The Billboard 1909-01-16
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Volome XXL No. 3. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK-CHICAGO January 16, 1909 A. H. WOODS Ho Has Broadened His Field of Production by Putting Blanche Walsh Out in a High-Class Attraction C B. KLE1NE*S DON’T PATRONIZE US CHEAP the prices that you paid before we Stetl Frant made ELECTRIC PIANO MUSIC, were satisfactory. Remember we are Thealie Cluin forcing Piano Manufacturers to estab¬ lish fair prices; if you want to always Absolytaly have them, and get music that is supe Non-Brtaluibit Holtable for •mall rior in all respects to what you had to tht^atra and morlnc picture abowa. We take and look pleased aL then give us carry theae cbalra in •tnck and can abip your business. lmmf>dla(*l]r. Becond'hand Cbalra Alao aentinc for MONARCH No. 999 MUSIC FOR lU MAKES OF PIAUOS. out-of-door uae. PATENT APPLIED FOR Addr«M, DEPT. B Tkc Most Improved Form of Per roll for a dogen or more, STEEL FURNITURE CO., Oraid Rapids, Mitk New York Office, 1402 Broadwaj. Protection Apparatus . Less than a dozen $1.50 each. Ever Prodnced ORGA.NS BEND FOR CATALOGUE F UNITED STATES MUSIC CO. JOHN MUZZIO A SOA - 178 NrH How, N. V. LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. Dealers in Everythinff in the Moving Picture Business 1030 36 N. Western Avenue,.CHICAGO, U. S. A. HEADQUARTERS FOR CANES, -Write for Catalogue.- Pennants & Streetmen’s Novelties C. B. KLEINE Send for our new Cataloc. Jaat oat. • •a-BC4 SIXTH AVENUE NEW YOBM He Didn^t Use a Compensarc Never hear of fires in Moving Picture Show.s where the Comfiensarc is The Surprise Fountain Pen useil.j No electrical inspectors ever criticise the (NON.LEAKABLEl SCENERY 4 food premium for 6c and 10c theatrea. S3 per frou. Special diacount in larre quantitiea I'runks and Slafte Properties to be ■ COMPENSARC Send 6 oenta for aample. sold cheap for storage charges. For alteruating current only. I.EiseRtteiN&C0.,44AaaSt.,ltwTsrk,I.T. The defectk of all other devices aie removed in the RICHARD GUTHIRANN TRANSFER CO. Coaiiiensarc. We want to prove this to you. Ask us. 225 Otarbom Street, Chleege, lilt. ELECTROCRAF Best of storage and Transfer Pacilitiea. and cxI SLOT MACHINES -Teed Machlnea bouKht, eold Small Ir aiHl cxclinnirt-d. Addrt'es 8. H. Department, 828 Ground Heed Building, Phiindeipbin, Pn. Gres Ufgrtu dat Fire From Movin; Picture kACre BUCKENSDERFEK A fire occurred in a moving picture sliow in imtb Trenton. N } The electrical inspector had criti¬ cised tbe arrangement of the rheostat and the lack ol proper magaiines lor the films, and on the fol¬ ALL-STEEL lowing day a file was ignited and was thrown by MECHANICAL SHOOTING GALLERIES TYPEWRfTERS 10 Styles, All Sizes. the' operator on the Horn' and from there kicked anei si7.fso out into the street, but not until after it had set Also Separate Parts for (lalleries. fire to some lace curtains The audience made us —ONLY THE BEST— YOLJ NEED ONt escape through an emergency exit Send Stamp for Illustrated Catalogue. Cwrrw One tn Your Suit Caee The amoum of damage was confined lu the lace W. F. MANGELS CO. ilMcorponitcd) curtains and the interior of the booth CNKOUSELLK \VOKK>, And handle .voiir corn'si oiidciice in Coney Island, New York. a business-like inaiiner. We olTer to Vsoldeted Connection. r-aders of THE KH.I.KOAUD this fire from electric wire was caused by an un exceptional opisiriunltv to secure a <ed connection where flcxiblr rmri •• $.*rf) TYl'EWKITKK at SACItlKlCE I'lHCES. gCICK -ACTION MEANS The Compensarc removes all chance of fire It BEST KAKCAINS. Write for Infor (a .’i get hot. Approvetl by the National Board 'nation. of Fire Underwriters. DONALD C. PRICff*: Our Booklet 15013 BOB. 118 Denrtvorn HI . Clxlcnoo Tells all about it Ask for it. or ill care of The Klllboaril, Chicago, Ills. See our Coniiten-arc at the Blectrical fchow, Chi¬ r^Si cago, January 16 30, lk09. IPRfK JC l i* li Stnvt Mum'Uiii, Now York. HUBER \VANTKIi—Acts. etc. Can use Freaks of .Naliin-. Contests, aiivtliing New and FORT WAYNE ELECTRIC WORKS Nov.l. Acldresa J. H. AXPKK.SON, Manager. Depaitment (J FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 763 My quarter-of a century's experience M rate TO YOU. Your poatnaird mil receive n pcaaoNAL acPLV from me. containing valuable information aboutCarry-Oa-Alla. 5c. SHOW Merry.<^Rounds, Mechanical Shooting B5I3 CLEAR PROFIT IN SI DAYS FROM AN INVESTMENT OF BISO Galleries, etc. I am the fargeif aMa/aefrtrs O o 'I result from tbe ot^ er lit the world of amusement dericea. -- - -— -- ... ation of one American Boi iuM sddrMS, SOUVENIRS PARKER. ABII£NE. KANSAS Japnnea. China Ware. ia*r HKi.$11 ■5*' Trii* Mafi-li Itox, i>. r groaa.7.A practical^ and bowling Jaiwnew' Ton ToinbM. |k?.- grosa.75 Ja|>au>nu' SlilterK. jier gnaui.75 Japaneae WhiKlIew. [a'r gross __,.75 Japanese Turlies in t.lasa Kox, [sT gross... .75 Fancy colore<l Iletumed Kails, per gnuis... 1.00 ^ganie for ^amusement and phyalcaf exercise. IJb Faj<-y eolortsl lll.ass I'en Holders, i>cr gross. .90 It’s Cute! Japnnes.' Tambr»*ens, |>er gross.1.00 Quickly Inatalled, conveniently |N>rtable. No pin bo, Horse Sh<s- Mirrors, jwr groaa. 1.50 . m needt-d. K.-eel|>lH sre nearly all proflt. Nearly 5,00t Sk.leton Acrobats, ;>.-r gross. I..'i0 A sold to dale. We sell on payments and our catalog It free Yard ef Kids.” lapanese Flag Fiizzles. is-r gross. 1.00 k AMERICAN BOX BALL COMPANY, Teriiia—Half tepiwlt; balance C. O. D. Sweetest, loveliest snd V Write for Catalog. Patenteea, 1860 Tan Buren 8t,, Indianapolii. Ind. most unliiue picture evsr NEWMAN MFC. CO., sold. Handsome, healthy, Ml Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. bouncing. happy bablas bist breaking oat of aball In different isisea. (Fho- THE NEW ATLAS’ tograpliK from life.I One yard long by eirtt MEMPHIS, TENN. iiK’bes wide "Oh. ain’t it cute!” "Juat too ■weet for anything!" ladlea all say, and the men—they an- stuck on It. ICs a wlnnerl The strongest trunk in Americi Jost show It along your route. The results New \^ldor£ Has no weaknesses. Our catalogii will please you. Kelalls at 25c. 26c will tril you why. (coin or 2c ataiiipsi for samples ami wbolo- sale priees, or semi 81.25 for doa., prepaUk Ironclad, 32 inch, $10.01 Isin't delay! If j'ou want In make money on and the side, get next to a g'ssl money maker. Hotel Cafe “ 34 “ 10.7! Managers of Theatre! nr .Moving I’lctnre Sliowa—Here's a oouvenlr that will bring Slop vkilb os—Be Cater to TOD. " 36 “ 11 51 tbe "bliiieMS,” Iziw price In thousand lota. “ 38 “ 12 2! We hsve other novel tv pictures. THE A. OiM*ii Jan. 1st, 1901)--Eiiro|H-an rates, SOc to B OKAY ITTHOORAPH CO., 16 Laight St., New York. ll.'itt; .Advantages of the WALDORF: Near ull “ 40 “ 13 0( theiitrea: central location: all cars at drair; all Ol'TSIDK KtMI.MS and Are protection; electric IlglitK. el<-rator and bella: batba and STEAM THE BELBER TRUIK and Bt^ CO. IH'.cr. Fopular-prlce, up-to-date Cafe. 112-116 No. 1641 N. Hancock Street, Sotitli .Main, comer Uayoso Street. THEATRICAL COSTUMES Philadelphie. Pa. -: MADE TO ORDER :- WILLIAMS’ OPERA HOUSE. Cobden. Ill. Ele¬ OUK SI’I'CIALTY Msrblm> I'liilirulilprvil IT» gant new building and everything connected niMES. I'rlii's to still. BE.AHI'S. WHIS with It new: K|M.<-ial electric light plant, tioiiig fillK.AbE r.AlNTS. ('iilHliigiii's fur IIm' a-ktiiB to hustle for the biz. Now b<H>kiiig giKal attrac- Special Vaudeville Scenic Equipment Propcsitinn tloub; no others ii"e<l appiv: gi.Nl towna to ilraw 1,.\I TKHI' U, froii, J \V WILI.IAMS. Crop. .A Mgr EUSHE cm SCEIIC STUDIO. S49 laru SM CHICICO. 164-166 East Maditrn St. CHICAGO. ILL t rPtUiBiUlSHE^DlW JE Ufn«S T lESTA'B^yTSH^ 5€i^^i<] Volume XXL No. 3 CINCINNATI—NEW YORK—CHICAGO January 16, 1909 Sons Of 1 Arouseroent bife ai^: ppiES ^ An: I'll*' inarriuKe of Fritzl Scheff and John Fox, Jr., the Kentucky, Fred Leggett, the advance agent, at one time had tispiratlons toward lulhor of The Kentuckians, The Cardinal, The Aftermath. The Little Shep¬ the medical prof*‘ssion. and his fund of i*-minis*-cnces during hi.s perio<l herd of Kingdom Come, and several other books that have enjoyed more or of serv’ic*- as an interne in a big city ho.spital, is rich in humorous inciilents gjp voKue durlnfiT the past ten or Leggett tells of one patient who was . ,,, * 11 „ u L iMI lit H fifte*‘n years, was not a surprise to brought to the hospital suffering from ||^ > 1 Pn their friemis, nor even to the New delirium tremens. He had been in j _ 1 H York first-niKhters. who have often the institution uuite a while tint! was = -^ '/A ^ * I seen th« m together, occui>ying box almost recovereil by the tim*- New ; /ei'tiC J ^'jOL R seats jtt the vari<*us Broadway pre- A'ear’s Day came around. On that ; lin mieres. lnde*-d. it ha.s for some time day of new-made r*'soIutions he called i, been a niatter of common speculation the nurs" to hi.s bedside and askeil her L/u A ~ as to when the little blond genthmian for a she«-t of i>aper and pencil with ~ ^ from the Corncracker State and the which to write a letter to his horn*- ^ ; i-jp.