Of State Cap May Result in $100000 Cut in Proposed
F= HOW TO GET THE LEADER =n Just Fill in the Form On Page 5 And Return It to Us! -Serving the Town Since J89O- oi taU « WMMA N J. Thursday, February 11,1993 232-4407 FORTYCENTS TEACHER SALARY FIGURE ESTIMATED AT $15,865,098 'Restrictiveness' of State Cap May Result in $100,000 Cut In Proposed School Budget Total of $50,000 Trimmed From Account for Purchase of Textbooks; Private School Costs Total $223,376; Pre-Labor Day Opening Voted Down •J> TUCKER TRIMBLE "The cap may be more restrictive on Tuesday, February 23, and on Sptcitll) WrilM fiw 71. Wufitld L*t*r than I thought," Dr. Rader noted. Westfield Superintendent of Tuesday, March 2, when a vote will "We may have to cut $100,000 from be taken 10 comply with the Monday, Schools, Dr. Mark C. Smith, contin- the budget to comply with it." ued to discuss the proposed School March 8, deadline Budgetof $44,925,246for 1993-1994 Since the first reading of the bud- Also on the agenda was the final at the regular school board meeting get, $50,000 alreadv has been cut vote for approval of the 1993-1994 Tuesday night. from the textbook line item. New calendar. New information received by health textbooks for the elementary Slating thestaff has beenconsistent Board Secretary.Dr. RobertC. Rader, schools have been postponed for an- in itsdesire for the full week's vacation in meetings with state officials now other year. in February, Mrs. Pepper proposed enable the board to calculate actual Total proposed expenditures for an amendment tochange the calendar state aid figures and add in calcula- instruction are $25,375,703, which is to have school start on Thursday, September 2, which is before Labor NOT QUITE PONY EXPRESS»J>uMnby art thowa CMCMIM up on th* local BiwtouuSLiiw fcrmJJ'w tions for the cap, although final fig- 56.64 per cent of the budget.
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