ISSUE DATE: EXPIRATION DATE: DOCKET #: COFA #: 03/12/2002 02/09/2005 02-4665 COFA 02-5079



Display This Permit While Work Is In Progress ISSUED TO: Leslie Himmel Himmel and Meringhoff Properties 30 West 26th Street New York, NY 10010

Pursuant to Section 25-307 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the Landmarks Preservation Commission, at the Public Meeting of of February 9, 1999, following the Public Hearings and Public Meetings of December 22, 1998, and January 12, 1999, voted to approve a proposal for facade and storefront restoration, including replacement of missing historic cast iron elements, and repainting based on analysis of historic paint fragments, restoration of the storefronts, store entrances, and the entrance doors to the residential lobby, new lighting flanking the entrance to the residential lobby, installation of roll-down security gates inside the store windows, a signage Master Plan, new windows, and the construction of a two-story rooftop addition, all as shown in historic photographs and photographs of the existing conditions, in drawings showing the proposed conditions, and paint and materials samples, all prepared by Joseph Pell Lombardi and Associates, Architects, and in a paint analysis report prepared by Jablonski Berkowitz Conservation, Inc., all presented at the Public Hearings and Public Meetings.

In reviewing this proposal, the Commission noted that the designation report states that 361 Broadway is a Classical revival style commercial building designed by W. Wheeler Smith and built in 1881-82. The Commission also notes that Landmarks Preservation Commission Certificate of Appropriateness 85-0094 was issued on April 3, 1985, for the construction of a rooftop elevator machine room, stair bulkhead, and the installation of HVAC equipment; that modern storefronts were installed prior to designation; and that the paint on the cast iron is in a deteriorated condition.

With regard to this proposal, the Commission found that the removal of the modern stair bulkhead, roof-mounted mechanical equipment, and storefronts will not cause the destruction of any significant architectural features of the building; that the proposed repainting, based on analysis of the historic paint colors, will return the facade of the building closer to its original condition; that the restoration of missing cast iron elements, using casts taken from remaining elements, the replacement of previously removed one-over-one double-hung painted wood windows, based on historic photographs and remaining examples, and the replacement of missing granite sidewalk slabs and vault lights will all help to bring the facade closer to its original condition; that the painted wooden doors and storefronts proposed for the ground floor are similar to historic doors and storefronts found historically on buildings of this age and type, and to those shown in historic photographs of this building; that only small portions of the addition will be minimally visible from the east and north; that those larger portions of the rooftop addition which will be visible from the south and west will be visible in the context of secondary elevations with no significant features; and that taken as a whole the visibility of the addition will not detract from the special architectural and historic character of this individual landmark The work, therefore, is approved.

However, the Commission made its determination subject to the stipulation that two sets of stamped and signed drawings of the approved work be submitted for review and perforation.

Subsequently, the staff of the Commission received a request to alter the approved design, to modify the location of the north wall of the rooftop addition, moving it 21.5 inches north to comply with the minimum width of street wall required by the zoning regulations ZR Section 23-692. On July 9, 2001, the Commission issued Miscellaneous/Amendment 02-0173, allowing the proposed modification.

Subsequently, on February 14, 2002, the Commission received the requested filing drawings CS, DL, GN1GN2, HC, A100 through A107, A200 through A203, A300 A301, A302, and A400, all dated January 15, 2002, and prepared by Joseph Pell Lombardi and Associates, Architects. Staff has reviewed these drawings and finds that the approved design, as amended, has been maintained in the filing drawing. On this basis, Certificate of Appropriateness 02-5079 is being issued.

Please note that this permit is being issued contingent upon the submission, review and approval of Department of Building mechanical, electrical, and structural filing drawings.

This permit is issued on the basis of the building and site conditions described in the application and disclosed during the review process. By accepting this permit, the applicant agrees to notify the Commission if the actual building or site conditions vary or if original or historic building fabric is discovered. The Commission reserves the right to amend or revoke this permit, upon written notice to the applicant, in the event that the actual building or site conditions are materially different from those described in the application or disclosed during the review process.

All approved drawings are marked approved by the Commission with a perforated seal indicating the date of approval. The work is limited to what is contained in the perforated documents. Other work or amendments to this filing must be reviewed and approved separately. The applicant is hereby put on notice that performing or maintaining any work not explicitly authorized by this permit may make the applicant liable for criminal and/or civil penalties, including imprisonment and fines. This letter constitutes the permit; a copy must be prominently displayed at the site while work is in progress. Please direct inquiries to John Graham.

Sherida E. Paulsen Chair

PLEASE NOTE: PERFORATED DRAWINGS AND A COPY OF THIS PERMIT HAVE BEEN SENT TO: Joseph Pell Lombardi, Joseph Pell Lombardi and Associates, Architects cc: Joseph Pell Lombardi and Associates, Architects, attn: Joseph Pell Lombardi

PAGE 2 Issued: 3/12/02 DOCKET: 02-4665