'.' ¦*?.•>. ¦*i i;. V. *¦; TV ; fflije tÊtaz ittatt <iLCttlCttt VOL. XV RIO DB JANEIRO, TUESDAY, June llth, 1912 No. 24 I BALDWIN LOGOMOTIVE WORKS PHILADELPHIA, PENNA, U. S. A. Cable Address: — "Baldwin, Philadelphia."' MANUFACTURERS OF FOR BROAD AND NARROW GAUGE Locomotives FOR PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE _B_t____H__ll_5Í _______ ____^^** _E___¦___! ________ _^_H___l Locomotives particularly adapted for Logging and Industrial Purposes and for Mines and Furnaces, Plantation Locomotives for\ Permanent or Portable Track, Electric Motor and Trailer Trucks for Railway and Suburban Service Representatives for Brazil:—NORTON, MEGAW & Co., Ltd.,—N. 112, Rua Primeiro de Março, 1.112— Rio do Janeiro Cable-Address BORLIDO-RIO BORLIDO MAIA & Co. P. O. B. 131 Head-Office RUA DO ROSÁRIO, 55 - 58 - Kio de Janeiro -Brazil EJSTABUSHIOD 1878 General _Vlercl_a__ts, Importers S& Contractors SUPPLY THE PRINCIPAL RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP COMPANIES OF BRAZIL Importers of Railway Appliances, Tools; Repair Material for Cars, I/ocomotives, Boilers, Wagons; L,ubricating Oils and Greases. Burning Oils ; Carbide, Railway Apparatus, Industrial, Agricültural and Mining Machinery, Implements, Tools and Supplies; Packing, Pumps, Scales, Safes, Artisans, Tools; Rubber, Iyeather and Canvas Hose; Galvanized Iron Tubes, Portable Buildings, Wire Fencing, Babbitt Metal ; Paints, Colors, Brushes; Coachbuilders' Supplies; Electrical Machinery and Supplies; Structural Iron, 14 Builders' and Pltimbers' Supplies; Sanitary Ware; Wool, Canvas and Duck; Roofing and Iyining Material, etc. AGENTS AJSÜ RJ_._?K__.S_SINT_4._IVJH_S for R. &J. Dick, Ltd. GlaSgOW - Original Balata Belting. Mander Brothers, London - oisina WaterPaint. BHven & CarringtOn, NeW York - Lubricating Oils and Greases. __<s£__ I Wm. Simons & Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Scotland-Dredger constructors. Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd, Redditch, England-RoyaiEnfieidCycies. Bickford Smith & Co,. Ltd., Tuckingmill,— safety Fuses. W. B. Brown & Co. (Bankhall) Ltd., — steei wire Ropes. The Vaporite StraWSOn Co., Ltd.,London—-"Vaporite" for destruction of festa in the soil. ¦'' * i' .: V Limited The Riio de jJaneiro Ftlour Mills & Rranaries Post Office Box Telegrams: Telephone: No_4_* «.«PI DBRfllIS". _6n 1 JVlllls i Hua d» _ DAILY PRODUCTION: 10.000 BAGS. - london b. c. HBAD OFP.C-- 48, MOORGATE ST. BRRNHCBS B. MITRE BUENOS AYRES. - 335, CALLE 8. _?AUJ_0. - 4, RUA DA QUITANDA. HOSA1RIO K 1086, CALLE SANTA FÉ. flOEHCIES . ________——M—M——¦__¦—_¦¦—¦¦> Desterro. Rio Grande. Pelotas & Victoria, Bahia. Maceió, Pernambuco Ciará, Curityba, Porto Alegre. _?1_© Mí11'js Marüs of Flour Ares- « « IIS A'»9 "NACIONAL"^^SE. bio r_ "BÜD4-N ACIONA.L' «GUARANY» «B RAZlLEIRA" AND FOR SUPERIOR1TY HAVE BEEN AWARDED 1908. Gold Medal Paris 1889.First Prize Brazil First Prize Brazil St. Louis 1904. FirstPrizeBrusselsl910. OFFICES: --RUA DA QUITANDA, 408-- RIO DE JANEIRO. ZF1_RTZ\ IIVlTIEIRiS &> C_. 112, Cannon Street London E. C ENG1NEERS, MERCHANTS AND Contractors for Railway Material, etc. "FOUNDATION" — ¦ TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS LONDON Bahia - flathan & Co., Rua das Ptnneezas, 6 Caixa do Correio, 157. - Telegrams, "NATHAN" - BAHIA <* Rio de Janeiro—pi*y, Voule & Co., Rua da Alfândega no. 10 Caixa do Correio 21.-Telegrams, "FRY"-RIO JANEIRO ¦ ' ¦ "¦'-"¦¦. 'i_y''¦'[ ¦, __-, £ w __¦_¦*_.- **..í » SrÉ Mr ef ClRÉ \ :? S(i Succs: of NATHAN & 00, * $4lffO$ RUA DE S. BENTO 43 e 45 Rua Quinze de Novembro 13 Caixa do Correio (P. 0. Box) K. Caixa do Correio (P. 0. Box) 147. "LUPTON" Telegraphic Address: Telegraphic Address: "WYSARD" * Importers, Exporters and General Merchants \t \f/ mim sMHÍít) __r'*'*¦ * *>___BRí?v^^'*'_b_i____iffí*B _fí**' r*Ã_S_£___B____5__íill_^_^3,f*Síl___^*,^___B K« - «_HBBSpsí»**** tijfll ____v9 _t'__.v' ' ->^w__-i__j^v-_p-• f_rf_L_!^__r *w_B_ pn .--^Y^aBHi_f__^í^-fil-^_B-ly*''--' -_^^__B__lfÇ_^_lR3_í^I________BE^__8B iPMIUfllEü. r_rW^V^.'^_w-_-_----i__^_----^ Cement, Beltíng, Railwav Material Paints Caleiom V ^_flE___^^M¦__7j_S _Kn * */___r.t___^_r_â_ l___TT^fiiff*^-' ff" Í-r-f__Í P^^Tl*" " £**' It' |Bo&" __| Carlwe. Âjpiltiirai and ai llaehínery f"t*_t ^^^__*fc Indnstri *i 'V ^ >j Sole representative &' i vfi___B___i __Bff^__r _¦ i «H _____i_P» >-_! ¦ iF^ni*i»_l _IB___- m __E_S__-__pi_ff^^j^___^_____P-__i _BE i____rC__9I_í^__________ _T^__¦ A_h_____I____{ vf__l'l____i í* 1' "{*w í^i ___________ 8_s_^-*íü_. _Hw_Gy_8QgM_^fsJ3BnB ___j___r,>*'^ *_______! _-_-I--CB___-mI^__Í___i __F^__..___Hfll l_r_rr '_JB_r _J_____^___l_^__n_l«r?Í__fl9l___UJJ!_L** in tbe State of ¦*'• ~^bê^...j^rr^^^^B * General Hardware, ____E#1 b*_r _F__L__BB___E l__J^____9___l _H l_P_d_^_BP_j^i^?_i_-_--_l ___^^r__l yffWr-'^ H São Paulo l__Er'"_i___r___k'">ffl_ jF**-'*'~ m ______! I.__ __________________________§y__L' ^B^_*v^l*L____i_B_I_S__ ^_H¦_''_Wr_i_crE___¦ V* r^*£-l* % ft t_kiU*1___^___4K . ftjt.* V_^4_B Gas and Water j______Jt#_S_^k^uís&^^s EXftp____L^^^"»t£sSHi ____wl___^''•&'* ¦ ^"^3 .-OF— Pipes and Fittings. Tle Standard Oil Co ~^^5__BM-_-_r ¦ *" _WI_Sm_ __^_l_m_T_0__ lUi] _H__¦ ilfófflr^^l 3 ' OF NEW YORK IRON, STEEL, E_r^^__ ^^^' JMr^_M-E____l___R^__i __l9í____l -_____r__l__¦__! w r ______________________ Jjj_r^_i__'rJí l COPPER, BRASS - . ' £ Bediord ¦ Thonipson ffi^____|_w^ y**ttj__fc__j HJg_f__MH__5. ^^^^^W_P^^3-^£__________________^____-i -t*l _______[ t AND OTHER I METALS. Department.) Ini.*!m?v^_ti_l_S^C^rvjPl_rv>•^__J_ÇSí_Í'^'-^^^ÍÍ____bB'______!. ~^_[-__n___E^£l «tós> W Jy^^B___B^__!_^-_)ffi-^\^^7yy*to... .-_!v^.it?^._.it&^_«£M-!K--y^.i'.*-ftvJ'w Open to accept sole Agencies in the State of Sào Paulo HEAD 0FF1CIII PARIS, 11 CflAÜCHAf li 5. ?p. fá Kl The BRAHMA_ BREWERY ¦.' ' '¦¦'¦'' . ......^ ¦¦ÍV-¦¦¦¦.¦¦ '-*\- '¦''. "'"¦'¦•¦¦¦.: ¦ :-''¦'•*' \ .;.-¦_ . :U .¦'¦Wr-^Ví:-.- ¦-Ai?'¦ peéòmmends _p__ S__V • _jf^^__É_B__ e//^h*. ¦ Jflfly its most famous Brands, the best Beefó existing: -flt'_____kv__ f=± VJ____tflltâsfbv £*__L^HflE__^I irfTjfl^-_B_jm_-_______________--»*B_^^_fW**£rMWMWf*fl ri ,\l\ TEUTONIÂ, ___M_B_RrrB_L 1 J' l_ ^l_____________R_«_Íilv BRAHMA, _Ma^____T^T^__i flfl-flA A ___£_> flr ^3] __BtS»_S/ nY____________F w a_'i_ls\-__s_y HO-V BOCK-ALE, BRAHMA-BOCK, >;BRAHMA-PORTER, BRAHMINA.^g^a DRAFT BEER. The delicious celebrated BRAHMA - CHOPP!!! For Orders apply to: COMPANHIA CERVEJARIA RRAHMA RIO DE JANEIRO AGENCIES: SANTOS: *-¦,¦'S.. PAULO:tà EXPORT: Ricardo PRAÇA TELLES N. 10 Naschold & Co. Emil Schmidt & Co. RÜA WASHINGTON N. 31 RIO DE JANEIRO — CAIXA N. 1083 THE SÃO TRAMWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY LIMITED H_FCA__> OFMTIC-B, TORONTO, CAISADA — ISISW YOWK OITITICID, 23 BROÁD ST. SAO PAULO, PRAÇA ANTÔNIO PRADO No. 1 — RIO DB JANEIRO, 76 AVENIDA CENTRAL The city of São Paulo, which is the capital of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is situated in thevalley of the Tietê River, 800 metres above the sea levei and 35 miles from Santos, the seaport of this State. The climate is delightful throughout the year, resembling very closely that of Southern Califórnia. São Paulo is a city cf 300,000 inhabitants and may easily be seen by travellers touching at the ports of Santos or Rio de Janeiro, the journey from Santos to São Paulo by railway taking 2 hours and from Rio to São Paulo 12 hours. On account of the natural resources of the State of São Paulo and owing to its peculiar location, the City of São Paulo is one of the most important commercial centers in South America. THE SÀO PAULO TRAMWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. LTD. operates ali the lines tramway in São Paulo and supplies ali the electric light and power. Electricity is developed hydraulically, utilizing the falls of the Tietê River, some 35 kilometres below the city, 12,000 H. P. is developed there at present and works are now in progress for a large increase to the to enable the Company plant to meet the constantly increasing demand for power. Four distinct circuits on two separate steel pole lines conyey the current from the Power House to the Substation in São Paulo where the current is converted for tramway, light and power uses. The Company operates 125 kilometres of track, covering the entire city. The population of the city being largely Italian, good labor is readily obtained. This and the cheap rates for power is causing màny new manufactories to be built. Information concerning the resources of the country and that relative to the estâblishment of new industries, prices for power etc. can be obtained by application to any of the offices of the Company. _-^-3-^-.I_>T<3--C'OI^r -C-T_?_3'W--g/l:'_-,__3_=?, Thejsitest modela of the REMINQTON TYPEWRITER offer visible wr Mng and other Important Innovations. without sacrlflcing __J_ri_____?J_? _-^_t^7/^^_/____PKi___l IH-Sk the famous forged steel type-bar w de type-bar hanger, and other principies of construetion which have made the Remington known for years as the most durable of typewriters. The N. 11 Remington-Wahl machine is the only typewriter whioh writes and adds or subtracts at the same time simply and by touching the keys. It Is the only machine possessing a keyset decimal ^Q___^o^Sí'52c5pw)__í__a^ tabulatcr, We shall be pleased to show you this leader of modern writlng machines at your office or at our stores, 125, Rua Ouvidor, Rio de Janeiro and 19, Rua Direita, Sio Paulo. * CHÁS H. PRATT, ': : .. General Agenf for Brazil. t°> '¦¦ '¦¦;¦ ¦¦-ky'-y :"...; -y -w.-tf_ mara_n—BBP- 'Cír*!' I ^fí% ?*? &(* 4>^^^^m ,__4lÍ!_____^1 VOL' XV- RI° DE I 1 JANE^TtÜÊsdIy, JUNE llth, i912.(|o^Wo 24I I HOTEL AVENIDA ~ RIO DE JfllilRÕ"I SOUZA CABRAL - 152, & CO. 162, __--_]_* i;d___ CENTRAL, 152 182 I BIQ DE JANEIRO²"1 ELECTRICITY. 220, ROOMS, 220 — ELECTRIC LIFTS TO ALL "AVENIDA" FLOORS TELEGRAMS :¦¦ TELEPHONE. 2873*. The Western Telegraph Company, LimifêdT THB ÒNLY DIRECT ROUTE WITH SOUTH AMERICA UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT. CABLE 8TATI0NS IN SOUTH AMERICA: CABLE STATIONS IN EUROPE AND WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. NORTH AMERICA.— ¦>ü Brasil:- Par» Campos (Travessa Salles N o. 1).
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