Orth. Hor - ' a Retirement Hotet 1611 Chicago Ave., Evanston,IL 6020-J 847-448-0104

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Orth. Hor - ' a Retirement Hotet 1611 Chicago Ave., Evanston,IL 6020-J 847-448-0104 Nues SERVING NILES SINCE 1951 $2.00Herdd I THURSDAY, JULY14, 2011 A CHICAGO SUN-TIMES PUBUCATIONSpe rtator24/7 AT PIONEERLOCAL.COM t, I - The i : orth. hor - ' A Retirement Hotet 1611 Chicago Ave., Evanston,IL 6020-j 847-448-0104. www.reIjrementhQteIconi CELEBRATE 1j BASTILLE DAY S, Vive la ratatouille! PAGE 28 .., j MOMMY ON A 4;;:. SHOESTRING t 4 , Fun T-shirt trans- formations PAGE 22 I- t AlLen Nilsen replaces a string of beads while attending the bead-and-jeweLry show with his wife, Diane, on July 9 at White Eagle HUNG JEWELRY Banquets in Hites. PAGE 10. I DAN LUEDERT-SUN-TIMES MEDIA TO YOU WITH ' SHARE THEIR GROWTiI.. SHARE THEth JOY SHARE THEIR IMAGjNATI' SOE-jLOg . lI S1IN AND MOST MPORTANTL .LS NO..L>iØ t0969 J.:to AèPßèl8I1OI1EJnd SHARE': THE WORLJ , e8OOOoo AèI'èJ8I-iOIIEIfld S1IN 6TO-1l:OOOOOO 5T03 8O6O9 PION ER 'CALCOM J,5THURSDAY. LUCY iU 20 CII L T. ISDa U I!!' 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'ri,, vyfi0fi HOME ADDITIONS I KITCHENS I BATHS I BASEMENTS I CUSTDM HDMES le trsseßeositeobflordlIeSM2esosRnoeilberoLorosMeeOe0er.osroseeeov.ve,rsIeresnv,erIyop,,e,p,,,1,e,j,e, er,r,c0000rs.o,o,00,ro,rnoo!esonrseeeo!o.orsse005rorsoorovosn l'o5o..o%tho!Ooo,,,0 Oo!rierror!rose iic'UI.',40' .0102 -1 C? esci'. iii, t t002111 NIL hfoeo6ieg Editnrr MetfSelenrlta Loca INews 700-524-b433 I msohmitellpieosarb555l.00m PIONEERLOCAI,,COM I7HUR5BAY, lUI.? tA, Pent I 5 DISTRICT 64 TASTY TREAT Working fasten Hot days couLd end s bet sigist, tetre Mtttieesn, 8,0F Meares Osate, tries n ta Hoists a tree ins with early dismissal eseem b cejase 21 at Henna Parities en testo setos Bender seid the Raocd olEdora- in Mosten Brace. tino cecetotly blend an architect of children who recaed ter the discorre to perform played benebelt et Pech thdga-Nilsa Sohoet Districtaaaessmeats st the schools and the peak thet night 64 has implemented an "leteo-preside the boned with pnssihle were treoted te free copIad-dey" pico that wilt -dismisseolotions 5e the problem os this tracts by the Hiles children early on nary hoe-days stweale's snhoal-baard msat'arg Jaly Daisy Reese. larosro Csasteasedeldeehttlsierh Itidge. "The board's ge'mg te bene seme Neieher elemantery school haspretty tnngb deo'raiecs te maha," adequate ein canditienieg end par-Sandsr said bernes tIre marling. rots haca oeitressed cenceres fer Bandar said she based hapes ihr shale children's health end le005legwsoshec edil cot be too hot and the VILLAGE 0F NILES abilityr amid the hot wenther. need tar so intarrapsed day wan's The pine to hvterropl riese sed seed ohlldasa home pertains ta days Tice ecohitset of cacead will also when the tempeeatooe has a be enemining the boiler systems, Trusteesapprove tow-if-you-owe Law based haes'humidity'mdeo 01110. which are sien nery old, niOrisin As araoeni so heel bnard meeting PIlles vlinga trasteas on Jada 18echo had 00000nre with the orsO-eons swan the 01110go $22,002, of some permis mece opposed lathe Th District 04 Board of Edacs- sppromd as erdinanca that per-vares. rohioh shoot 05 percent le loe cost intracoptarl-day taIse and felt verla- tice has dincossad the possibility al wits the soroing nia vehicle it ita Paayhylo ented against tha ardu- aramengency Oea-socas. log paneele nvoold 2nd it dlltinalt teposhieg bach the schnol year by a narrar bss mona than $1,000 Orar-noses beonose hs dIdn't behave it The millaga bar held oseeroly filhlUIIII !! make armogemects ensuehoshorlweaker teno in order te potentially paid debo 50 the sillage. ecos right ta tow eomanneb rarasprograms in rseont cedes, daring I flhuIUII E O enoid some hat Aogost dnye, bot Batam the nedisarco ysesad, thea rasait alan onrelatad incident,which late pendIlles on fmae mece ip' .9IUU r Sapedetendent Philipweederthe idea did neo gain sappart. sillagawaoldlomnehieleeneheeehasarbasalardscop'mg'siolstion, bagman vr people tabo paid their -- said pacents do not ment to talco Other schools in District 00 ra- owner ora vetada bed mnee shun Peayhylo eaggastadplooiogliecterigissi Paca within o month. them chlldoan 001 at eclraal, reinad air conditioning th000gla tve aspsid tichase, oopcaparties osas ollematinc. At that thaa Bteoelaclri said asphey nears concerned thai sloesoandpsansng programs associat- The now errhnsnoe sopanda thnt Biles Police Chief Dean Sam-oboatflsrllliosnoossmedtothauil- boerdia net moni cg in a dimoeinn to ed with O'Hare tntes-soatiocal Air- to people who owe macep eles-electa, who eoggeeled the narylago. The amount wee omomalated provine air ccoditioningP Senderpart, bat Carpenter end Field did robare, 000h araoptidwnterbille. tossing policy, said scary vesto ria-nnaeohoatloto ltyeacs,Stceelecbi net mrat the arqairameets. Village Manager Geerge Vanmolledo ora mIsted to the cost of anpin'orad. liaemsaidshenemnedioarceglneo ameeg000yssc'nicanlocosllnmsvaln- Itcaalsrhisnidocmemnnsywaa the slllsge arnthte ey050a olee-ingpeeplewho ara intooicnted. collected daring the nomesty pro- - ï. iil Ineremeot. "l'ce boo qaite a law 02 thoaegears, which the nilboge 000ducred !Iï ll1 1w L5TRICT 64 Yna'ro telldog abose Sorting opoomale moho wesen's psyinb" etce-sooapte dt Omas, but he said Obero :!fxB car for Sees osceittad 55 that ron," cIechi said. are ecpeosen related to thot pce- Normandy's awatd'wínnrng team of deeignets, architectsand project said Trrastea Aodrew Peoybylo, Stroalerki enid that one pesvoogt'om,oanetll. managers make the enarte prncess almost effortless. First,we getto School board approves know pout stylo and needs. Then we present eolurtons VILLAGE BOARD lot tteoeformiog $250K worthof pay raises fout k wuoa into the home you've always wanted into be. Tax incentive OK'd for industrial site redevelopment ev JENNIFER 1555505 Broder snid the at-percent pay Well take care of every detail from conlantloclean up. All you have calas rammmandod fer the employ- to doit sit book and telex. ees is in l'ma esith whet members of en leSte GaSEN "From a mm'hsting paa'sprctanndistdbnlion badoeeaas. The pIar b Pay rabat 1er thetoll-lt soheelthe tearhernosice, the Pech B.ldga rs really loelpeof' said Send Klaecee,tdeoharmlaooingopydrtooitr os Bdrrcatino Asmnislioo, raceles ne- pase meresppeonad lana month fac partner nod dimotor olaccpo'witiocsroallosjobcmation. adadnietrators sednec-teachingsadly es part of a three-year con- The oflage of NIas appenoad sfor Brit Properties, cabcniog to the "We pmbnbly do one et these av- employeesioPathBidge-NilestronS npp000ed by tha Beard afRds- tan incentive toc Bait Peopertiaa ta ery peor no anemgol' 5/illnga Man- Scheel pintdct 64. entice ha llOOh damlop a naced properly st glle W, tie said the tl0000iol benaBtaager Groage Var Geem sold alteo NormandyBuilders.com I 630-405-5715 Tian District 00 Basedof Edaco- Custodial werlcrea and siechte ttmrncd St, daring the mmt macntteem tiranas I0000tina will be for-nillageb appmniog o the tar innen- tienen Jonc 17gasesad salary in-nsaistnsts aim ceceined n 1,h-per- sillage board meeting on Jara 20. worded to the tatare lanarIa. Call for a Free Consultation or visit 0er Hiosdale shoreroom at 440 E, OgdenAve. creases 011.5 percentt n cent pap calar this year, Bender neid. BUt pises 5e nedavelep the baud- Klaanec said the developers are The corsent bnildbrg in in boor ampleyaeaionlmlmg distdet cod Tian corcsetteaohaesooaotmotea- icgfonsreclyaccoopiadbyMetaldynetnldog the ordetieg holding soirichconditiss, sollering from seal foU- scheel ndminiasmtors,scheel psy-pican in 2012, Machiniog tesollisy that Iras bean na. is aboat Stynvy sonare that, arddre onrle000nr dsmogc, ontrialnec- chologhtn,ieclmoloalnth.lonclavam In addiliac ta annaal salary in- coot belt maclbs. trarn'mgit'mte three holdings. portad. The Caoh Carmly Class Osi da- Tha pise also inoelnas iscrensing ADDtTtOFdS KITCHRNS I stellt eotecded.dOystall, eaceatnrislcreases teachers recalce step io- Sdt esihoasea it sotO spend shoot jj BATHROOMS j RENOVATIONS workers and binsen, eeaasrn related to yenes al arqoe- nslopmrnt taa-bocantive pmgcaeota SS psebiog spott from the salat-$410,000 le maha olgoi0000t Ian- The crIboeccorced as part ofnecee, Bender snid She average radacas pmpeaty caceen foc ttyaam,ing It spats. pronemeota So the thalliOy. mnsent.agoods appmnal anddid'morasse in cnmpenootient0000lly but the tenca genemted arder the Boit Properties plans to toners- The 2000 casi-salate 500es Oar diacatnice by the based, prcgmanwiltba$20,vllllmamaveryform the alta into "stele-cl-the santshe properly ware chaut $tli,205. net modos Inn taanbras is mane 1h00 5 percent. tossi Tirare sea 500teochersinDislrict ysnrthaoltennaldba Stheproprctyballdiscgs that mill sttcoot tesastelistado tao aloIn that Ire casi-eutete Thetala?' incaeesan $251,480, Sops.
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