Liquor Law Gives Absolute Control
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fszmcmt; vWfW; 'W From Snn Francisco Koien Juno 13 D 1 1 e 1 1 n's last circtila-- ) For Fan Francisco: The u glhelln ,...JunolU lion increase record COO NEW' From Vancouver; DAILY SUBSCRIBERS IN 00 DAYS Manurfa ..lime 25 Evening' is open to the verification of every .4i interested party. For Vancouver : Bulletin Mnrnmn Juno 21 3:30 EDITION You get the news when you read the Bulletin ili'l- - ESTABLISHED 1882. NO, 4C42. 1G PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITjRY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1910. 1G PAGES. nucr I CIKTI J. WOMAN KILLED, POSSE AFTER MURDERER LIQUOR LAW GIVES ABSOLUTE CONTROL FarrRcaching Powers of Regulation InjSAYS M'CLELLAN Taft i Wins Posse Pursuing Hands of County Commissioners wii iiivi iftmiiTP nu i is ii ammo run Named By Governor-Lo- cal Woman's Slayer , Option Feature Strong Tariff AMDE 7, Ily It. Paul llarllclt. Superintendent of Public Works Man Fires Fatal Shots Aria II) Hum George II. McClollan, Campbell has notified Justice Perry this of Ilavuill to the at Washington of A deliberate effort l being made to inlsli.ul the inter us of tbo Supreme Court thnt-th- o upper Board the Merchants' Association and the Makes Escape In Nuuariu the true Ismio Hint N before the peo.ile of tlir Territory for determination la floor of tlio Judiciary Ilulldlng Chamber of Cnniuieico, Is fully In on July 26th. fur much weight. Prcsi-de- formed us In tho attitude of tlio Mer- been declared that the voter will tlicn lie prcstntrit with two WASHINGTON. June 10. Valley It has I Unless n bad nccldcnt with kill- the scheme a tariff board chants' AsMClatlon on tho tun nltcrnntbes thai one Is giving his support to n prohibitory law; tlic my Taft't for if" ing or maiming of in people is 'to to make technical investigations questions of tho Mnhukii site prohibition, by iilnclni? Iili of ap- of Probnbl) Inspired by (lie Hip werp s."nrd, other to runt Mi Imllot ngiilnst then eil occur but few pcoplo can be gathered tariff will and the application of the regula- iniinbr shots but the person general. matters nnouestionablv be proval on baling n "wide open town" for the Territory I.i , In the court rooms at one time, and It approved by the present Congress. tions of the Interstate (ominercc law and suicide that occurred visterdav who had tired Hum Jumped tlirou (lie of plebiscite resolu- to tbo lutcrtslnnd traffic Tor-rlto- morning, lucking i window mill rlenr." Thh Is n gross misconstruction of Intent tlio Is on this account Hint tlio warning Today the insurfient Republican Sen- - of tho but tho nerve lr got nwny tion and tlio practical effect Hint will follow u nujorltj into against Hie wnsMont to tlio Justice. atcrs ngreed to support the appropri- take his own life, Hen Kulana shut Upon ulerlni; tho houso tlio police) Tbo two inlt'cs hnvo gone enactment of prohibitory legislation. I rtccenlly nn exhaustive examination ation item of $250,000 to cover the forward, the woman ho had been living with o in ecru found Julia Dm it on tho tiliil the Merehanlh' Association has A vote cust iignlnst requeuing Hip Legislature for n prohibitory law .tins been inndo of the building and It expenses of this'board nnd then turned tall and run for rov- lliMir, she hnd been shot Iii,j four !,",p alJ ihat ,K ml,h!n . it vole rust praetlrnlly In support of Hip existing liquor law, wlileli In ' Under th's administration measure er In (ho mountains Tho shooting places; one, bullet lind hit the side ofi Ii hns been found that all tlio largo floor "H " f'o Hip a step in advance will be to- - " "" b "i"'""" administered nhsoliilcly liy iiipcilntroi ofllip (lovrrnur of Territory. HinberH of tlio second story nro mero-l- y taken ,wn took place nt ten minutes of six this her lit ml nnd glanced olt; another hiufi wnr.1 nlnrln.r tho .flr!fT nn '" Important public itiestlona Is Tlio law now upon Hip. statute hoik Iiiih been declare il liy Mr. Wool-le- y shells, having been completely hon- morning up at tbo Niinnnii dam, nnd pciietiaien ir.o wiun-in- iingii, one. a scic.ttific basis, and irive Congress concerned to be tlio bent licensing law Hint lias put Ik en enacted by any .Slate eycombed with borers. Tlio cable sent on tho trnfflc reso the woman who was shot Is titnied nolo had l(lt hey behind thu Juice, und information secured by disinterested lodged In or Territory of the Union. It Is Imperative that repairs should investigators. lilt Inn was ns follows. Julia Davis Kololou. tho fourth had' her fcrnlM N u plain attempt lit deception, that II "Cstcben, Washington, D O. The woman wns nt onco takenMo In face of this It declared, wl'h bo mado on (bo building soon and Ai cording to tbo statements of cc vote to Territory - "Pollowlng resolution c irrted thlr the hospital, vfherc It wns found a vote practically to support thin Ian Ii n make the Is planned Hint the general rennvn- wltnesres, Julia Dnvls Kololou wns that' of Mr. Wonlloy be accepted as an t) four to three' 4bu had lost u lot ot blood, and had "wide open." The assertion himself ran Hon and rebuilding of tbo structutn, IJ.E1IVIUUJKAI Q seen approaching tho houso where ' "Itesolved, That It Is the seuso of no of recovery answer to that statement u weak cTort to dccclte the voter. Int a cost of $100,000, must bo done Kulana lived Tho pair Imd separat rlinnee of the Honolulu Men hunts' Amodatlou The existing liquor Inw, enactcl b) Hie Territorial Legislature .before many months or tlio building n few Kulana disappeared nt once aflerj ( BLOCK TRIPS that the en ictmcnt by tho Congress ed dajH ago, and tho man had 1W7, power In the hands of the Hoard of County License 10 tho shooting occurred, and Is believed vests absolute win nnvo uo jvnanuoncu nir pciunc of the United States ot a law ex- promised to let tho woman have hpr o of thcjloaril. Ily united to hnvo iiindn his way down tho vol- -' Commissioner. appeal lies from the decisions WASHINGTON. June 10. Demo- - tending the Jurisdiction of tho In clothing If she called for It. The tomorrow If public C) Into tho mountains Pollco of- - uettou they enn close every saloon In the Territory cratio members of the Senate arc on- - terstate Commerce Commission over woman upon arriving ut tho dntii or tat ' vr nuw icour)og Uip country. sentiment should so demaud. ,, carriers by wutcr doing biiulness In this morning was afraid to go nlntc nre In f tinder the practical operation of this law ulne saloons Mountain DAILY SCORES J In wall alone, would be an ifnfalr to Kuinnn's house, so sho asked (no in w.nch of the nittii I t ' July romiTilssIoners to refuse nl OfffSSOSSSSt agulust the Territory Thp woman hnd b"en living iwltu will be closed on lst.the Oahu Mccnse ""DTf1 T IT A n T ITT Q' President in hhotours about the other women mimed Keoho and Alice, AJXVI XJXJn.VTVJJ-Jk- J. C0Untry, appropriation "f Hawaii and nn Interference In lo- - Kulniiii soma time past but hndja! license renewals outside Hie tiro limits. This $20,000 lo accompany her. A watchman for - . was first oppostd by the Democratic cnl self govcriimcnt. row ugo gone to .Tills Is nn' Jilt strut Ion of the practical working: of the Inw. named Ilnymond also went along. uii)h tire puiicosift SAN FRANCISCO, June 10. The 'members of the. House from the "MKHCIIANTS.". Hon with ii tale ot woe Deputy Slier ' in thc biK lcaK1ie Play todRV South, will "e Manuka silo enblo was us roi as soon as s was N place of the attempt to Ineorpo slon of opinion, not on any law on and much ill has been Kulana house Iff Huso advised her to have nothing "? by - rato tlio "wide open town" Issuo tho subject, whether at present stirred un tho President's secre- I"": reached tho owner emerged and rush to do with Kulana, nnd to get tier. Nat'ional New York 5. Chicaco G. tary public names "Kstcbcn, Wnsliington, I). O Into tho July plebiscite, tho voter Iilg or to bo ennctod, but solely on having made the Ing ut Julia drugged her Into the clothing and to come o(hcr lo American Chicago 0. Washington our opinion Mnbuka site Is the inovo Is ontlllcd to nn Impartial expla- whether tho Legislature shall bo cf Southern Congressman who rode "' House nnd began to bent her over Cleveland 3, Boston 1; Detroit 4, silo for Toderal bullillng. entity. Kulana la said to hnvo been I nation of what the ploblsclto real to pass n prohibitory law. If with the President in his car durintr. "l' I'roiicr the head with a stick. Tho tithcr llcitlng frequent? innings). op- - Wo urgo to - In tbo habit nf Julia Even the form ot tho law Is not o New York 3 ften Other hts trip througU'tHe South. Thc udjust plans to suit avail- ly means. thrco people tried to prevent the as- ly, and the neighbor.! hnd often heard ut, people. follows techni- games postponed on account of rain.' ,.. .vm ........ - -- , ...... w Tho question to bo submitted tho It M.v.w Ufctu.v sault, but Kulana then became en- pro- cal! Hint result of tho voto will her cries, the July plebiscite Is not a Inw tho raged and drawing u revolver threat- - posed bo by tho Territorial simply bo nn expression of opinion on Willie Paiiliulo, who worku at thu 'to enacted SIBERIA IN oncd to shoot tho women then and Legislature, prohibiting tho mnuurac tho question for the guldanco of thu d im, heard tho shots this morning; , Ilnymond two women turo and salo of Intoxicating llaunrs, Legislature.