. where industry, start-ups, investors, shift. The collaborating environment academia, and public entities meet for between the clusters has led to discussions and developing ideas. Bergen’s three universities and the business clusters in crossover between the different ocean the area are key stakeholders in the ocean industries and industries and fostered several new The city is also home to a vibrant media are taking an active role in the industrial development. The solutions for the future. cluster and a fintech cluster. Both of universities are part of the cluster networks in the region. these environments are important players in the city’s business life. 4 2. Photo: Gjertrud Coutinho The Bergen Innovation District 1. Bryggen is the old and picturesque part of Plans are underway to relocate Dokken, will serve as the epicentre for In Dokken, an area of 200,000 m², the city. This was the old trading area where the Hanseatic League had their offices and Bergen’s central port to a new, the new Ocean Capital and is already the aim is to create a sustainable, warehouses. Today this still is a lively part of the sustainable, state-of-the-art port west the innovative district in the city. zero-emissions district before several city centre. of the city centre within the next years. With the University of Bergen having key institutions are relocated there, already opened a campus in the area, including the Institute of Marine 2. Bergen city centre seen from Mount Fløyen. This one of the most famous views in Bergen. This move will free up the Dokken several other ocean businesses, Research and the Directorate of area, with planning already underway banking, and insurance firms have Fisheries, along with several other for a comprehensive development of also set up headquarters here. In ocean-based firms. Also, Bergen’s the region. This area, stretching from addition, several start-up communities Aquarium will be moved to Dokken, Solheimsviken, Marineholmen and the have grown in this area, adding to its with ambitions to develop it into a surrounding areas to the area south of appeal. whole new aquatic experience. 5 3. Illustration: Asplan Viak and Mad arkitekter Southward Growth Bustling Commercial Centre Bergen is also continually expanding With its quaint city centre, bustling centre, is listed as a UNESCO World of its industrial parks and sites located southward, with Mindemyren (located commercial areas and various Heritage site for its architecture on the outskirts of the city. In addition, south of Solheimviken) undergoing theatres, galleries and concert halls, and symbolic heritage. With its there are several shared workspaces development. With the expansion of the city of Bergen, and Greater increasing popularity in gastronomy through downtown Bergen. Bergen’s light rail, plans are underway Bergen at large, serves as a vital for its numerous seafood restaurants, for the building of a whole new hub for western Norway’s numerous Bergen has been recognized as a Greater Bergen is undergoing major district, offering housing and office industries. World Heritage City. development with construction of new space, along with new parks and office buildings and industrial areas. pedestrian-friendly paths. Bergen’s fishing industry is deeply Bergen is Norway’s second largest This gives new opportunities for rooted in both its history and culture. city. Like most European cities, companies to both settle and grow in Bryggen, the city’s Hanseatic wharf Bergen’s city centre offers plenty of the region. that once served as a commercial office space and storefronts, with most 6 4. Photo: Krediteres Sweco/Bergen municipality Industrial Areas 3. Dokken is now being transformed to a brand Neighbouring municipalities outside Overall, there are many opportunities new district in Bergen. This is what the Dokken area could look like in the future. The whole shore of Bergen also have high potential for companies looking to open new along Puddefjorden will be the marine business for industrial development. With offices in Greater Bergen. In this district in the city with The University of Bergen, the availability of hydro power, brochure, you will find
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