Vilenica Almanac 2013

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Vilenica Almanac 2013 Zbornik Vilenica, ki izhaja od leta 1986, predstavlja poleg dobit- Nagrajenka Vilenice 2013 / nika mednarodne literarne nagrade vilenica tudi dela avtorjev, ki Vilenica Prize Winner 2013 jih žirija Vilenice izbere za goste festivala. Besedila so objavljena v Olga Tokarczuk izvirniku, v slovenskem in angleškem prevodu. Poleg avtorjev iz Srednje Evrope, ki se potegujejo za kristal vilenice, nagrado za Slovenski avtor v središču 2013 / najboljši literarni prispevek v zborniku, Vilenica gosti tudi avtorje Slovene Author in Focus 2013 od drugod, ki so predstavljeni v posebni rubriki. V zborniku Florjan Lipuš objavljamo tudi zmagovalne pesmi natečaja mlada vilenica. Literarna branja Vilenice 2013 / Vilenica Literary Readings 2013 Anna Auziņa e Vilenica Almanac has been published annually since 1986. Mauro Covacich Besides presenting the Vilenica International Literary Prize Silvija Čoleva Winner, it includes presentations of the works of authors invited to Radka Denemarková the festival by the Vilenica Jury. e texts are published in the Rodica Draghincescu original language, and in Slovene and English translation. Along- side authors from Central Europe, who compete for the Crystal Miriam Drev Vilenica Award for the best literary piece in the Almanac, Vilenica Katharina Hacker also hosts writers from other countries. ese authors are presented Ignacy Karpowicz in a special section. e Almanac also features the winning poems Vladimir Kopicl of the Young Vilenica competition. Tone Kuntner Tanja Maljarčuk Vanja Pegan Ana Pepelnik Katja Perat Milan Rakovac Martin Solotruk Brita Steinwendtner Gostje Vilenice 2013 / Vilenica Guests 2013 Olli Heikkonen Brian Henry Gerry Loose Alan McMonagle Zhao Si Mlada vilenica 2013 / Young Vilenica Award 2013 Ajda Furlan Jerneja Rupnik Eva Salopek Zbornik Vilenica, ki izhaja od leta 1986, predstavlja poleg dobit- Nagrajenka Vilenice 2013 / nika mednarodne literarne nagrade vilenica tudi dela avtorjev, ki Vilenica Prize Winner 2013 jih žirija Vilenice izbere za goste festivala. Besedila so objavljena v Olga Tokarczuk izvirniku, v slovenskem in angleškem prevodu. Poleg avtorjev iz Srednje Evrope, ki se potegujejo za kristal vilenice, nagrado za Slovenski avtor v središču 2013 / najboljši literarni prispevek v zborniku, Vilenica gosti tudi avtorje Slovene Author in Focus 2013 od drugod, ki so predstavljeni v posebni rubriki. V zborniku Florjan Lipuš objavljamo tudi zmagovalne pesmi natečaja mlada vilenica. Literarna branja Vilenice 2013 / Vilenica Literary Readings 2013 Anna Auziņa e Vilenica Almanac has been published annually since 1986. Mauro Covacich Besides presenting the Vilenica International Literary Prize Silvija Čoleva Winner, it includes presentations of the works of authors invited to Radka Denemarková the festival by the Vilenica Jury. e texts are published in the Rodica Draghincescu original language, and in Slovene and English translation. Along- side authors from Central Europe, who compete for the Crystal Miriam Drev Vilenica Award for the best literary piece in the Almanac, Vilenica Katharina Hacker also hosts writers from other countries. ese authors are presented Ignacy Karpowicz in a special section. e Almanac also features the winning poems Vladimir Kopicl of the Young Vilenica competition. Tone Kuntner Tanja Maljarčuk Vanja Pegan Ana Pepelnik Katja Perat Milan Rakovac Martin Solotruk Brita Steinwendtner Gostje Vilenice 2013 / Vilenica Guests 2013 Olli Heikkonen Brian Henry Gerry Loose Alan McMonagle Zhao Si Mlada vilenica 2013 / Young Vilenica Award 2013 Ajda Furlan Jerneja Rupnik Eva Salopek 28. Mednarodni 28th International literarni festival Literary Festival 28. Mednarodni literarni festival Vilenica / 28th Vilenica International Literary Festival Vilenica 2013 © Nosilci avtorskih pravic so avtorji sami, če ni navedeno drugače. © The authors are the copyright holders of the text unless otherwise stated. Uredili / Edited by Tanja Petrič, Maja Kavzar Hudej Založilo in izdalo Društvo slovenskih pisateljev, Tomšičeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana Zanj Veno Taufer, predsednik Issued and published by the Slovene Writers’ Association, Tomšičeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana Veno Taufer, President Jezikovni pregled / Proofreading Jožica Narat, Jason Blake Grafično oblikovanje / Design Goran Ivašić Prelom / Layout Klemen Ulčakar Tehnična ureditev in tisk / Technical editing and print Ulčakar&JK Naklada / Print run 500 izvodov / 500 copies Ljubljana, avgust 2013 / August 2013 Izvedba tega projekta je financirana s strani Evropske komisije. Vsebina publikacije je izključno odgovornost avtorja in v nobenem primeru ne predstavlja stališč Evropske komisije. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Zbornik je izšel s finančno podporo Javne agencije za knjigo Republike Slovenije. The almanac was published with financial support of the Slovenian Book Agency. CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 821(4)-82 7.079:82(497.4Vilenica)”2013” MEDNARODNI literarni festival (28 ; 2013 ; Vilenica) Vilenica / 28. Mednarodni literarni festival = International Literary Festival ; [uredili Tanja Petrič, Maja Kavzar Hudej]. - Ljubljana : Društvo slovenskih pisateljev, 2013 ISBN 978-961-6547-76-5 1. Petrič, Tanja, 1981- 268389376 Kazalo / Contents Nagrajenka Vilenice 2013 / Vilenica Prize Winner 2013 Olga Tokarczuk ..............................................6 Slovenski avtor v središču 2013 / Slovene Author in Focus 2013 Florjan Lipuš ...............................................80 Literarna branja Vilenice 2013 / Vilenica Literary Readings 2013 Anna Auziņa ..............................................100 Mauro Covacich............................................114 Silvija Čoleva..............................................126 Radka Denemarková ........................................140 Rodica Draghincescu.........................................156 Miriam Drev ..............................................170 Katharina Hacker...........................................180 Ignacy Karpowicz ...........................................192 Vladimir Kopicl ............................................206 Tone Kuntner ..............................................218 Tanja Maljarčuk ...........................................228 Vanja Pegan ...............................................242 Ana Pepelnik ..............................................254 Katja Perat................................................264 Milan Rakovac.............................................272 Martin Solotruk ............................................288 Brita Steinwendtner .........................................302 Gostje Vilenice 2013 / Vilenica Guests 2013 Olli Heikkonen.............................................324 Brian Henry...............................................338 Gerry Loose ...............................................346 Alan McMonagle ...........................................356 Zhao Si ..................................................366 Mlada vilenica 2013 / Young Vilenica Award 2013 Ajda Furlan ...............................................382 Jerneja Rupnik .............................................384 Eva Salopek ...............................................386 Dosedanji udeleženci in nagrajenci Vilenice / Previous Participants and Vilenica Prize Winners................390 Člani žirije / Jury Members ..................................406 Konzultanti / Advisory Panel.................................407 Nagrajenka Vilenice 2013 Vilenica Prize Winner 2013 Olga Tokarczuk Poljska pisateljica, esejistka in scenaristka The Polish writer, essayist, and script- Olga Tokarczuk se je rodila leta 1962 v writer Olga Tokarczuk was born in 1962 Sulechowu. Doštudirala je klinično psi- in Sulechów. She graduated in Clinical hologijo na Varšavski univerzi in po štu- Psychology from the University of diju nekaj časa delala kot psihoterapevt- Warsaw and worked for a while as a psy- ka, toda kmalu se je poklicno posvetila chotherapist after completing her stud- pisanju. Debitirala je leta 1979 s kratki- ies, but soon began to focus on writing mi zgodbami v reviji Na przełaj, objavlja- professionally. She debuted in 1979 with la je tudi v vroclavski reviji Mandragora a series of short stories in the Na przełaj in v Życiu Literackem. Svoj romaneskni magazine, and also published her work prvenec Podróż ludzi Księgi (Potovanje in the Wroclaw-based Mandragora maga- ljudi Knjige) je izdala leta 1993 in zanj zine and the Życie Literackie. Her debut prejela nagrado Zveze poljskih založni- novel, Podróż ludzi Księgi (The Journey of kov. Vse od takrat se Olga Tokarczuk s the Book People), was published in 1993 svojimi romani in kratkimi zgodbami and was awarded the Polish Publishers’ uvršča v sam vrh moderne poljske pro- Association Prize. Ever since then, Olga ze. Je izjemna pripovednica, ki s svojimi Tokarczuk’s novels and short stories have vsebinsko in zvrstno raznolikimi, inova- ranked her amongst Poland’s top writers tivnimi deli navdušuje tako kritike kot of contemporary prose. She is an out- bralce. Doslej je izdala osem romanov, standing narrator, who manages to thrill dve zbirki kratkih zgodb in dve esejistični both critics and readers alike with the in- knjigi, za katere je prejela vrsto poljskih novativeness and diversity of her works in in tujih literarnih nagrad. Kar štirikrat je
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