Thesis-1984-S782c.Pdf (5.191Mb)
-COLOR CYCLES IN WOMEN'S CLarHING FROM 1950 TO 1983, INCLUSIVE By CELIA ELAINE STALL-MEADOWS ,\\ Bachelor of Science Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma 1981 Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate College of the Oklahoma State University in pa:rtial fu.lf illment of the requirements MASTER OF SCIENCE ·July, 1Q84 , __ ., .. ,·-- T"'-.Q,:)uJ \(,'i8'----~i--,, J 8 v. COLOR CYCLES IN WOM.EN I S CLOTHING PROM 1950 '1'0 1983, INCLUSIVE Thesis Approved: _/~..-~ -~~-~ ""1:.-.u~,,._~,._-•=---~-•"""'""""-"""--.__,,.<..,,...,.-.,=. ..,-="""L'--.=>•=-==-"V'.,.c_..-'-=.,.-'"-~~-">""'......,....,._._ Thesis Adviser -~~--~~--- -___ dAfT---~--- ----- -·-·---- ~~.,4.tittldL "'j1~ _/!fM_.ha~-- -v-·-•- Dean of Graduate Co.1lege ii 11s9s1G I ACKNQv.lLEDGF!M.ENTS Sincere appreciation for their invaluable guidance and support is extended to Dr. Donna Branson, thesis advisor, and to the meinbers of the committee,. Dr. Tana Stufflebean and Dr. Betsy Gabb. A note of thanks is given to Dr. William Warde, statistician. The enthusiasm of my friends and family has been greatly appre ciated. Special gratitude for their love and encouragement is extended to my husband, Kendall, and our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stall and Mr. and Mrs. Alden Meadows, and my grandmother, Mrs. Russell Hale. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. INTRODUCTION. • • • • 1 Statement of the Problem. 5 Objectives. • • 5 Significance of the Study 6 Assumptions 6 Limitations • 7 II.. REVIEW OF LITERATURE • 9 Color Notation. • • 9 Classics and New Colors 12 Color as a Fashion Trend. 13 Color Preferences • • 16 Color Changes • 20 Predicting Fashion Colors • 22 Sociological and Economic Influences. • 23 Color Association of the United States.
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