... Servillg The State Iliversity of Iowa Camp« arullowa City Established in 1868~f'lv e Cents a Copy ~em~r of Associated Pr Wire and Wirephoto Service Iowa City. Jowa. Friday. Decem~r 16. 1955 All Eyes and Ears ~ ' ATO Lays Plans ISU'I Keeps Core For ·Radar System PARIS (JP)-Western statesmen decided Thursday to construct a • lIolfiM air raid warn in, screen from Norway acro" Europe to Tur­ ke.Y. backed by a new jam-proof communications net. , The United States will pay for the beginnlnll of thl Installation. Tbe foreign, finance and defense ministers of thc North Atlantic C:otJ"rse Revi slon Treaty Organization tOQk this step on an urient report form U.S. ~retary o( State John Foster ----- Vulles that the Soviet Union has I ( reopenoci the cold war. owa Tested Plan NATO's own military manners I'ly The Weather blclled Dulles with a warnin, that the Russian military threat Ex-Mayor Inlo Eftecl Is greater now than ever before. , 'tclal I. T"~ Dalb 1..... , Clear Tbe Soviets now have speedy jet WILMINGTON, Del. - Du Pont Company thu"day nnouneed a IT nt of more th n S9oo,OOO to over 100 unlversitles Ind colL , bombers capable of blasting any DileS at 72 rOt ~he n xt IC demlc year. & In September ,art of the NATO area with tre- UI is on of 20 universltie to r ive $1,~0 to be awarded io JDendous nuclear explosives. youn . r taC! m mbers of the ehemSatry department for r B, GENE INGLE work durin the summer of 1956. Submits Proponla Preston Ko er, 72, former Cold The SUI Coli /I of Lib ral Th annual .ranu are to fUP- , --:---~';" f~~ __';" Proposals submitted In person Johnson County sheriff and AI't$ hat l>()rmar. nlly dopted a bY Gen. Allrcd M. Gruenthcr, Iowa City mayor, died Thur day port r arch and Improve and lupreme Allied commander In neoura&e teachJn: of clence SUI B 'Id' Although t outlook f r to- core course pro,ram wnJch hn after a long Illness. and math mltlcs. UI Ing ~n under xpcrlment hhe fOI' Iurope, for a more efficient cO­ He had been II patient lit day I fair nd ontlnucd cold, OI'dlnation 01 air defenses as a Thil y r', fund Is an Iner t . th , .. neral eath r outloJk the put two y~l'I. The pro;lram Mercy Hospital since January. will Into eft ct n xl fall. step toward their eventual Inte­ Mr. Koser served as mayor or 100.000 over lut year'. over the na.lon Is 00I'I. ,0 Pt · Sel The main dlrrerence between gration were accepted promptly from 1947 to 11151. Prior to that ar n . All of th Incre anc", og ra m Only Nor1h Dakota Itil by the NATO ministers. The he had serlled six years as sher­ n arly halt of the re t ot the . !.hr IMh 01 no ,report d the n w proaram pnd th old one Gruenther program will lump ift. funds are for Improvement of me bid rold Other tates Is that .tudents will have lh r e tbe various national air defenses He was the last mayor In lowe ___ __ ___ teachln, In collel:C , unlveraltle DES MOINE;S j.tPl - Over five reported ro d In &load eondl­ ways to fulfill core cou re­ In four regions-North, Central City undel' the mayor-council , _____________ 1 and hll:h ehools. million dolll" 'orth of con- Uon althou:h lhert! wlome quirements. Undel the old plan, all enterln, Cr shmen and , om and South Euroi>C, and Britain. form of government. ·capped "~UoWlhlp GI"", structfon at SUI viII .tllrt wlth- poSsibility of Ii ht now In Gruenther told a news confer­ He had been constable oC Iowa Hand, I outh rn Mll\ne~.()tll lransfer studcn'. were rcqul,ed Vacation Delivery Also aw rded to SUI was a Ib' Ute next Ix mol\lba, the to tpke speci!lc cure cou"e , but !lnce later that his command City township since 1952. Also, , fellowship Cor poIlgradu te stu- Board ot n ;t'1U .ncounced In Iowa, Ihe We Iher Bur­ could "t st out" oC .kJlt. cour . Jtal'f felt coordination 01 air he was a member of the Johnson · d All stu'.lent¥ who will re- d n~ study In chemistry. Tho fol- Thuma)" OIU aId, the hlah tod y forces is as much as 1he NATO County jury commission. En t ert a, ne main In low City durin, th low.hlp will be (or 11.200 or The' ma t co.t1)' It m In' 'the would rill,\; lrom 20 to 25 de· Th billie t chanlt In th pro­ tan ')JlIdertake now. He was born in Coralville Nov. Christm ac tlon pcnod nd $1,:100 plua tuition d pendln, on I cOt\I!'truMlon wot1\ will be Bur,e lJ'ee . FurUler predictions ram Is that Itudents m y '·te t were r Ir to p rtly cloudy and Iout" of core eour w'lI , G~nther's hOlldquarters will 6, 1883, son of Alexander Ind Chrl tm s \\ h to r Iv The DailY wheth r the tudent II In hili nlll, wom 's dot'mitot'y that ha~ tbe specific responsibility Caroline Beecher Ko er. mas came early al the Hospital ' Iowan should notify Th D lIy flr.t year of po t,raduate study will be located on the blotlt wanner tonl::hl. kills cours s. tdt operatin, Europe's early Mr. Koser is survived by scv­ Iowan Clrculalion Depart n! or is a mor advanced stud nt. otlth of Cunior Ihll. Pr nt , Slturday It expect d to be Studl'nls will hav!! tile lollow­ warnin, line, the equivalent here eral nieces and nephews. His School for Crippl d Chlldr<!n " rm r with p«' I Ie now I", cholC(!s: (pilon 4(91) !r(\m 8 to 9 a.m. An addition I $800 aUowance IpliM ar ,lor ' the' buJldln, to (Iurr ' to the A,merlcan-Canadlan Dis­ first wife, Cora. died In 1925, HI when the Iowa City Junior and 2 to 4 p,m. today. Is mad If the sludent is m r- how nead,)" 1.200 ' women. Ea. 1. 'I't'IIt Ollt 0' Ole eor br p second wife, Beile, died In 1948. Chamber or tant Early Warnln, Une across rled. tlmatCd c;o.\t ~ , ,2~,OOO. Inlt a comprehen.sive elUlnTIfla­ North' America. Funeral servlc will be at 2 Its evenlh .tnllual In e ch c e, the university AI .ehedul d t. an addUI n Uon ov r material covered by " '8clr.lter' S)"riem p,m. Saturday at Beckman's th course. Funeral Home. The Rev. Gcorge I party at wh ch .r e Ive arants. I fr to Ito the Hllkrest dlnln, hal\. and n. :ss Vetoes ,TIle communications network, T. L. Jacobsen, pastor ot the niiht. Farm Bureau ehoo the Itud nt IIn4 type ot ,.modelln, 01 !:utlawn and ~ Z. Complete a mD table to be built at the estimated cost First En,lish Lutheran Church, JayC m mb I' r e rch to be pur ued. M ebrld au ltorium. UN number at hour in an approved Qf roulhly '$42 million, will uti­ J . , will conduct the services. g tz. 407 Bowery, T~ ,r nl flU Into three main Th t of the dlnln, hall d partm ntal ue, . lI~e a new American Invention. OK' FI 'bl I a·pan S Burial will be in Ridgewood cate,orle : addlUon I cstlm!ltt'd to be $300 - ~. EDroIl In Ind com" te th ~ J.' called the "scatter" syste.m. cemetery 01 North Liberty. party and \\'IIJI m lcr ot cere- S eXI e Fir t. a fund of 445.000 to aid 000. Macbride, which will. t ir IBid A g. a,· n core COllr~ liself. [)cfense Secretary Charles E. monJes. I t Ichln, which Includ I $200,000 condltlonin, equipment, will COl t The dopted progum Wlt be- Wi1llOn, on behalf of the U.S. The tension mount d for the In I:f nb lo 50 privately .uppert- 110,000. • IUn In Scplem r. 1954. and ,overnment, offered to finance p " PI kids In wheel chairs and wear- . rice an ed coli Ie•. Ot the 1200.000. E tiawn ill ~ convert to VNITED NATJONS, N.Y. (IP') fr hmen In the program wen " fbe construction of three pilot 125,000 I. for advancln, lh • mu k buUdln, and Will 00Si. :-Ru la Thuraday cast Ita thlr~ I tcd lalclr to compare th ir lllllt~an otfer which the NATO In, brac s: S nt.! was expected. teachln, of chemistry. • 100 000 f<' veto tn.t J~p n In thr dll,} chlevcmenl In certain rea. ministers iromedlately accepted. Leo Cc:trtim l,lIa and his combo CHICAGO UP) - The Amel'i. G 11 C lie I f tb I ' . to bar TOkyo. appilC! Uon lor Ilh thRt 01 tudcnts wljo Iwi On, IihfC wllt cover the shorter played well-known Christmas can Farm Bur IU Fed rallon h r ~nel t dO t e cl on 0$2 5~ Mon lor U2e remQdelin. f1f UN membership. The Unllcd completed core work unci r til' hops tn Nor'fay. The others will ' coo. a coree ve a. Macbride and £8.1la n WAS .'P- Stttet .,nlrTily denounced thl. 10- carols whll chlldren, p rents, tru hlnl aside amln,s ot pas. granl for advancement In C!hem- propria ted by the lelitlature lion • III "abuse of the vetd compulsory pr"l1 m.
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