2018 Outlook | Media / Entertainment Content is king Jeong-yeob Park +822-3774-1652
[email protected] Analysts who prepared this report are registered as research analysts in Korea but not in any other jurisdiction, including the U.S. PLEASE SEE ANALYST CERTIFICATIONS AND IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES & DISCLAIMERS IN APPENDIX 1 AT THE END OF REPORT. Contents [Summary] Content is king 3 I. Broadcast content: Opening of global age 4 II. TV/digital ads: Focus on those with edge in digital ads 5 III. Film: Stabilizing at home and expanding overseas 6 IV. Entertainment agencies: New businesses create synergies with main businesses 7 V. Investment strategy and valuation VI. Top Picks & Stocks To Watch 8 (Top Picks) CJ E&M, SM Entertainment (Stocks To Watch) J Contentree, CJ CGV, YG Entertainment [Conclusion] Stock ratings and target prices 9 [Summary] Content is king Expansion of channels for broadcast content - New media: Regional expansion of global OTT services; Broadcast increasing likelihood of sales to China Companies that generate revenue from content - Conventional media: General programming channels and direct content sales: cable TV have increased time slots for dramas sales CJ E&M, J Contentree, IHQ, NEW Shift in content revenue growth driver (advertisement direct sales) Evolving into content production companies - Continued efforts to secure production staff (PDs, writers, etc.) Companies that have production staff and platform: Entertainment - Cross-shareholding investments between platform CJ E&M, YG Entertainment, SM Entertainment,