
First Family of Darkness

The Osbournes, First Family of Darkness is an absurd take on the animated family-sitcom as unconventional as the family upon which it's based, raising the question - what is a normal family? are an animated bunch - over-the-top personalities that wear their hearts on their sleeves and love each other almost as much as they love pushing each other’s buttons.

Rounding out the cast is a world !lled with weird and wonderful characters that make the Osbournes seem almost normal by comparison - including a couch-sur!ng demon named Dave who lives in the basement, a family of undercover aliens living next door that nobody suspects except Ozzy, and, of course, a house crawling with countless scheming dogs - each with their own personality and agenda.

The Osbournes, First Family of Darkness combines the lovable charm of The Simpsons and the take-no-prisoners attitude of Family Guy with the bold and bizarre humour of British hits like The Young Ones and Peep Show and current American sitcoms like Modern Family and The League.

Stylistically, this is a stop-motion series that employs a range of devices; such as breaking the fourth wall and commenting to camera, POV shots with character voiceovers, "ashbacks to great moments in Osbourne history and animated bloopers. This is a show as uniquely frenetic, !erce and especially funny as the characters it portrays - with storylines inspired by their real life quotes, events or points of view. But while loosely inspired by reality, the storylines spin wildly out of control in an animated world where anything can happen…

p.1 First Family of Darkness

OZZY: I'm a family man. A husband. A father. I've been a lot of other things over the years, which we don't really want to talk about... ; Loving husband, devoted father, Godfather of Heavy Metal. Fortunately, he’s used to biting o! more than he can chew - with a list of transgressions long enough to stretch from here to the Alamo, upon the shrine of which he so famously relieved himself. Let's just say that Ozzy is a man with demons. More speci"cally, a demon named Dave, who lives in the basement and constantly tries to get Ozzy to return to his wicked ways. But although Ozzy sometimes walks the line, he always eventually makes the right choice - because it’s hard to do the right thing when you’re the Prince of darkness and admittedly still crazy - but damned if he doesn't give it one hell of a try…

SHARON: As the fabulous and feisty managing matriarch of the Osbourne clan, Sharon has made a career out of saying exactly what she thinks - whether you like it or not. Sharon knows that it’s important to look your best and to be fabulous at all times, and she’s not adverse to a nip and tuck to make sure that everything stays in it’s place - and speaking of putting things in their place, you’d better not f**k with her family or she will eat you alive.

KELLY: As a best selling author, aspiring actor, ballroom sensation, advice columnist and all-round inspiration to girls around the world, Kelly "nally has it all - and there’s no way in Hell she’s going to let her crazy family ruin it for her! Unfortunately, keeping them in line is a full time job in and of itself, leaving precious little time for a myriad of other projects. Oh well, its not easy being "erce - or for Kelly, doing two things at once! Which means she’ll sometimes show up at a celebrity charity marathon wearing her ballroom dress and heels, or turn up at a book signing in costume thinking that she’s auditioning for a "lm role.

JACK: While some were worried about how young Jack would turn out, Jack has found a healthy outlet for his thrill-seeking personality, and now spends most of his time chasing the high that only comes from freefalling with a grand piano strapped to your back into a pool full of genetically modi"ed bear-sharks. The now clean-living Jack, is an adrenaline-chasing survivalist who knows that the only appropriate response to being attacked by a cougar is to "ght back. He’s the type of guy that is ready for the world to end - and probably the guy whose house you want to be at the day he’s "nally correct.

p.2 Supporting Characters DAVE: Ozzy is a man with demons, or rather one demon - a demon named Dave. Dave is like an old couch sur!ng college buddy who just won't leave. He thinks Ozzy has gone soft and misses the good old days, when he could just whisper any idea into Ozzy’s ear and it would be embraced. For example, he’s always suggesting new lyrics for Ozzy’s songs, which turn out to be demonic messages when played backwards, and when Ozzy rejects them, o"ering up less evil compromises like “run with scissors” and “always pet stray dogs”. Jack thinks Dave is kind of cool, while Kelly !nds him a bit creepy and overly #irtatious. And despite his phony attempts to get in Sharon's good graces, Sharon detests Dave, but was brought up to be a good hostess. Instead she treats him with polite disdain, which Dave almost never picks up on. THE PROCTORS: Dr. Procter, a proctologist from Maine, is the patriarch of perhaps the most normal family in America. Too normal - if you ask Ozzy, who is convinced that they are undercover aliens, here to prepare for the coming invasion by studying the earthlings, outside and in! Everything about them seems forced and fabricated - as if the aliens learned everything they could about our civilization from radio waves that took years to decades to reach them - which is why everything about them seems inspired by 70s & 80s TV shows. Like their 2.5 kids, Joanie, Chachi and Alf (Alf is the .5 kid, a genetic experiment gone wrong.) THE BAND: No self-respecting rock-icon is complete without a great supporting band, and Ozzy is no exception. His basement recording studio hosts some of the greatest up-and-coming heavy metal rockers, that all come with their own baggage. For example, Blaze Burnside, a skinny rake of a guitar player with a propensity for starting !res. During gigs, Ozzy must always have an extinguisher on hand, as Twitch can barely wait for the encore to set his guitar ablaze. And of course, there’s old Geezer Garside, former Sabbath roadie, and now the worlds oldest gigging drummer - his midset drum solos are something to behold and frequently put him into cardiac arrest. Fortunately he is permanently hooked up to a de!brillator.

p.3 Episodes “Don't get me wrong sweetheart, I adore Lola - But she's trying to destroy me." - Ozzy After a series of near-miss “accidents”, Ozzy becomes convinced that Lola is trying to kill him. But is Ozzy truly crazy, as his family seems to believe, or is Lola really a canine assassin?

"When you *#%! with me, I don't give a shit, but not with my family." - Sharon When Sharon and Kelly are tapped to host a red-carpet special, they !nd themselves caught up in a hyper-violent turf war against another famous mother/daughter team - Joan and Melissa Rivers.

“My dad's not an idiot — he's nothing short of a genius, in my opinion…” - Jack When a seemingly normal family moves in next door, Ozzy enlists the all-too-willing Jack on a dangerous mission to help him prove that Dr. Proctor isn’t really a proctologist from Maine - he’s an anal-probing alien.

“I’d never urinate at the Alamo at nine a.m. dressed in a woman's evening dress sober” - Ozzy While reminiscing over his glory days, Ozzy knocks his head and wakes up in the bizarro world of Oz, where he is arrested for relieving himself on the Lollipop Guild and bites the head o" a #ying monkey, ultimately learning that there’s no place like home…

“It’s like Dr. Doolittle in this f**cking house” - Ozzy When Sharon !nds a Pony panhandling outside the house, she can’t resist adding another pet to her growing menagerie. But when the family starts seeing their private moments in the tabloids, they begin to suspect that the new pony isn’t as he appears. Meanwhile, when Ozzy overhears the Pony talking, he becomes convinced that he has the power to speak to animals…

"I've had every known chemical--and tobacco is the hardest one for me to quit.” - Ozzy When smoking is banned in Hell, Dave and his demon friends make Ozzy’s basement their uno$cial humidor. Now Sharon is furious and it’s up to Ozzy to help Dave break the habit. But will the strong-willed Dave simply lead Ozzy into temptation?

For more information about The Osbournes First Family of Darkness contact Adam Shaheen: [email protected] or (416) 340-8869 p.4