Mr. Holland's Tunnel Mr. Holland’s Table of Contents Slide/s Part Description 1N/ATitle 2 N/A Table of Contents 3~47 1 Eighth Wonder 48~86 2 All Things Considered 87~172 3 The Shield Method 173~217 4 On the Jersey Side 218~299 5 The Air Down There 300~350 6 Greatest Triumph Tunnel 1 2 Part 1 The Seven Wonders of the World Eighth Wonder 3 4 “Back in the second century B.C., a certain Antipater of Sidon com- posed an epigram in which he “…Today any similar list of wonders, no matter by whom enumerated what he termed the ‘Seven Wonders of the World.’ compiled, would doubtless include the Pyramids, not merely They were the walls of Babylon, because they alone have survived the ravages of time, but the statue at Olympia by Phidias, because they still represent a marvelous achievement of the hanging gardens at Babylon, man’s handiwork. What the other wonders would be might the Colossus of Rhodes, the afford material for a contest sponsored by some newspaper pyramids of Egypt, the maus- oleum at Halicarnassus, and the columnist.But surely there would be a place in such a list for temple at Ephesus…” the Holland Tunnel, as the longest sub-aqueous tunnel in the RE: excerpt from The Eighth Wonder world, a stupendous project, magnificently conceived and Left: caption: “The Seven Wonders executed. And surely old Antipater himself, however wedded of the Ancient World (from left to right, top to bottom): Great Pyramid he might be to his own wonders, would today be glad to add of Giza, Hanging Gardens of the Holland Tunnel to his list, as an eighth wonder of the Babylon, Temple of Artemis at world…” Ephesus, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Mausoleum at Halicarnas- RE: excerpt from The Eighth Wonder sus, Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.” 5 6 © J.M.
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