POINT TO POINT HEAD IN THE CLOUDS This guide has not AND FEET ON THE GROUND been designed for use AUTONOMOUS REGIONAL by pilots and their AUTHORITY OF SARDINIA passengers alone, but also, and above all, by all those who like to EMILIA-ROMAGNA look at and understand REGIONAL AUTHORITY things from a different point of view. Free from obstacles and impediments, LIGURIA REGIONAL AUTHORITY we will guide you, in flight, along the routes marked by evidence of our past and the infi- nite surprises offered TUSCANY REGIONAL AUTHORITY by the landscape; in places where nature, and the work of man- kind combine to be- VENETO REGIONAL AUTHORITY come art. LEISURE FLIGHT ITINERARIES IN VENETO, EMILIA-ROMAGNA, TUSCANY, LIGURIA AND SARDINIA GUIDO MEDICI AUTONOMOUS REGIONAL AUTHORITY OF SARDINIA Tourism, Handicrafts and Trade Department Viale Trieste, 105 - 09123 Cagliari tel. 070 6067005 - fax 070 6067255 OINT O OINT e-mail:
[email protected] P T P www.regione.sardegna.it LEISURE FLIGHT ITINERARIES IN VENETO, EMILIA-ROMAGNA, Project coordination: Tourism Dept. LIGURIA, TUSCANY AND SARDINIA Five Italian regions connected by an aviatory point to point; five regions EMILIA-ROMAGNA REGIONAL AUTHORITY that express a unique product resulting from the combination of the Department for Tourism and Trade beauty of their landscapes. Viale A. Moro 64 - 40127 Bologna tel. 051 283491 - fax 051 284169 The Regional Authorities of Sardinia, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Tus- www.emiliaromagnaturismo.it cany and Veneto have joined forces in an inter-regional project called
[email protected]/romagna.it “Point to Point” - funded by the Ministry of Productive Activities pur- suant to art.