'.' ¦*?.•>. ¦*i i;. V. *¦; TV ; fflije tÊtaz ittatt



______^^** _E___¦___! ______^_H___l

Locomotives particularly adapted for Logging and Industrial Purposes and for Mines and Furnaces, Plantation Locomotives for\ Permanent or Portable Track, Electric Motor and Trailer Trucks for Railway and Suburban Service Representatives for Brazil:—NORTON, MEGAW & Co., Ltd.,—N. 112, Rua Primeiro de Março, 1.112— Rio do Janeiro

Cable-Address BORLIDO-RIO BORLIDO MAIA & Co. P. O. B. 131 Head-Office RUA DO ROSÁRIO, 55 - 58 - Kio de Janeiro -Brazil EJSTABUSHIOD 1878 General _Vlercl_a__ts, Importers S& Contractors SUPPLY THE PRINCIPAL RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP COMPANIES OF BRAZIL Importers of Railway Appliances, Tools; Repair Material for Cars, I/ocomotives, Boilers, Wagons; L,ubricating Oils and Greases. Burning Oils ; Carbide, Railway Apparatus, Industrial, Agricültural and Mining Machinery, Implements, Tools and Supplies; Packing, Pumps, Scales, Safes, Artisans, Tools; Rubber, Iyeather and Canvas Hose; Galvanized Iron Tubes, Portable Buildings, Wire Fencing, Babbitt Metal ; Paints, Colors, Brushes; Coachbuilders' Supplies; Electrical Machinery and Supplies; Structural Iron, 14 Builders' and Pltimbers' Supplies; Sanitary Ware; Wool, Canvas and Duck; Roofing and Iyining Material, etc. AGENTS AJSÜ RJ_._?K__.S_SINT_4._IVJH_S for

R. &J. Dick, Ltd. GlaSgOW - Original Balata Belting. Mander Brothers, London - oisina WaterPaint. BHven & CarringtOn, NeW York - Lubricating Oils and Greases. __

Limited The Riio de jJaneiro Ftlour Mills & Rranaries Post Office Box Telegrams: Telephone: No_4_* «.«PI DBRfllIS". _6n 1 JVlllls i Hua d» _ DAILY PRODUCTION: 10.000 BAGS. - london b. c. HBAD OFP.C-- 48, MOORGATE ST.


flOEHCIES . ______——M—M——¦__¦—_¦¦—¦¦> Desterro. Rio Grande. Pelotas & Victoria, Bahia. Maceió, Pernambuco Ciará, Curityba, Porto Alegre. _?1_© Mí11'js Marüs of Flour Ares- « « IIS A'»9 "NACIONAL"^^SE. bio r_ "BÜD4-N ACIONA.L' «GUARANY» «B RAZlLEIRA" AND FOR SUPERIOR1TY HAVE BEEN AWARDED 1908. Gold Medal Paris 1889.First Prize Brazil First Prize Brazil St. Louis 1904. FirstPrizeBrusselsl910. OFFICES: --RUA DA QUITANDA, 408-- RIO DE JANEIRO. ZF1_RTZ\ IIVlTIEIRiS &> C_. 112, Cannon Street London E. C ENG1NEERS, MERCHANTS AND Contractors for Railway Material, etc. "FOUNDATION" — ¦ TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS LONDON

Bahia - flathan & Co., Rua das Ptnneezas, 6 Caixa do Correio, 157. - Telegrams, "NATHAN" - BAHIA <*

Rio de Janeiro—pi*y, Voule & Co., Rua da Alfândega no. 10 Caixa do Correio 21.-Telegrams, "FRY"-RIO JANEIRO ¦ ' ¦ "¦'-"¦¦. 'i_y''¦'[ ¦, __-, £ w __¦_¦*_.- **..í » SrÉ Mr ef ClRÉ \ :? S(i Succs: of NATHAN & 00,

* $4lffO$ RUA DE S. BENTO 43 e 45 Rua Quinze de Novembro 13

Caixa do Correio (P. 0. Box) K. Caixa do Correio (P. 0. Box) 147. "LUPTON" Telegraphic Address: Telegraphic Address: "WYSARD" * Importers, Exporters and General Merchants

\t \f/ mim sMHÍít) __r'*'*¦ * *>___BRí?v^^'*'_b_i____iffí*B _fí**' r*Ã_S_£___B____5__íill_^_^3,f*Síl___^*,^___B K« - «_HBBSpsí»**** tijfll ____v9 _t'__.v' ' ->^w__-i__j^v-_p-• f_rf_L_!^__r *w_B_ pn .--^Y^aBHi_f__^í^-fil-^_B-ly*''--' -_^^__B__lfÇ_^_lR3_í^I______BE^__8B iPMIUfllEü. r_rW^V^.'^_w-_-_----i__^_----^ Cement, Beltíng, Railwav Material Paints Caleiom

V ^_flE___^^M¦__7j_S _Kn * */___r.t___^_r_â_ l___TT^fiiff*^-' ff" Í-r-f__Í P^^Tl*" " £**' It' |Bo&" __| Carlwe. Âjpiltiirai and

ai llaehínery f"t*_t ^^^__*fc Indnstri *i 'V ^ >j Sole representative &' i vfi___B___i __Bff^__r _¦ i «H _____i_P» >-_! ¦ iF^ni*i»_l _IB___- m __E_S__-__pi_ff^^j^___^_____P-__i _BE

i____rC__9I_í^______T^__¦ A_h_____I____{ vf__l'l____i í* 1' "{*w í^i ______8_s_^-*íü_. _Hw_Gy_8QgM_^fsJ3BnB ___j___r,>*'^ *______! _-_-I--CB___-mI^__Í___i __F^__..___Hfll l_r_rr '_JB_r _J_____^___l_^__n_l«r?Í__fl9l___UJJ!_L** in tbe State of

¦*'• ~^bê^...j^rr^^^^B * General Hardware, ____E#1 b*_r _F__L__BB___E l__J^____9___l _H l_P_d_^_BP_j^i^?_i_-_--_l ___^^r__l yffWr-'^ H São Paulo

l__Er'"_i___r___k'">ffl_ jF**-'*'~ m ______! I.______§y__L' ^B^_*v^l*L____i_B_I_S__ ^_H¦_''_Wr_i_crE___¦ V* r^*£-l* % ft t_kiU*1___^___4K . ftjt.* V_^4_B Gas and Water j______Jt#_S_^k^uís&^^s EXftp____L^^^"»t£sSHi ____wl___^''•&'* ¦ ^"^3 .-OF— Pipes and Fittings. Tle Standard Oil Co

~^^5__BM-_-_r ¦ *" _WI_Sm_ __^_l_m_T_0__ lUi] _H__¦ ilfófflr^^l 3 ' OF NEW YORK IRON, STEEL, E_r^^__ ^^^' JMr^_M-E____l___R^__i __l9í____l -_____r__l__¦__! w r ______Jjj_r^_i__'rJí l COPPER, BRASS

- . ' £ Bediord ¦ Thonipson ffi^____|_w^ y**ttj__fc__j HJg_f__MH__5. ^^^^^W_P^^3-^£______^____-i -t*l _______[ t AND OTHER I METALS. Department.)

Ini.*!m?v^_ti_l_S^C^rvjPl_rv>•^__J_ÇSí_Í'^'-^^^ÍÍ____bB'______!. ~^_[-__n___E^£l «tós> W Jy^^B___B^__!_^-_)ffi-^\^^7yy*to... .-_!v^.it?^._.it&^_«£M-!K--y^.i'.*-ftvJ'w

Open to accept sole Agencies in the State of Sào Paulo HEAD 0FF1CIII PARIS, 11 CflAÜCHAf li 5. ?p. fá Kl The BRAHMA_ BREWERY

¦.' ' '¦¦'¦'' ...... ^

¦¦ÍV-¦¦¦¦.¦¦ '-*\- '¦''. "'"¦'¦•¦¦¦.: ¦ :-''¦'•*' \ .;.-¦_ . :U .¦'¦Wr-^Ví:-.- ¦-Ai?'¦ peéòmmends _p__ S__V • _jf^^__É_B__ e//^h*. ¦ Jflfly its most famous Brands, the best Beefó existing: -flt'_____kv__ f=± VJ____tflltâsfbv £*__L^HflE__^I irfTjfl^-_B_jm_-______--»*B_^^_fW**£rMWMWf*fl ri ,\l\ TEUTONIÂ,

___M_B_RrrB_L 1 J' l_ ^l______R_«_Íilv BRAHMA, _Ma^____T^T^__i flfl-flA A ___£_> flr ^3] __BtS»_S/ nY______F w a_'i_ls\-__s_y HO-V BOCK-ALE, BRAHMA-BOCK, >;BRAHMA-PORTER, BRAHMINA.^g^a DRAFT BEER. The delicious celebrated BRAHMA - CHOPP!!!


THE SÃO TRAMWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY LIMITED H_FCA__> OFMTIC-B, TORONTO, CAISADA — ISISW YOWK OITITICID, 23 BROÁD ST. SAO PAULO, PRAÇA ANTÔNIO PRADO No. 1 — RIO DB JANEIRO, 76 AVENIDA CENTRAL The city of São Paulo, which is the capital of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is situated in thevalley of the Tietê River, 800 metres above the sea levei and 35 miles from Santos, the seaport of this State. The climate is delightful throughout the year, resembling very closely that of Southern Califórnia. São Paulo is a city cf 300,000 inhabitants and may easily be seen by travellers touching at the ports of Santos or Rio de Janeiro, the journey from Santos to São Paulo by railway taking 2 hours and from Rio to São Paulo 12 hours. On account of the natural resources of the State of São Paulo and owing to its peculiar location, the City of São Paulo is one of the most important commercial centers in South America. THE SÀO PAULO TRAMWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. LTD. operates ali the lines tramway in São Paulo and supplies ali the electric light and power. Electricity is developed hydraulically, utilizing the falls of the Tietê River, some 35 kilometres below the city, 12,000 H. P. is developed there at present and works are now in progress for a large increase to the to enable the Company plant to meet the constantly increasing demand for power. Four distinct circuits on two separate steel pole lines conyey the current from the Power House to the Substation in São Paulo where the current is converted for tramway, light and power uses. The Company operates 125 kilometres of track, covering the entire city. The population of the city being largely Italian, good labor is readily obtained. This and the cheap rates for power is causing màny new manufactories to be built. Information concerning the resources of the country and that relative to the estâblishment of new industries, prices for power etc. can be obtained by application to any of the offices of the Company.

_-^-3-^-.I_>T<3--C'OI^r -C-T_?_3'W--g/l:'_-,__3_=?,

Thejsitest modela of the REMINQTON TYPEWRITER offer visible wr Mng and other Important Innovations. without sacrlflcing __J_ri_____?J_? _-^_t^7/^^_/____PKi___l IH-Sk the famous forged steel type-bar w de type-bar hanger, and other principies of construetion which have made the Remington known for years as the most durable of typewriters. The N. 11 Remington-Wahl machine is the only typewriter whioh writes and adds or subtracts at the same time simply and by touching the keys. It Is the only machine possessing a keyset decimal ^Q___^o^Sí'52c5pw)__í__a^ tabulatcr, We shall be pleased to show you this leader of modern writlng machines at your office or at our stores, 125, Rua Ouvidor, Rio de Janeiro and 19, Rua Direita, Sio Paulo. * CHÁS H. PRATT, ': : .. General Agenf for Brazil.


'¦¦ '¦¦;¦ ¦¦-ky'-y :"...; -y

-w.-tf_ mara_n—BBP- 'Cír*!' I ^fí% ?*? &(* 4>^^^^m ,__4lÍ!_____^1 VOL' XV- RI° DE I 1 JANE^TtÜÊsdIy, JUNE llth, i912.(|o^Wo 24I I HOTEL AVENIDA ~ RIO DE JfllilRÕ"I SOUZA CABRAL - 152, & CO. 162, __--_]_* i;d___ CENTRAL, 152 182 I BIQ DE JANEIRO²"1



CABLE 8TATI0NS IN SOUTH AMERICA: CABLE STATIONS IN EUROPE AND WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. NORTH AMERICA.— ¦>ü Brasil:- Par» Campos (Travessa Salles N o. 1). __^_rJ0^____L___l_____J____L_vlRB_^_^W EASTERN TELECRAPH COMPANY. ¦'Jt Maranham, Ceara. _M§ Pernambuco (Rua dPÉbmmercio No. 2). i/new voRgiMEBi_fr""***^\V London: 11, Old Broad Street, E.O. '¦ ' ¦ Bahia (Rua das Princesas No. 7). The Baltic Exchange, St. Maty Axe, B.O. Rio de Janeiro (Avenida Central No. 117). 4*0, Strand, W.C. San os 11 de Junho (Largo No. 4). Liverpool: K13, Exchange Buüdings. 8. Catharina, Rio Grande do Sal. UrnguMj:— Manchei ter: 44, Spring Gardens. ":¦'-. Montevideo ¦ ¦;'\ (Calle Cérrito 146). ¦ ________^Hr«ÍVMNAN11 Glasgow: 6, Royal Bank Place. Argentina:- I Mi ___? i!Kii__5*A,nu"sr11 I ______r *««__ _R7Í_B__°"*,*',v .~n»// Buenos Aires (287 _nd 291, Calle Sau Martin). W BB@ ,?>oj*«ciro 4_P__1 f"c"'"7/ Marseilles: Hotel des Postes. Malta: Central Station, St. ME8T C0A8T OF AMERICA TELECRAPH %~_l _HI „«_W .c»th>hina Geocge.. COMPANY. % ^______|_M «'o cn.H-jtjéfr__F______3Ui____ia__|___^___¦__ _,/#Hf^ I a Chill:- \^i __f!^______Kí^í2j_ixicí_i_5_í__P_íHftf^ /# Home: 28, Via Venti Settembre. Arica, ^_^______RpfPt___)_I i '*? *_X/^___?^_S_^__I__P*^S_9_ fm fisagua, Iquique, Antofagasta. La Serena, uoquimbo, Concepoion, Coronel, Taíoahuano. COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPANY. Valperaiso (Calle Prat 69). 8antiago (Pasaje Balmaceda). Nflw York: Commereial Cable Building. Vara:— Boston : 112, State Street, Oallao, Lima and Mollendo, Halifax, Nova Scotia: 201, Holliu Street.


'¦'.¦¦ ¦:;. PLBASE ZM7 .__._=__<_. _-OTJ_=2- T_BI._53<3-^__jVES :¦ Frem SOUTH AMERICA to ALL PLACES. To SOUTH AMERICA. ... Via Wraguay Western. Great Britain Via Kasrrn Madeira. i ItalyVia Malta, Madeira. ... Via Madeira. ¦ ¦ ¦ Argentina "... '.'.' France—Paris, & North „ Anglet-rré, M adere. ¦¦ Paraguay Via Rio de ,a P]atft- J Spain, Eastern Madeira. } South „ Mfilte, Madère. i Portugal ...... „ st. Vincent. Arenas Via Rio de Ia Plata. Germany ...... „ Emden, Vigo, Madeira. AliÇw»*» Other ~ernPlaces\ Via Eastern. Belgium Bastem Madère. i" North Amerioa and "•[ „ i Commereial, Bolívia'",'. Via Cable West Coast. % "I Holland , Emdcn, Vigo, Madeira. West Indies mAGENCIES- _ 11 PARIS i 37 Rue Caumartin | ANTWERP : 55 Rue du Moulin | BRUSSELS ; 41 Rue d'Allemagne HAMBURG: Glockengiesserwall 21 | PORTO ALEGRE: K. W. Sefton, Caixa 18 HEAD OFFICES OF THEl COMPANY— HOUSE, FINSBURY PAVEMENT. LONDON, E.C.

¦ ::¦...¦; ¦

i^»J " '"

lith, 1912. 672 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. Junl

»íl JÍXtttWJÍ Ita Muútm JUw* For Europe EMitof«gr W. G. CHANCELLOR. June 12.—ASTURIAS, Royal Mail, fo Southampton. Hamburg. »» 17.—OAP ORTEGAL, H.S.D.Gk, for do Brazil Building, Third Floor, for Soutliainpton. OFFICES—Jornal it 18—VAUBAN, Lamport & Holt, Mess. Mar., for Bordeaux. Room No 5, Avenida Rio Branco No. 110. »» 18.—MAGELLAN, »» 19.—CAP FINISTERRE, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. P. O BOX: 472, RIO DB JANEIRO 20.—VICTORIA, P.S.N.C., for Liverpool. "CHANCELLOR 'UOJANE1K »» Lloyd for TELEGRAPHIU ADDRESS: »» 20.—HOLLANDIA, Royal Holland Amsterdam Hamburg: ¦ubtorlptlon: 601 or £• par annum. »» 25.—CAP BLANCO, H.S.D.G., for Payable abroad by sight draft or cheque. »» 26.—AVON, Royal Mail, for Southampton. July 2.—CORDILLÉRE, Mess. Mar., for Bordeaux. •aparata Gaplaa iltM 8;—ORIANA, P.S.N.C., for Liverpool. ¦ask Numbara fttoo t» »» 8.—K. WILHELM II., H.A.L., for Hamburg. £ — 15$M8. 1 »» 10.—ARAGON, Royal Mail, for Southampton. 11.—FRISIA, Ryl. Holland Lloyd, for Amsterdam i > Hamburg. AOINTIl- »» 12.—CAP VILANO, H.S.D.G., for aia DB JANEIRO- »» 16.—AMAZONE, Méss. Mar., for Bordeaux. A Ca., rua da Ouvldar Na. SS. 0RA8HLEY >» 16.—VANDYCK, Lamport & Holt, for Soütnàn-pton SAS PAULO- • > 18.—ORISSA, P.S.N.C., for Liverpool. HILDEBRAND A Ca., rua is da Novembro. H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. KINODOM- »> 19._CAP FINISTERRE, SOLE ACENTO POR ADVBRTIOBMBNTO IN THB UNITED Royal Mail, for Southampton. Q. STREET A Co., Ltd., M. Cornhlll, London, K. €. i» 24.—ARLANZA, 30.—BLUCHER, H.A.L., for Hamburg. NBW 11 YORK— 30.—CHILI, Mess. Mar., for Bordeaux. «. R. FAIREANKt, St, Broad Street. Liverpool. ¦ 31.—ORTEGA, P.S.N.C., for • ¦ ii Lloyd, for AH oommunloatlons to bo addraoaod to tho Editor. Aug. 1.—ZEELANDIA, Royal Holland Amsterdam. Announoomonto off Births, Daaths and Marriages oonesrnlnsj >» 7.—AMAZON, Royal Mail, for Southampton. subserlbers and ffrlands ara Insartad In this " REVIEW " fraa 9.—CAP ARCONA, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. aff eharga.' For River Plate and Pacific •CALE OP CHARGE8 FOR ADVERTI8EMENTS River PlaV:. IN ORDINARY P0SITI0N8. June 15.—CORDILLERE, Mess. Mar., for II., H.A.L., for River Plate. _«.„_! It InaertaII Inseria1* InsertaI luaerte4 InseriaSlngle ii 15.—K. WILHELM SPACE inaertperinsertiasert perineertpe« iaaeitper inrertper T.S.N.G., for West Coast. 15 ii 18.—OROPESA, One Page «860«8 10 «00£476«500«6 H_M P__e ...." 1116116 200260276• 10 Sge 12 16 17 1 10 1 12 1 16 For the United States ThW 1 Quarter Page .. 1? 18 10 12010 6 1" across Page 0 7 8 0010 li June 16.—VERDI, Lamport and Holt, for New York. k"x8M 8 4 4 6 6 5 Holt, for New York. %-Xir 1820182628g July 3.—TENNYSON, Lamport & ^¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦iBi^BHBVBIBHBBBBBBB^^HH^HHHHHi^l^^HiHHMBBBHliBl^flB.BII^IM^BHHV' Lamport and Holt, for New York. ii 16.—VASARI, 12 or 6 Insertions are quoted for upon the underatauding that the Advertisement appears at least once a month. IRMÃO & O. The 52 and 26 Series Rates are for Consecntive Insertions FERREIRA Specialities:—Fruit and Ice. and Ppinting Stamps Fresh Fruit ali the Year Round. Jíetal R«bbep 4, Rua Primeiro de Março, 6 Interchangeable Type, Wax Se ais, S tendia, Sigi imported from the United Markers, Stamps and Type foi Cold storage goods (trade-marks) States, Europe, etc. marklng Coffeo Bagi. J_b-_L Telephone No. 31. Business Slgns Engraved. ^'Fructagel" S. T. LONGSTRETH, Rua da Quitanda, 110, first floor. Caixa (P. O. Box) 678 Telegr.: Tolophono. Contrai 7M Rio de Janeiro.


__^^^~__^*fc ^_r _Sr_#• _r__Ty% :^^_____f_________.

RIO DB JANEIROi r RUA DO OUVIDOR. 106 e 107: ~______BBB______-_--8-____________S_____^^^_____WM^______U RUA DA CARIOCA, 38 RUA DA URUGUAYANA, ^^^^^^^^HHB^S^^^^^^^^^^^^rn^ÊR» *''*'________K______r EVERY 88 RUA CAMERINO, 176. ^^^^ of Rua ____! __»_!?$§_-___! ___v (Corner Larga) NIOTHRROYi RUA RIO BRANCO. 216 BAHIA: RUA , "13. RUA CHILI, 17. 8. PAULO: RUA 16 DE NOVEMBRO. 46 RUA S. BENTO. 18 AVENIDA R. PESTANA, 288 SANTOS i RUA FREI GASPAR, 12 PBRNAMBUOOt FOOT RUA BARÃO DA VICTO- RIA, 81. PORTO ALEGRE: RUA DOS ANDRADAS 888 CURITYBA 6i m Ag


¦ . Júiie ílth, ÍOiS.. THB BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 673 Borlido Maia & Co.s Advertisement Page P. O. Box 131 ¦ Rua do Rosário, 55, 58 Cable - Address - BORLIDO Rio de Janeiro ZM&&mtmm& anx> *ot* ao**» roa DICK'S PATENT BELTING "OUTTA f\JWHWPWs AdtfrSMl HROHA," QLAtQOW. < R. & J. DICK, LTD. Qreenhead Works, QLASGOW

M8TABL18HED 1810 WM. SIMONS & CO., Limited RENFBEW Engineers, Shlpbnilders and Dredger Constructors DREDGERS SCOTLAND OF ALL DESIGNS AND CAPACITIES ""V

CONSTRUCTED BY SAME,£INCI,UDING :- %a^^cí__^B_^srsí_?r Prp *-« D*e<*-- »~ « ~« charffiDfir Hopper Dredgers. üs x.^sBucck^rderB^edfers„- PS,mp Hopper Bucket Reclamation DredgerT Suetion and nfíí ^ Dredger. Self-Dis-


WATER PAINT " ¦ ©lama Made by Mander Brothers - Wolverhainpton : .

_r-_-^<-_.^_—^ "•-T- PORTLAjVI» cement. BRAJSÍD J..B. White 8t Bpothers.

I»» Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd., Redditch. Bicycles of every description

Bickford Smith & Co. Ltd. ruckingmill, Safety ;.'í-y'h';.'-i: .'¦¦ Fuses '.'['¦'¦¦' '¦>;:"-¦",¦:¦/ ENGLAND Lubricating Oils of B,iven & Carrington,


¦ > 674 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW.June llth, 1913.

¦ PRlVRTE ttESlOEHTIR- HOTEü, ,- .¦¦.¦:....">.;¦. êeiteral W. Paras 46 Queen's Gardens, Lancaster Gate, London, Local Items. The returns of Direotorate-General Vioitors to London will find every the of the Public Health for the week ended June lst, 1012, comfort and convenience. Central and healthy position are as follows:—Yellow fever, 0; bubonic plague, 0; Near Bus and Tube. smallpox, 2; measles, 9; scarlet fever, 0; whooping cough 0; diphtheria, 2; intíuenza, 16; typhoid fever, 0; dysen- Terms 2 1/2 guineas per week. tery, 9; heriberi, O; leprosy, 2; erysipelas, 0; marsh fevers, 7; pulmonary diseases, 74; Total deaths from ali causes, 434, equal to an annual rate of 24:39 per thousánd AND BAR inhabitants. Mortality of infectious diseases to total EflGMSH PEHSIOH, RESTAURAJlT number of deaths, 28.57 per cent. Under treatment in hospital:—Yellow DAS FLEXAS, fever 0; smallpox, 0; bubonic plague, RUA NILO PECANHA N. 48, PRAIA 0; under observation, 3. ²The ICARAHY. strike in England seems gradually to be ap- proaching an end. There have been several lively Splendid view of sea and mountains; free from noise moments, especially at Tilbury where broken heads were the order of the day. So far as can be from the for bathing. Home comforts. judged and dust; private beach cables, however, the public has not been put to nearly so Excellent cooking. Separate tables. Managed by much inconvenience during the present strike of carters as during the last. Prices have naturally risen, but not so MRS, AUGUSTA WILSON. alarmingly as last time. There are rumours of another railway strike, and certainly there does not seem to be a restful time in store for the country yet awhile. The measures which have been taken so far are rather in the Dr. W. Qordpn Speers — (M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lon- nature of stop-gaps, and no final settlement between capital and labour is in view. A deal of water will flow don) Surgeon and Physician, Rua São Bento, 63. S. Paulo yet good under the bridges and a good many strikes oceur before the to 4). millenium comes, and the lion lies down with the lamb. (2 ²There have been lively times, too, in Spain, in Hungary, and in Belgium. In Spain there are strikes, in Charles Speers — L.R.C.P., Lon. Hungary there are «scenes» in Parliament coUsequent on Dr. (M.R.C.S., the recent rioting 63. S. Paulo and the determination of the President don) Surgeon and Physician, Rua São Bento, of the Chamber to assert his authority, while in Belgium (2 to 4). the elections have lead to rioting and broken heads. ²In Morocco both Spain and France have their hands full and the iighting round Fez has been really serious, a Dr. Franklin Pyles.—Physician and Surgeon.—Largo good many French soldiers having fallen. The latest news is to the effect that No. 9, From 2 to 4 p.m. Residence—Hotel dos the Sultan, accompanied by Mr. Reg- da Carioca nault, is leaving for Rabat. It will be some time before de Janeiro. Estrangeiros, Rio things are quiet so far as can be judged. North África is full of unrest just now, what with Morocco and Tripoli. It is to be hoped that there will be nothing in the nature of a combination followed by a Holy War, or Europe would find WANTED a City traveller for Printing House. her hands very full indeed. ²The 61 Camerino. Committee of the United States Senate has Àpply now presented the report of its proceédings during the Titanic inquiry. According to the cable, the main respon- sibilitv for the loss of life after the ship had struck is placed oi. the President of the Board of Tradé, while the disaster THE BRAZILIAN YEAR BOOE itself is laid at the door of the officer of the watch. The (Editions 1908 and 1909) renort is a very strong criticism of the British Board of Trade and of the White Star Company. Presumably not On sale at Crashley & Oo.,—Rua Ouvidor 58. much will be done with this report until after the inquiry Price 19$000 now being held in London has finished its work. The re- port severely censures the captain and officers of the s.s. Californian. This vessel, in the opinion of the committee, was the « ship» of which we have heard so much and should certainly, the committee say, have gone to the Og^O^Sf.<^^^^»Og?^ <^5^_^>Q. immediate assistance of the Titanic. The report says that the «captain and officers of this vessel failed to help the Titanic, which was contrary to the principies of humanity and.was a violation of Article 2 of the Brussels Conven- & tion.»These are strong words and we shall await with in- Jewsbury terest the answer òf those censured, which, presumably, they will be afforded an opportunity of giving at the London * inauirjji Brownts ²The Derby was run on Wednesday last, and must Manchester, England have been an exciting race, as the favourites were more or less «nowhere.» The official order was— lst, Jaeger 2nd, and Tracery 3rd. ²In <&&&$* *£

from c&seases of the digestive organs,» whioh seems to t>ear out the caohe what several dootors have told us lately, that the bur£!?e ^ÍTÍ6 where the main treasure lies food supply of the city requires more careful fiscalisation than is at present available. A case which may or mav not be yellow fever has been discovered at Suo Christovãô. |__^K3_s_S£3 It will probably prove to be. something else. on closer examination, but we are glad to note that the authorities are on the qui vive. PIace.s- In the first the me»ntime the Director-General of S!,1 of these spots there is eaiâ tt ,77 Jn Public dust, gold coms of various countries, Health has sent a despatch to the Minister of the Interior and predous stones in which he says that in the opinion of the Department, it is high time that rf6 d°es. not Sfty in the authorities tiuned their attention to Thelhe otherothin.níaff ? wha* currency.) the better samtation deposit is larger, but is not so valuable of the suburbs. He points out that consista of works It the suburbs have been of art in gold and silver, in addition growing enormously of late yeais 63 bars of silver the to but that the sanitation has not latter being the result of many advanced pari passu When buccaneermg.» Then follow years1 any epidemic appears in the city it is invariably the directions whZ^tonnd the sub- he main treasure, which is apparently urbs that suffer most. The Director thinks that the large contahied in 19 need-in chief boxes. «There are 11 barVels also the zones in question is an improved water supply 2 full of valuàbles which large open boxes containing 81 bars will flush the drains constantly. He realises that of of gold, a box fuli the jewels, two sealed cases full of supply cannot be increased in a moment, but he asks tin precious stonea and two that boxes full of gold dust.» According a beginning may be made without cteay in the in- estimate, to the Londln terests the value of the treasure is of the public health. Incidentally it may be men- sterling fome _3,OoÒ"oOO tioned that Once more shares of 50$000 are being there are a good many streets in the suburbs exPen°i«°"- issued to where there are no water pipes at ali. rCnSe*rPrSeS ? íí" ™d if the treisure — That the theatre season in Rio is ali too short is the 15Q 000*000 for each share, a very fair general opinion of those ardent lovers of opera and percentage taking the it ali round, but the «if» looms rather large. drama, whose name must be Legion. However, we are to ~ have Guitry before long to telegrams from London the XVIIIth at the Municipal Theatre, with an tLnternational , AAcco1rdÍng Congress almost totally different repertoire of «Americanistas» is sitting in from last year, while that capital. Dr. Antônio there are also to be eight of opera Carlos Simoens da Silva performances at tlie treated on the points of contact of the same theatre by an Italian Company from the pre-historic civilisa- Constanza tion of Brazil Argentina, and the Pacific Theatre in Rome. The repertoire of the latter includes stone coast. The utensils found in Brazil are similar to those JYIadarne Butterfly, The Meistersingers, Aida, Carmen, m Bolívia, discovered The Chile, and Peru. The speech must have . Barber of Seville, Tosca, etc. The repertoire, indeed' very interesting been a includes some 23 operas, one, for it also touched on the similarity so it will be interesting to seé of skull amongst the which are the eight to be chosen. pre-historic inhabitants of Argentina, At the Lyric there is L eru and Bolívia. When also an Italian Opera Company doing a verbatim report arrives it pieces of the calibre should prove engrossing reading. of the Count of Luxemburg. Altogether, for the moment, -"* Kio promises to be as regards laid before c°ngress advocating the quite gay theatres, while the vote.<- of ^nbí!Lh_fnJ?e?n10:000$000 for cmematographs, like the are always the purpose of purchasing _Ue poor, with us. portrait of the late Dr. -— The evening edition of the «Jornal Joaquim Murtinho by João Timotheo do Commercio» cia Uosta, to be hung in continues its campaign against the abuse the Treasury. of the motor car ~7,Th-e-.Prefectr of in this city. It appears that one of the reasons c the Fed©ral District has received for tlie from the Minister of the Interior fearful speed attained at times by these n.odern Jugger- an account for the large nauts is that sum of 10 503 :894$400 for the treatment of lunatics the chauffeurs very often allow their «fares,» Hospital in the frequently of the class Nacional da Assistência a Alienados from the known as «moços bonitos», to drive 1897 to year the cars. This is against the year 1911 inclusive. As the account has been ali rules and, lax as the trials runmng for 14 are for the of a license, years, it will in ali probability go on running granting the trials still exist and merrily for some nobody is supposed to drive who has not duly years to come. passed them — The Minister and. been registered as a licensed chauffeur. In addition of Public Works has ordered the to this payment to the Gas Company of the police are somewhat new to the game of regu- a sum of 285:716$818, lating traffic, and cannot be said being the cost of the illumination of the streets, squares, to display abnormal in- and telhgence when directing that of the Avenida. gardens,of the city, as well as of the Cattete Palace The art of during April. regulating the traffic is not one that is inborn, and it might be —- The Commandant just as well to follow the example of the Berlin of the Police Force has just and police issued an order of send a few of the guardas to London to gather a few the day which will be welcomed by the wrinkles from the omnipotent «bobbie.» Another abuse public. He has noticed (who has not?) that when a body oi ot' the motor cár is its over-loading. There is a certain police is making its way down a street, as often as not class of person here who apparently is not happy fche traffic is greatly impeded. In view of this fact he has unless issued the whole of his family can be crowded into an order that single file is to be the formation when the one marchmg vehicle. The result is that cars licensed to hold down narrow streets, and that even in the wide seven streets persons as often as not carry 10 or 12, literally heaped on the tram lines are to be left free as well as a suffi- one another. As is natural cars built for a certain strain cient space to allow free traffic to carriages and motor cars. break when it is exceeded, and on several occasions when •~~ ** ÍS stated tnat tfte plans for the sister ship of the motors have been going round the none too safe roads in \Unte Star liner Titanic, now under construetion in Belfast, the neighbourhood of Tijuca, they have broken down will be altered so as to include lateral bulkheads, to mini- through overloading and only been saved from disaster by mize the risk of disaster. Work on the new steamship the soundness of their brakes. It is time that the will be accelerated, so that she can replace the Titanic as authorities asserted themselves, and really tackled the soon as possible. It is probable, although no defmite de- question of the motor car seriously. If somethingns not cision has yet been arrived at, that the White Star liners done soon, the present mad methods will have become so of the future will have the cellular double bottom and sides familiar stereotyped that it will tax ali the ingenuity of the police .o those who have inspected the Cunard liners to alter them. Mauretania and Lusitânia. The great height of the boat — In these dull days of wireless telegrams, submarine deck from the water on such ships as the Titanic will also cables, telephones, and the rest of it, it is refreshing to probably lead to half of the lifeboats being placed on one find that there are still people on the globe who will engage of the lower decks and in closer proximity to the principal in a treasure hunt, nothing daunted where many have passenger accommodation. Such lifeboats on the lower failed. Another attempt is shortly to be made to find the deck may also be enclosed by a gangway watertight door. treasure which was hidden on the Island of Trinidad by ²Our contemporary «The Financier» has the follow- Captain Zulmiro more than 100 years ago. The last ex- ing headline in a recent issue:—«Leôpoldina Railway— pedition went to the island in April last year, but returned Chairman's visit to México.» The Leôpoldina has ex- verv soon without having discovered any of the marks tended its lines considerably if it has reached so far. ²The which the pirates left to indicate the hiding place. Now, Minister of Finance has given free clearance in however, the syndicate have received from London a fche Custom House to the statue of bronze with a stone volume issued in 1907, describing the voyage of the yacht base of Dom Pedro II, to be erected at Fortaleza, the capi- Alert to the island as far back as 1886. From what is fcál of Ceará. There has been so much trouble and bomb said in.this book, themembers of the syndicate hope to bhrowing in the state just lately that perhaps it would be

1 * s 676 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. Jüne llttó, 1912;

as well to keep the statue in the Custom House for a time new direct services started by several companies. No in- timation is as to how long the increased and wait for more peaceful days. The Senate warmly dis» given rate will cussed the situation on Friday last and some pretty hard remain in force. — The new American Ambassador, words were bandiéd about. The press heads its articles— the Hon. Edwih tThe Salvation of Ceará by Dynamite;» a pretty state of Morgan, was received by the President of the Republic on Tuesday, affairs in so advanced a of grace as this. the 4th inst. In presenting his credentials, the year Ambassador ²The inevitabíe prophet is abroad once more. One said that he trusted that he would be able to Yogghi has been letting Parisians into the secrets of the maintain the same intimate terms with the Brazilian Gov» ernment future, presumably «for a consideration.» Amongst other as his predecessor had done. He also expressed trifles he states that the British Isles will be swallowed up the cordial wishes of the United States Government for the bv the sea in 699 years. He is caréful of his dates, and prosperity of Brazil and her people. He said that won't tell a lie for «one blooming year,» though a round similarity of ideais and of political institútions bound Brazil 700 would have been more euphonious. Furthermore he and the United States closely together as did also the close says that the might of England will pass to a small, and friendship which existed between them. He looked for- at present weak, and almost unknown nation. He says ward during his mission to bringing the two countries into that a revolution is coming in France, that Spain will soon still closer intimacy. The President of the Republic in be a Republic, and that Poland will recover her indepen- his reply said that he was rnuch pleased to receive the dence. Qui vivra verra. letter from the President of the United States accrediting ²The Campagnie de Navigation Sud Atlantique will Mr. Morgan as Ambassador. He confidently trusted that soon inaugurate its sailings from Bordeaux to South the traditional and sincere friendship between the two American ports. It has purchased several second hand countries would continue to be uninterrupted. He referre.'. vessels for this purpose, amongst them being the Bibby touchingly to Mr. Dudley, the late Ambassador, and con- liner Staffordshire (£35,000), the Orient liner Ormuz cluded by thanking and reciprocating the expressions of (£21,000), and the Union-Castle liners Tintagel Castle and goodwill on the part of the United States Government. AH Avondale Castle. the Secretaries of State were present, and the Ambassador The United States Government is taking action was escorted to and from the Palace by a squadion of against the Conference lines plying between South America lancers. The speeches were very diplomatic, and even th* and American ports on the ground that the conference is a most careful search between the lines fails to revéal any- «trust». This action has, we understand, been pending thing but the purest diplomatic courtesies. Possibly the for some time, but the lines concerned do not seem much hope expressed by the President that nothing might cloud disturbed for the present. According to the cables the the horizon of mutual friendship might be twisted to mean Government is seeking to prevent the ships of these lines something, but after ali it is the usual formal expression from entering or leaving American ports so long as the for such occasions. Conference holds, but so far no instructions have reached the representatives of the lines here. We trust to be able MINAS CERAES. to publish something more on this subject next week. ²The Director of Department for the «peopling mi_ 11‡n the — lhe tollowing figures for of the soil» has sent in a report to the Minister of Agricul- exports of dairy produce from this ture to the effect that during the first five months of the State from 1899 down to 1910 will give some idea of the that has been current year the number of immigrants entering the port of progress made:— Rio de Janeiro was 30,651. During the month of May the Cheese MilkButter number was 7,564. Year kilos 1- ²The President of the Republic has sent a note to kiloslilos Congress showing reasons why a sum of 40:000$000 should 1898...3,559,814...1,841,220... be expended on a new steam launch to be used for the con- 1899...3,847,502...2,211,090...86,303 k vevance of sick persons to and from vessels in the harbour. 1900...3,210,799...2,235,077...149,617 ¦>¦..¦.¦ This will be a useful addition to the 1901...3,790,850...2,297,660...285,281 ¦ ?:¦¦ port, and at the same time it would be just as well if something was done to free 1902...4,216,711...2,471,712...276,184 the ambulance people from the shackles of red tape in 19032,959,664...2,311,730...542,712 which they are now bound, and of which we gave an in- 1904...4,521,296...2,978,614...850,920 stance in a recent issue. 1905...3,960,245...3,334,659...1,021,119 ²Amongst the on the s.s. Amazon passengers leaving 1906...3,990,017...3,943,196...1,036,414 for Europe last week were Dr. João Teizeira Soares, Chair- man of the Local Board of the Leopoldina Railway, and 1907...4,634,4.09...5,160,794...1,420,849 Dr. Lassance Cunha, Inspector of the Fiscalisation of Rail- 1908...4,761,397...5,633,881...1,481,549 ways Department. 1909...5,069,800...7,155,315...2,370,422 ²The Titanic disaster has spread its fear as far as 19105,416,751...8,704,654...2,557,6^0 Rio, and many schemes have been propounded for the saving of life at sea. Perhaos the best is that of Com- --¦--__H______HB^ mendador Cândido Costa, who has invented a floating mattress. Experiments were made with the mattress in Dr. Raul Leitão da Cunha. — Prof. of the Faculty Botafogo Bay last week, and the results are stated to have been eminently satisfactory. The Minister of Marine was Medicine. Consulting hours 2.30 Jornal do present at the trials. p.m., —- Several large houses in Buenos Aires have com- Comniercio, 2nd floor, roorns 7 and 9. bined to start a company for the purpose of fostering the fiuit trade between Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. The company possesses nine ships and the principal fruits to be imported from Brazil are oranges and bananas in very largo quantities. This should go a long way to increasing The British Subscription BiaziTs exports of fruit, a consummation devoutly to be Library wished. ²The West Índia-Pacific Conference Lines have I •added a coal surcharge of 10 per cent. on ali through freight The Committee beg to announce that the from Europe to the Pacific coast. The lines making the advance handle ali of the freight coming to this coast from Library re-opened at 105, Rua Ouvidor Europe by way of Tehuantepec and Panamá. The lines include the Compania Transatlântica, the Cuban line, Elder-Dempster line, Hamburg-Amerika line, Harrison (Entrance Rua Sachet 39) on Saturday the line, Leyland line, Norway-Mexico Gulf line, Royal Mail Steam Packet Go. and Wolvin line. The Pacific connec- 23rd December. tion of these lines are the American-Hawaiian, Pacific Mail, Canadian-Mexican, the Salvador Railway Steamship line The new passenger lift will be working and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. The great bulk of the freight going from Europe to the Pacific Coast by the water route shortly. is shinned on these steamers, about the only exception -'-: ¦::•¦ ^eing that forwarded on sailing vessels and the various HOURS 8-10,30 & 2.7 June íltihj 1912. THB BRAZILIAN RBVIBW. 677




New Passenger Service to South- Mail and Passenger Service between ampton and Liverpool via Mad- New York, Brazil and River Plate. eira, Lisbon, Vigo and Cherburgo Average Passage, i Hio to Hera Yoík, 17 days. VAUBAN l8th June VANDYCK VERDII6th June mh July TENNYSON 3rd July VAUBAN 27th Augyust VASARII6th „ BYRON 3rd August vaS™™ 5th November I6th 6th December VAUBANvfn„ISK TENNYSON 8rd September 31st „ VERDII6th „ The above mentioned new twin-screw lmers From tt)e River Plate via Santos, Rio de Janeiro are appointed to sail from Rio de Janeiro Ba_jia, Tririidad I.). and Barbadoes on dates (W. for JYew York quoted carrying First, Second and with First, Second and Third Class Third Class passengers. passengers. TicKets issued for tlje circular trip from Rio -to - YorK and to Liver Cabines de luxe Staterooms with private JVew tyence pool, Southampton, Lon- bath, etc-Single-berth Cabins. don, Hamburg and Bremen, by tlje Cunard,Wl)ife Star ai)d American Liners and bacK to Rio de Janeiro by Ali passenger steamers are equipped with the the new twin-screw passenger steamers of t_>e Brazil latest system of wireless telegraphy. River Plate service.

.. .. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY TO .. .» Tlie Agents, NORTON. MEGAWfr Co.Ltd., Rual? de Março. 112 Telephone No. 47RIO DE JANEIROP. O. BOX 34 Santos. - F. S. HAMPSHIRE & Co. Ltd., P. 0. B. 10. - Bahia - F. BENN & SON.

O O IR, CO VA. IDO R; __ I __. W __. _" Time table for ordinary days JLJOWJN _!_,J__ "p!- A.M. i P.M. A.M. Cosme Velho for Paineiras6.15 Cosme Velho for top of Corcovado 2.OU Paineiras for Cosmo Velho. 7.20 Paineiras for Cosme Velho. 2.00 » » ªª8.00 » » » » » ªª10.45 Paineirasõ 00 8.45 4.00 » > ª« 6.15 5.40 » » ªª8.00 8.30 Sundaygffànd Holidays TTV JOOWI* A.M. P.A. A.M. P.A. Cosme Velho for Paineiras S.00 » ªª2.00 Paineiras for Cosme ª» Velho 8.30 Paineiras for Cosmo Velho. 12.30 » top of Corcovado 9.00 c » ªª3.00 ª» ª» 0.80 ª» » 1.30 » » ªª1.000 » » ªª4 00 » ª» » 10.30 2.30 > L!11.00 » » ªª6.00 ª» ©» 11.30 ª» » 3.30 » » ªª6.00 4.30 » » ªª7.00 ª» » 5.30 » » ªª8.00 ª» » 6.30 Cosme Volho fortop of Corcovado 12.00 ª» » 7.30

» » ªª» 1.00 ª»'.¦;-:» 8.30 Return tickets to Paineiras 2$000—to top of Corcovado 3$000

NOTE.—On ordinary days and church holidays the 2 p. m. train wil go to tho top of Corcovado if the weather is fine. On Sundays and Holidays ali tho trains will go to the top of Corcovado exocpt tho 8 a. m. and those after õ.30 p. m. On wet days trains will only go as far Paineiras and tho timelables for ordinary days will be in force. Th© Company has the right to suspend tho trains mentioned in tlie tiinctalile if there are no passengers ul auy of lhe Stalions. Further, it has right to suspend an ordiDary if special trains have to Lc jun for visitors or parties of foreigners. It muBt. however, give nolice of such sus- pension the previous day in tho most importànt newspaper. Rio, December 1910 The afeove is aproved by DR. ÁLVARO R0D0VALH0 M\ DOS REIS Fiscal Engineer



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m ¦ THE BOOTH STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., LIVERPOOL. Royal Mail Line of Steamers to the Northern ports of Brazil REGULAR AND FAST SERVICp OF STEAMERS BETWEEN : Liverpool, Havre, Cherbourg, Vigo, Oporto (Leixões), and Lisbon (calling at Madeira and Pará, Manáos, Iquitos, Maranhão and Ceará. ALSO BETWEKN j New-York and Pará, Manáos, Iquitos, Maranhão and Ceará (calling at Barbadoes), Regular monthly service between Buenos Ayres ànd Manáos, calling at Montevideo, Pernambuco, Ceará and Pará,

Piei ter ) AGENTS Booth & Co. - Pana.Booth & Co. - ltt»M.i_hôo. Booth & Co. - ,* ' JWanáos.Salgado Rogers & Co.- Ceara Booth & Co. - Iquitos. T. S. Boadle & Co - Buenos Ayres — A. Real d' Azua - Monteiidee

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¦ ææ¦'¦•¦... ¦¦'-;-.i-.v:'¦.¦-'¦-y.¦;¦',. '"-'-¦¦¦'¦.^\.' ' ¦¦•.:¦;. '.¦'.,.-¦ ¦¦¦.¦.•.¦¦.'"¦.', .;¦«.''¦¦ æ'.•..">¦¦."¦..<'.-¦'.¦¦ . .- Jüfaíe' íntoy 1012: THB BRAZILIAN RBVIÜW» b79v THE BRrriSH BANK OF SOUTH AMERICA, LTD. HEAD OFFICE; 2 A. MOORGATE STREET,

'-• '•'fc'- CapitalJ-o«doh._,c. '*. +,í*..í-í ¦ ¦£. "¦___ ty^j*,^... Iderrt __i_í «1,500,000 WMrve Fund860,000 RU8 Primeir0 de Março, 45 and ¦ ¦ ¦'. ;""m& Office in Rio de Janeiro j 47. Rua . . ¦ ¦. ¦' -' -.^M'Ê . _.-''.' d0 H°8P«c'o. í. 3, 5, and 7. ' ¦ranehee ati-MO PAULO, BAHIA, BUENOS AIRES, MONTEVIDEO _n« ROtARIO. ..¦'',-.'': OorrMpoadeato In i-Pernambuco. Pará. Ceará, Manáos, Vletorla, Maceió, Maranhão *''¦'.'¦'¦*¦_! ¦_!___ cm^Eto ¦~i' * '"¦•"-" -~.«—.«"-*•_> í.« f ]• _ (,tsS Orawt r_ rr* r-R,rto *-.. tu iti Htatf Oflloa In Lontfem Societá Bancaria Italiana...«^ t_M London Joint Stock Bank, •nd Cor'««Pondents in Itaiy. Limited London. Messrs._. n«E. Sain. and mil principal towns in United Kingdom. & Hijos ...... Mw|rid. Garcia Calamarte & Co;..Medrid Heine A CoPari,. '___._¦ jfet-T..Banque de BordeauxBordeaux. ^"««Pondenis in Spain. Creditr. Franoo-Portugsisª_?¦ I. Berenberg, Goesler A Co. • ¦¦....Hamburg. __„_•__. Banco de Portugal ‡ ?K__!Lisboa. and Correspondente in G-rmany. j8"1 Banco Belinzaghi. tu o _. _ índ Cor'«"P«w>dents in Portugal. Milan. The Bank of New York, ¦ iíl Banca Commerciale Italiana Genoa N. B. $....New Tora E. Raoul, Duval A Co Haire Bm^AMet- 4o,tr"»' "~ Z-1™ OmSSZÍSk.m — «*-P- Citi.. „„ W..ten, C.**'_.'*_'____„ OpJ


¦' Reserve ¦ Fund. ..'.'"¦'''¦ 8,150,000 Pounded lia. 1886 toy tto© DoutsoUe Baaaíg. HEAD OlTlTIClfi j BR.WI.IIN Rua da Alfândega, 11 - Rio de Janeiro P. 0. Box. - -OFFICES 1386 ____B_ca|;.BRANCH££, AT: Buenos Aires (B0UmAraeasta Montevideo j (JRÜCUAY Curdoba( -„«-._._.___ Concepcion Mendoza . ARGENTINA Arequipa.Iquique Barcelona Rosário Callao IOsorno CHILE Madrid I SPAIN Tucuman I,ima > PERUSantiago Trujillo _Temuco Valdivia ' ': • - ¦ Valparaiso Tie Bank ís agent of the DEUTSCHE BANK OF BERLIN (Capital & Reserves 310,000,000 Marks) and draws on the following Banks & Bankers: rNationalProvincial Bank of EJngland L,td. í Banco 1 Union of London & Lisboa e Açores, Lisbon and Bran- 8mith's Bank Ltd. PORTUGAL:. ches.lhes. VCapital & Countiès Bank LONDON. Iytd. (I. M. Fernandes Guimarães ) Deutsche Bank (Berlin) London Agency. & Go., Oporto. IJ. Henry Schrõder & Co. GERMANY: Deutsche Bank of Berlin and Bránches. '.£ünig Brothers. ¦TALY:Credito Italiano, Milan and Bránches. National d'Escompte de Paris SPAIN:Banco de Espafta, Madrid and Bránches. PARI8. Cr_dit Lyonnais. ÍComptoirDe Neuflize & Co. NEW YORK:-.Unn National City Bank of New York. lMüller8chall&Co. ***ü_ ?'.-• "World. "V . as well as on any other principal place of the ¦ The Bank transacts every kind of banking- business,j|ens eirrent accounts and accepts Deposits at fixed at most favorable rates. periods Issues LettersWCredit available in ali parts of the World. Zenha Ramos & Co. CHRIST CHURCH, RUA EVARISTO DA VEIOA^ NO 01 ^ (Alight from trams in front of 73, RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO, 73 the Municipal Theatre, Avenida Central.) RIO r>ID JAINHHRO SERVICES. -According to the use of the Church of England. FIRST 1 Importers, Exporters and Commissarios AND THIRD SUNDAYS OF THE MONTH. Matins, Holy Communion. and Sermon Hteamship Agente. at 1J a.m. -íí A OTHER SUNDAYS OF THE MÒNTIL Draw on the foreign markets, Collection Matins and Sermon at 11 a.m. principal Holy Communion at 9 a.m. undertaken Telegraphic Remittances, MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS, CHURCHINGS. ETC, Stock Exchange business transacted etc,. By Previous Arraugement with the Chaplain, the Rev. W. Verger Gr.ham M. A. ot "HOMERO" the Mr. Strube, at the British Library, Rua Gonçalves Dia* N. 2 C^ixalo Correio (P. 0. BOX) 964 Telegrams: Rio First Floor.

. ¦-. -; ¦¦ ¦ 1013. 680 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. hm+ ll*h, ¦*¦ LONDON AND BRAZILIAN BANK, LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1862. Capital £ st, 000,000 Capital paid up. £ 1,000,000 Reserve Fund.... 45 1,000,000 li»'';-.;¦ ¦¦'.'•-.:;.•"-:''¦,¦' :¦''•;• < C Head Office 7, Tokenhonae yard, -London, 10. Branch Office in Rio de Janeiro, 19, Kna da Alfândega. Paria Branch 5, Rue -écribe, Paria. Draws on Head Office and the following Branches:— Í.ISB0N OPORTO, MANÁOS, PARA, CEARA,PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA, SANTOS, S. PAULO, CURIt . MONTEVIDEO, BUENOS AIRES, ROSÁRIO DE SANTA ** TYBA* - MO GRANDE SUL, PORTO ALEGRE, PARIS and NEW YORK (Agency). Also on the following Bankers:— Crédit Lyonnais—Spain. Bank—Áustria-Hungary Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co.—London. Anglo-Oesterreichische 8oCiété Générale—Pari» and Branches. (Anglo-Austrian Bank). Messrs. Joh. Berenbarg, GosBler & Co.—Hamburg. Banco de Portugal—Portugal. Credito Italiano—Italy. Imperial Ottoman Bank—Turkey, Ao. CORRESPONDENTS. fhe Bank has AgentB or Correspondents in ali the principal Ports and Cities of Brazil, Uruguay, Argenthr, United States, and Europe. PLATE BANK. LIMITED. & RIVER ¦ . :.!-,.-:-..-u.;-;:-j;-...;-_-..w„:ir-'.;l^.,--':.rt::- .:¦•¦ THE LONDON ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦. ¦ ENTABL1NHKD 1862. CAPITAL £4.000.000 -2? AUTHORISED Í-S _ "f^ SUBSCRIBED3.000.000 »?¦¦:: PAIO UP 1.800.000 ^ RESERVE FUND •• 2.000.000 Z 29 RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA and 112 RUA DA QUITANDA And at London, Paris, Antwerp, New York, Santos, S. Paulo, Pernambuco, Pará, Manáos, Bahia, Curityba, Victoria, Buenos Aire s, Rosário, Mendoza, Concórdia, Bahia Blanca, Barracas, Cordobt, Paraná, Tucuman, Once, Boca, Montevideo, Paysandü, Salto and Valparalso. _4k€S-lfi-MCIlC» IN BRAZIL'

Maranhão, Ceará, Maceió, Rio Grande do oul, Pelotas and Porto Alegre. ¦ •' '¦¦¦ ¦ Correspondents in ali other chief towns of Brazil.

BILLS OF EXCHANGE issued and purchased on the CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened with commercial irmã sal following plaeei:— private individuais. LONDON and ali the principal towns of the UNITED DEPOSITS received for fixed perioda or at 80 dava' notice KINGDOM. of withdrawal. PARIS and ali the principal towns of FRANCE and of LETTERS OF CRÉDIT issued. GERMANY, PORTUGAL and ITALY; alio on the STOCK and SHARE ORDERS executed and every deacrip- ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY, CHILE, tion of banking business conduoted. UNITED STATES, CANADA and JAPAN. TERMS aacertainable on application to the Bank.

. :*¦¦ !¦•¦ '¦..". BRASIUANISCHE BANK FUR DEUTSCHLAND Established 1887 by and Representatives in Brazil of the xeotion dier JDisoonto - C-frosollsolaeift, Berlinp and IMoicdlcte-u.tjsolxe ZOsa__!____. l__x _fHEeuxi.'fc>'u.x>&y _BCa,x__-_'l3Vi._far. Capital Realised#. ¦. * 10,000,000 Marks > - Reserve Fund.. . ¦ ¦ ¦ 3,300,000 HEAD OFFICE HAMBURG Branch vlffices Rio de Janeiro, Caixa 108 - São Paulo, Caixa 520-Santos, Caixa 185 Porto Alegre, Caixa 27-Bahia, Caixa 152 Cable Address in Brazil: ALLEMABANK COBBBBPONDBMT8 im : Fará, Manáos, Maranhão, Ceará, 1 eruanibuco, Maceió, Parahyba do Norte, Victoria, Bio Grande do Sul, Pelotas, Curityba, Paranaguá, Santa Catharina, etc. Draws on;— Crédit Lyonnais, Paris branches Piris. Direction and |í-":'v'" der Disconto Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris Paris. Gesellschaft, Berlin ¦?•._.»_._. / Société Générale (pour favoriser etc.) Piris. Germany and Branches and correspondents. «rance.. { La-ard Frères4 Co. Paris. Norddeutsche Bank in' De Neuflize A Co. Paris. Hamburg, Hamburg Heine A Co. Paris. M. Rothschild A Sons London Credito Italiano Direction der Disconto Gesellschaft London Italj .. Societa Bancaria Italiana Manchester and Liverpool District Bauking Portugal—Banco Lisboa A Açores and correspondente Limited England e e s • • • Company London Spain—Banco Hispano Americano. Union of London and Smiths Bank Ltd. London United States, Ar gentinn, Uruguay, Chile, Memieu SN.Wm. Brandi's Sons A Co. London and any other countries. - Opons accounts current. Páys interest on deposits for fixed periods. Executes orders for purchase and sale of' stock, shares. etc. and transacts every description of banking business. Jünè llth, 1912. THB BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 681 ^-ffâ_r^Cík_^__irs(_J__&-___-N.A <_-__«__-.- <___ _%__ _. , *§ I -¦'¦'^""'ifvvvvtivwwvvvwwiwWIM "<"_**»-*-^^u^^ »^^VVVVV»(VVVVVW» )tofemàv(ê5_) London. Paris. Biarritz, Lausanne. Rome, Johannesburg, Buenos Aires 1QÓ RUA DO OUVIDOR 100.

iS yBT^jSNfe*»!^m ¦-:¦,'»: ______¦l_T "¦ viyr^w.mWÊã - __E?. —J- . j_ :;U___>W______F_t_fe_\i__F Large variety DEPARTMENT3: of Silver- Jewellery, mounted Toilet Solid Silver, Requisites, Fancy Silver,«*Prince's _B_tvji____R m^^.Á. a£?v^f _T!Pl_L_n____H_ Plate", soid separately or in _B_____!-T-fcOfeS--,->3wlB^S__*ü__ü B|_/__Hh_- Leather cases. Goods, Glass and __H _• __9^^!_2___í_l^^^_I B_ _^___BiHw Art Pottery.

^______M______g__l_.) *iBii_-^?^imf_^^^^uB-S^___^___^r

and ali particulars on appücation. Telegrams:JCatalogues MAPPIN, Rio.-Telephone, 489 - Central.-Post Office Box, 115 -.—-•_- -_*-___• «* -__.x^ JtüJL __*.«-_?.| W__-_--i/-.------_---l_— j ^Tvffijf^^wwwvwuf è

* H0RUCK'S *


_, , For Infants, Invalids, the Aged and Travellers.

An ideal lunch food. Prepared by dissolvirig in water. No cooking or milk required. ..

Sole Agents for Brazil

' •' : ¦* ( ' ', PAUL J. CHRISTOPH Co. Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. L~«T~ij*,«~T«^j~™T*^r:~r~'-ri"r~:"- '-i-r-iir-~~*'—"**—~~"~ ? 1,1 HBVIBW. June Htb, 1913. 682 THE BRAZILIA» June 11 ' '¦ ¦ ' B¦¦" • "PYRENE"_MW^WMM^w,Wi^__.>_U--__»i^*i^»»" 9¦"^MW»*--_^_<_^W----«_-_-^W«^BMMW |«T» «n VI THE FIRE IN THE GARAGE Yesr. V Fire Extlngulshers Where açores ef oare are etereti every day-whsre fcg Compare the cost of PYRENE aet as the very alr reeks of^tho odour of gasolina—there Is- Mi with. that of a «re Insuranee polley snd then ICIf Io constant danger of fire. intelliienee dlreets. You will huy an oqulpment your it is obvious, therefore, that every garage should:: ;^ 19» 3 for your garage as an addltlonal Si of extlngulshers be equipped to meet an emergeney that Is oonstantly proteotion. dreaded. InON-M.... *AY restore te you the í The ordinary Insuranee Every should be provided with PYRENE and Ittf eontents. garage . Oecrsase . amount you invested In your garage Fire Extlngulshers, whioh will kill any Inelpient ftree operation of yôur ; ¦ut It WÒNT Insure the sontinued even if their orlgin be In gasoline or oll*soaked: ear and the use of the garage. substanoes... PYRENE wlli extlngulsh Inolpient flres even among PYRENE Extlngulshers are eompaet and een- ' í> of the n • - — It i the most Inflammable materiais. The eontents vsnient. They are ftlled with a eomblnatlon of of powerful gases when subjeoted cabána issi extlngulshers are a oomblnafion powerful gases In liquid form, whioh at 8'p.m. whsn subjeoted to a tempera- MB degrses or over, Is instantly in liquid form. This, to a temperatura of of the issu< ture of 2M degrses or ovsr, is Instantly traneformed transformed Into a heavy, dry, eoherlng, nor^polsonous — blanket tbe Carne from Las Into a heavy, dry, eoherlng, non-poisonoue gas gas blanket This slmply separates at the burnlng substanee substanee by LIFTINO OFF THE city that separates the flame from the the búrning Paulo, Mal FLANE. PYRENE FLAMES. PYRENE will not injure varnlshed surfaeee by Slmply LIFTINQ OFF THE m The town : Liquid will not freeie at •*» Fahr. bslow xero. or upholstery. Paulo. Th

After every possible test by the ofnoials, «PYRENE» has been adopted by the CORPO DE BOMBEIROS m of Rio de Janeiro for use on their automoblles and wagons. ¦¦_*_¦THIC WE THINK SPEAKg FOR ITSELF. m SOLE AGENT IN BRAZIL Wilfred H. Baker Wm. C 'ê* Son, Ltd., HOSPÍCIO N. 153— Sobrado shares of 4s RUA DO n 68 = Telephone, 4800 == RIO DE JANEIRO. for the year , Caixa Postal, à The M 4 Compagnie'i for São Paulo SgiNGTON & Co. Rua Cômmercio, surplus Sole Agent " **B. * -» ----- '-^ of - - — - _— —¦ æ1 ‡ ____ devoted to > boiler reser> and the bal NOTICE 1914. It is being organised by the Netherlands Indies the Chairmc ¦¦',,•¦. -*#. •¦ *"*»_¦¦¦ aaafã*' thavte^y . Agricúltural Syndicate, which also brought about sible Boldt to at 1 % We beg to advise our readers that Frederico successful Fibre Congress and Exhibition at Sourabayá in The issue oi hás no connection whatever with the Brazilian Review and Both Congress and Exhibition have the support of been behall. 1911. sanetie Yjear Book, and is not authorised to canvass on our the Government of the Nethertl^nds East Indies, and the Pacific We are also requested to state that his connection with Governor General is Honorary President. Both the Con- Steam Navi the Brazilian Commercial Guide has been suspended. matters con- gress and the Exhibition will deal with ali the past yej cerning rubber-production (wild and plantation-rubber) and fiind, amóur the preparatiòn of the crude product, in the broadest sense ward. £40, of the word, whereas other branches of the culture and! in serve fund, gtaHwr dustry such as the production and preparatiòn of balpta, posed, maki will be ali attention.; It £8,739 Telegram from London. Spot on June 7 th jelotong and gutta-percha given to cá quotation to state that the rubber-culture hard Pará was 4s. 8d., as against 4s. 7d. on May is hardly necessary fnà for fine be deàljb with as 4s. 7d.;on May 24th. industry—which develop so rapidly—will 81st, and o£ Cori^ess^ and that Stoett of Rubber. According to the figures given at regards their condition at the|1|i-i-è | will be brought ais*mücti Ujr to date a# laj-t weefe's Cabihét Meeting the stock of Rubber at Pará everything possible. The organisers of the Exhibition call attention to the íact on, June lst was 2,958 tons and at Manáos 88 tons, a total this will be the first International Rubber Èxhibi;tion of 8,046 tons. Compared with May 25th there is a net that The Coi to be held in one of the important rubber-pioducing hjcrease of 32 tons, as stock increased 44 tons at Pará and is iss countries. The management will be in the capable hands ^Paulo>"6Í decreased 12 tons at Manáos. On June 3rd, .1911, stock the trans of Major-General G. H. de Voogt, President of the Rubber ai Pará and Manáos was 5,826 tons, or 2,780 tons more and the gerit Planters Association, Batavia, and of Mr. H. J. Lov|nk, '. on the same date this The Con t- than year.^ Agriculture, Industry, — As will be seen from óur London telegram, rubber Director of the Department of jand São Paulo) is wilí,;be l^tter on. are somewhat firmer, while stock at Manáos and Commerce, Batavia,. Details publJ8|i^d the Coi prices — Apropos thãt á^neàris of making Fará is much about the same as last week. Things are of the statement da Ponte (Stí with regard tò the representation of Brazil at synthetic rubber with terebinth had been discovered, Interest at t 6|{ now moving lètter New York Rubber Exhibition. One of the latest ad- Messrs. O. Labroy and V. Caylá write an interestirig yeàrs, for th the scep- herents to the representation is the State of Bahia. The to the «Jornal do Cômmercio.» They are decidedly The Em arç of Goverrior of í»ará has telegràphed to Paris and given orders tical as to the qualities of the new «rubber» and is raising a 1 Terebinth that the Brazilian rubber which was shown at the Turin opinion that it must be of a very inferior order. The Bra ÉXhibitión shall be sent to New York. This exhibit will, makes up 85 per cent. of the substanGe,,-:and\ in..1907,fand par of 50,000 however, be considerably amplfied by additions of speci- 1908 the market for terebinth suffered a slump, prices fali- shares will r mens from the various districts of the State of Pará. A ing some 50 per cent. > At pres^it thte Supply of this com- rate òf 6 pei commission is being appointed to look after the exhibit and modity is comparatively small,.and there is no margin for ordinary shar Supposing that the we trust to go to New York to push a propaganda. We have, in- any suddenly increased demand. jnew thai cidentally, received various arlvices from New York to th_ process was capable of turning out 10,000 tf ns cf ruí>ber Brazilian effect that such people as are proposing to go to the E«- per annum, òr about l/Sth of the world's production otjthe regiatration hijbition had better order their rqoms some time before natural article, no less than 8,500 tons of terebinth wt>uld : £1,000,000 (f hand,; ás Séptèmber is-represented as being a busy month have to be used, with the result that the price Would'; rise as bankers, c fór hotéis in that city. at once, and it would be no longer possible to producepthe the security c — Rubber Congress and Exhibition synthetic rubber at a of 1 franc 25 as is at .oripersonal, *Mw.£&*>, An International price ' * '""n^y^«prg|ent be held at Batavia (Nethérlands East Indies) in April, proposed.* ..other So.uth


¦¦¦¦¦¦;: ' ¦¦ ''''¦'.' ¦ ¦¦'¦..".. ¦ ¦.-;¦¦ ¦¦¦ 1 :¦ - ¦ - ¦- . :¦¦ .¦¦'¦- V.;

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" -:;¦.. " ¦¦'¦ '.-f '.. -. ¦ . /¦¦:¦ . ."'.:¦¦ ;'¦.'-¦ ¦-!¦.-:¦¦. ¦¦:¦ :. -; ' ¦ v .- . :. •¦.¦.'¦..¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦/' ¦ June llth, 1912. f:2 THB BRAZILIAN REVIEW. —¦— ... æ683

¦ i.i. l^itaf fM :11ÍÉVUBgP^It^ RAILWAY COMPANY. Chelsea Embankment S W > La n v ííorW^:*t*•» * ¦¦i_ BtTIMATID WIIKLV TRAFPIO MOIim 'iTTTlrTaflrfl"""'P* *«.. f°g W6*kTol*,|_'1™ || .. ¦ ; .-.. ¦ , . Currency.Exeh.Sterling. Juuuary fS_SS5SWÍ^Hoarríer' áated ?6th September, at 8 p.m. on the day the subscriptions opened. Detaila lfc^ln^WK Hoyal of the issue will be found in our last issue. arUtbie^.m_Tmlby ^0m^ —-Last week the .official arrivalof the railway line DÍr%to^Ír at the city of Rio Tereo on the borders of the States 0w_? philjPP». K.C.M.G., chairman; AUred of São Williams, Esq., Paulo, Matto Grosso, and Minas Geraes was celebrated. n deputy chairman; Spencer Henry The town is 552 kilometres distant Curtis, Esq James Caineron-Head, Esq., from the city of São John Captain Paulo. The line will run eventuallaY to Cuyabá. Henry Jellicoe, William C. Kenny, Esq., AÍthur Nevile Lubbock, Esq., Edward Norton, Esq., Sir Joseph Savory, Bart.æF Managing Director-Sir Owen Philipps Manager—B. L. Forbes, Esq. Secretary—C . E. Davies, Esq. :H<1 Wm. Cory and Son. The directors of Wm. Cory bon, J_td., and Beport of the recommend a final dividend on the Ordinarv court of directors submitted to the pro- shares of 4s per share, less income-tax, making 8 cent. Steam °~w.- for the per £__.meeting held_Íh W ^ail at «"— year ended 31st March last. at the Cannon Street tHotel, London, on Th© Messageries Wednesday, the lst ^ Maritimes. The accounts of the day of May. 1912, at lÚ» afternoon Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes °_u(llrectors had òf Paris show a • pleasure in to ¦ surplus rhA _™£ T presenting J\ of £312,000 for 1911, of which £200,000 has been aeC°UntS fWthe «^ devoted to &$2__£_, •>-' depreciation of the , £40,000 placed to the 19Tl8UdÍted boiler reserve fund, £64,000 allowed to the insurance It is gratifying that, notwithstanding fund, he an increase in and the balance carried forward. At the recent meeting cost oi working the steamers. the _£__»resuTfòr the Chairman expressed the hope that it would soon be Í6VÍ6W haS béeu í^onrable, pos- nositlZ^6' and that thé sible to at least pay 5 per cent. on the Preference shares. position of the company continues to improve. The issue Cf a lóan of £2,200,000 redeèmable by 1937 has r!gard ¥° th,e development of the business been sanctioned. ,.n..w ^a8 eC.t0^8 the oXL m • í?Cently Petition*d the King's Most Ex- Pa_*fi^Steam Navigation. The report of the Pacific y C0U?CU for the bteama_ Navigation _^__ ^f]e. ?' Srantof a l^het supple, Co., Limited, states that the profits for the oomPany the after transferring _^_ %Sff- \Í°ntei ^P°n additional past year, £5,000 to the benevolent powers (including the creation of new capital) and fund, amounted to £135,744, while £6,038 thev are was brought for- MajeBty the Ki"8- at th« CoLcil ward. £40,000 has been transferred to the dividend re- he d « MPOT1°h ti28'hiast' ?ÍS w» serve fund, and a final distribution to theth. 2Í P'«»ed to approve the grant of 4 per cent. is pro- company of the new supplemental charter. posed, making 6 per cent. for thé twelve months, leaving £8,739 to cárry forward. large ttíPle™™ -teamar Ariana (14'8?°..tons)flTSíííT? b/f ?fMessrs. Harland nearingn««Sf- completion, and Woíff is and this fine vessel will take up her posjtion m the South American mail service !___«___ °D 2Ut J.U"e- In mm strenSTh order -' --**« an. #«es position on the South American lo2*?Ja* r, ^P^shaS b_len with r The Companhia PonBf;,w- plaCed the same firm for the Central de Armazems Geraes (São " mEÜ steamer: 8Ímilar '.'¦:> to the ^ Paulo) is issuing a loan of 1.000:000$ for the organisatíoa Adanza*" òf the transport service, the construetion of new dèpots, The new twin-screw steamers ánd thé and Deseado, Demerara general expansion of its business. Desna (each of 11,240 tons register),'wTll ¦ The Companhia de Força e gross _.% Luz de Bragança (State of biY builders, and they will, with São Paulo) is raising its capital to 400:000$. twotwoSlfed sister vessels alsoí6 nearing completion, The Companhia de Fiação new mtermediate inaugurate a e Tecidos Nossa Senhora passenger and cargo service between da Ponte (State of São Paulo) is raising a loan of 1.500:000$. this country and South America. at the rate of Jhtérest 8 per cent. per annum, duration 20 The arrangements referred to in the last Ínterim years, for the development of its ior acquiring report business. an interest in the business of the Lamport The Empreza de Melhoramentos de Poços de Caldas ancr Holt lme have been completed, is and the closer working raising a loan of 450:000$ in the São Paulo market. with that Company is advantageous. The Brazil Company proving Railway is making an issue at of directors in December last, in par of 50,000 shares of 100 tioní> •?_.C?yrt conjunc- preference dollars each. These with Messrs. Elder Dempster and Co., Ltd., entered shares will have a right to a cumulativo dividend at the into an agreement with rate Messrs. Donald Cume and Co to òf 6 per cent. The company is also issuing 20,000 Purchase the business and the ordinary ü ordinary shares of 100 shares of the :.M dollars each. This is news by cable, Union Castle Mail Steamship Company, Ltd. ; we trust that details will arrive shortly ment An agree- by post. was at the same time made with Messrs. Donald Brazilian Trust and Loan Corporation. The following Ourne and Co., for their registration is providing retirement from the recorded at Somerset House:—May 13. management of the-Union Castle Line. : £1,000,000 Trust, loan, and agency The agreements (£5). company; to act °?í?Pleted as arranged on the 18th April. The fleet as bankers, capitalista, and merchants; to lend money on oiTll the ümon Castle Line the security of consists of 44 steamers,' having land, house, or other property, whether real an approximate aggregate register vOri personal, òf any description in Brazil, Argentina, gross of 319,514 tona. and y The remaining portion of the capital of the B.M.S.P. Òtber So.uth Arperican States, or elsewhere. The signa- Company (under previous charters), viz., £100,000 £5 per :_-,-,,,,p?i

June llth, 1912. 684 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW.

oent; stook, and £800,000 ordinary stock, was fact our new business amounted to Rs.27.196:000$000, or preference In the same manner issued in January last at par, making tKe paid-up capital Rs.7.000:000$000 more than last year. £2,100,000..-_. ali the items of the company's revenue show an appreciable Issues of debenture stock were made in February in increase, while it may be noted that this satisfactory result very slight increase indeed in ex- order to providé part payment for the purchase of the was achieved with a ordinary shares of the Union Castle Mail Steamship Com- penditure, as you will notice when looking into the accounts which are herewith submitted to approval. . pany, Ltd., and for the general purposes of the company. your To facilitate the working of the Transatlantic and ASSETS. inter-colonial steamers at Trinidad (now the transfer station in the West Indies), a number of lighters and coal barges In our opinion there ia no better means of arriving at and a coal hulk have been provided for that station. :v just estimate of the position and gradual development of In connection with the additional cohtracts recently a company than by a comparison of each item of its assets entered into for the conveyance of frozen and chilled meat with the corresponding item of the previous year. Adopt- from the River Plate to England, it has been found neces- ing this method you will observe that the total assets of sary to provida two new self-propelled meat barges for the company amount to Rs.31.776:849$804 as against auxiliary service in the River Plate, one of which (named Rs.29.410:811$649 at the end of our last financial D.it) is nearing completion. year. This large sum is made up by bonda of For some time the court have had under consideration the Public Debt to the amount of Rs. 10.024:480$970, tbe desiralJJity of erecting offices at Buenos Aires and house property to the value of Rs.6.050:840$549, mort- on recently they purcl.i;sed a valuable site in the centre of the gages to the value of Rs.3.245:175$080, loans policies ; b tsiness quartór «_ .hat city, where it is proposed to erect Rs.2.210:578$205, fixed deposits with banks Rs.5.500:000$, a bttilding suitable for the company's business. current accounts with banks Rs.825:885$554, the mail an increase as compared with the Since lhe publication of the Ínterim report ali of which items show Las been sold. figures of last year. There is no need for ua to call special steamer Mde holders by . : The twin-screw steamer Arcadian, recently ntted out attention to the security offered to our policy in manner. as a special ocean yacht, has proved to be most popular our funds being invested in such a service, and, commencing . the New York-Bermuda winter PREMIUM INCOME. June next, this fine vessel will make a series of tours in Dur- from England to Norway and the northern capitais, before, the increase in new business the Arcadian As we mentioned ing the months of October and November effected, although it does not surprise us in view of the de luxe to the Mediterranean, will make special cruises ' confidence we have in the energetic work of our staff, and the Holy Land, and Egypt.. is certainly a cause of being satis-*• in the methods we have adopted, The various services of the company are we see the amounting to to report that ali satisfaction to us since production factorily carried out, and it is pleasing Rs.27.196:000$000, which added to previous insurances in which tbe R.M.S.P. company has an in- the companies in force, brings our premium income up to Rs.7.748:065$362 oi terest show improving results. more than in the You of the Panamá Canal about Rs.500:000$000 previous year. The anticipated early opening will thus see that the crisis already referred to is now of the court of directors. Inis is engaging the attention almost a thing of the past, and that we are justified in ex- afford the company an opportunity of deyelop- event will pecting the yearly increase in our new business to continue. íng its valuable connèctions in the North and bouth Pacific. RESERVES. company's fleet at this date has a tonnage of The closely You are aware of the importance of the reserves held 237 502 tons. The fleets of the other companies of the R.M.S.P. Company by insurance companies and of the necessity for their being affiíiated with the management On tons, which, together with the com- carefully calculated and the amounts properly invested. represent 1,072,690 depends solvency of the own fleet make up a total of 1,310,192 tons. the existence of these reserves the panv's"After company and consequently the security offered to making provision for depreciation, transferring policy £40,000 to the insurance fund, and holders. At the end of our last financial year these £40,000 to reserve fund, has the amount of the dividend on the preference reserves amounted to Rs.25.679:799$000, and this sum dedueting increased to Rs!28.456:231$000 in spite of lapsea stock, the court recommend that a dividend of £5 per cent., now been on the ordinary stock, the dividend and the payment of insurances maturing, surrenders, and less income-tax, be paid we be on the 4th próximo. death claims, a fact which shows the special attention warrants to posted In fact we always make a òf The transfer books were closed on 20th April, and pay to this matter. point holding reserves stronger than are absolutely necessary for Will be re-opened after 4th May., U who retire by rotation are Captain John the solvency of the company. A study of the balance The directors nature of the Jellicoe and Mr. Spencer Henry Curtis, and being sheet will give the best indication as to the Henry in which these reserves are investedi eligible they offer themselves for re-election. securities ; The auditors, Sir Richard Pennefather, C.B., and Mr. DEATH CLAIMS. Lee Nichols,' F.C.A., also retire by rotation, and Charles to offer themselves for re-election. Death claims paid during the year amounted directors. Rs.2.066:270$784, and we have the satisfac- '.< '^[.: By order of the court of tion of informing you that once more the OWEN PHILIPPS, Chairman. amount thus paid was less than might have 26th April, 1912. been expected. This serves to prove the care exer- cised in the selection of our risks. Including this amount, OfficesT-18 Moorgate Street, London, E.C. the company has now paid a sum of Rs.20.834:656$124 to the heirs of policy holders or duly apppinted beneficaries during the sixteen years of its existence, in addition to the ac- SIXTEENTH REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET OF amount paid during the lifetime of policy holders on count of policies maturing or being surrendered for cash. a THE «SUL AMERICA» LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. This fact in itself is sufficient to show how important part is played in our social life by such an institution as Head Office—Rua do Ouvidor, 80-82, Rio de Janeiro. the «Sul America.» PROFIT TO POLICY HOLDERS. Funds—Rs.31.776:849$304. In our last balance sheet this item amounted to /Gentlemen,—It is always with pleasure that, in com- Rs.2.523:010$9Q8, and has now been raised 3Í7$483, notwithstanding the fact pliance with the terms of our statutes, we render an ac- to Rs.2.610: çount to the shareholders of the progress made by the that during the last financial year we dis- company. The effects of the crisis, brought about by tributed about Rs.300:000$000 among policy holders, various causes, which oceasioned a certain falling off in whose policies entítled them to participate on the expiry.of new business in the past year have not entirely disap- the period of accumulation of profits. During the preVious péared; and it is, therefore, with ali the greater satisfaction year the company had returned in the form of profits 25 that our when compared with cent. of the in the case of whose *thatthat we can state production per premiums paid policies of previous years shows considerable ittípròvement. In period of accumulation was 15 years, and 12 per cent, in ~ - - •> ‡ » «TI, "_.j~viJ-V._*Ti, ^^E t i !- ,June llth, 1912. THB BRAZILIAN REVIBV/ 685

the oase of of 10 It policies years. is gratifying for us to submitted to the approval inform you that We have màintained the same rate of the shareholders, the auditora of dis- have now pleasure in issuing their tnbution throughout the year that has just ended, and we report. confidently expect The causes to which the report of 1910 assigned the '¦¦¦'.'. that in years to come, given the normal aimmution development in the number of new insurances were much of the company'soperations and its steady less apparent we shall during thé year 1911, and for this reason the progress, be able to distribute among policy company was enabled holders even higher rates than at to increase the amount of new present. business to more than Bs.27.000:000$000, an extraordinary and enoouraging proof of progress. HALF-YEABLY DBAWINGS. Comparing the company's assets in 1910 with those ¦¦¦: of 1911, it will be seen that the securities owned by the In accordance with the rules of the company, the company have increased in ali their respectivo brançties V: half-yearly drawings took place on the dates appointed both without any corresponding for rise in expenditúre. This fact policies of 10 contos and for those of 5 contos. The shows with what care the directors number of have safeguarded the policies thus freed from the payment of future interests of policyholders, by doing ali in was their power not premiums 135, which, added to those which have been only to make up the increase in the reserves, but also to drawn from the foundation of the company to the increase the amount held for distribution as date, represent present profits to a total of Bs. 12.000:000$000 of insurance, policy holders. In order that shareholders may form a which continue in force while the policy holders enjoy alí true estimate as to the financial nosition of the company, the advantages accruing " therefrom without any payment it is only necessary for the auditors to remind them that of premiums. under two headings «Government Bonds» and «Fixed Deposits» there is a sum of more than Rs.l5.000:000$000; TBANSFEB OF SHARES. that in the «Current Accounts» there is a sum of Rs825 -.000$ immediately available ; a sum oi Bs.3.245:000$000 is put During the year the number of shares transfered by out in loans on first mortgage; while more than inlieritance or otherwise was 3,509. Rs.6.000:000$000 are invested in real and other properties In concluding this report, which it is our duty to lay of an absolutely safe character; the total assets reaching before we beg Rs.31.776:849$304. you, to state that we are prepared to give 's you any further information that you may consider neces- During the year 1911 the company revenue reached sary to enable you to form an opinion as to our administra- tlie sum of Rs.9.581:398$406, which leaves a balance over tion. We would also take the opportunity of expressing and above expenditúre of Bs.3.444:732$798. our acknowledgment of the valuable ássistance which At the close of the year just ended, the reserves have has been raised to been rendered by the whole staff both in Brazil and in Rs.28.456:231$000, and the amount stand- tlie bránches abroad. ing to the credit of policy holders, as profits, to Bio de Janeiro, SOth.March, Rs.2.610:317$483, in spite of the fact that a sum of about 1912. Charles J. Quiney, Rs.300:000$000 was distributed Dr. José Augusto de Freitas, João Moreira Magalhães, during the year. W. A. Beeves, directors. The auditors feel it is quite unnècessary to repeat What they have affirmed on previous occasions with regard to the high esteem in which they hold REPORT OF THE AUDITORS. the services of- thé directors, since the figures appearing in the report are more eloquent than any words of theirs Having can be. carefully examined the accounts, which con- «Sul America» Life Insurance Company, 8th firm the correctness of figures May, 1912. the contained in the report Nunó de Andrade, Sancho de Barros Pimentel, M. A. dá of the directors for the year 1911, which has just been Costa Pereira.

BALANCE SHEET OF THE SUL AMERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ON MARCH 30th, 1912. . ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Réis House Property Béis 6.050:8409549 Capital Loans on Firat Mortgage 3.245:1758030 Reserves 500:0009000 Loans on Policies '.','. '.'.'. 28.466:2319000 ...... 2.210:5788205 Profits for Policyholders ... B ... _. )** ... 2.610:3178483 Government Bonds ... 10.024:4838970 Premiums in Other suspense, paid for assurances not vet Securities 1.962:005$8'0 completed '//. 48:5579052 Fixed Deposits:Réis Deposits Braailianische ... „' 20:3809866 Bank für Deutsohland 2.500.0O0S00O Outstanding claims, ooupons, annuities and profits ... 91:5589783 Banoo Allemão Transatlântico _.000:000$000 Other sums owing by the Oompany 49:8049130 Banca Francese e Italiana per 1'America dei Sud ... 1.000:0008000 5.500:000$00U Current Accounts ... 825:8358554

" ' ¦ Cash in hand ... 4:3238174 . Oapital in Foreign Branchetf 1.125:0088148 Outstanding Interest, Dividenda, and Bents ... 250:1968436 Agents' Balances 313:5358497 Furnishings, Head Office and Branohes 183:0008000 Other sums due to the Oompany 81:8698911 Réis 31.776:8498304 Réis 31.776:8498304

E. A O. E. Rio de Janeiro, March 30th, 1912, CHARLES J. QUINEY, DR. JOSÉ' AUGUSTO DE FREITAS, Dr. JOÃO MOREIRA MAGALHÃES, W. A. BEEVES. Directors; W. S. LE MON, Superintendent; PICANÇO DA COSTA, Accountant; EDMUND F. PRICE F. F. A. Actuary.

CASH ACCOUNT OF THE SUL AMERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 30ttl, 1912. r RECEIPTS. Réis EXPENDITÚRE.Réis Premiums ...... 7.748:065S362 Claims by death 2.066:2708784 '¦¦" Interest Dividends and Rents 1.833:3338044 Surrenders and Policies maturing 869:4368254 ;;#|f Coupons and annuities 95:5908812 Réis Amount paid to Policyholders 3.03182978850 Medioal Expenses 90:6638638 Taxes 13276138124 Agents' commissions, expenditúre at Branohes and other expenses connected with New Business ¦•• ... 1.712:1608464 General Expenses, Salaries, Stamps, Tele- grams, Stationery, ébo 1.169:930S5.<2 •¦¦ ¦¥ SurplUB of Receipts over Expenditúre 3.444:7328798 9.581:398$406 9.581:3988406 APPLICATION OF SURPLUS. To Reserves 3.036:8558730 The Reserves were increased to 2Í.456:231$000 To Profits for Policyholders 356:6278068 The profits for Policyholders were increased to 2.610:3178483 Dividend to Shareholders ... 50:0008000 Tax. on Dividend 1:2508000 3.444:7328798

FREITAS, MOREIRA E AO E. Bio de Janeiro, March 30th, 1912. CHARLES J. QUINEY, DR. JOSÉ' AUGUSTO DE DR. JOÃO MAGALHÃES, W. A. REEVES, Directorr. W. S. LE MON, Superintendent. PICANÇO DA COSTA, Accountant. EDMUND= F. PRICE. F- F. A. Actuary.

• .' •^ ¦'¦¦ '. ¦• SP? THE BRAZILIAN. REVIEW, June llth, 1912: 6S6 '!¦ ¦•,• L___:

?'<:• -'-V' * **"'_ . ' To the Editor of the «Brazilian Review.» " f-1-4 ' San Panlo Coffee Estates. Mr. Tíarks, presiding at tHe meeting of the San Paulo Coffee Estates, Limited, on May, 1912. May I4th, said they had had the best year in the histpry of the company. Their crop had shown an increase of 26 cent. in the. amount of coffee obtained and 24 cent. Dear Sir,—Brazilian commerce has made enormous per per it is in the actual price realised. The last amounted progress during the past decade and continuing profits year to do so at an astonishing rate, not only in volum. to £88,600, ac compared with £46,008 in the preious year. Expenses had been higher, however, consequent on the in- and value, but in the system of work in the large houses. In direction the change can be seen from crease in thé crop and an endeavour on the part of the almost every condi- board to improve the position of the oòlonists. They tions suited only to a. Central American country, to the hàd written off £20,000, placed £15,000 to reserve, !and most modern improvements. after payihg 7 per cent. for the year on thè preferred and The typewriter is to-day found in business houses deferred shares, there was a balance of £14,010, out of which a year or so ago could not see its value; a small which théy proposed to pay a further dividend of 8 per thing in one way, but important es an indication. Tele- cent, on the preferred shares and a further dividend pf phone system s are being improved and used to save the 2 1/2 per cent. on the deferred- shares. time which was of no importance until recently. Rail- ways and automobiles are multiplyihg rapidly in an attempt to cone with the growing transport needs of the country. In only one respect is Brazil lacking in modern con- ditions, but that lack is a serious one. PracticaUy tfl transactions are still còmpleted with payment in actual Potes money instead of with cheques, as each bank will only take cheques drawn on itself. instead of making deposit of Gold Cheques for the payment of import dues during cheques received, they must be sent round and cashed at the month. of Ma^ amounted to 4.171:037$868, ali issued the different banks, thus losing their chief use and forcing b the Bank of Brazil. everyone to handle the actual money. To anyone used to Rio Customs Revenue for May amounted to business conditions elsewhére, this seems an impossible 4.193:665$524 gold and 6.3Í7:418$367 paper, tequivalent to condition. It is not for lack of good banks, as there are £892,948, as against £826,318 for ttie same month last plenty of excellent institutions both native and foreign. year, an increase of £66,630. The reason is found in the absence of a clearing house Inconvertible Notes in Circulation on May 3lst system, as this does not exist even in Rio or São Paulo. It amçunted to 610,045:789$000 as compared with is possible that the other cities are not quite ready for thw CJ.0.903:143$Ò00. on April but it is absolutely certain *354$000, 30th, a reduetion of requirement of modern business, 857 this reduetion being accounted for by change that these two centres should be properly equippèd to of 437:909$000 into sílver, 418:945$C0O into nickel, and handle business on a modern basis. 500$000 into bronze coin. On August 31st, 1898, incon- Consider the time lost by ari" large firm in the daily vertible-not.es in circulation amounted to 788.364:614$500, counting of money, the actual losses through counterfeit so that up to May 31st the total amount withdrawn is notes, the unnecessarily heáyy responsibility of cashiers 178.318:825$5Ó0. Convertible notes in circulation at the and the inconvenience to their cüstomers when settling end of May amounted to 365.162:890$000, so that accounts. money paper (convertible and inconvertible) in circulation on May The banks would probably oppose it because they 31st amounted to 975,218:679$000, equivalent at 16d. to object to any changes as long as their profits are high. It £65,014,578 or £254,364 less than at the end of April. taxes by the ' is true that the expenses and possible paid Another Liquidation. In the Chancery Division on clearing. house would be borne by the banks and tbafc a Mav-ISth, Mr. Justice Parker had before him a motion in cheque system really in use might raise thé cost of working the matter of the Brailian Golden Hill, Ltd., Doolette v. to a slight extent, but they-should realise that commerce the company. Mr. Hunt said he moved for the appoint- grows with added facilities, and this means an increase to ment of a receiver in a Debenture holder's action. Plaintiff their business. Besides, why should the commerce of was the holder of a Debenture for £2,500, and he had also Brazil be handicapped to please the Banks? the guaranteed bank account. The principal money of the The Government would benefit in several ways. The Debenture had now become due by reason of the interest con- not money circulating less rapidlv, would keep in better having been paid. Notice had been given recalling tò supply the the amount, dition and there would be a better charçe but it had not been complied with. They had needed at ali Rio.) evidence that the small notes so urgently points (excòpt engineers had closed down the mines in could reduced Brazil, and therefore there The enormous note circulation he. gradually was no need of a manager. His a reasonable amount, as a full use of cheques would Lordship appointed a receiver, with liberty to to act at once. enable the Government to witbdraw a great many of the British Bank of South America. «The Financial from limes» says:—Although large notes now used so excessively. The income the market would seem to have would increase steadily and down tbe of revenue stamps on cheques put price British Bank of South America to make counterfeit notes would be reduced. shares as a result of the new issue, the incentive holders should remem- Above ali, business would be facilitated withih the ber that the issue still constitutes a bônus, in the sense that if they did country, a condition which every intelligent Government not exercise their rights they would have business lost the benefit, The reason to-day is striving to accomplish, as the growth of why the shares stand so low the country. is partly because £3 was dedueted by means the increased strength of the market as répre- which is the more'progres- senting the value of the «rights» attaching to It will be interesting to see the shares Rio or São Paulo, in other words, which will have toclaim the new issue, and partly by market depression. sive city, first clearing house for the benefit of its commerce and Why the market should have taken so dyspeptic a view in the regard to the issue the crédit of its name. seems remarkable in view of the pífoS- penty of the bank and the actiyity in business in X Y. Z. bouth great. America. It has been the experience of other banks Working on that continent that when they have their capital increased it has not affected the rate of distribution on their shares. The iuvestor in the bank who three formerly had Karl Kr*scke, Hamburg shares will now hold four, and if dividends are main- taU-ed^tBe return upon, his investinènt would be greater than if he had refused to take up the new capital. bônus-of A .this kind is of course, subject to market fluetua- Gofree Importer --General CòmÉssion Agént tions, which cannot be gauged to a nicety, but, taking oneration in itself this there was certainly a bônus to those Open to accep t pepresentation l^PPens to the ^^^:^#íí?^^^^their óld holdings. market price-of pt Brazil Coffee Expopters.

¦ ¦¦-.;'- * ¦'-..' •-•'¦,(¦ .- '¦¦'.''" .:.T-.:-'!^-¦..'; ¦¦'['¦-.¦¦-¦¦¦¦:V-y'-':>''.'¦¦¦' ¦-.-" '¦-',' --"¦¦"¦<-' ¦¦¦. ¦"._ •;¦'.-. ¦'.'¦¦3$" "¦.-'''.' ' -'-""-'„>'::'"';- ¦'¦'-'"-: ':-'¦¦¦ ¦.'¦,•.'¦¦.< '¦}:¦¦::, •- ¦--¦;¦-..."'.'.¦ ¦.;.;•; ¦¦:,;. ' \S$;yy.-':yyy:.y...,. .',.'¦,'; . ¦'¦' ¦. ¦. ¦' ¦'"'¦''•:¦ :.'À {' \ ¦ -¦¦¦;¦,-' ¦.¦'.^¦,. ..'•¦'.; y \y----:- _- .¦¦..;•>;.¦ . Mostiy' About Coffee.


r~ The figures for the «visible supply». during the next *?»n?M bfc: four ym ff-çwed, to mak,,, hôi

On 31st May the statistical position was as follows:— A correspondent writes:—«It is a mistake to conclude th_. Visible Supply 11,390,000 coffee from the new plantations laid out during thii last two years can counterbalance tíiat of the Rio and Bahia Stocks475,000 plantations '." going annually out of cultivàtion. In most of the oldér ._ Santos Stock 1,783,300 districts there is very little land left at ali suitable for fresh •-1 Valorisation Stock é,400,000 æ-V plantations: at Ribeirão Preto and Jahú, for example, 6,658,300 there isnone at ali. The cost of planting has, with that * of wagès, increased very materially, whilst, owing to the Deducting Local and Valorisation Stocks, the • competitionn of railway construetion, labour is scárce and 6 avaiiàbíe supply on 81st May amounted difficult to get at ali. It is, of course, difficult to estimate to only /.v... •...;..;.i.;;;;.;..;.,:....:. 4,731,700 the number of new trees coming into bearing within thre. Equal to three months' supply. or four years, but in ali probability they cannot exceed 15 ,. With such a position, the «bears» would seem to bc* to 20 million trees at a high estimate. Thé bad weather sailing sòmewhat close to thè wind, though no doubt every that prevailed last year, when planting was recómmenced

- '.•¦..•,'.,•,¦¦;-¦ 'sf«(. • - ,.',íV<-;v«r- 0Í8 THE BRÁZÍLIàK REVIEW' Jüne llth, 1912.

duction to taxation will be by consumers, in earnest, interfered much with work, in tbe field, an| any addition paid whether in France or America. many plants were lost or destroyed. ^ 'i?'.:r No doubt other consuming countries like Germany are just as anxious to get their knife into «Valorisation», nor, More Anti-«Valorisation.» indeed, are the fiscal exemptions, actual or prospective, j> t í granted or under negotiation with the United States likely A French Deputy, says a Havre telegram, has pre- to conciliate opinion. motion to the consideration of the sented the following Fortunately almost ali our exports are of prime French Chamber:— materiais, indispensable, like rubber and hides, for manu- facturing be only «Impressed by the excessivo and persistent rise industries. Retaliation, then, would pTeying into the hands of competitors. in the price of coffee, Government is invited to adopt the meiasures necessary to putün end to this situation In fact we hold the key of the coffee situation, and, it by applying to the coffees retained at French ports by is te be hoped, mean to keep it in our possession, and so the Valorisation Committee the dispositions regulating contiol the supply of coffee po as to prevent over-produ. • the reterition and re-export of bonded merchandise.» tion ever again forcing prices i eíow cost. To ensure that we must keep an ever watchful eye on Commenting on this telegram, the «Jornal do Cômmercio» the conditions of production and connsumption in other remarks:— of 8th June countries and maintain a position to be able at any moment to crush competition if necessary. This action, it will be observed, is similar to th*.*, promoted by American courts against Mr. Sielcken. We ventúre, however, to believe that, just as in the question with the United States, the French Govern- It is true enough, too true, unhappily, that prosperity ment will comprehend the vast difference between a depends in this country, almost exclusively, òn . coffee. commercial «trusts», whose sole object is to' prey on Rubber, it is to be feared, is doomed, and ali the rest of commerce, and a reasonable operation undertaken by our exports put together would go but a very little way to a friendly power in protection of its production. meet engagements abroad—financial and commercial— France, moreover, has special interest in the develop- were coffee to fail. ment and stability of economic forces ih this còunttry. -Of late foreign committments have increased in a way The amount of French capital to-day in Brazil is that would cause the most serious apprehension had not collóssal, and no blow to our commercial financial and coffee prices risen pari passu. stability can fail to effect it. Preciseiy how much we are liable for annually no one can say. But, exclusive of imports, the of in- We do not know preciseiy what penalties the French payment regulations may entail in regard to bonded merchandise, terest and amortisation on loans and investments in this country reaches, £20,000,000 annually! To but presume that the Havre telegram refers to the period probably, pay and rates fixed for storage. this gigantic sum ali we practically have is coffee and rubber, the latter Should these oblige the coffees to be withdrawn, the but a weak staff to lean upon. remedy, as in the case of the United States, would be So it is to coffee we look to and must look to still more simple—to remove the boné of contention by transfer to in the future for the maintenance of the financial statu quo some other country less liable to official intérféTence in and solvibility. The «Jornal do Cômmercio,» may well matters of business. recommend French, and, indeed, any investors in Brazilian Until next January no Valorisation coffees can be sold undertakings, to be careful how they meddle with the in- without the consent of the committee, and so may be re- terests on which the immediate future of this country, as garded as non-existent as far as market purposes are con- of ali who depend on it, are so intimately concerned. cernecf. Until then ali the stocks not in Brazilian hands, amounting to some 6,900,000 bags, are barely sufficient for three months' consumption, and, short of confiscation or Probable Position on lst August, 1912. consent of the S. Paulo Government to let go some of its stock, no measure can be possibly applied which would re- Visible Supply, lst June 11,390,000 the lieve situation, but, on the contrary, make matters Probable Entries, June—Rio and Victoria ...151,000 worse. Santos ...... 250,000 There has been a good deal of talk in the American Mild Coffees ...... 400,000 Senate and elsewhere of a differential tax on Brazilian July—Rio and Victoria200,000 coffees. But that would only lead to substitution in the Santos 650,000 United States of a certain proportion of Brazilian by «mild» Mild 300,000 varieties, without, however, modifying in the slightest de- gree'the fact that the supply of coffee in is not general 13,340,000 enóugh to go round, and that until these conditions are ii. Consumption ,%une, ali kinds 1,400,000 altered prices will tend to rise» Any preference granted by " '•-'„.1,500,000 Jfer 2,900,000 the United States to «mild» coffees can only give rise to a ri corresponding deficiency in the supplies of other consuming countnries. This could only be met by Brazil, and the Probable Visible Supply, lst Aug., 1912...... 10,440,000 price of Brazilian coffee would rise pari passu with that of Deduct—-Valorisation ...... 4,400,000 «milds.» • Rio and Santos Stocks .... 1,750,000 6,150,000 There is, in fact, no getting away from the facts of the case, which shows that so loí-g as competition exceeds pro- Available for consumption lst AuguSt, 1912./ 4,290,000

1 /

¦¦¦.¦. ¦.-.¦ ¦ ¦¦ .


.-. .. ¦;;.;. '.'¦; W June íltb, 191$ ¦. • Tm HKAZILIAN ..l.MK\V. 689 .. It must, ofeourse, be understood that the above The following table shows estimates represent merely what we think likely the rainfall and number of tó occur, rainy days in each district and are eonsequently more of the nature during the month of February of guesswork than for three precise calculation. years:—

Bainfall. 1912. The Committee 1911, ltlft. of the Centro.do Commercio de Café town a advises that in accordance a with information received from 4? d) i Q •mm I 53 ¦ different *» parta of the zone, the amount of coffee «I a o c exportable _ ¦ ^ °f Ri0 de Si¦ 0! ohZg^6 Janeiro is estimated at _ cr é cr £ 2,500,000 bags for the season Alto da Serra ... 1912-18. ••# • •• 335.2 17 266.77 Apiahy.,., •••• 499.2 15 Amparo ... 335.0 23 240.718 213,5 23 Araras ... 357,9 21 162,616 213,1 13 264,7 ar-_ -« 19 69.512 260.0 13 AvenidaA « 208.2 14 393,015 214,8 Paulista |2 Bananal .02 7 21 280.017 271,5 17 HOME Barretos 274,1 13 162,36 270,0 13 OPINION. Botucatu ••• ••• 5'8.0 23 • ¦• ••• 215.4 Bragança 20 250,011 130.0 U «Boletin da Brotas 206,0 18 196,013 143.0 7 Associação Commereial» of 304.4 Santos Butantan „ ... 22 145.011 278.0 13 Campinas 155.8 18 257.013 ••• ••• 373,5 20 170.510 We are advised by the Secretary of FinanCe Campos Novos.. ••• ••• 229.5 15 of the Cananéa • 148;0 16 61.08 219.0 18 State 115,0 that the U.S. courts have decided in favour 0. Itanbaen 28 192.09 320,0 17 of the Dourado 119,0 7 280.010 344,0 11 S. Paulo ?f3.l. Government in the raised Faxina ... 12 72.66 question as to «Valorisa- 585.0 19 249,017 68,0 12 tion» being treated as a «Trust.» Ibitmga 289,6 15 62,08 305,9 19 294,7 Iguape 19 76,07 204,0 13 This decision, Jabotioabal 159,1 14 178.617 351.7 19 which brings into relief the administra- 620,5 13 Jaoarehy ?32.0 tion of justice in the United States, has Jacutinga 18 76.01 187,0 20. produced a most Jahú•. 316.3 19 210.91515 - — 2?8,0 17 favourable impression in this market, Jundiahy ... 175,0 and has been the Lençoes 12 288.17 — . cause for mutual congratulations. Lorena 552.3 19 187,314187.119- I.uis Miranda 177.5 15 For Piassaguera 185,9 19 160,0138,115 our part, we congratulate the Government 619,0 of São Pirassnnnnga ... 14 289.610348,010 Paulo on the Piraoicaba 259,6 17 justice of this decision, to which the interest 247,0 19 Poços de Caldas 191.514241,016 manifested in Porto 440,2 25 162.013296.3 18 the matter by the Federal Government con- Tibiriçá 298.3 23 Ribeirão Preto tributed so materially. Bio Claro 362,2 23 20.6120.3 18 233,5 16 ²282,1 17 S. Carlos do Pinhal ... 341,0 s. Manoel do Paraíso 20 130,512363,015 José 313.0 19 s. do Bio Pardo... 178,8 16 s. Paulo—E. Normal ... 202,4 s.- Paulo dos Agudos... 23 218,217220,020 S. 229,5 16 209,013193,013 Pedro do Itararé ... 146,0 13 FOREIGN S. Sebastião 232.811²— OPINION. Santa 137.5 10 493,015493,015 Bita do Paraizo 450,7 19 128,010342,015 Santos Tatuhy 242.9 17 238,211404,017 Nortz and Co. in 218,4 17 161,011143,011 their circular of llth May sum up Taubaté ... Ubatuba 299,5 19 62,611281.213 the as follows:;— 262,0 10 193,0556,0U position Villa Jaguaribe Ytú 291,2 25 117,511226,318 'force 99,0 16 279,012144,013 «The truth is that the of absorption of the market is again very great, and that production, the prepontlerating factor te-day, finds itself vis-a-vis with consumption, always on the defensive, but bare of • 'JS - supplies. It would be useless to pretend to combat such a EUR0PEAN CAPITAL. situation with mere theories or arithmetical calcula- tions, because the force of the resistance offered by Furnished production seems to be based on a spontaneous for attractive enterprises in ali sub- awakening of national spirit rather than on economic re- stantial lines of business. quirements .... Under Railroads, Tractions, Water such circumstances it becomes particularly & Electric Powers, difficult to foretell what may happen. . . We are, Irig_itions,Timber, Mining- Agricultural & Industrial. however, convinced that, whatever the volume Bond, Debenture and Stock Issues Underwritten/ of the 1913-14 crop may be, it would be imprudent to expect a return to the old order of things. . . . Purchased or Sold. We repeat, in our opinion, the future of coffee is Properties for less a question of price than of the necessity of Pro- purchased European exploitation and investment. duetion once more demonstrating that its ability for resistance is not yet exhausted. Financial Undertaking-s of ali sorts handled. Miscellaneous commissions and orders of ali charn Metereotogic Report. acters accepted for execution in any European, No days entirely without rain were registered in Feb- country ruary throughout the State. Barometic oscillated pressure Correspondence continnually under the influence#of strongwinds, mostiy enclosing full details at first from the South. The temperature ruled high, being 0.8 wnting- invited ' • • degrees above the average. Thunderstorms were frequent. The average rainfali was 72.0 m.m. In spite of the strong winds, the weather was unusually cloudy, evaporation THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS ALLIANCE varying considerably. In vnew of the number of rainy days, humidity ánd atmospheric tension were high. 48, Mark Lane, London England. Jnnéltthi Wtó. Banque Française et Italienne l'Amerique du Sud. '¦'"'' pour * : f:-y!'^---->______i______^______i ¦"*


.X.* HEAD OFFICE: PARIS, 73 Boulevarei Haussmann. BHA^CHIC-): Hio de Janeiro, Caixa 1211* d&o Paulo, Caixa 601; ©antpa. Caixa 26; Curityba A|«R«iM t Kilwir&o Prato, 8io Cario*, Botueatâ, Espirito Santo do Pinhal. Mocóca, 8lo José do Bio Pardo, Jahú and Ponta Grossa. Tele«raphle AMraaa s — •• ttUDAMERI-*.» Capital sabseribeá'.,....- - Fss. 25.000:000 ik.' Raitrrt hud. 7.560:000 W POUNDEDBY^AGBNTSIN BRAZILOFi "Banque de Paria et deaPaysBaa, Parla. (( Société Générale pour fayoriaer, etc.,'* Paris, "Banca Commerciale Italiana, itlilan Correspondente in ali tbe most important towns õf Brasil and abroad. Xhe Bank transacts every description of banking buaineaa on tlie most liberal terms GENERAL AGENTS OF THK "La Navigazione Genemle Italiana— Yeloee" -- V Itália " — •• Lloyd Italiano."¦^¦- v;¦¦,.• Brazilian Warrant Co, Ltd. Banco Mercantil do Rio de Janeiro. _^sS_?,V'//*¦¦?'.''""i* S Paulo Santos 67, PRIMEIRO DE TCAJIÇ0, 67. Warehousemen. President—Joio Ribeiro de Oliveira e Souza. Public Director—Ageuor Barbosa. Custem House and Beneral Forwarding Agents. Buainess. Warrauta.étc; aa«i to lend rao- Ali classes of received for sale on Commission To «iiscount Bills, Promissory Notes, goods ney on Bonds, Debentures, Bank and Company Sharea, etCi. held in seen- or for Storage only, atmoderate rates. rity. Deposits in account current and at fixed dates. Collectiovs iu Brazil and abroad. Tariffs and aíí other information to bé obtained at BATES OF INTEREST. the above addresses or at the Head Ofííce oi Accounts current. 3 per cea 3 » » thé Company. 3 months••!*'. 2 IIMIMlMMlHMMI » » Deposits at fixed dates 9 ª » » 12 » ...... •• » » LONDON, E. C. 7 J/2

Monday, June 3rd. Counter drawing rates at 16 l/16d. to 16 3-32d. in ali banks. Banks were drawing SBxtbet at 16 8/32d. to 16 l/8d., with bills at 16 §§0íteg 16 5/32d. and 16 ll-/64d. QUOTATIONS OURINQ THE WEEK ENDINQ. June 7 h, 1.12. Tuesday, June 4th. No change. AB FOLLOWS Wednesday, Juné 5th. No change. o> SIJBJ s IO « IO •o IO IO

«O CO (O «o co DAYá M v-t »H 0 1—1 Sr _r toS 8 « aopaoq -5.-t 10 10 Sr 4 6 tf «-I Bnnk Kutes t IO IO IO IO IO iO_5 °/0 °/0 •/. «/o '3 °/e m Bank of England.. 3p/03 3 J 3 • PM) °/« *«OI •/„3 °/0 °/0 °/0 •/. 3 O eo eo eo«N Bank of France... à 3 3 3 9 dJnqiH-n e l>- B r-l- O Open Market ei eo eo CM MO Kates s. to S|J-_ _! o» OI OI 35 °/0 VI IO IO IO o IO -3lO London2 7/8 2 13/16ü/0 2 13/16"/0 2 13/16°/0 213/16°/0 2 7/8°/0 •5* »/0 »/o 2 3/4 •/„ CM CM CM at Paris ...... 2 3/4 2 3/4°/0 2-3/4 ^ »/4u/ò ã'3/4°/0 eo eo eo eo eo eo CO <0 Paris Chequex tiopao_. eo OT co so so 1/2 to co 25.23 1/2 25.23 1/2 25.24 25.-4 25.23 lj2 25.23 CO coco Brazilian Bonds: ie oo IO 00 i«00 • O 30 .0 00 IO te «CM 05 O OI© Oi 5°/„lH89 85 1/2 S5 1/2 85 1/2 85 1/2 f-5 1/2 85 1-2 JJJOi A\0M _»© o — o — o — o — o o•— oo (19 1/2 1011/2 eoeo soco c. eo eoeo eoeo coèo 5°/„1895 1UI 1/2 101 1/. 101 1/2 1011/2 101 _"* 00 00 » Funding 103 1/2 H'3 1/2 103 1/2 ln3 1/2 103 1/2 103 1/2 "O 'oo o oo - > n oo ?> íij o eo c eo o 00 ¦- -- O —. . O—.. C —¦ _:<—• c —' o — » 1903... 103103102 12 .102 l/i 102 1/2 102 1/2 o li?.Sni_o_ o co co eo eo eo eo eoeo 00 00 co CO eo eo a _° CO °/0 Conversion M IO* iO xt lO '• ..¦^oo IO 00 IO 00 tD iO 1910.... 84 1/2 y 84 841/2 84 1/4 84 1/4 84 *mi ._ O» OI OlA _i OI oi oi C_ OS Oi Oi 1/2 ¦« 10 io ¦e its 55 « in io lOO ¦o m io io IO iO "/„ 1008 102 12 102 1/2' 102 1/2 102 1,2 102 1/2 102 1/2 *£ ¦? _2 S5 eo m 00 ^fi eo«_ eo —i Sao Panlo 1888... 11101 101101101101 Sjuquinii S eoeo co co ¦.o eo eo eo CO CO s. i-, - CO CO t-.i.» l- l- ª» 1899... 1021021021021C2102 *H •? ». » 1/2 99 1/2 •1 £ CO eo eo eo _^ ec t»i 00 00 1904... 99 1/2 99 1/2 99 1/2 ! 9'1/2 99 SUBJ oi oi 05 O»,, Oi o> O -; CO io d o. g io ¦o io IO IO IO ilj to io O iO IO _s Leopoldina Ry. Co. "O Sü co Ltd. Ord...... 66 1/2 66 1/2 66 1/2 661'2 6767 O CO -» o» f-4 tÕ 8. Paulo Ry..Co. _ nopuoq to Ltd. Ord...... 219219219 219219219 CQ CO CO Paulista Loan £15,000,000.... 10_ 1/4 102 14 102 1/4 102 1/2 102.1/2 102 1/2 :o Rio v Municipality •o 5 per cent...... 989898 .989898 BI o .2 - Bello Horizonte 1905 6 0/0. 102103103103103103 June llth, 1912 t^*r^_i_ií ravíJBHfr. 01 •U-VL^Po-*. Co.LtU. Ord.. 141 141 1/2 Oloitag a. Ftnlo T. L. A V« J4t 1401/2 138 1/2 137 Qaotations of Braiillan Stooki anl Sltarei oi Pow«r Co. Ltd. __ Híí* ••••••••••• 160 250260 (Ha Lo.áo* stoek D«_ont Coffee Co. 247248 253 1X1« V:i« 11 l/a 11 l/T _íJl_«-_*Sll__*r- II l _ .._,. -BMUniM. -I». 21/2 Ofc. May 16th 1918 7/ 7/8^ 77 3/16 78 7/8 76 1316 76 9/16 76 7/8 ' '¦?." •etw-iit StomrlUta .ia»* '¦¦.¦> ¦¦¦*.'.ri' «old ¦ l.emi •/_...... ,,¦- 1888 4>/i .¦ THB BRAZILIAN REVIEW. :_i_____7 _? Wl, ²103 . JSil? '¦*•••• 98Bm '¦ > i_5t_/ ª1/4 8» 8.4 Saturday, June 8th, 1912. ªlamael* 5°i'08 æ«__•»_•? 1(2|04 t_t>! _?_»'• *v__ •t2B103 aftern<*>a with ali banks drawing tô84 84 at* 16iíwo5nge l/8d. and f^\ íH* 16 5/32d. » J£; SfíS^saí-i;-1911 4 J* Bds. Scd. fv nd »ew FuadlnK Bonds 1888 ••!?._ í rose ld* and -losed last night in London Reseistton »0»1M at_ 4s..Ru_?_)ér 8d. The£rice8 Bonda 1901-M4 ••/;..;••• 85—88 stock of Bubber at Pará and Mantos on 100_£ WS! 101|03 wt6 ™ \S,°^ ton8' an incre»se of 32 tons compared May 25th, Bdi' 99B100 ^th and a decrease of 2,780 tons compared di_t.\/r%lW 8cr,p fu"y Pd- • • ioaBio» with the same date last year.' _°_i •' _f/*,_,paid;""-" __»oi ,t!. Coffee at Bio and Santos for the week ending Bahia oVo Gold Loan. 1904, 697_.,01M June Como. fcíoyd Brás., 5»/. 1908 Sta. bds.... 101B102 «th, £372,310, as • LlArè Braa. #•/. gave against £39Q,424 for the same stg Bds 1910 In. 90 pd. 901/2 -_91 t/2 State of Alagoas 6 •,. Jofrdaf.. 1nTS7m!SS year- For the cr°P tt «ave ^40,968,155, or 0.193 #7,615,096 more than last «;..r. Munioipal Bondi year. Rio de Janeiro 6 •/•Gold Bonds ¦ deposits at the Caixa de .. 971/2 -.08 1/2 Conversão amounted to _0, .6!(_ ??Id.Bd,: °u' *y ü«8- o' Brazil. 102B104 £23,026,783, a decrease òf £25,621 compared with the do. 4 l/«o/0 Cons. Stg. Ln., 1912 (Lon. pre- Iss.), Iss.. 92 1/2, Sep.?fully ^d...... vious Saturday. do. CJuyuí) 4»/0 B.nds __'-?¦9% 1/2 CityM ofHNuto* «•/«.;. 100102 do. 1910 6 °/o.. Beilo t02Bio» — Horizonte 8»/. Bds Guar ....'.'.I!.'.'.'.'.'. 101103 Messrs. J. Henry Schrõder and Co. announce the Manáos(C.ef,frl/2./0 Stg City •/. «598 receipt of a cable from their Santos agents of Belém (Pará) 6 Gd. Bs. of 1905.... 8»B91 advising them ,0»n of »"• Iss that they have further encashed £23,600 in respect of the »5I_?_^l0«»(munf>_? *'•?«• A» _°/oSt» á. Pd... 93 ²95 «urtax eollected weekly for Paulo Gld. L,u. 6O/..1908 104 ²106 the service of the Five per cent. Porto Alegre Guar. Sterling. State of 5«/0 Gold bds.. São: Paulo Treasury bonds, making a total of Serip. certs. 1944....;...... 97 ²98 icl,653,060 City of Pernambuco 3 % Gtd Ln'.'.'. encashed since July lst. Portof Bahia o/o 92 6 deb8'íjd8 Red.. .* 90 1/2 91 1/2 Portof Pará 5 o/o Gld Bds ¦.-. ¦;¦..¦¦ • 98 .;'. 1/2 100 1/2 Railways Braall Ureat Southern 7«/0 Cum. Pref QUOTATIONS ON THE PARIS COURSE. Brasil — 10 Bail. Common Stock ,. 113- 115 Do. 8 o/0 non-Cum. Pref. Stk'...'.".. May llth, 1912. Gt. Western 118 1/2 120 1/2 of Brazil, Ord 10 1/4- 10 » 100,001-12Õ,OOJ.. 3/4 8TÀTI ANO MUNICIPAL LOANS. ª » _*.*.'.'...'..! «•/• Non-Cum. Pref Ü 1/4.— Ü 3/4 »u 60,001-76,000 Cfrs-ili»- _o..i Loan 4 1/2 o/0 188899.r20C, Leôpoldinar*.-f Limitedri • • ¦ °/o 69- 71 »tit it • l/l 188899 ' » 6 1/2»/0Pref. 4 1/8 _ » 10 3/4— 11 ~ » 188»86.06 a NoTO Hu,uburK° 7 Pref. •»•• •• —. To Mpb •....•>.««..«••<»..;....,.,,101.50 si.re % •»•» it 5 °£ 1898 Funding Rio — 1/2 104 25 Claro, S. Paulo, Limited, Shares 26 ¦', r-.. .. 4 o/„ Béciiton85.58 S. Paulo, Limited 26- ..'i.6 1803 »<;. 219— 221 % (Port of Bio)102.60 o°/0 Nou-Cuiu. Pref IU- 113 » •• ... 6 % 1008 Brazil N. W. Railway) ....102.50 ••.» .. 5 % (Port of Pernambuco) 510.50 Railway Obllgatiens •»...,4 o/ Bf*«ll o/o iflio (Qoyai Railway) «33 Ot. Noiitbern, 6 s.|. Mt. Dól.s. 1898 99 101 * °/o 1911426 ªª6 °/o 8tl. Alagoas._.___" _._«_ _'•'? Mt. Deha. Red.. 99 101 State 5 per cent. 1906 439.50 ' •/• Per'»- 1)oU- Stork.. o •. .. . •_.¦oloi,tG 98 100 nS.u011*.; ?tate 6 *" cent- 1800i _36 Brazil Ry 4 i/2 MtôOyr. Gd. BdS;. 91 95 at. WesternorBrH7.il Stock ti »/„ 138 ª> 136 ¦_£-• 2rtatf.w?°_ 505 40/Q f. S'. 92 93 Leôpoldina 4 »/0 Deb. Stk Red... i_. Debs. Red. Guar. 1-7,500 103 1/2 - 1041/2 Bapirito Santo, State 5 per cent, 1894 ....'.".'.'.'..'.".*.'.'.'.'.'.499 Do. Do. Sei». _T60pd Ditto5 cent. 1908 ; 61 62 per '.*...7.469 Madeira-Mamorè Ry. 6»/o60yr. IstMt.Bds, Red'. 103 1/2 1051/2 Maranhão State 1910... ,, 438 Mocyaiia, ô •/„ Del*. Rouds Minas Stato 1907506 .red 1.0 102 Do. Sul Mineira Ezt. lslMt.6<»/0 Stg.Bds. Red. 102 103 » » M910.'.7.7.'...777777460 S. Paulo, Ltd. ò í/j°/0 Delieiiiurea Minas 1911465 Stock..... 122 124 5o/0j„ 115 117 cenfc‡‡S0l-50 •_*°/oªdo rara**,?*,vr8tate ?..per 101 103 MunicipalityÄ t  424468 Sorocabana Ry. 4 1/2#/0 lst. Debs. Paraná. State 5 cent...'.V...* o/0 Red. Iss. per 86 1/2 (Lon. Sep. ali pd.)... 91 Pernambuco, State 5 per cent. 1905 473 S. San 92 Pernambuco. ¦'.473 Paulo 5 0/° Debs. Red., Sop. fdlly pd... 94 96 State 6 per cent. priv' Bio «ÜHro, 8. Paulo <•/„ Hio Grande do Norto 8tate437 b l>«.lt. _to<;k IU' 112 Brasil N. E. 6 o/0 Deb8. fl. Pauloi, State 5 per cent. 1905 ...... 77777.7777513 R0d !9 101 Do. 6 per cent. 1D07507 25 Bauks Do.5 cent. 1908 per 511.50 Britidli KHiik of South America, Limited 2« 27 RAILWAYS PORTS, «to. I.ondoii A Brazilian Bauk, Limited 3_ 33 London .. |.i-„,. p|ate Hhu\c. Crazil Kailway (ord.)  e,0Si Limited... o5 B6 Brasil Railway .. Do. 80,001-120.000, 1911 Iss 53 1/4 64 1/4 » • 4ii2 0'0deb:.".*;4«o Banco Espaüol dei Rio de Ia Plata 17 1/2 18 1/2 Cie. General de Pernambuco o7R Sliipping Brazilian Federal Railways 5 OiO'"4™ n Goya_ Railway 5 per cent_«q-f,»« Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. ord 115 1.0 íforth of Brazil Railway 5 cent ditto 5 o/o o -cura Pref. . 93 1/2 95 1/2 per ditto4 North West of Brazil Railway 5 per cent4 .5 1/2 o/o lst. Deb. Red 102 1/2 104 1/2 Railway (North) 5 centj»; clitto50/o Dob. Red 100 102 farana' per Paoiflc 8. Paulo Rio Grande Railway Bonds lst ,_ries .04 Steam Navigatiou Co ' dittoditto2nu series45, Prince Lino Ltd 15/16 Í* 1/16 1 dittodittoSrd series 4_g Mining ¦ -SÉ dittoditto4th (Itararé') series 44a dittoditto5th (S. Francisco) series449 Duro Preto, ord 1 8 1/4 -forte de S. Paulo425 St. John dei Key 27/3J 29/32 South of Brazil42:-! do Pref. 10»/, I 1,8 l 1/4 __¦_¦_¦___!'¦¦¦¦.¦ South oi Brazil 5 0|0 2nd seriej2_ Telegraphs South West of Bahia 6 per cent440 • Victoria Aina-òfi Tel: eihiires 7 8 7 5/8 and Minas bonds lst series441 °[o Victoria and Minas bonds 2nd series 435 Uo 5 Debs. Red., Sep. ali paid 07 1 2 99 1/2 Weatern Tele. Co. shares,. V.i 13 1/2 Curralinho to Diamantina 437.50 '.'8 Rio de Janeira Tramways..4S1 •Iodo4 «/„

, :;. >:'.' 692 THE BRAZILIAN HJ3VWW. June lithí #12- X Closiig Qnotattoni of Brulliai Stooks aid Shtres oi BUSINESS OOMB OR TBB 8. PAULO STOOK EXOHÜIOE tho Looáoi Btook Biohu-fo (Cw*.j. DOEIN0 TIB Will ENDED JUNE 6th, 1011. imeM üffceet bawast Oiaetaf OUOIIRIOX. May 16th, 101» ! Apol. B. of 8. Panlo 8 serie. 81 l:07ú| 1.0708 hOJOl jl:O80$ May 2A

Rio de Janeiro City Imp Limited 8 7/8 4 1/8 Rlbalrto Preio do 6o/0 Deb. 1878-80...... 101 86 10386 10885 10818 l«í$6» 88. 8. Carlos 86 do do do 188*2-1901 IM» 108 nrassonuaga. 998 981 98$ 1008» do 6»/0db_. Bed. 1901 100 102 Araraquara 8 1001 1001 1008 100$Mar. 2. Rio da Janeiro Flour 10 9986 '.'98May Milla Limited 8 8 1/8 8. José doR. Pardo...;.< 9986 99$$ » « a ‡doMort, deb lüO 108 ., 26 J 90$ 898 89$ 90$» 28 8. Paulo Ou Co. Limited...... •/• 11 1/4 118/4 do ' 6 eum. pref 11 8/4 121/4 ¦-L. do 5»/eDeba. Union.... 100 (Ragd.) 80 51 8. 188$ 1881 189$ 189$ Dumont Coffee, ord 16 1/4 Paulo. 85 160$ Apr. 22- 16 8/4 180$ 180$ 1«0$ May 1$ do7 l/t Com pref.... ;.'..; U 8.4 12 1/4 RaBwãfii do6 l/a •UHi. Mor. Deb.... 106 107 „ Cia. P. C. Jardim Botânico 6 °/0 40 yr. lst. ' Jf°6J[«n*.....;..... 120 8848 Mori. tios. Keo...... ,...... ,. Vtubmtm 884$ 8848 884$ ».. 80 101 . 102  60 4268 48.8 42o$ Rio de Janeiro Tram.. Light k Power 184 186 426$ » 8$ Rio daJ. Tram. Light A Power lst Mt. 80 jrs___Vf GMBd'J8. 106 104— Üomp. Melhoramentos.., n Io 8«|c lat Mt. Bds. Red. 0798 460 1848 184$ Fará Eleet. Rye A Light...... , Com. Mac Hardy...... 184$ 186$ » 28. 7 8/8 198 818 88$ do8*/e Pref. ²6 1/8 8J$ Mar. 18 do. 70.C",001«115,000...... 6—6 1/8 do6*/a Deb. stk Soe. 100— 108 Anon. E. de S. Panlo. 400 908 8. Paulo Tram Light A Power ($100) 216- 221 PasU.rll0.de8.Pa»lo... 90$ 90$ 8985 May 80 do8»/. Mt. Debt. 100 94$ 94$ 1*4$ • Bed<$600i..... 106— 107 60 948 24 doB«/t Perp. Com. Deb. Stk 1/2— 104 1/2 LwaF.PibeiHioPieto..?-p?_- SâuI°G«»rM.... 9 8 90$ 9!$ 90$ » « •/. 102 79 8515 96$5 San Paulo ifateb 6 lat. Mt Db 86²41 Campinieira Traoção L. e F 95$5 9516 Apr. 80. MuDloipality of Pará improvement* 6»/0 86—87 CasacTolle»... 60 9985 9816 92$5 » A.ay 20 .100 $5 N. Brasillan Sugar Faetoriei,.... 1/4318 Água e Esg. Salto de lld.' 87| 87$ 87$ 87$ Apr. 8 Mauáoa Har. 6 •/. Db. (Bg.) Bd 97²-69 SOO +8$ 988 93$ do. do. 60/0 2nd. Deba. Beg., Rd 02.94 do lnip: 7 •! eum. Pref 6—7 do. 6 p/a Debs. Red 88²91 do Trama A. Light Oo. 98²96 BALANCE Mappin A Webb (1908)Ord 1 18 82— 1 17/82 OF THE CAIXA DE CONVERSÃO do. 6 1/8 0/0 Cum. Pref 1 8/82²1 1/8 do. 4 1/8«/. lst Mt. Deb. Reb. Red.. 101— 108 SATFRDAY, June 8lh 1912. 1'ernambueo Water. 6 •/. 1 Db 99— 101 do «o/02ndDeb. St*. Bds •••••••»^i.$$$$o$$. Cent. Bahia *A\ 9^— 101 ^ntM*^U!otabls.Jsd^ofor_aS,'^^ MB"Rly, Reg. Trust Cens Red.. 81— 88 ditto Certs 28 I. Paulo 26— Coffe. 7% Cum. Pref. .. • ••••• • • •a 6 1/4 a«.7ô6.881$421 diste 8/4²6 luraa,_Upks a_'_72ÜS4*.u/'.»00 6X% lst Mt. Deb. Eed. »•»••• • • a a 102— 1» 14 16.204'86l8_fiR Meucbatel Aapbalte Ord. °'0 9-9 1/2 do 6 cum Pref. 9 6/8²10 1/8 Vai de Travers Aspbalt Paving 1 1 82²1 7/82 do ò «/o Deb. Stk. Red.. 96— 101 l!SÍm,o.8p*oí',í;:v^*3io:::v.vr:vr..::.v:.. 480:n8$6?6 ^ :;:•"•.:vrv»»i_59>468 845.401:7488668

s^ss^rss!!!!!,%840:8808081-m.»^».»» BUSINESS DONE ONTHE RIO STOCKEXCHANGE 444 299:220$ÕÕÔ Nnt-iB 1 mA8ra#H Baiaaoio.z======t. DIP.ING THEWEEK ENDED "•••;__r___ JUNE 7th. 1912. lessI_n retlredmIÍIm .«„ 671.667:5408000 and replaoed 206.297:61MOOO Description Closmg. \Tm\S «"M** -...riZZ.7866.739:980$00(r Qovammant Saeurltlaa.SalosHigheat Loweat ClosinirPreviousDate «.~«^_4.;^Wf\_;i^_i-:::::::::::::::::::::::; wjsga» Apólices 6 o/0...i4lsM5$1;045|lomj Loan p- IMav81 (Union11003....231:05011:04081:050$1:037$, . Slato of Rio 4 per cent64097$96»96$96*5, 444.299:2208000 Rio Muniçipalíty I 190669920816 20216 20816 204$»; » Rio Municipnlny 19091981198$108$200$. 20 g«0,Muolcip.m7£200/0....10141986$297$9S5$296$986$207$9858208$» 30 !_^ÍS StateofE Santo 6 81 Rio Municlpality £20 nom.124297$297$297$2978" State <»/5101510*„ín*mo»28_ SRl8teM0fU,06,>(^m)of Rio 6 46«8«A505$SÔ8April» !'y. Rio Muniçipalíty 1906 nom.193204$203$204$203$Ma} 23 I ... Bsnks. Umí ~ ¦' K;^::;::.;;:;::::::«gSSSS£3SS: S .. ../ «Sta*:::::6SS.»Ò.521 BANCO DO BRAZIL Morcanl1110O280$280$280$880$" 30 BALANCE SHEET, May Slst 1912. Insuranee. ¦•• Assets. Int'erldad2555$55$55$54$Mar 29 125,000 sbares of 200*00025 000'000$000 Apólice; «s guarantee for Reserve Railways and Tramways. Fund2Í424-&648040 feUS ^S* «"«ranteed18.332 772$40» Rede Sul Mineira1050104*102*iíi_«• mua-v» .. 43.7 7:666$749 Rede Sul Mineira 80ds_3o106$06$2.J«3*[** ™ Mil. ÍSSIm1 L——2.887:063$688 Norte - do-Brazil470o„*«na_i*e__' í-IfrifU^WJ6! mnM*SÍÊ* Jardln SSSf! i^ií.,]". __-•63.062:290$715 RotanicoBI/'$.Jg£t208{S. J{,» __Í_#l_,eí,d5P0,íed !»y.«•W parties68.742:3878880 ,{ "* ""451.768:6108888 Goyaz(30d_.)S^'^v-;••1050O4m75$74$50$56$7215-^J*»'44$_*" JJ Been-ltiw: f» «1.1-f.boo at**27d.*""""*"* Cotton 10.490;200$000 Mills. Other ••• 8.2l0:77l$862 ÍÍC0lDd,,Btfial50858«358$35f$360$Mav 29 Bonde In liqudation .....~^7.^TT BuWng 6'()?_• 4_í_?68 oiÍKr-TConfiança IndustrialT*;•«••,2181 258$30**302*258*3°2Í_1«*801$2ft»«T31oí and Furnlture of the Bank ....:.:.:....::..: 1.480:000$^' Fabril Sundry Accounts 10;637:053t5l_ PaulistanoC0185$.||$185$A._!.. í Cash '«-•'••••••••ttacai 46.8G2.-418Í565- Misoallanaous. 746.662:261$042 Docas da Bahia 6001401132$13$132$Mav Liabillties. ' 31 — -- . j' 1'' .^"^•.Santoi345720$690$71()$700$V? 29 Capital Reserve '.*" 73.0O0:00O$00O< Docas da Balua (re 30 ds.).720O140$186$1881182$' J Fnnd".".*.".".'.'. 2.425:1976933 LotemsNaçjon.v/cSOds..1100721569$7-$5*8$! » Accounts current without interest••...!•..... » Acrountê 46.844:071$129 Terras o Colonlsaçao.1850016$128514$750 i-urrent with Interest . 98.433:826$621 T.eColoni8aç8o(ve80ds).220015$13#250 12$» . Accounts .mrrent abroadI .....:""•"•''•••••••••••'• • • •',•. ••••.•• e • "a • • 168:8-2$486 15$1285» » Accounts nurrent at flxed :B_Srí.e-%nlOBí_om)70«85$683U86I710$" dates • •••«IIIIMtllltltll 9.209:541$480 Melh. do Maraahao863428J2i4a*_*»a 28 Agents In Brasil and abroad 7„ Bills at • • • • • ••-•••••••••••••• • 866.866:736$254; Bra-il • piemium ..•...... ", MIMM 8?gjSJv,$JM,Jt|Ajr. Judicial droosits 18.067:158$820' £"**> •••l»l|IMI«|fMMli 1.533:6496912 Melh.M-fih1*1-8*»68"?.9^ no Brasil.562l4125112°»jgôg,8«8120$125$1168Ma?Z 4 Securities -leposlted by'thW'Í_V.Íês?'vr,,^!"' 1 Federal Tieasury *""" 131.794:678$095- AcSounta current 2 851:4576019 Dabantiifaa. y Bxcnan«e Acco-nt. ..l/WO.000 Bonu? .™ . at 87'1. 8.888:8898880^ Divldends*o'f VheRâak.'.'!.". 68:142$500 478:8508000' tóST:::::::::::6_ííI!SS8Ét"~'V„ •••¦¦.•..•«;-,?».v.. .:.•..:::;::::::: 3.716:5031203 ÃSfll^nílS;*1•Ull litHI  815:1668200 f!_RlSlf,a110L«zStearica167,12202t2001a02«.00$202$200*W}$"nua. ,.4 AmerioadPahril.100205$20M20M*' 746.662:2618042 Santo Aleixo(fab.)...123200$2008£!o$=Z Z 2081 .- 20 m*' JOâ° A,fred° C^reU d« °"Velpà . y""".'lü0206*¦ . 206May 23 Mes?^ chÉco_n;_í' P"»id«nt; ^

- Juriè litft, 191SÍ THB BÍIÂZÍLIAN BBVIBW 6*4 LONDON '¦*•& LIMITBD. '¦<¦ ,***. ^ÉAf,t,á,< UNO** ANO li IV 211 B8TABLI8HBD 1881 „»* >Ui.. BANlt.\l*IT10 Capital OAPITAL. Autborised.1 •••?••••••...... Capital p.id.J"'"""'"-"^"^'--i-.~-p._,.„1,000.088«W°W0O Subscribed.. '••' *4.O0O.£4.000.000 Reserve ‡ Fund‡‡•J""w—¦1,050,000 Paidnp.!? ""....".J'" ****000 RESERVE 1,8M;0i» BALANCE 8HBBT FUND OF THB RIO DE JANEIROBRANCH. £2.000.000 May 81st, 1912. BALANGE SHEET OF THE «IO DE JANEIRO •_•-. Assets. BRANCH. May3l»t, Oapital 1912

Blfls discounted 8.888:68.8890 ¦ AshU. .-';'¦ i?__£_i Bule recelVable t;:, • e • • • •MtlMMIIMltMIl 4.680:6338290 Head Office and âmüàm'i\'""'""m"">' 13.499:803$R50 BIHs discounted • • • • • Loana, Accounts 13.920:701$2õ0 MM* • ¦j___aç__«~^J'iSí«-íi5ísss-::::current, etc. *« 6.608:4848110 3.819: t_O$740 Loans, Accounts güarànte—*'•*'<>'»•:,.....: 16.147:1908410 7.099:4178680 4.942:1678480 Sundry Accounts ."• 65.025:4448000 6.680:4248940 Caih: In current inonèy'".I.:.""" 1.418:8878650 405:80788.0 13.(50:4068980 6525:0358530 ^~"———__m—» Cash: In current mon.v'77 61.-38:7888910 130:9-0:7648030 •MIMMtlIli • •• • • •.**«•• • * « « 8.274:5.58280 LiabUitiei. Capita! , 97.022:7898460 Deposits:.*"*V* 17.777:7778770 Liabilities. Accounts current without interest 11.402:5711080 Account cnrrent at short notice,*•«"•—- with interest « Capital of this branch .... 626<667*fr.n Deposits 1.500:0004900 Deposits at flxed date ...... i... S.mJTSa/ofo at flxed dates 77 18.204:9918970 W,tb and" With0Ut 'nVe*re;.77777,;;7' 2.753:8528590 Accounts with S^dTÂcciK1.' *::::::::::::::::::; 13.403:3211800 Head Office and Bránches 7.480:9108480 15.063:9278500 Securities pledged and in deposit aDd ,n deposit* Sundry Accounts 72.724:8618680 BHi_r,tn_!_S_dged 56.963:8248440 , 14.654:5318350 Head Office, Bránches and Agencies 73:395|C40 PiUs payable) ' 157:6903760 7.2-4:467f490 130.900:7648030 97.022:789$46O E\_* °" B,~Rto de -. ... J*neiro, June 6th, 1912.—For the London and üe J_"»e_4th; Brazilian Bank, Limited.— /'Signed; F. S. Pryor, Manager; A. ü. Watsor. Acti_. if* SL& ?Íl_!__Llm"°d- - ,_$?!«_. 1912. For tho LonW and Rjver Accountant.b a__5r* (sie°'d» °:»• —si'«.'TE' as».1 Ac-


BRA8ILIANISCHE •; :•¦'?. BALANCE ON May 31st 1912. BANK . UR OEUT8CHLAND BALANCE Asseis SHEET OF THB RIO DE JANEIRO BRANCH. Shareholders 171:6404000 May 31st 1912. Shares pledged 80:000$0v0 Agents in Brazil and Europe.. 1.181:454$905 Assets. Bills discounted 14.909:2551946 Accounts current Bills receivable 758:5308801 15.667:7661747 guaranteed 1Q VAA 778)908 0fl,ce-*aMm and *****v: *m 7008008 Accounts current bHi.0Ud^;ít/idHead guaranteed. 3.585:7981271 Bills receivable 7777.7.777.7777òí í_? 484)964 Seourities pledged. .i 7.799:4174295 Seoorjtjes and Bills 147)811 Securities in deposit 3.830:3953610 Pecnrltles pledged 7777777«o $«¦ 1391874 Sundry In deposit ..."l°AH accounts. 1.431:715)231 Caso: In Currency 4774020 Cash: iu currency. 4.197:346*2;. 3 ...o 6004565 37.945:5544282 115.209 3284650 Liabilities Liabilities. Capital, 5.000:0008000 Capital: 1 Mark equals 18000 10.000 ; 000)000 .Reserve Fund 60:5964271 Accounts current, with and without interest14.950 : 327)086 Directors Caution 80:0004000 Accounts - with head office, bránches and correspon* Accounts current at sight 6.202:4114636 _. *enta 8.844; 957)33 Accounts current with advice. 2.980:0154491 Deposits, flxed dates and with advice .-_10.785: 945)13 Accounts current at fixed dates 433:7684320 Securities pledged In deposit and receivable on *c« Bills with interest 8.733:8364863 count of customers6..795: 764)205 Judicial deposits, 88:1634850 Sundry Accounts4.832: 334)899 Securities pledged and in deposit.... ••••*•••• 11.635:81.'$90õ Sundry accounts..., •••••••••••••#•••_••••• 2.730:649*943 115.2C9 328)650 37.145:154)282 S A .E. O.—Rio de Janeiro. John, Bauniann (Directors) Rio de Janeiro, ôth, June 1912. João Ribeiro de Oliveira e Sousa, President. Af. Moraes Castro, Aclg. Ac- «ountant.

LONDON AND BRAZILIAN BANK, LIMITED THB BRITISH BAKK OF SOUTH AMBRIOA, LIMITED. cspltal «.000,000 Capital, 75.000 stiares, £20 each £ 1,500,000 Capital patd-ap í.ooo.ooo Capital paid up 750.000 Reserve Fund 850,000 ^•••W» fMd 1,010,000

BALANCE SHEB1 OF THE RIO DE JANEIRO BRANCH, BALANCE 8HBET OF THB 8. PAULO BRANC3. May 3ist. 1192. Including the Agency at Braz. May 31st 1912. '60 Shares uncalled 6.666.606) Bills discounted 14.027.690)840 Assets. Loans, Accounts pledged, etc 24.121:344)090 Bills receivable 19.086:7288840 v? Bills discounted 8.238:702)160 Accounts with Head Office and Bran.-hei 9.836:149)090 Bills receivable22.717:453)180 Securities pledged 55.295:366)140 Loars, Accounts current, etc19.949:204)98') Sundry Accounts... 511:883)460 . Accounts nith Head Office and Bránches l.Oj2:353)850 Cash : In current money 13.317:4864850 .) SecurlMes iu deposit 92.5»75:2884340 •_—¦—¦—¦¦—¦¦—¦• Sundry Accounts 636:621)910 142.863:8168270. Cash: In Cuirency7.ot>5:83649lO LIablUties.^7 7 162.595-012)330

' '-'¦¦.¦*:"¦'¦'".'.' Capital13.331:33?)320 Accounts.current with and without interest13.0-4:381)280 Liabilities. Accounts current with interest on notice18.601: '.'448780 Deposits at fixed dates4.774.013)310 Deposits: Accounts curren. with and without interest16.657:2134730 Accounts with Head Office and Bránches8.782:716)900 Deposits flxed paid with advice 12.445:555)080 Securities pledged andin deposit...... ;..""..."...:...77.224:424)030 Securities pledged and in deposit92.975:'.86)?40 Bills payable45:6634980 Accounts witb Head Office and Bránches 5.244:640)280 Sundry Accounts1.137:53.8670 8undry Accounts25.236:5.64580 ______tmh___—w^—<• Bills payable‡85:7308320 142.863:316*270 W«_W———————¦¦—»*—¦ 152.295:011)330 ¦ ¦' 7 Bank of •V. - E. A O. B. Rio de Janeiro, June 6th, 1912. Fer the British --¦ —For S. R. Orr, Actg. Manager. D. T. B. Morley Sv Paulo, June 5th, 1912 the London and Brazilian Bank Ltd. 8jwr% America, Limited. (Signed) F, Ford, Manager; A. Ot C. Blake, Accountant. yccòúntaut. (Signed)

¦¦: ' •' ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦ ¦-/

' ¦¦."'.:'.'¦¦.' . BRAZÍLIAN June Uth, 1912. 6f4 S-vJ" t "*- ww* #' 7

L8MB8M ANO RIVBR PLATB BANK. U96IT8B. _tf_^ÈÈÍÍ 2V-Y «,__!_-ti CAPITAL. Aetborised •••aaaaaaaeaaaaeeeaoooaeaaeeaeeeaeoeaatsaaaeaaaaataaffe _&$$M$0 Paid up Snbeeribed ,,/, ¦ 3.$$$,660' COFFEE ENTR**S. RBSHBVB FUND £$,$$6.600 Ib btft of 60 ki-OB " . BALAMOS SBBBT OF THB 8. PAULO BRANCA. f v\ ,4èí~ ¦{•', 1 =í 81at May 191$. FOR TBE WEEK BVDBD FOB THB CBOP TO I •• BIO ^W!— June 6 -MV- *> Jane 6 J*#e 8 Bina átoomud Í*S2SS2S___252 1918 ^>.í»8 I941i 1818 - 1811 Bills MMhrabla ..._».«.....KS_S___8B Loaae. i Areooata pledged, «te.8.888:6648660 AoMpato wHb Head OtSoo, Branehee and A$enelee..1.1W:409M10 24.46$' 21.495 88.888 1.911.106 1.718.88F Areoenta.., •<««•••....i....':81:8486860 Central R'y Suedty:¦. By..... 812 OoUaterala and •eadry SecatltSee86.882:0633806 Leopoldina ' 28* 60 46.78- aÒl.132 ...¦8.046:17880-0 iniao.Of...... Cash: ln current money in the safe oi tbe Bank Coastwise, dlscharged.. 8.768 600 890.171 167.196 4C.641:865$780 Total 37.461 28-46 28.884 8.168.060 3.086.66» Traaaferr 'd from Bio to Nletbaróy.... 664 86$ 690 59.847 89.881 »-eo De capital of tbe braaeb_°2:5____2_ Net Enteies ai Bio 26.787 81.288 28.044 8.098 712 3.046.887 Depoatta at flwd dates6^:IS__?__ t-oastwfte, ms transit.... AeaoeaU correot witb and wltboot Interest M^!__f_S5n Nictheroy from. Rio A ysnjfy Aooooats 2__52K Leopoldina, Ry..-....- 8.886f.._...2.7|0 4.08. 816.24$ 816.348 ¦Fw^^^WB VI NOWllWls "IQ« •••••••••••••••••••*•••••••m%t*9*9*»• ^Y_f__^_f_T •ylils-j P*vMM9 MitiiiiiHiMiMiiitt •*»••• • e a •••••••• ••'•JVSW*#,**W Total Rio, including Acooants wttb Bead Offke, Branches and Agenclea.6.798:89í$6*0 Nictheroy A transit. 20 888 28.998 28 976 3.414.964 2.808.078 Total Santos: 49.084 69.808 67.876 9.724.448 7.946.898 40.641:866$780 Total Rio A Santos. 78.786. 88.794 7?.8» 18.189.402 10.837 868 _.. _*•-.* P* B»—¦ $• Fauk», June 8rd. 1912 - For tbe London and Plate Bank. Limited. — (Signed) E. A. Tootal.-'o Actlng Manager; D. MitchellJBijwjr Rae, Act ing Accountant

Tbe ooaat arrlvals for tbe week ended June 6th, 1912 were from: Oara-enaa 1.798 THB BRITISH BANK OP S3UTH 8. Joio 4a Barra 800 Victoria ...... 167 Capital, 75.000 abara.. «0 eacb £1,500.000 Bantos 1 Capitai paid up 750,000 Total. 3.788 Betem Fnnd 850,000

BALANCE 8BBBT OF THB 8 PAULO BBANCH. Tbe total entries by the different S. Paulo RaUways for thoCrop to June 6ib, 1912- May 8lst, 1912. were aa follows -.Per..-.Remainiog Past SorocabanaTotal atTotal at.'; at Jundiaby and othersS. PauloSantosS. Paulo- Bills discounted 3.819:0655060 1911/1912 8.398.726 1.409.6120.708.8489.7ÍÍ4.448- Bills receivable.7. 9.800:7676910 1910/1911 6.786.786 1.184,2647.909.9907.946.298- Loans, Accounts pledged. etc 7.887:178$600 Acooants with Head Office and Branch ss 958:8828020 Collaterals, etc.-^ 83.531:9991790 Sundry Accounts 887:8168610 VdsWII BB OBBQ •?••••••••••••#•••••#•••••_••__•••_••«•_•_ 3.986:8208970 COFFEE SAILED 59.780:6266060 OURINO THI WBBK BNOINQ June 6th, LlabfllUoa. 1912 WBRB OONSIONBO TO TKB flencral Account>. 9.106:496$620 fOLLOWINO OBrriNATIONSi- DeioHta flxed 2.660:5121020 Accounts with Head Office and Branches 6.983:4688410 Bills payable 5:71484.0 In Bags of 60 kiloa 8ecurit.es pledged 18.229:5758060 Bills apd Securities in deposit 2J.811:6236220 Sundry Accounts.-. 483:2168820 nn-TB VBITBD 5SS?iíI_.* *»_.-. BIVBB _._• OTHBBT±_U_L CBOP PORTS 8TAT,8 *»£«- coabt nàxm cape TO VATU 59.780:5268060 y-^-^g^

~ r 4 x *\_f SP1!!» _June 6th 1912« Por The British Bank of Soutb America, Limited Rio. 2,500 15,121 8,681 1.486 17,200 1.60241,489 2.274,426 (signed) P. B.Speers. Actmg. Manager; A. R. ípeiis, Acting. Accountant. Santos.... 96,676 85.803 — 2,185 — ²184,668 8.630.160 '¦<¦¦' '"'.¦ '. íSiN v1'.. íü-

1911/1912 99,175 60.924 3,631 3,630 17,^00 1,502176402 10.904,586 1910/1911 86,849 78,207 3.918 4,298 — 113122,680 11.298,782 BRA8ILIANI60HB BANK FUR DBUT8CHLAND.

BALANCB 8BBBT OP TBR 8. PAULO BRANCH. May 81st, 1912. INCLUDING SANTOS - FOREIGN STOCKS ¦ -J':-:y Assets. In Bags of 60 kilos Accounts current guaranteed and otfa rs dlscount-d ...... 19.599:168$315 June 1/1912 May 25/1911 June 3/191r giUp receivable 19.140.9778395 fills • •••IMMIMM•«•••••••I United Ports...... Blls ... 18.159:772$266 States 1,924,000 í,865,000 2,125,000- Seoorltlespledged 12.365:4298062 HEVrOó • • • t • é •• iiumimmm 2,341,000 2,84n,000 pledged 18.658:6 3,607,000- "eearltles in deposit 61030 --' "**flOlirif In currency 13.737:53:8980 Tí¥i ...... 4,255,000 4/205,000 4,682,000. Çasii: ..%...... »*•*•••••-•••••¦ Branches and Correspondents «.328:6.98466 Deliverles United Statng.... 69,000 64,000 56,000 Sundry Accounts 6.6I6:919$622 Visible BuppUy at United 2 135:8528515 States ports 2,241,000 2,094,000 2,456,00o- 116.741:8128691 ¦¦VHVÍH*"


áfe&J25^;*M»y»u_»í.^.^: UUG2.11H6027 SALES OF COFFEE. _?!&: ?í_í'S^tELà**'***dÍÍ»«iVand _fUi_»Sd _"th -dT,c« •••• 13.(Xr?:748$6^5 «oiiicíloni'7.7. 62 920:370$38S ^^_T™2fhe'Bi_i„^âa *nd Correspondents DURING THE WEEK ENDING Juue 6th, innts ^. 2I.895:62*>$358 1912. 3.260 957$283 June 6 1912 1'6.741:8I2Í691 May 30/1912 June 8/19^1 a>o...... , 25,38222,08018,697 Santos..., S. á O. E.:— 8. Paulo, June 67,790. 45,92036.249- 4tb, 1912 (signed) Rupp> Carl, Directors Total. 93,122 67,950 68,8-6'


SRsisísyiifiV'**!-* ^ ——— .—.y;

æ-¦.,-.-¦ ¦¦ *'-.. ¦¦(¦¦'¦¦ æ¦ - -.-¦¦¦-•' 榦<..;/!,\. [V:'-;"-.-fíf-"-;',-¦ ¦ :"-.- ^-¦::-¦¦ -,-¦ V' V* ._.." :-i.-;-: • .? r**TO___3_HH Ji_ie!Uti.,lM.vliiiÍ-Â_Í-IAN ^9_ _JV1ÍÍ; AQ&-:'f#S '•' ————————————————— 'á frò có-TraTEXPORTERS l*


**. t ¦ . We manufacture Machines which will FÍL_, WEÍGH and SEW BAGS OF COFFEE READY FOR EXPORT They ensure correct weights and absolutely security of the Coffee, •

*_*:>.¦ ' æ¦ ¦ ¦< -í'í __¦'/'>^E?Í ?:''•' '•/:'^1_ÍIwj™ _B____J^_H^__^_^_B ¦ Si_5í_r æ¦ ¦¦ æ¦ THEY ALSO SAVE TIME AND LABOUR æ¦ For particulars write THE SACK FILLINC AND SEWING MACHINE SYNDICATE, LIMITED,

¦ - V ^__É__é_____^jÍ>v^_M'* .-v~~r*1 i^i*^^_p^hh_ .¦¦„.. 60, Mark Lane, London, E. C, - ffiW|PHMÉÍfc5S5fl__/^fo?^•' :^^__^^___PI___i__Hv Ml ENGLAND.

Value of Coffee cleared for Foreign Porte. OUR OWN STOCK. OURINQ THBWIEKENDINGJune 6th,1912. IN -AQ8 OF 60 KILOS æii Rio Stock on June May 30June May 30 Crop to Matv 6 May 30th .25.3 2 Eutries during week ended June 6th! 26.787 BagsFags • Bsgs 252.089 £ Loaded «Embarques», for the weok 38.522 37,7584 864126,71517.7502.026,594 7 245,155 STOCK IN ‡... BIO ON June 6lh 213.567 HtO. Stock at Nictheroy and Porto S-nt<» 133,66369,532482.282272,0098.628.998 da Madama on 33.055,761 May 30th 24 917 Total 1911 /J918., 171,42174,396608,99728975910.655,592! 40 300,916 » Alloat on May 30tli'..'. Entries at Niothoroy plus total embarques inclu- 66.860 do 1010)1911 .. 118,967199,084380,312648,77411.010,940 38.465,667 ding transit 61.521 143.298 Deduct : embarques at Nicihoroy, Porto da Ma- dama and Vianna and sailings during the week 42.949 COFFEE LOADED (EMBARQUES). STOCK IN NICTHEROY AND APLOAT Juue 6th 100.349 IN In STOCK lst and 2nd HANDS and THOSE AT NICTHEROY bags of 60 kilos. and'APLOAT ON June 6th.'. 313.916 SAMOS Stock on May SOlh1.723.771 OURINQ THE WEEK ENDING June 6th, 1912. Eutries for week ondeil June 6th49.084

DU..I__ 1.772.>68 WEEK ENDEDFOR TUE CROP TO Loaded embarques during same week. 70.227 STOCK IN SANTOS ON June 6tli.V.. 1.702 031 1912 1912 19111912 ! 1911 June 6 May 30Juue June 6 Juue 8 Stock in Kio and Santos on June 6th 1912. 2.C16 547 ou ^o on May 30th 1912. 2 030.853 ou do ou Juue 8lh 11)11. 1.038.96! ,] Rio 38.522 24,18317.01!2.061,170! 2.023,351 Nictheroy tõO 7506,718253,3-9 2:'8,485 In transit | Entries at Kio and Santos for the week ending June 6th Total Rio mcludiug Nictheroy! were 78,736 bags as against 83,794 bags Ia t & transit -39.372 24,933.3;-Ti92 3'4,505 2.251,836 Santos... 70,227 101,326ürf,27U8(527,101 9.168,094 week and 77,851 bags last year. For the crop up to June 6th they amounted to Total Rio & Santos...... 109,599 1?9,2591.1,99910.941,606 11 4i9,930 .12,139,402 bags as against 10,337,366 bags last year. Shipments at Eio and Santos for the week ending June 6th were 109,599 bags as against 129,259 bags Up to June 6th, ent.ries for Viu ia st teu y..i.rs were iis follows : last week, and 121,999 bags last 190208.. 11,922,814 year. For tlie crop up to June 6th em- 1908-04.. 10,233,970 1004 06.. 9,763,799 barques amounted to 10,941,606 bags as H^-Oí., 10,090,9"1 against 11,419,930 bags last IPOBu?.. 19,236 799 year. 1907-08... 10,354,608 F.O'1'B. Value of shipments at Eio and Santos for the week 1908-09... 12,036,507 ending June 6th was £372,310' as against 190910... 14,731,855 ¦ ?•!$& 1910-11... 10,312,434 £499,108 last week and £390,424 last year 1911-12,. 12,139.402 For the crop up to June 6th, the value amounted to £40,968,155, as against £33,353,059 last year. KAI.\FAH. Oi\ THI. LKOPOMII^A UAII.WAl Sales of 93,122 bags were declared at Eio and Santos for the Week ending June 6th, as against 67,950 (In huudredtlís of. íiii íuehj. bags last week and 58,846. bags last year. DAYS Average Prices the week were as follows:— Statious 3 for June 6th. 1912 May 39Ui. 1912 Juin; 8th, 1911 . Mathilde. 40 Eio No. 7 10 kilos 8$4168$"477 7$075 Victoria.. 13 Castello.'. Superior Santos 8$2008$233 $$<3.ro New York No. 7 (cts.):.. 14.1314.13 12.29

.... '. yy%r. i:-v,

69* THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. June llth, 1012.

Stock a6 Bio and Santos on June 6th amounted to 2,016,547 COFFEE PRICE CURRENT. bags as against 2,080,853 bags last week and larlar ths Wsak nilag June 6ih, 1018. 1,088,064 bags last year. oascairTioa May June Jane JaneJuneJuno ??o* 81 1 3 *8 6 tf.

President Schotten, of the Coffee Eoasters' Associa- RIO— tion, will head a committee of ten to visit Brazil as guests Mu-kat N.6.10 kilo» 8.570 8.6798.5708.670 8.570 8.579 8.611 8 5118.6118 511 8.663 of the Brazil Government, tto confer with the Minister of ‡. N.7.• > 8418 8.4488.4438.448 with the 8^448 S\448 8.376 8.8768.8768.876 8J16 Agriculture on matters of importance connected . N.8.t t 8.806 8.8068.8088.8*16 President Schotten 8*806 8^806 8.288 8.2188.33»8.3*8 8JB79 coffee export to the United States.» ‡M.9.< • 8.179 8.1798 1708.170 make such a favourable 87Í70 8^170 8.102 8.1028.1028.102 8448 is hopeful that the delegation will «ANT08— officials that they will open impression on the Brazilian Miperlor per 10 klloa... 8.300 8.800 8.200 8.2008 3008..00 8.308 •ood Arerage..... 7.600 7.600 7.6007.6007.500 their purse and give the coffee roasters an appropriation 7.500 7.600 to a in behalf of coffee in tKis country N. YORK,/«r /*. prosecute propaganda 1J8 unkind things in the daily 3pot N. 7...... eeut. 141/8 14 1/8 14 1/8! 141814 1/8J4 14.13 and to offset some of the printed B Oi ••#••••B 13 7/8 13 7/8 18 7/8 137/818 7/8"T/8 lb.88 the beverage—especially by the coffee sub- Options— paners about » July....> 13.81 18.84 18.38 18.8218.3J18 48 18.84 stitute folk. If this invitation was solicited by. the Coffee !Sept....» 18.40 18.52 13.47 18.5018.4918 65 18.62 ‡Deo....> 18.54 18.57 18.58 18.6713.6813.77 18.69 Roasters' Association, the delegation will be somewhat they are of the Brazil HAVRE, p*r 60 kilot handicapped by the fact that guests Iptionsfranes. 88.22 Government. The laws of hospitality must be observed, » July... • 88.0J 83 00 83.25 83.2688 6084.00 !Sept... » 83.60 88.76 88.6088.7581.85 88.70 into the 88.60 7ò 88.16 and these would hardly permit of their breaking ‡Deo... > 88.00 83.00 83 00 83.0088.2588 words, they cannot ac- Governmenfs strong box; in other BAMBURO per '/, A. cent of their hosfs hospitality and, at the same time, seek Optionspfennige » July. • • • 68.26 68.25 68.75 68.2668.5068.50 68.41 to make any arrangement that would not be to the decided » Sept... » 68.25 68.50 68.50 68.2568.5068.50 68.41 67.75 672567.5067.60 67.45 advantage of the coffee interests here that have already i Deo.... • 67.25 67.50 established such a large community of interest with Brazil. LONDON. per ewt. Options. ..shillings —From the cTea and Coffee Trade Journal.» > July... t 62/- 62/1 62 6 62 62,6 62,6 62/8 » 8ept.... i 61/0 62/1 62/6 82/-62,8 62/6 62/2 » Deo.... » 60/9 61/- 616 81/-61/8 61/6 61,2 VISIBLE SUPPLY. According to Messrs. Duuring and Zoon, the world's MANIFESTS OF COFFEE visible supply of Coffee on June lst, 1012, was 11,300,000, RIO DE JANEIRO a decrease of 423,000 bags compared with May lst. Ou June lst, 1011, the Visible Supply was 11,012,000, or DUBING THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 6th. 1912. Date. Vessel Destination Shippera Bags Total 522,000 bags more than on June lst, 1012. May. Silva Oo.... 100 l.-MAGELLAN-B." Aires" Castro A Ditto— " " Ornstein A Oo 400 Ditto— " Ad. Schmidt A Pilho. 490 Ditto— " Eugen Urban A Oo.... 44 1.034 SZENT ISTVAN—Trieste Ornstein A Oo 342 «THE BLUE BOOK OF THE TRADE.» Ditto—" ©Hard, Band A Oo. 260 Ditto—Gibraltar PintoEugen Urban A Oo.. 250 THE Ditto— A Oo 250 Ditto—Malta Ornstein A Oo 250 1.342 AFRICANA—TriesteHard, Band A Oo.... 500 TEA AND COFFEE TRADE JOURNAL Ditto—Ornstein A Oo 500 Ditto—Eugen Urban A Oo.... 250 Ditto--Theodor Wille A Oo. 864 The International Organ of'the Tea and Coffee Trade. Ditto—Pinheiro A Ladeira.... 1.000 3.114

3—KINOBAIG-Oape" Town" '..» Norton Megaw A Oo... 3.800 Ditto— Castro Silva A Oo 100 Ditto— " " PUBLISHED ON THE lOth OF EACH MONTH. " Olarkson A Oo 800 Ditto— Ornstein A Oo 125 Ditto— ;; ;; Pinto A Oo 450 JJlfctiO--"•••••••••¦ Eugen Urban A Oo 404 91 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Ditto—Mossel Bay" Norton Megaw A Oo... 700 Ditto— " Castro Silva A Oo 975 Cable Address:—TEATRADE. Ditto— " Olarkson A Oo 200 Ditto— Eugen Urban A Oo 100 Ditto—Algôa-Bay" Norton Megaw A Co... 1.400 Ditto— Castro Silva A Oo 550 Ditto— " " »» Olarkson de Oo 100 WILLIAM H. TJKERS, Ditto— P. S. Nieolson A Oo... 910 Ditto— " »» " »» Ornstein A Co. 475 President and Managing Editor. Ditto- " Pinto ds Co 300 Ditto- Theodor Wille A Co 600 Ditto— " " •* Hard, Band A Co 100 Ditto- Mo. K. Schmidt A Oo.... 60 Foreign Subscriptions:- Advertising Rates Ditto—East London Norton Megaw ds Oo... 300 Ditto— Castro Silva A Oo 850 Ditto— n Olarkson A Co $1.50 •t 700 $50 a page. Ditto— P. S. Nioolson A Oo... 165 6 Shillings Ditto— Ornstein A Co 100 Ditto— Theodor Wille A Oo 450 $25 a half-page. Ditto— »» 5 milreis. »» Pinto A Co 350 Ditto— Mo. K. Schmidt A Oo... 60 per issue. Ditto—Delagôa Post age prepaid. " Bay•• P. S. Nioolson A Oo... 136 Ditto— Ornstein A Oo Ditto—P. 100 Natal" Norton Megaw A Oo... 300 Ditto— Castro Silva A Oo 100 WÊS', t\ Ditto— " Member of the Grocery and Allied Trade Press of America. " Olarkson A Oo..... 150 Ditto— P. S. Nieolson Ditto— " A Co.... 425 1 Member of the American Trade Press Association. " " Ornstein A 0o.. 555 Ditto— ...... "' Mo. K. Schmidt A Oo. 410 17.200 HOLLANDIA-B. Aires Theodor Wille A Oo... 401 Correspondents in ali the pròducing countries and in ali the VIBGIL—N. Orleans Mc. K Schmidt & Oo... 1.250 Ditto— Ornstein A Oo.... 500 Ditto—" Hard, Band principal trade centres. Ditto—" 4 Oo 250 •••••¦•••-•••**•-• Ad. Schmidt A Filho 250 2.250 4.-AAOHE_*T-Lisbon A. Oliveira Castro. 50 Ditto—Helsingfors Hermann Baasch.... 250 THE TEA AND COFFEE TRÀDE JOURNAL, Ditto—Oopenhagen Ornstein A Co 125 Dittó—Leixões ..... Ornstein A Co 100 91 Wall Street, New York. Ditto— Pinto A Co 117 Ditto—Antwerp .. Pierre Pradez 13 655

\.:':'.í'< _'i.V

' June llth, 1912. TOU BRAZILIAN RBVIKW. 6tf

5—ORTEGA—Punta Arena» •¦••••!••' Norton Megaw A Oo... 477 Ditto-Valparaiso ••••••••••••••• Ornstein A Co. June. Ditto- 200 1.—AACHEN—Rotterdam •••••••••••••a. Eugen Urban A Oo 650 Nauinuiui Gepp A Oo. Ditto—Taloahuano Eugen Urban Ditto- 4.500 :l,% A Oo 27S 1.502 Ditto- Theodor Wille A Oo... 2.600 • ••«•••¦•ao Michaelsen Wright A O. 1.254 6.-BYRON-N. Tork Mo. X. Schmidt Ditto- Leme A Oo... 260 Ditto-•• Ferreira A Oo... 1.000 Companhia E. de Oafé 6.-AQUITÁINE-Marseiles Ornstein A Oo" Ditto-•• 750 750 Ditto-•» Roxo A Oo... 600 Ditto- Pinheiro A. Ladeira...... 600 Geo Rosenheim 260 Ditto- Louis Bober iMltO- Leite y'-V;:^t 1.000 Ditto—Antwerp A Santos 260 Ditto- Theodor Wille &

: '¦' ¦ Ditto— •••••••¦•••¦•••¦•a» Eugen Urban 3—BYRON—New Ditto—Tunis A Oo 250 Tork'• Ed. Johnston & Co 1.500 Ornstein ds Oo 225 Ditto—"¦"* ••••••••••••_#»•#• Ditto—Smyrna TT7 " Theodor Wille A Oo... 1.188 Ornstein A Oo 375 Ditto— Leon Israel Ornstein Ditto— " A Bros... 750 í_*.**0~"'Ç__aB A Oo 25 » O F. Lima A Co 600 Ditto—Gibraltar ••¦••••¦•••••••••a... Ornstein A Oo Ditto-" Ditto—Mostaganem 250 ¦• •• ...:;;; G. Trinks 500 .. Hermann Baasch 125 Ditto- Companhia Õ. de Café Ditto—Trebisonde Hermann Baasch 250 4.788 Ditto—Sansoun 250 Hermann Baasob 125 MAGELLAN—B. Aires Ditto—Oonitantinople Eugen Urban Krische & Co... 1.500 Ditto-Malta ds Oo 125 Ditto-Theodor Wille John Moore ds Oo 125 10.010 A Co. 534 Ditto—Antônio P. Oampos. 2 2.036 Total Exterior... 37.758 4— ATLANTIQUE-BordeauxEd. Johnston A Co. 375 June. Ditto— Nossack A Co. 225 l.-ITAPERUNA-Pelotaa Castro Silva A Co 50 Ditto- Bezerra Paes A Oo 30 Ditto- Sequeira A Oo 50 Ditto— Pinto de Almeida A O. 3 Ditto—P. Alegre ... Castro Silva A Co 50 Ditto— Société F. Brésilienne 1 Ditto- Mo. K. Schmidt ds Co. 250 400 Ditto— Antônio P. Campos 1 635

2— SÍRIO—Antonina Sequeira ds Co. 10 AMAZON—London Naumann Gepp A Oo. 5.250 Ditto—Itajahy Sequeira Ditto—" Theodor Wille A Co... 750 A Co. 50 60 Ditto—Lisbon " Oincinato Costa 1 -ITAITUBA—R. Ditto— Evaristo Negrão 1 Grande Eugen Urban A Oo130 Ditto—Oherburg Oarraresi A Oo 1 .6.003 Ditto—Pelotas Sequeira A Oo25 Ditto— Eugen Urban A Oo185 Ditto—P. Alegre Mc. K. Schmidt A Oo.150 490 , Total Exterior. 134.663

6.—ITANEMA—Maceió Ornstein ds Co. 30

l.—ARAOATT—Pernambuco Pinto ds Co 250 Ditto- Ornstein A Co 100 Ditto- Theodor Wille A Oo.. 15 Ditto- Zenha Ramos ds Oo.. 100 JSttjat Ditto- Sequeira ds Oo 50 Ditto—Ceará , Zenha Ramos A Co.. 60 Ditto—Pará" Ornstein A Co 455 Ditto- " Eugen Urban A Oo 235 Pernambuco, May 31st, 1912. Dftt-9- " Pinto A Oo 165 Ditto- " Zenha Ramos A Oo.. 10 The Ditto— Ad. Schmidt A Filho.. 75 market here continues in the same quiet state, there Ditto—Santarém Eugen Urban ds Co 10 having been very small sales. Prices Ditto—Parintins Eugen Urban ds Oo 20 are nominaíly un- Ditto—Itacotiara  Eugen Urban A Co 15 changed as holders refuse to accept anything under the old Ditto—  Pinto A Oo 15 and it is Ditto— Ascenç&o A Santos 1 prices upon this basis that stuff is still going out Ditto—Mandos Eugen Urban A Co 300 for the Northern Ditto—  ports. Up to yesterday entries this  Pinto ds Co 325 Ditto— Zenha Ramos A Co.. 100 2.301 month had been only 41,000 bags, compared with sarne date last year 97,717 bags, thus again showing de- 4—CORCOVADO—Pernambuco Pinto A Oo 30 great Ditto—Mossoró crease, and from now to end of crop this can only  Zenha Ramos A Co. 40 continue Ditto— P Gomes Pedrosa. 300 to show Ditto—Macau further large deficiency.. Quotations are Ribeiro Bastos 30 400 nominaíly the same as under:— Total coastwisè 3.681 Usinas , 8$600 to 9$0OO per 15 kilos on shrre. Crystal (v/hite) 8$500to8$700 >> SANTOS Do. (yellow).. None. Whites DURING THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 6th. 1912. 2a Boa 7$400to7$900 May. Somenos 6$400to7$000 30—S. URSULA—N. Tork Ed. Johnston ds Oo. 16.825 Ditto— C. F. Lima A Oo4.106 Bruto Secco 4$400 to 4$600 >» Ditto— Theodor Wille A Oo...3.500 Ditto— Naumann Gepp A Co.3.250 Clearances during the fortnight have been—Bio 4,644 Ditto— Leon Israel ds Bros...3.000 Ditto— Mc. Laughlin ds Oo...1.334 bags, Santos 2,500 bags, Bio Grande Ports 300 bags, Pará, Ditto— Roxo & Oo1.000 Ditto—Oonsumpt. on board Theodor Wille A Co... 1 33.016 etc, 7,350 bags, Bahia 50 bags.

SZENT ISTVAN—Trieste Naumann Gepp ds Co. 4.500 Ditto— Theodor Wille A Oo... 3.050 Ditto— Hard. Rand A Oo 1.008 Ditto— O. F. Lima A; Oo.. 500 Ditto— Eugen Urban ds Oo 500 Ditto— Société F. Brésilienne 500 éútm Ditto— Ed. Johnston ds Oo 250 Ditto— Leon Israel ds Bros... •250 Ditto—Fiume Naumann Gepp ds Co. 250 10,808 Pernambuco, May 31st, 1912, . 31.-SIAMESE PRINOE-N. Tork Ed. Johnston ds Co...9.000 Ditto—" Leon Israel & Bro...s4.000 Ditto— Companhia O. de Café2.004 Entry to 30th inst. has been 24,100 bags, compared Ditto— Michaelsen Wright A O.2.000 Ditto— Leme Ferreira ds 1.000 with 19,200 bags for corresponding date last year. The Ditto- Companhia E. de Café625 Ditto— G. Trinks557 market has been a very unsettled one and with no support Ditto- Zerrenner Bülow & O.1 19.187 from Bulls, during the past few days prices have fallen OADIZ—B. Aires Aguirra A Co. 149 away, and with every probability of going considerably lower; in fact there now seems little doubt that will VIRGIL-N. Orleans Ed. Johnston A Co...8.540 prices Ditto-- C. F. Lima & Co5.375 ere long get to a correct basis on which business can be Ditto— ªHard, Rand A Co4.569 through 18th, about Ditto— •» Leon Israel ds Bros...4.250 put with the Southern mills. On 800 Ditto— ªCompanhia E. de Café3.000 bags were sold to a fabrica here at 14$000, and next two Ditto— »» Companhia O. de Café2.500 Ditto— Hollworthy Ellis A Co.2.250 days price dropped to 13$800, at which only a fe.v hundred Ditto— •• Nioac A Co.2.050 bags were sold; then on 22nd, Bio shipper carne in and Ditto— " Naumann Gepp A Oo.1.850 ,a Ditto— " Krische A Co1.800 paid 14$000 for 500 bags of ready cotton and refused more, ...'^ Ditto— Michaelsen Wright A O.1.250 in the there were again selle s at 13$800, Ditto— " Eugen Urban ds Oo1.000 and afternoon " F. Brésilienne750 resold at 13$200 Ditto— " Société and 200 bags Mediums were to a fabrica; Ditto— .•Theodor Wille & Co...500 39.684 and on 23rd, about 400 bags were sold at 13$800, and a 698 THB BRAZILIAN REVIEW. June llth, 1912. resale of 300 Mediums made to a fabrica at 13$000; on By the s.s. Ortéga from Liverpool òn June 5th—Miss 25fch, there were many sellers in market at 18$500 with E. Bray, W.Glover, J. A. Edwàrds, W. Krause. but on 27th buyers carne forward and about 800 no buyers, * bags were sold at 13$500 in the morning, and later in the Departures. day a fabrica bought at 13$£00; on ?.8th, a fabrica took 1,000 bngs at _3$50O, but nothing more could be sold at the By the s.s. Amazon for Southampton on June 5th— at price; and on 29th, 1,000 bags were sòld at 13$000, E. Colbau, Ii. liickman, T. H. Hood, Dr. João Teixeira which price market opened yesterday with many sellers, Soares and family, O. E. Herder, Dr. Eduardo Guinle. but buyers then held off and only offered 12$50O, but at By the s.s. Ortega for Callao on June 5th—H. Rhodes, close of day 500 bags were again sold at 13$Ô00. To-day J. B. Babbit, W. E. Greig, G. H. Fenton, W, H. Backer. market opened in same position, sellers at 13$000 and By the s.s. Oronsa for Livernool on June 6th—W. B. buyers at 12$500, but this afternoòn the Buli party has Jones, H. Simonsen, A. J. Andeson and family, F. C. Kent. bought about 200 has» at 13$000 in lots of 20 to 50 bags, but has refused'lo-8 of 500 bags at the price, and so far to take them at anything over no one else seems inclined ARRIVALS AT THE PORT OF RIO DE JANEIRii 12$500. >For new crop tbere ave sellers at 12$500 for Sept.-October deli very. From every qüarter the advices During the week ending June 6th, 1912. letters from of growing ciops continue excellent and May 31 CORCOVADO, Brazilian s.s. 789 tons. from Santos. the crop Paraíba yesterday suy-r«Tn nll the cotton zone 31 . SZENT I8TVAN. Austrian s.s. 1914 tons, from Santos. and well June 1..—MAREN, Norwegian barque, 1525 tons. from Bosario. promises to be large, tbe plai.ts are ali health.y 1. -AFRICANA, Austrian s.s. 2008 tons, from Buenos Aires and should an extrpordínarily large crop 1, MAGELLAN, French s.ss. 2862 tons. from Bordeaux. grown produce would 1.—FORESTMOOR, British s.b. 2862 tons, from Bordeaux. this season, and for such a thing not to take place 3 .—MURUMBY, Brazilian b.s. 582 tons, from Santos. hitherto»; which shows 3 .—ITAPOAN, Brazilian s.s. 568 tons, from Bahia. now require a sconrge never seen 3..—VIRGIL, British s.b. 2141 tons, from Santos that are in that state and from ali one can gather 3.—ITAITUBA, Brazilian s.s. 600 tons, from Porto Alegre. prospects In Paraíba 3.—PINTO, Brazilian s.s. 224 tons. from Victoria. it is the same in the states further North also. 3.—GURUPY. Brazilian s.s. 518 tons. from Manáos. - was alreadv 1?$300 with sellers, whilst at the 3.,—CANO-J'. Brazilian b.s. 1429 tons. from Manáos. r. , i the price 3.,—AACHEN, '-.'¦¦¦ German b.s. ¦'¦':'¦ 3839 tons, from Santos. ¦ 13$000. 3.—VILLA BELLA, Brazilian s.s. time here they were paying —LABUAN, 253 tons, from Paranaguá. Shinments during tbe .órtnjéht have bten—Eio oUU 3. British s.s. 2294 tons, from Antwerp. 500 3.—MISS, British s.s. 1951 tons. from Leitz. bags, Santos 1,000 bàss, Leixoes^OO bags, Liverpool 3..—MARGA, Norwegian barque, 1436 tons; from London. 3.—SIAMESE PRINCE, British s.s. 3058 tons. from Buenos Aires bags, and 126 pressed bales. 3 —PETROPOLIS. German s.s. 3093 tons, from Hamburg. stock here is to-day about 83,000 bags. 3..—BONN, German s.s. 2568 -tons, from Bremen. The unshipped 3 —HAIMON, German s.s. 3272 tons, from Valparaizo: 3.—CAP. NEGRO, Belgium s.s. 1659 tons, from Antwerp. 3.—HOLLANDIA. Dutch s.e) 4603 tons, from Amsterdam. 3 —PURUS, Brazilian s.s. 2495 tons, from New York. .«i 3.—JÚPITER, Brazilian 0|1 -TE1XEIRINHA. s.s. 567 tons. from Montevideo. 4. Brazilian s.s. _23 tons, from S. J. da Barra. 4 .—CARANGOLA, f<:imatltetl'|! tf®Ú% ~íH5A__lNINPA' Brazilian s.s. 226 tons, from S. Matheus. Csl_j 4 Brazilian s.s. 1272 tons, from Pernambuco. 4 —BYRON. British —ARASSUAHY, s.s. 2526 tons. from Santos. 4. Brazilian s.s. 542 tons, from Caravellas. Pernambuco, May 31st, 1912. 4.'""_??«,§&• B/azilian tug, 50 tons, from Cabo Frio. 4'"SMIES8;- Ur"£«ayaii s.s. 1610 tons, from Bahia Blanca. 4, "SF^3^1^- British ~£4T;_H?;GR0VE' s.8. 2401 tons, from Bahia Blanoa. buyers offer 12$500, whilst holders ask 13$000. 4, British s.s. 2809 tons. from Buenos Aires. Coffee 4.—BACCIfUS, Frencli sis. 2233 tons, from Havre. ' - Milho market weaker and with j_mali entries of new 4¦"""•Ç-íí^ R°BKRT, British s.s. 2541 tons, from Norfolk. bag. 5 E 01.ARA. Brazilian yacht, 41 tons, fróm Cabo Frio crop, is down to 6$500 to 6$800 per 5.—ANGRA.aÍÍÍ^A Brazilian ' price ~™A£!JACA^Brazilian s.s. 192 tons, from Paraty. Beans unchanged at 18$000 to 21$000 per bag of 60 , 5 ss- 869 tous> from Porto Alegre. '55" -«Brazilian schooner, 94 tons. from Cabo Frio. kilos. ~S£M_h,íJ.4;. Brazilian ~S yacht, 50 tons, from Cabo Frio. 5$800 bag. 5 BAS- 1185 tons' from Farinha weaker at 5$600 to per 5 \Tt ; JBnI2S\1lan Manáos. ™AXTmT^£?íNAGAv sPanish s.s. 1973 tons, from Ceará. Freights unaltered and cargo exceedingly scarce. 5 ¦•¦• 873 tons» 5 -DR?JfS-VnIRn' .-?r£I?lttn fr°™ Porto Alegre. Exchange 16 cobrança and 16 3/32d. for business, with awStS nlVriPiS-SJ1 ii1?*-9.1 tons» from South ahilds- 5 ^vví^^^Hl^' Britl8h ss- "84 tons. from Iquiqni. occasionally l/32d. better. 5. S3- 6087 ton8' from Genoa. 5 Z^-tt-Í-K?M'?^It1Sll.a?1-™m™NTAMAt,RY-. British alternately heavy rains --OOTOVIA s.s. 2268 tons, from- Coronel. Weather continues splendid, 5, Bntlgh 8 g 2027 t0T)g fr_ra Eosario This month the rainfall is over 26 inches, 5 ,—A_cí4£Tt±Q£E^ . 9S- 3501 tons« from Buenos Aires. and sunshine. 5, ~~ÀííA,?0N' BritishT™"0" since —9BT_EGA- s.s. 6300 tons. from Buenos Aires. as compared with 10 3/4 inches last year, and 5. British s.s. 4492 tons, from Liverpool. with 34 5,'~SHI.fTE4FUPrIí1Ní]Fj' British ss. 1797 tons, from New York. January we have had over 75 inches, compared 5, ~^VTTmJ?T"1BLK —QUITO. Swedish s.s. 2340 tons, from Gothemburg. inches last year. Below I discriminate it month by month: 5 British s.s. 2533 tons, from Cardiff. 6 s-?.- 887 ton8' from Pernambuco. 6 flAM,ABí??illaílBrasihan inches1911 inches. a^tÍatt yacht. 34 tons. from Cabo Frio. 1912 6' ypcht 33 tons- Jan. 4.42 6' A™0*n_Br-rlllan from °abo Frio. Jan. 7.76 v™lnÁi?r_;l11^ yaí,ht' 33 tons- from Cabo Frio. 6! Br»«lian 23 tons. Feb. 16.52 Feb. 3.76 6 in^Tm?0!* yaoht. from Macahé. npnV-^' l^*?1,111" ss. 869 ton8- from Pernambuco, March' 16.68 March 6.70 6.—ORONSA, British s.s. 4492 tons, from Callao. April 8.00 April 5.44 May 26.50 May 10.77 SAILINGS FROM THE PORT OF RIO DE JANEIRO During the week ending June 6th, 1912. "a^a^0*^* Bra_ilian s.s. 869 tons. for Porto Alegre. ^liítmm__3 "FbÍV??-?-?8w_^™™._,B£í5Uan ss- 531 tons- for Manáos. Iak?lla. Brazilian s.s. 690 tons, for Pará. abT-^-ÍA' Brazilian s.s. 882 tons, for Recife. arFiTÍmA^m'„4u,strian s-s- 2008 ton8' for Trieste. Argentine. The Brazilian market is quiet and some- ?>iSNT1AísTTVAN..Hungarian s.s. 1914 tons, for Trieste. what easier, shippers having been able to force a small re- "S7?íiTAn?_ESP-LA'«ivmA xf^olí?1?811-.8'8''3314 tons» for Buenos Aires. "iTnw^MSnVAT^KT1111^6Geman 8.s. 2340 tons, for New York. duetion for the ports. We quote as follows:— "n?nTÍ!'iNS4?AUFEN' 8'8- 1179 tons- £or Paranaguá. principal Geman 8-8. 4086 tons. for Santos. To Bahia and Pernambuco 24s. To s-s- 224° tons, for Santos. . Pelotas 24s. To ac_?tA* B^azilianJ?en?,an * Porto Alegre 28s. To Antoninna 16s. To Florianapolis "fma>-?,«'a s.s. 779 tons. for Santos, "t inT^T'~.5^nlian s-8' 219 tons' for Paraty. 16s. To Itajahy 28s. To San Francisco 20s. To Para- a^Vxt ?MI- B.razilian s.s. 467 tons, for Porto Alegre. naguá 20s. To Bio Grande 16s. To Santos ^Âw¥ííü_i,BArazÍ.han.,.8s- 30° tbns' for Laguna 16s. To 'frí_i:íí?TSE«:pílíN0B'oT-w_?i^^«V_SSí-llian 8lS- 885 tons- for Porto Alegre. Bio 16s. "XlvÃ111' B«tish s.s. 3058 tons, for New York. Bntish s.s. 2140 tons, for New Orleans. «The Times of Argentina,» May'27th, Br1ií:i8h 1912 arS™ »' s-8- 2929 tons, for Buenos Aires. S_.i%\^azilian s's- 554 ton8' for Montevideo. "?A__?-0N'xTAA^í?Aí;ÇA,, Brazilian s.s. 751 tons, for Buenos Aires. German s.s. 4348 tons, for Bremen. -LISSA, British s.s. 2436 'infnl^PA "Pj^uBuayantons, for Montevideo. s.s. 1887 tons. for Paranaguá. PERSONAL NEWS. B«"---ltan "SrTrrHV^Y^^?0,^«^lríS5' s.s. 4748 tons. for S. Vicente. ARR1VALS Bráíiliãh s.s. 82 tons, for Maceió. AND DEPARTURES. t? SYwPt^a81'??11!1.11,11 8S- 521 tons- for Oabo Pri<>- "5fiín-pnnm w " .Italian s.s. 5087 tons, for Buenos Aires. Arrivals. *TÍ9irwSsrl.ft.n s-8' 2222 tons. for-Ancona. WAMA^nSi8^811 s,8> 2382 ton8> for Lurban. Níírvveeian barque, 1504 tons, for St. John. By the s.s.-Amazon from TniABnAw 4'Brazilian Buenos Aires on June 5th— "?SmiWan.,?,8'lilíTfTAimTT^A s.s. 513 tons. fer Rio Grande do Sul E. Bítter, A. Lang, E. Stanton, J. Cassar, J. Applin, "atttí? ton8' for Porto Alegre: B Brazilian yacht 20 tons. for Cabo Frio. Brazilian«IA9: Colher, R. Sommerville, Dr. G. Moore. -BYRON,nvíííÁí yacht, 33 tons, for Oabo Frio. British s.s. 2526 tons, for New York.

•..:•.¦'.;.¦¦¦¦¦•¦.¦¦¦',¦¦¦.¦¦¦¦¦¦....¦;;. ¦ ''.¦'¦'¦"¦'..'"'',/; ''¦'/¦''.¦. '¦¦'¦:.'¦'¦¦.]'. '.'- ''.'¦.. '¦"¦¦'•.'•'-"¦ '.'..¦',"¦¦¦ '' '¦¦¦' '¦'-/:::'"-; . .-¦ ... ¦ ¦.¦ ¦ : : ...... '.y.¦::'[¦: - ¦'¦ .''. ¦". i ¦"•'¦.. '¦¦¦:• ¦¦¦•¦ '¦..'¦' ':¦ '.."'¦....'¦.'': '"'v- •','.-'.:'¦ ' '•'¦.¦ :,.'".-,':.'.. .'•"!'• . • ¦-¦'':.''¦ ;'"" ¦'.¦..' ¦¦ •¦ . ' ¦¦ •¦

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¦ ¦ ¦¦¦.¦¦..¦¦¦¦':¦.¦ ¦ . _. _. _^_ v- Jiíhâ,lltK;i9Í2. THÉ BRAZILIAN RÈVIBW. 699 •t^SaSS^Su^1^.^ 1739 *¦% ">' BosarTo J^SfiSnS nri!íf *_'8,s- ^ ton8' tor Üverpooi; :_SI> fiffl* ¦'¦•¦•' ar ss"401 is 4.-CALDERGROVE, British s s ton, .aér*-ivS a..... BRAZIL-ADRIATIC-LINE OF Norwegian }____ARtA554v barque, 1382 tons?™? Pensacola The Austro-Americana g. 8. Oo and v._. The Royal Hungarian Sea Navig. Oo "Àdria" ?• rtXZ&fBJíP'¦ British s.s. 91 tons, for Vancouver Ltd v'f f p m TÍSr-iSÍ11. 8.S. 2261 tons. for Santa Lúcia _""S.tDv-LÍ.R.R.INAGA' British s.s. 2691 .tons, for Buenrm Air«. 8B- 2?*5 tons- for Bahia Regular saMags f~SnfevX'«British Blancae"" from Pantos and Rio de Janeiro for tons' for s Francisco. Ba^lona, Malaga, Almeria t~nA_T2^SS£m£ll.s.-8_-z6688'8- Naple» Oran, Algiers, *~SmfIwnf?' ^riti8,h £f ton9' fov B«eno° Aires. Mata, Trieste, and Fiume, and with 8-8vJM0 tona> for Buenos transhipment, for ali fi~S?n^flA'wFreníh*\r_enoh Aires: Mediterrânea!., North Afrícan, Levant, East Asiatic _'~BnoSH«8, ss. 200 tons, for Buenos Aires and Ausralian •8'8- 8M tons- for Manáos. ports.i _'~^?T?ilvB/a!5.lianAustriaii s.s. ¦¦¦. 3135 tons, for Trieste. ..;¦.'¦ . _"~?Er f-fí^'Air-^U_tr/*an_ í~nTr w« 8>s- 3n2i?- ton8' for Santos. NEXT l>Fl>\ltT|!llF.* Bnitl8h 8-8' 272?_.ton8. for Buenos Aires. FOR EUROPE «'"nííflffíwv. *-*'J8? : -:w<í__ e! M^niBr!ráíÍA0,«Germun tons' for Buenos Aires. ^~^^}uDomA-' German s.s. 2772 tons. for Santos 6.-PETROPOLIS. German s.s. 3093 tons. for Santos-" June 6.-C11TNESE PRINOE, British *ATLANTA‡at?a\.t?HBNBBBG27th13th s.s. 3028 tons. for Rosário. » .-¦¦

¦ .:¦'¦'..;

ARRIVALS AT THE PORT OF SANTOS FOR IIIYER PLATE : During the week ending June 6th, 1912. *ATVA1FA ALICE20th9thJune » Jun. 1 Brazilian s.s. 613 tons, from Porto Alegre. 1 -NASíyAJ?JP.BA .0 VIA, German s.s. 3640 tons, from Hamburg "_.T!_eje stea,uers 1.¦"^Ü!!/0 PBJtNCE. British s.s. 1791 tons, from New York. _~ _. «re fi"ed with wireless telegraphy and carry 1 ,—SPARTA, German s.s. 1744 tons, from Hamburg. Cabin A Steerage Passengers for Las Palmas, Umeria, Barcelona, Naples 2..—MAOELiLAN, French s.s. 2963 tons, from Bordeaux. and Trieste.r 2 —ITAPRMA, Brazilian s.s. 82 tons. from Rio de Janeiro 2. TTOUENSTAUFEN, German s.s. 4086 tons, from Hamburg Forrargo apply to H. Campos, Rua Visconde de Inhouma, ESP vGNE, For 2. French s.s. 2478 tons, from Marseilles. passages and fnrtlier information to : ' '' 2..—BRAGANÇA, Brazilian s.s. 751 tons, from Rio ¦ :t2 de Janeiro- : æ' : 3.,—DACIA. German s.s. 2240 tons, from Antwerp. . * - .—CANOVA, 3. British s.s. 2929 tons, from Glasgow. Rombauer «fe 3 ,—SÍRIO, Brazilian s.s. 554 tons, from Rio de Janeiro. Oo. ti 3. —ATLANTIQUE, French s.s. 3501 tons. from Buenos Aires. 4.—ANNA, Brazilian s.s. 247 tons, from Florianópolis. 5 ASSU', Brazilian s.s. 779 tons, from Rio de Janeiro. RUA VISCONDE DE INHAÚMA No. 84-Kio de Janeiro 5, TROPEIRO, Brazilian s.s. 548 tons. from Porto Alegre. 5..—ITAUNA, Brazilian s.s. 403 tons, from Porto Alegre. 6.—ORONSA. Britsh s.s. 4492 tons. from Oallao RUA 5, —VALDIVIA. French s.s. 4335 tons, from Marseilles. 11 DE JUNHO No. IA—Mantos

SAILINCS FROM THE PORT OF SANTOS During the week ending June 6th, 1912. Hamlin.E--SMai_e.il™ •: ^ -.:;í|^ Jun. 1, —AACHEN, German s.s. 2447 tons for Bremen. 1.—BITSCHIN, German s.s. 2043 tons, for Buenos Aires. IN CONNEC1ION WITH THE 1 .—ITAITUBA, Brazilian s.s. 613 tons, for Rio de Janeiro. 1 .'—BET.LUOIA, British s.s. 2786 tons, for Montevideo. 1 ,—NA VARRA, German s.s. 3640 tons, for Buenos Aires. - 1.—GRYPEVALE, British s.s. 2048 tons, for Montevideo. Hamburg Amerika Linie 1 .—AGENIOR. British s.s. 1931 tons. for Buenos Aires. 1.—HARMATHAN, British s.s. 3046 tons, for Bahia Blanca. TABLE OF DEPARTURE 2. —ITAPEMA, Brazilian s.s. 82 tons, for Porto Alegre. 2.—MAGELLAN, French s.s. 2962 tons, for Buenos Aires. 3,—BYRON, British s.s. 2526 tons, for New York. 3,—SÍRIO, Brazilian s.s. 554 tons, for Montevideo. 3.—GRANDE, Norwegian barque, 956 tons, for N. Escócia. 3.—VILNA, Argentine s.s. 360. tons, for Buenos Aires. 3,—ATLANTIQUE, French s.s. 3501 tons, for Bordeaux: Express service to Europe 3.,—ESPAGNE. French s.s. 2478 tons, for Buenos Aires. 4.—MAYRINK, Brazilian s.s. 234 tons, for Rio de Janeiro. 4.—MANTIQUEIRA, Brazilian s.s. 837 tons, for Rio de Janeiro. CAP ORTEGALI7th June K. tf AUGUST 16th Aug. 4.—LAGUNA, Brazilian s.s. 300 tons, for Laguna. GAP. BLANCO25th » CAP ORTEGAL-Srd » . 4.—HOLLANDIA, Dutch s.s. 4602 tons, for Buenos Aires. K. WILHELM ir3nl July CAR BLANCO3rd Sep. 4,—AMAZON, British s.s. 6300 tons, for Southampton CAH. VILANO12th » K. WILHELM IIMth » 5,—ANNA, Brazilian s.s. 247 tons, for Rio de Janeiro. CAP. FINISTERüE....19th • CAP VILANO26th » 5. ITAUNA, Brazilian s.s. 403 tons, for Pernambuco. BLUCHEH30th » CAP FINISTERRE30th » 5 —BRAGANÇA, Brazilian s.s. 751 tons, for Buenos Aires. CAP. ARCONA911) Aug. HLUCHER5th Oct. 5 —DELFLAND, Dutch s.s. 2763 tons, for Buenos Aires. 5 —VALDIVIA. French s.s. 4335 tons, for Buenos Aires. 5 —ORONSA, British s.s. 4492 tons, for Liverpool. 5 —O. of VENIOE, British s.s. 1883 tons, for Bahia Blanca. Express service to R. Plate Ships Afloat at the Port of Rio de Janeiro. K. WILHELM II lõthJuno BLUCHER 12th July CAP. VILANO 2.th » CAP ARCONA 21st ». On June 8th, 1912. CAP FINISTERRE .... 2nd July PARTICIA, British barque, Oapt. Peddert, from Glasgow, Amaral Sutherland & Co., Arr. Feb.. 4th. DORA, Russian barque, Oapt. Nurgo, from Gulfport, Order, Arr. Feb. 5th. SANTA ANNA, Italian barque, Capt. Mhazella, from Marseilles, P. Soares & Oo., Arr. Feb., 16th. vALBORG, Norwegian barque, Oapt. Ohr.Btiansen. from Gulfport, Intermediate service to Europe Paulo Passos & Oo. Arr. .\far. 12th. -barque, MIRANDA, Norwegian Oapt. Hein, from Mobile order, Arr. PETROPOL1S21st June BAHIA26th July April lOth. S. PAULO28lh ARÁBIA2nd Aug. GANNOOK ROOK, Norwegian barque, Oapt. Ozterhaus, from Pensacola, CAP VERDE lst July HAMBSIiURG6th > A. G. Fontes, Arr. April 19th; CORDOBA12lh » TIJUiA16th > HENRIETTA, German barque, Oapt. Sanarmil, from Hamburg, Herm GAPR ,CA15th >> HOHENSTAUFEN19th » Stoltz A Co.. Arr. April 22nd. MARGARET, Norwegian barque, Oapt. Stevena, from Rosário, Order ¦¦¦ Arr. May, 4th. These luagui-iecnt and last steamers am íitted witli n OLAREBUNR, Norwegian barque, Capt. Stendel, from Oardiff, Amaral Sutherland & Oo. Arr. May. 4th. the latest improvements and offer to first-class passengert HERM ANOS, Norwegian barque, Oapt. Robinson, from Mobile, Order, highest Arr. May, 7th. the comfort. NORDSTERN, Norwegian barque, Oapt. Madsen, from Hamburg Herm • Stoltz & Oo. Arr. May 9fch. For pas.sa.g__ and 1*;irLher information apply to the COLONA, Norwegian brig, Oapt. Birkeland, from Gulfport, D. J. da Silva, Arr. May, lOth. Agents:— ESTHER, . Norwegian brig, Halvorsen, from Frederikstad, D. J. da Silva, Arr. May, 19th. THEODOE WILLE & Co., 79 Avenida Bio Branco. NJAAL, Russian barque, Oapt. Nordisk, from Westervik, Order, Arr. May 25th. ROSA, Italian barque, Oapt., Morteli, from Marseilles, D. J. da Silva, i__a______i_____5_____S^ Arr. May 31st. MAREN, Norwegian barque, Oapt.. Hein, from Rosário, Rio Flour Mills, _ Arr. June lst. MARGA, Norwegian brig, Oapt. Kaug, from London, Maia á Co., Hotel Avenida.—The larg-est and most importànt hotel Arr. June, 2nd. DORIDE, Italian barque, Oapt. Rosa, from Marseilles, José da Silva A Oo.> Arr. June 8th. in Brazil. Avenida Central, Rio de Janeiro. 700THE BRAZILIAN BBVIEW.Jüdb Uth, 1912.

CURRENT COFFEE FREIGHT RATES IN FOBOE 8INOB APRIL lSth. 1918. towUt, Scroggie & Co, Bio. Santos. Aden «via Trieste»60/-in full. 60/-in f uU. AfuiUts .%...;78,60 fr«»; tu full.. 76,60 frc». ia 1*"" Alexandretta** 85,80 fies. in full. «5,80 fres. in fuU. Aivali" 85,80 fros. in full. 85,80 frcs. in full. (TWi OLDE6T ESTABLISHED FIRM OF FNCtltM Alexandria" .,.76,80 fros. in fulL 76,80 fros. in full. Aigiers" 74.40 fros. in full. 74.40 fros. in full. Alicante 60 fres. in full. 60 fros. in full. ACCOUNTANT8 IN tOUTH AMERIOA.) Almeria 60 fres. in full. 80 fros. iu iuii. Amsterdam .&/.& 6 %. 40/-* 6 V. . „ Ancona" 75,60 fres. in full. 75,60 frcs. in full. Antwerp 1,000 kilos45/-* 6 %. 40/.* & %. .. Aviles87 fres. in full. 87 fros; in full. Barcelona60 fros. in full. 60 fros. in full. Railway and General Auditora Bassorah**129 frei. in full. 189 fros. infull. Inoorporated Aooountanta Batoum"79.80 fres. in full. 79.80 fros. in full. and Agente Beyrouth"82,80 fros. in full. 82.80 frcs. in full. Buenos Aires, Rosário, Montevidoo and Bilbao 67 fros. in full. 67 fros. in full. Bombay «via» Trieste ª607-in full. 60/-in full. Rio de Janeiro Bordeaux, 900 kilos46 frcs. & IU %. 15 jfrca. A 10 %. Braila" 85,80 fros. A10 %. 85.80 fros.410%. Bremen.&/•* & %. 40/.* 6 %. Brindisi"72 fros. in full. 72 fros. in full. Buenos Aires per bag. 60 kilos...i«_oo. 18800. 60 frcs. in full. Oadis (Spanish Une)«o frcs. in full. T. B. D. FOWLEB, F. 8. A. A. V. O. O. SCBOOGIE, F. 8. A. A. Calouttá «via» Trieste66/-in full. 6(/-in fu'«. 60 fros. in full Oarthagena 60 fres. in full. T. C. E. FOWLEB. F S. A. A. QEO. WINTEB.F. S. A. Oavalla** 79.80 fros. in full. 79.80 fres. in full. A Cesmeck** 79.80 fros. in full. 79.80 fros. in full. Ohiistiania ó_/_ in full. 4// in full. Oienfuegos «via» Antwerp A Bre- And a larga staff of Coapttent AialitaatB men 76 A 6 % in full. and Bzparts Colombo eo/-ln full. C0/-in full. Constantinople**73.W) frcs. in full. 73,80 fros. in full. Oopenhagen47/6 & 5 %. 42/6 & 6 %• „ Corfu*»79.80 fros. in full. 79.80 fres. in full. Oorufiaõt frcs. in full. 68 írcs. in full. full. 00/-in full. Ourrachee «o/-in fuU. Uudertake iuvcutigatiouB and Beports on Public Companies' Acceuuts '. in ¦ 79.80 fros. ¦ Dedeagatch** 79.80 frcs. in full. 40/-A 6 %. Fiume 45/-A 5 %. .•<¦ in the Argentine, Uruguayan, Chilian, Brasiliao fres. in full. 85,80 fres. in full. Gaiata" ‡85,80 10 %¦ Genoa 1.000 kilos 48 fros. A 10 %. 48 fros. A and other South American Bepublics; in full. 66fros. in full. also legal representation Gibraltar 66 frcs. íis í«.» Gijon 66 frcB. in luli. 56 frc». of Compauies, Firms, or others. Gothenburg 61/8 in full. 46/-ln full. Hamburg 45/-is 5 %. 40/-& 6 %• Havana «via» Las Palmas, Ma-. ... iu full. HEAD OFFICE: laga, Bareelona 6» lrcs- in ÍU,L 65 frcs. Havana «via» Antwerp Bremen...62/- 8 %. 10 60 fros. A 10 %. Northern Insuranes Havre. 900 kilos ÇÇ trcs. A %. full. Building Hongkong «via» Triesteo6/-in full. 66/-in in full. 67frcs. in full. Huelva ..?.67 frcs. full. Kobe «via» Trieste66/-in full. 66/-in „ 444 Bmrtolosne mtre, Bueaos Alrea frcs. in full. 79.80 fros. in full. Kustendje"79.80 ¦ Lisbon86/& 6 %• Só/.* 5 %. 6 40/.* 6 %. Liverpool 46/-_i %. 6 %• 40/& %• ¦•¦.¦¦¦.¦ London oargo s. V*./-* f 46/.* 6 %. Do mail s. s._?/-* I y 40/& 6 %. London opt. cargoes ?.„',, , n*' full. Madra»C0/-IO full. 60/-ÍO C. B. A. 1. & Liebe^s in full. 60 fros. in full. Codes, Malaea.60 frcs. full. MnlmnA&_: 3 IU full. 47/-ÍU frcs. in full. 74.40 fros. in full. Malta»*_-_,ilu> 74.40_. . „ „ ^QUITTANCE" Manilla «via» Antwerp Bremen..._z'it-f Cable Address. ™- £* in «v 48 fros. A 10 %. Marseilles 1.000 kilos « ,* }°,l'°- (S9 frcs. 111 iuii MersinaS«f#!L,. i„ f„n 67.20 fros. in full. Messina" S r^» in fííli 85,80 frcs. in full. Metelino" ?£_oo 18800. bag M kil°876.80 frcs. in full. 76,80 frcs. in full. ír«_,^ÍÍ.»°m?.er 64,80 frcs. in full. ***• 50 cts. A 5 %. K JOHNSTON New York per bag£° l? & Ltd. J \ Go. 50 cts. A 5 %. ^ baK 7^.-0tfrí_5i^full. 79.80 frcs. in full. gdeeWss2-ean8 74.40 frcs. in full. • • o£_„« frcs. in full. 74.40 frcs. in full. 67,20 frcs. in full. Palermo*»'67.20 79.80 frcs. in full. «via» 66/- in full. Penang Trieste SS'ÔAln L *„n 73,80 frcs. in full. Pirtieus**W.gO fr°8- ín %$ in full. Port Said»» __',80/ro,8",in ful1' 76,80 fros. COFFEE EXPORTERS.STEAMSHIP Bangoon «via» Trieste _?v. n_ u 66/- in full. AGENTS Rotterdam«J/-* 6 %. 40/-& 6 %. Santander72/-in full. 72/-in full. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. San Sebastian A«"£"• '" '"l'„„ 60/-in full. Sansoun»» 79.80 frcs. in fuU. 79.80 frcs. in full. Salonica*»73,81 frcs. in full. 73.80 frcs. in full. Seville67/- frcs. in full. 67/- fros. in full. Shanghai «via» Trieste 66/- in full. 66/- in full. Singapore «via» Trieste 66/- m full. 66/- in full. BRANCH Smyrna»»73,80 in full. 73,80 in full OFFICES nílMMI OF L PAULO AI Southampton (opt.) Mail 457-* & %• 45/-* 6 %. Do cargoes45/-* 5 %. 40/-& 5 %. Stookholm&»/8 ln full, 46/-U1 full. S. Panlo 8ue_".-.76,80 fros. in full. 76.80 fros. in full. 8. José do Rio Pardo Sulina»» 82.80 fros. in_ full. 82.80 fros. in full. S. Carlos Tangier 79.20 frcs. in full. 79.20 fros. in full. Ribeirão Preto 8. Manoel Taragonne 66 frcs. in full. 66 frcs. iu full. Trebizonde»»79.80 frcs. in full. 79.80 frcs. in full. Tanbató Jahú Trieste45/-* 6 %. . 40/-A 5 %. Tripoli** 82,80 frcs. in full. 82,80 fros. in full. Amparo. Jabottcabil Tunis**74.40 frcs. in full. 74.40 fros. in full. Valencia..66 frcs. in full. 66 frcs. in full. Valparaizo (options) 46/6 A 6 %• Open to accept sole fepreseatatioa of auaufactiires Varna»»79.80 frcs. in full. 79.80 frcs. in full. Venioe*»72 frcs. in full. 72 frcB. in full. Vigo.60 .frcs. in full. 60 fros. in full. General Agente In Brggll for the Yokohama «via» TriesteW- *n 'un# 66/- iu full. fofa New York60/- & 2 1/2 %. Per ton of 1.000 Algoá Bay and 1 " Southampton60/- & 2 1/2 %. kilos Oepetown) " Bamburg....,40/- A 2 1/2 %. Bamburg Südamerikanische Bampfschifffãhrts. I " Liverpool...... 40/- & ? 1/2 %. New York60/- A _ 1/2 %. " Southampton 60/- A 2 1/2 %. Gesellsehaft. •• Hamburg... 40/- A 2 1/2 %. Ívta" Liverpool41/3 A 2 1/2 %. New York60/- A 2 1/2 %. REPRESENTATIVES V SouthRmpton 60/- A 2 1/2 %. V " Hamburg40/- & 2 1/2 %. The Ívia Liverpool41/3 & 2 1/2 %. Guardian Assurance Company, Ltd., London; The New York60/- & 2 1/2 %. Sack Filling and Sewing Machine Syndicate, Ltd., " Southampton',60/- * 2 1/2 %. - " London; The State " Bamburg40/- A 2 1/2 %. of S. Paulo (Brazil) Purê Coffee Co., Ívia Liverpool41/3 & 2 1/2 %. Ltd.; W. & T. Avery, feia New York70/- A 2 1/2 %. Ltd. (Patent Automatic Weighers.) / V Southampton;70/- A 2 1/2 %. Delagoa Bay 1 • Bamburg....,40/-& 2 l/2«%. I Liverpool65/- & 2 1/2 %. 6, GREAT ST. HELEN'S * To Delagoa-Bay * Beira the freight must be paid here or in Hamburg «w» Liverpool the freigbts must be paid here or in Liverpool ** Oonferences rates «via» Marseilles, and Genoa or Trieste. LONDON, E C.

¦;'- ¦¦''¦¦æ ¦¦''¦' *

¦ ¦- :' .;;'¦ -y-y!. .¦.'..'."¦ æ¦ ¦ ^~BSP~Pwp~PJWM! 'VS*S ¦•¦¦•"..."'''' ¦ i June llth, 1912. THB fcíUfclLUN REVIEW. Mm* - 701I _ <^^i*MW~——M—MW——____IM______* -"-¦-'- ' f kÀMPORT 8 Hdt?T **LINE BflUopiaHlolaiB! SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE. 08 Trsasports aUrltimoa «aammr Eorvloo for Nt» Yort. à Vapoar it __AIUAUWJUIUI Manamos. MAIIL AN» IIVIR PLATB. JOHNSON LINÊ DEPARTURE OF STEAMERS isarao* pasasf». Ble te New firk: ir dayi Regular FOR RDBOPB. TENNYSON...... .;.'_\i- monthly service between 3_d July FORMOSA ..._•»_. - VA8ABI Scandinavia, llth Jane I0th » for ***** •> Brazil Marseilles, 3rd Aug. and the River Plate Barcelona and Genoa direct VOLTAKK ,6th , Next Departures íor Chris- TENNYSON... Through fares Io Paris, lst. class...?! R°7__ WM; tiania, «>do Gothenburg, Stockholm Sml.cláss...... '.__ fi_n V*»TRI6... SthNov. Malmo, Through r,.,c8 io Paris and ali other Swedish (return), Ist.cIaU . '''5|, S .*»ao _D.i. class....^ and Norwegian Ports:— uouo 3rd claKR „? V£R0I Marseilles, Genoa, írd fiSí.'ihaoSÍ Barcelona 3rd. class^ JJg™ Saüs Agenls-ANTUNES lbth Jane for' FOR EUROPE. LOS SANTOS A Co 'li Mio de Janeiro, Avenida Kio Branco BAHIA, TRINIDAD, !.. e 16 BARBADOES OSCAR FBEDBIK 2,3 July Paulo.—At, __Ua 6. Bento. m Santos.- Praça oa Republica, snd NEW YORK. 83. t-M-i lst A Ir. elas» passengers for above port.. FOR THE PLATE. PRINCE UNE OSOARII 13 june Passn^r. bookedtbroufb to Liverpool. PRINSESSAN INCEBORQ . 25/20 » tosêoo. Ragular 8a.llnga to lha Unlto* tta.es. SooU.si.pton,Haaiburg aad Bremen, tis Haw Tork. For further information by tbeCanard. Wblte Star and apply to IpltaiM pauta* ar aintas. tmerlcaa Steamers. Luiz Campos & Co., Agents -- 84 •-> Visconde Inhaúma. DEPARTURES mn alternar* aro atue «na FOR NEW YORK

A8IATIC PRINCEi8th June ROYAL HOLLAND OCEAN PRINCE2_th . ¦ SÇOTTISH PRINCE(fi£ Julv INDIAN PRINCE28th , For freight apply to the broker: LLOYD FOR NEW ORI^EJANB. RUA Snperlor and Faat Segnlar CANDELÁRIA 91, Sobrado Passenger- TÜDOR aad Mail-Servlce PUINCE 16lh Junál Forpasasges and further information apply to lhe Neit Departures of the new twin-screw steamers ¦OLLANDIA, FIISIA & ZEBLANDIA Mtflttt NORTON, MECAW A O»., Li. FOR KUROPB: AGENTE. Ilt. RUA PRIMEIRO OE MARCO. Lisbon, (Leilões) Vigo, Boulogne, Dover and Amsterdan. DAVIDSON, PULLEN Ria & Co. tf* Janeira. Data. St •. I. HAMMHIM A Oo., tTO. 20th June.. s. s. "Hollandia" 145 RUA DA llth July. • . s. "Frisiu" QUITANDA 148 Calas Ho. 10. SANTOS. lst Aug.. s. b. "Zeelandia" '. BBNN A 80N. BAHIA FOR THB RIVER PLATE: Tfit Royal Mr.ll Santos, Montevideo and Buenos Aires. R.M.S.P Stoam Paokat Compan.y. 24th June.... i. s. "Frlsia" ünder contract with tbe Britíab and l.tbJuly.... s. b. ••Zeelandia" Brazilian Governrnents THE PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION 12th Aug.... s. s. "Hollandia" for oarrying CO the mails. Two big Ocean-Flyers now budding. Tahle of Depai-Hr«t.-- ''¦: Direct Tiekets to Paria and London :.'íj_ PS.N.C For Passages and other information apply to y Sociedade Anonyma Martinelil, l)Hte. •Steamer. ->«St.iliil(.IO' 29 Rua 1.° de Mar.o, 29. Hoyal For Freight apply Io Snr. Campos, Mail fast twin screw steamers, with Superior Rua Visconde de Inhaúma, N.° 84. - accommodatiou for First and Second June 25 «Aragon»... antos, Montevideo k Buenos Class Passengers. Ayres. _ » 261 «Avon». Bahia, Pern_mbuco, Madoira, ORDDKUT8CHEK LLOYD, Lisbon, Leixoes,Vigo, Cher- Portuightly sailings:- bourg and Southampton. N BREMEN. July 8 « Arlao.a»... Santos, Montevideo A Buenos Ayres. 10 «Aragon»... Bahia, PerjiambucQ,.S.Vibcent, Madeira, Lisbon, I.ei_ò.s. To Europe. Vigo, Capital 125,000,000 Marks. Cherbourg A Southam- ptoii. 22 «Amazon».. Santos, Montevideo. and Bue- NEXT DEPARTURES. nos Ayres 24 ¦Arlanza»... Bahia, Pernambuco, 8.Vinceni, * Madeira, Lisbon, Vigo, Cher- OBTEGA... ,.!.h bourg, and Southampton. OBOPESA.. Date. Steamer. 1'PMt.ÍlliltÍOti 30 «Araguaya». Santos, Montevideo & Bue- OEITA..T. Yi.í Aug*A* nos Ayres. -f^-í|fí Aug. 5 «Asturias».. Santos Montevide A Buenos oBAvu....;..;.;;.;-;;;;;;; Ayres. 7 «Amazon*... Bahia, Pernambuco, Madeira, June 21»Bonn» Bahia, Pernambuco, Ma- Lisbon, Vigo, Chorbourg & To River Plate, Chile and Peru. deira, Lisbon. LeixSes, Ant- f.outhnmpton. werp and Bromen. 14 «Araguaya'. Bahia, Pernambuco, S. Vincent, July 6 «Erlangen». Baliui, Pernambuco, Madei- Madeira, Lisbon, Leixoes, ra, Leixoes, Kotterdam Ant- Vigo, Cherbourg, A Southan- Ii5ííf_ES—'* lSth June werp and t-iremeu. ton. 19 «Avon»... Santos, Montevideo & Buenos 8ÍS%_:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;- Ayres. ORONSA W S*.* 21 «Ast rias» Bahia, Perna i buco, Madeira, _l__J„.w Lisbon, Vigo, Cherbourg, A Southampton. Wireless telegraphy. Passengers A Cargo aooeptad. I Passenper rentes.Cabln. Passeuger tiekets issued through to London Special attention It drawn to the following:-- ¦.:¦:;,1.:';:^ Rio Kotterdam, Antwerp, Holders of flrst-class tiekets, ilngle or return. New York, Chile and Peru. Bremen Marks 400-450 ma; hreak their voyage at any Intermediate por» Rio— Madoira, Lisuon... and proceed by any of the PACIFIC BTBAIf For ali information apply to NAVIGATION or MESSAGERIES MARITIMES Leixoes... £ 17-0-0-£ 19-0-0 üuinpauy'e Steam»»» E. L. HlRBISON, Representative. and o»/0 tax For freight, passages, and otner imormatior — for further intormatluo apply to •pply Avenida Eio Branoo, Nos. 63 and 66 AVENIDA BIO BRANCO, 53-55, . HERM, STOLTZ A C. Agsnta E. L. HARRI80N, Roproaontartvs RIO DE JANEIRO. AVENIDA CENTRAL, 66-74 avenida Central Rio *• Jan»tr*

- 702 ' '';''";!: '.* , jc . ¦ . : ¦ í' ¦ TÍ*.' _. ->'0.+ '„

¦* I-WXE^A. IMPRENSA•>‡‡L__----#-____-______-_____--__-^ .;;•-

'____!____. ... j *~-_tf¦^^^^. WORKS & OFFICES - ___. 61-75, Rua Camerino, 61-75 — (èX-Rna Im^raMI


TAKE TRÂMS TOTRAIA FflSKOS*: SÁÜBE OR PALMEIRAS, VIA OAMERIHO POST OFFICE Box 472 — Telegrapli. Address, "REYIEYÍ" —.RIO "USB, ===== CODE IN A. B. 0. 5TH EDITION =__= THE ONLY ENGLISH PRINTING WORKS IN BRAZIL Is the most up-to-date establishment in Rio de Janeiro: # = mounted with the best and most modern =


¦ ¦ —__I that enable jobs to be executed with accuracy and despatch À LÀRGE STOGK OF BEST ENGLISH PM ALWAYS ON HÜD both Printing & Writing Purposes Book Printing, Account Books, Loose Ledgers, Invoices, = Bills of Lading, Tabular Work, Railway Tariffs, Time Tables, and Statisticai Work SEND FOR ESTIMATES FOR ANY MATTER YOU MAY REQUI-E: ~ THEY WILL BE FURNISHED FREE WITHIN 24 HOÜRS =

Having greatly enlarged our premises and plant, we are now in a position to execute any kind of Printing, Ruling and > Binding w4th despatch. Though-the ©out of printing here is somewhat higher than in Europe, that is far outweighed by the enormous differenee . between the duties on PAPER — the raw material — and,PRINTED MATTER — the finished article — which compare ás follows : ON PAPER duties, reduced to currency, rule per kiío from Rs. 0$020 to Rs. 0$490 kilo. ON PRINTED MATTER duties, reduced to currency, for ONE COLOURED printing are Rs. R$355 per kilo (at 1-dexch'). On TWO COLOURED printing Rs. 9$360 per kilo. Taking even the maximum rateofduty for paper, .i.e. 490 reis per kilo for coloured paper, very seldom used, THE DIFFELtENCE compared with one coloured printed matter is Rs. 4$865, or 993 per cent, and for two coloured tmitter nuiouuts to Rs. 8|870 or 1,810 per cent! Duties on COMMERCIAL BOOKS are the same as for printed matter. (including the covers) i.e. Rs. 5$3,55 per kilog.am ,, with exchange at I5d. A large ledger weigh ing 10 kilos would, therefore, pay Rs. 53$550 in duties alone : whilst if printed here would cost, according to the character of the biudi ng, from 14$000 upwards. A contract lately executed for an important English Company that previously used to import ali its statioíiary, showed the following results. — Costof importirig 12,000 kilos ot printed matter.... Rs.76.697$ Cost of same executed here Rs.16.434$ áaving. r8,60.263$ The Sav.fug in this case.aiaouuted to 76 per cent ! Havinir a iiuiuhevof English operatives o ti tlie staff we are able to undertake work in English on tertns tini*'lio one eise can n»-»«roach, and «ti iinutee accuracy and prutupi. delivery. '-' ¦. ¦<:. ¦'¦ ..-'.¦ ¦  ææ'¦

¦ ¦.

'¦'¦_. '.... '¦'¦¦>. y-: 1