PART : 1


PART : 2


PART : 3



PART : 4



The whole body of words and of methods of combination of words used by a nation, people, or race.

2. WORDS :

A combination of vocal sounds, or one such sound, used in a language to express Dr an Satyakam idea (.g. to denote a thing,Phukan attribute, or relation), and constituting an ultimate minimal element of speech having a meaning as such. Alternative expressions are, a vocable or a term.


The arrangement of words (in their appropriate forms) by which their connexion and relation in a sentence are shown. Also, the constructional Dr Satyakam1 Phukan uses of a word or form or a class of words or forms, or those characteristic of a particular author. The department of grammar which deals with the established usages of grammatical construction and the rules deduced there from.


That department of the study of a language which deals with its inflexional forms or other means of indicating the relations of words in the sentence, and with the rules for employing these in accordance with established usage; usually including also the department which deals with the phonetic system of the language and the principles of its representation in writing. Often preceded by an adjective designating the language referred to, as in , Russian, Latin, English, French etc. grammar.

The Science of the sounds (phonology), inflexions (accidence) and constructions (syntax), used in a language (universal, general, philosophical, geographical). Study of the general principles on which the existing modes of verbal expression rests. Dr Satyakam Phukan

5. :

That part of grammar which treats of the nature and values of letters and of their combination to express sounds and words. It is a standardized system for using a particular (script) to write a particular language. All orthographic system, whether alphabetic, syllabic, or Dr Satyakam2 Phukan logographic, were invented a few thousand years ago with the sole purpose of communicating spoken language in graphic form.


Modify words to express grammatical relations. The modification of the form of a word to express the different grammatical relations into which it may enter ; including the declension of substantives, adjectives and pronouns, the conjugation of verbs, the comparison of adjectives and adverbs.


A vocal sound or set of sounds uttered with a single effort of articulation and forming a word or an element of a word; each of the elements of spoken language comprising a sound of greater sonority (vowel or vowel­ equivalent) with or without one or more sounds of less sonority (consonants or consonant­equivalents); also, a character or set of characters forming a corresponding element of written language. Dr Satyakam Phukan Unit of pronunciation forming (part of) a word and containing one vowel sound usually preceded or followed or both by consonant(s).

8. SCRIPT : A kind of writing, a system of alphabetical or other written characters. A set of graphic characters used for the written form of one or more Dr Satyakam3 Phukan languages.

9. :

The set of letters used in writing a language. Originally meant for the Greek language combination of the first two letters of the script, α Alpha and β Beta, later the term was extended to Latin and then to other scripts.

10. :

A writing system in which default representation of a consonant is a combination of that particular consonant and a particular vowel. The vowel may be changed by modifying the basic symbol. All Indic scripts are

Abugida and the default vowel is “ a অ ” except the Chakma script where

the default vowel is “ aa আ ”. Term Abugida is derived from the first four letters of the Ge'ez script ä, bu, gi, da much like Alphabet derived from the first two letters of the Greek script. Ge'ez is a script of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Dr Satyakam Phukan

11. LINGUISTICS : The science or the scientific study of languages. Latin Lingua = The tongue or a tongue­like organ.

Dr Satyakam4 Phukan 12. LETTER :

An alphabetic character. A character or mark designed to represent one of the elementary sounds used in speech. Individual symbols that compose the alphabet.


Science or the scientific study of the structure and development of languages.


The branch of grammar which is concerned with the form of words (including word­formation and inflexion).


The smallest meaningful morphological unit of language, one that cannot be analysed into smaller forms. Dr Satyakam Phukan

16. PHONETICS : The science or the study of speech sounds as physical phenomena.

Articulatory Phonetics (the most anatomical and physiological division) describes how vowels and consonants are produced or “articulated” in various parts of the mouth and throat. Dr Satyakam5 Phukan Acoustic Phonetics (the branch that has the closest affinities with physics) studies the sound waves that transmit the vowels and consonants through the air from the speaker to the hearer.

Auditory Phonetics (the branch of most interest to psychologists) looks at the way in which the hearer’s brain decodes the sound waves back into the vowels and consonants originally intended by the speaker.


The study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages.

Phonology is about patterns of sounds, especially different patterns of sounds in different languages, or within each language,different patterns of sounds in different positions in words etc.


A phonological unit of language that cannot be analysed into smaller linear units and that in any particular language is realized in non­ contrastive variants. Represented between two forward slashes example Dr Satyakam Phukan /f/. 19. ALLOPHONE : Any of the variants making up a single phoneme.

Dr Satyakam6 Phukan 20. :

The class of letters and other visual symbols that represent a phoneme or cluster of phonemes.


Variants of the representation of a character. One of a number of letters or letter­combinations representing a phoneme. Example f (in friend) and gh (in cough) are two of the allographs representing the phoneme /f/. Hence allographic.

22. GLYPH :

A sculptured mark or symbol.

In information technology, a glyph (pronounced GLIHF) from a Greek word meaning carving is a graphic symbol that provides the appearance or form for a character. Dr Satyakam Phukan 23. FONT : A set of symbols used for display or printing of a script in a particular style.

24. LIGATURE : Two or more letters joined together and forming one character or type. Dr Satyakam7 Phukan 25. DIPHTHONG :

A union of two vowels pronounced in one syllable.


A combination of three vowel sounds in one syllable


A group of successive consonants. They are combination of single consonants pronounced in a rapid sequence. Each consonant retains its distinctive mouth move, but sometimes the individual phonemes are blurred a bit to make a smooth sequence.


Representation of the sounds of a source language by graphic characters associated with a target language. Dr Satyakam Phukan 29. TRANSLITERATION :

Representation of the graphic characters of a source script by the graphic characters of a target script. 30. REVERSE TRANSLITERATION : Process whereby the characters of a target script are transliterated into Dr Satyakam8 Phukan those of the source script.


Conversion of non­Latin graphic characters into Latin graphic characters, using either transliteration or transcription.


The script used to write the Assamese language, continuation of the Assamese form of the ancient Kamrupi (Assamese) script. This script is distinctive and different from the form of the ancient Kamrupi (Assamese) script used to write the Sanskrit, Pali and other languages following the Sanskrit type of Phonology. The present Maithili or Mithilakshar script represents it now. The Bengali script is an altered form of the latter. The alteration has deformed the Bengali script due to

the used of the letter র supposed to represent the phoneme /w/ for representing the phoneme /r/. There is therefore no letter in present Bengali script to represent the phoneme /w/. Assamese script is one of the most oldest of the Indic script, specimens of which are found as early as 4 thDr/5th century AD in the Assam state of India and in the Arakan/Rakhine Satyakam Phukan state of Myanmar/Burma. By its schema it has similarities with but by its graphical forms it is closest with the . Some of the Assamese graphical forms are also seen in an altered form in the of Thailand (former Siam).

Dr Satyakam9 Phukan 33. ASSAMESE ORTHOGRAPHY :

Assamese orthography follows the grammar set by an Assamese Sanskrit scholar Purushottam Bhattacharya Bidyabagish, the book goes by the name “Prayoga Ratnamala Byakaran”. The Sanskrit orthographic principles laid down there are applied in Assamese after the required alterations. Principles of the “Prayoga Ratnamala Byakaran” differs from the Sanskrit grammar of Panini and his followers. The Assamese script

therefore has Khya ক as a letter of the Assamese Abugida in contrast to

the other Indic scripts following Paninian system where Khsya ক is

considered a ligature of ক joining with ষ. In Assamese dictionaries

Khya ক is the last letter whereas in the present Bengali dictionaries after

the one written by W Carey, it comes after ক . But in the first Bengali dictionary by H P Forster in 1799 AD, it was all like the Kamrupi­ Sanskrit script. Bibliography no. 17 in Part­4 below.

34. ASSAMESE TRANSLITERATION : The difference between Dr Satyakam Assamese and Phukan other Indic scripts of India are manifested visibly in the transliteration part. This is because Assamese phonetics and phonology differs radically with the other Indian languages and on the other hand shows similarities with many of the European Indo­European languages and Persian . The charts below in Part 2 and Part 3 of this document will give a complete idea on the subject matter.


Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 1 ঁঁ Sandrabindu over a letter nasalises that ঁঁ ̃ ̃ letter, it is as simple as that in Assamese. For transliteration into Latin, a tilde after the letter will be adequate and appropriate, for an example, োসঁো ফোল = Dr Satyakam Phukanx ~ phal̄ = right (hand) side.

2 Always comes at ঁঃ h ­h post ­position. Example অঃ = a­h

Dr Satyakam1 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 3 অ a a ɒ

4 “ ' ” called commonly as urdha coma o' o' ɔ (inverted coma) in ' Assamese. When it is (Open applied in post­ O) position to a letter it gives a “o” intonation to that letter like the “o” in English words “note”, “mote”, “boat” etc. As an example : লৰো = larā while ল'ৰো = lo'rā .

5 Vowel “ ঁ্” called Haxanta ঁ্ part of ( in Assamese when consonant applied with a letter silent stops the vowel part of the consonant from being manifested. As Dr Satyakam Phukanan example কত = khyata কত = khyat 6 আ ঁো aa, aa, ā a

Dr Satyakam2 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 7 ই িঁ Allograph “i1” and i1 i “i2” represents the same phoneme / i /

i1 = i2= i 8 ঈ ঁী i i2 i

9 উ ঁু u1 u Allograph “u1” and “u2” represents the same phoneme / u /

u1 = u2= u 10 ঊ ঁূ u u2 u

11 Dr ঋSatyakam ঁৃ ri Phukan ri ri

12 এ োঁ e e ɛ

Dr Satyakam3 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 13 ঐ ৈঁ oi oi ɔi

14 ও োঁো o o o

15 ঔ োঁৌ ou ou ɔu

16 (a) is the default ক k(a) k(a) k vowel ending of all consonants and consonant clusters where it is not followed by another consonant or a sign 17 Dr Satyakamখ kh(a) Phukan kh(a) kh

18 গ g(a) g(a) g

Dr Satyakam4 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 19 ঘ gh(a) gh(a) gh

20 ঙ & ঁং are ঙ ng(a) ng(a) ŋ allophones of the phoneme /ng/, hence Allograph .

21 Allograph of ঙ, ঁং ang ang always comes at post ­position. Example লং = lang

22 Allograph “s1” and চ s(a) s1(a) s “s2” represents the same phoneme / s /

s1 =s2= s 23 Dr Satyakamছ s(a) Phukans2(a) s

24 The Assamese জ & য জ z(a) z1(a) z are to be represented by “z” rather than with “j”. The Christian Missionary Rev. Nathan Brown Dr Satyakam5 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 25 observed this fact in য z(a) z2(a) z his book “ Grammatical Notices of the Assamese Language”

26 ঝ zh(a) zh

27 ঞ ny~a

28 ট t(a) t1(a) t Allograph “t1” and “t2” represents the same phoneme / t /

t1 =t2= t3 = t 29 Dr Satyakam ত t(a) Phukant2(a) t

30 ৎ . allograph of ট & ৎ t t t ত, always in post­ position and the vowel part of “ta” is never manifested, it is always t: . The (a) is not applicable here. Dr Satyakam6 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 31 Allograph “th1” and ঠ th(a) th1(a) th “th2” represents the same phoneme / th /

th1 =th2= th 32 থ th(a) th2(a) th

33 ড d(a) d1(a) d Allograph “d1” and “d2” represents the same phoneme / d /

34 d1 = d2 = d দ d(a) d2(a) d

35 Dr Satyakamডঃ Dr PhukanDr Dr (Philosophy) (Philosophy) (Philosophy)

36 Dr Dr Assamese Doctor of (Philosophy) (Philosophy) Philosophy sign

Dr Satyakam7 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 37 ডোঃ Dr Dr Dr (Medical) (Medical) (Medical)

38 ঢ dh(a) dh1(a) dh Allograph “dh1” and “dh2” represents the same phoneme / dh /

39 dh1 = dh2 = dh ধ dh(a) dh2(a) dh

40 Allograph “n1” and ণ n(a) n1(a) n “n2” represents the same phoneme / n /

n1 = n2 = n 41 Dr Satyakam ন n(a) Phukann2(a) n

42 প p(a) p(a) p

Dr Satyakam8 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 43 ফ ph(a) ph(a) ph

44 ব b(a) b(a) b

45 h ভ bh(a) bh(a) Bh, β b in pre­position β in post­position

46 ম m(a) m(a) m

47 Allograph “r1” and ৰ r(a) r1(a) r “r2” represents the Dr Satyakam Phukansame phoneme / r / r1 = r2 = r 48 ড় (r2) never used preceding other ড় r(a) r2(a) r consonants always used in post­position.

Dr Satyakam9 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 49 Reph, allographic sign of r r1 ৰ r1 used in pre-position in clusters with other consonants. The default (a) not applicable here.

50 Rakar, allographic sign of ৰ r1 used in post- r(a) r1(a) position in clusters with other consonants

51 ল l(a) l(a) l

52 ৱ w(a) w(a) w

53 Allograph “x1”, “x2” শ x(a) x1(a) x and “x3” represents Dr Satyakam Phukanthe same phoneme / x /. x1 = x2 = x3 = x The Allograph 54 representing the ষ x(a) x2(a) x phoneme /x/ also includes the allophones of that phoneme, that are Dr Satyakam10 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 55 there. স x(a) x3(a) x স, শ, ষ are to be represented by the letter “x”, but when they are conjoint with another consonant they are to be represented with italic “s” . See Cluster's Chart.

56 হ h(a) h(a) h

57 ঁৌ is used mostly in ঁৌ Au writing languages of Assam which are Tibeto­Burman in origin or have Tibeto­ Burman influence 58 Dr Satyakamঢ় rh(a) Phukanrh(a) rh

59 য় y(a) y(a) iɒ

Dr Satyakam11 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 60 Yakaar, allographic y(a) y(a) iɒ sign of য় y generated in post­position in clusters with other consonants. Eg ক + য় = কয = kya 61 "ক" the last letter of the Assamese alphabet is pronounced “khya”. As h ক khy(a) khy(a) k iɒ per “Prayoga Ratnamala Byakaran” Grammar by Purushottam Bhatta Bidyabagish as opposed to Grammar of Panini. 62 Om Assamese Om sign

63 ৺ sign precedes names of persons. It signifies Late or Late or heavenly, when prefixed Heavenly Heavenly to names of any person it ৺ denotes that the person is deceased or has left for the heavenly abode. For Dr Satyakam Phukanexample : ৺ োকোোনোবো = Late Konobā = Late Somebody Its use alone i.e. without any name following it, is found in Assamese Historical Chronicles called Buranjis. There it means the King represented by this sign : ৺ = সগৰোদও= Heavenly King = Lord from the Heaven Dr Satyakam12 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 64 ০ o o Zero

65 ১ 1 1 One

66 ২ 2 2 Two

67 ৩ 3 3 Three

68 Dr Satyakam৪ 4 Phukan4 Four

69 ৫ 5 5 Five

Dr Satyakam13 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 70 ৬ 6 6 Six

71 ৭ 7 7 Seven

72 ৮ 8 8 Eight

73 ৯ 9 9 Nine

74 Local measurement of 1 Bighaa 1 Bighaa land. Dr Satyakam Phukan1 Bighaa = 14440 sq.ft.

75 Local measurement of 4 Kathaa 4 Kathaa land. (1 Kathaa = 1/5th of 1 Bighaa)

Dr Satyakam14 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 76 Local measurement of 3 Kathaa 3 Kathaa land. (1 Kathaa = 1/5th of 1 Bighaa)

77 Local measurement of 2 Kathaa 2 Kathaa land. (1 Kathaa = 1/5th of 1 Bighaa)

78 Local measurement of 1 Kathaa 1 Kathaa land. (1 Kathaa = 1/5th of 1 Bighaa)

79 Local measurement of 1 Lesaa 1 Lesaa land. (1 Lesaa = 1/20th of 1 Kathaa)

80 Local measurement of 1 Powaa 1 Powaa land (1 Powaa = 1/4th Dr Satyakam Phukanof 1 Lesaa)

81 Local measurement of 2 Powaa 2 Powaa land (1 Powaa = 1/4th of 1 Lesaa)

Dr Satyakam15 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN IPA COMMENTS no. (General) (One to One) 82 Local measurement of 3 Powaa 3 Powaa land (1 Powaa = 1/4th of 1 Lesaa)

83 . . Daari, Assamese Full । Stop Sign. (Full Stop) (Full Stop)

84 mark .. .. used in writing ।। devotional poems (Double (Double Full Full Stop) Stop)

Dr Satyakam Phukan



1 (a) default ending ক + ক = ক kk(a) kk(a) of all consonants and consonant clusters where it is not followed by another consonant or a sign 2 Dr ক Satyakam+ ট = ক kt(a) Phukankt1(a)

3 ক + ট +ৰ = ক ktr(a) kt1r1(a)

Dr Satyakam1 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 4 ক + ত = ক kt(a) kt2(a)

5 ক + ন = ক kn(a) kn2(a)

6 ক + ম = ক km(a) km(a)

7 ক + ৰ = ক kr(a) kr1(a)

8 Dr ক +Satyakam ল = ক kl(a) Phukankl(a)

9 ক + ৱ = ক kw(a) kw(a)

Dr Satyakam2 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 10 ক + স= ক ks(a) ks3(a)

11 খ + ৰ = খ kh(a) khr1(a)

12 খ + ৰ + ুু = খ khru khr1u

13 গ + ুু = গ gu gu

14 Dr গ +Satyakam গ = গ gg(a) Phukan gg(a)

15 গ + ধ = গ gdh(a) gdh2(a)

Dr Satyakam3 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 16 গ + ন = গ gn(a) gn2(a)

17 গ + ম = গ gm(a) gm(a)

18 গ + ৰ = গ gr(a) gr1(a)

19 গ + ল = গ gl(a) gl(a)

20 Dr গ +Satyakam ৱ = গ gw(a) Phukan gw(a)

21 ঘ + ন = ঘ ghn(a) ghn2(a)

Dr Satyakam4 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 22 ঘ + ৰ = ঘ ghr(a) ghr1(a)

23 ঙ + ক = ঙ ngk(a) ngk(a)

24 ঙ + খ = ঙ ngkh(a) ngkh(a)

25 ঙ + গ = ঙ ngg(a) ngg(a)

26 Dr ঙ +Satyakam ঘ = ঙ nggh(a) Phukan nggh(a)

27 ঙ + ঘ + ৰ = ঙঘ ngghr(a) ngghr1(a)

Dr Satyakam5 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 28 ঙ + ক = ঙ ngkhya(a) ngkhya(a)

29 চ + চ = চ ss(a) s1s1(a)

30 চ + ছ = চ ss(a) s2s2(a)

31 চ + ছ + ৰ = চ ssr(a) s1s2r1(a)

32 Drচ + ছSatyakam + ৱ = চ ssw(a) Phukans1s2w(a)

33 চ + ঞ = চ sny~(a) s1ny~(a)

Dr Satyakam6 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 34 ছ + ৰ = ছ sr(a) s2r1(a)

35 জ + জ = জ zz(a) z1z1(a)

36 জ + জ + ৱ =জ zzw(a) z1z1w(a)

37 The জ (z1) is জ + ঞ = জ gny~(a) gny~(a) pronounced as “g” in this cluster.

38 Dr জ +Satyakam ৰ = জ zr(a) Phukanz1r1(a)

39 জ + ৱ = জ zw(a) z1w(a)

Dr Satyakam7 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 40 ঞ + চ = ঞ ny~s(a) ny~s1(a)

41 ঞ + ছ = ঞ ny~s(a) ny~s2(a)

42 ঞ + জ = ঞ ny~z(a) ny~z1(a)

43 ঞ + চ + ৱ = ঞব ny~sw(a) ny~s1w(a)

44 Dr ট Satyakam+ ট = ট tt(a) Phukant1t1(a)

45 ট + ৰ = ট tr(a) t1r1(a)

Dr Satyakam8 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 46 ত + ত = ত tt(a) t2t2(a)

47 ত + ত + ৱ = ত ttw(a) t2t2w(a)

48 ত + থ = ত tth(a) t2th2(a)

49 ত + ন = ত tn(a) t2n2(a)

50 Dr ত +Satyakam ম = ত tm(a) Phukant2m(a)

51 ত + ৰ = ত tr(a) t2r1(a)

Dr Satyakam9 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 52 ত + ৰ + ুু = ত tru t2r1u

53 ত + ৱ = ত tw(a) t2w(a)

54 থ + ৰ = থ thr(a) th2r1(a)

55 থ + ৱ = থ thw(a) th2w(a)

56 Dr ড +Satyakam ড = ড dd(a) Phukand1d1(a)

57 ড + গ = ড dg(a) d1g(a)

Dr Satyakam10 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 58 ড +ৰ = ড dr(a) d1r1(a)

59 দ + গ = দ dg(a) d2g(a)

60 দ + ঘ = দ dgh(a) d2gh(a)

61 দ + দ = দ dd(a) d2d2(a)

62 Drদ + দSatyakam + ৱ = দ ddw(a) Phukand2d2w(a)

63 দ +ধ = দ ddh(a) d2dh2(a)

Dr Satyakam11 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 64 দ + ভ = দ dbh(a) d2bh(a)

65 দ + ভ + ৰ = দ dbhr(a) d2bhr1(a)

66 দ + ম = দ dm(a) d2m(a)

67 দ + ৰ = দ dr(a) d2r1(a)

68 Drদ + ৰSatyakam + ুু = দ dru Phukand2r1u

69 দ + ৱ = দ dw(a) d2w(a)

Dr Satyakam12 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 70 ধ + ন = ধ dhn(a) dh2n2(a)

71 ধ + ম = ধ dhm(a) dh2m(a)

72 ধ + ৰ = ধ dhr(a) dh2r1(a)

73 ধ + ৰ + ুু = ধ dhru dh2r1u

74 Dr ধ +Satyakam ৱ = ধ dhw(a) Phukandh2w(a)

75 ণ + ট = ণ nt(a) n1t1(a)

Dr Satyakam13 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 76 ণ + ট +ৰ = ণ ntr(a) n1t1r1(a)

77 ণ + ঠ = ণ nth(a) n1th1(a)

78 ণ + ড = ণ nd(a) n1d1(a)

79 ণ + ড + ৰ = ণ ndr(a) n1d1r1(a)

80 Dr ণ +Satyakam ঢ = ণ ndh(a) Phukann1dh1(a)

81 ণ + ণ = ণ nn(a) n1n1(a)

Dr Satyakam14 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 82 ণ + ম = ণ nm(a) n1m(a)

83 ণ + ৱ = ণ nw(a) n1w(a)

84 ন + ত = ন nt(a) n2t2(a)

85 ন + ত + ত = নত ntt(a) n2t2t2(a)

86 Drন + তSatyakam + ৰ = ন ntr(a) Phukann2t2r1(a)

87 ন + ত + ৱ = ন ntw(a) n2t2w(a)

Dr Satyakam15 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 88 ন + থ = ন nth(a) n2th2(a)

89 ন + দ = ন nd(a) n2d2(a)

90 ন + দ + ৰ = ন ndr(a) n2d2r1(a)

91 ন + দ + ৱ = ন ndw(a) n2d2w(a)

92 Dr ন +Satyakam ধ = ন ndh(a) Phukann2dh2(a)

93 ন + ধ + ৰ = ন ndhr(a) n2dh2r1(a)

Dr Satyakam16 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 94 ন + ন = ন nn(a) n2n2(a)

95 ন + ৱ = ন nw(a) n2w(a)

96 ন + ম = ন nm(a) n2m(a)

97 ন + স = ন ns(a) n2s3(a)

98 Dr প +Satyakam ট = প pt(a) Phukanpt1(a)

99 প + ত = প pt(a) pt2(a)

Dr Satyakam17 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 100 প + ন = প pn(a) pn2(a)

101 প + প = প pp(a) pp(a)

102 প + ম = পম pm(a) pm(a)

103 প + ৰ = প pr(a) pr1(a)

104 Dr প +Satyakam ল = প pl(a) Phukanpl(a)

105 প + স = প ps(a) ps3(a)

Dr Satyakam18 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 106 ফ + ৰ = ফ phr(a) phr1(a)

107 ফ + ল = ফ phl(a) phl(a)

108 ব + জ = ব bz(a) bz1(a)

109 ব + দ = ব bd(a) bd2(a)

110 Dr ব +Satyakam ধ = ব bdh(a) Phukanbdh2(a)

111 ব + ব = ব bb(a) bb(a)

Dr Satyakam19 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 112 ব + ভ = ব bbh(a) bbh(a)

113 ব + ৰ = ব br(a) br1(a)

114 ব + ৰ + ুু = ব bru br1u1

115 ব + ৰ + ুূ = ব bru br1u2

116 Dr ব +Satyakam ল = ব bl(a) Phukanbl(a)

117 ভ + ন = ভন bhn(a) bhn2(a)

Dr Satyakam20 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 118 ভ + ৰ = ভ bhr(a) bhr1(a)

119 ভ + ৰ + ুু = ভ bhru bhr1u1

120 ভ + ৰ + ুূ = ভ bhru bhr1u2

121 ভ + ৱ = ভব bhw(a) bhw(a)

122 Dr ম +Satyakam প = ম mp(a) Phukanmp(a)

123 ম + প + ৰ = ম mpr(a) mpr1(a)

Dr Satyakam21 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 124 ম + ফ = ম mph(a) mph(a)

125 ম + ফ + ৰ = মফ mphr(a) mphr1(a)

126 ম + ব = ম mb(a) mb(a)

127 ম + ব + ৰ = মব mbr(a) mbr1(a)

128 Dr ম +Satyakam ভ = ম mbh(a) Phukanmbh(a)

129 ম + ভ + ৰ = ম mbhr(a) mbhr1(a)

Dr Satyakam22 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 130 ম + ম = ম mm(a) mm(a)

131 ম + ৰ = ম mr(a) mr1(a)

132 ম + ল = ম ml(a) ml(a)

133 ৰ + ুু = ৰ ru r1u1

134 Dr ৰ +Satyakam ুূ = ৰ ru Phukanr1u2

135 ৰ + ক (any rk(a)..... r1k(a)... consonant, leaves the reph mark “ ”) = কৰ ,খৰ,মৰ, ৰৰ Dr Satyakam23 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 136 ল + ক = ল lk(a) lk(a)

137 ল + খ = লখ lkh(a) lkh(a)

138 ল + গ = ল lg(a) lg(a)

139 ল + ট = ল lt(a) lt1(a)

140 Dr ল +Satyakam ত = ল lt(a) Phukanlt2(a)

141 ল + ঠ = লঠ lth(a) lth1(a)

Dr Satyakam24 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 142 ল + থ = লথ lth(a) lth2(a)

143 ল + ড = ল ld(a) ld1(a)

144 ল + দ = লদ ld(a) ld2(a)

145 ল + ঢ = লঢ ldh(a) ldh1(a)

146 Dr ল +Satyakam ধ = ল ldh(a) Phukanldh2(a)

147 ল + ণ = লণ ln(a) ln1(a)

Dr Satyakam25 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 148 ল + ন = লন ln(a) ln2(a)

149 ল + প = ল lp(a) lp(a)

150 ল + ৱ = ল lw(a) lw(a)

151 ল + ম = ল / ল lm(a) lm(a)

152 Dr ল +Satyakam ল = ল ll(a) Phukanll(a)

153 স, শ, ষ are to be শ + চ = শ ss(a) s1s1(a) represented by the letter “x”, but when they are conjoint with another Dr Satyakam26 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One)

154 consonant they are শ + ছ = শ ss(a) s1s2(a) to be represented with italic “s” to differentiate from চ = ছ = s. 155 s1 = s2 = s3 = s শ + ন = শ sn(a) s1n2(a)

156 শ + ম = শ /শ sm(a) s1m(a)

157 শ + ৰ + ুু = শ sru(a) s1r1u1(a)

158 Drশ + ৰSatyakam + ুূ = শ sru(a) Phukans1r1u2(a)

159 শ + ল = শ sl(a) s1l(a)

Dr Satyakam27 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 160 শ + ৱ = শ sw(a) s1w(a)

161 ষ + ক= ষ/ষ sk(a) s2k(a)

162 ষ + ক + ৰ = ষ/ skr(a) s2kr1(a) ষ

163 ষ + ট = ষ st(a) s2t1(a)

164 Drষ + টSatyakam + ৰ = ষ str(a) Phukans2t1r1(a)

165 ষ + ঠ = ষ sth(a) s2th1(a)

Dr Satyakam28 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 166 ষ + ণ = ষ sn(a) s2n1(a)

167 ষ + প = ষ sp(a) s2p(a)

168 ষ + প + ৰ = ষপ spr(a) s2pr1(a)

169 ষ + ফ = ষ sph(a) s2ph(a)

170 Dr ষ +Satyakam ম = ষ sm(a) Phukans2m(a)

171 স + ক = স sk(a) s3k(a)

Dr Satyakam29 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 172 স + ক + ৰ = স skr(a) s3kr1(a)

173 স + খ = স skh(a) s3kh(a)

174 স + ত = স st(a) s3t2(a)

175 স + ত + ৰ = স str(a) s3t2r1(a)

176 Drস + তSatyakam + ৱ = স stw(a) Phukans3t2w(a)

177 স + থ = স sth(a) s3th2(a)

Dr Satyakam30 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 178 স + ন = স sn(a) s3n2(a)

178 স + প = স sp(a) s3p(a)

179 স + প + ৰ = সপ spr(a) spr1(a)

180 স + ফ = স sph(a) s3ph(a)

181 Drস + মSatyakam = স / স sm(a) Phukans3m(a)

182 স + ৰ = স / স sr(a) s3r1(a)

Dr Satyakam31 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 183 স + ল = স sl(a) s3l(a)

184 স + ৱ = স sw(a) s3w(a)

185 হ + ুু = হ hu hu1

186 হ + ুূ = হূ hu hu2

187 Dr হ +Satyakam ণ = হ hn(a) Phukanhn1(a)

188 হ + ন = হ hn(a) hn2(a)

Dr Satyakam32 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 189 হ + ম = হ hm(a) hm(a)

190 হ + য় = হ hya(a) hya(a)

191 হ + ৰ = হ hr(a) hr1(a)

192 হ + ল = হ hl(a) hl(a)

193 Dr হ +Satyakam ৱ = হ hw(a) Phukanhw(a)

194 ক + ণ = ক khyn(a) khyn1(a)

Dr Satyakam33 Phukan Sl ASSAMESE LATIN LATIN COMMENTS no (General) (One to One) 195 ক + ম = ক khym(a) khym(a)


The author acknowledges the help and co­operation received from the following persons in the preparation of this document.

1. Prof. Dr. Goetz Keydana

Department of Linguistics

Goettingen University Kaete­Hamburger­Weg 3 Dr Satyakam Phukan D­37073 Goettingen


2. Prof. Éva Á. Csató Johanson Department of Linguistics and Philology Dr Satyakam34 Phukan Uppsala University


3. Prof. Dr Bani Kanta Sarma

Retired Professor and Head

Department of Assamese

Gauhati University

Guwahati, Assam (INDIA)

4. Mr Durlav Gogoi

Assamese Dictionary Software maker

Guwahati, Assam.

DOCUMENT PREPARED BY : Dr Satyakam Phukan Dr Satyakam Phukan General Surgeon Jorpukhuripar, Uzanbazar Guwahati, Assam (INDIA) P.I.N : 781001 Phone : +91 9954046357 Website : Dr Satyakam35 Phukan PART : 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY

1. A Study of Phonology and Vocabulary of the Assamese Language by Devananda Bharali , published in 1959, Jorhat, Assam, India

2. Axamiyaa Bhaaxaar 'ulik Bisaar (অসমীয়া ভাষাৰ ৌমৌিলক িবচাৰ) by Devananda Bharali, published in 1912, Jorhat, Assam.

3. Byaawahaarik Dhwanibigyaan (বযৱহািৰক ধিনিবজান) by Dr Dipankar Moral, publisher Banalata, Guwahati and Dibrugarh, Assam, India.

4. Grammatical Notices of the Assamese Language by Rev. Nathan Brown, American Baptist Christian Missionary, published in 1848. Dr Satyakam Phukan 5. Assamese Dictionary Chandrakaanta Abhidhaan (চনকান অিভধান)

6. Assamese Dictionary Hemkox ( ৌহমোকাষ)

7. Axamiya Prayoga Ratnamala Byaakaaran (অসমীয়া পোয়াগ ৰতমালা বযাকৰণ) by Jitendra Nath Bhattacharya, publisher Hemkosh Prakasan Dr Satyakam Phukan Guwahati, Assam, India. Assamese version of the original in Sanskrit by Purusottam Bidyabagish Bhattacharya.

8. Salient phonetic features of Indian languages for Speech Technology by Peri Bhaskararao, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan.

9. What is phonology? Internet publication by Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), USA.


10. Phonetics vs. Phonology, a publication of Oxford University, United Kingdom

11. The Phonetics Book by Dr. Rodney Ball, Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Dr Satyakam Phukan

12. Script Grammar for Hindi Language, Version 1.4­2, Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) Programme, Department of Information Technology, Government of India , in association with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C­DAC). 13. Hindi and MarathiDr to English Satyakam NE Transliteration Phukan Tool using Phonology and Stress Analysis, M L Dhore, S K Dixit, Linguistic Research Group, VIT, Pune, Maharashtra, India, R M Dhore, Linguistic Research Group, PVG COET, Pune, Maharashtra.

14. Anatomy of Typefaces, by Girish Dalvi, a doctoral thesis on Devanagari typography, Industrial Design Centre (IDC), Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai.

15. A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles. Oxford at the Clarendon Press 1897, United Kingdom.

16. Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press, United Kingdom

17. A Vocabulary, in Two Parts, English and Bongalee, and Vice Versâ. Part II. by H P Forster , Senior Merchant on the Bongal Establishment, from the Press of Ferris and co, 1799 Dr Satyakam Phukan

18. Dictionary of the Bengalee Language, by W Carey, D.D, Professor of Sungskrita and Bengalee Languages in the College of Fort Williams, Serampore Mission Press, 1825.

Dr Satyakam Phukan