Tornado the Tornado Stands As a Top All-Weather, Day-Night, Interceptor
Tornado The Tornado stands as a top all-weather, day-night, interceptor. It has advanced navigation and flight supersonic fighter-attack aircraft. It was developed computers, fly-by-wire controls, a sophisticated and built by the tri-nation Panavia consortium cockpit, and a retractable refueling probe. Designed created by Britain, Germany, and Italy. It was, at to excel at low-level air attack against Warsaw its outset, one of the few tactical aircraft able to Pact forces, the Tornado has been extensively attack at very low level, at any time, in any kind modified by the RAF to perform medium-level of weather. However, this fighter has done more strike and other missions. than strike alone. Tornado variants also have been optimized for electronic combat and air The fighter first saw combat in the 1991 Gulf interception, plus maritime missions. War, when RAF and Italian air force Tornados were heavily engaged, especially in the earliest The Tornado has two engines. Its variable-sweep days. Since the early 1990s, the Tornados of all wings offer great operational flexibility—ma- four owning nations—Britain, Italy, Germany, and neuverability and efficient cruise in the spread Saudi Arabia—have seen action in many conflicts, configuration, high speed in the swept con- from Bosnia to Serbia, from Iraq to Afghanistan figuration. It was built in three main variants: and Libya. Tornado operators have carried out the IDS (interdiction-strike) fighter bomber, the various upgrades and life extensions that will ECR (electronic combat/reconnaissance) defense keep the fighter in frontline service for years. suppressor, and the ADV (air defense variant) —Robert S.
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