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I, I Volume ~II I J NurnlJe~ §

September, 1950

I'I , l'

j • , '- 1 . • "

, .-

• Dakota. who w:as'named Durum Queen MCICOIronl.F,e.U;'al at Devils Lalee. N- D,. August 3. 1950, is shown stand- • ~n her husband's farm of 1,600 acres, 600 acres



YOUR ' , 0 .. '" ,', TEN DAYS o.,;

Begloolog Thur.day, October, • , , .nd through SalUr. day, Octob.r 14, •• Ibe Groce.. o( Am.rica ..lIJ 1.11 Hou ....iv •• o( America aboul your produClS. You'll g.1 merchandisIng help from produccn of wiDe IDd chee.e, north, east, south or west lince Nadonal Macaroni W ••k coindd •• wilh Nadooal Win. We.k and October i. Ch •••• F.ldval Monlh. Amb.r MlIJ will h.lp you KEEP Ih. cullom.rs you win • • •• ROSSOTn Specialized d~riog Nadonal Macaroni W ••k : With Amb.r'. No, 1 Semolinl your productl will have the color, texture and aavorrh .. can mak.Ii(~long CUSlomers (or YOUR brand •. Packaging Consultants are A. al.. ay., Amb.r Mill promise. prompl .hipm.ol o( (r•• h mlIJ.d lOp quality No. 1 . RighI now. , • avaUable order your No.1 Semolina req.dremeots (or the National Macaroni W ••k Sal •• Driv. (rom' Amber Mill. Ronolli is proud of the ro:c it has pln)'cd in the growth of the maca­ roni industry thraus •• the introduction of new techniques in mtrchal1- diJing thrDugh packtJging. Our knowledge of the macaroni industry and the merchandising "know-how" gathered from our 51 yean of experience in the packaging field i!; available to every manufacturer. There is a Rossetti packaginlJ comultant strategicallv located to offcr )'OU o~r 5crvicL" , T he next time you arc in the vicinity of any of our laIc. offices or two , , lIlodt~ ln plants, drol) in and u·c U5, Wh.::thcr you want to redesign ' ... ~ your old package, or in'.rodutc n new product, Ro,Uo tli specialized dc· signers can create a practical, s:lles.inducing package that will SHO\\ osso#i nnd help SELL your produ,!. ~ packagi,lJ: consultants and manufacturers sbl ce 1898. Ilossoul Lilhograph Corporation, North Ueegen, New Jcncy Ilossotli Cillirornio Lilhogra, h CorP., San Francisco, Caliromia AMBER MILLING DIVISION SaICi ornCH l BoIIOO, Rochester, ChICIIlo, Lm Ao,dea, New York, CblC:lnDatl, Milwaukee, Tamp:a, San ' Francisco and PhlladdpblL fAIMUS UNION GIAIN. TEIMINAl ASSOCIATION

, ! • • MIlo '" ."'" CIfy, Milo. • ~ Offlc.., SI •._ " Milo.

0' " , THE MACARONI JOURNAL September, Jhe 1'1\).\ C).\R 0)'11 J 0 U Ri'I).\l

Volume XXXD S.pt.mbe,. 1950 Number 5 o ~~\.£ss Pie-in-the-Sky Illusion What's Happened to Savings? Frum lime iUlInemorial, the most effective Wl'alKlI1 of the Farmt'rll have long rCliptclcd till! United States Dullnr. o .,( ~ politician has been the promis(', It is still with us toda.v, As a stun-house o£ value, ns well IHI n mediulll of t'x. and it is being ulled on a morc grandiosc IIcale than ever change, tile dollar wall for gcneratiulls iUI good as a hog ~, or a skcr. It was better: the animal might get sick or ,lit" before. Politicians talk glibly about greater national or dl'Clillc in price. The dollar was tlurable. If p.lpcr, fine , FOR LONGER AND HEALTHIER wtllth, higher incomes and a higher standard of living for could easily get a gold dollar for it. all of us. They promise the famler high prices (or his One could put a WlIY It few IIp.1fC dollars. ill (ull ('on­ crops, the city worker lower price. ior his food, nll'Y fidcncc that lhl'Y would pt.'rfonn as l'XIK'ctl'tl when net't11't1 DIE LIFE pnwnisc betl~r pay for .. "nrter hours and less work. They again. The work which l'arnl'(l a dollar could be slored (or (uture U!le. At any time it could he l'Xchangl'tl lor promise pensions. They promi:f! everybody somclhing for l'. ~ p:lpl'r bl'cn t'xchallgt'ilhle for guld, people is to produce more. You can't distribute goods until they arc producl'tl, and you can distribute only what Suppose that ill 193~ you laid a $10 bill asick YIIlI stored wh.1l was then tell dollars' worth ur your work, i5 I'rollucl'

5 , , 6 THE MACARONI rOURNAL ' THE MACARONI JOURNAL 7 I>r. J H, Shl'PI"uc1, professor of ilj.!riculture anti latcr president of the al! ril'ultural colle,::t', was intl'reslt'(l in First Maearoni Day Huge Sueees~ till introduction of dumm whl'at into ~.' r lh IJakola. IJr, H, L, lIolIl'y a I,laul pathologist on tht, staff of ~ur I-JERE ha\'c bc.>t'lt and will ~ an BWIin~.n and Fcmn... In Davila Lak., North Dakota. Area T endlcss army of "Weeks," iuc1ud· C'x"t'rill1l'ul stOll ion, hrought 1,,1ck sev. ing Macaroni W«k, Cheese Week, Join In Ita Promotion. Macaroni Industry Supports rt,, 1 durum wheats from Russia in Wine Week-evcn Kiss-Your-Wife 11). 1.1, W. N. Hays, who I.1dv, profitabh' market (or quality Day. .~ cading agriculturists of that is btfore us the possibility or c~tabli!lll­ state aTld officer! o( the National Maca­ "urum. in, practically a new whl'at industry ~f Doing what tllt'Y the/ught was na­ creat magnitude," roni :\fanu(acturers As!ociation ad· MHtr crawnlna,lory•• , , A crown of be.iuUhtl roul belnl placc:d on the head of dressed a gathering of fanners and tural, the I,romolers arrangt't! contests for 20 ycars aftt'r the initial inlro­ N. 'ML , MOlen .A. Swenun, Devil. Like, N. D., by Maurice L. Ryan. vice pruldent of busincssmen estimated at more than 10 Sdl'Ct Iwo qU t·t·us of the day-a duction to Ihe fanller durum whea' 6,000 that taxro the facilities of the Durull1 Qm't'n to honor the grOWt'rs production outpaced cor;sumcr dcmand ' small community. r\'l'1ulnnel1~ C!f durum millin~ alld or that Dr, Glt,tllI Smith. associate din'c­ DURUM STORY at the agricultuml college. cuhural cngiut't'ring, of the U, 5, lJe­ t!lr !,f tht, North lJakota I ~ xl't'rilllent ghetti, At Roose\'t'lt Park, where the the 1I 1:lca rOlI1 Industry ('f'rurn'd about jJ.ulltlt'nt of AJ:riculture, in t"O-olk'ro­ cclebmtion centered during the my, By Dr. Frod S. Hult .. PruldeDl You will be meeting the dean I. ller Ilk' ~ lt)le time. This prouuced a more ?taltun. cfJuhi tllI,t he ht'rc lINla/', Ht; is lion with the No rth Dakota Agricul­ lit more than 3,(X)() sen'ings of macaroni North Dakota Agric:ultural CoUogo 0 11 this Ilrogrnm. although he nerd" nO Ilabl_: market (or durum and made !hc lUack "lltl!!,,,n oOici" l'ulll'gc HiraI Experimenl Station, bustlt~ss, Ur. SUlIth Ilt'galt duntln and cheese were given (ree to all who introduction to any North Dakota aU' gll)\\"mg this claslI of wheat more wanted some-tither samplcs or ht'ap­ We of the collt'ge are happy to be dit'nce. il Ur.l\lire to the (anner. A sueces!lful breeding program ror hn'elllO/{ 21 yt.'ars ago lIy crossing any crop depends upon . recognizt.'d Minclulll with Emmer, thell h.u'k-cross­ ing dishes. wilh you to ct'lebralc and COllllnemo­ or durum production was Fi(ty yt'ars ago durulll wheat ~\' as ~I h' I ~ak laws 1)( hen'llity, "Figs do 1I0t ,::row ing tf) Milllhull. IIt'shles Carleton and Working with Ihe sponsoring com­ ralr Macaroni Day in North Dakota. ill!;t111_11 m 1928 when almost 100 (XX)­ prdctically unknown in North Al11l'r lCil, un thistlt's," Neither can good maca­ SIt·wnrt. tit' pnHlucecl the VernulII \'01- mittee was Maurice L. Ryan of 51. It is n fine thing 'for business people. (XX) Were! produced, !Jurum sel'd had been hrought to Iht hush~ l!I t'hre~­ roni he j)rCMluct'(l from rt'd durum or ridy anti also L.tll~ d()1I Durum Nn, Paul, ,'ict' president o( the National farm producers and research workers Unitcd Stales bv a few Russian fa nn' fOU rl h, hemg grown 111 Norlh D.. kota. Macaroni Manufacturers Association hread W leats. EWII certain varictit,s 30.1 (nnw nallled NUt-:J:d), lIy tt sill},r to gt'l together for improved acquain­ ers about 1864. 'but Mark A. Cnrll'lOn, St"t r; t1 factor!l have contributl'tl to a :; horh-r·str.lwt·11 matt· nOli frnnl I'alt,s. and chainnan of the Ilurum growers lalll·e. 10 discuss mutual problems and dl'Cli ue in production, Export demand of durum will lIot produce acceptable I.'ercalist for thc U. S. Departmelll of lIIilcaroni. From cxpcriull'ntlil results tim'. Nt,W IInti still bl'lh'r d\trums arc relatioll cOlumith~l', who pt.'rsonally to dmw attention to the durut11 wh .~ at for decreased sharply, and new Agriculture. imported st'ed (rolU Hlu, . Iur ~m it was shuwn that, n'gardless of IUt'a­ in PWCl'SS IIf makin},r, knows more durul11 growers. l'Ievalor industry in our slate. sia in 1899 which fonm'd the b.,si~ of rust',I"ClI lstant bread wht'at varieli('s tiull or season. l\lindulII was oulstand­ And :;11 it is c\' itlt'nt thai, thrllu~h nu'n and dUnlm wlll'al handlt'rs than One o( the finl important arc;}s pn'st'ut durum prcxluction , It was ~ Ir, rro\,uk-d stiffer competition, In 1935 hou ing in mat'aroni quality, due to it5 in­ till' YI'nr~ for 1I1'1I r1y a hal( ('('fltury, 110 all the other 270 macaroni manu­ pointt'(l out to mc as a nt.'wcomer in the Carleton who wrote, in 1901, "The 1\\"0 d !>.lnds of ac'res ?( latc-sawlI hcritalll'C o( thosc Ilesirable 'Iualitil's your :Igncultural cnlk'J,:e nnd it s {'x­ fllcturcTS combh1l'd , He wa~ delighted state was the grt'al Durum Trial1gl ~. statcs in which macaroni whl'als h iWC' rrilTlt were seriously injunod bt'lause II) Sl't' so much macaroni doing the dis­ resJlonsible for the product 1011 of IJt'rinll'nt sta tion han' "Iayt'd all im­ It was mv rare privilege to attend the so (ar proVl'd 10 be mosl su('(ells!ul r ~ I l' m rust. Following th;!l mis­ bright amber, translucent macaroni. Appt.'aring act during the eating contest J)urum Show last in L ..\ngdon :lTe North Dakota and South Dakota, t arlunc. (armers in the durum t " rri~ portant rille in Ilurulll illn'stiJ,:atiolls ill For Ihis rt.'ason, Mindum was uSl'll in t1is5l'minatinJ: prUtlut,tion illfunnati;m pml the free dishes o( macaroni anti where 1 had a real liberal t't', ing the afternoon with two outstanding citizt'fl, I have a n'al apprrciation for cJllalilr thnn the original in:r.rt or ~urum acreage during rt'i:rnt years, ru st; tended to lodge in Wet scasons; authorities on the subjects or wheal the magnitudc and importanct! o( dur. ...ct.-d.' This opinion still stan 5 un- ,A~lndum was first crossed in 1930 '111ill story (lr t1urulII illustmtes but and was later in atlainillg maturity olle or the myriad act h'itil's in which and macaroni products, Dr. Fred S. urn production in this area. challl'f'igl-d loday. ' .'It. Vernal Emmer, which is a rust~ th.'In Ihc Ilt.'wc r ,'arieties of bread rtsutant distant relative o( wheat with your aJ:rit.-ultural ('OlIt' ~C is t'IIJ,::lJ,:t'll, wlll·at. Our wurk with all tYI 't's uf nul'S 011111 TilE )1 ,\ C ,\ i( () ); 1 .I 0 U i( 1\ A L St'lltt'lII\h'r, I" ~ n WHY A MACARONI DAY? By C. L. Nom. Palt Prelident and NMMA Advit. ol

In lilt' W;lItl'f flf IIJH·-Ifl, wllt'll hi' lIIal'arnui iu,lu:, tn' wa:, rllllllinj! ,tl 111 'ak III ' t',III~ I ' IIf :'t';lrl'il), IIf lIIany f, ,· ,I. ;11 tlti :, 1'1I\11l lry 011111 a h ll~t ' th'lIIall" 1"1 t'XIHlfl, :'lllIlt' IIWllllwf:' IIf til\' ill,' ,., In' :, wl,h'lIll\' rt'a1i l l,t1 hllw 111'111'11. 1' 111 III,' ;l1du~ln: wa~ 1111 lifh'I'1I III 1\1' IIh ' 1"ll11lt;I':' ;II ' :\,lrlll I lak'lta, a:' a ~"'Ir ..; ' IIf Ih,';r raw l11ah-riall' , \' 11 11 ,m' I"'r' lIap ~ a~ ratl1il;ar a:, I with th,' h l~ l" n IIf Ih,' ;1IIf1Hh'I'tillll IIf cltlrtllli 1111" 1111. nll\l1ll'\' at th" 1II'~itl11iuJ.: uf Ihi :, r ,'lt· \11\'\' , '\'IILI ,I'ill rt'l'all lital whih' Ihi. 111 '1\' ,'al'il'\ " IIf wlwal ,li,1 \'t'n' I,d' Durum Queen eandidltes I I Mae .. ronl D.y, Devil. Lake, AUIUI' 3, 1950, AI left, ;11 Wlrlh ~1'lI lral 011111 lI urlh ;'a ~ Inn Mi ll Virlinl, Sehindele 01 Lakota Aetivitiea Club thaI Iponlored the event. Dthen :\urlll I )aktlla. il wa~ 'I"ih' ~" "11 ' liml' L 10 R: Mn, Hella Torlenon, Aneta Commercl.1 Club; Mr., Kennelh Miller, Ellen Ilt'flltl' 0111\' p H1i 1 lit it lIIalt'l'i al, Homemaken: Mn, Jamea Dibbenl, Cudo Commercial Club (later named Queen): II ~ !' M,., Ed, Wilcoll, L.kewood Homemaken: and M r., Gordon Perry G.tlke of ill"\. \\'lil'lI IHat'arulli 11100II ufal'llIrl'r, Ealtern Slar, flll1l11\ that it W:I:' j,It'al fllr Ilw lII .. k i l1~ IIf mat'afull;' ~ p ,'~ I h'lIi 011\11 I ' ~~ 11' "1' li\'t' ~ I 'I\: k ha ~ n '~ IIItI ' ,1 ill 1tl ' lIdil~ til 1" 'tll,,1 lill Ol IIt'ia ll y 1.\, :0 10111' il lll,n'!lria' Xurlh 1'ilk"la' ~ ;u!rit-ultnrl' thai aft' lilll1 , \\" , an' "II\11l1tilh',111I it plilky IIf nlkul;IIt',1 f1'IlI"'f\'a'ti\t'h- Oil I llilli"II ~ "f ,I"illl-: OIl th,' flllll'!:I' l'xal'lly whal iI m Ol ' tl ll ll at~ :lIIII\I;llh', III fa'nllt ' r~ ill , '\ ', ' 1'\' ;IIrily .. r ,hi' t'i lil"II :' wa nl u ~ III ,III, 1',,'lIIlry ill Ih i~' ~ I ah " . al1d an' \\'illll1 l-: til pay f"f, Tha i I:' 1111' 11\11' of tlu r hal'\lil ' ~1 jll"~ i ~ Iraillillj! ,II'ItIl Il.' r;' lk way "f tillll1l-: , ~ ' ''11I11-: I'".. ph" yllltr l'hilrln'lI a\1l l yU tlf \\" , 11I'!i,"'" \t1l\ ''l'Ii\' II.'ahly ill thl' Ih ' il-: ht. llt ~ ' 1'lIilrln'lI, III Itn'''lIh' ,. lrut1l-: ­ ~I' \'\ it'I '~ "f III,' ill-:r;t'lIit ll ral 1',,111'1-:" :11 "I', \11l1tt ' ~,.Jf · n ' li a ll l, lIIutt' I'apailll' II f Xllrlll I )ak"la, \\" , rn'''J,!lIi lt' Ihal \11I'1 'lilll-: lift'\ Jl t"ItII' II1 ~ IlIrmlj!h alll,d · 1I1I1t'" \",t n'lIIaill~ III I,,' al't'''lIlr l ;~ III''1. Ill'alioll Oil Iht, :,Iah' aJ,!rirultllral t'tll· \'11.', Ihl' t'ili:,'u,r, a lllllt' t'l1l1 ,~ "" thai 11 '1-:" , T" II ~, wh" an' Ihl'l'l' ' UI 1111 ' jtlh. whal ~hnll lr11 11' d""t', IIlIh' .',l\/f I'lIil"':' tlwn' i~ IIIllhll1 l-: lI111n ' Ihrillil1l-! Ihall will ('art\' illlil II1\' I, L:I :,I:,ii,:,' hall~ 011111 IIII' ""I ~ lall"ill l-: ~ tll' l'I' ~ ~ tlll' ~ I ' \'''\tll l-: Ih.' ~ tah: IIllil ' I'~, II'h, r,' Imdl-:t'I tln'i· 1"'"l'it', ollr J.:"far\u"h' ~, an' 1I1:,kllll-: ill ~i,, " ~ art' math,. al\lll'rlJ\ ' i~i"lIs an' 1'1\' ,'11111111'1;1;1111 wilh Ihl' " l'~ l ;lIIy wh,'n', :"'\1'0\ flOr 1';II'ryil1j! 1111 Ihi ~ I'rIIl-:ralll , ~ II ,\" , art' ahl., III fl 'l1 lilllh' Ih,' ,'xllt·ri· laillal"" I,. all "r X"rlh Ila).;"l a, 1I1I 'lItal wllrk. 01 1111 III 1I1}\'t til t, "I' ,~ I 10 111 1'1'\111'11 fill' \'''lIr ~ I1I I P" 1'I alllll" "I­ \'"ur \'1111111-: 1'1'111'1,', III'I'au!>I' \'1111, 11 \1' tid"III' I'. 1\'1' at till' "IIIlI '!.! " 1"",11-:" pill ; ' ilil"li ~ IIf :\"rlh I )akllla, I",fi,'\'" lIur Ilur ~illl "' I'I ' , ulilirilll-: t'lr,,\';~ III I'arry I'Irllrt~ an' wtltlhwhil" , . ,1 11 \" 'nr \\ ' i ~llt'~ ,'lli"i"IIII·', al-:J.:I'I ':,~ i\'t ' I\' Flit II II' 1II" ~ 1 1'011'1 , " ur wllrk , i~ ~UI" an'" a"I'II I'''illj! III Htlr high!':'1 ahilili, '~, C. L Nonl. National Macaroni Week will be supported na[ionall), ,1I!'~. ;1 ~ katl;l\' J.:ru\\'ill~ \lI ar .... ' fllr ,lurtlll1l1lah'riaiil"'1. 1\1 )1)-1';, hllll ' ,'rr, by General Mills through America's foremost food au[hori[),_ WI' ,li:>{'IIH,rt,,, IlIalllwrt, \\'a~ a 1I I ,' I ", ~ I y l'il f, ,j ,kdilll', YI'ar hy ill itt'rt'a t;' ,k, Ber,y Crocker. On October 5 Beny Crocker of General Mills will \'I11t',1 \II IIII' .:tll\l'1\lJ.: flf dU flnll, " ,,~ "r 1 III'W "at1t'I;I':' 11£ II n 'ad wlw:ll:, 1IIudi Wt'rt' wdl adapll',l III IIII' dim"" , ~. feature A'llCdl'oni Il'illl Pried 'rOil/aloes on her Magazine-of-rhc.Air wd! a:' Ila x , harll'), a UtI ryl', WI ' I' , I!d ' lilil-: :'111111' uf Ihl' al'rI'aJ.:I' whkll ha" !In'lI f"tml'rl\' .\I" 'IIII,d III ,I"rum, Tilt program heard b), 7,000,000 women over 199 ABC stations. :\lal'anllll 1\ ~:,m' iitlilll1 d"!'j,h,d il 1\ ;" hiJ.:h 11111t' WI' WI 'I'I' 1-:t'llill!: bl'llo I' :iI" quainh',\ with IIII' J.:I'II\\'I'fS :t1ll111l, 1'1'(" \lIt, il1lt-n '~ h't1 ill Ihl' dl'I'I,III]lln" ,, : 111 l atil\;lilll1al \'a ril'lil'S o! ,\urUI11 , \\ h :" nur a1111ual 1'lIllI'l'nt iclII wa:, 111'1 ,1 III ~lilllll'a\l"li :, ill ;1)04(1, I was a ~ I , , ' , 1 I': ht, d lairlllOin IIf a pam'l romp"" "\ ": lllil1t-rs, alii Macaroni Queen candidatel al Macaroni Day, Devil. Lake, AUlult 3, 1950, L, to R, J.:rll\l' ,'r~, itl-: ru nllnl ;~I~ E, I; I',MM" Mu, Deorle Hermel, Devill Lake Homemakefl Club, Iponlor of 'he affair : Mrl. N, R. lIIal'a r ~ l\Ii ~lI'II!~lfal' lu n' r ~, II, and 1-.111\'111 J fiI\'lI ur rt ' l'n' ~I' II \t' , 1 ItII Kirchoffner, Catholic Daulhlefl; Mr., Rnine Ehmke, V, F,W, Auxiliary; Mrs. Ed­ I-:rl)\\'I'r:" 111'lIi\' Pulnalll .. f IIII' ward Johnlon, Lelion Auxiliary ; Mrs, Alke Galloway, Bela Silma Phi; Mn. Hal" :\'orlllw,'si en'I I' 1111111'1" '1'1111'111 , \ ~,o' riel Knudlen, V,C,T. Auxiliary ; and Mrs, Glen Swen.on, SI. A,nea Guild l, (laler nameJ Macaroni Queen), (C,,",iIllU.1 tJlI I'an" 38)

c: 32 x'f D \0 THE MACARONI JOURNAL National Macaroni Week Widely Supported - Extensiv~ly Promoted

"AYIJIII WINE OUtrANY OU:", TA nUNCA ANb 1{O"A \VU..,~ WINE AII'o'ISOIIY IJoAIn The National Macaroni KIA" Foo~ CoWrANY C AINATlOM' "' ... K COMrANY lnatitule's Publicity )'0 ""LK SALU CoIIl'OIiATIUN DAn)!N, IIAUON, DURSTIN! &: 011101)0 0( ~, WAI.nlt TIIOMf'50N Allv. A"ENCY CoIlIlBBI ReporIB 10 "A!.rll H. JIIN ES AIr.'l!.IrlSINO AG!: NC\ Manu/acturers on "Bcl'nuse thcse r~"!nl,'ani" vertising agcncics Cooperation the Mal'aroni Planned nooncts will be IIcr advertisements lions as:

1'AlAnF. TillS WY.f.K MeCAI,I.''' WOMAN'S DAY October S to 14, 1950, will be na­ rr()(lII UUU!l f. K f.f. ~IN4 ; Tllur. SrollY tionally kown 8!' Macaroni Week. TIIUE CONn.'!lIIONS RCCOl.'llition is t!X1>eCtcd front 1110St of MOlIEJlN KONANCU the country's I..... ding magazines and HOUSEItOLIl MAGAZINE organizations of IU'oc.luccrs and dis­ l'IWCESII\~ FARMING B. No ar ••• FA .. ILY C"(I.E tributors of foods rl'1atetl to macaroni A .. F.lI CA N I~A"ILY prod Jcts. 1..AnlE5 UO),lE JOUINAL . Marnroni.s,>.,ghl'lli-nCKXllc manu(ac­ rani Wt.'ek and thc products )'01' manu­ WoMAN'" HON! eo .. rANIIIH turcu, llarticularly the ,"upportcrs of factun'. Huntln'tls of hour!I of radio and in hunilrt'tls or daily new""",,

Era of violent competition Planned' Publicity w(IITants unified co-opera­ tion products promotion by Doing Needed Job industry.

By Peter LaRosa. Chairman. MacaronilnsUtut. PubUcitY Committee

Since my retu", from the convention During the fint five months of 1950, it St"l't115 that I can't pick up a news­ photos and articles difl'Ch."d at making ,laper or food periodical without read­ the tt"('n-agcr, the homemaker, the teach­ Ing of newly projcctt.'tl promotional and er and the gt'lIeml consumer morc mn­ IlUblicity plans of ntht.'r food ;\SSocia­ !lciou!I of our foods have appcar~d in lions. Enclo~d arc two items cut Qut WomQ,,'.r HOllie Com/,alllOIt, Good rrtcntly (rom Food Firld Iftl'0r'rr. UOUlt'kcr~j"g, SnJfl./uH, Por(Jl/r, Note the ~cadlincs and the copy: rotogravure SIIPIIIl'ment s of new~J1a­ pen, ct cetera. Tt:A INUUSTkV I'IIOUOTION fUND IS $6OO,()(X) OVt:M I'LANNt:D (;QAL We have 110W initiated National Macaroni Week, C~ tobcr 5-14, Pro- "The Tt'a Council has also an· 1lI0tion is not confilll'(t to stickers and nouncccl that (our national magazines streamers. We t"xpect voluminous and 32 newspapers will carry ads (or Jlublicity OVl'r radio, newspapers, mag­ National Iced Tea Week this year, azines and cvery communication me· The ma~zinel: Lilt. Look, The Sat· dium available. All hard-hitting, im- I4rdoy EVtHiHg POll atlll Collirrs!' 11..1ct· fuli Imblicity Ilromoliuf the &ale, usc und cunslimption of aI nl.1caroni ELECTION OF J)UN'Kt:MS n:ATUMt:S nm ,.t.r La BOla (lmJul'ts anti egg nootllcs-rcgnnllm JOINT OONUT PROMOTION of brand. "A joint campaign to promote the When nther foods, competing with sale o( doughnuts for p,uty consul11,)­ of what has been dOlle lake a look at us for a place in the 1,700-pound an­ tion will be laul1cht'(l by the Bakers of Iht.' brochure. "Rt'su!!s that Sell." nual capacity of the human · stomach, America program of the American Look at page 2. arc raising hu Jrcds of thousands of Bakers As.sociation and the Doughnut "Sillcc Jalluorj' I, 1950, )'0"' Public dollars for indulitry promotion, certain­ Corp. of America, New York." Rdation.t Program IlCU produud 1,- ly we can subscribe to a pitiful one cent These are just two illustrations 690,123 lillu 0/ tublicilJ ill 1II0rc tho" n bag. which hapl)Cn to be at hand. nut we 7,000 IINI.'s/,apr,s olUl (OllSIHller mag­ I urge all manufacturers to support all know t lat similar forceful promo­ a::illfS III"ollgl, o." 11,(, Nolioll," the progmm, tions arc and have been continuously under way by the brrad l)COple, ~tato growers. rice growers, l)Canuts, plcklcs, sauerkraut, meat in "tit ute, wine, cheese Your Responsibility and Mine and a hundred others, By Gtorard Klomp. Pr ..ldonl PerhaJls it may srcm far-fell'hed It should be crystal clrar to us by that your store and mine can be im· now that we'vl' enterl'(l an era of vio­ National ANoclaUoD of aetaU Grocen IKlrtant in this gigantic picture. But lent competition of industry versus in· rClIll'lIIber that our nation 5 busirll'ss Is dustry and particularly of food product Alllerica's food industry today has made up of hundrt-ds of thou5.111,ls of again'" food Ilroduct. iI tn'mendou, resIK)JIsibility. It is are­ husi nl'SliCS like yours and mine allil in I am frank to admit that at the be· sl)QlIsibiJity that we call't look at im~ that lil'S its 5trength. ~inning I, mysdf, wa ll 1I0t sold on personally-but which we must ncccpt Now, liO long as you and I aerv,' our IIIdustry-wide publicity. But now liS flur own individunl oblihration, It is communities well, wc will maintain I after two years of lil·d nJ: what Jlublic· the n'sponsibility to 50 conduct our butwark ngainst any invasion of our ity can do, I a1l\ convlI\crd that the husim's, that we strengthen anti pre­ stron~hold of free enterprise, And greatest force for sl'lIing macaroni and sen'l' the Amrric:m way of life. multiply each small bulwark by 37';,lXX> noodle products as a foutl in competi­ A laq;e ordt'r, you may 5o'Y. Yes, and we have an invincible force 3J!ainst tion with otht"r food s is a well Jllannt'(l, hut il IS important tllough that it whatl'\'cr may threaten. It Is nct"I\65 hard-hitting, industry-wide campaign. shuuld be always before us, a guitlin~ to say that today the thrtats art Manufacturers will nnt, of course, stoJl principle in the C\'l'ry-day conduct of II1l1l1erous, insidious and powerful.. I,romoting their incli\'itlual brands. our business. As it ill with the retailer, BusiJll'SS is a free enterpnSt. Uut isn't it obviou" thnt for the manu­ it is equally 110 with food processor(ll Ecol1ol1l), such as ours is not Illl' re~y racturer to sell hi s 1:0005,· the consumer and suppliers. . the affaIr of the man who condUt'lli It. TOu sl first ht· soltl Oil macaroni prod­ Jt is important for many rtaSOlls. To be liure, if he is the right killll of uct ,md noodles as a J;uocl fOO4I? The First and fon'mo!t, it is important be­ man, the store owner takes a greatl~r· .J1uLlicit), camp"igll being (·Xt'CUh.-d by ca USl' il iuvolvl's the health of all the sollal pride in op~rating an attr.u:tlrt the National Macaroni Institute Anll'rican I)roplc. Next, it is iml>ortant store, in having it comfortably busy through Thl'O

Mu:;t IIf till' lil'\'l'ral IUllltlml thou­ as a \'aril'ly uf fish, whkh is 11(11)' !lal­ with it hit uf ~ilrlit- mil It'll, SOl\le I"'a­ AT YOUR SERVICE sauils nf Alllt'riC'III!1 who will ~II to ural hl'l' au~l' uf il!! proximily ICI thl' nuls, a ~CKKI handful of ~rall'11 .. i .. r· 11:11)" alltl l'i1rtkularh' tu ]{Ul1W, this Sl'al. TIll' iuhahitaliis uf LiJ,(uria :m' 11l1l).!J,!iu sanln" (n SIIl'dill dll'I'St' I' rll­ )'l'ar fur tIll' spedal }-luly Yl'ar EWIIU trlulitionally a !ishl'nnan fulk wlm Ill'­ duct'll in Sardinia, ratllt'r sliitt'll :11 111 TO MEET THE of iuh'n'st In bOlh pi1r.:rims ami tuur­ light in piscaturial sl'l'i.'il's from nl'arby piquant), a hanclful of p:trnlt'-;III ists. will dist'U\'l'r to their amOlZl'l1\cnt and dislant wah'rs, Thl' markl'1 10 ami fht'l'St', alul a J.!IMIII ,h'al IIf thai ~' ~ ~I OPPORTUNITY Ihal till' lIaliauli do nut I'XilCII)' lit1C OH n'slaurants ahnuml ill "ell'lItil'l'," "um­ allli :-I\\'l'I'1 lIil of till' I~i\' il' ra 1.:t:lIf1', s/,u{//II·~ti aUtI utlll'r tYllt'S uf !'aSla Ali- brina," "orata" and nlhl'r varil'lil'S l1a:-lil llIi1y ht, hllught, hut lI1:my OF ENRICHMENT 111l'lIlan. from tilt' guH of Gl'IIII.', as Wt'll as ill hO\lsl'wi\'l's pn'fl'r In gruw it t:" 'II\' Ihe wUlldnful soil' of tht, Adrilllit- 111111 Whitt, till' pl'opl,· IIf Italy rank first sd\'l':-I, t'illll'r in a l'IIrlll'r of tlll'ir ~ar­ Mcn:k & Cu., Jill:., (Clremll"l In en. amullj{ tht, natiulI)! of till' wurl,1 in thl' tht' l'xquisilt' Inhsh'rs from thl' wliins Ih'n ur in jllJl:-I 1m Illt'ir krral't'S ur I~, (If Sanlinia, ridlluent Ilrllb'I'Clla from 1110 \·t:ry (,OIlSlIIlll'lioll of macawni products, lilt' window sill, heginning lIt thia bailie nutritiullul TIll' unly Imsil sUllahll' fur m;,..:: inJ! till')' an' nul lIuldOlI\' hy any other na­ (It'lIIll':-It' \'HukillJ.: cltH.'S not aCt'cll1 faI­ 811vonoo, I)ringa ila tl.'t:hnical .. kill tiunalill" ,'xl"t'pl A1Ilt'ril';ms, ill the "a­ l)' illgn'ti!I'ul!I as tlfH.'S Ihe lIoln~m':-I t" Iht, Pl' :-I IU is that gruwn ill l.iJ,(uria, and "arit.'t) c.\(lCrleUI.'C in (IMMI rn_ ril'ly 0 ((xlds COllliUIIlI'<1. It Ilul.'s "lIIplny, hflwcwr, uniquc sauCt's In 1111 1I11ll'r l'ulilltry in Ihe wurllll"1II a TIll' foUowinj.:' :lrlidt' takt'll from the lor sl'asllIIlIIl:: "IIa:-llasl'iulla" (spaJ,(hl'l­ \la:;il similar tn uur:-l hI' fuuml, WIWlh, ridmu:nt to dlo llen-ieo (I( tlln ilia. hl',lUtHully ilhl!llr:til'd anI. 1II0!'t in­ Ii, lIIal'arnlii antllhl' like,) anti :oil'wral t'r it's ht'I'aU:-Il' Clf Ihl' dill11lh', or lht, caroni alld UlMMlio lII.nu(.t:lurer. formatiw iSSUl' (jUIIl' 1950) I)f TOUR ~IHKI soups, pruximil)' IIf tht, Sl'iI, ur Iht ~ Iltmlity IIf Cmu:uITCnt with the eMt.Mill". lTALY, a mOlllhly maj.:alim'uf Trawl Olll' of 11ll' musl 1'011'111011 salin's thl' sui! wllt'rt, it J,!roW!I, Ih,' hasil of hlCllt o( Jlew Fcdt:ral Siandardll II( Ft'atun's, will J,!i\,i.' !lOllIe iilt'iI uf tht' eli­ \\'1,11 klillWI1 tu tourists is Ihl' nMH'atl'c1 LiJ,::urill lick'S 1I0t t'X\II!l- n IIUWl'Tlikl' Ml'l1lity, Merrk hua "1M.'t:ificaJJy rill. nrsily uf £CMIIl s alltl till'ir l'rt'lmr;ltiflll "Ioc... o di fUII~hi." a s,'UCt' malic with Sl't'nl, as Ih ... ,1'1 that J.:ruWIl l'i:-ll'wht,rt" 8ib"TIt.'t1 two cliricliluent 1'f'UIIUl!ltl In for ,ois iturs amI hutllt' olks,- Tht, In'lO h ur dril'il mushroums, uuinns, Thl, l"lh'r "arid), ma)' han' a 1,lc'as:ml (acilillito 8illlillc aud rt'llI\lllIIil'ult:lI_ Ellitur, ru St'mar)', tumalnt's, oil al1ll bUllt'r, IItlor, but is l'l'rtainllul palalahlt" Thc riclullellt of yuur IK1Mluc:llIl Ligurian hasil slIIdls and lilslt'l'I I1Lnrt' Italy is n'Id,rah'l1 in tIll' "tnurist Thl' cll'rnal ).!rt'l'n of Ihl' Lilo:urian lillllbr,ljll'-of olin' Irt't'S aliI I laurel­ aromalic allli 5;111)" (1) A fllll.'t:lally dC1ligllr.llllli:.lllrI! (Ilf Inrt'" of many of it!llnl'alilii.'s, Bnlur.:uiI cunlilltllIllIlIJl'tMlm:tilllt. is "dOIliI" (ImrlU'tI) alltl "j.:hintta" It'lIIl:; il~l'1( 10 Ihe culor of soups IIntl Thc hUIISI'wifc l'Ulll'I'I:-I thl' hl'~1 ;mel (r.:ll1l1onou:;) : Vl'nin.', wilh its Ilmr\'d­ sll'l~IU'IIi. "l'l'slo," II tnlt' Gl'nm'5e )'lIungl'sl It'a\'l's iIIul plat'l':-I Iht'lII ;n .. (2) CHlI\'CUiCIiI. eallY·IIHIIlC ",.rerll ous mansiuns built un Ihl' wah'r is t'lI­ l'rl'alillll, is (,O llsitll'r('11 :til iU\'lIluahlc "lIIl1rl:tio" (a marbll' IM11) hl).!I'lllI'r (ur halch IIrIMhu:liult. challlillJ,!; Milan is Ihl' most imlustrial wnirihuliull tu Ihl' culillary IIrt. Thi~ wilh iI bit uf J,(arlil', :-llIItII' }ll'illlttl:-l alld sl'asuninJ,( is suilahll' fur IIny kind of a 1'lIUpll' IIf hallllfuls 01 J,!ratt'il "slnlu" Here are hm cnricillUl:nt IlrnduclA cily in Italy: Turin-"Ia n'r.:alc To­ I,falllled to aMiHt YOll ill IIIlIking a dllu"--is arislul'ralit-, TIll' hisllJrit-al :-Il'ilj.!hclti and macaroni: hUI it is qUitl' autl \liInlll'!lan dll'l'St' and :-Il art ~ 10 I)re(crred I)nllluct, al :t:t~IIICclIIY IIU­ ruills, IIIl' urnah' dltlrdll's all.1 palact's, illllisl'I'nS:lhll' (tlr "lrt'lll'lh''' (:-Ipaj.!hl'l­ pnl\l\l t'\','r)'thinlo: \';).!uruusly with a tritiunal uuthorhieH alII Q vitumin­ Ihe mOllUII1l'1I1i11 fmllliaills, ami t'\'l'lI ti III it spl,dal :-Ihapt") and "la:-la~lIe" Wllllclt'll "I'sllt' IIlItil :-1111' has 0111'11111'11 a lilt' lir.:hl alltl dl'lkin\lS willl' of tht, Cns­ 111111 "Irunit'" ("j.!IIlH.'l'hi," ill Iialian ). lim' Jlulp, Thl'n ~ht, 111111:-1 lIlt' oil ami CUnlll.:illllll 1lIIlllie. h'lIi nil l'xl'mplify l(flTlh', Tin' Iuxuri­ whit-h art' madt, III a lIIixtun' IIf wlll'al mlxl '~, 1110 Mcn'k 'f1:'l:llIIil:ul StafT and IIl1ur illBl lIIa:-llwtl pUlaltll':-I, '1'111' " )ll'~I"" is 1\1)1 IIlIly t'lIIplll\'l'11 alit culurs in 5:m 1(I'III"'S ~llrt';II. of Lahorlituril:A will he Slull to hellt TIll' prim'il)',1 inJ,(n,dil'nb of till' fur :-It'a :-lllllilllo: :my kiml uf ""ilsla~t'IIII' l1owt'rs art' tluforJ,(l'Ilahlt" Tht, Sll1Ukl­ YOII IIII"'C YUllr imlh'illutll enrich. I"" .~ICJ an' Ihc' It'a\'l'S uf ruun~ hasil la," hUI is also j!llIiS(ll'lI:-1Olhll' rur the flf Vt'slI\'jus :11111 Ihl' hlul' of IIIl' NI'''­ OIent llru!.lr.IIIII. polilall sk), {'mullinl' 10 rl'lllilUI us of 11ll' J,(l'ntlelll'ss of Ihe wumell nnd lIn' MUCK INRICHMINT PRODUCTS I'1Il'1it- ami sillJ,(inl,t SCIIII nf till' pt'llple, Flnn'lIn' is Ihl' 1'l'lIit'r of lilll' Ilrl:-l ami Merck " ... ..,... " .uhlo"~h' ...",1" 'N the ",lUI" .. ".1"., """,, .,,~ ",.c.,.,,1 I.... Ansla is lIull'.) fur ils lilli' AII'IIII' ~u,Irl .., guill.'s, Gl'lIua ahuul1ll:-1 in ht'a uliful • M,rek _""ch",,,,1 "' ...~lellh (Thl.",I1... lalllbmpl's, is hislnrit-all/' n'h'bralt'll as 11 ..,. ...111, Hlecl", h,,) till' hirlhplal'l' IIf CU IUIlIIU:-I, 11I!;l sl:-I till' • M,rek Vr.-",t" MI.,.... ,.,,,,.,, IMlch"',,,1 \'iulill 1111 whit-h 11ll' Ill'\'ili:-lh rlllj.!c 'rs IIf • Mirek heel IfIllch"'l"t We'", 1'aJ,(allilii usc'l! til play, '1'111' IlIuri:-lt will • Mirek VIto"II" Mblu,., ,., eN" 'rHucl, IlIl',lIIlll'r thrnuJ,(h 11ll' :-IllIalllallcs of 11ll' l,.,hh"'lnl IIhl l'ity al\ll disl'O\'l'r In'aSlin's flf ar­ • Mirek VU.",I" Mldu,., 11,,11 W.flr, I., chih'rturt' 111111 sl'ulJlIUrc cOlln'all'l l ill Mllc.,o"llnrichmanl it:-l labyrinthilll' l'a SJ;;Ij.!t'S, AIIII la sl but Ullt Il'iI:-I t art' it:-l lIlIillUl' culinary uffc'r­ illJ,(S, lIc'lIoa, as almll J' I l'\'l'r\' Italian tllWlI, ha:-l ils OWII way nf l'ullk·il1j.!" fUIIII:" allll l'l'rtain SlIl'I'ial di slil's cll'st'n't' tn hI' MERCK ENRICHMENT PRODUCTS la :-l h'il ami wi11ll1l1J.: hl' rt'1ll1'mlJl'n'cl. MERCK. &. CO" In ,~, RAHWAY, N.J, Thl' inhahilants IIf l.ij.!uria arl' "1111- .,A(QIIUfiu.lutt'HJ' WA,m,:J1.I lIinlri," ;lIlti tlwir t'llukinJ.: l'fIml.ri:'I':-I IIlt'at . fl:,h and \'I').!I'labh':-I-a:-l in thl' N•• Yorlt, N. Y. • Phllad.lphla. Po.. • St. Loutll, Mo. • Chicago. m. awraJ.:1' kitrhl'lI, hut IIn'paml with :til illimilable Gl'1I01':-II' tlair, TIll' tllUri:-lt, Elkton. VCL • LOl Ang.I.,. • CaUL who has hl'art! of Ihal IYIlit-ill lIC'IUII'St' la Canadal MERCK & CO. Umlt.d. Montreal • Toronto • VaUeyO.ld III rJ"a~(lllty cf J't'asonil1J.: l'alled "pl'stn," may I'rrn­ Sctnt In Torrt Annun.latl. Itlly, ont of the larltll Ipa,heltl mlnu(lcturtfi iJ (1",1 iW"";,It1t~ lIl'uu~l)' rt').!a nl all Gt'lInt'St' t'ookillJ.: as the world, Not content with lu ndUn, lpa,httU In I macaroni (actory for 8JO " '*"'1- :-Il,kt.'tl with II.,sil and garlic. houri. day, thtlt worker. lit down 10 • noon mtll of-Spl,hetU•• , • Acme ew GI'tIt!;' offt'r:-l I'Xl'dlc'lIt Illl'at as wi'll picture ..

25x -

16 THE MACARONI JOURNAL September, 1950 S,pl

Cooldng ior tho Crowd M.c:aronI--A Cook.d Food Malty W..,. 01 Pr.paratlon "How much macaroni or spaghetti Perhaps Man firsl cooked food. be· Rl'Cl'ntiy Wl' overheard SOllll' fOlKI IIho1l1 I Illart wilh whell I cook for a raUSl' cooking improved flavor, He manufactun'rs talking about dunnll ('rowel of 12?" ilUluin:s one of our found that it also brought about 1>leu­ wheat foods, Said ont of thelll, with conviction, "The only way WOII\l'1I readers. ant changes in texture, color and aroma, and made many foods more en· know how tu serve macaroni is IIIl The answer depend!! nn how the joyable to l'at, Gradually he impro\'ed macaroni and cheesl' I" "Yl'h 1" chillll'11 mncaroni is to he Sl'ne(!. I f it is to be cooking IIIl'th()(ls, Gradunlly, too, he in another, "And the only wa)' they mncaroni Rnd chet'sc, or sp.lghclti and lramt'1l that cooking iml>rovl'(l the di­ sef\'l' spaghetti is with mt'at So,uce I" lIleal sauce, or !l1)'lghl'tti and tomato gestibility of many GOO( foods. Later Obviously Ihey were exaggerating, came scielltific eVldenc ... of what Man Soluce, 2 DunCl'S Itt:f Ik'rlion is a good inlt'ntionally ur 1101, Maybe they had amount to allow. This means I' ': had It.'aflll'ti by trial nnd error : the IIU· just enl'Ountert'11 too much macaroni pound5 ull('ookt'(1 macaroni or 5paghct· trit'nts in many foods arl' more l'asily and cheese, or spaghl'tti' with meat Ii for 12 pt'r50n!l. USl'11 by the body when those foods sauce. Maybe they wl'rl'n't acquainted have btocn cooked than when th('y arc If IheSt! popular durum wheat food!! with these good combinations at their ,'altn uncooktd, delicious best. arc !It'rvl-d in dishes which contain !iCV· Some food, arc never eaten UII· l'rnl IIOmt'what bulky ingn.'dicnts, such. COOkl'tl. The macaroni food family be· Nevertheless, their coIl1I11I..'11111 (lro­ as Inrat cubes or \'('gdabl,'!, one ounce long. to this group, along with most \'itle food for thought. It is t.'Uy to pcr person is usu.ll1y enough, I f the other grain foods. get into It rul in prell.1ring any, (ood, 11 might be enlightening to t.·ach of us crowd is OIU' of high school boys or What happms wht'n macaroni, spa­ to scon' ourselves, counting a point young college 1Ut'I1, this allowance ghetti, or noodles rook? for l'ach different way we actually might well be inCn'IlSl'1l to 1 ~ or evcn Some of t.he ch:\nge. that take p.l,ace serve thl'sl' \'ersatile dunull foods. 2 ounces per lH.'rMlIl. For usual family during cooklllg arc easy to Sl'e. limn Anybody who makes a IIcorl' of 10 is KCrvice, an ounce ller pt.·non is a good to tht' point of hardne!lS when un· good. A scorl' of 25 Is excellent. A nllowRllcl'. This Amount mal'a'J enough cookl'll thrse durum whcat foods rirst nighl'r scnre than 2S rail'S you as an to give everyone ~.,tiS£yingly gencrous bt'com~ soft and pliable. This is d'Je to arlist, alltl 36 or more makes you a servings, yet it avoids unn«euary the softening of the wheat prot,,:n, and culinary genius. left·Clvers. . to 11Il' mellowing of the wh!;Rt litarch as thl' boiling water docs its work. As The words "made from durum For snch combinatioll disht.'II, a the prolein and slarch swell the maca­ wheat" or "made from durum selllo, crowd of 1Z might easily consume roni and 1I1}"~hetti lose that translucent lina" on macaroni, spaghetti and 1100' (rom ~ pound to a whole pound of look. Gradually they take on a beauti· die packages i!l like the word "sterlill~" macaroni, These versatile, l'conomical ful sheen until thtir surface looks like on silvt'r, These words identify tnp durum whl'at foods accommodate that of crcamy smooth pearls. quality, Palent. Nel, 2,259.963·2.466,13D-Other potent/! pending thrmsclvu • smoolhly to most dishes, Whl'n each microscopic, enerb'Y·giv­ Semolina is the crush{'11 inner Ilart New equipm.nt and nl" techn!qu .. cu. aU important factor. in the constant dri.,. for great.r .Wclency and higher If otht'r ingn·dicnts are a bit short, iug starch pn.rticll' has swelled to its or endospcnu of durum wheat kemds. production. Noodle and Maccuom production ..peclaUy la an lndustry wh.r. peak .WcI.ncy la a definite goal lor use a bit mure macaroni. If thl' utmost and the gluten has become soft Bl'Cause dunun wht'at is hi~h in l'tIt· bere .. a fI,ld where wcrat. cannot b. afford.d. CLERMONT'S DRYERS OFFER YOU: ('ro~d I:rows ullt.'Xpl"Ctedly larger, and J>liablt, ,, the macaroni is donl', At tein it breaks UI' into tiny hard gr;I.II· this stage it is Jllul11l> b'Jt shapely. ules when it is milled, Thl' best va ru" Finger·llp nexlbllity. Hu. cook a fl'w extra DUIICl'S of spaghetti ties of durum wheat have eudoslM.' rln EI.ECTIlONlC INSTRUMENTS: ber to receive top ellidency 01 circulation of air In the When l>ressl'1l with a fork, it is tender I':'I :dity, temperature and air all self-controlled with 101- dryer. The ONLY dryer with the conveyor screens in­ or macaroni and add tht'ln. They not that is Jl.,lcst amher if1 color. Thi~ . is but not soft. This means that ~ch est electronic Instruments thai supersede old·fashioned terlocking with the stainless steel side guides. only "make more," but they contrit,· tiny starch.c~1I has ~'com~ gelati.n­ the kind tho,t makes the top lIualll)' hlky, !:laborate, lavish control melhods. ule tht'ir own ellt'rgy·yil'1ding and likt" so Ih", It can eaSily gIVe up Its macaroni foods. SELF-CONTAINED HEAT: no more "hot as an oven" hot.ly.builtling pmtein \'alues, and they l'nergy-gi\'ing (Iualitil's to the person In order 10 have an at.It.'Quale ~\LI' : Cl.~: Totally enclosed except for Intake and dryer surroundings: totally enclosed wilh heat resistant who l'ats it. The protl·in is pliabll' but do sn at A fraction of a Ct.'nt per scrv· ply of these fine varieties, ma('~rllm d .~ charge openings, All steel structure-absolutely na board. finn 50 that it offersl'nough resistance manufaclurers, durum wheat 1111111'rli, '1." 00, preventing infestation and contamination. Easy· illg. to t1;e \t'eth to lIlake chewing it pleas· CONSISTENT MAXIMUM YIELD of uniformly superior agriculture experiment station plaut 10 d eon: screens equipped wllh zippers for ready ae- mltly s"tisfying. products because Clermont has taken the "art" out 01 Macaroni, sl'aglll'tli fir noodle main breeders and wheat fanners han' ·.esslbllily. .'I drying processing and brought II to a routine proce­ di~lU's an' lIarlicularly:good cooking· Wht'n . durum wlll'at foods arc workl'1l logetlll'r year after year, To· dure. tjo super·sklll required, (or·the·crowt! disht·!!, Thl'y make till' properly cookt'1t, the softl'ned protein gether they have cncouraged the II~­ El'FJClENCY AND ECONOMY. The omY dryer de· most of otllt'r illl'xpensiVl', flavorful easily absorbs Oa\'ors and arolllas of \'c1opmcnt and production of beautiful Si gned 10 receive Indirect air on the product. The ONLY MECHANISM OF UTMOST SIMPUCITY allord. uncom· olht'r foods, It docs not do this in its durum wheats. E.1Ch \'ariety ha ~ II. dryor that alternately sweats and drys the product. The plicated operation and low·cost maintenance displac­ (()(xls, tht,), plcase C\'cryOlle, and they uncooked state. That is why macaroni name, just as each rose or t.'ach vamt)' ONLY dryer having an air chamber and a fan cham· ing out~oded complex, mechanics. make few dcm:mds on the cook. On foods kel'p so well, without refrigera­ of appll' has its own nallll'. AIIlUI1~ " '>0' 10il of all of this, they can be servlod in tion anJ without any special storage the leading \'arieties of durum wlwOII IF YOU'RE PLANNING ON PUTTING IN A NEW DRYER OR MODERNIZ· fl'Quirel1lCllt l'xcept that they be kept are such intriguing names as Kubanka. the !limplcst, most infonnal dishes and ING YOUR EXISTING ONE. YOU'lJ.1\EAP DIVIDENDS BY CONSULTING still look attracti\'e. A big casserole of in a clean, dry 1,lace. Mindum, Stcwart, Carleton, Whatl'\'I'r The fact that the protein in cooked their names, they yield the kind o,f macaroni or spaghetti, a bowl of crisp macaroni, spaghetti and noodles car· semolina that makes the fine macarofll, gn'l'n 53lad, and a basket of hot ·but· rics other fla\'ors 10 efficiently makes spaghetti and noodles that the best tl'n'11 Fnmch bread make the kind of cooks in the world use in their master· CLERMONT MACHINE C9MPANY, INC. thrm a versntilt, <'IS well as economical 1S6-278 WoIIabout SIrHL Brooklyn 6. N... York. N... Yorir. USA T.h E.. rgr •• n 7.7510 mt'lIU that is real f~ artistry. lood. pieces.

25X Theres No Subslilule lor Clellllli"ess! - 'Oll'IlIlFIJ No B/jer Cjoice Buy the machines' designed to afford sa.litary co elim- ination of cost- ing your indu sums annually,

Wh,. Divide Re8poo8ihilit,.? FroID Dough Protluet ••• Do It the "C;lerlDoot" W.,. The machines shown above are the Cl.£RMONT SHEET permit maximum cleanliness. reduce coals a nd simplified mechanism; stainless steel rollers NOODLE DRYER: Two units: preliminary and finish. FORMER WITH EGG APPARATUS, CLERMONT SUPER quality, cleanliness and smooth dough sheet. First-Ia·lost ellicie ncy. Practical quality control: Self-con­ HIGH SPEED NOODLE CUTTER and the preliminary dry­ trolled instruments measure humidity and temperature, Ing unit 01 the CLERMONT CONTINUOUS STEEL NOO­ NOW-CLERMONT'S Improved Noodle Setu p, ead> HIGH SPEED NOODLE CUTTER: Streamlined DLE DRYER, SJXlcslimilalions prevent showing the finish chine with a capacity 011600 Ibs. per hour, In COMPACT: Tai.. I... 'pace, CLEAN: All inlet o( fresh air and discharge of excess humidity, main. drying unit. (See Oarmon! Finish Noodle Dryer unit in continuous operation. Labor cut to the bone. .rIa enclosed. SIMPLE: Less gearing mechan­ talning the same relative humidity Ihroughout the daily advertisement on separate page thlawue.) DOES THE lOBI knife with cutting range from 114 ' operation to give uniform and high quality product. Easy maintenance coal: cutting rol· to keep clean: No comers where Infestation can lurk. AU Oennont machines have one thing In common: SHEET FORMING MACHINE. Now redesigned: aleel; rolJers hardened and Ready access to aJ! parts. Completely of sleel structure They're made for their lobs with each unit designed to clean; cams, lever arms and reciprocating throughout for long Ille. and enclosed, except lor doors, with heat resistant board.

CLERMONT MACHINE COMPANY, INC. WAll AlOUT STiEIT .IOOKLYN 6, NEW YOlK, N.Y., U.S.A. T II I·: .\ 1 .\ .\ 1,11\: 1 .1"1 1, :0.: .\ 1. I? ;. "II Progresso" Surveys " \1 II i 11;': 1" '1",1. ill ~"n'Il, 1 l'Ia.·.·. Construction Begun on f:, Italian-American J:u i.-J.. .. 11, 'r,· 111 Ii i,11 1,1 :,,'" i" III" 1:.11 "1 " Preferences :": """1'· N"w Macaroni Factory .~ 1111 I, Ildlili ,1 ... 11"" II... '1IIr,.,·'.lh·• .• in San Leandro ~ n .ItI i nh ' n ' ~li ll l! al'l;d,- I,,' J .;1\\ ... ·lIn · " " 1"1 ' ,,,,,,,. 1 .• ri".1 Tal,,· ,':0 1.. ,10,", .!! ," " 'j .. oI a.1 i, 110, ,,1.'1111'", 1.1111 ill I:.lil,"· I' " I'II/·ii,,·h,'/". X"II I·ro .. , .. 11:t· ,h. i,n,.rilo- ,.j I ..'~ '; "j ,,01 :, ~ , \ r"r~ t 'i" , 10'11, "i.I 'lin", 111 :,01, · IT ;,,, .... 1'''" ' '·I\ il ••. lIill, 1:" '1 111 .-1 , ", " '1'."'11, .. i ., ""11 " """""111 i:I,·I.,1'\ , 1111 01 "111 Ih,' 1II" ' i"l't'I II"-' ',,( lilt" .. ,·,'''1101 1' 1. ,• ., 1111 11 11 . .." ; . 1' 1" ' .. 1":.:,,, 1111 01"1" " '''''''l' l1 o"1i"" :., ."' .. 11 1"':111 ,11,',. ,11 .\ulI"ril':m g rl'lIl' ill tllo - 11 :1 li.i '; "I' ""II It .di, III ' IIl1h :'11, 111 " ( ·.IIit'. I ;""1I1I.r ·IoI"l ·,II.i ll l.: o""""11 1""i." ~ I, ,,,I, 1,1 .11"" .11, ' lir"l \I ", . ~ ill \";': 11 .1 !: • 1I1" I!"'I",li, a, ""111 1':11'0 ',1 111111 11"'111 ."'..Ii l' l,i ll t.! ill '0 "" '"" 1.1;" .,. lIilh U ., "i "1111 ''' _, TIll' "loj,·,'li, .· Ila. I., OJ .•;'; . :111 " II,, · 1,1:1111 i~ ",'1"" '1,,.1 I" I... III "1"' 1.1' i,," 111 tI,, · ":,1" 1\" i;il i. II II ill I" r., Ih, - -un", ~" nl ' :,- ;'" :,.1\, '1"1; ' III 11 1.,,'.,1"111 . 11:, 11 :111' .. I...... I" "II' 'Iii II. II "j I ; .. ~ :.: 11;, 1.· I., ('nIl l,1 ,li.ll";I,II1' ''·... 1,- .(11 .1 Ih,·" I .. , I" ,.:, 1'1';11," 1'111 II, 'II II ... 1I""h' ri ... 1",·, 1, l"ai " • h •• j",,_ \\,, ' j ', ' tll:'1 n · ~ i,,"a l lal'i .• h :,Ii:'II' I'" (" 11"1 '" 1.. ,1,,, .. :, :III'! .\ 111..1 .\ 1:" ',11 "11 1 I " .tII" I' 1'1.11111"" I" I ... 1111 Ii.:" I,·,. .. • III f"II- UIIII'I' " ... · i'·I"I ·III·' ·. ;" ', , I.l r;.:' ·" "j 11 . ~ i ll " " " ,h,· I '''''ili,' "' ~ I.I ", · II I'n',,),!ui,,·,1. hUI il"\l ;"h" I"I1_ ,_, .. .\"' ,.II .h, I.!'\ i"',II. {"ulld "II Till 101.111. I' 10 "':" ,,,1 " " :, .II"'",-r, 'U" ~, II' .•111'111 lh, · \la,'· ill 1\llid, Iou \,; tl !.: 1"," " ,\\ il , .• ' · h, ·h .·, .h"ll ,." 1;I1·ia.i',II' 1'1, ,I .. i la ll" i,.. '"1111).: III" \\ ,' .. 11 ',,, ." . la l',' .h'I" ·IUfiuj.! "Ii h,,\\ 1',11 ].: :, ... ., ., ,1', lill t.! I " lI al i, '"ali., . F, 'I' 111:'11.1 1·:II ·ili. 1".111 .. "",1. II \I III III ' a ,i lll.:l, ~" , II' ,iI II :, .. 10' '1' 11 ii, ,\IIIo 'ri ..: , Io rall d.. 111, · 11:0 1i :III' t.! :11 " IIII' .;jll" .. I, '1"\ .·1 r , '111"1" '1.' " 11 ,1 11 1:"" 11 1"\ . t ... .1 ~ ', 'h'lI_ -111,1\· tti th., IomuH: 11al ," , 1' ... ·i,"I",·I,,·,· .,. """, I l;,li:O Il ". ir.,, ;,, · . , I"Ih ·III1I '. ""1 "1"111 1.: ''1'1'1 "SIIII:'I, ' " .. I ' 111 •• ,. 1111 1;,1 · ' · I IIHlH u u i li. · ~ i .. n .il.: u 111 t.! '·I1 ..... '1. h"\I '·I,·r. Ih •• 11101 .1 ." 1' I, " 110 ' :It..-, '. I" .', ... I· • , 111 11 ,,1, ·,1 ,II , 1." '~ II , "':' · ;.:r .." I'''' ;11101 lir.' a" d .,·,-.. ,,01 1"';11 ,,01 I" i".h.·al, 111; ,1 II1:",Y 11 1: 1111 11.11" :;,," "1 SJII'.UIHI. T IIO' II, "" •. tI,."·i,, .. ".",." ~" :,: ... , ".I,i"" . \III, · ri'- ; III~ ill ' · '~ I .. 'al o'i,i, · .. ,, 1" ,111 I.!.I"III "I"H. i, "" . ;; 1111"" !"' 1101". ""I l:il llll: a .. 11Ilh·11 1'1" '" .111.1' 11 il1ial1d IIrbali ar,·a.. ha .. ""fI 'II' ~ "r. ."h'''''''111 1: \I i.,· '"I II ... 11:lli .... I ;,,1" "11 I ,r,lill .\1;"':11'''111 t '''' I, 11"" " 1\ • "'1,Ii;I.i~ ... 1 1110' r ""'I'I"~il~ IIj .h, ~~ :,: 1'11"1' a, .1" '.1' did "" II"" Ilali:III " "1"'''''' ill).: 101 :1111 , ill ."'. 111 I, ":111, " 'n ' a ll ' I :; 1'1,,1, 1, '111 j',r 1II"I""II;III,li " 'I"" , 111 \:" 11 \", 1 1111" r, ·I .'r·,· al'I"':l I"I ',1 ." I,, · ,nil' :" ';11110-. I. i ~ ,I 1:Olll ih ·,.\11 .... 1 """0" '1"1, c r" II•. II "" ,! /r,·.f.,". Ilali;111 1;I1II.: II;n:,' (, ,' :' 11 ,', I" :' I 11111111 H" ,.j ,(' II "rI i ,,·r •. ." " ,. •. lIlt· lII:.jllrill ,', j II ... ,.1:1111 • •h .,1 f: .1 .11 1,. 11 :1' n·I,·.,.. .· ,1 ;, .. ,wh· lIi itali;1II II /.,. .. , /1 ...... " (,.J . Ih:11 il ~ ,·"IWIlII' r"II.l ill11, · It., · II "lI"a r, ," i 1I ,~ " II , · illol" .. III .\ 111; rl f; III I'n·i, T'·lh·.· .. . I 'ill .. ,'. II ,,' .. n • ""I,J ... ·,11, ·01, lI,i· .ill1.lll" " Til,' . 11101 1 ill IIII' , . :'.. \ . TI ... 1...... 11 ' 1'1a l11 1\:;' ·, .,rdl "I"I.:,,"i7;I, i" II . ,li, 1 ,I ... i.,I,. il . 10 ,.,.1 al ... 1,.;1.· illll"i";'I I"'" j"r .. Ih,:, j"llllol,·01 111 II" h III Ix,,., 10\ 1111" /.:1:1 ,, 01 •.• ,,".1 i" r III" 1';1J" ' 1" '" "r III" I'a 'i II I" lh '\\ '1 >:11 "'1'. l'I"I II ,.,ril., ill '\" '11 " " 11 •. !'.' ... ·I1I . ,.( III,: 1'1" ' ~" 1I1 ,'.11 11, ',. ... I" " .,1· 1'111 .d." III .,11... .. ,·i,i.·, II ilt. I.ll t.! , 1''1 ..' . tI ... 1.lll1ih 11 1.. \,·" 1.. ,111 . ,'''l1l1ln . 1/ 1" '''lr,· .(,,, " I'.I,·n ·,1 rll,· 'lu,I II" ' II' 11. .1 1.11. ""11+11 11 1111111 '" .. ".1 .., ·.. "",,·1 Ii .. 1I1:,,'ar"lli IlIa!, 1I1 ).: i;1 " 1. 10- .. '" ',1",,\ lila i, 'I' 111 ;1111 1i ;" 'IIII"o 'I"' ,.i .I.h· 1;.ra;':II,II'" "I"" ,J,,,·I. 1,1.1111 III ...... 111 1' 1. ,,,01 lilll ' ;.: ... ,,·,·1'1.·.. a uol "Ih,·,. 11"1 1" , I· rail.', .. ,'" . h" I, llIlO' r,·I1 :III ,li .. ,· II hal il .. n ·:..Io·r. lil,, ·.1 Macaroni Week 111 1'1.\·1. tI ... 11 .1111' 1\:1' .-I1.11I1.:' .j Ii, .111 ,1 1",11::1,1. loa .. ,·,j "II a,'llIa l \ i. ·II. "i .\I.,,·.,r,,"i " .., 111 :11111 f:., ·1111"1 11).! " 110- ",\i" ,·r. ,' 1"0 III' Idldll'lI ;':I' , ,, . , . I'~ .. h, ·h,·,. Ih,· d ..II " ., Ih.· I" """111 "II" . I ' IIII1 1 ''' I1~ 111"1 11 ' Ih.11 10 "1 ,· 11, ,1 0""1111,11"1, ,01 1,1.111' I ·. , .~ , · ~ I I, 1)"1II'·lI i.... 1' ..... i,I •.11I . .1"','1,. rh.· Iiql1"r 1';,I,i"..... alld 1II,·d i . , . "j thi, d" ... i, ,r til" I'''' 'I"" al1d i l1l1 , 111 , o·III",I .... i I ..U..' i:,,"ili," ill .\ "11 T h""I,(' 11"' )"""'111' " . I h', I,n ,i ol' ·1I1 . "h" 'n :" i"" "i \::tli,,",,1 .\1 ... .: 11""111 ,wi \ illt"'111 11, .11 •• 1111" 1110 " '. " 'l"1d :,1"\ Y" lk l 'i" 1'11 1.. ,· li .. il. ·,1 51UI 1",11 " \\ ",·1•. I "'1.. 1,,,1' .; I·j. II ill 1, .. " 1,,,1,1.\ lI .. il 1i ,,1,1, ",,;. " .. 11\" C"llo'I";,li"I1 ' .. II al 1" ':1, ,,,,'1 :111,1 1.:' 11" 1": 11 11t.111 .' I.:' ·1" Ti" :. il1l1 .1"., 1" i .. ,. a .. i11l ll ar "1'1''''''11I1 i'.1 I.. 'a'lo- .. I· a ,li"""I"I" ,,; .1 " .\.111"" .. 1 il "'11 11 :11,' :m,1 HoI.! (:lIl1ili, '" "'" "i Io"ilol 1,1'.111,1 alld l,r."I" o"l" ;.:",,, 1 1\111. h.,I' 1II .k~' · ' · III . .\I. .. ·al"l ."1 .\I:OIlI1L ,,·lIU, ,. \ ... ,,,·,.' 11"11. "' Jr '. 1.." "1 '1'11 .111 \""11 T hill i... I "I""" 'lI'"':! "" 111 "'1" 11 I .,1 1'-, 'ril l. ,. New York IS Y. Italia n I" \"1\ ""11.. . :11'1"'I",lill :: I" 11 11' 1'"1,, 1' 1'·' 1. :,I H, ul 1$1;; IIi ,h'· I'''l'llia. i''"I' I ~ 1,,·1 t"I,,· "i II:.liall ""d• . Tid. " . •10 . ·. li,1, """I j l1 .. 1 :t • Lilli,· I'al ~' 1,111 .10. ,1:,:,'.1 Ilal i: 1II !"it,· "11I,iol, · .. j 1I:lh .. ". 1I11 'lrul'"nla,,' an';" . "lIdl ' .1' 1.·,1 ... ·. I, . I .. ha l" Ja .. ;.: ,. '-''' 11 '10 '. "i lIali.1II ,m ol ",1"'1' .liH·I, ," , .~ I· ti!,! I1"'" 01" "11.-11 .. " I,i,·,·,. \I 111 '" ,1Ial ,I, · '" i" .lil i, I,,:d ri l i',·, \lll lt i .. / "'"!!I','.,''''' lIa .. ",1.1. .il.:l1 ili' ·" ll lh ' 10 11 ;,1;;111 · .. 1.. 1'1, i:lIl1ill, ·. 1;11';,.01 ""11 .j ,1.1 .1 f .. "". Ih. · ;,\, ..... ::,. ill 111 :,11 1 HI ·... ·\0-,1 \\;1." '. ""I 11 111.1 ill II... i, " '''" :11 li},ll1 ;': i,,1' "1':.;: h,·l1 i. "I" ,. ' ,1 " 1I1 .t lll 1''' .. 10 '. :111 01 II ill"'. 111 II" .,. I . ,1:11 i.. t i . ·~ II , ... ,. 10 .... 1,,'11 .1"" II 1'II.ri ll .!.! IIaloit .. .. f II". .'IWI 1.:,l i: III i" h.·... . 11, · ~.\..' "",,- II ;lI i:1II i;L1 l1i li, ., . ., 11 , 1.lKllr· fatllih· d,,.,·1.; li"l '·' ,II." i'l ~ 11 1. !"" 1I:.li:111 i"illili ...... •§ I." Loon. f ; lIl1 ;I ~ ' li .. 1. i ..... · ~:O" .I' II .. '·' " ,llIlO .r,· a"h'''II1"I' t ll"ih' 111 :1111110 ' TESTI NG RECI I'E-A rcciJlc IIrcparcd bv Ihc wOl11c n's dcparll11ent ul Thco . .s 11., ) ," L:rll"l'. I ',·r'-' ·lIla ;,:,·\\·i· .. ,·. it II :, • dore R. Sill s & Co .• National hhcil roni !nslitulc Ilublic rt'lalions (onsUhanl. .\J " '; I" 2" .·1'; . ,\"1' ''').! II ... I t:tli:. " .. . unc!erg ocM a lasle IC SI loy a 'land of txllrrls hcforc )cinJ: suhruilleil 10 nalional g milga7.inn anti nt ..... sl'ilpcr ~ for u~c durinJ: Nalional MiI(aroni Weck. OClober :a I" .... '; OJi till" ,.:tl" • "\"1 1,'1'. ha.1 t 'llI'l 5· ' 4. TC51ing Ihc ncw rcc ipe il fc Petcr La Rusil o f V. 1. 11 ~lJsa & Sons, Inc.; I" I.! .. lIilh 1:11 1f }, .. ill " 'n'11011,I:o, '" lIilh Blancht' Slo\'cr food ctlil or of I'artmt's M'l~ al inc : C. F. Muell~r . uf C. F. e 11 " ,; . .\11111111.: 111 ,,, -Itali:lll ... l 'llI'\'r" Muellcr Comlla'ny : ilntl J oscph Qionlano 01 V. La H o ~a & Sonlo, Inc. The 1", lli,h Ih. I'i' wilh 11 .;'; rccipe is onc of hundreds I'rr llarrd for usc in maguines and ncw !> I'''Jlcrs duro ' I: , ~ lir ~ r in..: macaroni weck. Cut couflCII), 01 '/ /,.' \ ,,' ,I.; . .... , .., 11. 11, .

l 25 X o 32 x ~ THE MACARONI JOURNAl. SC(llcmixor, 1!J.:;u 20 s,·ptcmber. 1950 THE MACARONI JOURNAl. 21 Spaghetti Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp. in a Balan~ed Meal roUNDED IN IIOt 156·166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. 159·171 Seventh Street By Victor H. Lindiahr Food Comm.ntator. Am.riccm BroadcClltlag MORE THAN 100 UNITS OPERATING Syat.m Auoclat. Editor. Joy of IJrin9 Magculn. Author of Eat and Reduc •• 201 Teuty Oith.. for IN THE UNITED STATES R.duc..... and mcmy oth.r boob on 'ooda

YESi This modem dryer is in operation in practically every plant in this country. Why' Because it was pioneered and developed by people with more than 40 years 01 "Know.How." Vietor H. Llndlahr and the Llndlahr'. pet ul are Intereated obaerven while Mra. Llndlahr prePlret her apeelal aPilhetd ..uce for "Helene', BPllhe"I." Hygienic Compact Labor Saving

SUALLY, wht'n you talk to peo­ ahhough he may bt' SlttiSht'tl with that spaghetti 10 make un RWl'tilinc ami U ple who have n sl1lllttcring of much bru!!. The usual portion of nourishing dish. food knowll.'Clt:c, they wrill;' otT spa­ cooktod spaghetti when it is cairn as a A generous fresh raw playun Preliminary or Complete Finish Dryer ghetti 85 !l imply a starchy rood, TIm!, main dish rant::es (rom eight to lwelve important role in a sl,agheUi dinner. howc\'e r, is nnt truc in the practical OUltet'S. Simple arithml,tic shows how . Not only dOt's It Sol lo" provide a bal­ 5('nsc. t It all depends "l)On the n'cipe quickly the calories mount UI', evcn ance to a hi~hly concentrated lIIain Pal ••I.d Model PLPDG-llrylng Capaclly 1000 Po ••do you U5C. before Solun's And othl'r gamishl's Arc dish like splI ~hetti, but it also )'it'lels The bios! !lpaglll'tti disht's arc thuse addt'Cl. So. if you arc on a strict rL'1.Iuc­ liheral quantities of vitamins anti min­ Pat.nt.d Mod.l PLPDp_Drylng CapaeUy 800 '.unck which use !lpaghctti t0l::clher with such ing did4rl'l' away 1 t'rnls. Tomatoc!!, peppt.'rs, wat,'r crt'Ss. nourishing foods as ChCl'SC, meat, 10- You can serve macaroni products in cucumbers and eSCArole nrc fin e matoes or a combination of these in­ place of potatocs to lend vRriety to a sourel'!!. TOSSl't.l together in an npIIC­ gn·dicnls, The ltaliam, who are per­ meal, but remember that they are not a tizing and colorful salad. they are Ihl' Top Pictur. hafl~ thl' J.:rt'ah'sl consulllers of spa­ subslilldt for the , Potatot.·s per(t'et act'ompanimrnt from r\'l'ry - J,:lwtti, I1IRcaroni and similar whl'al arc a good source o( vitamins aud min­ standpoint to a dinner which It'aUtrl'. Th. Long Paat. in product!!, have alrcallr l'stablisluod erals which are lacking in macaroni spaghetti or macaroni. pleuttic alag. t.cning sound nutritional Ilractu,'CS in eating product1 . . The latter will supply the The dessert which completes Ok ~ I )jl' the pr.liminary dry.r these foocl s, though thl'Y may not h,,\'C carbohydrnte you f:et from potatocl'l. Rhetti dinner ill i'llportant. Bl't.·ausc hl't'U aware of Ihl'ir scientific basis. but lillie else that IS nourishing. the main dish ill so rich in carh4lhy­ to b. pul on trueD. Cht'l'se, for example, is almost II nat­ ror the Solllle reason, macaroni .. nd drntes, your best choice (or "essrTt i. uml accompanilllrnt to hoth spaghl'tti ,\,aghetti cannot be uSl'1.l to take the a simple fruit cup, Ht're again you and macaroni. Brsidrs Aavoring Ihe p ace of meat, which is the tendency can stock up on extrn "itamill! hy se­ - loods, it adds considerable raldum, during Ihese days of high meat pricf's. Iet:ting such fruits ItS apricot!!, Jlcilrhcl, prolein and Vitamin A. Meat, l'ithrr Cookt'fl macaroni products contain pcars, "jlll'apple or tangerines. Itt­ as sauce or in nll'a! ball loml, in­ some protcin-.,bout thrL"C per cent­ sides, thl' fruit wilt hell) to rcfrt:sh the' CfraSI'S Ilrotl'in \"alul.'. Fn'sh tomato but ncither the quantity or quality of taste huds ami take away the "stlllly" Thb lllu.lration I ft"Cling which carhohydratt's kll.1 to sauce suppll'ments the carooh)'dratl.'s this protein is l'Clual to that suppliL'C1 ilhoWi the latak. end in spaghetti with rkh supplies o( Vi­ by mt'at, leave. tamin A as wl'll as some thiamine and HoweYt'r, you can ulle such ~rotcin A (avorite recipe in my UWII II1 'u5('­ oj long paal. pI.na.. Vitamin C. Sea food S.lUCCS such as rxtcnders as cheese or meat With the (Co",i"wtJ (I" I'jJg~ 4J) mary dry.r. T h. I dam or lobster al1lO It'nd thl'ir own p.u­ load.d .tlcb luued t ticular \'alues-~)rotl'ins and vitamins from the automatic -to slJaghetli dishes. .pI.ad.r arfl picked Though in their dry (ann macaruni t products arc about 75 per cent carbo­ up by vertlel. chalnt hydrate, here's a surprising fact about and carried lata the these food s. A calorir chart ..... uuld a.rlating ..etlan of show thai wl'ight (or wl'ight, cooked the dry.r. From th.r. macaroni and sllilghctti arc lotui'r in caloric contrn! t mn brt'ad or even po­ to the r•• t chamber laloc(ll. Thi~ happrlls because in cook­ A bll ..lad ,nd a to .qualb. the moll­ ing, the first two foods ab50rb a good fruit dellert make • lure and r.turn patte deal of water, diluling Iheir starch welt-btlaneed eom_ lement to a dinner to plattle .taq8. Will content. Thus an ounce of spaghetti r,eaturinl ,palhettl. dry aU typn of long (without sauce) yields 20 ralorics, Here Mr. and Mn. pall., while an ounet· o( brr:ul (OIlC slice) Llndlahr finlah their yidds 75. meal with fruit. Dut don't Irl the caloric table mis­ Operation fuUy aulo· Irad you. Hardly anyone would cat only one or two ounces 'Of spaghetti, matlc.

25 Z2 TH E MACAR ON I J O URNAL S~plembcr , 1950 ~c l'l~lIlber. 1950 THE MACARONI J OURNAL 23 TIME PROVEN AUTOMATIC PRESSES The 365-Day Positive Dryers Continuous Automatic Sholt Paste Press Equipped with Manual Spreading Fadlitiea Model DSCP-IOOO Lbo. ProdUctiOD OVER 200 PRELIMINARY, SHORT Modet SACP- 600 Lbo, Production Thta Tim, T• • ted ConUnuoUi Automatic Pr ... for the produetJon of aU PASTE, NOODLE, COMBINATION type. of abort paate-round lOUd, Oat. and tubular. Corwtruct,d 01 lin"! mal,riala GyaUabl. with. . taW.... 1.,1 pr.elaJon mao chined ••(rUilon Icrew. Hygienically aaembl,d wilh r,moYabl, COY"I and SHORT PASTE 'AND NOODLE DRYERS dool'l 10 that aU parta 01 the machin. are eaai1y accluibl, lor cl,cmlng, Produce. a .uperior product oj outltanding quaUty. t.xtwI. CIIld appear· anel. " OPERATING IN THE UNITED STATES Fully automaUc la. all f ••peeta. Detlp.ed for 24 houn production. . DURABLE-ECONOMICAL-BEST FOR QUALlTV WHY? - Designers - and Ploneen 01 the FIrat AutomaUr. Short Cut or Noodle Dryers Builders The Dryers that lirat incorporated a Sweat or Rest Chamber. Patented Feature. 01 and that alternately aeriates and sweats the paste. the Proven Automatic- Spreader Firat THE ONLY DRYERS THAT ARE: '.t .. t,d MoeI.I DAFS-IOOO Lb .. Prod. 1. Operat.d by Ilmple fully automaUc controls. 'al•• t,eI Mod,1 SArs- lOG Ut., ProL Automatic 2. Complet.ly hygienic. corwtructed with the new won· • ,...acla coauDuoualy emd aulomatlc­ Continuous d.r plOlUC plywood and .tructural .t•• t fram •• aU,. All typ.. 01 101l1f putla-t'Duaci Spreader 3. Drlnn by a IImp)e .clenlWcaUy cOMtruct.d poilU.,. 101ld. alit. tcmc:y Dot. aad lub\lJar. Trim. mechcmlam. mha" wall, I... IbllQ lOY• • 8uperlor in to Fool.proof and tim. proven by many y.am of drying quaDt, prMud hi cookillv-la 1•• 1111"­ the latiaJactorily. . aM la appeID'IIDC'. TIn. maclWa... World 5. Effici.nt and economical becau.. you r.cel.. unUonn a ...yea naBty-Tlm. T.. I.~ol aD -, and poIitive r ••ulta "very dczy. - BE MODERN Combination Continuous- Automatic Press STAY MODERN ~i::)l;'[" FOR LONG AND SHORT PASTES with Pateat•• MoeI.1 DAFBC-I50 u,.. Productlon 'al.at•• Mo ••1 SAFBC-IOO LbI. ProtlUCUOIIII CONSOLIDA TED THE IDEAL PRESS rOR MACARONI rACTOBIEI PaleDI.d Model CASC-3G-Dry!ng Capaclly 1000 Lbo. up 10 Elbows wlik a combln.d producdoa 01 20.Il00 PGuncle or I.... Cbaav. PaieDled Modet CASC-3P-Drying CopacilY SOD Lbo. up 10 E1bowe onr from 10nll' to .hort pa.t. In 15 mIDut ... A ~actlcal ..... PaleDled Modol CAf!C...-tG-Dry!ng Copaclly 1000 Lbo. up 10 Rigalon! to praduCl aU type, 01 .baft or 10011' pOl11i PaleDled Model CASC-4I'-DryIng Copaclly SOD Lb. up 10 Rigalon! OVER 150 AUTOMATIC PRESSES PaieDled Modol CAND -Dry!ng Copaclly 800 10 1600 Lb., 01 Noodt .. Patented' Combinaticmahort cut and noodle dryera-aOO to 1000 Lb .. Capadly IN OPERATION PaieDled Special Ibort cui drye .. 10 2000 Lbo. Capaclly IN THE UNITED STATES Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp. Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corpe FOUNDED Df 1101 rOUNDED IN 1101 156.166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN; N. Y., U. S. A. 159·171 Seventh Street 156·166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. 159·171 Seventh Street

25X :O;l'ptt11lbt:r, 1950 24 THE MACARONI JOURNAL Septmli>er, 1950 THE MACARONI JOURNAL -,,­ Medic's Macaroni Dish Cures PanlJs of Hunger

By Mildred It Flanary Food Page Edltor. Pr ... r.tevrcm ~ Beach. CalUomla ENRICHMENT N_Rlchment,.A Type 6 come. In handy watera tor batch mixing or as a powdered pre-mix for continuous presses, In either form you can be sure of receiving economical, uniform CHEF OF THE WEEK-Wh,.rvrr Dr, C,.rg' F, enriching backed by over 25 years' experience In the cereal and Poop's doy lltu bun so /u/l of Jw.t(ribin9 lasly Jishu lor "dot"" in tht dumpl' sid fol. tha' hi.l O'U," ant/itt cereal-product industries, "aWl som"thillg rrtra-'/,uiol, ht's likely 10 hit himsrl/. 10 lilt "iuA,," 10 !LoAi!, up his favorite "Macaroni DrLu.l"I' .• Lifting on(' 0/ his mrdieol t",m" Wt' /'rtsrribr jt lor 0/1 ond ,,,"Jry-Prns-Ttlrgralll Photu, 140"0 flro(h, Colif. N.A FEEDERS Ueed by the milling InduBtry tor yearB, theBe dependable teeders are particularly Bulted to the efficient application ot N-Richment-A Type 6 pre-mix in continuous presses. • /lI'C:,:. 11'1 a major operation and he', auce was found necessary, H~ is tles!ert spoon butter W &T MERCHEN SCALE FE EDERS l "'fjl) dresslll for it I among that worthy group known nl cup diced fresh bread (2 large Our Chef of the W«k, Dr. George Past Presidents of the Long Ileal'll slices) Leading macaroni and noodle product manufacturers rely on ' F. Pup, .tarted hi, career in Aus­ Uranch Los Angeles County . Mt.~lical J4 cup grated clu'l'se (Tilhunook pre­ these Feeders, backed ,by 85 years' experience, to feed semolina Association, and his interest in 1-(05- ferred) tralia, but our shorn lured him at the precieely and economlcany BY WEIGHT, They aleo U8B the W&T tender age of 10. . pitals United is such that it has bl'cOille tt..... spoon 5.'11t Glendale Union High-a pre-mtd one of his most profound hobhies. teaspoon dict.'tl chives or onion Liquid Flow ReBulator In conjunction with the.. Feeders to ("Durae at Occidental and his doctorate Today he shnrcs with you n dish juice provide a slmpl8t reliable control to maintain a constant floW of in medicine (rom the College of Medi­ which is reaUy in thil world, his Mnc­ 1 dessert fi(looll chopped panler mlx-w~ter to the mixers In proportion to the semolina feed rate, cal Evangelists at Loma Linda, all aron! De Luxe, anti here's his proce- Add the COOkl~1 macaroni am fuM combined as a prefix to his joining th~ durc~: ' in 3 eggs well m.alen. Pour inlo hut ­ ten'tl b.lkinf: di sh and dot with Chl't'''', staff at Harriman Jonu Clinic Hos­ Macaroni D. Lux. pital in 1932. Dake 45 1I11tlulcs in iI moderate onll. RICHMOND GYRO·WHIP SIFTERS Like many of our chefs, he lt~a med J4 CUI) macaroni cookt.-d until tender Serve while hot and Huffy-plaill ur to cook in the wide open spacel, and 1 dip milk, hl'at slightly anti mid with sauce. Thl ••Ifter I. avanable In S elz88 with capacitieB ranglnB up h~ operates a Dutch oven with much to 10,000 Ibs. per hour and ia one of the most efficient means for dispatch. He's spilled-the-bcans in his scalping off strings, fu7.z, lumps, infestation, and other Impurities daYt too, when his exploratory tend­ Urban HOWl8wivea Do La .. Home Cooking from semolina or flour before It enters the process. encies got the bclt~r of him and he tried hi. hand at building a fire on a That American housewiVl's in urban The six most popular items of Ihl' Richmond also provides Niagara Permaftux Magnets either rock. The theory of accumulated mois­ areas are doing less cooking and de­ dOll'lll carried in delicatcssl'u dl'));lrl' for chute or spout type Inatallation. These are especially effective ture in rocks proved correct and re­ pending more upon their grocers for ments (and prclJ..ued in the slore hy in the removal of tramp iron and flne metallic particles. !lultl'ii in an explosion ... no food I table-rt>ady foods is indicatt'tl in a sur· 63 per cent of those answering) ,.n' ... and no beans I vey just completed by the National As­ table-n·ady mmts and l)Otato snl;ul, which arc both carried by 83 )lCr fl'ut As a sportsman, he hunts for ev~ry­ sociation of Retail Grocers., thing t'xce"t the stork. It'. usuall)' The trend is pointed up by the facl of the stores i cabbage salad, in 67 Ilt'r cent of the ston's: b.,ked beans, 61 SERVICE , hunting him I At water skiing, he II that six out of every ten independent per cent; mD(Dro"j salad, /,(r (.'111: tups . . ,t'Xte!>t when using a nylon retailers arc all.rl'st>tlt operating delica­ J8 N-A'B nationwide Flour Servlc. Division, , , com, and cheese lind macaroni, 42 l)Cr (o 'ut. rope. His abihtirs also include photog- tessen dCIJartrnents and that five out of posed of experienced fleld experts familiar with cereal Half the sellers of delicatessen flM llls , raphy: ,lOd his den is graced by a tl'n arc planning to expand their dc­ processing problems i complete laboratory facllltiea and utilize the readr.-to-Sl'r\'C mcat f?r mural 4 feet by 7}i fl"Ct which he p.utl1ll'nIS to kecl' uJ) with consumer ca ~l~ l such items, while 30 per cent nlaluta1!l laboratory technicians .. , is always ready to work with your took frolll the whulow of hll mountain dcmand, own ItalY and consultants on any phase of enriching and feeding. cabin and dCVl'lol'l'd on the floor of his a separate case, Some 17 per n 'nt Furth

TH~: MACA ~O)iI JOURNAL 26 St'plcmbtr, 1950 THE MACARONI JOURNAl. 27 which had threatened serious dama~e to this ytar's durum crop. Henry O. Putnam of the Northw l ' ~ 1 Crop Improvrment Association poilllt'4\ Durum Field Day out the importanre of the durom show, set for Novcmber 8-10, and «

Emergen~y Food Distribution h'. an old saying that trulh 11'.lranger than ficllon post-and to Ihe astonllhment of the .peClatora and nowhere II thit beller Ulwlrated than In the lurfworld, present, thme two race horses for the third lime that day, finished the race-in dead heat I Ernergcncy foud di ltrihulion prob­ the cost of food di stribution, and in a lem ll growing out of Ihe Korean war n'nclt'ring a real lit'rvicc to the retail In ,1873, al the old hi. to ric GraveJend race Irack And lIiII the owners of tho.e two evenly wt're diKussed by the mt.'lnix'rs of the grocer and to the consumer, an Important horse race w8l.laged between Jeveral matched race ' hone. refused 10 relent In their National Food Distributors Associa­ "The Store-door !'l'rvice di st ributor of the be.t race horset of that day. When the race .Iubbornness to accept a divided victory and 10 tion at Hotel Shrrman, Chicago, Au­ "iont.'t.'n'1l his position in the food di s­ was over, "Bihg Aman" and " Mart Jordon" were for the fourlh time Ihat afternoon, those :wo race gU!!t 15· 18. Senalor Joe MCCarthy tribution firld years ago by virtue 10 ~loJe at the linlsh that the jUdge. couldn't horae. raced over the one-and-three-quarler mile 2.1 decide a winner, So a dead heat wal declared. was the principal sptakt·r. of concentrated selling and inttnsive route, and Ihis time "Ding Aman" showed more "Lower Food Prices Through point-of-sale merchandising service However, that ha... :.I1y salbfied tho ownen of those endurance and drov~ home a winner-by A nosel Quicktr Turnover of FI·eshrr Stocks" n'ndl'red in behalf of a limitt-d number two race horse., 10 they bolh Itubbornly Insisled That', an u'lu5ual talt· rven for Ihe lurf world hUI wa ll the keynote of the convention pro· of foud manufacturers. They, more lhat the race be: run ofT again to delermine a in Ihe mac:lroni fuo(h hu si nt.'S1 kcen rOIllJ lC lhion gram. An outstanding t'xhibit of Ihan any other singll' factor, have bt.'f:n winner. Again "Bing Aman" and "Mart Jordon" makes (' OI15 I ~ t c nt pcrlomlant'e an evrryday ne(·t'S ­ loods handlt.... by members of the di s­ instrumental in establishing packag('(1 raced agairul each other, and IIrangely tnough sity. That', why wise manufa('turru iruilt on a tribulors organilntion, in addition to a dwese, butter, margarine, mayoanaise once again, both honcJ finuhed that race In ~ Couunnndrr-Larabcc durulll product. Try il your­ wcll-roundt'" program, attracted food and salad dressing!!, IJretzds, crackers, dead heat. sclf-yo u'll Sl'e wonderful results in your own pro­ distributors and buyers from every clXJki t·s, condimt'nts, spaghetti, maca­ duction of lIIar8roni foods . You'll lind a COlli­ stale in tht' union and from Canada roni and noodle products, l.ackaged Slill, the ownen o( the two race horse. were lIulJ. maoder-I:arabce dU!'ll1l1 JlrodUI'II~ JUeel your every and Mexico. soups and many other items of a per­ noma A. cu.. bom 10 accept divided turf-glory and 10 (or the necd. JOIO a long hst of ma('arom food. lIIanufar. third time that same afternoon, the two race Thomas Cunl'O, pn'sid",nl 01 konco ishable and non-perishable naturt." turt'n who sa y .. . when pcrformant'e counts, ('Ount horses. "Bing Aman" and II Mart Jordon" went to on a COlOlIlandl'r-Lnral)('e Semolioa, Granular or Foodll, Mt.'ln phis, Tenn., and a direc­ Tom Cuneo WA il re-clectl'

SfJltemhcr, 19,\0 THli MACARONI JOURNAL St'l.tt'fT)ber, 1950 THE MACARONI JOURNAl. 29 tll'l,'h'tt in anr way with the American l,roVl'i1 by, or in IIny way connel'll'1 l Officers Elected National Rl't Cross relid orwmiralion. with the American National I

MIIPRINT ~~ ·SERVICE DOES IT RIGHTI " Low IIBI ceol Hert', "her~ ),our point of "I~ db. plays. caf card., boOklet'. and all " Low malnlenanc:e printl'd promotion.1 pitCH ar~ plannl'd .nd produced risht " Scr." Iabo. -.1 one ItOp. " mcrea... prodUc:tlOD " Make. Belter·looking earl.... CAlITOII stAID CONTAINER EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 210 Biyeralde Annue • • N... -nrk 4. N. , • Cble.,. 0 Toro .... 0 B.IIII...... 0 It. Loul. 0 ••• 'ra.eilt. 0 lIocllnt., 0 Joek_ II Boat .. II ...... b jl,./I" _/ P~'¥i" M~"i"", M'".f~'.''''' I.""."

.' ·AI

'I'lli': :\1 A .: A I{ 0 N I J 0 U K N A I. St'!,1l'1lI1wr, 1~' .; '1 T II I·: M 1\ C A 1< 1 1 ~ I J (I l' I~ ~ 1\ I. J .\

~. E. ~h' Cn rlh)' , t il'lIcr,,! Mills, III. First U. S. International IIf 01111'1' lIaliolis. 1110. a l hlll\lt' a",! lu lij.!'illll:- arlid,·:--. il'ury alld IlIrllIl:-- .·-.. 11I'1i Chi raJ,:u, ,·ollll'art· 111I'1Il wil h ~i milar pr'"!tll'IS wurl.;~, gllln-)i , ~ III II'~. 1II11 ~ it- al ill :-- Irll- I<. II . Ila\'iii, 'luakl'r Oats G". l " Trade Fair Chicago Area Manufacturers wi lhllill hadll/.: 10 IOll r Ih,' Wllri.\' 111'·11 1... . ,,"arlll:II·'·lIlil'als. !"1"' " I.!' · ~, I"ha,·· I'agn. Nt'a rly 50 Foreign Counlri •• Show 41 ( l.arlit-lIlar inlt-rt' )i l III II II' 111:111)' ,·u. \'III1I" dinr\t"fI', dl',\, ~ " . I\'i ll' ·~. Ii. \ 'an l'alh'II , lIulTl1l:IIUI -1 Hcar of Macaroni Week Plans e, Th"" War.a and Handicraft. to 11 101I':ll'IlIIi -III IIII II,· II lalluf:U'l ll fI'b Whl l frlli l,.. l,r" ""fI,,',I ' a ILl I 1';111 11,·,1 il"HI .. , \{"fill' Cu .....: hi.': I).:o. American Buyerll at a Renowned all'·IIt1 ,·.1 Ihl' Ir:tdl' fair \\'a )i Ih,' l:tr).!l· I ' alll"ra~, hi.·.I't'I,·.... ",·will/.: 11I;,,·hill.·:--, 1\ . E. I irass. I. J. Iora!ls NCMlI llc \ Exhibition in Chicago ;111.1 allra\·,in' "xhihil of ma.-Jlilll'n · ;11111 ianll alLll 1'" :--I II l':"S 1It:tt'iliIU·... "il .. 01 1111 ~t1"'· t'~ .. fl1lh· allt'tIIl,li ll ): I.. II.. fflr Ihl' Chi l:a\.!u. 1"ll1 il'lIl1'lIl hy 1111 ' II raih;lIIh' lirill IIf " If a1\ \' lIla lmi;I';I:l rl'r ha ~ 11I 11 IlI." r · many :\111 1 illlt'I'I ,,.li lll-: w,'n' tlu: 11 111 111'1'1111 ." Ill lwr ill'III)i. "l1Im ll \" h;';ln l II i Ih,' piall :- of II~,' ~n m" 111 ;1\':1 1' II li-)i·,I:I).!lldli-llt 1111 11,· l1I allU (adur­ Ir\'i ug lirosJi, I. .I. Grass ~I~ "' :\liIallll. " all'. Till'ir ,'xhi"il ,\ a ~ ill TI,, ' 1'1:111111 '1':-- h"I"' III IlIak,· 11:1' 11'01 01 .· "1'1'. a)i ~ 'It.' I:llinli \IIl' Ulh l'r~ :11111 11011 - Cn., l 'hk:lgll. • \ 1. 1'1 1. OIl lilt' Fi n'l 1I1h'Tllalinll"! anllli ' ill dll ~ l r~ ' I" l'ddlral~' :\atH!~l al lIlt' hll"l"IIa iillllal ;\lIIl'ililll1'alr.· amI iair all alln u:t1 1'\"11 1. aw l \\"111'1-: i .. 01 1- (;Ipila\ Ir '1' ;, F"ir in 11 11' L'uili'd :-; Ialt'!i in :\lal';lr"1I1 \\" ""," t 1,'Iollt'r ... ·14 . 1'1 ... 0. 1I 1t'1II11t'f)i alikt', whal ran \It· dol1 e finly fit'orgt' Ilad.hu sh. Fl. W:t .~ alllll"g 1111' tar},!I'!"1 ~ h"wli . II ill ­ , 'It I:': ". Itlill"i ~ , : \\l J.:II.~ 1 i III :?II, I" ~(), n'ady IlIt.h·r way (u r 11 1"'l'dili,," IIi it and l i~h·II\ ' .t I" \\ay~ al1l l IIh ':~n .. ~ \I ).! · "" " IIII'ralin,lr, 1!t'I'l'r ill,lil·i,h,ally. :\Iill :o .. l'hi,'a).:'I. .' . dlUl"d 111ft· larg,· allllllllali,' 1'111 11111\111115 ill 1'1$ 1. (i, rh,ll ,I II' .·" hil,ilor .. IHI' ,lilly 1i1l".1 ,Ill: 1.!,,:;It"'[ illr lIlt'rd l:l lldi :- ill},! Ih ~' l r .1.'1'110\ ' I. 1.lwi1ri nJ:. I harUlJ:H :\1:,." lII;n·ar .... i I'n ' ~)i, :t ~ 1II:tlkr I'I" ':--~ "f Ill\' ,\1 Ih,' lilla\ IIIt'l'Iill): ill C hil' a~lI, . a ~ ill11 1 tll ilt'" o( 1IOIIIh)i al II,,· :\"I'\' I'il 'r Ih·l .. durill).! 11h' \t' II -,lay p,:r Il MI: ,,10· 1,1,.,'wlll·rl·, lIIallllfa,'IIII'I'r )i alll\ I!blnh- roi.; C" ., :\lill\'al1l.:" .,. ~: 1II 11' Iyl" '. a 1I11ll1gll:t -~ lrll' madlil"·. a Ikn t', !{\',It'll. :\orll1t'rII IlIil! ,­ III 11 ••1 ,:il\' Itlll o\"'rllll\\'I'" illiu Ihc Enthusiastic Regional " '1"1,''[ H"I ... rl t ;1" "'11 . puhl,I"lly ',hr",'tllr 111111':- w"n' l-.!in'lI IIII' (a"ls, IIII' pllq ll ' ~l' 11,"1111.· \'II\\I'r.:t ,~ I\lII' I - g"",, :- all.l 11 IIIII).! - ("'mll Co .. J.;II.'k porl, 111 . Itl" ' 1,. lli" I\:11 (\lIIl'hil llt'a l l"t' ""il,lill/.: .. I " i Ih,' :\01\1011:11 :\ la,':l I'IIIII In :- II~lIh ' al 011101 1.!'"I1 I ~ ,11'\"ili/.: \':t hllll'l , Meetings lilt' 1I(I\,lIrll1l1ily f!lr 11 11' ~a t. ':; ,Ilt I Ili,," SIIIl·1.; Yanb. T lli )i 11 1'1'1'­ Ih,' lin :11 1t'!,!i"II:!1 1II",'lill ).! OIl 1~ :-- 1II ; ~rk II. I ', :-;wan ~ lIl1. Tilt, Cn:;ulldlo' \ " . Th,· ,'xhihil I,'a )i 111101, ,1' 1111' dil',·,'1 ~II' 1',,1',',':-- III I" arn )i tL)'!I-!" ~ It ,.,! al'linn III ,TII II, li,l j..! 1\I·l'!· :--)i ilal.·,1 11\"1 },!J"t1111Ii"j.!S I IlIl'illg II", 1IIIIIIIh ,,! ;\lI l-! lI :-- l. 1 ~" I0 · 111111'1. l 'hi,'a},!... ~1· l'h ' llIl ... r I. ' III' Inat..- ~a l ill llal ~Ial ' :trlllll ~\" ",.I.; Ih,' I · hi ~·;tJ:I .1. 11I'1·ri .. illll IIf J Il~ qlh ~allli. l ', ~. 1'\· l'ft·. IIf I ,hiloil .. , Ihll ,~,' IIi ,·"II .. LIIII,·r ).!.\lloi s \'1'1 :\ 1. 1;1'", '11 . ,lil', "' 11I1' IIf 1'"loli\' 1"1 "01 - 1IH1 ~ I han' 1\ ilitlll~ ' 1Il'I-! I",·I ... 1 IIII' " I" hi).!).! n l ,'I'\'nl ill II1 ;trarntll , 11I ~ l nrr· l . " . :\1t . ~'I'r. '1'1 ... Cn-aml'"'' ''' . '''''lIlali\'l' IIf II,,· linll , :tlld I. Kalfll .. , l 'l1k,,).!,., ,II II ... \':'1'1' I'i,·,· ;wol ,hi' illdll ~ II'I : 11 li,," ~ fur III " :o\lI li,,"al :\ 1;lI'an,"i 1t1 ~ li - .\(h·r h i~ n'l"lrl al1'I II ~":--\ ' I1!aIIIUl. :\1 1'. l ' ~. 11 i.~ lrilllll, Jr, l'Ul'lIl11iIY·" ",.' (). :\ . I JI · I · it'k~lI lI . '1'111' Cn-allh .'" 111 :1.-1 11 11. · .. :!lid "'I" il'l1I"1\ 1 al lilt' 11111 ' 1" 11th', h :t~ 111 '1'11 I.u .. y l'i"llill!! 111 ;11, 111;,,'­ I'lall ~ inr Ih,' lI al,,,n·W.,t., , OII.~'I' ­ 1; 1'1 ,,'11 ",.U\·d "1 "1 11 :\11 :-,.; (.\\'1'11 1.01111 .\ 11 i""a IIf Ih,' ~izl' and '''''u(I'' ''( Ihl' 1'0,. :\lill1wapnlis . lI:tl 1"ll,,1 . \IHI ,hi lh' ·: lln · lf\lil,lill~ , IlIrt ' r~ ill la l' ill"~ ":trl~ IIf Ih,' "IIIIIII"~ :1111'" .. i lilt' " ", ,,,1.; ""1"1',' 1111 1111 \1'.\ h,\' .. ( 11 11" 11I1l'I1I1I did ~in n IIf Ihc Wlu'al Flr .. l "'I'·I"II" lioll:.l Fair ill '1111' 11 ;01111111111. '1'1'01"" 011 n'},!illlla l llh'l"lilll.!:-- f.. r lilt' 11IIq l"~" IIi hilll al Ihal 1II1·,·lilll-! . a~ III ' had .\1111 1' I. II. C;'II II.' l1 Ft K"lI \ \'1' •• \. 1': I"ry il1ll,.. rlalll .·lILllllry ill Ihl' FI"ur lI""illlll·. l ·hil'ilgll. III n' I "~r l ,"11 "IILllllry i:-- ).!aillt·,j hy a ~ IUlly .. f III\' 1111"111 ' Ut'is CII .• l .iIl I'I1111, ~t ' h , , . 11111'1.1 III' J.; '·I·" ill ,L: ill 1'10", ,1' 1lllh'h wi lh IIII' ill a ,111/.11 III' IIl1l n' rq.,:illlla l 1II1'1'lil\l-!.:-- ' piall" IIf Ihal ' ~ I'J.:an ilal i"lI III ral'llaill., Ir:t~ rl·"n·:--'·1I1t11 Itr IIlh' lIIf1rt' ·1!l1I It alian " ~ h ibil:-- al h"lh ~ h ll\ ~' :\1. I J, 1. \1111 111 ,,1111, :\1111'1'1111 , III ,'., in""'.Iiu).! "xhiltil )i h.\· arti)i l:--. t'fafl.~· 11I' 1' .hil' II( IIII' :\alilillal .\ ,.:--. "·ia li,,n .. Iarlill},! II' ~.' allh-, \\·",.h., ,'ariy III "II II II' 1'1'''11111111111 ,m IlO' half "! lilt' .111 - plan·... whidl 11",'1",' III').!alli l" ,1 Ily Ihl' :\lilwalll.;l'I', 1111"11 , ;111. 1 "111'1'''1'11'1':- .. f ,h,· il"" IIII\I ' alll i . \ IIJ..!t1~' , Ih,!o ,1111' n Ih,' l'I~ I ~t, ,a.-rll"" 1'UIlI lIIill,·r:--. III jlflt1110h' II II' 1II1·I'I'a,.", 1 :ll"l i,.;III )i. 1I-.-IlIIil'i:III " all .1 i lldll ~ ­ " 111 :-- 11 11111'1 :o\azi'III:II" 1" '1' il L', I1 I11 I1t' rl'" 1:l1I 1I'~ T. ,\111).' 1'1'11 11 . "iIII-: :\I i,b· t,i:,II'I', Tltl'\' allra,'II .. 1 11" 11I .. :t II I I~ ,If II illt li lt' lalh-r· .. ,,!:til" 10 1"'0111"'" ;111 Ilh' ..... "h,·11I .. Ia\t·,. I" Ih.· .\ IIall l..- ·,·a- U:-" IIi hi/.:h ).!r;II II· ~" l1ll1lill a .ill II II' I ·: ~h · r o ." I Ii aliall 11I ~l i1U\t' fill' F"I',·i).! 1I FI;mr :\Iill)i, l 'hil·:I).:u, li.il .. ,..oIli ri llg Ih,' II"" \1 ...... Id lilt.' illl'n':''''' ""II"lIt11, 'r 011'1 "'1'101111'1 ' " f m ;I\·,, · 1,,,:,I'.! ;.11.1 ,1."1\\'.' I" lilt' lIIi.l\n ·,,' , "11 - lII:tIIuia,·IIIJ't· IIf IllIalil~' lIIa,'arlllll I'~I " I . '1'1":1, 1,· I all a)'! "lh'y IIf Ih,' lI aliall I ;u\· I. Ewrl'll. \\'allan,·Tit'l'II all ~ '"'' 1r:111, ' ra iT alii I 01'1 11 '1',. illr I.!"'N I ~ flllli 1"'INitlt'I ... h·r. "II Iii .. : ' I I III'" I - \"' Ul lIr~ I, mr. 11t'1" 111111'1" 111allll(a,'IIII'I'r:- alll i alllt'.b "rrum'lIl Ihal ,,1;1111 11'01 01 1101 ",'I "I' Ihl' \ 'I; ka},!", , T h.· lIal i"" al ,,1;111 \" 1',·1,.(11'011, · :\a I Ii ).!r, · alt · ~ 1 illh ' n · ~ I . " . 1II : 1I11 ~(at · lI l r -. \\'''I"~ ' a .. I.;. ·.1 III I,.JI IIf Il lt'i1' 1'1:!1I ~ fur JlI lOIlllll iul.! III lIIillioll ,' IIf d"lbr .. W"I"\' ,·xhihi b . I\,·. .. idl ·)i Ih,' IlI"al'\' ill.III ,.lri:.1 1':Ilw:lr,1 :\11"111111 , l,'lIl1l1alll ll ' l" I ~ II '; " lillllal :\1 :I\'al'lIlIi " ','j'l.; ,llIrill!! I 1,'1,,1... 1' "1':-- 11'.1 :-- Ill\' ,''''''llt'ra lllUl I'n"lII ~ t ' , 1 ,,~ 1,I,h,,'.II,.\" I '. ~ . allli f'""'igll 11U ~ ' I'r" . aw l \·a r:--. Ih,· Il ali;1I\ " II 'rl'it:l ll.li .. ill /.:, lit'" :\1 illiu).! C.. .. Chl,'al-!'" " ~ l lil,il :- ,. hll \\'i ll ~ ., -1·' 1I:' :-- 1IIa",, \·I, 'ar 11\' ,li ~" I1 ":--I'III" ;1IIt! I'r.. . h"',· r .. 01110 1 oI i .. lril.Ulllr:-- ,,~ rdah"\ IT:,I\' al"Ii" had I·Xhl l.il .. l'II"' rilll-: ill.-lw\1'I 1 halldi.-raft, ,. I' r a III i , .~ , . \ mllll},! 1111 ... ,· \ '1"':-,'111 OIl Ih i~ lillal E, I. '1'11111 1101:-, :"\"rlh I );I"" la "ill II,,· :--hlill illl-.! .. f Ih,· ,;",.\t.I',. ;111.( ,.,h.', f."H I.. . 111 '11 ~ I'ap, ·r,. and lIIa).!:lllII" !i awl 1I11·1'I11IJ.: 1\'1'1'1' : Ih,lKil " Illan' {" d 1,1' '1 \'l'1' ", UI li mb, wr,.II1!h l-il'llll . t'l1 ~ IUlI II' j"\\"I ' lr~ ' , 1"01 1111'1 l'I'IIII I"lillll:.1 IIlah ·rial ,. 1""'1'011'1 ·01 i,,1' l't'lail,'1'''. III :--"\ "1':11 piat'n I,h,' ).!al lwr· ;11111 1 '~ II ' \ ' al"r , Chil";I/.:II" , " r:,nj.!illl.! {null tlllib io i'.,\I,·rful F"I" :\1. I. 11,,111101, 111:111:1).!111/.: ",hIOlI' , 1111 ).!IH,d~. I'l' ill ll'ti iallr1.-:--. )ii lk lill ).l,·ri,·, Ihal 1'"1'!,' '''''. iIII-.!" 11','1''' '1l1ilt· ~ . · I 'r.I · .. "lIlal1\:'· IIf lilt' Edilh I .i ll ~ \' · ' · , I a"1II1 111I ~ki ll!" 111'­ r:lri r;lrilll.! 1':11':-, Thl')il' "xhihil)i "II' 11I 1,.i,·I'\·, ,'111111'1'11 1"1"\', 1I'"H III •• r". lIIal'­ ).!;lIIilalillll. l ·hi"·: ' I.!,I: (j~I ' I'" 1'; 1111 : .111 - :\IM',\illls l 1I II ' I1~ ,\I ,. ll raidwlIl"!. III. III, li"alil'lI •• j 111 \, ill,..I'.·.. , ~ I IIIII II III Ira.1!- alii I l'II III11:--la,.lll'. alii I III 1I 1 1"'~~ :,1,1"1 1 ,\lIl1' ri" all hll\"l 'r:-- lu ~, ' I ' al1 ,j I'X' hit·, li'II ... !" Ira\\ a ILl I I~"III"I"' :\(, r.n"'II, ~ l·r rI'1 01ry - 'I', ' a.m ' ait'~. ).! I a;~wa!'t·. 11 ", lItallllfal' ll lI"t ·.... i,.. Ih,· illll"l\i ll ~ :1 lill l. · 1, ' ~":--11 . ' Iotll " \',·rywlll·r.· II 1"11111 .li l'i:-- illll . ,,"h.'al 1' llIlIr 111 :'1111111', alililil' III. ' 11:lliall Iln"hll·I,.. all.1 111t1~ t; "r, :"\:\1:\1.-\ , I'alalilll'. II i,·I.;I ·1' \\'111'1.;. 01 .. 11 :- allt l IlI y~, 111'11:--, 1'1'. li,.. lill ).! IIf ll1alllll'a,'llIn'I' ,' II h .. :l1\I'lId.'d 1\" 01' 1" 'llII-.! III Z,·d Ihal lilt' :\.:\1.1. wa~ I ·hiral.!". 111 ,

HOMIMUII II IIUCTt ..... IN THI IIAND O. John J. Cavagnaro MACAIIONI IHI tun Engineers and Machinists Capital durum produclll arc Illhoralory controlled to .MUro you or color-perfect mncnronl. Harrison, N. J. U. S. A. ~ pallhl!tti or noodles with real .'I. III!S appeal. "hc dependable unirormity or Capital product.. IIIl'RnS macaroni with improved Specialty of "!loking qUalitiCft and ""perier 8avor. Macaroni Machinery 1C,:membcr. the market'. there .. wa itinl for you. Your Capital Since 18HI n:I'resentative wanta to hl.lip you ,'Hpture your rullllhnro. He'. n mighty good man to know. I'ressc!'t I\" IIcnders ~lix ers Cutlers Urnkes Mould ClelLners Moulds ~Il SI:es Up To La,g~" in Use 255.51 Center St. N. Y. Office and Shop New York City "lYING YOU nOM TWO CONYINIINT t acATlo..:,

25 x 32 xlD 25 !'i1·IIII'ml'I'r. I" .' n 'I' II E ),1 ,\ L' ,\ I{ I ) X I .I f) I' I{ :\ :\ 1_

AI1Io:I'I" I.. ti'li ~ I,, -A"'. It. , "~· .\I"".. ,.I/li CII. ;\1\1I'11,'r ClI" !I-n,,'), Cil~', ~ . J, 1 'llIn II.. I'rulMN II r,lImg~ 1\"I' rt· n ·dl'\·I,d 10 IIII' Ilm·t' ~I'\' l i!l nal nWl'lill).: ~ allll1l: Ilw w. 1;.",.h-II - f.I,,/,,· .I/1I1J llIt' lllll\'r ~ itn'-l.1l1l'1l E ";"IIIIII'r. :-- ~ 1II ' I H'IIII,I~. Ih. , III-I-l __ IK ; 1I'I · fa~, .. II H' 1:1\ , .' : d,I~~lhl' ,lIioli r.llillg o( hi da ~ ~ "al'ili\' (I~ I ~ I : lull l1 T. J 4I m' ~ - lil,," .. .\l il'-' \\l'r ;\UI:. Cu" O lilaha : \ ·if).:il L. 11. ,111 , l'I'all IIi ,\ gril"l llillra l Et ' ''I\I'ltli, ' ~ ro '­ ;11 .!iY: ", da~~ilif"li"1I ralilll: oi 1:-1 S.allle Meeting-July 31. 1~50 i 1111", 111111/\'''- TlII·II/I, .r,· Sjlll ,0:.. ( '" , ilW;l\' lIe (hm",'r (Ial~ CII .. Chir" :': 'I. t'I . (or l·arhl,1 (n·ighl, lilt' .lh,IIIMI I'''rl~ . L'''III I ~ lr. · '' wilh la ~1 .n 'al". . ' ).:~ J""'I,h ~h> t lillll -.\Ii.fJi,.., ,1I" ( 'I'tII ~ ' A. W, I.:,k.·- (;/"I,,' .\lil1l . ;1111 1' 11,' 11 V':"C;n'I'r, (;1,,1 .. , A_I. I.II ~ \11, ,I r ~ · ill).: "i'. ' rali'l1I~ WI 'fl' 11 11 a rdali,. · I~ . \ rlllllllli F;I\ r,_ I-"II1 " " JI.. •., I,:. SII;.. I;!" .:t- •· .. I" ,, 01 lIIillilllllm rt'lI1ainilig Ih,· ~alll' · . ~"~,,, ~r,i", , 1I'1 ~ \ tr " ".' h i).:h 1 J;j~j:- ;111.1 al','4I IIII",,1 (lir IIII' ill ' 1\ ;111 .\ , l. : tII ~ (I · I , h - H , ' JI" 1fI (dll/. I,illlll. It E. l'rud1U.IIt'-f.II.'JI "I .\ lIf"''''' .11.,(- 1:"'1':'. . " il;trh·. IIII' 1I10lur I ·;t rril ' r~ han: , · I't · a~, · in li'llIi" I'gg Iltl Hh" ·I·d . (·,,'t. . .mllli Tilt, lir ~ 1 al'l u! lilt' t"1I111t1111h'1' 1\1 11 1,,· :11 'l'h·,1 ill fHII :-IIlidah' Ih.·ir da:-l'ilit·a- Ilri,'.! I'gg 11I·. Hh,,·lll111 .Iurilll: J II I ~ 1,,1111 Ih·tll h:i-,IIIJ.i"H .\1" ,. ",. 11 : '~· IIt"rllt ' \':111 Shl)Ii'r- H" II,'Ui l.il",' , lu Iln '~ I ' nt It ~ lrll1ll: JIlt? fllr lilt' 1\I,!I.' 11 ,tI ,1 ill IIII' l · a ~ I' o( III" ~ ' 1·011111111,1 · ·lllt rry t ;"·rl1lt·;,f- .1/iui"11 . I~ ' h ·: C" . I,,..,til awni il\lIIl~lr\', pruh '~ tllll: Iht, dl ; tIt :,: . ' ~ 1"lal"11 1I.I)I~ . 1I1111 IlIluud:-. f""ll'al"l'" il l 1111"'· !tal·l· {"lIoII·I·,1 II ... II .. ig;IIal I.i/f",. F. IJrt'Fdkt·- ' · " .11 ,',·d" '"I, ( ','. ,\1Ia1l 1I : ')I 1t"~ - H" Jl l llli I'rul'u,.;\,.1. Ti\l' ~1 ~ lllIr Carrjt' r ~ ,\ " " , r;o .,. , , da :-~ilka lilill 10 Ihl· 11'1h-r. w;lh f" . IIII.1 ~ . III HIL IlIlI !O ill ,Iuly la .~1 p 'ar \ . 1Iot-l-','li... · - , ', :\ .I/,,,'dr,,," "'. 11;\1"'- Sd,TI·illtr- .I/"t,i",. !'h·. datlllil i~ alh'mpllllJ{ 111 rh;11I~~ th.. 01111 1 1111' al"l·rag'· .. f 1,1,,\111,111111 IH.\ll\Ik 'I I I'nl]III~" a (,.;,, da ~~ ilil · al;1I1I rOIl · Ii' I'. ~"· ll in,. - . II, ni, ,,, .1I,1,"',j,"i ' ."'. Il arr)" S:li,li",= .- ' ·41nll,'II ·II,'/,,·, .\',,, ,ell.· da ,.;~i lkalioll or ma\'anl1l! 011111 ' ~I: l'I"I H"h'li"lI ill luh' 1"1I11,.;1 .~h'ol "f 111,_ I'. 11,.,I"nwl1 i1' ,.-(;.,Id,·" ,,",,,,·n .\1,1". (,I. I '". \ \ ill . ,j I ~ I da ~~ for II ·~~ lruddoad , 101l.IIIIIIIIIIUIIII:- ·,,( wh"I,· I ' g~. l ,III.INNI M . A , 2 I',."., I' . \ ·.·, .. ",·""- ../"" 'ri,·,,,, 11,""" .'· .1/,,,.. II'H " I1" pnll Ill' l~ .y an IIIn ~ ' a~ , III i" " alLll a J:i'; da ~~ ilifal;"11 ralill~ San Francllco •• ,ng- ugWl ',. da ~~l li~'a lillll rallllg~. 11\l'n, r 1\11" "" .. I "IL III" ~ .. f dri.,.1 a lllllll1t'1l alii I I h,"l,U II I lt III I 1 rb ~~ fur 11'111"1.:1";,,, fn·ighl wilh plllllld ~ IIf ,Iri.'", yolk. Till' ~41n'I"IIIIII'1I1 ~Iari" ~11I"'''. - { ~9' '!, 510. /.,u l, ' " ". ..\ .",':'. 1'.11."",_ ../"" ."','",, /1,', 1111 .\,.1/,,,·. 1',,, ill",.,. (n,j"hl dlarg, · ~.· un \ IIH'~" \ I'fI \ ~ I I" ·.' ~ , a t ' 111 '111111 o( J(',OI)(1 1'"1111" ~, The '·"l1lra,·II',j i/'I.,~27,ftl" l'''l1l11l ~ "I' \ ·1'll_ . !"1I1;tri - I,'. /!'1. /'" .. I " , ." ., . """ I. "' ,,·,·, - 1.'/,,/,,, .11;111 TIlt' \In/I"flll'" l!\'IIIJlI ./y I II' \I " 'I,, ·laI · I'n - II I ral;lIg." an' :if)'; da ~ ... ilil'; II;HII j",. I ;. " .. i,·", II h"II' "~g 111""II),:h :\U~II ~ I 2:i 1'''1" .\ . 11 :,,·illaltll,i - c'ulij . .1(,11 '''',,". ,,' . I{ , F"III'I- (,"/,,',.· ,I/il/I lillll i~ 11\11 allllllll'r ~1'fI ' I\'" n :II' ,·n·, I, ~, . ra li.. ,· IIf 1... 1 da ... ~ (III' II ·~~ Il"Ild;l"a" Frattk 11' :\'·' ll1 ir,,- I·,//;I. ,\1 "'·""'lIi (" . Fr.:11 SI':I4I ;,fllf;I- S ut"ri" r t '" IlIthl~lry Ihrollgh il :' Ilr).:al11~. I·,1 f.,,·.II . .11" ,'. i,.·.:.:I ,1 al14l J:i'; da ~~ ilit ' ,,1i4ll1 .·alillg "~g Ill"in' ~ 1I1'1"'r1 1'lIqlll ~ " ~ . 1'1"1 "1111" ' It I. 1I1I1 ,h., - t ·"lil . .\I ",·,tr,lII; , ." . 1.t·. • It·f ",'I.I'lI"r- II",IJ/,·1 I'","· III' ~. , . li',11 "f d .. il·d 1I"1, .. It· "/.:I: Ih,· IIf I-I . · Ia ~~ (Ol" lI"uddoad fn·ighl . 1'" .. lir ~ 1 ~I . ' ~I " ITt ' i - 'ltI li'lII . 11I,, ·,i, ~ 1II I'.u~, · I '" . \\·11'. SI':1111, lin ll - /l'"'II"1 1'",." TIll' IIIh'r ~ lalt' ('111I1111t'n'" L"IH IIII " ~ "1 " ' 11 1II"lIlh ~ "f )i}.ill 101 011, ·" 7-1 .i-'7,- I. ~1. t."nl/han- ' ·,'r;I,,/ H,", .\1,111 tlt\l'1I I'. t.1·.·- lIul/wl I',,,·,· .. illll in II)-I:i Ill,ll'kl'l # 2tU III I n" 1); '" 1"11111]1:'1"",1 lI"ilh .i.I,II.; .; ,IIIKI 1r Nutrition Expert Resigns Inlllllll ~, .;. Fl"rr"lIl:i:t r, .-h'''JJ''"1 /.it/"'I/" ,r ;Iui 1'1,,1. Ihal all, ~ailro;\I'~ . .~ .~I'." .~lil. ;1 ]H'llIui:- dll l"ill),: II ... :-a ll1t' I" 'ri,,", la ~1 H. \\ . I)l ~ "" - I ;" II "" " .1/1 /1./, 111 ,'. Oppose Proposed Freight L"I1~"llIlalt ' t! 1,rt'1ghl LI,I~~lht , tll"lI . ~h · •. Clara 1;, ·!tI';1I"I1 !'i1l1'l1"I', IrJII~ \'I·a .. , '1'. 1': . IIr"II II- , ',I/III" ,III"," I " " , ,/ "~' .1/;11_ ' I \ \ a " ~I" ' i ; IIt ~ 1 w;lh Ih,' \\'llt'al ' I'lou r In­ MIL Snydel ' Th,· I'rl Hhl"lillll Il( 17,7-1t'.11I11J Reclassification '1'111' failn~ I,I ~ hlrlll "; I~" a W"I H'-' ~ 'Iillll,' ;/1 Chk;tgll and flllllldl'r IIf Ih.· F . i ~' I :l1t~ ~;H;I _ H "/II" .I1,''',If.'ui . d 1' la~~itil' ali1l1l, al\ll ,lIm!'1: Ih,l: I'liith" 1'1' 111t' :- "1110Iilm lIIill t ' r ~ III "dll,'ah­ 1"'1111.1 .. "f frll ~I' 1I "~g .. wa,.; a l"lIIl fnllr l'l li lll' 1':.,.iu- H.,J.t,"" ( "fif. 1.,11,.. . I Sp.cial Commilte. Appoir.le to Iwlt! In X"II' \ ) ;1\1 ' ,Iurlult wllt'al ,Iid ~ illll II( Ih,' ill "liIU'" ,,,t o l\1'arlll~ ~ tI~" ~ "~. . tilt· p, 'r ""ul 1t , ~~ Ihal1 dur inJ,: .lilly la ~ 1 y.·ar 11,:,1 i~ ~ 1" ' n ~ on ' ,1 h,l' Ih,' Iluntlil ;\Iill. ";lIbll ll1t ' I" ~ 1111 I 1·;lh ... "f l11a,·arlllli , I.. 11,.( '''111 ''11 1.-,,- 1; ..111,," ( ~m~" .t1 " ,"tIf.,u~ Siudy Propolal 10 IncreClie Freight uar\, IflllI 1-1 , 111-1'/, Ilu' L. 1,. ;\ltlt'l1"r 011111 alll ltll J:i I"'r '·1'111 I, ':- ~ Ih;IU lilt' .. f .•. h ; l ~ rt ' ~ iglll ' d alld rt'lin,1 III !.ill­ :-1';\/o: Ilt'lIi allrl .'gg IIIIIH II, ':- mad,· Irllll1 \ ' I h,ll"lm·l1 i.·u- I;"III,·11 (",IUI 11" ,·",• .,/1 Charge. of Macaroni Produci. C,"i1Iml\' al'IIt'an',1 all,1 Ilr~'I,. ~ \t"1 ~I!, ' 'Ilialily illj.!I · , · .lil · III .~. alt ' ra~, · I'tl HIUfli1l1l "f li,·lh't,IUI \ . t". l '''Ian.-l t- h''-/t" X,'fU,,'" ,·/01 "·,/U- l'n '~ i,I I ' 1i1 C_ Fn,d,·rid. ;\11II·III'T tlf r.lllll).:~ ~\' h;dl II.NI' III Ill' (':'I' ~ da~ ~ lh ' ,·,,111, ;\,·h. IIt'r h01l1l' ;1I1,lr, ·~ :- i~ '\X-IX Ilwll,·,· !'it. 1 "l lInd ~ . FI"II ~ I ' II I'J,:/o: ~ "Il.' k ~ .It ' n, 'a~. · ,1 illll IIII' ~aliollal )'Ia"arnni ),Iallliiaflun'r :, ,'alillll raling lif hi da~~ !I!r I,?~ r;lf' 1-' 1II;1Ii4l 11 1"'llIId:- dllrill~ July. 1'0111- Lo. Angele. Moeling-Augu.t 4, ' \ ~~ ' Il.·; al ; 1I1I h : l ~ lIalll",1 l! ~ I" ' ,' ial "11111 ' 141;,,1 (n,;).:hl :11111 .'~'; da ~~ lh ";~ 1 11I1I ':11 ' Fllr' ~' · I· ' · fal \' I ' ar~ :- hl' ,·,Ii",d /tllnU/I Liquid. Frozen and Dried 11',,,.,,, .rll'I'.r 'a:, lUll' uf Ih,' prulII'" l'ar".1 II" llh an illt'f, 'a ~ , · of Iw" lIIil1illll '950 lIIillt'I' II' ,.; 111111' Ihl' I'r"I"I ~a l III dian).!,' illg lif I ~ I da .~~. fllr mrl4l:1I1 fh·'rllt Illth Egg Production 1 "'ll1 hl ~ in allil 1111' a\'i'rag,· ,It·, 1.:"I,,·rl \\'illi:tlu- U,,",'" /1'.1/;,1111 lilt' of 1II;I\'arol1i l'I"I "lut'b a farl'!:I.] 11111\111111111 wI'I).!hl" ,\4,,1111 liul) I'Irllrt~ III' lilt' "mUIlI lIIill'- r:- 10 "'-I'} r" ;,,/.I. da ~~; l i\'a li;'11 "f Ihn',' lIIi l1i"1I 1"11111, 1:- . I'nl. I, HI'ak i llnl ' a ~,: '1 illlt ' n '~ 1 ill allol II ~ " "f July 1950 \· f, · a ~ , · ,.' . / . \' II " .,',\, "~" ~ , " .•..~ ,'\, ,\,."'. ,'r ."'\"\"" '\. fn'l"hl.. \lIlIlIlIk T \II' raltll).:. ~ l' n'~'·II ,I,. .. ,." . dU"lilll1 IIf fro ~\" 11 "~I:~ ,llI r ill~ lilt, lir~1 lI:ury 11'·Io: I·hll:l Il- II'"",·, :01'· ",,' " r:lln 0\1 111 ;I\'a f O lli, :-1':tghdti alii I "gJ,: :iU'; lif hI for I'arl"a, 1 ;111 ,1 IIIMarllu i I'ftHhl~·I!O ;11 daill' IH"IIII ~, :-\h,' ~ . da ~~ 1t . ~~ 'Ih' IIU;lI1lily IIf Iii lui" "gl: Jlft Hhlt'I'" ~ I'I " " I 11I1I1I1h ~ of pI.in hllal" d .\2.\.'I:i./,­ I '". III II" II, . ~ WIIIII,' I'I' ~ I.aqlly i"I· r,·a ~ ,·,I . \ \ hl·I ILL. ·lllly addn '~~ I · .l nal'iltl1al al1d n '­ .' 1:1111'.·.· ~I . II" r_/oI _ II·,·/,,·, /:JI!/ S""III,' \ \\ \. . \' ,':i' ; fllr farO;\'. during July lolalt'd :iH.-In,IIIMI ]t ! l\111.I~, IK HI IHllllld ~ , 1" 11111'011'1'41 w;lh l X,'l.,li-l.­ l:iOlIl;11 I1l1'l'Iit1l: ~ "I lIIararoni-IIIHnll" '1'111' I'ollllllilll·t· i ~ lwiI' '" Iy ' rall\'l :- .. . 11 ' '.(ul ill Ihal 1'411111'011'1 ',1 wilh -I1,.U)lI.O(HI l'rII,hll" '11 'MIll 1'1I1111dl' durillJ,: IIII' ~; 1II1t' 1,,'ri' HI , ." \,,·, ,111.. Ir;ltlif lIIalla"I'r IIf lilt' l·. I:. Thl' I'rOh' ~ I _\\_· a ~ _ ~ ~~ manLLf;,r1I1r .... ~!II 1 II"hal wa ~ IIt'i ul: dlln.· ~':· :I~"~'~12:i'~" ~".::~/ '~" :· ' ·_/~"~"~ ______~~::~::~~::~" ~~~~~~~ ______-c__ _ duri llg .lIlly la ~ 1 .\'Im 011111 7-1.2-17.11011 ia l'1 ~ ' I ': lf - al\ i ll, · n ' a ~ , ' If( 12 III'\" n·lI!.

gl1. dWtR. and jJJlDQJ1Jt. ••• A COMPLETELY GREAT SAVINGS ON AUTOMATIC COILING MACHINE our large line of 4.000 Pounds per 8·hour day - Positively Guaranteed. completely rebuilt . Onty Labor ot r Man Necessary and fully guaranteed: Saves Labar. Increases Production 01 Uniform "COILED" Goods. DOUGH BREAKS = VERTtCAl HYDRAULIC PRESS Sn~ SpDaQ1 • . . In Price "I Stainless Steel Dies. KNEADERS • MtXERS NOODLE MACHINES STAINLESS STEEL DIE WASHERS Exl"lor Vlew_Lanaro Drvln; Room and many others BRONZE COPPER ALLOY DIES for ECONOMICAL Guarantees Smoother Products •.• SPEED DRYING Eliminates Costly R~pairs Inquiries Invited lor Either or Both. FRANK LAZZARO DRYING MACHINES Dai!Ilh-d 'mel .IlulIlI!i/( llIr.'r/ Ji )' Executive Offices: 55·57 Grand St" New York 13. N. Y. Digby 9.1313 LOMBARDI'S MACARONI DIES Plant and Service: 9101.09 Third Ave" North Bergen. N. J. Union 7·0597 805 Yale 51. Los Angeles 12. Calif. c,

36 THE MACARONI JOURNAL September, t 1)50 SI'plember, 1950 THE MACARONI JOURNAL 37

15,1950. Claims use IIjnce 1886. bu ~ h es in Peonsyl~an,ia , yir~il1~a, Ohi~, has bel'lI r i good quality. DUflllU from I have "5lin1lltell that this rust will Mark is fanciful. Mi,'hipn and illinOIS, In,hcatllln thIS the Wt'slt rn p.lrt of the dUnllI1 area, cut the durum CfIJl) about 20%, and CASTEL-HAVEN - Seri,l :\0. 1'1\.... was beginning to 5J1ft·ad. Nmety­ west alll l northwest of Dev ils Lake, soml! of the boys agree with me; otllt'rs Trademark Department 548,833, Phillips Packing Co., Inc, fi\'l' l)er cent or more of the barberry should I,e of good quality. The full figure il will be much hiJ.:hl'r than that Cambridge Md. For canned SJl'I~ h r:t~ bu.hC'5 have been eradicated in the exlt'nt 0;' the damage III the ccntml and and sunw less, so )'ou can lake ),ollr lJ;l",tas, Montana, wcste01 Minnesota, 5IJo'ghl'lli •• !100tIics and dehydrated ,!IOUp ti, ct cetera. Filt,d SelUcmher 14 northern l>art of the durum area can· chuice. AI this stage fll the game it is Tradomcnb SubJoct to Oppoold... Nd rras ka, Clilor-ulo and Wyoming, All mix('!. I'lh... t JUlie 27, 1~9. llUlJh5hcd 1949, l)ublisht'C l August 15, 1't,:;0: 1I0t he correctly estimated at (his time, 11ft'1I)' hanl to lell. Some of till' I'arl)' CLOVER I'ARM-S" rial No. 567,- August I, 1950. Claims usc since Claims usc since 1905. ~lrl lt' rry bushes must be eradicatl-d in Stt'm nlst was St'Vl're in 1935, while IId.I:oi in the southl'rn lh1rt havc I~l'n 388, Clo\'cr Fanll Stores Corp.! April 21, 1948. Mark i!! nal1lt' in hea"y tyPl', onl!·r 10 save our' crolls ill the future. tht're was none in 19.'6. It may nol he t'UI lind arc lh rl'shing out well, a good Clt'\'l'land Ohio. For usc on mat'arom ~lacarolli processors should ur~e a prohlem in 1951. If the season is 60 to ftt pound t!urullI. Othl'rs arc 5.llad and'lil'nglll'tti saucc. Filcd Octo­ Mark consists of a fanci ful IXlrtrait nWIIlt.crs of their state Il'gislatures III nnrmal or ea rly, the croJll11ight mature 'Iuite dhaplxlillh'd with their yield and ber 21, 1948, and publislll'd july 2S, of a maid handling a steaming casse­ t'3slo 'rn nnd middle westt'm stall'S to ahl'llfl of n possible ru st epidemic. h'st Wt'i:.:hr. 1950. Claims usc IIlIIce 1882. role. Stem Rust pro\·j,le the nl'CeSs,1rY fund s (or bar­ Our plnnt breeders havc m'l'n work· Mark is Ihe name in fnncy lellcring. (A FANCIFUL O UTLINE, bern' l'radication in thdr fl'spcctivc ing for scveral yt'ars, testing \'a riuus By Henry O. Putnam, Executive slah ;~ . Stem rust hybridizes on the SI\/,I\' .\'HI?';- Serial No. 575,788. WITH SHADINGS) Serial No. 581,- Secretary, North.e.t Crop members fll thl' wheat family, to find Robert T. Beatty Dies Skinllcl' ~l a l1 ufa cl uring Co .• Omaha, 454. The Table Mills, Inc., Lincoln, (Onlll1011 b."hl'rr)'. Destruction of it fl'sistance to ISH and othl'r ll'sS com· ImproYement AuoclaUoll assists in eliminating new "irul!.!lIt racc~ J{nhert T. Ilt-atty, fnrnll'r editnr uf Ncb. F Il l IUaCnrl1ui. Fill'll ~Iarch 21, Ncb. For noodh'5, flI1.1ghctti, mara­ Minneapou.. MinnHota nllnl ract'!! of stelll rust. Khopli (cUl­ 1949, alltl IlU blislu'd July 25, 1950. rtJni anti SI>'1 ghctti snuee. Fih·d July of ~h' lII niSi, slIch as race ISH. We mer) has fl'sistance to ISH and will be Tilt' N/Jrll. Wattr" Mil/I'r allft for 1, 1949. puhlishl·tI August I, 195(}. Wheat growers facl'11 the oM prol.. 5hu\l l~1 insure future duru1l1 and hread IIsl'd in tlcn'loping a wheat suitable for )'l'lIrs rellUrtt'r lit the l'OIl\'I'ntions uf the Claims U~ " SillCl' Fl'1mmry 10, 1949. ,.. hl,,,t crops against new raCl'S of sll'm Nationll Macawui M;umfacturcrs ,\s· Mark cOl1f.isu of a ft'ctangular draw­ Claims UlIC since March 30, 1946. 1l'111 of stl'11I rust AKain this )'t'lir. Ovrr cr()s~ing with nppro\'cd varil'til's of rust through cOl11pletl' emtlication of !trl'ilil whl'at and durum. 1t usually re­ sud'ltion, passell away in Mil1l11'ilpulis ing lined f.. r thl' color red. The mark shows two ladies al lea. 200 parasitic racl'S of stel11 rust han! bern found throughout the WOril1. Only barl)l.' rry bushcs. (luin'lI nine tn tWl'h'e )'ears In IIfIKluce fill August .\ altl'r a Il'ngt hy illness. QUICKIES-Serial No. 581,076. "TIll' lining is (or shading pUr(>05l'S Ht' WllJoi well knowu in e\'('rv branch of a few of them racC5 17, 19,38, 56 anti The 1950 5l'aS0I1 is latest on record, a lI ew "ariety. With the aid 0 gft'l'II­ Millnl'sola Macaroni Cu., St. Paul, only." which gives 5h'Ill nlst ample time to Imu St.' facilities ami sl'mling St'l·d to Ihl' lIuur trath', ha\'ing assisted in the Min n. Fill'Cl july 8, 1949, puhlishl'tl $9 have bl't'lI ~ommon in North Aml'r· NAileD - Sl'rial No. 552,667. ic~ allft conmll'rcial varitil's of wlll'at incrl'ast on the dUnlm. Some lucaH­ Califurnia fir Ariwlla (or wintl'r in­ fllrl1mtiull uf 5l'\'l'ral bakinl: organiza' july 25, 1950. For macaroni. Claims KnuciH.'1 MUl'anlill' Co., Dt'lIver, Colo. lin will he seriously damagl'd. How­ tious and lung st'r\'ing as advcrtising Ilufllln arc reSiJoi lallt 10 the ahuw mCI'S. Cfl'OlSt'S, till' time may be shorh'lll'f.l in usc sincl' March 7, 1938. Fur alimentary ,I.1sh.' Ilf(xiucl5, ct t\·tr (as of Sept. 8, 1950) thl! full managl'r ,11111 ellilm of the Miller Pub· A Ill' W "ifllh'l1t race of stem rusl was "nn t'tIlergt'licy. ('clera . Fill.. 1 March 22, I94B, pub­ o:tml of the damage n'mains to be Iicatiun!!. Mark consists of the name in italics. reported ill the lIort~Wl'st, hy Ur. ! ~. C. EVI!RIJEST-Sl'rial No. S42,9!S, lislu:d August 8, 1950. Claims usc 51ahmall at the Utllverslty of Mumt'· dl'tcnninl'Cl IK'C3 use some of the crop 8iU aebena. Field R.preHnlati.. of Following a St·riulIS illlIl'ss ill 19-11:t. Glnst'r, CrAmMI Co. ChicaR..~' I'or since AI)riI4, 1947. sota. It has been identified as l{act' il still grcen and only a llOrtiol1 of It Greal.r North Dakota AaaociaUon ht, n'tift'll lind lor a t!tm' n'!iilll'd in has bt't'n combined. Surve)'s indicate noodles and other products. I· Ill'll De­ Mark is 1l1lll\C in outlilu.. 'tl Idlers, ISIl, All comml'rcially grown VRril'lit's Saya: Winll'r Park, F'urilla. HI' allt'mlt'll cemlK'r 2, 19-17, I'ubli sht'fl August I. of bn'ad wheat lind (Iurum arc susrrp­ It'st weight will range from 50 to 64 Ihl' winlt'r IIIl·l·tings flf till' Macaroni UNION MADE-Serial No, 536,­ pounds per hushd. The lichter weif:ht 1950. Claims usc sinCl' july I, 1942. OJ6. Bakl'ry allli Cunfectiunl'ry lihle to this mce ( ISH ) of stem rust tn n·rt'nt wet'ks the lIew tY1~ of i\sslx,' iatiull lit ~liilllli nt'al'h, Florilla, Ilurums will be Uluultahlc for milhll~ B·IS rust has hl.'l'1I 5pn'ading rapidly. in Jauuary. 1949 nut! 1950. Mark is name in hl'a\'y typc. Workt'rs' Intenmtinnal Union of This rncl' was found twelve )'1'fIfS Ilt'('3uSt' of low yidds of sl'molina and HO",t'\" ~ r, II gft'at th'al of the ,lurulII On August $, he was burit'd in (A FANCIFUL POnTRAIT) Se­ Alm'rica, Chkago, 111 . Fur rnaca!.oni ago in lIl'ar h."herry bushes ill isolalt'll Hour, and sp.1ghetti, and otht'r fOOt!!;. hk'll areas, accortling to Dr, Stakel1lan, In wail pretty wl'11 malic lK'fore it hit, ;lIul Acacia Park Cl'llll'tt'ry, St. !'aul. lie rial Nil. 581 ,140. Minnesota MacarOl~i llurum from southca5tern North the latc heltls nft' going to suffer thl' Sl'ptl'mher 29, 1~17 . publi!lhed August 1948, race 15 wa!i found ncar b."herry i!i sur\'iYl'd by his widuw allli llI1l' Co., 51. Paul, Minn, For macarOni, llakota ami northcnstern Suulh Dakota lllu5t damage. dilughh'r. ~~~~~~~ ------'--:~~~I~~:.~~~~-:~:~~~-O~::~-1 customers for Dobeckmun cellophane ba". and other You Are Modernizing Your Plant paeksain" .pedaltiee, We hope we've serviced them if 10 well that thia contented relationahlp wUl btj a WE' R E permanent one. with New Equipment for Future Profits That'. why, at thl. time or tetbictloRl and aliDa.- tiona of matenala. we mu.t continue to be loyal to (JJIJL UIJL ~ .IJ£ j,qlpJ.u' IJJ IJDIL . d them and do out utmOlt best to .upply their need •. A It'It'ILJ That'. the reaaon why, for the present, we mUlt relfet- :======in the plcmn1ng emd placement of equipment to iDlwe maximum production IfI I I ... I fully ..y "no" to Ihote who would like 10 Join the : emd minimum operatiAg COlt. M &roup of Dobeckmun cultomerl, U you lnataU the ne. type of automatic pre..... you mould coulder: (I) But-Iooklna forward to the time when more CHAMPION roria\on of your pre.ool Dour .Uting .qu\pm..,~ or (2) Io.laUatlon of" apodaUy material. are available-our Creative Packacin" dealgned automatic Champion flwr Siftlng OuttiL TOO U R Specialist. are .tUlat work on dellan. for the futwe. 1'hlI calLI for thought cmcl aludy. OJ wen ClI raw .tee1 procwement, mcmulac­ Consulting So. if you have thouahtl of improvinl your packa"ee, twe cmd inalaUaUon. You moulel take lb ..e ate.. wen In adWClDCI of emy plemt change-onr date to Qyold COIU, delayain production. let UI aerve you in that tetpect, and thus enable you Engineering to be ready for production at the moment material. Our experienced ..mce " youn fol' the aaldng. emd 11 inYOiYH no obUgaUon. Service Ow engineen are qu.alWed to ad...... you regarding layoula, mecuwemlnll, C US, 0 MER 5 are available. Your Inqulrl.. for whatever aervi.,.. capacity requiremenll and other detaU.. . we can lupply will, a. alwaY', be heartily welcomed and promptly handled, We inYite yow lnqulriH now ••• 10 GI to allow plenty of time for compleliDg :======": the importaDt preUm1nary detcdll. and thUi Cl'f'old d.lay. in deUnry of co- ordinating equipment. THE DOBECKMUN COMPANY Cln.,.. tI" ObI. ' Berh'.y 2, ObI. CHAMPION MACH I NERY CO. l ______MdtrJ 0/ Fin, Eqt4il'mtn' lor ,11, }'/orOl'OtIi aNI NoaJI, flldlU'" , JOLin, ILLINOIS SI'ph'mbcr, 1950 ·18 Til" MAC A RON I 'J 0 URN A L THE MA C ARONI JOURNAL .19 Il m lllets Ihey arc producing. I would furward to is Ihat lin'·fr;l''', frulcn ,It'r thc guidalll'c of Tht'IHlure H. Sills 5 lu I .. , wl1I'lI Nalillllal l\lal'i!rlllli GENOA MACARONI DAY Ih"rdure like 10 It'll YIlU bridly what I'hickl'n Ihat 1m!! becll making Ill'acl ~ & Company, a ualiunally knuwn and (COJI,i""I.'J !r"/II I'IJII" 16) (Cullli"lItd fronl I'IlUt R) Ilw lIlal"aToni intlustry is doing to in· Wl'I·k will lit, t'l'ldmlh'd. TI1l're will line IIt'WS, Ne\'cr y,·t h!tVI' I 1t'lInll'tI highly n'l-:lInl ... d pllhliClly nr~alliza. hi' a 1Tt't11I'llIll1l1s iI11tnUlIi tlf aid J.:i\'l'1\ daliun, I.. A, Jcns('tl of Ihe North I la. ~ U I \' a hight'r I>CN'apila l'unstunpliul1 TIll' n'a! "l'al1llnl~' l' IIr l'alll'tlUIiC" hn\\' In fry a chick.:n sUl'r c l; ~ flllly, 10 liulI, Ihe Tt'sults ha\'(' hl'l'n \'l'ry I-:r:tti. til liS h)' m,Ullllarlun'rs tlf ullwr IIIIKI kuta Agricultural Cnlll'J.:c, alld (il' lll! o( lII;tl'l1ron i produCI!! ill Ihis ('ounlry. \\'11:0 hnrn in Cit'no." allhuugh for 111:11\)' m.. kt' il laste li~ e rlOlIlh·walering IlIwl fying 10 liS tllll1' far. lJurill~ IIII' pasl S. SlIIith uf the U. S, IJI'p,ulmclIJ of III 11,,' h\'l'llly·l'ighl )'('ars ill whkh J prndUl'ls whkh arl' II sc,1 ill Ihl' lPn'''' )"" ":0' ullwr Italian dlil' ~ h:tw l'IUII'It\'­ insh' .. d of burnt dril'tl !lh!l '!iI:;;s. All I SI' \'I'ral 1II111\Ihs yllu han' IIl'rhal ls nu. ar;ltiun of lIIal'anll1i n'dl'l':', Fur in. ore.'tl til imitate it. It ;:-1 a big l'tlkc AJ.:rku!tun', sltOkc fur Ihe a).::r',"o, hOI , " hl,(,11 in tltt' bUSII1I'SS, I havc se,'11 lin'" ;t grt'ally illt'rl'asl't\ 1I11111111'r IIf tlraw is clt'risi\'c wiserrnr~s frum Ilis· misls. A wry illll'n'siing and ellll:: hl. Ih, prtKIUrliuli uf the iuduslry grow :,1;1Ill'l', .111\' Inlllalo paSIl' /It'fl plc, !Iw 111'1' It' flf wtwal nllllr, hUIlt'f allli !l ugar, gustl',1 crilks. Nnw il':-I my turn 10 arlit'll's dl'\'ull'" In 1I111l'1lruni, spagllt'lti ,1111 Willi' t'ning pallel disl'ussiull was cllrril'" 1111 fr" '1 .JOO,(X)(),OOO I'ntuul:-l per )'l'ar un · dh"I '~ I' utdu~lr\', 1II1'al Ihe and sluffl'd with /.:1011'(·,1 fruil!!, ft,tl mi­ laugh. Thanks 10 the Ilre'l'cKlk ing unci nlKHII,·s, in naliunal magazilll's, IlnHIIIl'l'rs, Iln:\\'t'ril':', manural ' lun'r~ alld l11i\ll)' of Ihl' nUlcllrulli l11al\lI [:I\:' IiI. !II 19-18, uur 270 planls ill the sins, pmntl!:;. fn'I'll'rs, my fuilln' dlkkl'lI ,lilllleT!! lIl'w ~pa per s and nuliu program, Th, ~ of l' ouJl~ , l:thasl'U ~,UI"I', ""'Idlllp. With a :>Ilk" uf it yllu Cilll lin; sh IlIrcrs, fur Ih ... first lillll', SlIW dlltl1m UIIII, Ii Siall's nmnUfat'lufl,d 1,115,- first h'lI munlhs Ihal Ilw 11I~lilllh' WilS will hI' 111'\'01111 reproach .•. lIulle to a wll('al allil it'arnell uf Ihe prncess .Iud 00 1,1 -10 pOlUul!l, lh'fure WnrM War 1',111111'" lIIil~, tlt'hydrah'd wI-:I·lahlt,l'. rtlur 1111'011. Ilirn amI' scrn'd wilh a crisl., (001 in upt'ratlun in 19-19, SH llll' 5 milliHII 011111 a sron' of 011l1'r inh'n'sh-I! peopll' . A !'IIl'n 'S!liUIIUf sn ilia II)' lasl), dishl's prubh'm uf dcveluping \'arieties oi du. 11, Ihe lK'r·('aJliln consulllptiull was np­ lilll's 01 puhlil'ity nhulI! l1Ial'aroui I'TlKI­ mixl,,1 gn'l'U salad, JlM, lI lIatdy pounds III Ihe Uniled will 11"\'1111 ' JllIhlidty ilntl IIIl'rdl:llulis. iihuuhllh.' al'(,olllp : lllit~1 wilh IIIl' prul't'r rum whidl lire 1II0st suited to the l1I .m. 40 \lcl s apJll·aTt·tl ill IIl'wsllalk'rs ill lilt' 1'111 huping, 100, Ihat pre·fried t'ggs Sla h' ~. !Juring the war, whl'n l11all)' ittg ('t\t'rl-:), III mak,' l\Illranmi \Vl't·k an willl'~. In Itah·-tlll' nmntry of J,:ralk.'s ufacture of macaruni pmducts, I.ikc· lurIY·I,jJ.:hl siales, Majur maJ.:ilzil1t,s, will soun Ill' availahle in mr. favorile whll', Ihe gruWt'rs and IIgronOlliists (ur"l . Wt'rc uuublairtable aud IIt'ople ,Ic­ IlIIl s lanllill~ lfnullillilltl III Ilisl rilllll'lrs IIl1d willt's-Ilit, only Imull!" )'uu ha\'e fUIHlmarkL-t. Tlll'y're my oller tii!;111111 IlIIul-:ht I,y 37"HO,OCXI suh:'l'rih"rs, tllill aul! l'OIlSllllll'rS an, I:':' lilt' ('ulllllrr. wt're made aCIjUainll'

25 . ,

t • I 1,:\ \ , I II I ,,, III \1 \ I \ I, I , , I ,, ' 1"'" \I \ ' \ I.: • , \ I , , ; I, \ \ , \1 , . t- " I ', .1. 1 ,1 .. , ' , ,1,,",:,: 11' , I,, · \"11' ' .11 Ii " j Ih, ' II" 'Iii" II". :': 111 _ .. I \ ,1 ,,,,, ,I \ 1 " " •. , ,, \\ ,,' 01"" I, 1. .. - I" ,oi,,, I,,· , • ,'," ~ W ' , III.' \1" ".-11, 1 '., \ 11 .1 '1 " 1l 1" '1I1I' I ..1 " I b.1l1l1.. I •• , I "IIIItI' I I' ,II , · 11 , "' . !t", .. ' "I"". 'II ,I" . ", '. , ." t _ ,,"1 l't,\" " I t , . ", • ., ". " \\ ., 11 . 0' 1"11' 111 . I 1 1I, Id • 1 "" ". I,,, " """ , I< , I... ,,, d.' " .' . lI.;I, • '" ,. 11 ,,1, I ·k· I ' " I,' lI' , .. ,.". l 1\1111 ,"II, "'\I, ..t " " ,,,,, , " " . . Jl l"" \\ llh ., ", .\\ 11 "I l" \, ,, o, \ ' "'''''' " , ,. ,,, ".1 ,. " . ,. ", .. 'i ' " ,,,', " ,01 " '.1 " "", ,I 1 • 'I .. " .,. "I. .. ," " ':' .., ~ . . III ' I ... , , I 'III I " " , "., \ I ' ,. , . , ,,11 111" 11 10 ,I \ 1, I, \ .• 1, •.• II ' \0. \ " ,,,,,.,1 \1 " " .. ". I"" . .. ."" '1 , • ,. " .: 11" \1" ,11 " ' 11 ri" ,"11 ,I 'II' '~" II.,' .1. " 1'1"" 1."1,1",,, . It • • " ",. , 'I " , .. ,'. ,, ' . I· ",. ,. I , .' '11" " 'I .' , ' " hll,·1 I " II' • ",[, , I'" 111 11 ': 110 .,1 ,I" , 11 •• 11 II . t · I, ." , .. , '"to' , ., ·111 ,,1 .. ,1, I" .. II .. , ,,' ~ ,'01 '.,1,,,,, . , I.. , ' '. ,I II' "11" 110,,1 ,.110. I' ,I' ':" " . , ,It • •,1 \ 1 " ,. " III [ I,ll 1, .••• 1' '. ,'. I 1" \ I ,. ,'." \\ " I .. I,' .,1.1111- , . 11 , . I .: .•1. . , ~, .,., .. , • """ ,I \ I " ., .. " \\ , . \, II ,11 \[ .' ,, ! ' " 'II I ' • • 01 . I _, 1.. II ,II I" , ' • • L1, t ' Htlll! "I... " .•, 11 .:.. . 1.. " II' , , •• " \ ,,,. , .. , " I, .... , \ , '.11, " " ,.' •• "" " 11111" , . "II' .. , II .. ' 1- .,. 1 IT'" ".1 , •. . ,,,' ... 111,, .' " \ , 1, 1" I t· I '.11 III" " ."1,,, ,I '1 '" " I" ,,1" "'''11 ,11 ,1 ", "'1 II' •• t,l.. I •. " ,1.\1 10 ,I I h, \ ",,,I . '': ,I " " .1, ," . 11 '1 1, , I" \ " , .• I. II' \1 .II'''' ! I": I '" .. , ., . ,II . I!llll" " .. ", I' , ., I III.d d " \ 11 . ' 10 . I .. 1" '1'1" I.,,, BALANCED MEAL " 1 "" \ ,'. to ' \1. ,I ' ' " \ 1. , '1111 , . '11"" \ \ . , \ 11.. 1 ",.1t .~, II,. ":1' .,1 1 ... \1 ,' ..11 ' 1" .·1.. " , ,II I , ,' r". ,." I I 1'( \ . ... ,,' ",.1 ,h, "' .," " I 110 , ' 1" ,II '. " ,. , , ..\\ . ,. "1. ,\ ,.,,,. "'\lII"n 111 , 11 , -", "~'"~ '1.,. ,01" 'I '.' ,, ~ " " .1 I'''!' .1' .. I, i,,, ~~, 1 .. 11 , . , .,1,,, 111 1, ·\ " .. " "j,l. "I' ,,, " " ,,,01.,, \,'''. ,t. II ' 1, I .. " ,II I ,, _, '1' ", II " , ,1\. ,I Ill " ," [, I \ 1 ,.,. , '.. "1,,,1, 11, 111 " .. " II ,. , .. I. " , , , . ·1 " " I, , I",' "'1., I 11, .1 "!I' I. , I, I \ "II " • \ , I. " .... 1 III \ ,,, ..... ," ·11 ... (", .1,., ,1 ," ",~. 'I" " . I • •1 " , • " ,I . . .. " ,,, ,I.,. , 1. 1" '''10. ,,,,1 10,,," ,,', ",[,,,, 1 lh. \, ,I I, 1'.,1",1 \ I \ ""I ! '" I. \ 'I' II, , ' . I MACARONI WEEK , ' " , ~ , I, 10 ,,, , I I ,,' I ,,' \I '. ; " .1" " ,., . 01 " ", , 1\ 1., ,1, •. ; .' I'" • II ' ,I -' '\"'" 01 I ,,,:,: .[.. ,, " " ,." ' 1 ,. ,.', ".", / , \I . ,·'"t" " ... ' , , fl. ' I· , ·.,u' , ,I., , I" 1 1"· 1,, ,\0. 1 "1,,,1,11, 11 Helenc'lI Spaghett i .'" .1,,1 I " , ,, '1" I,, ', 'I , . , I,- . . ', .. I" II ,. ,\1 " . ·1 .. " II III .\ " ,11 II .. " 11. ,11 I.. , 11 1,,\ 1.,·1,,, . 1.. I,' • 1, .' . t " • " 1,,,10 I.. "",. 11." " " ", " I,., . I· I. ,.1.. , • •1 11',. \,''''11 . .1 \1.,. ,11"' 11 \\ ., . '. II. ," \ 10. " .• " , ,. " II ," 111 ' 1,,· 1 ,. 'II 1",;"· 11 . ,, ,· ", 'II I .1., .. 1.... !'., ' ,' . f ' ') ..1", ; \.,,, ,. 10 ,., .. , . , ;~ . , .11" 1""': 1.,,, , \1 1, ,, 1, " II' ... ' ". '1, !oil II ' ,,, \,[. " ,., 'h .. , 11., 10 ·1' " I \,,,. "." ' .1 .• 1""" ',,,. I.d I ,.tlt ..,11 .1 ' • II, ·.01 • • , .. ' . . .. , .11",· 10 . 1'''" 11 01 !,, ' 1 ., \. ~" ,,,·1 1"" ,1 " " .. , ,, ,,, .. , , '1. 11., .,." .•1,1 ... ,· 1,, 111 :': 1"'I", · ·lt '11 , 11 ·'''' ' ' , . ,1 .. ,,,1 ,,, .. .,, ,I 1'''1111.1.,,,,",11,,, , ,1. " ~, ",,, I " " ,'''II' ",·h,·It . • •111. , , II ' Il,, '.! 1 ,.h •. ,11 , 1 1.1, II '" \ \ •• I. ' I I , II' ,I,. II , " 10 . 11' '.,1.). '1" ~ 'II ' 1,"1',· .. , II .: ,,,,,, • '." I " , ,10, " ",' .., ,, I. " '1 ,1 ,. ,,,, ,., 111, • • t, \ 11 111 11 ' ,,,.h,, . ' .. ,, .. ,·'·1 . . 1 . ,1• . . ,II j ,to! . ' !' II1 ' '11. ,I . ·11 ,· h· , I .. 1'1 " .1 I' OU SAI.E ,. I'll' "', '\0, . I' " ' ,,~ 1" II t · ,.,11.·1 I :, ,, " ~ 1:11 ,,: " ".1.\ ', I< ·. 10 I,. I". I, ,' . ." " , .. " · ,, 1' , ... " ." '" 1"1 '1'" I" 'I'I" ! '1,' I On.- 1 11101 " "r.lllfl , V 11 .-11 11 11 ' 1" " 'i"'" ,. ,," 1, .. 0\ 'h. " '"11" '" I 1: ..1 , 11"1 " ,11 .1 ..11,., It, .,dl,.,. , ·,1,· 1""11 ' .. " . " ... 11 •• " ' III " , ,1 11 .. ·1 ' ,'. ",,,h M .. " " ". ·r· '1" \1 ., " .." ,n,' II' II I", I. \.. I .. , ' 110" , ••• " ,. ,1 , .. ,,· .. I , ' MM I I,. h,.,,,,\ ,,' ,I .. II . " " .. " ' ... ,,, ,. . , ,' I Oil,. CJr.II" ,,,, 1', rltlnm,lI )" 11" .-, . \'. .. .. ," , '1 ,., ",' 1, I ', I " 1 .. Iluh, ,,' 1 ,. I" , . , . ". "': II I1 'H ~ I I " 1" ·1 ' II' ' .. ' .1,•. . , ... . ,. t , ,1" ,,1.. ." . " ,. t. ,I,,,. '. I .. or.:r C ,II ,.u·ny ,. " N"",lI,. , .,nd \ .• , I ,1.,," \ . ' " " 11,,,01 \ ,,11 • .:. ,II' \\ •• i, I" " .hl, .. ", '.1 ~ h " " C"h ," , " \ ,1t.. " ,.1 \ 1" " "II, \\ ., I. " "1"" 1"1'1" II,vIII': 1( """ ,. tI.,1 '1'1 .,)"_ ." , •, ' ,I .. ' . I 110 . \ 1 t , ,I"" \ .... ", ,'i" ,\" I ,,\\1, l,ul ,lo, ,I \ " . d,,., · ' ".1 \ 1" 01 " ' " \\" I. I " .. ,. , "1" "" ,." N ' ''" III' ~ 1 ~"" 1I1 .•1 ". MII" . to l .. ',." I, ,' .. 1,.' .. [ 1' .." , \" " ,,' I " ,II l'U\,I.. , 11 ,111 , .. 11 " . , \ .. u, I' II ' '1· ,.1"," ,,,.1 "", ,· 11, I. '-I ..... " " " " ., :iI',• .:I'I" '" 1" l' h ." OI1 " , \ I .. \ "IT II'~ II,. • '. ,. ,I .. , • ,. I I ·1 .' ". "I . , H' '1 " ,1." 111 II \, , 1 I 10 .. h •. I. ,I " """': 110.·. :! ,,,ul " I " ",,.! ',' I"" "'': '10, 01.1" II,· , ,tI,., I' " 11 I 1111 h , '" I , I"", ' ''1'.' ,', I I ' II , , ~ N " i ll. , " M.h .• " ,,, , J" ,,,".11 \\ '\" . ,I, 1 I'" .. ",. 1 , . 1" . 1. 1", :" ~ to , .. \ ", 1\ "" CAVAGNARO BIANCHI'S A. L. M. A.

ALL TYPES or REBUILT MACHINERY 1o. '10 , Gt:NOVA ITAI.'!' Manufacturc 01 Spaghetti. Macaroni. Noodl , ' ~ Machine Shop " IA1.7.A 111:1.1." VlnOH1A 6 Elc. TI:I.I:I' IION!:S ~ I BJO ~BI8'J 2 Specializing in """"roll; "II(_ .JI",·/,i",.,.y Tt:U:G HAI'1i " II TI GNALIIO Ctl:NO V" Hydraulic PrCIit;CfI. Kncadctll and Mi xe r" lor Ihc Export Trade a",1 "·"I'I,Ii" ."

NEW and REBUILT EQUIPMENT for Ihf' Mnnulaclure 01 Chinese Noodlell Calilornia Rf'pro ,; cnlativo lo r

Mad"", BALING PRESSES lor Boling All Typol! 01 I C Isolidated Macaroni Machine Corp . Malerials Cont ,nua " . Brooklyn. N, Y. p,. , ~. la , rOI'Y y"o,~ Ellporimu:c III 'nt' D,'uiqnin9 ond Mo nu ' UI(' 01 Hydruulic Dnd Macolani [qu'l·m,'''' P' odue'. ,'abricators of Ravioli Machines. / N. J. CAVAGNARO & SONS .Inole Machines and Cheese Graters MACHINE CORP. 400 Thi rd Avenue 221 Bay St . San Francisco II. Calil. B.ooklyn 15 . N. Y.. U.S.A. ------

, n:r] 4Z THE MACARONI JOURNAL Srplembrr, I!.ISO The MACARONI JOURNAL National Macaroni Manufacturers r------______, a.c- ...... ow JIItI ....~,O'I ..... ~I r,,. lI«b, ., l.""mll4. ow.. .. 1" Association Tn. W.f.... hl"'" U. S. "IU", Olkll OFFICERS "50."51 HE CK ANI. FilE THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION A r.bllalklil 10 ~1:!! ':'~,%!..,~, Wau'" . 0 l .ltUahe1l W... III', 1::-:::: NltlOlYl w.~ t .. u.c,.",. AlMoNt",- .. Itl 0 ....' 0'.... Uhe1l h 'hi IHrcllrr·Treu"l1'lP' O. Dn.ft' No. I, ••114.-, II ----:P~U~.~L~'C;;-;ATIO" COM"ITT •• FACT FILE ON ENRICHMENt' ~" C P M ...U". , ...... : •...•. ••• •. ••. . I:rtal1 ... : 1,~. ; LlMo ...... · •• ' •• ···~r ~t·~dcnl z "ourlre t. Mrln ..... "' • •• •.. " " V" pt. If'I~ ~Jn~'=a .:: =II\':~ Po, macaroni, .palheHI, etc., from '0' .hort-cut l0od. from which cook .. I eola.... which cooklnl wat., I, dlHardecl_ I IE .. lnANCRS-U..... n ChHh Of llrafl. Inll wat., I, no. usually dlICorded­ I ,.,.... 10 I'" Of"' of lhe Nilioul lIua,....1 Four ounce. when coo.ed .upply the I .,.".I.chlrtfl A_l.Ili.... Two ounce. when coohd lupply 'h. fol ­ I fallowing of the minimum dolly reqloll, •• owing of the minimum dolly requlra • I AD"aRTIIIHO Ih\Tal menl'l menll , I 011,,1_, Adffrlilh,I ••.•• ••. • R.I"C.. APJllIco","" Vitamin II ,., .... 50Y. I Want Adl"""" "".""."U mi. Pwr .. Vitamin II • . •.. •• 50,/. Vitamin 8:1 • • , •••• 1.5 'I. Vllamln S:.I .. , .. •. 10,5'1, VoL IUD No.' Iton •. , , •• • , •... 32,5,/. Iron •• , ••• ••••• ,16.2'1. Niacin : ••.. 4.0 milligram. Niacin .• , , .3.4 milligram.

with their lot. Au old crachety nobo­ make sure that the rights you'll gel art •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• link causl"