Wednesday, March 12, 1997

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Wednesday, March 12, 1997 CANADA VOLUME 134 S NUMBER 143 S 2nd SESSION S 35th PARLIAMENT OFFICIAL REPORT (HANSARD) Wednesday, March 12, 1997 Speaker: The Honourable Gilbert Parent CONTENTS (Table of Contents appears at back of this issue.) The House of Commons Debates are also available on the Parliamentary Internet Parlementaire at the following address: 8943 HOUSE OF COMMONS Wednesday, March 12, 1997 The House met at 2 p.m. The people of Alberta told us that they expect politicians to be responsive and listen to their voters. Albertans appreciate that the _______________ Klein government listened to the people on such issues as health needs and budget surpluses. Prayers Finally, the people of Alberta told us they will never again let the _______________ banks and the bond traders control the province’s destiny. By an overwhelming majority, they rejected deficit spending in favour of The Speaker: Every Wednesday before the doors are opened it fiscal stability and accountability. is our custom to sing the national anthem. Today we will be led by the hon. member for Cambridge. I salute Ralph Klein and the people of Alberta for their coura- [Editor’s Note: Whereupon members sang the national anthem.] geous efforts of the past four years. Our reward? The lowest tax rates and the highest job creation of any province in Canada. _____________________________________________ * * * STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS [Translation] [English] LIBERAL PARTY Mr. Ghislain Lebel (Chambly, BQ): Mr. Speaker, the Conser- DNA DATA BANKING vative leader, who dared solicit the support of the Quebec Liberal Mr. Paul Steckle (Huron—Bruce, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I rise in delegates assembled at last weekend’s convention by slipping the House today to speak on a very important issue, DNA data provocative literature under their doors, was roundly condemned banking. by both the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Immigration. Recently I had the pleasure of meeting with members of the According to the Minister of Labour, the Conservative leader has Canadian Police Association who expressed the importance of a gone too far. As for the Minister of Immigration, she said it was national DNA data bank. The purpose of a DNA data bank is totally inappropriate. fundamental to investigations and prosecutions of the most serious crimes in Canada. A DNA data bank would act as a national Liberals are really not very thick-skinned. How would they have information system for law enforcement. described the stealthy crusade of the own leader, a backstage skulker, during the night of the long knives in an Ottawa hotel in I fully support the concept of DNA data banking and ask that my 1982? colleagues also defend its significance to society. I feel that bringing this legislation to the forefront is long overdue. Perhaps These one-way democratic ministers hid their hats in their we should consider the motto that the Canadian Police Association pockets at the time of their leader’s incredibly despicable act so adamantly believes in: Register criminals before firearms. After during that night dedicated to quashing Quebec’s legitimate de- all, it is our responsibility to ensure public safety. mands. * * * Mr. Speaker, ‘‘Je me souviens’’ and I am not about to forget. ALBERTA ELECTION * * * Mr. Ray Speaker (Lethbridge, Ref.): Mr. Speaker, yesterday [English] the people of Alberta spoke and here is what they told us. RAILWAYS Their first and loudest message was that Albertans respect politicians who say what they mean and mean what they say. Mr. Bill Blaikie (Winnipeg Transcona, NDP): Mr. Speaker, I Albertans recognize that Ralph Klein kept his election promise to have in my hand a letter from Mr. R. J. Fish, director of engineer- eliminate Alberta’s deficit, and they rewarded him with 63 seats ing, railway safety directorate to an official of the CPR in which the out of 83. government official from the railway safety directorate says that 8944 COMMONS DEBATES March 12, 1997 S. O. 31 he is quite interested in the possibility of the railway’s contracting include raising funds for the Niagara district airport, the Garden out the entire crossing improvement project. City Arena and two local swimming pools. ‘‘We would be very interested in hearing the railway’s views on The Jaycees have also sponsored the soap box derby, the Easter this and will be contacting you shortly to set up a meeting to egg hunt, the mayor’s invitational grape stomp, Jaycee Garden discuss the above’’. Park and the development and dedication of the Kristen French Memorial in Jaycee Gardens. Three presidents of Canada’s nation- Many of the people in my riding and other ridings across the al Jaycees have come from St. Catharines and I had the honour and country who work for the signals department of the CPR and the pleasure of serving Junior Chamber International in 1976. CNR are very concerned that the government is encouraging the railways to contract out this kind of work. I salute all present and former members of the St. Catharines Jaycees and extend every good wish for success in the years ahead. It is bad enough that the companies they work for should be Congratulations and happy 60th anniversary. considering contracting out their work, but when the Liberal government is actively encouraging major private corporations to * * * contract out work, to bust unions, to look for cheaper wages for people doing the same job, it ought to be absolutely ashamed of [Translation] itself. COMMONWEALTH DAY * * * Mr. Ronald J. Duhamel (St. Boniface, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, Monday was Commonwealth Day. HUNGARY [English] Mrs. Rose-Marie Ur (Lambton—Middlesex, Lib.): This year’s theme ‘‘Talking to One Another’’ is closely linked to modern day technology as we celebrate the countless ways we now [Editor’s Note: Member spoke in Hungarian.] have to communicate. [English] [Translation] First, Hungary will be celebrating its national day on March 15, This high technology enables Commonwealth citizens to ex- marking the Hungarian revolution of 1848-1849. Being the longest change ideas in various ways, including distance education and and most heroic fight against feudalism in the 1848 ‘‘Spring of exchange programs. Peoples’’ movement in Europe, the Hungarian revolution became the symbol of the fight for freedom and human rights all over the [English] world. Second, Hungary is becoming more important to Canadians Of course, having more ways of communicating does not because it is expected to be invited to join NATO in July of this automatically bring improvements. Talking to one another is not a year. We, the members of the House of Commons, will be asked to one way process. We can explain our own points of view but we express our opinion on the enlargement of NATO membership for must also listen to the views of others, something that all parlia- Hungary and its political and security alliances with Canada. mentarians should do, including myself. D (1405) [Translation] On these two occasions, let us keep in mind the small and newly Whatever the method of communication we choose, we must democratic country in the heart of Europe whose people and keep speaking and listening to one another so that Canada and the government will soon be important contributors to European and Commonwealth, and the whole planet of course can prosper. world security. * * * Kusunom. QUEBEC TEACHERS’ COLLEGES * * * Mrs. Maud Debien (Laval East, BQ): Mr. Speaker, Quebec’s first teachers’ colleges were inaugurated on March 12, 1857, when ST. CATHARINES JAYCEES the Jacques-Cartier and McGill teachers’ colleges opened their doors. Mr. Walt Lastewka (St. Catharines, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, recently the St. Catharines Jaycees celebrated their 60th anniversa- These institutions were established following a Quebec act ry as a Jaycee Junior Chamber organization. The St. Catharines designed to improve the quality of education. They had the Jaycees serve the community by developing tomorrow’s leaders mandate of preparing young people to work with children and through training programs and community involvement. Projects teenagers. March 12, 1997 COMMONS DEBATES 8945 S. O. 31 Several generations of Quebecers, including myself, benefited D (1410 ) from a training and apprenticeship experience that they would later pass on to those who followed in their footsteps. In recent weeks, the premier of Ontario and others have claimed the federal government cut transfers to Ontario by 40 per cent. This Sister Simone Colpron, who is now almost 90, was a great is not the case. The reductions in transfers was $1.2 billion or educator who had a strong influence on me. Through her, I want to 11.4 per cent. Next year Ontario will receive a total of $9.1 billion pay tribute to the men and women who paved the way to excel- in transfers. lence, and who continue, to this day, to make Quebecers better educated and more qualified. The federal government has made health care a priority and it is time the Government of Ontario did also. * * * * * * [English] NATIONAL UNITY RIGHTS OF VICTIMS Mr. Nick Discepola (Vaudreuil, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, it is as a federalist member of Parliament from Quebec that I rise in the Mrs. Diane Ablonczy (Calgary North, Ref.): Mr. Speaker, this House today to denounce the strategy of the Conservative Party and week Canadians have witnessed one of the sorriest episodes in the its leader, the member of Parliament for Sherbrooke. judicial history of Canada. Clifford Olson taunts the victims of crime, mocks the justice system, but the responsible minister For some weeks now the leader of the Conservative Party has dismisses any protest as just playing politics. been travelling through the anglophone provinces promising that a Conservative government would resolve the issue of national unity Shame on the minister for trying to dismiss attempts to give and put an end to the separatist threat in Quebec.
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