The Moving Picture World (July 1907)
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— |jhe OSUcSal. ©jp^asii ®f tl&<e M©^ai&g£ Picture Inhibitors' Association. fho only Eca^os»OJadJo2aft WeoMs?' Jo«S3*sa©B psa&aiofiaosS Una ftBa© interests of Maauftieturert , oad Opos aft©2's ©ff ^EaSsHaQSodl FSt©e©£js'apSTiO anac2 Ciaaoasaato^rapS* Ps-oJocCioa, ; IflS«sctffi&t©d3 S©ES£Ss» £»aEat©a,z& ILoefittaa-oo qs&gI ILasatt©T3» S£i«3© MaSJera TIE WOBLD PHOTOGBAPHIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK (oh 1*. Ho* IS- July 6. 1907 Price, lO Cents UMOIMT FiL The following new films will be placed upon the market during the week of July 8th to July 1 3th: — Fatality The Soldier's Helmet English Gaumont French Gaumont Sensational Length, 424 ft. New Comedy Length, 577 ft. Illustrating the old story of a man yielding to temptation, and meeting with a fatal fall. Shows how a bit of deviltry can force an honest soldier to go to bed with his shako on his head, and yet sober : also bow Union Workers Spoil the cunning doctor, by a masterly stroke of genius, separates the soldier from the helmet. the Food French Gaumont Scratch My Back Contemporaneous Comedy. Length, 527 ft. (Vive lo Sabotage) English Gaumont The Unionist in France dearly loves the doctrine that he haa the right to spoil his own work when his employer is under Excellent Comedy Length, 317 ft. the ban, and while the workman has not quit his job, the angel child can do when the angel baker's man spoils the bread—the barber cuts bis customer Shows what an — the hatter child is a boy of the period, who knows what itch pollen will i smashes the customer's hat—and the down-trodden laborer do to a man when dropped down his back. The victim backs J indulges in other gaieties which finally drive an looking for relief, innocent old couple to suicide by means of a charcoal Bre. But into innumerable difficulties while but limit arrest he scratches himself against Fate decreed tfcat even the charcoal worker had spoiled the reaches the and when a policeman. |p! charcoal which gave off no gas, and the couple were saved. CHICAGO 662 Siacttfi* Avercua© 52 State Street ' 274 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. 'INDEPENDENCE' SWAAB Is what oar ancestors fought for many years ago. Are you showing Films of the kind that please and the name to conjure with when contem- bring yonr patrons- back often, or do you depend on plating the purchase of a MOTION the good nature of the public for your patronage? Be Independent. You're the man we want to know PICTURE and MACHINE if the film service you are getting is not Ai, because FILMS or to renew your present equipment. Our G. It- Y- Film Service will mean your independence and emancipation. We don't resort to fake advertisements It' will make your competitors place look empty, or catchpenny schemes. Absolute satisfac- and we can prove that it is the ONLY GOOD FILM SERVICE FOR YOU—the kind that tion is guaranteed whether you buy a bottle ALWAYS PLEASES PEOPLE. of our Giant Film Cement, the kind that Sit down and write us how many changes yon sticks, or the highest price Machine or Film. make per week, etc., also asking for our new book- let, " FILM RENTAL FACTS". It will be yonr We are exclusive agents for Declaration of Independence. Power's Camcragraph Edison's Kinetoscopes We Handle Edison and Powers Machines and Accessaries. LEWIS M. SWAAB THE GREATER NEW YORK FILM RENTAL CO. Largest and only Exclusive Dealer 336 Spruce Street Dept. A. 24 Union Square, E€ew York Philadelphia, Pa. • a"ag i "^ C LASS A FILMS CLASS B FILMS 15 Cents per foot IS Cento per foof Mition Model 0|| c nn Universal iodel^TK fill KinetoscopeiKirsiis.oovliWiUU IQD Kinetoscope #l< FILMS AND PROJECTING KIN: toscopeI THE RECOGNIZED STANDARDS THi§©U©&8@UT THE EDISON RHEOSTAT UNDERWRITER'S MODEL Approved by The New York Board ofFire Underwriters and the Department oj Water Supply Gat and Electricity The above' Rheostat is the result of a series of careful experiments and tests aimed to produce an apparatus to meet every requirement of Municipal Authorities and Motion Picture Exhibitors. The resistance is built up with individual coils of "Climax*' wire, and any single coil may be replaced without disturbing any other coil, by simply loosening four set screws. A heavy perforated sheet steel casing thoroughly protects and ventilates the coils. Terminals and adjustable swich are mounted on a non-conducting slate base protected by a sheet steel automatic closing cover. Asbestos covered copper wires connect the various coils with switch contacts and all connections are solderless A convenient handle facilitates handling, epecially when Rheostat is hot. AH parts are made with jigs and templets insuring interchangeability. The above Rheostat is adapted for all models of Edison Projecting Kineto- scopes, and for either 110-135 volts direct current, or 104-110 volts alternating current, and 25 to DO amperes without excessive beating. The above features combined with the best materials and workmanship, superior design and construction have produced a PERFECT RHEOSTAT. Cat. No. Title Code Pbice FXONT VIEW SWITCH AMD COVER K-15189 Rheostat, Underwriter's Model YESALES $25.00 Send for Latest Catalogs and Illustrated Circulars. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM: »j CLERKENWELL ROAD, LONDON, E. C, ENGLAND. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., 5BLUNO AGENTS: THE KINETOGRAPH CO., .... 41 East MM Street. Ne» % Krancacs,^ MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY, ORANGE, N. 4. PETER BACIGALUPI, . 1107 Fillmore Street, San San Francot»,<J Chicago Office, 304 Wabash Avenue, GEORGE BRECK, .... 550-554 Grove Street, N.wYork Otflco. Jl Unloa Square. Cable Address, Zymotic New York. DEALERS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. 275 t\ WHO IS PIRATING FILMS? There seems just now to be a wave of dishonest and underhand practice going on in the film business, and we want to warn our readers against being duped by "dupe" films. The number of copied films which are being offered for sale as originals is increasing, and we want every exhibitor to know how to detect the same and avoid being fleeced by unscrupulous dealers. A "dupe" film is a duplicated film ; that is, one manufacturer copies a film made by another, thereby saving the expense of posing the original, and offers it to the public as his own, perhaps under a new title- The method adopted is that Published Evkhy Sattjbday. a film made in Europe, say, and not having been copy- righted is in printing machine with a World Photographic Publishing Company, New Tor*. bought, placed the Alfred B. Saunders, Editor. negative film and exposed. The result is a "dupe" nega- J. P. Chalmers. Associate Editor and Business Manager. tive, from which positives are now made and sold as orig- inal films. The "dupe" film is never so good as if made JULY 6th. No. 18. from the original negative, and if you have difficulty in focusing the picture sharply, if the picture is poor in quality, if half-tone, the delicate shading, the finer J3SCRIPTI0N PRICE : Two dollars a year in advance. the age free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, Mexico shades are missing, look with suspicion on the film, and if aii. Porto Rico and the Phillipine Islands. at all doubtful, reject it. A "dupe" has lost all the fine 3REIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS: Three dollars per year, in photographic atmosphere, is intensified in the blacks and ice, postpaid. whites, a blotchy effect is produced on the screen, and TO PREVENT loss or delay of mail, all communications should no matter how good the copy may be, it is impossible Iressed to P. 450. O. Box New York City. to project it on the screen with a maximum of effect. An exhibitor wrote us a short while ago complaining that ADVERTISING RATES: he could not get good results from some film he had " Whole Page . j . *50.00 bought and blamed the lens; we knew the lens (made by Half Page . 25.00 a reputable firm) was good, and thought he had possibly Quarter Page .••'.' . 12.50 • changed the glasses. No ; then the film was in fault, and Single Column (next reading matter) . 20.00 One-Eighth Page 6.25 sure enough the film was a most flagrant piracy, and it One-Sixteenth Page . ." . 3.25 mattered not whose make of lens was used the result Ohe-Thirty-second Page . 2.00 would be the same. The question of morals involved in Miscellaneous advertisements will be accepted the piracy of films is a nice one, but how to bring it the following rates: SALE OR EXCHANGE, Private, per line home is another. "The man who for the. sake. of dollars ; minimum, 50c. per issue. Dealers or Manufacturers, 15c per becomes a film pirate has no sense of morals; it is im- :; minimum, $1.00 per issue. HELP WANTED: 10c. a line; possible to appeal to his honor—that's gone. His con- toum, 25c. EMPLOYMENT WANTED : (Operators only) No science? Well, he has put that in his pocketbbok. His TO sense of justice, of doing to others as he would that ADVERTISERS : The MOVING PICTURE WORLD goes press Thursday morning of each week. No advertisements can be others should do to him? Oh, that's a fable, all exploded, ated and no changes can be made in standing ads unless the nothing doing, but if his employee steals a $5 bill he goes teaches us 10 by A.M., Thursday. for his pound of flesh and demands justice for the thief.