Personal Autonomy and Informed Consent: Conceptual and Normative Analyses
Personal Autonomy and Informed Consent: Conceptual and Normative Analyses Jesper Ahlin Licentiate thesis in philosophy KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, «Ï; © «Ï; Ahlin All rights reserved. Ahlin, J. Personal Autonomy and Informed Consent:Conceptual and Normative Analyses Licentiate thesis KTH Royal Institute of Technology TOC ;Ê-Ï-;;-- TOO ÏE«-ÊÊtÏ Typeset by the author, with help from Jesper Jerkert, using LATEX and BTCTEX.Printed by Universitetsservice US-AB, Drottning Kristinas väg tB, ÏÏ Ê Stockholm. I know what I know Acknowledgments I am grateful to Barbro Fröding, Sven Ove Hansson, and Niklas Juth for their su- pervision of this thesis, and to Gert Helgesson for his many useful comments on an earlier dra. Also, I thank William Bülow, Jesper Jerkert,Björn Lundgren, Payam Moula, and Maria Nordström, among others, for support and stimulating discussions. My thanks are extended to the Higher seminar at the Division of Philosophy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, the Higher seminar at the Centre for Healthcare Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, and the VR/FORTE research program for providing opportu- nities to discuss and develop these ideas. All errors and mistakes are of course my own. his research was supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE), contract no. «Ï– «, for the project Addressing Ethical Obstacles to Person Centred Care. Stockholm,August «Ï; Jesper Ahlin Abstract his licentiate thesis is comprised of a “kappa” and two articles. he kappa includes an account of personal autonomy and informed consent, an explanation of how the concepts and articles relate to each other, and a summary in Swedish.
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