
The Five Ts of word of mouth marketing

From Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking by Andy Sernovitz | www.wordofmouthbook.com | www.wordofmouth.org

There are hundreds of ways to get people talking, but you only one to change your forever. A silly something, a special moment, with a smile — anything worth talking about. To build your word of mouth , you need to walk through the Five Ts and apply each one. Use this worksheet to record your plan as it develops.

Step What to do Examples Your plan 1. Find people who will Fans, volunteers, talk about you , Talkers bloggers, influencers

2. Give people a reason Special offer, to talk great service, cool Topics product, silliness, neat ad, new feature

3. Helps the message Tell-a-friend form, spread faster and viral email, blogs, Tools farther handouts, samples, coupons, online discussions 4. Join the converstaion Reply to feedback, participate in Taking Part social , join discussions

5. Measure and Search blogs, read understand what online discussions, Tracking people are saying listen to feedback, use advanced measurement tools

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