
· , . - - . I J . ____ ~~..........::...__ ~_~ _~~_~ ! TIrlE t I! MACARONI I JOWRNAL I I I i I, I Volume ~II I J NurnlJe~ § September, 1950 I'I , l' j • , '- 1 . • " , .- • Dakota. who w:as'named Durum Queen MCICOIronl.F,e.U;'al at Devils Lalee. N- D,. August 3. 1950, is shown stand- • ~n her husband's farm of 1,600 acres, 600 acres , .. , . VOLUME XXXII NUMBER .5 :~ i" , " .... THE MACARONI JOURNAL J 0' YOUR ' , 0 .. '" ,', TEN DAYS o.,; Begloolog Thur.day, October, • , , .nd through SalUr. day, Octob.r 14, •• Ibe Groce.. o( Am.rica ..lIJ 1.11 Hou ....iv •• o( America aboul your produClS. You'll g.1 merchandisIng help from produccn of wiDe IDd chee.e, north, east, south or west lince Nadonal Macaroni W ••k coindd •• wilh Nadooal Win. We.k and October i. Ch •••• F.ldval Monlh. Amb.r MlIJ will h.lp you KEEP Ih. cullom.rs you win • • •• ROSSOTn Specialized d~riog Nadonal Macaroni W ••k : With Amb.r'. No, 1 Semolinl your productl will have the color, texture and aavorrh .. can mak.Ii(~long CUSlomers (or YOUR brand •. Packaging Consultants are A. al.. ay., Amb.r Mill promise. prompl .hipm.ol o( (r•• h mlIJ.d lOp quality No. 1 Semolina. RighI now. , • avaUable order your No.1 Semolina req.dremeots (or the National Macaroni W ••k Sal •• Driv. (rom' Amber Mill. Ronolli is proud of the ro:c it has pln)'cd in the growth of the maca­ roni industry thraus •• the introduction of new techniques in mtrchal1- diJing thrDugh packtJging. Our knowledge of the macaroni industry and the merchandising "know-how" gathered from our 51 yean of experience in the packaging field i!; available to every manufacturer. There is a Rossetti packaginlJ comultant strategicallv located to offcr )'OU o~r 5crvicL" , T he next time you arc in the vicinity of any of our laIc. offices or two , , lIlodt~ ln plants, drol) in and u·c U5, Wh.::thcr you want to redesign ' ... ~ your old package, or in'.rodutc n new product, Ro,Uo tli specialized dc· signers can create a practical, s:lles.inducing package that will SHO\\ osso#i nnd help SELL your produ,!. ~ packagi,lJ: consultants and manufacturers sbl ce 1898. Ilossoul Lilhograph Corporation, North Ueegen, New Jcncy Ilossotli Cillirornio Lilhogra, h CorP., San Francisco, Caliromia AMBER MILLING DIVISION SaICi ornCH l BoIIOO, Rochester, ChICIIlo, Lm Ao,dea, New York, CblC:lnDatl, Milwaukee, Tamp:a, San ' Francisco and PhlladdpblL fAIMUS UNION GIAIN. TEIMINAl ASSOCIATION , ! • • MIlo '" ."'" CIfy, Milo. • ~ Offlc.., SI •._ " Milo. 0' " , THE MACARONI JOURNAL September, Jhe 1'1\).\ C).\R 0)'11 J 0 U Ri'I).\l Volume XXXD S.pt.mbe,. 1950 Number 5 o ~~\.£ss Pie-in-the-Sky Illusion What's Happened to Savings? Frum lime iUlInemorial, the most effective Wl'alKlI1 of the Farmt'rll have long rCliptclcd till! United States Dullnr. o .,( ~ politician has been the promis(', It is still with us toda.v, As a stun-house o£ value, ns well IHI n mediulll of t'x. and it is being ulled on a morc grandiosc IIcale than ever change, tile dollar wall for gcneratiulls iUI good as a hog ~, or a skcr. It was better: the animal might get sick or ,lit" before. Politicians talk glibly about greater national or dl'Clillc in price. The dollar was tlurable. If p.lpcr, fine , FOR LONGER AND HEALTHIER wtllth, higher incomes and a higher standard of living for could easily get a gold dollar for it. all of us. They promise the famler high prices (or his One could put a WlIY It few IIp.1fC dollars. ill (ull ('on­ crops, the city worker lower price. ior his food, nll'Y fidcncc that lhl'Y would pt.'rfonn as l'XIK'ctl'tl when net't11't1 DIE LIFE pnwnisc betl~r pay for .. "nrter hours and less work. They again. The work which l'arnl'(l a dollar could be slored (or (uture U!le. At any time it could he l'Xchangl'tl lor promise pensions. They promi:f! everybody somclhing for l'<luivalent work done by SOUleom' else. IT PAYS TO PIlACTICE nothing-although no one in history ever has been able to The American dollar is still the strongest currency in lnake goot.! on such a promise, the world, Thl' rt'gard which other nations enlertain (or Everyone wants a better Hfe, of course, For c\'t'ryhody. the dollar hdlls to obscure its shalllcCul failure to kt,(,p serving as a storc huuse of v'oI 1ue, DIE-GIENE Uut there is a radical difference of opinion as to how it can be atlaincd. Some IIt'0pic look to the ~vemml'nt to Your $to bill say!! that "The Unih'd States of America ..... ill pay to the Ix'arer on dl'mand Ten Dollars," Take your Return Your Die. to provide: they count on governml'ut "planning" to prtMlucc bill to a h.lnk or to the Trt'a!llIry, and IIl'mand ten dollars, o U. Reqularly lor Periodic o the miracle, It canllot be done. Government itself pro­ The most you ..... iIl gel ..... ill be another piece of 113IH!r with duces nothing. It is'the people themselves Who producc the the smUe printed promise. .... Checkup and Reconditioning I'\tIII things Ihat make liCe fuJlcr, more cOl1lfurtablc, more cn. Thl' $10 bill look!! ahnut the s,llUe. alltl you can still joyahle, The only way to provide more things (or more trade it (or another $10 hill, Not since 1934 howe\'l'r, has o "" '3! >. ~ p:lpl'r bl'cn t'xchallgt'ilhle for guld, people is to produce more. You can't distribute goods until they arc producl'tl, and you can distribute only what Suppose that ill 193~ you laid a $10 bill asick YIIlI stored wh.1l was then tell dollars' worth ur your work, i5 I'rollucl'<l. Politicians may promi~e "pic in the sky." You plar. 1I0W to usc the tl'lI dollars in it!! otlwr function. but tIle only way to pro\'ide a bigger slicc o( pic for c\'ery. as a IlIl-tiiull1 of exchange. Can you l'xchallJ,'\! it now (or as '0. 0 lIuII:h work as you lJUt ill to it? You know till' answer, o ~\ A?,!:!,!:::n;~M'::" /~~ on", i ~ to bake a bigger Jlie. "PriCl'S ha"e risen," IK.'flJlll' Soly. Your 19.19 $10 hill A 178·18D GRAND STREET " 'A "'db.. ~O Tllilay, unfortunately, Ihe clTlphasis sccms to bl' 011 less will IInw huy alHlut what YUlI cfluld han' buught ill 19.19 Prolll11.:tion rath",r Ihan more. Theft' is a school of Ihou&:ht (or $5.94. "Prict's han' risen" is only :mutllt'r way 10 ....,)' ~ '<~ "r.t#"NEW YO~.~·A~ YORK~to~Vc.; Ihal ;1,I\'IX3Il'5 mon' I"'Y for shorter houn and It'35 work. that "$10 bills ha\'(' gom' down," I)re ~i llcnt Truman I)rl'tlicts an Il\'erage annual income of Wcc\'ils ha\'e IIl'en in the 5torc house. They ha\'e $12,1100 by the yt'ar 2000. That sounds fine, but therc's a I:hewl'tl away at evcry insurancl' polkv :nltl savings al:. counl. Thl'Y l'l1dangl'r IIMlay's S: lving~ , The rail' u( declinc johr in it. The $64 qucstion is: What will thai $12,000 has bl'cn such that I:OI111M1Uncl intereSI canllot kcep up with o ~ 0 Lu)' : I f our production in the year 2000 is the 5.1111e as inflatiou. -4LLOYS tOlI:t ,r's, then Ihl' avemge annu.,1 income (whether it be The railun' (If the dullar In sl(m' full \' alu ~ is an t'X­ $1 2,r m or $120,000) will buy no more than today's in. tremciy serious 1I111ttL'r. The wCl'vils an' the pn'ssun's (Onl \', You can't buy what is not produced, which h'atl Go\'erlUlIl'nl 1/1 kl'l'I" m Ill'ullinl!' mure than it takes ill. Thc h'll1ptatiuli to SPl'lUl public money hears , Ut1r pt'Ople have enjoYl'd more thing~ than the people 11l';wily upon every ordinary politician, The prl'~SUre!i upon III Itllll'r countril's hcl:ause thl'y produced morc. If W(' him to support SPl'lIIlil1~ arc l'i)ll·cifIC, Thl')' n'prcsl'nt Work less, prodUCl' less, thl'n we'JI have less. The way to a Votl'S he ran itll'l1lify, The scntiml'lIl for not spcndinJ,: is gt'llerai. Thl' "Ieaslin's of inllation ",nil In (}\'l'rwhl'1m cmll. highl'r standard o( living (or all is to produce more o( the 111011 5t'IISt', things that contribute to that highl'r standard. There is As long as government spl,lItls mure than il takes in, ~o other way. There can be no "Ilie in the sky" if there the ability of Ihe dollar to ~Iore value will sift out. Thl' IJ no pil'--or so little thai the pricr is sky high and few (al:t is ullpleaS.llll. Only support by inrornll11 and coural!. CU1 ,lay it. l'OUS pt'Oplc will Crt'ale slatcsnll'n fUuragl'Ous l'llough 10 re\'l'rse this trend. l'ATJlFISUER NEWS ~IAGAZISt: 5 , , 6 THE MACARONI rOURNAL ' THE MACARONI JOURNAL 7 I>r. J H, Shl'PI"uc1, professor of ilj.!riculture anti latcr president of the al! ril'ultural colle,::t', was intl'reslt'(l in First Maearoni Day Huge Sueees~ till introduction of dumm whl'at into ~.' r lh IJakola.
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