Classified List of Daffodil Names, 1916

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Classified List of Daffodil Names, 1916 noym Horticultural Society. CLASSIFIED List of DAFFODIL NAMES, 1916. Price Is. R.H.S. OFFICES, STOkAGE ntM s.w, PROCESS I NG-ONE Lpl-D17A U.B.C. LIBRARY THE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA U ' CAT. NO. AE>4.^i>- Nz H$ I Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2010 with funding from University of Britisli Columbia Library CLASSIFICATION OF DAFFODILS FOR USE AT ALL EXHIBITIONS OF The Royal Horticultural Society. [/if order of llic Coii>ii//.\ [n;,0.\ The enormous increase of late \cars in the number of named Daffodils and the crossing and inter-crossing of the (_)nce fairl\- distinct classes of iiiiigiii- lucdio- -Mu] parvi-coronati into \\hich the \arieties ha\e hitherto been di\'ided have made it imperativeK^ necessary to adopt some ne\v or modified Classifi- cation for Garden and Show purposes. In the Sjiring of igo8, the Council of the Royal Piorticultural Society appointed a Committee to consider the subject, and as a result of its labours all known Daffodils were divided into Seven Classes, and a Classified List was published in the same }ear. This method of Classihcation failed to meet A with general acceptance, and numerous modifications were suggested, conse- quently the Council reappointed the Committee, in 1909, to further consider the matter, with the result that the system of Classification now put forward by the authority' of the Royal Horti- cultural Society was arranged. In 1915 the Leedsii Class (R^) was sub-divided to bring it into line with the Incom- parabilis and Barrii Classes. The Committee ask for assistance in amending the list N\-herever (as is un- a\oidal)le) the}' may ha\e been mis- informed regarding any particular flower. It is not for a moment assumed that the folhjvving list is either faultless or complete, and it w ill probal)ly require a good deal of emendation Near after year as new crosses are made and new names have to be added. The numeral preceding each name indicates the class or division in which the variety has been placed, and when no numeral is affixed, it will be understood that the variety was not sufficiently well known to any of the Committee to justify them in classifying it. In such cases information, and if possible, a specimen Hower would be acceptable. — — 3 The name in brackets following the name of a Daffodil, is that of the raiser so far as has yet been discovered ; in other cases it is that of the introducer or owner of the stock. The names in italics represent species or well marked varieties, ^^•ild t}pes and natural hj-brids. The names in small type, printed at the end of the General List, indicate varieties either lost to cultivation, or surpassed by modern varieties. The eleven Divisions are as follows: Division I. Trumpet Daffodils. Distinguishing character —-Trumpet or crown as long as or longer than the perianth segments. {a) \'arieties with yellow or lemon - coloured trumpets, and perianth of same shade or lighter (but not wliitc). ih) \'aricties with white trumpet and perianth. (c) Bi-color varieties, i.e., those having a white or whitish perianth and a trumpet coloured yellow, lemon, or primrose, cvc. A 3 —. — Di\ isioii II. Incomi'AKAI' Distinguishing character — Cup or crown not less than one-third but less than equal to the length of the ))crianth segments. ((() Yellow shades with or with- out red colouring on the cup. (h) Bi-color varieties with wliite or whitish i)erianth, and self-yellow, red-stained, or red cup. Division III. Barrit (Inxorporating lU'RP.IDGEl). Distinguishing character — Cup or crown less than one third the length of the perianth segments. ia) Yellow shades, with or with- out red colouring on the cup. (//) r>i-color \arieties with white or whitish perianth ami sclf-\e]low. red-stained, or ri'd cu}). Division IV — L):i nsii. Distinguishing character — Perianth, white, and cup or crown white, cream or pale citron, sometimes tinged with pink or apricot. (n) Cup or crow n not less than one third hut less than ———— Ltjiial to tlic lcn,L; oi ihc perianth sef^mcnts. (//) Cup or crown less than one third tile length of the perianth segments. Division \\ Triaxdkus Hvi'.rids. All \'arieties ob\'iously containing N. triandrns blood, such as Queen of Spain, Earl Grey, Eleanor Berkeley, Moonstone, i\gnes Har- vey, etc. Division Vl. —Cvclamixeus Hydrips. Division \'II. Jonouilla Hybrids. All \'arieties of N. Jonquilla parentage, such as Buttercup, odorus, etc. Division MIL Tazetta axdTazetta Hybrids. To include N. Tridymus. Poctaz varieties, the Dutch \'arieties of Polyanthus Narcissus, X. bitlorus, X. Mu/art. and X. interinedius. Division IX.~- Poj-.Tirrs ^^\RIETIES. Di\ision X. Double. \'arieties. Division XI. —WvRiors. To include X. Bulbocodium, N, c\-clamincup, X. triandrns, X. juncifolius, X. gracilis, X. Jonquilla, X. Tazetta (sp ), X. \iridillorns, etc. — The names of new varieties for Registration, and information respect- ing unclassified or wrongly classified varieties, should be sent to Mr. Charles H. Curtis, Hon. Sec. R.H.S. Daffodil Committee, 2, Adelaide Road, Brentford, iMiddlesex, When lists of new varieties are sent, the names should be arranged in alphabetical order to facilitate Registration. REGISTRATION OF DAFFODIL NAMES. The following rules have been enacted b\' the Council after consulta- tion with the Narcissus Committee : 1. A Registration Fee of 2s. 6(1. must be paid to the Hon, Secretary of the Narcissus Committee for each plant name registered. 2. Those who register Daffodils must, after registration, notify the Hon. Secretar}- of the Narcissus Committee a few days before the meetiiif; at which it is intended to exhibit the flower, in order that the registered name nia}' be confirmed. (Registration and Entry Forms, 13 and C can be obtained on apphcation to the Hon. Secretary of the Narcissus Committee"). J. If flowers of phmts registered be not exhibited for confir- mation of name at one of the R.H.S. meetings within a period of 5 }-ears from the date of registration, the registration will lapse and the name having been erased from tile Society's hst will again become free for adoption. Special arrange- ments will be made so as to exempt Australian and New Zealand plants from this 3rd enactment. 4. Rules 2 and 3 are to be considered to have been in force from the ist January, 1914. ' Any one purchasing the stock from the person who registered the name \\ill l)c held to stand in such person's ])lace. If. therefore, the seller has n(;t alr(„'ady confirmed the registered name, the jnirchaser should be careful to see that when the stock is sent to liim the r^orms B and C are sent with it. The Narcissus Committee are in- structed by the Council to refuse in future In register names \\hich are either so nearly like existing names as to be likely to cause confusion, or such as are foolish, or are phrases and not names at all. \l> Abi-iiil (Wilsuii; ^Ii Abscliieci (W'ilsun) abscisstis = iii!iiiciis lb Achievment (Adams) la Achilles 1.) A. Cleveland Cox (Haydoii) (Engleheart) (J Acme 46 Actis (Batson) 5 Ada (Engleheart) ic Ada Brooke (de (jraafi) j^b Adela (P. D. Williams) 2b Adjutant Id Admiral MakarolV (Barr) 8 Admiration (Van W'avcrcn A; Sons) 3/^ Adonia (Croslield) Iff Adour (Willmott) 26 Adria (Batson) 9 Advance (Engleheart) \(t Advent (CrosHeld) 3/v Advocate (W'elchman) i(- Aeolus (Barr) 3r( Aerial Light (Ilarlland) 3/; A Fifth Lancer (Spurrcll) ^ii Afterglow (Barr) 3^? Aftermath (Engleheart) 2b Afterthought (Engleheart) 3/; Agnes Barr (Backhouse) 4 Agnes Bowie (Mrs K. i). Backhouse) 5 Agnes Harvey (Spurrell) 9 Agnes Howell (Marsh) yi Agnes Pearson (Harlland) 36 Agrippa (Worsley) 3^ Aida (Brodie of Brodie) 36 Aide de Camp (Spurrell) 1(7 Aigle d'Or lb Ailsa (Crosheld) 5 Alannah (Gore-]jooth) 3/j Alaric (Wilson) 5 Alabaster (H. Backhouse) 3/' Albatross (Engleheart) 5 Albertina (Barr) I b albicans lb Albino (H. Backhouse) 9 Albion albas ^ti'iandi'us vav. a/bus dibits plains diii'diitiiis = Kggs and Bacon or Orangfe Phcenix — 10 alhiis plains siilp/iiirciis=zCodl\us and Cream or Sulphur Phccnix albiis pleniis odoi'attis = Ga.rdema.- flowered or poeticus flove-plciw 9 Alcaeus (Engleheart) la Alchemist (\Vilson) 2,h Alden (Pope) i(( Alec (Poupart) la Alert (Pearson) 9 Alfred Austin (Adams) la Alfred's Oueen (Adams) 9 Algernon Swinburne 9 Algitha (Wilson) lb Alice Knights (Barr) ic Allen's Beauty (Allen) 9 Allen Raine (Engleheart) la Alma (Engleheart) 3/j Almagra (Lower) 9 Almira {syn. King Edward \'I1.) 'Id Alpine Glow (Cartwright lV: Goodwin) 4A Alpine Snow (l^ngleheart) 8 Alsace (Van der Schoot) III Alswitha (Welchman) 3A Allha'a (Dawson) 9 Alton Locke (Engleheart) 5 Alva (Crosfield) 5 Alys (Engleheart) 4A amabilis (Leeds) 4 Amanda (Mallend('r) 4/^ Amazon (C. Smith) 2b Amber (Engleheart) 4*; Ambrosine (Copeland) 3/; Anieola (Cartwright & Goodwin) III A Mere Seedling (Pope) 5 Amethyst (Copeland) 10 Ampliion (Copeland) 3/j Amulet (Cartwright & Goodwin) 9 Amy (Poupart) 9 Anacreon (Engleheart) 2,b Anchorite (Crosfield) Androcles III Andronicus (Pope) 3^ Angela (Barr) Angel's ^rears — triandnis albiis a)ignsfifoliiis=poefictis vav, angustifolius 4 Anicet (Wilson) Anita lb Anne Boleyn (Cave) II 5 Anne Holloway (Mrs. R. O. Backhouse) 4^^ Annette 3^ Annulet yi Antelope (\^an Tubcrgen) 4 Antluoa (Barr) 8 Antigone (M. \'an Waveren Sc Sons) Antoinette 2h Anton Mauve (Van Tubergen) 4a Antonio (W. T. Ware) 2a Antony (Wilson) 3^ Anubia (Wilson) 2b yVon (Dawson) Apache (Dawson) 4/; Aphrodite (P. D. Williams) 9 ApoUyon (Engleheart) lb Appleshaw White (Engleheart) ir Apricot (de Graaff) 2b Apricot Drop (Adanis) 2b Apricot Queen (P.
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    · , . - - . I J . ____ ~~..........::...__ ~_~ _~~_~ ! TIrlE t I! MACARONI I JOWRNAL I I I i I, I Volume ~II I J NurnlJe~ § September, 1950 I'I , l' j • , '- 1 . • " , .- • Dakota. who w:as'named Durum Queen MCICOIronl.F,e.U;'al at Devils Lalee. N- D,. August 3. 1950, is shown stand- • ~n her husband's farm of 1,600 acres, 600 acres , .. , . VOLUME XXXII NUMBER .5 :~ i" , " .... THE MACARONI JOURNAL J 0' YOUR ' , 0 .. '" ,', TEN DAYS o.,; Begloolog, October, • , , .nd through SalUr. day, Octob.r 14, •• Ibe Groce.. o( Am.rica ..lIJ 1.11 Hou ....iv •• o( America aboul your produClS. You'll g.1 merchandisIng help from produccn of wiDe IDd chee.e, north, east, south or west lince Nadonal Macaroni W ••k coindd •• wilh Nadooal Win. We.k and October i. Ch •••• F.ldval Monlh. Amb.r MlIJ will h.lp you KEEP Ih. you win • • •• ROSSOTn Specialized d~riog Nadonal Macaroni W ••k : With Amb.r'. No, 1 Semolinl your productl will have the color, texture and aavorrh .. can mak.Ii(~long CUSlomers (or YOUR brand •. Packaging Consultants are A. al.. ay., Amb.r Mill promise. prompl .hipm.ol o( (r•• h mlIJ.d lOp quality No. 1 Semolina. RighI now. , • avaUable order your No.1 Semolina req.dremeots (or the National Macaroni W ••k Sal •• Driv. (rom' Amber Mill. Ronolli is proud of the ro:c it has pln)'cd in the growth of the maca­ roni industry thraus •• the introduction of new techniques in mtrchal1- diJing thrDugh packtJging.
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