the F-14 into ‘the multi-mission strike fi ghter and 6 Early Development FAC(A) platform it was always capable of being’ 62 Operation Enduring Freedom An iconic Cold War fi ghter, the F-14 Tomcat By the autumn of 2001, the venerable F-14 had came into its own as a precision strike aircraft been developed into a truly multi-role fi ghter- in the twilight of its career when threatened with 36 ‘Bombcat’ CO bomber, with more mission taskings than any premature retirement. Topgun instructor and F-14 RIO Cdr Dave ‘Bio’ other aircraft then embarked in a US carrier. It Baranek returned to the fl eet for his command was now set to play a leading role in the confl ict tour just as the ‘Bombcat’ came of age with the over Afghanistan, rather than being the bit-part 14 ‘Bombcat’ Blooded over advent of the LANTIRN pod. player it had been in Desert Storm. Bosnia The long-running confl ict in the Balkans provided 40 Air-to-Ground Training 70 Operation Iraqi Freedom I the F-14 community with the opportunity to test The tuition of Tomcat crews in how best to use In the vanguard of the fi ght during OIF I, the 52 the Tomcat in its new role as a bomber. VF- their air superiority fi ghter as a precision bomber Tomcats committed to the liberation of Iraq fl ew 41 ‘Black Aces’ made history when, operating evolved during the 1990s, particularly following air defence, precision bombing, FAC(A), SCAR closely with Hornet units from CVW-8, the unit the advent of the LANTIRN pod. and photo-reconnaissance missions. attacked targets in Bosnia. 48 Operation Southern Watch 76 Operation Iraqi Freedom II/III 20 LANTIRN Revolution Aside from brief campaigns in the Balkans and The Tomcat had been a resounding success in By the time VF-41 blooded the ‘Bombcat’ over Afghanistan, combat operations for F-14 pilots OIF I, fi ve squadrons using the venerable jet as a Bosnia in September 1995, the aircraft was and RIOs took place almost exclusively over Iraq multi-role strike aircraft across Iraq in support of well on the way to becoming a precision strike- post-Desert Storm. In the wake of this confl ict, the US-led Coalition in what proved to be a one- fi ghter rather than just a ‘dumb’ bomber thanks a no-fl y zone was created over southern Iraq, and sided war. The insurgency that erupted in the to a programme instigated ‘under the radar’ for 12 long years Tomcat crews drilled holes in wake of this victory would test naval aviation in a within AIRLANT. Key individuals responsible for the sky policing this area. way that the original campaign had not, however. providing the F-14 with the capability it needed to drop LGBs and, ultimately, GPS-guided weapons, recall how the aircraft’s frontline 55 Balkans Bombers 84 Last Catfi ght fortunes were revitalised. Almost four years after the Tomcat madie its The Tomcat’s fi nal operational deployment saw combat debut as a bomber over the Balkans, the the jet at the ‘tip of the spear’ during CVW-8’s aircraft was back in the same theatre proving commitment to OIF III in 2005-06, the 22 F-14Ds 30 The LANTIRN Demo its worth in the precision strike role - both in of VF-31 and VF-213 fl ying from the familiar deck Capt Alex ‘Yogi’ Hnarakis was tasked with delivering ordnance and, more importantly of ‘the Big Stick’ – USS Theodore Roosevelt proving that the LANTIRN pod would indeed turn providing guidance for other aerial assets. (CVN-71).

Editor: Tony Holmes Group Marketing Manager: Martin Steele Distribution Managing Editor: Glenn Sands Marketing Manager: Shaun Binnington Seymour Distribution Ltd, 2 Poultry Avenue, Chief Designer: Steve Donovan Marketing Assistant: Amy Donkersley London EC1A 9PP. Designer: Lee Howson Commercial Director: Ann Saundry Tel: 020 74294000 Managing Director and Publisher: Production Adrian Cox PRINTED BY: Warners (Midlands) plc, Executive Chairman: Richard Cox Bourne, Lincolnshire 4 F-14 BOMBCAT www.airforcesmonthly.com Production Editor: Sue Blunt Production Manager: Janet Watkins The entire contents of this special edition is Contacts copyright © 2015. Advertising and Marketing Key Publishing Ltd No part of it may be reproduced in any form or PUBLICATION Advertising Manager: Ian Maxwell PO Box 100, Stamford, stored on any form of retrieval system without Advertising Group Manager: Brodie Baxter Lincs, PE9 1XQ the prior permission of the publisher. UK £5.99 airforcesmonthly.com Advertising Production Manager: Tel: 01780 755131 Debi McGowan Fax: 01780 757261 Advertising Production Controller: Email: [email protected] PUBLISHER: Key Publishing Ltd Danielle Tempest www.keypublishing.com PRINTED IN ENGLAND fighter to have been sent to sea. heed of the writing on the wall and continue activities as merely dropping bombs or strafing those that flew it, Cdr Curt Seth, commanding The F-14’s size meant it could be adapted to press forward into the world of mud- ground targets.” officer of the US Navy’s last fighter squadron to perform roles aside from that for which it moving!” As a naval aviator in the fighter By 1992 the only way the Tomcat was going equipped with the Tomcat, made the following was originally built – fleet defence against community at Naval Air Stations Miramar or to keep its place on a carrier flight deck was if comment when asked how the F-14 compared missile-equipped Soviet bombers. The Tomcat Oceana in the 1970s and 1980s, expressing it could drop bombs. Thanks to the aircraft’s with his new, considerably more modern, F/A- community was faced with a stark choice when such sentiments would have been viewed as awesome load-carrying capacity, legendary 18E Super Hornet on the eve of his unit’s INTRODUCTION the Cold War thawed in the late 1980s: turn the sacrilegious. Highly respected British aviation long range and the advent of a bolt-on targeting transition to the latter type: EW COLD War aircraft attained such cult after, and proved their durability in combat. aircraft into a multi-role strike-fighter platform journalist Lindsay Peacock noted just that in sensor pod for precision bombing, the Tomcat “Although I am sure that I will love flying the status and adoration among those who As the ultimate product of the Grumman such as its great rival, the F/A-18 Hornet, or his 1986 Osprey Combat Aircraft volume on the evolved into the ‘Bombcat’, and it went on to Super Hornet, there was simply nothing bad flew it, wanted to fly it or kept it flying ‘Iron Works’, the F-14 would inherit all the stick steadfastly to the fighter mission and Tomcat: “Although originally developed with play a pivotal role in the US military’s ‘War on about the Tomcat from a pilot’s perspective. F as the mighty Grumman F-14 Tomcat. qualities of its feline forebears. Like them, it face almost certain extinction. The reality was air-to-ground applications in mind, the F-14 has Terror’ from 2001 through to its retirement in The F-14 was, and still is, simply a great As big, bold and brash as the Top Gun film in would marry good performance with immense brought home to naval aviators flying the F-14 never been seriously viewed as a ‘mud-mover’ 2006. aeroplane.” which it played the starring role in 1986, the strength – a necessity if the aircraft was to during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, the and any aspirations it has in this direction are The F-14 was by then far from being in the Enough said. US Navy’s ultimate fleet fighter epitomised withstand the violence of operations from a campaign to free Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. extremely modest to say the least, weaponry flush of youth but its contribution to Operations what naval aviation was all about throughout its pitching carrier deck at sea. The Tomcat’s Some 99 Tomcats embarked on five aircraft which could be employed being confined to Enduring Freedom (2001-02) and Iraqi Freedom three decades of service. handling qualities made it more than a match carriers logged more than 4,000 sorties as conventional ‘iron bombs’. Nevertheless, it (2003-06) meant the aircraft approached Tony Holmes The Tomcat was the final creation of the for many of its opponents. they performed combat air patrols, fighter does possess the ability to take a respectable phasing out with claws well and truly bared. Sevenoaks, Kent Grumman Aircraft Corporation, which had been The F-14 was a big fighter in every sense escort missions for strike aircraft and aerial payload – 14,500lb (6,577kg) to be precise – Such was the feeling the jet evoked among June 2015 churning out fighters for the US Navy from its of the word, tipping the scales at 74,350lb reconnaissance. However, the jet was usurped and it is not beyond the realms of possibility Bethpage, New York, plant since the 1930s. (33,724kg) when fully loaded. Grumman’s first in its primary mission of air-to-air combat by the that it could be pressed into use as a Acknowledgements Wildcats, Hellcats, Tigercats, Panthers, fleet fighter, the biplane FF-1 of 1933, weighed US Air Force’s F-15C Eagle, which claimed 34 strike/close support fighter in a permissive I have had invaluable assistance with the text from the following individuals, all of who have vast Cougars and Tigers all graced the flight decks just 4,828lb (2,190kg). Of the F-14’s Cold War aerial victories to the F-14’s one. environment. However, since such situations knowledge of the Tomcat – Cdr Dave Baranek, US Navy (Ret.), Capt Pat Cleary, US Navy (Ret.), Cdr of aircraft carriers from World War Two through contemporaries, only the MiG-25 Foxbat was Lessons were quickly learned from Desert are likely to be few and far between, there Doug Denneny, US Navy (Ret.), Capt Brian Gawne, US Navy (Ret.), Capt Alex Hnarakis, US Navy (Ret.), to the Cold War. Grumman aircraft had a heavier, and pilots flying the Soviet interceptor Storm. Just weeks after the conflict ended, seems to be little risk of Tomcat fighter jockeys Cdr Neil Jennings, US Navy (Ret.), Lt Cdr Dave Parsons, US Navy (Ret.), Cdr John Saccomando, US reputation for being tenacious fighters, like the had the luxury of operating from vast runways Grumman’s Field Service Department journal being asked to compromise their much vaunted Navy, Capt Randy Stearns and Cdr Tom Twomey, US Navy (Ret.). various cats that these machines were named in the USSR. The Tomcat remains the largest Tomcat News proclaimed: “We should take superiority by engaging in such mundane

A veteran of OIF I with VF-213, F-14D BuNo 164341 heads north towards Iraq on October 23, 2005 at the start of an OSW patrol. This aircraft dropped two GBU-12 LGBs and conducted two strafing runs during the Tomcat’s final combat cruise in 2005-06. It was retired to AMARC in September 2006, where it remains in storage. Lt Scott Timmester HE POST-Desert Storm years were bleak steps, the US Navy found itself facing a shortage pany’s quest to build the world’s ?best fighter. BORNIconic Cold War fighter, the TO BOMB ones for the US Navy’s fighter commu- of tactical carrier aircraft to fulfil its global ‘polic- Bombs were fitted to at least one pre-produc- F-14 Tomcat came into its own nity. Swingeing budget cuts saw 11 ing’ mission. The original VFX specification from tion F-14, primarily in an effort to secure foreign T frontline Tomcat units decommissioned June 1968, that led to the F-14, included an sales. As early as 1973, a Tomcat flew with 14 as a precision strike aircraft in due to the aircraft’s astronomical maintenance important secondary close air support role, with Mk82 500lb (227kg) bombs attached to modi- costs and single-mission capability. Just when a payload of up to 14,500lb (6,577kg). Grum- fied Phoenix missile pallets, as well as two AIM- the twilight of its career when it looked like the F-14’s ocean-going days were man’s publicity material for the winning design 7 Sparrow and two AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles threatened with premature numbered, a reprieve came thanks to the accel- (303E) included artwork of the ‘Tomcat-to-be’ on its wing glove pylons. The AWG-15 (air-to- erated demise of another Grumman ‘Ironworks’ toting heavy loads of air-to-ground ordnance. ground attack system) weapons control panel Above: Grumman aircraft dominate the flight deck of USS Ranger (CV-61) as the vessel departs NAS North Island, retirement. product. The all-weather, long-range, A-6 Intruder Clearly, the jet had the capability to drop bombs, was installed in the cockpit from the start, al- California, in December 1990. Although the A-6Es of VA-145 and VA-155 provided the embarked CVW-2 with its Below: F-14A BuNo 162602 of VF-51 prepares to roll in bomber was hastily chopped due to high main- although this mission requirement was ultimate- though this was viewed as little more than a jet- air-to-ground firepower during its six-month-long war cruise that saw CV-61 heavily involved in Operations Desert at Fallon’s Bravo 20 range during CVW-15’s three-week tenance costs and the supposed evaporation of ly abandoned by the US Navy. Nevertheless, tison and air-to-air missile launch panel. Shield and Desert Storm, VF-1 and VF-2 had completed their ‘Bombcat’ training syllabus just a week prior to this stay at the naval air station in January 1994. The air- its mission in the post-Cold War world. Grumman accepted the need for air-to-ground “The F-14A had a significant air-to-ground photograph being taken. US Navy craft is armed with four Mk83 ‘thousand pounders’ on With the Intruder on the verge of retirement, capability and devoted time and resources to capability, but it was never made credible,” re- spent on other tests that were considered to be AIM-7 and AIM-9 missiles, during the F-14D its under-fuselage bomb racks. BuNo 162602 was writ- ten off on July 11, 1994 when it broke in half following and the Tomcat seemingly following in its foot- ensuring the F-14 could, if required, operate in called legendary naval fighter pilot, Rear Admi- of higher priority. As a consequence the Tom- development programme. The D-model jet a heavy landing onboard USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63), the the fighter-bomber role. McDonnell Douglas, in ral Paul T Gillcrist in his 1994 volume Tomcat! cat, by default, came to be considered a ‘single- that evolved from the upgraded F-14B would, cockpit section of the jet sliding down the flight deck contrast, had directed its engineers to keep the The Grumman F-14 Story. “The funds set aside mission’ fighter. Of course, that is an over-sim- of course, become closely associated with the and over the side of the vessel. Cdr Tom Twomey ‘rival’ F-15 Eagle as light as possible in the com- to do the required air-to-ground testing were plification of a much more fundamental fact of air-to-ground mission. military aviation; for as long as I can remember, In the defence of the fighter community, the fighter pilots have tended to look down their nos- US Navy had the A-6 Intruder as its primary es at the crude business of dropping bombs or, bomber for the first two decades of the Tom- for that matter, anything from their aeroplanes. cat’s service, so there really was no require- As a result, in the early 1980s when the US ment to hang dumb bombs on the fleet’s Navy strike fighter community (Hornets) began to long-range interceptor. One Radar Intercept replace the light attack community (Corsair IIs), Officer (RIO) from the 1980s remembered: some farsighted leaders in the fighter commu- “The A-6 crews were professionals at dropping nity foresaw the need to demonstrate the air- bombs. We would have seriously invaded their to-ground capability of the F-14. But too many turf. And there is no doubt that working air-to- fighter pilots dragged their feet and the inevita- ground detracts from your air-to-air proficiency.” ble happened – the F-14D programme was can- Nevertheless, some naval aviators saw the celled in favour of the Super Hornet.” writing on the wall for the F-14 as a single-mis- Bombs were again seen on a Tomcat in the sion aircraft early on, one being future VF-2 CO, mid 1980s when the F-14B prototype was load- Cdr Doug Denneny. ed with four Mk83 ‘1000 pounders’, as well as He said: “When I was in VF-14 in 1988, we Â

Above: Full Scale Development (FSD) aircraft No 11, F-14A BuNo 157990 was assigned to NAF Point Mugu, Califor- nia, in the early 1970s. Here, it conducted trials with a variety of ordnance, including this mixed mission load-out that saw the aircraft laden down with no fewer than 14 Mk82 500lb dummy bombs fitted with Mk15 Snakeye tail retarders, two AIM-9 Sidewinders and two AIM-7 Sparrows, plus external tanks. Retired on December 31, 1985, this jet has been on display in the March AFB Museum for almost 30 years. US Navy picked up a new Gunner, CWO2 Maner, who came to us from Cecil Field and the A-7 com- munity. Gunner and I talked a lot about the AWG-15 panel and what could be done to turn our jets into Bombcats (non-precision only). It was a bit of heresy back then to talk about it, but we fi gured out we needed it to compete with the Hornets that were coming into our air wing some day. I submitted a TAC D&E [Tacti- cal Development and Evaluation] proposal to FITWING [Fighter Wing, Atlantic] to investigate Perfectly illustrating the evolving ground attack role the feasibility of dropping inert Mk76 practice adopted by the F-14 community in the wake of Desert bombs from the F-14 and it was killed at that Storm, VF-14’s CAG jet (BuNo 161855) is armed with two live AIM-7Ms and AIM-9Ls on the wing glove py- level. There was no interest by the powers Above: Tailhook down, ‘Tophatter 100’ prepares to enter the overhead recovery pattern prior to landing back lons and a pair of Mk83 general-purpose bombs fi tted that be to make us mud-movers.” onboard CV-67 in March 1993. Delivered to the US Navy in June 1984, this aircraft initially served with VF-11, with BSU-85 high-drag fi ns on the centre line BRU-32 Away from the fl eet squadrons, however, the prior to spending time with VF-101, VF-11 for a second time and then VF-14. In February 1994 it was delivered racks. VF-14 and sister-squadron VF-32 completed nu- Tomcat’s air-to-ground capabilities were quietly to Grumman’s St Augustine facility in Florida and upgraded to F-14B specifi cation. Reassigned to VF-101, BuNo merous air-to-ground courses prior to joining the rest 161855 fi nished its fl eet service with VF-103 – it participated in the unit’s OEF/OSW deployment on board USS of CVW-3 for its 1992-93 Mediterranean cruise on USS being explored by Naval Systems Command George Washington (CVN-73) with CVW-17 during the second half of 2002. US Navy via Peter B Mersky John F Kennedy (CV-67). US Navy via Peter B Mersky following recommendations by the highly infl u- ential Naval Operational Advisory Group. Im- VF-211 leading the way. The fi rst ordnance was perb performance in an air wing det to Fallon. completed extensive training including HUD sym- On the west coast VF-1 and VF-2 received simi- error probability] of 75ft [23m] after expenditure pressed by the success of the F/A-18, it rec- expended during August 1990, as noted in the For the fi rst time in Strike U history, VF-211 bology, low-altitude training, weapons system lar instruction from VF-124. According to VF-2’s of 12 Mk82 general purpose bombs”. According ommended a shift from single-role aircraft like following report by VF-211 that appeared in the ‘Bombcats’ provided daily demonstrations of the interface, target acquisition, target area tactics, Command History Report for 1990, it had com- to a briefi ng report given by the Flag Panel at the the A-6 and F-14. The group stated in 1987 winter 1990 issue of The Hook: multi-role F-14A+ strike fi ghter’s capabilities in weaponeering, strike planning and safety pro- pleted eight days of “air-ground weapons training Tailhook Association’s Naval Aviation Symposium that the Tomcat should be more fl exibly em- “The ‘Fighting Checkmates’ of VF-211 con- air superiority, air-to-ground delivery and tactical cedures. In the air, the squadron fl ew the first (BOMBCAT) at NAS Miramar and MCAS Yuma”, in September 1991, “CVW-2’s ‘Bombcats’ were ployed, taking greater advantage of the air- tinue to set the pace in the Tomcat community reconnaissance.” Tomcat no-drop bomb scoring fl ights at the Yuma in November of that year. Indeed, “VF-2 was up to speed and qualifi ed for air-surface delivery craft’s latent ground attack capability. by becoming the fi rst fl eet F-14s to drop bombs. Sister-squadron VF-24 had actually been the TACTS [Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System] the fi rst sea-going fleet fi ghter squadron to suc- when the air wing deployed on board the aircraft The Naval Systems Command trials culminat- The historic day was August 15, when ‘Check- fi rst fl eet unit to drop a bomb from a Tomcat, range, and under the leadership of VF-24 CO, cessfully complete the new air-ground weapons carrier USS Ranger (CV-61) in December 1990, ed in the dropping of two inert Mk84 2,000lb mates’ Cdr Don McCort/Lt Jim Mathews and Lt expending inert ordnance on the Cactus West Cdr ‘Spike’ Prendergast, it became the fi rst F-14 delivery syllabus and deploy with a strike attack but they were unable to contribute to Naval Avia- (907kg) iron bombs from an F-14A assigned to Cdr Charles Lawson/Lt Don McClenney dropped range one week before VF-211. Its report on fl eet unit to drop bombs in an August 8 mission (‘Bomb Cat’) capability to support Operation tion’s tonnage against Saddam owing to improp- VX-4 on the NAF Point Mugu range in California Mk83 inert 1,000lb bombs at Cactus West tar- this momentous event for the fi ghter community to the target ranges at Yuma, thus opening a Desert Shield ’90. The unit had aggressively erly manufactured bomb rack components – a fi x on November 10, 1987. Operational Test and get range, 12 miles southeast of Yuma, Arizona. was published in the spring 1991 issue of The new chapter in Tomcat history. completed the CNO approved Air-Ground Training is still six months off”. Evaluation Force tests followed in 1988 and “This new-found air-to-ground capability, along Hook: “During the Fallon det, ‘Renegades’ aircrews programme just one week prior to deployment. Test and evaluation units continued to clear frontline trials began in the summer of 1990, with new fi ghter-to-fi ghter data link, helped the “The ‘Renegades’ of Fighter Squadron 24 worked diligently to fully integrate the F-14A+ It achieved a 100% success rate with air-ground the F-14 for the carriage of various air-to-ground with Miramar-based F-14A+ units VF-24 and ‘Fighting Checkmates’ assist CVW-9 in its su- spent the summer months preparing to intro- into all facets of strike planning and greatly ex- ordnance delivery, with a squadron CEP [circular ordnance during the second half of 1990, with  duce the signifi cant and long-awaited strike mis- panded the air wing’s ability and fl exibility to put sion to the war-fi ghting capability of CVW-9. The hard-kill ordnance on a wide variety of targets. squadron arrived at NAS Fallon on 30 Septem- Even with 8,000lb of bombs aboard (four Mk ber with a complement that included two tacti- 84s), the ‘Tomcat Pop’ manoeuvre, made pos- cally camoufl aged strike confi gured ‘Bombcats’. sible by the tremendous provided by the Equipped with modifi ed BRU-10 bomb racks to twin General Electric F110 engines, allowed the carry Mk83 or Mk84 general purpose bombs, aircraft to safely get into and out of the most the ‘Renegades’” Tomcats quickly proved that heavily defended targets.” ‘speed is life’ no matter what the mission, and While the Miramar units were forging ahead that the F-14A+ has lots of life in it. with turning the F-14 into a ‘Bombcat’, on the “In the months of preparation for these initial east coast, Oceana-based Tomcat FRS VF-101 strike missions, Lt Cdr Phil Nelson developed became the fi rst COMFITLANT squadron to drop the FRS [Fleet Replacement Squadron] train- ordnance when an instructor crew in an F-14A+ ing syllabus and mapped out the ground school expended two inert Mk84s on September 12, courses and training requirements for the new 1990. By then the unit had already been tasked Tomcat community air-to-ground mission. He by the CNO to act as model manager for the also coordinated a complete revision of the op- Tomcat strike fi ghter programme, developing an Above: Armed with AIM-54C, AIM-7M and AIM-9L air-to-air missiles and not a bomb in sight, two F-14As from VF-1 erations capability/planned operational environ- air-to-ground syllabus for the F-14 and training prepare to launch from Ranger in the Northern Arabian Gulf during Desert Storm. Tomcats would perform just ment statement, which was endorsed by COM- replacement aircrews in strike warfare. COMFI- six intercepts during the campaign, resulting in a solitary aerial kill. The latter took the form of a Mi-8 helicopter Above: Inbound to one of NAS Fallon’s bombing ranges in October 1993, the crew of VF-143 F-14B BuNo 161426 FITAEWWINGPAC [Commander, Fighter and Air- TAEWWINGPAC FRS VF-124 established a simi- that was shot down by VF-1 on February 6, 1991. Pete Clayton run in over Lake Pyramid, northeast of Reno, Nevada. The unit was participating in CVW-7’s Fallon detachment at Below: NF-14A BuNo 159455, assigned to the Naval Air Test Center at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, undertook borne Early Warning Wing, Pacifi c] and forwarded lar syllabus at the same time. One of the fi rst the time, this aircraft being armed with a pair of Mk83 1,000lb bombs fi tted with BSU-85 high-drag fi ns. A factory- fresh F-14A when delivered to VF-143 in August 1982, this aircraft subsequently became only the second upgraded ‘Bombcat’ air-to-ground capability trials at the Naval Weapons Center at China Lake, California, from November to the CNO [Chief of Naval Operations] via COM- squadrons to undertake the course with VF-101 NAVAIRPAC [Commander, Naval Air Force, US was Oceana-based VF-102 in August-September F-14A+. Returned to VF-143 in 1989 and a participant in the unit’s Operation Desert Shield cruise the following 14, to December 20, 1990. During that period the aircraft performed 23 fl ights with a variety of air-to-ground year, BuNo 161426 was assigned to VF-32 in 1999 and then rejoined the ‘Pukin’ Dogs’ in time for the unit’s 2002 ordnance. Seen here at ‘Pax River’ in September 1990, this former fl eet fi ghter, (it served with VF-124, VF-1, VF- Pacifi c Fleet]. 1990, the unit receiving air-to-ground instructor OEF deployment. Passed on to VF-101 in 2004, the aircraft was retired with the disestablishment of this unit in 24 and VF-143) was eventually scrapped at the naval air station in September 1997. David F Brown “Along with all the paperwork, VF-24 aircrew training for fi ve aircrew. September 2005 and given to the DeLand Naval Air Station Museum in Florida. US Navy


VF-24 (1990) VF-24 (1990) VF-154 (1991) VF-32 (1992-93) VF-51 (1994) NF-14As of the Naval Air Test Center (NATC) be- air wings as part of a joint air component com- Lts Chris Blaschum (pilot) and Jack Liles (RIO) drop a Mk83 bomb on the Lone Rock range at NAS Fallon in ing particularly busy. The work carried out by mand. This meant F-14 crews were unable to October 1993. The weapon’s BSU-85 Air Inflatable Retard ballute has already started to deploy, this slowing VX-4 and the NATC gained further importance in meet the strict Rules of Engagement (RoE) that the bomb sufficiently to allow the Tomcat to escape before it detonates – not an issue at this altitude. Note the orange Tactical Aircrew Training System (TACTS) pod on the wing glove pylon, this store transmitting flight data December of that year when the much-vaunted would have allowed them to autonomously en- to ground stations at Fallon to aid in the debriefing of crews post-sortie. US Navy General Dynamics A-12 Avenger was cancelled. gage aerial targets using only on board sensors. Under development as an A-6 replacement, Instead, they were reliant on controlling plat- the stealthy Avenger was both over budget and forms, such as USAF E-3s, to give them clear- behind schedule when it was terminated. Now, ance to fire. the US Navy needed an all-weather day/night With the RoE criteria met, fighters with Beyond deep strike interdiction platform to fill the role Visual Range air-to-air missiles like the AIM-7 that was to be vacated by the retiring Intruder. Sparrow and AIM-54 Phoenix could fire ordnance Many in the fighter community felt the Tomcat at long range, safe in the knowledge no friendly was the jet for the job. aircraft in the area would be shot down. USAF The aircraft’s performance in Desert Storm in F-15C pilots were given the job of defeating the January-February 1991 further demonstrated IrAF because they could solve all the required that F-14 units urgently needed to broaden their RoE criteria for identifying an enemy aircraft from offensive capabilities or face wholesale retire- within their own cockpits. Eagle pilots duly shot ment. The ten Tomcat squadrons involved in the down 35 aircraft. Above: Among the VF-143 crews to expend ordnance campaign flew mainly strike escort and TARPS during the Fallon detachment were Lt Mike Davison Ultimately, the F-14 performed just six inter- missions during the war. High hopes of adding to (pilot) and Lt(jg) Stephen Davis, who took the aerial cepts, resulting in a solitary aerial kill in Desert the jet’s victory haul were stymied by the Iraqi Air photographs of the bomb drop. They are seen here Storm. It took the form of a Mil Mi-8 helicopter Force’s non-appearance in its patrol sectors. Up posing with a Mk83 ‘thousand pounder’ prior to flying levelling the score for the Tomcat, as VF-103 lost a strike mission over the live range. US Navy until the invasion of Kuwait, when the F-14 units a jet to an SA-2 SAM on January 21. Its pilot were allocated a single CAP station over Iraq, the placed,” recalled Cdr Doug Denneny, who was was rescued with the RIO captured. This aircraft Tomcats had been tasked with performing defen- then a lieutenant serving with VF-14. “The Ea- had been flying a TARPS mission, proving these sive CAPs for the carrier battle groups in the Red gles got the kills because it was the USAF’s E-3 sorties were usually more action packed than Sea and the NAG. When the jets escorted strike AWACS that were running the show up north. the traditional fighter missions flown by the Tom- missions over enemy territory, the IrAF refused to They would even call navy guys off and then cat in Desert Storm. engage them. Some naval aviators felt Iraqi pilots bring in Eagles for easy pickings. This could just The importance of tactical reconnaissance chose to flee whenever they picked up emissions be the ranting and raving of pissed-off navy pi- grew as the conflict progressed. The US Navy from the F-14s’ AN/AWG-9 radar. lots, but from what I personally saw in OIF, there had quickly found it could not rely on USAF tacti- There was also a feeling within the Tomcat was probably a shred of truth in these stories.” cal reconnaissance assets for up-to-date bomb mary role as an interceptor, despite maintaining the air-to-ground mission and dropped two sand- VF-103 to demonstrate the multi-mission capa- aircrews that USAF E-3 AWACS controllers, who In reality, Tomcats had been kept out of the damage assessment photographs in the wake a mission capable rate of 77%, logging a total filled Mk83 1,000lb (454kg) bombs from each bility of the F-14B while training aircrews in air-to- ran the interceptions of IrAF aircraft, favoured aerial action because the US Navy had failed to of air strikes by carrier-based attack aircraft. of 4,182 sorties and completing 14,248 flight jet on ground targets at San Clemente Island. ground strike tactics. the allocation of F-15Cs to deal with the en- develop the necessary systems – primarily up-to- TARPS-equipped F-14s also helped in the daily hours (more than all other US Navy fixed-wing air- To further demonstrate the Tomcat’s capabili- “From the outset during TASS, a total commit- emy threat. “There was lot of parochialism as date Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) equipment hunt for Iraq’s mobile Scud ballistic missiles. craft) during the 40-day air war. At this point in ties, the ‘Bounty Hunters’ then strafed the same ment from both aircrew and maintenance per- to where the F-14 and F-15 fighter CAPs were – and procedures required to integrate carrier The F-14 had been largely ineffective in its pri- the jet’s history, being a fighter was still virtually targets with 20mm cannon. This display of the sonnel enabled the ‘Sluggers’ to put ‘bombs on the only role it could perform. F-14’s air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities target’ from the start. Commander, Strike Weap- Below: Four F-14As from VF-84 conduct a formation An important milestone in the Tomcat’s evolu- further verified the Tomcat’s nearly limitless po- ons Attack Training School [which devised and attack on the target range on the island of Vieques, off Puerto Rico, during a squadron detachment to tion into a strike platform came during CVW-7’s tential as a weapons system in adding firepower implemented TASS] specifically cited VF-103 for Naval Station Roosevelt Roads in early 1993. Each pre-cruise deployment to Fallon in the spring of and flexibility to the navy’s carrier battle group.” the professional manner in which it conducted aircraft was armed with four Mk82 500lb bombs. US 1991, when VF-142 and VF-143 became the first By the autumn of 1991 the Tomcat Advanced operations. The unit proved that the F-14B has Navy via Peter B Mersky fleet units to drop live bombs as part of their air- Strike Syllabus (TASS) had been established to the capability to deliver heavy ordnance at long to-ground evaluation of its newly re-designated replace the FRS bombing course that had ini- range and high speed to function as a force F-14Bs. With both VF-101 and VF-124 now hav- tially introduced F-14 aircrew to the air-to-ground multiplier for a carrier battle group. While Phase ing functioning training syllabi for the ‘air-to-mud’ mission. CVW-17’s VF-74 and VF-103 were the One of the air-to-ground ‘Bombcat’ programme is mission, more units checked out aircrew in the first units to complete TASS, shortly after under- limited to the Mk80 series of iron bombs, navy ‘Bombcat’ during the course of 1991. One such taking a more familiar Fleet Fighter Air Combat officials hope to expand the capability to include squadron was VF-32, which completed the VF- Maneuvering Readiness Program against A-4s, smart weapons as well. The 1990s promises to 101 syllabus in between an air-to-air gunnery F-5s and F-16s of VF-43. “The next training evo- be the decade of the ‘Bombcat’. exercise and supporting the USS Dwight D Eisen- lution, however, was a radical new concept for “In October, following TASS, the ‘Sluggers’ put hower (CVN-69) battle group work-ups. It was the F-14 community”, noted VF-103’s report in the whole summer’s training package together from this vessel that the ‘Ghostriders’ of VF-142 the spring 1992 issue of The Hook. In Septem- at NAS Fallon under the guidance of the Naval became the first fleet unit to drop bombs on de- ber, the ‘Sluggers’, along with sister-squadron Strike Warfare Center [NSWC]. For the first time ployment. “Ambitions for the cruise are many,” VF-74, became the first F-14 squadrons in the since Desert Storm, all CVW-17 assets were noted the squadron report in the spring 1992 navy to go through TASS in order to introduce combined and employed to perform simulated issue of The Hook, “and one of the unit’s pri- the Tomcat and its aircrew to the world of air-to- strikes against a hostile, integrated air defence mary goals is to exploit the F-14’s air-to-ground ground weapons employment. TASS enabled network. Not only did the ‘Sluggers’ clear the  capability while deployed. Led by Lt Cdr Thomas “The A-6 crews were Lansdale, the recent Flight Test Directorate F-14 professionals at air-to-ground lead RIO, VF-142 became the first fleet-deployed F-14 squadron to take off with and dropping bombs. We deliver ordnance at sea.” Back at Miramar, VF-2 was also embracing the would have seriously new multi-role Tomcat, as this brief report in the winter 1991 issue of The Hook noted: invaded their turf. And “On August 28, the ‘Bullets’ opened a new chapter in the history of the F-14A. For the first there is no doubt that time in its nearly 20-year naval career, the Tom- cat did the big triple – fired a missile, dropped working air-to-ground Mk83 bombs and strafed – all in the same flight. VF-2’s XO, Cdr Brian Flannery/Lt(jg) Ken Ume- detracts from your air- kubo and Lts Jerry Goggin/Ruben Gavieres de- In November 1993, three months after completing its WestPac 93 deployment with CVW-9 onboard USS Nimitz stroyed their target drone on the Pacific Missile (CVN-68), VF-24 began its turnaround training with participation in Exercise Coronet Sentry 94-1. Working with USAF and US Army units, the squadron ‘promoted air-to-ground capabilities in joint operations’. It then continued to-air proficiency.” Test Range with AIM-7 missiles. Following their joint training with US Marine Corps assets shortly afterwards by performing CAS sorties at Camp Pendleton, north successful firings, both aircraft then moved to of San Diego. Photographed from a VMGR-352 KC-130T, this jet was involved in both exercises. Rick Llinares Closing up behind the open ramp of a VMGR- locating the survivors, ‘Tophatter’ Tomcats per- armed with AIM-7s, AIM-9s and AIM-54 Phoenix ignating capability equivalent to the Intruder’s 352 KC-130T, the VF-24 jet is armed with an unusual mix of weapons – single examples of formed enemy ground suppression tactics to missiles. None were armed with bombs, which under-nose TRAM turret. This fully articulated the AIM-54C, AIM-9L and AIM-7M and two Mk83 protect survivors and the rescue helicopter. The meant both squadrons were little more than sensor featured a laser range-finder and marked 1,000lb bombs. Only the latter are live and they Fallon training culminated with a day-long simu- aerial spectators as the strikes were carried target seeker, a laser designator and FLIR turn- were soon to be expended on a bombing range lated amphibious assault, during which all ‘To- out unopposed. ing the A-6E into a deadly night attack platform. in southern California. Rick Llinares phatter’ aircrew were pushed to the limit while The fact that VF-51 and VF-111 had been It also provided the jet with the ability to des- conducting both air superiority and flexible CAS left on sidelines once again reflected the ‘last ignate targets for its own LGBs. Although the missions. minute’ nature of the whole ‘Bombcat’ up- F-14 was subsequently cleared to carry LGBs, “In May VF-14 participated in the joint services grade for the F-14. As previously noted, there the jet initially had to rely on other aircraft with exercise ‘Ocean Venture’, contributing two days had initially been a shortage of bomb racks for a laser designator pod to guide the weaponry to of strikes, CAS and air cover for Marine forces the aircraft, which in turn meant that some air the target. in the Cherry Point Target Complex in North wings only had one of their two Tomcat units The addition of LGBs to the Tomcat brought Carolina. July and August saw CVW-3 deployed qualified to undertake bombing missions – the with it an entirely new precision attack capabil- aboard USS John F Kennedy (CV-67) in the Car- remaining squadron specialised in TARPS in- ity. The first such weapon approved for use was ibbean Sea for COMPTUEX [Composite Training stead. The biggest handicap facing Tomcat the 1,000lb GBU-16 in early 1994. Its clear- Unit Exercise], VF-14 dropping ordnance on the units, however, was the restriction in the type ance coincided with the US Navy’s decision that Vieques Target Range in Puerto Rico – Lt Pete of ordnance they could employ. the F-14 should be able to designate its own Ulrich and Lt Cdr Phil Melfa became the first The basic ‘Bombcat’ carried only unguided targets, rather than relying on the A-6 or F/A-18 Tomcat aircrew to deliver air-to-ground ordnance free-fall air-to-surface weapons – the same ca- (the latter used on the AN/AAS-38A NITE Hawk from JFK with a precision strike on the range. pability first seen on the pre-production F-14s bolt-on pod). The Tomcat’s night attack capabil- The final training evolution prior to deployment of the early 1970s. Weapons cleared for use ity also needed to be drastically improved. Both was FLEETEX, which consisted of ten days in by the jet included the 500lb (227kg) Mk82 in LGB integration progressed alongside an urgent September off the coast of North Carolina. Op- its original low-drag configuration and in Snak- programme to find a basic FLIR, and laser desig- erations consisted of strikes ashore and CAS eye or BSU-86 high-drag guise. The F-14 could nator for the F-14 that would allow the jet to take for the attached amphibious group – with air-to- also carry various types of 1,000lb (454kg) over the precision heavy attack mission from ground clearance in hand, VF-14 participated in Mk83 bomb (including versions fitted with the A-6E, which was now being rapidly withdrawn every strike either as an air superiority Tomcat BSU-85 Air Inflatable Retard equipment) and from service. The evolution of the jet from iron fighter or ‘Bombcat’ strike-fighter, delivering killer the 2,000lb (907kg) Mk 84. Mk 7 dispenser- bomber to arguably the ‘best strike aircraft the BDU-45 500lb practice bombs on to targets at based weapons were also cleared in the early US Navy ever owned’ (according to those who Cherry Point’s BT-9/11 range. Upon successful 1990s, including the anti-armour Mk20, Mk99 used the ‘Bombcat’ in combat) is described in completion, the JFK/CVW-3 team was ready for and Mk100 Rockeye and the CBU-78 Gator detail elsewhere in this publication. sky of bandits, but for the first time it planned, and in 1991 dedicated programmes such as LAT complex in North Carolina. During this exercise cruise. During the final weeks prior to deploy- filled with 15 BLU-92/B anti-personnel and 45 briefed and led bombing missions against simu- [Low Altitude Training] and TASS were introduced the Tomcat showed its versatility as a swing- ment in October, VF-14 led the continually ex- BLU-91/B anti-tank mines. lated targets.” to hone these specific ‘mud-moving’ skills. VF- role fighter-bomber when Lts Vinny Zaccardi and panding F-14 air-to-ground effort. A series of live Although the combination of these weapons The air-to-ground training undertaken by VF-74 14 commenced these programmes in January Joe Merrell engaged and ‘destroyed’ a bogey on Mk82 and Mk83 bombs were dropped over five and the Tomcat’s impressive endurance made and VF-103 was subsequently put to good use 1992, with two solid months of LAT and TASS, the scripted low-level strike route and then com- days, the first such live ordnance expended by the aircraft a handy multi-role fighter-bomber, when on deployment aboard USS Saratoga (CV- as well as several schools including JMEMS pleted their bombing mission, dropping Mk76 Oceana Tomcats.” the ‘Bombcat’s’ effectiveness in the air-to- 60) in 1992, CVW-17 being the first east coast air [Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manuals], SLATS bombs within 23ft [7m] of the bullseye. All that By then, both VF-14 and VF-32 had dropped ground mission could not compare with that wing to conduct ‘Bombcat’ operations. The latter [Strike Leader Attack Training Syllabus] and a and they still had enough gas to provide strike more than 200 iron bombs each during the of the Intruder which, it was earmarked to re- included 1,200 mile (1,931km) round-trip strikes user course for TAMPS [AN/SYQ-21 Tactical Au- escort on the way out. course of the ten-month work-up cycle. place. The F-14 was not compatible with any against targets on bombing ranges in Egypt. tomated Mission Planning System]. “March saw a continuation of the strike-fighter As Tomcat units became more adept at perform- of the stand-off or guided weaponry routinely October 1991 also saw VF-21 and VF-154 be- “Initially, aircrew were trained in the low alti- programme as the ‘Tophatters’ accompanied the ing the ground attack mission, so the TASS sylla- carried by the A-6E, namely the AGM-84 Har- come the first COMFITAEWWINGPAC units to tude/strike environment, after which the ‘Tophat- air wing to NAS Fallon for three weeks of over- bus was upgraded and replaced during 1992 by poon and SLAM, the AGM-65 Maverick and the complete TASS, albeit while flying from NAS Cubi ters’ participated in TASS – a two-week exercise land strike training. During the unit’s time here, the Advanced Attack Readiness Program (AARP). AGM-88 Walleye, the AGM-88 HARM or laser- Point, in the Philippines. Both units had started utilising various low-level navigation routes in it was instructed in how to perform the close air Weapons were now being regularly expended guided bombs such as the GBU-10, GBU-12 the year assigned to CVW-14, and in March had conjunction with bombing ranges along the east support (CAS) mission in the air-to-ground ca- by F-14 squadrons both at home during air wing and GBU-16. Furthermore, it had no self-des- been the first west coast fleet F-14 squadrons coast to simulate both medium- and long-range pable F-14. The high speeds, low altitudes and work-ups and when on deployment against rang- to drop live bombs from the new Tomcat bomb strikes. The ‘Tophatters’ were able to use this exact timing required by CAS challenged every es in the Mediterranean, North Africa and Kuwait. Right: This VF-84 F-14A has been loaded racks that were at last beginning to reach the training while hosting the first ‘Coastal Carnage’ aircrew, and VF-14 responded superbly, scoring Yet despite the Tomcat community belatedly em- with four inert Mk83 1,000lb general- front line. During the summer VF-21 and VF-154 air wing exercise of the year. By drawing partici- second among all air wing squadrons. CSAR bracing the strike-fighter role, the US Navy looked purpose bombs as well as two AIM-9L and two AIM-7M drill rounds. It was pho- were transferred to CVW-5, forward deployed at pants from every CVW-3 squadron, and adver- (Combat Search and Rescue) in realistic sce- to an increasing number of multi-role F/A-18s tographed ‘in the vertical’ during a sortie NAF Atsugi, in Japan. The veteran carrier USS sary ‘orange air’ assets from VF-43, VF-14 led narios also tested every aircrew. On every mis- on carrier flight decks as the best way to provide from NAS Oceana, Virginia on November Midway (CV-41) was being replaced by the larg- the air wing through a simulated opposed strike sion, VF-14 aircrews located and authenticated post-Cold War mission flexibility. As a result, the 1, 1992. US Navy er USS Independence (CV-62), and this meant into the Dare County and Piney Island target a crew simulated down in hostile territory. After fighter wings on both coasts saw their numbers CVW-5 could now include Tomcats within its decimated from April 1993 through to August makeup. Sailing to Japan embarked on ‘Indy’, 1996, when 15 fleet and reserve F-14 squadrons both squadrons flew to Atsugi in September and were disestablished. then headed south to Cubi Point in October for a Proof that the Tomcat was still not truly consid- three-week air wing work-up overseen by NSWC ered to be a frontline strike aircraft, even after instructors. VF-21 and VF-154 completed the most fleet units had completed TASS and AARP TASS syllabus as part of this training period. evolutions in order to be classified as ‘Bomb- Exactly 12 months later, CVW-3 would begin cat’ capable, had come as early as January 13, its first ‘Bombcat’ carrier deployment. The air 1993. On that day CVW-15, embarked on USS wing’s two F-14A-equipped squadrons – VF-14 Kitty Hawk (CV-63) in the Northern Arabian Gulf and VF-32 – embarked with aircraft, weaponry, (NAG), became the first air wing since Desert bomb racks and, most importantly, naval avia- Storm to participate in bombing strikes on Iraqi tors who had been thoroughly trained to use the targets when SAM sites and airfields were hit as jet in the strike role. VF-14’s preparation for this part of Operation Southern Watch. Some 116 historic cruise was detailed in the squadron’s Coalition strike aircraft were involved in the ‘one- Command History for 1992: day war’, with CVW-15’s contribution consisting “The ‘Tophatters’ began 1992 based ashore Above: Photographed just a month before VF-74’s disestablishment (on April 28, 1994), this F-14B was sent on of three packages – two Hornet elements and an at NAS Oceana undergoing training in prepara- detachment to MCAS Yuma, Arizona, to participate in the highly coveted MAWTS-1 Weapons and Tactics Instruc- Intruder element. These aircraft employed la- tion for a fall 1992 deployment. Since it first en- tor course. The jet’s unusual paint scheme denoted VF-74’s permanent assignment to the adversary role by Com- ser-guided bombs, unguided Mk 83 bombs and tered fleet service, the F-14 has had the capabil- mander, Fighter Wing Atlantic following its release by CVW-17 in August 1993. The aircraft has been fitted with AGM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missiles. The two BRU-42 Improved Triple Ejector Racks on its centre line, and at least two Mk76 25lb ‘blue bombs’ have been ity to serve as a self-escorted strike-fighter. This attached to each rack. An F/A-18A from MCAS Beaufort-based VMFA-312 is flying wing to the ‘BeDevilers’ jet, this F-14As from VF-51 and VF-111 provided fighter capability had lain dormant until very recently, unit also participated in the MAWTS-1 course. Rick Llinares escort for the strike aircraft, the Tomcats being against Serbia in an effort to stem the flow of Lt Todd Parker was a RIO with VF-41 during the weapons into neighbouring Bosnia. squadron’s 1995-1996 Adriatic deployment em- Aircraft flying these missions were principally barked in USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-70), and based in Italy, although aircraft carriers assigned he was one of a handful of Tomcat aircrew to drop to the Sixth Fleet also played their part while ordnance in combat during this cruise. He re- sailing in the Adriatic. Operation Sky Monitor called this event, and other aspects of the historic began in November 1992, and this gave way to deployment, in the volume Grumman F-14 Tomcat Operation Deny Flight in March 1993 when the – Shipborne Superfighter, edited by Jon Lake and UN authorised air commanders to forcibly pre- released by Aerospace Publishing in 1998. vent Serbian and Bosnian Serb attacks. “Anyone familiar with naval aviation, and the Carrier-borne F-14s from AirLant squadrons continually evolving persona it undertakes, were heavily involved in the policing of the UN-im- knows that change is not only constant but BLOODED posed no-fly zones and in providing air cover for necessary. As theatres follow a sine-wave pat- transport aircraft conducting humanitarian relief tern of action and intensity, and corresponding operations. Tomcats also flew regular combat threats upgrade and shift, the carrier battle air patrols looking for violations of the UN reso- group is the pre-eminent force to meet the chal- lution as well as unauthorised aerial activity. In lenges head on. Responding unlike any other the main this had the desired effect, although force in the world in its combination of speed USAF F-16s did shoot down four Serb Galebs and intensity, the carrier air wing is the sword of that violated Bosnian air space in February the warrior in the battle group. Above: VF-41’s colour jets lead a pair of more mutely marked F-14Bs from VF-74 during the Oceana Airshow in OVER BOSNIA September 1993. ‘Fast Eagle 101’ (BuNo 162689) boasts nose art featuring the iconic Anytime Baby Tomcat The long-running conflict in N THE WAKE of Desert Storm and the 1994. “Accelerating the upcoming retirement of one leaning on titling that reads Bombcat No escort Required. David F Brown fragmenting of Yugoslavia following the The Tomcat’s role increased dramatically in scope of the distinguished members of this lethal Below: Delivered in April 1986, BuNo 162689 saw fleet service with VF-41 and VF-14, before ending its career with the Balkans provided the F-14 end of the Cold War, the US Navy, and after UN aircraft started attacking Serbian ground team – the A-6 Intruder – identified a shortfall VF-101, (it had two spells with the training unit) in August 2000. The aircraft has been an exhibit onboard USS T more specifically carrier aviation, found targets from August 1994, with F-14s flying pre- in the air wing’s capability. The carrier air wing Hornet (CV-12), moored in Alameda, California, since 2002. David F Brown community with the opportunity itself heavily involved in multi-national opera- and post-strike reconnaissance sorties using the projects power, and power projection equals tions. These established and then enforced TARPS pod. Nevertheless, 13 more months would bombs on target. All other missions – support to test the Tomcat in its new role United Nations’ backed no-fly zones aimed at pass before the ‘Bombcat’ was at last blooded in attack. The demise of the A-6, combined with protecting unarmed civilians both in Iraq (Oper- combat during Operation Deliberate Force. the A-12 cancellation, meant that the number of as a bomber. ations Northern and Southern Watch) and the Balkans. The conflict in the latter region soon escalated Below: ‘Fast Eagle 111’ (BuNo 161864) and ‘Fast Ea- as Yugoslavia fragmented into separate states gle 115’ (BuNo 161868) perform a low pass over Dub- along ethnic, religious and political lines. Some lin to announce the imminent arrival of CV-67 in July 1996. Both aircraft were veterans of Deliberate Force. of the worst fighting took place in Bosnia-Herze- The jet closest to the camera was the 500th Tomcat govina, with Serbian factions engaging the Mus- built for the US Navy, the aircraft serving with VF-31, lim population in the newly created country. VF-101, VF-32 and VF-41 between November 1984 and Although it remained neutral as fighting racked September 1998, when it was stricken. BuNo 161868 Bosnia-Herzegovina, the UN did recognise the was also issued new to VF-31, the aircraft reaching the unit just four months after BuNo 161864. The jet later new Muslim government in Sarajevo and insti- served with VF-101 and VF-84, before joining VF-41. gated a humanitarian airlift into the new state Capt Ken Neubauer via Warren Thompson while attempting to uphold an arms embargo Above left: A close-up of the nose art applied by VF- aircraft capable of using air-to-ground ordnance truly multi-mission capable aircraft. In addition 41 to ‘Fast Eagle 101’ in the late summer of 1993. had to be increased with existing jets. Thus to our standard CAP and fleet air defence roles, Note the various weapons in the Tomcat’s bandoleer, a began the five-year metamorphosis of the Tom- we would be flying exercise CAS [XCAS], tactical Rockeye cluster bomb unit and a Mk83 bomb flanking an AIM-9, AIM-7 and AIM-54. David F Brown cat from fleet air defender and strike escort to a reconnaissance and the newly emerging navy Above: A close-up of the Strikecat nose art on BuNo multi-mission, self-escorted strike fighter unpar- mission of FAC(A). 160394. This aircraft was the 250th Tomcat construct- alleled in naval aviation in its combination of per- “After an uneventful six-week stint in the Red ed for the US Navy. Michael Grove via David F Brown formance, precision and payload, day or night. Sea and the Persian Gulf, we transited back “As recently as six or seven years ago, anyone through the Suez Canal to the Adriatic, with ten- who said Tomcats would be patrolling the skies sions in the area rising as expected. Once on of the former Republic of Yugoslavia loaded with station, we immediately began planning contin- laser-guided bombs awaiting strike, close air gency operations, for clashes between the Bos- support (CAS) or forward air control (airborne) nian Serbs and Bosnian Muslims were already (FAC(A)) missions would have been called in- occurring daily. sane. Yet here I was, just 20 miles southeast of “Unfortunately, the first four missions that downtown Sarajevo, en route to a target with two launched off the carrier – all CAS and FAC(A) mis- 1,000lb GBU-16 LGBs. sions were as anticlimactic as the three months “Normally, at five months and one week into a that followed. In what became a routine drill cruise, one has seen and done just about every- for aircrew and planners alike, we would plan thing there is. Not this time. The night before all night for a bombing mission we were certain what was to be our last port visit, we felt that would launch at first light, only to be shut down, familiar rumble of the propeller shafts, and no- sometime literally, just before launch. ticed that the ship’s heading was due west, not “This is not to say there were not exciting mo- the north-northwest heading that would have tak- ments, such as the shootdown of Capt Scott en us to Rhodes. Several days earlier, Bosnian O’Grady by a SAM, the one-night bombing of am- Serbs had shelled a market in Sarajevo, in clear munition storage depots in Pale by the Marines violation of UN restrictions. Once again, our and Air Force, the Bosnian Serb takeover of Zepa presence in-theatre was required. First though, and Srebrenica and the two-day offensive by the a little background on how we got to this point. Croatians to reclaim the area in eastern Croatia “I had been a RIO in VF-41 for three years that the Krajina Serbs had claimed as theirs for when we deployed in March 1995 as a member two years. of CVW-8 on board Theodore Roosevelt. This “Each event brought an intense 24- to 36-hour team had proved its lethality in the Gulf War, and planning period, followed by the wait for the those of us who had missed that opportunity word to launch, which never came. As might were eagerly anticipating our shot. Things had be expected, after doing this many times over been quiet in Bosnia for many months, primarily three months, morale can suffer, and it became because of the winter weather, but we knew that increasingly difficult to plan a mission that we the spring thaw usually meant increased hos- doubted would ever launch. But plan we did. tilities. From the Tomcat standpoint, we were “The time between these larger-scale events especially excited about the chance to employ a was by no means boring. The air wing flew  ‘Fast Eagle 102’ goes in search of a target during pre- cruise work-ups in Nevada in late 1994. Such arid VF-41’s ‘Bombcat’ landscapes contrasted markedly with the lush forests and tree-covered mountains of the Balkans that VF-41 Boss over Bosnia would patrol over when committed to Operation Delib- VF-41’s CO on this historic cruise was Cdr Bob erate Force in 1995. US Navy Brauer, and he was interviewed shortly after his return from the Adriatic by noted aviation historian Warren Thompson. “I’ve been fl ying the F-14 since 1982, and have accumulated over 2,200 fl ying hours in the aircraft. My total time is about 3,800 fl ying hours. During the summer and fall of 1995 we fl ew a lot of mis- sions operating off the coast of Bosnia as Opera- tion Deliberate Force. We – VF-41 – were the only Tomcat squadron aboard Roosevelt, along with three squadrons of F/A-18 Hornets (VMFA-312, VFA-15 and VFA-87). “In September 1995 we had the opportunity to make the F-14’s fi rst ever delivery of air-to-ground Above: CVW-8 and USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) ordnance in combat. We delivered laser-guided were replaced in the Adriatic by CVW-1 and USS America munitions and free-fall Mk82 bombs. I got to par- (CV-66) in early September 1995. The F/A-18Cs assigned ticipate in the fi rst strike, which involved one sec- to CVW-1 were in the thick of the action as soon as CV- tion of F/A-18s and one section of F-14s, fl ying as 66 was committed to Deliberate Force, expending LGBs “We were still a mixed sections. and SLAM-ER. VF-102, however, did not get the chance to emulate VF-41’s success, although it fl ew plenty of CAPs, “The F-14s each carried two 1,000lb LGBs, and lethal day iron-bomb FAC(A) missions and TARPS runs, particularly after the the Hornets carried the same load. That was the dropper, and we could Dayton Peace Agreement was signed by the warring fac- fi rst time we had a chance to do the laser delivery in tions in Bosnia-Herzegovina in December 1995. F-14B a mixed section, although we had previously done a BuNo 162925 undergoes its fi nal weapons checks prior lot of practice on this at NAS Fallon and while work- employ any of the LGBs to launch shortly after VF-102 commenced Deliberate Force patrols. Alfredo Maglione via David F Brown ing Southern Watch in the Arabian Gulf. The fi rst as long as someone Left: Lts Todd Parker and Jesse Fox pose with a person- time we actually got to do this with live bombs was alised GBU-16 1,000lb LGB prior to fl ying a Deliberate in Bosnia. There was no air-to-air threat at the time. lased the target for us.” Force mission over Bosnia-Herzegovina in September The surface-to-air threat was signifi cant in some ar- 1995. VF-41 dropped both LGBs and iron bombs during eas, but had been pretty well beaten down. a week of combat in the Balkans. US Navy “On the day of the fi rst strike the weather was a big daily missions as tasked by the Combined Air trip home. But, as mentioned earlier, late that were crucial for the intelligence picture, but the when, two hours later, those same two Tomcats table were the TARPS missions, generally fl own factor, and it continued to be a factor into the winter Operations Center (CAOC) in Vicenza, Italy. EA- evening the propellers started churning the wa- opportunity to be the fi rst F-14 unit to drop live came back with their belly stations empty, ex- in coordination with strike missions to provide months. As we launched off the ship and headed in 6B Prowlers patrolled the sky providing electronic ter faster than usual, and Roosevelt sped back ordnance in combat was the gold at the end of cept for the dangling arming wire that remains immediate feedback on the success of the op- over the coast, it didn’t look like the strike was going protection. E-2 Hawkeyes were the ‘eye in the to the Adriatic. the rainbow. Once the CAOC was aware that after the release of an electrically fused weapon. erations. The nature of these missions often to go ahead because of an undercast. But about sky’, acting as the command, control and commu- “We assumed that – like in every other instance Tomcats could indeed drop air-to-ground ord- “The review of the FLIR tapes (the same tapes caused them to be the most dangerous fl own ten miles out from the target the weather cleared, nications link between navy aircraft and the joint of increased hostilities – we would plan all night nance, the question became how and when it seen on television on CNN) proved that planning in-country. Tasking typically included targets just and we could see the target well out. command and control system. S-3Bs and ES- only to see another opportunity lost. What made would be best to do so. and diligence had paid off – two direct hits, and attacked, or signifi cant threat locations, which “We rolled in at a very steep angle, from high 3As provided electronic support, F/A-18 Hornets this instance different, and therefore even more “At the time, we were not carrying the LANTIRN a history-making day for VF-41 and the Tomcat meant that these aircraft were often asked to altitude, against some ammunition facilities. provided CAP, XCAS and HARM support. Tomcats diffi cult, was that we were supposed to be pulling pod, which now provides Tomcats with a day or community at large. fl y into a hornet’s nest. Combine this with the The F-14s dropped while the F/A-18s lased. We fl ew XCAS, TARPS and FAC(A) missions. When- into port and then head home. Instead, we were night, self-escort, self-lased precision-guided “The success of this mission set the stage for lower altitudes for TARPS fl ights, and you have a egressed the target area having achieved absolute- ever possible, the carrier would pull in for a quick returning to an uncertain area with even more un- munitions (PGM) capability. We were still a le- future ones. The next live-ordnance fl ight for the recipe for excitement. ly superb results from direct hits, and there were port visit in Corfu or Trieste, but there was always certain intentions. However, it was not our job to thal day iron-bomb dropper, and we could employ Tomcat was a dumb-bomb target, selected careful- “One particular ridgeline south of Sarajevo over impressive secondary explosions. the tether of a short recall to worry about. question those intentions, so once again we be- any of the LGBs as long as someone lased the ly for its relative isolation and lesser potential for which we were routinely tasked to fl y was espe- “It was an incredible feeling as the 1,000lb bombs “En route to what was supposed to be our sec- gan the now-familiar planning exercise. target for us. collateral damage. This particular target happened cially notable for the high surface-to-air threat kicked off the aircraft. Even in a 50-degree dive and ond-to-last port visit in Marseilles, Saddam Hus- “Even though the fi rst events manned up, and “An initial target was fi nally identifi ed – an am- to be a radio-relay station on top of a mountain. activity coming from it. On one fl ight over this at nearly 500kts you could feel the release. I pulled sein’s two sons-in-law decided to defect, which even launched, we still did not believe that any- munition dump in eastern Bosnia. Because of “Three Tomcats ingressed on a self-escort mis- ridgeline, the crews noticed AAA fi red at them – the nose up, rolled and looked back over my shoul- proved to be the beginning of a dramatically thing would actually happen. So when the fi rst potential collateral damage issues, this was a sion, and after making two passes each over a relatively common experience. What they did der to see the bombs impact on the target. altered last two months of cruise. Instead of aircraft returned shortly after 0200hrs on August PGM target only, which meant that the Tomcats the site, all tasked targets were destroyed with not see this time was the shoulder-launched “I can recall another mission over Bosnia in which pulling into port, we transited from the Adriatic to 30, with its racks and rails empty, we could hard- would drop their LGBs off a buddy-lase from a four Mk83 1,000lb unguided bombs each. Tom- SAM, which was launched from behind them but some of our junior pilots were able to go in on the the eastern Med and stationed ourselves off the ly contain our surprise and excitement. Finally, Hornet. We were not surprised that the ‘food cat bombing missions continued throughout the did not reach them. target and drop Mk80 series ‘dumb’ bombs, with coast of Israel. after so much hard work and so little return, we chain’ theory applied here, with this historic week, until they became almost routine. Weath- “It was not until they returned to the carrier excellent results. They picked up some very valu- “By August 28, the situation had defused, and were getting the chance to prove ourselves. fl ight being top heavy rank-wise. er was a signifi cant factor, and it became luck of that they saw their passage southeast of Saraje- able experience. we fi nally got the okay to start our trek west. “The main question on our minds was ‘How “Two F-14s launched with the Hornet fl ight, the draw whether an individual Tomcat pilot or vo recorded live on CNN, complete with a missile “One major benefi t that the Tomcat brings to the The next stop would be our last port visit to can we get the Tomcats to play?’ yet there was still the question of whether drop RIO got his chance to be part of history. smoke-trail rising up toward their aircraft before air wing in its bomber confi guration is the fact that Rhodes, followed by a turnover with USS Amer- “At that point our role of suppression of enemy authority would really come for this unusual de- “In the meantime, Tomcats continued to fl y oth- trailing off behind them. Despite these dangers, the jet can launch with a heavy load of laser-guid- ica livery tactic. Imagine the feeling of excitement TARPS missions continued daily, and proved to (CV-66) in the western Med, and fi nally the air defences was critical, and our TARPS fl ights er missions in support of the effort. Most no-  ed munitions and can also bring it all back aboard if something like bad weather prevents us from reaching the target area. “This is a distinct edge we have over the F/A-18 Hornet, which had similar carriage capabilities. Due to fuel and weight considerations, however, the Hornet has to get its bombs off, and if for some reason they can’t drop their ordnance they must jettison it before landing back on the carrier. An- other plus for the F-14 is that it can carry a very signifi cant air-to-air load – a Phoenix, a Sparrow and some Sidewinders – plus a couple of 1,000lb LGBs. It can fi ght its way to the target, drop the bombs and fi ght its way back out. It’s a self-escort mission for us!” During VF-41’s week of bombing in the Balkans (from September 5-12, 1995) it delivered 24,000lb Above: By the time VF-41 visited NAS Fallon during the fi nal stages of its pre-cruise work-ups in October 1994, the unit had replaced F-14A BuNo 162689 with BuNo 160394. Above: VF-102 also routinely loaded its jets with two GBU-16s just in case the unit was called on to provide preci- of ordnance on Bosnian Serb targets. The bulk of As with the previous ‘Fast Eagle 101’, this aircraft also had nose art in the form of the Anytime Baby Tomcat leaning on Strikecat titling. The jet was lost during a post-mainte- sion-guided munitions. These could only be expended if laser guidance was available from a NITE Hawk pod fi tted this ordnance had been guided using laser desig- nance check fl ight over the Mediterranean on May 22, 1995 when its horizontal stabilators failed to work in unison. Both crewmen ejected successfully at 3,000ft and were to an F/A-18. And with VMFA-251, VFA-82 and VFA-86 busy lasing targets for their own ordnance, VF-102 was not nator pods fi tted to Hornets. quickly rescued. Michael Grove via David F Brown called on to drop any LGBs. Alfredo Maglione via David F Brown Although most LGBs would be dropped in horizontal fl ight once the F-14 was cleared to employ the weap- on in fl eet service, a number were expended in dive- bombing attacks. This meant the bomb had to fi rst be cleared for delivery in angled fl ight by the Strike Air- craft Test Directorate. This photograph was also taken during the GBU-24 trials in May 1996. US Navy

Above: Wings swept fully forward and tailhook deployed, ‘Fast Eagle 103’ is nearing the end of yet another training mission during the NorLant cruise of 1996. By the time VF-41 embarked on its fi rst full deployment with CV-67 in April 1997, the unit had equipped a number of its aircraft with the revolutionary LANTIRN targeting pod. Capt Ken Neubauer via Warren Thompson be crucial for intelligence gathering. gets at an ammunition storage depot, one for each had achieved similar success. When we got “In the meantime, the America battle group had aircraft. The Hornets would each lase their own back on board and reviewed the tapes, the suc- arrived on station eager to turn over and partici- target and would then re-attack to buddy lase for cess of the mission was overwhelming. Of the pate in the action. The majority of the Roosevelt their Tomcat wingman. I was the fourth aircraft in eight targets, seven were completely destroyed, battle group had already begun its journey home, the lead division, which would be followed shortly with no re-strike required. with only the carrier and its AEGIS escort re- after by the second division. “After the excitement of the fl ight began to di- maining. The America battle group immediately “Approaching the target, the excitement grew minish, and we settled back into our routine, the assumed the duties of protecting both carriers, as we realised our pre-fl ight chart study had ship’s intercom whistled with the familiar sounds while Roosevelt and America began their turnover. paid off and we had found the target. The fi rst preceding a message from the captain. Instead “Normally, a turnover lasts only one to two three attacks went off without a hitch, scoring of the usual, ‘Good evening, this is the captain’, days, but these were not normal circumstances. direct hits, with secondaries observed. We set we heard music accompanying the words ‘West- The CAOC wanted uninterrupted carrier air mis- up for our attack, ensuring that we were meeting bound and down, loaded up and trucking. We got sions, yet was concerned about America picking our pre-planned parameters exactly. When we a long way to go, and a short time to get there’. up the full load of duties on its fi rst day on sta- reached our release point, with confi rmation of a “Minutes earlier the captain had received the tion in an unfamiliar region. The turnover there- good lase from the Hornet, my pilot pressed the okay to pack up and ship out. The ship, due fore lasted several days, with Roosevelt initially pickle button. home in eight days, would require almost re- fl ying all of the missions and America picking up “After what seemed like a millennium, but was cord-breaking speed to get there on time. Mirac- an increasingly larger share. actually only milliseconds, the clunk-clunk of two ulously, the approval came for ‘all ahead, warp “On the evening of September 11, the rumours 1,000lb LGBs coming off resonated beautiful- speed’. And without the rest of the battle group began circulating that the next day Roosevelt ly throughout the aircraft. We jinked off target to slow the ship down, Roosevelt wasted no time. would be released to transit back home. Even and looked down to check for threats and spot “It wasn’t until it was all over that everyone re- though we were already two weeks late for the our hits. Fortunately, we were nearly directly ally had a chance to refl ect on what we had been scheduled start of our return, everyone had mixed abeam our target when the bombs hit, and two a part of, and to realise that we in VF-41 had be- feelings about leaving. We were anxious to return enormous explosions verifi ed what we already come a part of Tomcat history. The ‘Black Aces’, home, but no one really wanted to leave the the- sensed – this mission was a success. with the fi rst F-14 air-to-air kills in 1981, had atre. Several of us in the Tomcat squadron were “We headed back to the carrier, hearing over been the ‘First to Fight’, and now 14 years later especially disappointed, since we had not yet our tactical frequency that the second division we had been the ‘First to Strike’” dropped live ordnance in combat, and it appeared LANTIRN we would not get the chance. So I went to sleep that night with confl icting emotions. “I had only slept for two hours when the phone rang, and I was told to come up to the ready room immediately. We had just received word that the CAOC had ordered one more strike from the Roo- sevelt to be launched fi rst thing in the morning. We had just spent the last several nights attempt- ing to beat down the aerial threats in the west- ern and northern parts of Bosnia with HARM and Tomahawk cruise missiles, and now there was a priority target that was deemed reasonably safe to bomb. The request for a mixed F/A-18/F-14 RevolutionBy the time VF-41 blooded the ‘Bombcat’ over Bosnia in September 1995, the aircraft was well strike package was approved, and we began fl ight planning well after midnight. By 0400hrs we were on the way to becoming a precision strike-fi ghter rather than just a ‘dumb’ bomber thanks to a tired but satisfi ed with the plan, and we retired to our staterooms for a few hours of rest before the programme instigated ‘under the radar’ within AirLant. Key individuals responsible for providing mission launched. Above: In July 1996 CVW-8 joined USS John F Kennedy (CV-67) for a brief six-week-long NorLant cruise that in- the F-14 with the capability it needed to drop LGBs and, ultimately, GPS-guided weapons, recall “I awoke feeling excited and alert, despite the few cluded port calls in Ireland and England. Most of the aircraft embarked in CV-67 by VF-41 had been involved in the hours of sleep I had managed to log. We briefed unit’s Deliberate Force deployment of the previous year, including ‘Fast Eagle 103’ (BuNo 160893) complete with newly adopted tail markings. Delivered new to VF-101 in June 1979, this aircraft subsequently served with VF-143, how the aircraft’s frontline fortunes were revitalised. for the fl ight, and as we manned up the aircraft we before rejoining VF-101 in 1983. After nine years with the training unit, it spent time with VF-103 prior to being were relieved that there were no changes to the transferred to VF-41. ‘Fast Eagle 103’ was retired to AMARC by the unit in November 1997. Capt Ken Neubauer mission. The plan was relatively simple – eight tar- via Warren Thompson N A UNIQUE partnership between the US ‘BOMBCAT’ MISSION PATCHES Navy and defence contractors, the Tom- cat was made compatible with the AN/ 1. I AAQ-14 Low Altitude Navigation and Tar- geting Infra-Red for Night (LANTIRN) pod. 3. Martin Marietta’s Dan Fischoff, who was in the vanguard of the upgrade from the very start, re- calls: “In the June 5, 1992 edition of Aerospace Daily, the lead article carried the headline ‘Navy pilots anxious to apply Gulf War lessons and expand plane’s roles’. In the article, the wishlist 2. included ‘LANTIRN pods for the F-14’. Norm Au- gustine, the CEO of Martin Marietta, sent a note to his Vice President of Business Development, stating: ‘We need to make this happen. The note was in turn sent to me and I went to work. 1. VF-21 Strike Fighter At the time, I was Manager of Advanced Pro- 2. F-14 ‘No Escort grams for LANTIRN. This note started a three- Required’ year labour of love that resulted in a sole source 3. LANTIRN Fighter procurement of LANTIRN pods for the F-14. Squadron Patch “LANTIRN had undergone its operational test Above: Although the ubiquitous Mk80 series general-purpose iron bomb was typically employed by budding preci- Above: By the time BuNo 159455 was tasked with conducting ordnance separation tests with the 2,000lb GBU- and evaluation in Desert Storm on the F-15E. sion bomber crews learning the ground attack mission in the Tomcat community in the early 1990s, the Naval Air us the green light to proceed, and within six During the campaign the USAF dropped more months we had a fully integrated precision strike 24B/B hard target penetrator ‘bunker-busting’ LGB in May 1996, it had swapped its long-lived DayGlo orange twin Warfare Center’s Weapons Division performed compatibility trials with other ordnance that could in turn be used fi ns and NAWC titling for the striped fi ns, lightning bolt and SD codes adopted by the Strike Aircraft Test Direc- than 90% of the LGBs expended in the conflict. by fleet units. One such weapon was the Mk7 cluster bomb dispenser (CBU), which could contain Rockeye, CBU- solution on the aircraft. torate in the mid-1990s. The jet is fi tted with FPU-1A/A external tanks modifi ed to carry cameras to record the The A-6 was facing retirement and the NITE 59 APAM or CBU-78 Gator munitions. US Navy “The navy performed several laser-guided train- weapon separation. Both the Tomcat and its ordnance were liberally covered with calibration markings to assist Hawk pod on the F/A-18 lacked long-range capa- precision strike into new F-14D production, aug- small number of F-14Bs as part of the Multi-Mis- ing round [LGTR] and inert and live LGB deliver- engineers with their analysis of the footage shot during the clearance trials. US Navy bility and most did not have laser designators. menting the jet with new computers and soft- sion Capability programme. The key part of the ies with the modifi ed F-14. We worked with the the F-14 and its formidable weapons systems ue in my retired profession as well. “We saw the inherent beauty of the F-14 as ware. This programme had a price tag in excess upgrade was the installation of equipment that navy to produce a videotape of the results, and through the demanding ground and air syllabus “After I left the navy I became a defence con- a precision strike aircraft. It had outstanding of $3 billion, and was unaffordable within the translated the analogue signals of the existing [together] started obtaining support from the at the Naval Fighter Weapons School. sultant as a founding partner of Whitney, Bradley range and loiter and weapons carriage capabil- limited budgets for naval aviation. Unsurprising- AWG-9 radar and AWG-15 weapons control sys- CINCs and fl eet commanders around the world. “Subsequent to a fl eet CO tour of an F-4 squad- & Brown and continued to work on systems in- ity, and it could easily carry the LANTIRN target- ly, the programme was never initiated. tem into a format readable by a MIL STD 1553 “In June 1995 a Commerce Business Daily an- ron, I attended the Naval War College and used tegration on the Tomcat in support of the ASW- ing pod on several stations. Many observers felt “In early 1994 the navy decided that targeting digital databus. nouncement came out stating that a contract my Topgun background to co-author a classifi ed 27C digital data link and AWG-15 upgrade and that the navy would never really go forward with pods would not be procured for the Tomcat. It “Martin Marietta subsequently enlisted Fairch- would be awarded to Martin Marietta to install study of the Tomcat weapons system versus the IRST [infra-red search and track]. However, the the programme since the F-14 was planned for came up with two ‘low cost’ alternatives that re- ild to produce what we originally called the ‘Pre- LANTIRN on the F-14. On the cover of the June Tu-22 Backfi re bomber threat, focusing on offen- most gratifying and transformational work came retirement starting in 2003, and that significant quired funding of about $300 million. One was the cision Strike Processor’. This box was installed 30, 1995 edition of the magazine I wrote a note sive and defensive ESM/ECM systems. This in 1994 when the LANTIRN ‘caper’ began to funding was going toward F/A-18 improvements. integration of JDAM [Joint Direct Attack Munition] into the port console of the F-14 RIO station, saying ‘We Made This Happen’ and sent it to was during the height of the Cold War War-at-Sea unfold. When word came that the F-14 Block 1 Others felt that even if the navy programme went only and the other was a radar upgrade called the and it featured a hand controller left over from Norm Augustine. This will always be the most im- tactical and training renaissance. The study was Strike upgrade would not be funded, I had al- forward, they would never put an ‘Air Force Pod’ ‘two box mod’, intended to provide a modest tar- the A-12 parts bin. We got permission from the portant accomplishment of my career because of incorporated into the Topgun War-at-Sea training ready been working with Martin Marietta on inte- on their jets. geting capability in the air-to-ground role. air force to borrow two LANTIRN targeting pods, the positive impact the LANTIRN capability had on (known as TopScope) as the primary text, which gration of its USAF-developed LANTIRN pod onto “Because of the importance of the programme, “Martin Marietta went on the offensive through- and came up with a plan to incorporate weapon the F-14 community and naval aviation.” was very gratifying to me. the Tomcat on the presumption that a MIL STD we enlisted assistance from many people with- out 1994 to show that neither of these up- delivery software into the pods. We obtained As Dan Fischoff noted, one of his allies in this “After that assignment, I had a tour in the Pen- 1553 digital databus would be present as part in Martin Marietta and outside consultants. We grades could compare to the true precision internal funding to modify the software and add programme was Jim Ruliffson. A highly experi- tagon as the fi ghter analyst in OPNAV [Offi ce of of the Block 1 Strike upgrade. Without the data- hired Whitney, Bradley & Brown (WBB) of Vienna, strike capability of the LANTIRN targeting pod. an INS/GPS capability to wrap up the precision enced fi ghter pilot, he too was committed to giv- the Chief of Naval Operations], followed by the bus the pod was incompatible with the jet, mak- Virginia, to assist with a concept of operations These points were effectively made by opera- strike solution. ing the Tomcat a new lease of life: plum job as Deputy Program Manager (DPM) for ing it a non-starter. for the F-14 with LANTIRN – and to help with tions analyses and CONOPS [concept of opera- “On November 8, 1994, we briefed Vice Ad- “As a career F-4 Phantom II ‘driver’, I never had Development in the F-14 Program Offi ce [PMA- “I specifi cally remember to this day the momen- obtaining support from the various stakeholders tions] briefings, but we still had to make the miral Dick ‘Sweet Pea’ Allen, COMNAVAIRLANT the privilege of fl ying the Tomcat operational- 241]. This effectively put me in charge of both tous meeting with Dan Fischoff of Martin Mariet- within the navy and OSD [Office of the Secretary system affordable. At this point we made the [Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic] on our ly. However, I did get to pick up aircraft No 21 the F-14A+ (later redesignated the F-14B) and ta in which he said: ‘We need to fi gure out a way of Defense]. The core team for getting LANTIRN connection with Fairchild, which had upgraded a concept. As a result of the meeting, he gave  [BuNo 158619, lost during a fl ight on February the F-14D, and their upgraded weapons system. to get LANTIRN on the jet without having to incor- on the F-14 was myself, Monty Watson (a bril- 22, 1977 when it entered a fl at spin while test- After daily detailed engineering discussions of porate it into the software build.’ That was an liant systems engineer) and WBB’s Jim ‘Ruff’ “We saw the inherent beauty of the F-14 as a precision ing the Pratt & Whitney TF30-P-414 engine] from system capability and architecture with navy and epiphany ‘Eureka!’ moment for me, as I realised Ruliffson and Dave ‘Hey Joe’ Parsons – the latter the Grumman factory in the summer of 1974 Grumman engineering staff, I felt I knew the jet I knew exactly how to do it and didn’t know why two were both former naval aviators. strike aircraft. It had outstanding range and loiter and while I was stationed at NAS Patuxent River after as well as anyone could without fl ying it for a liv- I hadn’t suggested it before. Fairchild had built “The F-14 Block 1 Strike upgrade programme attending the US Naval Test Pilot School. Short- ing. When I retired in 1986 with the rank of cap- a MIL STD 1553 translator for a classifi ed pro- went through many different iterations during weapons carriage capability, and it could easily carry the ly thereafter, I got surprise orders to Topgun as tain, I had completed 24 years of service. The gramme I had been involved in as DPM, and it the three years between concept and contract. CO in April 1975, which gave me both the op- fi nal three had seen me intimately involved with had all the relevant data needed by the LANTIRN First, Grumman attempted to turn the desire for LANTIRN targeting pod on several stations. portunity and the obligation to truly understand the Tomcat. Little did I know this was to contin- pod for stabilisation and pointing accuracy.

Above: Point Mugu-based VX-4 was heavily involved in missile testing with the F-14 throughout the jet’s long frontline career until the role was taken on by VX-9 from Septem- Above: The Brunswick Corporation’s ADM-141A/B Tactical Air Launched Decoy (TALD) was another store trialled by NAWC in 1993-94 and cleared for fleet use with Tomcat ber 1994. One of the last trials undertaken by the unit prior to its disestablishment was fl ight testing the AGM-84A Harpoon/SLAM air-to-surface missile. Only dummy rounds units. Intended to confuse and saturate enemy radar, AAA and SAM sites as part of an overall suppression of enemy air defences strategy, TALD proved very successful during were fi tted to the aircraft’s shoulder pylon, the weapon being under consideration for the upgraded, and ultimately stillborn, F-14D Quickstrike programme. Seen on the Point the opening stages of Desert Storm. TALD’s operational use by F-14 squadrons was very limited. US Navy Mugu ramp, this F-14A is also carrying an inert Mk84 2,000lb bomb. US Navy The most important weapons trials undertaken by something like 223 days. We didn’t stop there, the US Navy’s flight test community for the F-14’s however, as additional capability was inserted emerging role as a bomber were performed between January and February 1994, when the Strike Air- through Tomcat Tactical Targeting (T3) and Fast craft Test Directorate of NAWC’s Aircraft Division at Tactical Imagery (FTI), followed by JDAM integra- Patuxent River carried out drops with inert GBU-16 tion – all at relatively low cost and also in record 1,000lb Paveway I LGBs. NAWC NF-14A workhorse time. BuNo 159455 undertook the bulk of these flights, “The ultimate proof of success was on deploy- having also been involved in the original Mk80 se- ries general-purpose bomb trials in the late 1980s. ment, as the Tomcat quickly became the heavy- US Navy weight strike capability for the air wing – first over Iraq in OSW, then in Bosnia, Kosovo, Af- ghanistan and, finally, over Iraq once again. “I hold to this day in high esteem a letter from the then-Commodore of the Atlantic Fighter Wing, Capt Mark ‘Clem’ Clemente, who stated I had done more for the F-14 and Tomcat commu- nity after I retired then I ever did on active duty!” Heading up the F-14 Program Office during this critical period in the ‘Bombcat’s development was Capt Bob ‘Velcro’ Riera. His support for LANTIRN was critically important in getting the Above: The Lockheed Martin AN/AAQ-25 Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infra-Red for Night (LANTIRN) pod programme into fleet service so expeditiously. was exclusively responsible for revolutionising the F-14’s combat employment in the jet’s final decade of frontline service with the US Navy. Featuring an integral GPS for position information and an inertial measurement unit for Years later, he recalled: “In one of his first ma- improved stabilisation and accuracy, the pod also boasted an internal computer with ballistics data for the various jor speeches to past and present leaders of precision munitions carried by the F-14. Each pod cost the US Navy around $3 million, which meant only 75 were naval aviation, newly appointed CNO [Chief of bought for fleet use. Typically, a squadron would take six to eight pods on deployment, which would be permanent- Naval Operations] Admiral Jay Johnson [a former ly fitted to the non-TARPS jets. Danny Coremans F-8 and F-14 pilot] presented his vision for the Below: The F-14A cockpit merged the old with the new in a ‘lashed-up lump-it-on-top’ kind of way, according to those that flew it. Multi-function displays sat rather uncomfortably alongside good old fashioned ‘steam’ gauges, and the navy while under his command. He stated that systems integration between the front and back seats was virtually non-existent. Such ‘fire-walling’ meant that there he would use four principal stars to set the navy were certain systems that only the pilot could control and others that only the RIO could operate. Danny Coremans course, and to prioritise his day-to-day activities. Similar to his predecessor, Admiral Boorda, John- son’s first guiding star was ‘our people first’. His second star, continuing in order of promi- nence, was innovation in the way we do busi- ness. ‘Innovation,’ he said, ‘is crucial for the navy if we are going to be able to survive in this era of drastically declining budgets.’ “Johnson’s primary example of innovation was the F-14 precision-guided , or LAN- TIRN, delivered fully operational to the fleet in just 223 days from contract award. Johnson went on to talk about the F-14 ‘renaissance’ and the re- markable resurgence of fleet morale. He credited the F-14’s resurgence to the delivery of new capa- bilities like LANTIRN and the highly effective digi- tal reconnaissance system, TARPS Digital Imag- ing [DI]. ‘No other aircraft,’ Johnson said, ‘at this stage of its life had ever been able to regain such prominence and critically needed capability.’ “What made his comments so notable, however, was not the fact he was highlighting the F-14’s in- credible performance. Rather, it was the fact that just 12 months earlier [1995], the F-14 commu- “I specifically remember to this day the momentous nity had suffered one of the worst years ever. It had lost three Tomcats in less than a month, and meeting with Dan Fischoff of Martin Marietta in which he two more were to follow just a short time later. “Moreover, having been designed in the late said: ‘We need to figure out a way toget LANTIRN on the jet 1960s and built in the early 1970s, the aircraft was being plagued by an ever increasing number without having to incorporate it into the software build.’ of prohibitively expensive reliability, maintain- “Dave ‘Hey Joe’ Parsons had just joined the “In November 1994 we turned to COMNAVAIR- ability and safety problems. These problems WBB team with his extensive AIM-9X systems LANT, Vice Admiral Allen (a former A-6 Bombar- were threatening the very existence of the jet integration experience, and after hashing over dier/Navigator), for support. He had been a because, simply, the navy could no longer justify the integration issues we jumped in my car and staunch advocate for F-14 Precision Strike in the F-14’s high cost for its marginal return on raced up to the Fairchild plant near Germantown his prior tour at OPNAV, and was now holding his investment. Correspondingly, Tomcat commu- to chase down the actual translator and see if former OPNAV staff cohorts to their promise to nity morale was at an all-time low because Des- it was in working condition. It was, and we then make sure the Tomcat was provided with this ert Shield/Desert Storm had confirmed that the proceeded to brief the integration concept to capability after the decision to retire the A-6 had F-14, without precision strike capability, lacked a Capt Bob ‘Velcro’ Riera, who had recently taken been made. meaningful ‘mission’ for the future. So how did over the job as head of PMA-241. After hearing “Allen jumped at the chance to demonstrate we go from this crisis state to a CNO-described our unorthodox concept, he turned to his lead the capability to OPNAV. As COMNAVAIRLANT he ‘renaissance’ in just one year? software engineer, Gary Stuart, and asked if it could authorise use of one jet for this purpose, “I had just taken over as PMA-241 (the F-14 would work. His reply was: ‘I’m afraid it will.’ and he directed his staff to co-operate with us to Tomcat Program Manager at NAVAIR) in 1995, “That’s when we knew we had a winning con- demonstrate LANTIRN on the Tomcat. with a prior tour there and in the fleet as a fight- cept, but there was no money to demonstrate “By the spring of 1995, a VF-103 jet was getting Above: Vice Admiral Richard ‘Sweet Pea’ Allen was a er pilot. With probably more bravado than the its feasibility. We convinced Martin Marietta to ‘shacks’ with LGTRs and inert LGBs. By any mea- B/N who had seen combat in Vietnam in A-6 Intruders. current situation justified, we fashioned a come- fund its effort, but needed a Tomcat, and with- sure, the demo was wildly successful, and OPNAV In his final US Navy tour he served as Commander, Na- back strategy around the motivational rallying out funding the programme office was helpless and NAVAIR [Naval Air Systems Command] were val Air Force Atlantic, and in this role he proved to be a cry ‘The Cat is Back’. Seizing the opportunity staunch ally for those pushing to provide the F-14 with to assist until OPNAV’s cumbersome budget able to respond accordingly by making it an offi- a precision bombing capability that would enable the to introduce LANTIRN to the Tomcat after the process could respond, which by then would be cial programme in record-breaking fashion and jet to take over the strike role following the retirement successful demonstration of an industry-funded too late. fielding the first LANTIRN pods with VF-103 in  of the Intruder. US Navy concept demonstration in early 1995, the real approval of both the F-14 Roadmap and offsets by the defence budget was under attack and de- the F-14 Fleet Wing, TYCOMS [type commanders] mands for a peace dividend resulted in many and CINCs [commanders-on-chief]. With the full programme cancellations or severe reductions. blessing of the Flag Board – meaning ‘this idea It came down to eliminating a type/model/se- had better work, captain’ – we were on our way. ries from the carrier deck. “Relying on the incredible power of a fully and “The navy pitted the Tomcat against the A-6 In- truly integrated Fleet, industry and programme of- truder, another Grumman product, and itself pro- fi ce team, we started seven new, and restructured posed the wholesale upgrade/modernisation of nine existing, programmes for effectiveness and all remaining examples to A-6F confi guration. In effi ciency. At the start, the team determined that the navy programme inner sanctum, the contest both the new and existing programmes needed was almost too close to call. to be run with a new ‘game plan’. To constantly “The A-6 was older, but had proved itself in com- remind us of the new rules of the game, we cre- bat time and time again as a world-class all-weath- ated and followed imperatives like ‘Failure is not er precision strike platform with long legs and unri- an option’, ‘Do what you say you are going to do’, valled payload. The Tomcat was a few years young- ‘The programme has failed if it’s even one day er, but had not proven itself at all in the strike role. late’ and ‘If you say it’s going to cost X, it better In fact some career attack aircrew doubted the cost X, or less’. In other words, in the new game, Tomcat community had the maturity and resolve we needed to restore and maintain one principal to transition into the strike role, while a member of thing – programme credibility! the Hornet ‘mafi a’ snorted: ‘Any dollar spent on a “In this new game we adopted modern busi- Tomcat is much better spent on a Hornet!’ ness processes common to industry but new to Above: Photographed during VF-32’s Desert Shield/De- “The tension was palpable, and when it fi nally government, like earned value management, con- sert Storm cruise in 1990-91, Lt Cdr Dave ‘Hey Joe’ Par- came to a decision point, Rear Admiral Allen current modifi cations and inventory control. We sons was a Naval Flight Offi cer for 15 years – he had was in a very infl uential position as head of the previously served for fi ve years as a Marine. He joined instituted our own new programmes like zero-sum WBB immediately after leaving the US Navy in March navy’s Program Analysis Division. A former A-6 POMs [programme operating memorandums] and 1994 and was a key facilitator in the ‘great LANTIRN bombardier/navigator slated to pin on a third targeted force structure reductions. The pay-off integration caper’ that turned the F-14 into a precision star and command Naval Air Force Atlantic Fleet, was tremendous, and well worth the considerable bomber. Dave Parsons he had participated in the many debates on effort. In addition to providing the Fleet with prov- He gave the following account of the programme in which aircraft would remain in fl eet service. en capabilities like LANTIRN and TARPS (DI), the Erik Hildebrandt’s outstanding Anytime, Baby! vol- “In the last rounds of deliberations, Allen re- team delivered every programme started on-cost, ume on the F-14, published in 2006. lented to let the Tomcat prevail only if it was on-schedule and on-performance. “Since its introduction to the fl eet air defence upgraded with precision strike capability. He “These included programmes critical to the mission, the Tomcat set new standards for range, left the Pentagon with a fi nal admonition to his effectiveness, safety, and protection of our air- endurance, radar detection and multi-mission fellow fl ag offi cers in the Offi ce of the Chief of crews like JTIDS [Joint Tactical Information Dis- launch capability. It performed this mission well Naval Operations that he would come back and play System], ASPJ [Airborne Self-Protection Jam- throughout the Cold War, but was never called on haunt them if they waylaid the funds designated mer], ALR-67, BOL Chaff, TF30 Breather Pres- to show its claws in air-to-air combat in naval ser- to provide the Tomcat with a reduced scope pre- sure Indicator, night-vision devices and the much vice except for a few isolated instances. cision strike capability. needed safety improvements provided by the “It is perhaps the ultimate irony that the Tomcat, “In the early months of 1994, the Tomcat pro- digital fl ight control system. designed to be the supreme air superiority ma- gramme was in a state of gloom and disconsola- “We, the team, were truly proud of what we had chine, left a much larger combat legacy as a preci- tion. Desert Storm had relegated the Tomcat to done in the defence of our country. We believe sion strike fi ghter – a role it was never envisioned second-string status and without a robust upgrade the F-14 retired with the sentiment that it was, to perform. Indeed, it very nearly missed the op- there wasn’t much chance of making the fi rst and still would be, the battle group commander’s portunity altogether. As the Cold War abruptly end- string. There wasn’t enough funding to fully inte- Above: The multi-purpose pylons under the Tomcat’s work to formally build a navy-sponsored ‘pro- weapon of choice for strike and air superiority ed and Desert Storm concluded, the Tomcat was grate a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) targeting sys- wing glove were originally built for missiles – a combi- gramme’ began in the autumn of 1995 with the missions because we honoured the tenets of ‘set looking like a prize-fi ghter past its prime, and in the tem, so it appeared that JDAM would be the only nation of AIM-7s, AIM-9s and AIM-54s being fitted on weapon available to the Tomcat to usher it into the the two stations. But from 1996 onwards, the lower Operational Advisory Group. In just two days, your sights high’, ‘be innovative’ and, most impor- Pentagon budgetary debates of the early 1990s it pylon on the starboard side of the jet was rewired to this team of select senior and junior officers rep- tantly, ‘do what you say you are going to do’ and came under scrutiny for early retirement. strike role, and that would be years away. accept the most important store carried by the F-14 in resenting the entire Tomcat community, including more. ‘THE CAT WAS BACK!’” “At the time, the Tomcat was slated for a “Potentially more troubling was the decision its final decade of fleet service – the LANTIRN pod. The Topgun, put together a realistic F-14 ‘Roadmap A veteran of Desert Storm and a staunch Tomcat multi-billion dollar programme initiative called to equip each carrier with only a single Tomcat following year the Swedish-built LAU-138 weapons rail/ for the Future’, principally utilising the premise advocate, Dave ‘Hey Joe’ Parsons of WBB also Block 1 Strike to upgrade it to a strike fi ghter squadron and transition a third of the Intruder countermeasures dispenser, seen here, was also intro- ‘what’s good enough?’ played a key role in the evolution of the ‘Bombcat’. role with precision strike capability. However, community into F-14s. Tomcat aircrew in all duced. Used to carry AIM-9Ms, the rail could also be filled with 160 rounds of either BOL chaff or BOL infra- “The roadmap fully balanced operational require- ranks instantly found themselves facing a reduc- red flares. Danny Coremans ments with safety and logistic improvements, tion of available cockpits and in a virtual game Right: A rear view of a LANTIRN pod in situ on an F-14 sending the clear message that the F-14 commu- of musical chairs. at NAS Oceana revealing the store’s exhaust vents. nity understood full well that operational capabili- “The Pentagon budgetary drills in the autumn The rear of the LAU-138 is also open, ready for a car- ties like LANTIRN and TARPS (DI) were worthless of 1994 didn’t look promising at all, and there tridge of BOL chaff or flares to be installed. Danny Coremans if the aeroplane was down for maintenance. were rumours of a raid on the remaining Tomcat Below: The US Navy’s LANTIRN pods were delivered in “After the F-14 Roadmap was completed, the modernisation funding, and retirement as early gunship grey. Some (like this one) were repainted light F-14 Program Office, acting as the fleet’s trusted as 2003. With traditional research, develop- gloss grey. To keep as many pods serviceable as pos- (but as of then still unproven) agent, presented it ment, test and engineering taking anywhere from sible, pod sections were swapped out during mainte- to the leaders of naval aviation for their approv- fi ve to 12 years to integrate and fi eld new capa- nance and whole pods transferred between squadrons bility, the Tomcat needed a real breakthrough, if – units going on deployment had priority for serviceable al. The opening and closing pages of the road- pods. This externally mounted scoop provided cooling map brief were titled ‘The cheapest car you’ll not a miracle, to get precision strike capability air for the avionics within the pod. Danny Coremans ever own is the one you’re driving’ and ‘A wise and revive the fl agging spirits of the once proud man makes sure he has reliable transportation, community. until he has his new car in the garage’. “In the spring of 1994 a Martin Marietta (now “Although the many Flags [admirals] present Lockheed Martin) representative by the name of may not have fully appreciated our thoughtful hu- Dan Fischoff sat down with Jim ‘Ruff’ Ruliffson, a mour, they did appreciate our plan. What really former F-14 programme offi ce advanced develop- got their attention, however, was our proposal ment lead, to discuss the state of affairs with the that, if they would protect our current budget, we Tomcat strike upgrade, and whether a USAF LAN- would fund the entire roadmap requirements – a TIRN Targeting System could be integrated with the total of $200 million – from entirely within our Tomcat. budget. Initial scepticism was soon replaced by Above: Martin Marietta’s Dan Fischoff (second from left) and systems engineer Monty Watson (third from left) “LANTIRN was the key to the USAF F-15E Strike true belief and acceptance after the Flag Board pose with civilian contractors and a VF-103 maintainer during the critically important, and highly successful, LAN- Eagle’s impressive precision strike capabili- reviewed our $200m of proposed offsets like F- TIRN test detachment to Naval Station Roosevelt Roads in Puerto Rico. Fischoff was Manager of Advanced Pro- ty, and had debuted in combat during Desert grams for LANTIRN at Martin Marietta, and he spent three years overseeing the US Navy’s sole source procure- 14D AMRAAM and 14 F-14B upgrades. ment of the targeting pod for the F-14. It was Monty Watson’s task to virtually hotwire a LANTIRN pod onto the Storm. However, it had taken years to integrate “Additionally, we provided written (a small miracle, Tomcat, eliminating a lot of the complications of a full-up integration and the requisite months of testing that went the LANTIRN pod with the aircraft’s weapons and testimony of the quality of the roadmap)  with it. Capt Alex Hnarakis system software and conduct many months of NAWC’s NF-14A BuNo 159455 performed both level drop and dive-bomb separation delivery tests with the 2,000lb GBU-24B/B hard target penetrator ‘bunker- busting’ LGB in May 1996. The GBU-24 would earn a poor reputation for itself within the Tomcat community, being dubbed ‘pretty unreliable and a non-user-friendly weapon that doesn’t have a high hit percentage’ by VF- 14 Operation Allied Force and OEF veteran Lt Cdr Van Kizer – he would get to drop a GBU-24 on a fuel/am- munition storage dump in Kabul on October 17, 2001. VF-41’s Lt Cdr Scott Butler remembered that crews assigned GBU-24 missions had to spend ‘hours weap- oneering and target planning in order to ensure the accurate delivery of the bunker-buster. It’s a labour- intensive weapon tailored exclusively for use against hardened targets, and fortunately for us, there weren’t too many of those in Afghanistan’. US Navy

testing for weapons compatibility and clearance around ideas, as well as issues that would have the traditional method, but there wasn’t enough before it was fi elded. to be overcome. time or funding for that path. “Undeterred, Dan had enlisted the assistance “Jim Ruliffson had been involved in the testing “Once the issues were laid out, it appeared of talented systems engineer Monty Watson, of F-14D digital components on the analogue F- that not just one miracle would be needed, but who began tearing into the wiring diagrams of 14A, and he knew that Fairchild still had transla- a succession of miracles. However, there was the Tomcat to see what made it tick. He was tors and test equipment in a locked and sealed the solid foundation of the LANTIRN pod to work looking for a way to virtually hotwire a LANTIRN cage in its Germantown, Maryland, facility. He with, and some fortunate breaks. One of the cueing – a capability not resident in the F-15E, Above: The old-style ‘fishbowl’ Target Information Dis- quirements and budgeting process to help lay pod onto the Tomcat, thereby eliminating a lot of also knew the right people there who would do- Tomcat initiatives cancelled in the downsizing and one that would give the Tomcat an import- play in the rear cockpit of the F-14 was replaced by a out the strategy. Jim ‘Ruff’ Ruliffson, a WBB the complications of a full-up integration and the nate some of their time to looking at the issue was HARM integration testing. Luckily it had pro- ant capability when it arrived in theatre. new 8 x 8in Programmable Target Information Display, partner, retired as the F-14D programme manag- that presented both radar and LANTIRN data. “The requisite months of testing that went with it. of getting the LANTIRN pod access to the aircraft duced a HARM adapter for the Tomcat that had “By the late summer of 1994, the NAVAIR F-14 Tomcat with LANTIRN was an awesome bomber”, re- er after a sterling fighter community career and ‘“Ruff’ brought me in as his new hire, and I weapon/navigation system data without a full received fl ight clearance. It proved to be just the Program Office wasn’t keen on the seemingly called Rear Admiral Jay ‘Spook’ Yakeley (the first Tom- enlisted my assistance. was tasked with looking at the weapons inte- integration. right confi guration to mate to the LANTIRN pod, radical integration being developed by Monty and cat acceptance test pilot at Grumman). “It was actual- “Fresh from an OPNAV requirements tour, I was gration issues and working out the best way to “Meanwhile, I led the team to NAS Oceana to and Pax River was able to fl y the latter to estab- the crew and, even worse, it would not provide ly better than the F-15E, although my air force friends an expert on systems integration from my role approach the Pentagon for support. I had just garner interest from Capt Dale Snodgrass, the lish fl ight clearance on the F-14. Other major an aircraft for testing once Monty had a work- will beat me up for saying so. Really, there was no in AIM-9X development. ‘Ruff’ knew the Tomcat comparison. We had that huge screen and much bet- left the Pentagon, having worked as a require- Fighter Wing Commodore, who assigned Cdr issues that needed miracles were the hand con- ing solution to the LANTIRN integration. NAVAIR ter resolution. With the Strike Eagle you could put the inside out from the development perspective, and ments offi cer who oversaw weapons integration Dana Dervay, a former VX-4 Operational Test trol integration scheme, physical boresighting Tomcats do not fly without programme support bomb on the building. With the Tomcat you were put- had an idea how the LANTIRN could be rapidly on TACAIR platforms. I also had valuable insider Director and now his staff readiness offi cer, to requirement and LANTIRN alignment. (ie, funding coming from a programme of record ting the bomb into the third window from the left, from integrated onto the jet. I also knew how Washing- knowledge of the latest Pentagon budgetary bat- work with the burgeoning team of non-tradition- “Monty was able to design a hand control unit – the LANTIRN caper was merely a contractor miles away.” Erik Helidebrandt ton and the Pentagon worked, having taught this tles. Fischoff, Ruliffson, Watson and I became alists who were beginning to believe they could that dropped into the rear cockpit console in ‘proposal’). By the autumn, we had solved the Below: Legendary high-time F-14 pilot (4,900 fly- subject as an instructor while still in the navy. All ing hours in the jet) Capt Dale ‘Snort’ Snodgrass was the nucleus of a team of experts in weapons in- make a miracle happen. Monty began debating place of the TARPS control panel. Using the major issues and now needed a Tomcat to prove our collective knowledge would come into play. the FITWING Commodore at NAS Oceana when the tegration, fl ight testing, programme management with the NAVAIR Tomcat Point Mugu crowd who A-12 hand control stick, the unit hosted cards that the unconventional integration scheme LANTIRN pod was being trialled. A staunch supporter “Without official OPNAV or NAVAIR sponsorship, and Pentagon programmatics that began tossing weren’t convinced of his approach and preferred that allowed the LANTIRN pod to listen in on would work. of the upgrade, he flew nine sorties in a LANTIRN- there was some scepticism outside the team. the Tomcat’s existing inertial navigation system “Cdr Kelly ‘Psycho’ McBride, an experienced equipped F-14B during VF-103’s test programme with Indeed, many thought that Dan was literally put- alignment and the RIO’s computer address panel test RIO, was in charge of advanced develop- the pod in the spring of 1995. US Navy ting his career on the line. The F-14 Require- actions, thereby providing the LANTIRN pod with ment in PMA-214 at the time. Although he knew ments Officer, Capt Stan ‘Steamer’ O’Connor, the information it needed without actually inter- what had to be done, he had no money and time was definitely interested in seeing the concept facing with the AWG-9 radar. was running out. The Tomcat was in real danger achieve success, but he could not openly en- “This was a major breakthrough. Monty also of being retired altogether unless a miracle hap- dorse the efforts of the team as it was not an designed the cards so they were a single confi g- pened before the next round of budget cuts that official navy initiative. In fact OPNAV was on uration for all Tomcat models, despite insistence were sure to come. record supporting the JDAM integration instead, by NAVAIR experts at Point Mugu that it couldn’t “Then the start of the miracle began. As pre- which would take years and likely have the fund- be done. viously noted, it was centred around the notion ing pulled anyway. The Tomcat needed an in- “The physical boresight to the aircraft arma- of integrating a USAF-developed LANTIRN pod stant solution, or something within a year, or it ment data line required a large boresight rig for onto the Tomcat without undergoing formal soft- may not survive. the F-15E, and there wasn’t time or funding to ware development or integration with the aircraft “The team now saw Vice Admiral Allen as a duplicate that approach for the Tomcat. Bor- weapons system in the traditional sense, which potential ally, as we knew he had previously tak- rowing from my AMRAAM and AIM-9X weapons would take years and tens of millions of dollars. en a positive stand on the development of the integration experience, I recommended using an It started as an unsolicited proposal from a con- Tomcat’s precision targeting capability. As Com- internally mounted inertial measurement unit tractor team comprising three companies (Mar- NavAirLant, he had both a strong voice and half (IMU) that both missiles employed. This not tin Marietta, WBB and Fairchild), depending on of the fleet’s operational Tomcats. The team only eliminated the need for the bulky and single Martin Marietta’s management to approve the only needed access to one and, although fleet point air force solution, it provided continuous requisite investments on their part to prove the aircraft are not part of the test community, it boresight alignment and, surprisingly, helped in somewhat unorthodox, if not radical, integration could be used for rapid prototype testing under image stabilisation. scheme to provide precision targeting capability certain conditions. “More importantly, when Litton was contacted would work. “An audience with Vice Admiral Allen was for a bolt-on IMU, the team discovered it was “The ‘little hen that planted the wheat’ was scheduled, during which he was briefed on the Above: The starboard wing glove multi-purpose pylon could be confi gured with four different adapters depending available in an integrated GPS confi guration that Dan Fischoff from Martin Marietta, and he had proposal by one of Martin Marietta’s vice presi- on the ordnance to be carried – AIM-7, AIM-9, AIM-54 or, from 1995, the LANTIRN targeting pod. As previously provided the Tomcat LANTIRN integration with an uphill challenge with his own company and dents. To their great delight, and as they had noted, only the starboard pylon was rewired for pod fi tment. The shape of the vertical pylon differed depending on an unprecedented ability to slew the pod to se- the navy. WBB had the systems integration ex- hoped, Allen directed his staff to provide an air- the store uploaded. Danny Coremans lected waypoints without having to use radar  pertise and insider knowledge of the navy re- craft and whatever support the team needed. “The team huddled with Capt Snodgrass, who was obvious the miracle had indeed come true determined that VF-103 would be the squadron and the Tomcat had been transformed into a po- to participate in the testing, which was planned tent strike fighter. for the spring of 1995. A pilot and RIO, VF-103’s “The major hurdle now was to make the LAN- XO, Cdr Alex ‘Yogi’ Hnarakis, and Lt Cdr Larry TIRN integration an officially sponsored pro- ‘Rat’ Slade were designated as the test crew. gramme with the involvement of NAVAIR and the Both had prior tours in the development and op- F-14 Program Office, which would take on the erational test communities respectively - a huge task of procuring navy LANTIRN targeting pods plus both then and later when the case was and the associated hand control units and then BOMBCAT GLOSSARY made to forego formal testing and allow LAN- work with the fleet to conduct installations. AAA – Anti-Aircraft Artillery HARM – High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile RAG – Replacement Air Group TIRN to deploy immediately. “Capt Bob Riera, the newly installed F-14 Pro- AARP – Advanced Attack Readiness HUD – Head-Up Display R&R – Rest and Recreation “A USAF LANTIRN pod was shipped to the gram Manager, saw the value of LANTIRN and Program IED – Improvised Explosive Device RIO – Radar Intercept Offi cer Fairchild Germantown facility, where ‘Rat’ and I what it meant to the community. He assigned ACM – Air Combat Manoeuvring IFF – Identifi cation Friend or Foe ROVER – Remotely Operated Video Enhanced checked out the displays on a tactical informa- Jim Blackmon the task of making it all happen. AMRAAM – Advanced Medium-Range Air-to- IMU – Inertial Measurement Unit Receiver tion display (TID). Symbology from the pod and Capt Snodgrass now brought in his maintenance Air Missile INS – Inertial Navigation System RoE – Rules of Engagement an AWG-9 simulation were interleaved on the TID experts, led by Cdr Pat Taylor, to align the fleet ASPJ – Airborne Self-Protection Jammer IrAF – Iraqi Air Force RPG – Rocket-Propelled Grenade to avoid any overlap between the two systems. Tomcats with the NAVAIR effort. ATFLIR – Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking IRST – infra-red search and track SA – Situational Awareness To the uninitiated eye, it appeared that the LAN- “The navy and industry team were now united Infra-Red ISR – Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance SAM – Surface-to-Air Missile TIRN pod and the aircraft’s AWG-9 had been at all levels to make sure contracting, logistics, ATO – Air Tasking Order JDAM – Joint Direct Attack Munition SCAR – Strike Coordinated Armed integrated seamlessly, when there were in fact training and hardware all came together in rapid AWACS – Airborne Warning and Control System JMEM – Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual Reconnaissance two independent sources of information being fashion. Years of traditional procurement and BHA – Bomb Hit Assessment JO – Junior Offi cer SES – Self-Escort Strike presented on the TID. By March 1995 the pod development actions were compressed into B/N – Bombardier/Navigator JSOW – Joint Stand-off Weapon SFARP – Strike Fighter Advanced Readiness was back at NAS Oceana and mounted on a VF- months and even weeks. CALCM – Conventional Air-Launched Cruise JSTARS – Joint Surveillance Target Attack Program 103 jet appropriately emblazoned with FLIRCAT “Although a consequence of timing, it came as Missile Radar System SFWT – Strike Fighter Weapons and Tactics nose art. a pleasant and just reward that Martin Marietta CAOC – Combined Air Operations Center JTAC – Joint Terminal Attack Controller SLAM – Standoff Land Attack Missile “During the first round of testing the aircraft would be able to deliver enough LANTIRN pods CAP – Combat Air Patrol JTF-SWA – Joint Task Force-Southwest Asia SLAM-ER – Standoff Land Attack Missile- was scheduled to fly out of Oceana to nearby to enable VF-103 to depart on cruise in June CAS – Close Air Support JTFEX – Joint Task Force Exercise Extended Range Dare County, where it would drop LGTRs. The 1996 with the precision strike capability. It had Above: Former Crusader and Tomcat pilot Admiral Jay CBU – Cluster Bomb Unit JTIDS – Joint Tactical Information Display System SLATS – Strike Leader Attack Training Syllabus second round in the programme involved live been a whirlwind year to get the LANTIRN inte- Johnson cited the delivery of the LANTIRN system in CCIP – Constantly Computed Impact Point LANTIRN – Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting SOF – Special Operations Forces just 223 days from contract award as a prime example LGBs at the Vieques Island range in Puerto Rico. gration concept proven as a viable capability, but of innovation at work in the US Navy. He praised the CENTCOM – (US) Central Command Infra-Red for Night SUV – Sports Utility Vehicle Both rounds were unqualified successes, and it was now in fleet use. The excitement rippled ‘renaissance’ of the F-14 in one of his first speeches af- CEP – Circular Error of Probability LAT – Low Altitude Training SWATSLANT – Strike Weapons and Tactics the team felt a deep sense of satisfaction. It through the community.” ter becoming the 26th CNO in August 1996. US Navy CINC – Commander-In-Chief LGB – Laser-Guided Bomb School Atlantic CNO – Chief of Naval Operations LGTR – Laser-Guided Training Round TACAIR – Tactical Air COMFITAEWWINGPAC – Commander, Fighter LMAV – Laser Maverick (AGM-65E) TAC D&E – Tactical Development and and Airborne Early Warning Wing, Pacifi c LST – Laser Spot Tracker Evaluation COMNAVAIRLANT – Commander, Naval Air MAWTS – Marine Air Weapons and Tactics TACP – Tactical Air Control Party Force, US Atlantic Fleet Squadron TACTS – Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System COMNAVAIRPAC – Commander, Naval Air Force, MCAS – Marine Corps Air Station TALD – Tactical Air-Launched Decoy US Pacifi c Fleet MEZ – Missile Exclusion Zone TAMPS – Tactical Automated Mission Planning COMPTUEX – Composite Training Unit MIL STD – Military Standard System Exercise NAG – Northern Arabian Gulf TARPS – Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod CONOPS – Concept of Operations NAS – Naval Air Station System CSAR – Combat Search and Rescue NATC – Naval Air Test Center TASS – Tomcat Advanced Strike Syllabus CTGT – Computer Target NAVAIR – Naval Air Systems Command TID – Tactical Information Display DCA – Defensive Counter Air NORAD – North American Aerospace Defense TLAM – Tomahawk Land Attack Missile DFCS – Digital Flight Control System Command ToT – Time-on-Target DI – Digital Imaging NSAWC – Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center TRAM – Target Recognition and Attack Multi- ECM – Electronic Counter Measures NSWC – Naval Strike Warfare Center Sensor ESM – Electronic Support Measures NVG – Night Vision Goggles TST – Time-Sensitive-Target FAC(A) – Forward Air Control (Airborne) OEF – Operation Enduring Freedom TYCOMS – Type Commanders FOB – Forward Operating Base OIF – Operation Iraqi Freedom UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle FITWING – Fighter Wing, Atlantic OPNAV – Offi ce of the Chief of Naval Operations UN – United Nations FLEETEX – Fleet Exercise OSD – Offi ce of the Secretary of Defense VBIED – Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive FLIR – Forward-Looking Infrared ONW – Operation Northern Watch Device FFARP – Fleet Fighter ACM Readiness Program OSW – Operation Southern Watch VFX – Naval Fighter Experimental FRS – Fleet Replacement Squadron PGM – Precision-Guided Munition WBB – Whitney, Bradley & Brown FTI – Fast Tactical Imagery PMA – Program Offi ce WMD – Weapons of Mass Destruction GBU – Guided Bomb Unit PTID – Programmable Tactical Information XCAS – On-Call Close Air Support GPS – Global Positioning System Display XO – Executive Offi cer

Above: This view of an F-14D cockpit clearly shows the size of the PTID screen (bottom). Above it is the Detail Data Display and to the right is the Multiple Display Indicator. USS John C Stennis (CVN-74) turns into wind as it prepares to launch one of the last strike missions sent to Tora Bora. CVN-74 and CVW-9 arrived in theatre on Part of the RIO’s Hand Control Unit can be seen at the bottom of the photograph in front of the PTID. The all-important, rectangular GPS display box is mounted on top of the December 15, 2001, and 36 hours later VF-211 led the air wing’s fi rst OEF strike. US Navy instrument coaming. The rear cockpit of the D-model looked appreciably different to the RIO’s workstation in the ‘old school’ F-14A. Danny Coremans N DECEMBER 1994 I joined VF-103 as EARLY SQUADRON ‘BOMBCAT’ PATCHES XO for the CO, Commander Steve ‘Snot- ty’ Schlientz. Among the fi rst things he 1. I asked was: “Yogi, I have something I need you to do.” “Sure Skipper, I’m your XO. What do you need?” “COMNAVAIRLANT, Vice Admiral Allen, has ar- 3. ranged for and secured NAVAIR approval for a THE LANTIRN demonstration of the Martin Marietta LANTIRN Cdr Alex ‘Yogi’ Hnarakis and Targeting FLIR pod on a Tomcat. Martin Mariet- ta is doing this on its dime, outside the navy’s Lt Cdr Larry ‘Rat’ Slade were normal acquisition process, but the company 2. doesn’t have an aeroplane or crew. In co-ordi- tasked with proving that the nation with FITWING, AirLant has asked VF-103 to provide the aeroplane, crew and fuel for some LANTIRN pod would indeed fl ying to work with the Martin Marietta engineers 1. Sluggers (1995) turn the F-14 into ‘the multi- on this ‘science project’. 2. Fighting 103 bat DEMO “Lt Cdr Larry ‘Rat’ Slade, one of our super RIOs and club (1993) mission strike fi ghter and with VX-4 operational test experience, has been 3. Fighting 103 working for a couple months on this, and there Jolly Roger (1997) FAC(A) platform it was always are a few more months of planning and aircraft modifi cations to go before fi rst fl ight. I specifi cal- we would not be allowed to call our well thought capable of being.’ ly want you as the pilot because of your develop- out, concisely written plan of action a ‘test plan’. mental test experience from your Patuxent River Furthermore, the sorties we made with the LAN- tour.” TIRN pod could not be called test fl ights. We Left: ‘Super RIO’ Lt Cdr Larry ‘Rat’ Slade and VF-103 XO Cdr Alex ‘Yogi’ Hnarakis were the fi rst naval avia- “Sounds great,” I replied. “I’ll start ramping couldn’t care less! Unperturbed, we pressed tors to self-designate an LGB with the LANTIRN pod. things up with ‘Rat’.” ahead and called it our test programme a ‘demo The pair initially dropped four Laser-Guided Training ‘Snotty’ then told me: “I chose you and ‘Rat’ be- plan’, and hops we made ‘demo fl ights’. ‘Snotty’ Rounds (April 3, 1995) and two inert GBU-16s (April cause if this works I don’t want the acquisition sys- was both a visionary and clairvoyant! 5) on the Dare County range in North Carolina before tem to claim that ‘fl eet guys can’t test’ and then After a few months of hard work by VF-103, led fl ying off to Puerto Rico to expend live ordnance on do years of testing – including the duplication of primarily by ‘Rat’ Slade, and a very small Martin the Vieques range. Capt Alex Hnarakis what you guys will do in this demonstration. Marietta team led on the scene by Monty Wat- “I fi gure you guys will apply the planning, meth- son and co-ordinated with the company by Dan odology, logical build-up and risk mitigation you Fischoff, we started fl ying F-14B BuNo161608 in learned in the test world.” March 1995. Our pod differed from a standard Unsurprisingly, shortly after we had this brief dis- USAF LANTIRN pod through the addition of a cussion, we were told that somewhere higher up GPS/INS for cueing of the FLIR ‘soda straw’ [the in the chain of command it had been determined image created by the sensor and displayed on Â

Top: No need for laser guidance when employing the weapons photographed on the VF-103 fl ight line in Septem- ber 1995. All destined for the Dare Country range, these 500lb BDU-45/B practice bombs have been fi tted with BSU-86/B retarded (high-drag) fi ns. Parked behind the bomb trolleys is F-14B BuNo 163215, which was deliv- ered new to VF-103 in December 1988 and later served with VF-32 (participating in Operation Desert Fox), VF- 143 and VF-101. David F Brown Above: VF-103 was one of the fi rst F-14 units to complete the Tomcat Advanced Strike Syllabus (TASS) established in the autumn of 1991 to replace the FRS bombing course, which had initially introduced fi ghter aircrew to the air- to-ground mission. F-14B BuNo 161601 is seen here at Oceana in early September 1993 carrying a 1,000lb Mk83 bomb, an AIM-54C on its under-fuselage stores racks and an AIM-9L on its shoulder pylon. The jet was lost just days after this picture was taken when its crew was forced to eject 40 miles west of Cape Hatteras, in North Carolina, on September 13 after it became uncontrollable. Both the pilot and RIO were rescued by fi shing boats. David F Brown Left: Cdr Hnarakis and Lt Cdr Slade prepare to taxi out at Naval Station Roosevelt Roads during LGB trials over the Vieques Range on April 10, 1995. Their F-14B (BuNo 161608), ‘armed’ with two inert GBU-16s, carries their names on the cockpit rail and specially applied FLIRCAT titling and nose art. Capt Alex Hnarakis Below: Having returned to Oceana, ‘Clubleaf 213’ performed familiarisation fl ights for senior offi cers within FITWING, specifi cally Capt Jim Zortman (DCAG of CVW-17 and an A-6 bombardier/navigator) plus Tomcat RIOs Capt Ron McElraft (CAG of CVW-7) and Capt Tom Zelibor (CAG of CVW-3). The aircraft, seen here in June 1995, re- mained confi gured with the LANTIRN pod and its special Station 8B Adapter fi tted to the multipurpose shoulder py- lon into the autumn of that year. Delivered new to VF-124 as an F-14A in August 1983, BuNo 161608 later served with VF-21 and then VF-103 following its upgrade to F-14B specifi cation. Subsequently passed on to VF-102, it saw combat over Afghanistan with the unit during OEF in 2001-02. via Mike Crutch ‘Victory 221’ lands back on CVN-65 in April 1996 dur- ing the vessel’s participation in Combined Joint Task “It was great watching the on-target, high order explosions Force Exercise ’96. VF-103’s Tomcats wore a variety of schemes during the 1996 deployment, some aircraft blowing up tanks. We were laughing like kids with new toys!” featuring the matt grey Tactical Paint Scheme and oth- ers – like this aircraft – semi-gloss grey overall with black unit markings. US Navy

Above: The GBU-16 dropped by ‘Clubleaf 213’ zeroes in on its target, an old M48 Patton tank, which has been painted in laser energy by the LANTIRN pod controlled by Lt Cdr Slade. Capt Alex Hnarakis Below: ‘Shack!’ The LGB scores a direct hit on the Patton tanks. The VF-103 detachment completed three more live drops on the Vieques range. Three LGBs hit their aim points and the fourth landed safely within the target range but missed its target. Cdr Hnarakis noted: “The post-fl ight review of our LANTIRN tapes and the Hornet LST video quickly showed that the laser spot was on the intended aim point the whole time, and with plenty of laser energy, so we confi dently attributed the failure to a bad GBU-16.” According to the Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manuals issued to the US military, impacts inside 20ft are considered to be bulls’-eyes. Capt Alex Hnarakis

the screens in the cockpit], since the F-14A/B/D nets were equipped with AAS-38A NITE Hawk FLIR air-to-ground radar was not good enough to use pods and ASQ-173 Laser Spot Trackers (LSTs). for target cueing. The jet’s INS wasn’t up to the Since LANTIRN had no LST capability, the Hor- job either, since it drifted too much and was not net’s job was to fl y a couple miles in trail to GPS-aided in those days. confi rm our LANTIRN laser was indeed over the Ballistics for the GBU-16 1,000lb LGB and the intended aim point, and that there was enough LGTR were also added, as were display signal laser energy being emitted by the pod for the paths between the pod and the RIO’s new 8in x GBU-16 to be guided by. 8in Programmable Tactical Information Display We were confi dent based on our experience at (PTID), which had to be used instead of the then Dare County that the Tomcat/LANTIRN combina- standard fi shbowl TID – the PTID displayed both tion would continue to work well, but ‘Rat’ Slade radar and LANTIRN data. was concerned that if we fl ung a bomb off target Paths were also established to the pilot’s ver- we might not know if there was a LANTIRN prob- tical display indicator, in place of the television lem or if it was merely a malfunctioning GBU-16 camera set. F-14 aircraft modifi cations included guidance unit or a bad fi n kit. Should a bomb dedicated ‘hard wiring’ from the LANTIRN pod to miss the target, we did not want to chase LAN- a GPS antenna on the jet’s turtleback and from TIRN ‘ghosts’ if they did not really exist. the LANTIRN station to the cockpit displays. The fi rst ordnance dropped at Vieques consist- ‘Jolly Rogers’ Make History There was no integration between the pod and ed of two more inert GBU-16s: Shack with video! Above: ‘Clubleaf 213’ provides an impressive backdrop for six naval aviators heavily involved in the LANTIRN trials In the winter 1996 edition of The Hook, Lt Cdr Tom es have I been vectored onto a bogey at night and the aircraft’s weapon system, sensors or stores in 1995 – from left to right: Cdr Alex ‘Yogi’ Hnarakis, Lt Cdr Dana ‘Devo’ Dervay (FITWING co-ordinator and a ‘heavy We followed this up with four live GBU-16 drops – ‘D-Day’ Lucas described his experiences of the LAN- been asked to identify it? My fi rst reaction was a management system, however. This meant the lifter’ for LANTIRN), Lt Cdr Larry ‘Rat’ Slade (the key VF-103 Project Offi cer for LANTIRN), Lt Lonn ‘Lumpy’ Larson one of which failed to hit the aim point but landed TIRN-equipped F-14B. strong desire to strangle the controller – FLIR iden- F-14’s software remained untouched, prevent- (RIO in the chase F-14), Capt Dale ‘Snort’ Snodgrass (FITWING CO) and Lt Otto ‘Lecter’ Sieber (pilot of the chase safely within the target range and planned hazard “I joined VF-103 in April 1996 after two back-to- tifi cation at night is easy now, however. It can also F-14). All six guided ordnance on the Vieques range using the LANTIRN pod – Hnarakis, Slade and Snodgrass drop- ing the costly and time-consuming changes and pattern. The post-fl ight review of our LANTIRN back summer cruises – a 1994 Med cruise with VF- be used for raid counts and for keeping a bogey tests needed when an aircraft’s weapons system ping live LGBs on April 11 and 12, 1995 and Dervay, Larson and Sieber expending LGTRs on April 12 and 13. Capt tapes and the Hornet LST video quickly showed Alex Hnarakis 142 and a 1995 WestPac cruise with VF-21, based ‘locked up’ during pre-merge manoeuvres. The GPS code is modifi ed. The F-14 did not even ‘know’ Below: ‘Clubleaf 213’ cruises along the coast of Puerto Rico, inbound to the Vieques range. Two GBU-16s are nes- that the laser spot was on the intended aim point in Japan. Sadly, both squadrons were disestab- in the LANTIRN is an outstanding navigational tool, the LANTIRN pod was on the aeroplane! GBU-16 tled beneath the fuselage of the jet on the centreline BRU-32 bomb racks and the all-important LANTIRN pod can the whole time, and with plenty of laser energy, so lished. On these two cruises, the F-14s were rele- and although not fully integrated with the inertial and LGTR release was performed manually by the just be seen on the specially modifi ed starboard shoulder pylon. The photograph was taken from a second VF-103 we confi dently attributed the failure to a bad GBU- gated to sweep missions, high-value-unit CAP and navigation system, it’s a helpful addition. The real pilot when the LANTIRN ballistics software dis- jet acting as a photo/safety chase aircraft for the trial fl ights. Capt Alex Hnarakis 16. We were immediately able to get back onto an occasional strike that allowed daylight ‘dumb’ ‘bread and butter’ of the system is the inertial mea- played to the crew the countdown to release. the preparation for the fi nal drops. Like ‘Snotty’, bomb deliveries. If you didn’t have NVGs on night suring unit stabilised laser-point tracker – something Prior to our fi rst fl ight with the pod, ‘Rat’ ‘Rat’ Slade was also visionary and clairvoyant strikes, you weren’t a player. That’s why I jumped at no other precision strike fi ghter presently has. This pressed the F-15E pilots and weapon systems with his plan to incorporate our Hornet buddies the chance to cruise with the ‘Jolly Rogers’, the fi rst gives us better tracking capability and more preci- offi cers who had LANTIRN experience for as into the Vieques evaluation. squadron in the navy to deploy with LANTIRN and sion. The Tomcat also has better defi nition for tar- much information as he could get out of them, The remaining three live drops went just as the fi rst east coast Tomcat squadron with NVGs. get selection due to the RIO’s larger display screen, and we got one F-15E simulator ‘ride’ together planned – Shack with video! It was great watch- “From my fi rst fl ight with the LANTIRN pod I knew which means earlier target detection. to practise procedures, even though the ‘knobol- ing the on-target, high order explosions blowing the navy had received its money’s worth, and that “In short, the Tomcat adds a precision strike capa- ogy’ and displays were different in the Tomcat. up tanks. We were laughing like kids with new Capt ‘Snort’ Snodgrass and the boys at Fighter Wing bility to the CAG’s arsenal that is capable of fl ying The initial F-14 hops ‘Rat’ and I did were medi- toys! We got Capt ‘Snort’ Snodgrass, the FIT- had scored a direct hit. Throughout work-ups and long ranges with higher speeds on and off the tar- um-altitude round robin fl ights during which we WING CO, out on one of the drops with ‘Rat’, as through three months of cruise, it is apparent that get. Combine all this with NVGs and two crewmen, learned how to use the LANTIRN pod and practise well as a LANTIRN fam [familiarisation] fl ight for LANTIRN has added an enormous punch to this air and you have an extremely capable weapons deliv- simulated attack procedures – no weapons were the VF-103 chase pilot, Lt Otto ‘Lecter’ Sieber. I wing’s strike capability. ery and FAC(A) platform. aboard and eye-safe laser mode was used. Sev- took the chase RIO, Lt ‘Lumpy’ Larson, out for a “The most impressive part of the system is its “With the recent clearance to carry two GBU-24s, eral fl ights were then fl own to Dare County bomb- LANTIRN fam too. reliability – the pods are left on the aircraft and the Tomcat is now an ideal platform for ‘hard tar- ing range where we released a series of LGTRs The Hornet guys requested some side-by-side are used on all missions, day and night. They’ve gets’, and the only platform with GBU-24 ‘bring – Shack! The fi nal Dare County training runs were runs, with ranges called out by voice on the tapes taken the punishment that only naval aviation can back’ capability (the ability to land on the carrier for two inert GBU-16 LGBs – Shack again! – and qualitative descriptions by Tomcat and Hor- dish out, along with ACM [air combat manoeuvring] with unexpended GBU-24s). Armed with a deadly We then fl ew off to Puerto Rico to drop on the net crews on when they could identify target fea- fl ights. LANTIRN functioned perfectly for me on ev- air-to-air load-out and LGBs, the F-14 with LANTIRN Vieques range, delivering the ordnance from our tures on their cockpit displays via their respective ery mission I fl ew on cruise. and NVGs is the navy’s best choice to fl y night, long demo Tomcat. On this occasion we were accom- pods. We were a little concerned this information “LANTIRN also gives us capabilities that weren’t range, self-escort precision strike missions well into panied by a photo/safety chase Tomcat and two would get twisted, but our F/A-18 buddies want- so apparent. How many times on my last two cruis- the 21st century.” F/A-18Cs from our air wing [CVW-17]. Both Hor- ed to take the side-by-side video to the Hornet  Above: By the time BuNo 163215 and VF-103 embarked in CVN-65 with the rest of CVW-17 in June 1996 for the vessel’s scheduled Mediterranean cruise, the ‘Sluggers’ were no more. In October the previous year, following the disestablishment of fellow Atlantic FITWING unit VF-84, VF-103 took over the insignia and traditions of the ‘Jolly Rogers’. Taxiing forward towards the launch shuttle of waist catapult two, ‘Victory 204’ was one of nine LANTIRN-capable Tomcats deployed by VF-103 – note the targeting pod (one of six supplied to the unit) on the shoulder pylon. The remaining five jets flown by the squadron were wired up for TARPS employment – the LANTIRN hand controller initially replaced the TARPS panel in the first aircraft to be modified, although a work-around for this mission restriction was quickly found. CVW-17’s 1996 Mediterranean cruise was the only time LANTIRN-capable Tomcats flew from the same flight deck as the precision strike platform they were destined to replace – the A-6E. US Navy OAG [Operational Advisory Group] as ammo to get as we were leaving the Puerto Rican Operating I were heading out the door that “we in the Tom- something better for the Hornet than NITE Hawk. Area, CAG Zortman and I were giving the em- cat community had not really embraced the air- On the way home, I was able to give Lt Cdr barked Flag, Commander, Carrier Group Four, a to-ground mission, and still had a way to go be- Dana ‘Devo’ Dervay a LANTIRN fam. He was our ‘backfill’ on how the night-vision goggle (NVG) fore NVGs and LANTIRN pods would make that main FITWING co-ordinator and heavy lifter for training det at Roosevelt Roads, in Puerto Rico, much of a difference”. LANTIRN. had gone. VF-103 was also the first east coast When we got into the passageway, CAG asked Returning to Oceana in April 1995 with lots of Tomcat squadron to deploy with NVGs, and six of me what I thought about the admiral’s parting great video and a demonstration successful be- the nine LANTIRN jets had their cockpits modi- comment. I told him the admiral was quite misin- yond our earlier estimates, we flew a few more fied to make them compatible with the goggles. formed and I was not pleased with the use of the fam flights locally with LGTRs, and some without Some of our crews received their initial NVG word ‘we’. CAG said he figured I’d say as much. ordnance, to give ‘Snotty’ a chance to see LAN- training during a brief shore det because the I confirmed with CAG that we were still sched- TIRN for himself. We also undertook fam flights moon cycle required flying later at night than the uled to fly the admiral in one of our jets in a cou- for CVW-17’s DCAG, Capt James Zortman; CVW- cyclic ops time USS Enterprise (CVN-65) was op- ple of days’ time as planned, when we got nearer 7’s CAG, Capt Ron McElraft; and CVW-3’s CAG, erating to during COMPTUEX. to the Cherry Point Operating Area. I then cleared Capt Tom Zelibor. As we were finishing the update, we also men- with CAG my ‘on the spot’ plan to schedule the Then we had to de-configure the aeroplane, tioned to the admiral that during the final set of admiral as wingman on a typical CAS training mis- since the mods were not cleared for use when workups – JTFEX (Joint Task Force Exercise) in sion, with Lt Cdr ‘Morty’ Moradian as his pilot and the jet was embarked on a carrier, and the only April – VF-103 would have the first three of six a couple of junior officers (JOs) leading, including LANTIRN pod modified for Tomcat use had to go LANTIRN pods we would use on deployment, Lt Mike ‘Tung’ Peterson as the briefer. back to Martin Marietta. with the remaining pods due to reach us prior to On the day of the flight, I watched from the back I thought LANTIRN gave the F-14 an exception- our departure on cruise. The admiral, formerly of the ready room as a standard CAS scenar- al capability, being a real force multiplier for the a Tomcat RIO, mentioned as CAG [Zortman] and io, with a forward line of troops, nine-line briefs, aeroplane. I also figured it would take too long for the navy to make a decision to buy, complete JMEM [Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual] ed the challenge, saw the capability for himself GBU-24s. Always thinking ahead, the JOs also the development and then field Tomcat LANTIRN weaponeering and air-to-ground deliveries, was during JTFEX and wrote a great P4 (a designator found innovative ways to use LANTIRN that went – even if built on the documented demonstra- professionally covered, as was typical for VF-103. for communications between the navy’s high- beyond the original intent. tion work we had completed. I never figured I A couple of hours later I watched the debrief est-ranking offi cers) message to the world imme- Early in deployment, a division of Tomcats did a would see it fielded in my remaining flying life- too, and afterwards asked the admiral if he still diately afterward. training event that involved a 600nm [1,111km] time, and at that point I still had more than two thought ‘we in the Tomcat community had not yet In the month immediately prior to deployment, round-trip precision strike at night against simu- years ahead of me in my CO/XO tour. However, embraced the air-to-ground mission’? He replied VF-103 sent a jet and crew to China Lake to drop lated targets in southern Israel, fi ghting through ‘Snort’ immediately went to work with the video that his eyes had indeed been opened by this sor- a 2,000lb GBU-24 ‘bunker buster’ LGB. Lt Cdr air-to-air opposition and bringing back hit as- we brought home, showing it to combatant com- tie, and commented that he didn’t realise that ‘we’ Pete ‘Skids’ Mathews was the RIO for the fl ight, sessment video on all four planned aim points manders and naval aviation and NAVAIR leader- in the Tomcat community knew how to do what he and he had VX-9 pilot Lt Pete ‘Pester’ Hooper – all the hits were within ten seconds of the ship. In June 1995 we got word that the navy just witnessed from the back seat of an F-14. up front. That way, if needed on deployment, we planned time-on-target (GPS time on the record- was going to buy LANTIRN for Tomcats. I replied that 70% of the squadron were JOs had an Operational Test proven LANTIRN Tomcat ed video display kept everyone honest). Even However, the navy and Martin Marietta felt they who had come through the RAG (VF-101) since ‘bunker busting’ capability instead of just an ‘on more interesting was the fact that all but the would not have enough modified LANTIRN pods or 1993, when strike was added to the syllabus, paper’ capability. VF-103 and CVW-17 also got initial 50nm [93km] on ingress and fi nal 50 Tomcats to support the next deployment planned and they had never known a single-mission aero- in ‘Skids’ a RIO who had actual experience drop- nautical miles on egress were fl own at 540kts for December 1995, but thought they could have plane. They were the same air-to-air killers the ping a GBU-24 – something few other aircrew in [1,000km/h]. That’s 500nm, or almost an hour six modified pods, nine modified aeroplanes and Tomcat community had always produced, but any community had done at that time. of fl ight time, at 540kts on a normal night cycle minimum essential further testing complete in they were also pros at air-to-ground, including The fi rst-ever Tomcat LANTIRN deployment (and with zero tanking. about a year for a June 1996 deployment. Not CAS for all aircrew in VF-103 and FAC(A) for four east coast F-14s with NVGs) went well thanks to No weapons were dropped or fi red in anger on only was that ‘light speed’ for the acquisition sys- pilots and four NFO’s. The only things they need- the efforts of many unnamed personnel – espe- our 1996 deployment, and at the end of it our tem in those days, but the Tomcat squadron de- ed were the tools to do it well at night, with preci- cially the VF-103 sailors who bore the brunt of LANTIRN pods were cross-decked to our VF-32 ploying in June 1996 was us in VF-103! sion, and that is where NVGs and LANTIRN were the additional work. VF-103 crews formulated relief as we headed home. All subsequent Tom- Lots of behind the scenes work began, including going to make the difference. the baseline LANTIRN procedures and tactics cat deployments came armed with LANTIRN. required ‘shake rattle and roll work’ of LANTIRN When the admiral came and fl ew with us in that subsequent squadrons built on and further It was fun to be among those involved on the by NAVAIR and expanding the Tomcat release en- JTFEX, he experienced a LANTIRN fl ight. I told improved. ground fl oor with the LANTIRN integration, and to Above: The tanks being closely examined by range personnel. Both M48s suffered significant damage from the velopes for various precision air-to-ground, mixed LGBs expended by ‘Clubleaf 213’. Capt Alex Hnarakis him the pod was user-friendly enough to learn NAVAIR continued to expand the envelope, and see where it has led since. It also set the chin- air-to-air and air-to-ground load-outs. Right: Cdr Hnarakis and Lt Cdr Slade release the first live LGB to be self-designated by an F-14 as they approach with an extended fl ight brief and the aid of a pi- more fl ight clearances arrived shortly after de- ning bar higher for subsequent FLIRs employed In January/February 1996, during COMPTUEX, the target area on the Vieques range on April 11, 1995. Capt Alex Hnarakis lot already familiar with the system. He accept- ploying that included catapulting Tomcats with by both the US Navy and Marine Corps.  Below: Former Topgun instructor Cdr Dave Baranek EFORE I STARTED at VF-124 (the F-14 change, as did naval aviation as a whole. By the “With the demanding performance goals and joined VF-211 as its XO in 1996 just as the unit was FRS on the west coast) in 1980, I had time I returned to the fl eet it was 1996. The A-6 expert oversight by former Topgun instructors preparing to receive its fi rst LANTIRN pods. The ‘Bru- tus’ logo on the tail of ‘Nickel 101’ dates back to VF- seen the Grumman promotional photos and A-7 were gone and most carrier decks host- who were assigned to the squadron, aviators 211’s establishment as VB-74 in 1945. Fittingly, the B of a Tomcat on the ramp with an impres- ed three F/A-18 Hornet squadrons, along with were not only versatile but also lethal. In addi- character is fi rmly grasping a rocket as if to underline sive variety of ordnance arrayed in front, includ- one F-14 unit. The Hornet was a strike-fi ghter tion, each F-14 squadron had a handful of for- the unit’s air-to-ground mission. Cdr Dave Baranek ing bombs. But as we quickly learned in the from the start, with excellent capability in air-to- mer A-6 pilots and bombardier/navigators who Main image: ‘Nickel 101’ featured the Christmas ‘Bru- ‘RAG’, our mission was air-to-air. Offi cially, the air and air-to-ground roles, and by this time the were worth their weight in gold as we took on the tus’ marking on both of its twin fi ns. BuNo 161856 was delivered new to VF-31 in July 1984, and it later F-14’s air-to-ground capability at that time was Tomcat’s nascent strike capability had been de- strike mission. To their credit, they embraced served with VF-24 and VF-213 before joining VF-211. limited to its 20mm cannon. In my fl eet squad- veloped. Each carrier now effectively sailed with the air-to-air mission, which was new to them. Subsequently transferred to VF-41, this aircraft saw ron we fl ew training fl ights that taught us how four squadrons of strike-fi ghters. Many guys wore patches that indicated the Tom- combat with the ‘Black Aces’ in Allied Force and OEF to effectively strafe targets, but any mud-moving “Things had also changed within F-14 squad- cat’s multi-mission capability, and although they prior to it being retired in 2002. Cdr Dave Baranek ordnance larger than 20mm shells would be de- rons, with the Strike Fighter Weapons and Tac- looked sharp, I stuck with the classic ‘leaning livered by the air wing’s A-6 and A-7 squadrons. tics (SFWT) programme having raised the bar Tomcat’ patches I already had from the 1980s. “In my second F-14 squadron, which was in on aircrew professional knowledge and perfor- “One of the most obvious changes from the old CVW-2 in the late 1980s, CAG ‘Boomer’ Wil- mance. When I joined VF-211 as XO in 1996, I days was found in the fl ight brief. Preparing for son attempted to get clearance for his Tomcat found eager JOs who had embraced the SFWT an air-to-air training fl ight in the early 1980s, we squadrons (VF-1 and VF-2) to carry bombs during programme and worked hard to complete their could cover the essential information in about the 1989 deployment onboard USS Ranger (CV- fl ight quals and written tests. Most of the de- 20 bullet points on the whiteboard, sometimes 61) – it was denied, as I recall, due to non-certi- partment heads (lieutenant commanders) had less. However, for the typical strike-fi ghter train- fi ed bomb racks. already completed their own SFWT quals at the ing mission in the late 1990s, the large white- “Then I did some several tours – payback for highest levels. The programme addressed air-to- board would be crammed full of important infor- ten years of fl ying at Miramar – during which ground (strike) and air-to-air (fi ghter) roles, pro- mation – weapon type, delivery profi le, cockpit Above: VF-211 was the fi rst Pacifi c Fleet Tomcat unit to complete the Advanced Attack Readiness Program in time the Tomcat community underwent a huge ducing versatile aviators in the process. June 1992, which gave crews exposure to the same kind of ground attack training undertaken by naval aviators switch settings, release parameters (airspeed, fl ying the A-6 Intruder and F/A-18. This F-14A (BuNo 162600), armed with four 500lb Mk82 bombs, was photo- dive angle, release altitude) and many more “With the demanding performance goals and expert oversight graphed commencing its attack run on the range at MCAS Twenty Nine Palms in California, in July 1996. This details. In addition, the air-to-air threat had be- base is home to the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command and Combat Center. Issued new to VF-2 in come more challenging with the proliferation of November 1985, BuNo 162600 joined VF-211 in 1992 when the unit replaced its F-14Bs with A-model Tomcats. fourth generation fi ghter aircraft. From my per- by former Topgun instructors who were assigned to the The fi ghter remained with the ‘Fighting Checkmates’ until it was transferred to VF-102 in early 2001. The Tom- cat was scrapped as part of the Stricken Aircraft Reclamation and Disposal Program (SARDIP) at Oceana the spective then, the air-to-ground mission was to- squadron, aviators were not only versatile but also lethal.” following year. US Navy tally new, and air-to-air combat was appreciably Â

‘BOMBCAT’CO Veteran Topgun instructor and highly experienced F-14 RIO, Cdr Dave ‘Bio’ Baranek returned to the fl eet for his command tour just as the ‘Bombcat’ came of age with the advent of the LANTIRN pod. more complex than it had been in 1982. This USS Nimitz (CVN-68) under reality, however, was all the JOs knew, and they way in the NAG in October 1997, shortly after the carrier had no doubt that their training and skill would had arrived in-theatre. CVW- bring success to us in our A-model Tomcats. 9 began OSW patrols within “VF-211 moved from Miramar to Oceana in days of coming under Fifth 1996, and we soon became well acquainted Fleet control. Seven of VF- with the Dare Country target range. During work- 211’s ten Tomcats can be seen chained down on the flight ups, VF-211 returned to southern California on deck as aircraft are worked on a training detachment to El Centro for SFARP between missions. CVN-68 was (Strike Fighter Advanced Readiness Program), on deployment for six months which had replaced FFARP (Fleet Fighter ACM between September 1, 1997 Readiness Program) of the 1980s. This was and March 1, 1998, the vessel undertaking a world cruise that an intense squadron-level programme where saw it depart Bremerton, in all aircrews were challenged. Those who had Washington State, and return been here before knocked off the rust, while to Norfolk, Virginia. Nimitz ‘newbies’ stepped up their abilities. Meanwhile, subsequently underwent a squadron maintenance personnel met every three-year Refueling and challenge thrown at VF-211, working long hours Complex Overhaul in Northrop Grumman’s Newport News whenever necessary to keep our old F-14As in shipbuilding yard. US Navy the sky to support training. As with the aircrews, I saw a high level of confidence and enthusiasm amongst the sailors working on our jets. I won- dered about the ‘ordies’, who in the past had mostly lifted 200lb Sidewinders, 500lb Sparrows and the occasional half-ton Phoenix. Now they often lifted 1,000lb and 2,000lb bombs, in ad- dition to the missiles. But in typical navy fash- ion, the harder they worked, the more pride they displayed. “Later in work-ups we deployed to Fallon for air wing training, where Tomcats and Hornets flew many of the same missions. The intensity and quality of training at Fallon was an order of magni- tude higher than it had been in the 1980s, based ing curve was steep. By the time the deploy- on my recollections. Of course the entire air wing ment started I was the commanding offi cer, so was involved, and I could see that the performance for me, the debriefs were a chance to display of E-2 Hawkeye crews – CVW-9 had VAW-112 as- professionalism in accepting corrective com- signed to it – had improved like everything else. ments. I tried not to make the same mistake “I haven’t yet mentioned LANTIRN. The vast twice. Soon I was consistently operating the majority of our bomb deliveries during work-ups pod correctly, just like the JOs. were visual, as we had only one LANTIRN pod for “During work-ups we had practised a lot of the latter part of work-ups and only a few select roll-in deliveries from altitude and low-level ap- aircrews flew with it. In my case, during work- proaches to pop-up deliveries. However, with ups the only exposure I had to LANTIRN was a LANTIRN and the operational rules over Iraq, we brief qualification session with a ‘table-top train- mostly planned level drops of LGBs from me- er’, which consisted of a LANTIRN hand control dium altitude. From my perspective, LANTIRN unit and a tutorial programme run on a comput- simplifi ed the technical aspects of delivery and er. Fortunately, LANTIRN was fairly straightfor- greatly increased the likelihood of a hit. There ward to operate, and several weeks later, when I were plenty of other factors to keep the mission finally flew with a real pod, I quickly felt comfort- Above: ‘Nickel 103’ (BuNo 161850) has the same stores confi guration as ‘Nickel 110’ seen earlier. Despite fl y- challenging, such as countering ever-present able. I duly received my LANTIRN patch. ing more than 370 OSW sorties during the four months CVN-68 was in the NAG, VF-211 did not get the chance surface-to-air and air-to-air threats that would be to expend any ordnance. Indeed, CVW-9 was not called on to drop any weaponry. Delivered new to VF-101 in “VF-211 deployed with CVW-9 on board USS April 1984, this aircraft later served with VF-31 before being transferred to VF-211. It remained with the unit expected in combat, and coordinating with the Nimitz (CVN-68) in September 1997. We until struck off the inventory in September 1999. Cdr Dave Baranek large strike packages we fl ew. crossed the Pacific, made a few port visits and Top: ‘Nickel 102’ (BuNo 161274) keeps station off to the right of a KC-10A from the 60th Air Mobility Wing’s Complexity, it seemed, was everywhere, al- then entered the Persian Gulf to enforce the 6th Aerial Refueling Squadron while three F/A-18Cs from VFA-147 (the two jets closest to the camera) and VFA- though I also found that everyone was up to the Southern No-Fly Zone over Iraq as part of Op- 146 top off their tanks over Kuwait. The 400th F-14 delivered to the US Navy, BuNo 161274 was delivered new task. We performed regular practice strikes in- eration Southern Watch. Aircraft carriers sailing to VF-1 in May 1981. It later served with VF-154, VF-213 and VF-24, prior to joining VF-211. Passed on to VF- volving the USAF and US Marine Corps, as well as 41, with which it saw combat in OEF in 2001, the fi ghter then briefl y served with VF-101 before ending its days within the Persian Gulf, which had become com- with VF-211. The fi ghter was fl own by the unit to AMARC in August 2004 and sold for scrap to HVL West in June Coalition air forces. These were large operations, monplace from the summer of 1990 and Op- 2008. Cdr Dave Baranek where positioning and timing were important, and eration Desert Shield, was something we could Below: For many years the ‘Fighting Checkmates’ have applied the ‘Brutus’ motif to their colour jets whenever we could judge each other’s performance. I was have hardly imagined back in the 1980s – yet the unit has spent Christmas on deployment. In December 1997 BuNo 161856 was given the treatment, the frankly amazed at how quietly and smoothly they another example of the changes affecting naval aircraft featuring a festive ‘Brutus’ complete with a sack of presents. The squadron’s checkerboard marking ran. Our missions included dedicated air-to-air was also modifi ed with the addition of seasonal green in place of white, while the horizontal red, white and blue aviation. We flew with a mixed ordnance load, striping was replaced by bauble-laden holly! The LANTIRN-equipped fi ghter was photographed being led back to patrols of the no-fl y zone, simulated strikes and carrying multiple air-to-air missiles to back up the carrier at the end of an OSW patrol by an F/A-18C from VMFA-314. Cdr Dave Baranek TARPS. Some fl ights were routine, but several our no-fly zone patrolling duties. We also car- times we ramped up the excitement by ‘riding ried air-to-ground ordnance for quick reaction, shotgun’ for U-2s while they gathered intelligence in case anything happened while we were aloft. from high above Iraq. Of course, we didn’t escort Our Tomcats usually carried cluster bomb units them in any sense, but we provided a ‘response (CBUs), although sometimes we carried LGBs. package’ should Iraqi forces make any offensive “By now we had received our complement of moves. They did not make this mistake while LANTIRN pods, so VF-211 jets were equipped Nimitz and CVW-9 were in theatre. with one on almost every flight over Iraq (except “The Tomcat served as a strike fi ghter with the for those aircraft performing reconnaissance navy until 2006, and the additional capability pro- missions with the TARPS pod). Discussion was vided by the LANTIRN pod undoubtedly extended that if things heated up and we planned strike its life, as well as increasing its usefulness. If ‘Nickel 110’ (BuNo 162606) descends toward Nimitz after completing an OSW mission in late 1997. The air- missions we would quickly download the CBUs you’re wondering whether Tomcat crews enthusi- craft features a common load-out for the F-14 during VF-211’s 1997-98 deployment – an AIM-54C and an AM-9M and upload LGBs. On every flight we could prac- astically adopted the additional air-to-ground mis- on the port shoulder pylon, an AIM-7M (in the rear underfuselage well), two Mk7 CBUs on the forward BRU-32 racks, a LANTIRN pod on the starboard shoulder pylon and, of course, a full load (675 rounds) of 20mm ammuni- tise using the LANTIRN pod, however. Given the sion, just look at the squadron videos from the tion. Having seen fleet service with VF-2 and VF-211, BuNo 162606 ended its days with NSAWC at Fallon – the well-designed controls and candid ready room fi nal years of the jet’s service in the fl eet and you jet was reduced to components via SARDIP in August 2002. Cdr Dave Baranek critique of video in the debrief, everyone’s learn- will see a LOT of bomb-dropping segments.” AIR-TO-GROUND The tuition of Tomcat crews in how best to use their air superiority fi ghter as a precision bomber evolved during the 1990s, particularly following the advent of the LANTIRN pod. TRAININGHE F-14 COMMUNITY had started to any idea what we were doing. It wasn’t exactly Left: A veteran of adopt the ‘Bombcat’ role from 1990 on- giving a loaded gun to a child, but it was close. fl eet tours with VF- wards as units tentatively explored the Moreover, no one really seemed too serious or 32 and VF-2, as well T jet’s air-to-ground capabilities at ranges too happy about the F-14’s potential to become as a Weapons and Tactics and Strike on both coasts. Some squadrons wholeheart- a ‘strike fi ghter’. Fighter Tactics In- edly embraced the change while others fought “We were purebred fi ghter pilots – stuck-up, structor with SWAT- it. However, by the autumn of 1991 the Tom- arrogant and shameless. We sang You’ve Lost SLANT and VF-101, cat Advanced Strike Syllabus had been estab- That Loving Feeling and made it look cool. Drop- Cdr James ‘Puck’ lished to replace the FRS bombing course that ping bombs was for people who didn’t make the Howe, as CO of VF- 31, was the US Na- had initially introduced F-14 aircrew to the strike cut. But our leadership kept telling us that a vy’s fi nal Tomcat CO. mission. This evolved into the Advanced Attack single-role aircraft would not last long in a new- Neil Dunridge Readiness Program (AARP) in 1992, and units ly cost-conscious navy. If we didn’t fi gure out equipped with A- and B-model jets in particular bomb dropping, and quickly, the Tomcat was go- cockpit, a big payload and more fuel, greater Above: The BRU-42 ITER paired with the Mk76 Mod were deploying with an improving strike capa- ing to fade unceremoniously into oblivion. Enter speed and greater bring-back than the F/A-18, 5 blue bomb were critical training aids for budding bility. ‘fl exibility’. had become the ‘Bombcat’. Much to the cha- ‘Bombcat’ crews from the early 1990s until the Despite the Tomcat clearly being seen as a “Within fi ve years the F-14 went from being a grin of our Hornet brethren, the toughest mis- jet’s retirement in 2006. Two feet in length and weighing 25lb, the weapon has a charge in the multi-role aeroplane, some of those fl ying the Cold War relic protecting the battle group from sions were now doled out to Tomcat squadrons.” nose that goes off when the bomb impacts the jet still felt that it was a fi ghter fi rst and fore- Bear and Backfi re raids that were never going Unlike ‘Puck’ Howe, Doug Denneny had been an ground. The point of impact is marked by most. One such individual was future Weapons to happen to being the LANTIRN-car- early believer in the F-14 as a strike fi ghter. Part white smoke from the charge. According to and Tactics and Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor rying, self-escorting strike fi ghter of of the west coast fi ghter community at the time, a former A-6 pilot, “naval aviators can spend James ‘Puck’ Howe. choice. The Tomcat, with its two-seat he recalled: “At Topgun in 1993-95 we, for the a considerable amount of time on the prac-  tice range dropping Mk76s, as they don’t “When I was a young student in VF-101 in Below: The original trio of F-14D squadrons (VF-2, VF-11 and VF-31) were the last to truly embrace cost a lot of taxpayer dollars and don’t the early 1990s, the Tomcat was just starting the ‘Bombcat’ mission. The arrival of the LANTIRN pod in the front line in 1996-97 coincided with an blow the target to smithereens like a 500 to develop the air-to-ground capability that infusion of former A-6 pilots and B/Ns into the Tomcat community, specifi cally in units equipped with pounder might”. The numbers employed had been inherent in the aeroplane since D-model jets. VF-2 welcomed a handful of ex-Intruder aircrew after they had completed the Category Two syllabus (designed for naval aviators with plenty of fl ying experience) with VF-101 Det Miramar. by Tomcat units in a calendar year var- its creation,” he said. “Looking back, ied depending on which stage of their These individuals subsequently played an important part in the ‘Bounty Hunters’ 1997 WestPac/NAG pre-cruise work-ups they were at. it’s pretty funny, as we didn’t really have cruise with CVW-2 aboard USS Constellation (CV-64). Cdr Tom Twomey Danny Coremans “Once the A-6 pilots and B/Ns got a few hun- dred hours in the F-14D under their belt they were just as effective as any Tomcat-only fl eet pilot and RIO. Initially, former Intruder pilots were paired with experienced F-14 RIOs while the B/Ns fl ew with veteran F-14 pilots. This sped up the learn- ing process and provided an additional safety fac- tor as both fl ight time and experience built up. “The Intruder aircrews were quick learners, as pilots and B/Ns that had been posted to the A-6 RAG when the jet was still part of the frontline force were generally at the top of their classes on graduation from fl ight school. Delivering ordnance on time in a hostile environment required both skill and talent. The A-6 community had been very well respected in the air wing prior to its demise, and infusing the ‘Bombcat’ community with this exten- Above: VF-101 had the largest inventory of Tomcats in the US Navy following the disestablishment of west coast Fleet sive experience greatly improved its mission effec- Replacement Squadron VF-124 in September 1994. The ‘Grim Reapers’ had initially been tasked by the CNO to act “The F-14 could haul a lot tiveness in the air-to-ground role.” as model manager for the Tomcat strike fi ghter programme, developing an air-to-ground syllabus for the F-14 and training replacement aircrews in strike warfare. One aircraft involved in this early ‘Bombcat’ work was F-14A BuNo An early arrival at SWATSLANT in late 1997 was 161133, which served exclusively with VF-101 for 17 years from May 1980 until it was stricken in September 1997. of ‘Iron’ to the target, and veteran F-14 RIO Lt Randy ‘Abdul’ Stearns (now Fitted with two empty BRU-42 Improved Triple Ejector Racks (ITERs) on its centreline, the jet was one of a number of Above: VF-101 colour jet F-14D BuNo 163414 is put through its paces following an take-off from Commodore, Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic). Fresh F-14s assigned to VF-101 that had their fi ns repainted in the markings worn by recently disestablished units – in this Oceana in September 2004. The aircraft was heavily involved in one of the fi nal carrier qualifi cation (CQ) peri- from attending Topgun at Fallon, he reported to case, VF-1 ‘Wolfpack’ (although the squadron was disestablished in 1993, not 1995). David F Brown that made our air wing a ods for Tomcat students in March 2005 aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71). A veteran of Operation De- the school as a Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor. Below: By the time this photograph was taken at Oceana in July 2000, the F-14D was fast becoming the US sert Fox with VF-213, it was stricken by the US Navy shortly after completing the ‘TR’ CQ. (Gert Kromhout) Navy’s ultimate precision bomber thanks to the provision of upgraded LANTIRN pods. These D-models, from VF-2 Below: ‘Ripper 205’ (BuNo 162927) rolls along the taxiway at Oceana in September 2004 at the start of a train- He recalled: “Prior to joining SWATSLANT I had and VF-31, would soon be ‘armed’ with the conical-fi nned full-scale Mk83 1,000lb practice bombs and BDU-59 lot more eff ective .” ing sortie that would see it expend its solitary LGTR on a target in the Dare County bombing range. The jet is not had the chance to use the LANTIRN pod, as LGTRs (on the white bomb trolley) seen in the foreground. Gert Kromhout also carrying a dummy AIM-9M on its port shoulder pylon and a TACTS pod immediately above the LANTIRN pod there were only a small number of aircraft modi- on the starboard pylon. Delivered new to VF-103 in November 1988, it subsequently served with VF-101, VF-143, fi ed to operate it and a mere handful of pods EARLY SQUADRON ‘BOMBCAT’ PATCHES VF-32 and, fi nally, VF-11. A veteran of combat over Afghanistan in 2002 and Iraq in 2004, the jet was retired by available – and virtually all of them were forward- the ‘Red Rippers’ in April 2005. Gert Kromhout 1. 2. Bottom: Despite having completed their last Tomcat deployment in July 2004, the crews of VF-11 continued deployed in the fl eet. training fl ights with their F-14Bs until they were retired in April 2005. BuNo 163227 is seen returning to “When I had fi nished my last deployment, with Oceana in August 2004 with two LGTRs still fi rmly attached to its centreline BRU-42 ITERs. Delivered new to VF-143, in July 1996, we did not have any pods VF-211 in August 1989, the jet later served with VF-101, VF-102 and VF-103 before joining VF-11 in 2003 and on cruise. Things only marginally improved dur- becoming the unit’s fi nal ‘Ripper 200’. It saw combat over Iraq with the unit during VF-11’s fi nal cruise, the ‘Red ing my time as an instructor, with squadrons Rippers’ being assigned to CVW-7 and embarked in USS George Washington (CVN-73). Retired to AMARC in normally having only three to four pods to use April 2005, the aircraft was sold to HVF West for scrapping in June 2008. David F Brown throughout work-ups. This meant LANTIRN was still pretty new to all the folks there, although it proved to be easy to use – aircrew dialled into the training syllabus pretty quickly. 3. “SWATSLANT was home to the subject matter experts on the LANTIRN more than Topgun at that time because we had more pod availability at Oceana, and therefore both instructors and students got to train with it in the fl eet on a daily basis. The biggest factor in our favour at SWAT- SLANT was that we had F-14 instructors who had real-world experience with the LANTIRN, which Topgun then lacked at the time. This meant our 1. ComFitAEWWingPac FRS VF-124 ran a strike fi ghter students got the most from their lessons. programme that trained replacement aircrews. 2. The highly prized LANTIRN patch was exclusively worn by “From 1998, fl eet units started sending Tomcat crews qualifi ed to use the pod. LANTIRN-equipped aircraft for students to fl y 3. Only the elite SWATSLANT Strike Fighter Tactics when training with SWATSLANT, and we also had Instructors were allowed to wear the unit’s striking patch. a solitary pod the school could use – Topgun  fi rst time, introduced an actual bombing fl ight [us- In 1996, the near simultaneous retirement of were offered transitions – pilots and B/Ns also ing Mk76 25lb training bombs] for a Tomcat strike the A-6 and the supply of LANTIRN pods to front- went to other communities too. In fact a lot of fi ghter mission as part of the training syllabus. line units revolutionised the F-14’s capabilities the pilots transitioned onto the F/A-18. “Around that same time, VF-211 at Miramar in the precision strike role and drastically altered “The A-6 pilots and B/Ns that received orders proved it could drop a large amount of ordnance the way Tomcat crews were trained to perform to the Tomcat went to VF-101 Det Miramar, in a 24-hour period, showing off the Tomcat’s bombing missions. “As the Intruder community which was the dedicated F-14D training unit. sustainability in this role. The brainchild behind began to dissolve, the infusion of A-6 ‘refugees’ Here, they received a Category 2 syllabus de- that was the unit CO, Cdr [now Admiral] James into the Tomcat community in the late 1990s signed for navy pilots and naval fl ight offi cers ‘Sandy’ Winnefeld [currently Vice Chairman of brought considerable expertise to the air-to- who already had a lot of fl ying experience. They the Joint Chiefs of Staff] along with his Opera- ground mission”, explained LANTIRN pioneer learned the F-14D systems and fl ew a few train- tions Offi cer, Lt Cdr Calvin ‘Goose’ Craig. VF-211 Dave ‘Hey Joe’ Parsons. “The Tomcat commu- ing hops in the simulator before getting into dropped a lot of ordnance in training to show nity duly took over the Medium Attack Weapons the jet for fl ights with VF-101 Det Miramar. The how one Tomcat squadron could put a large School Atlantic, which had been the precision course lasted four to six months, after which number of big bombs on target.” attack centre of excellence during the A-6 era, crews reported to their fl eet squadrons like VF-2. By 1995 the Tomcat units that had survived and renamed it the Strike Weapons and Tactics “The F-14D was the last version of the Tomcat the post-Cold War cull had become very effi cient School Atlantic [SWATSLANT]. It was here that to take on the bombing mission, so the units at the strike fi ghter role, as RIO Cdr Tom ‘Tumor’ the subject matter experience was nurtured and equipped with the aircraft (VF-2, VF-11 and VF- Twomey explained: validated to ensure each squadron was honed 31) benefi ted the most from the arrival of former “Although we had not yet received the LANTIRN to carry out its assigned mission, with precision A-6 crews because the majority of the pilots and pod in the fl eet, we could still employ LGBs by strike at the centrepiece.” RIOs in these squadrons had very little experi- ‘buddy’ lasing with F/A-18s equipped with the Cdr Tom Twomey saw the effect the Intruder ence of dropping bombs. NITE Hawk FLIR pod. These missions were a crews had on the Tomcat community fi rsthand “The ex-Intruder pilots and B/Ns worked well with big learning curve for us, but we honed our skills while serving with VF-2 in 1995-96: “My squad- the neophyte Tomcat bomber aircrews, teaching us and became very effective when operating in a ron took in a few transitioned A-6 pilots and B/ the bombing business. We in turn taught them the mixed section with an F/A-18. The F-14 could Ns, with the remaining aircrew going to other fi ghter/dogfi ghting business, including the techni- haul a lot of ‘iron’ to the target, and that made F-14 squadrons. Overall, the Intruder community cal aspects of operating the jet’s AN/APG-71 radar our air wing a lot more effective.” was just decimated. Only a few lucky aircrew in an electronic jamming environment. had also fully integrated the LANTIRN pod into 14A/B or D,” he said. “Once they reached the its syllabus by then too. Typically, when expend- carrier qualification phase, F-14A/B pilots were ing ordnance at Fallon, students would work over again split up due to the types’ different en- the B-17, B-19 and B-20 ranges. gines. The RIOs were separated into F-14A/B “We also dropped a lot of LGTRs on the Dare or F-14D streams on arrival at the FRS. Those County, Pinecastle and BT-11 (Pinet Island) training to crew the F-14A/B did not know which bombing ranges on the east coast. Again, the version of the jet they would be flying in the fleet low numbers of pods in the fl eet meant each until they were ‘patched’ – when they were given squadron had to really train its own crews when their unit assignments. The A- and B-model jets it came to operating LANTIRN. There were a lot both used the original AN/AWG-9 radar, so RIOs of SWATSLANT instructors, including myself, that could go back and forth between the two types didn’t get access to a LANTIRN pod until we fl ew without any problem. The F-14D, however, had a as an instructor in a fl eet jet. Eventually we had completely different system in the AN/APG-71. enough pods for every deployed squadron and “The strike course was only about 20% of the for those back at home undergoing training. Tomcat syllabus, although this increased to “Each squadron usually had about seven pods about 35% when you included low-level route due to their paucity in number. LANTIRN wasn’t training. We did tactical formation training at integrated into any of our simulators since it was an altitude of 500ft in preparation for the sec- a completely unexpected add-on to the aircraft tion manoeuvring phase of the low-level ‘pop up’ that didn’t go through the normal NAVAIR procure- weapons delivery profile. The air-to-air syllabus ment chain. The only trainer we had was a desk- was another 40-45% of the syllabus, while flying top computer with the hand control unit attached Above: Armed with six Mk76 blue bombs, ‘Ripper 207’ crews to carry out on-the-spot training during over- at the boat was the last 20% of the course. to it. We would give aircrew one or two fl ights (BuNo 161437) taxies out on a crisp spring morning at land fl ights or on cross-countries hops. “I don’t know of any students that washed out with the pod and some drops with a couple of Oceana in March 2005. Having originally served with “The syllabus implemented by SWATSLANT was due to the bombing syllabus. Ninety percent of pi- VF-143 from January 1983, it was subsequently fl own by LGTRs, after which they were normally good to go VF-74, VF-101, VF-102, VF-32 and, fi nally, VF-11 – the latter infl uenced by the lessons learned in combat by lots that washed out did so because they couldn’t due to LANTIRN’s ease of use. Squadrons would fl ew the jet in combat over Afghanistan in 2002 and even- VF-41 in 1995 [Operation Allied Force] and VF-32 hack carrier landings. I would estimate that about also carry the pod on most missions, allowing tually retired it to AMARC in April 2005. Gert Kromhout and VF-213 [Operation Desert Fox] in 1998 – the 10% of every FRS class attrited because of prob- fi rst occasions when Tomcat crews expended lems at the boat. The only RIOs I ever saw leave ordnance. In fact most of what we taught about the FRS departed for medical reasons. employing ordnance came directly from lessons “The FRS syllabus was designed to teach the learned during these operations. The LANTIRN newly winged aviators to visually bomb using kneeboard package created for students by the advanced bombing symbology in the F-14. SWATSLANT was a direct result of all of these There were three methods that we taught – Above: VF-101’s strike course was only about 20% of the Tomcat syllabus for student naval aviators, although lessons, and it became the standard going into CCIP [Constantly Computed Impact Point], CTGT this increased to about 35% when low-level route training was included. By the time this photograph was taken OEF/OIF. We also had plenty of drops during [Computer Target] and Manual. New F-14 pilots from the back of a C-130J of the Rhode Island Air National Guard in June 2004, VF-101’s once varied fleet of OSW leading up to the 2003 invasion. would get around six flights to practise pattern Tomcats (which numbered as many as 130 jets in the early 1990s) had been pared down to just F-14Ds follow- ing the gradual retirement of the surviving A- and B-models in the fleet. Devoid of any external stores, BuNo “By the time 9/11 happened in September deliveries before moving onto a more advanced 164601 is being flown by the Tomcat Demonstration Team crew, consisting of pilot Lt Jon Tangredi and RIO Lt 2001, the Tomcat community was very profi cient part of the syllabus. Each pilot would typically Joe Ruzicka. Initially assigned to VF-124 in April 1992, this aircraft served with VF-101 Det Miramar, VF-31 and, in using the LANTIRN pod. Indeed, the lessons expend six 25lb Mk76 training rounds per mis- finally, VF-101 again. Erik Hildebrandt learned from 1995 through to 2001 culminated sion, and their CEP [circular error of probability] in the success enjoyed by the Tomcat community would be calculated by eliminating the closest in OEF and OIF.” and furthest bombs from the bull’s-eye, then Although SWATSLANT (which was consolidated averaging out the distances of the four remain- within the Strike Fighter Weapons School At- ing bombs. lantic in March 2002 as part of the transition “The advanced strike syllabus included timed low- from the Tomcat to the Super Hornet) was like a level routes with a planned time on target (ToT), fol- Above: VF-103’s colour jets go in search of their target during a training exercise off the North Carolina coast in 2003. ‘fi nishing school’ for naval aviators assigned to lowed by the graduate level self-escort strike [SES]. Both aircraft (BuNo 162918, closest to the camera, and BuNo 163217) carry dummy missiles and a single Mk83 full- scale practice bomb. Once on deployment in the NAG on USS John F Kennedy (CV-67) in 2004, ‘Victory 100’ dropped the F-14, it was in VF-101 that pilots and RIOs During the latter, a section of F-14s would fight two LGBs, and ‘Victory 103’ four, in support of the US Marine Corps offensive in Fallujah. Rick Llinares were initially introduced to the jet as a bomber. their way in on a timed route, execute an air-to-air Below: VF-101 originally struggled to get its hands on LANTIRN pods due to their paucity in number. But by late Among the instructors to serve with the FRS in intercept on bandits and then rejoin their route. 2004, following the retirement of so many Tomcats, there were enough pods available to enable all the remain- 2002-03 was Cdr John ‘Shorn’ Saccomando, Adjusting their timing to make their ToT, the section ing ‘Grim Reapers’ jets to be permanently fi tted with LANTIRN. BuNo 163895 participated in one of the fi nal CQ who came to the unit fresh from having seen would then deliver their bombs before fighting their periods undertaken by VF-101, the unit working CVN-71’s fl ight deck as the carrier sailed off the Virginia coast in March 2005. According to VF-101 instructor Lt John Saccomando, “fl ying at the boat was the last 20% of the combat in OEF with VF-213. way off-target again. We would hold the students pilot’s course. I don’t know of any students that washed out due to the bombing syllabus. Ninety percent of pi- “Pilots were separated immediately upon to within +/-10secs of their ToT. lots that washed out did so because they couldn’t hack carrier landings.” Gert Kromhout reaching the FRS, learning to fl y either the F- “CCIP was the preferred method for dive deliv- eries. It provided a dynamic weapons fall line Above: VF-101 F-14D BuNo 163900 turns onto short finals over Oceana in September 2004, the aircraft carry- that extended from the HUD velocity vector to ing a single Mk76 blue bomb on its ITER. It is being flown by a student pilot with an instructor in the rear seat the WIP (weapons impact point), which was de- who is wearing the colours of VF-2 on his helmet. Initially assigned to VF-124 in March 1991, this aircraft later picted with a starburst. When you rolled in, you saw fleet service with VF-11 and VF-31 prior to joining VF-101 in 2004. Gert Kromhout dragged the line through your target until the WIP throttle cursor. Of course, you only had a second using the LANTIRN’s FLIR capability. They would was on top of it, then pressed the pickle [bomb or so to slew the jet before the solution was met. undertake SES missions, with LGTRs simulating release] button. This method was extremely ac- Manual was the least preferred method, and was LGBs, as part of a strike package. LGTRs had a curate, routinely producing hits within 25ft of the just a dialled-in HUD reticle setting. This solution seeker head that would guide on a programmed bull’s-eye – more than close enough for a Mk80, was static and was not wind corrected. Nobody laser code that the RIO had programmed into Mk82 or Mk83 iron bomb. used this method unless it was a last resort. the FLIR pod. “CTGT would see the pilot use designated co- “When conducting visual bombing, the RIO “Fallon provided a multitude of targets for RIOs ordinates on the ground to provide steering cues would back his pilot up on their roll in numbers to hone their FLIR skills against. Most pilots for level or dive deliveries. This method could be and hits, keeping sight of the other jets etc. Un- and RIOs would have the opportunity to drop five used for either straight-and-level or dive deliver- like the pilots, RIOs only completed one or two LGTRs and two live bombs during their work-up ies. For straight-and-level you needed accurate visual bombing hops at the FRS. Once they cycle prior to deployment. co-ordinates, which would allow you to create a reached the fleet, their training on the LANTIRN “Finally, students didn’t receive any TARPS steering line in the HUD that had cues on it – up- was much more involved. Indeed, the RIO had training until they reached the fleet. Here, they per and lower release marks – indicating when to exclusive control of the FLIR pod while the pilot were taught the various systems fitted within the release the ordnance. With this delivery method had release authority of the bombs. camera pod, techniques for stand-off while pho- you would hold the pickle button while the upper “Once pilots went to the fleet, they would fur- tographing targets and setting up routes to get and lower release marks converged, the bomb re- ther develop their air-to-ground skills set dur- the best footage of all targets. The pod weighed leasing when the solution was reached. ing SFARP, Air Wing Fallon and work-ups. Fleet about 1,800lbs and was a pain in the ass to “CTGT could be pretty sporty to use in a dive, squadrons had LANTIRN pods, but there weren’t land back aboard the ship with. If you got a lit- although when employing this method the pilot enough for the FRS. Once pilots and RIOs got tle low or a little slow while landing with a TARPS could ‘sweeten up’ the co-ordinates using his to the fleet, they would be trained to drop LGBs pod you could count on pulling a one-wire!” HE FIRST OF these zones was estab- lished in the aftermath of Desert Storm in an effort to offer protection to the T Kurdish population in northern Iraq from President Saddam Hussein’s armed forces. Initially covering all Iraqi airspace north of the 36th parallel as part of Operation Provide Com- fort in late 1991, the legality of this mission was mandated by United Nations Security Council OPERATION Resolution 688. When the Shi’ite Muslims also began to suffer persecution in the south, a no-fl y zone was created with UN backing as Operation Southern Watch (OSW) on August 26, 1992. Joint Task Force- Southwest Asia (JTF-SWA), comprising units from the , Britain, France and Saudi Arabia, was established on the same date to oversee the day-to-day running of OSW. Pacifi c fl eets took it in turns to ‘stand the watch’, fi ghter crews, it nevertheless enabled the Tom- SOUTHERN Like the operation in the north, which was of- OSW SQUADRON CRUISE PATCHES sharing the policing duties in the no-fl y zone with cat community to make a concrete contribution fi cially titled Operation Northern Watch (ONW) on 1. 1: VF-213 (1998-99) USAF and RAF assets ashore at bases in Saudi to the daily enforcing of OSW. The TARPS mis- January 1, 1997, OSW saw US, British and French 2: VF-103 (2000) Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and other allied countries sions also tended to be far more eventful than aircraft enforcing the Security Council mandate 3: VF-41 (2001) in the region. the typically mundane and boring CAPs that were that prevented the Iraqis from fl ying military aircraft OSW’s original brief was to deter the repression the ‘bread and butter’ sorties of the F-14 units or helicopters below the 32nd parallel – this was of the Kurdish and Shi’ite populations through the in the NAG in the years prior to the arrival of increased to the 33rd parallel in September 1996. imposition of a no-fl y zone, but it soon became LANTIRN-equipped aircraft. The US Navy’s principal contribution to OSW was obvious to the US-led coalition that the Iraqi Army Seasoned Tomcat crews would also be quick to the mighty carrier battle group, controlled by Fifth 2. was more than capable of dealing with the disrup- point out that the absence of the Iraqi Air Force WATCH Fleet (which had been formed in July 1995) as part tive elements in both the north and the south (IrAF) in the no-fl y zone for more than a decade, Aside from brief campaigns of the unifi ed US Central Command (CENTCOM), without having to involve the air force. was proof positive that the many thousands of in the Balkans and which oversaw operations in the region. Typically, Frustrated by its inability to defend the people CAP missions fl own in that time achieved the an aircraft carrier would be on station in the North- it had encouraged to rise up and overthrow desired result from JTF/SWA’s point of view. Afghanistan, combat ern Arabian Gulf (NAG) at all times, vessels spend- Saddam’s regime in 1991, the coalition subtly The actualities of a typical no-fl y zone mission ing around three to four months of a standard changed the emphasis of its ONW and OSW did not alter hugely throughout the duration operations for F-14 pilots six-month deployment committed to OSW. 3. mission. This saw the systematic monitoring of OSW, with most following a set pattern as Ships from both of Iraqi military activity in the area evolve from follows. Thanks to the established routine of and RIOs took place the Atlantic and being a useful secondary mission tasking to the the operation, and the advent of secure email almost exclusively over Iraq Left: The crew of VF-2’s GBU-16-toting F-14D BuNo primary role of the crews conducting these sor- communication between JTF-SWA’s Combined Air 164351, prepare to strap into their jet during Op- ties from the mid 1990s. Operations Center (CAOC) and the air wing on- post-Desert Storm. In the eration Gun Smoke on September 9, 1999. This By December 1998, the justifi cation put for- board the carrier in the NAG, shipboard mission 24-hour OSW offensive saw CVW-2, embarked in ward by the US Government for the continuation planners would usually get a rough outline of the wake of this confl ict, a no- CV-64, expend the most ordnance in combat in a of both ONW and OSW was the protection of Air Tasking Order (ATO) ‘frag’ (tasking) about 72 single day since Desert Storm. VF-2 led the air wing Iraq’s neighbours from any potential aggression, hours before it was due to be fl own. fl y zone was created over by destroying 35 of the 39 targets it was assigned – S-60 (57mm) and KS-19 (100mm) AAA pieces and to ensure the admission, and safety, of UN As each day passed, more information would southern Iraq, and for 12 and surface-to-air missile sites – around Basra. OIF weapons inspectors. be relayed to the ship to the point where, 24 I veteran Capt Larry Burt was CO of CVW-2’s F/A- The Tomcat proved to be a primary asset in hours before the package was due to launch, its long years Tomcat crews 18-equipped VFA-137 during Gun Smoke, and he OSW, although not because of its ability as a participants had a detailed plan of where they recalled: “VF-2 crews would attack a AAA site with long-range fi ghter. As had been the case in Des- were going, and what they were doing, as well as their own LGBs, then bring the Hornets in with Laser drilled holes in the sky Mavericks [LMAVs]. The F-14 guys would fi nd anoth- ert Storm, the F-14’s TARPS capability provided the roles being played by other supporting as- er gun, call in the Hornet, join up on the run-in and JTF-SWA with the fl exibility to monitor Iraqi mili- sets sortied from shore bases. policing these areas. lase the target with their LANTIRN pods. This com- tary activity on a daily basis in good weather. On the day of the mission, assigned crews bination proved deadly, with one F-14 crew destroy- Although the TARPS mission was seen as a (fi ve Tomcats would be committed to the evolu- ing ten guns on one mission alone – four with their necessary evil by a number of dyed-in-the-wool tion, with four fl ying the mission and the fifth  LGBs and six with LMAVs.” US Navy

Top: VF-2 conducted its debut F-14D cruise onboard USS Constellation (CV-64) between November 1994 and May 1995. Part of CVW-2, the unit performed OSW missions for 73 days while on deployment, fl ying defensive counter air (DCA), TARPS and force defence sorties from CV-64 in the NAG. The D-model units were the last to embrace the air-to-ground role, so no bombs were seen on VF-2 jets during this period. Indeed, ‘Bullet 111’ (BuNo 159613), photographed on one of the unit’s fi rst OSW sorties on January 15, 1995, is DCA-mission con- fi gured with live AIM-9M, AIM-7M and AIM-54C missiles. This aircraft was still serving with VF-2 as ‘Bullet 111’ eight years later, when it dropped LGBs, JDAM and iron bombs during OIF I. US Navy Above: When VF-102 made its OSW deployment onboard USS George Washington (CVN-73) in 1997-98, all its jets wore full-colour markings despite US Navy regulations limiting such decoration to two aircraft per unit. As with all Tomcat squadrons since Desert Storm, the ‘Diamondbacks’ were restricted to primarily fl ying DCA and TARPS missions, despite its Tomcats having LANTIRN. In order to retain effi ciency in the air-to-ground mission while on cruise, VF-102 regularly used the Camp Udairi bombing range in Kuwait – indeed, BuNos 162920 (foreground) and 161435 are seen inbound to the range on February 11, 1998, each jet armed with a solitary LGTR. US Navy launching as the airborne spare) would start a-half years. Throughout this period, F-14 units their OSW briefing about two-and-a-half hours assigned the TARPS mission diligently photo- prior to take-off. graphed vast tracts of southern Iraq in order to This was an air wing-wide meeting that was monitor troop movements and locate AAA and usually attended by everyone launching on the SAM sites. mission. This lasted for around 30 to 45 min- Having escorted strike aircraft in the NAG utes, after which Tomcat crews would return to since 1991, Tomcat crews were finally given their own squadron ready room and conduct the the chance to drop bombs on targets in Iraq in division brief applicable to their part in the mis- the early hours of December 16, 1998 with the sion – this ran for about 15 minutes. launching of Operation Desert Fox. Crews then broke up into sections to conduct A four-day aerial offensive ostensibly aimed individual briefs, where they would discuss is- at curbing Iraq’s ability to produce Weapons of sues such as in-flight emergencies and what to Mass Destruction (WMD), this campaign was do during the sortie from a single aircraft stand- also triggered by Saddam’s unwillingness to co- point. This process would effectively see the operate with UN inspections of known weapons participating units go from ‘back row’, to ‘mid- sites. Many observers believed that the primary level’ to ‘micro view’. aim of Desert Fox was to attack the Iraqi leader- One of the air wing’s biggest advantages when ship in a series of decapitation strikes. To this compared with shore-based OSW assets was that end, a presidential palace just south of Bagh- all mission elements briefed together, face-to-face. Above: Until the advent of the LANTIRN pod and precision-guided munitions, the F-14’s most important role in Above: Red shirted ‘ordies’ from VF-32 prepare to load 2,000lb GBU-10s (foreground) and 1,000lb GBU-16s (grey dad was hit, as were buildings that housed the Air wings would do this on a near-daily basis when OSW was as a tactical photo-reconnaissance platform when configured with a TARPS pod. Weighing a hefty bombs to the rear) on to F-14Bs chained down to the fantail of CVN-65. A number of the weapons have had Special Security Organisation and the Special 1,760lb (798kg), the pod remained in use with the fleet until late 2004, and in its final years of service there messages scrawled on them in chalk. US Navy on cruise, talking at length about various mission were three main types of pod in use. They were the legacy ‘wet’ film pod, TARPS DI (digital imaging) pod, which Republican Guard. profiles and operational developments. This also used digital cameras that allowed the shots to be viewed in the cockpit and sent back to the carrier or other Having located the tanker, he would join the line F/A-18s. In the vanguard of these precision strikes on allowed the US Navy to run bigger packages into Link-16 capable aircraft over encrypted UHF, and TARPS CD (completely digital), fitted with digital cameras of aircraft formating off its left wing, waiting his The Tomcats would finally depart with the sec- the first three nights of the operation were the Iraq. USAF groups, on the other hand, all briefed that auto-sent the imagery when within range of a receiving station. This VF-102 F-14B (BuNo 163221), pho- turn to cycle through and ‘top off’ the Tomcat’s ond section when the pilots of the latter aircraft F-14Bs of VF-32, flying from CVN-65. Part of a separately, and then met up to support each other tographed on an OSW mission in early 1998, is also carrying an AN/ALQ-167(V) ‘Bullwinkle’ ECM jamming pod capacious tanks. With the refuelling complete, declared they needed fuel. This effectively meant 33-aircraft force launched by CVW-3, the Tom- forward of the TARPS pod, as well as AIM-7M and AIM-9M missiles. US Navy cats headed into Iraq in the wake of concentrat- inbound to the ‘Box’, as the southern no-fly zone Below: CVN-65’s trio of Hornet units and Tomcat-equipped VF-32 played a key role in the Operation Desert Fox the pilot positioned the jet back in the formation, the F-14s had stayed on station for twice as long was dubbed by coalition aircrew. strikes that pounded Iraqi Republican Guard targets for four straight days in December 1998. In a first for the but this time off the tanker’s right wing. as the Hornets, and all on a single tank of fuel. ed Tomahawk missile attacks. Desert Fox was Tomcat crews would go ‘feet on the deck’ to F-14 community, crews not only designated their own targets for LGBs but also buddy-lased for Hornet pilots – a The air spare would return to the carrier at this With the mission completed, the Tomcats an all-Navy show on the 16th, as described by a their jets 45 minutes prior to launch, by which precursor for operations to come with the Tomcat in the Balkans, Afghanistan and, once again, Iraq. Here, ‘Gyp- point if all four of the primary aircraft had tanked would go ‘feet wet’ back over the NAG and head Tomcat strike leader from VF-32. time the aircraft was fully fuelled, all systems (bar sy 101’ (BuNo 163220) awaits the catapult shot from CVN-65’s waist cat two at the start of another Desert Fox successfully and all the mission-crucial systems along pre-planned routes south to a tanker. The “The first night was all Navy, NO Air Force – not the engines) were up and running thanks to the mission. This aircraft later saw combat in OEF (2002) and OIF II (2004) with VF-143 as its CAG jet. US Navy -weapons, radio, radar homing and warning re- latter would be either a USAF KC-10 or KC-135, even their tankers – or Brits. It was designed jet’s auxiliary power unit and the pylon-mounted ceivers and avionics - were functioning correctly. a RAF VC10 or Tristar or two ‘organic’ S-3 Vi- for a single cycle so as to achieve the element weapons, or TARPS pod, had been secured. Most groups were then divided into two mini- kings that had sortied with the strike package of surprise. Our Tomcats were loaded with two The jet was then pre-flighted at deck level for packages once on station so as to cover any Pe- from the carrier and then stayed on station over 1,000lb GBU-16 LGBs, and our target was within around 15 minutes, after which the RIO would riods of Vulnerability (known simply as vul time the NAG, awaiting their return. Baghdad city limits. Tomcats were assigned climb aboard and start his radar systems and to naval aviators). This tasking was easier to Cycling through the refuelling procedure once most of the hard targets because of the air- avionics checks. With 30 minutes to run to perform when dealing with smaller divisions of again, topping off their tanks at about 500lb craft’s LANTIRN capability – collateral damage launch, the air wing’s Air Boss (who runs the aircraft, rather than sending in a huge formation (227kg) above what was needed to land back was unacceptable. We found our targets and flightdeck) would call ‘starts away’, and the air- of jets that tended to get in each other’s way. aboard the ship, the aircraft would overfly the car- ‘schwacked’ them. To watch those buildings craft were fired up. The first group, including a section of Tomcats rier, proceed back into marshal and then wait their go away through the LANTIRN cockpit display With everything functioning correctly, the five operating exclusively as fighters (pre-1997), turn to recover. A typical OSW mission usually was impressive. We were opposed by ballis- Tomcats would be unchained and marshalled fighter-bombers or in the TARPS role, would com- lasted around four hours, depending on whether a tic-launched SAMs and plenty of AAA.” in a pre-ordained order to one of the ship’s four mence its vul time, leaving the second package target was bombed during the course of the patrol. The outstanding performance of VF-32’s catapults for launching. Having successfully on station for a short while longer prior to it too Following a series of widespread coalition air LANTIRN-equipped F-14Bs on the first night of departed the carrier, the pilot would find the duty being committed. There was a brief period of strikes on targets in southern Iraq in January Desert Fox was largely ignored, or misreported, tanker using the aircraft’s radar in air-to-air search overlap between the two packages as a result 1993 (with naval assets provided by CVW-15, in the mainstream press at the time, although mode, rather than ‘breaking comms’ by talking on of this tactic being employed. Each package had embarked in USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63)), subse- defence analyst Michael Dennis was fulsome the primary control frequency known as Strike in a designated vul time in the ‘Box’ according to quent OSW operations in the ‘Box’ passed off in his praise of the aircraft and its crews in his order to get a steer from an AWACS controller. the ATO, and each of these time slots had been primarily without incident for the next three-and- ‘Potomac Currents’ column the spring 1999  meticulously worked out by JTF-SWA’s CAOC. Below: Tomcat units committed to OSW would also occa- This organisation, based in Saudi Arabia, was sionally carry out Operation Sea Dragon maritime sur- responsible for all no-fly zone mission planning, veillance sorties during the course of their patrols in the NAG. This well-weathered F-14D (BuNo 163904) from and created a daily ATO for coalition participants VF-31, embarked in USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) with (both naval and shore-based aviation assets). CVW-14 in August 1998, is armed with an AIM-54C and It was standard operational procedure that if a rarely seen Mk7 CBU that probably contains Mk20 the package did not make it into southern Iraq Rockeye bombs – an unusual combination for an F-14. during its set time slots, the jets would not be BuNo 163904 subsequently participated in OIF I with VF- 31 in 2003. Lt Jim Muse allowed ‘over the beach’. Once in the ‘Box’, the jets pressed on along pre-planned routes until reaching their designated patrol station in southeastern Iraq. Crews remained in constant contact with one of four Air Traffic Control agen- cies while performing an OSW mission. One of these would be in a combat information centre aboard a US Navy AEGIS class cruiser in the NAG, another in a purpose-built radar control centre in Kuwait near the Iraqi border, a third in the ‘big wing’ tanker that was on station sup- porting the package and the fourth in an orbiting E-2 or E-3 AWACS. These controllers would keep all TACAIR elements in Iraq updated on what was happening in response to the mission. Thanks to the Tomcat’s immense range, it was not uncommon for F-14 crews to double cycle Above: During the first nine months of 1999, US and British aircraft flew 10,000 OSW sorties and dropped 1,000 during OSW missions. Both jets would stay bombs on 400 targets in Iraq. This level of action was sustained into the new millennium, and between March inside the ‘Box’ for the entirety of the sortie, 2000 and March 2001, coalition aircraft were engaged more than 500 times by SAMs and AAA while flying a fur- ther 10,000 sorties into Iraqi airspace. Among the units to spar with Saddam’s ground-to-air defences during the while the Hornet section it had ingressed with latter half of 2000 was VF-103 ‘Jolly Rogers’, embarked in CVN-73. Manned up and with their F110 engines idling, remained on station for as long as the jets’ fuel these F-14Bs are seen chained down to the stern of ‘GW’ ready to launch on their next OSW patrol on October 12, permitted before being replaced by two more 2000. Note the bomb tally on the nose of the unit’s colour jet (F-14B BuNo 161435). US Navy issue of The Hook. “The night Desert Fox started, the reporters in Baghdad and the so-called experts in Washington studios all-knowingly explained that the explo- sions heard in the distance were those of Toma- hawk cruise missiles, since the only manned aircraft allowed over the city limits were the USAF F-117A and the B-2. Unfortunately, none of the USAF aircraft were available that night. “Also that night, an NBC correspondent was unable to understand why some of the Iraqi AAA was shooting higher than low-level, since the Tomahawk missiles fl ew low. More than one net- work reported seeing twin streaks of fl ame in the sky, accelerating and gaining altitude. This was sagely explained as a Tomahawk having been hit and sent out of control. When national imagery was released of both Baghdad and other targets, showing extremely accurate bomb hits that had caused great damage, one again received sagacious ‘if you can understand what I know’ explanations of the improved accuracy of the Tom- Above: Having coming out of the ‘Box’ for mid-cycle gas, the crew of VF-31’s ‘Tomcatter 101’ (BuNo 164600) Above: Big wing tanker support was critical to the success of the OSW mission, USAF KC-135s and KC-10s and RAF VC10Ks and Tristar K1s flying myriad missions from ahawk. This interpretation was uncontested then await their turn on the hose while the pilot of VFA-25 F/A-18C BuNo 164635 tops off his tanks with fuel from bases in the region. All armed with air-to-air missiles to perform the DCA role, F-14As from VF-14 and VF-41 and F/A-18Cs from VFA-87 take it in turns to recieve mid-mis- and since either by the Department of Defense an RAF Tristar K1 of 216 Squadron in early November 2002. The latter jet was fl ying from Muharraq, Bahrain, sion fuel from a 2nd Aerial Refueling Squadron/305th Air Mobility Wing KC-10A during an OSW patrol in early September 2001. Cdr Brian Gawne Public Affairs or by the Chief of Naval Information. where it had also been based during Desert Storm. The RAF usually had at least one Tristar or VC10K perma- during the four-day operation. Among the junior and then head to the ship for a night trap. No ment tapes of his targets blowing up. All of us “As some of you will know, however, VF-32 did nently deployed in Bahrain, supporting coalition jets venturing into Iraq. Big wing tankers were in great demand pilots sent into action was Lt Bryan McRoberts. problem! Concentrating on staying in position JOs wanted the chance to prove we could do go ‘downtown’. The explosions heard in the in both OSW and OIF, and the Tristar was a particular favourite of US Navy TACAIR pilots. “We would take fuel “I joined VF-32 in October 1998, one month while watching for the telltale glow and plume of it too, and we got the opportunity on the third off of anyone who had it available in-theatre – USAF, US Navy, RAF or RAAF”, CVW-2’s Lt Cdr Dave Grogan ex- distance by reporters were in fact, 1,000lb GBU- plained: “I personally preferred to tank from a British L-1011 TriStar rather than a USAF KC-135 or KC-10, as the prior to deployment. Like several other FRS a SAM launch, we made our way into the target night. 16s delivered by Navy aircraft. The Iraqi gunners basket in the Lockheed jet was a lot easier on our probes than its USAF equivalent. The RAF jet’s lighting sys- classmates, we arrived in time to make only 18 and dropped our ordnance. “I wasn’t concerned at that time about them were not as dumb as the television experts – the tem was also much easier to work with at night”. Lt Cdr Jim Muse weeks of the usual six months of work-ups. What “Unaware at this point if we had even hit the shooting at us – I didn’t want to screw up my ‘twin streaks of fl ame’ were probably Tomcat I lacked in experience I made up in enthusiasm. target (we later found out that we did), I was one opportunity to drop live ordnance in combat. ! Nevertheless, the Washington A month into our deployment, we expected a few focused on the AAA that was now flying around, Manning up with my pilot in our F-14B was no pundits searched for Tomcats everywhere and more days of OSW flying before USS Carl Vinson undoubtedly meant for me. I couldn’t help think- different from any normal launch. As we entered concluded they would be unable to destroy Sad- (CVN-70) arrived and we headed back through ing that those guys had some nerve to be actu- Iraq, we could see explosions and AAA more than dam’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD). ‘the Ditch’ for some time in the Med. ally shooting at us! 100 miles away in Baghdad, as we had launched “In great part this was due to US reliance on “Expecting a full day of diplomatic meetings “Egressing from the target, seeing the tracers another round of Tomahawks that night. carrier-based aviation, which could not possibly between the UN and the Iraqis on December 15, still flying up into the now-empty sky, we proceed- “NVGs are a wonderful thing. I was head-down (they said) bring to bear the intensity of a land- we were sat in the ready room waiting for things ed to the tanker, got a squirt of gas and headed from the initial point to the target, as the RIO based strike force. The strikes went on with to kick off when the CO stood up and said that to the ship as the sun was coming up. Holding usually is, looking for the target. After finding it, little individual publicity until two B-1Bs dropped we were going in. It was going to be primarily a in the marshal stack, still more awake than I had and waiting for the bomb release cues, I looked 500lb dumb bombs on a Republican Guard tar- CVW-3 effort, and the first strike was launching ever been, I tried to forget what I had just done outside for possible SAM launches. They were get. These, of course, did damage suffi cient for at 0200hrs. Listening eagerly as the CO called and concentrated on what I still had to do – trap. shooting at us! I guess they must have been the operation to be terminated. off the names of the crews that would be going, I Thank God for that ‘Combat OK’. It wasn’t the pretty mad, because red and white tracers from “Following the fi rst night over Baghdad, the knew my name would not be on the list. prettiest pass, but I trapped first time.” AAA was everywhere. After that, it wasn’t diffi- F-14s appear to have also joined in mixed for- “Everyone watched from the ready room as the Aside from the Tomcat making its combat de- cult to want to drop bombs and get out of town mations with F/A-18Cs and British Tornadoes. first strike launched. We waited anxiously for but with the LANTIRN pod in Desert Fox, female quick. I really didn’t think of the danger involved The F-14 payload appears to have been either their return, wondering if they had hit their tar- naval aviators also saw action for the first time until we had dropped the bombs, at which point two 1,000lb GBU-16s or 2,000lb GBU-10s or, gets. We were also unsure about what kind of during the operation. Of the seven that ex- I realised that we were several hundred miles against hardened targets, two 2,000lb GBU-24 resistance the Iraqis would show. One by one, pended ordnance on targets in Iraq, three were from good-guy country. Most importantly, we penetrators. The targets appear to have been Above: For the fi nal few weeks of ‘GW’s’ 2000 OSW deployment, which ended on December 20, 2000, VF-103 each aircraft returned. Everyone split his time assigned to VF-32. Lt(jg) Andrea Quy, who was ended up with an OK-3 wire on the pinky morning mainly Republican Guard installations, often marked up BuNo 161435 with festive tail markings and external tanks decorated with Season’s Greetings ti- between planning, watching CNN and getting the the RIO for Lt Cdr Scott Calvert during a strike recovery at 0630hrs.” tling in a gothic font. The aircraft later served as ‘Victory 110’ during VF-103’s eventful OIF III deployment on north of Baghdad. The F-14s additionally fl ew board CV-67 in 2004. Originally delivered new to VF-142 in November 1982, BuNo 161435 was the 26th A-mod- inside story from the guys returning. I got very on December 18, recalled her experiences of On the last night of Desert Fox (December fi ghter sweeps and reconnaissance. Each crew el to be upgraded to F-14B specifi cation. It was retired by VF-103 to AMARC in January 2005 and sold to HVF little sleep that night. Desert Fox. 19), CVW-3 jets were joined by aircraft from appears to have fl own fi ve or six missions in the West for scrapping in March 2008. US Navy “For the next two days I got up and checked the “I remember feeling envious as the crews CVW-11, embarked in Carl Vinson – the latter fi rst four nights of the operation.” Below: VF-32’s ‘Gypsy 101’ (BuNo 161860) is marshalled forward after recovering back on board USS Harry flight schedule, hoping to see my name in print. came back from their strikes and more launched had only entered the NAG eight hours earlier. At Although senior naval aviators undertook the S Truman (CVN-75) in the NAG in January 2001. On February 16, just a few weeks after this photograph was By the third day, just when it looked like the new throughout the night. Everyone was so excited the heart of the CVW-11 strike force were four taken, VF-32 found itself in the vanguard of the one-day war against fi ve Iraqi command, control and commu- early strikes during Desert Fox, the mission nications sites, dropping LGBs, lasing for fellow Hornet strikers, running TARPS missions and conducting DCA guys were not going, the CO made the huge about bringing back the bomb damage assess- LANTIRN-equipped F-14Ds of VF-213 armed  tempo maintained by VF-32 meant that all the pi- sweeps in the ‘Box’. BuNo 161860 served as ‘Gypsy 101’ during VF-32’s OIF I and OIF III deployments too. Gert decision to pick me. Here I was still trying to get lots and RIOs in the unit eventually saw combat Kromhout my sea legs, and the skipper was going to let me take a $40 million aircraft, loaded with live ordnance, over Iraq and into combat. “I launched at 0300 hrs. On only my second flight wearing NVGs, I headed to the rendezvous stack looking for the other 14 aircraft in my strike. It was by far the largest evolution I had ever participated in. Luckily, I got in the basket on my first attempt and didn’t hold anybody up. We pressed on time. “Looking across the horizon, I could see the flashes of other strikes hitting their targets, and the AAA tracers trying to chase them down. It took a few minutes to register, but I finally re- alised that those tracers were coming from my target. We were still 11 or 12 minutes out when things seemed to calm down over the target, but I knew what was coming. “My RIO acquired the target early. Now all that Above: Its LGBs still on their racks, ‘Bullet 111’ (BuNo 159613) returns to CV-64 at the end of yet another fruitless OSW patrol in January 2003. The LGB-equipped F-14 was not the preferred CAOC weapon on choice at the time. was left to do was to pickle the two 1,000lb This would soon change once OIF began in March 2003. Delivered to the US Navy as an F-14A in late 1975, BuNo bombs, avoid being shot down by AAA or a SAM, 159613 was remanufactured as a D-model 15 years later and subsequently served with VF-11 and VF-2. The latter go back to the tanker for some back-side gas unit retired it to AMARC in June 2003, and the veteran fighter was sold to HVF West for scrapping in July 2009. VF-2 with two GBU-24A/B 2000lb penetrator LGBs apiece. Giving the D-model jet its combat debut, the unit targeted IrAF hangars at two airfields near Baghdad, recording a 100% success rate. VF-213 also lased targets for the trio of Hornet units assigned to the air wing. By the time Desert Fox had come to an end, CVW-3 and CVW-11 had flown more than 400 The Tomcat was first blooded sorties in the 25-plus strikes launched dur- as a bomber over the Balkans in ing the campaign. VF-32 alone had dropped 111,054lb of ordnance, consisting of 16 GBU- September 1995. Almost four 10s, 16 GBU-16s and no fewer than 26 2,000lb GBU-24 penetrator LGBs. BALKANS years later it was back in the The latter proved to be the laser-guided weapon of choice against hardened aircraft shelters, HQ same theatre proving its worth bunkers and command and control buildings. Not in the precision strike role – all the Tomcats sortied were carrying bombs, how- ever, as both VF-32 and VF-213 also conducted a both in delivering ordnance and series of escort CAPs for USAF B-1Bs committed to Desert Fox from day two of the campaign. providing target guidance for Although the operation had lasted just four days, its consequences were felt right up until other aerial assets. OIF in March 2003. Proclaiming a victory after Above: The plane captain of F-14B BuNo 161426 gives the jet’s windscreen a final wipe over before declaring BOMBERS UN weapons inspectors had left Iraq on the eve the aircraft ‘up’ for its next sortie. During the four days of Desert Fox, VF-32 dropped 111,054lb of ordnance – ATO’S BOMBING campaign against the tine in their role as fencers, got down and dirty of the bombing campaign, and stating that he 16 GBU-10s, 16 GBU-16s and no fewer than 26 2,000lb GBU-24 penetrator LGBs. Like ‘Gypsy 102’, most the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, code- and dropped bombs. Kosovo marked the first no longer recognised the legitimacy of the no-fly unit’s ten F-14Bs carried bomb tallies beneath their cockpits. US Navy named Allied Force, was undertaken in time in the history of warfare that victory was won zones, Saddam brazenly challenged patrolling opposition to recent patrols, CVW-2, embarked one-day war, dropping LGBs, lasing for fellow N an effort to stop human rights abuses in without the introduction of troops on the ground. ONW and OSW aircraft by moving mobile SAM bat- in USS Constellation (CV-64), launched Operation Hornet strikers, running TARPS missions and Kosovo. The strikes, which lasted from March Aircraft reigned supreme – but not as easily as teries and AAA weapons into the exclusion zones. Gun Smoke. Some 35 of 39 AAA and SAM sites conducting Defensive Counter Air (DCA) sweeps 24, to June 10, 1999, had not been approved has been portrayed in the press or by the pundits. Both were used in the coming months, and targeted for destruction in the ‘Box’ were elim- in the ‘Box’. In the wake of this action, the unit’s by the UN Security Council. Allied Force was the “VF-41 ‘Black Aces’ probably played a great- Iraqi combat aircraft also started to push regu- inated in a series of precision strikes that saw CO, Cdr Will Cooney, acknowledged the F-14’s second major aerial combat operation mount- er part in that 1999 victory than any other air larly into the ‘Box’. The adoption of this more the largest expenditure of ordnance in a single capabilities when it came to enforcing the OSW ed by NATO in the Balkans, coming almost four squadron in theatre, whether air force or navy. aggressive stance by the IrAF almost resulted in day since Desert Storm. mandate. years after the campaign in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Because of its superior performance, sophisti- a US Navy Tomcat claiming its first Phoenix mis- The F-14Ds of VF-2 played a leading part in “The Tomcat’s distinct size and power made it CVW-8 had been at the forefront of Operation De- cated equipment and two-man crews, who took sile kill when, on January 5, 1999 two F-14Ds the success of this campaign, and aside from an intimidating foe to any enemy. With the big liberate Force in August-September 1995. As luck it upon themselves to do something extra, the from VF-213 launched two AIM-54Cs at MiG-25s dropping LGBs, the unit also had the chance to motors in the F-14B/D, its speed and power would have it, the air wing would play a key role in Tomcat and its flyers distinguished themselves. that had penetrated the no-fly zone. The Iraqi fire a single AIM-54C against an Iraqi MiG-23 – it were very impressive. Coupled with size, large Allied Force as well. In 1999, thanks to the arrival Basically, they proved in Kosovo to be the one jets had already turned back north and were is believed that the jet outran the missile, which ordnance load and long legs, the Tomcat could of the LANTIRN pod in the fleet, the Tomcats em- US asset that could both find hiding enemies making a high-speed run for home by the time was again fired at long range. really reach out and touch the bad guys in OSW.” barked on USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) would and destroy them with smart bomb accuracy. the Tomcats launched their missiles at very long During the first nine months of 1999, US and The steady escalation of the conflict in the be the ‘stars’ of the campaign, rather than the “And doing that eventually became the main mis- range. Neither hit their intended targets. British aircraft had flown 10,000 OSW sorties region was only brought to a halt, albeit tempo- ‘walk on extras’ they had been in Deliberate Force. sion of the navy there, despite daunting problems.” Above: Lt Cdr Brian ‘Bru’ Brurud and Cdr Joseph ‘Joey’ Iraq’s open defiance to OSW meant that coali- and dropped 1,000 bombs on 400 targets. This rarily, by the devastating attacks on the World Robert K Wilcox summarised the role played by Black Aces High continued: “Flying ageing Tom- Aucoin perfected the FAC(A) mission during Allied tion aircraft patrolling in the ‘Box’ were now regu- level of action was sustained into the new mil- Trade Center, in New York City, and the Pentagon VF-41 in Allied Force in the introduction to his out- cats and faced with having to locate Serb fight- Force, despite initial resistance from senior staff of- larly locked up by fire-control radar and engaged lennium, and between March 2000 and March on September 11, 2001. standing history of this campaign, Black Aces High: ers operating covertly in a mountainous land, ficers in CVW-8 and naval aviators within the air wing. by AAA and unguided SAMs on a near-daily 2001, coalition aircraft were engaged more than The subsequent declaration of the War on Ter- “Kosovo presented a new kind of conflict for much like Afghanistan, and with almost no help Brurud, in particular, was the driving force behind VF- 41’s embracing of the air-to-ground mission, having basis. In the post-Desert Fox world, these viola- 500 times by SAMs and AAA while flying a fur- ror by President George W Bush saw US carrier modern fighter squadrons – a precursor to what from ground spotters, VF-41 aviators spear- initially received orders to fly the A-6. Completing the tions provoked a swift, but measured, response ther 10,000 sorties into Iraqi airspace. battle groups under Fifth Fleet control removed would happen later in Afghanistan and other ter- headed for the navy the creation of new ways to MAWTS-1 course with the US Marine Corps in the early from JTF-SWA. Typically, such missions were In response to this aggression, which had from their OSW station and pushed further east rorist countries the United States, in its subse- pinpoint, identify and destroy enemy troops and 1990s and a posting as an NSAWC instructor specialis- devised within the CAOC-approved pre-planned seen coalition aircraft fired on 60 times since into the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean in order quent War on Terrorism, might bomb. It wasn’t weapons. These were tasks that fighter crews ing in the FAC(A) mission, Brurud was one of the most retaliatory strike framework, and they soon be- January 1, 2001, US and British strike aircraft to support OEF in Afghanistan. a conventional conflict in which fighters battled had seldom had to do before. The ‘Aces’ had to qualified ‘Bombcat’ exponents in the fleet by the time of Allied Force. He and his CO, Aucoin, flew myriad mis- came known as Response Options (ROs). dropped bombs on 38 occasions. The most With the bulk of the tactical air power in this other aeroplanes for control of the skies, and air break rules and frequently go in harm’s way in sions together as pilot and RIO during the campaign, The latter allowed no-fly zone enforcers to react comprehensive of these RO strikes (indeed, the conflict provided by carrier aircraft flying arduous operations supported ground invasion and con- order to be successful. In the beginning, there proving the Tomcat’s worth in the FAC(A) and SCAR to threats or incursions in a co-ordinated man- biggest since Gun Smoke) occurred on February four- to eight-hour missions over land-locked Af- quest. In Kosovo, fighter squadrons, usually pris- had been resistance to their taking license.  roles. via Robert K Wilcox ner, through the execution of agreed ROs against 16, 2001 when CVW-3, embarked in USS Harry ghanistan, OSW no-fly zone operations by the US pre-determined targets such as SAM and AAA S Truman (CVN-75), targeted five command, con- Navy were drastically scaled back. This allowed sites and command and control nodes. trol and communications sites. the Iraqis to move more air defence weaponry On September 9, 1999, following significant Again, VF-32 found itself in the vanguard of the below the 33rd parallel.

Above: VF-103 was the first Tomcat unit to benefit from the more aggressive RO policy instigated in OSW in 2002 post-OEF. However, some poor LGB work in the ‘Box’ in Above: CVW-8 flew a fair percentage of its strike missions during Allied Force at night, with Tomcat and Hornet pilots relying on NVGs to aid them in the darkness as author early September 2002 by a CAG staff RIO flying with the unit almost resulted in the severing of an Iraqi oil pipeline north of Basra, and the CAOC immediately banned Robert K Wilcox explained in Black Aces High. “Night was their ally. They had the new light-enhancing ‘cat’s eye’ night-vision goggles, small, cylindrical, opera-glass-type pro- any further bombing by F-14s in-theatre. Here, VF-103’s CAG jet (BuNo 162918) returns to CVN-73 with its two GBU-12s still very much in place shortly before the bomb- tuberances that dropped down from the top of their helmets like dark glasses on a baseball player’s cap, and gave them a bug-like, robotic appearance. But they intensified ing mishap. Assigned to VF-102 in July 1988, upon its delivery to the US Navy, this aircraft joined VF-101 eight years later, and was eventually assigned to VF-103 in early ambient light. Night became day, impressively so. Their target-finding display screens, like those in the new LANTIRN systems in the Tomcats, used more-sophisticated infra- 2000. Marked up as the unit’s CAG jet, it subsequently completed three combat tours (2000, 2002 and 2004) with the squadron. The Tomcat was retired to AMARC on red technology to see up to 20 miles through the darkness and lock on their precision-guided munitions with accuracy that that was described as pin-point.” This dramatic January 5, 2005 and sold to HVF West for scrapping in March 2008. Capt Dana Potts photograph was taken on April 12, 1999 at the start of CVN-71’s second week on station in the Adriatic Sea. US Navy But they eventually had done so well that for the EA-6B Prowlers of VAQ-141. ‘Tophatter’ F-14s fi rst time in aviation history, a fi ghter squadron – routinely managed the battlespace while they theirs – was awarded the Wade McClusky Trophy, located hostile targets. Once they found a tar- the navy’s premier bombing honour. The award, get, they called upon sections of F-14s or F/A- named after a World War Two dive-bomber pi- 18s from CVW-8, or air force aircraft such as lot and post-World War Two admiral, had been A-10 Thunderbolts and F-16 Fighting Falcons, to won previously only by bombing squadrons. The deliver their weapons. The ability of the Tomcat award was quite a coup, but it was hardly indic- FAC(A) aircrews to quickly pass targeting infor- ative of the hard work, missteps, pain, sacrifi ce mation to other aircraft, and to effi ciently fl ow and dedication needed to win it.” those aircraft into a target area, was the result VF-41’s sister-squadron, VF-14, proved just of many hours of pre-fl ight planning and airborne as effective in the precision bombing role over fl exibility. The value of a Tomcat FAC(A) quickly Serbia. According to its Command History for became evident against rapidly advancing Serbi- 1999: “VF-14 provided only 2.4% of the strike an forces in Kosovo.” assets in Allied Force, but was responsible for Lt Stanley’s report quoted Cdr Ted Carter who assessed destruction of 12% of all targets hit said: “The Tomcat has truly come of age. After in Serbia, through own ordnance delivery or the 27 years of service to the fl eet, this has been control of other aircraft ordnance.” the aircraft’s and the aircrew’s greatest contri- Both units benefi ted from recent updates to bution. Our success in Allied Force was a total their venerable F-14As, as VF-14’s Lt Jim Stanley team effort that had proven the value of a two- explained in the Command History on the eve of seat cockpit. We fl ew in sections, one aircraft the 1999 deployment: serving as an escort for the other. Each F-14 Above: An Aviation Ordnanceman prepares to ‘pull the pin’ to arm an AIM-9M fi tted to ‘Camelot 200’s’ starboard “Our Tomcats had received numerous modifi - usually carried four bombs, which we used for LAU-138 Sidewinder launcher rail on June 1, 1999. Immediately below the weapon is the jet’s all-important LAN- TIRN pod, which allowed both VF-14 and VF-41 to conduct precision strikes on Serbian targets in Kosovo. US Navy cations in the last year. The latest change was Above: VF-41’s colour jets (BuNo 161295 in the foreground and BuNo 162608) head over hilly terrain in search of both striking a target ourselves and for marking new software for the jet’s AWG-9 radar control targets over Kosovo in April 1999. Both aircraft saw considerable action during Allied Force, with BuNo 162608 a target for other strike aircraft. The FAC(A) is system, which has brought added capabilities also used by VF-41 in combat over Iraq and Afghanistan in 2001. via Robert K Wilcox like a quarterback on a football team, seeking FAC(A) Training to a system designed in the 1960s. One of the aircraft, for damage assessment, for locating tar- “Knowing that NATO had ordered bombing to out and identifying targets, ushering strike air- A handful of Tomcat aircrew had taken it upon them- have all of the jets deconfl icted and holding at differ- most exciting improvements has been the incor- gets of opportunity or simply for determining pre- begin on Serbian forces in Kosovo in late March, craft to the scene, recommending the type of selves to seek out FAC(A) training when their F-14s ent altitudes, and then give them run in points that poration of a new Digital Flight Control System cise coordinates for targeting by other weapons.” no one was surprised when, just a week after ordnance for a particular target, ensuring the started to routinely carry bombs in the early 1990s. kept them deconfl icted. We also had to check them (DFCS) that has replaced the analogue system Post-deployment, Lt Stanley produced the fol- leaving Norfolk, the ‘Tophatters’, with CVW-8, pilots under their control recognised potential The confl ict in the Balkans at the same time under- in and fi gure out what ordnance they had and how used since the aircraft’s inception. All pilots lowing report detailing VF-14’s exploits in Allied were stationed off the coast of Italy with live terrain hazards, and providing them with run-in lined the urgent need for this when American peace- much of it they were carrying. Once we had their agree that the Tomcat is now more manoeu- Force for the unit’s Command History: ordnance loaded on to their F-14A Tomcats. The and recovery headings.” keeping offi cers in Bosnia complained that US Navy time on station, our fi nal task was to prioritise the tar- vrable and has a crisp response to pilot control “Months of pre-cruise preparations and train- fi rst navy strike, led by VF-14’s CO, Cdr Ted Car- The VF-14 ‘Tophatter’ Tomcats expended more jets committed to the operation did not have airborne gets according to what ordnance was available. inputs. Along with the DFCS modifi cation came ing fi nally paid off for the ‘Tophatters’ of VF-14, ter, took place on the night of April 6, against than 395,000lb of ordnance on various targets air controllers to spot targets and aid in the hitting of “Once you were a qualifi ed FAC you would be al- a new, more advanced Radar Warning Receiver who led the fi rst navy air strike of Operation Al- the Pristina POL [petroleum, oil and lubrication] in support of Allied Force. Cdr Carter added in them – the aircraft also lacked the LGBs needed to lowed to commence the FAC(A) syllabus taught by the [AN/ALR-67] that gives the ‘Tophatter’ aircrew lied Force. During the fi rst week of strikes over facility. Despite the heavy concentration of AAA Stanley’s account: “Our tireless ordnancemen support troops on the ground. east coast weapons school. It consisted of a week of earlier and more accurate indications of enemy the former Yugoslav Republic, navy forces met and numerous SAMs launched from all around, loaded more than 800,000lb of ordnance in Pilots such as Lt Cdr Brian Brurud of VF-41 suc- ground school followed by several weeks of fl ying and radar trying to detect and lock on to their air- with signifi cant opposition, including numerous the ‘Tophatter’ aircrew, along with Tomcats from two months in VF-14 alone. Combined with an ceeded in getting a place on a six-week FAC course controlling ordnance. The instructors were really good craft, and BOL chaff dispensers to defeat SAM surface-to-air missile launches and AAA fi re, but VF-41 and F/A-18s from CVW-8, fought their way outstanding maintenance effort, the work of our run by the Marine Air Weapons and Tactics Squadron about getting Marine Harrier IIs and Cobras and USAF guidance. Another signifi cant improvement was successfully countered the threat and execut- into the target area and delivered their weapons troops was most impressive.” (MAWTS) One at MCAS Yuma, Arizona. US Marine F-16s and A-10s to train with us. Our responsibilities the upgraded software package for the LANTIRN ed each strike. In the weeks that followed, the with deadly accuracy. All the aeroplanes made Lt Stanley reported ‘Tophatter’ aircrews led Corps aviators have a fi erce reputation when it comes were to deconfl ict the stack (the holding stack that pod, which allows the F-14 to more accurately battlefi eld picture changed and the NATO cam- it safely out of the target area and returned to CVW-8 in strike missions as FAC(A)s. He said: to providing CAS, as their primary mission is to support saw waiting strikers circling near the target at different employ weapons, as well as record more accu- paign moved to another level, where ‘Tophatter’ the waiting carrier later that evening. During “By using their state-of-the-art LANTIRN pod to Marine ground troops. FAC from a Marine aviator’s altitudes), then send the jets in, in sequence, for differ- rate target coordinates. Squadron CO Cdr Ted Forward Air Controller, Airborne (FAC[A]) aircrews the mission, the location of several SAM and the fullest in this confl ict, the ‘Tophatters’ of standpoint involves fi nding enemy troops and weapons ent ToTs. Simultaneously, we would be manoeuvring Cater said LANTIRN was “perhaps the greatest took on the assigned task of striking Serbian AAA sites were identifi ed, and this information VF-14 helped to prove that the F-14 Tomcat is while in the air, usually at the direction of an aviator on our jet so as to get into position to ‘look through their new bit of technology for us to put to use.” military ground forces deployed throughout Koso- was passed on to the second strike package, one of the most accurate and lethal aircraft in the ground, and then destroying them without hitting tails’ as the strikers rolled in. It was up to us to clear Lt Stanley continued: “Using the newly installed vo. The experienced guidance of strike leaders, launched later that same night.” the air-to-ground arena, and truly the Command- his own troops – no easy task given the altitude and them hot once we were sure they were rolling in on the Fast Tactical Imagery system, F-14A aircrew can solid planning and respect for the capabilities of Lt Stanley continued: “As navy strikes contin- er-in-Chief’s airborne platform of choice.” speeds involved. The MAWTS course included FAC(A) correct target. Once we had cleared them hot, I would transmit digital images captured from the LAN- the former Republic of Yugoslavia’s ground forc- ued, the need to locate and target Serbian mil- The Command History also highlighted a num- training, which taught aircrew how to do everything immediately manoeuvre to get in trail of the next jets TIRN pod video and send them to another Tomcat es resulted in zero damage to navy aircraft and itary forces became apparent. FAC(A) aircrews ber of VF-14’s ‘fi rsts’ and successes from its when it came to providing CAS. This meant that there as they came into the target area – strikers usually or to the battle group commander. These images the smooth control of navy and air force aircraft from VF-14 and VF-41 were sent over Kosovo 1999 deployment as follows: was no need for a ground controller. only had about one minute’s separation. could be used for immediate attack by another over the hostile skies of Kosovo. to do the job, under the protective watch of the “VF-14 FAC(A) aircrews infl icted signifi cant dam- After completing his course and fi nishing his fl eet “Performing FAC(A) missions both in training and age to Serbia’s deployed forces in Kosovo. Un- tour with VF-41, Brurud joined NSAWC at Fallon just as for real were some of the most challenging, dynamic, relenting and effective targeting while operating it was establishing a Joint Tactical Air Control Course and rewarding fl ights I’ve ever done. Lt Cdr Michael in known SAM and AAA envelopes was key to under the direction of one of the US Navy’s most expe- Peterson – who was one of my weapons school in- bringing about an end to the Kosovo campaign. rienced ground FACs, SEAL Sniper Andy Nelson. Naval structors – and I were the fi rst FAC(A)s in Afghanistan, VF-14 developed standoff weapons delivery tac- aviators like Brian Brurud provided a core of expertise controlling ordnance the fi rst night American troops tics to provide an additional safety margin for that allowed the FAC(A) mission to be expeditiously were on the ground. It was both exhilarating and shooter aircraft. VF-14 supported 190 external ushered into the Tomcat community just as LANTIRN terrifying at the same time. Indeed, it was one of the weapons, including LGBs, and Laser Mavericks pods started to reach the fl eet. By the time the confl ict most rewarding fl ights I’ve ever participated in.” (LMAVs), guiding them to direct hits. in Kosovo began in March 1999, there were at least “The ‘Tophatters’ developed innovative and four trained FAC(A)s within each F-14 squadron. exceptionally effective FAC(A) tactics over Koso- An early graduate of the NSAWC course was Lt John vo, which it subsequently employed in southern Saccomando of VF-213, who would subsequently Iraq during OSW. These were duly exported to use his training to the full over Afghanistan during other battle groups. It perfected mixed section OEF. He said: “The FAC(A) training course lasted two employment tactics using the F-14 LANTIRN tar- months and was only available to three or four crews geting system and the F/A-18’s LMAV. VF-14 re- per squadron. It was pretty competitive to get select- corded a perfect 100% success rate while guid- ed for the course because it required an elevated ing 35 LMAVs. These tactics were passed down level of SA (situational awareness) while fl ying low to and employed extensively by the Constellation the ground. The fi rst phase was to get qualifi ed as a and Kennedy battle groups, which have recorded ground FAC, or TACP (Tactical Air Control Party). That similar results in OSW. part of the course ran for several weeks, and it was “VF-14 also provided the fi rst operational com- taught at either Dam Neck, in Virginia, or at Coronado, bat testing of the Infrared Zoom Laser Illuminator in California. The last week of the TACP training was Above: Lt John Saccomando put his FAC(A) training to Designator pointing device by FAC(A) crews during spent in the fi eld controlling live ordnance dropped good use during VF-123’s OEF deployment in 2001, fl ying 52 missions over Afghanistan. As the squadron’s air-to- Allied Force. It proved the usefulness of this de- from aeroplanes while you were in close proximity vice by demonstrating instantaneous designation ground training offi cer, Saccomando was responsible for ‘Fast Eagle 101’ was adorned with Tomcat FastFac titling beneath a Tomcat riding an LGB shortly after the [within visual range] to the target. We had to set up ensuring that 28 naval aviators in VF-213 were mission- unit had returned home. Note also the McClusky titling on the fi n tip, which denoted that VF-41 had been of tactical targets to NVG-capable platforms, re- Time-on-Targets [ToTs] in sequence for the strikers, capable prior to OEF beginning. Cdr John Saccomando awarded the Wade McClusky Trophy, the navy’s premier bombing honour, in 1999. US Navy sulting in immediate target identifi cation and  weapons delivery at night. The ‘Tophatters’ were Left: VF-14’s ‘Camelot 201’ (BuNo 158624) launches on a DCA/CAP mission for an air wing strike on April 8, 1999. also the fi rst Tomcat squadron to use gyro-sta- CVW-8 hit fixed strategic targets in and around the Kosovan capital Pristina during the first week of combat op- erations. As with a number of the F-14As flown by VF-14 and VF-41 at this time, BuNo 158624 was an early-build bilised binoculars for enhanced visual acquisi- airframe with few flying hours following years of service with test and evaluation units followed by assignment to tion and target area description. FAC(A) aircrew Reserve-manned VF-201. When the latter unit transitioned to F/A-18A+s in early 1999, six of its jets were sent to validated their effectiveness by locating tactical CVW-8, including ‘Camelot 201’. US Navy targets quicker, achieving rapid targeting and pro- Right: Armourers from VF-14 check the guidance vanes of a GBU-24A/B Paveway III 2,000lb LGB they have recently viding more available time for armed reconnais- shackled to the port BRU-32 bomb rack of a ‘Tophatters’’ F-14A on April 14, 1999. First dropped from a Tomcat in combat by VF-32 and VF-213 during Desert Fox some five months earlier, the ‘bunker-busting’ GBU-24 was developed sance and weapons employment. for use against well-defended, high-value targets. Fitted with a more expensive guidance kit than that seen on other “The squadron was responsible for the most LGBs cleared for use by the F-14, only ten GBU-24s were dropped by VF-14 in Allied Force. By comparison, the unit sorties and hours logged with LANTIRN-equipped expended 181 GBU-12s, 114 GBU-16s and ten GBU-10s, as well as 116 Mk82 and 18 Mk83 ‘iron’ bombs. US Navy jets during a deployment and recorded the best Below: Both VF-14 and VF-41 adopted the ‘quad bomber’ configuration once they started flying SCAR and CAS mis- deployed pod availability. VF-14 fl ew 1170 sor- sions in Allied Force, with aircraft usually carrying two GBU-16s (seen here to left) and a pair of GBU-12s). US Navy ties with pod-equipped F-14As, maintaining an impressive 94.8% pod reliability rate. “VF-14 developed enhanced LGB tactics to counter inclement weather often encountered in the target area during Allied Force. It modifi ed the ‘Trombone’ [target circling] tactic to maximise standoff and minimise podium effect by executing a left-hand ‘Trombone’. This modifi cation allows the LANTIRN pod complete and uninterrupted coverage during the entire delivery and eliminates masking concerns. The tactic was debriefed and submitted as change to the F-14 Tactical Manual. “FAC(A)s perfected fi ve variations of coordinat- ed ‘buddy bombing’ and successfully executed all of them in combat. This allowed VF-14 to act as a force multiplier by using LANTIRN to guide LGBs into tactical targets that other aircraft were unable to locate with their own on board sensors. With the mark on the deck, the FAC(A) provided talk-ons for other aircraft, enabling them to follow The Command History said: “By creatively man- 50% of those carried were recovered. VF-14 re- that it was there, was being sent to Kosovo 8. However, according to Wilcox: “Brurud and – very difficult to do from high altitude. Initial- up with visual deliveries on additional targets. aging the daily combat fl ight schedule, VF-14 in- corded an 88.1% combat success rate with the “VF-14 and VF-41 had three FAC(A)-trained air- Aucoin resolved anew to make SCAR work – this ly they thought the Tomcats could do it without “VF-14 was the fi rst squadron to operational- creased the availability of critical FAC(A)-qualifi ed GBU-10. Due to a detailed LANTIRN and deliv- crews each, and like their CAG, Capt Dale Lyle, despite continued resistance from those in the LANTIRN pods, but we found it to be harder than ly test and utilise the Tomcat Tactical Targeting aircrew. Thoughtful scheduling enabled VF-14 to ery techniques training course conducted within and the strike leaders in CVW-8, they all want- battle group who either still believed it was im- we thought. So what we have to do now is go LANTIRN software. This led to the recent clear- provide the maximum number of FAC(A)-qualifi ed VF-14, the squadron enjoyed an increasing ord- ed to continue flying the large Alpha-type strikes possible under current conditions, or resented lower into the SAM envelope. Sounds like fun.” ance to use designated target coordinates via sections, resulting in signifi cantly enhanced ef- nance delivery success rate throughout its de- against fixed targets they had initially mounted the departure it represented from established “The plan eventually devised by Brurud and LANTIRN for GPS-guided munitions, allowing for fectiveness. In addition to aircrew management, ployment. The initial overall rate was 65 percent when they first arrived in the Balkans. They had navy ways of doing business. None of this both- Aucoin for performing SCAR missions over Koso- real time targeting of high threat mobile tactical aircraft were also confi gured to maximise effi cien- during the fi rst week of Allied Force, and this trained hard to perfect these strikes at places like ered the ‘Black Aces’. Their main problem at vo involved giving two FAC(A)-manned Tomcat targets with GPS-guided standoff munitions pre- cy. Two aircraft were designated FAC(A) platforms eventually swelled to more than 82%.” Fallon as an air wing, and they felt most comfort- this early stage in Allied Force was that little in sections (totalling four jets) strike packages for viously reserved for fi xed targets.” and confi gured as ‘quad-bombers’. These aircraft The FAC(A)s running Strike Coordinated Armed able flying them. They did not see how, given the the way of SCAR-FAC(A) procedures or tactics use as bombers” explained Robert Wilcox. “The The history said the ‘Tophatters’ established maximised the number of LGBs a FAC(A) could Reconnaissance (SCAR) missions had assumed easy-to-hide-in Kosovo terrain and the NATO-im- had been standardised or even worked out. This strike packages, medium-sized with four to six the F-14 as the FAC(A) platform of choice in two deliver (four) as a ‘mark’ and maximised bring- prominence in Allied Force when it was realised posed altitude floor of 20,000ft, below which they was forging on the fly, trial by error, test and dis- jets each, would be made up of the air wing’s separate theatres of operation during CVW-8’s back capability. The remaining squadron aircraft by NATO that its original strategy of bombing were not allowed to fly, they would be able to even card. They had bad intelligence. Their equip- Hornets. They would arrive at different times 1999 deployment. Effective use of LANTIRN to were confi gured as ‘dual bombers’. The combi- non-vital fi xed or stationary targets in and around find the smaller, mostly mobile targets, let alone ment, like the LANTIRN pod, while good, was not and be nearby in order for the FAC(A)s to have at locate and identify enemy armour and emplace- nation of the FAC(A) with four GBU-12s and the the Serbian capital of Belgrade was not stopping bomb them. At 20,000ft (imposed to minimise what was specifically needed for the hunting ot least one package available to them at all times. ments and superb coordination of all airborne escort with two GBU-10s resulted in unparalleled the massacring of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. NATO air losses to SAMs and AAA), a tank, even troops and tanks. The normal picture in the FLIR They’d also always have secondary targets as- strike assets combined to showcase the suc- airborne fl exibility. Robert K Wilcox recounted in Black Aces High, in the LANTIRN scope with the FLIR’s consider- didn’t have enough magnification to see troops signed in case the FAC(A)s couldn’t find any cess of the F-14 Tomcat over Serbia and Iraq. “The unit managed ordnance loading based that there was ‘increasing talk among the war-run- able magnification abilities, is little more than a and distinguish vehicles at the heights they were for them to bomb at their location. The FAC(A) Given the task-management capability of a two- on a real concern for ordnance bring-back and ners about going after the Serbs’ ‘fi elded forc- spot. A soldier would be imperceptible. And even restricted to. And the narrow, magnified setting s would be protected by a Prowler, as were the seat platform, airborne results greatly exceeded preservation of ordnance assets. Jets routinely es’ – their troops, tanks and mobile artillery in if seen, such targets could run and hide. was like looking through a straw. If you lost the strike packages. If they found a target, they’d those achieved by sister service USAF A-10 and carried two 2,000lb GBU-10s, and aircrews were Kosovo proper, in view of the failure to stop the “But CAG had been directed to explore the target, it was terribly hard to find again. quarterback the strikers in. If they didn’t, the F-16 FAC(A)s. In two separate warfi ghting areas never forced to jettison ordnance for weight con- slaughter. The air force, with generally more aeri- mission. In other words, it was his problem to “They only had two pairs of gyro-stabilised bin- strikers would go on to their secondary, fixed of responsibility, the superb capability of the siderations. VF-14 carried and delivered more al assets than the navy, was concentrating on the solve. He therefore tasked Lt Cdr Brian Brurud, oculars, which meant that only one or two air- targets. F-14 was demonstrated. GBU-10s than any other navy squadron, and larger targets in the north. Naval air [CVW-8], now VF-41’s bombing expert, to fly with his skipper, craft (if they wanted to spilt the pairs) could hunt “Typically, the FAC(A) sections would launch for Cdr Joseph Aucoin, that night in what was tech- with them at one time. SAMs remained a very separate two to three-hour hunting missions, nically called a SCAR mission but was listed on real danger, and inherent in SCAR was the loiter with the first section being relieved by the sec- the squadron’s April 7, daily flight log as a ‘QB’, time. You had to circle, stay in the area, check ond so that there would be continuity. The sec- probably because of its preliminary nature. The things out. Speed and manoeuvrability – the tion returning would update the section arriving. two letters stood for quarterback – go out and basis of SAM avoidance – were not an option They’d start within southern Kosovo, where the find the Serbs’ fielded forces and then ‘quarter- when looking for targets. You had to get slow, killing was concentrated. FAC(A) crews would back’ their destruction with bombers that would dip down, hang around.” use “whatever means available” to identify the be put at the QB’s disposal. VF-41 XO, Cdr Jim Bauser – who, not being a target, which meant UAVs, binoculars, LANTIRN, “The air force was doing some SCAR already, FAC(A), would do a lot of the escorting – recalled other aircraft in the area and secret sources. but obviously with little success. The A-10s in Black Aces High: “My biggest concern was They’d need stacked strikers for when they found were hampered by the altitude restrictions and that we were going to get bagged out there as targets and Prowlers for defence.” lacked sophisticated detection and bomb-tar- FAC(A) escorts. It was a risky thing. This wasn’t On April 19, VF-41 at last got the chance to geting-and-guidance gear like the F-14’s LAN- swooping in, dropping bombs and getting out. prove the squadron’s worth in the SCAR role TIRN. The Serbs had deployed SA-6 and SA-10 We’re in the same piece of sky – very predict- when unusually timely intelligence revealed the SAMs and AAA into Kosovo, which was stormy, able. The FAC(A)s and FAC(A) escorts hung it out location of a 9K52 Luna-M short-range artillery mountainous, covered with trees and pocked – no ifs, ands or buts about it.” rocket system to CVW-8. Codenamed Frog by with caves, villages and similar-looking farms, The book also recorded ‘Black Ace’ Lt Brian NATO, the Scud-like, truck-borne, surface-to-sur- any one of which could conceal tanks and SAM Fleisher explaining in a letter home: “Going af- face missile was being used by the Serbs to launchers. Finding and destroying the Serb field- ter the troops and the tanks is a totally different decimate enemy-held villages. Robert K Wilcox ed forces, if it could be done at all, was going to ball game. Those things move around a lot and detailed how VF-41 dealt with this target in the ‘Camelot 200’ (BuNo 162698), bearing 80th anniversary titling on its vertical fi ns and toting two GBU-16s on its centre line racks, returns to CVN-71 at the end of an un- be both hard and dangerous.” it is hard to know where they are, so we have to following extract from Black Aces High: “The Frog eventful mission over Kosovo on May 5, 1999. Issued new to VF-33 in September 1986, this aircraft saw combat in Desert Storm as the unit’s CAG jet in early 1991. With Results for the Tomcat FAC(A) crews were not do what is called close air support with forward happened to be in the general area that Brurud the disestablishment of the ‘Starfi ghters’ on October 1, 1993, the jet was transferred to VF-32. The latter unit transitioned to the F-14B in 1996, and BuNo 162698 was encouraging to start with due to a combination air controllers. Basically, now we have to send and Aucoin were planning to reconnoitre, and passed on to VF-14. Seeing combat both in Allied Force in 1999 and in OSW and OEF in 2001, the Tomcat served with the unit as its CAG jet for fi ve years until sent to AM- of poor weather, restrictive operating heights and someone in to look for the tanks and APCs and they were given a photograph of it shortly before ARC on February 1, 2002. (US Navy a general unfamiliarity with the mission in CVW- then they call in the strikers to take them out they were due to depart ‘TR’. They launched  “They decimated the area. This mission provided a defi nite sense of power seldom experienced in normal bomb runs. It was almost point and shoot. The laser operator wielded a beam of concentrated energy that doomed everything it touched, with the rain of devastation relentless and seemingly un- ending depending on the number of bomb-carrying strikers being directed. The concentration of one of the Hornet pilots sticks in Aucoin’s memory. A young lieutenant, I can’t remember his name. He couldn’t pickle [fi re] on his fi rst run so he really bore down on the second. He didn’t realise it, but he was pointed almost straight down, scorching the air at about 18,000ft, approaching 600mph. “All that is out of his scan. He just wants to get the missile off. When he launches, he’s almost at Mach 1. It comes off and blows up the Frog’s support vehicle – just blew it to bits. Not until the lieutenant got back and viewed his video did they Above: Wings swept fully forward and tailhook extended, ‘Fast Eagle 106’ (BuNo 161294) prepares for landing see the numbers recorded by his sensors showing back aboard CVN-65 during a training exercise in 2000. The aircraft has an empty ITER on one of its centre line such a thrill ride. He’d been oblivious. He had just stations, the crew having just completed a practice-bombing mission. BuNo 161294 saw combat with VF-41 in Al- not wanted to ‘screw up’. lied Force and OSW in 1999 and OSW and OEF in 2001. US Navy “The April 19, mission was VF-41’s fi rst bonafi de and create their SCAR techniques. For instance, ground, our job was to do top cover on them, call SCAR success – roughly two weeks after the unit where before they were dipping and quickly re- out SAMs, defeat the SAMs that might elude the had started trying to perfect it. And although it by turning to safe altitude in order to check on pos- Prowlers – protect them. I guarantee you, if they no means ended the ‘Black Aces’ SCAR-FAC(A) sible targets, they began relying more on their were heads down looking for things and there problems, the mission had an immediate impact. wingman, Prowlers and the E-2 Hawkeye in the was a junior crew in the other aeroplane, they ‘Once they did it,’ said Brurud, referring to the area to signal danger and fi ght it. The wingman wouldn’t feel so good.” Hornet pilots who were among the most scepti- would be their defensive eyes, checking the VF-41 expended its last ordnance of the cam- cal of the mission in CVW-8, ‘they suddenly came ground and the immediate airspace for threats. paign on June 9, and three days later NATO’s Koso- aboard.’ Not every Hornet pilot was out there on The Prowlers would jam and missile nearby ene- vo Force of peacekeepers entered the country that particular mission. Far from it. Nor were the my batteries that activated. The E-2 would alert with the backing of the UN following the enforce- sceptical F-14 crews or their doubting higher-ups. them to distant hostile threats. All this meant ment of a ceasefi re and the withdrawal of Serbian Above: USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) is seen underway during the vessel’s 1999 Mediterranean/NAG deploy- But the seed had been planted. More important, that they could stay lower longer, concentrating on troops. During Allied Force, VF-41 had undertak- ment that saw CVW-8 attack targets in the Balkans and southern Iraq. ‘TR’ has experienced more combat than CAG had got a needed demonstration. According the search. The rules about how low they could en 384 combat sorties totalling more than 1,100 any other supercarrier in the modern US Navy since being commissioned in October 1986, being involved in Desert to Aucoin, “Once Capt Lyle saw the video – and go were not yet defi ned. Strikers were restricted fl ying hours. Its aircrew had expended 160 tons of Storm, Deliberate Force, Allied Force, OSW, OEF, OIF and Inherent Resolve. US Navy if we hadn’t had the videos he wouldn’t have be- to a 20,000ft (6,096m) fl oor, but the SCAR oorfl Right: Cdr Ted ‘Slapshot’ Carter was the much-revered CO of VF-14 during Allied Force, his command of the squad- LGBs, achieving an 85% success rate. The ‘Black ron earning him the CNO’s Atlantic Fleet Vice Admiral James Stockdale Award for inspirational leadership. A vet- lieved it because we needed them for confi rma- hadn’t yet been posted. “It was one of those Aces’ had relied heavily on its FAC(A) crews to take eran of 125 combat missions over Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan, he accumulated 6150 fl ying hours tion and all that – he felt really good about it. Hey deals where we’re not exactly sure we want to ask the fi ght to Serbian eldedfi forces. in the F-4, F-14 and F/A-18 and 2016 carrier landings. US Navy we can actually do this.” the question,” said Brurud. “So the strikers kept Following the completion of combat operations into an anomaly – reasonably good weather. It fi rm the target there, get authorisation, prioritise, Inspired by their success, Brurud and Aucoin in- up there. But as FAC(A)s – I know I went lower. It in Kosovo, Theodore Roosevelt sailed to the NAG appears they had some trouble fi nding the Frog deconfl ict and start directing the bombing’.” creased their SCAR efforts even more. They began was more just doing it than asking about it.” to support OSW. In addition to its regular mis- site, possibly because of problems with the GPS “Regardless of whether they hit the Frog them- an almost round-the-clock schedule of SCAR activ- Eventually, they would fl y into the heart of the sions of enforcing the southern no-fl y zone over coordinates. But they kept hunting, using both selves or not, they did have plenty of other targets ity usually involving two missions a day, which was enemy’s defensive envelopes – 10,000ft and Iraq, CVW-8 executed several strike missions the gyro-stabilised binoculars and the FLIR’s to parcel out on the site. Brurud wanted to make about the limit they could fl y. They’d jump into a jet lower. They’d do so with wingmen who usually on Iraqi targets in response to being fi red upon wide view. ‘We were just fl ying around the coun- an example, and Aucoin agreed. They had Hor- in the early morning for two to three hours of hunt- guarded higher and were also FAC(A)s. The idea by surface-to-air threats. With the experience tryside’, said Aucoin, ‘when I said to ‘Bru’, ‘That nets standing by, and they were probably about ing and return near noon. Still in their sweaty fl ight was to always have a trained FAC(A) crew in the gained from their combat time in Kosovo, VF-14 area looks real similar to the photo’. The picture eight to ten miles away. One of the advantages of gear, they’d get a brief while munching a candy bar area in case Brurud and Aucoin went down. In and VF-41 completed their missions success- had some farm-like buildings in it, and an adja- using the Tomcats was that their LANTIRN system for lunch, pick up the best intelligence-supplied pic- the meantime, the wingmen, usually JOs, hope- fully, thus helping to make CVW-8 the fi rst air cent fi eld. The area below them had similar fea- was stronger than the F/A-18’s NITE Hawk target- tures or coordinates available, and launch back out fully would learn from them. One of the pilots wing in many years to fl y combat missions in two tures in roughly the same pattern. They were at ing system. The LANTIRN could see farther and for an afternoon-through-night hunt. protecting the FAC(A)s was Cdr Jim Bauser. He different theatres of operation during the same 15,000ft – too high to see details like the Frog. provided a larger scope picture to its crew than Little by little they said: “While they were totally in the cock- deployment period. It would repeat this feat in They decided to take a risk and go lower. the NITE Hawk did. With the Tomcat’s sighting of began to refi ne pit looking at sensors, looking at the 2001. “They had already been dipping and popping the targets, the Hornet’s didn’t have to get close back up as a cautious means of entering and ex- to it as they otherwise would. iting SAM envelopes. Now they swooped down “The Hornets were carrying laser-guided Mav- lower than ever before. It paid off. ‘The build- erick air-to-ground missiles. These honed in ings matched up’, said Aucoin. It was a barn-like on laser refl ection and were unique in that they structure with other dwellings nearby. Near the could be fi red and then the Hornet could yfl away. barn was a “parking lot” with vehicles. And in Nothing else was required of the pilot. As long as the fi eld was the missile launcher!’ Aucoin said: the target was illuminated, the Maverick, which ‘It was on a truck. We suspected they stayed had wings, fi ns and a motor, would fl y to the laser within the barn-type building and just came out spot on its own. It was an easy-to-use weapon to fi re. Then they would run back in the barn’. for what would come to be termed ‘buddy lasing’ “They zoomed back up to safety. Excited – using the laser of one aircraft (in this case the about what they had found, they got confi rma- Tomcat) for the weapon of another (the Hornet). tion to drop. It’s not clear whether they hit the The Maverick was also specially made to destroy Frog themselves or brought in Hornets to do it. hardened targets like tanks and armoured vehi- Aucoin’s recollection is that they used their own cles. It could easily penetrate farm buildings. GBU-12s on the launcher and then brought in “One by one, Brurud and Aucoin called in the the Hornets for the other targets. Brurud says Hornets, which stayed out of visual range. They they decided to wait for Hornets to do all the gave the Hornet pilots the target coordinates to bombing because of the impact it would have on aim the Maverick and the LANTIRN laser code the SCAR debate. ‘Anybody probably could have so the missile could recognise and be guided by gone out with what we had and found the target it. Once Aucoin had the laser aimed at the spot, and bombed it’, Brurud said. ‘The diffi cult part the Hornet would make its run, still staying a VF-14 and VF-41 fl ew primarily air-to-ground missions during the campaign over Kosovo, but both units also com- pleted plenty of CAP and DCA tasks. These were fl own in protection of EA-6Bs fl ying anti-SAM missions, as well as comes in when you’ve got different areas or tar- safe distance away. When the Maverick located Hornets and Tomcats undertaking precision strike sorties. NATO was concerned about Serbia fi ghters attempting to gets and an allocation of aeroplanes with say a the laser, probably about fi ve miles from the tar- engage its strike aircraft, but this threat quickly evaporated after USAF F-15s downed a handful of MiG-29s in the ear- 20-minute window. I’ve got 20 minutes to go up get, the Hornet would fi re the missile. It would ly stages of Allied Force. F-14A BuNo 158637 of VF-41 is carefully taxied forward on to the launch shuttle for waist there, circle around, confi rm the target here, con- then fl y to whatever Aucoin was illuminating. catapult two prior to fl ying a CAP on April 17, 1999. US Navy By the autumn of 2001, the venerable F-14 had OPERATION been developed into a truly multi-role fi ghter-bomber, with more mission taskings than any other aircraft then embarked in a US carrier. It was now set to play a leading ENDURING role in the confl ict over

Afghanistan, rather than Above: VF-41’s ‘Fast Eagle 105’ (BuNo 161615) keeps station off the right wing of a KC-10A while an RC-135V of the 55th Wing tops off its tanks midway through an ELINT mission along the Afghan-Pakistan border on the eve of being the bit-part OEF. VF-41 was charged with providing the fi ghter escort for a number of ELINT sorties leading up to the aerial as- sault on Afghanistan. VF-41 Insert: F-14 Tomcat OEF (2001) player it had been in Left: ‘Blacklion 111’ (BuNo 161159) is marshalled towards one of CVN-70’s waist catapults, armed with a single 2,000lb GBU-24A/B Paveway III LGB. Only a handful of these weapons were expended in OEF, VF-213 being the Desert Storm. leading dropper with four. VF-41 made two GBU-24 attacks – one delivered by Lt Peter Gendreau and his RIO, Lt Cdr Scott Butler. “We fl ew a daylight strike on a weapons storage facility on the outskirts of Kabul,” said Butler. “Our tar- FREEDOM get was a series of closely grouped bunkers in an area that had a high potential for collateral damage and, because of this, Lt Gendreau fl ew several runs at it just to make sure we had our laser angled just right to achieve maximum weapon penetration. Our weapon defi nitely penetrated the bunker complex because we saw huge secondary explo- sions once it had detonated. That was the one drop I did that made the nightly news back home.” US Navy HE FIRST OPERATIONS conduct- With al-Qaeda directly linked to the Sep- ed by the F-14 during the fi nal tember 11 attacks, the US Government phase of its operational life turned its attention to the terrorist T came just hours after the group’s home in Afghanistan. Less than ‘Twin Towers’ and the Pentagon had three weeks after the atrocities in New been attacked by al-Qaeda terror- York City and Washington, DC, carrier- ists in hijacked airliners. That morn- based aircraft would be in the vanguard ing, VF-11 and VF-143 were preparing to of a joint operation to remove the Taliban embark in USS John F Kennedy (CV-67) as from power and destroy the organisational part of CVW-7’s cruise work-ups off the Virginia infrastructure al-Qaeda had established in Afghani- coast. North American Aerospace Defense Com- stan. mand (NORAD) contacted the US Navy soon af- The carrier closest to this land-locked country ter the World Trade Center’s south tower was hit was Enterprise, with the F-14As of VF-14 and and asked for its help in securing the airspace VF-41 embarked. The units were nearing the over the eastern seaboard. Both CV-67 and USS end of their last cruise with the Tomcat and had George Washington (CVN-73) were put to sea by seen action in Iraq during fi ve weeks of OSW Second Fleet, and the vessels embarked a hand- patrols. Also steaming towards the Arabian ful of fi ghter squadrons from NAS Oceana. Sea from the Indian Ocean was USS Carl Vinson VF-11 and VF-143 were sent to CV-67, and pilot (CVN-70), with the F-14Ds of VF-213 embarked. Lt(jg) Joseph Greentree from the latter subse- These three Tomcat units would be in the van- quently fl ew several missions in support of the guard of what was codenamed Operation Endur- NORAD-controlled sea shield hastily established ing Freedom (OEF) by Pentagon planners. off the coast of New York. Sailing off the coast of Pakistan in the north- “For the fi rst 72 hours that VF-11 and VF-143 ern Arabian Sea, both carriers were in position were embarked in Kennedy, we fl ew round-the- to commence strikes on al-Qaeda and Taliban clock CAPs up and down the eastern seaboard,” targets by late September, although the fi rst he said. “The skies remained eerily empty dur- OEF mission was not generated until October 8, ing this time, with all civilian air traffi c having 2001. With the US military being politically pre- been grounded. After three days Second Fleet vented from using nearby land bases in the NAG told us to abandon these CAP missions and and India, and unwilling to overuse frontline air- commence our work-ups.” fi elds in Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, Â

Above: With their pre-OEF CAP mission over, Lt Cdr Van Kizer and his RIO, Lt Dave Bailey, keep their hands in the air, and away from the weapons activation panel, while armourers pin the pylon fi ring mechanisms for the ord- nance attached to VF-14’s ‘Tophatter 200’. A 40-mission veteran of Operation Allied Force, Lt Cdr Kizer would fl y a further 20 sorties in OEF. VF-14 Left: FAC(A)-qualified pilot Lt Marcus Lopez of VF-41 drew heavily on his Operation Allied Force experiences in OIF. Lt Marcus Lopez Below: Lt Cdr Michael Peterson (left) and Cdr Chip King participated in VF-213’s Kabul strike on the opening night of OEF, and also routinely flew together throughout the campaign. Both men were seasoned naval aviators by the time they saw combat over Afghanistan, Cdr King being CVW-11’s senior strike lead and Lt Cdr Peterson having seen combat as a Strike Weapons and Tactics Instructor augmentee with VF-14 and VF-41 in Operation Allied Force. One of the first FAC(A)-qualified Tomcat RIOs, Lt Cdr Peterson would also participate in OIF (with VF-2) in 2003. Their jet is armed with two GBU-12s – the 500lb LGB being VF-213’s staple weapon (it dropped 271) in OEF. Cdr Michael Peterson

VF-213 F-14D BuNo 163899 prepares to take on fuel from a KC-10 over Pakistan as it heads north to Af- ghanistan. Photographed in early November 2001, the jet already boasts an impressive bomb tally be- neath its cockpit. USAF aircraft carriers were initially the only way to siles as well as two AIM-9L Sidewinders and 678 out the Tomcat’s ability to reach the distant tar- involved in the pursuance of Time-Sensitive-Tar- such as this, as the Hornet’s NITE Hawk pod was going on around us while we focused more bring tactical air power to bear in Afghanistan. rounds for their 20mm cannon. The jets were gets and return to the tankers unrefuelled, the gets (TSTs) such as al-Qaeda and Taliban lead- was not powerful enough to break out urban tar- closely on the target area.” The strike fi ghters of CVW-8 (CVN-65) and CVW- prepared for anything, as we had little idea about campaign might have lasted much longer. And ers – missions that assumed great importance gets with the required accuracy. The latter pod Although VF-14 and VF-41 left OEF on October 11 (CVN-70) duly hit terrorist training camps, what kind of air threat would be opposing us.” I believe it is safe to say that other missions once all the pre-planned fixed targets had been – from the height we were operating at – would 23 when VF-102 (part of CVW-1) arrived in-the- Taliban barracks, air bases and SAM/AAA sites While VF-213 CO Cdr Chip King led his strike – particularly SCAR and CAS – would have had destroyed in the first week of OEF. have been unable to distinguish one tenement atre, VF-213 remained in the thick of the action in the longest carrier-launched strikes in history. package to Kabul, the squadron XO, Cdr An- a signifi cantly different fl avour without the Tom- “I soon re-roled into the FAC(A) mission, going house from another, let alone allow the pilot to until CVN-70 was relieved by USS John C Stennis Tomcat, Hornet and Prowler units routinely oper- thony Giaini, and his wingman were tasked with cat’s qualities.” in search of emerging targets,” he said, “whilst count down the number of doors from the FAC’s (CVN-74) on December 15, 2001. By then the ated more than 700 miles (1,126km) from their protecting B-1Bs bombing the air base at Herat With no Coalition troops in-theatre to support those guys in the unit lacking this qualifica- location to the target building, as we had to do. unit had expended 452 LGBs and 470 20mm carriers in sorties lasting between six and ten before heading to Farah and attacking a Taliban during the early phase of OEF, the Tomcat crews tion stuck to hitting fixed targets on the ATO. “I had a wingman with me on this mission, cannon rounds. VF-213 was heavily involved in hours throughout OEF. communications facility with their own GBU-12s. worked instead with two-man special operations My first FAC(A)-designated mission – although and although he too worked up the target as we supporting the Northern Alliance’s ground offen- Charged with both hitting targets and provid- Both targets were in western Afghanistan, not forces (SOF) teams, who sought out targets for this ultimately evolved into a TST strike – was circled overhead Kabul, his primary role was to sive against the Taliban in November. Indeed, ing protection for the USAF heavy bombers while too far from the country’s border with Iran. The the naval aviators to attack – they would also flown just three days after OEF started when I support us in any way he could. We always had on the 5th, Cdr Chip King and his RIO, Lt Cdr Mi- over Afghanistan, VF-213’s F-14Ds would go Tomcat was the only carrier-based aircraft that provide crews with target ‘talk-ons’. US Navy got to work with one of the CIA FACs in-theatre. a non-FAC(A) wingman for these sorties, and it chael Peterson, made history when they became into combat on the fi rst night of the campaign in could perform a mission such as this, as Cdr Gi- strike aircraft relied heavily on ‘big wing’ tanker These guys really weren’t sufficiently trained was his job to watch over us should we have to the first US Navy crew to use the F-14’s M61A1 true strike-fi ghter confi guration. The unit’s ‘gun- aini explained: “The strike I led on the fi rst night support throughout OEF, with crews refuelling to control TACAIR assets, and they were very descend below the 15,000ft minimum altitude 20mm cannon in action. King recalled: “I remem- ner’ was veteran ordnanceman CWO3 Michael of the war refl ected both the realities imposed at least three times from KC-10s, KC-135s, thin on the ground. Those in Afghanistan pre- hard deck [introduced by Central Command Air ber thinking to myself at the time what a disparity Lavoie, and it was his job to oversee the arming on us by the limited number of assets we could VC10Ks and Tristars during the course of these dominantly operated around Kabul, seeking out Forces for OEF] in order to get our bombs, or in technology. It was like ‘Buck Rogers’ meeting of the four Tomcats that led CVW-11’s opening support (particularly with tankers), the ranges marathon missions. TSTs. The CAOC specifically told CVW-8 that it someone else’s, guided accurately to the target. the ‘Arabian Nights’, as the Taliban fighters that OEF strike. Despite having worked carrier fl ight involved and the kind of enemy we faced. Exclusively employing LGBs, VF-14 and VF-41 wanted FAC(A) crews to go and work with the CIA Our wingman would remain above us in a posi- we were strafing were on horseback.” decks for more than 20 years, Lavoie had never “Unless and until we could eliminate the air expended some 380,000lb of ordnance be- ‘spooks’, as the latter lacked the experience tion that allowed him to keep an eye on what Both VF-213 and VF-102 flew some of the  seen such heavily laden F-14s launched from a defences in Afghanistan, the tankers would not tween October 8 and 23, when CVN-65 was necessary to provide TACAIR assets with the carrier prior to the evening of October 7, 2001. be going in-country. The result was that the Tom- relieved by CVN-71 (with the F-14Bs of VF-102 kind of precise target co-ordinates required to at- “On the fi rst night of OEF, our aircraft were hit- cats were tasked with the far targets in Kabul embarked). “VF-41 achieved an 82% hit rate, tack key ‘pop up’ targets in urban areas. ting pre-planned targets, so we knew what ord- and Herat, while the Hornets were assigned the which was a level of accuracy that had never pre- “The CIA-controlled TST operation in Kabul that nance was required. We had four jets heading nearer targets in and around Kandahar. viously been achieved by the US Navy,” recalled I became involved in on October 10 proved to be out, and we uploaded bombs in quantities we had “In reality, all three locations were a real squadron CO Cdr Brian Gawne. Both Tomcat one of my longest missions in OEF – I would sub- never previously hung on a VF-213 aircraft – two stretch, requiring precise planning, absolute squadrons in CVW-8 also buddy-lased Maverick sequently discover this was often the case with of the Tomcats carried pairs of 1,000lb GBU-16s discipline and jets kept in top shape. We were missiles and LGBs for Hornet units. these types of sorties. Things really dragged on and the remaining jets were armed with 500lb blessed to have all three. In fact, I would go so A number of the aircrew assigned to both VF- as we waited for the CAOC and the FAC to give GBU-12s. We also armed each of them with sin- far as to say that range and endurance were as 14 and VF-41 were veterans of Allied Force, in- us the green light to drop our bombs. By the gle AIM-54C Phoenix and AIM-7M Sparrow mis- much a weapon as the LGBs we carried – with- cluding FAC(A) pilot Lt Marcus Lopez. He was time my RIO and I landed back onboard the car- rier we had been airborne for almost nine hours. “It turned out that the FAC had been waiting for key Taliban personnel to enter a tenement-style house that he was watching. He kept telling us to ‘wait a few more minutes’ before having to go Above: The officer cadre of VF-41 pose for their end-of-cruise photograph during CVN-65’s three-day port call to Souda off-radio when people approached his position. Bay, in Crete, in late October 2001. Following the ‘Black Aces’ history-making Operation Allied Force/OSW cruise in He would then tell us where he was, and we 1999, when the unit dropped more than 200,000lb of ordnance, the 2001 deployment could have been something of could see him on the roofs of houses through an anti-climax for the crews involved. But brief action in OSW and 16 breathless days of combat in OEF ensured VF- 41 once again led the way as the squadron became embroiled in the Global War on Terror. Cdr Brian Gawne the LANTIRN pod as he moved from one location Below: ‘Before’ and ‘after’ shots of two Taliban T-62Ms caught out in the open by a TARPS-equipped VF-213 jet on to another. We ended up having to tank twice November 11, 2001. The photographs were taken by the pod’s KS-153B camera. VF-213 while waiting for clearance to drop, until he was finally happy all the personnel he was target- ing were in the house for a meeting that he had received intel on. Only then we were passed target co-ordinates and cleared by him, and the CAOC via ‘Bossman’ [AWACS], to drop a single GBU-12. The bomb went straight through the front door of the house. “The FAC was very close to the target, his build- ing being separated from it by a small park. Our bombing run had to be flown in such a way that Above: ‘Blacklion 101’ (BuNo 164603) led the fi rst manned strike of OEF, when Tomcats and Hornets from CVW-11 hit an SA-3 SAM battery, and its attendant target acquisi- we passed over this park and then aimed our LGB tion and guidance radars, near Kabul’s international airport on October 7, 2001. The second-to-last Tomcat ever built, this aircraft was originally delivered to VF-124 on May 29, 1992 and subsequently became one of the fi rst D-models assigned to VF-2 in June the following year. Transferred to VF-213 in late 1997, the jet remained with the ‘Black at the front of the house, so as to avoid inflicting Lions’ until passed on to VF-101 in early 2002. It returned to the fl eet in the summer of 2003, going to VF-31 and soon becoming its ‘Felix 101’ jet, completing a further two collateral damage on surrounding dwellings. cruises with the unit. Lt Tony Toma “The LANTIRN pod was critical in a mission With its rattlesnake suitably adorned with a Christmas hat, ‘Diamondback 115’ (BuNo 161608) joins the landing pattern on December 19, 2001 – the Tora Bora offensive ended that very day. VF-102

Left: The large PTID screen in the rear cockpit of a VF-102 F-14B reveals the rugged Afghan landscape near Tar- in Kowt on November 17, 2001. This view, obtained via the LANTIRN pod while circling the target area at 31,980ft, could be panned in or out, depending on the mission requirements. No other TACAIR platform in OEF – navy or air force – had a tactical display of this size. VF-102 Below: Four unarmed VF-211 jets join up in close formation for their run in and break over CVN-74 in late March 2002. Both ‘Nickel 101’ (BuNo 161603) and ‘102’ (BuNo 162612) boast bomb tallies beneath their cockpits. The canopy rails of each VF-211 Tomcat bore the names of New York police and fire department personnel killed on September 11, 2001. Lt[jg] Mitch McAllister

Cdr Chip King (left) and Lt Cdr Kevin Claffy compare notes on the flight deck at the end of an OEF mission in early November 2001. Behind them, one of VF-213’s hard-working armourer teams has already started upload- ing GBU-12s onto BuNo 163899’s BRU-32 bomb racks. Lt Tony Toma most difficult missions of OEF as Taliban and al- get with hand-held infrared pointers or a smoke spent almost three months kicking their heels would then alternate between the target area recalled: “I joined the ‘Fighting Checkmates’ skipper – with a 30-degree angle of bank – as Qaeda fighters fled east towards the Tora Bora round from a mortar, but there was nothing to flying uneventful XCAS (the CAOC’s moniker and the tanker so that there was always a two- with just 30 hours in the A-model Tomcat in my he rolled in and dropped his ordnance, and I cave complex and the Pakistani border. The bulk break that spot out as being an obvious target to for immediate missions) patrols over Afghani- or four-ship formation over the target the entire logbook, having been trained to fly the F-14B for then worked off his hits. The JTAC told me to of the naval air power committed to this campaign us while we circled at 20,000ft. We would drop stan. Having missed the first day of Anaconda, time. The divisions were typically mixed, with a much of my time in VF-101. I was scheduled to put both my bombs directly on top of my CO’s, was provided by CVW-1, with VF-102 seeing par- our ordnance, nevertheless, and in turn be told the ‘Fighting Checkmates’ soon made up for lost single section of two Tomcats being paired up join a ’B squadron, but they needed a priority F- so that’s what I did. We came in on the road at ticularly heavy mission tasking. The unit’s mainte- ‘good effects, thanks’ by our controllers. time. As had been the case during the ground with a similar number of Hornets. The latter were 14A student graduate to join VF-211. I got my an angle of 50 degrees, some 45 degrees off nance officer, Lt Cdr Scott Guimond, summed up “I was unsure about just how effective we had campaign in the early months of OEF, FAC(A)s usually armed with JDAM and Laser Mavericks, deck qualification in the jet with VF-101 off the the target itself, which was pretty exciting to say the ‘Diamondbacks’’ campaign: “The Tora Bora been during this offensive until several months af- like Lt Cdr Nick Dienna played a particularly im- while the F-14s carried LGBs and iron bombs – Norfolk coast on a Monday and was then sent by the least – VF-101 hadn’t really prepared me for sorties proved challenging for us, as we were es- ter Tora Bora when, on one of the rare no-fly days portant role in this chaotic offensive. a spread of weapons that CVW-9 found covered civil airliner to Bahrain four days later. I started dive-bombing targets with unguided ordnance sentially trying to hit little more than a rock block- we observed on our trip back home, a huge war- “In Anaconda, we had a much larger force than most targeting requirements during Anaconda. flying combat missions within 24 hours of my ar- from such a high altitude and at such a steep ing a cave entrance in very rugged terrain at high rant officer SEAL strode into our ready room and had previously been seen in Afghanistan operat- We would usually split up into sections once over rival on CVN-74, and less than a week after get- angle. We had to roll in from around 30,000ft altitude right on the Afghan-Pakistan border. demanded to see me. I stood up and asked him ing in a much smaller area,” he said. “A stand- the Shah-i-Kot due to the jets’ differing tanking ting deck qualified in the F-14A! simply because the terrain in the area was so “The close proximity of the latter meant we what he wanted. ‘Sir, I just wanted you to know ard kill box controlled by one FAC at the start of cycles. There were also some USAF F-15Es in the “My bomb-dropping mission came about a high. The road, which was carved into the side could not spill out into Pakistani airspace after that we were conducting a patrol in Tora Bora OEF was 30 nautical miles by 30 nautical miles, mix, but they tended to do their own thing.” week into Anaconda. As with previous sorties I of a mountain, was at about 6,000ft MSL [mean making our bombing runs. Breaking out the key when you helped us out after we had come un- but in Anaconda that area had shrunk to eight According to Lt Cdr Dienna, VF-211 had started had flown in OEF, we launched in the late after- sea level]. With bombs gone, we then pulled off rock that needed to be bombed through the FLIR der heavy fire. I got your name from the CAG, as I nautical miles by eight nautical miles, run by carrying a mixed load of two LGBs and two gen- noon as a section of Tomcats designated as an to the left away from the mountain. when it was the same colour as its surroundings wanted to give you these.’ He handed me a small more than 30 Coalition SOF, US SOF and Task eral-purpose (GP) iron bombs within days of Ana- XCAS asset, without a pre-planned target. We “My compatriots had been almost exclusively proved a virtually impossible task. Things got bottle filled with Afghan sand and an optical sight Force Mountain controllers! With a much larger conda starting. As with other Tomcat units that headed north and rendezvoused with our first dropping GBU-12s up until this mission simply even worse at night, for at least during the day he had broken off of a SA-7 shoulder-launched friendly footprint on the ground, you now needed had previously used GP ordnance in OEF, the tanker on the Afghan border. As soon as the because of the nature of the CAS sorties they you could talk to your RIO and the ground control- SAM. ‘Thanks for saving our asses, sir.’ He then those more traditional controls we strictly ob- ‘Fighting Checkmates’ predominantly uploaded skipper checked in with ‘Bossman’ at our allo- were performing and the awesome targeting ca- ler about what they were seeing. The location of left the ready room. I derived tremendous gratifi- served when conducting CAS training during our 500lb Mk82 or 1,000lb Mk83 Target Detector cated loiter time, he was told there was urgent pabilities of the LANTIRN pod. Therefore I was friendly troops on the ground was not ideal either, cation from such brief encounters.” work-ups at home. Unfortunately, these did not Device-fused bombs to ensure maximum area tasking for us. We were instructed to check in convinced that if I got to drop any ordnance in as they tended to be further away from the cave On December 19 – four days after the F-14As exist in the early stages of the campaign. coverage against troops in the open or in shal- with a JTAC [Joint Terminal Attack Controller], OEF, it would be an LGB. When the JTAC asked entrances that needed bombing than we would of VF-211 embarked in CVN-74 had arrived in- “Quickly realising there was no real airspace low trenches. “VF-211 had not dropped any GP who in turn gave us co-ordinates for a road just for Mk82s, I quickly studied my kneeboard Z-di- have liked – this was particularly the case at theatre – the Tora Bora offensive ended and the control plan for Anaconda, our FAC(A) crews took bombs up until then in the deployment,” Lt Cdr north of the Shar-i-Kot Valley he had been watch- agram and figured out the best attack profile to night. Occasionally you would see enemy troops fighting in Afghanistan drastically reduced in it upon themselves to organise TACAIR support in Dienna explained. “Iron bombs were often used ing for some time. employ. I also confirmed my proposed course of moving in the Tora Bora area, and the LANTIRN intensity. Things did not flare up again until ear- their assigned target areas. They would initially for reconnaissance by fire purposes, marking “Enemy forces had started to retreat back into action with my RIO, Cdr Kevin Kovacich, who, as pod also picked up hotspots of activity.” ly March 2002 when the US Army’s Task Force check in on the primary control frequency given to out targets for LGBs. We always tried to get the the mountains in cars and trucks, and the JTAC the squadron XO and former A-6 B/N, was one VF-102’s operations officer, Lt Cdr Tom Eberhard, Mountain launched Operation Anaconda in the them by ‘Bossman’ and then try and get all other GP bombs off as soon as we checked in, rolling wanted the road severed and some vehicles of the most experienced back-seaters in VF-211. also expressed his frustrations about this phase mountains of eastern Afghanistan. Targeting TACAIR assets in the immediate area to tune into in at a 45-degree angle once cleared to drop in travelling on it hit so as to block it off as an es- “With an LGB delivery, the RIO would have done of the unit’s OEF deployment: “We all found Tora more than a thousand hardcore al-Qaeda fight- this frequency too. They would then determine the Shah-i-Kot Valley. We would then wait for any cape route for al-Qaeda/Taliban fighters. Time most of the work, designating the target with the Bora a challenge simply because we often didn’t ers entrenched in ridgelines and caves through- who was talking to which FAC, and where they on-call tasking for our LGBs, which were typically was of the essence here and we were given im- LANTIRN pod. However, as I had already realised, know exactly what, or who, we were bombing. out the Shar-i-Kot Valley, the offensive got badly were located, and then go about deconflicting the aimed at high value targets, or targets where mediate approval to drop by ‘Bossman’ once Cdr Kovacich told me that the success of this at- There was also a lot more interest shown in what bogged down to the point where the survival of strikers either laterally or vertically. This worked there were collateral damage issues. A number overhead the target area. My skipper asked the tack was almost entirely in my hands. He played we were doing by the higher-ups in Washington, US troops in contact with the enemy was only well, as the number of jets in the Shah-i-Kot at of them were also dropped in fire-for-effect situa- JTAC where and when he wanted the bombs, and his part by talking my eyes onto the bomb hits DC, than had previously been the case. ensured through the overwhelming employment any one time was of a manageable number – typi- tions rather than against specific targets.” as his wingman it was my job to listen carefully from my CO’s ordnance, and that helped me get “It was nerve-wracking dropping ordnance on of tactical air power. cally two divisions at a time from CVW-9. One of the first naval aviators from the unit to to the instructions that the CO was given, for I correctly lined up with the target. Cdr Kovacich targets you could not positively identify before Finally, on March 3, VF-211 got the chance to “The first division would check in, with the sec- drop a GP bomb during Anaconda also happened would attack immediately after him. also put out chaff and flares as we dived onto the pickling your bomb. FACs could mark the tar- show its mettle in OEF, the unit’s aviators having ond division some 45 minutes behind it. These to be VF-211’s newest pilot. Lt(jg) Kevin Robb “I remained in a high cover position for the target and as we pulled out as well. Â the fleet by the F/A-18C during Operation Allied CVW-7 provided the primary TACAIR presence Force in the spring of 1999. By early 2001, NA- in-theatre until their OEF tour of duty ended on VAIR had engineered a software upgrade for the July 19, 2002 with the arrival of USS George F-14B enabling the jet to employ JDAM. VF-102 Washington (CVN-73) and CVW-17. While on was too far progressed in its work-up cycle to station in the northern Arabian Sea, CVW-7 com- have the software fitted into its jets, so CVW-7’s pleted 2,599 combat missions and expended two Tomcat units were designated as the first 64,000lb of ordnance. F-14B-equipped VF-103, fighter squadron to receive the upgrade. CVW-17’s sole Tomcat unit, commenced fl ying The VF-11 JDAM jet sortied on March 11 was XCAS, TARPS and FAC(A) missions over Afghani- flown by Lt Cdrs Scott Knapp and Chris Chope, stan on July 20. CVN-73 headed west into the who Cdr Aquilino described as “the most quali- NAG in September, and CVW-17 immediately fied naval aviators in the unit when it came to commenced OSW missions. This was the fi rst J-weapon employment, having done most of time carrier aircraft had fl own into southern Iraq the integration work with the GBU-31 from the since CVN-65 had sent TACAIR assets from squadron standpoint”. Once on station over the CVW-8 in-country on September 9, 2001. Shah-i-Kot Valley, the ‘Ripper’ Tomcats were told USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) and CVW-14 by a JTAC to bomb a mortar pit near the ‘Whale- then became the OEF carrier, the air wing’s VF- back’ – the dominant feature within the valley, 31 fl ying missions in-country between Septem- and the scene of some of the fiercest fighting ber 11 and October 28, 2002 prior to heading during Anaconda. Above: VF-11’s ‘Ripper 207’ (BuNo 161437) loses altitude over the Northern Arabian Sea as the crew prepare to into the NAG. Like VF-103, VF-31 expended recover aboard CV-67 following a Unit-Level Training (ULT) fl ight. With OEF missions a priority for TACAIR units, ULT “We set up a trail attack profile whereby our hops rarely featured on the daily fl ight plan once the air wing was committed to Commander Task Force 50 op- plenty of fi lm, but no ordnance, in Afghanistan. wingman would drop his GBU-12 first and we erations. When time allowed, sorties to a weapons range in Oman kept crews current on bomb delivery methods. VF-211 became the last Tomcat unit to fl y OEF would drop the JDAM moments later through the These fl ights became increasingly more important after March 2002, as very little ordnance was being dropped in missions when it got the call to leave the NAG smoke created by his weapon,” recalled Lt Cdr Afghanistan following the completion of Anaconda. Lt Brian Vanyo and participate in Operation Mountain Resolve in Chope. “Seen through our LANTIRN pod, his good BHA [bomb hit assessment] video of the 2002) from April 18, 2002, when CVN-74 and early November 2003. This Coalition offensive, weapon skipped off a nearby rock and exploded weapon hitting the cave entrance. CVW-9 left the northern Arabian Sea and headed launched in the Nuristan and Kunar provinces of right alongside the target. When it came time “The assessment post-delivery was that the home. VF-211 had expended almost 100,000lb Afghanistan, involved an airdrop into the Hindu for us to pickle our GBU-31, however, the weap- bomb had hit well within the CEP of the weapon. of ordnance in OEF, most all of it dropped during Kush mountains by the US Army’s 10th Mountain on hung, refusing to come off the jet. We later heard from troops on the ground that Anaconda. The unit’s elderly F-14As had fl own Division. VF-211 provided round-the-clock FAC(A) “Lt Cdr Knapp and I did everything by the book they had been impressed by the strikes fl own 1,250 missions (the air wing totalled 3,242) and cover for the operation but was not called on to but the bomb refused to drop. After a long, si- that night, with all the targets they had identifi ed logged 4,200 hours in combat over Afghanistan expend any ordnance. The last section of Tomcats lent flight back to the ship, we landed and the being hit. The cave complex we had bombed (CVW-9 tallied 13,500 combat hours) – VF-211’s to patrol over Afghanistan recovered back aboard armourers removed the GBU-31 from the jet and burned for about 12 hours. maintenance department coaxed a 99.7% sortie CVN-65 soon after dawn on the morning of Novem- tested it, whereupon the weapon was discovered “Our jet was carrying a solitary GBU-31, as completion rate from its charges. ber 14, bringing to an end the veteran Grumman to be faulty. The guidance unit in the tail kit, at that time we only had clearance to carry the Following the departure of CVN-74, CV-67 and fi ghter’s considerable contribution to OEF. which has its own GPS receiver and navigation 2,000lb weapon – we were yet to receive per- Above: VF-11’s Lt Cdr Chris Chope and his pilot take on mid-mission fuel from a KC-10 during an OEF patrol in May system, was not talking to the weapons comput- mission to pair the JDAM with an LGB or a dumb 2002. “You would raise the tanker on the radio to find out where he was and then you would lock it up with your er in the jet.” bomb. With targets being at a premium, we radar,” Lt Cdr Chope recalled. “Having rendezvoused with the tanker, you would ask him to reel out the drogue, The following night CVW-7 launched another decided there was no point in taking two JDAM, and once this was in position you would extend your probe and plug in. If you were a little short on fuel, or you wave of jets over the beach, with Cdr Aquilino needed to be back on station ASAP, you could ask the pilot of the tanker to roll out onto a certain heading so as as we would have had to jettison one in the wa- to drag you closer to your objective while you were still plugged in replenishing your tanks. Most crews were pretty and his RIO, Lt Cdr Kevin Protzman, leading a ter to get down to our minimum landing weight if good at accommodating such requests, although the USAF guys didn’t like to stray too far off their designated section from VF-11. “We were cleared to hit a we failed to fi nd anyone who needed our bombs. tanker tracks. Some crews were so obliging they would even do the leg work with the AWACS in respect to letting cave complex on the ‘Whaleback’, having already Those GPS kits weren’t cheap and we didn’t the controller know they were moving from one track to another.” Lt Cdr Chris Chope been given a rough target set aboard the ship have too many GBU-31s in the armoury, so jetti- “Fortunately, the weather was glorious, as the CVW-7’s F-14Bs from VF-11 and VF-143 made during our pre-mission briefing,” said Aquilino. soning ordnance was not an option.” skipper kept reminding me. He could not be- their combat debut over Afghanistan on March “There was no guarantee we would be cleared The GPS-guided weapon would subsequently lieve I was going to get to drop ordnance for the 11. CV-67 had been given the job of night car- to expend any ordnance, however. Once on sta- see widespread use with F-14B/D-equipped first time in an angle-dive attack in gin-clear con- rier and it launched its first wave of 11 aircraft tion, we received targeting support from an E-8 units (the A-model lacked the software to employ Above: VF-11’s ‘Ripper 210’ (BuNo 162911) jousts with a KC-135 over Afghanistan during Anaconda, a GBU-31 ditions. This was the first time Cdr Kovacich had in the early hours of the morning on the 11th. JSTARS circling overhead the Shah-i-Kot, as well JDAM) in OIF the following year. JDAM attached to its forward port BRU-32 bomb rack. GPS-guided J-weapons had been introduced to the fl eet dropped Mk82s in anger as well. Heading for the Shah-i-Kot Valley, the aircraft as aim point GPS co-ordinates for our JDAM from With the successful conclusion of Operation by the F/A-18C during Operation Allied Force in the spring of 1999. By early 2001, NAVAIR had engineered a “My CO and I expended both of our Mk82s in were “set up for heavy FAC(A) and CAS targets”, ‘Bossman’. My RIO punched the numbers into Anaconda, and the apparent disintegration of software upgrade for the F-14B enabling the jet to employ JDAM. VF-102 was too far progressed in its work-up pairs, as the JTAC wanted them as quickly as according to VF-11’s CO, Cdr John Aquilino. his mission computer and then re-read them the Taliban as a credible fi ghting force in Af- cycle to have the software fi tted into its jets, however, so CVW-7’s two Tomcat units were the fi rst to receive possible. He then responded with ‘good effects’ One of these jets was also making history for back to the AWACS controller to confirm he had ghanistan, CENTCOM scaled back its opera- the upgrade. Lt Brian Vanyo Below: Their aircraft armed with a single 2000lb GBU-31 JDAM, VF-11’s CO, Cdr John Aquilino, and RIO after both runs, and we left the area. By the the Tomcat, as it was equipped with a single typed them in correctly. Only then were we given tions in OEF. As part of the drawdown, CTF-50 Lt Cdr Kevin Protzman prepare to launch from USS John F Kennedy (CV-67) on an OEF mission short- time I got back to the boat, we had been air- 2,000lb GBU-31 JDAM. approval to release the bomb. We made our run was reduced in strength to a single carrier strike ly after Anaconda had begun. The crew made Tomcat history by dropping the fi rst JDAM in anger borne for five-and-a-half hours, which made this GPS-guided J-weapons had been introduced to in on the target from high altitude and recorded group (the term battle group was abandoned in from ‘Ripper 201’ (BuNo 162912) on the night of March 11/12, 2002. US Navy my longest OEF mission. This was the one and only time I got to drop bombs on cruise. “Typically, we carried two GBU-12s and two Mk82s on most Anaconda missions, as we could trap back onboard the carrier with this configuration should the bombs not have been needed. For night missions, we would switch to four GBU-12s, as it was difficult to accurately aim dumb bombs in the dark. The unit also flew with some GBU-16s early on in the cruise, and these were also uploaded again during Anacon- da, when crews knew that they would be definite- ly dropping ordnance.” During the last stages of Anaconda, CVN-71 was finally relieved by CV-67, whose CVW-7 con- ducted a theatre turnover with CVW-1 as ‘TR’ and ‘JFK’ passed each other in the Red Sea. By then VF-102 had dropped 420,000lb of ord- nance and buddy-lased 50,000lb from other platforms. The unit had tallied 5000-plus hours of flying time (more than any other TACAIR unit Above: VF-211 was the only Tomcat unit to make a return visit to Afghan skies, the ‘Fighting Checkmates’ partici- in CVW-1), with 1,184 hours in November alone pating in Operation Mountain Resolve in early November 2003. By then the squadron had transferred from CVW-9 and a staggering 61.8 hours on December 8, in to CVW-1, which was in turn embarked in CVN-65. VF-211’s commitment to the operation was to last just 12 days, the lead up to the Tora Bora campaign. the Tomcat bidding OEF farewell for the last time on November 14, 2003. US Navy Below: VF-32’s ‘Gypsy 114’ (BuNo 161424) HE EMPLOYMENT of smart weapons comes under tension on bow catapult two such as JDAM and new-generation LGBs, in early April 2003, carrying two 2,000lb allied with better tactics and more versa- JDAM. Flying 90 combat hours during the course of 21 sorties, the jet dropped four T tile aircraft, enabled the US Navy to make GBU-31s in OIF as well as ten GBU-16s and a more meaningful – and visible – contribution to 12 GBU-12s. It also took part in VF-32’s OIF ‘Gulf War II’ than it had done in Desert Storm. At III deployment in 2004-05, after which it the forefront of this precision strike revolution was was retired to AMARC. Erik Lenten the venerable F-14 and its highly prized LANTIRN targeting pod. The Tomcat was now seen as the perfect precision weapons platform thanks to its legendary long range and proven mission effec- OPERATION tiveness with the LANTIRN pod. Operating hand in glove with F/A-18s, F-14 units dropped – or guided – all manner of LGBs, as well as cluster bomb units, JSOW (Joint Stand-off Weapon), Laser Maverick missiles, SLAM-ER and JDAM between late 1998 and March 2003. The jet’s FAC(A) and SCAR capabilities had also proven invaluable and its upgraded TARPS system was again the US Above: One of the primary bombs employed by the Tomcat in Iraq in 2003 was the GBU-31 2,000lb JDAM (essentially Navy’s primary aerial reconnaissance source. an unguided 2,000lb bomb fi tted with a tail section containing an inertial navigational system and a Global Positioning System), which had made its combat debut with the aircraft over Afghanistan during OEF in March the previous year. One of the principal weapons employed by the Initially cleared for use by the F-14B only, the JDAM was hastily made compatible with the F-14D through the installa- IRAQI FREEDOM Tomcat in Iraq in 2003 was the GBU-31 2,000lb tion of the DO4 weapons computer upgrade in the weeks leading up to OIF. These weapons are seen on CVN-75’s fl ight In the vanguard of the fi ght JDAM, which had made its combat debut with deck on March 21, 2003 waiting to be attached to the under fuselage racks of the F-14Bs (from VF-32) chained down during OIF I, the 52 Tomcats the aircraft over Afghanistan during OEF in March behind them. US Navy the previous year. Initially cleared for use by the going to be good for what we considered was a of 2002, while we were in work-ups, they found committed to the liberation of F-14B only, the JDAM was hastily made compat- foregone conclusion that we would invade Iraq. some more problems with the tape, causing a ible with the F-14D through the installation of the “The biggest disappointment prior to deploy- delay. Our chain of command and my CO and I Iraq fl ew air defence, precision DO4 weapons computer upgrade in the weeks ment was that our aircraft were not yet confi gured weren’t interested in having us take an immature bombing, FAC(A), SCAR and leading up to OIF. VF-2, embarked with CVW-2 on with a new computer software upgrade referred tape on cruise, so we left without what we consid- USS Constellation (CV-64), was the fi rst D-model to as D04. [This gave] the F-14D many excellent ered an incredibly important war-fi ghting tool.” photo-reconnaissance unit to have the upgrade. Having deployed on its upgraded capabilities, but the reason we were It was not until January 31, 2003 that VF-2 fi nal WestPac with the F-14 in November 2002, disappointed the most was because D04 would was offi cially notifi ed that its jets would receive missions across Iraq. and arriving in the NAG just prior to Christmas give us the ability to deliver the 2,000lb GBU- the D04 upgrade – which pushed squadron mo- Day, the unit had been frustrated in its attempts 31V(2) JDAM. The JDAM uses GPS satellites to rale “through the roof” according to Cdr Den- to participate in the increased OSW strikes that hit targets with pinpoint accuracy, not relying on a neny. Four weeks later, on February 28, the unit acted as a precursor to OIF due to its jets’ targeting pod like the LANTIRN to guide it manu- dropped its fi rst GBU-31 JDAM on a target in JDAM incompatibility. ally to the target. It is a launch-and-leave weapon, southern Iraq – the fi rst time an F-14D had used The squadron’s XO, Cdr Doug Den- and can be delivered day or night through clouds, the weapon in combat. neny, remembers: “When VF-2 set sail unlike an LGB, which requires the LANTIRN to be “By the time OIF rolled around, the F-14 was the on November 2, 2002, we were well able to see the ground. centrepiece of the carrier-borne strike package,” prepared for potential combat op- “We pushed very hard during work-ups to have confi rmed former Strike Fighter Weapons School erations. Our ten F-14Ds were in D04 complete its testing in time to be installed Atlantic instructor pilot Lt Cdr James ‘Puck’ Howe, excellent condition. Our morale in our aircraft. Unfortunately, the test community who had left VF-2 just prior to its deployment. was high and we were pretty and NAVAIR were around two years behind sched- “We had the Joint Tactical Information Distribu- confi dent our timing was ule on the mission tape. During the summer tion System, Infrared Search and Track, JDAM, Â

Above: VF-2’s CAG jet was in the thick of the action during OSW/OIF, dropping some 49 LGBs and ten JDAM during the confl ict. Delivered to the navy on September 30, 1990, BuNo 163894 initially served with VF-124 at Miramar. It was then assigned to VF-101 Det West when VF-124 disbanded in September 1994. The aircraft entered fl eet service with VF-2 in October 1997 and completed the unit’s 1999 WestPac as ‘Bullet 106’. Pulled from service in 2000 for sched- uled deep maintenance, it returned to VF-2 in late 2001 and replaced BuNo 163901 as ‘Bullet 100’ following the ‘Boun- ty Hunters’ WestPac of that year. Having completed VF-2’s OSW/OIF cruise, the aircraft was one of a handful of ‘Bounty Hunters’ jets assigned to VF-101 following the unit’s transition to the F/A-18F. VF-2 OIF SQUADRON PATCHES

VF-2 OSW/OIF (2002-03) F-14 Tomcat OIF (2003) VF-32 OIF (2003) VF-154 Qatar Det OIF (2003) to VF-31 in the daily ATO. CVW-14 considered this the most expeditious way to get the addi- tional F/A-18Fs into action. Like VF-2 (and VF-154 for that matter), VF-31 had a handful of highly valued FAC(A)-qualified naval aviators within its ranks. Heading up CVW- 14’s commitment to expeditionary warfare in OIF was VF-31 RIO Lt Cdr John Patterson, who was chosen pre-war by his CAG, Capt Casey Albright, to be the air wing’s CAS subject matter expert. Few boasted better qualifications for the job, Pat- terson having performed the role of strike leader in OEF and OSW for both CVW-7 and CVW-14. He had also served as a Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor, a US Marine Corps Aviation Weap- ons and Tactics Instructor, FAC(A) Instructor and Night-Vision Device Instructor. Above: ‘Bandwagon 110’ (BuNo 159618) carrying two GBU-12s on its forward tunnel weapons rails, and possibly two more in the aft troughs too. The GBU-12 was the F-14’s pre- Patterson’s primary mission in the weeks lead- ferred weapon when supporting the ground war, VF-31 expending no fewer than 161 of the 464 dropped by CVW-14’s four TACAIR units, while VF-2 delivered 217 of the 423 GBU-12s ing up to OIF was to ensure CVW-14’s TACAIR dropped by CVW-2’s quartet of TACAIR units. BuNo 159618 expended 35 JDAM/LGBs (VF-31’s mission marks did not differentiate between the two) and it was also involved in sev- crews were ready to provide the most effective eral strafi ng attacks, one of which saw it fi re 193 20mm cannon rounds. Lt Cdr Jim Muse CAS possible right from the start of the land war. big motors and the best FLIR targeting system in the ‘Shock and Awe’ strikes on Baghdad on the He said: “I’ll never forget manning my jet late one To achieve this, he worked closely with FACs the navy. Add an extra pair of eyes and a Phoenix night of March 21-22, 2003. Indeed, CVW-2 pro- night in March with Lt Mark ‘Fun’ Mhley [also a from the US Army’s V Corps during exercises in missile, and the jet was as close to unstoppable vided the lead Coalition strike force to hit targets Strike Fighter Weapons School Atlantic instructor the Kuwaiti desert. He also represented CVW- in the strike role as any in history. During that 30- in the Iraqi capital, its Tomcats dropping JDAM and formerly with VF-2] following me out to the jet 14 in an emergency planning cell established by day period in spring of 2003, the Tomcat’s strike as well as performing DCA and TARPS missions and briefi ng me on how to employ JDAM – he had the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) that in- capability was never more apparent.” for the remaining CVW-2 assets. been sent to the ‘Bounty Hunters’ to help train its cluded the 3rd Marine Air Wing (the primary CAS Elsewhere, the F-14Ds of VF-31 onboard USS Targets assigned to the unit on the opening night naval aviators in the employment of JDAM. asset supporting the Marines in OIF) and FAC(A) Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) were reconfi gured of the war included the Salman Pak AM transmit- “As I fi nally fi nished the pre-fl ight, I turned to s and airborne command and control representa- with D04 straight after VF-2. Assigned to CVW- ter radio relay facility at Al Hurriyah, southwest of ‘Fun’ and said: ‘Brother, I need the Reader’s tives from CVW-2 and CVW-5. 14, and also operating in the NAG, VF-31 had Baghdad. It was hit by two F-14Ds and two F/A- Digest version. Remember, I’m attention defi cit, According to VF-31’s XO, Cdr Aaron Cudnohuf- 18C ‘bombers’, F-16CJs, HARM-equipped F/A- it’s dark and I have DCAG [Capt Craig Geron] in been on deployment since July 20, 2002. Re- Above: ‘Bullet 100’ was the last of VF-2’s ten aircraft to receive its scoreboard: 49 LGBs and ten JDAM silhouettes. In- sky, the cell initiated command and control and lieved of the OSW mission by the Constellation 18Cs and numerous other support aircraft outside my trunk. Make it fi ghter pilot-proof!’ “He did, deed, the squadron’s maintainers only applied the mission tally 24 hours prior to the unit departing CV-64 for Oceana CAS allocation procedures for naval TACAIR which battle group in December, CVN-71 had got as far the MEZ (Missile Exclusion Zone) that were lobbing and three hangars at Baghdad international air- on May 31, 2003. Befitting its status as the ‘Bounty Hunters’ colour jet, BuNo 163894 dropped more bombs than any greatly increased the efficient flow of sorties in east as Perth, Western Australia, when it was in JSOW and other guided weapons. port would later collapse as my JDAM hit dead other Tomcat in VF-2 during OIF. US Navy support of US Marines. “As the direct result of turned around and sent back to the NAG as part Crews reported seeing continuous AAA following centre. For 28 days Tomcat bombs rained down operate closely with VFA-115 and its brand new these efforts, naval TACAIR was able to compen- of the build up for OIF. an impressive, non-stop Tomahawk Land Attack on fortifi ed Iraqi positions, and the jet never per- F/A-18E Super Hornets, which were making their sate for a shortage of Marine direct support as- The fi nal Tomcat unit to be given the D04 up- Missile and Conventional Air-Launched Cruise formed more brilliantly in its distinguished his- debut cruise, as well as the four forward-deployed sets, funnelling excess armed reconnaissance grade was VF-213, operating from USS Theodore Missile ‘airshow’. After the Tomahawks had tory. We had truly saved the best for last.” ‘Super Bugs’ from CVW-11’s VFA-14 and VFA-41. and SCAR sorties to ensure the destruction of Roosevelt (CVN-72) in the Mediterranean Sea. It stopped, the CVW-2 jets, led by VF-2’s Cdr Den- During the last week of March, VF-2 switched Answering a CENTCOM request for additional the Iraqi Army’s IV Corps, effectively securing the too got to train with JDAM in the weeks immedi- neny (who received a DFC for this mission, as did to fl ying CAS strikes for troops on the ground as strike and tanker assets, Nimitz’s CVW-11 had critical, but lightly defended, supply lines of the ately prior to OIF. Of the two remaining Tomcat his pilot, Lt Cdr Kurt Frankenberger), became the the push north towards Baghdad began to gain sent four jets to CVN-72 on March 30-31. Operat- 1st MEF in their advance on Baghdad. units committed to the confl ict, VF-32 – again in fi rst non-stealth strike package to venture into momentum. The Tomcat’s ability to perform ing from CVN-72’s flight deck, VFA-41’s two F/A- “So effective were these efforts that they led the Mediterranean, aboard USS Harry S Truman Baghdad’s ‘Super MEZ’, where they were engaged the demanding FAC(A) and SCAR roles was also 18Fs were paired with VF-31’s Tomcats because to a 100% elimination of the combat capabil- (CVN-75) – had had its F-14Bs made JDAM-com- by up 12 SAMs – all unguided – and heavy AAA. greatly appreciated as Coalition forces engaged the F-14 crews were flying predominantly FAC(A) ity of the Iraqi IV Corps through destruction and patible prior to deployment, but VF-154’s F-14As, Nonetheless, the target was destroyed and the the Republican Guard around cities such as Kar- and SCAR missions by early April. A single VFA- desertion, allowing Marine ground forces to later fl ying from USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) in the NAG, jets all got back safely. bala and An Nasiriyah. 41 jet would sortie as the wingman for a solitary capture a IV Corps headquarters in Al Amarah remained restricted to LGBs. Operating from Fifth Fleet’s designated OIF night Cdr Denneny recalled: “By the end of March, Tomcat, the crews being ‘shown the ropes’ in-the- without having to fire a shot. Moreover, Lt Cdr Above: VF-31 used a generic ‘Felix and bomb’ silhouette Unlike the F-14D, the A-model had no MIL STD carrier, VF-2 proceeded to fl y the bulk of its mis- FAC(A) events were going on in earnest. I soon atre by the combat-seasoned personnel of VF-31. to denote each bomb dropped by its aircraft. ‘Bandwag- Patterson also personally participated in this 1760 databus and associated onboard GPS sions masked by the cover of darkness. It initially became a little concerned that some of the guys The pairing up of the F-14D and the F/A-18F on 104’ (BuNo 163898) also bore a Tommy gun stencil destruction, conceiving, planning and leading a system to generate computed aim point co-ordi- used JDAM to hit fi xed targets identifi ed as cru- were getting down too low – very dangerous, as was done primarily because the VFA-41 jets were just aft of the cannon muzzle fairing, which meant it had CVW-14 strike package to destroy IV Corps’ ar- nates for J-weapons like JDAM and JSOW. The F- cial to the Iraqi war effort, such as command and a big Tomcat is a heck of a target. I admonished taking missions that would have been assigned performed a rare strafing pass in OIF I. David F Brown tillery regimental headquarters. This sortie was 14A’s avionics had no path for the LANTIRN pod control nodes, SAM and radar sites, airfi elds and them and told them only to go low if it would di- just one of 13 missions Lt Cdr Patterson flew in to transfer its GPS data (gleaned from a GPS Republican Guard barracks as well as presiden- rectly save the lives of our troops on the ground. OIF as a Strike Leader and FAC(A), during which housed in the pod itself) to the J-weapons, as tial palaces and Ba’ath party buildings. Lt Cdr Early April saw us fl ying lots of support missions he personally expended 23 LGB, GPS and gen- the jet lacked an embedded GPS. Howe, who had joined VF-2 on the eve of OIF to for troops heading for Karbala, where we took out eral purpose bombs, as well as 500 rounds of Involved in some of the last OSW bombing mis- fl y critically important FAC(A) missions supporting a Tu-124 Cookpot airliner on a runway, as well as 20mm cannon fire against enemy forces – in- sions on March 20, VF-2 was also in the fore- SOF in-theatre, was one of the veteran Tomcat air- a building. We were also fl ying lots of SCAR mis- cluding multiple instances in support of friendly front of OIF from the word go, participating in crew to use JDAM for the fi rst time in OEF. sions up there, providing the FAC(A)s for B-52s forces in direct contact with the enemy. and other Coalition assets – Varsity work.” “In one memorable mission flown on March 30, Aside from conducting tactical strike missions, Patterson acted as the FAC(A) for his section, which VF-2 completed its share of DCS sorties and duly destroyed enemy armour and artillery that had TARPS fl ights for CVW-2 as well. Reverting to damaged three Apache helicopters and halted the precision strikers when needed, one of the unit’s V Corps advance south of Al Hillah. Throughout this more interesting targets in the latter stages of the mission, Patterson and his pilot remained on-station war was Saddam Hussein’s presidential yacht, over the target area despite the presence of enemy which it bombed in Basra harbour. During the AAA and SAM batteries.” 28 days of OIF, VF-2 successfully completed 195 Given the complexity of the FAC(A) mission, the combat sorties totalling 887.5 hours. Its ten US Navy would only allow suitably qualified two- aircraft dropped 221 LGBs (217 GBU-12s and 4 man crews to undertake such sorties. There GBU-16s) and 61 JDAM (GBU-31). Some 1,704 were only a small number of FAC(A)s in-theatre 20mm cannon rounds were also fi red in straf- – so, to keep the battlefield serviced, SCAR and ing passes. And no fewer than 125 targets were armed reconnaissance missions came to promi- photographed by the unit using its TARPS system. nence early on in the campaign. Both could be VF-2’s combat experiences were very similar to performed by virtually any Tomcat crew operating those of the remaining Tomcat units in the NAG, in a two-aircraft section. VF-31 and VF-154. Both squadrons fl ew a broad Above: Still carrying its GBU-12s, VF-154’s ‘Nite 103’ (BuNo 161293) joins the recovery pattern overhead CV-63 in early By the time CVN-72 and CVW-14 were relieved March 2003. This particular aircraft ended OIF as the unit’s high-time ordnance expender, its crew dropping 51 LGBs on mix of missions ranging from precision strikes targets during the campaign. Delivered to the US Navy in late 1981, the jet had served with three fleet units and VF- in the NAG by CVN-68 and CVW-11 on April 14, to CAS and FAC(A) – VF-31 (fl ying from CVN-72, VF-31 had flown an astounding 585 combat sor- Above: The pilots and RIOs of VF-2 pose for a group photograph in early May 2003, having completed their time in the 101 prior to joining VF-154 at NAF Atsugi, in Japan in early 1998. It remained with the ‘Black Knights’ until accompany- NAG. US Navy which was the designated day carrier) getting to ing the unit back to Oceana on September 24, 2003. VF-154 ties and 1,744 combat hours during its mara- Â single (port) engine and fuel transfer system fail- landings made by a thousand paratroopers of ures. The latter caused the remaining engine the US Army’s 173rd Airborne Brigade. Conduct- to run dry too, so the crew, who were two hours ing the largest parachute drop since World War into their mission (having already dropped some Two, the soldiers jumped from a fleet of USAF of their LGBs), took to their parachutes and were C-17s onto Harir airfield in Kurdish-controlled quickly retrieved by a CSAR team from Kuwait. northern Iraq. The Globemaster IIs were escort- Their jet was the first Coalition aircraft to crash ed by three waves of strike aircraft from CVN-71, in Iraq since the start of OIF. The shore detach- the US Navy jets also bombing Iraqi command ment returned to CV 63 in the second week of and control bunkers and troop and artillery posi- April, and by the end of the aerial campaign on tions close to nearby Bashur airfield. the 14th of the month, VF-154 had dropped 358 As the war progressed, CAS for SOF squads be- LGBs during the course of 286 combat sorties. came the staple mission for both VF-32 and VF- OIF was fought on two fronts by US naval avia- 213, and their success in this role was related tion, with two Mediterranean-based carriers at- by CVW-8’s CAG, Capt David Newland: “Dropping tacking targets in northern Iraq. The campaign precision-guided ordnance for a SOF team was a waged from the flight decks of CVN-71 and mission that gave immediate gratification. Our CVN-75 contrasted markedly with that fought by aircrew were told where to drop the munitions, the trio of vessels sailing in the NAG, as CVW- and they got direct feedback from the troops af- 3’s Public Affairs Officer, Lt(jg) Jason Rojas, ex- ter they had employed their ordnance.” plained in the air wing’s cruise summary: “The The troops on the ground also expressed their war over northern Iraq was quite different from appreciation in no uncertain terms after the the one in the south. With Turkey denying the war – Col Charles Cleveland, Commander Joint US Army’s 4th Infantry Division use of its territo- Special Operations Task Force-North, e-mail- thon ten-month OEF/OSW/OIF deployment. The Above: ‘Nite 103’ shares one of CV-63’s elevators with ry as a jumping-off point, northern front activities Above: Carrying a mixed load of GBU-12s and JDAM, three F-14Bs from VF-32 prepare to be directed out to the cata- ing the following message to CVW-3 CAG Capt an EA-6B from VAQ-136 as the jets take a short ride pults in OIF. Like all other Tomcat units assigned to the war, VF-32 chose to remove the fairing covering the refuelling unit had delivered 56 JDAM, 165 GBU-12s, five up to the flight deck on March 24, 2003. CVW-5’s four centred around SOF activity, with some teams as probes on their aircraft. The modification was made to prevent the probe being damaged when refuelling from the US- Mark Vance (who flew as a F-14 RIO with VF-32 GBU-16s, 13 Mk82 ‘dumb’ bombs and 1,355 Prowlers would have been put ashore had the US Navy small as three individuals. AF’s KC-135, which has been dubbed the Iron Maiden by navy TACAIR crews over the years due to the unforgiving nature throughout the war) in late April 2003: rounds of 20mm cannon fire. decided to augment its OIF Tomcat force with F-14Bs “The teams relied heavily on CAS from CVW- of the basket fitted to the Stratotanker – the aircraft inflicted much damage to the F-14 because of its short hose and “On behalf of Special Force A teams and the Unable to employ JDAM, VF-154’s war was un- from Oceana, as VF-154 was deemed to be the unit 3 and CVW-8, the latter embarked in CVN-71, heavy basket, which could rip the probe fairing off and send it down the starboard intake into the engine. US Navy rest of us here at Task Force Viking, I want to doubtedly the most unusual of any of the Tomcat most capable of supporting these aircraft from a main- which was also positioned in the eastern Medi- sortied with more than two weapons up to that to tank in the clouds, being buffeted by thunder- say thanks for being there when we needed you. tenance perspective. US Navy terranean. Aircraft from both air wings flew CAS storms and turbulence in weather fronts that You were instrumental in our dismantling three units committed to OIF. Deployed on its final Below: A TARPS-equipped VF-32 jet took this amazing point, as the jet was very heavy on the controls cruise with the F-14 as part of CVW-5, the ‘Black photograph of a GBU-12 heading for its target. The air- missions in support of SOF units, often putting at cruising altitude when fuelled for combat, stretched from ground level up to 40,000ft,” he IZ Corps and the ultimate capture of the third- Knights’ ventured into the NAG with Kitty Hawk craft’s RIO, Lt Cdr David Dorn, recalled: “We were flying ordnance dangerously close to friendly forces. carrying defensive missiles and three 2,000lb said. “Once in Iraq, the bad weather made it and fourth-largest cities in Iraq. This fact says a in mid-February 2003. Despite its unfamiliar- the TARPS jet when we were fragged to hit an SA-2 site The support these aircraft provided undoubtedly bombs. We trained hard in this configuration far more difficult for us to acquire targets with lot, considering the Coalition ground component ity with current operating procedures in OSW, with an LGB. Skipper Hitchcock was flying the aircraft, saved the lives of Coalition forces on the ground once in the Med, and this training paid off in OIF. our FLIR. As it transpired, flying to and from the largely consisted of the 10th Special Forces VF-154 completed a number of successful mis- which lased the target for our weapon. We got some and eventually led to the capitulation of nearly “Hitting our airfield target on that first night, my targets at night in these poor conditions posed a Group (Airborne) and our Kurdish allies. We took great TARPS footage of the LGB coming off our jet and sions into Iraq in the lead up to OIF. It was while heading down to impact the missile site. I got to rep- 100,000 Iraqi soldiers.” crews did spectacular work with their JDAM. We far greater danger to us than the Iraqi military. some big risks knowing that, when we needed conducting these combat sorties alongside licate this mission several days later, when we again Prior to immersing itself in CAS with SOF, both knew about the weapon’s capability in theory, but “Although I had seen combat in the Tomcat in you, you’d be there. You never failed us, and as USAF assets in the NAG that the unit was asked hit a target with an LGB while flying the TARPS jet. VF-32 and VF-213 completed a number of con- it was not until we had each delivered our three both Desert Storm and OEF, those night mis- a direct result we never lost a position and had by CENTCOM to detach four aircraft and four “The jet could only carry LGBs when equipped with the ventional strike missions with JDAM and LGBs bombs smack onto our targets, spread across the sions in OIF were some of the most challenging only four casualties during the entire operation.” crews to provide dedicated FAC(A) and SCAR as- TARPS as the JDAM was just too big. And when carry- against fixed targets in Iraq. These sorties, airfield within a matter of seconds, that it became flights I have ever had to perform as a naval avia- By the time VF-213 ceased combat opera- ing the TARPS pod we could not employ the LANTIRN, sets for USAF, RAF and RAAF fast jets flying out so we had to rely on our wingman to buddy lase for us.” flown at the start of the conflict, were some of readily apparent this was a new kind of weapon the tor. I had experienced bad weather in Desert tions in OIF on April 15, its crews had flown 198 of Al Udeid Air Base, in Qatar. VF-32 flew very few TARPS missions in OIF – and be- the longest of the war, covering distances of up likes of which we had never seen before.” Storm on only two or three occasions, when we combat sorties totalling 907.6 combat flight Aside from these missions, the Tomcat crews, cause the unit was so pressed with servicing ground to 800 miles (1,287km) one way. As the Tomcat Further strikes on conventional targets would had to tank in clouds, and in Afghanistan the hours, with a 100% sortie completion rate. The led by squadron CO Cdr James H Flatley, were targets, the CO, Cdr Marcus Hitchcock, decided to load had proven in OEF, it was more than capable of follow, and the mission times reduced slightly skies were generally clear. unit had dropped 196 precision-guided bombs also given the responsibility of instructing their F- the TARPS jet with bombs too so that its crew could fly handling such sorties, and the mission lead for once Turkey permitted overflights. “In OIF, by contrast, at least half of our sor- weighing 250,000lb, 102 of which were LGBs 15E brethren from the 336th FS/4th FW on how a dual mission. VF-32 these more conventional strikes was often flown CVW-3 was designated as the day carrier while ties were flown in poor to bad weather, where we and the remaining 94 JDAM. VF-32 completed to conduct effective FAC(A) and SCAR. by the F-14 crews. Indeed, the first CVW-3 mis- CVW-8 handled much of the night work. VF-213 stayed IFR virtually from the minute we got over an impressive 268 sorties and 1,135.2 hours According to VF-154’s post-cruise summary of its sion of the war was led by Desert Storm veteran soon dubbed its nocturnal missions ‘Vampire’ Turkey until we came back out of the Mediterra- in combat, dropping 247 LGBs and 118 JDAM contribution to OIF, “never in recent history had a and VF-32 CO Cdr Marcus Hitchcock. sorties, the constant night operations eventually nean and headed for the boat four or five hours (402,600lb). Its crews also expended 1,128 carrier-based strike-fighter squadron been tasked He explained the complex routing problems inspiring the Tomcat aircrew to coin the phrase later. Thankfully, for some reason the weather rounds of 20mm high-explosive incendiary in to fight a war from ashore and at sea at the same that the carrier air wings in the eastern Mediter- “living after midnight, bombing ’til the dawn”. never actually seemed to reach the carrier. We strafing passes. time. ‘Black Knight’ FAC(A) crews on the beach ranean had to grapple with for the first 72 hours More often than not, CVW-8’s jets would launch were still faced with a night trap, though, which is Although the war in Iraq officially ended on May amassed more than 300 combat hours and deliv- of the war: “In the lead up to our first mission, from CVN-71 into poor weather conditions. always far more difficult than a daylight recovery.” 1, 2003, OIF combat operations steadily in- ered more than 50,000lb of ordnance in 21 days the political situation in our area was a little top- One of those grappling with solid cloud and Despite the constant threat posed by the creased in intensity as al-Qaeda stepped up its of flying with their four crews and four jets.” sy-turvy to say the least. We didn’t know wheth- extreme turbulence on a near daily basis was weather, both VF-32 and VF-213 did their best insurgency across the country. The US Navy, in The unit did not escape from its shore-based er we would be heading in via Turkey or not. VF-213’s XO, Cdr John Hefti. “We routinely had to maintain 24-hour TACAIR support for the SOF turn, relied on carrier strike groups to take the foray unscathed, however, for on the night of April This meant we had to plan a series of different teams taking the fight to Iraqi forces. fight to the enemy, which meant the Tomcat would 1, pilot Lt Chad Vincelette and RIO Lt Cdr Scotty routes into Iraq – northerly, central and souther- One of the more unusual missions flown by VF- remain a key player in the War on Terror in Iraq un- McDonald were forced to eject over southern Iraq ly. This continued until the diplomats figured out 213 saw the unit providing CAP for the airborne til its withdrawal from fleet service in 2006. when their jet (F-14A BuNo 158620) suffered which way we could go. Below: ‘Blacklion 106’ (BuNo 163893) participated in CVW-8’s first OIF strike. VF-213’s aircrew – having summed up “They finally settled on us going south from the their OIF experiences with the phrase “living after midnight, bombing ’til dawn” following their myriad nocturnal ‘Vampire’ Mediterranean, across both the Saudi Arabian missions – completed 198 sorties totalling 907 flight hours during the conflict. Achieving a 100% sortie completion peninsula and the Gulf of Aquaba, back up into rate, VF-213 delivered 102 LGBs and 94 JDAM in OIF I. US Navy Saudi Arabia once again, around Jordan and then finally into Iraq. Approval for this route was given just 24 hours before the start of OIF, and a lot of the supporting tanker assets were not given the word that they needed to be in a cer- tain location to facilitate our first strikes. “Nineteen aircraft – six of which were support- ing E-2s and S-3s – launched on the first mis- sion, and 13 proceeded south to Iraq. Our tank- ing with USAF assets en route was interesting to say the least, as the KC-135s showed up so late that we were reaching the decision point on whether to divert jets because they were running out of gas! Two of the Hornets were ‘timed out’ Above: VF-213’s ‘Blacklion 111’ (BuNo 159629) is directed back to the fantail soon after recovering aboard CVN-71 and could not press into Iraq. after flying CVW-8’s first OIF mission against targets near Fallujah on March 22/23, 2003. The aircraft launched with “Pre-OIF, we had trained with our Tomcats three JDAM, two AIM-9s and a single AIM-54. Only the missiles returned with the jet to the carrier. Troy Quigley loaded up with three JDAM. No other unit had OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM The Tomcat had been a resounding success in OIF I, fi ve squadrons using the venerable jet as a multi- Above: A pilot and RIO from VF-103 walk past ‘Victory 100’ (BuNo 162918) and head for their assigned jet on CV-67’s fl ight deck on July 9, 2004. The veteran carrier relieved CVN-73 in the NAG 24 hours after this photograph was taken. role strike aircraft across Iraq in Note the anniversary titling on the nose of the aircraft. US Navy N MAY 1, 2003, President George W Bush also used its LANTIRN pod to provide target co- support of the US-led Coalition in stood on the fl ight deck of USS Abraham ordinates for CVW-1’s trio of Hornet squadrons, what proved to be a one-sided war. Lincoln (CVN-72) off the coast of southern which dropped a handful of JDAM. O California and declared that major hostili- By the end of the deployment in February 2004, II/III ties in Iraq were over. Just four weeks earlier, 52 VF-211 had fl own 220 combat sorties. Despite The insurgency that erupted in the Tomcats had been in the vanguard of OIF I, fl y- the unit not dropping any ordnance its CO, Cdr wake of this victory would test naval ing into the heart of Iraq from carriers in the NAG Mike Whetstone, was proud of VF-211’s perfor- and the eastern Mediterranean. By the time the mance. aviation in a way that the original President made his now-famous proclamation, “Most of our accolades have come due to our the only carrier on station in the region was USS TARPS missions for the strike group commander campaign had not, however. Nimitz (CVN-68) that was bereft of Tomcats as its and the task force commander on the ground,” he embarked air wing – CVW-11 – was making his- said. “Each day we’d send two or three aircraft tory by becoming the fi rst to venture into the NAG over Iraq or Afghanistan, while the rest conducted without an F-14 component. training missions. Our F-14s were the oldest in Indeed, it was not until October 23, 2003 that the navy’s inventory, so it took a lot to get them the unmistakable shape of the Tomcat was seen into the air. But the maintainers treated them like in the skies over Iraq once again following the they would a classic car. It was a real challenge arrival of VF-211 in-theatre on board USS En- for them, but they handled it like pros. Each time terprise (CVN-65). Assigned to CVW-1, this unit we were assigned a mission, we were able to fulfi l was also making history, as it was conducting it thanks to the efforts of our maintainers.” the very last operational cruise of the F-14A. Un- CVW-1’s CAG, Capt Mark Mills, elaborated on able to employ JDAM, which had again become VF-211’s reconnaissance missions during his the weapon of choice post-OIF, VF-211 saw very Tailhook 2004 convention address as part of the little action during its time in the NAG, or during symposium’s OIF panel. He recalled: “VF-211 its brief spell in support of OEF in Afghanistan. fl ew 22 TARPS missions and produced 325 tar- As with all Tomcat units that ventured into the get images as requested by the CAOC. The unit NAG in 2003-04, VF-211 spent much of its time also performed time-sensitive targeting thanks fl ying TARPS missions or performing show of to the Tomcat’s unrivalled ability to relay digital force and ground convoy patrols over Main/Alter- imagery in fl ight to CENTCOM’s dissemination nate Supply Routes. Very occasionally the unit module in-country. The unit supplied some Â

Replacing CVN-65 on station in the NAG in the spring of 2004 was USS George Washington (CVN-73), with CVW-7 embarked. The latter had two F-14B units within its ranks, VF-11 and VF-143 making their last deployments with the jet prior to transitioning to Super Hornets. Unlike VF-211, both squadrons would get to deliver ordnance in combat during their time Above: VF-211’s ‘Nickel 115’ (BuNo 161297) launches from one of CVN-65’s waist catapults in December 2003. The in the NAG following a dramatic increase in insurgent activity across the country. The fi rst bomb drops by F-14s took place on April 28/29 (six days after this photograph was taken) unit spent much of its time on station in OIF II performing ISR patrols of southern Iraq, often in partnership with F/A- as CVW-7 provided direct fi re support for the 1st MEF, which had ‘troops in contact’ with enemy forces in Fallujah – a stronghold of the insurgency. F-14s and F/A-18s from CVW-7 18A+s of VMFA-312. A participant in the ‘Fighting Checkmates’ OEF deployment of 2001-02, this aircraft had been dropped 17 GBU-12 LGBs during the 40 sorties fl own in this 48-hour period. US Navy delivered new to VF-2 in March 1982. Later serving with VF-194, VF-114 and VF-213, the aircraft was stored for a short while at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, before joining VF-211 in early 2001. US Navy 115 digital images whilst patrolling over Iraq.” During OIF II/III most Tomcats returned from ISR pa- On March 1, 2004 CVN-65 was replaced on sta- trols with their bombs still aboard. ‘Ripper 210’ (BuNo tion in the NAG by USS George Washington (CVN- 162911), seen in the fi nal stages of its recovery in June 73), with CVW-7 embarked. The latter boasted 2004, was no exception. Delivered new to VF-24 in December 1987, the aircraft spent time with NSAWC two F-14B units within its ranks, VF-11 and VF-143 and VX-9 before being transferred to VF-11 in 1997. making their last deployments with the jet prior Erik Sleutelberg to transitioning to Super Hornets. Unlike VF-211, both squadrons would get to deliver ordnance in combat during their time in the NAG following a dramatic increase in insurgent activity across the country. The fi rst bomb drops by F-14s took place on April 28-29, as CVW-7 was called on to pro- vide direct fi re support for the 1st MEF. This had ‘troops in contact’ with enemy forces in Fallujah – a stronghold of the insurgency in Al Anbar province in central Iraq. Some 17 GBU-12 LGBs were dropped by F-14s and F/A-18s during the 40 sorties fl own in this 48-hour period. For the two months prior to CVW-7’s TACAIR as- sets engaging insurgency targets, the air wing had seen little action, as DCAG Capt Rob Ffi eld explained at Tailhook 2004: “When we fi rst ar- rived in the NAG, things were pretty quiet on the ground in Iraq. Indeed, Tomcat and Hornet crews initially spent most of their time in-country running Above: Armed with two GBU-12s, VF-11’s ‘Ripper 201’ security patrols over oil pipelines, railroad tracks, (BuNo 162912) comes under tension on CVN-73’s bow “When the insurgency started to escalate from late April high-tension power lines and highways. The F-14 catapult one in the NAG in June 2004. Only the third units also fl ew near-daily TARPS missions, collect- F-14B built, this aircraft was delivered to VF-24 in February 1988. It subsequently served with VF-101, onwards, we became more involved in providing direct ing strategic data for target sets required by the VF-142, VF-143 and VF-102, prior to joining VF-11 in Coalition troops on the ground. late 1997 when the latter unit swapped its F-14Ds for support for troops on the ground that were in contact with “On a typical mission during this early phase in B-model Tomcats. Erik Sleutelberg our deployment, we would launch a mixed pack- Right: CVW-7’s TACAIR units fl ew round-the-clock missions the enemy.” age of F-14s, F/A-18s, EA-6Bs and E-2s. The latter in support of operations in Fallujah, the Tomcat’s LANTIRN capability and NVG-compatible cockpit proving critically would support the Tomcats and Hornets, with the important during nocturnal sorties. Its anti-collision lights Hawkeyes effectively controlling the airspace in the blazing, ‘Dog 111’ (BuNo 162701) is just moments away bottom third of the country due to southern Iraq from being launched into the inky black night sky. Another then lacking any mature surveillance or command OEF veteran, this aircraft was originally delivered new and control structure permanently sited in-country. to VF-32 in October 1986. Rebuilt as an F-14B, it then served with VF-103 and was eventually passed to VF-143 E-2 crews would ‘triple cycle’ during patrols deep in 1999. US Navy into Iraq, running the radars and controlling the Below: Again with its LGBs still fi rmly attached to their mission tasking for our jets in response to re- shackles, VF-143’s ‘Dog 102’ (BuNo 162921) hits the quests emanating from troops on the ground. deck of CVN-73 and smokes the tyres as it snags an “Each TACAIR section typically consisted of a arrester wire to signal the end of another ISR patrol single Tomcat and Hornet paired up for maxi- over Iraq. Delivered new to VF-103 in 1988, this aircraft served as the unit’s CVW-17 CAG jet during Desert mum operational fl exibility. After launching from Above: VF-143 pilot Lt Javier Lee inspects the laser codes on a GBU-12 attached to the port forward BRU-32 bomb rack Storm. It remained with VF-103 in this capacity until the the carrier, the section would fl y north for about during his aircraft walk-around check on April 28, 2004. This weapon was expended on an insurgent position in Fallujah squadron assumed the identity of VF-84 in late 1995, an hour into Iraq and immediately hit one of sev- later that day. US Navy after which it was transferred to VF-143. Erik Sleutelberg eral tankers operating on pre-briefed tracks in- mortars and improvised explosive devices. We country. Once topped off, the section would be quickly developed some training techniques and assigned to run a security patrol over one of the procedures that allowed us to effectively escort many transport routes heading north towards convoys throughout Iraq. Whilst on patrol, if we Baghdad. You would drop down to 5,000ft and received a report that ‘friendlies’ were in con- keep your speed up as you over-fl ew the route, tact with the enemy, we were authorised by the keeping an eye out for AAA or hand-held SAMs. CAOC to drop down below 500ft to make plenty of Using binoculars during daytime and NVGs at noise in an effort to neutralise the threat. If this night, our mission was simply to fl ush out the did not work, we were cleared to prosecute posi- routes in order to make sure that there was no tively identifi ed targets in order to get the friendly one on the ground attempting to sabotage them. troops or vehicles out of harm’s way. “After completing an hour on-station patrolling “The Tomcat units in particular were kept very these routes, you would hand over to another busy during this phase of the deployment, with two-jet section and head to the nearest tanker in most pilots and RIOs getting more than 65 order to replenish your fuel. With tanks topped hours of fl ying time a month during CVN-71’s off, you would return to route patrolling, often spell in the NAG. heading as far north as Mosul or Kirkuk. Even- “From mid April onwards CVW-7 became im- tually heading back south after a further 60 min- mersed in high-density urban CAS as a result of utes on-station, you would hit the tanker once increased insurgent activity in and around Fallu- more and then return to the carrier. A typical jah. These operations proved very challenging for mission for a ‘pointy-nosed’ jet during this period our Hornet and Tomcat crews, and the learning lasted around 4.7 hours. curve was incredibly steep. We had done some “When the insurgency started to escalate from training at home for such ops with Carrier Groups late April onwards, we became more involved in 4 and 1 prior to deploying, conducting ‘haystack’ providing direct support for troops on the ground sorties where crews would be tasked with iden- that were in contact with the enemy. This initially tifying specifi c buildings in a high density urban started with Tomcats and Hornets providing show- environment. Such training was of limited value, of-force overfl ights and the occasional bombing however, as it is diffi cult to fi nd urban areas in strike for Coalition patrols that were being at- the US that replicate the towns and cities in Iraq. tacked in the so-called ‘Sunni Triangle’. By May- Typically, they will put around three times as many June, CVW-7 was also being called on to support buildings in the same amount of space as we do! vehicle convoys that appeared to be falling victim “The pipeline patrols were effectively replaced to coordinated attacks by insurgents using RPGs, by CAS stack missions from mid-April through  Its upper surfaces streaked with hydraulic fl uid and grime from the boots worn by the maintainers charged with keeping it airworthy, ‘Victory 101’ (BuNo 162705) drops away from a USAF tanker after receiving mid- mission fuel on August 14, 2004. The crew had already dropped one GBU-12, and were now heading back to western Iraq in search of another target. A veteran of Desert Storm with VF-33, this aircraft was also retired to AMARC in January 2005. USAF

to mid-May. The sorties were run much the Above: The pilot of BuNo 162918 has extended the fight- GBU-32(V) 1,000lb JDAM and the Tomcat two same way, however, with mixed sections of jets er’s tail hook in preparation for landing back on board or four GBU-12,500lb LGBs. More often than CV-67 on July 13, 2004. Exactly one week after this pho- running the same kind of tanker drill once in tograph was taken VF-103 dropped its first GBU-12 of not, we returned to CVN-73 with our bombs still Iraq. We would then check in with the AWACS the deployment on an insurgent position near Baghdad. aboard due to the fact that we were called on to controller and be held in a CAS stack overhead A further 20 would be expended in anger by the unit over fly less traditional missions over Iraq. Instead “Once we were on-station, the troops on the ground duly in an area known as ‘Eight-Mile’, between Fallu- the next four-and-a-half months. On January 5, 2005, of dropping bombs, we would fly ‘show of force’ jah and Baghdad. All you had to do then was sit Lt(jg) Matt Koop was the RIO in BuNo 162918 when sorties for troops that had either come under the fighter made its final flight from Oceana to AMARC, requested a show of force over their positions to either ward and wait for your turn to be called down to get where it was placed in storage. Lt(jg) Matt Koop attack or were faced with a gathering mob situ- involved helping troops in contact on the ground. Below: VF-103’s Lt Anthony Walley inspects the MAU- ation. We would be asked by the JTAC to fly low off or stir up any insurgent activity that might be brewing “These CAS missions were run in a similar way 169/B Paveway II Computer Control Group for one of two passes in afterburner to make plenty of noise. to those flown in OIF I, with the Tomcats and Hor- GBU-12s attached to his F-14B onboard CV-67 in August This usually got the crowd running for cover. nearby. We bumped up the speed and dropped down to nets being controlled by the ground JTAC [Joint 2004. The MAU-169/B provides terminal guidance con- “Even on the odd occasion we were cleared to de- Tactical Air Controller, which was the terminology trol for the LGB. US Navy liver bombs, these missions could also prove to be overfl y their outposts low, fast and loud.” officially adopted post-OIF I to replace the more non-traditional. More than once my crews were in- familiar Forward Air Controller title]. He would structed by the JTAC to drop LGBs or JDAM a short diers, were tasked with fl ushing out an estimat- Apparently, two mortar rounds had been launched and he gave us targeting information relating to talk your eyes onto the target that he wanted you distance away from insurgent positions in urban ar- ed 3,000 insurgents in a bitter house-to-house from a nearby fi eld, and a pair of Marine helicop- where the van had last been seen. While I was to see, and you would duly be cleared to run in eas so as to minimise collateral damage, but still campaign. One of the naval aviators involved in ters had been sent to fi nd the culprits. We could working the FLIR in our LANTIRN pod, my pilot ‘Hot’ to drop your ordnance – should it still be register a presence with nearby enemy forces.” this operation was VF-103’s Lt(jg) Matt Koop: see a Cobra and a Huey conducting their search was scouring the streets with his binoculars. required – once the JTAC was satisfied that you On July 10, 2004 USS John F Kennedy (CV- “When Phantom Fury kicked off, CENTCOM was below us, but we were fl ying too fast and too high We soon spotted an abandoned blue van, and were looking at the same target as he was. 67), with CVW-17 embarked, arrived on station concerned that large numbers of foreign fi ghters to offer much assistance. It was at this time that the helicopters came in to confi rm that this was “CVW-7 soon found that urban CAS was some- in the NAG to relieve CVN-73. As with the three would come streaming in from Syria and Iran to the JTAC told us, ‘Sorry boys. It just doesn’t look indeed the insurgents’ vehicle. With this con- what different to operations we had carried out previous Tomcat units to serve in-theatre, the aid the insurgency in Fallujah. Coalition forces like we have much for you fi xed-wing guys to do.’ fi rmation, the Cobra was cleared to destroy the in the past, both in OSW and OEF. A lot of the air wing’s VF-103 was conducting its last deploy- had set up outposts along the borders with both He told us that if we had any alternate missions, van with rockets. targets the JTACs were asking us to find were ment with the F-14. Just ten days after flying its countries in order to prevent this from happen- we were cleared to proceed. We didn’t have any “While the AH-1W was fi ring at the vehicle, new so well hidden that it was taking crews multiple between schools, mosques or residential areas first mission over Iraq, the squadron dropped ing, and an increase in the number of skirmish- other assignments, so we told him we’d stick reports were coming in and being passed to us passes at low altitudes to locate them. Orbit- – the insurgents chose such sites in order to fur- a single GBU-12 on an insurgent position near es in nearby towns was anticipated. Sections around in case anything else popped up. on the radio that additional Marines had been ing down low and using binoculars or simply our ther complicate our mission tasking in response Baghdad. This set the tone for VF-103’s four of fi ghters were pre-positioned to provide CAS to “Literally minutes later the JTAC received a re- engaged by insurgents who were holed up in a ‘Mk One eyeballs’ to ID the targets, we would to their attacks on our troops.” months in the NAG, with the unit seeing far more our troops in these areas if needed. And it was port that some of our troops patrolling a nearby ‘café’. The troops had been subjected to both then have to climb back up to 10,000ft in order With CVW-7 fielding near equal numbers of action than any other Tomcat squadron since the on one of these missions that I saw my fi rst real town had been attacked by terrorists in a blue machine gun fi re and RPG rounds, and they were to drop our GBU-12s. We also got to strafe on Tomcats (20) and Hornets (24), the two types end of major hostilities in May 2003. Mirroring action of the deployment. van. Having exchanged shots, the insurgents in need of immediate air support. This ‘café’ several occasions, too. CVW-7 found that the operated very closely to each other over Iraq, as previous air wing operations in the region post- “Ironically, when my pilot and I were told that had sped away in their vehicle. The Marines was less than one kilometre from where we had key to providing effective urban CAS was that the VF-11 CO Cdr Scott Moyer explained: “In order to OIF I, CVW-17 routinely paired up Hornets and we would be conducting a Syrian border patrol, called for immediate air support, and both our found the van, and after a quick talk-on by the designated target had to be serviced perfectly enhance our mission capabilities, we decided to Tomcats over Iraq. This was primarily because we were more than a little disappointed not to section and the helicopters were tasked with JTAC, we confi rmed that we were ‘tally the tar- the first time. There was no margin for error, for fly mixed sections over Iraq. We also mixed our two of the three F/A-18C units (VFA-34 and VFA- be working with the Marines in Fallujah, since locating the blue van. We were told to contact get’. He then requested that we provide laser a lot of the targets we attacked were wedged in weapon load-out, with the Hornet carrying two 83) on board CV-67 were equipped with the first that was where all the action seemed to be tak- a different JTAC who was actually in the town, designation for a Hellfi re missile that was to be production examples of the US Navy’s newest ing place. Our Tomcat was the lead aircraft that fi red by the gunner in the Cobra, since his line-of- VF-103’s ‘Victory 112’ (BuNo 161422) leads ‘Victory targeting pod, the Raytheon ASQ-228 Advanced afternoon, fl ying in a mixed section with a Hor- site for missile guidance was poor. 102’ (BuNo 161419) into the break overhead CV-67 on Targeting Forward-Looking Infra-Red (ATFLIR). net wingman from VFA-81. I checked in with the “Neither my pilot nor I had ever done anything a typically hazy day in the NAG in August 2004, both jets returning home with their mission load-out of two For almost a decade the LANTIRN pod had Direct Air Support Center controller to tell him like this before, having never been briefed on how GBU-12s apiece still intact. Lt(jg) Matt Koop been viewed as the premier targeting system what our mission was, and where we had been to lase for a Hellfi re missile! But we had briefed within a carrier air wing, but according to VFA- told to patrol. We were hoping that he would on buddy lasing for our Hornet wingman’s Laser 83’s Lt Cdr Matt Pothier, who used the ASQ- give us a last minute tasking to Fallujah, but that Maverick, and we fi gured that the two laser-guided 228 in action over Fallujah, “the ATFLIR makes was not to be the case. We continued westward weapons were similar enough to expect success the LANTIRN look cheap! We would patrol pre- and contacted the JTAC that we had been as- if we employed the same tactics. We were right. defined positions, tanking three to four times signed to work with. He described the area that The Hellfi re guided to the dead centre of our cross- during a five- to seven-hour sortie. We usually we would be patrolling, and pointed out a few hairs and blew right through the front door of the patrolled hot spots and protected high interest outposts that had received fi re intermittently in building. That hit stopped the fi re that our troops targets such as Coalition convoys, talking to our the previous 48 hours. Above: VF-103’s Lt(jg) Matt Koop sits on the cockpit sill were receiving, but the weapon’s small warhead ground-based JTACs if they were embedded in “Once we were on-station, the troops on the of his F-14B (BuNo 161422) after making an emergency caused minimal damage to the structure of the the area where we were working. VFA-81, operat- ground duly requested a show of force over their arrested landing in Kuwait in September 2004. Shortly building itself. With the possibility of more insur- ing the older non-ATFLIR Lot X F/A-18Cs, always positions to either ward off or stir up any insur- after the event he recalled: “We were fl ying over Iraq, gents hiding deeper in the ‘café’, the order was north of Baghdad, near Balad, on a routine XCAS mission given for us to destroy the building with our two flew in a mixed section with VF-103, as the unit gent activity that might be brewing nearby. We when we lost our left engine. The oil system had a cata- relied on the Tomcat’s LANTIRN pod to provide bumped up the speed and dropped down to strophic failure and the engine seized up. We had the GBU-12s. We were told to target each end of the primary targeting for its LGBs.” overfl y their outposts low, fast and loud. Once option to put her down right there in Balad, but the other building with one bomb, so we would have to make Fallujah continued to prove a hot bed of un- we had completed our pass, we climbed back up engine and the hydraulics looked like they were holding two passes with as little time in between as pos- rest throughout CVW-17’s time on station, and and waited for their next request. Everything re- up fi ne so we decided to try to make it back to Ali Al Sa- sible. on October 8, 2004 the air wing helped provide mained quiet, and after a while it was time to go lem, in Kuwait. It would have been impossible to replace “As soon as we had received permission to drop the engine in Balad, so it was a good thing that we made aerial support over the city for Operation Phan- hit the tanker and top off the tanks. the decision that we did – a spare engine and a team of our LGBs, we raced out to an appropriate run-in tom Fury/Al-Fajr. Some 10,000 Marines from “When we checked back in, we were disappoint- squadron maintainers was quickly fl own out to us and we position that minimised the danger posed to our the 1st MEF, supported by 5,000 Iraqi Army sol- ed to hear that we had just missed some action. were soon back on board CV-67.” Lt(jg) Matt Koop troops nearby. Fortunately, our LANTIRN pod  makers on the ground, along with the fact that the building was still standing. I recommended a re-attack, and within minutes we were authorised to expend our two 500lb GBU-12s on the target. This we duly did with the minimum of fuss, scor- ing a direct hit. The size of the resulting explo- sion verifi ed that not only had we hit the building, but also the JDAM inside. Surprisingly, given the fact that three bombs had now struck the build- ing, most of the resulting damage was restricted within the walls of the target itself – a testament to the accuracy of both the JDAM and the LGB. “While this was not the most intense mission fl own over Iraq during the course of our fi nal Tom- cat cruise, it provides a good illustration of the mixed section concept, and its strengths. Flying with the F/A-18s allowed CVW-17 to bring a more diverse range of weaponry to the fi ght. The Tom- cat’s sensors, employed by a dedicated operator in the form of the RIO, proved invaluable in target acquisition, allowing precision and fl exibility in Above: Dubbed ‘Team Vicious’, VMFA-115 and VF-32 formed a very effective partnership in OIF III, as a rather envious pi- targeting, and keeping everyone honest as a BHA lot from VMFA-323 (part of CVW-9, which replaced CVW-3 on station in the NAG) recalled: “VMFA-115 did a whole lot of platform. Combine this with the jet’s longer loiter- dropping, especially early on with the mop up of Fallujah.” US Navy ing time and the situational awareness of a sec- F/A-18A+s that have APG-73 radars and a lot of up shop in Mosul. The US Army troops in this ond aircrew, and the F-14 became arguably the other mods to keep them on a par with the rest of area relied heavily on Stryker armoured fi ghting CAS platform of choice for operations in Iraq.” the fl eet’s more modern Hornets, but they are not vehicles when on patrol, and they soon started By the time CV-67 was relieved on-station in currently capable of displaying the ATFLIR images contacting the enemy on a more frequent basis the NAG by CVN-75 in late November 2004, VF- on their Data Display Indicators – hence their reli- following the fall of Fallujah. I was involved in 103 had fl own 384 OIF sorties totalling 1,913.4 ance on VF-32’s LANTIRN-equipped F-14s.” one event where a VBIED [vehicle-borne impro- Above: From late 2004 the Tomcat presence in OIF III was assumed by VF-32, which was part of CVW- hours. The unit had also dropped 21 GBU-12s With the assistance of the Tomcats, VMFA-115 vised explosive device] hit a Stryker, after which 3 embarked in CVN-75. As with VF-103 before it, the ‘Swordsmen’ fl ew mixed formations – dubbed in anger whilst on-station. fl ew a handful of pre-planned strikes near the Ira- its occupants were ambushed from all sides. ‘Covey’ fl ights – with the air wing’s trio of Hornet units, and F/A-18A+-equipped VMFA-115 in particu- The Tomcat presence in-theatre was then as- qi border town of Al Qaim (just fi ve miles east of My wingman and I both strafed danger close, lar. The latter squadron’s aircraft were not equipped with ATFLIR pods, so in order to comply with a sumed by VF-32, embarked with CVW-3 aboard Syria) against a known foreign-fi ghter and weap- and we were eventually called in to drop LGBs CENTAF requirement that all bomb droppers in-theatre had access to advanced targeting FLIR imagery prior to attacking a target, the Marine aviators relied on VF-32’s LANTIRN designation. Erik Hildebrandt CVN-75. As with VF-103 before it, the ‘Swords- ons-smuggling ring. Continuing to operate close- about 80 meters from the friendlies. men’ fl ew mixed formations with the air wing’s trio ly with VF-32, the Marine unit was also heavily “Although the GBU-12s were both effective and was producing a crisp image, and the target was that proliferated in Iraq without having mensurat- computer. NAVAIR had made the decision in 2002 of Hornet units, and F/A-18A+-equipped VMFA-115 involved in providing on-call CAS for Marines and necessary at the time, the army guys we sup- easily identifi able from more than fi ve miles away. ed coordinates. And we only carried 500lb LGBs that it would be too expensive to pay for this in- in particular. The latter unit’s aircraft were not soldiers in central and northern Iraq. ported were more cued into calling for strafi ng We stepped through the checklist we had memo- in order to minimise collateral damage.” tegration in the jet’s ‘twilight years’ with the fl eet. equipped with ATFLIR pods, so in order to comply Like VF-103, VF-32 was making its fi nal Tomcat passes in the urban environment, so over the rised and made sure that all our parameters were Former CVW-3 CAG (and ex-F-14 RIO) Capt However, the US Navy’s last two Tomcat units, VF- with a CENTAF (Central Command Air Forces) re- deployment. Unlike CVW-17, CVW-3 was only next few weeks CVW-3’s F-14s and F/A-18s con- correct before dropping the fi rst bomb. The weap- Mark Vance spoke about this shift in weapon 31 and VF-213, would have their F-14Ds ‘wired up’ quirement that all bomb droppers in-theatre have occasionally called on to engage insurgents di- ducted strafi ng within 30-50 metres of friendly on guided with perfect precision to the centre of emphasis in OIF II/III at Tailhook 2004: “The to take the GBU-38 prior to the jets’ fi nal operation- access to advanced targeting FLIR imagery prior rectly, although it continued to fl y ‘show of force’ forces. We strafed into buildings and VBIEDs my laser spot, destroying the east wing of the increase in urban CAS, and the associated risk al deployment with CVW-8 in 2005-06. to attacking a target, the Marine aviators relied on operations – including overseeing the Iraqi elec- that were trying to drive into the Strykers.” building. We immediately turned outbound and of collateral damage, has forced us to take a VF-103’s support of Operation Phantom Fury VF-32’s LANTIRN designation. This partnership tions on January 30, 2005 – and convoy protec- CVN-75 was relieved in the NAG by USS Carl set up for our second run-in. This bomb came off serious look at the size of the warheads we are lasted well into November 2004, as the 1st MEF worked well, as according to a Marine Hornet pi- tion missions on a near daily basis. These sor- Vinson (CVN-70) on March 19, 2005. Reinforc- just as well as the fi rst, and it guided precisely to employing against the insurgency. Creative fus- continued with its bloody campaign to rid the lot from VMFA-323 (part of CVW-9, which replaced ties primarily took the form of Intelligence, Sur- ing the fact that the F-14’s days in the fl eet were the target, levelling the structure.” ing by air wing armourers has seen the frag blast so-called ‘Sunni Triangle’ of insurgents. The unit CVW-3 on station in the NAG): “VMFA-115 did veillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) and XCAS mis- now well and truly numbered, the ‘Gold Eagle’s’ As in OIF I, JDAM quickly became the weapon area drastically reduced, and large weapons persisted in fl ying mixed formations throughout a whole lot of dropping, especially early on with sions across the country from CVN-75. Tomcat fl ight deck was devoid of any Tomcats. CVN-70’s of choice in the fi ght against the insurgency as it such as 2,000lb JDAM are not being employed this period, with the following account being re- the mop up of Fallujah. If I'm not mistaken, they crews tasked with fl ying XCAS provided on-call CVW-9 boasted three F/A-18C squadrons and a grew in size. “Our F-14Bs were JDAM capable,” at all in built up areas.” lated by a FAC(A)-qualifi ed Tomcat pilot who was dropped more than all of the other CVW-3 squad- (alert) CAS, which meant that they were a CAS single unit equipped with the F/A-18F. VF-103’s Lt(jg) Koop confi rmed, “and we had un- Such weaponeering changes had a direct impact involved in just such a mission: rons combined. To my understanding the guys op- asset for the period they were assigned to patrol Fifth Fleet had not seen the last of the F-14 dertaken a lot of training with the weapon in our on the bombs cleared for use by the F-14, which “Whilst leading a Hornet from VFA-83 on a rou- erated in mixed sections (Tomcat/Hornet) to take over Iraq, but they were not allocated to support just yet, however, as the fi nal act in the Tomcat’s pre-cruise work-ups, but once in-theatre the deci- at that time could not carry the new, urban CAS tine Phantom Fury standby CAS mission in early advantage of the LANTIRN pod’s higher resolution, a particular ground unit at the time the ATO was long career with the US Navy was played out in sion was made that for maximum fl exibility we optimised, 500lb GBU-38 JDAM debuted in OIF November, with a second mixed section in-country and to accommodate a requirement from CENTAF written. VF-32 also had the opportunity to strafe the NAG in the autumn of 2005 when CVW-8, would have our Hornet wingman carry a JDAM by CVW-17’s trio of Hornet squadrons in August with us, we were told to look at a building on the that only ATFLIR- and LANTIRN-equipped aircraft targets, as the unit’s Maintenance Offi cer, Lt Cdr embarked in CVN-71, arrived on station to sup- and one other bomb [usually another GBU-12, but 2004. The 1,000lb JDAM was also incompat- outskirts of Fallujah. It was one of many targets could drop in-country. VMFA-115 has the upgraded Randy Stearns, recalled: “We performed four or port OIF operations. VF-31 and VF-213 were later a laser Maverick missile]. This left us carry- ible with the Tomcat for the same reason that the for which we had received imagery and informa- fi ve strafi ng events while committed to OIF, and assigned to the air wing for this historic cruise, ing GBU-12s exclusively throughout our time on 500lb weapon has not been cleared for use with tion prior to launching, the second navy section these all took place in the streets of Mosul. Af- both units conducting their fi nal deployments station. This was viewed as the ‘Maxfl ex’ load- the aircraft – the umbilical cord that transferred being told to investigate another dwelling nearby. ter Fallujah kicked off and got going, the enemy with the F-14D prior to transitioning to the Super out for a mixed Tomcat/Hornet section, as we the data to/from the weapon when mated with the Once both buildings were confi rmed as being safe fl ed the city and headed up the Euphrates to set Hornet in 2006. could now deal with the typical ‘pop up’ targets bomb rack did not interface with the F-14’s bomb houses for insurgents, their destruction was ap- proved. After locating our targets, we were told to deliver a single 1,000lb JDAM to each building. We carried LGBs on our Tomcats, so the JDAM- equipped Hornets would be primary strikers. “We joined both sections together into a four- jet division to facilitate precise timings for the attack. Essentially, the F/A-18s joined as a lead section, with the F-14s in trail capturing BHA. This proved to be an ideal arrangement for us as it made the best use of our LANTIRN sen- sor, which turned out to be key to our successful attack. The Hornets’ runs on the targets went well, with single bombs impacting each of the buildings virtually instantaneously. However, the JDAM from my Hornet wingman did not explode, or was a dud. Luckily, we could confi rm this us- ing LANTIRN imagery in the cockpit, as both my A section of VF-32 F-14Bs fl y their fi nal orbit over CVN-75 RIO and I spotted the small puff of smoke on the before pitching up into the break and then entering the landing pattern. The wingman will aim to land just 45 Above: VF-32’s ‘Gypsy 101’, fl own by staff offi cers from CVW-3, circles over the Swords of Qˉadisiyah and the Monument roof of the building as the bomb hit home. seconds after his section leader. Erik Hildebrandt to the Unknown Soldier in central Baghdad during the Iraqi elections on January 30, 2005. via Erik Hildebrandt “We passed this information on to the decision LAST CATFIGHT The Tomcat’s fi nal operational deployment saw the jet at the ‘tip of the spear’ during CVW-8’s commitment to OIF III in 2005-06, fl ying from the familiar fl ight deck of the ‘Big Stick’ – USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71). N MARCH 25, 1986, an F-4S Phantom II Vinson (CVN-70) – came close as part of Opera- from VF-151 launched from USS Midway tion Desert Strike on September 3, 1996. At (CV-41) as it steamed in the East China the last minute President Bill Clinton chose to O Sea, bringing to an end the frontline fl eet attack air defence targets in southern Iraq with service of a US Navy stalwart. A decade later, Tomahawk missiles, rather than manned strike on December 19, 1996, VA-75 made the last-ev- aircraft. This was certainly not the case for the er cruise fl y-off by an A-6 Intruder squadron when Tomcat crews, who were in the thick of the ac- it departed USS Enterprise (CVN-65) as the ves- tion from the day the aircraft arrived on station sel returned to Norfolk, Virginia, at the end of a in the NAG – October 5, 2005 – onboard the six-month-long deployment to the Mediterranean 97,000-ton CVN-71. and the NAG. Repeating the cycle that has seen The 22 F-14Ds in theatre with CVW-8 were part a major US Navy type withdrawn from service of the air wing’s 64-strong force of combat air- every ten years, on March 10, 2006, F-14D- craft relieving CVW-11 onboard USS Nimitz (CVN- equipped VF-31 and VF-213 returned to NAS 68) – the latter had the distinction of being the Oceana at the completion of the Tomcat’s last fi rst air wing not to have dropped any ordnance operational cruise. in Iraq since December 1998. It soon became Neither the Phantom II nor the Intruder saw apparent that this comparative lull in insurgency combat during their fi nal deployments. However, activity would not last, however. Within 48 hours VA-75 – and fellow A-6 unit VA-196, which was of CVN-71 being declared mission-ready to the also in the NAG at the time aboard USS Carl Qatar-based CAOC, which controlled all Coali- Â

Above: ‘Bandwagon 107’ (BuNo 163902) comes under tension on CVN-71’s waist catapult two prior to fl ying an OIF III mission on October 17, 2005. The jet is armed with a GBU-38 500lb JDAM and a GBU-12 500lb LGB which, combined with the 675 rounds of 20mm ammunition for the M61A1 Vulcan cannon, was the standard ar- mament for CVW-8’s F-14Ds during the Tomcat’s fi nal combat cruise. Gert Kromhout Capt Bill Sizemore, CAG of CVW-8, peers through the HUD of ‘Blacklion 207’ (BuNo 161166) as FINAL DEPLOYMENT PATCHES he carefully positions the jet behind a C-2A of VRC-40 Det 1 for the benefit of photographer Ri- chard Cooper during a mission on February 2, 2006. Like Cdr ‘Twig’ LaBranche, Capt Sizemore also joined the exclusive ‘Grand Club’ when he made his 1,000th carrier landing in ‘Blacklion 213’ on December 16, 2005. Flying almost 500 hours on deployment, BuNo 161166 fired 163 rounds during a strafing pass on November 17, 2005 – but did not employ any oth- er ordnance. Originally delivered as an A-model in March 1981, the aircraft served with VF-11, VF-142 and VF-143 prior to being converted into an F-14D in VF-213 and VF-31 CVW-8 (2005-06) VF-31 (2005-06) VF-213 (2005-06) 1993. Richard Cooper (2005-06) tion aircraft operating over Iraq, a section of F- was good for the guys on the ground, but less 14s was providing CAS for US and Iraqi troops in than thrilling for us. We typically ended up get- the vicinities of Al Hawijah, Al Hillah and Al Muq- ting gas three times a flight from a variety of dadiyah. This pattern of operations was set to big-wing tankers, including international players. continue unabated for the next four months. When not flying over Iraq, we were conducting VF-213’s Maintenance Officer, Lt Cdr Robb hour-long flights around the NAG, ‘pressurising Soderholm, a RIO, recalled the type of missions the maritime environment’ – official terminology undertaken by both F-14 units during CVN-71’s for making our presence known and preventing time in the NAG: “We flew between 14 and 18 illegal activities in international waters.” sorties per day, with only three five-day port vis- VF-31 pilot Lt Justin Halligan explained how a its to Jebel Ali, in the , to typical flying day in the NAG was planned out by break up this routine during ‘TR’s’ commitment CVW-8. “The 1120hrs launch, which was the to OIF. At least a third of these flights were six- first mission sent over the beach by CVW-8 every hour marathons up into Iraq. day, returned from Iraq at 1730hrs, which in the “Generally, the two Tomcat units each put six to autumn/winter time meant a fully blown night eight jets over the beach every day. The remain- recovery. During the course of this mission, all ing ten sorties VF-213 generated on a typical aircraft that pushed on into Iraq would have re- day would see crews remain ‘around the boat’, fuelled three times. We received fuel soon after with some of these jets being air spares for we had made landfall, then headed off-station to OIF pushes that then flip-flopped into maritime the tanker about 90 minutes later. surveillance patrols as part of Operation Sea “Our last aerial refuelling took place some Dragon had they not been required for the main 90 minutes after the second top up, and we event. Crews also conducted proficiency training then headed home. The longest mission we for the myriad missions VF-213 performed in the- would fly on a daily basis was event three, which atre, including practising our air-to-air work with was scheduled to last six-and-half hours from the E-2s in an effort to keep both us and them 1345hrs to 2015hrs. at the top of our games. “There was a significant overlap between pack- “The squadron also carried out task group pro- ages in Iraqi air space, with jets from the previ- tection flights, as our admiral was big on making ous event still heading south for the NAG as you Above: ‘Blacklion 201’ (BuNo 164341) returns to CVN-71 after an OIF patrol on October 17, 2005, its ordnance sure that the vessels under his control were not were getting yourself established in-country. still secured to the under-fuselage racks. In the foreground is ‘Blacklion 206’ (BuNo 163893), which did not taken by surprise by a fishing dhow packed with “Typically, the air wing launched four events drop any ordnance or strafe during the deployment. Gert Kromhout explosives. Finally, we manned CAPs and provid- during a 12-hour period to fulfil its commitments ing on what the air wing wanted us to do, and a the vicinity of Ar Ramadi. ed Alert 30 jets on a regular basis.” to the CAOC in Iraq. Each event was usually single jet was cleared to conduct a Sea Dragon Lt Cdr Soderholm explained how he and fellow Squadron-mate and fellow RIO Lt(jg) Scott Tim- made up of 16 tactical jets (F-14s and F/A-18s) patrol should the squadron not have enough air- naval aviators had gone about detecting such mester shared his impressions of the cruise supported by EA-6Bs, S-3B tankers and an E-2C craft available to launch two air spares to cover positions during patrols over Iraq: “We were from a junior officer’s viewpoint: “OIF sorties AEW aircraft. Half of the 16 tactical jets were a standard OIF section.” routinely called in to overfly urban areas such during the deployment typically meant a six-hour Above: The RIO of ‘Bandwagon 101’ (BuNo 164603) steps into the rear cockpit of the jet while his pilot goes launched as air spares for the primary aircraft, Proving that the F-14 was still at the ‘tip of the as Baghdad and in the surrounding ‘Sunni tri- hop across the beach about every third day for over some last-minute paperwork with one of VF-31’s maintenance chiefs. This aircraft was one of four ‘Tomcat- so only eight pressed on into Iraq for the full six- spear’ during its final deployment, VF-213 had angle’ in the wake of random mortar attacks on each crew. Missions were generally flown in ters’ jets to exceed 500 flying hours on deployment (September 1, 2005 to March 11, 2006). The penultimate hour-plus mission. The rest would come back the distinction of dropping the first ordnance to our FOBs. The insurgents liked to lob rounds support of friendly ground forces that needed an F-14 built, it was delivered new to VF-124 in May 1992 and subsequently served with VF-2 and VF-213, seeing for the next recovery cycle after first performing be expended in anger by CVW-8 on October 11, into these secure areas usually at night, when combat in OEF with the latter in 2001. Transferred to VF-101 the following year, it became VF-31’s last ‘Felix 2005. One of its crews destroyed rocket and most of the occupants of the FOBs were asleep. airborne presence to deter or disrupt insurgent 101’ and participated in two more cruises prior to retirement. The jet made the very last flight by a US Navy a Sea Dragon patrol, which usually only lasted activities throughout the country. Tomcat on October 4, 2006 – from Oceana to Republic Airport, in Farmingdale, New York – for eventual display between one to two hours. mortar positions used by anti-Iraqi forces (AIF) to Troops on the ground would work out roughly “Most hops were long and uneventful, which as a memorial to all Northrop Grumman workers at nearby Bethpage. Gert Kromhout “We could sortie one or two air spares, depend- shell Coalition forward operating bases (FOBs) in where the attack had come from and then ask us to go and check these areas for ‘hot spots’ – Top Tomcatter we would be looking for the hot mortar tubes or people running away from this general location. The senior naval aviator aboard ‘TR’ during the “On several occasions our squadron was called F-14’s final deployment was Rear Admiral James on to hit just such a target after it has been pin- A Winnefeld Jr, Commander, Carrier Strike Group pointed, the crew on station quickly locating the Two/USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group. ‘hot spot’ in the target area assigned to them By happy coincidence, the admiral was also a by the troops within the FOB that had been at- Tomcat pilot, with frontline fleet service stretching tacked. Although the insurgents that had fired back to 1981. Unlike many officers of flag rank the weapon had usually fled the scene by then, who led carrier groups in the NAG, he made a the Tomcat crew was occasionally given au- concerted effort to undertake regular combat thorisation to drop GBU-38 JDAM on the mortar missions over Iraq during his time in theatre. equipment they had discovered.” “I usually tried to fly once or twice a week if I could, conducting both training missions over the NAG and patrols in Iraq. I was the senior naval JDAM to the fore aviator flying in theatre, and my USAF equivalent The 500lb GBU-38 had been specifically cleared was Maj Gen Allen Peck, who flew the F-15E as for use by the Tomcat on the eve of its final de- part of his job running the CAOC. ployment the new weapon combining with the “Being current on the Tomcat, and having 22 state-of-the-art Remotely Operated Video En- examples embarked in ‘TR’, I felt it was very hanced Receivers (ROVER) system and the tried important for me to fly as often as my schedule and tested LANTIRN pod to make the F-14 CVW- allowed me to. Such missions really helped me 8’s primary surveillance and force protection plat- to get a full understanding of what my crews were form while on station in the NAG. Indeed, the 22 doing both in Iraq and over the NAG. Tomcats became the ground forces’ combat air- “Having flown these sorties for real, I had a lot craft of choice during ‘TR’s’ time in theatre. more credibility when I talked to my counterparts, The GBU-38 had made its service debut with such as Maj Gen Peck, in theatre. Having seen the US Navy in the NAG in October 2004 when Iraq from the pilot’s perspective, I knew what I The senior naval aviator aboard ‘TR’ during the it was used in combat over Fallujah by the trio was talking about when I put forward ideas to the F-14’s final deployment was Rear Admiral James A of F/A-18 Hornet units assigned to CVW-17 and CAOC – whom we worked for when over the beach ‘Jaws’ Winnefeld Jr (seen here in 2011 as a four-star embarked in USS John F Kennedy (CV-67). The admiral while in charge of NORAD), Commander, – about things we wanted to try to better protect air wing’s Tomcat squadron at that time was our troops on the ground. I could also explain Carrier Strike Group Two/USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group. By happy coincidence, he the F-14B-equipped VF-103, and the unit was VF-31’s ‘Bandwagon 105’ (BuNo 159619) is only milliseconds away from trapping back onboard ‘TR’ to signal the end of a six-hour patrol over Iraq. Both VF-31 and VF-213 to them difficulties we might be having when it was also a Tomcat pilot, with frontline fleet service replaced in theatre by VF-32 as part of CVW-3 maintained a high sortie tempo during the 2005-06 deployment, flying between 14 and 18 per day. This particular aircraft – which was VF-31’s leading bomb dropper on came to performing a certain mission tasking stretching back to 1981, and routinely flew opera- aboard USS Harry S Truman (CVN-75). cruise, with three GBU-38s expended – was one of three Tomcats assigned to CVW-8 that had been built in 1975, the jet serving with VF-124, VF-24 and VF-1 prior to its re- or communicating with other friendly forces in tional missions over Iraq in the jet during CVN-71’s Both squadrons had discovered during their manufacture as a D-model. It was then assigned to VX-4, after which it flew with VF-2, VF-31 and VF-213 before returning to VF-31 for its final fleet service. Gert Kromhout commitment to OIF III. USAF theatre.” time in the NAG that the 2,000lb GBU-31  JDAM was simply too large in terms of blast foot- print for safe use in an urban environment when supporting Coalition troops. So the laser-guided 500lb GBU-12 became the only ‘small’ weapon left open to the Tomcat force – and with ques- tions hanging over the performance of the LGB (a number had dropped inexplicably short in Iraq during OIF I and in the fi ght that followed), the F-14 squadrons appeared to be out of the bomb- dropping business. Having seen how restricted both VF-103 and VF-32 had been when it came time to putting smaller ‘warheads on foreheads’ in Iraq in 2004- 05, VF-213’s then CO, Cdr Brian Kocher, was determined not to allow his unit to become a bit-part player during the aircraft’s fi nal combat cruise. In early February 2005 he contacted the US Navy’s F-14 Tomcat Program Manager and expressed his interest in having the D-model jet cleared to employ the GBU-38 JDAM. The re- quest saw a team of F-14 specialists from NA- VAIR, assisted by VF-213, quickly analyse the Above: The crew of ‘Bandwagon 102’ (BuNo 163904) wait patiently while VFA-87’s F/A-18C ‘War Party 407’ (BuNo 164628) tops off its tanks during a mid-cycle rendez- level of testing required for the integration with Above: A GBU-12 and GBU-38 are dwarfed by the sheer size of the VF-213 F-14D to which they have been at- vous with an Al Udeid-based KC-10A on November 8, 2005. BuNo 163904 expended a GBU-38 on a building used by insurgents in the vicinity of Husaybah during the tached. Receiving clearance to drop the small blast-footprint JDAM on the eve of the deployment was critically course of this mission, VF-213 having also dropped ordnance in the same town on the previous two days as CVW-8 was committed to Operation Steel Curtain. VF-31 bomb manufacturing Boeing. important to VF-31 and VF-213, for troops on the ground had become increasingly wary of asking for LGBs after According to an article by Chuck Wagner in the a handful of GBU-12s had fallen short of their targets in Iraq leading up to CVN-71 arriving in the NAG. By the Operation Allied Force in 1999. It was then pro- ‘pickled’ it off. We were bombing through solid nearby infrastructure, will be kept to a bare mini- NAS Patuxent River base newspaper Tester on end of the cruise only VF-213 had dropped LGBs in anger, expending six. Both units delivered GBU-38s, however, gressively employed during OSW, primarily by the cloud, which was more than a little unnerving as mum. Being only a 500lb weapon, it also had 6 October 2005, “there had not been a Tomcat VF-31 dropping nine and VF-213 fi ve. Danny Coremans US Navy, until the weapon really began to cap- the JTAC had given us no details about the weap- very little impact on our maximum trap weight test pilot team for four years when this evalu- descent carrier landings. tail unit with steerable control fi ns. ture headlines during OEF thanks to the exploits on’s intended target. when we came back to the boat with unexpend- ation began, nor was there a Tomcat at NAS In June a mixed VF-101/213 crew hit targets The ‘baseline’ JDAM is considered to be a of US Navy Hornet units operating from carriers “I zeroed the clock in the jet as the bomb was ed ordnance. We almost always returned with Patuxent River, where the aircraft’s weapons with two live GBU-38s on the range at Naval Air ‘near precision’ weapon, the bomb’s GCU relying assigned to the conflict. JDAM finally made its released and counted down until it was about our bombs – typically a single GBU-38 and a testing takes place. Plus, the programme had Weapons Station China Lake. The completion of on a three-axis inertial navigation system (INS) combat debut with the Tomcat (F-14B only) in the time that the JDAM was due to be hitting the GBU-12, weighing 1,000lb in total – still aboard, only enough funding to cover the scheduled this fi nal trial ultimately saw the F-14D gain clear- and a GPS receiver to provide its pre-planned or February 2002, again in OEF, and on the eve of target. To our collective relief, seconds later the and the weight of this ordnance had to be offset missions and fi nal decommissioning. The way ance to use the 500lb JDAM on August 30 – just in-fl ight targeting capability. The INS is a back-up OIF I with the F-14D. JTAC came on the radio and told us: ‘Good ef- by a reduced fuel load to allow the jet to reach a Lt Mike Doxey of the F-14 Class Desk Team ex- 48 hours prior to ‘TR’ leaving Virginia for the NAG. system should the GPS lose satellite reception Aside from its stunning accuracy in OEF, the fects. Target destroyed.’ We then cleared the safe landing weight.” plains it; ‘the programme pulled together disap- Developed by precision weapons pioneer Boeing or be jammed. weapon also proved popular with crews because it area and continued with our patrol over Baghdad. Perhaps the ultimate endorsement for the pearing resources to fi nd a solution, and quick’. in the mid to late 1990s, JDAM differs from other With GPS guidance at its heart, JDAM can only could be released in level flight from high altitude, “Aside from GBU-38s, VF-213 also expended a GBU-38 came from CVN-71’s senior naval avia- Pilots with Patuxent River-based test unit Air Test GPS weapons in that it guides completely autono- be employed by an aircraft fi tted with an on- enabling aircraft to stay well above any SAM or AAA handful of GBU-12s.” There is a little bit of tal- tor, Rear Admiral James A Winnefeld Jr, Com- and Evaluation Squadron 23 (VX-23) who had mously after being released. In its original form, board GPS system so that GPS-computed co- threats. Depending on the height and speed of ent and skill involved in accurately dropping an mander, Carrier Strike Group Two/USS Theodore Tomcat experience leapt at the opportunity to be the weapon could not be steered or fed updated ordinates can be downloaded to the weapon for the delivery platform, JDAM can be released up to LGB as opposed to a GBU-38. With the latter, if Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group. A career fighter involved in renewed weapons testing.” targeting data once dropped, but development both the target itself and the weapon release 15 miles from its target in ideal conditions. you can type using a computer keyboard you can pilot with fleet time in the F-14 stretching back With VF-213 busy conducting its pre-cruise of the Laser JDAM in the years after the F-14’s point. That way the jet’s onboard INS remains Following several mishaps with LGBs in Iraq post- drop a JDAM – it really is that simple. to 1981, he noted: “Clearing the Tomcat to use work-ups at NAS Fallon, it fell to VF-101 to sup- retirement means the bomb can now also target as accurate as possible while the weapon is OIF I, JDAM once again assumed the position of VF-31’s Lt Dan Komar was also fulsome in his the GBU-38 on its final deployment was a very ply aircraft – and aircrew refresher training – to moving objects. Unlike laser-guided or electro-op- acquiring a GPS signal after being released over dominance it had previously enjoyed during OSW praise for the 500lb JDAM: “The GBU-38 proved wise and courageous decision on Vice Admiral VX-23 so that the unit could conduct two weeks tical munitions, its accuracy remains unaffected the target. This effectively means the aircraft as the preferred weapon for precision strikes on to be a crucial weapon in our arsenal in the NAG James Zortman’s part, the Commander, Naval Air of fl ight-testing with the GBU-38 in May. The rstfi by bad weather or poor targeting solutions. has to have a MIL STD 1760 data bus and com- targets in Iraq. This was quickly proven to CVW-8 due to the focus on operations in the urban en- Forces realising it was worth spending precious two sorties fl own from Patuxent River checked A clinically accurate weapon originally devel- patible pylon wiring to programme the bomb’s on October 18 and 19, 2005 when three GBU- vironment in Iraq. Collateral damage estimates funds to give an outgoing platform an added that the JDAM remained functional on the air- oped to strike fi xed targets (which proliferated in aim point, intended trajectory shape and impact 38s were dropped in just 24 hours on targets near usually dictated whether you got to employ ord- operational capability that has proven its worth craft as it performed a series of extreme ma- Iraq post OIF I), JDAM is effectively a standard geometry. Karabilah and Al Muqdadiyah. Validating the effort nance or not, and having a GPS-guided munition in combat on this cruise. Having the flexibility noeuvres, including high-speed runs and steep Mk82 (500lb), Mk83 (1,000lb), Mk84 (2,000lb) Achieving initial operational capability in 1997, put in by the Tomcat community to get clearance that had a small blast footprint allowed the Tom- to use either the GBU-38 or an LGB-12 proved dives. The second fl ight tested the weapon’s or BLU-109 (penetrator) unguided bomb fi tted JDAM made its frontline debut during to drop this weapon operationally, two of the JDAM cat community to keep its foot in the door when crucial on several occasions following our arrival clean separation with the successful dropping of with a GPS guidance control unit (GCU), ventral the NATO-led bombing were released by aircraft from VF-31. it came to neutralising the insurgency threat. in theatre.” two inert weapons, while the third sortie put the strakes (nose-mounted on the 500lb weapon campaign in Serbia Over the next four months, the GBU-38 would “The GBU-38 can hit a target in an urban en- The GBU-38 initially proved its worth in CVW- armed aircraft through a series of high-rate-of- and mid-body on the remaining bombs) and a and Kosovo during be ever-present on the F-14’s bomb pallets. vironment with clinical precision and its small 8’s only pre-planned strike during CVN-71’s time One of those to drop a JDAM in combat was warhead means that casualties, and the loss of in the NAG – an attack on an IED factory in Al  Below: ‘Bandwagon 101’ accelerates along bow catapult one during a rare unit-level training mission. Such sorties VF-213 CO Cdr Dan Cave, who said: “The avail- were fi tted into a busy fl ight schedule dominated by OIF III missions. The F-14D was restricted to non-afterburner take-offs, as the thrust created by its twin F110-GE-400 engines in reheat would over-speed the catapult ability of the GBU-38 was a blessing for us dur- shuttle. US Navy ing the cruise, as this was our principal weap- on of choice whilst in the NAG. If the GBU-12 had been the only 500lb bomb available to us, I don’t think we’d have dropped more than 2,000lb of ordnance for the whole deployment – VF-213 expended more than 5,000lb in total. “I got to drop a single GBU-38 in support of troops in contact during Operation Steel Cur- tain in early November. Unusually, my pilot and I were called on to strike a time-sensitive target [TST] during daylight hours – most of our bomb drops occurred at night on this cruise. The weather was pretty awful that day, and we were in the process of conducting a routine security patrol over Baghdad when we got the call to head northwest at speed to help Marines in con- tact with the enemy. “Once over Husaybah, in the Anbar province, we checked in with the Marine JTAC on-scene Above: The focus was very much on VF-31 and VF-213 during CVW-8’s 2005-06 deployment, to the detriment of and he gave us a standard CAS 9-line brief that VS-24. Like the two Tomcat units, the ‘Scouts’ were making their final cruise with the Viking. Having operated included the target co-ordinates. I punched the humble ASW ‘Hoover’ since July 1976, VS-24 embarked eight onboard CVN-71 for the OIF III deployment. Aside from being the sole provider of recovery fuelling for CVW-8, the unit’s S-3Bs flew more than 220 overland these into the single GBU-38 slung beneath the non-traditional intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions in support of British-led coalition ground jet and, with JDAM being pretty much a ‘no brain’ forces in southern Iraq. Here, having extended its hose and drogue, ‘ 705’ (BuNo 160149) prepares to weapon, we simply flew to our release point and pass recovery fuel to ‘Bandwagon 101’ following a training mission on October 1, 2005. Lt Scott Timmester the local population would suffer casualties due to collateral damage inflicted on buildings adja- cent to the target. “The original plan had called for us to take out two sides of the building, ‘pickling’ all four GBU- 38s at the same time. One bomb from each jet would hit each side of the structure, but the ground commander changed the plan en route to the tar- get. He told us they would take one JDAM and see what happened, followed by a second bomb. “On reaching the target area we discovered the JTAC observing our attack was so close to the IED factory that I felt a little uncomfortable about dropping our bombs. We feared inflict- ing injuries, or worse, on friendly troops. Each of the four corners of the factory was being watched by separate observation posts set up on top of nearby buildings. They each provided a radio check, and then ‘roped’ our sensors, and our eyes, onto the factory with individual infrared Muqdadiyah, northeast of Baghdad, on the night Above: VF-213’s ‘Blacklion 201’ (BuNo 164341) takes on mid-mission fuel from a KC-135R over central Iraq on targeting beams visible to us through our LAN- Above: The officers of VF-31 pose in front of ‘Bandwagon 105’ for an early cruise photo in October 2005. The of October 19, 2005. A report in the US armed October 7, 2005. This aircraft dropped two GBU-12 LGBs and conducted two strafi ng runs (expending 334 20mm TIRN and our NVGs. unit’s pilots and RIOs (augmented by the staff officers of CVW-8 and Rear Admiral Winnefeld) flew 1,595 sorties Stars and Stripes cannon rounds) during the cruise. In one of the more bizarre missions fl own by an F-14 in US Navy service, the “It was then that I realised just how close during the deployment, totalling 4,931.2 flying hours. VF-31 forces newspaper the following crew of this aircraft were told to bomb a cow on an island in the seasonal lake of Bahayrat-ar-Razazah with a GBU- day said: “The abandoned slaughterhouse along- 12 exactly one week after this photograph was taken – they achieved a direct hit! The jet would expend a second these guys were to our target! They were out- banked the jet up on its left wing and started they would never need my GBU-38, thus robbing side the main road into the city centre had been GBU-12 against an insurgency target on January 2, 2006 and also conduct two strafi ng attacks (on December 9 side the stipulated collateral damage areas for circling around to maintain the LANTIRN picture me of possibly my only chance to drop ordnance a problem for months, a hideaway and staging and January 2 – it was the only Tomcat to strafe twice on cruise). Lt Scott Timmester the 500lb JDAM, but they still looked close to until impact. We got to see the bomb detonate. in anger from an F-14. However, the JTAC called ground for insurgents planting roadside bombs, me. I would say they were no further than half-a- “We delivered our weapon about six or seven us in just minutes later. It took about 30 sec- according to soldiers here. During the past year, Tomcat Tweaker mile from the factory, and this ensured they got minutes after our section lead had dropped onds for the bomb to reach the aim point, and soldiers found more than 30 bombs on the road As VF-31’s Maintenance/Material Control Offi cer, Lt – fl y a lot. And we had the best maintainers in the a ‘good show’ when the target was hit. his GBU-38. I had followed him in and stayed throughout this time I was quietly saying to my- in front of the large brick structure – and shortly Tom Ober was responsible for the health and wellbe- navy keeping them in an airworthy state. They were “We dropped our bombs from as high an alti- in formation as he completed his bombing run self ‘please hit the target, please hit the target’, before last week’s elections, fi ve bombs were ing of 11 jets and the 210 sailors who kept them fl y- so dedicated to their jobs that I often had to order tude as possible to get some good kinetic en- before breaking off and circling back around so over and over again! Then I saw the explosion in set during a two-day period. ing. “I was around Tomcats for 21 years, having com- them to go to bed. They would work well beyond ergy behind the weapons. Having climbed up as to approach the target from the same direc- the LANTIRN and I was happy. “‘That was kind of the last straw,’ said Lt Col pleted eight deployments with as many squadrons in their shifts to keep the aircraft in an ‘up’ state on through cloud cover to reach our optimum deliv- tion. The JTAC had told us between drops that “When it came to the delivery of JDAM as a Roger Cloutier, commander of Task Force 1-30 that time, supporting combat operations during four the fl ight deck. ery altitude, we could not see the target when he was happy to take another bomb – ie, ours – weapon, I didn’t have much to do with it. It was at FOB Normandy. After warning local offi cials of them. Yet I had never seen an operational tempo “This was because they took pride in their work, we ‘pickled’ our GBU-38s. However, by the time and then he would let us know if he needed any the RIO in the back who was pushing all the but- here, the defunct slaughterhouse was reduced sustained at the level for as long as we did in CVW-8 they enjoyed their work and they knew they were my bomb had almost reached its aim point, the more to complete the job. tons to ensure the bomb hit its chosen target. to a pile of rubble in a large, muddy crater after in 2005-06. amongst the best maintainers in the fl eet. They clouds had opened up sufficiently for us to see “My RIO and I used exactly the same target He had to make sure the target co-ordinates two navy F-14s fl ew in from the Persian Gulf and “The Tomcat was the ideal aircraft for this type of were also motivated by the fact they were taking the target though the LANTIRN pod. co-ordinates as the lead Tomcat crew, and both dialled into the bomb matched those given to us dropped two 500lb bombs through its roof. scenario as it was a solid workhorse of a jet that part in the fi nal operational cruise of the F-14. “My section leader had descended below the bombs hit pretty much the same spot in the pre-launch or on the target run-in by the JTAC.” “The bombing also had a public relations ele- could perform virtually anything asked of it as long “I certainly wanted to be a part of the Tomcat leg- cloud after expending his ordnance, and he was small building. The LANTIRN footage of the first Lt Halligan, one of VF-31’s seven first cruise ment and was designed to show local residents as it was maintained properly. acy, and that’s why I came to VF-31. Every cruise I circling the target area when I commenced my GBU-38 to hit the factory showed the bomb go- naval aviators, was paired up with a more sea- that US and Iraqi armies are determined to dis- “I have never seen Tomcats with systems working had made in my 21 years with the navy up to 2005 bombing run. I continued straight ahead after ing into the building and the top blowing out, soned RIO for this particular mission. “My rupt insurgents. ‘The bottom line is we are try- as well as the jets we had on the ship during the had seen saw me working on Tomcats, so I made weapon separation from the jet, and seconds immediately after which the whole structure squadron had only four ‘nugget’ [first cruise] ing to create a safe environment,’ said Maj Marc ‘TR’ cruise. That was primarily because the jet was the decision some time ago that my fi nal cruise later the LANTIRN suddenly broke out of the collapsed. Having seen the level of destruction pilots and three ‘nugget’ RIOs; most of our air- ‘Dewey’ Boberg, who led the bombing operation. doing what it did best for much of the deployment would also be with the jet.” cloud and highlighted the target. I immediately wrought by this single 500lb bomb, I thought crew had to complete multiple cruises thanks to “The mayor of Al Muqdadiyah joined the team VF-31 having been on deployment a lot between of US soldiers on a rooftop about 600 metres 2002 and 2005. As a junior officer myself, I away from the slaughterhouse to watch the pre- was the direct beneficiary because I was able cision-guided bombs explode. Iraqi army trucks to learn plenty about blue water ops from these with megaphones drove through the city streets multi-cruise veterans. We had so many ‘senior’ blaring a message that the building would be de- junior guys in the squadron who had completed molished because insurgents were using it. The one or more cruises in the previous three years recorded voice of the local Iraqi army colonel that I never got to fly over the beach with another urged residents to stay indoors. ‘nugget’ RIO in the back seat. “The bombs left a crater the size of a large “Exposure to such experience on a regular ba- swimming pool – a portion of wall that remained sis gave me an accelerated learning curve when standing was later demolished to remove all it came to mastering the F-14 in a blue water cover for insurgent activity. Soldiers had cor- ops environment. It was of course fun to crew doned off the area surrounding the building sev- up with your flight school buddy, but it was usu- eral hours before the explosion to ensure no ally during such sorties that mistakes happened residents were injured.” and accidents occurred.” One of the pilots involved, VF-31’s Lt Justin The swift progress made by VF-31’s ‘nuggets’ Halligan, recalled: “I was pretty excited to be saw them thrown into action virtually as soon as asked to fl y on that mission as a wingman, ‘TR’ commenced NAG operations. This was a as it was only the second time that VF-31 had deliberate policy devised by the senior aviators dropped ordnance on cruise. The strike had within the unit, as squadron CO (and former A-6 been planned for some time by the CAOC, but pilot) Cdr Rick LaBranche explained: “I was keen we only found out the mission was to be given to schedule the more junior guys to fly the Iraq to VF-31 the night before. The whole event had missions as often as possible to build up their been scripted long before it was given to us to operational experience. To this end, our squad- perform, right down to how we were to make our ron was the first in CVW-8 to have all of its air- attack runs on the target and the co-ordinates ‘Tomcatter 103’ (BuNo 164350) has the antenna for its AN/APG-71 radar worked on in preparation for its next crew theatre-qualified. we were to dial into our JDAM in order to achieve mission. This aircraft was the VF-31’s high-time jet on deployment, logging 589.2 fl ying hours. It was second “We planned the flight schedule in such a way destruction of the IED factory. only to VF-213’s ‘Blacklion 204’ (BuNo 161159), which fl ew an astonishing 724 hours. For every fl ying hour that all our lieutenants had completed at least the F-14 completed over the beach in Iraq, squadron maintainers up on ‘TR’s’ ‘roof’ or in the vessel’s cavern- “We talked to guys on the ground as we ap- ous hangar bay spent around 60 hours mending weeping hydraulic lines, troubleshooting temperamental avi- Above: Venting fuel to lighten the jet prior to landing back onboard ‘TR’ on December 13, 2005, the pilot of one mission into Iraq within a week of arriving in proached Al Muqdadiyah, and they had been no- onics or simply turning the jet around between missions. In total, the 420 maintenance personnel assigned to ‘Blacklion 213’ (BuNo 164602) rolls into the low-holding pattern several miles astern of the carrier. This air- the NAG. I wasn’t sure how many opportunities tifi ed of our intentions well before we launched. VF-31 and VF-213 notched up more than 720,000 man-hours fettling the F-14Ds charged to their care for the craft dropped a GBU-12 and GBU-38 into buildings housing insurgents equipped with RPGs in al Qaim during a there would be for these guys to see action on duration of the cruise. By comparison, the fi gure for the 20 F/A-18Cs that shared deck space with the Tom- Steel Curtain mission on November 6, 2005. Out of bombs, its crew then expended 500 rounds of 20mm am- With so much advanced warning, the soldiers munition in a series of strafing passes. ‘Blacklion 205’ (BuNo 161163) also dropped an LGB and a JDAM during this cruise, so I wanted those naval aviators who had been able to clear residents from the sur- cats aboard CVN-71 was slightly more than 200,000 maintenance hours for the same amount of fl ying time. had not previously experienced it to be the first Gert Kromhout this mission. Both aircraft also attacked targets in Husaybah with a single GBU-38 the following day. Lt Scott rounding area. This meant there was no chance Timmester over the beach.”  “Upon our arrival, my section leader and I rolled cleared to drop these weapons. We also expend- Operation Steel Curtain in, and the JTAC simply gave us the target co-or- ed a GBU-12 about 40 minutes later, using our VF-31’s ‘nuggets’ remained in the vanguard of dinates, which we copied in, and cleared us ‘hot’ LANTIRN pod for accurate target designation. the action when CVW-8 was committed to Opera- to drop our JDAM! Again, we ‘pickled’ a single “We had remained on station overhead al Qaim tion Steel Curtain in early November. According GBU-38 off each jet in the section, which was after our first attack, talking to a JTAC, while to press releases issued by CENTCOM at the all we were carrying at time as we had a mixed my wingman went off to receive mid-cycle gas time, “the aim of this offensive is to restore se- load-out of one JDAM and one GBU-12 LGB per from a nearby tanker. The Tomcat crew had just curity along the Iraqi-Syrian border and destroy Tomcat. The first one hit the target, and the checked back in when the JTAC radioed: ‘I need the al-Qaeda elements in Iraq’s terror network JTAC immediately responded: ‘Good hit. Stand a bomb now.’ I already had the target acquired that have been operating throughout the town of by for the next co-ordinates.’ Once my bomb following previous reports from our troops work- Husaybah. Approximately 2,500 Marines, sail- had gone the JTAC asked us if we had any more ing in the area, so I instructed my wingman to ors and soldiers with Regimental Combat Team JDAM, and when we said no, he sent us on our join up and drop his bomb on my command. 2 and 1,000 Iraqi Army soldiers began Opera- way as they needed to get more JDAM droppers “When budding-lasing for my wingman on this tion Al Hajip Elfulathi (Steel Curtain) in western overhead ASAP. mission, I told him to position himself on my left Al Anbar on November 5. “The Marines had taken fire while in the process side and fly formation as close as he could. I “Terrorists have used the region’s porous bor- of clearing out buildings in Husaybah. They had then told him I would call for him to release his Above: VF-213’s ‘Blacklion 211’ (BuNo 159629) circles overhead Mosul at around 15,000ft on December 7, ders to smuggle foreign fighters, money and 2005, armed with a GBU-12 and a GBU-38 as well as a solitary AIM-9M and 675 rounds of 20mm ammunition watched their insurgent adversaries run into hous- LGB when my targeting symbology told me to equipment into Iraq to be used in their ongoing for its M61A1 Vulcan cannon. Only a fraction of the 1,163 combat missions flown by VF-31 and VF-213 in the es in an effort to take up new firing positions, so drop, should I have had a weapon on my jet. He attacks against the Iraqi people and Coalition NAG resulted in aircraft dropping bombs or strafing targets: for much of the 6,876 flight hours spent either over the Marines had made the call for us to take out was essentially a ‘truck’ in this attack, simply forces. The offensive is part of Operation Sayaid Iraq or the waters of the Persian Gulf, the Tomcat crews were using their onboard sensors to provide critical sur- two different buildings in TST attacks. The houses transporting the bomb to the right spot so that (Hunter), designed to deny al-Qaeda in Iraq the veillance for troops on the ground. Lt Scott Timmester were surrounded by numerous other dwellings, my LANTIRN could then lase it once the weapon ability to operate in the Euphrates River Valley Lt Justin Halligan found himself in the right just 15 minutes, flying at 0.95 Mach, to reach so they needed the pinpoint accuracy of JDAM to had been ‘pickled’.” and to establish a joint permanent security pres- place at the right time on November 8 when he the target area in northwestern Iraq. avoid the collateral damage issues that occasion- ence along the Syrian border. received the call to provide live fire support for “We cleared airspace deconfliction issues with ally arise with the employment of LGBs. “The combined Iraqi Army and Coalition force troops in contact with the enemy in Husaybah: the various controlling agencies in-country such “Once again, the LANTIRN was cued to the Surveillance have been clearing Husaybah and nearby al “We were getting mid-cycle gas while on patrol as the DASC as we headed west and, with this target, and we watched the first bomb score a Only a fraction of the 1,163 combat missions Qaim house by house, discovering weapons just west of Baghdad when we received a call ‘admin’ out of the way, we were able to make di- direct hit on the building. The JTAC responded: flown by VF-31 and VF-213 in the NAG resulted caches, terrorist propaganda and improvised from ‘King Pin’ [the overall mission controller rect contact with our JTAC on-scene as soon as ‘That’s a shack. Stand by for the next target.’ in aircraft dropping bombs or strafing targets. bombs. The arms, munitions, bomb-making for Iraq who had a direct line to the general in we arrived overhead. The Marine JTAC was very We then got our co-ordinates and bombed with For much of the 6,876 flight hours spent either material, artillery and mortar shells converted to charge of air operations in the CAOC – dubbed easy to work with, and he appeared far more at the same level of accuracy. over Iraq or the waters of the Persian Gulf, crews homemade bombs found in these cache sites the ‘voice of God’ by aviators in theatre]. The ease handling fast jets than the US Army control- “I personally derived more satisfaction from my were using their onboard sensors to provide criti- continue to validate suspicions that terrorists controller told my section leader that the Marine lers we were used to dealing with in the eastern second bomb drop, as we were directly helping cal surveillance for the troops on the ground. used both cities as a safe havens.” Corps needed us to prosecute a TST. It took us half of Iraq. out troops in contact with the enemy. I viewed it One of the key pieces of equipment employed by Above: A former Marine Corps sergeant and A-6 pilot as my chance to protect the guys on the ground, the Tomcat squadrons only reached them in early who transitioned to the Tomcat in the mid-1990s as the effects of our bombs in Husaybah were December, some three months into their final following the retirement of the Intruder, Cdr Rick felt immediately by the Marines who were taking cruise. A press release issued by the US Navy at ‘Twig’ LaBranche led VF-31 during its OIF III cruise. He achieved the milestone of 1,000 carrier land- direct fire as we rolled in to drop our JDAM.” the time described the equipment upgrade: “In ings on January 16, 2006 while at the controls of VF-213 had actually been the first unit in CVW- keeping with its history of being adaptable to new ‘Bandwagon 100’ (BuNo 164342). LaBranche was 8 to drop ordnance in support of Steel Curtain, challenges, the Tomcat soared to a new level dur- subsequently made commander of CVW-17 in 2010. expending both GBU-12s and GBU-38s in TST ing its last deployment when it became the first US Navy strikes on houses in Husaybah and al Qaim on navy aircraft to make use of the Remotely Operat- Below: Three well weathered F-14Ds from VF-31 head north over the NAG towards Iraq in early Janu- November 6 and 7. ed Video Enhanced Receivers (ROVER) system. ary 2006. Only ‘Bandwagon 102’ would expend Lt Cdr Robb Soderholm, who was involved in “This equipment allows ground forces to view any ordnance during this deployment, dropping a the first of these missions, said: “I got to drop what the aircraft’s sensors are seeing via real- single GBU-38. All three aircraft are equipped with my only bombs of the cruise when my pilot and time images transmitted down to laptop comput- LANTIRN pods (there were enough available for all I delivered a GBU-12 and a GBU-38 against tar- ers configured to receive this video feed. Troops 22 jets embarked in CVN-71) and the closest two gets in the vicinity of al Qaim. We also guided now have the ability to view their surroundings aircraft are armed with GBU-38s – ‘Bandwagon 112’ (BuNo 163417) was carrying at least one LGB. Erik our wingman’s LGB too when his laser broke. from the aircraft’s point of view in real time, ROV- Hildebrandt “CVW-8 had been kept out of the fight for the ER ultimately providing better reconnaissance first 48 hours of the offensive, but on the 6th and target identification, which are essential to we were called in to help while conducting a day combat air support missions in Iraq. mission. My wingman also made two extremely “Previously, ROVER had been used by the air effective strafing runs that resulted in confirmed force – and with a few modifications from per- kills just before the insurgents got the chance to sonnel of Naval Air Station Oceana, and mem- fire RPGs at our ground forces. bers from Naval Air Depot Jacksonville, it be- “We took out three targets in total during the came one of the last great modifications to the 90 minutes we spent on station working with the Tomcat.” Marine JTACs. All three buildings we attacked Before ROVER capability, ground controllers had were some distance apart, and we helped out to rely on ‘visual talk-ons’ to hunt for IEDs, track different mobile units on each occasion we were insurgents or follow suspicious vehicles. The cleared to bomb. The Marines were effectively ground controller would have a map to guide the flushing out insurgents on a block-by-block basis, pilots where they needed to go. surrounding an area and then putting the vices “The ground controllers are excited because on it by slowly moving in. it eliminates talk-ons,” said VF-213 RIO Lt(jg) “We had to receive a target talk-on every time Will Parish. “It gives them a lot more confi- we were asked to provide support, and I had to dence when making decisions such as dropping convince my JTAC that we did indeed have the bombs, because they have the same real-time target he wanted hit in our sights. Such cross- bird’s eye view as the aircrew.” checking prior to dropping ordnance was crucial, CVW-8 made the request for ROVER, which is as our troops were often very close to the build- usually found in UAVs in theatre, in early Novem- ings being targeted for destruction. ber 2005 – and within six weeks the programme “The buildings we hit were low-rise, single sto- had moved from paper to installing the data rey structures located in heavily built-up suburbs. transfer systems in the 22 Tomcats aboard ‘TR’ The Marines were in the process of clearing out at a cost of just $800 per jet. Such an expedi- the area street by street when they had taken tious turnaround allowed several days for aircrew sniper fire from the buildings we were instructed to train with the technology before the all-impor- to bomb. The JTAC controlling our section gave tant general election in Iraq on December 15. us an accurate talk-on to the target, and because The first ROVER mission was performed by they had sufficient equipment at hand to give us VF-213 on December 11, Cdr Dan Cave mak- precise co-ordinates for the GBU-38s, we were ing extensive use of the system during the  increased operational tempo that surrounded the government election. “ROVER was pretty Sink-ex much a hands-off system for the crew, the RIO One of VF-31’s highlights in its final months as the US Leading the VF-31 strike package was VF-31’s XO, at which it was sinking, the four jets were separated simply activating the transmitting switch for the Navy’s last operator of the F-14 was a June 7, 2006 Cdr Curt Seth, who recalled: “The ship was about by just 15-20 seconds in their dives. There was no equipment in the rear cockpit and then return- ship-sinking exercise (known in the navy as a Sink-ex) 450 miles east of Oceana and we each took a few difference in the aim points for each F-14, since only ing to his business,” he said. “You didn’t have carried out some 300 miles off the North Carolina thousand pounds of gas from the tanker to give the bow was sticking out of the water by the time we to change your tactics to accommodate the sys- coast. Conducted as part of CVW-8’s surge status clas- us some cushion. Surface combatants shot at the were called in to bomb the ship. tem, as it transmitted whatever picture was be- sification, the unit assigned five F-14Ds to the exercise, ships first, and Comte de Grasse was taking on wa- “Our efforts to conduct a tactical attack were lim- ing recorded on the LANTIRN. while VFA-87 committed four F/A-18Cs. ter when we arrived. ited somewhat by the restricted run-in lines and “We relied on the guy on the ground, who was In this, the first Sink-ex held on the Atlantic coast “As we rolled in on the target, the bow of the ship altitudes we had to observe to deconflict with other viewing our picture on his ROVER-capable laptop, in almost two years, the targets for the day were the was sticking straight up and in the process of sink- aircraft and surface ships in the immediate vicinity to give us directions in which to slew the LANTIRN 28-year-old 8,000-ton Spruance-class destroyers ing fast. The first two Tomcats were able to hit the of the target. However, we did simulate expendable to improve his vision of the target. We could also Stump and Comte de Grasse, both of which had target prior to the ship going under, and the last two usage [flares and chaff] as we descended down into zoom in or out and change polarity with our target- been decommissioned and stricken from the Atlan- jets bombed the water where the vessel had gone the high-threat area for infrared weapons. ing pod according to his instructions. tic Fleet some years earlier. down, helping push the old destroyer down to her “Although we did not have a full ship to drop ord- “We maintained a pretty steady pace to our Four of the F-14Ds would actually drop ordnance as watery grave. nance on, we did better than our F/A-18 brethren operations following our arrival in the NAG, fly- part of the Sink-ex, the crew of the fifth jet (VF-31’s “When conducting our bombing runs on the vessel, from VFA-87, as they were still on the tanker when ing between 16 and 18 sorties per day. Things CAG aircraft, flown by CVW-8 DCAG Capt Dan Dixon) we rolled in from about 15,000ft at a 45-degree an- the ship sunk. They ended up having to take their ramped up during the constitutional referendum acting as safety observers for their squadron-mates. gle. Typically, when using GP bombs, the only accu- bombs back to Oceana! in Iraq, which was held on October 15, followed Three Tomcats were loaded with two 1,000lb Mk83 rate delivery method is visual through the HUD. The “I noted this mission in my logbook as two hours by the government elections on December 15. general-purpose (GP) bombs and the fourth car- higher the delivery angle, the less the error intro- of boredom – transit to and from the target area, as VF-213 specifically flew missions overhead the Above: The pilot of ‘Tomcatter 100’ rolls in hot and squeezes off 100 rounds of 20mm ammunition at the grey waters of the NAG in early January 2006. The M61A1 is fed by a linkless ammunition storage and handling ried a pair of 2,000lb Mk84 GPs. The Hornets were duced to bomb fall. When using the HUD, we employ well as tanking – and five minutes of sheer fun.” polling stations in Baghdad, Mosul and Tikrit on system containing PGU-28 electrically primed ammunition. The PGU-28 round was introduced in the late 1980s each armed with two Mk82 500lb ‘slicks’. At around the CCIP [constantly computed impact point] deliv- With every one of VF-31’s weapons fusing on target these dates, while the air wing additionally cov- and is now the standard for US Navy, US Marine Corps and USAF aircraft. The PGU-28 is a ‘low-drag’ design de- 0930hrs, the jets departed Oceana to engage the ery, which gives the crew an updated impact point and hitting their mark, the Tomcat had proved it was ered several other major cities. veloped to increase muzzle velocity, each round combining armour-piercing characteristics with high-explosive destroyers and, were joined on the way to the target on the HUD – a ‘death dot’, if you will. This means going out on top of its game. incendiary effects. Erik Hildebrandt “We would keep our LANTIRN pod locked onto area by an S-3B Viking from VS-24 conducting a sea that if the ‘pickle’ button is depressed when the sym- the polling station we were guarding while flying a various areas in these big cities where ground sensor mix of the LANTIRN/ROVER and ATFLIR. control mission as part of CVW-8’s involvement in bology is over the target, that is precisely where the constant right-hand banking turn directly overhead forces expected problems to occur.” “ROVER helped us to better perform one of the Sink-ex. bombs will hit. The Tomcat’s ability to carry out CCIP at medium altitude. One two-jet section would The arrival of ROVER also saw CVW-8 shift its our primary missions in the NAG – checking for All ten jets then met up with an Omega Air B707 deliveries made it a highly accurate visual bomber. cover several major polling stations during the section make-up from pairs of Tomcats patrolling suspicious activity along main roads and in ur- tanker and topped off their fuel prior to attacking “Once in our dive on the Comte de Grasse, the course of a six-hour mission, keeping a weather Iraq to mixed formations of F-14s and F/A-18s. ban areas. During a typical sortie in-country, we the Comte de Grasse. The Stump had already been ordnance was ‘pickled’ at 8,000ft to keep all attack- eye out for anything that looked suspicious. Lt Cdr Soderholm explained why this switch would be told to go and look for IED placements sunk by then, following accurate shelling by three de- ing aircraft above the frag [detonation] altitude. This “The Iraqi authorities greatly helped our cause came about: “CVW-8 was keen to try and get as along key roads used by our convoys. We used stroyers and a cruiser from Norfolk-based Destroyer release height also gave us a large margin of safety on these dates by limiting the amount of vehi- wide a selection of weapons as possible in the our LANTIRN when conducting this mission, as Squadron 28 as well as several bombing attacks by for low pull-ups. With each aircraft only being able to cle traffic allowed into the cities. This meant we air over our troops at any one time. its IR capability allowed us to pick up ‘hot spots’ USAF B-52s and B-1Bs. make a single run at the target, due to the rapidity could quickly pick up cars driving in the vicinity “Therefore a ROVER-equipped Tomcat, armed alongside the tarmac. The sensors were power- of the polling stations and have their occupants with a GBU-12 and a GBU-38, would be teamed ful enough to locate disturbances in the earth, stopped and checked by troops patrolling the up with an ATFLIR-equipped F/A-18C carrying a which typically denoted the burial of IEDs – the city centres. We performed this mission day-in, single 500lb JDAM and an AGM-65E laser Mav- insurgents’ preferred way of placing explosives day-out following ‘TR’s’ arrival in the NAG in Oc- erick. This suite of weaponry could now be swift- targeting our convoys and road patrols. tober, the air wing being instructed to look at the ly employed if needs be thanks to the superior “Once we had detected a ‘hot spot’, we relayed

Above: Four of the five VF-31 jets involved in the June 7, 2006 Sink-Ex 300 miles off the North Carolina coast rendezvous with an Omega Aerial Refueling Services Boeing B707 for mid-mission fuel prior to attacking two decommissioned Spruance-class destroyers. Each aircraft is armed with two 1,000lb Mk84 GP bombs – the final ordnance expended by US Navy F-14s. Jon M Houghtaling Insert: The Comte de Grasse was already sinking stern-first when the Tomcats rolled in from about 15,000ft some 15-20 seconds apart. Ordnance was ‘pickled’ at 8,000ft, the pilots placing their HUD ‘death dot’ (impact point) on the upright bow of the ship. All four F-14s struck their target. US Navy

co-ordinates to the closest Stryker team on the directly saved the lives of our troops, and these a direct result, only 9,500lb of ordnance was ground, and they would go and check it out while missions were amongst the most rewarding we dropped by the air wing in four months of com- we remained in an orbiting pattern overhead, flew in the NAG. bat operations across Iraq. feeding them live ROVER imagery. The latter “If we had indeed detected an IED, we would be VF-31’s Lt Dan Komar explained how the ROE allowed us to guide the troops directly onto the called on to overfly the immediate area whilst an worked: “I came close to dropping ordnance suspected IED location via our LANTIRN picture explosive ordnance disposal team was brought on two occasions on cruise, but both times my feed, and this greatly improved our mission ef- in to take the device apart. It was our job to wingman and I were timed out on-station by our fectiveness when it came to checking out possi- look out for any insurgents who may have at- relief section while waiting for clearance to drop. ble roadside bombs. The troops were very im- tempted to detonate the bomb while it was be- There was a sequence of events that had to be pressed with our ROVER/LANTIRN combination, ing defused, and to keep track on anybody seen strictly adhered to for a crew to be given approv- which led them to potential targets as small as fleeing the immediate area.” al for a bomb to be expended. Various agen- trashcans in heavily urban areas. cies, both inside Iraq and in the CAOC in Qatar, “The squadron also conducted convoy es- had to be spoken to first, and we were relieved corts, and during a number of these missions ROE on station on both occasions as ground forces Tomcat crews detected ‘hot spots’ some dis- The rules of engagement (ROE) governing wheth- were trying to work through the proper channels tance ahead and vehicles were diverted around er Tomcat crews could employ ordnance while to secure bomb release. them. The section on station would relay co- in Iraq were strictly adhered to throughout the “We had been responding to troops who had Guided by the hand signals of the yellow-shirted deck handler, the pilot of ‘Blacklion 211’ (BuNo 159629) carefully taxies his aircraft onto bow catapult two. The oldest aircraft assigned to VF-213 ordinates for the disturbed earth down to the deployment. The possibility of inflicting collat- received mortar fire from insurgent positions, in 2005-06, the jet had been delivered new to VF-24 in December 1975. Remanufactured as a D- ground, and when soldiers went back to these eral damage to military personnel, civilians and and my RIO and I were doing our level best to model, it subsequently saw combat in OIF I with VF-213 in 2003. Richard Cooper locations once the convoy has passed they usu- property was paramount in the minds of both locate the weaponry through our LANTIRN while ally found IEDs. Such pick-ups meant we had the JTACs and CVW-8’s strike-fighter crews. As in a circling pattern immediately overhead our  forces. [They] were able to pass us some grid such a capable jet in theatre. dent involving the insurgency where our troops squeezing the trigger, I was happy in the knowl- co-ordinates for the mortar positions and we had “Although I did not get to drop a bomb in anger on the ground had been attacked. edge that I was approaching the target on a par- these dialled into both our LANTIRN and the sin- during the cruise, I did not feel I had failed in my “The Tomcat also proved to be an excellent allel run-in heading to the location of the friendly gle GBU-38s my wingman and I were carrying on mission when I chopped out of the NAG. Far from platform for show-of-force fl y-bys, and I per- troops. Such an approach drastically reduced our jets. However, the clearances did not come it, in fact, as I derived plenty of mission satisfac- formed just such a pass in the aftermath of the chances of spraying them with any stray can- through quickly enough for us to strike the sites. tion performing show-of-force fl y-bys and simply an IED explosion in the middle of a city. We non shells. I also descended a little lower than “Approval from the chain of command to hit being overhead the troops providing a physical dropped down to low altitude, pinned the wings I probably should have in my eagerness to focus pop-up threats could take some time to reach presence that helped to keep the bad guys’ heads back, opened the throttles and accelerated all of my rounds on the target area, my radio us after the fi rst request went into the system, down. downtown. A 64-foot-long Tomcat with its wings altimeter going off in the cockpit as the jet bot- as everybody was concerned about infl icting “One of my cruise highlights was chasing down folded back doing 600-plus knots at less than tomed out below 1,000ft. ‘blue-on-blue’ casualties. Being carrier-based, insurgents fl eeing from an al-Qaeda cell meet- 3,000ft tended to get people’s attention very “Having pulled off the target and safed up the we were time-limited in theatre by the location of ing that had been interrupted by an Army Stryker quickly. You had to be constantly on the look-out gun, I was anxious to fi nd out how the pass had CVN-71 hundreds of miles south of our main op- patrol in the desert west of Baghdad. I spotted for small arms fi re, shoulder-launched SAMs and gone. I immediately got on the radio and asked erating areas of central and western Iraq.” a sports utility vehicle [SUV] fl eeing from the RPGs when making these passes. ‘good hits?’ to make sure we were shooting at Lt Komar’s CO, Cdr Rick LaBranche, was philo- scene at about 120mph along a nearby road, “On one such fl y-by we were engaged by no few- the right place. The Apache FAC came straight sophical about expending ordnance during the and it was up to my RIO and I to get the vehicle er than seven RPGs fi red simultaneously at us as back with the confi rmation ‘good hits’, and au- course of VF-31’s myriad OIF missions over the to turn around, as the Strykers could not keep we were circling over an urban area. They certain- thorisation for us to conduct one more run. beach: “Whether we employed ordnance on the up with it. I fl ew right past the SUV at low alti- ly got my attention pretty quickly and proved once “Having erred further away from our troops on insurgents or simply scared them away by our tude and then banked across the road directly in again that you cannot get complacent or too com- A sight to gladden the hearts of Tomcat proponents the fi rst pass, this time I worked the pipper closer physical presence in the area, we had achieved front of it. The driver quickly did a 180-degree fortable when patrolling over Iraq. the world over. VF-31 and VF-213 get ready for a to them on the second run. For the third run the our stated aim whilst in theatre. turn once he saw us looming above him! “As a matter of routine, I always pumped out mass launch of 22 F-14Ds from CVN-71 off the Vir- FACs asked me to move the hits further north by “I derived great satisfaction from providing pro- “On another mission we received a report that chaff and fl ares on these show-of-force fly-bys, ginia coast to mark the end of the type’s fi nal cruise about 50 metres. Such a small change was very tection to our forces on the ground in Iraq. Flying one of our Strykers had hit an IED in the road as I was not going to wait for my enemy to shoot on March 10, 2006. CVW-8’s Tomcats racked up a diffi cult for me to gauge at night through NVGs at total of 9,856.2 fl ying hours during the deployment. such missions gave my squadron, and the air wing and had been blown onto its back. My wingman an infrared heat-seeking missile before I reacted US Navy 5,000ft when looking through the protective glass overall, a real purpose in life and motivated us to and I subsequently provided high cover for the – I may not have seen it until it was too late.” of the F-14’s windscreen while travelling at 400- maintain the increased op tempo that became the rescue effort, which saw ambulances driven in gency was its awesome 20mm M61A1 Vulcan Apaches had initially been providing fi re support plus knots. Nevertheless, the FACs confi rmed my norm during the course of the deployment. to help take out the wounded. cannon. As luck would have it, only VF-213 got to for the troops but the JTAC decided he needed third pass had put cannon shells exactly where “You could hear in the tone of the JTACs’ voic- “Very few of our sorties into Iraq were benign Strafi ng fi re the gun in anger, and two of the four strafi ng more fi repower, so he called for fi xed wing sup- they wanted them, and the RPG and small arms es when we checked in over Iraq that they were in nature. Virtually every time we fl ew over the One of the more unusual weapons in the Tom- runs were made by one pilot – Lt Ken Hockycko. port. We answered the call. fi re had come to a sudden halt in the wake of this pleased to see us back overhead. On one occa- beach we were told to go and provide surveil- cat’s arsenal to be employed against the insur- “My fi rst attack took place near “I was extremely nervous about the attack run. We were then cleared to leave the area after sion when we returned to the line after a port call, lance in an area where insurgent activity Balad on the night of December as only one other crew had strafed up to that fi ring 250 rounds in total. Below: ‘Blacklion 213’ is marshalled towards waist during our fi rst mission back over the beach one had been reported, and we generally found catapult one as part of a wave of OEF III jets heading 9, when troops in contact with in- point in the cruise, and I had never fi red the gun “Because I made my attack at night while wear- of the JTACs came up on the radio and told us something thanks to the Tomcat hav- off for a night patrol over Iraq. A veteran of OIF I with surgent forces requested aerial at night. I had also never strafed at the angle ing NVGs, I could actually see each individual ‘we missed you!’ Such a call was a fi rst for me. ing the best sensors in theatre VF-213, it was delivered new to VF-124 in May support,” he said. “Our soldiers the JTAC was asking me to approach the target round as they were shot out of the cannon muz- “We were visited by a group of JTACs from Mo- for this type of mission at 1992. Passed on to VF-2 in 1996, it was reas- were on a rooftop, and they had from – we usually practise lower-angle strafi ng zles. It looked like a green death ray through the sul in early January 2006, and their comments that time. Sadly, we also signed to VF-213 when the unit converted to been targeted by RPGs being runs in the fl eet. However, because of collateral goggles!” regularly received calls F-14Ds in late 1997. The youngest airframe were truly heart-warming for the squadron. They fl own by the ‘Black Lions’ during their fi nal fi red at them from a fi eld some damage issues, I was told I had to dramatically Hockycko again strafed at night in Balad on De- told us they felt far safer when they had Tomcats asking us to provide Tomcat cruise, BuNo 164602 was retired 100 metres away. There were steepen my approach to keep my strafi ng pat- cember 20, and his involvement in this engage- overhead. Their remarks left me feeling very aerial cover in the to AMARC in late March 2006, where it also two AH-64s orbiting over- tern tightly concentrated on the target area. ment proved to him just how viable the Tomcat proud of my occupation and thankful I was fl ying aftermath of an inci- remains in storage. Richard Cooper head, as well as two UAVs. The “I was also very anxious about just how close remained in combat despite its impending retire- our troops were to the aim point they had given ment. me. I really did not want to open fi re anywhere “The F-14 was still the pre-eminent strike fi ghter near them, as the gun could be the least ac- in theatre in 2005-06, and this was brought home curate of our weapons if something went awry to me over Balad that night when we got the call with the targeting solution during the course of to support troops in contact with enemy forces. a strafi ng run. The troops were literally just 100 We showed up overhead at the same time as sec- metres from the insurgents, separated from tions of F-16s and Harrier IIs, and the JTAC told them by a road. Fortunately, the soldiers were the USAF and Marine Corps pilots to stand by as on the roof of a house that was right on the he would rather work with the Tomcat. I was fl ying edge of a built-up area, and their position was in a mixed section with a Hornet at the time, and clearly visible to me through my NVGs. the navy team had a wider variety of sensors and “We could not get our LANTIRN into the fi eld weaponry to offer the guys on the ground, hence to lock up the insurgents, so target acquisi- their request that we work with them ahead of the tion came via me scouring the ground with my other fast jet types.” NVGs! The LANTIRN proved ineffective because The new year brought fewer opportunities for the JTAC was giving us target co-ordinates that the F-14 squadrons to put ‘warheads on fore- weren’t accurate enough for us to acquire the heads’ although both units continued to fl y enemy forces. The pod was rendered totally thrice-daily patrols over Iraq and myriad Sea useless when I was forced to split up the target Dragon sorties. With the ‘TR’s’ time on station area for deconfl iction purposes so as not to run drawing to a close at the end of the fi rst week of into the UAVs. They patrolled the eastern half February, a VF-31 Tomcat fl own by Lt Bill Frank of the target area and we took the western half, dropped a single GBU-38 in support of Coalition which meant we had to perform left-hand turns – troops in contact with insurgent forces near Bal- the LANTIRN pod is, of course, mounted on the ad on the 7th. “We were called on to drop, and right side of the jet. that’s what we did,” he said. “Luckily for us there was a string of street “It’s special and it’s something I can say I did, lights marking the position of our troops, then a but what’s more important is the work of the little bit of fi eld, where the insurgents were, and sailors who made it possible. They have worked fi nally a second light source to the east of the so hard during this cruise to make every Tomcat open ground. My game plan was to roll in and operational.” put my gun pipper between the two light sources Fittingly, this solitary JDAM was dropped on on the dark patch that marked the fi eld – which what proved to be CVW-8’s fi nal mission over was about 200 to 300 metres wide. Iraq. The last F-14 to land back onboard ‘TR’ “We ended up being talked onto the target by was VF-213’s ‘Lion 204’, fl own by the air wing’s one of the Apache crewmen, who was FAC-capa- commander, veteran naval aviator Capt William ble. We performed two recce runs to make sure Sizemore. The aircraft trapped at 0035hrs on I was absolutely certain about where I was plan- the morning of February 8, 2006, bringing to an ning on shooting. While setting up for my third end a famous chapter in naval aviation history. pass I was cleared ‘hot’ to fi re by the ground As if preordained, the Tomcat had gone out still commander. Although still very nervous about ‘swinging punches’.