TUST Vol. 8, Nr. 2, Pp

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TUST Vol. 8, Nr. 2, Pp Chapter I: INTRODUCTION by AHMET GURSOY Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. U.S.A. PAUL C. VAN MILLIGEN Stmkton Betonbouw The Netherlands Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vo|. 8, No. 2, pp. 119-121, 1993. 0886-7798/93$6.00 + .00 Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd 1 19 Chapter 1: Introduction 1. IMMERSED TUBE TUNNEL TECHNOLOGY--AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE 2. HISTORY OF THE WORRING GROUP 3. CONTENTS OF THE REPORT 4. ACKNOWI.EDGMENTS 120 TuN~.v.~a ~m UI~'D~GZOUNVSPACE TZC~OLOaY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 1. Immersed Tube Tunnel Since thon, the WorkingGroup mem- herein can offer solutions for cro~ings Technology =n International bers have met ahout a d~ tJm~witifin invery deep waters. Terhni~lly speak- Perspective the past four years. In addition to ing, the floatgug t,,-n,d options wrAm. sped_',bpurpose meetings, the Gnmp ined in tK~ section offer weU-known It is with great satisfaction that we met during ITA Congress mean n and techniqu~ from off-shore constmctmn, present herewith our report on various during various speciality conferem~. as well as from immm~od tube t]lnnel aspects of ;~,-m~ed tube tunnel tech- Duringthe 1989meet~Bgin ]Mr- n~-k,~- construction. We believe that the ~me niques, based on worldwide input of ter, England, slx toplcs wore adopted for to put such construction into practice bmnel experts from the U.S.A.; from future publioatloxL Five of these topics has arrive~ various European countries, including were selected for publication for the Swedon, Norway, D~nm-~k, the United 1993 ITA meeeng in Am.terd.m It is 4. Acknowledgments Kingdom, The Neth__~lands, Germany, hoped that the ~ma;ning topic, the Bel~m~ and Italy;, and from Japa~ mAintonance ofimm+~13edtl~lnneJ~, Wi]] The work presented in this publica- We trust that this report will con- be e~amined and a report publishod in tion represents the reeults ofthe Work- tribute to a better understanding ofthe the near future. ing Group's tireless efforts, conducted conditions under which +~m,~ed tun- From the beglnning~ the Working on a truly global scale. Credit is due to nels are designed and constructed, as Oronp members displayed great inter- the principal authors and collabora~-g well as the condithmsunder which float- est in reviewing the state-of-the-art authors (listed separately for each sec- ing b,nne]s will be built in the future. characteristics of immersed tube and tion), who perfmwned the work with flOStJng t.nn~l~. For immersed tube dedication and care. 2. History of the Working Group ~tlnne]B, the ~mmlnation of the two Teclmical editing was performed by Mr. ~h~t Gureoy, and overall editing The report h aa been prepared by the major constructionmethods--one prac- ticed in Europe, the other in the United of the material on submerged floa~_ng WorkingGroup on T'mmm'8~ and Float- t,mnels was performed by Mr. D. R. ing Tllnn~ of the International Tun- States--was the focal point in setting the Group's agenda. Culvorwell. International coordination n,~ll;ng Association. The Group was of the preparatory work was provided establ~hed in 1988, at the ITA'si con- by Paul Van Milllgen. Publication coor- ference in Madrid. Mr. V. L. Molenaar 3. Contents of the Report dination, layout, copyrediting, and final served as the Group's ,~-im~teur for This report includes discussions on productionwork were performedby Ms. one year, aRer which Mr. P. C. Van the state of the art of floating and im- DonnaAhreas, )4---~-gEditor of Tun- Milli~en assumed th~ posistion. The mersed tube I~,n-els, with sped_'A] em- nellin8 and Under, round Space Tech- Group's Tutor from 1988 to 1991 was phasis on basic features of steel and nology. Official 1TA representatives to Mr. B. Pigorini, who was succeeded by concrete tube t~mnel global construc- the Working Group, from 14 countries, Prof. A. Glenm~ tion practices. are listed in Appendix ~. Work for the report has been carried Chapter 2 e~nm;nes structural de- The Animateure of the Working out by various Sub-Working Groups, sign features of steel and concrete im- Group wish to extend their deep appr~ managed by Sub-Worki~_~ Group lead- ~ tube t:l 1n ne]B, inc~l ai n£ co][li~;z11c- elation to the Working Group members ers under the coordination of the tion stages, accidental loads, load fac- and to the members of the ITA Execu- ~tnlmatettr~. tars for combinations of losdln~s, and tive Cotmcil for the~ contilo-;ng sup- The first meeting of the Working material spedfi~tions. port during the last four yeare. The Group was held in Manchester (United Chapter 3 provides general discus- growing enthusiasmwithin the ITA and Kingdom) in 1989. At that meeting, sions of construction techniques for im- within the Working Group toward the the Group decided on the Sub-Working mersed tube t.nn*lq, induding l~pocial ~global sharing oflmowledge" is a Hying Groups for each topic. Each of the five attention to data~ollection methedol- testJnmuy to the dedicated proLe~___'on- groups establishod at the Manchester ogy, dredging te~h-;ques, enviromnen- alism ofits members, and a credit to the meetinghave produced a section ofthis tal impacts, and floating transport. civil engineering profession. report. Chapter 4 deals with specific details for steel and concrete blnne]B to obtain watortightuess, concentrating mainly on the various joints for steel t~,--els and on membranes, coating techniques andjoints for concrete t~mnels. Thelast pert ofthis chapter brieflydiscusses the subject of maintenance in relation to eventual leakages; it is hoped that this topic will be addressed in detail in fu- ture publications. Chapter 5 comprises a catalogue of immersed tube t~InneIB, both Istee[and concrete, starting with the first Detroit b,nnelin 1910, and continuing through to very recent tllnne]B that are under constructio~ Chapter 6 covers a very special ject--floatlng t-nnels. Although thla type of t~mnel has never been con- structed, it has been su~ciently re- searched to provide details on po~i_"hie ~GmsoY PAUL C. VAN ]M'nss~ floatingb,--e1~tion~ Thetech- Animateur (Chairman) nically feasible techniques presented Viee-Animateur (Vice-Chairman) Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 T~.TJlqG ~ U~D~m~D SP*CZ TECm<OLOG~121 Chapter 2: STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF IMMERSED TUNNELS by JAN SAVEUR Van Hottum en Blankevoort The Netherlands WALTER C. GRANTZ Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. U.S.A. Contributions and comments by: D. R. CuIverwell U,K. C. Th. van Doom The Netherlands A. Glerum The Netherlands A. Gursoy U.S.A. Chr. J. A. Hakkaart The Netherlands K. Hestner Sweden P. C. van Milligen The Netherlands S. de Ronde The Netherlands E. A. Szmnsen Denmark T. Tamotso Japan Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, VoI. 8, No. 2, pp. 123--139, 1993. 0886-7798/93$6.00 + .00 Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd 123 Chapter 2: Structural Design of Immersed Tunnels 1. INTRODUCTION . OVERVIEW OF IMMERSED TUNNEL PRACTICES 2.1 Tmmersion Inst~llAtion 2.2 Fabrication 2.3 Joints 2.4 Watertightness 2.5 Cress-section Types 2.5.1 Steel shell tunnels 2.5.2 Concrete t~mnels 2.5.3 Miscellaneous o WATERTIGHTNESS 3.1 General 3.2 Steel Shell Tunnels 3.3 Concrete Tunnels 3.4 The Expansion Joint Concept for Concrete Tunnels 3.5 The Waterproofing Membrane Concept 3.6 Protection of Concrete Against Chemical Attack 3.7 Longitudinal Prestressing . DESIGN OF TYPICAL TUNNEL SECTION 4.1 Interior Geometry 4.2 Typical Composite Steel Shell Cress-Section 4.3 Typical Concrete Box Structure 4.4 Weight and Balance . LONGITUDINAL ARTICUI~TION AND JOINTS 5.1 Steel Shell Tnnnels 5.2 Concrete Tunnels 5.3 Shear Transfer in Intermediate Joints 5.4 Intermediate Flexible Rubber Joint Design 5.5 Expansion Joint Design 5.6 FinAl Joint of Concrete Tunnels . STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS FOR CONCRETE TUNNELS 6.1 Transverse Analysis 6.2 Longitudinal Analysis 6.2.1 Longitudinal hydrostatic compression 6.2.2 Concrete stresses by temperature deformations 6.2.3 LongitudinAl bending 6.2.4 Temporary construction loads 6.2.5 Longitudinal reinforcement 6.2.6 Permanent longitudinal prestress 7, STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS FOR COMPOSITE STEEL S~lfl~.t.T, TUNNELS 7.1 Stage 1: Fabrication and Laun~hlng 7.2 Stage 2: Internal Outfitting with Concrete 7.3 Stage 3: FinAl Condition after Baclrfilllng in Place So LOADINGS 8.1 Loading Combinations and Allowable Stress Increments 8.2 Accidental Loads 9. TYPICAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 124 Tu~.t.r~G AND UNVP.m~OtU~VSPACE TEC~UqOLO~Y Volume 8, N-tuber 2, 1993 The purpose of this report is to de- these codes relate to structures which are floated to the site; installed velop an un~di.~ ofthe state-of- designed for different structural one by one; and connect~ to one an- the-art structural design for ~n~reed performance and generally more other under water. An ;mmmcsed tun- road and railway t~m-els. The report sevea~ envirolunental exposure than nel is generally instmltmd in a trench covers commnu and specific aspects of ilmn~'sed t.nn~lm= The layout and that has been dredged previously in steel shell b,n-els and concrete ttm- design of an ;,-.-..~ed t---el is very the bottom of a waterway between nela. It is the first time that engineers much related to coz.~t+~don oppor- structures constructed in the dry. fTom Europe, the U.S.A., and Japan tunities and site conditions. The The space between the trench bet- have collaborated on a report of th;~ state of the art described in this tom and the so~t of the t,,-nel can be kind for imm~rsod blnne~l.
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