

Servillg The State Iliversity of Iowa Camp« arullowa City

Established in 1868~f'lv e Cents a Copy ~em~r of Associated Pr Wire and Wirephoto Service Iowa City. Jowa. Friday. Decem~r 16. 1955 All Eyes and Ears ~ ' ATO Lays Plans ISU'I Keeps Core For ·Radar System (JP)-Western statesmen decided Thursday to construct a • lIolfiM air raid warn in, screen from Norway acro" Europe to Tur­ ke.Y. backed by a new jam-proof communications net. , The United States will pay for the beginnlnll of thl Installation. Tbe foreign, finance and defense ministers of thc North Atlantic C:otJ"rse Revi slon Treaty Organization tOQk this step on an urient report form U.S. ~retary o( State John Foster ----- Vulles that the Soviet Union has I ( reopenoci the cold war. owa Tested Plan NATO's own military manners I'ly The Weather blclled Dulles with a warnin, that the Russian military threat Ex-Mayor Inlo Eftecl Is greater now than ever before. , 'tclal I. T"~ Dalb 1..... , Clear Tbe Soviets now have speedy jet WILMINGTON, Del. - Du Pont Company thu"day nnouneed a IT nt of more th n S9oo,OOO to over 100 unlversitles Ind colL , bombers capable of blasting any DileS at 72 rOt ~he n xt IC demlc year. & In September ,art of the NATO area with tre- UI is on of 20 universltie to r ive $1,~0 to be awarded io JDendous nuclear explosives. youn . r taC! m mbers of the ehemSatry department for r B, GENE INGLE work durin the summer of 1956. Submits Proponla Preston Ko er, 72, former Cold The SUI Coli /I of Lib ral Th annual .ranu are to fUP- , --:---~';" f~~ __';" Proposals submitted In person Johnson County sheriff and AI't$ hat l>()rmar. nlly dopted a bY Gen. Allrcd M. Gruenthcr, Iowa City mayor, died Thur day port r arch and Improve and lupreme Allied commander In neoura&e teachJn: of clence SUI B 'Id' Although t outlook f r to- core course pro,ram wnJch hn after a long Illness. and math mltlcs. UI Ing ~n under xpcrlment hhe fOI' Iurope, for a more efficient cO­ He had been II patient lit day I fair nd ontlnucd cold, OI'dlnation 01 air defenses as a Thil y r', fund Is an Iner t . th , .. neral eath r outloJk the put two y~l'I. The pro;lram Mercy Hospital since January. will Into eft ct n xl fall. step toward their eventual Inte­ Mr. Koser served as mayor or 100.000 over lut year'. over the na.lon Is 00I'I. ,0 Pt · Sel The main dlrrerence between gration were accepted promptly from 1947 to 11151. Prior to that ar n . All of th Incre anc", og ra m Only Nor1h Dakota Itil by the NATO ministers. The he had serlled six years as sher­ n arly halt of the re t ot the . !.hr IMh 01 no ,report d the n w proaram pnd th old one Gruenther program will lump ift. funds are for Improvement of me bid rold Other tates Is that .tudents will have lh r e tbe various national air defenses He the last mayor In lowe ______teachln, In collel:C , unlveraltle DES MOINE;S j.tPl - Over five reported ro d In &load eondl­ ways to fulfill core cou re­ In four regions-North, Central City undel' the mayor-council , ______1 and hll:h ehools. million dolll" 'orth of con- Uon althou:h lhert! wlome quirements. Undel the old plan, all enterln, Cr shmen and , om and South Euroi>C, and Britain. form of government. ·capped "~UoWlhlp GI"", structfon at SUI viII .tllrt wlth- poSsibility of Ii ht now In Gruenther told a news confer­ He had been constable oC Iowa Hand, I outh rn Mll\ne~.()tll lransfer studcn'. were rcqul,ed Vacation Delivery Also aw rded to SUI was a Ib' Ute next Ix mol\lba, the to tpke speci!lc cure cou"e , but !lnce later that his command City township since 1952. Also, , fellowship Cor poIlgradu te stu- Board ot n ;t'1U .ncounced In Iowa, Ihe We Iher Bur­ could "t st out" oC .kJlt. cour . Jtal'f felt coordination 01 air he was a member of the Johnson · d All stu'.lent¥ who will re- d n~ study In chemistry. Tho fol- Thuma)" OIU aId, the hlah tod y forces is as much as 1he NATO County jury commission. En t ert a, ne main In low City durin, th low.hlp will be (or 11.200 or The' ma t co.t1)' It m In' 'the would rill,\; lrom 20 to 25 de· Th billie t chanlt In th pro­ tan ')JlIdertake now. He was born in Coralville Nov. Christm ac tlon pcnod nd $1,:100 plua tuition d pendln, on I cOt\I!'truMlon wot1\ will be Bur,e lJ'ee . FurUler predictions ram Is that Itudents m y '·te t were r Ir to p rtly cloudy and Iout" of core eour w'lI , G~nther's hOlldquarters will 6, 1883, son of Alexander Ind Chrl tm s \\ h to r Iv The DailY wheth r the tudent II In hili nlll, wom 's dot'mitot'y that ha~ tbe specific responsibility Caroline Beecher Ko er. mas came early al the Hospital ' Iowan should notify Th D lIy flr.t year of po t,raduate study will be located on the blotlt wanner tonl::hl. kills cours s. tdt operatin, Europe's early Mr. Koser is survived by scv­ Iowan Clrculalion Depart n! or is a mor advanced stud nt. otlth of Cunior Ihll. Pr nt , Slturday It expect d to be Studl'nls will hav!! tile lollow­ warnin, line, the equivalent here eral nieces and nephews. His School for Crippl d Chlldrpan S Burial will be in Ridgewood cate,orle : addlUon I cstlm!ltt'd to be $300 - ~. EDroIl In Ind com" te th ~ J.' called the "scatter" syste.m. cemetery 01 North Liberty. party and \\'IIJI m lcr ot cere- S eXI e Fir t. a fund of 445.000 to aid 000. Macbride, which will. t ir IBid A g. a,· n core COllr~ liself. [)cfense Secretary Charles E. monJes. I t Ichln, which Includ I $200,000 condltlonin, equipment, will COl t The dopted progum Wlt be- Wi1llOn, on behalf of the U.S. The tension mount d for the In I:f nb lo 50 privately .uppert- 110,000. • IUn In Scplem r. 1954. and ,overnment, offered to finance p " PI kids In wheel chairs and wear- . rice an ed coli Ie•. Ot the 1200.000. E tiawn ill ~ convert to VNITED NATJONS, N.Y. (IP') fr hmen In the program wen " fbe construction of three pilot 125,000 I. for advancln, lh • mu k buUdln, and Will 00Si. :-Ru la Thuraday cast Ita thlr~ I tcd lalclr to compare th ir lllllt~an otfer which the NATO In, brac s: S nt.! was expected. teachln, of chemistry. • 100 000 f<' veto tn.t J~p n In thr dll,} chlevcmenl In certain rea. ministers iromedlately accepted. Leo Cc:trtim l,lIa and his combo CHICAGO UP) - The Amel'i. G 11 C lie I f tb I ' . to bar TOkyo. appilC! Uon lor Ilh thRt 01 tudcnts wljo Iwi On, IihfC wllt cover the shorter played well-known Christmas can Farm Bur IU Fed rallon h r ~nel t dO t e cl on 0$2 5~ Mon lor U2e remQdelin. f1f UN membership. The Unllcd completed core work unci r til' hops tn Nor'fay. The others will ' coo. a coree ve a. Macbride and £8.1la n WAS .'P- Stttet .,nlrTily denounced thl. 10- carols whll chlldren, p rents, tru hlnl aside amln,s ot pas. granl for advancement In C!hem- propria ted by the lelitlature lion • III "abuse of the vetd compulsory pr"l1 m. link Supreme Headquarters Al­ , I lied Powerl! In Europe with Na­ and hospital porronnol an,. slbl secelllion b.v outhern col- wtry I aching. durll\l the t Ion. power:' In dt.cu lng the chang ples, and NapLes with the Allied John W. Bixler, mu Ie teacher ton ,rowers. w nL on r cord Encou,...e TeN""'" Th proJec!. are limon th Tb Stlte Department ap- Thur da,)', Dcan DowC!Y B. SIull base ' at Izmlr, Turkey. at the hospitnl, 1ed a chorus of Thursday In favor of flexible . A vant Or $130,000 is .Iated SIO,ooo,ooo 'of ImprovemcnU at pealed to RUSIla to reverse Ita said all student In the college ..(l.ruenther stressed that a ra­ children In slngin, Christmas £overnment price supports. for th advanced lralnlng of high statetinaU Ullo:u on which the Itand Quickly, wlplnlli out what next CaLI will hll\i the three 01'- dft' screen would be of little use carols. The federatIon also approved, chool teachers or sclenco and board will take bide wlthJn the it caU d the Soviet'. "cynical tion.s. re, rdle '; of how tar alonlt to iuropean detehse If its warn­ , without opposilion. a propoaal mathematl~ to encourage and next six month. action" and "alarln, Injustice." they are under th old IlY tem. Ings' could hot be transmitted The Alph Epcllon Pi oclal for a soil bank deqlgned to cut IUpport b Her teachln He poln ed out thal the fraternity "wrest lin," m tch I esenL and halt future surplu es' The denunel tlon of Ria', h III dd !I Ibllll I back to headquarters and the ended in a shavln, cr am cover- by conv rling a pcrcenta,e of l TO*'ilmprovedlnstruet!on In unl- SUI Student's Car record of cutin&' 45 v LocI to ~h:n~~~al a i\J1J eXurrl'YI 0 CoMeQuent qrders transmitted to ed draw 1 d t dIvers.. an encounl post block new memben wu the sec. c "u um IUtd~4 mls/ille .tations and air . crop an 0 VU an elUmes. , graduate students to enter teach- C lied • h P h ond !.II ue by the S ato Depart- without ch8l111 1n l actual courses. bases. He said the whole system Sa.nta was Ilshered In Wi:!' th I H. L. Wlnaate, president ot the In" $11:1,000 has bcen a IIfded 0 I ,. Wit ore ment within 24 hour.. "The adv n'a l' to the student could ' be oper~ted around the readmg ot the traditional Visit Georgia Farm Bureau, led the Ifor post,raduate leach in, &.Mlst- will be that he will have morc clock with obly 2150 men. from St. Nicholas." The tension unsuccessrul fl,ht to act dele- antshlp. An auto driven by It ,;"Ithheld Iny praise for optlorul available," Stult said. "If broke with screams of delight gales to b ck rl,ld 90 per cent of I Each it'ant J. for $2,400 or 13,- Happel, A2, Cedar Rapids, lell Russia a surpr~e move Wednes- he well-,round d In a particu- and laughter lIS Santa came in parity price supports. 000 dependln, on whether the tho road at the Interscetion of I~Y In alll'eeln, 10 admit 12 1lar area he can satisfy the COl Preston Koser with Jingling belis and gift load- He !!lId cotton vowers faced [stUdent Is married or .il1ll 1n . Muscatine Avenue and Burlln - I-tern-backed countries, alon. r quire~t by taking the com- Vi'Jeyard Invaded, ed bags. The gifts are donated with the prospect oC serio~s 10 s- addJton 500 I. awarded to' the ton Street shortly alter mldnl,hl 'r th 4 rommunl~t-support.cd naei pre.henslve examination." Fonner i.tayor by the choo!. Gltt.s bought and es have threatened to pull out unlv rsJtY today. Itrlkln, Q porch It the E. tOOl. nstead, t concentrate 'Gundry Pole Hit ----- wrapped by campu sororlties f'th f d (I I th t :...... -.. C ._ IW Rlnllo home 1302 Muscatine Its attention on Russia's third He IlIlld greater emph I \\111 a e e era on un CS! ey Ie ~- a_orr " t f J ' be hi be put on the co 'preh i > ex were presented after Santa Ica. backlng on their d mand tor 90 In the second category a $270 _ Avenue, lewa City pollee report- ve 0 0 apan a mem ra p ap- ml I d nth ens v . - 8y Wayward Auto ' 'cd pLIcation. nat on un or e new pro- The kid s r Ippe d open th ~ Ir Iper cent parity. 000 IJ'lnt w II I be awarded for I . Prcss oUicer Lincoln White gram. But he po;nted out that A car identified by Iowa City Dewey, GOP presents a~ they ate the ICC I Later, Wlnlatc commented to fundamental research in chemi - Happel Iulfered a cut on the ClIpre ed ~Ue! tnat Russia "the studcnt will havc equal op­ pollce 'as belon,ln, to Violet May cream provlded by the Jaycees., newsmen that he was "blUerly try. Universities reeelvln, ,ranla arm and ono or the passenlers blocked Jlpan'. bid In order to pOrtunlty to choose among the Ayers, 1503 W. Benton St., de­ When it was over, the tired dlsappolnted" with the ledera. will determJne the work to be In his cat wu taken to Unlver- pressure tbe Japane3C Into examlnatlon actual core course cided to take a little trip on its excited kids Ilcaded for bed Uon's stand. He said he pcrsonal- undertaken; the only stipulation aity Hospitals and aUDstquently aareein, to a World War 11 study, or co'mparable hours." oWn Thursday afternoon. while visions or sugar plums Iy would Seck support In Con- is that It be fundamental In na- released. Four other pusengC!r~ peace seltlement on Sovlct "While no semester houra or Chiefs Meel I P-rked behind the residence at danced in t.heir heads. gres for the cotton farmer, de- I ture. In the Happel aulo wen! report- treat,y. credit will be ,Iven for passin" NEW YOR K (.IP') - Formcr spite the action. Thirdly, a total of 1190,000 is edly not In~\!~d . "Outside of tbe Soviet Union" th I tl .. St it Id" 503 W. Senton St., the auto beln, granie to schools to en. P II '.:L:..._", th t hi' e exam na on, u 511. broke loose, rumbled down a hilI, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey met With D Win,atc expre ed the opinion 0 c re...... ate car Wh te said "no country In the "thIs option will permit the stu- Republican ,Party officials Thurs­ b P d· t tProulb a cra~ arbor. and ran I\ay urn re Ie S that the majority of the nation's ~ura~~ adva?ccd. traln~g thin would left at the cene In United Nations organization has dent to take other courses which into a 4-inch steel clothesline day night lor th~ lirst time since producers ot basic crops favor clem y, engmeerml an 0 er order to k~\> the porch r,om railled any objection In any way, may be nece sary in his spc¢1aity pote In back or the O. L. Sawyer he left the executive mansion in cchool AI"d 90 per cent price supports. Ise ence. collapsllll. The front end of th~ shape or Conn to Jlpan's quaLl- or which wlll him to Albany almost a year ago. ~me at 42& W. B~ton st. Federal J BesJdes reamrmlng support of car was demoLished. llcations tor membership." round out his liberal education." i I I Rin,o t. an SUI professor In Unlike Outer MonroUa, he St It tl d "St d ts r S.Wyer' told police of the In­ L. Judson Morhouse, state Re­ \8r. ab e pr c supports, a lea- Rose Bowl &IUI'\-te the Spanllh department. HI wife Isaid. Japan "has a just claim" to u COD nue : u cn n pubiican chairman, told news­ ' cl~1:lt. ~y reported only mi­ In Next Congress lUre. of, the Eisenhower adminls- OH f M' SUI reported th~l the Camny was In join the International peace or- high ablJity who elect advanced Dill damagll to the car's fender. men no "undue poli1ical infer­ trat~on s rarm program.. the fed- ISS bed lit thG time of the crull and pnlzation and the United State. ence" should be drawn ftom the or WASHINGTON (A") - Speaker era~on adopted a prOVision stat- ~at no obe In lhe house w.u in- I wLlI continue to urge Its speedy CORE COURSE- meeting. In Next 2 Years Rayburn (D-Tex.) predict- ing. Jured. admittance. • (Continued 011 PO"C 6) , BUies Dewey, twice the Republican ed Thursday that a bill provid- "We also conllnue to favor Dora Lee Martin, Miss SUI, Extra Train, nominee for president, had Ing federal aid for school eon- I,Iro\lislon for 90 per cent of par- will nol represent SUI and the PI~nned shown no outword Interest in structlon will pass the ~ouse In Ity price supports for the first Big Ten at the Rose Bowl Jan. for Today politics since leaving Albany to the new session that be,LOS next year that marketing quo~s .are 2 either this year or next, Jay An extra train and extra bus­ engage in private law practice. month. In effect tor any eommodity 1I1~- 1 Ryan. C3, D Moines, head of Egyptian remier Blasts t! are scheduled by transporta­ His name nevertheless has "J think we'll get a ~chOoI mediately foll?wlng a yeAr In the Miss SUI Pageant Commlt­ \Jon lines today as tht! grea ter cropped up from time to time in blll," he said, "because It's be- Y·hlc.h marketing quotas were tee, said Thursday. part of the SUI student body speculation concerning the GOP camilli mo~ and more evident ILot In e[fecl on sueh commod- "In past ears, Miss SUI has lIeadl home tor a holiday. 1956 nomination in the event there is a serious clas~room ity." Ibeen elected in the sprin,. She Israeli Attack on Arabs The annual Rock Island Rail­ President Eisenhower does not shortage." Under the oil bank plan :l would then go to the Ro e Bowl ' UNITED NATIONS NY (/P)- I------______, road Christmas special from seek a second term. Rayburn &aId Democratic lead- . farmer would qualiIy for ,01/- the following JanuaTY. I . .. . Iowa City to Chlca,o is sebed­ When newsmen pressed poUtI­ ers will try for eurly action. ~rnmenl price supports onl.Y by Last yeaf, for the first time, Premier Gamal Ab

. ' • •

Palle z-:t'm DAlLY IOWAN-Iowa Cit , la.-Frl., Dee. 16. 1955 I • The Dailjlowan t doodles by dean r;ene~1 noiic(!j FRIDAY, DEOEMBER 16, 1955 ~n.ral Notice. mus1 be 1.1t .t Th. Dally Iowan oHico. Room • CommunlclUons C.nter. by 2 p.m. the d.y precodln, publlc.tlon. ".., .. must be typed or lellbly written and .!&nod. They will ItO! be eccep\ed b, Publlshod dally ""copt SundlY and DAILY 10WAJl A.,VliAT. INc/STAFF phon •. They will not be publlihod more than one week prior \0 the evtlll, IIE ••Ea I \ The DaUy Iowan r.. S.rv •• th. rllht 10 odlt notic ••. Mond.y .nd ~nl holid.ys by Student ACDIT )luald Business Manlcu .. E. John Koth"." (.1-10 ?;;S~~"O~~ - l Publlcltllons. Inl'.. Comunlcntl~n s 0,. I A>.t. Bu •. Met. •. WIlliam J . V,ulhan Center. low. Cl\y. Iowa. Entered •• CBC11LATIOIQ c .. lfied M,...... M. Wllllam NCII'lon LIBRARY HOURS - Library I JOB PLACEME~ - Senior second clas:s m.rt~r at tht! post office homoUon Mil'. •.. •.•.•• Al.Butlhtan --- hours for the Christmas vaca- and graduate men and womea Many of the at Iowa City. und.r the ""I of con­ In'.... of March 2. 111'18. D.uLY 10WAJI CIll,-'1lloATIOl'l STAF. tion are as follows: students (except enlioeeril& and sororities DAILY IOWAN EllITORlAl. lIT"'" Ma.,a,er.. Editor ...... Kirk Boy4 Circulation Mlles TUrnbuU Friday, Dec. 16-8 a.m. to 5 students) who expect to recem pre-vacallon Man.,ln,• Editor ...... Jack Pease f turned their Dlal4191 Jr you do not ...elve Ne..... Editor ...... Phyllis FI.mln, .. EM.E•• f Ille ~SOCIATED PRESS p.m. degrees in June, 1956, or A\IIIIIt. ,..ear Oall,.. Iowa n by ;:30 a.m. l\1akt­ Wire EdJtor ...... Claren riel. The Auoclalod Press !. entllled .ex­ Saturday, Dec. 17-8 a.m. to 1956, and want fa take adv ... 5preading the clusiv.ly to tne use- lar npubllcatlon ·,..ad .ervlce •• ,,'vra on an Sfr.lte City Editor ...... Gene In,le 12 noon. ta~e at the services of the ness of the errOn of )laid Ji ub K.~ rlben Sf reported Asst. City Editor ...... Ivars LI.plna 01 IU the loea~ n.... lIrWod Jr, this Bull- sp.~r 11 IU' by 9 a.m. Tho DAily IOWAD elreal.L1on Asst. City Editor ... Harold Schw~. ne .. ...· ... .s .U' news Sunday Dec. IS-Closed. ness and Industrial Plaeemeat toward others. dep.rlment. Ill! the ommunlutlonl Sporl. :Editor ...... Frod Mltt.r 41 ..... l<:h... ' Monday-Thursday, Dec. 19-22 Office should have their reP- The Activltles Cenler. i. open from ...... to ~ p.m. Society Editors ...... Betty Br0¥Sel Monda,. tbrou,h Frida,. and EJeanor nx SubJlCrlption ra .... - l'r earner In -8 a.m. to 5 p.m. tration materials on file In that ,roups Included: EdItorial A slslAnt ...... Tom IS lo .... a City. 25 cents .... ",kl,1 0 ~ per Friday-Monday Dec. 23-26- o!tice, 107 University Hall, ~ children, Chief Photocrapher and . ye.r In adv ..... c.: six .months. H . 2~; Dial 4191 from noo. to mldnlrbl to Wirephoto Technician .. Charles Allen Ihree months. '2.50. By mall In Iowa. Closed. Iore Christmas vacation. ,mon, report Dew, Item.. wamen', pile '8 p.r y.ar: J1x month.. $S; three Tuesday-Friday Dec. 27-30--8 InJ lifts to "~'''''''' I Uems. or announcements to The DAlly month •. S3; .n other mall subscrip­ Iowan. Edltorlo! olfte. ...e In Ihe ...... , O. lie ... ,..IIn...... tions. 510 per yur; six months. '3.00: a.m. to 5 p.m. YMCA SALE - The YMCA Members at ClmmuDIt:atlens Cr'ater. ....' e ..... AII't. P.lllla11.. .hree month •. ~ .". Saturday-Monday Dec. 3l-Jan. Christmas card sale for fundi to Theta fralernity 2 - Closed . be sent to the United Nalia cbUdren at the Tuesday Jan. 3-3 a.m. to 2 Children's Fond will end today, Saturday. Dec. I a.m. ranging In age Lethargy. . In ' Parking Talks Beginning at 9 p.m. on Thurs­ DE G It E E CANDIDATES­ years, played day, Dec. 15 closed reserve and Candidates for degrees in Febru­ candy. sang The SUI student body and even the SUI will need space for new bl)ildings overnight reserve books m,ay be ary may now order officlal com­ ~'ere visi ted tudent counci l's parkincr committee has within the n'ex t 15 )' ars. TIle space should charged out for home use during men cern e n t announcements. cave gifts to the Christmas vacation. They wlll been showing little interest in discussing not be used for parking. . Place your order before the boU­ Santa's visit, be due back at 10 a.m. on Jan. 3. day vacation at the Alumlll cream, cookies th SUI parking problem, the student coun­ James Cooney, G, _Washington, D.C., Departmental libraries will House, 130 N, Madison, Icrou Attend post their hours on the doors. from the Union. cil report. Few shldents have' come up chairman of the student parkiAg committee, ~ Twenty-three c with ideas. None of the everal SUI stu­ said at the group's last meeting that his the Crippled Chi VETERANS-Public Law 550 IOWAN DELIVERY - Seu­ dent groups have cared enough about the group was considering dropping ' short dents who plan to remain 111 .ttcnded a p::trt.v veterans: Regulations permit 11 the Sivma Phi problem to enq d ~l ega tions or recommen­ range> plans - s,-!ch as geographic restric­ monthly sign-up Cor December Iowa City during the Chrlstmu vacatlon and want to receive the Saturday. Dec. 1 on December 16 as well as on was co-sponsored dations ·ta parking committee meetings. tions - and start working on long range January 3, 4, or 5. Veterans must Daily Iowan please call the Cir­ And, at last week's committee meeting, only plans. But he said this would .happen only culation department, phone 4111. Pl Beta Phi sign at the window outside the busy man these Veteran's Service Office in UnI­ Hours 8-9 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. half of its membership was present. if the representatives from the hOUSing units to dl~trlbute girts versity Hall on one ot those fun. These it ms are not smprising. There is with critical parking situations didn't start days to tor the benefits BABY -SITTING- The book 01 little student inter st in the problem be­ attending the group's meetings. check scheduled for release on the cooperative Baby-Slttln. League will be in the charp cause there is ollly one lasting solution to This shOtllcl make no difJercnce. SU ['S January 20. Hours for sign-up are 8:30 a.m.· to noon and 1 p.m. of Mrs. Marie Hammer from Dec. the probleT!i a!!d ' SUI students are well enrollment growing faster tha11 it can be to 4:30 p.m. each day. 13 to Dec. 20. Call her at 4ea by members of Iraternity and aware of lhi . , handled. ort-term program are not if you want a sitter or If informa­ tion about joining the leolUe II Gamma sorority Sooner or l ~ tcr , no matter how long the enough. If short-term plans are adopted INTERNATIONAL CLUB deslred. 13. at the Sigma SUI adminil1tra.tion staJls on the matter, SUL will b . acing this si tuation on a larger The annual Chrlstmas party of refreshments and "1 illst remembered! Old Scrooge is {!,iI;ing a test today!" the SUI International Club will Santa highlighted some studc~t ~ ai'll must be banned from scale every; hrce years. ------be held today at 7:30 p.m. at official daily 20 children. campus. The bn ing of the cars of certain stu­ the Presbyterian Student Center. Dinner tor Everyone is welcom~ on the Students (ue 110t in favor of t11is. nu~ dents is a 10' g-range solutioil. A shuttle-bus invitation of members of the Tbeta Xi th y r~cognizc tllat cars, in :l town the si7.e systl.'m, wh would transpbrt students liv­ Club. Guests are urged to bring IBVC a chil Editorial Grab Bag and also SlXlnsor£!

. EJizabela K rt'". of th SOl Gifts to Hospitals and Needy , Colleg of Nursinf. r«ently '" elected presi:lent or the rUth Many of the social fraternities District Nunes I 110D. AccordinC 10 I adinl Ameri- I Iud sororities took time out from I Other oWce elected '" t1: can h ird , the n 'est look Wadle Elllls, as nt dir­ pre-vacation examinations and in hair fuhions this winter i ector or nursin.! rvice.~ 8ut, turned their efforts toward II band-box look. ~nd vice-p Id nt, and Prof. lpreading the traditional happi­ The slyl are to IlUIke you neSS of the Christmas season Anna Overland, Collece of Nurs­ look like you just tep~ out inl. tre surt'r. toward others. of a bandbox, whether the OCCll­ ElectNl to the Board oC Direct­ The activIties of the social I lllon is the family dinner 00 ,roupS Included: entertaining Chrutm DIY or the specl I ors ot the a!Sodation were Ulas children, distributing baskets party Cor New Yl'llr', Eve. w1rl­ Ir ne J 5 and 81 ter M I")' Bar· IJI)ODg needy families, and send­ Inl wave rling from ' the tem­ ban (Knobbe), both of Cedar in, ,irts to hospitals. pit'S and c!rc1inl the head are Rapids. l' in, ta hioned for lndh'ldual Presidents of var OllS tions Members of the Phi Delta elected are: Mrs. VircinJa ire­ Theta fraternity entertained 20 charm. To create a f ling of ood ' land, Cedar RapJds, General Duty children at the chapter house Section; Mrs. DarthN 8e1r. JOb Saturday, Dec. 10. The children, t, te in f~minln charm without I creating an overly fu 'y appeu­ City. Inst.ruc:Uonal Nunlq Serv­ ranging In age from three to 12 ice Adml.nlatr.t1on; Mils Rachd tens, played games, received /lnet' i th obj~ct of hair 51)'1- ut Ihi a.on, Lin dagted to It mlth, Iowa City, Educational eandy, sang Christmas songs. and Admin tr lors. Consultant. aqd ,,'ere visited by , who Ihe mdivldual Is the important THJ UPWARD QUJET ELEGANCE AND VI­ THIS DIlAMATI characteristic of th n w coif­ h..... w lniptnd by the ...t "-1Iee eo_pin bt a Teacllers; MIss Marian Van 1'0¥. pve .lfts to them. Following wave lu!'lrel ~ath&allJU lure. youtlllul _ c and earefree ...... • 1 nnuUve ..I ..roe en, Jowa City, Public Health Set:. Santa's visit, they served ice tlon: and Mrs. VirJlnla Plum~, cream. cookies and cocoa. No t ..... o hair style are exactly I ..bit 01 t.he old court .JetWr, .. WI oeUfue. wtr..... lovella fIN' enDiq Ituaov Cedar Rapids, Prlv.le Duty ~. acl'Oll alike. The liZ of wave Id lIy WIQI'I .re n...... da Ir•• _y" rra.. tw ,~ ID • alld I'OlIlaatie flair f.r u,ylbae Attend Party ton. uilNl Cor one, women can be the ta.ple. ud u 81fl111Mtri­ rll~ &lilal" eoIlUD­ n"ria&" __riD. '1114 eolffure eoD­ of Twenty-thre!! children Crom \'oefulh' ov rdone or lackjn, in cal patwnl of 1\ .vet .wtrII ....,...,. SM IloL TIle re­ Th nexl m tin, the ~l­ Yl' &be latalldble but ...... - .Uon will be held In low. Cl\T. - Seu· the Crippled Children's Hospital cirama tic flair if Imlt ted Cor an­ III'Omld !.be .bead tAl reeaU u.e n it .. a eoUtve tbat It the attended a party in their honor other. t.he_ of ...,yet' that nr­ tak.ble &oadt 01 WoN rr-­ P'e-b. 23, at the School ror the to remain 1ft hotI a Iftftf'al earrtace III' vertly Handl p-ped. ' the Chrlstlllll .t the Sigma Phi Epsilon house The hair I n,th for the e new nwsdd *"e .IeIur. Ii1HIleUe.. iDI' with '_htlae fWr. to receive the Saturday, Dec. 10. The party wlrlln, oJyf. u • ,enerally '- was co-sponsored by members of hon lenlth, pecially at the JUDDIE 'TaUT call the Clr. Add • scoop of lee erealll to._ phone .11 1, PI Bela Phi sorority. Santa, a n pe, precludlnl any contact be­ , cup of chilled chocolate mU~ 2·. p.m. bu y man these days, dropped in IW n the hafr and tht> fur col. , Read Daily Iowan Want Ads I to distribute gifts and add to the l .. r and car\' trfmmln, tunics Serve to small try with .traWs! The booko! fun. and COl • Baby-SitU., Children from the first, sec­ Brillianc and a hltb lustre in the cmrre ond and third grades at Henry 1(" YOUr hair are Imparatlve from Ott. Hubbell school were entertained Cl'atur s or the wl~cr coiffure. her at 4ea by members of the Sigma Chi IYour hair color hould contra I or illnCorma· lraternity and Kappa Kappa 01 match your clothln, (uhlon. the league II • Camma sorority Tuesday, Dec. • (or it i.' an Innate part of the i3, at the Sigma Chi house. Gifts, tull en l'mble. rdreshments and a visit Crom Santa highlighted events Cor the 20 chlldren. Ainsworth Forms Dinner for Vet4'rans Two Scout Troops Thcla Xi fraternity members ,ave a children's party Dec. 3, Dill' Brownie and on Interm- and also sponsored a dinner for 01 t Clrl out troop haven lour veterans trom the V. A. Hos- or,anlzcd In Aln worth and ill pitat Wednesday, Dec. 10. tart meeting afler Jan. I. TI1e Staff One group, the Alpha Epsilon Other tOWIl.:i ouUiid 10 a City III Cardinal COUI1Cl! ar WIth J I PI /raternity, went to the Chil- dren's 'Hospital to share giIts Girl Scout troop are Cor :vllle, Ind sing with the chlldl'en Kalona. Mar n,o, North Eng'll&h, Thursday. North Libert, River Id and of The Alpha Delta Pi sorority outh Enllti h pledge class collected clothes, Mrs. Arthur KLfn, president ot food, and presents to share with Cardin I Counrll, r rently an­ a n edy family in Iowa City. I'ounced that Mr . D. Ie Slay­ party for children from the maker of low. City hili b n p • ./> pointed to the Regional C.mp The Daily Iowall . ~ppled Children'S Hospital was sponsored . by members ot the Committee oC the Cover d Wagon Re,ion of Girl Scout., which In· "blhB Chi Omega sorority Satur­ DIY. Dec. 3. Games, favors and eludl's eight mlflwestem tatc:. r were enjoyed by the chll­ wishes you. a en. DON'T GET Gifts were sent to the Crip­ , pled Children'S Hospitals by MARRIED .• FIRE-SAFE TOY FLAME1'ROOF members of Alpha Xi Delta, Del­ ..• without leeln,. o.r Brib. ta Zeta and Zeta Tau Alpha sor­ Every clcctrleully op rat.:d toy Whil c1:I\)orntc cit'corlltion enrjC~1I • • • IDVltalloM, orities. you buy should htar the Camillar are import nl to the (CoStive aplelDs, lUa&ches, We4.cliDr "UL" label of approval or the Christmas spirit, be ut thcy ar' Book" etc. MERRY FLAVOR NOVELTY Underwriters' L:;boratorlcs. Be mad oC non-combustibl' ma- Garnish your pumpkin pie espeCially wary of celluloid toys. 1 rlB15. Most :l"r', carry flamc- . HALL'S with toasted coconut-for a !lavor Some cheap imported varieties proof d dccora!iofUi. rn~i t on I !Z1 oulh Dubuque C_h_an_g_e_.~~ ______a_ re__ e_ x_tr_e_m_e_IY__ l_la_m _m___ nb~Ie :. ____~ ~th~c:m~.~ ______~ ~~~~~~ __~~~~~ CHRISTMAS, THE ACTIVATED s » May the Yuletide bring happiness to • 1. , .c. I • CHARCOAL you ..• and Peace to all the world.

LESTER C. BENZ, Publisher ~tAe~~ CM(£I ~ EOCAR C. eRA E, A st. Publi her Larry 0 nni namon hope BUSINESS OFFIOE William Donald n Donald Ulm Ro emory Ken, Maooner El1 II F rnlUldcz Donlild Woodhouse .THE T:ASTE IS GREAT! Rachel K sler, A.tst. MatltJgcr Terry Bled oe Thoma ~1aon Thomas Mau ADVERTISING DEPT. James Ncy David St veil CIRCUUTIOI DEPT. E, John Kotbn n, Al1an Noonan $ Cen Lundahl, MarlGgcr Busille Mallager Ken Ril-hards II , illi m Vaugban, Robert Strawn Benjamin Luke, Aut. Manoger Asst. Bt/sines Manager William Smith Cary Jame Blackman William orton, Art Berger harlc ox Classified Manager Floyd Fliger .. Ilp1JPr'lh"II_.• Stuart Hopkins Michael Donohue Alvin Burshtan, the Com· Donald Nelson Richard Frantz to begin a Promotion Manager ot Western If" r Tom Schoruhor t Dl\nic1 Lechay who owed, t Honald Banna h Ru ell Tokh im William ~Iacy to Dr. Job,'i Cold tein Ricbard Young Richard ~lark ... Charles Granger Jam Flan burg ~Jike Miller Glenn Harrison Daniel Hinson Steve Mosher Erne t Larkin Robert Kerns Jerry euzil George Lavery Eldon Libby Jon 0 mundson David Lowe Penuel MalaIa Paul Oxley Donna O'Brien Ron Maly P ul Pickering Arnold Sigel Tracy Norris Jeannie Prugh All tbe p'easure comes Ibru in Filter Tip Eddie Vincent Loretta Peters John Haffensberger TarCYlon. You get Ihe (ull. ricb tasleofTareylon's AI Wa enberg Jo Ann Peter en James Rocca qual i Iy to baccos ina fi Iter ci lacelle Ibat John Stegman Alan Scott smokes milder. - EDIIORIAL DEPT. George Wine Vincent Scott smokes smoother, Paul Stoner draws ea.ier Kirk Boyd, Editor George Thomas ,'.,I . .. the onJy filter o,arene wiLb a genuine cork lip. Jack Pease., Monoging Editor IEOHAIIOAL HPT. Staoley Walljasper ~ . Geoe Ingle, City Editor Terry Wall jasper . , Tarc) lon's lifter is pearl.gray because il conlains Arthur H. Schmeichel, - ~ Phy\1is Fleming, News Editor Wolben .. . Activated Charcoal for reaJ 6ltrarion. Actiyaled Superintendent Charles Fred Miller, Spom Editor Rosemary Keil Cbarcoal is used ro purify air, warer. foods aDd Richard C. Wilson, Foreman beverages, 50 you can appreciare il' imponaDce Betty Broyles, Society Edltor Rachel Kessler in a filter cigarelle. Yes, filter Tip Tareyton i, Charles S. ADen, Kennetb Alwine Dale Fruoisb the 6lter cig-arelle tbat reaJly iJlers, that you CAD Chief fhotograpller Kay Cross Daniel Gaffney reaHy IUle .. . and Ihe raste is srear! Claren Dale, Alit. New. Edilor CarOl Hollander Fred 1iofricher 1vatS Liepins Leona Jonker Victor Huber Harold Schwartz William Kraemer William HuJberry Tom Lias Tom Olson Margaret Jenkins Benz George Lavery Eugene Kennel \Valter Brewer Steve Heefner Wayn'e Kloos arreated Ift.II' Loy Brooks Dick Slocum Tom )(nott by a bunt 01 "Kay Cros~ 1~ Keith Thurston Ri<'hftrO L... lor •• Pal'e 4--ToE .DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, la.-Frl., Dec. 16, 1!155 . il.. ··.-~.·.··~··I Other States Follow Suit in Move Agai nst Syndi~at~ • . . O'C'onnor Discusses Loss, I S~:~;: .1New York Outlaws Managers' Gu ;Id Tells of Lineup (hanges I . . I Iowa basketball coach Bucky O'Connor, whose capacity lor c ...... Pr_. • NEW YORK (A") - The State ------;"------ter during a basketball game depends on hQw well his leam ...... leW Pnu Dw...... • Athletic Commission Thursday plaYing, said Thursday that the Colorado contest last Monday D1 hi (I b was "about a two gallon game." Iowa lost to the Buffaloes, 60-1: ~, • • • ! officially amen.ded i~ rules to 0 pin u Hawkeye Gets Pigskin Club Award outlaw the BOXIng Gwld of New Nashua Sold its first defeat of the season. LAKERS WIN - The Minnea- York and announced support of : . "We just COUldn't do anything right offensively that nJJhj, " polis Lakers broke away in the its action already had come from L f ' O'Oonnor told the Iowa City Ro- last two minutes of a triple over- olficjals jn Pennsylvania and ea'ves or For Record ,tary Club. "Our defense wasn't . time game to whip the Syracuse Maryland. Sports Schedule bad, but that doesn't get you Naiona)s in a tremendous game, Commission Chairman Julius many points," he added. .- 135-133. Helfand and Commissioner Ro- $1.2 Million O'C 'd h' t t TODAY FI Id S I onnor sal IS earn wan - St P l' St MarJ'•• air the •. ••• bert C~~istenberry c~mpl~teq the orl a WI m NEW YORK (A") - Nashua, ed to beat Colorado more than IOW~ C1:y" vs. . formailtles by votlOg 10 the what Pra.;,~nn MONTREAL SHUTOUT amendment which had been an- the Belair Stud's big American any other non-conference foe on I U Hi h t w t BrILlleJr. championship race horse of 1955, the Hawkeye schedule this yea!', - I' a es tentions u Jacques Plante had an easy time nounced Monday by Helfand. Filteen SUI members of the was sold Thursday for $1,251,200 and possibly gain back a little of City HJl'h at Dubu9ue. !'acitlng up his sixth shutout of Helfand has said that any Dolphin fraternity leave today - the mOst lever paid lor a race the prestige lost when the BUffa-/ SATURDAY the season Thursday as the Mon- licensee in the state who did not for Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and the aruwer. horse. loes drubbed Iowa, 71-54, at the Iowa VS. Loyola of LoI At • treal Canadiens defeated the sever his connection with the East-West swimming meet which On that, The successful bidder was NCAA tournament ih Kansas I'eles. 8 p.m. New York Rungers 2-t and guild by Jan. 15 would have his will be held Dec. 29. City last March. MONDA Y at all to say. stretched their National Hockey license suspended or revoked. In The meel is the "bowl game" Leslie Combs IJ of Spendthrift Farm, Lexington. Ky. "It pleased me that the boys St. Mary's at St. Mary', 01 If.. ,• • The Prl' .~i';I"nl " lead to 12 points. effect, this banned the guild. of the ~imming world, The best Combs told the exe('utors of didn't give up in the late stages terloo. lated from the After the vote in a public swimmers of the nation represent the estate 01 the late William of the game," O'Connor said. TUESDAY ations around meeting Thursday, Helfand said the two teams. Both squads will • • • Woodward Jr. that Sunny Jim "With a break or two we easily .st. Pal's VS. Se. ColwnbklDe', '1 White House GRINNELL BEATEN - Uni­ coples ot the amended rules have Olympic swimmers and Fitzsimmons, who trained Nash­ could have won the game." of Dubuque. hJm, it was would be sent to each manager, world record holders on their versity of Nebraska swimmers ua for Woodward, had agreed to V-High VS. Mt. Vernon. bining a litUe promoter and club licensed in rosters. The man who steered Iowa to defeated Grinnell College, 53-31, take the colt again, and he would with large the state. Copies were sent The East team, however, is ex­ its second Big Ten title last sea­ Ii'! 1\ dual meet at Lincoln, Neb., ship him to Florida next week. son said he would have believed and rest at his Thursday. Monday to other commissions pected to have more nationally Nashua would be pointed for the around'the country, the presi- known swimmers because of the it impossible for Carl Cain to go Kluszewski·Leads Adams dent of the National Boxing star-studded Ivy league and Big $lOO,OOO added Widener Handi­ an entire game without a field When Ha • • • cap at Hialeah in February. goal, but at Colorado, Cain man­ press room Th WESLEYAN ROLLS - Iowa Assn., Lou Radzienda of ChiCagO,' Ten delegations. The country is and other bodies interested in divided at the Mississippi for The entire Belair stable was aged only (Jne free throw. "The In Fielding-Again was shown Wesleyan barely kept its Iowa sold to three interests after the ball simply WOUldn't drop for carryin, impli boxing, he said. the teams but Iowa will swim NEW YORK (JP) - Cincln- -t conference record clean Thurs­ The Boxing Guild of New y:ork , with the other Big Ten schools him," O'Connor said. hower's day night, ,with a 69-68 squeak The Hawkeyes, who hit 41 per nat.i's Ted Kluszewski, beller ,' Adams, over Dubuque. Dubuque led at is an affiliate of the International I on the East team. known for his batting than for " Boxing Guild. The IBG has 10- The Iowa rlele~ation will prac­ cent of their field goals last year Hampshire halCtime, 34-31. Neither team cal chapters in clties coast to tice in the ocean as well as in to break a Big Ten record, man­ his defensive play, led the N.· -, Presiqent wUI used any reserves in the game. coast. I the pool while at Ft. ltauderdale. aged only 19 of 67 against Colo­ tional League lirst basemen it ~ term in adva New York' has working agree- Iowa representatives on the rado for a chilly 28 per cent. fielding for the fifth stralcht primary. season in 1955 to set a major • • • ments with Maryland, Missouri, East squad are: Glenn Johnston, to Th. Datty Iowan) Alters Lineup It that GLICK IN NO HURRY -Bary league record. Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New C3, San Diega, Calif.; Lincoln IOWA CAPTAIN CALVIN receives the National Speaking of the Loyola game Hampshjre Glick, Colorado A & M back Hampshire, Rhode Island, Mas- Hurring, A3, New Zealand; Al- CoJleciate Lineman of the Year award from Dr. Millard R. Dean, Kluszewski's feat highlighted b coming up Saturday night, the release of the official fie ld. .1 and choose nnd 1956 bonus choice of the sachusetts, Michigan and Ill.inOiS., vin Gillberg, A3, Chicag9; Thom- '32, vice-president of the Pigskin Club of Washington, Inc. The delegation Pittsburgh Steelers, said Wed. O'Connor indicated he may make log averages Wednesday. to After a 7-month, inquiry into as Jacobson, A3, , Ill.; Bob award is made annually to the lineman selected by the club's some changes in the Iowa lil)eup. tiona 1 rnnuo,..>i nesday that he has been contact­ boxing generally and the guild Reed, A4, Iowa City; Dennis Ro- Awards Commlttee for exceptional playln&, ability, leader hlp, The muscular Redleg madl ,I "Tom Payne has not developed only 8 errors while hand lilll wishes. ed by Toronto, and "I have no in particular, the New York 'Com- . bertson, A4, Clinton; Rodney Ry- true sporlsmanshJp and scholastic attainment. mary on too well at a ,guard pOSition, and 1,4B2 chances for a .995 mart ~ intention of signing a contract mission ruled that the guild was an, A4, Des Moines; and .Sher------the nation. he probably will return to a for­ He still has a long way to g~ I ,( right away." a "detriment to the best interests man Nelson, E3, Fargo, N. D. Eisenhower Jones Adds ward or center spot, where he is however, to tie the "most .l of boxing." The Dolphin club also plans to Boxer's Widow To more accustomed to playing," the toward the leading" record ot nine held b) ~ • • • send its senior members who , coach said. READY AND WILLING have been active in club activ- Donate $70,000 Charley Grimm. Rllftt French Middleweight contender ilies. These include Richard , H O'Connor, who said earlier this Willie Jones o( the PhiJI 16 J/ Charles Hume said in Paris Loca I s Renew Kuiper, A4, Sibley; Ralph Speas, 0 onors NEW YORK {.4»-Mrs. George season that the injured Sharm topped the third basemen de· Thursday that he is "ready and A3, Beaman; Larry Leonard, A4, Flores, awarded $80,000 in her Scheuerman would be sorely fensively for the third year In I wlliing to fight Ray missed in the Iowa lineup, said row, committing 18 errors in 415 - I - Davenport; Alvin Rowe, E4, Du- ISp.ctal t. :rhe Dall)' lo",an) sw't against the state chargl'ng RQbinson anywhere" for the , buque; and David Adams, A3, WASHINGTON, D.C. -Iowa's Thursday that the three games chances for a .960 average. He , world title. R va ry Princeton. all-American guard and captain negligence in the death of he~ .,;~~ Iowa has played have proven finished eight points ahead of I, 't:' I 1955 C I' J . d husband atter a boxing bout at just how valuable the stellar Eddie Mathews of Milw8Uke! , Leslie Combs guard is. FI" theor National,a vmCollegiate ones, Linemanrecelve Madison Square Garden in 1951, and Ken Boyer of St. Louis. • • • Garne '" Ton'-g ht Snead's Round "We expect to play Sharm a Red Schoendifnst, Cardinal I, - CUB SCOUT - The Chicago oC the Year award from the Pig- said Thursday she would give I ex~ctuors received sealed bids . ','. ne little Saturday aginst Loyola. His star, in setting the pace for sec­ . Cubs this ·week signed John St. Pat's and St. Mary's clash i I !kin Club of Washington, Inc., $10,000 of that amount toward The disperso,l became necessary kidney injury has improved ond basemen for the fourth rl (Buck) O'Neil, manager of the T G If M tonight in a renewal of their Ops In 0 eel here Dec. 9. the formation lU a boxers' guild. following the accidental shooting much faster than we anticipat­ season, wound up with a .985 e Kansas City Monarchs since basketball rivalry in the Iowa The award, made annually by of Woodward at his Long Island ed, although he still has not re­ mark, resulting from only 10 0 1948, as a free-lance scout. City high school gym. Game time SANFORD, Fla. (.4» - Slam- the club, was on~ of five to out- Mrs. Flores, through her at- home Oct. 30. covered enough to play an en­ miscues in 687 chances. Dnnny ~ • • • is B p.m., with no preliminary min' Sammy Snead sliced six standing collegiate coaches and torneys,' said letters would be The previous record for a tire game," O'Connor said. O'Connell of the Braves was sec· SEE DEM BUMS _ Irvi scheduled. Istrokes off par for a course players. written to heavyweight cham- thodoughbred \~as $700,000 for ond at .981. Rudd J ersey City ti ket an~ On paper, the game appears to record 64 Thursday and stepped Dr. Millard R. Dean, Iowa pion Rocky Marciano and mid- , Irish colt who was un- Ernie Banks and Eddie Miksil ! ge!' tor the world c cha:Pi!n ' be a walka~ay for the Ramblers out front by two strokes in. the graduate of 1932. and vice-presi- . . . . defeated in 1952 when he won ATHLETICS DRAW NOW of the Chicago Cubs also llladl , Brooklyn Dodgers, said Thursday of St. Mar.y s;, The~, are unde- til'st round of the $15,000 San- dent of tl'lf! club, presented Jones lilewelg~t champIOn Ray ROblO-1 the Derby. The Irish Na- KANSAS CITY (.4» -The Ath­ I the "all fielding" team. Bankl t slelan, Maj. that he has sold over $20,000 feated, t~elr ~losest game was ford Open Golf Tournam?nt. with the award. son askIng them 10 take the lead tional Stud bqught Tulyar from letics never reached the million led the shortstops with .972, and b worth ot tickets 1'or the eight a 24-pomt vIctory, and they Snead, who at 43 can shll g!ve A similar award went to How- in forming such an organization the Aga Khan. mark in attendance figures dur­ Snyder, said Miksis paced the outfielders willi I If he were gamesl the Dodgers will play in boas~ one of the .top you.ng cen- most 01 the younger pros golfmg ard (Hopalong) Cassady, Ohio and to help in the recruiting of Nashua, in two years of racing, ing their 54 years in Philadel­ .9891. Brooklyn's Duke Snider , pnia. Best they ever drew was would make Jersey Cit in th 19~6 ea 0 tel'S 10 the state 10 Dennts Wall- lessons, carded six birdies and State halfback, for being the Na- members. has won a total of $945,145 and was close behind with .9889, mid-February. yes s n. jasper. 12 pars for his 33-31-64, Par for ' tional CollegiatEl Back of the Flores died four days aIter suf- stands second only to Citation in 945,076 In 1948. But this year as • •• O n the other hand, and at the the Mayla!r Inn Country Club Year. 'I money winnings. Citation earned the Kansas City Athletics the Additional 1l CARD COACH STAYS -Chi- other end of the laddcr as well, course, which measures 6,205 James Tatun" University O'f fering a technical knockout at $1,085,«700. team played before 1,393,054 element may _ cago Cardinlll coach Ray Rich- are the S~. Pat's Sha.mroc.ks, yard~, is 30-34-70. The old IMarytand coach, was prescnted the hands of Roger Donoghue. It Nasha eclipsed Citation'c rec­ fans. Saturday after &rds wilJ remain as head coach losers of eIght games 1n mne course record was 65. with the Nat..i,(lnal Collegiate was claimed the boxer was per- ord for single year earnings White, the HALL'S at, examines and with a salary raise accord~ outings and still searching for a The Slammer's most sp ctacu- Coach of the year nward by the mitted to fight too soon after when he piled up $752,550 in White is the Ing to Walter Wollner 'Cardinal stable starting lineup. lar shot of the round came on clUb. winning virtually all of the Open Until 9 P.M. ToniPI , B t t thO h k' l. suffering previus knockouts. Mr. l!.lserulo executive. Rumors that Richards ~ . ~ ranger lOgS t an a St. ijJe 400-yard 17th, where he hit The Pigs 1<1 club also honored classics for 3-year-olds. CHRISTMAS TREE would leave had started after Patrlcks victory have happened the pin with a seVen Iron shot outstanding higll school players Combs said he headed a syn- Otis Douglas an assistant had in the long series between the from about 135 yards out. The' !rom the Washington area, an I G B" T dicate in purchasing Nashua, but HEADQUARTERS resigned.' 'two teams, a series which 'has ball stopped 10 inches from the honor won by Collins (Mike) owa ets Ig en ,he decline~ to name other mem- reached 68 reguJarly-scheduled cup for an easy birdie. Hagler, Iowa halfback, two years bers of the group. CORNER OF DUBUQUE AND • • • games up to tonight, Two strokes b:..ck in a tie for ago. . ~ I" T t The bank said 11 bids were IOWA AVE. AND WEST ON TURNER MOVES UP-Former The scoring punch of St. second were young Dow Flnster------~ow mg ournamen received tor Nashua, five ex- lfiGHWAY 6 welterweight challenger Gil Mary's. however, is too potent to wald of Bedford Heights, Ohio, Two More Basketball cceding one million doJlars, out (PORTER'S MELON STAND) Turne!', who has been fighting in be overlooked. The team is rap- and Ted Kroll of Bethesda, Md. Robert Froeschle, director ot declined to identify any other both welterweight and mlddle- Idly gaining a reputation a~ oQe Dow had 32-34, Kroll 33-33. ' Games Are Sold Out the recreation area in the Iowa bidders. weight cl!lS3es for several of, if not the, premier class B Seven others, including Mike All tickets for two more Iowa Memorial Union, said Thursday FREE MISTLETOE months, will stay a ml

101 and the IOYS PI ..- C.I.r ea.-. aDd a ...... , hal"'. Accordlan land "HAaE BaUIIY" 8'0"'.1 AdmlaaloD 18c Tax " NATION OF "THLETIS" Until 8:31 l1rlstmal !)eo. -LATE NlWS- Mbre" .' -l.B. Not 80" .. .u. 8-TID DAILY IOWAN-I... City, ~_rrt , Dee. II, lUll • Core Course- St~Clyi~g Medicin_ . , , - (COII(;,lt/ec( frolll ,Page l) Find Housewife ' S/o';n, (ii,·Record :. courses In literature. hlstorical- cultural. natural science or social Nab Suspect ,·n Barn, ,. science wt)iJe still In high school ftlllTltS hidonesian at -SUI on probably will stand a good ' LINCOLN Ncb. (.4') _ The - BlI.lrkers and prefers to be called Naida by friends. " , h He told some Wild stories of II ~ nit." ...... d hi ' . U I ·ome transfer students, pressed their search for t e 1 b ' d b h' .( th HAHN. lIfr . • ~.r M .... CUflotd. 3.'k If. ~ ;-ur. ~llilng IS studying a vanced tec n qucs In medicone at n - - t I f 22 Id L' clOg pursue y IS WI e. I.l Dllbuoli. a bay Wl!dnepllal. 1t1l~.Y' .in a foreign country so G· I 107 Discussing the second choice-- Lincoln City Forcstcr Darrell F' l l'ear lhe secluded white cottage DBATB8 tbit .they may take new tech- Iven 0 completinct a compdraiJle Ilum- Parker was fo und bOund and JD Antelope Park which the city FAWCETT. Floyd, n . "",",bolt, . _OIl. A...._l1CB t!ack to t hcir home COUIl- i .'. ' ber or hours., In. an approved de- strangled' III, a bed at her hOmI.ltiN, Von Bun. ... try. By Rotary partmental area - Stuit said: Wednesday, She wore only a esler. Thursd oy aL lIfercy H051>llJIt . • , h' "d b ' b th PIERSON, S,,=, &. Moline. DJ .. WOII· • Ard.et ill SoewwtorlD I "Whlle these courses (those sweat s Irt a,\ rasSlerc. 0 ' . - • at VeterallJ' HospItal • JPorkl n~Fd.:r •1 J?". Thung ~ad the mlscortun.e l Miss Naida Sylvia Ing Hwa available under this choice dur- of tljem cut down the [l'onL. Aigerlan Terrorist I R';.'?'~t.,~~.n'H~Y:I~na. wtdn~ A month-long" t~ arrlv~ durmg one of Iowa S Thung is one 0/107 graduate stu- Iing the experiment) will be re- Scheele said the Iowa SLale IA k C. STRAHLE, Joe. 76 ••14 S, DocIle. Wed- by Johnson Coun, tJ'p,ic~l ' weath~r tantrums. Henry I dents from 28 countries to be viewed by the Liberal Arts Com- College graduate, a dietician for ttac s ontlnue sTuut~? "~h~~~~h~~~ ICtdor ItJop. , ~ purpose of .. " ."'-"", Rotary representatl've awarded Rotary Foundation Fel- millee on Educational Polley, it u flour mill here. had bruises on I ALGIERS Algeria (JP) _ Con- Ids. Wtdn~d.y at :,elera;; ~""t:tat Iowa City and J, -- "'«".... , is likely that the ~reas available her left cheek. left eye and on t1nuing political murder and ter- 'MI1o-;;':'~!!in!~:ta~A:t Mcr~Y Ho~~"'- ft. ve., presiden t of ~ho was.to ~cct her plane at the lowshlps for advartced study I now will be retained," her nose but it was not estab- rorist attacks in Algeria Thurs- MAaalAGK 1.ICKl\f.~ ." '. . abroad in 1955-56. I' h d I th ' 'h h d b t • BE'I'1'I:S. William C.. 24, lOw. CI~y. l/Id Lansen said th ."",1. City airport. was stymied. Miss Thung. who is studying .;; ,t .. (;" C'" ,< ~ " T. he Seplember. 1955. course IS e w 1e el sea een a -Iclay brought the week s toll to Rondayc SCHULTZ. 23. J!valUloa. City crocers and ~1 'FiJ'st they told me the plane medicine at SUI was born In AN lNDOlllElStAlII PHYSJS :t x ,. in 1949 recorded a ,or:, Thung speaks almost per- JG the person who dies IS a legal ber of farm commodities, He did alli.il, In the Cook County (Chi- f~i "'EpI1ish with only a slight ' resident, . , not name them. cago) recorder's office to al\ ce- ~~Iit .. She s~ems to understand Boss, Loses Job Judge Evans directed R. Nell- Questioned. the s~cretary said lestial space except that occu- I tlie American slang phrases, son MHler, clerk of the court h d h e 'th a "ied bv the earth and other all h ' I' I fl e agree, owev r. WI re- .. ~ ~ .~~b~~~ - NEW YORK (A>}-Santa Claus and~.~nWlnthe~~M,I~~~~~rtm~tec~micfu~~~~lv~~n~d~i~es~._~ papers and to send copies to , .-.t-..______~ __~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' . ~. Thung commented on her got intoxicated Wednesday and the clerk of the district court in cast t~at f~rm I~c0':'le .I,n 1956 \ oWJ1 eo!!ntry: wound up in a fist fight. Muscatine County. f~?bal:JlY ~111 be. 'a Iltt1~h ' below "''''I~he Dutch schools are very A relief Santa took over 45- IS year. arm Income IS year !Pod ' 0t course you know we Id G Whit t ' has been running about 10 per .avei.' ~n a lree country for ~~f~~ey at e~;~~ and ~~~~~~ Art Exhibit BuUet,in . cent below last year, ~1~ '10 years," 8"e said proudly.' Ave" to give him a 10-minuil) T?e Marketing Service. of the Chevrolet's 7 • 1 Jearn~d EngU~h in school, along coffee break, S t t T h Agriculture Depal·tm.ent ~ut out wtth' French,.

'tineolp, Neb., R. H. and W, B. munist party -: Akel - and the \ -I\Jrunon. arrest of 130 Communist leaders. Gwe a gift that clicks . a Holiday Flash Camera, only $9.75 For every age. Com. inand ..e at ..• our fine sel.ction. c£nJ~ ,,.".ton" $TORE Photo and Art Su.ppl~s .. .rletMlly, ,.,.....1 Service AI~. 22 s. Dubuque !'~" .. 9 S. Dubuque Diel .57--'5 \ See Your Chevrolet pealer