alias John F. H. Stott of Htottsrill*. Ths reeslvar- The British consul at Canton rsports William Harrington Taylor, mMamnKm U booed on tho fact tbat F. H Stott NOT on Dm 14tli day of May, 1800, FOR SIX MILLIONS. ■btp DIAMOADS. baring rsealrad a round robin from tbe BIASKT HALL. Oolnwood, SAFE FULL OF Nellie Coin- la a surviving partner In both the firm him to nss his Infln- wilfully poisoned his wlfo, reformers asking F. H. st Junction and cast of Strong A ^Co and C. K.'. A ence to hare leave tha olty as wood Three Rivers foreigners between the Into the river. The are Stott, and ae the accounts are desirous of oapturlng Canton her body people they two firms have not been adjusted formal- and the Mancnn power. not remembered at Three Rivers overthrowing he should a ly, It wae deemed proper tbat Bos- Positive Evidence to Strong Failure Was and Daring Robbery in GRANDTRUNK MANAGER. WAR ON GAMBLERS. not participate In tbe adjustment that an eboald That One, entirely Impartial pereon ton Yesterday. Effect. Big be designated by the oourt for that pnr- Ta Be Ok«r«S Ik# Place Mr. Cessstech's Crasads About te Ba- Mr. MrGulgan pose. Vacated by Mr. Haye. gla la tYfeked New York. TOBPK1X) BOAT ASMOKE. New York, November 14.—It Is an- Washington, November 14.—The navy New November 14.—President the has received a Thieves Safe Ont of York, Hombir of Co., Non See nounced tonight that the society for the Concern Agents for Winlhrop department despatch Lugged Bodily Sir Charles Hirers Wilson of the Urand PiseaUqois from that the suppression of vice, of wbtob Anthony Annapolis saying torpedo and Vloe President Joseph Price, Mill. boot Stockton has ashore on Morn Office. Trunk, Prisoner. Comstock Is the head, will soon begin Maine, Woolen gone arrived here last week from London, o dock who the moet extensive raid of pool rooms and Point shoals. She struck at nine to make each ar- have left frr Montreal dens ever undertaken In thli Tuesday night. There Is small chance * gambling ______as bs in view of her off until the wind rangements may necessary olty. getting changes. of tbe reel gnatlon of Ueneral Manager C. Abe work of obtaining evidence baa The Stockton Is one of tbe new torpedo of tbe and Stott Con- her trial M. Uays, to beoome president been nnder for some time and the Strong boats and was about to have on and Fall Was Six Inches the way Loaded Wagon Southern PaolUo. Comstock hai rewived the aid of many trip, the board of Inspection being on are like- cern It was stated today tbat they Taller Man. oltlsens, who have formed themselvs Into Swapped Paper. her. Hauled it of Away. ly to formally announoe tbe seleotton an known as the Antl- organisation BOTHA OKITEKS TU HUKKENDEB. General Superintendent F. U. MoOulgan Vloe society of New York. November 16.—Commandant as general manager of tbe Grand Trunk. It Is said Mr. Comstock will tomorrow London, He has been tbe of Mr. Oeneral Botha, aooordlng to a despatch ohtef>ubordlnate get out a large number of warrants. la Have tbe baa ilaye In tbe operating departments dur- How (lie Failure Said to to Dally Mall from Pretoria, Tho Onawa Lake Murderer Is GRAB. of tbs It Contained $3000 Worth or tbe latter's administration and^Mr. BELGIUM WANTS TO sent to Lord Hoberts a statement ing Been Caused. Bays’ reforms In operating methods have at Brussels, November 14 —In the Senate terms on which be will surrender. Diamonds and Jewelry. SUU Large. SyrupFigs been oarrled out largely through Mr. Mo-' today, the minuter of foreign affairs, M. Gulgan. The latter, however, has taksn Be Faverean, mads the following state- Acts the initiative In many of tha changes ment with relerenoe to the Intentions of Pleasantly ar.dflvmpt/y. which have He was former- EXPANSION been made. Belgium In China: I’hlladelpbla, Jlorember 14.—Wllllan ly on the Wabash, when Mr. Uays was Uoaton, .NoTemmbn 14.—Another at- "The government does not oontempUte Cleanses the Boston, November 14.—A daring rob- L. Strong A Co., wholesale dry good System of that company, ana to Identify Kdward F. lllaney, In China, nor the which are now aotlvely general manager tempt military operations merchants, whose assignment was an and ba»y, Jthe police We an Gently Effectually went to tbe Grand Trunk In a sentence of six month* formation of d'armerle. BLACK8T0NE CIGARS was February, who la Barring gen noonoed In New hart or costive. engaged In Investigating, oommltted York, yesterday, when bilious become for his to of territory, afternoon, when 1800, Mr. Hays having general at Deer Island threatening wife, seeking aoqnUaa pleoe a branch house in this olty at whleh 1 about 4 o'clock this and The addition to our Factory manager In the previous January Mr. as Kdwln Hall, the man wanted In Pis- bnt as a simple eettUment only, the rooms of David Morse, at 86 Dowell large business Is transacted. Is completed. We now have a Presents in the most acceptablefarm for of The ac- McUulgan Is about 40 years old and has connty, Me., the murder without poUtloal Importance. at of 172 feet on throe the of street. West were broken Into and cataquis Attorney bare secured foreign frontage laxative principles plants Knd, at Tien o: been continuously In railroad work since Alexander M. McKimmle. In July, 1888, will be made Tsln, In oommoi Endlcott, Stillman and known to act most beneficially. a sale weighing 8U0 pounds, containing quisition taohments against the Arm streets, 1888. failure this afternoon. elsewhere; but It will not give Morton. worth of diamonds, watch- met with signal perhaps oourt here for a number of oredl 13.000 monej, _._ pleas This is the Factory State Detective Ira M. True of Maine, rise to military action." “It l largost >es and was taken out bodily tors. One of tbe attorneys said: used TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS Jewelry, OF POSTAL SERVICE. at- In New England solely COST U. W. Plsoataquls county has oo and carried away. Hayes, MAYOR ON THE ROCK. one of the largest failures that for the manufacture of Cigars. — Maine Game Warden U U. Nloh- BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY Mr. Morse, who Is a heavy real estate torney, ourred Id tbe last few years, and thi The sale on Blackstone Cigars visited N. November 14.—Kelatlvo his Estimate ols and others who knew Hall, Albany, Y., amoUDt to is millions ahead of other owner, was absent looking after Postmaster General Smtlh’c liabilities will easily 16,000, auy and after an Interview with to the charges preferred against Mayor FIG STRUPCQ two Max H., and of Needed. the Island 000.” 10-cent Cigar. j CALIFORNIA property. His eons, Appropriation a stack- SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. all united in that Van Wyok to tbe effect that be Is In the thejprlsoner, declaring r.lTMIC OF 'l'TTK FATI.TTHK. LOUISVILLE KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. Mendell, are engaged Jewelry Ioe Is not the man for whom. the holder In tbe Amerloan oompany, e _r/i/ _ to the retail trade, and Hla'ney business, selling November 14.—Postmaster he bod New November 14.—Tbe cause Washington, are searching. Fur- Governor Roosevelt ealdj tonight York, their stook in trade In the safe Maine authorities & kept General Smltb baa framed bis —--- failure wai made to WAITT Mnfrs., s of tbe BOND, Emory absolute that the (juuo wioiuu/ HtroDg publlo which stood In a room on the tlrst floor ther than that, proof estimates to be submitted to was & Congress was with General Davies and day by Sutler. Notman, Jollne as two non are not Identical furnished. Attorney 53 Blackstone SI. INSTRUMENTS of the house whloh they also oocupled about FINE and will ask an aggregate of 8121.- perfectly prepared for the hearing wblcb Myndesre, counsel for the firm In thi room. This mornlng.father a sleeping 000,000 as tbe for tbe en- tomorrow at the noon honi for the whloh result appropriation Hall was 5 feet a Inches tall, will be given reoelvershlp, 6on left the house about 11 o’clock while anil tice servloe for tbe fleoal year J. Noblei ed In the of Edward A ending Is but 5 feet 8 lnohet; Dali had a in the executive chamber. appointment and their return late In the after- Disney upon June 1003. This lnoludes an estimate the World has notified Treat. Counsel said that the Strong 30, Disney a short one; Hall nad Hayes, counsel for noon discovered that the safe had to so long neck,' Ol lur fcutf rural uw uoayw/ be with bad Indorsed more than li #o,ow,uw while are al- the Governor that he will present Arm (600,000 Morses one of the large open eyee, Dlaney's stolen. The occupy service. the oloee of tbie fiscal The hear- for the Stott woollen mills at By year olosed. bis partner, W. K. Peckbam. notes suites on the first floor, consisting of a ways nearly ADAMS & CO., 43J0 rural free delivery routes throughout 1- will be Stottsvllle, N. Y for whloh the Arm mi ANDERSON, with kitchen Disney vehemently denied all know ing publlo. front and rear bedroom, been estab- the odd clrcumstanoee the United States will have that be had agent, and that The thieves the front s&fe ot the murder saying USTA ELECTRICS. Fire Insurance Agency between. passed and tbe extension contem- LKW1STON-AUU of the sodden death of former lished general name of Edwin K. Hall Mayoi entrance and forced the kitchen door assumed the tbe next will Involve November 14.—The board ol and of F. If. heads of tht 31 Excliungc Street plated for year bad been arrested under bis Augusta, Strong Stott, In addition to the usual hec use he whloh, look, rontea. The commissioners today, visited the two within three of each and about 4,SCO additional bad to life over railroad oonoerns, days First Class American Foreign Companies a bar and right name and begin C. Arams. was reinforced by padlock. with other for the electric road be- had aboit a crisis by dis- Horace Anprrbon. postmaster general, together tuld the location proposed other, brought K. Leach. forced the then broke In igaln. He charge brought Thob. J. Little. Comvkbi They padlock, Is the tween and Lewiston. both Arms at a moment wbei Tu.Th&S olBolals, Investigating feasibility him hie wife was made Angasta solving the door and an entrance to the igalnst oy lopvrlgtit. gaining the eery!.e in ot»- a The final nearing in the matter will be sums were due. One note lndoreec of putting and that he never laid large ARE front room, rolled the sate abont three through spite -u .try not held next Friday, when the argument! for tbe Stott oompony for (100,060. Is dm every point throughout nor threatened her. feet from Its at the head of the tiands upon • position the fret ser- be Hon. H M. Heath ol tomorrow. Other notes for nearly hall reached by regular delivery arrested two weeks will heard, CARL LAMSON, Absolutely Necessary then lifted It and Disney was ago up- bed, apparently up In In tbe oltlee. this for the electrlo rail- a million are doe soon. Tne Stott com — IN — vice operation ot bis wife Jennie, who city, appearing carried It to their wagon, waiting out- in complaint Cartel way oompany, and lion. Seth M. in whloh the Strong company li said her hatband has threatened her life. pony, Teacher of the Oefects. side and drove off. The police were CUBAN POST Ail OUA NUE. the Maine counsel said today Accurately Measuring Eye his she told the of Lewiston, representing largely interested, Violin. at once but late they Alter arrest, poltoe notified, tonight hod indorsed notes of tbe compa- From tl»»- School of Mnsle Our is without doubt the Washington, November 14.—The post- a man Central railroad. Strong ltoyal ll'^lk apparatus no clue to tne of that In ISM, Disney had murdered finest in Now The Instru- had obtained identity OOloa in retnrn. but for an Berlin, Germany. England master general has designated Post that he * win E. ny, lnslgnUlcaM Is the robbers. Two men with a covered In Maine saying GUILFORD WANTS A PARDON. Call or address, LAMSON STUDIO. 5 Tern- ment illustrated above especially I John K. Harrison. now amount, probably less than (IC0.C06 li Inspector post- was wanted In Maine for this st. sepii&eodiflstp valuable in the results of o\o- one wheel broken, Hall, who 14.—A for pie correcting wagon, party master of as director Augusta, November petition all. fail. Havana, acting gen- murder. General Haines was straln when the ordinary methods were seen about the before Attorney of William M. Gull- plaoe just eral In the abeenoe pardon In the case “If either Mr. Strong or Mr. Stott bai Can be seen at our 478 1-2 of post Cuba, pending the facts and that only office, noon and after three notlhed of replied W. Morrill and again shortly of Director General Fosoes, who Is con- ford, signed by Carroll lived, tbe difficulty might have beei Congress St., Monunlent Square. E. Hall was wanted tor the Mo- and these men Edward was recalved at the ■ o'olock, by neighbors, In New York from seventy-eight others, eettled without embarrassment. valescing yellow hut that It was not publlo the are In oonneotton with Klmmie murder, and the oase will be N. T. JR. police seeking and Mr. Harrison Is State Honse today, said tbe of tbe counsel. I Whist WORTHLEY, fever pneumonia. to send for him as the repreeentatlve the case, Dowell street Is near the Bos- advisable attorney at the next exeou Examined Tree. from the St division. assigned for a bearing IIICU MAN. Eyes .JLouls had no reoord of the case and It STKONU NOT A ton & Maine freight traoks amt the general 1st3 this month, OPEN EVENINGS BT APP01NT.HENI tlve oounoll, their team would be difficult to seoure evidence. New York, November 14 —The Com thlevea evidently believed that CONFEDERATE DAUUUTEKS MEET Guilford wss oonvloted of felonloui Table tried tbe fol would not be uotloed among The prisons* was accordingly Octobei merolal Adverlser today prints especially November 14 —Tbe assault In Cumberland oounty, Montgomery, Ala., on the of hit wife and sent to the numerous trucks and wagons that complaint a sentence o! lowing: seventh annual convention of the United 5, 1887, and Is now serving Island. An ot the cate bank wbo has bad busl are also to be seen In that the investigation at Thomas “A president Sa looallty. the met here eight years In the state prison tisfaction Daughters of Confederacy whloh re- said that II The of the two men as > set on foot, however, ness with tbe Arm, toilay description giv- Mrs. Edwin G. ton. today. Wood, general sulted In visit of the Malue had been well known In tbe street tba en Is meagre One Is said today's by neighbors was In the ohalr. The Bible president, was not any mean! been about 40 years of age, while officials. GERMANS. the ex-mayor by tofhave from which the lesson was DISTRUST scripture read, as was H< the other was muoh older and had gray so rich generally supposed. was the same whloh Jefferson NATIONAL UKANUE MEETING November 8 via Victoria, upon Yokohoma, a millionaire and he wus nol hair and whiskers. A woman tenant In was not took tbe oath of oilloe ae President OPENS. 14.—Tne expedition to Pac Davis November lately he-and Mr. Stott I the who saw the men, asked very wealthy. or makes Thanksgiving building and tne of a large Ger- Whether luck skill of Confederate States. 14.—Toe 84th Fu prosenoe the Washington. November Ting had been tnelr notes In al them wbat they wanted, to whloh they 1s presenting of the National man force In Shan Tung provlnoe, a (leal of j annual session Grange, the from to (100,COO that th you the winner, there’s that they had oome for an ex- way (25,000 FEAST replied JKFFK1ES AND SHAKKY AGAIN. here the efTeot of turning Governoi Patrons ot Husbandry, began today. having banker beoama cautions an I in the table $ press package. She then [went to her for for lending comfort having from friendliness New York, November 14.—A matoh The oh 1st feature of Interest today Yuan Shi HI them refused to discount | and no more of then maiyof f is always made more attractive by the apartments thought has addressed a note to L built for the It costs ^ was made In this olty today between was tne annual address of Worthy Master signers. He The two dead member , game. the matter. their stook. X treasures of the china closet Perhaps J. tbe He telling his distrust of Ger one of our y James Jeffries, ohamplon pugilist, Aaron Jones of Indiana. urged oppo- Hung Chang, of tbe Arm bad been doing what we oal [ only two-fifty for something is lackiug among your serving and “Tom'* the winner to take the and of In £ J CZAK HAS TYPHOID FiSVKlt. Sbarky, sition to ship subsidy spoke many Yang Tung, '■napping paper,' Mr. Strong endorsee tables that’s and fin- endless battle will de- forces have razed severe planned dishes; if so, let us show you our the entire puree. The be the ot the Industrial combina- The allied notes and Mr. Stott endorse" 1 } J St. November 14.—The at- growth Mr. Stott's Petersburg, The Germans took one a ished for enjoy- \ assortment of wares from the noted C elded next May before tbe olub offering tions, "until the entire country is justly Hoxer villages. an acoominodatloi caid-playing from whloh the Czar Mr. Strong's. It was tack of Influenza and shot all the Boxers cap- V makers and in thLs X me largest, puree. alarmed." Yang Tsung and served to show that the lira ment. compact, with abroad, country. has been suffering, has now developed paper Strong, an amendment to the consti- tured after a drumhead oourt martial. There are no here. € He urged was In with high prices symptoms of typhoid fever. difficulty. folding legs, top covered { and In Its terms em- THE WEATHER. tution dear express FKOM THE AT. Baron de Frederlchs, the master of FEARED. STATEMENT billiard cloth or leather, powering Congress to regulate corpora- BOXER UPRISING green the imperial household, has Issued the New York, November 14.— kdwaru A < tions. The report of the secretary, Dr. Tien Tain, November 13 —At Hs finished in oak,— they’re < BURBANK. DOUGLASS & C0.f following bulletin. reoelver of W. L. Strong £ neatly of showed Chinese Treat, the His John Trimble Washington, Tsang the Russians fought jJUO to all “His Majesty passed a good night. Co., said today that he was at presen bound please players. that 188 new granges had been chartered troops, dispersing them and killing 3U0 general condition Is satisfactory. Tem- unable to remove the unoertainlty as t< the order uow number- The Russians bad no casualties clear during year—the perature 101.6; pulse,!®. Ills head Is whether or not the firm Is solvent. Mr ing over a half million members. Dar- The population ot the city of 'lien Tain and the strength of the patient 1s quite lreat made the following statement: ing the day addresses were delivered by now reaohes 600,000 Chinese, and thi satisfactory! The diagnosis shows ty- “The books must be gone over and day 0. H. Kelley and Jdbel Robinson, who allies are strengthening the garrtsoi phoid, which,for the present, Is pursuing will be required for that work. Just ai Die dire d the co -operation of tbe Cana- against a possible surprise. It Is sup : a thoroughly satisfactory oourse." soon as I can I will issue a statement o jlan grange In the work of the order; by posed that one>thtrd of the lnhabltan ti FRANK P. TIBBETTS & REVENUE STAMP RULING. J. H. of tbe the firm's affairs.” GO., FAIR Assistant Secretary Brigham are Boxers. Edward Washington, November 14 —The com- | agricultural department; Wlg- St. Mrs. of Maine and Mrs. ENDED LUCKILY. 4 and 6 Free missioner of internal revenue, In reply to gtn and Wlggln STRIKE novUdtf lstp Boston,November 14.—Forecast: Fair, A. Bowen of Counevtlout. MAINE MILL INVOLVED. an Inquiry from New York as to whether tleorge Chicago, November 14 —The Trlbnni Thursday and Friday, wltbont decided «• “revenue stamps are required up in an says: “Five minutes before the strike o: Strong A Co. War. Agrnt. oftVIuifiroi change in temperature; winds generally BAKUES GIVEN UP FOB LOST. asslgnme nt of a mortgage, executed and the telegraph operators west of Albu Woolea Mill. EYED westerly. November 14.—F. A CROSS delivered subaequent to July 1, 1896, the Philadelphia, Pa., on the Sants Fe railroad system querque November 14—W. L. ."iron; t for at you funny Issued and recorded November 14.—Forecast W. Munn of tble city today received a New York, fellow Isn't to blame lookln g mortgage having been Washington, was called, J. M. Barr, third vice pretl a of It I w ho has ever for New Continued oolder trom of tbe & Co., had never made statement because he can't help It Anyone to that date, and therefore not tax- England: deepatch Capt. Haley tog of the Santa Fe Informed M. M prior dent th ) ALWAYS HEADY CHAR- winds K. I to atfalrs to the banks of Mu olty or to used BENSON'S has rendered a deolston to the Thursday; Friday, fair; mostly Teaser at Provldenoe, the effect of the of Rail able." Dolphin, president Order COAL isn't to blame for looking funny at any- Uudeon and commercial agencies. ine prlnolpa l that "a tax accrues on as- light northerly. that tbe ooal bargee llobert is effect every road Telegraphers, that the oompanj one using wood for kiudliug fires, charcoal accounts of the concern were of course p of based the 1900.—The local Ingle Carter bad been lost. Tne barges, signment mortgage upon Portland, Nov 14, would grant the men's demands. addl so much better. left here a that of C. U. &. F. H. Stott. In amount of money remaining secured bureau records the In tow of tbe Teaser, week BIG BAG 10c AT ALL GROCERS. weather following: of that oonoern for Provldenoe. to tbe tlon to the produots on a release based tbe nn- 29 thermome- ago According TO KILL EMPEROR --- thereby; upon 8 a. m.—Barometer. 616; ATTEMPT lor the Lallan I the became the firm vere agents on a of life Insur- ter, 40; dew point, 22; rel. humidity, 45, deepatch barges separated explrad terms; policy Yokohama, November 7, via Vlotorla & of Norwich direction of the wind, W; velocity of from tbe tag off Montauk Point Thurs- Wool mills, II. Lucas Co., ance based upon the amount of Insurance 13 (No. 331.) tho wind, 16; state of weather, p do dy. B. C., November 14.—On Ootober thi the Clinton mills, also of Nor In force nnder the day night during the height of tbe gale. Conn.; remaining assign- 20 thermome- Chinese oonrt arrived at SI Nan. Dur 8 p. m.—Barometer. 016; have wlon. and the Wlnthiop mills o ! AT ment on a marine and in- It Is believed they foundered and Ct., Are, casualty ter, 50; dewpoint, 12; rel. humidity, 42: the an Individual tried to as tbe lng journey Me. The woolen goods busl surance based of the wind. of all on board were lost. On board Wlnthrop, policy upon the unearned direction SW; velocity the of China but Uli 1 ! THE sasslnate Emperor ness of tbe oonoern, consisting principal premium." the wind, It.; state of weather, clear. Hudson were Capt. Leicester Webster of Majesty was not Injured. The would-tx which was transferrer Maximum temperature, 44; minimum Waketteld, Maes ble brother John, and ly of satinets, and FIRST was beheaded 80; mean temperature, 37; assassin from the firm Alltohell Bros., Is handle REBELLION SPREADING. temperature, an assistant. Capt. L. F. Bartlett and maximum wind velocity, iJW; precipi- W. L. ! SICN DISSOLVED. three assistants were on tbe Carter by Whlttemore me a call. It mean a searched Bookland, November 14 —A cablegran In response to questions yesterday not make may Prlnoe Edward Island South China has grown to an alarming WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. the Teaser, the] despatch adds, provincial legisla- Butler and of on the market serious trouble, II you for tbs missing and reoelved by Cobb, oompany to the amount paper very persist ture has been dlesolvea and December lU extent. The triad party in Kwan Tang The weather three days barges agricultural department the safe arrival a of Halbrook & In that It Is not worth made for The Hudson was today, announced K. W. Halbrook Corey thinking, election The present had been very active since the occupation bureau for Nov. 14, taken at 8 then port. appointed day. yesterday. of the schooner J. K. Bodwell said that he believed the estimate thu while to attsnd to It. It will only of Wei Chow. The were laden with 1000 tons of ooal and tbe Cayenne local government Is a liberal adminis- imperial troops m., meridan time, tho observation for p. was several weeks overdue and bad was In the banks of the city take a little ol your time and money had a of tons of ooal. She ,1,000,000 tration nnder Premier Earquharson. The losing ground steadily, the rebels having this section in this order: Carter cargo 1,854 being given been given up for lost by her owners. was nntrne, and that the amount wa to have me test jour eyes and lit you dissolution announcement was a sur- r-newed the siege of Wei Chow. They Temperature, direction of wind, state of CONFESSES TO WIFE POISONING largely over estimated. properly. captured Same-llow. All dlstrtots as fur weather: prise. AGREES TO RETURN. Mr. Halbrook detained to anj Mass November 14 —A com- KMPEHOK give as Namahan on the frontier of Kwsn- Boston, 34 degrees, W, olear; New Palmer, 18 —It la as to the amount of pape BAD EARTHQUAKE. and have risen. The York, 30 W, olear; Philadel- munication from polloe authorities Id Tien Teln, November reporter figures Tung Klang-Sl degrees, New At times phia, 38 degrees, W, olear; Washington, was received Officer that an edict has been tssuei throughout England. November 14.—Mr. Rus- commodore of Kwang-Tung with 80JO England today by Imperial A. WENTWORTH. Washington, 34 32 de- he he bad sold the paper freely, bn M. degrees, NW, olear; Albany, James J. of Three ac- that Emperor Kwang Su auc said, States at Caracas, re- men engaged 13,000 rebels at Tong Kang 26 Manning Hirers, announcing 6911,United charge grees, W, olear; Buffalo, degrees, be had no of the full exlen If a horrible the Dowager will return to Pe knowledge that the In Colombia Slen on the 23d, but was defeated. W, snow; Detroit, 24 degrees, SW, cording to wblob, true, Empress Practical ports earthquake the indorsements Optician, 28 near that on kin, A Russian column of 310 men wltl of outstanding. last month was much more 8 were Three thousand troops from Canton are cloudy; Chicago, degrees, NW, cloudy; crime was committed village very will that Mr 546 l-'l Congreu It St. Paul, 20 degrees, NW, snow; Huron, unknown to four which left here November 4 Tbe Frees tomorrow say than at first descrlb.d. Between under orders to relntoroe him. Hla posi- tbe 14th of last May, any guns, 18,000 llak 20 degrees, NW, olear; Bis- of Hudson baa been It to be a oonfesslon returned November having engaget 1 Smith Thompson ap and were destroyed or tion was desperate. The olUolals and 8 Jackson- persons. purports 9, 16,000 buildings marck, degrees, W, cloudy; the firm of H. 4 ; • »£ of the Chinese. pointed reoelver for U. Office Hours,—£5 J: damaged. public at Canton are In a state of panto. ville, 58 degrees, S, clear. made to the police Uoaport, England,

...Sir., Ji&ct * iiti* IMlJHJNAflT. ENTIRELY ONE SIDED. FROM THE THRONE. PK0B1MU Till: CLAIMS. KMPEliOK <¥¥¥¥¥*¥¥¥¥¥■¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥w"WX

address si Opening Kmp.ror William’s Mill Insnllaala Allsged (Jiteai Koa.d llMklaad u tur roads De- HERBOMANIA. sf ftslehstag. How Ntrfft Rail Meet JMMnWaa mands for Damnges. Berlin. November 14 —The Helchstag PREVALENT AMONG from the Barilo, Nanaibar U,—The Frankfurter CONDITION Gardlnar, November 1I.-TM gam* to- reassembled today. The speech a tram China |TWinchester faltung, • j FROM on prints deetaseh • PEOPLE SUFFERING Mmw Mock tend and Gardiner throes dwelt at considerable length REPEATING night that aluoord In Pekin bv- SHOT GUNS WEAKNESS. which have excited »l»«l« ■ *uHf »« Board laying prevails BODILT wm entirely one-sided. Gardiner the events In China, • “ " olvtllned Aialnat I rnnd-Lrnernllr m Cow ween the military and the diplomat late are cheap In price, but in price only. Take Down a handled the game to her own liking. snob deep emotions among poo- promise Results Instead of a Leiral < and that the latter are aleo at logger at the Power Tarrant and Walton of Kockland not 2 guns list $27.00 and Solid Frame guns at $25.00, but They Crave Health-Giving pis, njinf lends ttaemselree. The J J dark Complleatlon, among Vurwaerta. the Plants and Herb* »t the showing up, substitutes were played. fanatical bate and mperetltlon. will outshoot and outlast the a •f .tie Somalia* organ, say a: they highest priced a the advisers of of the Greeks. Kockland made an attempt to play Incited by uneorujr.Uoos There is no more striking example " Fields—Like Wa are Informed that the Kaiser Is In- • double barreled guns, and they are as safe, reliable but was oheoked. Know- the have driven misguided masses fine and logical system than the claim £ rough game, court, tlgnant or or ttae letters from roMlere lo of a street railroad cor- and besides. Winchester Shot Guns are a man Is unpopular aa a referee here. Mum- of Chinese to aeti of etrocl*y against department great handy made Smith's Green Btonntele Renovator would be China showing Uerman atrocities there tbe of western olvlUiatton and poration. Indeed It system the Great Itnatth-tlrlai Medi- mery. outposts of the very best materials that can be procured, a in run mad were It not for the fact that and Daa ordered an 1turned late lust-nu- J cine of Made of Kockland. Christian worship dwelling peacefully the Saf Gardiner. •very link in the long chain of events tation. An army order of this oharso- thoroughly modern system of manufacture permitting a Pure Herbs. their midst. rush Aratte which hinds an accident to a settlement ar la Id It la Dawson, an preparation. lnoomprehen- 5^ to * minister died at the hand of » them be sold at Benner "My on the one a to the buyable prices. J not be Kpencer, rush, is. hand, safeguard ilble, however, that such letters should Herbomania may a attempt to exactly Leyden, centre, Wiley assassin, In courageous company against fraud and, on the other, FREE—Send name and addrcaa on a poatal card tor 184 pace iUuatrated catalogue. a “ half baok, Kurbush The vanes displeasure in army olroles, slnoe correct from a medical standpoint, Mmith, oreroome the rising peril foreigners aa assurance to the honest claimant that Kwords, White hey only show that the soldiers oorreot- WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO.. New Ct. goal, saw them selves threatened, his case is a careful and search \ Haven, a condition which at tbe capital receiving \ but it expresses f axeonte the orders given by their so a « Won by. Gaged by_Time life and limb. These things of horror ing investigation. to exist in men and women of the de- aarlora.’’ ought Gardiner, Dawson, .08 united the civilised oommunlty, where The number and variety Maaaaaiaiaaaaaaaaaaaaatiaaaaaaaaaaaa^jjl The Gardiner, llaweon, .21 All mands for damages made upon a street CHINESE CKUELTY. suffering from bodily weakness. otherwise there was a divergence. Gaidlner, Dawson, 2 09 railroad corporation are surprising, but were and .0! natlone which the unparallehd London, November It —Dr. Morrison Greeks strong vigorous. Kockland, Wiley, against no matter how trivial or how serious a 6 TO was directed drew closer, to the Times from Pekin Mon- Gardiner, llaweon, onslaught be all art treated exactly vlnng We read of their the to complaint may “culling potent Kockland, Wiley, 8. with one mind, and to the Uerman Their eons fought alike and all are subject to the same rou- lay, referring expedi- cur- Limit herbs.” believed in their shnnlder to shoulder even at yonder tion to the tombs of the Ming They .01 tine, whether it be Oiuseppe Caponsac- dynasty Gardiner, Kpenoer, a wheel, or ative power. 1 12 standards float slda by Bide. chi, whose pushcart has loat and Kalgan, says: CERESOTA Gardiner, Kpenoer, themselves the banker who has been thrown from of Mountain Reno- Gardiner, Kpenoer, 18 40 "So the government* show "Opinion hate condemn! the looting Smith’s Green ~J his Gardiner, Kmltb, In oounoll, united, with the sole wish to carriage. he tombs, although no punishment is made of wholesome Limit Tho claim of one of the vator pure, restore an orderly state of thing* spesdl- department mold be excessive tor the cruelties re- Gardiner, Dawson, -26 largest street railroad corporations in the herbs of wonderful 1 88 ijr.'* revealed. One English missionary strength-giving Gardiner, Dawson, 70 men. Last year those cently >TO country employs Kookland, Wiley, The speech then proceeds: lad his eyas burned In their sockets Flour virtue. Thousands have been made 70 men investigated nearly 20,000 claims Gardiner, Kpenoer, §.H> consulted tbe "1 would sooner have and to with Incense sticks. He survived hit this Body Dawson, 10 paid damages amounting $700,000, j using great Gardiner, measure In Chtna but no as strong by Limit Kelobetag on the an average of $35 a claim. The claim agonies for SB hours. There is “Just Builder. No state is more noted for the of notion anu has to contend with every dlscnsiwd Kcore, Gardiner, 13; Kookland, 8. neoesslty prompt department *‘A loynl Chinaman today Good.” of reliable Infor- sort of and it is partly to stamp Fifty pounds for the strengthening powers of its Ktops, Kworde, 12; White, BV Kusbes, the dlflloulty furnlahlug fraud, with ms tha probability of Uan. Tung 2. Fouls, oonld fraud as fraud that an Intricate system more bread in each bar- Dawson, 8; Wiley, 8.; Benner, mation. Whenever the Helchstag Fn raising a renelllon among the native herbs than Vermont. Are Furbush. Keferee, has been built Hslng Parquett, Kpenoer, form decisions or estimate tbe expendl- up. llaoontented Moeieme In Western China rel than can be made KnoTman. Timer, Purnell. Attendance, Two cases illustrating the desire of the all out of sorts, nervous, the felt confi- you despon- 000. a ture required government from general public to “do" a railroad corpora- WASTINU TIME OVKIl PKINCKS. ordinary flour. without or zest for life’s dent that the would not dent, energy representatives tion came up recently not 1,000 miles Matin BATH. 5; LEWISTON, 4. the Paris, November 16.—The pub- need refuse their subsequent sanction to from New York. A servant girl who Not an ounce of in- battle ? Do you feel you and lishes an Interview with Yung, the Bath, November 14.—Tonight’s game necessary stuttered to that she couldn’t an- expenditure.” badly ot in a Ton of must have ? Take Smith’s teams Chinees minister, In the oourse whloh digestion strength between Hath and Lewiston polo Turning to domestic matters hie majei- nounce a visitor’s name without getting of asked a street railroad he raid: Bread made from Cere- Green Mountain Renovator. You surpassed In every way that any ty said that In oonaequeuoe of the natural tangled company will never be executed. eeaeos In the Maine for damages. She said that a car started "Tha princes will have Strength. other thus far this grow tb of the revenue and the Increased sota Flour. and threw her to the The of the powers are We make league. Bath lost a goal on fouls In the taxation voted last session more abun- suddenly pavement. representatives 4,000,000 When she recovered from the shook she wasting time and strength. They ought third period, thus tlclng tbe *0010 and dant funds were available In almost every barrels of Ceresota Flour Save time, and found that she had an impediment in her to back the to Pekin money POSTOFFICE an bring Emperor PORTLAND making extra period neoeasary.whloh branob of life In the empire, especially ■ naark I* w«. nrnvul tn Ihw ■■tiwf’jwM iillt never as the teams fn, TTifunM for tbe benefit of workers each and it anxiety by using only proved wildly exoltlng, of every one the and her law- year, except girl forever from tbe Influence of tbe Em- were matched. Hath out a A him Ceresota Flour. evenly pulled and for defense of the country. eastern yer that she had stuttered ever since she makes a loaf of In whom tbe China of the past poor winner by almost fsulclese playing. tariff, he added, would probably be tala began to talk. press, I VRRKCTKD TO OCT. 10. 1900. * la Incarcerated.” Ask Grocer for it. Summary; before the bundearath during tbe present In another instance a man who assert- bread. your OP PICK HOCKS. ed that he had been injured Hath. Lewiston. session." permanently NATIONAL NAVAL RESERVES. In a collision sued the for a. in. to 6 m. concluded company $25,- p Meroer, rp»h lilpson The speech by annoonolug November 8.00 a 000 damages. Two days before the trial New York, 14—Secretary a shier'• vy'-ee, (Sundays excepted.) McUilvrey, rnsh, Doe various bills which would be introduce 1 n>. to 6.00 p. m.: Money order department. 9.00 the company’s attorney invited him to It la said, In a special to the The Northwestern Consolidated Mr.rtangn, centre, Menard tbe Long. Milling Co., a. in. to 6.00 p. m.: Registry department, 0 00 a Tbe oeremony of opening itelcbslag O half baok Janells compromise for $4,500. He declined. Tribune from Waehlngton, will, In his oi. to 6.00 p. ra Hara, ball of occurred at noon In tbs Knights When the cast came to trial, the judge General lx livery, (Minduys excepted) 7.30 Burgess, goal Arrington report, urge the establishment of a Minn. In tbe of the Minneapolis, а. m. to 7.00 p. in. Sundays w.oj to lO.oo a ra. Sehlosz, preseuoe Emperor. dismissed it on the victim’s own testi- to tne Won by Caged by 'lime national naval reserve supplant 0 1.00 to 2.00 p. m. At the conclusion ot tbs from mony. These instances may be excep- speech naval militia which Is (arrien' Deliveries. Lewiston, Menard, U.BO gxlstlng thought we (Sundays excepted)—In the throne. Kmparor William was warm- tions. If they are exceptions they prove Your will not, will. business section of the city between Htch and .45 have outlived Its as shown grocer supply you-if Hath, McUilvrey, a rule which to the for In usefulness, Indie streets at 7.00. o.oo and it.oo a m.. t.30 and .50 cheered and Count von line low, the points necessity Hath, MoUllvrey, ly Its deterioration since the war in other sections at 8.00 a. 1.30 ra. a careful and systematic investigation by by rapid 5 p. m.; m., p. Lewiston, Doe, .45 Imperial cbanoellor, formally deolareu €11 AS. II. VAIIYEY CO., Muulay delivery at Office window, ».oo to 10.00 Limit the claim department of every claim pre- with Spain. a 1.00 to 2.00 p. ra Collections trom street the session Political olrcles m., .85 opened. sent ed. Miller’s Portland. boxes at 7.00 and 11.00 a in.. 4.00 and 8.00 p. in. ! Hath, Meroer, Agents, are disappointed at theooloi- LEAVES WIDOW IN BUCKSPORT. Mondays, o.oo )i. ra. only. Lewiston, lilpson, 8.05 generally It Is Interesting to trace the varioua from the throne Aii II1VAL AND UhiVA RTOHIt OF MAltA. Limit lessness of the epeeeh which lead to a settlement. Sup- November Prank Steps up Boston, 14.—Capt PRESS. intermediate Lewiston, 8.20 session this afternoon was a car runs into a truck driv- THE DAILY Boston, Southern end Western, j Hlpson, The opening pose trolley Saunders of Bucksport, who commanded offices aud connection* vUl Boston A Maine Meroer, 1.10 Hath, tame. en by John Doe of 100 East One IIun* railroad Division.) Arrive at 12.16, 8.86 the little schooner Leonora, which Is (Eastern Hath, MoUllvrey, is the ra: 8.oo a dreth street. A wheel knocked off be found at o 5.00 and 10.45 p. close and 11.45 ra, Limit •apposed to have foundered with all ou Can always thoperiod 8.00 and 9.00 p. m.; Sundays, arrive 12.45 anu 8.80 WIIAT WE ARE COMING TO. truck and John Doe hits the pavement CHAPMAN BANK Hath, MoUllvrey, a In Bucks- stores oft IaTIONAL H.oo p. ra. close 11.45 a. m., 3.30 and 9.00 p. ra with his head. The conductor aud the board, leaves wife residing ! 4. Boston, Southern ami and Inter me- ^00re, Hath, 5; Lewiston, Hashes, schooner left here on October E. W. Robert* l X) Congress scree* Western, motorman immediately from the port. ‘The * of Maine. dlatc offices aud connections, via Boston ind : Hlpson, 8; Mercer, 8; MoUllvrey, l.Stops, jump A. B. Merrill. 347 I’orllaml, and Sera Weather Pre- him- a for * Maine railroad. (Western dlvisiou)—Arrive at' Barges*. 27; Arrington, 80. Fowls. Mur- Snow Billiards car. Allowing John Doe to shift for lfl, with general cargo Bucksport. IS. G. Fesseuden, 636 JM>.46 a. 5.30 and 8.20 in.; close 6.00 and 8.00 addresses W. H. Jewett. 604 ra. p. laugh, MoUllvrey, O Hara, Menard. Ref- vail In Middle-West. self, they get the names and of H and 2.31 an I. A. Libbev. 670 Turn 11.30 a ra, i 6.00 p. ra A. Melds. MUNT1CKLLO VICTIMS. _ eree, Connolly. Times, C. as many witnesses of the accident as pos- & 406 Congress Keetern. via Maine Central Railroad-Arrive ! Bi>rague. McKlm, street CAPITAL. $1 Attendance, 650. sible. When finish their run, N November 14.—A num- Cbas Aslitoa. V31A Congress GO,000.00 2.00ami 4.20 a in.. 12.45 aud 6.15 p. in.; close ; they they Halifax, S., street B. L, Donnell 136 Congress street б. 00. hum and 11.45 a.ra. and 9.00 Prairie du Wls., November 14.— fill out blanks, which are at each p.ra Sundays, | Chlen, kept ber of funerals of vlotlms of ths Montl- J. H.»*y. 70s ou-ress *uvet arrive 12.45 ra close 11.45 a aud 0.0c p. ; w„ HARVARD’S PRACTICE. Tbe first bard snow of the season pre- depot. rello disaster took pines today. No more S. E. Ilatcn. 2 Exchange street Sorplas 2nd Undivided Profits, $33,000.00 р. 111. J. Dennis, 41V Commercial vails here The snow Is five Certain questions on each blank must ot the missing bodies have been found VV. street intermediate offices and connec- tonight. 8. Cor. d and Oxford Augusta, be answered—for the number l’. Cole, Boy street Solicit* the accounts of BnnhfkJler. tion via Maine Ontrai 1 allroad—Arrive at 2.08 on the te'-el and Is sllll fall- example, W. Peterson, 177 Middle street (aches deep A of recent Harvard J. and 9.00 «. 12.46 and 6.15 close of the the number of couple graduates er-. n. 4b-.» 1 cnnlile firm*. Corporation* and ra.. p. m.; at6.00. Is Will car, passengers J. M. I’e Coupes street v Captain Daly Still Laid tp-llfu 9.45 and H.45 a. in.. 4.15 and 9.00 p. m. ing. aboard at the time of the accident, wheth- were arrested In Japan recently for pho- T. A. Smyih, 76 Exchange street Individual*, and Is prepared to fur- See Yale-Prineetua November 14.—Tbe J. W West man V6 Cominetei I Fifmngtots, intermediate offices and eontiee Usuis, Dead wood, S. D., an was but released street nish its the beet facilities er night or day, whether inspector tographing fortifications, by U. patrons Ions via Maine Central railroad—Arrive a this Join Alien, 881^4 Congress street accommodations. worst storm of the winter began and hit ■ and liberal 2.45.and 6.15 p. ro. ;«lo»e at 7.45 a m. and 12 m present, the policeman present arder of tbe minster of Justice who knew Dennet& Co. 645 CougresM with a snow and a mist. so on some <». B. Hodgson. V6 V» Portland street Hocktan >, intermediate offices and conneo- morning gentle number and at length. It is them personally. F. L. Brackett Peags tlons via Knox aud Lincoln railroad—Arrive 14.—The Harvard to Island. Cambridge,November He ports from all surrounding towns and always difficult to induce witnesses Congressman -eleot H. C. Smith, sleet- A. w. Hill, 460Cotigre»s nt. 12.45 and 6 00 p. ra; close at €.00 aud 12 ra Paid on team had a forty mlnntes line up state that the storm is give their names, and they arc likely to ed In the 2d Michigan district by 4,5iH) H. M. Butler, C8 Pine street interest Deposits. intermediate offices and con nee- varsity mining camps Sktnchegan, the voters of J. H. Vickery, 221 street. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at a scrub team fallen hide behind fictitious names or the names plurality, tempted Wood- Spring tlous, against today daring wbloh general. Tbe thermometer has H. D. McKenzie. cor. and Clark 12.45 p. m.; close at 12 m of a which sometimes etoek promising that If they would Spring two touchdowns were eoored. The work friends, practice by A. J. Barter, 6> Portland Pier. thirty degrees since morning. a In their dlstrlot he SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. Island Pond. Vt., intermediate offices and leads to unpleasant compilations. give him plurality G. A. Eastmv.i. 8 Custom house Whan. connections, via Grand Trunk Railway-Aw of the varsity wsa somewhat more nagged November 14 —A severe would suffer himself to be Tbe Dubuque, la., The reports made the motorman and baptized John Cox, 23 Monument square. rive at'.i •. ii-45 a m.. 6.00 ra ; 8.16 by ladles have made un a bathrole F. 12 Elm Interviews end Invited. p. Sundays thsn yesterday and tbe scrubs succeeded snow storm has been since noon. regal J. Hutchinson. street Ctrrespendence close at 7.30 a. ra. 1.00 aud falling conductor, with the names of the witness Am.; 6.00 p.ra j and a committee has officially notified J. j. Thuss. fil India street 5.00 p. m. In the for downs twloe Is two lnohes and still Sundays holding yersity The snow deep es, are immediately referred to the cen- Mr. Smith that his forfeit Is due. He C. H. 8 to we 11. 38 Preble street (Ul.LEiN C. CHAPMAN, President. Gorham. Intermediate offices and coa first touchdown could be C. F. Hiroonds. *7 Indis street S.H., before the falling. The storm Is general In this sec- tral office, whore the case is turned over h»s gracefully yielded and will be Im- ueotious, via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at Also st the news stands In the Kaunuu h THOMAS H. EATON. -Cashier. 1; made. was on the tbe to the chief He sends his mersed, bat not until next 8.1. ami 11.45 a ni., and 6.00 p. ni.; Sundays s.15 Captain Daly Held, tion and is the first of season. investigator. probably Preble. Congress Bquare, United States and when the weather Is warmer. Mr a. m.; cu*»e at 7.30 a in.. Loo. 6.00 p. ra Sua- hot not In his football clothes and still La Crosse, Wls November 14.—A gen- subordinates out to see the witnesses. Iu spring, West t.ud hotels. and Grand Trunk aod Union niBCCToar: at > 0o. in. and 7.30 p. in. Smith Is a Quaker. It cau also he obtained of days used a cane. He will do no as many cases as possible signed state- Depots. Chisholm probably uine blizzard Is raging In this olty to- Bros. A on all trains of the Montreal—Arrive at *.1.» and 1L45 a m. and ments of the circumstances of the acci- ! gen Maine Cen- CULLEN C. CHAPMAN SETHI IARRABEE. с. o be s re that ii Is labeled Hromo places: trained. Cam pi given who transcribe the written statements A unurn—a- A. Pel ID tar. wwaptf ■ ltd lint Itromale. At stl Z6C. Bartlett. A'. H.. intermediate offices and con- AUAINST DIVOKCK. druggists. T\ lTore* Most of the Harvard team will bs taken and collocate them as “Case No. 18,000“ Augusta—J nections via Mountain Division ML C. K. K»— Aur ’d— J. M. Ak^rs. 14 —When the / Arrive ai 8.50 a. ni. and 8.-0 p. m.; close at 8 a to sue the Yale-Prlnoetoa game as the New York, November or whatever number it may happen to be. Bailev’s PU.d—D. P. Sen nett m. aud 12.00 ni. Shaw. coaches thin k that In this way they will general conference of the Protestant EpU- The doctor w ho attended John Doe scuds Rath—John.U. Berlin Tails, h. H.—C. fi. Clara con- a of the ex- HuChester. 2V. U., Intin mediate offices and be benefltted rally as much as ty another copal church meets In San Franolsoo, to the company statement Blddelord—A. M. Burnitam. nections. via Portland* itochester railroad- WM. Iff. MARKS, three new canons on Ih tent of his patient’s injuries, and the Br»UgU>n—A W. lugalU, at i.-o .tun 6.00 (L30 a. ra. praotloe game. next October, Arrive p. m.; close at calls the doctor Brunswick—F. P. Buaw. 12.00 ra be company’s physician up subject of marriage and dlvoroe will Bangor J. D. Glynn. Westbrook PRINCETON'S LAST PRACTICE. •n the telephone to get his professional Harbor —0. F. Kennlstou Cumberland Mills, Gorham and plaoe before that body for Its considera- Boothbav (Saccarappa) Arrive at 8.45 a. ra 1.28 aud 6.70 opinion on Mr. Doe’s case. Then “No. Coal! Brown Held-Jay L. Frink, Card ni.; close 6.30 and 12.00 a m. aud 5.30 ro. Princeton, N. •>., November 14.—Al- tion. Should these oanons beoorne the & Jose. j). p. to a reader. tape *• 18,000“ goes •• Elizabeth—Dyer Book, South Portland, Willard ami < Ottuge— ,i T. Alnrnuer. Cape most every student witnessed Prlaoe- law of the Eplsoopal ohuroh through the The of the reader is to examine akd- Arrive at 7.33. 11.00 a ra 8.00 p. ra; close .630 duty Cumberland Mills—11. G. stare bard <^Rukn—Kreii I.owiil Ann. 1.30 and 6.30 p. ra ton’s last practloe before the Yale approval of the general oonfereHoe, then carefully the papers in the case as put 7.38 Corulsb—L.B. Knight. Fleasantdale and Cash Comer—Arrive and the hnal line the uilu in mu imui ui me game, up against ths Episcopal ohuroh will have pn- oeiore it-puns ria. and 11.15 a m. and 4.30 p. ra; close 7.30 Am. Fresh Mined and of Su- Leering— ..ob scrub team this afternoon. Two nrteen dlvoroe from the investigating department. lie Deeruig Center—J. R. B yaot, •&* .~>ieveti Hud ldio and 6.3c ;>. m nounoed Its anathema against | JOB u e PRINTER, gv 181 AND MAll A minute halves were after which the re-mar- is supposed to separate the salient points played, and more particularly against Dainariseoca— M. M. Damage. t»iamt—Arrive at a from the mass of detail. He mast report PKIKTRIUr KXCUAaNGE, Peaks lo-0'i m., elo*e secret praotloe was held. man of dlvoroed while another perior Quality, DeellUg—G. L>«vli. at 1.30 m. Every rying persons p. the number of witnesses seen, how many j rmrBelu—E. U. *CTans. l and Islands—Ar- ivi'mi imu uio nun mtu pirui/ ui mv to the dlvoroe still Is In life. f. WblLoAO* t»7 I K:\ehunge NL. Portia n HarpsweU, Long Chebeague part favor the company and how many favor Farmington—M. rive at a m.; close at 2.03 p. ni. W. Mitcnou. an<1 pltyed nurd, straightaway football. the truck and John Doe and whether in Fr*»ei*orl—A- Fr/eourg—A. C. Jr rye. In tbe first half tbe second raters a deal of 8TAOR MAH.a. kept came In for good attention at his judgment the company is liable. Then Fryeburg—J. t> W Wuuorg HNc JUD HnINIlIiu A ortulAU I. Bros. beach— Arrive at 5.30 close the from scoring their tbe handa of tbe con- he turns over the case to the claim ad- Gardiner-Bussell orders mall or boweru p. in.; at varsity although general Episcopal W. WAolC. All or telephone promptly 2.00 ra IHTe u’s Landing—8. to. sepcaoedtt p. line was twice The ference of 18(8, ■} In foot, tnat a to this the investigation | Leruiond. attended k'n ini. M_k i-.ivu at goal endangered. mnob, juster. Up point All the best Gorham L. J. have two or two ! grades H. H.—8. M. Leavitt* > 7.30 a. m. and 5.30 p. m.; close at 6.00 a. in. and varsity braced up In the seoond half and committee of twelve was appointed for may occupied days weeks. Gore—t. l. Russell, ILSOp.m. scored a touchdown. tbe of taking the matter UDde r B. Bradford. ti a >!,< J.a /». O formerly Duck Pond ! pui*|loee of Anthracite and Bitu- fciiighlfuie—L. The claim adjuster is a lawyer, with a j 1- BUSH. Pride's Comer, Windhams, No. Windham consideration and makee such recommen- KulgUtvute—G. YALiE'S SEC15ET PKAOTICE. into human nature and Keunebunk—J. H. Otis. Paymond and South Casco— Arrive at 1.00 a lawyer’s insight dation to the next oonferenoe of that j minous. Kennebunapoi t—C. E. Miller m.: close at 2.00 o. m. November 14.— a of the ot New Haven, Conn., lawyer’s appreciation power Livermore Falls—C. Newman. aa would pave the way for ohanges on Yale field this afternoon body Mammon. He decides at just what Lewiston—Chandler * Wmshtu Ttx^iraotloe tenets of the obnrch on U. Mars ion In the present price the compauy should settle and sends Long Island—8. COOL GARB FOR NOVEMBER. was almost wholly In searet. The team A. CL of divorce. Limerick—8. Grant. tbe subjects marriage and his men out to see John Doe and the 1L I?osier. Bidder nrd, November 14 — Jim as It played today was praotloally tbe Lisbon—C. Moody Tbs committee went into eeselon today, owner of the truck. If these last are Lt*—* Falls—a. M. Gerry of who has achieved considerable same that*will face Prlnoeton on Satur- Falls—Merrill & Dsn amt Ssco, afternoon the members announced wise, they will sign receipts and accept lleebanie ibis Deeriutt— * C. Noyes, notoriety In the lo0*liaveu—C. yesterday been elne die and that three Mu ton a left left adjourned set the is to be Hortn Btrauora «n.-4.C his home on Free street, while In Terguson; taokle. Bloomer; by claim adjuster likely F atone. leaving oauons hod been drafted. KnrwsvKnrwsv— l* Last guard. Brawn; center, final, aud discretion is generally the bet* wll laUl. a KunoaiL nearly naked condition. evening Captain Oieott; • A O. Noves Still- PLURALITY ter part of valor. Moody wandered from hie house with right gnsrd, Sheldon; right taokle, Bl’KlNLKY’S 211,70) MCALLISTER. N. Con wav—CL tL Wb'takar This, in brief, is the process through Old Orenard— Jnu u ocaiumon. only an ulster on, this being reversed, man; right end, Bnilerty; quarter back, November 11 —Clerk returns Augusta, which each of perhaps 20.000 claims must Oxford—C. F. MarDlro. his the sleeves of Wear; full buck, Hale; left half, Cook; W. A. 1) Cragiu. legs being put through raoelved at tbe office of the secretary of go. So is the work done that FhiUpps— thoroughly Rlcnmond—A. L. Freoie. the coat. Bat he was right half, Pioeke. great captured state from all but three plantatlone out no claimant ever receives excessive dam- Rumiord Falls— *. J. Knife and taken home before he had wandered of 520 cities towns and plantations In the ages. He gets what he deserves and not Rockland—Dunn & Carr. Art At tVall Paper 0 a Mail and Ex- Poor Indeed far a ul here he was kept for a consider- UAHVAKU STUDENTS AND THE state tbe electors a cent more.—New York ■* A. J. Huston. give McKinley plural- are those down mental de- weighed by Sanford—Ti»ifton Bros, able length ot time. CADET (JIKH. of The returns also show that press. Men rise in this world ity 20,700. pression. bkowhegan— H. t. Graves buoyant nerve force. This morning, however, at about two only 875 Socialist votes were oast at the through Bouth Portland—J. If. Mfrirmn The story of Harvard studeuts follow- The loss of this force •* JUKY DID ITS daily drags H. Ricker* 8#e. .'•o.PorLlan o'clook he again escaped from his home recent election and In order to get the DOTyT down to failure some of the world's ing the Cadet Girl chorus, which was told W. 11. Moirlsoo. and wandered this time brightest minds. Such a condition is away, having names of their candidates on tbe next London, November 14 —The director, Wh-'dlram-j. w. itead. by somebody connected with the compa- commonly known as Nervous Debility. ^outir over him a Paris—A. D. bturtevaut only quilt. offiolal ballot It will be necessary for the manager and auditors of Duuibells When lose self-confidence aud bouth to have been a you a. EXCHANGES ny, appears highly bouth Paris—b. BUurtletf * On The chased him until Imagi- feel your strength, and nerve polioe nearly day to secure one thousand signatures bank of Isle of Man, which re- energy Daw.a native A few students did party Douglas, force are it is Bouth Waternoro-G.C. production slipping away, high.time L. bi ret* ter. DAILY. light before arresting hm. The Prohibitionists for over 1CO.OOJ pounds, seek sensible aid. 8,-ico—IV. MADE to bat It Is polled, approximate- cently failed, you H. fC Kendricks * Oo. apparently go Itawrenoa, You success fiaoo- 3000 votes. were found of falsifying the prefer health and to •• E. L. Preble. If a one ly, guilty today doubtful single oame here. Tbe misery and failure. W. bank’s books. Sentence was deferred South Bristol—N. Gawaga Dalton «fc Co., Impression wbloh the story gavs that a RIG UOOU ROADS ORGANIZATION TBsi—sym K. w. Walaa. the Jurymen were cheered by the assem- Vinal Haven—A. B. ViaaL ST. Will Boom His Business. large number of students had procured Biu*. Si HCIUKME Chicago, November 11 —A national blage or rulDed depositors. Wardohoro—Geo. a ftraln and were tbe WestjParls—8. T. White. a special following bad roads on a S. Laval, merchant of Uallas, Tex., campaign against bigger \\ imasseU—Gibbs * Bundle:: writes: “1 1 would chorus from plaoe to place, was entirely thought have to give and more comprehensive scale than any Wstervllle—W. D. Spalding. STATE OF MAINE. up business, after two years ot suffering erroneooa. There has been no Wosthrook—W. ». special Is to be In have no as a nerve restorer. A BootfcbJ. from on over- In the past, organized Chicago equal Woodford*—Chapman * Wyman. general debility brought by train, and no train load of A of boxes will that DEPARTMENT. boys. the formation of a nation- couple dispel heavy \ar mouth fill*—A. J B. MttohalL EXECUTIVE work and long hours, but four bottles next week by __ 1.0*. mountain to have been made feeling; the unnatural weariness dis- Augusta. Nov.*, of ttlectrlc Bitters me new life I appears for th* gave al good roads association with branches appears aud replaces languor with new Notice Is hereby given tliat a petition an now eat well and out of a very insignificant molehill force and of and brain. Six of Ellen a ronviet til the «!»*» anything, sieep in state In the union and if possi- vigor body pardon DoTley all the time, every IPERUNA boxes will cure case of ST0CKBRI03E HALL under sentence for tbe crime of murder eel like working it's the any ordinary prison ble In every county and every township tlie Governor iuh! touH- aest medicine on earth.“ It1, a wonder- I CURES CATARRH nervous debility. If not, you get your is now pending before ful tonic and health builder for tired, money back. Home School for Young Ladies. ONE DAY KRUGER AT PORT SAID. *1 00 per box; 6 for $5 00, mailed in as weak, eiokly and run-down people Try TO CURB A COLD IN J Of STOMACH.BOWELS.KIDNEYS Address STOCKBRIOUK HALL, fflsiSif wsr November IB.—The Duton package. Book free. Peal lsrsionth, lie. *“*- day of N— It. Satisfaction 60s l.aiatlve Bruino Tablets. All Port Said, plain guaranteed Only Take Quinine Medicine Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Bev. Bob*rl Codnutu. Jr. at 11 677 It tails to cure cruiser Gellderland with Mr. Kroger on B«lereuce—Ki. novtdasHMt# B B. (Joold, Congress street drueglsts refund tbe money if For sale by ©. H. ©IFFY & CO. 1‘onluol. ItVTtMdU drug store t. W. Drove's signature la on eaeh box. -'on, hoard, has arrived here. j'ANOFEMA^OR^N^^ ■ ■*!"*'1 1 ".IL ""

roonmMow- lamra aa address la whloh they will ex- CHURCH GROWTH. ■ItCBLLAXKOTJI* ■ncuunooii 11 * CRUSHED Bl CABLE CAR. press the belief that the time has come WOMEN MUST SLEEP. for the *i»lng op of the party orgmnlsa- IK^SSsaBassssssi The_ j! tlon. All surer and Llnooln Hepubll Religion' SUtl'tieR for the oane will be urged, It la understood, to Avoid Nervous Prostration. beoome Demoorata. 'United States. illfORLD’S i; % ——— sick what 1» Vicar HOW THEY GBOW. If you are dangerously Awful Death of FAIR of ? He of Christian He TV the drat duty your physician ■erprlslag lacrmr 1.0- he deadens ets the nervous system, H. to Ohio. \ Gen oral of N. Oases; Figures flrlatlag and -IS AT- sleep well. Barry tlsts Campbrlllt's. r pain. *nd you Alesha. 11 Friends ask, what is the cause ? Usorglo set and the snswer comes in pitying THE It came DAMASCUS? tones, nervous prostration. 'Washington, November 14.—The popu- (W. K. Curtis In Chicago Keoord.) in the upon you bo quietly beginning, lation of announoed frequently appear In both and when tbe state of Ohio, aa Complaints that you were not alarmed, secular and oonoern- after night Under Street Car in today by tbe oenaue bureau, la 4,167,545, religions newspapers BAZAAR sleep deserted you night Was Dragged Interact In in the aa In 1890. Tbla la an lng the decay ot religious until fairly burned agalnet 8,678,315 your eyes the of tbe | in nervoua Increase of or 9 oent. affairs among people United Jit 510 darkness, then you tossed New York- 86,889, 18 psr Congress St.. |> for Tbe atate of State#, bnt they are not Justified by tbe agony praying sleep. population of tbe Georgia that tbe la annonoed aa 8,816,881 against 1,887,858 statistics, which show obnrohea In 1890. This Is an lnoreaas of 878,078 are growing In wealth and membarahlp I*I* I have just returned trom (> or 80.5 per oent. quite as rapidly ais tbe clubs or schools ; the Orient. are Tbe oensns bureau reoently oompleted or other eonlal and .ednoatlonal Institu- (| My goods jest j, His Body Was Horribly tbe enumeration of tbe district of Alaska. tions, and that several ot the religion* *: fresh and genuine. I* The schedules have bean reoelved at denominations have more than kapt pace The re- Persian and Turkish Mangled. tbe offloe and are now In process of ta- with tbe Inornate ot population. Rugs i* bulation. turns of the census will undoubtedly Beautiful China. * The director of oensus, today gave out confirm that conclusion. So far as com- J* ][ A fine collection of fine > the foUowIng statement with reterenoe to piled they show a remarkable growth In | tbe work In that great teirltory: some of the religions denominations and merchandise at low price-. (( Ur. Samuel U. who bad a normal Increase In membership and Dead Priest Was Ordained in Dunham, t' cbarge of the work In the northern dis- the houses of worship in nearly all of Give me a call and I will in 1864. trict, returned to a few days them. The New York Independent re- Portland Washington guarantee satisfaction. (> sgo and submitted bis final report. He cently compiled statistics far tbe year left Washington on this work on May 4, 1898, which show an Increase ot more than Oil 1899. 33 per oent In tbe membership of all the Omega f "The native and mixed population religions denominations, whloh Is more NAOJIM O’MIRHIGE. 1st Ion octioiim \ of the northern dlatrlot of Alaska la 12,- than the Increase of tbe popu | New York, November H.—Kev.Father rapid | 658. Tbe most populous dlatrlot with of tbe oo on try since 1880. Mas. A. Hartley. Jobs* K. Bony, vicar-general ot tbe respect to the native Is tbe The Is a comparison of the dlooese of Manobeeter and Oonoord, N. population, following to have known that country lying between tbe month of Independent's figures, with ths oensus Yon ought H., and pastor of St. John's ohurob,Con- When ceased to be regular in your the Yukon and tbe Knskoqnln rivers returns ot 1880: Ii» you a cable oar with- cord, waa Instantly killed by If courses, and you grew irritable and back from tbe ooast one In* this afternoon. In extending there was serious on Broadway, late N. Y. lode crease out cause, that hundred miles. Ur. Uaurloe Johnson, Census trouble somewhere. company with Kev. K. M. O'Callaghan of 1880. pendent, 1889. pot. tbe agent for this dlatrlot travelled over Your You ought to know that indigestion, of Portsmouth, N. H., Kev. I) W. Mur- BOO miles with dog team daring the win- 11L088 138,301 exlraustion, womb displacements, phy of Dover, N. H,, and Kev. W. J. Ministers, ter and enumerated 8018 all of Churches’ 14«.W1 187,808 38 dizziness, headache, and N. he was persons, CLOTHES fainting, O Kellly of Manchester, H., Members, 80,818,800 87,710,004 34 backache send the nerves wild with In front whom wera Indians. orosslng the street Immediately Aooordlng to ths estimates of ths bureau and you cannot sleep. Ur. Johnaon reports that from Decem- affright, ot the Aitor house for tberurposeof of statist!os ot ths treasury department Are Mrs. of 221 W. St., 74 Indian Ilartley, Congress Two ber 1, to March 16, be visited tbe Increase of population from 1880 to we mailing a letter at the post ollloe. Chicago, 111., whose portrait pub- and that time saw bat 1888 whs 31.88 oent. at time and Fath- villages, during per suffered all tnese agonies, suu oars were passing the a of the Torn lisn, three Uses In the shacks or dug- ^L'he following Is comparison Pink- across burning was entirely cured by Lydia E. er Barry, being In the lead, Jumped Membership of the religious denomina- outs. The poor oreatures huddled together than members ham's her case the track to avoid the flret, Before he tions more 600,000 or Vegetable Compound; tbe having to and In tbelr miserable dwellings during In 1880 and In 184): should be a warning others, be warned he was the could caught hy fish Ino. cure conviction to the minds long winter and subsist on frosen her carry fender of the other cor and thrown In on of every suffering woman of the un- and a little seal oil wblob they secure Ripped, front of the wheels. His body woe 86 failing efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham’a the coast during the summer. 1 ne lur Roman Cathollos, 0,867.871 8,446,801 dragged some dlstanoe. the wheels of tbe Methodists, 4,689,884 6.809,616 86 Vegetable Compound. bearing animals which formerly tar- 10 Or if over and horribly Baptists, 8,712,468 4,448,688 — ii. flret truok passing — —] nished them with natural olotbtng, are Lutherans, 1,881,078 1,575,778 28 mangling the body. He was almost In- nearly extlnot, and they have been loroed Presbyterians, 1,878,881 1,660,847 88 NO DECISION REACHED. killed. Tramo was -loppeu tor 74 They stantly man’s and as Disciples of Christ, 641,061 1,118,806 to adopt the white garb, 81 some time, owing to the dllllonlty In re- Episcopalians, 640,500 709,825 their poverty prevents them from secur- 82 the remains from the wheels. Congrvgatlonallsts, 618,771 688.834 Need Alilermrti Not Agreed on TelrpUoue moving ing enough to oover their nakedness, may be drawD The body was removed to the nearest Interesting comparisons Matter. there Is from the cold. from tbe above There will be llennls M. great suffering llgures. polloe station and Bishop at enormous The spiritual oondltlon of these neglected muoh surprise ,tbe gains CLEANSING, Bradley of the Manchester, N. H., dio- among the dlsolples ot Christ, or The board held another natives Is no better than the Camp- of alderman physical, who art found the cese, who, with the other priests Is here bellltes, throughout our caucus last on the telephone mat- as tbs missionaries devote their attention states. Missouri bas tbe Let night of servloes at central greatest to attend a series special and ter. They talked from about eight o'olock to the more attraotlve Helds In the gold number, Indiana second Kentucky St. Patrick's Cathedral, was at once noti- third. Tbe ohurch Is also very strong until after eleven and then adjourned. regions and along the river, where their Tailors do the fied. Afterward, under his Instructions, in Illinois. Onto aud Tennessee. The alderman bad nothing to aay for good work may be eeen. Tbe gains by any religions de- the body was removed to an undertaker's largest They said that they were “The Nome district Is the most popu- nomination during tbe nine years oovered publication. where It was for Work establishment prepared returns were made tbe Chris- Skillfully. no nearer the solution of the question lous In Northern Alaska. The enumera- by tbe by shipment to the dead clergyman's home. tian Scientists, wno. In 180U, by tbe .cen- than they were before they met. The tions showed a permanent white popula- but mass wlll'be said at tft. Peter’s sus returns, bad only 8,784 members, Requiem the sum- aldermen are agreed on the proposition to tion on June 1, of 3704. Daring are credited with 80,0110 In 1890. Tbe churoh on Friday morning. In oonse- Mor- admit a new telephone company bo the mer about 18,000 people landed at Nome, latter-day saints, or non-polygamist of the accident the sermon which show the next FREER Is Informed but have not quenoe 3500 of these from Dawson. mons, largest growth, they about oomlng from wai to have been preaohed tomorrow at having luoreaeed In membership STANDARD CLOTHING as to which of the have returned to their homes Is and calls for treatment. CO, yet agreed company About 13.000 to 433,620. The Dlsolples ot Christ SORE THROAT dangerous prompt the Cathedral by Bishop Bradley, has 166,186 rub the two Detltlonlng for permission shall In tne States, leaving about 1000 people are third In tbe order of growth, and tbe The safest, surest cure known is Omega Oil. First Father was 67 quickest, ben oanoelled. Barry le fourtb. Tbe Unitarians a of flannel have the privilege of doing business In In the region contiguous to Nome. It Roman Catholics throat thoroughly with this liniment, and then saturate piece W. C. WARE. M'g’r, 544 Congress SI old and well known throughout show no Tbe Unlversaltsts and Portland. A likely solution of the prob- years probable that the population of the town gain. with it and bind around the neck. Omega Oil is splendid for Bronchitis. novl4aif He has a sister show a railing oil both In New England. living be be- Spiritualists the Chest. It is better lem so It Is said seems to be the admis- of Nome during the winter will and In the number of Swollen Tonsils, Difficult Cold in In Boston. membership Breathingand sion of both of the petitioning oompanles. tween 4000 and 5000. ohurcbes sustained. of the car The conductor and motorman The following table snows tbe number PORTLAND LODGE OFFICERS. that killed the Vicar were arrested. USE FOR CANNON BALLS. of ministers in 1800 and 1800: Ino. ;_ _o_ _ At the annual meeting of Portland 1800. 1899. pet L/quor&Morphinp F and A. the lodge, M., following but all ORDAINED IN PORTLAND. Condemned as War Weapons, 21 officers were elected: Methodists 80,000 86,434 Habits 29 General Served One Year Right In Stone (gnarrlee. Baptists, 36,646 83,088 and M. W.—Charles T. Vicar Barry Permanently Painlessly Berry. Presbyterians, .10,448 18,073 15 Cured at S. W.—George II. Allan. At Cathedral. Roman Cathollos. 0,106 11,144 81 J. W —Warren W. Cole. “Cannon balls for blasting’’ Lutherans, 4,501 6,686 46 S loretary—George F. Gould. NV H November 14.—The 11 Concord, In a Congregatlonalists, 6,068 6,639 WBaiieySanitorium Treasurer—Albro E. Chase. This sign bong oonsplououa place 88 PORTLAND ME. 65STATE ST. Very Reverend John E. Barry, vloar Dlsolples of Christ, 3,873 6,389 Finance Commltee—W. N. Howe, before the door of a store In Atlantlo 17 of the Roman Catbollo diocese of Episcopalians, 4,224 4,981 A Private Sanitarium Herbert W. Robinson and E. D. East- general Inside and started ivenue led a reporter The following Is a comparison ot the For Gentlemen and Ladies. man. Manchester, was one of the oldest, moat bit of questioning upon the subject, number of houses of worship: The sanitarium in the Masonic Trustee—Robert R. Swift. widely known, highly esteemed priests only tays the Boston Ulobe. loo. world using in New England. The news of his traglo 1800. 1890. PERFECTED LAST NIGHT S SEIZURE. The proprietor said: “Bast fall when pot. THE death In New York this afternoon, threw GOLD REMEDIES Last evening the police made a seizure the United States government sold all of Methodists, 46,138 63,083 14 the entire olty Into mourning and many Semi For booklet Long Distance Telephone of liquor at Charles Quinn's plaoe, 91 the old cannon balls and solid shot which Baptists, 87,671 49,781 14 Boolal functions, Protestant and Cathollo 10 J. were In Presbyterians, 12,460 14,881 Clifton Salley Manage? Centre street, a part of three [or so many years plied pyramids For Institute erthe Fast securing scheduled for this were Roman Cathollos, 8,816 11,604 31 years Mgr. Keeler as well, evening of tne at barrels of ale and a quantity of porter, Dong the main street navy yard Lutherans, 6,71) 10,091 64 The Kind You Have nnd which has been canoelled. Father Barry was born In Always Bought, Horn we a lot of them of 10,808 03 octl3 beer andfwhlskey In jugs. Charlestown purchased Dlsolples Christ, 5,884 in use for over 30 has borne the signature of Eastport, Me., In August, 1836, was edu- 6,108 6,623 29 years, with little thought of converting them Episcopalians, under lits TKADES' BOWLING TOURNAMENT. cated at Holy Cross oollege and at Congregationallsts. 4,736 6,620 18 /) and has been made per- lnto>nythlng besides pig Iron. Bat a and was ordained to the will be notloed tbat the Roman since its infancy. At Pine's last the Milll- Montreal, priest- here It yj.sonal supervision alleys night tew weeks after we had stored them tbe and In In 1864, His silver Catholic* have largest parishes /-Cocc*#t4 no one in this. For Women. Cousins & Short team won two of hood Portland, Me., Allow to deceive you ken, [ overheard a quarry-owner oomplaln- tbe Baptists the smallest. The Metho- Dr. Tolman’s Regul&torhaa brought was oelebrated In this city In 1899 and are but Monthly three games from the Chenery team. jubilee Ing of the slowness and uncertainty of dists have four times the number of All Counterfeits, Imitations “Just-as-good” happiness to hundreds or anxious women. and was a event of times the number of There is no other known The score: great religious purses churches aud three with and the health of positively remedy the old system of steel wedging used In Experiments that trifle endanger medical that will so and and ministers, and tbe Baptists nearly five to science, quickly flUOO $600 respectively being present- do the work. Have never had a Cbenery Team. getting out huge blocks of granite, and times tbe number of ohurcbes and three Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. safely single ed to him by his parishioners and by the failure. The longest and most obstinate cases after a bit of I suggested tbe nse times tbe number of ministers the Catbo- Bean. 78 77 79— 231 of thought are relieved In 3 days without fall. No other clergy of the dtooese. After servloe have little more J. MoCorvllle, 73 81 09— 223 of oannon balls In the steel wedges. We los repoit, although they remedy will do this. No pain, no danger, no one In the oathedral at Portland, half as oommunloant*. interference with work. The most difficult 91 76 71— 2J8 year of various than many Shaw, sent about twenty sizes and that tbe treated corres- G. 83 94 78— 285 Father came to thle city and A calculation shows average What is CASTORIA cases successfully through MoCorvllle, Me., Barry oat to his and after the is and the most complete satisfaction 89 70— 227 weights quarry, membership ot tbe Baptist ohurohes pondence Graff am,68 bad remained here ever slnoe. in every instance. 1 relieve hun- trial be harried a team In here with of the Methodists 110, and of the is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- guaranteed 1144 Iret 00, Castoria dreds of ladies whom I never see. Write for Total, Cathollos 757. The Baptists have one It All letters SWEPT WEIRS AWAY. a note that read: Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. further particulars. truthfully Mlillken, Cousins & Short. minister to every 135 communicants, the goric, answered. Free confidential advice in all 'Tried the cannon they are It. nor other Narcotic North Truro, November 14.—The wes- bails; Methodists one to every 161, and the contains neither Opium, Morphine matters of a private or delicate nature. Bear CtOUlS, 81 IB (O— 280 Send have thrown the steel one to 768. lu mind this remedy is absolutely safe under terly whloh over the New Htfty more; Cathollos every Its is its It destroys Worms Taljror, 84 91 85— 260 gale swept substance. age guarantee. every possible condition and will positively Harrington, 92 78 94— 237 England ooast last Friday completely wsdges away.’ and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind leave no after ill effects upon the health. By xne ui rule man reu us 10 mail sealed, Dr. E. M. TO & Farrington, 70 74 67— 211 out the fish weir Industry experience DIVORCE MILL STOPPED. securely $2.00. wiped great Colic. It relieves Troubles, cures Constipation MAN CO.. 170 Tremout St., Boston, Mass* Maopherson, 88 61 88— 287 ■end the oannon balls and solid shot to Teething around Cape Cod so far as a oontlnuanoe the the 1392 and and Flatulency. It assimilates Food, regulates Total, of the season’s work Is oonoerned. Dtber quarry operators within the preeent 8tw York Urand Jury Indicts the Stomach and Bowels, healthy and natural sleep. Poles and nets have been washed last month the orders have been oomlng giving THE FKUIT KAISERS. away Operators. oan Alleged The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. and destroyed, boats have been rank and In so thickly we scarcely All them Norway, November 14.—Tbe Maine the'dlBaster will be keenly feltwmong toe From the stock on band. Pomologloal socletytoday dosed tbe most New York, November 14.—The grand fishermen and others as well. “The method used In getting out great ALWAYS sacoessful exhibition in Its Tbe Indictments GENUINE history. lubes or monoliths from the granite and jury today returned against CASTORIA was the forenoon session devoted entirely to SENATOR DAVIS BETTER. marble quarries has bean to drive steel Henry Zelmer and Frank Wilson, al- the annual business meeting, and there wedges along the line ot the lower por- leged operators of tbe divorce mill. The St. Paul, November 14.—The reports made a blast until the was a long discussion In regard to the tion ot the spilt by defendants are charged with perjury and from the bedside of United States Sena- chunk of stone topples over on Its Maine exhibit at the American Exposi- jreat subordination of perjury. They wlU be tor C. K. Davis, this afternoon stated tion, at Buffalo, next spring which re- “It a deal of time and a num- at ralgned before Recorder Goff to plead that ha was resting comfortably. The required sulted In a vote to make such an exhibi- ber ol men with big Iron sledges and to the lndlotments tomorrow. There are admit the seriousness of his to these oubes from tion. pbyslolans iteel wedges separate two ludlotments against Malson, two Illness, but the fact that he has kept up the quarry wall from which they had The remainder of the forenoon was the blast. lndlotments against Zelmer, one lndtot- his strength so remarkably makes them been started by devoted to a discussion relative to amend- “The method now pursued rwltb the ment against Wilson and one agal nst hopeful as to the outoome. of stone ments to the constitution. The afternoon aannon balls la to start the block each ot the women, Mrs. Herrlok and a and then between session was devoted to sway by slight blast, entirely addresses, several Miss Thompson. You Have BURGLARS AT KLNGFIELD. the quarry faoe and the block of The Kind Always Bought the speakers and their subjects being: .he smaller solid usually the four- Klngfield, Me.. November 14.—Burg- shot, GOOD TIME TO REDUCE PRICKS. V. P. lie [loiter, BuokQeld, “The Honey nch sort, are dropped down the aperture. Use For Over Years. entered the In 30 lars Franklin and Megantlo L'wo men with crowbars the block November 14.—Tbe Ameri- Bee and Its Value"; F. H. Hollins, give New York, TMC OKMTAUH OOMMNV, TT MURMV WMCT, MW VO>« Q«T¥. railroad depot here this morning, little shake, and the Instant the block Chestervllle, "Fruit Evaporation as a early can Ice company has reduoed the price ot broke the safe and secured the moves In the slightest manner forward open for >11 trade” to Commercial Enterprise"; Miss Q. P. .be shot take up their on the toe exoept “Family small amount ot It oontalned. ‘purchase1 Sanborn, Augusta, "The Care of Plants money ■pace made, when the large oannon balls, 17 1-2 oents a hundred pound*, or 13 60 They then started down the New nme fourteen or Afteen lnohea for House and Carden"; and Mrs. V. F. measuring a ton. It is sald'that if makes a conces- Portland road and called at barn of ind 800 or 800 pounds, are De Coster BuokQeld. "Nature for [the weighing sion out under this rate for trade. Study Into the top of the gap. Mow Charles R. Simmons, about a quarter of lropped the Farmer's Boy." he slightest outward Jar by levers on the Estimates for the oomlng Hudson river a mile from the depot, and took a sends cannon balls Tbe following offloers were elected tor 3lg stone these heavy loe season are tbat the crop will be a rec- LOANED. harness of own MONEY horse, and and drove downward their the oomlng year: carriage trapping weight, ord breaker and that the average prloe of There Is no 3util, with an easy forward movement, away. clue, but the otfioers 1901 will be 28.60 a ton. President—Z. A. Gilbert, North Brldg- .he cube goes over^on Its face. loe for NIUNJOY HILL GASH STORE. of have been notified ton. surrounding plaoes “These shot do away with any and others to driving; WHERE THEY ARE. Heirs desiring I wish to (inform my patrons and friends that Vice Presidents—B. P. P. and It Is expected that the fugitives will >f tbelr in NEEDED True, Leeds; necessity great weight propor borrow money on REAL ES- I will re-open my store at 92 Congress street* A. Arnold, Arnold. be apprehended. don to their size forces them downward, London, November 14.—“We under- STEPHEN BERRY, on Monday evening, Nov. 12. I shall keep a tnd form ohanoe ot household furni- and Meats and Secretary—D. H. Knowlton, Farming- their prevents any stand” says the Dally News, "that Loid TATE, NOTES, *roccrlc*1 Provisions, ton. baokward setting of the block. Fruits6 LONESOME SILVER MEN. Huberts hat intimated that it Is Impossi- Printer ture, pianos, etc. Business strict- Treasurer—Charles D. Pope, Manches- ''These oannon balls are also used as Boot, Job and Card ter. Minneapolis, Minn., November 14.— rollers, as they lake up and go over the ble to withdraw more troops from South NO. 37 PLliU ITREET. ly confidential. ADAM LAMONT. Executive W. of the surface, and noriadlw* Committee—J. True, Members of the Sliver Republican na- Inequalities quarry America,” New H S. can be rolled In direction without Gloucester; Libby, Newport; tional committee have been In oonferenoe any V. P. He Coster, BuokQeld. -eaettlng, thus doing away with the old The end ot the century Is to be observed here over the of the wooden rollers. WORTH question party's ityle In Paris with a masked ball, In wh'oh MISS NELLIE BEARDS DR. AUSTIN TENNEY, The In the natural Helds future. was '“They are also uied to smother heavy Ofllo. SI* Fo.t.r, pressure gas Amonglthose participating of tbe will be to Coagr... ilearlng-out blasts. Heavy rope mats are meb] guests required 188 Dunforlli 8f., Loan Areif A Co. of Indiana Is less each In- Charles A chairman of the oom- Shawmut growing year, Towns, Co., of tba *nJ K»» shrown over the surfaoe where the blast by hit or bar oust a me one of Specialist. In dweaias K7C personify ol dicating the gradual exhaustion of the mlttee. las been set, and these oannon balls are the striking events or great inventions of Teacher of PIANO. 68 MARKET ST* ME- ana in* scientific fitting PORTLAND, gained.f. unljr. actlSdtt supply. It Is understood they have decided to ihrown on the mats.” tbe century. liefenaco—Uuny S. Murray. Mplldli mayftdtf * News of Uts exploit around the emula- 1DM ffffOff tive spirit la Tientsin, where the allied TIER a total PRESS^ form s, mourning vuu American* in of aW decided that Talma, eet- Good News 11UKMIAY, SflTKIUKK liWa TJSSZ^A^ AUCTION. *ippea>tbm that a place of that sun was /o r tMMl hlgennugh to barhor Bazars. Tba oxpi- dltlan has sad tba ind»« PORTLAND DA II.Y PRE**- Just retwroed, from Tientsin are that not a In advance ®r *7 at the end of By the year, $# filed and not a S\jf f erirvg Sale of All the Furniture and now in the year. t r 'ops m strayed I— ,- Mortgage’ Fittings the 60 cents. guttered tba Inbabitaatd. By month, _ Where la the restraint and o irv e rv ""The DAILY PRESS U delivered at these rate* W trust oowpaht that should characterize an of but at Mm action of every rooming to strtmorlhera In nil pHrt* army^_ •mbHi; pros—t Portland, nml In Westbrook and Sontb Port- Congress la too far In Um to torn to make And what will be tbe feeling *f psiple? to tboac A new size of TANGIN S. land. it worth while naptha - - U. explore tbe Chtnrsv In rukure towards those HOTEL, MAINE STATE PRESS (Weekly*— years OFFERS to can now for or at the end Oeolteotal missionaries who shall seek be had By the year, ft in advance, ft-5 CURRENT COMMENT. Consisting of Chamber Sets, Spring Beds, Hair Mattresses. Pillows, of the year. r.-ym tba work laid down by tbe martyrs FIFTY *xnd » CENTS, Table Linen. For six months, m cent*; tor three months. killed while teaoblng tba dootrlns Betiding, Carpets, Crockery, Silver Ware, Glass Ware, THA cents. A who KUKOPKAN DOMINATION IN a bottle at thect __ of BMaknessand obarUyt people large Original cost of these goods was Over teeb driven from their burning WKST. ———■——■—— Subscribers whose papers an* not delivered l>4 $1,000,000 a ruthless are not apt Heoord.) 4m promptly are reqwealed to notify the office of homes by soldiery (Chicago between the Denmark and from the DAILY FRESH, No. »7 Exchange street, to make fine dlsUaotieos Oxaat Britain, Franoe, Think of it! Projnpt relief Me. aad Its Holland are tbe Knropean poware already -OF- Portland. Uooldantal civilization agent* -- half a dol- _ or |malar territory female troubles for only Western hem- $20,000.00, States on the Atlantic aide of the Patrons of the PRESS who are leaving town The probability that Calked lar. when TANGIN can isphere, the farmer with eoallnw station, Surely tiro addresses of their Senator M. Co of Illinois, Sale will commence temporarily may have Sbelby Horn,1 at Intervals all the way from Newfound- be had for so small a sum no sensi- c.r...UF—‘,BOn‘U,0r nearly all new within three years. pw|w>rs changed as often as they may destre by has not strength enough la the newly land to the Falkland Islands, Including and on ble woman will on notifying the office. elected Irglslntnre of that state to ensure ports throughout the West Indies go suffering. the Honduras and Unlana ooast.. Franoe his re-election baa resulted In a general TANGIN b not an It tafiarea the at 9 a. m. on the Premises. hae Its little islands off Newfoundland experiment. Wednesday, Nov. 21st, s senatorial of female 3b at once and a com- ✓ STATE OF MAINE. canvass of Illinois available two laM^onss In the West Indies and igony produce* * of women timber Among those who are spoken of the Month American ookmy of French plete cure In eery rhort rim*. Thomande and sale will continue until all is of. to be sold Denmark has a western harbor hare learned the abaoluta truth ot there claim*. disposed Everything Is Congressman Joseph Q.Oannon; bat the Uulana. West where Hi. the name rima whloh In tne Danish Indies, Ton can eady prone h and at mUtSTMLli without reserve to the bidder. Tliniiksiciving Proclnmiiflon by oompnratfvely slight recognition naval ad Ten highest Thomas offers exoellent became a aound and woman with farmer happy by calling llie Governor. he receives In comparison tags. The Dated still hoM Dutch Oorornor Tanner or Governor Yates, la Unlana and the Island of Curacao, with at Your Druggist** ftrr either a Fifty ol bonos. some small neighboring islets. All an Interesting circumstance Illustrative Cent or Dollar els* bottle of TANGIN and these were aoqulred by the powers that At we approaoh the end of the year of of ths real quality polltloal reputa- hold them before tbe promulgation the iunset hour of this lllth oentury, the long 0* * Jt 4* 4* + Mr. from tbe or the Monroe doctrine and before that of Maine should be devoutly and tion. Cannon, standpoint people would have bad A free sent on mentioning thinkful to Uod for the of national Is abler and (umous prononnoeinent sample request bjr ( Bradford Furniture truly Almighty statesmanship,'o the people of Illinois. They have applies TS RESULTS ARE ABSOLUTE- GIDEON'S BIG MINSTREL CARNIVAL. Thursday, llie nay Monroe hlmaelf spoke of and appeared to CAPITAL. AND MI'UPI.UI like the Kirvitioll Ill'SKO it vnnber, A. D. 1900, attracted by more showy men, contemplate only forcible aggression No. 1—Kor cockroach—, water huge. have r.E«*T tllSSTKEL SHOW be Senator Mason ,and neglect when be made that declaration against fleas. U\»orBTKI)LV THE UKOEvr AMD as a day or General Thanksgiving, to present No. 2—Kor ants, moths, of Mr. Cannon. tbe lurtber extension of European posses- obsei veil by all good citizens In a manner ed the solid abilities No. a—For bed bugs, buffalo bugs. EVEIt OIVEM UV COLOKi:)) PEIKFOKnKBX. sion on Aiuerloan soil be sug- a Christian and God-fearing district have Dot been Indeed, rats and mice. beUttlng The people of bis to No. 4—For remember on gested mat It was Incredible expect ONE to MILLION State. Let no one fall and If wanting In appreciation, however, that voluntary act any of tbe republics A LAUGHING CYCLllNE! A MINSTREL tbnt day with charity and benevolenoe. by BE SI KE VOII GET (lift RIGHT EARTHQUAKE! he lives be will undoubtedly complete would place themselves under a foreign A lib* bbH Ur UUllllIl Am ■ A UA ■ V WA a v ni r. the poor anil unfortunate. and so devoted hie words to number, and if it does not do the ra* a» nuil I'H'K t% ISM Y DRUM fOHPH F)li|wui« M n*lc la Given at the Kxeoutlve Chamber at Au- thirty yearr of service In the House, and monarchy, a*/ | AT|k^ the more reasonable proposition that in work where direclious are fotlowed I »T l>/lil ■"Our (e Hue A Stanwood, Comedians; Imperial and wanted to be Is nevertheless 30 St Vacallsts; Toe Famous a st. Felix Sisters; Vour Favorite, Wm. H. iliac*. go, it seems to run mean to Typewriter Agency, ftCxebangc Pur. Ism il. Setiseman, comedy weight, even though this point now would yield TUK BIGUKST AND Bi'.ST. DON'T MISS IT. making progress In a direction quite os later. nov lOoedflm_ October 8. 1900. counter to the conditions apparently gov- other points Prices -F ventng, 18,25, 35, 50c. Matinee, 19c, 15, 25c. for himself and the conn- IENRY P. COX. President. aavantageou situation. It Is that erning the probable CHESTER H. PEASE. Secretary try. South Carolina, supposed to be the PERSONAL AND PECULIAR. the bill will be passsd by HUTSON b. SAUNDERS, Treasurer. In tlie I ot all the Southern apportionment LECTURE PLYMOUTH most reactionary ASSES before j Hrectors— Setti L. Lariabee, Henry P. Cox, w. Congress early In the present session. ^ P ( t»LE «.Ai T-S*T « HbKCM states on the negro Is to have H. MUIlkeii. A. H. Hinds. Frederick qaestlon, when the last I the the the Ladies* Aid, ORGAN RECITAL Ten years ago, apportion- At a recent splrltnallstlo meeting, says .. at o’clock. fretting to be allotted to eaob and left six feet tire Inches. A voice In the dark- is men state, completed. Organized May 2.1898. TICKKTS as C I S. BOVlSdSt Eve.. Nov. 15th. at socially and politically as be hoped to, he ness bs was “Are In Thursday Ao the state legislatures the division of said Elijah. you What other in- LIABILITIES. has been anletlv advanolmr as a laborer heavent asked an old-timer. ••Yes," states Into districts. The stock #100.000.00 SPRING. M. their respective “Are an can be lapltal UNDERWOOD 8.15 P. nod producer, and has been laying the oame the answer. you angel, vestment j JndiTided profits a>.«Jl.tfl Maine was In session when "Yes.’’ The leiuaad Spacious Casino always open. Music. Card legislature Llgef*’ questioner paused, on uepoaito 424,50191 I HKDI KI( K ARCI1EH, Organist. only foundation from which social and lot such and U r Clark understands President Sohnr- Increased by additions from the oountles halesrooa 18 t.xrhaage Street. each of tbe voting precincts, and, as a Mutual Policies | man rightly, the latter Is hostile to the of Oxford, Franklin, Androscoggin, consequence, won the loyalty—and votes and tbat —of his strike the <-• ** ALLS. colonial that has been Knox ;or Hlnooln; peope. keynote irnimm, V. t* AILK t. HAIR ON LADIES' FACES. policy taking shape Sagadahoo, *». be one An Is made to Introduce In the last two years, and Is to at Hancock oounty would probably attempt belDg ol liberality, fair- The Zante Hair Destroyer, a harmless liquid likely hair. It not to to tbe eastern moose into tbe forests of Life for the removal of superfluous tain fall and stature In the next of tbe oountles likely go the Canadian ness and powerful genuine BANKERS. only removes fhe hair perfectly clean In live dlstrlat. it Is tbat oounty . if third two years. probable results. are FINANCIAL. minute* but will, applied every day. _ They The of Hues will be observed In the future as In remove U pjfine Uv. length to time II takes to entirely destroy it depends on The Pekin correspondent of the HostoD can be designed satisfy, the past; but beyond that little Cltlie Ij Railroad and Street the strength of the hair. $150 axpress paid, Mr Frederick W. sends not (or Herald, Eddy, to predicted at present. Tbe pooulatlon of mystify, pos- Municipal, bend circular. that over bis own signature some sessors. Facts sent — FOR paper tbe State, as reported by telegraph from LovtTin.:’s Paris Hair Store, statements that must oauae hesitation In Is Thus, with tbree to anyone inter- Railroad Bonds Washington, 01*4,511. 1DUU Wuliiut-u. it, Uut.u. the minds of even the most extreme ad- *'* •'* Congressmen there ghoold be as nearly ested. Your inquiry oct 13 oodu of the that one civilization vocates theory as 231,50(1 people to a dlstrlat. is awaited. FOR SALE. possible __ _ may by foroe of arms bring about the Hut., tbe natural geograpnloal division INVESTMENTS under a Improvement of people living of the oountles, as suggested to tbe eye Bonds different civilization ot the C. S. Government Speaking by an Inspection of tbe map,' does not WE OFFER about Pekin and Union mutual Cite coontry end.Tientsin, give a very fair division of population. nought and sold on or- Pie Crust the conduct of the troops he Bays: Thus, the natnrrl division would seem made with The cities on regions about both their to be: Insurance Co., lers. arrival were Hands to paeltlc. supposed Fliso District.Population. be hostile had been destroyed or dispersed Municipal Bonds, ^ « Illalne. Stocks and sold by otber troops, the only notable round- "York; 04,885 Portland, bought “Ko-Nut” up telug by tne tith American oavalry Cumberland, 100,689 1 Works near Tientsin, and, under promise of Oxford, 32,238 _ZZZZIIIIZZZIIIZZIZZIIIZZZZI_ >n commission. Water Bonds, Is Fiaky, Digeslable, and has no the him non-combatants who Androscoggin, 54,242 smeU of strong lard. Sroteotlon,ed Irom the of the were path expedition Both to live and to far the true recovering from their terror and Total, *52,064 paint moving brotherhood man. Railroad Bonds, “Ko-IMut” back to the settlements. Second District. of Fat for Finding no foe In sight or reach when Sagadahoc, 20,380 A Sterilized Cocoanut j they arrived, and seeing the harmless Dlnooln, 19,000 FOX Bank Stock. Shortening anti Frying. crowds looking up their homes again, the Knox, 80,400 STUDIO, Hermans became for and Portland. Street. of eager combat, 50,117 478 I S 186 Middle A butter. Kennebec, CongressSt., oousdtt perfect superceder proposed to the other allies. that all con- Waldo, 84.185 Lard and Compounds, tribute to a force whloh should go hunt- 33,894 Somerset, 1 for and or In fresh conquests The proposition Franklin, 18,444 Drawing. Painting Modelling Ask your Grocer, write was discouraged as unwise, useless and NOTICE. uemorallztug alike to troops and Inhabi- Total, 306,0 5 in Clay, India Food Company tants. Hermans undertook a search alone, Third District. All persons holding not s or town or- & Go. and In the city of Luili, about SO miles Aroostook, 60,714 Open* NOv- O. 1900 lera against the town of Sebago are re- H. M, Pavson s Pi. Market St, Barton. fcouth west ward, found the game they were 76,240 I.. Carrie I. luested to them for at New England Agenta Penobscot, TICACltKBS—Usuries Vox, prose"t payment 38 EXCHANGE ST. seeking—defenceless, peaceful people, un- Piscataquis. 10,a H Kastman. Curtli A. Perry, !ue treasurer’s office in Sctaea No in INDIA HKEiKlNUCO.. * Herbert A. Htahardaoii. armed and non-rt *' dins, among whom Washington, 45.28 crest will be on them after Nov. 12, riiiladelpiiia. sole MTr's. S I week paid killing was easy, and whose dwellings, Hancock, 87,841 •10 a mouth (lay class, me uer evening 90a J. P. FITCH, Tre murer. class. Full furnished on applica- after loot bad been taken from them, particulars Portland, Oct. 23, 19U0. octtdftw* made fine bonfires Total, 808,418 j tion ooiaiih.sat.tusni s' ■>W *DT1tKT(UUIim «IW jmTKRTIHRMKftn. I WWW »nVRRTURRE»T«. Mrs. Caps Frank York will oooupy Mr. I SOUTH PORTLAND. Harford's bouse In Harford court as soon lkt Ktathtr lo-, Lawrence M. Emerson Issue of the Bolentlflo committee of the academy are C. D. Hampden, A HARD WORKER, will be given, and tonight, (amateur ton. The last ind Miss Nellie V, Emerson. of a Crane, Jr., Miss Lillian Latham and In Belfast, Nov. 8, Carl J. Grotton and MUs the bill In the whole American suggests the possibility night) strongest 1 Jarrle M. Grin die. ** ton h 30 Arthur it. Dunning. * ****** week s will be tbe 40,000 ship, 110,000 p speed In East Mactiias, Nov. 5. Fred Allen and Mrs, Cut of tlis af the Coast. repertoire play. ‘‘Kings’* It would take MlstfJlargarct Koch of Colby college .aura KUton AND knots. At this speed only CTTLHANE, CHASE WESTON'S of In Isle au Ilaut, Jasper L. Chapin and MUs L S of Is to cross the or 3 1-3 state superintendent Junior work, LISTEN!! Mrs. King, Conoord, Cal., MINSTRELS. four days Atlantic, »lae L. Turner. In the First Parish ohurob | state and lecturer for the W. C. hours from Boston to Portland. What Is will speak In Ashland, Oct. 31, George Colburn and MUs | organizer man Tbe mlnlstrels are a fair stan- December 8. dens Stevens, The foolish says, T. U. of California. She had been car- popular the matter with a 8 1-8 hoar train from Sunday evening, J dard to estimate the general progress Heuel Is at home from Cam- "I’ll take X rying on her work without using proper Boston to Portland (107 miles) to equal Doughty my chances; my made during the closing lVth oentnry. on a short visit. OcATHS. * food to sustain her body, and says: “Be- the two hour train from New York to den property won’t burn; there- For example the minstrel show of half Miss Inez Whitcomb entertained her fore I found Urape-Nuts food I was suf- Philadelphia (to mllei). Portland excels a oonslsted of but four In this city,1 Nov. 14, Orrella Kimball, agdd 84 ore, I don’t need to insure i and century ago, per- for one school olass of boys at tnpper fering seriously with Indigestion my In the matter of parks, every SuDday ears 2 mouths. formers Tbe big one of today, last the wus will take mind bad beoome slu jgbh and dull the Culhane, will allow that for building ailee “Moun- night. After supper evening [Funeral services and lntermeu Chaoa and whioh Is to make dace this Thursday afternoon at Lauoaster, much Weston’s, tain View Park beats tbe world. Tbe pleasantly spent with games ana special I memory being very Impaired lew Hampshire. Its second annual appearance In this Intercourse. at ihe The mean man “I cannot afford to insure my “Hearing of Urape-Nnts as a food scenery Is superb and a view from tbe In East Greenwich. R. L, Nov. 11, home) says, property; J at Portland theatre next if her daughter. Mrs. A. W. Lauuhnti. Harrl tt the olty Friday wbloh Is Iff) feet above The annual fair and entertainment tor rebuilding amt strengthening new observatory s', wife of James Ki owlion. of Fortlaud, aued a waste of money.” and with a matinee on $ Saturday bargain of the Grand Army post and Woman's 4 brain and nerve centres, I began Its use. tbe eea level Is one of the grandest years. The man says, "I’ll take no chances; I’ll insuie t has 80 artists, last with a [Funeral services this Thursday afternoon at wise, practicial In two months I have four Saturday, bigb priced ever saw. The Relief oorps, closed evening gained pounds oyooramas yon general 1.80 o’clock, at Everureen Cemetery. if fate me, I’m safe and beautirnl scenic elTeot first part, a ball In which about 40 couplee Emina wife of Edward my property; goes against anyhow.” In wslght, never felt better In my life, publlo Is cordially Invited to visit this partici- In F.. uniformed 3. Ml years 4 months. Who would rather be? The the mean or the X large and handsomely band of pated. The Atlantto range, No. 1, Curtis, ag*-d you foolish, and find a most remarkable improvement most Interesting suburb Portland. wh^ lu Banttor. Nov 4, Charles K. S-aland, aged * and a grand orchestra. uwarded to Mrs. Blake who sue- wise man? In my and mental I superb Many It In natural all other Henry IP years 8 months. memory activity. surpasses beauty le L. Iit’s and additions'and lm In The total re- In Penobscot, Oct. 25, Mrs. Mag Gray, and in and have a talk with never Important oostly looatlona on tbe oeeded soliciting 849. X Better be wise, step stood the fatigue and pressure of building hiew England nted 14 ears. have been made to the show were satisfactory. work as well as I do now. A short time provements ooast, T be building of streets and beau- ceipts very In Rockland. Nov. 1. Robert Hancock,aged | and some novelties of more than ordinary 10 years. w - I went to a new worked the with line eleo- ago oounty, merit scoured. tifying grounds togtber MARRIAGES. lu Rockland, Oct. 31, Mrs. Cordelia Jamesou. twenty-two days, almost day and night, trlo lights to purchasers of lots prior to iged «♦ years ! I dow&pinkh•- MINISTER THOMAS 8 UIFT. in Acton. Not. 2, Mrs. Leouard Wentworth, | without and oame 1801. All tend to rest, home feeling line January 1st, popular- in Windham, Poter Tricksy 'and Miss Ida Hjed x | years. X 35 Exchange oet. ♦ Mrs. Churob. You may be suxw I take Urape-Nute food Hon. William W. Thomas, United ize the plaoe. Then too the price of lots Brown. In Phillips, Oct 30. Joseph aged In East Kryeburg, Nov. 12. by Rev. B in-n N. re years. ♦♦♦♦♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦» with me so 1 about half what will that may depend upon hav- States minister to Swedon. recently pre- now la only they Krone, Enoch W. Pike and Mias Elizabeth S. In AQjni'ta. Oct 80. Mrs. Mary C wile of ing It. sented to the Immanuel Lntheran church be later on. WUey, botb of Fryeburg. loelT. W'likuis, aged 65 years. tbe sheltered bey which receives tbt INDIAN ASSOCIATION. B0WD01N BOYS. Mwaumnora »jt»taciAAJncoc». tbe tell SUING I OUT OF SOCIETY. wateis of ths'Chllkoot river. In GOOD wben the season Is over, she le docked, and oast upon oast and ton toil ol upon (he Bias TeuirSx >f Tk.m O.Itadiali li lb. j the oanoad -Union are stored In Report mj ft«er*I*rjr,MAlter away her specious bold, tbe doom and windows chard. Rnp.rlor Court. nf tbe oannsrlm are nailed op, tbe boats housed and with tbe list man on board tbe old Yankee craft beads down tbe In the Superior oonrt yesterday the Maine Built Ships on The following U the report of Mis ooast once more. ran of Stephen A. Walker against of tbs Main , never heard ol Alloe Ulanohard, Meoretary _ tier skipper prohably Charles K. H. Beane, et ala. In whtob Alaskan Coast. □ of or Bath, Indian read at the meetlDi Lie welly J. Morse Bangor Association, twenty-tlTe of the students of Bowdoln or the Penobeoot river but the craft on Tueaday: os came considered a pretty good ehlp yet. The college appeared defendants, on OURES It Is with a sense of peoullar embai Chlknlk Bay Packing company who now for trial. The plaintiff la a provision rassment that your secretary brings yoi own her down her value as >tt,0UU. put her report this year. For In foot, asld dealer lnBrunswlok.and claims to reoover But the Llewellyn P. Morte Is not the from the records Into the bool from the defendant* the sum of Maine built araTt that Is dodging posting (188 Ul, Chimmrn and Sal- only of the association end sending out th CATARRH, They Carry the ooal fate up toward* the being the balanoe of a bill for meat and barge monthly notloea to ohnrehae, direotoi sea. The bark Nloholaa Thayer Behring and papers, she has done nothing, no provisions. Neuralgia, Rheumatism mon built at Tbomaaton In 1808 carries the even been able to attend a single lndlai The plaintiff Is by E. C. of tbe Al aafca .Salmon Paoklng represented RESTORES supplies slnos our Met anneal meeting NERVOUS VTTAUTY. to on meeting Wheeler and Weston Thompson and the and Far company Boring NabaJJay To Miss who has all th The bark Electric Urie, reported most wonderful combination of roots, herbs, and has ae consort the of the secre defendants by C. C. lleard, Beane St Is due the thanks and barks ever lit Boston In the same meetings, placed before the American ho at year. tary and association for the Utor of tor Bsane, and bleaves, Waterhouse & Emery. people. ; When the ehlp Ueorge Skoltleld, 128 More than double the number of ingredients than in at so cheerfully and faithfully performed. Charles K. tf. Beane, tbe first defendant Disease Germs. was built far op tbe Kennebec o any other make this the Against tons, Last year was the crowning year remedy And No Longer Plough ago the Bowdoln named, Is a ton of a member of tbe firm Brunswlok, thirty years of nope and dlllgen GREATEST BLOOD AMD RERVE TO JUST BREATHE IT class did not foretell that tbe long years patient REMEDY prophet work In that we realised the goal so Ion) : of Beene St Beane. he the world has ever all a beautiful oraft to wbloh alluded by "to one o known. Means the destruction of germs the Mid-Ocean. set before us, and turned over The defend rats are members of tbe of a pretty and convenient [ Your ham It. Two which cause way very the boards," the Friends, oni Druggist Miasm, BOo. and M1. simile In oonneotlon with the class of 7J. larger Delta Uptllon Fraternity, and boarded Maine Mtate Missions among iilg .Tim The American Remedy Co., of Boston, man- ! would ever be freighting Chinese laborers with a woman tbe name K. Hand of Absentee Mhawneea. It cost u by of Mrs. ufacturers of Dr. Yellow Parilla ■ CATARRH, the Paelllc coast but that is wbat tbe Ray’s Compound, up a pang to officially give up the mission U. Bruce. Sbe bought her provisions of will send to address testimonials from in New Ulacler Packing who can any persons England who have company, even we were so grateful for th been BRONCHITIS salmon at Point Wrangell Is- though tbe plaintiff. On the slxtb of lasl Marob, cured by Yellow Parilla Compound. UlghOeld, privilege of having planted a little spo Some Vessels That Were Once use tbe one time of the Ken- the claims he told tW Dr. be consulted, free of all or AND land, pride In the wilderness where Christianity am plaintiff that two.ot Ray may charges, personally by mail, at nebeo And there are (till others. his Boston Music Hall for. civilization would be seen and the Cowan and that he oould Office, 5 Building, Hamilton Place and Winter Street. at Batb In 1878 enjoy* boys, Fratt, CONSUHPTION Famous. Tbe ship Invincible, built It wa our red brothers and sisters. Mrs. Bruoe no further and runs to Uarbor, Phllkoot Inlet; give credit, It is the known which Pyramid a deep satisfaction to feel that throng) only remedy the bark Bath bant In 1868, goes that If she wanted any more Prussia, the of the Lord w# hod been th provisions will do this. to Kadiak Island for the Arctlo Paoklng blasting iminiiHNi vvivviiiivffiiiiiiiivivtffvffiivi unw&. means or a work oonsldered Mrg from his store, they must agree to become The which nature per- also tbs Santa Clara, built starting only germicide oompany, ship and enough to b that Mrs. Bruoe mits to enter the bronchial tubes and at Batb lu 1878, and tha Ht. Nicholas, enough Important personally responsible; taken and carried on by Friends wh tullt at the same port In ’68 are In the up hadn't anything for breakfast the next lungs. (Bangor News.) oould do so much more than we for th came business. Of others of tbe salmon and better and In the the of the old Indians. Mo our acres, on wblol morning, they hurry up year 1877, epoch fleet which years before sailed In tbe At- forty Our Sec- it fails to stood mission bouse, farm, milk shed am make some arrangement. Thereupon Rug Your money is refunded if time big wooden sailing sblp was at Its lantic water* on tbe Maine ooast le tbe |E on muob of It the forest primeval, wltl a of the was oalled anl cure diseases of the no than were Meron built at In 1870; meeting soolety any respiratory helgbt and less twenty-five ■hip Pblppeburg the never well wbloh near! bark Kate 1886, re- falling an entered as organs. Maine Until the Davenport, Bath, on betor arrangement Into, plaintiff tion is free. launobed from yards. caused bankruptcy onr part replete W. T. Five days’ treatment and medical advice rigged from a ship; ship Sterling, Bath, which the old bill of I a water oould be reached, we gladly one claims, by (103.70 Sold by all druggists or sent by mail. Com- recent revival of shipping fnll-rlgged 18(8; ship Eclipse, Batb, 1878 ship Bohe- outfits ft .00. Trial outfits aye. thankfully deeded to the Friends Uond was assumed by tbe boys In consideration plete American ship was something of a novel- mia, Bath, 1875; ship B. P. Cheney, THE T. BOOTH N. V. They bare watched ovtr It and gnard* of a dlsoount of all R. CO., Ithaca, as to <874 and tbe bark Cory phene, (u.70, and further pur- with ty and here the question arises Bath, ;| Its int Tu,’iu,Stf A Borne of the Indian men take much inter dents each amounting to $4.',; and Rug climes and tnelr were the week, ^ to many days not new, but blstorlo. More congrega- est in Mr. Mardook's farming. Throngt that If Mrs. Ilruoe purchased less than tors. days ot the old time square- Id New have come to the Influence of the mission Jim has glorious tions Hampshire Big be to the at last oonsentel to three of tbe bam I this tbe balnnoe might applied rigged, deep-water skipper. self support during the last decade ssnt to the nearest ; old bill, whloh agreement was talthfully decade and being governmen ON THE PENOBSCOT. than during the previous o day school, tbe White Turkeys band carried out. The plaintiff admits these the additions to the oburobea by Aberton for there are twi 1 Theatre % In the year 1877 was launohed at Brew- profes- Bhawnees, and has the defendants the am payments, given sion and letter have been greater, tribes, Big Jim’s being wildest \ er a the J, Morse, by of big ship, Llewellyn smallest. One of the men of Whlh oredtt for them. Due the students vmm wmwwmmmK tbe losses notwithstanding by emigration. 1 named for Gapt L. J. Morse of Bangor, Turkey s band exercised, I am told, thi also sets the of minority. Massachu- up plea Goers > be mentioned that In the Secretary Joshua Uult of the to a denied the mon II^t^T vote, and It might right prlvllegi The boys say It Is unreasonable to sap- > setts Home society, stated women of Maine. same the schooners Lester Missionary enlightened an old year Empress, wai pose tnat they would agree to pay no deoadenoe In Toe barrel sent last Christmas Halvlah were also that there had been A. Lewis and the brig greatly appreciated, and the box wblot bill for Mrs. Brace for which they were 1 c the latter irom a Massachusetts. also. Thi 1 Who need opera Glasses will launohed on the river, went to Mr. and Mrs. Blackly in no way responsible, or that they would Secretary Lyon of lihode Island, said great need of the mission now Is a chspe 1 find in our store the best ini- C BaDgor yard. J enter Into any such arrangement as work was done than and bell—the chapel to hold services in The name of the Llewellyn J. Morse that more rellgloas would for the reception room at the mission b claimed by plaintiff, whereby they 1 make, having lenses of t does not In the reports notwithstanding the seeming t ported appear shipping formerly, not as Indians an become for amount which 5 haunt the dooks large enough, thirty responsible any these days One might the sum- 1 1 and t evidence to the oontrary during sometimes present; the bell to call tbi great magnifying power, of the Atlantic coast from Passamaquod- Mrs. Bruoe might purchase Cowan and mei months. Indians all together at one time, an Ini # 1 dy to Corpus Cnnstle and speak every Pratt were the only witnesses called by t £ every Glass fully warranted. now, as they have no clocks 0 Have stood at the for seventy-eight years. Better now oral! but none oould Secretary Harbutt. of the Maine socie- possibility top Incoming give any seem to have little Idea of time be tbs defenss. # ana can lie a call at our The are low for ) tidings ot a ship called the Llewellyn J. said that there are more In than ever. This best explained by prices ty, people yond tbe rising and setting of tbe sun After the evidence was all out, the ouse ^ ^ Morse built at Brewer, Maine, In 1877, our Maine who are 'loyal to religious prln At tbe held with ou: Warerooms. We desire to call special attention to W satisfactory Opera Glasses. ) IStlft net and who would show February meeting so and the points of tonnage was voted ti being complicated, ^ cl tban ever before. treasurer, Mrs. Baxter, it of the signal letters J. S. L. V. The famous pies so It was between beautiful stock f build this obapel whenever we shoult law numerous, agreed f old has out ot society. Secretary Ives of Connecticut affirmed ship dropped have the necessary ♦S60, this bdng thi the parties that the case should be with- and other Pianos. 51 who noted her oomlngs and s CHICKERINGS my goings that conditions In (Jonneotlout were estimated cost of a suitable fo: Geo. T. have lost all track ot her. Her ottl chums chapel drawn from the jury and reported to the £ ^ Springer, of those In New Hampshire, school purposes as well This chapel wi ;! ) are nearly all out of It, wrecked or worse duplication Law court. and should have built before giving up Mu * .JONES & —coal barges. as stated by Secretary Hillman, CRESSEY, ALLEN, (' 513 Congress St. had our means allowed, as li ( tact Is that Morse and a dozen tbe In- mission, MUNICIPAL COURT. £ The the number of oburches and novlO-13-15 y liovjoeotltf y that the tor all Indian Assoolatloni BAXTER BLOCK. other line Yankee-built oraft who were customary ^ ^ crease of ohnrcb membership have more connected with the W. N. I A. Bo wi At yesterday morning's session of ths moe in the arlstocratlo trader ot Hong Its lnoiease are anxious to do It now, before turnlujj tbe , Melbourne ana tban kept paoe with larger Municipal oourt, Judge Hill Imposed Kong, 51anlla, elsetvhere for work. We are often asket The Hlver, form a little fleet of old tim- In population tnan the inoraase of popu- following sentences for Intoxication: wby we do not work for our Maine In- ers who to escape from the poor bouse, Frederick lation In New Hampshire. dians, but tbe way has never foi Klizabetb Hanlon, ninety days; as it were, have hidden themselves away opened this as A few have been permittee ft and costs; Arthur Cullerton, flu In a trade where they are seldom heard yet. York, OLD CROP ON HAM). to leave the Btate to attend sohool. Oui from or Many an old-time and oosts; Palmer Urlnnell, thirty days. reported. skip- treasurer to California for severe will tell that be thinks the Geo, going per yon Mrs Watts was treasure! U. S. DISTRICT COURT. Skolfleld, the St. Nicholas, the Sterling, months, aotlng her absence. Monthly meeting) 1 Eclipse and others that might be named Many Tous of Kennebec lee Left Over during Petitions In bankruptcy have been filed were held In churches, as usual. India! —and the Llewellyn J. Morse were From Last Season. leatlsts have been distributed over the bf Robert U. Pullen, Augusta; Patrick "dead long ago. and Btate A board meet M. K. Paine, But they city delightful Legere, Jay; .Benjamin lug was held with Mrs. Frye In Septem Portland. ABE STIILL AFLOAT. (lardlner, November 14.—Tbe loe ship- ber to meet the national president, Mre, 1) B. who told of the work or thi almost the entire coast ping business of the Kennebec river Is Quine, Scattered along National Indian Association a ves- Women's are praotloally over'for this year. Not of Alaska long, low, rough buildings and especially of that among the Nava sel Is on tbe river at the on shakey piles, salmon canneries. In loading present joes. Hefreshments and flowers wer. be at tbe olose of tbe n: most oases the wild and barren wilder- time, although one may eipeotedjto provided meeting, Is the usual custom when en allows but a arrive and load a cargo before tbe oloee president's ness grudgingly strip of tertalnlng the executive. beach barely wide enough for tbe build- 01 navigation. 1 lit! stwuu n *uipmeubn The statistical section of the seoretary'i ings and the rougher shacks In which the have not oome up to the expected figures report was as folllows: Number o mnnthlv mwHnfffl. w-Vfln: Amount rn It has been said of the live for a time. and a large amount of ioe Is to be car- wittily martyrs operatives calved for dues, |12; number of member* that were who were cannon- Alaskan coast Is like ried over, whioh 1* not enxiuraglng to they people The something 28; number of Indian friend* received, 18 aded while lived and were canon- that of Maine with many Islands, inlets the farmers and those who live In touch they due* sent to National Association, 15.26 ized when were dead. The same TTT33 RETURNS and These are alive with salmon they bays with tfie river and who for have £o amount subscribed toward obapel, $tK> at_:__:_t.a k. _: _____ I years —-— — — Are in, the result Is known, and from this day value of box sent to Shawnee*, $5. ---O -B"v —J ™—' a certain extent, depended on the loe har- censures there will be something besides election talked pared with the Penobsoot article but red who has been cannonaded by of Already there is considerable talk about our flesh and Dive to look at and eat vest for their winter’s work. The pros- and criticisms while she lived and can- of by MAINE PENSIONS. SWELL AUTUMN STYLES FOR MEN those who know nothing better. pects are not favorable to the American onized as a saint after death. A score or more of syndicates operate November 14 —The follow mean be small Thq garments we produce cannot be Imitated Ioe company for rebuilding the houses Washington, Husbands don’t to and by ready made houses, either in fit or these oannerles In the season but the ex- style, burned In log pensions have been granted to Maine selfish. But they can’t understand the finish. They may cost a little more, but our of the business that they whioh were early the’season, \ lglncles require which come with customers has the satisfaction of knowing that; bring their employee with them for where unless there should be a mild winter people: sufferings debilitating cannot be inflammation, or ul- they duplicated except by High the salmon are most they are river drains, uregularity, Cla»M Mcrcliaut Tallora. plentiful and the crop of the Hudson proves ORIGINAL. no Inhabitants a few half- ceration of the sensitive female organs. or It KX III HIT OF WOOLKN8 exoept lazy, amount loe on band at a failure. The of Thousands of women trib- for OVERCOATS, DRESS SUITS. BUSINESS olvlltzed Indians. 'The canning compa- Aaron Hubbard, dsad, South Derwlok happy pay WISDOM the of the season was tons, SUITS. FANCY VESTS and TROUSERS are nies for the mst part have headquarters opening 918,000 18. ute to the wonderful change in their applied to the finest and most line in Tortkmd. at Han Francisco. Here in the tons were ruined use of Pierce’s complete early of this 70,000 by fire, lives effected by tbe Dr. Is tit out their for practice spring they transports leaving a balance of marketable loe|of ADDITIONAL, Favorite Prescription. It ia not a cttre- tbs canneries borne own and some char- called tons. there are tons all. It has a purpose, in the cur- REUBEN K. ter sized craft for they must carry 848,000 Today 498,000 Thomas Hanson, Blddeford, 12; Georgt specific DYER, godo of diseases to women. It Morolihiit Tailor, from 5JOO to 400 people, lnolndlng the Uhi- In the different houses on the river,show- Baynes, Soldiers' Home, Togus, $8 ing peculiar cures these diseases 875 KOltE ST., near foot of Exchange St neee who make the cans and pack the that tons have been perfectly. ing only 860,030 RK ASD. Dr. Pierce novjo dtf fish as well ab the fishermen, engineers INC Sick women can consult the entire season. There PRUDENCE for the seine and of shipped during David IS. free letter. Each letter is treated as steamers, supplies Clendenln, Togas, by The Prudent all kinds are 11 houses on the river from which a sacred read and UEXEWAL. confidence, privately are in And this Is what the solid old Maine no loe has been shipped. Ten houses are promptly answered. All answers Jtlati Always ship the Llewellyn J Morsa has oorns to. partially full and live entirely empty Marshall A. Inman, Bethel, |1D; Wll plain envelopes. Address Dr. R. V. MACHINE For a tew months soe Is tied up at ban so that It is readily seen that not half of Ham U. Dougherty, Koblnson, |12 Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. then with a mlsrellaneons Franolsoo, the Kennebec loe crop found a market James Doyle, Soldiers' Home, Togus, |8 health ia much better aince I have been she heads far to the northward for “My cargo the past season and that but a small part using Dr. Pierce’a medicines,” writes Mrs. Cora INSURES. WIDOWS. KTO. (Jblknik Bar, wbere all summer, high of the capacity of the river Is In condi- ORIGINAL, Brooks, of Martin, Franklin Co., Ga. "After with a and light, she swings at her moorings In tion to receive next winter's harvest. Mary A. Wells, Blddeford, 112. having a miscarriage in 1895, I suffered SHOP, " ."lUB"-. '=» pain in my left side and a Huger ing cough which worse and worse. I used Wine of C—-, A weak stom- THE GENIAL, BAKBKK AND THE WAR WITH SPAIN ORIGINAL. grew but it only gave me temporary relief. Last tfc ach will cause GENIAL, JOE. George H. Porter, Sears port, $10. spring I got past doing anything and my hus- E. O. JOKTES CO., 59 KENNEBEC STREET, band went to the drug store and called for Wine Constipation, (Kennebec Journal.) of C--.and the merchant recommended Dr. Pierce’a Favorite ua better, so he INSURANCE AGENCY. Indigestion, AGENT MoFAKLAN’D’S SEVEKE AT Prescription octiodeodtf Through an oversight the Journal did one bottle. I began to take it as directed TACK. bought the bottle. Dyspepsia and that Chad- in the pamphlet wrapped around Next to Stove not mention, yesterday, The book said if the disease waa complicated Foundry, McFarland of the Atlautli Flatulency. bourne's tarter shop was decorated In Agent with cough to take Dr. T1 In order to xccomm dal. our patrons we The Bitters honor cf the arrival of Hon Jcseph H. Coast Seamen's Union Is suffering In Pierce’a Golden Medical The of this Discovery nud ‘Favorite have put tn auxiliary electric power to enable will Manley genial proprietor tensely with neuralgia. He oame dowi * strengthen of business had rne of the most Prescription alternately. ue to rue our ihop nights. place from Boston on the boat Mr. Brooks the ’Golden Notice. the stomach decorations on the street. Tuesday night got Special tasty Medical Discovery’ and I aod cme these and began to feel the effects of the at Adde & Co. took it as directed. The for small or slim diseases. Do BTOKE AND STOCK BUHNKD. tack. The Increased anc me opportunity pain yesterday cough left at once and If ft child la ailing don't neglect to teat AGOLDKNmen to purchase an Overcoat or Ulster I better so for worm*. Give several doses of notexperiment Brldgton, November 14 —The store and his right cheek became swollen to near got rapidly ray for *3.511. 4.00. 3.00, 8.00, 7.00, 8.00, o.oo, 10.00 and with uncertain husband was astonished at 12.00 each One-half their real value. stock of of Byron Alden at twice Its normal size. Notwithstaud TRUE’S PIN WORM MAINSPRINGS, 75c, groceries ly my improvement. I took remedies wheu Creek were to- If worm* are preieet tber wtl! be eipelied. A harm’d Bandy village, Brldgton, the terrible the six hottles of the two HASKELL * JOKES. The beet American Malnsortngs. made by the Bitters will lng suffering, lively agen J ^••avtablc tonic, making rich, pure blood. Atroar dr»* t destroyed by fire at one o'olook medic ines. 1 am now able Sic. I>r. J. A <’e. M. Elgin and Waltham companies. Warranted ally of this r. True Auburn, { cure Doss Insur- tbe sailors at port, pluckllt to work and do the wash- r^“ Mouuuttut Square. r one year. MoKBNNK^ the Jeweler, you. Try Wednesday morning. $1900. for two familiea.'*-* BOVUdUB Se nnment Square. Jly-jodtf it. auoe$700; cause unknown. kept at his work all day. ing ——I LEAGl’E. WISTBRWi. POLO & of fSe Rcberial. fn Keeieledee \§.%^ibbii ffi&ibbii I Maine To Raise Hares Bath. Norembar 14-The polo Stout Men, Very Tall Men, Belgian thto league at a meeting today adopted tee- For Market. •condole tar the aeoood half of the Geininer; Very Slender Men, lleoember al—Lewltton at Bath at Kwthwt Uardl- January l—Boot la ml at Portland; ner at Lewltton. Into tbe 2—Kookland at Bath. Very Small Men, k Westbrook Man doing ■i a—Bain at Uardlner; Kocklann at Portland. Cosiness. •• 4—Portland at Kookland. •• 4—Portland at lewltton; Gardi- and Very Thin Men, at Bath. ner if- •• 7—Portland at Uardlner; Lewle- ton at Hook land. ^ •• 8—Bath at Portland ;Uaidlnar at lewtaton. In fact The Pioneer Hare Breed- •• 9— Portland at Bath. ■■ 10—Lewleton at Uardlner; Uoak- Portland ers of Maine. lemi at ✓ •• 11—Kookland at Bath. ALL MEN •• 18—Hath at lewltton; Uardlner at Kookland. " •• 14—Bath al Uardlner; Portland who wish to wear fashionably cut, perfectly tailored, tt Kookland. ready-to-put-on aiul fii-at-once Saits and Overcoats, •• 15— Kookland al lewtaton; Bath at Con- satisfied with the famous STEIN- Prof. Chapman’s Lecture at Portland. will he wholly 3 •• lft—Uardlner at Bath. BLOCH wholesale tailored garments. gregational Church. •* 17—lewltton at Uurdlntr; Book- land at Portland. SUITS—115.00 to $25.00. 18—lewtaton at Boekland. to $30.0(1 •• Hook- OVERCOATS—$16.00 \ _ lu—Portland at lewltton; land at Bath •• 21—Bath al Kookland. •• 22—Uardlner at Portland; Kook & CO. West ALLEN Mr. Fred Phinney, Main street, lan i at lewtaton. bans for th* •• on at Kookland Middle St- Knd, la to raise Belgian 25-Lew tat Bath; $04 A. Sale of Thanksgiving Linens that shall make “THA^f/LSGIVI^IG at Uardlner. market This has become quite a business •• 84—lewleton at Kookland to toe are old. Mr. Is tbe LIjV£ JW BAy” bvorth remembering hen In Massachusetts, but Phlnnay •• 26—Lewleton at Portland; Bath He Furni- brat to enter tbe business In this olty. at Uardlner. Isn't it toise 1o have the mechanical part of Thanksgiving day. (the a num- •• 26-Portland at. Lewltton; Uar- teoelved from Boston, yesterday, un- dlner at Bath. so that the toill be clear to give animals. ars of a russst ture. the Linens, etc) finished up noto; toay ber of these They •• 28—Portland at Kookland. technical name of . . lolor, called by tbs 29—Kookland -^Portland; Uardl- . . . LIST OF CHOICE divided attention to the cookery later on 9 "Hufos red.” Tbe back and doe wetgb ner at -ewltton. " at Uardlner; Lewle- ebont ten each. an—Boekland pounds ton at Bet h Woodman and Us SALE the Basement Table Cutlery. B. *• Linen Postmaster U. al—Uardlner at Kookland. BUILDING LOTS FOR for ThanKsgi'O- ThanKsgi-Oing have broth Jr, Alderman B. 3. Woodman, February 1.—Bath at Uardlner; Lewle- at Ottawa Purk. Things• and collection. returned from Kebenon, N. H. whore ton nt Portland. 10 fine lot* for Summer Cottage* Table. Lobe, medium A new complete •• Vlew Purk. ing 2—Portland at lewltton; Gar- the new suburb, “Meantntas 26o to 50. visited their sister, Mrs. Kdgar 3 of the best lota at Doable Donator. Carving Set*, *4 ihey diner at Bath. In that alt round suourb, “Carle Maryland A1 33 the Roast of tbs fine loto popular year Knives, Forks, Butcher Knives, Blake Is the tlrst vacation that *• 4—Bath at Kookland. and pricer. fi'bls Park.” High Meat has taken In more *han &—iiatD an ju«wiB*uui Cleavers, Paring Knives, Fork* lerman Woodman 5 lots at Park for sale Very cheap. at Portland. Frityufira eto. thirty having closely confined 1 beautiful lota on the Ittetalands at Woodfarda. etc., •• 6—Portland at Hath; Lawlston large and of hla milk at Woodforda. Wood Chopping Trays Bowls, ilmeelf to the care [extensive at Uardlner. 3 very tine lou Ulflllaed Square, Let’s Start as aa the beet. Bowl*. tuslness. •• 7—Portland at Hookland. 8 lots on Norwood »«., Woodford*, good Yellow Mixing Blue-edge as *« Hookland with an honest fair prlea for Bine in the s—Bath at Portland; are for combined buyer Plates, JajMkneee Canton Plates, Worlmnn an engaged wiring If you looking quality Witt the shear grade* and haring at Gardiner. of lots will interest you. Mlo eaoh. let and Berean Advent __4 well as seller, then this Hat Universal •* 9— Hookland at Lewiston; Port- and the finest are being sold rapidly. Do oleared them oat of the way we'll Park lots are as safe as gold Cake Closets and Boxes, all sixes. iburohes fur aleotrlo The lights Coyle a house to taste if lighting. land at Hath. will of mu I trill build your solo? the better ease better. «• not wait too long. If you buy ire to be furnished by the Westbrook 11—Gardiner at Hookland. and a to suit you and I will • •*••**• or can go to your own architect get plan la—Hookland at Portland; Gar- you wish, you work as the Eleotric Bight and Power company. contract, will all the though diner at Lewiston. assist you in placing your superintend one cent for my services. 25c. Prof. H. B. Chapman of Bowdotn ool- M Hook- home was own and will not charge 18—Portland at Gardiner; my ■ and let me have a talk with yea. ‘Boot Supplement. lege lectured last evening In the parlors land at Hath. Please call at my office Half Bleached Linen Damask, pret- 1st in at Hookland. of the Westbrook Congregational churoh, 14—Lew (iMigni; good quality for U&e •• a' Bath ty of the Cadies’ olrola. 15—Lewiston Portland; under the ausploes Strutt. money; M-lneh, at Uardlner. . . . 53 Eichanga The of the leotnre was Robert *• Portland LM. LEIGHTON subjeot 16—Uardlner at Bath; niwUtendOw 25c yd Burns The audience was large and at Lewiston •• 55c. Prof. Chapman Aas leotored 18—Bath at Hookland. appreciative. '• at Portland; Boek- In W—Uardlner roll bleached, serural good lines, Haring dented top and bottom, under the same ausploes previous land at 1-ewlston. GORHAM. a cordial •• Selt-baatlng, years and has always met with 20—Hookland at Uardlner; Lew- all Linen, Bath. 55c reception. iaton at •• 21—Portland at Hookland. 19c The Ammoncongln olnb was entertain Keoent arrival* at the Cray tel Spring 28—Bath at Portland; Lewiston the home of Boston H. ed yesterday afternoon nt at Uardlner. house: I. U. Uadmon, ; B. 50c. '• L Mrs. Ida Cjuinby. The subjeot of the 28—Uardlner at Lewiaton; Port- Hook land; I, G. Gray, Hoyt Damask. Ten oholae Bird, bat In Finish Double-roaster with extra drain, medium land at Bath. Ue- afternoon was “Muslo.” ltev. Elliott Canary, Boston; O. b. Telllsple, 70 Inches wide, size, 3t>o " 25—Lewiston at Hookland. patterns, of the Uni versa list E. H. Brown, Boston; F. Double-roaster,extra drain, large. B. Barber, pastor 26—Hookland at Portland; Bath rott, Mich.; 50c hotel slxe. H. E. Double-master, extra drain, church, and Mrs, Rogerson of Elmira, at Lewiston H. Kedman, F. A. Stedman, on« •• Book- Boo- N. Y., were present and gave talks on 27—Hack-fand at Uardlner; Brown, Portland; L H. Johnson, 75c. members of the land at Bath New York; E. A. Low Prices. that subjeot. Several •• ton; J. M. Bowman, J 28—Uardlner at Portland; Bath Alexander Us- Satin Finish Damask, good rartety olub and invited guests rendered aooepto- at Hookland. Whittier, Gilbert Uslant, ( & A Enterprise vocal and Instrumental elections. K. A. Smith, Portland; of patterns, m ble March 1—Lewiaton at Uardlner. lent, I-ewlston; in. brown S Ciood quality, 36 75c Kaisin Saed- jv. of O. whist (Club was enter- 2—Hookland at Lewiston,; Uardl- C. S. Uemook, Boston; W. E. Brown, ^ Jtne, * net at Battt. 5c tained last evening at the home of Mrs Portland; Jed U. Cook, K*d ltdok: Ho# cotton, " 4—Uardlner at Hookland. £ er has iuon Cumberland Mills. •• K. A. MoCubrey, Portland; in. brown J. F. Sullivan, 5—Bath at Portland; Uardlner at cos Brown, t Good quality, 40 KL fl.OO. H. ltedlon. wo*- Cloudman State Relief corps Is to be Lewiston. W. P. Folsom, Boston; A. II 6 l-2c II We trunk tnis to oe me uw»u sense than 6—Portland at Lewis John A. cotton, Inspected this evening by Mrs A. M. Uardlner; Portland; Charles H. lllakley, tare and choicest patterns of Satin ton at Hath ■ Extra bleached cot- manj hu- “Queen-Quality* of state inspector. Del- Binkley. Albert E. Boss, Uorbam. 2* good * Damnsir for the prloe that Sawyer Portland, 7—Lewiston at Portland; Bath £ Inlah s little was from the corps at Portland, *at Hookland. Mr. Barry Bannalord boy in. t ever entered Portland. 75J inches wide, maos, for II egations EL ton, 36 wide, (8c quali- Boots for Women. We are sole •• after- South Windham and Yarmouth are to be 8— Rockland at Uardlntr. quite seriously Injured Tuesday •• * Tor Portland and have always 8—Portland at Lewiston; Qardi- borne Iron) ty ) knows ngents and witness the exemplification noon as he was on his way M N $1.00 present ner at Bath. In 33 different and in. bleach- — in stock shapes of the new ritual work. school on Main street. A large yellow 45 Continental 11—Portland at Hookland. enough to styles. The Current Events club will meet this " 12—Uardlner at Lewiston; Bath dog that has been oonsMired kind and I ed cotton, (12 i-2c quality) 8c I $1.25. child and the warranted to satis- afternoon with Mrs. F. W. Freeman at Portland. upon the Satin In Bel- drop Every pair give •• harmless. Jumped Double Damask.mode 13—Portland at Uardlner; Lewis- in 10-4 bleached cotton 11 Utted. Uniform* Is to bs “Education." threw him down, biting hint badly Androscoggin world-famoua Ibr line faction properly The subjeot ton at Bath. gium,. oountry raisins In tbe of Boots, $3.00. The Westbrook sobool oadets are at Gardi- the face. Bit had no* boon lor pns- 19c linens. price Queen Quality high 14—Hookland Portland; one dish and the seeds Into another. 1* was to have a sociable Friday evening In the ner at Lewiston. enoe of Mr Lernnef Kloh, thought This Damask Is highly (natural) •* a of raisins In one min- 15—Batn at Uardlner. In- Danville 10-4 bleached cotton, 19c Heeds pound Westbrook house. the ohlid would have been seriously nnlsb dressing) extra heavy Opera 16—Portland at Bath; Gardiner (no ute. Wai\ t^asy. will be Main street. was The Excelsior Biterary olub at Lewiston. jured Ur. Challos. Extra Slips 42x)6 good pillow 69c Next to Queen Quality" come* the entertained this atternoon at the home 18—Lewiston at Hookland. called and dressed the wound. $1.25 •* IOC 8c "Walk to most street The 12—Bath at Lewiston; Gardiner Stook of Yarmouth has quality) Easy" Boots, equal of Mrs Estelle Hooper, Carub Mrs bridge Ollier Damasks at 91JM, 1.75. Gera Ha lain Header, at Portland. Belgian make of $8.00 Boots in style, lit, is to be in of Mrs. as at the Congre- Otis check 6c any programme oharge at Lew- been engaged organist 1500 yds gingham, 20—Portland Uardlner; is always retain thoir lustre after and all sizes and widths at The tor dlscus- church B^liiiuu 29c wear; Wlnnltred Wyer. subjeot iston at Portland. gational full kiunderiug. 00. ’* •• Extra good quality Batting 18 slon ls'"Matne As a State 2*1—Hookland at Uardlner. Mr. James Hidgeway Is substituting •• 23—Bath at Lewiston Universal Food Chopper. Tbe West End W. C. T. U. will meet for Mr. Soule during his absence. tound roll, 8c 25—Uardlner at J wlston. Others at $1.00, was at three o’olook at the •• Mr. J. Usury lUne* of Portland apKiri*. tbis afternoon 26—Lewiston at Portland. Best comforter Prints, 5c " quality home of Mrs. C. F. Parsons, Pleasant 27—Lewiston at Uardlner. In Uorbam, yesterday, on business. " and 28—Hookland at Lewiston. has ac- street Miss Etta Lemond, Main street, lotton Cashmere plaids, double fold, Nearly every good grade ot Damask Slippers, Leggings •• SO—Uardlner at Lewiston. UNIVERSAL Mr Grant of Yarmouth, a a a* saleswoman with Its match here In Napkins, at THE Norman oepted position ifteen choice patterns for Ladies’ has Gaiters- conductor on the Portland and Yarmouth POLO AONIUBT. the F. B. Emery Co. |1 00, |1 98, fl SO, 91.TB, 99.00, 99 60, or children’s school called on relatives yes- Mr. Carman of Portland, who ha* the wrappers dresses, 00 and to 910.00 per doz. «• and Eleotrlo railroad, ’Ibis evening the Portland* will meet 93 up Misses’, Children’s, Boys’ • for Koble was in 12 l-2c FOOD terday afternoon. oontraot repining ball, from 60o to 88 00. the Baths In polo at City hall. A great Set*. Youths' Shoes, Rev J. A. Corey, pastor of the Peo- Uorbam, yesterday. Table Come in and have Shoes Pol- game Is expected. Among the players or An extensive line of checked your mm f ...V it.t Wood fords, has been tbe ging- B lacimuuiim uuusvu sets Is an pin tbe Hath team are three stare, Burgess, Plain pattern seta; hemstlohed ished Eras. Cur Shoe Polisher several of the members of ills. J. X. MoLellan, the pest rams with to match come es- Prloes accompanied by Hnrtaugb and MoGIlvary. Burgees Is guest plain In the different sizes. range CHOPPER expert. of that char oh, visited this olty yesterday week. sofa set. by many regarded as the greatst* goal serially for pillows, from 93.50 to 991.00 and attended the evangelistic afternoon tend In the business The game will he 10 and 12 t-2c Colored Damasks and made up cloths. conducted Miss Nellie D. LIKUT. LANU IS BETTER. service by called et 8.30 o'alock. j. R. LIBBY CO. Kev. U. F. ran Thompson, who M assisting The many friends of Lien tenant Fran k Fine line of cretonnes, new Tray Cloth*. HAKBOK Parsons in a three weeks revival service. NOTCH. It. will be to know that Lang pleased 8 and t Sc and hemstitched, 19 1-9 r. s. is jatteins, Hemmed Mr. Andrew C. Cloudman moving the tug Lehigh within a or so his wife has received The best one we know of. Urlnd at Yesterday morning day each. Stamped Goods lor working honse o‘ and 96o fruit bis family Into the recently pur- arrived and In the afternoon sailed away. a from San Francisco, written by a 200 different Peacale, very crackers, letter styles up meat, vegetable*, not much above Half-price. Macy chased by him on Forest street. The Bismarck also arrived. of the wounded othoer, who Is a and what' not. Heveral sizes. Cor- tug brother jest 12 t-2c Totoe l*. of the pieces have worked edges. Tbe schooner Hardlnlan arrived with a the quality, reot resident of that city, conveying grate- prices. eto. A Special Bargain at 19 l-a>. Doylies, Ceutre-pieces, etc., MOKltlLLS. cargo of lime. ful information that ber husband * con- One case of extra good apron ging- Others at lfl, 96, 60o. up to IB.00 each Several of the theatrical people now has lie was dition somewhat Improved, lam in checks and plaids (6c quality) In tbe city visited Portland pier yesterday able to (llocate the letter, something be The funeral of Harriet B., only daugh- themselves to do. Lieut. Sc CO. morning They expressed has heretofore been unable R. LIBBY GO. J. R. LIBBY CO. J. B, LIBBY ter of George H. and the late Mary K. j. aa greatly pleased with tbe harbor of Lang's brother will keep bis wife and 10c Flannel, 8c will be held this afternoon at one Outing Bailey, Portland friends Informed of the progress o'clock at 1(W Walton street. Burial at Portland._ 1 case 10-4 white 48c of the cose. Lieut. Lang was wounded blankets, Gorham. WOODFORDS. shell wblob in nee different places by the Good value in 10-4 colored blank- WORN BY Mr. Stevens George Bishop, avenue, head —one strik- wife of burst over bis fragment • who has been was re- ;Ths funeral of Cynthia Ballsy, 58c quite seriously 111, him at the base of the brain, another et , THE WHOLE H. will oooir this after- ing as mure comfortable George Ballley, ported yesterday. breaking his right arm above the elbow, fair tl.OC noon at two o’clock at 303 Brighton ave- Good Puff, size, bis another passing through neck, just new in WORLD. nue. Is packed with everythin* the vein, a fourth frag- l from Miss Lizzie It. Book, formerly assist- grazing jugular Jewelry line. We have the Our gloves are imported England. ment going tnrough his shoulder, lodg- | France and Germany, which supply the ant postmaster, called on friends here most complete stock in the oity. 4 near and the tilth struck markets of the world. We carry all mar ing the lungs, Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. yesterday. Daring tbe past sum Come to our store we can show 4 blow. Of course, . the best makes. Including Fowue’s. Nsok bis eohulder a glancing she was assistant at tbe Proul’s usually found in « etc. serious of thses injuries you everything Perrin’s. Dent’s, etc., She has returned from the most >as • post office. just a first class establish- We are SOLE AGENTS here lor that of the base of tbs brain, which jewelry tbe home of her In Orland, where !tlie the best ladies parents meat. 4 Perrin’s VIGILANT, cansed paralysis, and until very recently, X she enjoyed a live weeks visit. glove ever sold for gf.oo. unconsciousness. He has been subjected We also carry VKILINOS, a very Ana know that PORTLAND HIGH HCHOOL WON. to seven or for relief,and Do you eight operations assortment at 21c and up. electric baths have been tried, the The Portland High school football In addition of all tar suc- i I three-quarters sloven played the team from the West Knd and the treatment bee m proved McKenney, able to work his world’s headaches are the composed of large man and good players cessful that ha Is now THE one hand a little yesterday afternoon on the grounds be- feet end legs and JEYVELEtt, tea and THE KIAG1RA $2.50 BOOT. result of using hind the Oaks The Portlands soured Wlthhls returning sensibility of the parts BOLAND It le OUR SPECIALTY. codec ? twlee and goals worn kicked tram both he Is suffering terribly. expected Monument Square. the | touchdowns. The halves wars only tan that he will be able to read letter Hade from extra fine kid, and genuine ji>-jootrataorsuip CLOVE CO. 1TUE norKfalSt te the letter box welts, heavy soles. ^ So say. minutes eaoh but the regular eleven was written by his wife in reply calf, Goodyear physicians ob maniah lasts. We o .nnot recommend In ttie line up and the boys showeu great he dictated At the time Lleot. Lang them and the this boot too bigh'y to those in want of Quit Improvement over their reoent games was Injured he was acting a ljutant of boot. a Stylish, well fitting, serviceable MISS A. L. SAWYER'S CONCERN. tbe Portland aobool the regiment, was at Us bead and and T8 WHOM U W headaches quit. On Haturday High They are equal to many of the $3.00 will the Westbrook High school boys mounted on a white horse, making him a $3.30 boots. Sebul of S'orthJBJ aid play Typewrtthf, Notice is given that Portland Bridge G*ain-0 has the coffee No will bt hereby on tbe Deer log grounds. A chance will oonsplouons mark. attempt will be eInsed about tbiee weeks far repairs, Centennial Block, US I xcleange Get lstb. late. but no headaches. then be given the football enthusiasts made to send him home this winter, eoauneochnr taste, S. H. SCAVKY. ) Cuss. to see the boys In the same positions they bat be will be taken to some port on the Hx-UepuVJ Cotlwtor ItcCrtUM hat mod C. F. Moulton, Instruction given In Shorthand, Touch Type- GAKOINEB WAI.KKJ*. { Cn. of where It Is (till for (or delainatiuo CHAS. E. WIGGiN. ) Coen* All lie. endue. will ooeopy at the Bangor game, whloh southern coast California, Collector W>,UU1> A 07 CONGRESS »T. writing, Business Curresyoudence, etc. groom Portland, Oct a, law. oc lt-it nil convalssoence will be )I onaritcter. OCt2&*o43W uovlfleodtf twine* off a week from Haturday. hoped rapid. *

\ TO LET. IALB. MIKMXARIOIII. MAINE TOWNS. plan* of the engine The power lor tbti upon. Kent's Hill baa a beery team, and fOlt motor wllMba from the of the Klee plant tba game willl be a hotly contested one. trio Forty wards laser**4 wader tfcU head Real Estate Forty words InaerUd tinder tills bond Bight Company. Tba home team bare to An attempt Dbelng made to have ■ may play sopie !■• week far %B real*, cask la advance- wwfc for M MSU, cwk ftJi Utums Items of Interest Gathered by One U- FOR SALE BY oouree of all entertalnmente during tlx eubitltotes; aa several ot tbs man ware TODAY cal winter In thle If sufficient en hart IIOR8E for sale. Black mare 7 rears rsrrfiptodralA Tillage. lest Saturday at Auburn, In addi- desirable lower rent of six Geo. W. Brown, 53 Exchange Hu old, la committee lti LET—Very A‘,plr A- oouragsment glren .the tion to thoae week on tba rO rooms at 120 Franklin St,, $1« per month. EUA*a’ n on aotne hurt a ago F ourvd Charge of the matter oouree, to F, L. JKRRIS. 336 Congress St. 16-1 E^SS**-"9- SJ* Ipply what the aim aa that ot laat win borne grounds YAKMOUTH. plan One new 9 room bouso with all modern la ° F- El»e two miles from Ulbb# houae. F place City tar, will he glren at Opera a11, ODP house LET= Furnished rooms, warranted clean provsmcnU. « acre, t rooms, Yarmouth, November 14 —Mr*. H. D. 'i be dootcra of are “on tlx ! nrt^wi> Brldgton MA1 >K MAN IN COMMAND. (‘O and fresh, »7 Pearl St near Congress. Mm. One new 10 room bouse In Coyle Park on ■table, earriaga house, hennery, all to be sold Brackett has returned from her recent more" more then ueoal just now, Ilr. £. A. SWKTT. 14-1 Clifton street cheap, fam. part can remain at ft per cent. In- The most thorough moved It to tn« One 2 tenement house 4 okl. A quire A. C. LlBRY, 42| 8t. 14-1 visit with Ur. and Mrs. b. Bennett baring just years splendid Exchange bdgar need Investment. property wbleh he baa recently porch Mrlioonrr J. B«ll*ve«l to RENT—Sunny NMfchbor- and effective house Hawkes of Me. llrirf Llpattt exposure. quiet One new 6 room bouse with &U modern im- SALE—At the West t 3 of ^ Plttatleld, on and Dr. Knaelaod her FORhood. near *(. electrics, one block ml, parcels un- High street, Spring FOR situated * Mrs. Frank who for the last Into the Field Nave Koaudrrrrf. rom State street, second floor tenement with provement*. improved property on ongvess ever invented Uould, log ranted and moved Seven fine home Fessenden Park, will Lowell, Burnham and at clearer || I nodem seven rooms fur- lets. Cherry Streets, prices two has been in Vlnal- bouse on lower Main street. Dp. Webt Improvements, nicely be sold to close. to Induce to months visiting ibdied with l»ath to a small $36.00 cheap promoter* purchase. HKNJ. and will move next month to tlor family, plus 811 AW A CO., Exchange ML 14-1 haven, has returned home. family lebago. Including hot water lieat. Immediate ftl| N. H. Boston. November 14.—No tldlogs : tossesslon. as- ham, BKNJ. SHAW ft CO., 51* Kxcnnnge The High School Debating eoolety A very Interacting and Inetvuotlv* bars yet been received from tba seboon- It. 14-1 FOR SALS’. SALE—2$ story house at Peering Center, FOR10 rooms and bath, fitted for two to bold their next meeting on the lecture waa delivered at school room families, pect High er Henry J. l.lpaett, which waa reported BALE—Houses in for 500 furnace lot to the teachers ol DOOMS for laundry or barber shop; houses Decrlng $1 heat, good stable, 70x100. TMs house GOLD DUST! evening of November ID, in the high Saturday afternoon, la FOR•2,400. $3 000 13 800. $4.0no; s 1*0 houses In Is situated at the head Shoal furnished or one very pleasantly nearly Brof. Mitchell, of Bowdolt being driven by Mouth lightship unfurnished' at South school The roll oall will be Brldgton, by ’ortland; four furnished for light housekeeping; Portland for $2,200 to $5.0*>0. Choice building of rieaitaut Ave., 2 minutes from electrics, and building. College. “Knallab UomposI In a dtsnmstel oondltlon daring the lots Fessenden Powder .Subject, urnhlied house tor hoard of two persons; cart, at Oakdale. Park, Peering the best trade In Peering. Price $2,000. W. P. Washing answered with anecdotes of great tem- the leotura Dr. and also choice lots at Otta- | tlon Xhls and by hurricane Inst Friday. Xhe eohooner left lay rack, rake tedder and express wagon for Highlands cottage DRESSER., 90 Exchange St 14-1 reformers Debate, Keeolved that Whittier of Bowdoln on “Hygiene.' ale cheap. S. L. (' wa Park (Cdff Cottage) Cape Elizabeth. All p-ranee Baltimore Ootober a cargo of ! Congress kinds of real estate taken In two weeks are two of a oonraa ol 1, (with It. 14-2 eschange. Easy BK)R SALE—In the center of the city, a 2 1-2 a licence would the ago, I high promote temper- dur to E. It. Norton of this term.*. DALTON ft CO., 63 Exchange street A honse, 14 rodms, to octal, story containing arranged Mve or alx which we expect enjoy oonelgned octiodtf anoe cause In Maine more than the house S for two families, has modern pres- ing the fall and winter. olty and ahe was one of a lleet of vessels rooma; Improvements, rENEMENTS—$12.06—Mayo,Congress. 5 rooms; B street. 6 rooms; good size lot and sunny exposure; low. ent laws. Affirmative, The at liar and foundation for Dr. laaTe SALE—Tho*e magnificent building lots price prohibitory In Koads and did not 6 rooms: 6 For further particulars tiif| 11 ire of A. C. LIBBY under on Hampton ^ranklin, Anderson, rooms; Kellogg, FORon Passenden. Pitt William and Dart- Blanche Cbarlss Frink's new house Is well way, rooms. & 42 1-2 street. MoKearneyand Hennett; there until November 5. $ifi.oo St. Lawrence, 4 rooms; Stone, mouth streets. Oak da e. Perfect electric car CO., Exchange the lot next to the Methodist ohoioh. rooms. 14-2_ $15.00—Franklin, 6 rooms; house, 7 service, sidewalks and sure to negative, Lewis Merrill and Nellie Cbate. and aim Xhe abeenoe of newt Is at sewers, Hebago; POE SALE \» Wood fords Corner, 1 minute Xhejnew house of Chas. Dodge any regarded ooms, bath; 120 Franklin, lower, 7 rooms, advance to double their cost; interest will solo Uertrade Al- 116.60. present A. to postofn< e, house, 6 There aleo be a by is and boarded, and the foundation muet have Sherman, 7 rooms, bath and steam, 6 other taken In ex- 1} story rooms, up Indicating that something only p»r cent; property Sebago. lot ftoxioo. For further and boose of Clara 12ft. a rooms, bath and steam, $26. FRANK B. It will you to DAL- particular* ap- isa. a reading by bdlth Drlnkwatsr for the new two tenement to the veeeel and among change; pay iovnulgate. to A. C. LIBBY A street happened ship- IHFPHKKI) A CO.. Real Estate Offlce, First 63 street. octl$dtf ply CO., 42| Exchange Tlie— near the publlo library la ready TON ft CO.. Exchange 13-1 a violin aol) by Ralph blmonton. Fogg, that she may national Bank Building, Room 3. 13-1 for the superstructure, which la to b* ping people It la thought Mr Fred AI lei Is moving Into the SALK—New six flat block on High St. built oy Horace Brootor of North Brldg have sprang aleak and foundered. It It , SALE—In LET—Lower rent 100 Forest avenue, nine FOBnow rented for $1400 per year; llrst Woodfords, 1} atory house, Stillman honee on avenue. too. strictly FORsix room* and bath, all modern Sawyer Maple possible, that she was blown rO rooms, gas. Sebago, water closet, new fur- clars and suitable for trust .unds or Individual improve- to a however, ments, lot will be sold at a For There a at the Xbe local O. A. R went iace, splendid u 7«»x70; bargain. was large attendance post miles coast and be ! repair, Just whitened, painted Iniesimeut. Hull11 1899. DALTON & CO„ further lira at ftdv* Falls last many oil the may md rent *16; one of the best rents in nartlculars apply to A. C. LIBBY A CO., PREFERRED and entertainment tbe amp Saturday. paired; 63 Exchange street. oc.l.’dtf sunper given by heard from within the next taw days. ‘ortland for tlie money. A. C. LIBBY,42* 42^ Exchange street 13-1 . GKO. F. JUNKIN8, 270 Middle street, neat voters In last from this on September 18 Inquire SARGENT, Tbe two oldest town, signed olty j 47 street. 13-1 Monument Square. 13-1 policin iif w lower price. William Congress Tuesday, were Daniel Seavy and T« nrrommoiTair those who are partial tu and sent to Bath to Jolnlthe vsseal which TO LOAN—On llrst and second MONEY on real estate, also on stork,, The PIlF.IPEKIttD claims Russell, both 8S. Xhe RENT—Desirable furnished house near mortgage* SALE—Black mare eight year* old. 1,204 pays I he use of atomizers in applying liquids into the waa then loading loa for Baltimore. other rollnteral securities. Sanford was the banner town In York rRI/onxfellow Square. If applied for Immedi- bonds or any good FORpounds all sound will work double or single, prom pily. nasal for catarrhal traubta, the pro Is orew list: First Hate of A. C. LIBBY & CO., 4-’t Exchange will sell reasonable. oounty a of passages following the , ately to PltED’K S. VAILL, 1st Nat l Bank Inquire Inquire 70 Washington having Republican plurality Balm. street. 13-1 Ave. Sines AprP. 1809 when th** eompanv com- 61U, blttery next with 617. prletors prepare Ely’s Liquid Cream John Wilson, Engineer J. O. Lovell, Sea- Mdg. 12-1 lO-i Dtenced wri lug its Health Policies which are oomlng Most of George H. Littlefield’* friends Price Including the spaying tube U 75 cents. of Germany: llie most 1 herel ones in the Held, nearly 2,000 men W. Puger, a native , LET—Rent near Union Station, MONEY TO LOAN on llrst class real estate at SALE—Choice hubbard squash, i$e a lb. 1 will be to learn that he has or malL The liquid embodies the containing M. pnln-ms I'ave i*een Issued for this agency and surprised Druggist* by H- Ramway and J. r 6 rooms, bath and other improvements, reasonable rates. Apply to L. WEBB, FORsugar pumpkins, |e a lb., 6O0 per doz.; any In tbe This time Augustus Hoffman, 1 ve ire reasons nearly #5.000 has been paid our citizens under again enlisted army. medicinal properties of the solid preparation, inly $15.00, also or. Smith St, 7 rooms: 236 Brack- 98 Exchange St., Portland.12 Other fresh table* at h1«> them. he Is with the 6th Co and O. Orvall, the last two members of 6 t owls atm chickens dressed to 15 and California, C., ['ream Balm Is quickly absorbed by the mem- ] et, rooms; 101 York. 6 rooms; 48 Stone, 7 at ATff'P flvnranaf, maila In Ardor flrsljtInka order. Our business was Increased in 1899 in Maine Is stationed at Fort Be has en- ooms v am uni. hoflse.6 Con- lb.: nelectal hen’s feathers. 124c per lb. Wingate brane and does not the secretions bu( the orew being Spaniards. ,16 rooms; 2«7* best of and a fit 17cper •Ver no per cent. We wish to do eveti better Miss dry up 4 rooms. Trimmings, workmaushlp M. P JOHNSON, 1560 Forest listed for live years. Hls sister. ^ess (rear) FREDERICK S. VAILL, less than in Avenue, Deering, In looo. Your u d is solicited. tend your changes them to a natural and healthy char teal 1st Nat’l Bank guaranteed for money any place Me. 10-1 Julia A. Littlefield, who U making quite Estate, Bldg. 12-1 Portland. Repairing and pressing at lowest friends to us. 66 Warren N. Y. CAPT. BROKE HIS LEG. an extensive tour through New Eng- icter. Ely Brothers, St., M. M. Nansen, Merchant Tailor, 4»3$ 1 house of 8 besides prices. SALE—Dr. Ahaks Great Indian Stomach Is dow visit her November 14.—Schooner Lily rooms, St. land, iDg grandmother, Maohlas, rRENT—Singlebath room, and Congress _10-1 FOItand Blood remedy for dyspepsia and all Aire. Pleasant street. pantry laundry, good dry Lyman Littlefield, COLBY COLLEGE? of Windsor, N. S., bound from Windsor ellar, furnace heat, all hard wood floors on first AWAY—Fine old blue plates, brass stomach trouble. D. W. HESELTINE & CO., sun GIVENcandlesticks to be in for corner of and and C. K. here for loor, all day, electric lights, on liue of cars. given exchange Myrtle Congress Sts., THE G. F. DUNLAP YARMOUTH. for New York, put In today, 00 AGENCY, j good convenient home for any body. AUSTIN old books, pamplets, coins, autographs and en- NEWCOMB, Vesper St. lo-l MOAGEI.'S !N!> 4DJISTEKS North November IS.—F. The junior class elected the following t SHEARMAN, 240 Stevens Ave., Deering gravings; goveriunent publications and period- Yarmouth, 1 icals not wanted. Send me a and I will ’enter. % lo-i postal SALE—Real estate. We have customers I). Morrill has gone on a hunting trip jffloers ■ohooner. He to atop on the t*4> Ex Range kt.. Portland, Vic. Tuesday morning: President,Mar- attempted call. H. W. BRYANT, 223 Middle St, corner FORfor fifty-two family houses for Investment, down East In oompanjr with O. ii. Hayes Island lost dec.ll eoilU tin Long, Denver, Colo.; vioe president, foreboom while off Libby's a U8TIN & SHEARMAN are speaking to Temple._10-1 price from $2500 to $4000. If you want to sell of Portland. ^ you now' is when the tackle and about rents. This Is the time of year when you opportunity. Call or send descrip- Kev. Mr. Molirlde Is hla vaca- Harry E. Pratt, Phillips; secretary, Fred evening boom parted ; 1IILT0N'8 SURE CURE for asthma will cure tion of taking ou can get a home of us cheaper than you ever property ami price to G. F. ALK.v* waa the hatch one of the most stubborn cases. Call cr address tion W. Tbyng, ltoss Corner; treasurer, Os- he thrown aoruaa [reamed of. Single houses up to stairs ANDER & CO., 93 Exchange St. 12-1 Hiss H. Lamb date, up TilKAKA HILTON, Druggist, 120 Cocgre«s E. Westcustogo grange will have a harvest dan J. Par- hla broken. Master* ,nd down stairs rents, new houses never occu- Taylor, Hampden; marshal, lege being Captain 8t, Portland, SALE—Fifteen kerosene ANNOUNCES. scpper, November 16th. lted with all modem improvements, ou car lines Me,__hot7-4 Inch, heating, Herbert O. was taken to the marine hospital. ,nd desirable one FORacme burnisher or roller, cost mitt Ethel Chaffee of Portland Is visit- ley Dudley, Mapleton; orator, every way. Others, at $».oo or no pay. C. H. ROWAN, rotary $25. Ive one at and two at it has been used little and Is as The Opening of Her New ing Mrs O. Morrill Ml Llbbey, Watervlile; awarder of prizes, rooms, $12.50 $18.00 each 0EAFXE88—curedMilwaukee, WIs. 52 very Just good |K. laving six rooms. Don’t delay if you are lnter- as new. wilt sell very cheap. Address BOX 2»»l, Mrs Uarulner Leighton, Jr., spent L, bkowhegan; histo- sted. First come first served. AUSTIN & Alfred, Me. 12-1 Angler Uoodwln, “ TW’OTICE—Goes A auctioneers, re- Sunday with friends In Portland. (Landlord of 240 Stevens Cen- Wilson, PIANO SALESROOM, rian, Max l’hilbrlck, Watervlile; prophet, Capt. Cromwell, IHEARMAN, Ave., Deering Is moved to 154 to 160 Middle 8L, corner of Quite a number from this place attend- the er. 10-1 •Uver DOR SALE—A fine lot of rock maple and Winter Broadway Hotel, Cincinnati, 0.,) fit r ycl- ed the lecture by Kev a. F. John U. Larson, Jemtland; poet, _dtf low birch wood for open also kind- temperance Nov. WILL MIJY household or store grates, Pearson at wrote, 17, 1*53. LET—Nice tenements, located, f\r( goods lings all kept under cover. A Tot of wood for 3S5 Congress Street. Yarmouth, Sunday evening. W. Drew, Watervlile; chaplain, Henry ^ pO centrally if fixtures of or will re- k two $18, $10, $11, $25 per month. I have any description, sale cheap; first coal, all hand screened. Curtis Swett, who was Injured while Just solve the same at oar auction rooms for quality A. Barber, Uanoock, N. H.; toastmaster, ecched some new tenements in Tel. »4«-2. G. E. JORDAN, 70 and Hi Parris St., The lainnii. New r.iig’nisd Pi- on the railroad a few weeks placed my sale on commission. 0088 A WILSON* working ago, lands to call look over the list. 12-1 William H. Rookwood, Wlntbrop; Execu- rent, very soon, 154 Silver City. ano will bo the le ider. Guaranteed a Is aole to be out. EZRA HAWKES Real Estate SC Kx- Auctioneers, Middle street, corner Frank P Palmer's Lotion Office, Mr. an 1 Mrs. Edgar Dow of Portland tive oommlttee, Hamilton, hange St. 10-1 street_fct3-U SALE—Elegant detached residence on etriotly class instrument at a low hat me high spent Sunday with Mrs. Uso. Lnfkln. Boston, Alexander Mttohell, Blllerloa, cured of GOOD WATCH needs careful attention an t FJOBone of the most desirable streets in Western ro LET—Store 33-36 St. A best of wnrkmansh'p wtsen It is cleaned or 3 brick. 11 large rooms ami am- price. and Lew C. Preble 80 ft. front, will part, story bath, KUMKORD. Mass., Church, Bkowbegan; to accommodate from repaired. Thtskmdot work is nv specialty; ple heat in all, open fireplaces first and second The Piano to be give depth tenant, given away through ode Lin wood 0 to 120 ft. Room 2nd. front 30x80 with my 20 years experience with W. P. Todd Is the floor, 7,OOo feet land, a bargain. W. 11. WAL- Ku-uford. November rains oommlttee, ;L. Workman, TETTER, story tbe .MERCHANT'S VOTING CONTEST 14.—Copious ffiee accomodations, use of elevator etc. best guarantee of good work. My prices are DRON Si CO* ISO Middle St 10-1 fell here last and which Adalbert O. Jones, Liver- of thirty yetrs* standing.” Ap- GEO. W. 388 Con- is here on exhibition. nvlldlw-teodtf Thursday Friday, Uherrytleld; tly at 23 Noyes St. or 166 Middle St. 9-1 reasonable. BARBOUR, raised the Androscoggin some four feet more, and Noah V. Barker, Caribou. \ gress street opposite City Hall. 1-U VOR SALE—On Deering Highlands, fine resl- Wu were visited Saturday with high DESIRABLE rooms and • donee o rooms and bath, hot J, H. B. Fogg, manager of the "Colby Lotion rent 107 Oak St, 14 nearly new, YORK SUNDAY SCHOOLS. northwest wind and snow squalls, so that Soap bath, furnace heat. Inquire of MRS. water heat and all modern conveniences, showed WANTED. Tbe annual convention of the York the bills were white with snow Sunday Stories," your correspondent, Prevents and assists in caring all * IAMPSON, 21 Chestnut St 9-1 superior locations, unobstructed views of l*or$. ^---^ land and ocean, 20,000 feet house was net schools will be held at morning. a number of the of the land, County Sunday Tuesday orlgnals such afflictions. At Druggists only. built to but for a home, a W. II. of a went DRUG STORE TO LET—One corner drug words Inserted under this head sell, bargain. Alfred, today. The following Is the pro- A drive poplar pulp took past of whtoh were Forty Illustrations that oook, store, new block, best location in town, WALDRON Si CO., 180 Middle St. 9-1 on the high water. one week for 2.1 cents, cash In advance. gramme:. a artist of ine of the best for first-class Mr. John wire and two lone by Chase, rising young openings druggist MORNING. Keen, children, o be found lit state of Maine. It will pay you BALE—Lot of land on Boyd St., with two Mr. Chase Is well a< HELP. from Harrison, Ale buve movAd Into the New York. known, WANTED—MALE o investigate this. Also millinery Store to let. IVANTED For the winter, furnished ml <>r FORstables, will be sold for loss than city valu- 9 30—Seeking God’s blessing. Dero ,T C. K Cary e bouse at South Hnmtord. he does all the cover designing for a pRANK C. LEAVITT, Sanford, Maine. 9-1 five or six rooms for a small family of ation ; 50 feet front. I*rice 124 per square foot, a tlonal service, Rev. R, G. Drlsko, Alfred. adults. Must be in location. Address J. bargain for some one. COXESWORTHY’S. Mr. Keen will work for P. ii. Clark In under this head good 10 00—Business session. rec- publishing house, as well as Forty words Inserted C. 1 15-1 BOOK 92 St 9-1 5 Reading his Iron foundry at the Falls. prominent LET—A first class upper rent of eight MOORE. Boyd Bldg. STOKE, Exchange ords and of treasur- ond week for 45 cents, cash In advance. I'O and reports secretary and Air. J. C. Dolloff of Harrison Is stop- being employed by one of the large news- rooms bath, with hot water boiler and -———- I modern and WANTED to visit the CHANCEB-Great bargain. er Appointment of committees. awhile Air. Keen. out conventem-es, large yard sun all 5,000 people Gipsy big ping with paper concerns In New York. The BUSINESSEstablished store on 10 20— facts man for general office < lay, at 163 Cumberland St Apply to True Camp,4<>1 Congress 8t., and have your grocery principal St., Finding regarding county Ed. Flaodo has gone to Ualvceon, WANTED—Young"" a sales from $800 to Five minute from ten IllustratingWolman F. Day's story and work, with of ad- J Iros., 304 Pure St novs-tf past, present, future told correctly, satisfaction doing good business, fiooo work. reports the Texas. knowledge typewriter; each month. We will sell this at invent- dress In own hand stating guaranteed. Admission free for Ladies and gen- stock olstrlots In York county the one for Mr. A. C. Hinds's yarn are es- writing, experience, to M. L. Wyman and son are putting In a references and BOX 79$, Port- rooms, connected or slng'e, tlemen. 15-1 ory, fixtures belong store; big chance for 11.00— Round tatle new wages expected. (a feature). furnace and building a new ohlmney. pecially good. In the matter of Illustra- FURNISHEDwith board, at 74 SPRING ST. 13-2 right man. W. T. HANLEY, 2983 Washington •'Twentieth Century Problems,” con- land._14-1 ANTED—'Two rooms with board St., Boston. 9-1 J. S. Morse has a crew of choppers pat- tions, Stories" will exoel any col- \|r connecting ducted by 1. N. UnUlday, general secre- "Colby TYBIGHT energetic man for a reponslble posl- i* in western part of man, wife and ting ap cord wood on bis Elliott rnrm. 1 DFFICR OR FACTORY BUILDING The city by tary Maine State S. S. Association. lege book that we bate yet seen. The ltlon of trust, prefer man prominently asso- first floor of the buildl.ig occupied the two children. B.—10, Box 1557. 13-1 1 regretted to learn of the death of M. furnish by FOR SALE. 11 45—Address of B. C. Jor- elated with Libor organizations, must American on Plum street is welcome, N. Lutkiu on rotnrn home. Mr. Lnf- originals will soon be on exhibition In Express Company the my first class references and cash bond, to such a fferea for rent E. A. Port- ir A NT ED- Horses to board during win- dan, Alfred. Response by toe president. was a Appljflto NOYES, ii reason- 14 li p. uprljhi Portland Com- * kln lived near the Centre, promi- Watervlile, Bangor, Portland and other man a remunerative position is replying \ ter. best of feed and care, terms for dinner. open, snd Savings Bank. \o-tf N li. horizontal Adjournment nent man, and had tilled several town state full particulars. W. T. HANLEY, 2983 able. HENRY NELSON, Cumberland Centre, pany boiler; p places. 13-1 AFTERNOON. offices. He was 72 years old. YVashingtoh St, Boston, Mass. 12-1 Me. engine, in Al condition, a bar- H. E. has been ohosen to FEMALE HELP We are much pleased with the result of Pratt, '08, WANTED. gain. 1.30— Finding precious a an middle passages, the recent election tbe Maine Alpha ohapter of \\ANTED by intelligent, aged testimony conducted represent American woman a position as house- scripture exercise, Five deer were MAINSPRINGS 75c. worda Inserted naider this head by Rev J. E Cochrane, Sprlngvale. years ago very plenty Phi Delta Theta at Its biennial conven- Forty keeper in a small family or as a (companion to Peering Steam Laundry, here, but they are very scarce, lint The best < ms week for 25 cuh in an or woman. Address or call at 2 00—Round table, school man- today tion to be held at Louisville, from Warranted for 1 year. quality of cents, advance. Invalid aged Sunday few are seen our nimrods. Ky., American The 13 Hill 12-1 agement, oonuuoted Rev. C. K. signs Dy mainsprings. McKENNEY, St, City. City. novl4tf hy November 86 to Deoember 1. This frater- Watchmaker, Monument Square. sept18tf Flanders, Blddeford CUMBERLAND RANTED—An experienced second girl at 94 Is one of the oldest secret f * St. Good references or lady to assist In office, ROOM Back fnrnl- 8 "The Needs of Our nity oollege Spring required. Ap- ■ Oik house, Bay, elegant to—Address, men, good as between 8 and 9 o’clock 15-1 (IBNTLVMANsalary $15 weekly, position permanent. one all this Is Cumberland Centre, November 14.— western and for WANTED—Several positions j tly evenings. ture, flight, pays expenses, Rural Sections, flow can we help?” I. moieties of origin, seven- for a well known business firm. Railroad fare here. Enclose reference Kev. Deo. A. Rood, Field Secretary of managers paid first class in every respect. HASTINGS <& CO., N. Halliday, Portland. teen It has had living in $75.w per month and expenses. Apply LV ANTED—Girl for 1 anti self-addressed stamped envelope. WHOLE- 7ti Tremont Boston. 9-1 the Church As- years chapters Salary gener housework; must Temple, 8 00—Address, “Eonoes from the State Congregational Hullding 9 to ll a. in., loca Exchange St, Room 5, City. rT be good cook. References SALERS, 304 C'axton Building, Chicago. 10-1 the needs of that more oolleges and universities than any required. Ap- Convention at Dexter,” B. C. Jordan, sociation, presented i tly 461 CUMBERLAND ST. 14-1 23rooms Al furniture, also dining this last Ahaks rem- Alfred. tiody at plaoe Sunday evening. similar organization. It was founded In ANTED all who have taken Dr. MOUSE,room connected. Cost $louO, price $G00. Kev. Mr. Perkins, a of the clerk. Only those with capable woman, middle age Ur edy to send me a postal card telling what HASTINGS Si Tremont 9-1 8 80—Singing and offering. missionary 184)1 at Miami University, Oxford. Ohio, WANTED—A drug i\ANTED—A CO., Temple. A. H. C. F. M to India, now In this good references need apply. EDWARD preferred, for general housework in a It lias done for them, the same to be used In my 8 45—Address, “Row to Win and Hold Its L. 653 Port- 1 of someone to five mile* for which I will a bottle of on a will at this where It celebrated seml-oentennlal FOSS, Apotheehry, Congress St, smily two; willing go handbills, give 10 rooms, fine location, full Al the Ella Bralnard Whittaker, country furlough, speak 12-1 < utof Portland. For medicine. C. K. 63 people, Children,” afternoon. with land. particulars please call NEWCOMB, Vesper St., HOUSE,good money maker. Price $550. HAST- place next Sunday two years ago appropriate exercises. orenoon or Boston, Mass. evening or address C. A. D., 60 Portland, • v-i Social Circle their an- Me._16-1 lrsus&i/u. 4.30— Reports of committees, The Ladles' gave This year tbe attendance will be the Old established mercantile house 1 lampshire street, Portland, Me. 13-1 nual harvest supper on Thursday evening MANAGERwants honest, capable man to manage 4.45—Prayer and closing. on as the Is er ROOM Beacon Hill, old stand, A1 last. A number were not- largest reoord, sooiety very hrnnph Htlni* mnnnth. ultra rnmmlU- PADY AGENTS WANTED to convass for a W of two houses or one largo house with j house, good present, Lf l ti room taken. Sickness In Indiana and Ions. NO but must take quick selling article, something rooms, within the radii of Peering, location, every EVENING. withstanding the bad condition of the itrong Kentuoky, Ohio, soliciting required, entirely twenty cause sale. HASTINGS & CO. 9-1 general direction business and be ambitious, ew. (all or write for supplies and tern- Spring, High and Winter Streets, for five or ten of weather. and as tbe social features are 7.00— People’s praise service, Rev. A. Illinois, Good references and $800 cash required. Kx- ary. ». B. TAKBOX, ft) Gleuwood Ave. years. Would consider two houses If In close A movement Is on foot for a course of \ Voodfords Me. seats 75, feeding 250 daily, K. Bryant, Santord. mutually elaborate. Keduced rates on perlence ss manager not necessary If qualified King lower bell. 3-1 proximity. BENJAMIN SliAW & CO., MJ eight lectures and two oonoerts at this fn other MANAGER. Drawer 74. New « Exchange St. »-l UESTAUKANT,price % 1,900, this is as advertised. H AST- 7 SO—Address, "Our Junior Boys,” El- the oertltloate are offered all rati- respects. 9-1 plaoe this winter. This la something thlB plan by Haven, Conn.5-4 INGS & CO., Tremont Temple. la Bralnard Whittaker. WANTED^-Mao'with' good references to community has not enjoyed for some 1U BUUIUUU Ml IlilO UUB1UDBB BOB- SPOT CASH—OLD GOLO. 8 00—Offering and musto. ARG E-bouse wants men and woman manage bultluess of old established l?OR salt, l lm cottage. 8ebag<>, Me., J. C, years, and ought to be a sucoess. The slons there will two | capable We apot cash for old and 8.10—Address. "Feed My Lambs,” Key. .be reoeptlons and Ai to act as general agents. $900 yearly salary. pay gold give yon house; salary |18 per week and expenses pay- ■T Babb, proprietor; accommodates 30 to 40 prloe Is low, being one dol- lie price. We also lake It In eichange week direct from ex- W. S. Portland. subscription i'danco on the a a expenses, extra commissions, brilliant oppor- highest able eacn hradqualers; boarders; telephone connection; full view of Bovard, opening night, ball, J or other goods. McKKNNKY. The and lar. tunity. STAFFORD PRESS CO.. New Haven, Jeweler, pense money advanced; position permanent Presidential and Franconia Ranges ; farm in Prayer benediction. a smoker and a 1 lonument The fall term at Qreely Institute closes banquet, theatre party Conn. octl7-4 .Square. aepl8dtt Enclose self-add reseed stamped eovlope good cultivation; timber, wood lot and pastur- vi ujid STANDARD HOUSE, 303 Caxtou Bldg Cnl For and to BOARD OF uu x tua; in succeeding evenings, with a bullet age. price ptrilcuiars apply EXAMINATION CON- cago. nov3-) 63 a five o’elock tea and a OWNER._ VENED. RAYMOND. breakfast, foot LOST AND FOUND, EVERY WOMAN fine ball In between The Sometime* need* a reliable SACK-Elegant, new upright piano,, Adjutant-General’s Office. Raymond, November 13.—Mrs. Lizzie game fraternity monthly regulating medicine. AGENTS WANTED. FORtoned, handsonely finished, recently cost November C. was recently In Portland. low has whom be sold at dlsoonnt if taken Augusta, 9, 1900, Hayden 11,000 members, among Forty words lasses ted under this head DR. PEAL'S $325; will gieat General Orders No. 25. Mrs Ida Hayden has been tbe guest ot and article now ; easy terms. C, B. DALTON 231 Wood- ire Uen. Ben]. Harrison, Hon. A. E. one week for 95 cents, cash In advance. original Just patented 1. The Board of Examination will Mrs. U. J. Lane ot Last Raymond. AfNEWnothing like it ever Invented before; gen fords Are._povl-tf Mrs Cblnnmn and Stevenson, Hon. E. H. Conger, Minister rw tlemcn ana lady and can reap a meet at the Adjutant-General’s office on D. H. Miss Angle Plum and Kim streets a half ^ PENNYROYAL piLLS, agents girls —The available lot of land harvest selling this new article; samples BALK only November at 10 o’clock were calling on friends at the village ,o China, Hon, A. C. Harris, Minister LOST—Betweeninch and steel fob chain with I re prompt, safe and certain in result. Tbogenu- by on the Western Promenade, located bo- Friday, 16, 1U0O, gilt tiger eye mail 10C or call at 16 CUMBERLAND ST. af- POR a. to into tbe last charm. Finder rewarded J ne CDr. Feel's) never disappoint. 1100 per oox. ; tween the residences of Meeeers. Cart land and m., Inquire quallllcatlons Friday. a Austria, Senator Blaokburn and Uen. suitably by returning ternoons and evenings. 13-1 tu* vuoss ic The 1 males’ Circle was held at the hall to 639 15-1 Alto a flriVclaae furnished cottage, ivspvvu (juritiuua ui (JOiBUllS Congress. For tale H. GUPPY * Conley. Funston. About 1,100 members are now by a CO., Portland, stable and land at Willard Beach. Apply who have been elected or appointed to last Wednesday evening. There were 1 lalne. iu,th&»a wanted to sell the latest Invention foi there 64 OST-A milk book. Return to CEO. C. ROB- to TRUK BROS No. 394 Foro street. 31-tl offices In tbe National Guard of the State only about twenty present, due to a mis- ■oltege students, being chapters f AGENTS light, beats cheap Ai ERTS. 416 Stevens Morrill* Cor. and producing electricity, of aa follows: if and 41 alumni clubs Ave, er than largest Maine, understanding. these, (the largest receive reward. 15-1 CITY OF PORT LAN o7~ kerosene, agents coining money, First Tbe young people's sociable was well factory, promp shipment THE BEST LIGHT Infantry. if any fraternity). lc-1 Charles Collins. and all a CO, Canton, O. Major (Lieutenant-Col- attended, enjoyed pleasant of T 08T-Small morocco covered order book, Notice of time. The convention Delta Kappa Epsi- Ai Hearing. onel eleot). Saturday afternoon or evening. Return well rated 1 WANTED by established, firm, First Lieutenant Frank B. W. A crew of men are the lon Fraternity Is held this year with ALL RIGHT CAFE, 232 Federal 8L, and get rHE lolnt standing committee on laylug out Welch, shingling & v v scheme or specialty men to sell an ex- (Major church. she Brown chapter. A. M. Blackburn, reward. 6-1 new streets hereby gives notice to all attractive ami salable line. Special elect). ■. .- 11 ►artu-a interested In the named ceedingly Sergeant Eugene I. Cummings, (Second C. H. Skinner and wife, of Wood- 1 following terms and unique Inducements. High priced ter CHlCHKSTKiTs 01; Sherman Perry, ’01, and Houle C. treets tuat they will meet to hear the parties la UED nd Gold mtillli bom mi.«1 Lieutenant Co. M. fords, have been In the plaoe. men Investigate. BOX 432, Detroit, Mich. 16-1 eleot), left afternoon md view the premises at the following times •Hh bluff ribbon. Taka other. ECrfhoo Sergeant Clarence M. Whitten, (Sec- Miss Abble Smith has been visiting In Stearns, '03, college Tuesday WASTED- SITUATIONS. Hid plaoes; Pff«««NHM MohfftltuUooff aad lacta- ond Casoo. :o attend It. Delta At Peaks to sell our cut price Christmas pub- tions. B»y of y«ar Dragfifft. or aeni 4*. ia Lieutenant eleot), Co. F. Kappa Epsilon Is tbs island, Treferhen’s Landing, |to teMBOff teff AGENTSlications ; 50c book, 16c; $1.00 book, 25c; Particular*. Tostlmonlala Messrs. H. L. Forhan and Qeo. M. onslder the petition of W. F. Trefethen and “4 '‘Roller for Lad n November 14,1900, at 3 o'clock freight prepaid, M..... Drauiou. f'klekaator Co^ Walter J. of Miss (iraoe Jordan of North Windham many throughout one week for 95 eaah In advance. Wednosday. Maattea tkii Madlaoa 1’L Mayo Foxcroft, (Captain cents, ►. m. LISHING CO., Fifth St., Cincinnati, O. 12-1 pip«r. Myaare, PH1LA-. Co. F. was In tbe last State. elect), place Sunday. Said committee will on November 16.1900, at mon.thuAsat-tf The it E DO NOT WANT or loafers to 11. persons elected or appointed to Miss Susie Watkins of South Casco has and l he following named times and boys WANTED—Position as book keeper places:— write us. n»en of $200 and offioes as above, are hereby notified to been the of Miss Lillian Harmon. corner at 9.30 a. m. ability only. guest WESTBROOK office assistant by a young lady. Address Olympia street, Veranda, month Salesmen and themselves to the Board of SEMINARY, 15-1 Kidder street, corner of avenne, $500 per general agents, present Ex- 29 Prospect St., "Woodfords. Washington or inducements. amination at BBIDQTON. it lo a. m. salary commission, special the time and plaoe speci- RACINE FIRE ENGINE & MOTOR avenue near street to con- CO., Cure Your Piles. FREE. fied herein for the November 14.—Tbe flume of ANTED—A a man of Washington Ray meeting of the board. Brldgton, Nellie of ad- situation by young Racine, Wis. 10-1 Mrs. Burger Missouri * f 1 tder for new street from Washington Officers eleoted or are the Lumber mill on good one that Is w illing to do petition appointed who Brldgton Company's character, ; Lvenue to Morrills coruer. at 10.30 a. m. 1 have to sail but will gladly direct members of tbe the south side of the stream Is tressed the pup lie and teachers of the any thing, and can furnish good references and nothin! National Guard will being At the bead of Roberts street to consider a rrRAVELING salesman wanted by estab- sufferers from T iles. Fistula, etc., to a perfect In and the at at expects to earn his salary. Address “C,” 217 * house. No technical appear undress uniform without side repaired, mill will onoe be temlnary general assembly this foie- ►etltlou for a new street on euy farm, as 11.30 Ilshed knowledge cure. I was cured without pain, and without Oxford street. 13-1 all arms they will be furnished rebuilt on a plan which Is somewhat of i» m. necessary, but round hustler of good the use of a knife, aud without Interruption of transporta- coon on the subject of “Modern Chlv- andsimply tion and an over of Forest avenue, corner of Kennebec to appearance address. First class lino. my business duties. Scud me jour address and subsistence but no per diem will Improvement the plan the American of would like a street, Mrs. Burger is an Interesting lady thirty-two onslder iae of Forest ave- Special contract Entire time required. Refer- enclose TrlBers please not apply as I be allowed them. mill whloh was burned lsst summer. At llry." AN as of feasibility widening sump. position housekeeper, capable taking me near the Casco Tannery, at 3 p m. ences. BOX THREE, Detroit, Mich. 10-1 wish only to Itetp those who are suffering need- By order of the Couimnnder-ln the time the saw mill was It was speaker and held the closest attenMon ol full would also a to bike Chief. rebuilt, charge, accept position Melrose street, comer of uoy'e street, at 3.30 lessly, as l once did. Address, N. B. 8. Box. have all the care of an invalid or as JOHN T. planned to lumber working bur audlenoe the mlnutet go companion. Apply k m. Lewiston* Me. TT&3 H1CHAKUS, during thirty 1 he. In but that at once 14 Browu street. MK8. DONALD. 13-1 Adjutant-General. machinery It, has not proved ■he addressed them. She said that the Belmont street, corner of Forest avenue, at oonvenlent, hence the rebulldng of wbat L46 p. ra. was formerly called the stave mill. ■park of chivalry burned ]ust as brightly man wishes situation in city; is a Belanap street, corner of Stevens a-enue, at Working Overtime. YOUNGgood machinist or wishes light .15 in. CITY OF PORTLAND. The water In tbe stream here has been In the breasts of men today aa It did In plumber: p. work ou account of poor health; nay of little Tremout street, corner of Stevens avenue, at Eight hour laws are Ignored by those slnoe the rain to run over high enough [he 16th century, and she dwelt particu- good references or bonds If required. .t° m. little workers—Br. New object; p tireless, Ling's the dams for the tlrst time In several Address “J,” Rural District No. 3, Gorliam, FKANK w robinSON. Mayor, Life Pills. Millions are larly on the influence for good or evil Clark Street Bridge. always at work, months. During this long dry spell the Me. 13-1 JOHN J. FRYE, night and day, ourlng Indigestion, Bil- Qlbbs mill has been run wholly by steam, Chat a woman possessed over a man. FLMKR G. GEhRISH. GOOD iousness. Constipation, Blok Headache the Pondicherry mill almost entirely so; Next the eleven reliable man of long experience as HKi BERT 8. DYKK, /IN account of the repairs to Portland Bridge, Have Yh Saturday Seminary A service VF Street and all btomach. Liver anl Bowel and the Forest mill used steam as an locomotive engineer lu active with ARTHUR 8. MOULTON. Clark Bridge will DC Closed tC the Kent’s Hill team either on the beat of references, would like a situation to run MICHEAL J. LANDERS. until further Troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. power until the play public travel notice. auxiliary engine gave boilers, heating apparatus or Jaultor lu some Committee on Laying Out New Streets, GEO. N. FERN ALP. Only 36c at H. P. B. Goold, 677 and an electrlo motor ot borne grounds or at Augusta. The Congress out, seventy-five large building. Address Li., G. T. R. Depot, Portland, Maiuo, November ?, 1900. Commisaloker of Public Works, OK REMEDY CO. street, drug store. horse has slnoe been installed In of has not been decided tO power place meeting yet Portland, Me. 12 l nuvBdtd novddtf Maaaale Tample, Chicago. Iff-

4 NHtoMl Pt~. luutMaiMn Hotter. Faimj Creamer. Baity hRM Nitoto «»• snsrs-?sr’— bmMlfhwl PtoowsexuD 3 .0Wu wheat 169.000: biwto.i «vn MMdBaMM TJCLKCUOXi ANRCOHIRCIAL Hhe!ee. IT^or?aod'Verm't... hush; rani« hush: oat* 170.r r**h 108 StAto St 10* 1*1 i» tt« «P0®*5« Chtottn National Hank.IOO team; Had 78a; Nov—t line at tkhfcc; of TrHieta OraaS*._ Hank.100 100 10* May 84apk Caal. Phtt NaiBoal 8 In IJfffi Not. ltiM. 1900. Rotation Olle, Tnrpaellar HorehaoBf National Bank ...7S 1(M 1« la* ««-—. I US TtMLHTHY—Wheat quite eaah ami November Raw Llneeed 2232? National Traders’ Bank.100 100 BUNKER trains leave union station, rail- ** Itadia? larkeU. HnMad Unload ell... .. T1-'* Portland National Bank-loo » IN 7tic; tee 78Vaaj May •!«. Tureen tine.. Pnrrtnnd Trust Co.loo IS* 1M The stironoh »n Krnned Ut Petroleum. JJJJ Portland Watar 0«.100 iBy Telegraph.' leave Franklin wharf, Portland. and India A.tral .i 1 Bath, Rocklan Augusta. W itervllfe, .->8owbe- Trait'* Portland dt. Railroad Co.100 1JO j*" Nov. 14 & wharf. Boston, at I*. m. ilatly. Sunday* ex- READ it Belfast. nek and Vaneeborw o»e «»*•■ Half bMa. In eauo Mato ontasl lo* ■•* I’sssss. gan, Bangor sport a,,, Vwk Block, Mower K*y. 1|J NEW YORK-Tha ractwn market to-ia* was Dtiwt Private Wtwi Between Oflleei. or HL Jofcn. ML < umber land. ..• •• Poruand & K. R. IOO M ■* of modern connecting Stephen. ,Calais), UKdanaftar* quiet middling iipfands teka; do gulf lOe :sales Tfcese .teamer* meet wry demand Iloulton and Woooetork. btnee .ml luraaoa oonf. retail... *• Mentor* «f e* Tert 5 Met end comfort and ■orkot llkvlcw BONUS. 18. O bales. Com. Eictange •feamshlw srrvtee In safety, speed, 8 .30 n. m. For Dnarliie Junction, Rumfort gtaebHe. 60 luxury of travrmng.g _ Pea coal, retail. * i»07...— U* *1" UA I.\ MTdN-Tbe Cotton mar eat rand WWW FOrl I lUONS I XOTWngo. Falls, Lewiston, Farmington. Range toy and Portland na. Through ticket* for providence, Lowell, Wor- Watervilie. »«* steady; middlings 0 8-lffc. Portland 4a. stock*. Rond., Grata and C >tfc>n houirht and cester. New York. etc., etc. t*L23a. U), For Brunswick. Belli, CenkB-Piaa lSOB-JNUFtBtoir.. {<« CHA NLE8TOW—The OoUoo market l^wiston, Portland 4s. i»l& Pantos | ta> lay MM at t-i« eomabitoa la share lots and up- J. F. MSCOMB. General Manager. Gardiner, Augusta. Watervilie. Pitieflmd. cordaRO- •-,¥? ***,l.°f Arm: 8Ahc. oa lor 14.—The **rlk Baanor 4s. IHOS.iW.44r.....ll* middling* wards. Mx per oaat allowed aU aupeslta THOMAfl M. BARTLKTT, Agent. Banger, Moulton aud via B. Novaraber American pib _ Patten, Caribou 6 Mew York, .W*J1 Hath 1*07 Matoto!.. 101 10S Cotton Kuril m market was .lo *» » 4 SO. MEM PH 18—The market t/wtay Ur market latter and quotation sllpa, Lewiston the decreased volume of trading. sum.- NKW ORLEANS—Th* Cotton mar Mat eioaed Fails. via Bruit*wick,Augusts, Water- Calais 4« 11101—1*11 Rnfundlns.... too 102 m< nthiy manual or and private toternational Co. and an Duck— middlings uAae. quotation, Steamship vllle. Newport, naago Hue Its port. Bar Har- reaotlon waa obeoked quits 1*01. 102 easy; coda mailed 8m oa day’s — lawistonds,' ciptmr application. bor, Washington Co. \L R. Old town. Greenville Ne 1.••»••.•*..»••*..«••••• ■ .••*....•• Matustol.JOl 1S7 of waa made uaitteitt 1*13. Muntcmal ••....10S MOBILE—Casammarkw Is steady; middling ....FOB.... ar-* K»taadfn I on Worus. show strsagth Nc Imposing 8...-.>• sa«« 4s. l»oi. 1*> »v»a : ___octfl&dtl ui. For of .. Mttaioipai.loa 1*65 p. Dauvgie. Je^Bumford Falls. there was no renewal NO lO.eee ■*•*••*• •*•• thereafter, but *7™ Msnatautral H R7al»ll.nanvmt«lS* 170 Cnooo market US. I “inis. Lewiston. *0 ox. SAVANNAH—The clasad RAii.noa no. Ertfctrt Litos. rib's. S' John SB.HaB’sj Farmington. Carrabviset, demand which oar *4t»»- 10S iso linage'ey, Blngh mi. Watervilie. the Inordinate buying Box .. ^ • * * ataadv; middlings 9**c. f Hkowbegan. assans. mt>....106 l*i» and all parts of New Brunswick. Nora Scotia. 1 o, p.m For Rockland, with a rash all * • * Freeport, Brunswick, rled upwards llrugl HIMl PlTM. cda.lKoo.sman' loi Edward Island and Breton. The K. A. L. points, Watervilie. Skowie- prloes I MarkwAs Prlnofi Cape Augusta Portlaad « 1st ll* srsyrnn last week Business oontlnntng Acid Carbolic. .... —.4® OaWc (**.<*00. latkloO favorite route to Campobello and 8t Andrews, gaiv Belfast, Dover and FoxcrotL Greenville. through Portland Watar CtPs 4s. 1027.... I’7 *0 Teknrraph.) o’dtowoand to with the nor- Acid (By N. B. Bangor, Mattawimkeag. and on a scale oo.npirwi Oxalic.>..I3 MhS large Acid tart.-. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 13. 1900.—The cotton PALL A VtR A NOB *10NT. Bucksport Saturday*. of obvi- 5.10 m. For l o klan 1, mal : but the movements prloet B»«lou Btowk Islet. market is firm; spot at 6Vsd; sales p. Brunswick, Bath, 10,000 and Watervilie stimulants Ashes. l>ot.««.0 tefca On and after Monday. November 5, steamers Augusta on artlhclal Boston Stoek on Lift p.m. For DauvIUe Jusct Mediants ously depended Leaves. Sales of stock at the —* Leave Portland will leave Railroad wharf, Portland, Monday on. Buchu Lumviji Nov. iA. 1900 onanis for Trains decline Induoed some Exchangej money and Thursday, at &Jtf m. Returning leave St Falls and l.ewiston Yesterday's sharp Hals copahia.• the account 98 9-16. p. AtahUon...... 3 % sao 88*s t for and tabec and Thurs- 11.00 n. in. Night Express for Brunswick from outside sonroes this Heesrwax.3l^t? Per Uwktss, Lik a. *. UO. and John. Eastport Monday selling orders Bosum .v Maine. ..194 *MT. Bate. Lewiston, Augusta, Watervilie. ov- p. m. lie bnt the support by d<> 17* DAYIOE OCBAN STKAMKR8 Through tickets Issued and baggage checked an. baugor. Mouseheal Lake, Aroostook morning, powerful Brimstone.1SJ&* pfU HAIblNO Per Islawd Pond, A15 a.m., 1.90. and n.m Cocaine* Muriate .per ox. fQ to destination, received np to County rm Old town. Bar Harbor, HueksporL checked the decline and rams von fy* Freight the bull pool do pM, Per M*atrwi, and catwipo, 8.11 Wasuin lo Da ra.. reaekiag Mcetreei al PX Icket.s and staterooms apply at the Pine (< at-), Andrews, Germanic.tew Itefc. Liverpool Nov 14 toofc Con ry via Vaneeboro^ Halifax and the the Union Pacific 67% 7,00 a. m., and TAJ p. at. Tree Ticket office. 270 Middle street, or for other In speculative York. .Antwerp.. ..Rot 14 Provinces. The train a g Saturday mediately. Operators American TeL and Tel.16*% Southwark.New For Unrhre at 6 DL information at C ompany** office, Railroad wharf night the Boston. ... Liverpool... Nov i4 p. does not conceol to Dover and have not been satlstled that Gum arable.~ Union Pacific Dfd. ..*••• 79% Commonwealth foot of State street. Belfast, Dexter, olass t®gL ?* ..New York. lfi nor Mexican Central .. Aug Victoria. Hamburg...Nov J. F. MSCOMB. Superintendent. Fox or of beyond Bangor the week was altogether York. .Havre.Nov 16 boom of past Aloescape .....lotf-o American Sneer 130% Gascogne.New Trains Arrive Portland. H. P. HERS EY, Agent. tor the 1 York. Port Prince? N«v 17 WHIT' MOUNTAIN DIVISION. and have been waiting C ..* fc American sugar piu.. At bos.New healthy, ..6.0*50 Mexico .Now York. .Havana.Nov il wbloh would shake Mvtrn From I..wlatoai, #i.OQ, aad ILU a. ul, 6 4t 0.50 a. m. For Brldgton. Harr «on. Fahyaas. inevitable set bank ...... York. .Montevideo Nov 18 Opitini ... and Bne4l Ktona.Now St. Sher- Hew lsrfc UsstttMBi mi Itoofti York. ..Nov 17 P- m. MAINE STEAMSHIP CO. Burlington, ancaaier, Johnsbury. the weak account* an 1 Ibdifo.. Pennsylvania..Naw Hamburg brooke bee. Montreal. ML Paal oil speculative .Liverpool. 17 From 1.1.wd r..< qrn and 1L1* a a. Qii Chicago. j Iodine...2 (By Telegraph.* Luoanla.New fork. .«>©v Island Sonnd by Daylight. aud Minneapolis. better for a! *J®50 Mia A Long leave the market prepared Ipecac...4 0(),a* The following srethe clonn; quotations of Minnehaha— New York. .London.hov 17 1.05 n*. For Sebago Lake, Ilar- 17 p. Brldgton. advanoe. The most elfeotlve move- Licorice, .. Bon?- F Bismarck.. ..New York.. Hamburg....Nov From Cbtaaeo, Ho air Ml. and HaabM, 'Aid NEW YORK DIRECT MNE. riaoii North Conway. Pauyan*. Lancaster. steady 5m *, 60 M ..2 Nov 13. Not 14. PtUadelphhi• New York. Lsguayr.V. .Nov 17 A m., and J.4B p. m. Co!ehr<-ok a —• 6<*^*2 New •#». -wui.. iMI 137 Xrave.New York.. * ana isurwwru 25 1 tally. Othet tram weak day*. ton. ha 'Ison, North con stay and Bartlett An—ricau ood liter ..1 Oogjl Mewr Ukiwn. 5% 1>6% Coleridge .New York. P*rnarnbucnWov 2CJ Furrs one both common and pre- 20 Portland loi Reduced wny. Northern Pacific, Lemon...1 60fl New 4S. coup. 115% 115% Grcgojy.New York..Maranham. Nov 3u Knrr Sunday 'tala loavo* >HM>AY *» A* Olive.1 (M'a- 50 21 and Barlla at T-30 a m. Man- of a substantial charao Denver ek>aua. 12.16 Alcmsoo M4....V*.**. 76% 77% Cmbrta.New Agent._M which wipid York. .Nov 24 IN p. in.; Hkowhegir, Farmington, humford Falls Pennsylvania, practically Cardamons .1 ceii mu racinc... Spartan Prince.New Naples CALIFORNIA, ...... ..■..l.kii V .v 91 TAKE THE LUXURIOUS and Lewi*tcn, lltO p.m.; Beecher Falls. Fnb- and in Manhat- carb.3 3 6*6 out their earlier gains, boda, Oy OftkftskUMe .. 31% 32% 24 and on, 11.65 p. m.; Skowhegae, ..*v* * .. .New York. .Rotterdam..Nov yans Bridg sal. * Chtcaca MHK StNiasr.132% 132% Amsterdam Water? aud Koekiaud. 6.20 m.; tan the whole market turned weuk again « Kaiser W de G Naw York. .Bremen ....Nov 21 DOMINION LINE. lie, Auvusta p Sulphur. a OUUi vyiwini ... < VB 2C “Sunset Limited” Ml. John Sr. 8 epi «*♦»*. (Cai -lsi, Bar Harbor. as low as Ocennlc ..New York. .Liverpool... Nav and fell to an average about Sugar lead.2m«*r2 IN*L 1.SCK. « west.ifcO 181% that It to date Aroostook Moo*ebead Lake and Ban- > York.. Havre.Nov 2t which comprbie, everything up County, White wax.Boa;55 Udnvor « u. i». 21% 21% onltalne.New Montreal to K in- tiat or the morning There was a final Liverpool |.. Nov 21 and modern in the railroad world, and Is tht Liverpool. gor. 6.35 p. m.; Rangeley, Farmington, Yltrol, blue.. \ .—— -. Nnmtdtan.PortianJ... Krw. i*i% 13% 2S solid tram between the Mississippi ltlvei n*rd Falls and Lewiston. 5.45 p, hi, Chicago, In and Van I *. .813 ailS mier.New York. .Demarara...Nov only rully, but It was lacking snap arm is two. 3T% 37% 1 remote from tnc lucouveid S'earner. From Monti cal. Fabyaus, No. Conway, Castor.1 °®1 o CorluUiiau.Portland... Liverpool .. Dve mill Man Francisco. Portland._ Quebec, the market Illinois 14j ..121% 122% and snow. Kr 7.65 vn.; Bar Harbor and Bang ’*-, was not well maintained, fork.. Lagnayra .. Dec I aucaa of high altitudaa Vancouver, wov. .-♦in. ;p. in. dgton, p. Metals. UK* nro a West... 37 37 Carroa*.Now St. Haul 8L York.. 1! lasgow. Deo 1 brouith trains const tin* of «l«epln( Dominion. Dec. 8th. 2 in. 1 25 a. in. Halifax. John, ton, Call money got up Miore..».210% 310% CaHfonilan.New special p. daily; closing Irregular. Lane Deo 1 and will lease Naw York every Sai 2 m. Stephen, Bar Harbor, Bangor, 3.M s. ra. 14a.48 common. .... New York.. Liverpool... dlmag-oars Cambrotniiu D^c. 18th, p. time LOUIS « RSIS.. 78% 73% Campania coanectmi Bund Ays- and Lew 1/.25 p. m.; to 6 per cent again and the money Polished York. .London.Deo 1 urday. T .asday and Thursday, Vancouver, Dec. 29th, 8 p. m. Bangor I«top, copper.. Msnnuusn tuevaeou. ....107% 100% Minneapolis....New l imlied” at Noe 25 a. m.; Madias, 8'. John. \ auee- and rather aottvtv Bolts.<*>32 Vi Werra.Now York. .Genoa .Dao 1 directly with the -Sunset Bangor, market continued firm Mexican uentrai.13% 13% boro au>t 3.60 a. m. Y M sheath. Orleans. Bangor. influ- m lcimran central. free Ul»str*ted BoiLn la via. GNU K. EVANS, V. P. & G. M. Apprehensions of a money squee»3 Y M Bolts.»*05*18 her full information, paraph Liiarpaal Qweastim Minn..» St. Louis. 02 64 au«l time also lowest rate* F. E. FOOTII BY. G. P. £ T. A. but the fact that the Bottoms.25 331 ■ttxNtruttk ai 'ix'iai.NOT.1B. lets, maps, tables, Steamer. From Boston. enced speculation, Minn. a Louis uiq...... 100 102 ale tickets, and baggage cheek'd Ingot.10^17 Hun riser. 8 35 ptM-car Dec. 5th. 9 a. ni. demand for stocks has evident’) Missouri racuie...... 68% 69% no.h wan 1 5 to Southern r.iolflc Co„ 4 state SL, Bos New Knpiawl. public Tlu— _ Bun sma. 4 23 I ru... «(K apoly rommonwcath Dec. 11 431 149% ton. Mass. oct29M&Th4rao be?n sated for the time being, is the Straits...• hew .lereev Central.188 length of daye.. 8 *Hi Moon rises Ull Portland Si. Yarmouth Klectrle Rf. Co, A n t imony.~.. New vorfe Lentral.187% 137?% BaTRS OF PASSAGE. v.. Underwood net of the oora...... 63% Leave Kim Bt. for Smlng, 6.45, preponderant speculation. Northern Pacino 03% II e- 8TKAJNKR8. First Cabin—f 50.9) and up single till 12 4"> m.. hd» In fe® Nortuern (Pacific old. 7«% 7SV* 7.45, M.J5. H.V5 a. nu. hourly p. The bond market was irregular sym- Spelter.•. J.5 fttrn—8100.00 and up, according Ui steamer till lo.t* m. Yor Nomnreswrb. 164 \ I A *INK NX£TV7£ hmirly till 7.45 p, m.. hourly p. with stocks Total salts, par and accommodation. Yarmouth, at same time, omittiiif; 1 15. 2.45, pathy Nalls—Iroa—Leak. do Wd. Micltias Ci Suontl Cabin an I Porllaa, Mt. De$erL& St.b -935.00 upwards single. 4.15. 5 46 and 7.16 »». m. trips. l-eav \ armootii U. S. 2’s! Nails Gnu * Wesw.. 24V* 25% to value, $2,970,000. refunding » *<> Return—H* SO arid upward* according 5.40. .40 7.10. 7.40 a in., hourly till 12.43 Cut.2 lleauina. 19% 19% niiti or pobtushi steamer. when issued declined 1-8. and the B’s reg- Wire.W&ai 95 11*H Friday. April 20th. uu p m.. 1. to, 2.10, 2. to. 3.40. 4.10. 6,10, ‘.40. hourly ttoca ..-....112% Hteer mverpool, Derry. London, tor iron— 121% steamer ge—To t.n 9.40 p. m. Leave Underwood Sprit** istered advanced 1-2 and do coupon 3-8 OI, II raui...... 121 % Commencing Belfast and Glasgow. $26.0* Common.— ..• w WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1900. Quee»*t*w«. Kortnrd a 10. 7. 0; 7.4». am., hourly nil at. Paul ...173% 173% 14. 'ouiflt furnished free. cent on the last call. Kelined. 2 ® *4 FRANK JONES Steerage l. 10 p. m half hourly till 7.10 hourly till 10.13 per SL Paul a* ..117 llu% T. P. MCGOWAN. 4» Congress a 4>% Arrived. wilt. weather permitting, lease Portland Applf to p m. Norway.4 bk Paul A oinaua .. B. KRATING room* Ftrit Nattau- NKW rottK. Nov 14. Manhattan, Bennett. New York- Tuesdays and Fridays at 11.00 p. m street,J. Sundays for Underwood Spring an Yar- Cast Steel. 8-410 Texas raciac....*.. 18% 18% Steamer al Bank CHARLES ASHTON. 947A 3 Si and mdse to J K Ltacomb. for Uockl&nL Bar Harbor and Machlas Betiding. mouth from 8J5 a. m. half hourly to 9.45 p. m. voney on call closed stendv 2V» f*6 per cent; Shoesteel.3 ft union racine mu. 78% 79% pas.engers Ke street and Contrreas Square Hotel, or % 8 Steamer Dtngley. Tnompeon. TORKANCR A M«utr«l. last loin 3; ruling rate —. Race, East Bootnbav. turning leare Mac n l as port Mondays ant DAVin CO. D. rn. and from Yarmouth 9.10 p. iu. Waoasu me .... 20% 20% Steamer Enterprise. cent, at 4 a. m. for all landing*, arrlylui _QClOdU octudtr 1 rim** mercantile i»ni»«r 41/‘*«6I* per Cen Russia.lSViajlA A Maine. 192 Tug Leigh, with Barge Buckler. Phitadelphla- Thursdays Boston Portland 11.00 m. American Russia..~.• •H “iL* to A It Wrlrnt Co. p. _ sterling -b.seliansv steady, with actual Lu->1- New kora aua now ana. nx.. eoa! F. K. Galvanized.6Vi4 7 202 Sell .1 W Blilano. Wilson. 8 vannah-hart GEO. F. EVAN*. BOOTHBT bills 4 84% ii4 b4A4 »«r f- Old Colour...201 Uen’i G. P * T. A. HtRPSWELL STEAMBOAT CO. & M A IN K B. 1U ness iu bankers __ Mgt BOSTON Lead— _ A (lain* mores*.-.138 138 pine lo Deerlng. Webater & Co, oi .... »'M York far Hoekland. Nov. ia, 1906. steamer Aucocisco roand and 4 80% @4 80% mry days: usted American mures*.163 162 Sch Sardinian, New mprtSdtf Begtnntuu .... win ie«ve Portland Pier. Portland, dally, lu liO+cl Oct. 8, 1900. ami 85%. mores*.... 48 47 Sell Ella Prances. New Y.u-kfor liooklABd. mb's at — at bci. 61 Sch Catalina, Piper, Boston, and. Lille and Great ('hebeagoe. raomc Mau... ,46% So. Hnrpswell. and Crr** Island. WK8TKKN D1USION Bar Silver G4% Whltewood— *•* Cleared. and, Bailey's Pullman Paxace. in for Bonrboro No 1*2, 1 lu.••••64 <*§45 130 LINE Return for Portland—Leafe Orr’s Island.ami Trains leave Union Stall Silver certificate* 04% n**f»% Sugar. common.128% ALLAN Sspe. 3*3 0.00 State bonds inactive. Federal Steel .. *7% 47% Most I He. 1 inch. No i Island 14th, aeh R W Calling M X ID. 12.30. 3.36. 5.25, 420 p. .tS*S!S* pia ...... 74% 74 Ar at Turks Hopkins bonus *0.2 .82*6fW2 ao & steamboat Co. m. 7.00, 6J\ 10.00 a. n*.. iUilroad Irregular...... 107 Illokboru. Host on, 13 data. Portland Boothbay Kfnacbnukport, No. l.$30 -640 American 107% From From 1. 5 in.; Welle Beaeli. 7.0e, ASO 1H. lVa and 2 Inch. ▲r at Havana 13th, sou Maud Palmer. Bmith train .3U, SJSO.TL. p. no ise...132 Portland. Halifax H. in*. 3.10. .25 IU.; Nertll Berwick. Uol- Uwt«%. No*.$28 3638 167 Liverpool. htkankk WITRHPRI8B leaves Bast p. Metropolitan Street II &.166% Philadelphia. Steamer._ llnsford, Sonirriworlh. 7.00, 8.5) a. m., »n*» <«* Cyprus— 28 at 7 a. m. Monday, and The to!lo«wr represent i « iron...... 69 flw% 10 Nov. Nt ml ihin.... Wed. Nov. DWoct Boothbay Wednesday quotations Baps. 1 In. 35-fl 40 Tenn. uoai So. Bristol 1J.3U, 3.30. 5.25 p. tn ; H-wheatrr. Kurmlii*- In tilts market: 36% 36% FROM OITB rOBKIMP->ND*SI-v aa U. ». hud Dor.. 15 Nor. t»u, Alton Buy, tVolfboro, K 50 a. rn. i2-3A t» 6 Dec. » Deo Heron Island, Boothbay Harbor and Squirrel Cow and steers.. Southern mne.6:103 3 Cjduiiciiui looaceo.. 83 33y* PORT CLYDE. Nov 14- Ar. schs Olivia, fron jg \ov. •ParUlau.Thurs. 8JJ p. rn.; 1 akeport, Laconia, Weirs, nulls and suits.°° for Boston; Ann C Tren 29 Nov. •Tunisian.Thurs. 13 Deo. 14 Dee Island. Manches- Clear pine— Clemeutport Stewart, Franklin Wharf. Portland, al Plymouth, 8.5» a. ill* 12.36 p. in.; Calf 1 quality 8j Silver foi 15 Dee. Niim»d»an....Wed. 2 Jan. D reel Returning, leave Northern b$ins—No Cppers.6®O«0 JO lou Mar^ou ton tor; Wave, Quacco and for ter. Concord and conuetlons, .® n ®0 jo Dec. 5 Jam 6 Jan 7 a. ni. Tuesday, Thursday Saturday Haver- Noi Belect. were New York: RCarson, do for Boston; Kmmt tCorlntulan.Sat. 7.00 a. m.. 3*30 p. m.; Dover, Kreter, BOSTON Nov. 14 on—Tne following steamers. IsbunlfBoothbnv Harbor, Heron Island, No 3 **.25c e.ich I'lne common. 45-3 on W liar Harbor for Portland: Portlam No caife carried on these Squirrel Law re Lowell, 7.00, 8.50 a. BL* oi Flour and Lorn: Day. Bristol nud East Booth hill, no*, Bpruce. 13<4 toiby’s quotations Calais for Boston; , do foi So. bay. Boston, *1.05. 7.00, 8.50 a. Packet, KATES OF PASSAGE. ALFRED RACE, Manager. 12.JO, 3.30. p. in.; Itrtnll Cirocer*’ bugmr Marlin. Hemlock. 1 ft lo FLO UK. New York: auggdtf 12.30 \30 p. m.: Leave Boston and A re inetim ni., •• — — Cabin—fRO.oe upwards. 5 5* 8.3*3 a. market—cut loai 8:: coniertnmei * M W 9 I* Spring patent* 4 26 » i on s.ile to-day —: good to prune steers 6 30 a May. Return—6.20, T.9* 9.15, 11.45 a. tu.,3.30, 4.15. EASTERN DIV SION. Portland for Penoiweoi; Jas G Bl:un \ Glouces Furr lam H4eam*kip Aaener. Homut 4 Thei »llo me v Am calf.*mi 00 6 8 poor to medium at 4 36 ci 5 25: selected Port- ! 6.-5 p- OL wine quotationsrspreieui; ler for Western Banks. First National Bank Bntlding, Leave Union Station for Boston and Way Xebscoo. feed r* 3 75 a 4 30; mixed stackers 1 60u3 76; Kor ( nihlng’a Island, 6 45, 10.30 a, in., sale prices tor the markets U.4, M..U. Stations, 9.00 a. m ; B«ddeford, Klttery, Best brands. 605)87 Texas ted steers 34*34 90; Texas grass steers 4.00 p. ra. Flout Memoranda. m. l’urt«iuon t Ik, New bury port, Salem, -3o«46 8 3 d4 Id. Return—7.05. 11.50, a. m.. *2) p. Medium.*••• I, Boston, 2.0o, 9.«l) a. ui.. 12.45 0.00 m.; mpeiflne amt low graces.2 75a3 00 Hogs—receipts 4.*\C00; 10c lower; mixed and Bmksport, Nav 14—Sch Leonora, Saunders Km- Lltt Irani! Great Diamond MmuU, nn, p. L'onunon. a lel- Boston 6.57 a m 12.40, LuO, 9.05 p. in.; w heat bakers.3 7a a 4 oft 52^25 butchers ;it 4 «ksa4 92%: good to choice heavy from Boston tor Penobscot river, wrh genera and Trefetbeua Landing*. Peaks Arrive fpriug Natural.JO&IO from she 0.15 Leave Boston 7.30, 9.00 a. ra. 12.30, 7.*>G, Spring Wheat patents.4 G5«4 90 at 4 .gj * 9u; rough ami heavy at 4 r>6&4 65; carga, has not een heard slnoe sa let Nnd, 5.30, 6.45, 8.00, 10.311 a. in., 2.15. is R—Ar 13th. »ch B W« ar- Ive Portland 11 45 a. in.. 12.05 Allen, and SCLouisst. roller.4 ioq.4 25 Oils—Paints* li-f»! at 4 80&4 92% ; bulk of sales at 4 75 from Boston,—Oct lGilu it feared she found GI.OUCEBTK Mary p. m. 7.45 p. ni., Eastern Boetoi 1 Diamond 10.15. 10.45 Ui. Mich, aim bt. Louis clear.4 oo«%4 I ft Bperu.70^80 4 86. ereu in the gaie which occurred next day atlei lluxt n. IPlilladelplUa; Queen, Ktftnru—Leave Little Island, 4.3". p. 4 ..50®83 lambs fur Kockport. 6.10. 7.40. 9.1l». 11.411 a. in., 3.25. 6.30 P. m. Wimer Wneal patents.. 4Uc4 50 Btienp—receipts 20,000; firm, active: sbeisailed. SUNDAY TRAINS. 4tM> Providence. lair Hi enmee mixed 3 B0A4 10; Western sheep iugway. from Hut-nos Ayres, wh c arrived hen Du i‘ev. Oliver, *• 5. 7216. 9.05. 1.35 a. m.. 3.20, Leave Union Station tor Uiddnford, Kit- Corn, car lots. 47«49 a NK Nov of 1.1(»HT—Passed 13th, schsllen Trefrtln-u’s I I’orgle.3'3*0 4 oO.ii lambs 4 ov&b 40; Western to day. encountered heavy gale 4. Hit.BLAND Return —Leave audio#. irrv. Pm tsuiouth. New bury port, Salem, * 30;}^ialive Corn, lots...- 61 Lard..«5>376 as olo*u 12. I Irom Brunswick for B ull ; MariOl ■ rani ■ ■■ i.uu. ii.ov m, *««i bag lambs 6 40. lelawsre Cape, aud southward rv laus-u. Mti, o.iw, iHvu, ***., i.y un, Boston, 2.00 a. in.. 12.45 p. in., arnve lots. w49 Neatsfoot. ...70^75 the for 11allowed- Meal.i bag miles. Ou the 9th, off Highlands, took I Draper. Hiihchuort 6.40 p. «n. Boston 5.57 a. in.. 4.C7 p. m. Leave Boston Villa, fill ivis. Lead — ana was mown on ou mues. NEWS-Ar 18th, «ch William I For Ponce's Island, 8.0\ .36 75 C*Jo from waw NEWBOKT Lauding, Long for Portland, 9.00 ». n... 7.00 p. in.. arrive uhU. baa 33M 34 Pure ground.6 Carnegie, L.libwatte. Bosioo. a. 2.15 m. lots.^ 7o in.. p. put 12.10. 13.JO p. m. Cotton seed. car lots.00 oo,&2d 50 Red.:..« 25@0 Domcatlc Fori*. NEW LONDON—Ar 13th. .chs Abblo S Walk Return—8.45. 11.15 a. m., 3.00 p. m. oo Pnirlluh Vpn R«<1 3 OOflCi OO t—Dally ex' ei>» vt mi v. Cotton Seed, bag iota.OO 00^27 (By Teleurauli. er. Rockland for New York; Carrie Suon*. fb rinc.5 000,7 00 steamer Deutehland SUNDAY TIMK TABLE. Backed Bian. car low..— 00^19 00 American Not. 14. moo. NF.W YORK—Ar IStli. Brnn.wfck for Norwiell. VV. 18. Sc P. D1V. L >ndoo: Mexico, iron Peaks Backed Bran, bag lota.00 00@1»00 NK\v YORK—The Flour mametr—receipts Rotterdam: Mlnnehsha. ar lAtu. ecu Win H Davenport, Bath for Nev For Forest City Landing, SU*tUM» fool oi Preivle street. lots.18 00 Naval Store*. 1 Lock wood, Clark. Norfolk Middling, car 0C&20 23.191 exports 1,916 bbis: sales 8.100 Hav ni: F'trMM mm Island, le.JOa in.. 2.15 p. m. For Worcester, Clinton, Ayer. Xnshu*, iota.-19 0“^,20 50 rar DIM.....8 40(23 «rt Ar 14th. hiramer Ho a*J«> Hal?. Portland; set Annie K Elekersou, Bangor ta For ‘aland. 10.30 a. Ok. Con- Middling, bag, pcic#*: market dull and weak with buyers ami Sl«t 14ih. %eh CnaJkiug’s WI ml hum. ICppiat, AlsschMtsr, leeu.19 50 L'oal tar.6 OOraB 25 G Calais via New Haven; Laura I Little and Great Diamond Island*, Mixed 00*19 sellers H* to 20e apai t. Helen Klnf, New York For cord an Points North 7.34 a. ni, 12.33 p. m.; J011..Uw 12 Brunswick for Amboy; John C Ore sea Lena R Storer Trefettoen s Islaud.and uter- Dry Ptslk and Mackerel. Roofing Pitch, gal Hour—Winter pis 3 7004 OOjwlnter stralahS Audersou, PASCAGOU LA-Cld 13th. LandlnuS.Peaks Kurhester, hpriuigvnle, Alfred, W WU Fitch.3 50 Charleston; Thos A Ward. Savannah. J Pence's Island. 10.36 E 4 5 25£3 3 60.O.3 M moetoin pa tents 4 (k>.u.4 96; whi- tory. Lauding, Long boro. ttnco Itlver, 7.34 a. m., 17*33. 5.33 p. m.; Cod. Shore. 60a 00 60; < sch large City Island—Passed asi 14th. Telegraph 11th. sch George V m., ami 2.15 p in. West brook, Cumberland Mills Medium shore tish. « 3 76 liar. te extras 2 66 a3 00: Minnesota baiters 3 OOa KPhYlaDKLPHLA—Cld .. tsorb»ua. New York or Rockland: Seabird. Norfolk foi tt W T. GUDING. General Manager, Westbrook Wood fords. 7J3, 9.45 a. Pollock. 2 26(0.3 76 Prease«t .$1 ®$19 S 40: do low radc* 2 4f»a2 6»». \Ne!K Havana. Jet., Boston; Elizabeth M Cook, Norfolk for ah east New Or cetedtf ir. Trains 00 Loose Rav.$1T(»$ 0 Rye steady; No 2 Western 60c fob afloat: CM 13LII, »«U Mary T Qulmby, Arey. m„ 12.33. 3.66, 6.35, AM p. Haddock. @3 1.07 78 Straw, ear 12 St *te li\e >2e C I F -ew York. leans. arrive from Worcester, p. ■».; Hake. 2 lots...$10&| 51* U 8 Manila. 6 oe — Hid 14th. transport Kilpatrick. Island-Passed down 14th sch Jamei It ©Chester. 8.25 a. m.. 1.07. 5.48 p. m.; Herring, per box, sealed. (aid Wheat—receipts 71.225 bush ex worts bu; t-cha Hardy O BOSTON—Ar lSlh. Hutton. Rog Saco. bun and Stations, tt.40, 8.23. 10.47 a. itu, Mackerel, shore Id. («20 00 sale- 4,3‘.O.OuO bus future*. 80.0 bush -pot: Henry Bothwell. _ Way era, and Harry Mes>er.Hears. Baltimore; Web Delaware Breakwater'i. seh Win I 5.48 D. UL shore 2s. spot weak ;|No 2 Red at 79*^c fob atloat; No 2 Ar at 1.07. 4.15. Mackerel @817 Grata Quotation**. ster Bernard. Atwood. New York. I lor A T. A. Red at 774*o eiev ; No i Northern Duluth 84 Vs Palmer. Mu Don a In. Bangor Philadelphia D. J. FLAKUERS, U. F. Large k3s. 10,616 Ar schs Rebecca G WnlMen. Yankee Norfolk. BOSTON id PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO BOARD <»P TRAD r o b afloat. 14th, Lizzie Oarr. Chsdwlck. o tidtf Coduu, Tes. Uola*«*4, l‘»i* m Wall Cant. New York: Annie E SoK>i>. 196.976 bush: exports 23,220 Maid, ami PERTH AMBOY—8ld l»th. echs Wm Slat, r I’ltl-WI.tlil.V SAILINGS. Tuesday’s quotations. Corn-receipts Mlchell. Norlolk: Harold L Berry. Kennebec M 11 to 9 Sugar—fctindiira granulated. 6 72 bush: sal s bush futures. 86i’,0O0 bus Don ice. New Beolurd; Reed, Burgess, 316,tOO itt» Curabejlaud with baige A from Portland foi Sugar—Extra fine granulated— 6 79 WUHAT. stead ; No 2 at 4644 c elev aud 47c Exetnr. Bostoa Saturday ipot; spot Baltimore. fn Frsa Tueshy, Thursday, Sugar— Extra C. 6 40 •toentns. 1 )o*tne. PLYMOUTH—Ar 11th, sch O M Marrett, [. o. b. afloat. sui 14th. schs Frank W Hows, Brunswick Coffee— Klo. roasted. 13 418 Sot. 72* Oats—receipts loJ.Oo busnr exports 116 bu; Perth Amboy. Ada Ames. Rockland. achs Ebei F cmPtttadilpMi' Mon ay. Wednesday BRIB6T0H & SAGO RIVER Coffee—Java and Mocha. 27&30 Dec. 78* 73 isles 0,000 bush: spot dull: |No 2 at 26c; No 3 VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 13th, APALACHICOLA—Ar 13th. sch Morris W York lor J W Dnsko Teas— \moys.- 2% Dora Matthew*, sch Weehawkeo for WIs fur the West the Penn. H. R. and Cutm ats aulet; nickied hams —» Ar 14th, Telegraph, Freights by olasscs—common.. 20 a 2 Hid 13lh. barque Stephen G Hart. Babbidge M oats. Western steamed 7 60: Not closed casket. South fci warden by couueeting hues. * Lard tlrm; llurrlson, Korili New Raisins. 2 crown.2 00&2 26 Boston. 81n, Hillsboro fa 1. B. ii. Trtmeu. er ami General Man- A. M. F. M, F. M. Lard aud Poultry. Butter market is firm; creameries at New York; .samp* Purlt. Beef. Nov... th® Sid 14th. sen Marie Palmer. Uenfuegos. for Mlddl. Mass, ;o?o June crra at B iltlmore; J D Xnrraltsm. Bangor ager. 89 State St, Puke Building, Boston, i^ave PamMhi Hen. A60 i.<>6 b.o • ?6c; do factory at l4*15Vkc: 17c® new six-masted sch Kleanoi Pork—Heavv. clear..... 17 60 Jan. u 4; BATH—CIU 14lh. toon; Nightingale,do or Buiiuwtou, BI; Altci eetafftf 53c; state dairy lfc*24c. coal (to sail Leave Bridron Jeeckou, 10.08 7.88 backs.... .17 00 LARD. A Percy. Jewett, port, lnth.) T Boardmnn. from Calais for Falmouth, Mass Cheese steady; large Sep fancy at 1044 : small 1.1 im Brunswick: Arrive Bridcton. 11.03 Aid 8.21 ..00 004Id oo Ar 14tb. sch Fannie hllds, for New Yerk. 1 Pork—Medium.... Jan. 10 11. Monena, Bangor Arrive Harrison. 11.34 3.4 8,40 Beef—hea^y. 76 *77* Ella L Davenport, Savannah; Henry Clausen ;.10 41125 lima. Kelts firm; mate and Fenu at 20*27; Wes- octsdii J- A. Bennett, Supt. 10 00^10 60 Brunswick; Cactua. Darien. Percies Psrta sU, Beel—light. ieru 19*24c; Western loss off 8 Jan .. 6 12* regular packing BANG!>K—Ar 14th, sch Wm Butintu. iron; Boueiess. naif bbls. m «>0 56c. At Adelaide Oct 8, barque Oneway. Mteeb MCDONALD STEAMBOAT CO. Lara—ica ana nail bbu pure..~ lortland. 8*V%aa» I eu oleum easy. for Newcastle aud Cebu. Lard—tcs and hail 6*4(B6Vg b9 Sa(J|e willcutt, New York; Fan WHEAT Roetn steady. Ar at Queenstown Mtk. steamer New Eng Kertaaluir Oot., two, iimki wilt Km Lard—Pans purs. ale Earl. Frankfort. 9*4®9Ve ODentnw ilosln* Turpentine steady. laad. Boston for Liverpool, andproceeded. Purtinod n»r, Monday,. Wrdne.ilavt und Fri- 71<< dJ7-Vg Hid I4fh, schs Geo A Fleece, for Cottage City Lard—Pails, compound. Nov 72* Rice 1arils 7ih. New Yerk, (run 11 a. m_ for ('ouslu,'. steady. St Leon, Boston; Mamoe. Frankfort, lo load foi Passed barque day, at I,tul»jotin'», Lard-Pur*, leaf. 10 (410*4 Dec. 72* Molasses for ( sstellam«re. l.aniHni.l Urr's Portland & Romford Falls 73* steady. New York. Bangor (Hnl cmtmauM (Hamilton', Ry. Chickens...... 15(4 18 Jan...... firm: fair refining Centrlf- Ini 8f Michaels sch Yf Maos Asfcdala. small Futat Harbut sad 73* sugar—raw 37/4c; CAPE H i* N RY—Passed out 13th. seh Hearv SM 1st, Lacy l, 1* ad, Fowl. 12» 16 96 teat 344c via Harbor. * ORE igal 444c; Mo®»se**sugar defined J Smith for VeraCraa Boston Fayal._ Cumiy’s Turkevs...... — 18415 Newport Permunbnco Maimte Swai *. Tbursil »y, ami Saturday, at3p. In CffecC Oct. 1900. Nov. 39* iteady. DUTCH ISLAND HARBOR-SM 13th. schs Ar at 12th, barque Timil.r #, Hams. 114UV4 bar c-iu.iu.’, LUUajeuo', aad Groat tlto- Dec. 35* 85% CHlChUO—Cash nootalons:2 Flora Condon. New York for Belfast: Oakes, Naw la., Shoulders.... 8Vfc Ar at Klo Grande do 8ul lltli, sch Charles J beaime, H iml ton', Lau Una.) DEPARTURES. May. 8 Mechamti Buckfleld, Caiw Beans. Pea. 8 25 a2 30 12c: No 2 Bee at 79*4(475 V4o. t.orn—No 2 at 13th. schs Stouny Brook. Rockland foi Ar Gray, ft>r Poland, Falls, Sot. 21% from ran Jaau. to loa« for north of Hattera*. ihu'i 7.45 a. m. Cousin,' Island 7.50 a.m., Dixlield and Hum fort l Falls. Beans, Ca lfornla Pea. 2 86 a.3 oo l9V*«30Vbe: No 2 yellow 3f* s****V4c.«>ats— ew York; C B Wood New York tor Mocklaud J ton, —. 23 S3 «Ar Ar t Havaua 14th, sch Barth C Ropes. Are Port ana *..'5 a. m. Beans, Vellow Byes. 4 2 50 No at— e; No 2 White 26*4: No 8 white 2344 Annie P Chase, do for Baogor. S.W a. m.. 12.56 BOOI1 and 5.15 p. m. From Union M»jr. 23% cer. Philadelphia. Tuwnlaya. Thursdays and Salto day, leav, Beans. Red Kidney. a 2 60 No 2 Bye 49c: fair to choice malting Returned, sch* K C Gates. St John, NB. for Station fcc M.i liantc F»lb and tatorwedlat* *t if allfax lefhr, sch Lor B HasBell, fn Harbor at 6 a. m Aslidak- d.50 a. in.. Native Onions, 1 7 2 0 » irou. nr lev at 6«45ihc; No 1 Flaxseed 178; No 1 New Or o Nevlnger. Bangor for N York; Ar In* Cuuily’. stations. bbl. 6,* S27Vici York; Small Fatnt (1.4# a. m., t*r» laland fcoo a. m.. Cranberries, 7 oO Sot. 10 27% N W Fiaxseerrat at 1 79; prime Ttmotny seed s, do for d* tor Benda. Cape Cod.. Mtnqn 81 Jo ho, 14th. sob Lizzie 8. fw Ur-nt Ci.aba.vio (Hamilton's l.anduuo 9.3H a. 13.55 noon. From Union Station Potatoes, bush... co r*u. 11 #0 I 10 *4 20. ess Fork toSTV* ® 1«» 50. Lard at FKBNaNDiNA-CW ISfth. sob Eva B **01^* NB, «,;o Doug 9.15 a. m„ Conslu,' 9J0 a. m, Sweet 42 r 4T 10: short rfPe side# at 6 90*7 Bennett. Penh Amboy. Thom is ton. m. r.lltleluon’s Potatoes, Jersey 76 07% lO:dry lass, Fortlaad tr.a, it. m. R. C. Traffic Bweet. Eastern 8 lalteu shoulders at short ewiar sides sett fra anrlnta BRADFORD, bore. 42 00 Sot TOO 64*6544 FALLBrYER—Ar l;itfc, Longfellow, Manage Regs. Eastern 38 it 6 65*6 75. Savannah. •mtsa. frash. 82.® E. L. LOVKJOY, guperindeuL Bees.Western fresh.. t«B 27 Butter quiet—creamery 1MB4« dairies 12 V* GALVESTON Sid 13th, sch Humarock, Basic I». 1st .11 8. IBS 86 W. ship , frtra Tab 1U-4. Utile, 1H t.aai.rl.1 M. Kumford FaRe, Main*. Bgas. held. 21 Sot... 0 83% gr». Campbell, Mobile. KaUuiui lor PhUadutphSa. MtUdtt jelsettf

4 HEARD A GHOST. THE PORTLAND WOMAN'S COUN- THE PBESS. CIL. The societies of tba oonnoil war* wall TODAY. Proas a 8ee- IKW AOVKUTIkBBBRTI Ea|l>m Deerlng Jamped represented Wednesday morning at their PRICED BELOW THE DEALERS’ BUYING COST. oad Story Window. first meeting of tbe season, Mrs. Bnnt C. Shaw ft Co. In tbs obalr.Two organisations bare been rr>.F. Fora ft non*. Chanda nl < Jothing Co.—A added to tbe list daring tbe sammer,mak- John Deerlng, who for some time baa J. K. Libby (A ing 16 affiliated wltb tbe oonnoil with Raatiruui tiro*, ft Bancroft been on» of the engineer* at tbe United Owen. Moor* ft Co. more than 690 members. M. State# Hotel, had as exciting experience Prank Low. After tbe nsnal routine of business O. V. KlwelL Tueedey night. The hotel doeed for Allen ft Vo. left waa disposed of In order, tbe subject of CLOTHING that Mr. waa BOYS’ good night and Deerlng L. M. Leighton. playgrounds for tbe children during sum- (Hmit Camp. alone to aot at watchman. He (laid Short & Harmon. mer raoatlon was discussed. Mrs. Hunt Lorlng. rooms on the Bret BchlotterJbeek ft Foss Co. down In one of the Two-Piece explained tbe pressing need of some pro- FOR THIS 3 DAYS’ Three- Hoar, alreotly over the news stand on tbe SALE, AMUSEMENTS. vision for such as bars At 8 o’olooh In the llterully nothing Lecture. Congress street side. to do In the long rest between sobool ses- morning, he says, he was awakened by sions. She tbe FRIDAY AND He la a has investigated subject SATURDAY, New 'Want*, For Sale, To I^t, Ix>*L Foun'® the sarplotous sounds. super- Knee Trouser THURSDAY, o« as It la bandied In other and Piece and similar advertisement* will be louud stitious man and bs says be has no doubt cities, Page 8 under appropriate heads. talked over plans of work, whloh met that tbe noises were those of a ghost of NOVEMBER the of tbe oouncll. Mrs. Cole 15, 16,17. one of the euloldes that have taken place approval obtain ber talk on tbe curfew BUSINESS MEN in tbe hotel. After hearing the eounda prefaoed stirring crime es- law saying: “The prevention of Suits. th> best employees by twice Deerlng oonotuded to make his by AT THE SAME HONEST Suits. the DAILY ts better tban.trylng to aura It." She In the for Cut In advertising in cape In qnlok order. So up he jumped 300 lot, mostly ths latest style, thoroughly has thoroughly Investigated tbe results old. PRESS. Has the largest from bis bed and opening the window boys 15 to 16 years nPnlshed, very stylish Suits for Boys that In many cities and states where tbe ordi- home circulation. 26 jumped down to the street. Yesterday Entirely new and bardtome patterns, al- LOW PRICES are nevor cffered anywhere for less than nance Is in effect, from Bangor and cents a week for 40 be wae align tly lame, but otherwise feel- ways sold at $2.60, 3.50 and 4,60. »0.50 and 7.50. Now Calais, Me to Louisville, Ky., and In- words. ing no 111 effects of hia daring leap. For 3 days, dianapolis, Ind. Clergymen, mayors Last evening an explanation was made AS LAST WEEK. governors, all heartily endorse tbe Ame- $3.00 wblob, however, wae not satisfactory to UKIEF JOTTINGS. rican ourfew ordinance. City officials re- $1.30 Deerlng, who still persists In his belief — port 50 oent of a decrease in commit- In ghosts. Mr. James Snlllvan, who had par ments to reform schools. Testimonials at the was down be a end eoal.ble at been night clerk hotel, There will sapper from He un- officials all over tbe West endorse The Remarkable obnrch Thursday town late Tuesday evening. High street vestry, tbe laws In tbe most earnest terms. November 15th. Sapper eerved locked the doors at 8 o'clock yesterday Long waning, Tba annual executive session of tbe and oonoluded to And Deerlng. Sailor •t 6 to o'oiook. morning we the and National Council of Women, Is being Qualities give, Ladles’ Circle of the Keoond Par- Si he quietly went to room, The held In Mlnnneapolls, November 16th, dlnne tapping on Deerlng's door oallrd out iah obnrch will serve a turkey 14th and 15th. A to him Mr. Snlllvan rooeivlng telegraphlo greeting Trouser at noon today in tne vestry. gruffly hole wltb best wishes for a successful conven- Klliotff of this the Unit- no reply, looked through the key Suits. TO ALL. Timothy oity. ARE A SURPRISE tion was sent tbe Tbe re- time to see by president. ed States of the and wae jnst In Deerlng grab Immigration inspector of U. S. commission on nnlform di- his lantern and out of the win- port has gone on a visit to Kills Island, jump port, vorce laws, was read and discussed. In la to ex- dow. The neatest, prettiest Suits N. X. The purpose of hla visit of believe that connection an artlole on tbe laxity amine the Immigration butldlnga on the Nobody can make Deerlng suits for for 15 to 10 years old. In handsome marriage laws by Edward Bok, waa In- trimmed and best boys a wss not at large In the hotel TO BE OVER- Islanl In order that the new structures ghost "Mar- IT’S OUR MISFORTUNE black or blue Cheviot and fancy mix- troduced, whloh said. In part: that can be built here may oonform In every- that night. small boys tures. The newest correct being riage Is by far tco easy of accomplish- styles. way with modern lleaa In this line. found are distinctly bargains Would be low at 12.00 and 15.0 nn- Knee rs, to the hotel aooommodat Ions of Portland a bas aroused no little Interest In tbe city. oesslty for some action. Tbe Ideal condi- and beet railroad rates obtainable In Many citizens are Inclined to favor a tion would be to bare one law—and that We still have a few of those 18.00 the next of the $15.00, case meeting grange commission lor the department. Others of publio posting—prevail through the should be held In Portland. are unalterably opposed to such a policy land. Something should and must be and 20.00 suits for men, ail new and stylish, afternoon the committee on Trousers. Yesterday being Inaugurated. done. When we adjust marriage as we laying out new streets consisting of Ex-Mayor Charles F. Libby, who shall adjust It, then we oan give our at- closing at $ 10.00. Kublnson, Aldermen Gerrlsh and Mayor was seen yesterday afternoon regarding tention to divorce. The practical - 500 Odd Pairs. All fine and Councilman Moulton Irje, Dyer, said: “I believe in anything tion of In lies In the tbe subject, both, short, prop- and and Landers, went to Trelethen’s land- Corduroys, Cheviots tbat will give etllclsnoy. From my own er adjustment and rigid enforcement of The best assortment wo ever had. All ing, Peaks Island, lor a bearing on the to think tbat Scotch made and observation 1 am Inclined laws which shall make marriage more I Mixtures, thoroughly reliable and made to stand boys' bard petition of W. S. Trefetben and others would do tbe work a paid oomm lesion dltlioult of accomplishment.” strictly 50, 75c and $1.00 quality. usage. for the out of a new street leading laying better than unpaid representatives from The subject of marriage laws In Maine, CLOTHING Now STANDARD No only, CO., over the hill from the landing. tb9 wards. Unless tbe commissioners will be presented at tbe Deoember meet- From matter. 3351*955 tip. action was taken on the as off as are good men we would be badly ing. CONGRESS ST. novl.>l2t The office annonnoes 39c 544 post department before. But with a wise oboloe so tbat The oounoll voted to continue Its work that the of tbe office ———— I ■Iiwiyiirii Wl 11illi,HI I.. gross receipts post there would not be men who ore merely In tbe line of patriotism, Its efforts to se- at Portland for the month of October, time servers and hungry for office, 1 cure tbe curlew law, and to establish of over were (11,805, an lnorease (1.880 be more, satis- think tbat affairs would one playground next summer. A short ■ tbe for tbe same montb of last I Ugures factorily administered." parliamentary drill on "Organizations** year. Ex-Mayor Charles H. Randall said: will be continued al Deoember meeting. Tbe of the onrrenoy has comptroller "I am not In favor of a commission. I Adjourned to Deoember 12th. of two reserve agents In Kitchen lately approved think the people can look after tbe thing Open **DESK | One of these WUKKK IUNUKAMJK WAS BLISS. Bolton for bankB In Maine. themselves." la the Merchants’ National bank of the A of Booth Har- Furnishings On S Melober said: 1 Ex-Mayor Holman popular physician bay House Unb for the Portland National bank, and was married wag to j "1 believe In just tbe plan tbat baa been bor yesterday and the ether Is the Shoe and Leather Na- brought up In tbe proposed new charter have taken the boat for Bath. The time Furnishings. A seemingly endless collection of j J D.amonds, Watches, Clocks, tional bank of Boston, as a reserve agent of tbe boat tbe and which was tbe same as I advooated tor the sailing oame, but Today. articles especially made for writing f for tbe National bank of Water- married did not In Silver and tho Best Peoples' belore the legislature two years ago newly couple put ap- desk use, in every conceivable design | 2 Sterling J vilie. *aranoe. Their friends were there at p This Is not a new line with and finish—Ink Stands, Pen Trays, j Plated Ware. Onr stock is the ♦ The United States hotel has been per- st. vimjIstde pal l. tbe pier with rlos, old shoes and similar We’ve from j means. just emerged Paper Cutters, Blotters, Erasers, tne house Is dark. us any This base- j J manently closed and things, but tbe young dootor and nls by with tho debris that’s been Pads, Calendars, Stamp Boxes, Muci- largest, and we always handle « Next Saturday at 8 80 the Westbrook bride bad given them the slip. They ment department is almost a j« us for weeks. We’ve en- lage Holders, Seals. Wax, and so on i Seminary elaren meets the team from Annual Coffee Party of8t. Dominic's drove to Newcastle by oarrlage and took household word in Cumber- | the old standard and reliable x w itlrout limit, all beautifully finished, f Kent s Hill on tbe home gridiron. Conference Last Kvculug. tbe Maine Central train for Portland. tirely changed the arrange- lan 1 homes. We or Kent's Bill has a team and a County gome in glass, bronze leather, 2 For instance Waltham T strong Nome one discovered that this young ment of the goods. store, repaired In silver or silver mounted. dose and exciting game Is assured. oouple who qdletly seated themselves In want to bring it more forcibly many 2 and until it’s as and • Bramhall No. K. of will in aid of the end of the last oar on tbe painted Elgin Watches, Ansonia, lodge, 8, P., The 15th annual ooffee party veiy train to the minds of the people, oonfer tbe rank of esquire on two candi- Et Dominic's Conference of EC. Vincent with their dress suit cage on the seat ns new. In many and have good Seth Thomas and a dates at the stated convention this eve- LORING, Ingraham de Paul, took plaoe at City Hall last behind them, were a bride and groom respects it’s better than ning. All knights are cordially invited. evening. It was a most successful affair Blissfully unconscious the doct >r and SHORT & Reed and Barton and T when new, it’s much Clocks, The Kelley property at 61 Concord and was attended. A One sup cur his bride sat In this oar, when some un- largely n"wtf was sold to ldalton & o'clock. 9 man to the There’s s ware. We street, yesterday was served at 7 At o’clock feeling crept up and attached larger. nearly HARMON, Rogers best plated J & Co. Co by F. O. Bailey there was a drill by tbe Montgomery dress suit case a big pleoe of white pa- A WINDOW'FULL double the former shelf j have that ♦ In tbe United States court yesterday Unards, under tbe leadership of Capt. per with the words, “Just Married," everything pertains That means double petitions In bankruptcy were Sled by Elteman. Hearty applause was accorded printed In large letters. Noon a proces- space. of Kitchen Ware, just as a to the Jewelry trade and we 2 Frank J, Watts of N'orrldgewock and tbe members of tbe company for tbelr sion was organized In that train. the stock. You drove us Greeley H Lorlng cf Westbrook. Men and women walked back to tbe memory jogger. What you splendid appearance. to it by increasing our will make the terms so easy 2 The W. W. W. whist olab was enter* At the conclusion of tbe drill a danoe rear oar to^see the newly married, pair. see there is merely suggestive business. We’re W.L.D0U6LAS talned yesterday afternoon at the home orders followed, Mr. Thomas The reached the ears of on grateful will not miss the T of elgbt story everyone of the immense stock we car- that you of Mrs. Osoar Wish, Dserlng street. W 1. Mnl'nnnnirh WAS th« floor (llrAfl- the train and all went baok to see the to you for it. We mean *3.®° SHOE maSc course it’s out of the Mr. Patrick F. and Mr. bride and and the dress salt case. ry. Of tor, with Foley groom to repay you in still bet- If yon have been pay- ! money. J Thomas H. Flaherty as assistants. The The doctor was puzzled. He tried to to show up our Low ins 95.00 for shoe*, a PEBSONALS. question ter better service trial of W. L. l>oujr- was selling, aids were Messrs. Thomas J. Magner, appear unconcerned, but his faoi Prices. We’ll tell about la.H 93.50 shoes will I you that j 2 Edward E. K Uni art In, M. 11. Iianraban. Unshed and he forgot bis assumed man- than ever, if possible. convince you McKENNEY, them they are Just an good 2 f F Ed- ner of at ea e Neither personally. Portland friends of Mrs. James Noyes Stephen L. Foley, Henry Owen, being perfectly We’re of our store in every way and cunt 2 TUB JEWELBR, ♦ proud less. Over 2 ward F. Flaherty, D. Frank Magner, the doctor nor his wife oould understand 91.50 will be Interested to know she expects in its condition 1,000,000 wearers. 4 hqiaiu:. $ H. Frank J. what attracted so much attention to present to spand the winter In Italy in company Patrick Feeney, Merrill, DOvSdtf ♦ but the on the train and would be more than with her friend, Miss Wells Mrs. Noyes John W. Johnson. them, passengers \ M ♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ meir <*u iuo uiuro uir iuib T. F. FOSS juad & and M!fs Wells have nearly completed eujuyeu SONS, pleased to have you drop A CONTKAST. reason. When last seen tor a One pair of W.L. bou- their preparation 6 for departure. in and look at It. Just a alas 93.50 shoes if ill | At Mrs. Dennett of the revenue hack at Union station with this dress Houssfurnishers. Mellen C. Holster's yesterday Capt. John Complete novlSdlt suit oase ana Its in baud tbe doc- social call this time, re- EYELETS VkrM I aiternoon toe ixrsG oi a series ox lour cutter Woodbury, In speaking about the sign fcsn,_ \ of or.llm.rv I tor was still unconscious of the whis's was given. Tht si whis's are Montlosllo disaster off the Nova Scotia totally member, tho’ we’re here cause for all or the attention whloh had Hands ! rather In the nature of a private party ooast, contrasted the behavior of the offi- for business at and all Up been aooorded him. any though the prooeeds will go to the fur- cers and crew of that steamship with times, should need us. nishing of the new home for Friendless those of the French steamship La you We are the largest makers and retail- A MODEL UUOCKKY AND MEAT ers of rneu’s 13.50 shoes in the world. Boys, Mrs. Bolster was ass sted by her Bourgogne, which was sunk In oolllslon YOU’LL We make and sell more 93.50 shoes than ottioers and crew MARKET. club, each lady Inviting three others In 1898. The Frenoh any other two manufacturers In the U.H. for Glove and was to 10 In O. C. The reason more W. L. $3.50 comfort, glove fit, The party limited tables. There of the latter unfortunate ship their Modern methoda with plenty of energy Elwell, Douglas shoes are sold than other make Is were no prizes. Horae of the best whist wild rush for life, killed women and have rapidly pushed O. O. Elwell's store 794-796 CongresN Strei*!. any glove durability, when you buy nov 1ft it because they are the best that can be players were present. chlldreq, threw unarmed men from the at 794-796 far In the Congress street, made. fit like custom made shoes. use shelter GROW They here. Gloves for business Kngllsh Jack, who has been In the boats In whloh they had sought front rank of Portland's successful mer- » The style Is the best and always up to date. city fox several days as the guest of Col and behaved like brutes and worse. chants One has followed anoth- and for dress occasions. Warm obange We sell direct from fac- John returned to his horns Had acted like men — nrOT 1). PrlndaDle, they obeyed orders, er In the Interior arrangement and fin- 10 through our BEST■ t°ry wie*,;tr Bcol «1 stores In the large cities. Gloves for Correct in the Crawford Notch yesterday. Ue and not like beasts mire of the passen- until It Is as neat and attrac- driving. ish, today Cn The extra middleman’s $0 will visit Portland next week to or that have been saved. STRONG IQ r.fl again gers ship might tive aa any tAding plaoe In Portland. •J.OU profits that others have to fashions at fair and square ;uid to the have his eyes treated. As It was It will be remembered the Mr. Elwell has the oonndence rune charge we qual- eniir gained Cll tills onUC and to the wearers OliUE the world felt at that ity, give prices. horror learning of a large and growing patronage, beoauee or W. L Douglas <3.fl0shoes. only one woman of all those on board ot the uniform excellent qualities of HAVE YOU The reputation o!W. L Douglas was and bodies which were saved ploked his meats and farm products. Uls cus- $3.50 shoes for style, comfort, and wear THE HATTER, the which bad olllded with Beef THE CITY is / and fash. \ up by ship tomers know they can depend on him for HUNTED known everywhere throughout the 197 Riddle St. f^AUS the Frenoh liner were found horribly world. They have to give better satis- I ions the I particular service and special goods. It’s keep and with wounds whloh faction than other makes, because the mutilated only a to trade In snob a store. OVER 1 pleasure standard has been GKO. A. COFFIN, .Mgr. designers) the hand of man oonld have Inflicted. Iron always placed so high busy creating f that the wearers expect more for their \ Dim “How differently did the men of \ i'll. It more anti \ TEACHER!*' LECTURE COURSE. For kind of Perfume 01 money than they can get elsewhere. unique this Ill-fated Montloello behave," said your effects to / President of lfowdoin I artistic Capt. Dennett in speaking of the matter. Uyde, college, Soap? tnls leoture In and Wine. St. « V the increas- I was will evening Assembly Portland Store, 546 Congress supply “Seaman Dunn, so the story print- It is an matter if demand. hall, Portland High sohool building, on easy you begir ) GOLD lng ) ed, stood on the rati helping the women J / We are constant / "Tbe True Aim ot Eduoatlan." This of ours, you eouhlu't help It. It's made of hunt in our store. Into the boat alongside. He knew that your l ly receiving the 1 will be the first In the series of lectures the best of Beef Extract, and other ingre- raost recunt do’ the people in that boat had a ohanoe for As we have said before, Pei 1 rcvirci r>\/ 1 to be this winter under tbe aus- dients as It will nourish and in life and that he did not have muob of given equally good. | JEWELRY signs Jewelry, / fume has long been one of oui REMOVAL / pices ot the Portland school teachers. build u In TO HAVE GOOD COOD3 I plainly wrought,or I a ohanoe by remaining on the ship. Still you p every way. j ;; sot with in- hobbies, and most of the bcsi Of Paul S. R. S., J gems, | be as an Anglo -Saxon with blood of the Caster, j tho new I 50c / eluding sort In his veins and he the 8Sff* of the best Specialist lu all chronic diseases, from 6W Coo- 4 right helped productions perfumer* >o. • I green gold and ( gress Bt\ to the Mt. Hope Heaim BazHar, DYED. women Urst of all. So It was with the What Shall We Hava (or Dessert P and 4 \ rose finish. \ are in our stock or on the foi 6t> Bedford 8t.. between Forest Avenue way to 4 othsr men and offloers of that ship. Per- This arises In the Grove St., where he is more fully prepare*! Wo dye good good question family every Sch'otlerbeck & Foss sales. treat all chroule diseases of whatsoever nature j 4 goods ; ; fect and even with Go., Holiday discipline prevailed day. Let us auswer it today. Try Jell-o. with all the motierh and improved methods j 4 4 H. griffin, ( death staring them In the faoe those a delicous and healthful dessert Pre- known to medical Jurisprudence, having more a/ C^EO- Eetabliaked 1866. office room and operating room, 4 ) be- in two minutes. No boiling! no commodious / Jowolor / seamen, simple though they were, pared and will te "P«n day and nighl to all who tie- 4 FOSTEfTSltt HOUSE, !i add water and HAY & SON—Middle St. jpv haved like heroes. It does a man who baking! simply boiling DrugtiiU. hTh. sire consultation. Grove St. and Forest Ave., 4 500 CONGUKSI BT. \ Pri-scripilou the number- 4 13 Pr>ble Si. !' aet to cool Flavors:—Lemon, — cjr* pass the street. Remember a the Orange- novlUdst [makes English language good to and Uet a 66 Bedford St., Portland. Telephone rorinao- i Raspberry Strawberry. pack, — read of suob Uon. oeuau 4 >♦»*«♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦WH W»» • things.*' age at your grocera today, 10 eta.