gign PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. EFiEJ MORNING. NOVEMBER 15. 1900. IggR.iVBSgl PRICE THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862-VOL. 39. PORTLAND. MAINE. THURSDAY alias John F. H. Stott of Htottsrill*. Ths reeslvar- The British consul at Canton rsports William Harrington Taylor, mMamnKm U booed on tho fact tbat F. H Stott NOT on Dm 14tli day of May, 1800, FOR SIX MILLIONS. ■btp DIAMOADS. baring rsealrad a round robin from tbe BIASKT HALL. Oolnwood, SAFE FULL OF Nellie Coin- la a surviving partner In both the firm him to nss his Infln- wilfully poisoned his wlfo, reformers asking F. H. st Junction and cast of Strong A ^Co and C. K.'. A ence to hare leave tha olty as wood Three Rivers foreigners between the Into the river. The are Stott, and ae the accounts are desirous of oapturlng Canton her body people they two firms have not been adjusted formal- and the Mancnn power. not remembered at Three Rivers overthrowing he should a ly, It wae deemed proper tbat Bos- Positive Evidence to Strong Failure Was and Daring Robbery in GRANDTRUNK MANAGER. WAR ON GAMBLERS. not participate In tbe adjustment that an eboald That One, entirely Impartial pereon ton Yesterday. Effect. Big be designated by the oourt for that pnr- Ta Be Ok«r«S Ik# Place Mr. Cessstech's Crasads About te Ba- Mr. MrGulgan pose. Vacated by Mr. Haye. gla la tYfeked New York. TOBPK1X) BOAT ASMOKE. New York, November 14.—It Is an- Washington, November 14.—The navy New November 14.—President the has received a Thieves Safe Ont of York, Hombir of Co., Non See nounced tonight that the society for the Concern Agents for Winlhrop department despatch Lugged Bodily Sir Charles Hirers Wilson of the Urand PiseaUqois from that the suppression of vice, of wbtob Anthony Annapolis saying torpedo and Vloe President Joseph Price, Mill. boot Stockton has ashore on Morn Office. Trunk, Prisoner. Comstock Is the head, will soon begin Maine, Woolen gone arrived here last week from London, o dock who the moet extensive raid of pool rooms and Point shoals. She struck at nine to make each ar- have left frr Montreal dens ever undertaken In thli Tuesday night. There Is small chance * gambling ____________ as bs in view of her off until the wind rangements may necessary olty. getting changes. of tbe reel gnatlon of Ueneral Manager C. Abe work of obtaining evidence baa The Stockton Is one of tbe new torpedo of tbe and Stott Con- her trial M. Uays, to beoome president been nnder for some time and the Strong boats and was about to have on and Fall Was Six Inches the way Loaded Wagon Southern PaolUo. Comstock hai rewived the aid of many trip, the board of Inspection being on are like- cern It was stated today tbat they Taller Man. oltlsens, who have formed themselvs Into Swapped Paper. her. Hauled it of Away. ly to formally announoe tbe seleotton an known as the Antl- organisation BOTHA OKITEKS TU HUKKENDEB. General Superintendent F. U. MoOulgan Vloe society of New York. November 16.—Commandant as general manager of tbe Grand Trunk. It Is said Mr. Comstock will tomorrow London, He has been tbe of Mr. Oeneral Botha, aooordlng to a despatch ohtef>ubordlnate get out a large number of warrants. la Have tbe baa ilaye In tbe operating departments dur- How (lie Failure Said to to Dally Mall from Pretoria, Tho Onawa Lake Murderer Is GRAB. of tbs It Contained $3000 Worth or tbe latter's administration and^Mr. BELGIUM WANTS TO sent to Lord Hoberts a statement ing Been Caused. Bays’ reforms In operating methods have at Brussels, November 14 —In the Senate terms on which be will surrender. Diamonds and Jewelry. SUU Large. SyrupFigs been oarrled out largely through Mr. Mo-' today, the minuter of foreign affairs, M. Gulgan. The latter, however, has taksn Be Faverean, mads the following state- Acts the initiative In many of tha changes ment with relerenoe to the Intentions of Pleasantly ar.dflvmpt/y. which have He was former- EXPANSION been made. Belgium In China: I’hlladelpbla, Jlorember 14.—Wllllan ly on the Wabash, when Mr. Uays was Uoaton, .NoTemmbn 14.—Another at- "The government does not oontempUte Cleanses the Boston, November 14.—A daring rob- L. Strong A Co., wholesale dry good System of that company, ana to Identify Kdward F. lllaney, In China, nor the which are now aotlvely general manager tempt military operations merchants, whose assignment was an and ba»y, Jthe police We an Gently Effectually went to tbe Grand Trunk In a sentence of six month* formation of d'armerle. BLACK8T0NE CIGARS was February, who la Barring gen noonoed In New hart or costive. engaged In Investigating, oommltted York, yesterday, when bilious become for his to of territory, afternoon, when 1800, Mr. Hays having general at Deer Island threatening wife, seeking aoqnUaa pleoe a branch house in this olty at whleh 1 about 4 o'clock this and The addition to our Factory manager In the previous January Mr. as Kdwln Hall, the man wanted In Pis- bnt as a simple eettUment only, the rooms of David Morse, at 86 Dowell large business Is transacted. Is completed. We now have a Presents in the most acceptablefarm for of The ac- McUulgan Is about 40 years old and has connty, Me., the murder without poUtloal Importance. at of 172 feet on throe the of street. West were broken Into and cataquis Attorney bare secured foreign frontage laxative principles plants Knd, at Tien o: been continuously In railroad work since Alexander M. McKimmle. In July, 1888, will be made Tsln, In oommoi Endlcott, Stillman and known to act most beneficially. a sale weighing 8U0 pounds, containing quisition taohments against the Arm streets, 1888. failure this afternoon. elsewhere; but It will not give Morton. worth of diamonds, watch- met with signal perhaps oourt here for a number of oredl 13.000 monej, _._ pleas This is the Factory State Detective Ira M. True of Maine, rise to military action." “It l largost >es and was taken out bodily tors. One of tbe attorneys said: used TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS Jewelry, OF POSTAL SERVICE. at- In New England solely COST U. W. Plsoataquls county has oo and carried away. Hayes, MAYOR ON THE ROCK. one of the largest failures that for the manufacture of Cigars. — Maine Game Warden U U. Nloh- BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY Mr. Morse, who Is a heavy real estate torney, ourred Id tbe last few years, and thi The sale on Blackstone Cigars visited N. November 14.—Kelatlvo his Estimate ols and others who knew Hall, Albany, Y., amoUDt to is millions ahead of other owner, was absent looking after Postmaster General Smtlh’c liabilities will easily 16,000, auy and after an Interview with to the charges preferred against Mayor FIG STRUPCQ two Max H., and of Needed. the Island 000.” 10-cent Cigar. j CALIFORNIA property. His eons, Appropriation a stack- SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. all united in that Van Wyok to tbe effect that be Is In the thejprlsoner, declaring r.lTMIC OF 'l'TTK FATI.TTHK. LOUISVILLE KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. Mendell, are engaged Jewelry Ioe Is not the man for whom. the holder In tbe Amerloan oompany, e _r/i/ _ to the retail trade, and Hla'ney business, selling November 14.—Postmaster he bod New November 14.—Tbe cause Washington, are searching. Fur- Governor Roosevelt ealdj tonight York, their stook in trade In the safe Maine authorities & kept General Smltb baa framed bis —--- failure wai made to WAITT Mnfrs., s of tbe BOND, Emory absolute that the (juuo wioiuu/ HtroDg publlo which stood In a room on the tlrst floor ther than that, proof estimates to be submitted to was & Congress was with General Davies and day by Sutler. Notman, Jollne as two non are not Identical furnished. Attorney 53 Blackstone SI. INSTRUMENTS of the house whloh they also oocupled about FINE and will ask an aggregate of 8121.- perfectly prepared for the hearing wblcb Myndesre, counsel for the firm In thi room. This mornlng.father a sleeping 000,000 as tbe for tbe en- tomorrow at the noon honi for the whloh result appropriation Hall was 5 feet a Inches tall, will be given reoelvershlp, 6on left the house about 11 o’clock while anil tice servloe for tbe fleoal year J. Noblei ed In the of Edward A ending Is but 5 feet 8 lnohet; Dali had a in the executive chamber. appointment and their return late In the after- Disney upon June 1003. This lnoludes an estimate the World has notified Treat. Counsel said that the Strong 30, Disney a short one; Hall nad Hayes, counsel for noon discovered that the safe had to so long neck,' Ol lur fcutf rural uw uoayw/ be with bad Indorsed more than li #o,ow,uw while are al- the Governor that he will present Arm (600,000 Morses one of the large open eyee, Dlaney's stolen. The occupy service. the oloee of tbie fiscal The hear- for the Stott woollen mills at By year olosed. bis partner, W. K. Peckbam. notes suites on the first floor, consisting of a ways nearly ADAMS & CO., 43J0 rural free delivery routes throughout 1- will be Stottsvllle, N. Y for whloh the Arm mi ANDERSON, with kitchen Disney vehemently denied all know ing publlo. front and rear bedroom, been estab- the odd clrcumstanoee the United States will have that be had agent, and that The thieves the front s&fe ot the murder saying USTA ELECTRICS.
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