ndoubtedly the most complex, partner, with the Netherlands. Subsequently, Eighteen months on, thanks to the advanced and often controversial was the fi rst nation to build and activate cooperation of the Italian MoD and the programme ever been launched in a Final Assembly and Checkout facility, Aeronautica Militare () and a the history of aviation: an accurate where the F-35 Lightning II is assembled. discussion with Colonel Davide Marzinotto, description of the F-35 Joint Strike Italy subsequently fl ew the fi rst F-35 aircraft 32° Stormo’s commander, AIR International UFighter programme, especially in Italy. produced outside the United States. Italy was was granted clearance to gain fi rst-hand December will mark the 20th anniversary also the fi rst nation in the world (excluding experience of the progress made by the Italian of the nation’s participation in the the United States) to introduce the new F-35 fl eet. programme following the signing of a fi ghter into service. The fi rst examples arrived Colonel Marzinotto is a former AMX and memorandum of agreement for the Concept at on December 12, 2016, F-2000 pilot. He commanded 20° Gruppo, Demonstration Phase. Four years later, destined for 13° Gruppo (13th Squadron), the Italian F-2000 operational conversion Italy joined the System Development and one of the component squadrons with the unit, assignment to the F-35 Joint Program Demonstration (SDD) phase as a second tier resident 32° Stormo (32nd ). O ce in Crystal City, Virginia, prior to Quinta generazione Italiana Troupe Azzurra Troupe


undergoing F-35 pilot conversion and be undertaken concurrently with the initial confi guration ahead of Block 3F, the fi rst subsequent appointment as the commander production phase su cient to equip US full-up operational standard. As an interim of 32° Stormo. Marzinotto is well-placed to and allied air arms with aircraft to begin to confi guration, Block 3i o ers substantial give an overview of the service introduction of verify the aircraft’s capabilities. Additionally, operational capability and can be easily the F-35; a revolutionary weapon system. pilots, maintainers and associated personnel upgraded to Block 3F standard. F-35s procured by Italy to date are from could be trained, which in turned allowed As a Level 2 partner nation, Italy contributes low-rate initial production lots, which denotes the amount of operating data and feedback around 4% of the programme’s overall costs them as pre-series production aircraft, a result gathered to be increased, thereby accelerating and automatically follows the upgrade of the programme’s concurrent development the aircraft’s SDD phase and progressive programme in sync with the US services and model, which was used to minimise improvement of the fi nal product. the UK, which is the only Level 1 partner. completion of this large, complex and The Italian MoD decided to acquire its own Therefore, Italian aircraft are in the same sophisticated weapon system programme. aircraft from Lot 6, thereby receiving aircraft confi guration as those operated by the United The term signifi es that the SDD phase would confi gured to Block 3i standard, an interim States. Upgrade of the Italian aircraft to Block Quinta generazione Italiana Riccardo Niccoli visited Italy’s F-35 wing at Amendola in the southern province of Puglia | 43 MILITARY ITALIAN F-35A LIGHTNING II

BELOW: Two F-35As assigned to 13° Gruppo undergo fi nal checks before taxiing for a mission at Amendola Air Base.

BOTTOM LEFT: Pilot and crew chief during a simulated scramble. Italian F-35A Lightning IIs were fi rst assigned to QRA duty on March 1, 2018. All images Riccardo Niccoli

3F confi guration is scheduled to start in 2018 Militare is planning to return two aircraft from which can pull 9g, and which, when comparing and will be undertaken at Amendola, as the Luke to Amendola to increase the critical performance in combat confi guration, i.e. work required almost exclusively involves mass of aircraft assigned to 32° Stormo and with fuel and weapons on board, is superior squirting the new software. accelerate the processes required to reach the to other aircraft that, to bring themselves As AIR International closed for press, the unit’s initial operational capability. to our level, have to carry two or three fuel Aeronautica Militare’s F-35A fl eet comprised AIR International asked Colonel Marzinotto tanks, armament and pods, all externally, with nine aircraft, fi ve assigned to 13° Gruppo at for a pilot’s perspective on what the F-35 is like consequent penalties in terms of performance Amendola and four assigned to the 62nd to fl y and operate. He said: “It is an incredible and increased fuel consumption.” Fighter Squadron, part of the 56th Fighter aircraft that o ers new and innovative prospects It’s important at this point in the story to Wing based at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, and is exciting for the pilot, and my use of remind ourselves that the F-35, generally seen the fl ying element of the Integrated Training these superlative adjectives is truly appropriate. fl ying in clean confi guration is already, without Center. Aircraft based in the United States The power of its processors and its data external stores, a combat-ready aircraft, with are formally assigned to 32° Stormo, but are management capacity are impressive; we are internal weapon bays, a large fuel payload and controlled by the Rappresentanza Militare in a new dimension. It is surprising how from internally mounted sensors that don’t require Italian (RMI, Italian Military Representation) the beginning, with an aircraft that is still very any confi guration change on the ground. at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. All personnel new, we have already started operations from Colonel Marzinotto described the F-35 as undergoing training in America are also a higher level with respect to other platforms an omni-role aircraft. He said: “This signifi es assigned to RMI. that are by now mature. The gap between the that at any time in a fl ight it allows the pilot Colonel Marzinotto confi rmed aircraft F-35 and earlier generation aircraft is very wide. to undertake any kind of role, be it air-to- deliveries are in line with the programme and In respect of its pure performance – often air, air-to-ground, intelligence surveillance a further F-35A will be delivered to 32° Stormo parameters that fascinate less technically aware reconnaissance, suppression or destruction this year. However, it seems the Aeronautica people – it’s a high performance aircraft that of enemy air defences. Moreover, the aircraft is able to perform a variety of roles simultaneously. The challenge, therefore, is all on the pilot, who must know how to assimilate and manage all the information that the aircraft o ers him, but the aircraft comes to his aid, as the system architecture is designed to support him in this sense. “The immense capacity to acquire data and its consequent fusion is processed by the data fusion engines [computers], which work autonomously, selecting the information that is of most importance to the pilot at that moment in the mission, contributing to the overall situation awareness without overloading the pilot with data, but presents them to him in a way that he can exploit. The big leap forward is information management. For example, the pilot of an earlier generation aircraft has the same data available, thanks only to multiple screens, and a notional need for six or seven pilots on board to follow and manage them. With the F-35, it is the fusion engines that exploit the system and [the aircraft] requires just one pilot and a large touchscreen display to manage.”


Data Link [MADL] system, which enables it to or failures (prognostic), constructing a dialogue in a fast and secure way with other detailed database of any technical problems F-35s, thanks to an advanced directional and their resolution, and planning the wide-band system, which the US Air Force spares stock held by the depots. The ALIS intends to extend to all its stealth aircraft, integrates every single connected terminal including the B-2 bomber. In a real critical and laptop, and functions in two ways: it not situation, in non-permissive environments only receives data, but also is automatically and in those where the real or potential programmed to update all of the aircraft’s enemy threat is highly capable, the F-35 can manuals, which are now completely in thus avoid using the Link 16 system, and by digital format. To give a practical example: using the MADL can e ectively continue its in the case of a maintenance intervention, mission as planned, while at the same time the technical personnel are guided step by maintaining its stealth capability. step by the ALIS to the resolution via screen As Col Marzinotto a rmed: “The F-35 displays, which also o er visual guidance on delivers technological excellence, but also the required maintenance operations and has a big strategic impact as a major player in the sequence of their execution, just like an information superiority”. real life tutorial. ALIS updates itself in real time, freeing up ALIS personnel from the task of doing it themselves One aspect that has attracted criticism and so avoiding delays or shortcomings in the and created arguments in the programme updating of manuals. Lockheed Martin likens is technical and logistical support to the the ALIS to a smartphone, in which some 46 fl eet provided by the Autonomic Logistic applications have been installed and are always Information System (ALIS). This revolutionary available, capable of responding to all the support system, which involves the entire requirements of the engineering personnel. worldwide F-35 fl eet, has been criticised from many sides in the past. It has been considered as too invasive, providing Lockheed Martin with too much sensitive Colonel Marzinotto also described data, especially in terms of operational use the F-35 not as a standalone weapon and missions performed, thus placing a limit system, but one that can exchange data, on the security and national sovereignty of information and images with other assets, the weapon system. and one that can do so in a variety of Colonel Marzinotto explained how the F-35 ways. Like all modern aircraft, the F-35 is JPO has representatives from each partner equipped with a Link 16 data link system, nation assigned that manage the relationship which enables it to exchange data with with Lockheed Martin and its subcontractors, other platforms, such as [in the Italian which form the support system throughout context] the F-2000, Tornado, AMX, T-346, the world. He said: “Lockheed Martin does E-550 and P-72, working in synergy with what the governments participating in the them. It can also link with land-based partnership decide what it must do.” forces, thanks to data transmission via the In practical terms, the ALIS is an integrated variable message format system, which, for network that connects all the operators example, enables digital-aided CAS [close of the aircraft. Through a network of data air support]. Nevertheless, Link 16 is a dated communications, each user, each home system, which despite continuous upgrades base and every single aircraft is constantly remains less secure, less powerful and more linked to Lockheed Martin, which collects open to interception than more modern technical data from each aircraft with the systems. On the contrary, the F-35 is aim of monitoring the state of its parts equipped with the Multifunction Advanced and components, preventing malfunctions ABOVE: Pilot and crew-chief during pre-fl ight checks.

BELOW: Take-o from Amendola made easy by the immense power generated by the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, the most powerful fi ghter engine ever developed, rated at 191.3kN with afterburner. | 45 MILITARY ITALIAN F-35A LIGHTNING II

operator can opt not to send the data to the manufacturer. Currently, the Aeronautica Militare only utilises the ALIS system’s technical and logistical support component. The strength of the ALIS is, however, its ability to collect data and information from all the aircraft around the world, exponentially accelerating the amount of experience available to every single F-35 unit. The advantage of this situation can be appreciated when you consider that just fi ve aircraft are currently in service at Amendola, which have accumulated a modest number of fl ying hours to date. However, the global fl eet is now approaching 300 aircraft, which have fl own more than 130,000 hours. Are there any weaknesses in the ALIS? Perhaps the potential vulnerability to cyberattacks, but it remains the responsibility of Lockheed Martin and the operators located around the world to ensure the network remains secure and reliable. At Amendola, technical support is managed by Aeronautica Militare personnel, who since The ALIS also possesses the ability to send network for a week or for a month, nothing March 2016 have been regularly posted to data from the systems on board the aircraft signifi cant would occur. In the extreme, a user Eglin Air Force Base, home of the fi rst F-35 while still in fl ight, but this is an option that could decide to completely disconnect from Integrated Training Center, which undertakes at present is not considered relevant by the the ALIS. Certainly, the system would not be training of engineers from all nations Aeronautica Militare, though it may be useful updated while the aircraft is disconnected, participating in the programme. At the end of during combat operations. ALIS o ers many but similar to a home computer, even without each course at Eglin, personnel return to 32° possible functions, but these are all optional to updates or daily dialogues, it will continue to Stormo to complete their preparation through the user and is not obligatory for every aircraft function as before. an on-the-job training phase, which was to be connected daily to the system, which is At the same time, ALIS includes an initially conducted at Luke. actually a function of the operator’s policy. option that allows the operator to send the Technician qualifi cation is structured into For various reasons, if a unit or an air force manufacturer data relative to the operational three progressive phases: the fi rst permits decides to disconnect itself from the ALIS aspects of the aircraft’s use, alternatively the work under the supervision of a specialist

TOP LEFT: The F-35A cockpit is dominated by the large touch screen display with only a few switches, a side stick controller and the throttle.

TOP RIGHT: An F-35A taxis out from a shelter.

BELOW: Two F-35As taxiing at Amendola before an evening mission.


instructor; in the second, the technician is The ALIS database is still modest in source information published by the Pentagon permitted to work autonomously; and the comparison to its full-up extent when 3,000+ and the US Government Accountability O ce. third permits the specialist to qualify as an aircraft are in service, and is continuously Based on the most recent data published, instructor. In many areas of technical support, evolving. Colonel Marzinotto confi rmed its Italy’s Block 3i aircraft are giving a 70% 32° Stormo personnel have already achieved a development into an autonomous maintenance availability rate, the same as US Air Force units. second level of qualifi cation. support system is proceeding rapidly, and will Given that the US Air Force has operated the However, around a dozen support be successfully achieved in a short time. He Block 3i F-35 in much greater numbers than personnel from Lockheed Martin and Pratt said: We receive great support from Lockheed the Aeronautica Militare, it’s of great credit & Whitney provide advice to assist Italian Martin and Pratt & Whitney, and have an to all of the Italian personnel that they have personnel when they are faced with faults excellent relationship with their personnel.” achieved the same aircraft availability rate. or failures that by their nature are out of the Aircraft availability, usually a sensitive Part of this success is down to the ALIS, which ordinary and require additional support. statistic for military aircraft, is today open not only facilitates the conditions for growth,

“The F-35 delivers technological excellence, but also has a big strategic impact as a major player in information superiority”. Colonel Davide Marzinotto, 32° Stormo’s commander | 47 MILITARY ITALIAN F-35A LIGHTNING II

but also does so quickly by exploiting the the first time and mounted operations from Aeronautica Militare pilots chosen to fly experiences of other operators as logged in there. This was a first step, which allowed the F-35 are currently selected from other the system. us to verify the correct functionality of the combat types. They undergo operational Operational progress achieved by 13° technical and logistical support system. We conversion on to the aircraft at the Gruppo to date is certainly notable and here undertook advanced training, serviceability International Training Center at Luke with is why. In March 2018, the squadron achieved was excellent, we completed all the activities the US Air Force’s 62nd Fighter Squadron, two significant events. On the first day of the we had planned and managed to achieve all which has four Italian F-35A aircraft and month, the squadron was formally accepted of our set objectives.” five instructor pilots assigned. Italian pilots, into the Servizio di Sorveglianza dello Spazio While at Decimomannu, 13° Gruppo like their Australian, Japanese, Norwegian Aereo (SSSA, Airspace Surveillance Service) performed a variety of training missions and American colleagues, follow the same and tasked to provide Quick Reaction Alert including air-to-air, CAS and some involving course, which provides type conversion and service with armed aircraft, to defend and use of the aircraft’s electronic warfare basic training on the aircraft’s employment protect Italian airspace, during calendar-based systems against a threat laydown provided by and graduate qualified at limited combat rotations. Seven days later, the squadron threat emitters and systems operated on the readiness standard. Follow-on training to full started its first F-35 training detachment Poligono Interforze del Salto di Quirra range. combat readiness standard is conducted with to on the island of Despite the measures of success afforded 13° Gruppo, thanks to a flexible and modular . Four aircraft were deployed for two to the F-35A aircraft, pilots who fly the plane programme that enables pilots to achieve weeks, during which the pilots utilised the that have spoken to AIR International all their objective in around four months. training areas and ranges in and around the rate the aircraft as excellent. It’s the support The syllabus is structured into packages, island. Described by Colonel Marzinotto as personnel, maintainers and pilots – the which can be completed in a flexible and excellent, he said it enabled the squadron human element – that make the weapon non-sequential way, enabling adaption to to lay another brick in the construction of system function to its best. All Italian operational requirements, even exploiting its operational capability with the F-35A. He personnel are trained to the highest level and exercises that are underway or opportunities also said: “We deployed to another base for this level is maintained. provided by other programmed activities.


During the four-month programme, a pilot BELOW: Close-up front will complete around 50 training events, view of an F-35A with the which means a substantial amount of time nose-mounted window of spent in the simulator and flying missions. the AAQ-40 Electro-Optical An F-35-specific compound at Amendola Targeting System. contains two full-mission simulators, which were delivered in November 2017. These can FAR LEFT: This shot shows the operate individually or can be linked to stage squadron, wing and national a two-ship simulated mission. Simulators are insignia of an Italian F-35A. indispensable not only to optimise the training of the pilots, but also to explore the capability and possibilities of the weapon system. Next year, the base will receive another two simulators, its intended number. Italy’s current advanced training programme in place for F-35 pilots was developed for the most part by exploiting experience gained from 15 years of F-2000 operations, with an emphasis placed on continuity. However, that’s only the current programme, which can never remain the same for long and will continuously evolve by exploring and evolving the training processes involved in tandem with operational experience. In the future, the F-35 force will gain live virtual constructive capacity, a training systems that offers real-time virtual connectivity between aircraft in flight and simulators. The majority of training can never be all virtual and in terms of real flying hours Colonel Marzinotto confirmed to AIR International that the availability of flying hours completely satisfies the requirements of the unit. Current daily flight operations undertaken by 13° Gruppo include missions flown in nearby areas of airspace and others all over Italy, that exploit the aircraft’s excellent endurance, even without aerial refuelling. For some time, Aeronautica Militare F-35s have undertaken not only autonomous training, but also cooperative training, most notably with the E-550 Conformal Airborne Early Warning aircraft (a highly modified Gulfstream G550 business jet) and also with other aircraft operated by different air arms. This latter type of training is exploring the possibilities of the F-35 and its capability to be a force multiplier when used in conjunction with other platforms.

By October 2017, 13° Gruppo had growth and additional potential that touches participated in Exercise Joint Star, an inter- all of its units in some way. service training event, followed by Exercise The new F-35 compound, constructed on Star Vega 2018 in May. Another forthcoming the eastern side of the base, is separated from event for 13° Gruppo is the NATO Tactical the rest of the base by an additional fence. Leadership Programme (TLP) headquartered It’s an impressive facility and equivalent to and usually staged from Albacete Air Base, those built on US bases where the F-35 is Spain. In November, the first TLP course based. Besides a large block that houses the featuring fifth-generation aircraft (F-35s) will simulators and offices, the compound also be staged at Amendola and involve various includes a large maintenance hangar and allied aircraft. two rows of 15 of the latest generation soft The F-35’s current capability is impressive. shelters. All buildings and infrastructure are Only those who fly the aircraft have an brand new, built to the required specification, idea of what it can do, how it can do it and safety and security standards for the F-35 how it has started to change the way air Lightning II. operations are conducted. Nevertheless, From an operational point of view, the the F-35 Lightning II remains in operational resident 32° Stormo currently comprises testing, which involves not just the aircraft three flying squadrons: 13° Gruppo equipped itself, but also its capabilities across the wide with the F-35A, and two operating MQ-1C spectrum of missions it has been designed Predators and MQ-9A Reapers; 28° Gruppo at to undertake. Amendola; and 61° Gruppo, recently activated The future of Amendola Air Base has been at Sigonella. The base and 32° Stormo ABOVE: A 13° Gruppo pilot signs paperwork for the clearly defined for some time. The base is are both ready to stand up the next F-35 crew chief after a mission. His flying suite - like the helmet - is specifically designed for the F-35. in a period of major redevelopment and squadron, further implementing the future of transformation, with capacity for further Italian air power. AI | 49