PROGRAMME NEWS & FEATURES JANUARY 2021 Chain Reaction Pilot Brief: Interoperability Eurofighter and FCAS Weapon System of Choice 38 new Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft for the Luftwaffe 2021 · EUROFIGHTER WORLD 2021 · EUROFIGHTER WORLD 3 Contents Programme News & Features January 2021 Welcome 4 Weapon System of Choice Airbus’ Head of Combat Aircraft Systems Kurt Rossner discusses the full implications of Germany’s decision to replace its existing Tranche 1 aircraft under the Quadriga programme. Cover: © Picture: GmbH, 12 Chain Reaction Lucas Westphal We speak to four businesses across Europe about the importance of the Eurofighter Typhoon programme for the Looking back, 2020 was a year few of us will ever The Eurofighter programme supports over 400 business- defence industry and the enriched technology capabilities forget. Because of the impact of the Covid-19 es across Europe, sustaining more than 100,000 jobs. it has helped bring about. pandemic we all faced huge professional and personal That’s why in this edition we shine the spotlight on some Eurofighter World is published by challenges. What stood out for me was the way every- of those supply chain businesses. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH 18 Mission Future: Eurofighter and FCAS one involved in the Eurofighter project worked closer PR & Communications In the first of series of exclusive articles our experts exam- together than ever before to deliver. Elsewhere in the magazine we examine Eurofighter’s Am Söldnermoos 17, 85399 Hallbergmoos
[email protected] ine Eurofighter’s place alongside a next generation fighter place alongside a next gen- in the future operating environment. Germany’s decision to replace eration fighter in the future Editorial Team Tony Garner its existing Tranche 1 aircraft battlespace.