0051-As1 Iban Auditor's Report on the 2019 Financial Year Statements of N
NATO UNCLASSIFIED 16 December 2020 DOCUMENT C-M(2020)0051-AS1 IBAN AUDITOR’S REPORT ON THE 2019 FINANCIAL YEAR STATEMENTS OF NAGSMO, NAHEMO, NAMMO AND NETMA ACTION SHEET On 15 December 2020, under the silence procedure, the Council noted the RPPB report attached to C-M(2020)0051, agreed its conclusions and recommendations, and agreed to the public disclosure of this report, the IBAN Auditor’s Reports, the NAGSMO, NAMMO and NETMA 2019 financial statements and the redacted NAHEMO 2019 financial statements. (Signed) Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General NOTE: This Action Sheet is part of, and shall be attached to C-M(2020)0051. NATO UNCLASSIFIED NHQD208736 NATO UNCLASSIFIED 8 December 2020 DOCUMENT C-M(2020)0051 Silence Procedure ends: 15 Dec 2020 17:30 IBAN AUDITOR’S REPORT ON THE 2019 FINANCIAL YEAR STATEMENTS OF NAGSMO, NAHEMO, NAMMO AND NETMA Note by the Secretary General 1. I attach the International Board of Auditors for NATO (IBAN) Auditor’s Report on the 2019 financial statements of the NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation (NAGSMO), NATO Helicopter for the 1990s Design and Development, Production and Logistics Management Organisation (NAHEMO), NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development Production and In-Service Support Management Organisation (NAMMO) and NATO EF2000 and Tornado Development, Production and Logistics Management Agency (NETMA). The IBAN Auditor’s Reports set out unqualified opinions on both the 2019 financial statements and on compliance for NAGSMO, NAMMO and NETMA and on 2019 redacted financial statements and on compliance for NAHEMO. 2. The IBAN report has been reviewed by the Resource Policy and Planning Board (RPPB) (see Annex 1).
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