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-Serving the Town Since J89O-

oi taU « WMMA N J. Thursday, February 11,1993 232-4407 FORTYCENTS

TEACHER SALARY FIGURE ESTIMATED AT $15,865,098 'Restrictiveness' of State Cap May Result in $100,000 Cut In Proposed School Budget Total of $50,000 Trimmed From Account for Purchase of Textbooks; Private School Costs Total $223,376; Pre-Labor Day Opening Voted Down

•J> TUCKER TRIMBLE "The cap may be more restrictive on Tuesday, February 23, and on Sptcitll) WrilM fiw71 . Wufitld L*t*r than I thought," Dr. Rader noted. Westfield Superintendent of Tuesday, March 2, when a vote will "We may have to cut $100,000 from be taken 10 comply with the Monday, Schools, Dr. Mark C. Smith, contin- the budget to comply with it." ued to discuss the proposed School March 8, deadline Budgetof $44,925,246for 1993-1994 Since the first reading of the bud- Also on the agenda was the final at the regular school board meeting get, $50,000 alreadv has been cut vote for approval of the 1993-1994 Tuesday night. from the textbook line item. New calendar. New information received by health textbooks for the elementary Slating thestaff has beenconsistent Board Secretary.Dr. RobertC. Rader, schools have been postponed for an- in itsdesire for the full week's vacation in meetings with state officials now other year. in February, Mrs. Pepper proposed enable the board to calculate actual Total proposed expenditures for an amendment tochange the calendar state aid figures and add in calcula- instruction are $25,375,703, which is to have school start on Thursday, September 2, which is before Labor NOT QUITE PONY EXPRESS»J>uMnby art thowa CMCMIM up on th* local BiwtouuSLiiw fcrmJJ'w tions for the cap, although final fig- 56.64 per cent of the budget. 'This is Office09 ElmStrttlnearQuImbyStrat In tin 1920*.TtMbulknng nowboumthe Golden Eigchudren'iclothlng§«or«, ures for the division of capital and as it should be," said Dr. Rader, adding Day, and to reinstate the week-long Elm DeUcatewen and Backroom Antique*, oa IJM tint floor. current expenses were not specified. there is an unwillingness tocut these break in February. "This information is split for us; programs. Alsodifficultto reduce are Board members, Mrs. Melba S. some good, some bad," Dr. Smith fixed charges, such as health, insur- Nixon, opposed the amendment, said. "It's not consistent with what ance and special-education costs. saying the week-long break could Town Council Unanimously Votes we understood to be the level of aid Almost a quarter of a million dol- lead to serious child-care problems, from the state, We are looking at lars, $223,376, is allocated for sub- and Dr. Smith sided with her, stating ways to reduce costs further. We are sidizing students who attend private the calendar as it stood reflected the satisfied with the percentage increase, schools, either in transportation or "balancing of conflicting views." For Share of Main Street Funding 4 per cent, but concerned with how textbook costs, Dr. Rader told the In fact, the amendment vote was that translates into taxes." board. U'ed4-4,since board memberG. Bruce Downtown Committee Raises $6fl00 in Two Days Toward the Cost of the Program The proposed 14-cent increase in Parents who transport their own McFadden was absent. the school tax rate due to the budget children to private schools receive Board member, Dr. B. Carol By ROBERT R. FASZCZEWSKI since he was the President of the would mean a $280 increase in taxes $657perchild per year, he said, noting Molnar, urged the board to try the charges imposed by Trenton to fund some families send as many as four original calendar, and when taken to Sptcialt, Wntu.fc.Tk, W,,fl,UL-+r Westiield Area Chamber of Com- various programs. on a town home valued at $200,000. The Town Council unanimously merce in 1978. This amount was incorrectly re- children to the same private school. the vote, it passed 6-2, with members, Mayor Garland C, "Bud" Boothe, Mrs. Darielle M. Walsh, and Vice voted Tuesday night to allocate The program will provide a great Jr. also announced the appointment ported as $80 in last week's Westfield Teachers' salaries figure in the $25,000 this year andpledgethe same investment. First Ward Councilman Leader. proposedbudgctat$15,865,098,and President, Mrs. Susan Jacobson, op- of Mark Boyd of the Boulevard as tax posing it. amount for the next two years in Anthony M. LaPorta added, because alternate to the Planning Board, Transition aid from the state is the principals' andassistants'salarics support of the Main Street program taxpayer dollars will be spent for the WjUuunG.KrabecofCoolidgeStrcct $1,118,272, which.is within $8,000 at $1,128,595. Board member, Dr. B. Carol lo help rejuvenatethe central business best benefit for the greatest number as the alternate to the Union County of theaidreccivedlasiyear.Dr. Rader Board President, Mrs. Susan H. Molnar, urged the board to cry the district. ofptople. Solid Was teAdvisoryCommitteeand reported, and cap is set at S.63 per Pepper, urged the board to go through original calendar, and when taken to Contributions from the town ac- The council also adopted an ordi- Or. Jerome Feder of Knollwood cent, although he is not comfortable the budget to see if a reduced tax rate the vote, ilpassed6-2, with members, count for one quarter of the total nance providing for a $25-per-hour Terrace to Union County Air Traffic with the application of the cap to the could be brought about. Mrs. Darielle M. Walsh, and Vice $100,000yearly cost of the program, fee with a maximum usage of three Noise Advisory Board. budget. This tentative budget willcontinue President, Mrs. Susan Jacobson, op- which will provide consultation on hours of organizations utilizing the to be discussed at a special meeting posing it. such items as how Wcsifield can new community room in the reno- "market" itself more effectively to vated Municipal Building when altractadiversificd group of retailers maintenance personnel would not to the downtown area. normally be on duty. New Mount Laurel Quota Figures Expected The Vice Chairman of the Down- There will be no fee for use of the town Committee, former-Councilman facility during limes when the Frank MacPherson, noted last week's building is in use for government To Have Little Effect on Town's Planning mailing by the committee to the en- functions. lire town had resulted in 83 returns in Also acted upon was the introduc- After Lawsuit Agnement Is Fully Executed Open Land Will Be Scarce; Ewan Tract Sale Discussed two days — partially in pledges and tion of an ordinance deregulating partially in checks, taxicab fares in Westficld. By ROBERT R. FASZCZEWSKI tribution Agreement through which Two local banks also have made few rehabilitation applications. homes in Elizabeth at a cost of According to Transportation, SlUWri/dnWfUUl the town will pay for the rehabilita- S17.000 per home. commitments to contribute to the Parking and Traffic Committee As part of the town's land-use ordi- Despite the release last Wednesday' tion of 21 substandard homes in nance, which now is being revised, $75,000 yearly cost to be covered by Chairman Kenneth L. MacRitchie, of figures from the New Jersey The council's Building and Town Elizabeth, rczoning of two sites to Mr. Brandt explained, a total of 4.3 Property Committee met Tuesday donations oiher than that from the the ordinance will do away with zone Council on Affordable Housing which provide a total of 17 Mount Laurel- town, Mr. MacPherson noted. fares regulated by the town. acres in the area of the Motor Vehicle night, andrecommendau'onsaboutthe show Weslfield will need an addi- eligible homes and the construction Inspection Station on South Avenue Mrs. Michele Picou, the Main tional 241 units of low- and moder- configuration of the lots and the sale of a second senior citizen housing will be rezoned to provide 34 hous- of the Ewan Tract were expected to Street Project Director, told The ate-income housing by 1999 to meet complex in the area of Boynton Av- Leader aficr the meeting, $6,000 al- ing units, seven of which would be be discussed at that meeting and the so-called Mount Laurel guide- enue to provide 133 rental units. low- and moderate-income units. ready has been collected, and the lines, the town will have no con- presented to the entire council at a Two Local Banks Several years ago, Mr. Brandt said, The site of Williams Nursery on later date, according to First Ward committee still will conduct mailings frontation with Mount Laurel re- the to wncslimaicd it would be able to to commercial property owners and quirements until at least 1997. Springfield Avenue also will be Councilman Norman N. Greco, the Also Make Pledges rehabilitate 115 substandard homes rezoned under the ordinance, he Chairman of the com mince. telephone and personal solicitations According to Town Attorney in Westfield, but to date only 90 have of business owners. Charles H, Brandt, as part of the noted, to provide 52 housing units, Scalzadonna Developers also will been done because there are few units lOof whichwillqualify under Mount pay the town back for a portion of the The deadline for submission of the settlementof thetown's MountLaurcl which can beconsidcred substandard Main Street application to the state is litigation, a Union County Superior Laurel guidelines. cost of the Elizabeth project after it Although taxicabs, unlike limou- and whose owners meet income-eli- Under the court-approved agree- sells approximately 19 single-family Wednesday, March 3. sines, may except street hails in the Court Judge in November 1991 issued gibility guidelines. Although Fourth WardCouncilman a letter of repose saying the town ment, the Attorney added, the town homes 11 is building on the so-called lown.CouncilmanMacRilchie noted, When the process first began, he has three years in which to build the Site One on Upper Prospect Street. James Hcly said he was at first the ordinance is directed at encour- would be exempt from the regulation! noted, the town opened up an office skeptical when former Mayor Rich- for six years. second senior citizen complex or find Under agreements reached to pave aging the cabs to park at the railroad in the central business district and an alternative method of fulfilling the way for the settlement of the ard H. Bagger appointed the Down- station rather than to cruise residen- The MountLaurcl suit was filed at advertised for applications for reha- town Committee because the council that portion of the agreement. Mount Laurel suit, Scalzadonna is tial neighborhoods. the end of 1987 by local developers bilitation work. The corporation established to ex- being permitted to construct the had"floundcrcd"inprcviousattempts The council also introduced a sec- who claimed the town was not Because of the lack of a sufficient to improve the business district, he plore plans for the second complex homes on the 5.46-acre site and ond ordinance scttingarangcof $5 to properly allocating sites for low- and numberof applications, he added, the still is looking into ways to finance George R. Browncilof 1340Prospcct noted Tuesday the committee had $ 10 for parking meter violation fines moderate-income housing. office was closed and the town's ef- overcome his doubt, and it was the development and, Mayor Garland Street is receiving zoning consider- for the first to third violations. An agreement reached to end that forts were taken over by Union C. "Bud" Booihc, Jr. announced last ations to enable him to more easily pointing the direction in which the The measure will allow the town to litigation allowed Westfield to com- County under the federal Community town should go. tuesday, about 12 builder-developers develop property hcowns adjacent to recoup fine proceeds which normally bine rehabilitation of substandard Development Block Grant Program. have submitted proposals for con- that owned by the Scalzadonna firm. Govcrnmcntussistanceto business are sent to the slate because of sur- homes in the town, a Regional Con- This, the uttorncy said, results in structing the second complex. efforts is not pure capitalism, he Another large site, 7.42-acrcs bor- added, but the combination of busi- The largest tract of undeveloped dered by Runway Avenue, the Lchigh ness and govcrnmen t efforts wi II help land in the town is the 10.5-acrcEwan Valley Railroad tracks and the Scotch the project la succeed, Tructjocatcd in the northwestcorner Plains and Clark borders, is un urea of the town und bounded by Munsce where Public Service Electric & Gas First Ward Councllmun Norman Way and Minisink Way near Prospect Company unsuccessfully sought N. Greco said he was particularly Street. Westl'ielil Board of Adjustment per- proud to sec the program moving When the Mount Laurel suit was mission in the full of 1991) lo expand forward because he hud been cam- instituted inl987, the town was pre- its substation ami construct two 65- paigning for u comprehensive up- paring to sell 28 residential lots then fool electrical lowers to increase proachtothcccntrulbusincssdisirict mapped out on the tract at 0 public output for ihe (own and neighboring auction. communities. DEADLINES HELP The suit put a stop to these pluns. There also is 11 2.07-acrc site bor- After the town did a preliminary dered by Railway Avenue nnd Amy LEADER SERVE YOU survey of the wctlunds on the true! Drive which is privately owned but is Those preparing press releases for earlier this year, however, a proposal considered toostecp for development. submission lo The Wtstflehl Leiultr which would remove 12 of the 28 Other open land includes a 4.10- ure reminded nil copy should be In Ihc building lots was submitted 10 the hiimls of Ihe LUIIlor til 50 Him Street, Town Council by the Public Works Weslficld, by >1 p.m., 011 the I'rldny Department, before Hie nuirsilny mi which they CLOSINGS SET wish II to appear. II Ihc pint) is approved by the council, the lown will seek a letter of FOR HOLIDAY I'or events which hnppen the week- end prlnr in publication, prem release* interpretation of ill plans from the Most town financial Institutions, should rciitli the lidllur by Monday of New Jersey Department of linviron- the Westlicld Memuriul Library, the week of ptilillciitlon lit 10 tun, mental Protection und Hncrgy as the the Municipal Building, the Ohliiimlfi will lie taken until Tues- first step in final approvui of Ihc Wcsifielct Post Office und the Motor day ill .1 p.in wetlands delineation. Vehicle Inspection Suitionun South I'orevciiln which lire plunncil week* Proceeds Irani tlie sale til (lie Hwan Avenue will be closed Mundny fur or muitlhs In mlvnncc, we encomnge Trucl plots, whose vuluc is estimated thcobscrvmu'c of President's buy. iiiliiiiliiinii of tlotlcn ID emly HI pos- Michml j. Pdrtwio, 3rd lor Tht Wttiifeld Ltmlm ut between $162,(100 mid $258,500 A wujority of stores In the cen- sible prior 10 the event. SITKUKNlJI'KKMARKK;i'...Thi>VMin«ltlLiimh«rbiilldlnKon North Avenue,KlriiddllnKlhvUMrwuodhuriltr,will he The above (IciKlllne* HIT mriuil lo each, would he used uiong with the tral business district und the office enable u« lo prepiiie your copy CHIP- lh« lilt of a 66,000 miiiare-towi NhnpHIU Nunermarket If the appllcatl»li U uppri>v«d by thv Wi'stflelcl mill (iurwiKxl mile til' other town assets lo replace of The Westfield Leader will, fully, I'lannlni Hiwrdi. Th« firm public hearing will bi ht Id luday at 7:30 p.m, In tin YVmihln|iluii .School In WcsllVId, lor tliecstiitiiUcd$3f)0,(XK)Wcstric.Ulwill however, be open us usual, Mayor (Jarland C. "Hud" Hwilht, Jr.'i commintii (in the approval proctm, pl«a»« Mt hl» column on Vu»t 4. bo spcndinn to rchubilluilo iho 2! Page 2 Thursday, February 11,1*93 Ex-Representative Gives Asbestos-Removal Projects Analysis of Bush Loss To Be Done in Schools Former New Jersey Representative overconfidence which led to lack of Asbestos-abatement projects, ditorium. Matthew J. Rinaldo, whose district preparation for a Presidential cam- classified as small jobs under guide- "Hie presence of asbestos in the included Westfield, lecturing to 14 paign." lines established under the Asbestos insulaungpanels in these schools does students fromth e fanner Soviet Union The former Represeniative.afriend Hazardous Emergency ResponseAct, not represent a hazard to building of Mr. Bush from the time the former will be carried out at Franklin, occupanu,"hecontinued."ltis being President served in Congress and later McKinley and Washington Elemen- removed ai a pre ven tali ve measure. as Centraj Intelligence Agency Di- tary Schools during the first three The asbestos abatement will be rector, said he urged Mr, Bush to days of February vacation. accomplished according to the act's develop a campaign. According lo Dr. Robert C. Rader, guidelines in three days when schools "Atthe White House,"Mr.Rinaldo the Assistant Superintendent for are closed for February vacation. said, "all I heard was, 'What cam- Business, the removal project will "Air sampling will be done in the paign?' Never has the President been begin on Saturday. February 13, and work area and areasoutside the work so popular! The election is in the be completed by Monday, February area during the project and at the bag." conclusion of the project to assure The former legislator, who did not The asbestos is located in panel&of the air is clean in both the work area seek re-election after 20 years in the air-celt insulation in the walls of the and throughout the building," Dr. McKinley and Wilson School all- Rader noted. United States House of Representa- ONTHEROUTE.-.Ncwlyiworn-in,HComl-Krade"WceIfcUvci"puUI workers tives, said most Republicans and from Wilson School are ihown with their teacher, MIH Coral Huinak, ud purpose roomsand Franklin School's An asbestos-abatement project in- many Democrats believed that, too. Frtsk Ztcvalk, th« Superintendent of Operations of the Wntfkkl Port Office. auditorium. volving 700 linear feet of pipe insu- "That's why,"he added, "I believe "As part of the Westfield School lation under the Washington School the Democrats did not have many of District'sasbestos-manajjernentplan, was accomplished during the school their best candidates out there last all school buildings are inspected at vacation week of December 26. year." Wilson School Opens least once every six months," Dr. It was necessary lo do this work Mr. Rinaldo, who received his Rader said. "Our most recent in- over the December vacation week Matthew J. Kinaldu doctorate from the Wagner School in Student Post Office spection identifiedair-cell insulation when the school was unoccupied and 1979 while he was in Congress, said, which contains some asbestos in the in preparation forth e construction of studying democratic institutions at "The lessons I learned here stood me The "Wee Deliver" In-School the Westfield Post Office, spoke with walls of the all-purpose rooms of a tour-classroom addition lo Wash- University in New York in good stead throughout my political Postal Service recently was ins ti luted the student body regarding the daily McKinley and Wilson Elementary ington School, beginning in March, City, said what beat George Bush in career." at the Woodrow Wilson Elementary operations of the post office. He then Schools and the Franklin School au- Dr. Rader added. the 1992 Presidential Election was He spoke at a seminar for the eastern School in Westfield. sworn in Miss Coral Rusnak's second- his Desert Storm triumph. European scholars, who include The Postal Service encourages this grade class as "postal workers." "Strange though itmayseem,"Mr. medical doctors, physicists, econo- program's growth in schools to gen- Miss Rusnak and Miss Linda Co- Rinaldo told the students, enrolled at mists, teachers, an electrical engineer, erate writing and reading in a real- rona, Wilson's Librarian, organized School Employees Give the university's Robert F. Wagner a news analyst and other profession- world format by affording students and trained the second-grade students Graduate School of Public Service, als. They come from Russia and eight the opportunity to send mail within in their various jobs as sorters, post- "the victory led to euphoria in the other newly-independentslates which the school toclassmatesand teachers. masters, clerks and letter carriers. To Charitable Campaign White House. The euphoria led to have thrown off Communist rule. During the ribbon-cutting,opening The second-grade parents hosted a Employees in Westfield's nine ployees. cercmomesatWilson.FraiikZccvalk, class reception following the cer- public schools and the administration the Superintendent of Operations of The Charitable Giving Campaign emony. building are participating in the school has theendorscments of the Presidents Mrs. Nixon Declares district s annual Public Employees of the school system's five associa- Charitable Giving Campaign this tions: The Westfield Instructional month. Support Staff Association, the Candidacy for Board The campaign is under the umbrella Westfield Association of Education sponsorship of the United Ways of Secretaries, the Wcsifield Support Two residents, school board in- on Tuesday, April 20. Union County, the Black UnitedFund Staff Association, the Wcsifield cumbents, Mrs. Susan Jacobson and Westfield voters will elect three of New Jersey, the National Voluntary Education Association and the Mrs. Melba A. Nixon, have declared members to the board in April when Health Agencies of New Jersey, the Westfield Association of Adminis- their intentions to seek election to the the current terms of Mrs. Jacobson, United Negro College Fund and In- trators and Supervisors. board in the annual school election Mrs. Nixon and G. Bruce McFaddcn ternational Service Agencies. expire. It includes 188 local, state, national "With the level of government Mrs. Jacobson, whose intention to and international charities. funding for human services, and seek reelection was announced in last Until 1985 when a new law pro- education, greatly diminished, in- week's Westfield Leader, is com- hibited public employees from par- creased charitable giving is vital," pleting six years of service and Mrs. ticipating in a single organization School Superintendent, Dr. Mark C. Nixon, who is completing four years, campaign, the public schools in Smith said. "Our annual Charitable have filed nominating petitions Westfield held an annual campaign Giving Campaign is an opportunity seeking re-election. for the Wcsifield United Fund. for school employees to show how To date, Mr. McFadden has not Since 1985, the annual campaign much we are for one another. United announced whether or not he will be in the schools provides school staff Funds and other human service a candidate. members with the opportunity to agencies help us with the problems Those citizens interested in be- donate to any of the 188 charities young people bring wilh them to coming candidates for one of three listed in a brochure given to all em- school each day." school board seals, with three-year terms each, must file a nominating petition with Dr. Robert C. Radcr, the Secretary to the board, by 4 p.m. on Muhlenberg Announces Thursday, February 25. TOUCH OF AFRICA.-StudenU in Miss Randl Welner's Class at Tmnaques Petitions arc available from Mrs. School recently tie-dyed T-Shirts because they were doing « unit on Africa and Mrs. Mclbn S. Nixon Barbara Bennett in the Board Ihlsls how Africans decorate thelrclothes.ThestudenUusedbeiTiesand (lowers Classes in Childbirth •Secretary's Office at 302 ElnvSucet. and bolkd them tomake the dye. They also decorated sheets, curtains andeven ... Childbirth,,classes, sponsored. ,by Tuesdays commencing March 2 and Accountant Donates Candidates for the Board of Edu- sotks with Ik-dye. They wrapped the shirts around a rock or a stick to make the Muhlenberg Regional Medical Cen- five successive Wednesdays begin- cation must be UniledStatescitizcns, patterns, then lied the pattern In with twine. ter in Plain field, will be held in March ning March 3; ....-: Services to Auction at least 18 years of age, able to read at the hospital on Randolph Road and Infanl-carc classes costing $30 will Barry Thomashow, a Certified and to write, a Westfield resident for Park Avenue. be held on Tuesdays, March 2,9,16 Public Accountant, of Westfield, at lcastone year preceding llicdalcof Girl Scouts to Begin Registration is required. Forms may and 23. seated recently donated an income the election and not have an interest be obtained from a physician if he or A refresher lamaze course has been tax return or business accounting in any contract with or claim against she is on staff at Muhlenberg. Those scheduled for Thursdays, March 11 service to Mrs. Laura Stone and Mrs, the Board of Education. Spring Cookie Sale registering for infant care, early- and 18. The cost is $30. Early-preg- pregnancy and Lamaze classes will Janice Devlin, the Co-Chairmen of The school board sets policy, ap- The spring 1993 door-to-door siblc volunteer training for leaders nancy classes, costing $20, will be theJuniorWomen'sClub 16ihAnnual points school pcrsunnel, approves cookie sale of the Washington Rock receive a discounted cost of $95. For held on March 1, 8 and 15. and girls, newsletters, publications, additional information and registra- Grand Vacation and Dinner Auction textbooks and supplemental instruc- Girl Scout Council will take place council-wide programs.staff services Abreasi-fccdingclass,cosiing$15, to benefit the Valerie Fund. tion materials, negotiates contracts from tomorrow through Sunday, tion, please telephone 668-2353. will be held on Thursday, March 25, and financial assistance to those Lamaze classes, costing $55, will This accounting service, along with and sets salary schedules, approves February 28. otherwise unable to participate from 7:30 lo 8:30 p.m. in South Main many other items donated by local curriculum and the school facilities Many of the 7,300 Girl Scouts be offered on five consecutive Mon- No. 2 conference room. All other These all help the troop, leader and days beginning March 1, fivestraigh t merchants, will be auctioned on Fri- program, sets a school calendar and throughout Union County and parts girl in achieving high quality training classes will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 day, March5,atL' Affaire Restaurant develops a school budget for pre- of Middlesex and SomcrsetCountics and programs. The sale of Girl Scout p.m. in the School of Nursing. in Mountainside. sentation to the public at the polls. will call on their neighbors and friends Cookies also provides funds for the to help support Girl Scouting through maintenance of Camp Hoover and the purchase of cookies. the Council Service Center. Magician Will Appear Proceeds from the sale make pas- The sale also supports the work of the local troops while teaching tlic The nd-fee IRA Students Named individual girls money management In Program at Library and communications skills, Top Musicians Joe Fischer, a magician and enter- in the third through fifth grades. Seven different varieties of cook- tainer, will present a program of that isn't David Paik, a fifth-grade violinist, ies will be available at S2.5O each, Thisevcnt willcombjnc magic with was the Musician of the Month at "Fantasy, Illusion and Magic" on comedy, audience participation, mu- including: Tliin mint, shortbread, Saturday, February 27, at 2:30 p.m. Washington School for October, and peanut butler patties, peanut butter sic and live animals. a discount broker's third gradcrTara Christakos, a string in the Program Room of the Westfield Mr. Fischer, a graduate of William sandwich, lemon pastry crcme, Memorial Library for boys and girls bassplaycr, was the school's Musician Caramel deLiit; and Praline Royalc. Paler son College in Wayne has been of the Month for November. For more information about the Jonathan Sprout a performing magician for many no-advice IRA. Both students arc taught by Dr. sale, please telephone Washington years. This hobby or his youth has Theordorc K. Schlosbcrg. RockGirlScoutCouncilal232-323fi. Sings at Tamaques now become a full-time profession Jonathan Sprout last week visited wilh more than 300 performances a Tamaques School in Westfield, He year. Prudential Securities lias a no-fee IRA thai comes with uses music to help to teach children This program is sponsored by the custom made shirts Ay John Robert annonces Us... about experiences in growing-up and Friends of the Westficld Memorial something you can't gel from a discount broker. An values such a honesty, sharing and Library.Frcc tickets w ill beavailable, ongoing relationship wilh n Financial Advisor who self-worth starting on Tuesday, February 16, at offers investment expertise. About 400 children participated in IhcChildrcn's Reference Desk inthe the program, library. The Prudential Securities Mutual Fund No-l'ce IIIA is the only no-fee IRA* offered by n full-service brokerage firm. You Are Invited Unlike a discount broker who simply buys the securities To Celebrate A Special that you select, your Prudential Securities Financial Advisor works alongside you to structure the ideal mutual fund portfolio based on your specific needs. VALENTINE'S DAY What's more, you'll get our constant input on your Celebration account as the years go by. Yet you'll never have lo pay an annual maintenance fee if your IRA is invested entirely In non-money market Prudential Mutual Funds. So our first piece of advice lo you is: (.'.all Prudential Securities for more Information and a brochure on the Prudential Securities No-Fee IRA. D • I • N • I • 000 Sou 111 Avc, West You May Order Just Two MiuU'-t Regional Italian Cuisine West He Id, NJ Shlrbt Infltcud of The UHIIIII Minimum Order of Four Foaluilng..,.

' lire iitnnml intilntrtuinir ftr HI// In1 ivnj'm/ tm t'niih'titUil Siuitlth"'' Hi'.xllKA SPECIAL A LA CARTE MENU! otumiih rntlicly Imvftrtl In min-mnney mutkrt ViiiihnHnl Afiifiinl /inirA. :OU • a;(«.l .',;i x > - Am N< 'Will I'ltuktilliil Muliiiil hiruh nrr uil'jtil In ritltt' ffi'iil aul viln tfti'jtn fur (,'lrjti A (WIN) i'/rS ///>, \htrn nt l*ihk-ithl W/IM tttitifti's fur t'!,i\\ II ifuitr^; hith Ut\Ul,U' 1SI' I /irv lor irnnr iiuiyifrff IM/IIHMIIMI'M ii/mi! imy i'nutvnlliil Mutual liml, Itnliiillti/j (/«ifj,ri utul n/ifwn, ttwutlt //«' hiinl'\ finnfinhn. I'lnur mill Ihr fum/fi/m uti'fitlly • Flower For The Ladles /v/r«r' )i>it ltnr\t cf wrul runnty. 572 Boulevard • Kenllworlh Prudential Securities (908) 232-9511 31 Bast Broad St., Wcfttflcld, N J. 07090 (908) 276-7775 , Thursday, February 11,19»J Page 3 Car, Health Insurance Chamber Seeks Nominations Assemblyman's Concerns For Faith in Town Awards The Westfield Area Chamber of large. Awards Selection Committee AMemblyman Alan M. AAugustine, must be "the fueling of an economic Commerce is seeking nominations Chairman, Russell Evans, requests who nprcfcnu Weafieldafield., iuudjtnu- revival supported by conscientious fox recipients of 1993 Faith in that nominations be mailed to him at •ff 29 the continuingineedforicnuin necdfc e budget practices, incentivet for Westfield Awards from the public-at- Print Tech, 361 South Avenue East, mom™—~ i-n th~e. nate'—. ii auioautomobilm e and butineu development and holding Weslfield,07O9ObyFriday,February MBUB iniurance lytiemt mint be a the line on lues." Town Genealogists 26. pivottl part of the AuemMy't 1993 Bui the assemblyman said there »»mdi in addition to the tiaie'imany are many New Jeneyans who will Will Hold Program Faith in Westfield Awards recog- {raring economic needs. not believe the state hat made any nize those who have made outstand- Auerablyman Augustine, who real progress, regardleu of the per- On Gold Rush ing contributions to the positive im- took office a* the new legislator for formance of the economy, until the The Genealogical Society of the age of the Westfield community. the 22nd Dittrict on December 14, issues of automobile and health in- West Fields will meet at 1 p.m. today People are invited to send in a noted the Icgislaturciparamount goal surance are genuinely resolved by at the Westfield Memorial Library at nomination for any or all of the fol- the legislature. 550 East Broad StreeL lowing categories: Merchant of the "At a member of the Assembly The Main speaker will be Forest Year, for retail business acumen; Insurance Committee, I believe we Blanding of Cranford on a surprise Business Person of the Year, for non- must come up with a bare-bones, topic. relail business acumen; Employee of low-cost insurance policy for New Some of Mr. Blanding's ancestors the Year, for excellence in any type of Jersey motorists unable to afford participated in the Gold business, and Community Service, traditional coverage plans," the leg- Rush of 1849. for individual, group or organization islator slated. "The legislature also A DIFFERENT LOOK-Thc tavcath-grad* hraMlBM cUw oTMrs. Maria In addition, three members of the commitment. mutt find a way to finance the accu- Garcia tt Edison InUrmedtaU School rwwntly la vntlgatod Ib* MM ofmaka -up local society, Robert Griffiths, Mrs. and iptdal erfecte. Richard Shoptro of SootflikJ Production of WMtrkM b Each nomination, which should be mulated deficit in the stale-run pool •howndtmon«ratln|tbeNtechnfauMOBCorlnMU*brkh.H*nplaJnihowlic Florence Halter and Donald without placing a further financial Widdows, will relate some incident typed or printed legibly, must contain applied the latex material and coloring to give bcr a bloody BOM, • gunshot the award category, name of nomi nee. burden on motorists." wound to th* check and a blackcntd cy«. from their own family tree. As time permits visitors and other business address and telephone He added he believes thestatemust number, reason for nomination, and closely monitor the impact of its new society members will be able to share an incident from their family tree. A be signed by the nominator. Recipi- system for financing health care for ents will be chosen by the Awards the indigent, unemployed and Union County Ranked maximum time limit of five minutes will be observed. Seleclion Committee. Honors will be uninsured" announced in The Weslfield Leader "I have some long-term concerns The public may attend the meeting. Tenth in State Poverty Please telephone 276-5175 for in- prior to the Annual Awards dinner in about the financial stability of the April, stale's Unemployment Trust fund," Union County ranked 10th highest very close to the national average, formation. the lawmaker said in reference to the among the state's 21 counties in the according to James Hughes a pro- legislature's decision to appropriate percentage of its residents living be- fessor of urban planning at Rutgers $500 million a year from the fund to low the poverty line in 1990, ac- University's School of Planning and finance uncompensated care. cording to United Slates Census data Public Policy. Manufacturer The Assemblyman said another key released on Sunday. Major FURRY VALENTINE...Smoody b • young iwtel natural terrier mix who insurance issue he hopes to exert an The county had 35,220 or 7.2 per attda • loving home. influential role in resolving is to en- cent of its residents living below the Three Town Students act legislation to prevent recurrences poverty level at the lime of the cen- of last year's Mutual Benefit Life sus. On Dean's List Rummage Sale, Insurance debacle. The federal government considered Three town students have been a family of four to be living below Ihe named to the Dean's List for the fall EXPENSIVE Adoption Day The company became financially poverty Iine if theircombined income semester of the 1992-1993 academic insolvent last year, placing the in- was less than $12,675 in 1990. year at Bucknell University in vestments and life savings of tens of New Jersey asawholeranked third Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. To Aid Animals thousands of New Jerseyans at risk, in a comparison of poverty rates be- To attain the honor, a student must People for Animals, an all volun- forcing the legislature to enact a hind only New Hampshire and Con- earn a gradepoint average of 3.5 or SUIT teer non-profit animal welfare orga- measure to protect the interests of necticut. higher on a scale of 4.0. nization, invites the public to a polkyhotders and save the company Thecensus figures showed 5 73,152 Those named were: Rummage Sale on Saturday, Febru- from dissolution. Chitatoplwr Coecaio, to* aon of Mi. of the state's 7.73 million residents and Kn. Mlchial Coccus of 144 Lincoln ary 13, starting at 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. were living in poverty. Road. at the Emanuel United Church of "1 was proud of what the legislature Because incomes in the Garden Ann Maeke, th* daughter of Mr. and Christ,23 Lincoln Place.Livingston. accomplished last year to protect the State are at least 30 per cent higher Mm. John Macko of 9W Boutevaid. SELL-OFF For information, please telephone rights, interests and investments of Pater Fanerccyk, tat ion of Mr. and than the rest of the nation, even New Mn. Rands Futuczyk of tZSStanntora 1-201-751-2403 or 964-6888. All Mutual Benefit Life policyholders, Jersey's lowest-income counties arc Place, proceeds from the sale will benefit butl'm equally distressed by the fact IN WESTFIELD homeless cats and dogs including this situation occurred and may be rescue, veterinary care and shelter. revisited with another insurer, As- 62 Elm Street On Sunday, \blentine's Day, Feb- semblyman Augustine said. "The JAY M. BERNSTEIN, MD ruary 14, a pet adoption open house Insurance committee must develop a is plcciscd to announce the relocation of his practice (908) 654-7717 will be held from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. program, perhaps along the lines of at the Pet Food Giant store at 1022 Ihc accreditation package-put forward PEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY ASSOCIATES Route 22 East in North Plainfield. by the National Association of In- from 105 Morris Avenue • Springfield • NJ Many dogs and cats will be available surancecommissioncrs, tocnsurcihis to never happens again." THIS WEEK from People for Animals and from A 101 Old Short Hills Road • West orange • NJ • 201/669-0677 New Leash on Life. 600 South Avenue West • Wcslflcld • NJ • 908/317-9811 The pet food firm has donated the The legislator said he will release a Open Mon.-Fri. 11-8, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 11-4 use of its store for the event and will statement outlining his agenda as a Other offices: offer many specials to those attend- memberof the Assembly Energy and 30O Madison Avenue • Madison • N) • 201/966-0880 ing. For information, please telephone Hazardous Waste Committee, to One West Ritlgewood Avenue • Paramus • NJ • 2Ot/447-7022 1-201-763-2841. 241-4954 or 355- which he also was appointed, some 3184100% Wool Expensive Suits 6374. lime this month.

$79 $99 Als«o Poly worsted Reg. Retail $4OO-$5OO PRESIDENT'S 100% Wool Overcoats BIRTHDAY SALE $(99 100% Wool Tweed Sportscoats & Navy Blazers

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100% Wool Suits, Tropical Weight All The New ALLOUTERWEAR, SPORTSWEAR, DRESSES, LINGERIE & ACCESSORIES Spring Basics Navy Blue, Charcoal Grey, Navy Stripe,Tan,Glen Plaid, THURSDAY, FEB. llth-MONDAY, FEB. 15th Olive Green, all the basics! OUR FINAL WINTER CLEARAWAY! Rush in early Monday for REIJ.-RINdERS Rush in early Monday

20 MISSES SWEATERS rog. 36-48 ... now 10 24 PRETEEN KNITTOPS reg. 12-29 now 5 15 MISSES WARM-UPS rog. 69.90 ...now 25 15 GIRLS SNOW JACKETS reg. 6O-B5 now 16 25 MISSES KNIT TOPS tog 15-24 now 5 30 GIRLS KNIT TOPS rog 14-16 now 5 27 MISSES PANTS rog GO-80 ... now 18 25 GIRLS DRESSES rog. 38-65 now 16 18 MISSES JACKETS rog. 79.90 ..now 24 24 GIRLS PANTS rog. 13-28 now 6 23 MISSES SKIRTS rog. 60-60 .now 18 15 GIRLS SLEEPWEAR rocj. 18-25 now 7 18 MISSES WALK SHORTS rog 39-50 ...now 15 8 BOYS LONDON FOG PARKAS rog. 80-105 now 29 19 MISSES DRESSES rog 00-120 ... now 19 11 BOYS BASEBALL KNIT SHIRTS rog 20-23 now 7 17 MISSES LANZ GOWNS wet 34-38 ..now 12 12 BOYS PRINT SPOflT SHIRTS rog 22-30 now 8 10 MISSES LINGERIE DEPT. JOG SETS . rog 60,90 ..now 29 13 BOYS CORDUROY PANTS rog 22-34 now 9 12 MISSES ANIMAL SLIPPERS mrj 32 .... now 7 52 INFANT A TODDLER PLAYWEAR rog 12-30 now 4 19 MISSES SILK SCARVES rug 20-35 . ..now 12 20 INFANT SNOWSUITS rocj. 49-65 now 20 12 MISSES FASHION BELTS roc) 25-30 now 10 10 TODDLER ORESSES rog. 35-70 . now 14 13 MISSES TOTES TO ASTIES SLIPPERS . KHJ. 10 now 4 10 MENS CARDIGAN SWEATERS rog 45 now 13 24 MISSES EARRINGS A NECKLACES ...to;; 10-10 now 3 11 MENS TIES ro().32.50 ... now 10 CASH CHI;C:KS

WAYNE WrW5-iW>CftDWHL«l1.J».37».WE8INEL()t*«*MB»JJ?Ma(l CWI/m MB M I 111. WIINCf.ruMmu SIM 1IIW |I*ofc*r, Thursday, February 11,1993 Bermuda Cruise To Benefit Center For Terminally III ShopRite Hearings Allow A Bermuda Cruise on board the ship Horiion run by Celebrity Public to Air Feelings Cruises, is dated for the week of May Official Newspaper of the Town or Westfleld and Ihe County of Union 29 through June 5, to benefit The — Established 1890 — "»**"Btethi, Jr. Center for Hope Hospice in Union Member of (ne New Jency Preic Anociation Tonight at 7:30 o'clock the WnOield commercial, »o a supermarket is an ap- County. Member of Che Nuimul Newspaper Association proved use and no "use variance » re- A cruise information night will be Second Clui PoMige P«id u WeilHeld, New Jersey and Oarwood Pinning Bonds will lit together lo hear the opening nre*enU(ion quired. held at St. Helen's Parish Hall in P.O. Box 250 SUBSCRIPTIONS by DM font (eekirif to boilJa ShopRite However.ourordinancedoes not allow Westfieldat 8:30p.m. on March4. A •upctmufcct on the North Avenue prop- $16.00 • Yctr in County buikting to theproperty line inlhe front or video presentation will be given by SO Elm Street, Wertfield, N.J. 07091 erly in Wei tfield and Oarwood currently 232-4407 $20.00 * V«r Out of County in the rear. The proposed plan calls for UniglobePrcstigeTravelofMulbum, $14.00 College Subscription occupied by WcitTwld Building and building to the property lines in front and sponsors of the cruise, and • repre- Lumber Mid the mull frame building ai back and seeks variances for that. the end of South Chettnut Street. sentative from Celebrity Cruisei will Kurt C. Bauer Mrs.Kathleen G.Norman Carmelo Montalbano Our ordinance alto limits the number be on hand to answer any questioni. STCCIAL noHOTIONS DIHECTOt COUPTROUEK AMD WBUSHER Planting boarda in New Jency function and sin of ligns. The applicant requeiti atiudfci and iurici inland-UK mitten. one sign more than we allow and larger Refreshments will be served. Under law, die funclionof Ihe Pluming The cruise package includes deluxe Michael J. Petriano, 3rd signs than we allow. A variance for tnu Jeffrey L. Bauer Board it to hear the evidence presented to also is sought. outsidecabins,allrrieals,allshipbo«rd CHtECTOt OF SALES it by the applicant and opponents and Finally, the planning Board his Ihe entertainment, transportation to and make flndinga of fact. Then the board Robert R. Faszczewski Mrs. Donald J. (Kalherlne E.) Bauer responsibility for considering and ap- from the Pier, a pri- must apply applicable law to those facts. proving theslteplan: How are things laid vate cocktail party and a savings of HANA&ING EDITOR ASSISTANT Bxtot This law consists of the town zoning out on the lot, now do they interrelate ordinance and the statutory and case law, withcachother.ingrcsi andegresa, what S670per couple from die usualcniiae all of which will be explained to the traffic problems, if any. will occur on the cost. Westfield board during the course of the site andwhst traffic problems, if any.are Proceeds from the cruise will be hearing! by the Attorney for the Westficld likely lo occur in adjacent roadways such donated lo The Center for Hope Town Main Street Program Deserves Planting Board, and ditto for the Oarwood as North Avenue and South Chestnut Hospice, a non-profit organization board. Street. dedicated to providing ihe terminally HenccmembenoflhePlaimingBoird This hearing is going to be unique in ill with medical.physical, emotional, Support; Goals Should Be Specific have to come to the hearings and to a that all witnesses arc going lobe testifying financial and spiritual care. The ldicn cnwl through range of illnesses. devutttionof aclose friend's or spouse's Her china blue eyes twinkled. "How If you're ttuniung this may be amacho- Maple going through a divorce, for death.canlesveus fee ling not only bereft suppose, 1 never went any where so I had lh»jun|k muck and min, Montly daiu mu» l film,jrieambe apprised only about lota of time lo study. did you find out?' she asked. what would be politically Impossible if example, have lower levels of several but as if our main lies to ihe world had "u came oui of the blue last yew. You 12 of the 151 minvleiofSiip*/purvey the immune-system chemicals, including been cut off. What's vital ia making Ihe Then on February came a Valentine madt public. That ii, they eliminate our requisite quantities of suspense, tension always were tell ing us confidence counts iat, ic*l as well u imagined, eier- whiw blood cells that help to destroy effort to forge new ties. As one doctor addressed to me that was not from a and gratuitous offens ivenets that make relative. for 75 per cent of every thing we do and • self-righteous vengeance with vtnavei.canceroelU.and other dangerous sec* it, a person's aptitude for staying one day it jusl clicked. iiczeal for a real man's film. interlopers, according lo research by Dr. connected is like amutcle: It needs to be Wow, Iremcmber thinking, some girl /&ical The rest ii familiar fodder, jungle jar- eierciied. "Use it." he says, "or you may actually went out and actually spent'25 "Was I right?" In this rendition of the theme, Ihe title Janice Kiecolt-Oluer at Ohio Slate I nodded. "Your card made me feel I gon meant to fill ihe spaces between the University's Comprehensive Cancer lose it" cents pi us the cost of a sump to send me character, Thomas Becket, i» played by ill-loo-few bitsof high-iclicfcicitemcnt. • Valentine. 1 begged my mother to keep wu some body.Thatlwai just as|ood as Tom Bftenier. He's • hit nun with t Center. Volunteer: anyone else." There's a half-hearted attempt to lay Those who constantly blame others for Oneway youcan find new avenues for it quiet, but of course the news spread license ID kill, iiwed by Uncle Sim something philosophical about someone through the house like the smell of pan- ^That's why I did it and do it today," himself utheNationaJSwwilie* Coun- their problems or who look down on support is lo volunteer. A job at the local she said. "1 send them to a select group of who kills for fun and profil, but Billy people seem u> run ihe highest risk of hospital, a library or the service orgsni • cakes on a Sunday morning. My older cil. Al the expository hype has it, Zanc'tUcutenenl Miller docsn'tget very brother called me a sissy — mostly be- boys and girls who won't get Valentines Stranger's asms in h*» M notches in hi* coronary problem!. They have higher zations all create new friends and supponl from anyone but their relatives. I think far in hia moral tcrutiniution of Beckct. blood pressure, faster heartralei and more Pormanypeople who feel cut off from cause he hadn't received a ctrd at all. My bek and hc'i nowhere new early relire- And insofar u the iniper'i name, sis ten couldn'tget over Ihe fact tomeone you ace what it does." blocked arteries. the world tne biggest obstacle ii not "I do. And i want to thank you." Thomai Becket, beats me if there's any Researchers are finding more and more choosing which activity lo participate in, actually would want to send a card lo a CurrenUv. he'i ttaiioncd in Panama literary illusion to the 12th century specimen like me. " You will keep my secret," shenaid. "I evidence that "hostility is toxic to the of course, but making the effort to par- still send them oul, whan, as Otis movie iuj|ua, there ire Archbishop of Canterbury that I've ticipate al all. Sure I was embairas aed but I was elated ongoing: guerrilla skirmished among heart," says Dr. Dean Omish. the Presi- Mrs. A passed away laityev, which is misled, all the way over here in a B- dent and Director of ihe Preventive Onetipenoffers thii incentive to lhaae loo. Someone liked met I got another wartanU, drug lordi, the United Slam movie let in 20th Century Panama. card in my junior yes/. By then I had why I feel ftcc now lo cipotc her secret Military *nd lord knowi whsiotherlotdj. MedicincRcsearchlniliniletnSiuisliU], who feet isolated but haven't mustered and to thank her publicly. If anything really misses ihe mark, it's California. the will lo do something about it: "We all joined clubs and became a leen-age nui- It'l hard to tell who'i who without a Sniptr. care about our health, especially as we sance at home. I also had to be beaten to scorecard. The fibnmaken employ a "Negative" people die rather earlier from a whole range of causes, adds Dr. age. Themostimportantfactor in ensuring do my homework just like every one else Adam Gorman murky script, dingy dialogue and very your health is how strong your social because I always was going out. few Mary mtdnups to let us know when Redford William*, ihe Director of Ihe Beh avion) MedicineReiearch Center at interaction* are. It's a basic fact of biol- For years I wondered who had sent me On Honor Roll this thing it goingt hence, il't confusion ogy." those cards but Just couldn't figure it out Adam Gorman of Westfield is for confusion's sake, ittempiing 10 pui Duke University. When he followed a group of 255 doctors, he found Ihe most until one day, 10 years after graduation, arnong the Morristown-BewdSchool off the garble II movie mystique i la neo ihe solution hit me and I knew. Apocalypse Now. Il never happen*. hoJluephysiciaju were seven times more Northeastern Cites students who achieved academic likely to have died by age SO than more That lame year they held the 10 anni- honors during the first trimester. The assignment in Sniptr ii the amicable colleagues. Karli. M. Mellina versary celebration of my high school elimination of > dictator. Sent to assist . Doctors who are hostile probably will class. IMrwger in ihiscovcrt operation is Miller, Karin M. Mellina of 793 West The gymnasium was full of men and lo the Honor Roll, which includes not do as well for their patienti. Brood Street, Westfield, has been pUyedbyBiUyZsJw.He'sijifocmedrie's "Artists see the light I In poetry, art and women examining each other and saying, those students who have an overall in charge of Ihe miHion, and furthermore literature, the heart often is portrayed as named lo the Dean's List at North- "You've grown upl" average of at least 85 and with no informed he'i u> kill thii killer of alt the organ most affected by our emotions," eastern University in Boston for Ihe I mingled with the rcsl until I law Mrs. grade less than 80. Adam is the son of UUen if the latter threaleni Ihe gambit. writet Dr. Omish in his book Or. Dean fall quarter of 1992. Anglehouse standing there, a glass of Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Gorman, Suffice itto note Miller hu to think on Or rusk's Program for Reversing Heart To achieve the honor, she had to hi> feet once ensconced in Ihe Panamanian Disease. "Physical heart disease may be attaina quality-point average of 3.25 jungle. the final manifejiiuon of yean of abuse or greater out of a possible 4.0 with that first begins in the psyche and spirit" no grade lower than a C. Sharing feelings not only may dimin- Tilt UNITED FUND ._ OF WtSTt IEL1> W fs ish hostility, but even may help lo lessen TIIE BEST WAV TO •*? artery-blocking plaque. HELP TUB MOST PEOPLE For heart-disease patients, increased inlimtcy, love and compassion may Changed •*M.«S» constitute what Dr. Omish calls "a dif- n Sunday, the 14th of February, ON BOARD...WilUam J. Swwnty has ferent type of open-heart procedure." bMBeltctedaTruitccorVWrlngNurK Music is another avenue. People will \Our tell her she's the light of your life . . . and Health Services Inr, tbt parent find as they listen to their favorite music corporation of Visiting Nurse and ii calms the IOUI and helps you get through Lifestyle? with a DIAMOND HEART! Haaltk Service* and VlsHlag Home the day. Cart, Inc. A non-profit fealta-care Connecting Wllh Others: Oiil Wt'koiiK' VvJi^jn agency providing private-duty borne Patients in their 60s, 70s, 80s and be- When you Changs your lifestyle. health aide and nursing service* In the yond who are least connected to others your needs ar» changing, too. county. Mr. Sweeney practices law with often end up visiting their doctors at the Welcome Wagon* can help you find the firm of Glbiln ft Combs In drop of a hat. sarvicn that m««l your requirements. Morrktown. "A lot of people who are lonely only My tiastot ot gilts wtd information hive their physicians to talk to." a doctor aie all absohitoty FREE. Millions of GETTING THERE...TbeUnJti

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Snqaq&d to

Dr. and Mn. Dean L. Carlson of WeatfieUOithopedic Group. Sheisa Miu Victoria Ann Sabbagh, the Mattheson of Warwick, New Yoik. WcMfield announced the eofacement member of the Junior League of daughter of Jamei N. Sabbagh and Serving as ushers were James G. of their daughter, MiiTxitWeen BUabeth.piainfield. Mrs. Ann L. Vborhees, both of Sabbath of Weitfield. Eugene Peck Carlaoa.toDavidMarkNorwine.the Her fiance graduated from High Westfield, wai married to Raymond and William McGumen of •on of Mr. and Mrs. David W. Point University in High Point. North Adam Menna, the aon of Mr. and Oceanside.NewYork,GenrdMaUoy Nwwine.aUoofWestfield. BothMiss Carolina. He is employed* Feldman Mrs. Ramon Menna of Malveme, ofBakhvinandKevinPapaofAlbany, Cartoon and Mr. Norwinc are gradu- BrothertElectricalSupply Company New York, on Saturday. Auguit 22. New York. ate* of Westfield High SchooT in Palenon at a lenior applications Officiating at the uue-altemoon The bride graduated from Westfield Miss Cartoon graduated from Ce- ceremony atifcePresbyteiianChurch High School in 1985 and received dar Crest College in Allentown, A wedding ii planned for this in WeetfleM were the Reverend Jef- her Bachelor of Science Degree in Pennsylvania,andii employed at the summer. frey D.Cheiebn) and Deacon Joseph Economics and Business AarninJi- Mtion in 1989 from Wagner College A reception at the Forge Inn in In Sttien Island. Newark. Woodbridge immediately followed She is employed as a senior claim; the ceremony. representative with the Aetna Ca*u-. The bride's hand was given in alty Company, is the Vice President - marriage by tier father, - or the New York and New Jersey , She wore a silk, off-tne-shoulder, Metropolitan Area Alumnae Chapter J MR. AND MRS. RAYMOND ADAM MENNA full-length gown with short puff of Alpha Omicron Pi and is taking (She is the former Miss Victoria Am Sabbath) sleeves and a sweetheart neckline courses at the Insurance Institute of Dr. and Mn. Richard Steinfeld of Center of George Washington Uni- trimmed in Alencon lace and seed America toward her certification at a; Watchung, formerly of Westfield. versity in Washington. D.C. pearli,achapel-lenglh train with lace Certified Property and Casualty Un-' announced the engagement of their She is a public communications Old Guard Celebrates appliques, a two-tiered fingertip; derwriler. : daughter, Mitt Pamela Jayne specialist at the Environmental pro- length vdlandaheadptece with mini Her husband graduated from St.; Steinfeld of Waihington. D.C., 10 tection Agency in the capital. silk roses and seed pearls. Agnes Roman Catholic High School • Richard Brian Dagen of the nation's Her fiance was an economics ma- Its 60th Anniversary Mrs. Menna earned a full cascade inUniondale, New York, in 1985 and capital, (heaonof Mn. Herbert Dagen jor at the University of and of harmony rows, stephanoos, and received his Bachelor of Science ofRockville, Maryland, and the late received Master of Aits and Master The Old Guard of Westfield was somcclubs for tournaments in bridge, white mini carnations, white freesias Degree in Economics and Business Mr. Dagen. of Philosophy Degrees at Yale Uni- founded on February 17,1933 and golf, shuffleboard or other activities. and touches of baby's breath and ivy. Administration from Wagner in 1989. The bride-to-be ww the President versity in New Haven, Connecticut incorporatedasasociat club in 1957. The name Old Guard refers to Miu Joan Gibbons of Scotch Plains He iiafinancialptannerfor Mutual of the Uudentbody at Watchung HUU and a juris doctorate from the Emory It is the second oldest Old Guard Napoleon's best and most loyal Financial of Ron Kon Kama, New Regional High School in Warren and was the maid of honor. University School ofLaw in Atlanta. Club in the state.afterSummit, which troops. She wore a full-length, two-piece York and is active in the Oceaniide she received • Bachelor of Arts De- He is a Deputy Assistant Director was founded in 1931. The club historian will review the lodge of the Knights of Columbus gree from Tufts University in peacock-colored shantung suit with a of the Federal Trade Commission. Fifteen clubs are located in North history of the (own club at today's matching portrait collar and rhiite- andhis alumni chapter of Thett Chi. Medford, Massachusetts, and a juris ThecoupleplanslowedonSunday. Jersey and 11 are in the shore areas. meeting. doctorate from the National Law stone buttons and carried slargazer In July acocklail party was held for October 3. Representatives of the clubs meet A Founders* Day luncheon, Vice- lilies, pink roses and ivy. the bridal panybyMr.andMn.Jamei three limes a year in Point Pleasant or Chaired Director, William Thornton, The bridesmaids were the Misses N. Sabbagh in their Westfield home Colls Neck to socialize and discuss will be held in late March or April to Renee Maiias of Brooklyn, Claire and a rehearsaldinne r was hosted by matters of mutual interest. avoid possible snow problems. Gibbons of Scotch Plains and Ann the parents of the groom at the Forge. There also is interaction between 1 Men visitors may attend the meet- Marie Menna of Malveme. In June, a bridal shower wai It is seldom very hurtl to do one * duty when one knows ing and entertainment and informa- They were attired similar to the sponsored by the bridesmaids at B. wlial it is, liul it is oftrrn exceedingly difficult to find this out. tion programs at the Westfield "Y" maid of honor and carried slargazer G. Fields in Westfield. —Samuel Butler La Leche Unit starting at 9:30 o'clock on Thursday lilies, pink carnations and ivy. Following a 13-day wedding trip Meets Wednesday mornings. The oest men were Anthony Menna to Oahu. Maui and Kani, Hawaii, the Upcoming programs will be: of Malveme. William Higgins of couple established a residence in * !N * The Westfietd A.M. La Leche • February 18 — Seniors Tax Up- Baldwin, New York, and John Smithtown. New York. League will meet on Wednesday, The desire of knowledge, like the thirst of riches, increases date by Thomas Kelahenof the Inter- February 17, at the First Baptist nal Revenue Service. ever with the acquisition of it. Church at 170 Elm Street, Westfield, • February 25 — Community Re- Businesswomen to Host —Laurence Sterne at 9:30 a.m., to discuss "The Advan- sources for Successful Aging by Miss tages of Breastfeeding for Mother Joann Maslin of the Union County and Baby." Division on Aging. Former State Official Please telephone 709-4171 or757- For information, please telephone 9828. Harold Hitchcox at 233-1638. "Dynamic Steps Toward Personal She served as theSialePresidentof Fulfillment" willbe presented by Mrs. the New Jersey Associationof Women Lois Rand at the Tuesday, February Business Owners in 1983-1984 and 16, meeting of the Business and Slate Membership Chairman of the Professional Women of Westfield. New Jersey Federation of Business The meeting will begin with net- and Professional Women's Clubs. working at 6:30 p.m. and will be held Currently, the speaker is the at B. C. Fields Restaurant at 560 President of the American Credit Springfield Avenue, Westfield. Bureau in Far Hills, a commercial A candidate for Governor in the collection agency which she founded 1989 primary, Mrs. Rand served al- in 1977. She also is the Producer and most five years in the Kean Admin- host of Rand About (few Jersey, a istration. She was the Deputy Director public service television program of the State Division of Travel and aired statewide on the Cable Televi- Tourism in the Department of Com- sion Network of Trenton. WSNMOTON* - Ywiti lUwWiKfl Gvtut ~ merce during the height of the "New r Dinner and a business meeting will , 233-5150 Jersey and You...Perfect Together" precede the 8 p.m. presentation. The promotional campaign. public may attend and admission is A Sumfof a| a Special Oeeatiw Mrs. Rand also was the Chief of $19. Reservations arc necessary and the State Office of Small Business can be made by telephoning 756- Assistance and was named 1986 6987. 109 North Ave. West • Westfield Women in Business Advocate by the The professional organization of D0NT TRUST IT United States Small Business Ad- women helps women through edu- ministration. cation and legislative action. For membership information, TO ANY CLEANER! please telephone 654-5584. At Rich's Cleaners, we have perfected the art of wedding gown cleaning. We guarantee Postal Service your satisfaction. Now for a limited time, we Brummer's Has Envelopes will clean and preserve your gown for only For Love Wesificld Postmaster James Rosa, Jr. has announced the Postal Service's popular love envelope now is avail- able at the Westfield Post Office's This price includes all accessories. HOMEMADE CHOCOLATES Candymakers Since 1904 customer service window. * Price applies to standard designs. "The love envelopes are in stock, v Heart Boxes v Chocolate Roses * Gift Baskets v just in time for Valentine's Day, and any day after," Postmaster Rosa Our Customers Say We Are Excellent Unique Chocolate Novelties • Sugar-Free Chocolates added, We've incorporated one of v Gourmet J«lly Beans & Much More v our most popular stamp themes, the SIIIKI i \i \DI.RIM; love slampscrics.intodistinctive and We Ship Anywhere! attractivespccialcnvclopcs that have 29-cent postage primed on them." 232-1904 "The lovcenvclopcs, selling for 34 Open Sunday, Feb. 7 & 14 cents apiece, not only arc for use on Valentine's Day. These envelopes,

Honor the Women of the West LOVE LETTER Let Hallmark help you FROM LARAMIE express in By CHARLES WYSOCKI words what you feel in your heart. Come sec our entire select Ion of Viiluntinc uuiis IUKI gifti. I.OVU |,K,TIKK HK)M IAHAMIK fry Gharln H'yiurAi l^nhllihrilJm'm (lit arllil'i

„-=•<• man, to benefit club programs. ALLHEART_.MtaEvleKcnMllywJll Members and friends are urged to tiplain tarty valentine designs on contribute items which can be given Valentine'• Day at the Miller-Cory to any club member or brought to the OUT THEY 60! meeting. House Minium. FINAL MARlkDOWNS ENTIRE SPORTSWEAR INVENTORY S OF OUR CO SPECIAL REGARDLESS OF OUR COST NONE-*2 HIGHER3 $2.00 DRESSCS-60WNS-PANTSUITS OFF any All Sates Final • Mastercard/Visa LONG MAY IT WAVE...Sttphen M. Clarke, the President ofllw Wot Fields CknkrortheSoniortlie American Revolution, prtatnlianew American flag to Mrs, Mary D. Herberlch, the CD-Chairman of the Colonial Cemetery Committee or the Presbyterian Church In WtstlteM. la the cemetery the nag outer nies ctmtlauoudv and Is spotlighted at night memorUUilng the many war I GAVE HER MY HEART veterans Interred In the graveyard. The presentation was made at the bronze plaque lilting Revolutionary War veteran* or the Wenffleld area. coat AND SHE WORE IT PROUDLY Newcomers Club Enjoys Special ends February 28,1993 Evening at Spanish Tavern The Westfield Newcomers;Club a friendly greeting to those new to members recentlyenjoycdanevening town. CLEANERS & LAUNOERERS oulat the Spanish Tavern Restaurant The club activities also include in Mountainside. crafts and afternoon get-togethers for 401 BOULEVARD The monthly dinner meeting is one non-working ladies. WESTFIELD of man)'events the Newcomers nave. Those interested in learning more Other activities include children's about the club should write the Phone (908) 232-8944 events and couple socials. Newcomers Club of Westfield, P. O. Members of the club also gathered Box 612, Westfield, 07091 or tele- at a recent New Members Coffee. phone Mrs. Vivian Slrano at 654- The purpose of theclub is tocxtend 0733

Express Mail Can Speed Valentine Wishes ESIDKNT'S WIIK Postmaster James Rosa of the WestfieldPosiOffice today urged the public lo take advantageof the Postal Service's Express Mail Overnight service in sending their Valentine's wishes. "We have noticed," the Postmaster said, "mail volume the week before sfHRST Valentine's Day on February 14, in- creases by some 10 per cent, with 200,000 additional pieces of mail being handled, Apackage up tocight ounces costs only $9,95 delivered to the addressee LADIES SALE anywhere the Postal Service goes in the United States. Thousands of fine furs at Packages weighing up to two pounds cost $13.95. incredible savings! Re prepared For those Valentine packages in to be overwhelmed by the excess of two pounds, please consult the post office for rates. ion, and astounded by In 14 Karat Gold Overlay For those Valentine packages that the savings. You'll find ftirs weigh up to 70pounds, new low rales By also areavallable. The post office can specially priced hundreds provide complete rates and the type of service that best fits a customer's and even thousands of needs. dollars below our everyday low prices OF ALL PURCHASES OF Ethics, Confidentiality ^V ^M V/ " Heart Shape Jewelry for this one week I /I 'V • Amethyst Jewelry : And Law Talk Topic only event! • jhali / 19 ' Heart Shape or Trimmed •; "Law, Ethics and Confidentiality ,^L -Jt / ' China & Crystal :— What Professionals Need to ;Know" will be the topic of a seminar • Crystal/Silver-Deer Figures ;to be held on Friday, February 19, NOW thru MONDAY, FEB. 15™ : from 9 a.m. to4 p.m. by the National iCouncil on Alcoholism und Drug Will Be Contributed to the American Heart Association •Dcpcndcnccof Union County, Inc.al ALSO WITH OUR COMPLIMENTS i Its office ut 300 North Avenue East In Elegant Gi/l Wrap :Wcstficld. Shipping : Tuughtby Wlllimn J. Kane, Director iofThe Alcon Project in Newark, tlic Use Our NJ Toll Free Number; 1-800464-MARTIN :coursccosls$45. • To register, plcusc will 233-8H10.

: Support Group Sets ; Workshop Schedule Support Group for scpurated, ill- JEWELER SINCE 1 945 vorccdandwidowcilpcoplc.mcoton the second und the fourth Sunday of FLEHtNOTON, NSW JERSEY each month M St. Helen's Roman OPEN SUNDAYft EV f RV DAY Catholic Parish Center lit 1600 10A.MT0 6P.M, Proud Sponsor of the WestfieUl Symphony Ruhwoy Avenue, Westfiold ut 7 p.m. urc: 12 North Avenue West • Crantord, NJ 07016 • 908-276-8718 • Sunday, February 14,"L.;W*:00 CLOSED WEI). It Kfcfffitlfc %tabtt, Thursday, February 11,1993

fire calls ... Mrs. Harry Russell Casterlin, 96, •OnehundredblockofKimbiUCircle MONDAY, FUIUARY1 — moke odor investigation, Had Taught in Town's Schools . OM hundred Mock of Eait B • Four hundnd blockof Lenox Avenue Street—alum activation. —aHiiad at u automobile accident. Mn. Harry RIMMII (Marie P. •y«p"»-... . . _ . • Fifteen hundred block of Umbtra • WMDICM Huh School - MH tlann. Townaead) dneriin, 96. a former She tad been active in Scouting MillRMd—dryer fir*. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 JUIiMkmBdiUKofTheCourier-News andhadbeentniembefoflheUiuied • OM hundred Mock of Eaal Broad • Seven hundred block of Glen Avenue dfceftaday. February 5, in Meiairie. Pwibyleriin Church of Plainficld. Street—»ynwn malftmcdori. — wtwr condition. "• Her hwba«i predeceased her. . OM hwdnd block of WMMr Av- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I Mn. Caueriin was bom in Tran- Surviving an a wo, Henry R. «mM—loduMU, • OM hundred block of Scotch Plain* quility and graduated from ihefonner Catterlin of Meuirie; a brother, •Nw hwdnd block of Nw England AVMHK—ho* w«ier heater malfunction. Cltaton High School in 1915. She William P. Towniend of Sin Diego, Drive—ovtrhMUd dnw, •Nine hundred block of Beverly Drive also graduated cum laude from and two grandchildren. • OM hundred Mode of Uvingeton —mtrication of accident victim. Maryiville College in Marysville, Services for Mn. Casterlin were Street—amok* condition. • WMUleld High School field — u- 1enneueeinl919. held yesterday. February 10, at Like • Him hundnd block of Wyandotu lilWd a helicopter landing for an emer- Lawn MeuirieFuneral Home in New V...TbtUottryCluhotV/nMMItpnmuria§ht«m 1Y«il—trcbif circuit break**. gency medical uiiuportatton, Mn. Cuierlin had taught in the TUEJDAY.FEBRUARY2 SATURDAY.FEBRUARYC WestfieldandPlainfieldpublic school Orleans. •rui«««—. —., ike Day, which will be held la ta* VlmMU High School caftttria oa Saturday, March t, tnm tim.tolpM. Retr^ .r^ehiwtod block of FirwSwetr- • • Six hundred block of WcMfield akowB tosslag paacak** at last >•«•'* *v*at. dMeciormalrunciion. Avenue — brush fire. • Ssvtn hundnd block of Mercellui • Fourhundredblock of Poeti PI ice— Drivt—arncto condition. alarm Kliviiion. Mrs. Biagio G. Spina, 89, Was •SUhundnMlblock of FifrmldCircl* • Two hundred block of Wilnut Street Rotary Pancake Day — amok* condition. —medical twin. Saleswoman for R. H. Macy • Weitfield High School — tmibk • One hundred block of Summit Court item. —unintentional eUim. Mn. BiagioG. (Barbara R.) Spina, before moving to Wettfield law vear. To Be Held March 6 •NtohwMbkwkofNenhAvemw SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 W.ofWestfield.diedon Wednesday, Mn. Spin* had retired in 1969ua —wJlomoMte accidam. • Eight hundred block of Winyih Av- February 3, at the Ashbrook Nursing china and glatawaitialMwoman for During the past 26years $911,500 Double-Dutch Jumpen will give a •OnahundrMlMocfcofKlmbillCirclt enue— accident*! alarm. Home in Scotch Plaint, after a brief R.HMaey inNew YorkCity after25 in (cholanhtoawards nave been given demonstration. —odor invciu'gaticn. • OIK hundred block of Eut BnMd years of service. by Weufiefd Rotarians to 1.062 Alto, guetti will have the oppor- • Five hundred block of Pimm Street Street—smoke odor investigation. Wettileld High School graduates. tunity to purchjue items from a bake —lockout* • One hundred block of Frtzee Court Mn. Spina was born in Derby, She had been a member of Our WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARYS Connecticut, and had lived most of Lady of Good Counsel Roman The lource of the awards has been sale sponiored by Rourian apmuea —garage fin, • Thn* hundnd block of EaM Dudley • Jefferson Elementary School — her life in the Silver Lake-West Catholic Church in Silver Lake. the proceeds of the annual Pancake and from an art sale which will offer Avenue—oil burner malfunction, Brighton section of Staten Island Her husband died in 1970. Day organized by The Rotary Clubof itemsindifferemmediadisplayed by •mok* investigation. Mrs, Spina it survived by two Wettfietd. The event is the club's the WesUleld Art Association. children, Mis. Rose Dawn Engel of mate fund-raiser each year. Tickets for the Pancake Day may Garden Club Plans Westfield and George Spina of Swing This year's Pancake Day will take be purchased from any RoUrian and Hill, ; a sitter, Mn. Carrie place on Saturday, March 6, from 8 will be available at the door. Meeting Tuesday Bloss, of Orange, Connecticut; lix a,m. to 2 p.m. in the High School The February monthly meeting of grandchildren and six great-grand- cafeteria. Fora nominal contribution the Mountainside Garden Club will children. each guest will be able to enjoy a Bernard Welnsteln be held at the home of Mrs. David Private funeral services were held pancake breakfast/brunch prepared Stars in Drama MacQueen on Tuesday, February 16, on Saturday, February 6, followed by by Rotarians and will be entertained the interment at Saint Peter's Cem- by live performances by local musi- Bernard Weinsteln is acting in the rertraining order in that lownihip. at 1 a.m. drama / Never Sang for My Father TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 The program will consist of a etery on Stalen Island. cians. In addition, for the first time, • An employee of an Blm Street mu- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY < the Westfield Police Athletic League with the Philathalians, a community sic ahop reported tonwone Mole • com- • Someone Mole an AM FM diic showing of a video cassette lilted Contributions in the memory of theater group in Fanwood. "The Joy of Flower Arranging." Mrs. Spina may be made to Our Lady pact di»c from ih* itore. player, aevenl compact diaci, a camera of Good Counsel Church, Austin The production will open at 8:30 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 and a gymnailum bag from a car parked Place, Sttten Island, New York. Herbert J. MofFett, 63 p.m. tomorrow with additional per- • ABoyntonAvenwetettdBBiWDorMd on Summit Court. Arrangements were by the Gray Herbert J. Moffett Jr., 63, of formances on Saturday, February 13; he wu intuited by an acquaintance SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 MASTER Friday, February 19; Saturday, Feb- during a fight in hit home. • David VoDter of Weitfield wa* ra- Funeral Home at 318 East Broad Basking Ridge died Monday, Febru- FRIDAY, FEBRUARYS leated on $375 bail after being arm tod Street, Westficld, ary 8, in the Morristown Memorial ruary 20, and Friday and Saturday. MEMORIALS February 26 and 27,at 8:30p.m. and • A Cedtr Street woman reported for driving while intoxicated, FMruary 11,tetJ Hospital. 1171 E. Broad St. a Sunday matinee on February 21 at aomeaneMt the conaoli ofihe automatic MONDAY, FEBRUARY I Services were held yesterday, 2:30 o'clock. exterior llghu on her home to the lighu • An electric company employee re- Wednesday, February 10. in the would not come oa ported he wu uitulied by • town man Westfleld, N.J. Dooley Funeral Home, 218 West All performances will be held at • R*monHytaofleneyCitywatar- when he attempted to remove a meter on 233-2350 North Avenue, Cranford. the Carriage House on Watson Road, waled for driving white intoxicated on a building on South Avenue But. Mr. Moffett owned Moffett's Fanwood, adjacent to Fanwood Sycamore Street and released to the • AMounUinsidewomanrepoitedher Borough Hall. Cranford police becauw he nponed ii fiir COM was Jtokn from a South Euclid Sunoco Station in Cranford for 30 wanted for the violation of t temporary years before retiring in 1984. For further information or to make Avenue home. He was an Air Force veteran of the a reservation, please telephone 322- Korean War. 8686. Born in Westfield, he had lived in Two Suspects in Robbery OESIGNER • BUILDERS OF FINE Cranford for seven years before moving to Basking Ridge 28 years County 4-H Club MONUMENTS Passport ago. Forms Young Unit Arrested in Second Theft MARKERS Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Seven to 9 year olds interested in Three men have been arrested in bail each in connection with robbery W IIOIW9 While You Walt Frances Moffett; a daughter. Miss learning about activities such as connection with the January 30 gun- at the pizzeria. MAUSOLEUMS Diana Moffett; a son, Victor Moffctt; pocket pets, cooking moonballs, point robbery of two menataCentral Police added Spooner and Barden LETTERED • CLEANED 121 Central Ave., Westfleld a sister, Mrs. Dec Yamell, and two garbage plants, arts andcrafts.asense Avenue pizzeria and two of the three also are being held in lieucf$25,OOO Bruca Bauer, Prop. grandchildren. hunt and science may visit the new. aliohavebeencharHedwiiha"strong- bail each on charges they entered the Est 55 Years •• 232-0239 •• K*ttxu Union County 4-H Prep Club. arm"robberyoradeucateiaenciflthe delicatessen on Friday and struck an ALSO:300Rt.37Eaat Thefirsimeeting will be on Friday, tame street this put Friday. employee of the store who was at- GIMBIiVONE Mrs. Warne, 61 March 5, from 7 to 8 p.m. at the 4-H According to Westfield police, tempting to make change for them Toms RIvr.NJ. 349-2350 Mrs. Richard S.(Joan "Mibby") office at 300 North Avenue, East. Alfic Spooner and Kevin Harden, before they look money from the Warne, 61, of Lcesbura, Florida, Westfield. both of the town.andAmett Williams cash register and fled on Central formerly of Westfield^ died on The activity will be on "pocket ofPlimfiekJ are being heldon$75,000 Avenue. Thursday, February 4. pets" and the group will meet every Mrs. Wame had been a bookkeeper two weeks and do a new activityeacn forThe Money Store financial center. time. Why should you plan Bom in Newark, she had moved to The program will be led by James Two People Injured Florida in 1991. Nichnadowicz, a county 4-H agent Survivors, in addition to her hus- and his wife, Mrs. Janet your own funeral? band.aretwosonsRichard Wamc, Jr. Nichnadowicz, Both are certified In Automobile Accidents Of Sebastobal, California and Stanley teachers. The program will be free A Fanwood woman and a Scotch and West . C. Wamc of Santa Rosa, California thanks to the support from the Union Plains man were taken to area hos- Mo charges were issued, and adaughtcr, Mrs. JayncPcirocclli County Board of Chosen Freeholders pitals with injuries sustained in In a second accident, on Saturday Forethought® funeral planning: of West Orange. and Rutgers Cooperative Extension separate accidents in the town this afternoon, Sean L. Hudson of Scotch Services in the memory of Mrs. of Union County, past week. Plains was taken to Muhlenbcrg Re- Warne were held on Sunday, Febru- Registration is required and space Thursday afternoon, Cynthia A. gional Medical Center in Plainfield Forethought funtrai plan- is limited. Please telephone the 4-H ning is funded through Relieves your family of emotional burden ary 7, alihe Hamlin & Hilbisn Funeral Murrillo of Fanwood was taken to with head injuries after he reportedly Directors Chapel in Tavarcs, Florida office at 654-9854 for further infor- Overlook Hospital in Summit with policies from Forethought Expresses your own wishes in your plans lost control of his car in the snow on Ufe l/uuranct Company with the Reverend William E. Boyd mation. moderate injuries after the car she North Avenue near Charles Street Protects funeral costs from inflation officiating. The deadline is Monday, March 1, was driving reportedly struck one and the car struck a tree. February 11, 1ae3 to reserve a scat. Parents will be able driven by Anthony A. Marcantonio No charges were issued. Makes it easier for those you love to stay with their children. of Summit on Scotch Plains Avenue Call for details today ... Couples Unit Plans while you'rf thinking about U. Deli Dinner Monday James Madison Cites The Elz Chayim Married Couples The Newark Boys Chorus Unit of B'nai B'rith will hold a Deli Kcvcn W. Mennitt FUNERAL Dinner and Surprise Movie on Sat- Kcvcn W. Menniti of 208 Baker Sings a Diverse Program DIRECTORS urday, February 20, at 8 p.m. at a Avcnuc.Westfield.whoatlends James member's home in Edison. The tost Madison University in Hanrisonburg, •7 HENRY WYATT •table of Baroque choral literature, and it — Since 1897 — is $22 per member couple and $25 Virginia has been named to the wai rendered with tightness of phruing per non-member couple. President's List for fall semester of One of (he reaaoru for uw overall pu- and clarity of lex lure, and with briifc • FRED II, CRAY, JR. • DAVID B. CKAB1EL • WILLIAM A. DOYLE To get directions and moke reser- 1992. rily of tone and diction the Newark Boyi lanpot.Tt\cAveMaria,op. 12,ofHrahnu, Chorui ling with in their concert of • rAULETTE CRAB1EL • DALE SCHOUSTRA vations, please telephone 668-1405 To qualify for the honor, a student ii a genuine rarity, and this auditor'* ear February 7 in Weilfletd ii their training. wai convinced that ihe unusual nature of no later than Monday, February 15. must have a grudepolnl average of ThtM young men attend that mott Eu- WESTF'ELD. 31R East Broad St., Fred H. Gray. Jr. Mgr. • 233-0143 a boys chorus is mos I appropriate for this Non-members may join the group. 3.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. ropean of muilcal iiutltutioni, a choir CRANFORD: 12 Springfield Ave., William A. Doyle, Mgr. -376-0092 muiic, even if not precisely authunlic' acnool.Inidditiomotheiracademici.the historically. In both works balances ttudenti rehetnc daily, arequired part of among the voices was good, although their curriculum, not u an elective or occasionally upset by the aniplincalion after-school activity. Their muilcal system, which tended to fuvor Ote trebles, WESTFIELD mining ii Interne •ndprofenlonil, and it SINCE 1020 and was probably not ncccssiiry, given beilni at in etrly age. the forward ucousticul image of the hall. Dooley Funeral Service, Iiuv In iiich an ionosphere, a uniform ap- proach to tone production, diction and Thciecondpurtofiiicprogram featured Caring & Courteous Service to the phrailng ii inculcaleddaily, and ii asiured African and AfricunAmerican muiie. De Stefanis In pricucc. Thli U almoii impoiiible to Thli in itself wus an ubject lussun in the Cranford/Westfield Area Since 1913 do with an adult chorui, eipeclally in diversity of culiurcs, given the vast dls- America, given the mobility of our pcnionofAfricwiiJcoiilcsuvcriJioglobe. Monuments populillon, and the divenliy and incon- and the many musical genres Africans Monument! •iilency of the Individual ilngeri1 vocal have originated and influenced. Two training. That Is why mosl American works will) Zulu lexis were informed, Wcstfiekl choruiei lound muddy and lomlly including the noble »nd stirring anthem (908) 233-1737 233-0304 unfocuKd, compared to their European oflheAfrleaiiNfiUonnlConitrcsj./V'Kar/ 556 Westlield Avenue counterparts. Stktlt't AJrika. 233-0255 Another rcuon fur the Newark Royi Equally moving were fuur l/ndltional iplrlluili and gospel works, which, in Joseph F. Dooley Chorui' musical conilitency is the firm (JlKipllncrrumtlic podium,exerclied by this age of relento commerelillzaiiun Manager the miuic director, Owen Motcn Pinto, of black urbuii inusic. arc in linnttt of Her reiume includei ionic very Imprei- becoming ririllci. We risk (he Inlegrily ilvo uioclitiont, Including the American of American mu«lcnl culture if wcloio Acidcmy of Dramatic Am, and the late thli prtcliKtii Itgucy, recognl/.ed by Alvln Alley; licr aaumpllihmenli ai Dvorak a century ngo us aie basin for our amnger and aingcr were much In evidence national itiunlc. Tlimiks ure due lo the duilng the concort. Chorui forjirciervhiK it in performance. She oxcruincn illiclpllno with i icnae Excellent VDCSII nuhis weie Nuna by of minion mdrwllevei in her chorlii«ri, cliorislcrs Jwiulhwi l/imhin mid Sharif ('.ran ford as muilclans and an ixonle, and the bond Ktidnoy, and, im u inarvehnui »tir|irlac, by tlio music director. Willin II; Kdker, 216 North Avenue belwccncmenibleiUKldlrecturu'anigendi the purely musical, Jrd.wu* Hie utcit unit .wnnlllve um>iupH< 2700255 PHOTOGRAPHY iilil. llie conceit wnu muscMed by t)ie TheClinriu' sniitlc mlmliin Ii broad wcitfloUICiiiMiiiuniiy Center, on whole Fmncis J, Dooloy Jr .yinceuU f buard Uili critic aim. Mwim/tir muilcfiumdivcraccuhurcJi.ilmioyoiinR Portrait Portfolio mtnilnjdosliliiMiiKllihCMlXnilnjdosliliMKllh.CMcli.Xt Latin «nd Zulu, and their baaiv ucui Special Events Industrial appruacli work* well fur varluui Inuilcal 1 •lyles they jierfont], Mori Obituaries Theflril jiarldflliciirugiaiii w«a ulvcn Charles V, Dooley John L. Dooloy Matthow R. Doolay tu llio cluilcal clioral ruporlolro, llorcin On Paffc 18 908-233-1514 wai a |uod balance lietweon Ihe familiar and theleii loiown, Vlvaldl'i Gloria Ii a February II, 19)3 Devil Boy Swimmers Capture 37th Union County Crown •/KTUCATANZAIO UU**fn VjMlm Thf Wastfield High School Boys' Swbn Twin won their 37th «ons«cu&ve Union County Championship Saturday at Elizabeth High School. SPORTS The Blue Devils scond 314 points to beat second-place Union try 137 points. 200-yatd intermediate medley at one freestyle in S1.2 seconds. Zenuky wu WcstfkU's $84 point! wn the second minute and S8.09 seconds and 100-yard second in the SO- and 100-yard freestyle*, hiahatpointujtalever, behind their 392 becksaofce in 34.21 seconds in the process. and Pollack won the 200-yard freestyle points al last year's meet. Also setting t new record wu the de- and look second in the tiuuarftv. Senior Darren Henell became the only fending stale champion in the 100-yard On Monday, the Blue Devils met up swimmer in the meet's 44-year history to breastttroke Dtve Schwartz. Schwartz with arch rival St. Joseph's of Metucnen become aneicht-time winner. broke his own record in the event a* he lor their fuildual-mcct competition since Hertellhas won the WOyard individual clocked 58,78 seconds in the event. list year's A Division slate final. medley and 100-yard backstroke during Other lop performances came from At last year's state final, Westfield allfourycanofhil high school swimming seniors Tom Mann and Tun Smith and ended the Falcons' 12-yearreignas stale juniors Dan Zcmsky and Ted Pollack. champions with a score oft 11 -39. Not only did he become an eight-time Mann won the 100-yard butterfly in At Monday 'a meet the Devils contin- winncr.buiheKl new meet neon* In the 53.99 seconds, Smith took the 100-yard ued their dominance over St. Joe' s with a score of 114-66. The lop point total of • dual meet is 180 points, while at a slate championship competition the poinltoUl Blue Devil Girl Cagers it only 170 because diving is not held. ii tin Tri.nxwi.ilmm This year's St, Joe's meet gave Mtrtrokt «v»t oftfca WettfieltTs Hertell an opportunity to TlM townUr n apla avenge his lots to the Falcons' Mark De-Frock Cardinals Woon in Ibe 200-yard intermediate B; TUCKER TUMBLE Bomba was high scorer with her nine, medley earlier this leuon it the Pirate while Allcbaugh sank three and Andrea Invitation. Rettino to Be Named The Blue Devil* OirU' Basketball Moore, McKenna and Gallagher had two Hertell won the race against Woon on Team showed t plus and a minus in their apiece. Monday. Man of the Year record books last week at they lo«t lo Westfield plays italasl regular-season The50-yaid freestyle gave senior Smith Union High School Football Summit on Thursday but swamped game today at homeigatiut Scotch Plains, a chance lo shine as he won the event he Coach and Director or Health, Plajnlietdon Saturday 43-24. and next week enter* the Union County doesn't normally swim in 21.44 seconds. Education and Athletics Lou Westfieldnever really got into the first Tournament. Teammate Zemsky added to a good Renino of Wcslfield will receive half and was completely shut out of the The Devils' record now ii 8-11. showing in the SO with an impressive ibe Man of the Year Award from fim quarter against Summit as they posted time of 23.49 seconds. the Wcnfleld Chapter of Unity, • 49-231OM. Although the squad had two dual meets The HiUtopper led at the half 2S to 6. Neighborlineu. Iniemty, Charity le ft in the regular se uon, they are starling Whatever Coach Linda King says lo to eye the atatc championship in ecu. and Opportunity (UNICO) on the team al half time must work because More Sports Found Westfield can expect lo possibly met I Sttxday,Mmh6,utiieWeuwood consistently the Blue Deyili come out up wilh such teams as Christian Brothers inCarwood. raring lo go — only this time it was too On Pages 10 and 11 Academy, Scion Hall Prep, possibly St ReUino.namedCoschof die Year late. Weilfield played the second half Joe's and definitely Bergen Catholic, twice, has produced teams thai have behind by only seven points. which knocked the Blue Devils out of the won an unprecedented nine Group Brooke Wiley posted high point* with •tate tourney in 1990. No. 4 lilies and six trophies as the II, while Taryn McKcnna and Amy best football team in the state. Oallsgher etch sank four. Anita Prunty His varsity record stands at 191- and Abby Bomba put in two apiece. Saturday, the Blue Devils built a six- 53-5. point lead at halftime and never looked Openers back as they defeated Plainfield. Typi- cally.lheleamwasstrongeriniheiecond half as they allowed the Cardinals only 10 SPORTS VlfilON TESTING Signups Begin more points to their own 23, WMto any basic optomrtric «• • xamlnrton wiU evaluate For Lacrosse In the beginning of the season Coach trwhtakhofthacyt, check visual •cuiiy«nda*c*ui(iiri« two King told The WtstfietdUader she was •yw am working w«* tooathw, (hart «ra further artu of The Westfield Recreation Com- relying on the aggressive pity of the nctTnfottain»,wtii really looking forward ,lo iweeping the 26,14 seconds and third in the 100-yard Sparked by Bomba, whDthrew in three '00! 8G?-iV?G (908) 634-2G?-: To Be Held relayi." backstroke, in one minutes and 6,21 three-pointers, the Devils only could score Smith wu ible to participate in two seconds. an idditional nine points in the second 1405 Harding Ave , Linden On March 28 major relay wiiu, however; Tint in the In the 100 yudbreasijtroke, Showfery half to concede the game. 200-yard medley, with teammates Saskia placed third, in one minute and 16.75 The Wcslfield Recreation Com- Riley, Sarah Showfely and Jen O'Brien seconds, while Olden captured a very missionand the Westfield Municipal at one minute and 39.83 secondi, and unexpected first at one minute and 15.89 Alliance have teamed up once again then latei in the 200-yard freestyle with seconds. to offer the second annual Family Ice Lias Olden, Bronwyn Hay ind Anne "Oar main goal thisycor was lo win the Skating Party at Warinanco Skating Tcilclbiom, at one minute and 45.82 counties," Olden said. "This meet made' Rink in Rosclle-Elizabeth on Sunday, second*. Smith alio finished lecond in us realize what we are capable of doing. March 28, from 6 to 8 p.m. both the 50, at 25.72 iccondi, and 100- We all want to go far in die state finals." This event, which will be offered through funds provided by the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, wil I be free of charge Suburban Center and open to all Westfield residents with proper identification. All residents, teens and families Your Hometown Wellneee Center alike, muy attend. Your Final arrangements still arc un- derway and additional information STEP will bedistrluutcd through the school system ami The We si field Leader. lild Being AEROBICS For more informution, plensc tele- phone the Wcslfield Recreation De- partment at 7H9-4080. allen^ DANCE Bicyclists to Discuss Vehicle Maintenance Enough ? The Ccttlrsil Jersey Bicycle Club ©an® will meet on Tuesday, February 16, ut An extraordinary opportunity to Come KC for yourself,,. $ UteSports Sufcty Auditorium utJolin P, Kennedy Memorial Hospital in explore the challenges that $700 Massage- 4O°° Metuehcn 1117:10 ii.m, WttriHmv-Httrtridge provides, OPEN HOUSE / per person 20% OFF Iniuiticlpiitlotiof the warn; weather ahead, the program will be about For more information call the Thursday, February 25 a! 7:00 pm Fri. Feb. 12 Monthly Card of bicycle niiilnteimncc.Thc public may Admissions OJfke itt LOWER SCHOOL TESTING 5 classes or Ffersonal Training attend. work-out hours only For direction)!, tilmHU telephone (908) 756-0035. Saturday, frbriiiuy27 — Your Hoete: lKliKt233TOy4 (Grades 1-7) a«8:.H)ain Pencil* & Jackie 3uy before 2/13 PER HOUR JcfT Smith Leads Rogers Leliigli Swim Squad fi>\ Wadkw- Jcll.S in liliol Wr.sil loltl, it f rcshiiian (90S) 654-2700 on the Lehigli University Men's /' Hartridge Swimming li-uin of lletlilcheni, Peiitiaylvutiln, miduirctl llic 4(XJ- lnw«p Sili,'nlli,*rt. k ". HMD l').ii,ill,l,l ,W I'll,. I, I. &22 South Ave., W., • Westfield mctor medley wlay leuiti which tie- V>|i|HI Vlruul lirjilri » II. l>"« I in Ain>l ipjuij I ri'tt,tt \'nr tr' OPEN 7 PAYS • M-F 6am»10pm / Sat. &Sun. 9am-5pfn minutes ami 35.M seconiln on Janu- ary 27. Fftgcl* Qtaiitt, Thunday, February 11,1993 Wrestling Team Tops Linden and Elizabeth Results of Sports Events *J ADAM WEINSTEIN technique, but emphuued to the young Matched up against tough opponents, five forfeits, Westfield never trailed. In Westfield's Schools JIrnialU wrettiers the qualities th»t lead to lucoeii James Hogaboon, at 125 pounds, and Again it was Sullivan who set the pace BOYS'BASKETBALL Inspired by the return of bronze med- in wreiding. Paul Hayes, tt 130, lost decisions that for the team with s win, this time a pin at alist Chris Csjnpbell to hi* hometown, Saturday night, a dinner was held in hia temporarily put the lead back in Linden's four minutes and 44 seconds. Jeff Vanity the Wutfldd WnMlinc Tctm defeated hanor.ncognizing the amazing comeback favor. Checchio extended the lead with • 7-3 Thursday. February 4—Summit. 64; Wettfield. 62 Linden md Elizabeth in a convincing of Campbell from retirement to an Wcftfield regained the lead when Chris decision. Saturday February 6 — We*tfield,72;Plainfield, 51 manner. Olympic medal. Posey took a forfeit at 135 pounds, and Westfield added 12 point with two S'ranSy«> - JMfUd. 5* Union Catholic, 48 The victoriei lessened the tcim't dis- Hit return teemed to ipark the team at CoryFoacypackodhismanat 140pounds. forfeits coming from the undermanned Niitk Grade appointment after they fell out of cute they easily disposed two opponent* last Cory continued his domineering style of Elizabeth squad. Buldo and Dave Thunday. February 4—Weatfield, 68; Summit.47 tmntcmion with losses to Rihwiy ind week. wreiUing,scoring three takedowns before Graf figna collected the easy victories. Friday. February 5—Plainfield. 59: infield. 46 Union, the two top rated teami in Union Wednesday afternoon theBlue Devils recording the pin at one minutes and 19 Elizabeth finally got on die Scoreboard County. hotted Linden, and responded with i4S- seconds. with • pine at 130 pounds, before Chris Monday, February B - Wettfield, 63; Unm: Catholic. 38 Campbell was recognized by the 16 victory. Posey m sintained the w ide margin w ith a GIRLS' BASKETBALL TheBlue Devils openedHip the contest Vanity community (his past weekend for hii At 103 pounds, Kevin Sullivan put with wins from Mike Liggera at 145 pin at three minutes and 24 seconds. The accomplishments on the mat — znosl Westfield ahead by overpowering his victory left him with asuperi>16-2record Thursday, ftbiuary 4 — Summit. 49; Weitfield, 23 pounds and Lance Kovac at 152pounds. on the season. recently hit tucceii tl last lummcr'i opponent in a 10-3 decision. The 6e>hman Liggera wu locked in a lie late in the Sati«lay.I%bniary6-WeitfieW.43;l>infieJd,24 Olympics. has hit a hot streak and hat an impressive third period when he pulled through with Bruno Parente won by forfeit at 140 Tuesday, February 9 — Union Catholic. 42; Weslfield, 18 On Friday, he wu honored at an ai- 12-6 record. a reversal, which allowed him lo earn a 5- pounds, as did Jim Flood at 160 pounds. Ninth Grade sembly held ai the high tchoo) and later After forfeiting in the 112-pound 3 decision. Kovac struggled for two pe- Wednesday. February 3 -Cranford. 39; WeKfield, 26 that night at a ceremony before the weight class, Brian Buldo regained the riods before taking charge and scoring lead with a pin at one minule and 22 Friday, February 5—Nordi Plainfield, 27; Westfield. 14 Elizabeth match. the fall at five minutes and three seconds. BOYS'SWIMMING Saturday it wu Chris' turn to give seconds. Buldo, at 119 poundi, also has Tom Whelm lost anarrow 7-2 decision Kovac won a commanding lS-2decision back to the town by holding an instruc- foundagroovc.one which could not have al 152 pounds. Wednesday, February 3 — Wettfteld, 113.5; UwrenceviUc Prep, 72.5 at 160 pounds, but Paul Baly sealed the Saturday. February 6— Wenfield. 384; Union. 227 — Union County tional clinic for Wcslficld wrenlen of all come at a better time with the county, victory with a pin. The 171 pounder had Pins from Baly and Conn allowed ajei. region and district tournaments justs few Championship weeks off. but 15 seconds to spare when he put his Weslfield to pull away with a J5-18 vie- Campbell itrciied not only good man on his back late in the third period. Both wrestler* boosted their solid Monday, February 8—Westfield. 114; St. Joseph's of Metuchen, 66 GIRLS'SWIMMING Sophomore Frank DiOiovanni won his records, now 13-5 and 17-1 respectively. tint varsity match, with a victory at 189 Wednesday, February 3 — Lawrcnccville Prep. 101; Weslfield, 84 pounds. DiOiovanni used an unorthodox The win left the Blue Devils with a team Saturday, February 6 — Weslfield, 247; Scotch Plains, 232 — Union record of 8-4-1, m headlock to pin his man at four minutes County Championship and 40 seconds. Heavy weight SelhCaren Yesterday, Westfield hosted received a forfeit to close out the match, Piscauway in preparation for the up- WRESTLING with Weitfield winning handily. coming county tournament. The team Vanity Wrestling against Elizabeth Friday feels they have igood shot st winning the Wednesday, February 3 — Weitfield. 48; Linden, 16 night, the Blue Devils cruised to an easy event, which is considered lo be wide Friday. February 5 — Weslfield. 55; Elizabeth, 18 victory. In • short match which included open this year. Juaior Varsity Wednesday, February 3 — Westfield. 18; Linden, 18 Friday, February 5—Westfield, 24; Elizabeth, 6 Ninth Grade Bowlers Roll Over Two Friday, February 5—Westfield versus Elizabeth—cancelled BOWLING Vanity Monday, February 8 — Weslfield. 7; Scotch Plains, 0 On Both Levels of Play Junior Vanity Monday, February 8 — Westfield. 7: Scotch Plains, 0 *J JEPFFEDEEPFFEDER winning all three games. Junior Dan VnaUa/fcTIa/fcrTIW P/»fMa'£aaaaP/M' r Masino led the learn with score* of 173 Weslfield High School's Varsity and and 189 in ihe first and last games, re- Junior Varsity Bowling Teams improved spectively. Captain Mike Pass carried Ihe their records with important wins against middle game with • magnificent score of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Raiders on 224. The overall scorei of ihe victories Girl Harriers Claw Monday md againil ihe Keamy Kardinals were 777 to 756,883 to 707, and 886 lo last Thursday. 655. TheBlue Devilvarsity team was ready The junior vanity team aljoconqucred for its legendary rival Scotch Plains, and Scotch Plains in all three games. Freih- Cougars in Dual Meet Scotch Rains' bowlers also were prepared man Sean McNamata had ihe high score IN AM FTFORT TO for intense competition. of the Tint game, 169. and ihe last game, •> STEPHANIE SNITOW finish in the 1,000-meCcr event. Sophomore Scotch Plains bowler Tare 179. Rookie Gary Helfen entered the The girls' team also competed in the LOOK YOUMGER. SOME PEOCLE Goldsmith confirmed the bitterness at the match in the second same and knocked The Weslfield Clirli' Trick Team Princeton Slate Individual Champion- OVERLOOK THU Onvious start of Ihe match, commenting, down a remarkable 198 pins. claimed victory over the Cranford Cou- ships held in Princeton on Sunday. "Westfteld bowlen always tick me off" Westfield fought • tighter and equally gars by winning all but two events in last Although ihe girls did not place in any The Blue Devils rose to Ihe challenge, icnsematch against Kcamytast Thursday. Thursday's dual meet. events, Winklcr closed a personal best of The Blue Devil vanity team scratched Despite a strong Wes tfield contingent, 64 seconds in the 400-mctcr event. out the first game by seven pins, 790-783, Cranford won firsl pi ace in Ihe 600- meter Robinson recorded her best time of the Pat Cosquer Wins but the Kardinals bounced back lo win race, with sophomore Megan O'Brien season for the mile. VARILUX Ihe second game, 955-B52, in ipite of a close behind in second. Senior Heather Pus ich commented on as N o i i M r n i r o c A I S HI In Squash Tourney fine game by Masino. Pass, Malt Jackson Sophomore Tiffany Hester dominated theieam'sdevelopmcnt,"ldefinitely feel Pat Cosquer, a senior at Wcsificld and Greg Rhodes had superlative games Ihe 60-yard hurdlet, placing first. Hester our freshmen have proven themselves, High School, won the boys' under lo win the decisive round 915-886. also captured first in the 300-metcrevent, and the track team's future looks good. B. KUBICK OPTICIANS 19-year-old draw of the 1993 New Coach Michael Tironc said, "The se- clocking i person si bat time. Sophomore Although we didn't have much experi- Jersey Stale Squash Championships niors came on strong in the third game, teammaieAhishaWinkler placed second. ence, our underclassmen definitely have 110 Central Ave. • Westfield which was very tenuous, to lake the Winklcr placed second in the 60-yard Ihe talent and ability to become out- held al The Ricochet Health and conference lead." dash as well, behind first-place Cranford. standing runners within the next year." 233-5512 Racquet Club on Saturday and Sun- In addition, amid an atmosphere of In the 2,000-meler event, senior Catie The girls' learn competed in their final "Until li.tr I"'" day. mutual anger and fierce concentration, Robinson finiihcd firsl with freihman meel of ihe season at the Thomas G. The 17 year old defeated Simon the junior varsity defeated Keamy in all Sharon Gambinoclose behind al second. Dunn Athletic Center Bgainst Elizabeth a------COUPON ------i Adams of The Delbarton School of three games. Keamy bowler Carrie Ann Robinson garnered another Urn-place yesterday. .,„.. Toward purchase of | Morristown in the final 15-11,15-12 Barbanowski defined the mood early in $ and 125-9, to give him the slate title. the firstgajnc when, sflcrshchad violated, complete eyeglasses I In addition to winning the stale the foul line, she smashed her fist into the championship, Cosquer also reached scoring console in a spasm of fury. at B. Kublck Opticians. I Westfield scraped by in ihe first game Boy Cagers Witt Two, i i5 Ihe semi-finals of the New Jersey by only two pins, 780 to 778, but Jason - COUPON -----J Open, where he was defeated by Smith started thcmomcnlum, ending the Andrew Merrill of the Short Hills first game with a turkey, three consecu- section of Millbuni 15-11,15-13 and tive strikes, and a score of 171. Drop a Close Contest Here's Where to Buy 15-12. Once Weslfield began to work, they i» ERIC RUBIN He first saw action against Shabazz Cosquer plays for the Chatham sleamrolled through the nexllwogames. Wtiuajcr TU W,uflML—*t Anchor John Szulej, as well as rookies lui Tuesday, scoring 11 paints and Club in Chatham, and will attend The Westfield Boy s' Basketball Team snalchingeight rebounds to lead the cagers Bates College in Lcwistown, Maine, Tcxld Jakubik and tan Brady, lifted welcomed the return Df sophomore Wcstflcld past Keamy. tot 73-58 victory. where he will participate in squash Brandon Prctlow as the cagers won two Besides ihe impressive return of and baseball. "I was impressed lo see our team stuck out of three games this week, Prellow Pretlow, Senior phenom MikcComandini BARON'S DRUG STORE it out ihccntire match ind won,"rcmarked averaged 10 points a game during the wuraining from outside. Mike put in 34 243 East Broad Street, Westfield Jakubik. three games andsparked victories sgainst points and shel an incredible 14-16 from Love looks nol with Ihe eyes, but The Weslfield junior varsity U in sec- Shabazz and Plainfield. w/'ffi ihe mind, and therefore'is Die field. CENTER STREET CAFE ond place behind Union, and the Union Pretlow's absence from the team was The Blue Devils did not lei this game 117 Center Street, Garwood wing'd Cupid painted blind. team is the top varsity contender. Both due lo academic ineligibilily. He had to slip out from under them, as they kept the William Shak«p«are the varsity and the junior varsity eagerly sit out until February 1. good pressure defense on Uic Bulldogs awaited the battle will) Union yesterday. The eager certainly made the best of CENTRAL SQUARE DELI his comeback. and continued lohil shots, 715 Central Avenue, Westfield Wes (field then hadahomegameagainst Summit on Thursday .This was expected CLYNE AND MURPHY (ROOTS) lo be i somewhat easy game for the 439 South Avenue West. Westfield Devils, but instead turned into a heart- breaker for Ihe Weslfield pliiycrs and FOODTOWN SUPERMARKET funs. 219 Elm Street. Westfield Yesterday, The cagers took a 54-49 lead into the dreaded fourth period. The fourth-quarter HERSHEY'S jinn took over again and the players willed 221 South Avenue West, Westfield at Ihe hands of Summit. Weslfield was uutscured 13-8 in the HIDI'S we knew final eight minutes, and the final score touted 64-62. 484 Fourth Avenue, Garwood Mike Comandini led thu luam with 18 KING'S SUPER MARKET points, junior Mike Checkeli tallied 16 and junior point guard Marc Kuslowski 300 South Avenue, Garwood what she nelled 12. MallComandini also contrib- KOZY KORNEK uted 10 strong points. The Blue Devils traveled lo Plainfield 401 South Avenue, Westfield to avenge their earlier season 61-58 loss. KRAUSZERS needed... And believe me, they did! Westfield came to 1'luinficld with a 727 Central Avenue, Weslfield heartbreaking loss mid on incredible size disadvantage. The lust time these IWD MARIA'S CAFE teams mm Phiinfield overpowered the 615 South Avenue, Westficki cages on the boars, but lilts lime was a Today different story. MOUNTAINSIDE DRUG Westfield played incredible defense, 899 Mountain Avenue, Mountainside we are questioning if our daughter is led by Rob Moore und Koslowski, and being adequately prepared for the also shot thuduylighui out of Pluinfichl as PROSPECTOR'S COUNTRY STORE Mike Comundin! scored 30 points. 760 Prospect Sireel, Wc.slficld challenges of high school, and Prctlow also had u good shewing by ultimately of college. netting 15 solid points cnniule Hi a 72-51 QUICK-CHEK drubbing of die Curdinali. 572 North Avenue, h'tinwood In primary school, girls and boys tend to list math This week moved WeslfickTs record QUICK-CHKK as tl ifjir favorite subject. Yet by the end ol middle uplo5-13.1lu]soshowc•« ami man phsWhoAtnlpWho'sWhoAtnt>iitAi>wri:inHljih School Students, •\tWt*t?ltlb Iltabet, Thursday, February II, 1»3 Fencing Club Begins United Fund Official Spring Class Signups Explains Allocations The Westfield Fencing Club is ac- the lessons. "It has been called the United among a child with cerebral palsy, a cepting registration for iu spring The spring session will consist of Fund's best kept secret. It is Ihe best senior citizen needing home health session of fcfKingclsMesand invites five classes that will meet on Satur- expression of the financial account- care, or a teenager in need of drug or beginning and experienced fencers days, February 20 and 27 and March ability of the United Fund. It also is alcohol treatment," he asked. lo enroll. Classes are designed for 6,13 and 20, at Redeemer Lutheran evidence of how the United Fund children and adults and are open lo all My School it 229 Cowperthwaiie executes its public trust of contribu- New Jersey resident!. Children must Place, Westfield. tors* dollars, James Pinkin. the 1993 be at least 10 years old. Beginning adult fencers will meet Chairman of Allocations, said. Professions! fencing Coaches Tom Gram 10 to 11 a.m., experienced adult "Called the Budget Review and lomkoandJohnlzzolinowill provide fencen from II a.m. to noon, expe- Citizen-Review Process for Alloca- instruction in epee, foil and sabre rienced youth from noon to 1 p.m. tions, it is the way the Unite Fund fencing. Beginning fencen will leam and beginning youth from I to2p.m, distributes itscampaigncontribulions Ihe basic offensive and defensive The sabre class will meet as a mixed for human services. moves while developing speed and group for those aged 11 and up from "The process is simple: Local coordination. The more experienced 2 to 3 p.m. citizens, United Fund volunteers, fencen will continue lo develop and The registration deadline for the make decisions for the good of their fine-tune these skills and leam ad- spring fencing session is Wednesday, communities. vanced and more complex fencing Mnvyl7. "Each year, men and women serve strategies. Class size is kept small to A club spokesman also announced on the United Fund's allocations allow the instructors lo individualize plans to hold a Summer Sale for ex- committees, making decisions on how perienced fencers of all ages. Par- the United Fund will spend its funds ticipants will have the opportunity to for health and human services. They Follies Circus spar with one another in an open TO THE RESCUE..A beUcopltr lands at tbt Wttlflcld Hlfb School fhld tw representacross-sectionofWestfield: gymnasium setting, and, in this way, Friday morning to transport Carlos Such** of Elbabcla, a Union County Different nationalities, races and re- Will Appear stay in good fencing shape and im- ncycUagtmployte.to University Hwpttal InNtwarfc after be MuUlaed Internal ligions. They work in a variety of prove their fencing skills. Injuries after reportedly falling off iheiWeofaretycllBg truck on Beverly Drive occupations, ranging from company Jamei Pinkin At Arts Center Tomko and Izzolino will provide and being run over by the truck. Mr. Studies was Uited In stable condition on President to middle manager to "United Fund volunteers lake one instruction and oversee competitions Tuesday morning. The picture waj taken by Chrta Black of WesffltW. homemaker," Mr. Pinkin added. more factor into consideration when The New York Follies will bring its during each session. Family Circus lo Railway's Union "Those people bring together var- deciding ho w to spend contributions: The Summer Sale will be held at ied skills, experiences, perspectives Ourprioritiesforfunding. They try to County Arts Center on Saturday, Redeemer Lutheran Day School on March 6. and knowledge to accomplish answer the questions: "What service s Tuesday andThursday evenings. June County 4-H to Sponsor something that has a great impact on are needed most in Wcsificld, and TheFollies'Family Circus isamix 20 to July 29, from 6:30 to 8:30 Westfield. which are most appropriate for of acrobatic feats and circus-style o'clock. Participants must have a "Volunteers evaluate each United funding? comedy acts designed for broad au- minimum of one year of fencing in- Its Camp in August Fund agency in five areas: 1. Service "This citizen-review process, then, dience appeal. The March 6 arts center struction. engagement will get underway at 6 The Union County 4-H Camp will Boys and girls aged 9 to 12 may objectives; 2. Target groups served; is a thorough, thoughtful method to To leam more about the spring be held from August 16 to 20. attend. The cost for all meals, lodg- 3. Program accountability: 4. Fi- distribute your contribution. It is de- p.m. and reserved seat tickets areStO fencing classes and the Summer Sale. for all seats. The camp is a sleep-away facility ing, and round-trip transportation is nancing, and 5. Management. They signed to accomplish five important Please telephone 322-5065. located in Beemcrville. The rural $140. Youth 12 to 15 years old may also visit agencies to discuss issues functions: 1. Ensure yourgiftiswisely The number to telephone for res- such as the quality of the services spent; 2. Provide quality health and ervations and more information is The club is a project of the New setting of Sussex County is the apply to attend as counselors-in- 499-8226. Jersey Workshop for the Arts, a non- backdrop for swimming, hiking, na- training at the same cost. Adults 16 delivered. human services; 3. Maintain ac- The 1,300-seat center is a profes- profit organization thatalsooversees ture studies, horseback riding, arts and over may go to camp free if they "Distributing United Fund dollars countability to you, the contributor; sionally-restored vintage movie pal- The Music Studio, the Westfield and crafts and other activities. qualify to be counselors. is a difficult task. It means trying to 4, Try lo reach critical areas or target ace situatedal the junction of Central Workshop for the Arts, Westfield The camp is licensed by the New For more information, please tele- meet unlimited needs with limited groups of people who are unservedor Avenue and Main and Irving Streets Community Orchestra and Union Jersey Department of Health and phone Ihe 4-H office at 654-9854. dollars white being accountable to underserved'.andS.AvoiddupliCBtion in Railway's historic restorationdis - County Music Theater, under Ihe di- managed by the Rutgers Cooperative Camp space is Tilled on a first-come, the contributor. How, for example, of other private funding sources or trict. There is ample parking in Ihe rection of Dr. Theodore K. Extension 4-H program. first-serve basis. do you decide the relative needs governmental programs. immediate vicinity. Schlosberg. SERVICES AIMD GOODS YOU NEED! AIR CONDITIONING APPLIANCES ART SERVICES AUTO DEALER AUTO DEALER Serving >/M WetWId.Af OMPHK ART MRVKE FS2Y You're Closer Than You Think... To EST. 194. TV'S- STEflEOB. APPLIANCES MMCTOP MIBLISHHte VIDEO EQUIPMENT Nnmimu • MOCHUUS PRovtoma QVAUTY umict KITCHEN CABINETS Fom OMtm jg rttHt SALES Si SERVICE BOOKS>LOOOS *A»S MACINTOSH INSTRUCTION Authorized Sales & Service Genuine GM Parts. n MOTORS CO. HumWIIIera • Electronic Air Cteansre UMON COUNTY'S LAMEST ft OLDECT CADILLAC DEALSJl MNCC 1932* EE OFF STREET PARKINS Clock Thermostat* • Attic Fans CLASH ITMIT*WIOTPI1LD 79 GRAND ST., ELIZABETH, N.J. •Blown-ln btiultUon 220 ELMER ST., WESTFIELO • 333 • 7430 IVaNINOl 233-0220 W«»HI«1d 233-6222 233-0400 354-8080 BOWLING CARPET CLEANING REILLY CLARK WANTED: DIRTY CARPETS -FREE! OLDSMOBILE LINCOLN-MERCURY Call Pele for your Realty Pro's 2 Rooms Cleaned lor '38" complimentary market I Third Room FREE! Authorized OTlly Omiwd *nd OftnM "The home of analysis or buyer Peter V. Hoeaboom, GW, CM JOne of the most modern bowling Call For Holiday Specials) Otdsmobile Superb Service" counseling. Bral»r/AM. KI;LI.I;K\S Renovations and Additions Trantform m ordlnjry room with • Horn* better diy cleaning < ill Experience • Encapsulations of For a Free Estimate FrwEctJmates-FuMy Mwurert Custom Decks Al So«n on TVs "Thlt Old Hout»" Asbestos Pipes Home Room Will ud Library Sntems 1-800-336-5688 or (908) 232-2277 (908)232-7171 Fully Insured 219 Glen Roid seavrt** rotta AM* FREE ESTIMATES MounUimlde, NJ 07092 DENTAL PLAN FENCES O FLOORING FLOOR COVERING FUEL OIL GLASS & MIRRORS Serving All Of N.J. Cntf Check out these Features: ALL COUNTY FENCE BRUNT & WERTH REEL-STRONG • NoFwmsIoFk FUEL CO. MIRROR AND » No Deductible* All Type9 of Wood & CO. GLASS COMPANY » Ho Waiting Period on Pfenning. Conditions FOROUAUTV Bst 1925 • The finest quality arid workmanship • No Exclusions - You Art Conrad fof 100S of Chain-Link Fencing FLOOUVAX Goi/ctlnns - HEATING & COOUNG • Faclory-direcl prices Dental Procedures ARMSTRONG • ExpEftMesigneti and inslallfld • No Units - You Cm Never B« Cinctltd — Expertly Installed — •FUEL OIL BURNERS .FR£E bams and FHEEX-nin Hiirdwoori Floor DoNnlshlng •HUMIDIFIERS • nesilvering-Antiqtiing •Beveling • Low Cost Annual Fee FREE ESTIMATES Installed • Soudcd • finished Custom \ *-»»»ii /Estimates • Walls*Ceiling*Bathrooms* Cilslom Staining . Pickling Installations V c?5?r/ Gl"*n at*<"y • AIR CONDITIONERS Wot Bars.elc. Write Today For Free Information Pack DIAL, 276-0900 tuttwi mm svmct-mrtsrmAm A.S.G. 298-0922 tumiun P.O. Box 852-UDP 'FREEESTIMATES 232-5958 549 LEXINGTON AVE. TynjjBomia Boror , MA 01879 232-8727 Call: (908) 755-645'1 741CENTRALAVE. . WESTFIELD CRANK-PUP. GARAGE DOORS INTERIOR DECORATING LANDSCAPING MOVERS PLUMBING k HEATING PAINTING OvtrftMd Door DRAPERY • WALLPAPER • CARl'ET ROBBINS & ALLISON Inc. Of Central Jersey SCOTT SEIB LOUIE'S PAINTING DECORATE AT DISCOUNT PRICES Local Moving and Storage PLUMBING & HEATING Public Movers License PC 00172 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL AND DECORATING Complete Lawn Care • CUSTOM BATHROOMS • Exteriors and Interiors • BKMOimiNG & ALTERATIONS ProfuRsionully Ihstullod Free estimates • SKWKK& DKAINU.KANINC • Fully Insured Garatie Doors CUSTOM INTERIORS Fully insured . WATKK IIKATEKS Ami Openers Weekly lawn maintenance FULLY INSURED LIC. #6543 EXPERT WORK 844 South Avenue W AC IvNT/AM.IIvl) VAN LINKS AT MODEST PRICES 952 U.S. Route 202 Weslflold, NJ 07090 Fertilizing 654-1818 SomervHIe, NJ 08676 213 SOUTH AVE. E., CRANfORD 621 SherbrookoDr.,Wost(leld 654-9555 Crinlofd, N.J. (9f 6) 272-7294, To I. 276-0898 nlnimenii Avail able (908) 561-5379 KAIWIOS PAINTING • PAINTING PHARMACY PLUMBING & HEATING PLUMBING ft HEATING SHADOW TIFFANY MOUNTAINSIDE PLUMBING * HEATING MVDOWEUS PAINTING DRUGS Charles Honecker Since 1028 Lie. #1200 • WATER HEATERS Commercial • Industrial • Flosldentlnl Open 7 Days n Week Residential • Commercial • Industrial Dally 0:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Established 1957 • SEWER CLEANING • Froo EstimotoB Snuifdtiy Q;30 n.m. to U \i.n\t • SUMP PUMPS SundtiysD n.m.loG p.m. Lie. # 2036 • Fully Insured REMODELING k SERVICE • BOILERS VlUimln Protlucts NO/OH TOO SMALL INSURED • Prossuro Washing .INTERIOH' RESIDENTIAL 233-0897 450 North Ave. E. . EXTERIOR • COMMERCIAL SO7-OO2O AMPLE I Hire PAHKINd PICK UP a ncuvuiY 374 Short Dr. Wostllold 276-9394 Westfleld Lyndhurst 233-22OO Mountainside, NJ. 233-3213 12 \t J&tvtfitlb ftitabev, Thursday,February 11,1993

PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUCNOTICE CLASSIFIED MOTaSB TO i PubHo Nonce la hereby given *iai an SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY. STATE Of NSW . MY TO. BOARO OP AOJUS1TMENT ordnance of which Ihe followina la a copy HOU3E FOB SALE CHANCERY DIVISION. ONION COUNTY. Tf» Board of Adjuatmam of the Townof we* Introduced, read and paaaed. on ftret DOCKET NO. F-143M-Qt. YOU AM HEREBY SUMMONED AND WaicflaM. Naw Jarsay will meet en reading by fha Council ot fha Town of 700 Companta* offering legHi- WE3TFIELO UNITCO JCnaSVaANK/CCNTHAL. N.A.. REQUIRED to sarva upon CLAPP «. Monday, February M. 16»» In tna Council WeWald at a meeUno, held February 8. mtf* home employment opp. BY OWNER (wacnior to United Jareey Bank/ ElSENBCRa, P.C.. ptaintwrs altornaya. Chamtoara al t*» MuntdpaJ SuHdtog. 425 1683. and thai the eaM Council win further Eiti recorded message re- Hleaborough Natfonal} va TERRENCE C. wnoas addraaa Is Ona Nawark Osntar. East Bread Street. WeetMd, New Jarwr oanelder »>• aama tor final paaaaoe on 2,000 sq. ft. — 9 car parking, NswaYk. Naw Jsrssy 07101. anon* num- al 7:S0 p.m. In ad*8on to Ihoee variance* eUiU t handicap access. 2 zone, low, MULLEN* SHIRLEY R. WALTERS and tie asrd day of February. ISM. al 840 FIRST FIDELITY BANK. N A. bar (Ml) 842-9S00. an snawsr to »a tram ttta raqu*amanw of tna WeaMaM pm, m tie Council Chamber. Municipal (201)441-4157 $400,000. CIVIL ACTION. WRIT Of EXECUTION. compiami and tna Amandad CuniBlaHH Land u«* ordtnanoa prlmstt m ma Puttie Bu«dlng.4a6Eaat Broad Street Weetfletd. •It. 28 (9M)6$S4S40 FOR SALE Of MORTOAOED PREMISES. (Mad In • dvN action In which Mrst Fad^al i appaarati m laat week'* New Jeraey, al which tkne and place any By virtue of tha above-Mated writ of Savings Bank (ol Oatawara) lapWntfland per eon who may ba kilereeted therein will or •neeglfon •> me o**eted I she" expoee Stuart Habar Is a dafandant. panoVtg In required Mr H> ippaill naiad: be o'ven an opportunity to ba heard con- Earn up to $339.84 per week 232*2700 tor •«• by pubes vondue. tn ROOM aoT, m tha Superior Court Df Maw Jaraay. Cnan- 1. Jeffrey S. O'Connor. SOS Cental cerning MM ordinance. Mon.thfu.Frl.ft-S mm Court Houa*. In tie «ty ol ElUafcefi. cary Olv«ak>n. Union County, and baarfng Avanua aaaMng- a»paoalon of a non- Joy C. Vreeland ••••moling our products at Oookat No. F-OOS218-S2. wNhkl tMrlHhnl PROFEWONALBULDIrXr~ N J. on WSDNSSOAY, the 3rd day ol oonMrmma us* (sddMon to a flaw Town Clerk home. Amazing recorded met- MARCH. AD., IMS « «M> o'otoch In tie (»«) day* afWr Via data of tila puWieaUen, trm aarvtoa MMon) and *ne plan GENERAL ORMMANCB NO. sag* revMls details. Call today. fOBSAlf afkKnoon of *ak* day. axotualva of aueh data. approval of aama contrary 10 tier* • AN ORDWiANCB TO AMSNO ^ (>14)73ta7M 555WESTFIELDAVE. ALL tt certain Condominium Unit In If you Hat to do ao. fudgmant by datauH qulremam* of ArUcla 10, Bactton THS OOOS OP THB TGWM OP the •orowoh of Moumalnelde. County of may ba randarad against you lar tna raHaf 1004,Pwaorapn, 8ub- BJvsfSlfied duties enc. typing, amandmanta and aupplemente. and Naw Jaraay OSSM, In aoeordamas wtth SECTION I — Thai eubaectlon (6) of ffg subject to the provtalona of tha Maatar tia ruws of olvK praesca and procadura. ParsBfapn (1) — oaflctancy In lot SeoHon 27-3 of the Code of the Town of filing, packing & shipping phone Oaad for Mountainside Croseinge Con- Thla action ha* baan InatttuMd for tha area exleing at 14,326 aQ. ft. — Or- WettHald be emended to read aa foaswa: FIREPLACE WOOD dominium, raccrdad In Iha Union Courtly purpoaaof Olnanoe requlree 18,000 aa. ft.; •<6)Aalatemenla* to whether or noltne BaofJan 1005, Pmragimpn (ft). Bub- Guaranteed seasoned. Deliv- RsglMer'iOfflce In Deed Boo* 3440 page < 1) foractoamg a mongagadatadMaron appDoant ha* been convicted of any traf- •T7 baD ilawara) (0) Inetead ofaubaKllon (g) and (h). Condominium. ialhasuooaasortsfhsrlghuandlnlsraMa Paraarspn (6) —maximum allow- Old Watches able lot coverage vMaUon 24.7% — 6ECT10N III - Thai Section 27-11 of the SUBJECT 10 tha provlatoni of aald ot Flrat Atlantic Saving* * Loan Associa- Coda of rne Town ofWeatfleld be amended Working or Not tion Orc*»neaa«ow»20%:Sac»i>n 1005, Condominium Acl tor »ie State ol Naw Paragraph (h), Sub-Paraoraph (B) to read a* follow*: For 2 year old boy, Westfiefd. (906)297-8766 If you arm unabla lo obtain an attorney, Light housework. Own trans. J«raay,lia»upplamantiandamandmanta allow- chapter to the contrary, duly licenced Call Evenings: Sanford * Son eakJ Maatar Oaad Including By-Lawa of 3529, or wMh tha Lawyar Rafarral Sarvtoa aeto fence height violation; SecUcn taxlcaba *haH be entitled to tranaport Mountakialda Croaalnga Condominium or tha county ol vanua by calling (SOS) 1006, Paragraph (h>, Sub-Paragraph paseenger* from point* In the Town of (908)S82-4402 Clean up oi cellars, attics. 837-1768. General clean up. Ownara Aaeodatton. (0) (os|—maximum allowable drive- WeetfteM to other point* In the Town of BEINO commonly known aa Unit ie. If you cannot afford an attornay. you way/cur6eulwld«h»vtolaUoneiil»tlng Weatfleld at a fee or rate to be eetabtlehed WE9THELD (908)297-6766 Building B. 1126 Springfield Avenue at Mm maycommunlcata with tha Lagal Sarvtoaa al 32', 36' and 38' wheraa* the Ordi- between the pauangar and operator by Lane! Mountalnalda, Naw Jere*y O7OSS. Offloa ol Iha county of vanua by calling nance allow* a maximum wkfih of mutual agreement prior lo the ride oom- Small apartment, all utilities. Thar* la du* approximataly tna sum of (BOB) 384-4340. 26': Driveway/curb cui mutt be 2S' menolng; however, If a fixed rate for Ma Quiet neighborhood. $600. •116,646.73 togathar with lawful Intaraat Donald F. Phalan from adjoining property according to aervlce hu been e*iabll*h*d by the taxi- Garage available. Town May Not Face from Juna 1S, 1B92 and coaia and In tha Clark of tha Supartor Court the ordinance and 1 curb cut I* 0': cab operator It ahall be polled In the ve- ) 654-7006 aaoond Plata to tha defendant 6WRLEY CLAPP a IISENBSm drtvawayi nuiM ba SO* from atraat hicle." Mount Laurel Obligation fl. WALTERS, tha aum of 6M.SfM.66 to- CountaWora at Law comer wnenMa two curb cula are at 8ECT1ONIV—Allordinoncesorparteof ED APIS gathar with lawful Intereit from July 16, Ona Nawark Cantar 0'and 17'; SacOort 1003, Paragraph ordl nan ceafn conflict, or Inconalatani. with 1Ma end coat*. Nawark, Naw Jaraay 07102 (a). Sub-Paragraph (3) (ec) acoa*- any part ol the term* of IM» ordlnenoe are FOR RENT 1 1-2/11/93 Faa: S4B.SS aory umcturea ara not permitted In acre site on Dunham Avenue and an Tnara la full lagal oaac'IpKon on flla In hereby rapealed to Ihe extent that they Fanwood line. Lg. 2 BR/2 Bath tha Union County Sharlira omc». tne (rom yard — 2 canopla* art are In such conflict or Inconalalent. 8.83-acre site, known as Site Seven, ptopotad. apt. in sparkling elevator Wdg. Tha Sharlff raaarvat tha right lo adjourn PUBUCNOTICE 6ECTION V — In the ovsnl that any which is bordered by Grandview thlsaala. Wall to stores andtrains. $825. aecilon.pvi.or provlalon of thl* ordinance Avenue continuous to the Cranford RALPH FROEHLICH SHERIFFS SALS; 2. Or. Sean T. Fanton, 166 Mountain ahall b* held to be unconstitutional or (908) 757-0899 and Clark boundaries. SHERIFF SUPERIOR COURTOFNEW JERSEY, Avanua eeeMng parmlaatsn to con- Invalid by anycourt. auch holding •hall nol HOUSE WANTED JAMIESON, MOORE, PE8KIN & SPICER. CHANCERY 0IVI8ION, UNION vert a two-family dwelling to an offlca affeol th* valldlly of thl* ordinance aa a The council's Building and Town Attornay COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F-4724-92. bulking and *Me plan approval of whole, or any part Ihereof. other than Ihe House Wanted — WestfiekJ, Property Commiltcelastyear mapped CX-iaiS-08(BTL&WL) PRINCETON BANK AND TRUST earn* contrary to tne retirement* ol part ao hald unconstitutional or Invalid. Clark Crantord. 3/4 BRs, LR, out preliminary lots for development 41 — 2/4, J/11, COMPANY, NA, aa Co-truMaa undar ths Article to, Section 1O2O (a) and 8ECTI0N VI—Thltordlnanc* ahall take on the Dunham Avenue site and is 3/1S I a/M/Q3F-: <33O.Bg Poollno and Sarvtcfng Agrsamant ontad Section 1031 (a) pertaining to tha •Mad afl*r pataage end publication »• DR. EIK, Fam. Rm. Principals aa of April 30, 1fWO, Sanaa 18*0-2 vs. proposed u*e of the baeement aa * aoon a*, and In the manner, permitted by only. awaiting state approval ofits wetlands HECTOR NIEVESANOTALOKNIEVES; •MUOW; Secoon 1003. Paragraph (A) law. 232-7379 plan for that tract. PUBLIC NOTICE BLANCA COLLAZO; JOSE COLXAZO. —rani pencroachea Into front yard 5 1 T — 2/11/83 Fe»:6SO.67 The committee also will be study- CIVILACTION.WHITOFEXECUTION, 1/2' from exlellng building front; FOR SALE OF MORTOAQED PRE- Section 1012. Paragraph (c), Sub- It Is Impossible to enjoy ing the mapping of the Grandview SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, MISES. Paragraph (2) front yard violation PUBUCNOTICE Avenue site for Future development, CHANCERY DIVISION. UNION COUNTY. eilatlng al 36' (not Including ramp)— DOCKET NO F-7O.79-81. By vtrtua ol ins atova-ttatad writ ot Idling thoroughly unless axacuOon to mm dlractad I ttisl I sxposa for ORSnanca raqulraaau'; Sactfon 1012, •HERIFF** BALE according to Town Administrator NATIONAL STATE BANK v. FREDERIC one has plenty of work to John F. Malloy, Jr. aala by public vandua, In ROOM 207, In Paragraph eeen Monday thru ths stternoon of said day. tntsrsacllon of ina aouinarty llna of Wsit Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. IMMEDIATE OPENING 2. Anornay'afKa numbar: 7390. The property to bo sold IB located In the Grand Stmst and tha wsMariy Una of Kathleen Neville, Secretary 3. Tax Lot No. 10S4-SD, Block 11. Chllton Straal. City ol Ellubelh In the County ol Union 4. Approx. Dlmanalona: n/a. Board ol AOjiWment Individual Sought to Thara Is dua approxlmataly Iha sum of and tha Stale of New Jersey. 5. Naarail Croaa Straat: Oawltt Road. 1 T — 2/11/93 Fee: $77.52 $148,282.78 togelhsr with Intarsst on ths Commonly known aa: 551 Fulton Street. Thara la dua approxlmataly tha aum of SELL ADVERTISING principal balancs ol $121,376.50 to bs Elizabeth, New Jersey. (MS.451.M togathar with lawful Intaraat computad at tha contract rat* of 17.814 Tax Lot No. 628 In Block No. 3. for from April 30, im and com. from July 1,1802 until July 82.10*2 and RJBUC NOTICE Dimension ol Lot: approximately 25 feat Thara I* a full lagal daacrlpflon on flla In lawful imarast thafaallar on tna total sum wide by 100 feet long, Iha Union County Sheriff** Offlca. Nearett croaa Street: Sllualo al a point dus and costs. 6UPERI0R COURT OF NEW JERSEY, Tna Sharlff raaarva* Bi» rlgM lo adjourn on the southeasterly sideline or Fulton The Westfield Leader Thara I* a full lagal daacrlptlon on flla In CHANCERY OtVUION, UNION COUNTY, thla aala. Street distant approximately 1SO fool he WESTERLY DOCKET NO F-16S21-01. 2 SANYO EB44AV SUPER S MM MOTION PICTURE CAMERAS aMe of EDOAR ROAD, CARTERET SAVINGS DANK. F.A. v* 1 N1ZOSST SUPER 6 MM MOTION PICTURE CAMERA There Ie due approxknatery the aum of ANOELO V. BERNABE, JR ; CROENZIO Of Downtown Westfield. 1 ROYAL MANUAL TYPEWRITER S133.433.3) together with lawful Intaiaat BRITO AND MARIA BRITO. HIG WIFE. 1 CLASSIC MANUAL TYPEWRITER—PRIMARY TYPE from April 1 e, 1IW2 and ccela. CIVIL ACTION, WRIT OF EXECUTION, 1 OENERAL BINDING CORP. POLAROID IDENTIFICATION CAMERA There Ie a fun legal deecrlptlon on file In FOR SALE OF MORTQAQED PREMISES. Six Off-street Parking Places. 1 MISCELLANEOUS CAMERA * TV POWER UNIT (he Union County iherirr* Office. By virtue ol the above-slalod writ ol 3 OPAOUS PROJECTORS The 8r>erlrlr**erve*therlghl1o*d|ourn sxecullon to me directed, I shall expose 10 REEL-TO-REEL AUDIO TAPE RECORDERS (AS IS) Vila eal*. lor aale by public, vendue, In ROOM 207, In Centrally Air Conditioned. 6 LAROE PILMSTRIP PROJECTORS (AS IB) RALPH FROEHLICH Ihe Court House. In tha City ol Elizabeth, 2 8KJNAL GENERATORS SHERIFF New Jerseyon WEDNESDAY, the 24lhday 1 16 MM CAMERA CARRYING CASE ft CHARGER, BOLEK SHAPIRO & MARTONE. Attorney ol FEBRUARY AD.. 1093 at two o'clock In And in Just Wonderful Condition. 1 SHELDON LATHE, MODEL BQWE, 86" BED LENOTHCOMPLETE WITH CX-1 KB-O6 (STL 1 WL) the afternoon of said day. MOTOR 116V SINGLE-PHASE REVERSIBLE t MISCELLANEOUS AC- 4 T-1/28, 2/4, Ths property lo be sold la located In iho CESSORIES 3/11*2/19/03 Fet CITY of PLAINFIELD In Iha Counly ol 1 1683 DODOE RAMCHARGER, TRUCK W/PLOW, IO« UNION, and the State of New Jersey. 1S4QW12TOOB4B4822 Commonly known as: 66 WEST6RVELT 1 1680 CHEVROLET, CARGO VAN, 104 CGM36AD10S06S AVENUE, PLAINFIELD. NEW JERSEY 1 1876 CHEVROLET, STATION WAOON, ID« 1L4M01212682 PUBUC NOTICE 07O60 Call 232-4407 1 TRAILER, HEAVY DUTY, MILITARY SURPLUS Tax Lot No. 4 (n Slock No. lit. 28 8EWINO MACHINES NOTICE OF PLANNING BOARD HEARING POR VARtANOC APPEAL Dimensions ot Lol (Approximately) 12 FOLDINa DESK CHAIRS 181 63 foet wide by 06.00 foe! long 1> MIX CHAIRS THE WESTFIELD PLANNING BOARD WlLLMEGTONMONDAY.MARCHt, 1983 Nearest Cross Stroot: 8llualo on tho 4 IRONING BOARDS AT 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAM- SOUTHWESTERLY side of WE8TERVELT 1 WARMING SERVING TABLE BERS AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. 425 AVENUE, 250.00 feel Irorn Ihe NORTH- 3 PRE-K BICYCLES EA6T BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD. NEW WESTERLY side of ORANGE PLACE. 2 TYPEWRITER TABLES JERSEY TO HEAR AND CONSIDER THE 1 AMACO KILN {BENCH MODEL) Thore Is duo approximately the aunt of POLLOWINOJ APFIAL FftOM THE RE- I! 88.1 og 74 logothor with lawful Interoal 28 CALIFORNIA JOB CASES QUIREMENTS OF THE WS8TFIEL0 ZON- 1 SMALL PILOT PRESS (rom Juno ao, 1092 and oosls TYPESETTING INQ ORDINANCE: MS NORTH SCOTCH There Is a full log Hi do»-rlpllon on file In 3 AUDIO JACKS PLAINS AVENUE. WESTFISLO, NEW Iho Union County Shorin's Olflcie. 4 FILMSTRIP PROJECTORS JEMEY. 3 BLACK ft WHITE TELEVISIONS ThD Bherlrf rosorvoslhe right load|ourn 1 SONY BLACK 1 WHITE VIOEO CAMERA ACPLIOATION AND PLAN ARE ON FILE this sate. 4 REBL-TO-REEL TAPE PLAYERS IN THG OFFICE OP THE PLANNINCJBOARD RALPH FHOEHLICH 2 BOXES OP TAPES FOR READING PROJECT 6BCRETARY, •»« NORTH AVENUE, BHSRIFF 2 SYSTEM 60 MACHINES WEST. WESTFIELD. NEW JERSEY, AND 8HAPIRO & KREISMAN 3 BOXES OP MATBRIA LS FOR SYSTEM 60 MAY BE BERN BETWEEN THE H OURS OF 0X-1IS1-OB (STL A. WL) • Done Very Reasonably 2 DOUBLE CORRALS (DESK W'DIVIDiRB) 8:30 A.M. AND 4:30 P.M. MONDAY •IT- i/ao,a/4. 1 6040 PHOTOCOPY MACHINE THROUOH FRIDAY. 2/11 &2nB/B:i Foot 13(172 When bidding on ociulpmoul give a complolo description of llw Hem, along with til* LOT l», tOtO(OXfl). LOT DEPTH: PER- • On-Premises Work Identification number nnd typo ol oqulpniont. Includu wlih your bid a phone numbar MITT6O t20', PROPOSED 11 1.13', where you can tie roacliud. All uilun will Its bunoU on Iho IHrjr-iOBi bid tor Uu llsm. Aflsr LOT IB. 1010(0)(6),LOTAHEA:PGnMIT PUBUCNOTICE ^00PflOP08iD83^,08iD8,37m7 o trie bid oponlng all roiimlnlno (Miulpmuni, iMat lute not rouri xolcj, will be BUctlon*(J off Pub'lo Nuiliio Is huruby yivon that an to Iho hlglKiet blddiir on BnUinlny, Tnhrunry 'at, 10B3 at 0:00 AM. The oallmaled fair LOT 12. 1010 (0) (I), FRONT YAW: orcilnunuo na fulluwn win piiiasecl null vnluo or tho proiwirty noKi IIOIIB noi nxciicd lliu bid Ilirssliold amounf set torlli In PERMITTED 40', BET-OAOK OR CON- iiiloplml by Iho Courmll ol Iho Town ol N.J.S.A. IUA3 mid limy t>n cold wllliuul ndvorlltilng. FORMING TO AVinAOEi BGT-UACK OF Woslllnkl in n iimellng Ihiirnuf hold Fob- ESTABLISHED BST-DACK. PROPOBBD liqulprnnnl cun tio noun ill llui MalnUinnncn Dupiirliiionl, 302 Elm 81,, WenlfleliJ, ujHry u, IUW:I Now Jnmny. An np|>uinlmmil mum hn itiiiiJu to look nl iliii ubnoleto Dqulnmeri!. Cull AVfRAdB OETDACK OF 30' TO CON- PORM. Joy C. Vruolaitd I The Westfield Leader (SDU| /Ul> 1Aa I lu nol up nn npiiolnlmnrit txilwnun lliu hours ul 0:00 AM lo 1:00 I'M. Town Glorh LOT 13. 1Ot0 (0)11) FRONT YAI1D Tlw Hoard rooorvufi ihn rlghi lo r«|ni:liill bhjs. All «qiil[)ii)OMI In sold, "A« l«," Ihaf* OBNBRAL onOINANOS NO. 1600 Is no linpllnil wnminlyloriinyijliicii nf noiiliiinrii rim llomd ol Itiluuntlori uaauine* PERMITIfiD W, PHOPOBED EXTHA BET- OAOK: IV H9. AN OR0INANOK TO AMCNO n(>foB(»n»lblllly for Itio uitlfily ol m\y wiulpinnril whlcli In [jurcl«ia«iJ nor It Imply THIOODR or THH TOWN Of LOT 1.1. 1010(0)0) SIDE YAHD; PEII (908) 232-4407 thul tlHtd Camle Dtlaney. Associate of Month Award Cites Pearsall Pearsall Maben & Frankenbach, a Mrs. Holly Cohen, a Sales Asso- Westfield, Summit, Middlesex and Wcstfteld-based independent insur- ciate with Weichert, Realtors Somerset County Board of Realtors ance agency which is the town's Agent Weufield Office, has earned the and the Garden State Board of Real- of Record, has been named as a Key office'sAssociaieofihe Month Award tors. Producer for theOhio Casualty Group for November, the fourth time this Mrs. Cohen has been a member of of Insurance Companies of Hamilton, year she has achieved this honor, the New Jersey State Million Dollar announced James M. Weichert, the Club as well as Weichert's Million The Key Producer program is de- firm's President. DollarSalesCluband Million Dollar signed to give special recognition to Mrs. Cohen has been in real estate Marketing Club. insurance agents exhibiting excep- sales for six years and is also a licensed A long-time resident of the tional product knowledge, profes-. broker. She is a member of the Westfield area, Mrs. Cohen is the sionalism and service lo their cus- mother of two daughters. tomers. BurgdorfT Realtor*, 600 North A Ye, West, Wcstflcldf Burgdorff Realtors, «00 North Ave, West, Weslfleld, has ianouBccd Its participation of (be sale ofthb h«me ba* snnaunced Id participation ofthe gale of this home at40Mai»orAve,Cranfbrd.I.TbesalewasnegollatedbT y at 2**S Skvtop Dr., Scotch Plains. The sales was nego- Recent Real Estate Transactions PatConoolly. tiated by Greg Young and Camle Detaney.

Burgdorff Realtors, 600 North Ave, West, Wcstrlt]d> Burgdorfr Realtors, 600 North Ave, West, Westfield, Coldwell Banker Schlott, Realtors, 264 East Broad St, Coldwell Banker Schlott, Realtors, 264 East Broad St, has announced Us participation ofthe sale or this horn* has announced lite participation of he sale of this home Westfltld, has announced the listing and sale of this Westfield, bis announced the sale of tbb home at 24* at409 Orange Ave, Cranford. The sale was negotiated »l3J Columbia Ave, Cranford.The safe was negotiated home located al 265 E. WcstfltM Ave., Roselle Park. Hazel Ave,, WestfleW. The property was hand led by Bill by Pat Connolly. by P»« Connolly. The property was listed and negotiated by Georgia Vorhabcn. Lckas.

Coldwell Banker Schlott, Realtors, 264 East Broad St., Coldwell Banker Schlott, Realtors, 264 East Broad St., Welcherl Realtors, US Elm St., Westfleld, has an- Wekhtrt Realtors, 185 Elm St., Westfield, has an- Westfield, bus announced the sale or this home at 617 Westfteld, hasannounced Its participation In the sale of nounced the sale of the above property al 1179 B^^o nounced the sak of the above property at 1438 Dunn Roosevelt St., Westfleld.The property was handled by this horn* it 1812 Qulmby Lane, Scotch Plains, The Terr, Mountainside. The home was marketed by r>afl pkwyMbunuibHtaeiThrboaiewwmarkfted by Dennis BlllVorhaben. property was handled by Bob Devlin. Brsdcr

Cold well Banker Schlott, Realtors, 264 East Broad St., Coldwell Banker Schlott, Realtors, 264 East Broad St, Weichert Realtors, 185 Elm St., Westfleld, has an- Wt Realtors, 185 Elm St., Westfleld, has an- Westfleld, hasannounced Its participation In the sale of Westfleld, has announced Its participation in the sale of nounced the sale of the above property at 727 Tunr(,rd nounced the sale of this home at 430 South Euclid, this home at 741 llyslip Ave., Westfkld. The property this home at 140 Belmar Terr., Weilfk W.The property Turn, Weslfkld. The home was marketed by Carol Westfield. The property was marketed by Carol Lyons WHS handled by Elvira M. Ardrey. was handled by Ruth C. Tate. Lyons. and Pat Slkuclnski negotiated the sale.

Coldwell Banker Schlolt, Realtors, 264 East Broad St., Coldwell Banker Schlott, Realtors, 264 East Broad St, Weichert Realtors, IK5 Kim St., Westfield, has un- tVelchert Realtors, 185 Elm St., Westfleld, bus an- Weslfleld, has announced the listing and sale of this Westfleld, hasunnou need Its participation In the sale of nuunced the sule uf this home at 1112 Mlarnil ct., nounced the sale of (his home at 168 Pleasant Ave., home located at 738 Rahway Ave, Westfleld. The this home at 24 Crane Parkway, Cranford. The prop- Mountainside. The property was marketed und so|

Coldwell Hunker Schlott, Reultors, 264 East ltroad St, Coldwell Danker Sthloll, RealtorN, 264 Ku«t llroad SI, Welcherl Heulti>r.«, 1H5 Kim St., Westlkld, hu

Realtor Efforts Produce Home Sales!!

Cohlwell Hiiiiki'rScliliitl.Heiiltiirs 2M Kiixt llrnud St^ Wi'Jitlii'id, IIUH iirinouiuid Hit? null' of ihU lionu- ut H3 MuntriiM.'Aw, KunwiMHl.The property WUN liundltd by Kiithy Shea. Paid AdvartliBiuent PtgcU \t JRtstfxtlb Thursday, February tl, 1993 Proprietary House to Hold Servants Party Event Life of Julia Ward Howe fteabmtiottt now an being ac- For information, please telephone tables and sing songs popular with cepted for fee Annual Servwu Party , Jish trifle. Fortnightly Group Topic 826-5527. the common people in colonial limes. Libations wilfinclude Fish House at the historic Royal Governor's The event's theme is based on the Using guitar and hammered dulcimer, Mauioii, the Proprietary House, al Punch, apple drink, wine and other WroU 'Tk* BatO$ Hymn oflht Republic' premise Governor William Franklin she will sing the songs that once itimulanu. Non-alcoholic beverages 149 Kamy Avenue. Penh Amboy. and hii wife will be away for the enlivened taverns in early America, also will be provided. And Introduced Mother't Day in 1872 The cokmul-style gala will be weekend on a visit to Philadelphia. and aided independence. Sponsoring the event is the Pro- Saturday. February 27, from 6:30 to With the governor away, the servants A buffet table will provide a se- prietary House Association, which is TneFartnighdyCroup,tfieEvening lected as thefirsi biography to receive 10:30 p.m. The event U open to the decide to have • party. lection of: Turkey with corn bread responsible for the preservation and Membership Department of The the Pulitzer Prize. public, but attendance it limited to Food, drink and entertainment dressing, country-style ham, cream restoration of the historic building. Woman'saubofWestfield,wiUineet Julia Ward Howc(1819-1910)was 100 gueili in the 230-year-old typical of America's Ute 1700's will of peanut soup, ginger bread, sweet The house is owned by the state s onWedneiday.Febniary 17,at8p.m. a writer, lecturer and womens'rights building. be provided to the merry-makers. potatoes, orange-raisin cake, old- Department of Environmental Pro- al the Clubhouse. The hotteuet for activist. She wrote the words of "The Retervationi for settings, at $35 There will be a silent auction of do- fashioned whipping cream nut-cake, tection and Energy. thee veningire Mrt. Patricia Lambert, Battle Hymn of the Republic" to die each, may be made by check mailed nated treasures. Party-goers have the succotash, creamed onions, glazed Mrs. Helen Sturgetand Miw Margot tune of "John Browns' Body," while lo the Proprietary Home Association, option of wearing colonial costumes carrots, pumpkin soup. Marlborough Proceeds will go toward the resto- Valentine. visiting military camps near Wash- Pott Office Drawer 868. Penh or modem dress. ration of the mansion which stands Member* will be wanned by a ington, D.C. in 1861. This song be- Amboy. 08862. A batladeer will stroll among the today as the only official royal roaring fire, while listening to a book came the major war song of the Union John Stanzel Governor's residence which has not review given by guest speaker, Mrs. forces. been a total reconstruction. C.D.Shackleu. Among her many achievements, Law Firm Partner Mrs. Shackleti will review Julia Mrs. Howe helped to organize the John Sianzel, formerly ofWesifield, David Keppter Ward Howe written by Mrs. Laura E. NewEngland Woman'sCTubin 1868 recently was promoted to partner in Richards and Mrs. Maude Howe and served for many years M its the law office of Jay M. Niederman in On Honor Roll Elliott, the daughters of Mrs. Howe. President. She also introduced the Manchester, New Hampshire. Seventh grader David Keppler of Thisbiography was published in 1915 idea of Mother's Day in 1872 and A 1979araduateof VVestfieldHigh Westfleld has been named to the by The Riverside Press, receiving was one of the most famous Ameri- School, Mr. Stanzel received his un- Honor Roll for the second marking distinction in 1917 when it was ae> can women of her time. dergraduate degree from the Univer- period of the 1992-1993 school year sityofDelawarein 1984 and his Juris in the Lower School of the Wardlaw- Doctorate from the Suffolk Univer- Hartridge School in Plainfield. sity Law School in Boston in 1987. Welcome Wagon Tells Mr. Sianzel resides with his wife, l.ltl* of folk* COIltliae ItUll Mrs. Jennifer Stanzel, and their three willi

COWPERTHWAITE SQUARE BULLETIN STAHTKRCOLONIAL COUNTRY LIVINU with all Ihesuburban conveniences,Centerhalltudorselonl 1/2 wooded We now havea lovely Townhouse Unit for sale. We've recently listed this appealing colonial at an affordable price In a acres within -ground pooluml burn. Hve bedroom »,31/2 baths, II replaces ulct neighborhood. Call today fur your personal tour, westfleld. In Ihe living room and famllyro«m,undc*ntr»luIr.WiiUhun|(. $625,000. 2 BRs, 2 1/2 Baths. Positively beautiful S1*4,900. throughout. Completely llnlshed basement with two rooms, cedar closet and storage room. $285,000 Also, we have a smaller unit for rent. Fine location and garage Included. $14S0/month. LOCAL KIUL ICSTATU I'IRMS WITH NATIONAL CONNECTIONS Betz&Bischoff

43 Elm Street 2 New Providence Road 202 MOUNTAIN AVE. Westfkld, N..1. 07090 Mounfulnsldu, N..1.07092 WESTFIFl D (908) 232-1800 (908) 232-0300 (908) \t ,tte»fftl>li Thursday, February II, 1993 Pag«15 Grants Help Town Girls Woman's Club Outlines Attend Capital Workshops Calendar for February Hw Optimist Club of Weatfield fim raU transportation lo and from The Woman's Club of Weitfield be made by contacting Mrs. Cariyle hw announced the winners of iu Wuhinfton courtesy of Amtrak at has announced the following depart- J. Wieseman. Please make them by fourth annual competition awarding another part of ihcir award. ment meetings for Febmary: tomorrow. two scholarship* to week-lonj Con- The stated objective of the Con- • Monday, February IS, at 1p.m. • Monday, February 22, at 1p.m. grcstional Scroinan. The first-place gressional Seminar is to increase Ihe American Home Life and Social Mrs. Herbert A. Wells will report on winner it Carina Tammam of citizenship psricipaUon and student Services Department will be treated 1 Eleanor and Franklin, die 1972 Weitfield High School. Min knowledge of contemporary event* to a program, "Songs for Valentine ! r^litzerWze-winning biography by Tammam selected the Presidential through informative dialogue ses- Day." presented fey Mrs. Susan Joseph P. Lash to (he Literature De- luugural Week Seminar and spent sloos with recognised leaden from McNamsn Pass. Hostesses for the partment. the w«ek in the nation's capital en- the government, intemational and lea will be Mrs. Helen Allegro and joying many event* associated with private United Slatei sKlora snd to • Wednesday, February 24, at 10 Mrs. Juaniia ShacUett For this pro- a.m. Mrs. Harold Snyder will talk the inauguration. The second-place r tadii amog gram, all club members and their wiiweruElizabemZawislakofUnion student partkipanuwiihtheeKchange about the Faroe Islands to Ihe Inter- guests may attend. national Affairs Department. Catholic Huh School. MissZawislak of ideas and culturet. These highly- • Wedneaday,Februwvl7,ai9:30 will apend the week of June 27 to July structured programs run from Satur- a.m. the Aits and Crafts Department 2 in Washington at the workshop. day through the following Friday of will meet to finalize plans for the St. Peter Orchestra The scholarship covers all fees, the selected week. department's fund-raiser on April 2 tuition, room, meali and seminar Both coursei are held at Mount and at 8 p.m. the Fortnightly Group At Arts Center materials/The wimer'salso received Vernon Colleger residential campus will meet Mrs C. D. Shacklett will The Orchestra of St. Peter by-the- Sea will appear at the Union County nested near Georgetown. GETTING A GRIP.-GIrl Scouts from McKinley School Troop No. S4Q of give a talk on Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. • Friday, February 19, at noon the Arts Center in Rahway on Friday WMtfMd win invited to participate la aaneak pnvkw of the Liberty Selene* evening, March 12, for the benefit of WESTFIELDLOCAL GOVERNMENT Ctatar la J( my City. CllnblBf tat rack will, left to right, art: AUUon Grow, Antiques Department will meet for a Adult School—P.O. Box «06 '. 252-4050 •rittsay Rice and KatkerlMliW. soup, salad, dessert and Card Party. the Rahway Hospital Foundation, Baud of Health — 42S Eut Broad Street , 7*9+070 This will be the department's fund- All proceeds from the concert will Fire Department, 405 Wcrt North Avenue, Headquarteri 789-4130 Emory Honors raiser and it will be open to all club go to the Rahway Hospital Founda- 1029 Central Avenue 789-4140 Three Town Students members and their friends. The price tion and will beapptied to the purchase To report • Tire 2J2-MXJO Two Town Students is $8 per person. Reservations may of technology and equipment. Hiunin Service!. 425 Easl Broad Street ; .....789-4079 Cited at Delaware Tickets for the concert are on sate Memorial Library, S50 Eul Broad Street 789-4090 Two town student* were named to Three Westfield students have been the Dean's List of Emory College, now at the arts center at 1601 Irving Municipal Office*, 42SEaMBroad Street .,..'• 789-4030 named to the Dean's List for the fall Town Students Join Street, Rahway. and also may be Police Keadquaiten,425Eait Broad Streel : 789-4000 the undergraduate, liberal arts college 1992 semester at the University of of Emory University in Atlanta, for purchased at the foundation's devel- Public Work!, 959 Weit North Avenue 789-4100 Delaware. Computer Challenge opment office. Recreation Department, 425 Eul Broad Sueet 789-4080 the 1993 Fall Semester. To achieve the honor ihe students Rescue Squad, 335 Waiereon Street 233-2501 Students must earn a gradepoint Weslfield High School students T«AsKSK.r 789-4055 had to attain gradepoint averages of Michael Evanglista and Phillip average of 3.31 orhigherto be named 3.25 or above on a 4.0 scale. Christopher Capone Tax Collector , : 789-4050 to the list. Robinson were among those who Those named were: tackled programmingproblemsposed Town Administrator, 425 Eut Broad Street 789-4040 The students from the Westfield On Honor Roll Town Clerk, 425 Eut Broad Street 789-4030 Fmhaaa Sara A, Biadlay of 73* at the 1993 Fatrleigh Dickinson Craicant Parkway, an Educational Christopher Capone, the son of Mr. Town Engineer. 959 Weil North Avenue... 789-4100 area are: Studla* major University/NEC Technologies, Inc. and Mrs. James Capone, Jr. of VMsst- Town Treasurer 789-4035 Leslie K, Klieger, the daughter of BeBBOmoi* Mitchall Eric OWN el 42 Computer Programming Challenge, field, has been named to the Honor Violation* Bureau, 425 East Broad Street 789-4O60 Mr.andMrs.AUnKlieger.andJoshua Koaa AvmiM, a polltlcai edenc* malar. heldatFairleign Dickinson's Florham Roll at Avon Old Farms School in PUBLIC SCHOOLS C. Piezas, the son of Dr. and Mrs. Fnehaan Jaannt Mart* Potter ot IE Park-Madison Campus. Board of Education Business Office, 302 Elm Street 789-4400 Mabini C. Piezas. Datia Parkway, an art major. Avon. Connecticut Superintendent of Schools, 302 Elm Street 189-4420 Assistant Superintendent of Schools, 302 Elm Street 789-4401 Audio-Visual Director. 302 Elm Street 789-4434 Athletic Field House, 801 Rahway Avenue 789-4619 Director of Fine Arts, 302 Elm Streel 789-4417 Director of Health Services, 302 Elm Street 789-4516 Director of Instructions, 3O2 Elm Street 789-4415 Director of School-Community Relations, 302 Elm Street 7894430 Director of Special Services. 302 Elm Street... 789-4440 Elementary Coofdin»tor.302 Elm Street 789-4428 Food Service Director, 302 Elm Street 789-4540 Personnel Office, 302 Elm Street 789-4425 Plant Maintenance, 302 Elm Street , 789-4460 BUtt Sharing Talents and Skills Coordinator, 302 Elm Streel 789-4432 Edison Intermediate School, 800 Railway Avenue 789-4470 REALTORS Fianklin School, 700 Prospect Street , 789-4590 Jefferson School. 1200 Boulevard..., , 789-4490 McKinley School. 500 FirstStreet..., 789-4455 Nobody Works Harder For You Than Burgdorff. Roosevell Intermediate School, 301 Clark Street 7894560 Tamaques School, 641 Willow Giove Road 789-4580 Washington School,900 Saint Mark's Avenue 7B9-460O Weslfield High School. 550 Dorian Road 7S9-4500 Wilson School. 301 Linden Avenue 789-4605


VICTORIAN TREMENDOUSPOTENTML > $339,IMMI newd«ckovcrlookbigt Newly Hated 2-Famlly home with many update* and vtry convtnl.nt 11-1 Central Business District grape arbor and large backyard, 2 car garage, new front porch. Owner location to town and IramporUllonln WeatfleM.Let the Income help with A short walk to town & train! wanU fast Mlt.OfTtred In VVMtfkld for $244,900. mortgage! Offered In Wtstfield $199,900. Older Colonial located in 1st bualMSf district and bordtrliti an Ihf proht- ilonil zone. Currtntly used u two-Family ruldcnllal property with tire epartmtnti + third floor storatt. \ Zoning atlowt for nlaM ukf and wrvlo buitacu u writ a* btutnta, administrative and proftntMMlvfficei.

rr j^^" • — "^ **•- — •—-—• ——.——K—• ,*-r^-~' AMERICAN DREAM II ~ SOMIICHTO OFFER The secret's out! Enjoy the curefree lifestyle of lownhouse living combined in (his 8 years young colonial sitting on 1.4 acni. ThU ouUtandtng home with the spiclwis roumsund luxury amenities you love In new colonial style ofleri 4 bedrooms, 2 I/I baths, wonderrul family room with fireplace, homes. 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, flriplaced family room, formal dining formal dining room, an open eat-In kitchen, large rec. room, deck plus room, great kitchen. You CAN have II all! Limited edition! Act now] screened porch. Come view this lovely property today In Scotch Plalaa. $2«9,9flOln\Vesinetd. $398,900.

I This Immaculate two firnlly, with • Victorian flilr, h«s been compl»l«iy rtnovattd within the part six yawa. In walking distance to both schools and NYC transportation, It la th« parfvet Invatfmtnt tor the occupant or Invaaior. Offarad in Wastflatd for $267,500. JUST LISTED!!! Immaculata cap* with many upgrades In (rut mova-ln condition. Faaturlngnsw bath, ElKw/nawar appliance*, dlnlng/famllyroomwtthslldtrato2t1«rdtck,Andsrton WKLLKKI'T KRKATSTARTKH Spacious home ulTerlnK » huue kllchen, 4 bedruains, fuinllj rwm, Com- windows, copp»r plumbing, 3 bsdrooms and ths Hat mtrcially tuned thin pruptriy In Idml for proftsnlunnlH. S«t on u Urg« SetonuntxtritUceplotthhhumthauxpanilonpoMlbllllleionthinralanci corner lul und very cnnvtnltnt lo ilorea and purkwa.v, In Clark for Mi'ond floor. 3 bedniomi, encloted front porch, dlnln* room, and CIOM lo gots on. Just a hop, ship and a Jump from Jafforaon Khoob and park. Offered In Granted fur $18ri,000, School. Offered in Wsstfield tor $173,990. WESTFIELD OFFICE USES. 600- North Avenue West HOMEQUiTY- Broker Westfield, NJ 07090 FKIOCATION CENTER (908) 233-0065 Page l< , Thursday, February 11,1993

FUMT CONCUCATKWAt CHURCH m am/turn, wuMi, Rabbi Kroloff Mid-Day Musicales Return Tfce Rneraki •r.JcteC. Vtjaatua, Pittor The Rcvereai IUr«J. Trkter, Will Speak AHMHitrr M IMMAN CMWUC CWKH rmn irnns KnvaaKr OHICH To Congregational Church 1IJ1494 OUMIMUriiUfTY Todiv, noon, COUJI m&i intfi I deidline; i¥> At St. Luke's TtobwnatfinSV The Pint Congregational Church March 17 RabbiCharlesA.KroloiTofTemple M p.m., nhrla Sktgen' bkevMl Ii FUUD Audl- at 12S Elmer Street, Westfield, will UaviaUBMaBdBpUiiUt lorHjB; 7 f .n, CoonnuUon Cli» metu In Coe Emanu-El of Westfield will be the tmS}. •Mbr Ta« farts—a resume iu noon-lime Mid-Day - Maichll-ae*llif«tttda»Un]it FettowiWp Hill ud tke Ntilonil OrMWiiUon ifaTaf! guest speaker at St. Luke's African Wednesday MtisicalesseriesforLent. The half-hour mid-day concerts are for Tooea aeeU I* i dearaoa; "40 p.m., Chucd Rehevnl In fitton, ud g pm, (W Methodist Episcopal Zion Church of tm^i'iSSmf:IO,T9 *•* W30 am I The lix-wcck series will feature presented in the sanctuary of ihe church, which is handicapped ac- Uu EnlUtSMBI >9MUfuU the Coipel Louage. Westfield at iu 10:30 a.m. Worship Che following performers: Toewrraw, 9 Hi., Fiaem Cu* teuton In i Service on Sunday, February 14. Itajkaa Hiaat 11 tm, act** la July • • Pahniuv 14 — a aooi cessible. The suggested donation for diiiroom, ud Tro« Villey Vetkend heglni. the concert is $1. Sundty, rebnuiy Ii 10 t-m., Worihlp ud This service is part of an on-going Maical — aaiMUat Following the concerts, a soup- SpecUlChwhlckaol with Jakn Will pitkdt lag. effort to bridge the gap that enhances • Much 10 - Ite Weattlald High and-sandwich luncheon will be Mondty, lebrwry U, 9 >-•., Puleat Cu* racial indifference mthecommunity, laca Suadir dtu* U cfewth edwol for all •ckool ChonUa dlnctad by Wlllian available for $4. lesikm litcU«rooa. ind 7:30 pji..AI«ihoUci schools, churches and synagogues, a tat M 9tl* am Coauautaf UuttUn Claaes Aaonyooui UeeUa| U Keicktm Htil inwMrnnaiinai SrAdiihcJenalak, Mviajoumn, aU YouM AUIAW1T IMMOrAL CHUICH Tuetdjy, Pebnury 16, 9 «•»•, Pitfent Cue; Si. Luke's spokesman said. H» Trtk n wtBr AdullSeanfetniod Saeaen; PttknnJilaTliMUi HI »•* Av«*M, fcMeh Hate 7:3730 P.B., Newjimy Sute opepen lehnralehnall In The Children's Choir will render nmrrnuN CHtiBCH IN VW»ULD TB» Unmd J. BVNfUML aectw NtNtHHiH i 747:41pm1 , Tnateei'HeeuaguilhiCliipeTt'HulhCll Ihe music under the leadership of IW Mi—lab Avow* Offlce fcoun: MMdiy, Tedaeilty, Thundty lounge, ••* • •.•., Aluoft ud Auteen meet In Mrs. Carolyn Gray. 71* le*M*a« Br. Wileua Boat fMtce tod Mdiy, 9» »«. w 2:34 pa. ud Tueidiy, lekhiaHiUHdClamooiBlaiUHdamoi i 2)14)01 9:» *» Iff U:30p.a. Wedneidiy, lebnurv 17,»in., rnkitt Cue The Reverend Theodore Calhoun, Today, Pte*n*flu Women's Circle Diy; Todiy, 9:45 «.»'Bible Clur, noon, Al Anw, KMion In 1 cunnxn; FKkal Cin retorvtnei Sr., is the Pastor of St. Luke's. Maaidayi *» P». **» htirtsn Clan; p |y tni S p.m., Choir, M 4 p.m.; 1 p.m, Alcohollct Anonynoui BKCU I n Prayw aarvk*, 7*) to t pm., aad Be* Study, Sdnol la Hadiioa. WUT tpeix w The Suidiy, I ebrutiy 14, S » •, Holy Eudurkl; letcnia Hill; 7:4* p.m., Bovd of Oulreich Ilo9am TdrfiaheUfjttBrfiaalheUfjy*y 9 i-D. CUdreiiiCkoV, 10HB.. Noft Euchtrt* Mlnlitrln meeu in the Chipel Lounp, ind 8 First Baptist Forms Friday, 7 pm, Youth lelkwaalp fad by the HondaY.FinlitnttOiy.CliuickOfflcecloied, rmnU OlEUlllUioa. Church School ud Coffee Hour with a gueil p.m., Alu«i mMtlng hi Coe Feltomhtp Hill. favenaSDesteleU Verity Hill Nurttry School closed for Mld- Sturdty, Februvy 1}, Senior IllgJi group tvttkit. The foUowIng progrun meet reguluiy it Divorce Support Unit Vlnlcr Vtuikn. letvti on nlaton ulp lo Httko. Mondty.rebniiryK, 1250 (tm, Over E»ieii First Congregtilonil: Tueioay, Msetple BMe Study. 12:3O Sundiv, rtbnitry 14, i ind 1030 i.m, Ajionymout. The Mother1* Morning Out progf«m conducts A group has formed at Ihe First Vorlhlp fervlcw *IUi Dr. WUUun ROB Fortel Tueidiy, febnury 16,1:30 p.m., Co-Depen- two 17-week tetms i yew, September to mid- Baptist Church at 170 Elm Street, Andrew Bucko %$££ fttKt&L Suriaem or Buiini lo be tdmbi- denlt Anonymoui, ind i p.m., Alcohollct Jinuuy tad midjinuiry la euly June. Hours Westfield,arounddivorce. They meet Velaeiday, Ctntf Enhancement Senlnar, bind u Ike 10:» l.a. *nkt; 9:15 to, AduJl AiuMrmoui. •re 9 to II Lm., Mondiy throujh Friday and IIOIKH You* Choir, Dbdpfe MM* study, Hucukn CIMM* ConflrauUoii Clui, Fundi- the secondandfourthFridaysof each Wins Contest Wedneidiy, rcbnuiy 17, 9 in. Holy Eu- Tednetdtyifteiiwoitlrom l2:45to3:tSo'dock. month from? to 9 p.m. to discuss the 7:30 pm. tad btwtiTean for Voot it, 8p.m. nenub of ite ChrtiUin FiUh clui ind Sundiy chulil, snd noon, Hen'i liuKrwon, The WetlAeld CoOpertllve Nursery School Andrew Bucko of Redeemer Viunir/. Ontario Slnjen, 7:30 pj»., and School, ind 10:» nn, Ctufch School br those meeti vteiAtyi u 9 tm. In (he McCorlson conviction, "There is life after di- Sucuvy Choir, ».4f pm in Crtbhery through Third Gride, i p.m.. Junior OUCg ORHODOX Lutheran School of WeMfield is PBDBVTIIIAN CHUICH Building from ihe Mondiy ifter libor Diy until vorce." Maay, Senior fellovihlB, noon. HlfhCholf^p.n., Senior High Choir uidjunior the ftntweekofjune. HoUdiy schedullngloUowt among 27 Union County fifth grad- HUh Wkwhlp, mi 7M p.m., Senior High UOadnv.tfleU The attendees, boih male and fe- The RcremHl suafoid M. tana, Jr. thlt of the ¥bfr Sundiv, 9:15 ».m., SundiySchool with cliwei tlndermuslk chuiet meet during ihe school ago. They gather to add Christian Tueidiy, rebruvy 16, 7:15 p.m., Mission yeir on the second bwr of McCorison it 9:}(1 involve students in die 1992 Presi- Conunlstfon, ml 8 D.ni., Employment Support for 3 ye* oUi through idulu. 11 o'clock, concern and prayer toother means of W1477* Morning Wornlp, Nunery provided; Nell WU- *.m. ud 1:15 ud }:4S p.m. luealiy through support in coping with the aftermath dential Election and the electoral Croup ud Botrd of Deicom, Frldiys. process. Wednetdiy.rebruvy 17,9:30 im.,Siruc«ire Uuu preichlnt } pjn., Service u MerldUn of divorce. Convifciani Center, ind 6 o'clock; Evenlnj The imclutry Ii hindlcipped accessible. The contest is just one component lifclfp.u. Ink font Committee] 1 p.m, Sulf Meeting; 7:30 o'clock. Evening Fnrer, ud. 6 pm., Study Wonhlp «tlh leverend Sutton preKhlng on Mcmbersof the public may attend. of this year's Central Jersey Class of Statrdiy, February IJ, Mlnyin, Morning The next session will be held tomor- Ser»to, 10 o'clock, and Bit MiUvab of Jennifer OR fttvtlMttofi ind on John "You Musi Comend forih e Fiilh.* IIDIKMIR LHTHIRAN CHURCH 2000 Program, a corporate/educa- Unken, 10:30 IB. Tuesdiy, 10 ini, Womra'i BUe Study it Ihe Cktrk and Ccrwpetihmhe Hacc row. Please telephone the church of- tional partnership sponsored by church on "Pulm 73: The Problem of Evil,- md fice at 233-2278. Suoday Febntarv H, Mlnyia, Koralni Ser- 7 p.m., Youth Group it the church. WeufteU Central Jersey Bank that benefits vice, « o'clock, ind Until Dudnt 7 p.tt The Reverend r«il I. Kitoch, FiMor Hondty, MMiiry 15, Mtnyin,ltlorelri| Ser- Vednetdiy, TM pm, WWe study on the RtCahta THI FUST 8APT1ST CHURCH children in the high school graduat- f Cranford Minister vktjTo'dock. Book of Hoot, ud Pnyer tnd Shirlnj Time it Director of ChriaiLM Uucathn 170 fan ureel ing class of 2000 in Mercei, TuMdir, rebniuv 16, Mlnytn, Morning ser- Will Address Ihe church. 1WU17 Dr. Robert U Haircy, MbiUtcr Middlesex, Monmouih, Ocean, vice, 7 o'dotk, taiiMt Clui, 9:30 in. Fridiy, 7 p.m., Bible Study ii Mine; Cue Sunday Worship Scrvtcet, 8:30 and II a,m. Dr. Dec Dec TiirUajton, Nunlng HOOK. MlnlMer oTChNitlastHucatloa Somerset and Union Counties. *«da«dty, rebmvy 17, Mlnun, Mornlqg Town Seniors Sunday School, 9:50 i.m. •ud Ivantelbn More than 300 fifth-grade classes Servte, 7 o'tloci, Md Setwwk, /p.m. ST. UIMra AHDCAN MITHOOIST Wedneidiy Services, 7:30 p.m. Tkuradir, February It, Mlnyia, Kornlni Residents of Wcstficid Senior Nursery provided during Worship Services William R. Malrww* at more than 200 schools in Central tnSCOVU IKM CHURCH Minister «r Music rvke7o'tl«dBril7pBdAdUiB'd Citizen Housing willcelebrateBlack 500 Dowaer Km*, WcMflcU and Educitlon Hour md Christian Diy School New Jersey entered the Dear Mr. MtaYih CJM, 7.30 P.E for Nursery through Jliih gride. 2U127I History Month today at 3 p.m. The levctead Tkcodoic Cakoaa, tr. Todiy, 12:30 o'clock, Ameikin BipUM Mla- President Contest. Teachers partici- The featured speaker will be Rev- FMor tsirtei Luncheon, 7:30 p.m., Chinee! Rlafcn The •evertni Ml L. Wlte, Aiiocluc pating in the program were encour- (THBUN-IIOIUN CATHOUCCNVBCH erend Paul BaulknightofCranford. reheirse, ind 8:15 p.m.. ChincclChoIr rehearan, aged to use the Dear Mr. President NkUtUf Sunday, 9 o'clock, Singles Ccmllnenlil TheReverendBaulknighthasbeen The letertnd VHtaai Cnr, Amdaic Christian Heritage contest as a vehicle to solicitdiscus- Breakfe! ind Discussion Group; Church School an ordained minister since 1983 and NkUMef Cluset for all ages ind Adult Bible Study; 10:50 sion with their students about the now is serving as the Assistant Min- U5J5<7 In Eastern Europe t.01., Communion Sundiy wflh Dr. Nirvey TIM' Sundty Servlcet 1992 Presidential Election and the ister at StMark'sChurch in Cranford. prcic King on "loses ire Red," 515 pm.Bspiliai democratic process. • Mr—ey, h«grl Church School, 9:30 an. Presentation Topic Cliss, ind 7 o'clock, Valentine's Sweetheart 1)1-1214 He recently retired after working Vorililp Service 10:30 i.m. Participating students were asked ThePresbylerian Women will meet Dinner In fellowship HiU. SiuxdiyevealniMui 5:». as a quality-control manager for Wednesday Soviet on Thursday, February 25, in the Mondiy, 12:35 p.m.. Alcoholics Anonymous to write a letter ID the newly-elected Swriiy HUKt.i, 9:15 ind 10:45 tm. ind Thomas and Beits and has returned to Pnyer Service, 7:50 p.m meeting. President answering the questions, 12:1$ to. Bible Sudy, 8 p,m Assembly Hall of the Presbyterian Tuesdiy, 11:30 *.m, Wtsldcld Senior Cllliens Dairy •usiesaj , 740 ind 9 tm. the New Brunswick Theological Church at 140 Mountain Avenue, "Why is education important to our COMIH1NITV KESIVTIRUK general meeting: 12:15 p.m., Alcoholics Anony- Seminary togeihis Master's Degree. Westfield. mous meeting 6:30 o'clock, Fellowship Dinner, nation?" His objective is to teach. CHURCH Of MOUVTAWSIIH Deer fak end Merltai KOHM Une Coffee will be served at 9:30 a.m., Choristers rene jrse, 7 p.m., and 7:30 p.m.. Youth Entries were judged by each run CHUitcH op anisr, KIIKTIST He is on the Cranford Welfare Choir ud Hoi Topics md American Cancer school's principal based on content, 4J1 U* inml Mnti, Recovery meets. Siudiy Service, tftJO lo 11:» u. Board and in the past has been active htlor David J. Krotchko of the Calvin thought process and effort. 3U-94VO Wednesday, 7 p.m., Bible Study, and 7:30 Sundiy School, 10:30 to II: JO in. on school board committees and also Presbyterian Church of Linden, will pm, Council meets, In recognitionof their achievement, VedttkUy Bvenloi Meeting, S o'clock. served on the Cranford Housing VorihlpndChurdt School, Sundwiu 10:30 winning students will be invited to Chrlnlin Science letdlng loom, 1 l6Oulmby im Nurary Cue during tervlces. Holy Com- talk at 10 a.m. on "Our Christian ECHO UKE CHUICH Of CIIRIST Board and Board of Adjustments. munion served the dm Siuidiy of eich month. attend tha Central Jersey Class of Street Heritage in Eastern Europe." £at| Broad Sired at DHIy 9:50 in. lo Sp.m. At one time the Reverend Mr. The Men's Cnwp meeli ihe second Mondiy of Child care will be available. Springfield Avnwe 2000 Third Annual Achievement Thundiy lutll 8 p.m. Baulknighl was the President of the month it 10:00 in. The choir meeli Weufl«ld Event this spring. Siturdiy 101.0. to t p.m. Thursdars n 8:00 pa. There I* ample pirldng Members of the church family and Jerry L. Daniel, Mlnliier Concerned Citizens for Cranford. UHllhebuUdlnsUtcanlbletalhehJiidlclppftf community are invited to attend.

SCOTCH PLAINS $275,000 MODNTA1NSIDK $»5,000 SCOTCH PLAINS $329,000 NEWCONSTRUCT1ON WHEN ONLY THE VERY BEST WILL DO! NEW KNflLANDCHARM Discover what new can dot Pick and choowln thli4 bra. ctnterhaUw/hrlck Cutfom executive reildencc. Singularly spcctaculir aertlng. Exceptional WarmthRalore. Ftrephtce flanked by boukcasesln llv.rm, Corntr cupbojrds, FPL, and 2 car garage. Call today. Call 654-7777. (W-37M) condition with every amenity a truly unique living experience. Call 6*4- bay window w/seal In dr. Hdwd firs. New full buth & CAC. Call 654-7777. 7777.(W-38I4) (W-3M3)

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MOLN TAINSIDK $363,000 SCOTCH PLAINS !,21»,000 WICS'II'IKI.I) THANgilLSKTTIN(r JUSTL1.STEDI CLASSV HXKCtNJVK SI'I.IT BiMUtlful cuttorn home ntdtled at fwit ut Watchuna mu. Dealgntr wood leitut, malnt. 3 Br SL CAC 2 lluthti, DK, Hen + nn. h»mt.. Wry rm., pror. llrluk Dlylluu utlds fliiirin In llils ulnnt-rl I'llluiTtl si, ^reiil 1'uiiiity u fin, niw kll., wriined par.,d(ck, llvt-ln pom. Call 654-7777. (W-3V1H) lnd«pd, prop. 3-2 In-irrd. «pr oy. + mi.rt. CM *S4-7777, (W.3HS6) flreplnci! tM/JiiiiH,(!At', ni'W klldu'ii, 21'niitllv rudins,niosl llviililf lid Cull ftJt4-7777.(W-.lV2fi> Visit Our Office At All Offices Weichert. 185 Elm Street, Westfidd 654-7777 Open Until 9 PM ffl !nt>n(h'/tt National!) Thursday, February 11,1993 Page 17 Town Scout Patrol Take Laurels in Klondike Derby The Raccoon and Panther Patrols for both scout age groups in the of Troop No. 77 of the Boy Scouts at Klondike Derby Sled race held on St. Puil's Episcopal Church in January 30 in the Waichung Reser- Westfield won the first-place prizes vation The 38th annual race was held in the Surprise Lake area with frozen Louis Faruolo ground, but no snow. Delayed one weekfor better ground Top Associate conditions, this year's derby had 35 teams participating, down from the At Weichert 48 which had planned to participate, Louis Fantolo, a Sates Associate and was the first derby under the •ndAttittaMMiBMerwim Weichert, banner of the new Patriot District of IUdton'We«fieldOnice.liai earned the Waichung AreaCouncil. theoffice'siopAsatxiaieoftne Month The Patriot District was formed by for December. the recent merger of the Colonia Mr. Faruolo has been listing and District, which started the derby in telling homes for 15 years and also is 1956 and served scout troops from • licensed broker. He ii • member of Garwood to Waichung, and the Spirit of '76 District, which extended from PRIZE W(NNERS...Scouts Jacob ZawlsUk snd David Kotcb of Troop No. 77 the Wwtfield Garden State Boards of la Wnttkld display theflrat-priae gokttn sleds snd rlbboai they received for Hit Realtors and the Professional Stan- Summit to Long Hill Township. Sled teams from Blue Mountain Valley RSCCOOB and PanUitrPstrolaofTroopNo.77wwloMrfortb«woutaiid Senior RMCEXrar^^aMUHaUffftran School bttfkdHlrrMnlTMchtr dards Committee and has completed •cout d«d groups In tbt 38th Annual Klondike Derby Sled Race. the MaftigementAwareness Program. District scouttroops also participated. OimaataatlM-HMHUorwl Winter Rtadlag rYMruiwitfcUMPraadMl, Mr*. The derby was dedicated to the KtOty KJatiak aa a "trata conductor" aad third-trad* teacher Mra. Jwa His sales performance has earned adult judgesonthebasisofleaders hip, bras from Troop No. 104 in Scotch GbaaoauaaiaglM«r,lavttiBfatnd«Bti Amy Early aadCatartoMMtoietoa him numerous honors including memory of Michael Poland, an As- sistant Scoutmaster of Troop No, 273 teamwork and skill in measuring, Plains.andlheSewcrRatsfrom Troop track fcr retdlag. The atkool'i goal, totrave l oac« arouad tta tartk wMb 23,«M membership lo the New Jersey Stale compass use, lashings, first aid, No. I. in New Providence. mlawt*-»lk*of reading, was rtacbtd Ike flrst weekend. Th* arofraa wttead Million DoUarClubsincc 1984 and a in Westfield, who died recently and unexpectedly. firebuilding, wilderness survival, In the scout group, the Raccoon regional award in 1986. lunch preparation and lent pitching. Patrol, also from Troop No. 77, and Mr. Faruolo can be reached for real Scout patrols, with five to 10 boys Extra points, or "nuggets" were led by Brent Sonneck-Schmelz, won estate transactions at Weichert's each, were grouped by age, with the awarded for starling a fixe with flint first place, followed closely by the Mrs. Davidson Joins Westfield Office at 654-7777. The 27 scout division patrols having two and steel and final scores for the Fox Patrol from Troop No. 56 in office is located at 185 Elm Street. or less scouts over 13, and the eight teams were calculated from the nug- Millington, the Kings from Troop According lo a national report of senior scoutpatrots having older boys. gets earned and the elapsed times. No, 125 in South Plainfield. the G.I. Prudential Alan Johnston megabcokers, Weichert. Realtors is Starting in timed waves of six pa- In the Senior scout group, the Pan- Patrol of Troop No. 33 in Fanwood, Mn. Freya Davidson has joined the real estate franchise subsidiary of the top-ranked real estatecompanyin trols, each patrol pulled a sled the Memorial Patrol No. 273 in the country. ther Patrol, led by David Hatfield, the Prudential Alan Johnston, Inc. The Prudential. weighing at least 100 pounds and took first place, followed by the Westfield and the Trailblazers from Realtors of Westfield as a Sales As- Troop No. 75 in Garwood. Trts ancient Egyptians built with specified equipment over a RavensoJTroopNo. 172 in Westfield, sociate. roughly three-mile between the Seniors or Troop No. 368 from About 100 adult volunteers served The announcement was made by the first lighthouses to guide ships. Klondike "towns." Berkeley Heights, the Panthers of at the Klondike "capital" and the Henry L. Schwiering, the President At each town, they were graded by Troop No. 73 in Wesifield, The Co- various towns along the trails. of ihc firm. Mn. Davidson, who will concen- trate on marketing residential real estate, was a Bronze Level Million Dollar Clubrecipientfor the Wesifield Board of Realtors in previous years and brings with her more than 10 years of real estate experience. Prior lo joining The Prudential Alan Johnston, Inc. she was associated with Coldwell Banker Schlott, Realtors. BUBGdOBI Mrs. Davidson is a member of the Wesifield Board of Realtors and most recently served on the Associates REALTORS Committee. A graduate of the New B^B^B^BMB^B^BVS^B^SMS^B^B^B^BVS^B^BMBMBMBiaVBV^BlBBBeBW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HaiV^^H^^H^WVV^^^H^^H^^^^^^^^^^HH^Hini^l^Bl^l^MaeaaMSnBBeBnaSVHWianMW York University School of Education Mn. Freya DsvMton in New York City, she is a former Nobody Works Harder For You Than Burgdorff. teacher and was a Past Treasurer of Audra Beth Heatly the National Council of lewish Women. Makes Dean's List She also is a member of the Scotch Audra Beth Heatly, the daughter of Plains-Fanwood College Club. Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Heatly The Prudential Alan Johnston, Inc., of Wesifield. was named to the "B founded in 1988, is an independently Dean's List for the fall semester at owned and operated member of The Elon College. The "B" Dean's List is composed of students with no grade Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc., below a "B" and a grade point aver- age of at least 3.4 in a minimum of 12 Gardenaires to Host semester hours. Musical Program ... J-ocattd.in thftPiedmootMCtt QL. A "Flowers in Music"presenlau'on North Carolina, Elon College is a will be given at the Gardenaires' private, coeducational college of- monthly meeting on Wednesday, fering degrees in the liberal arts and February 24, at noon at the Scotch career-oriented fields. Enrolling ap- Hills Country Club on Jerusalem proximately 3,200 students, Elon is Road, Scotch Plains. the fourth largest of North Carolina's Performances on 12- and six-inch 37 private colleges and universities. guitars, Celtic harps, an auioharp, a bowed psaltrey, a blucs-styte har- Three Town Students monica and percussion instruments will be featured. The program will On Dean's List INVESTMENTOPPORTUNITY STATELY VICTORIAN include a capella and accompanied Three town students at James OwnBWellmatatBlnedrwo-famllyhomeJnWestfteld.TwentyyeareyouBB lovingly restored by Hs owner* In historic Dudley Park. Kltehen with each apartment otTera 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, garage and separate CorlaneounlertopsandMe»lc«nlUe.BalhwllhMe»lcantlleandsteeplng vocals. Selections will include bal- Madison University in Harrisonburg, •?S"."l'™'Sr" YV*!* 1,131 jJS* -i » -• r tub. 5 bedrooms, 21/2 baths pockrt doors, wrap-around screened porch, lads, blues, original songs and folk Virginia, have been named to the secluded brkk pallo. $42»,O0O. music. Dean's List for the fall semester of The performer has appeared with 1992. many different musical groups, one To qualify for (he honor, a student of which is Double Trouble of New must have a gradepoint average of York and New Jersey. Audio Cas- between 3.25 and 3.74,ona4.0 scale, settes are available at all of her per- and carry a course load of at least 14 formances. hours. New members and guests may at- Named to the list were: Cynthia H. Brenaan, CO* Cunterlaad tend the meeting at which refresh- Street ments will be served. Unda Bnwtt, Ul Tudor Oval For further information, please MUuA. Mannlno, 760 Austin Start telephone 889-0859. Grand Auction Set R. S. Miner Honors By Junior Women Dr. Percy Julian Tickets are on sale for the 16th Westfield High School was honored Annual Grand Auction of the in the spruigof 1963 by many visitors Wcstfield Junior Women's Club, who came to speak at the Saturday Travel packages,dinncrsandother Science Series. items willbe auctioned, to benefit the Among them was Ihc lute Dr. Pcrc y Valeric Fund for children with cancer, L, Julian of Chicago, who presented The Grand Auction will be held at a story of the development of modern L'Affairc restaurant in Mountainside EXECUTIVE RETREAT HAS Y LIVING Pharmaceuticals from the common on Friday, March 5, at 8 p.m. Spacious 6 bedroom expanded ranchranch with prestigious setting andd viewview. Largge country kitche n with oak cabinets, Master bedroom,, oversized full soybean. Tickets arc on sale in Westfield at Gld3Glasscd300 x 14 rimllrlly room, largerecl . room belowbl . MagnificenMifit t pooll, bricbikk blbalhh , lilivini g room, didininig room, hlhalf btbathh, flfulll bbasement and CACCAC. VVonVV - He had conic at the request of his Clync and Murphy and Woodficld's DatkM, private landscapedyard. Great foryea r round ententertaininge . Mother/ dcrful townhuuse living. Cull today und see Tor yuursein In Scotch Plains friend, Westficldcr Roberts. Miner, and at Overlook Hospital Gift Shop DaughteDh r or In-UIU w potentialil. WSO.OOWSOOOO [[ n MiiMountainsided . fofor $101,900$101900, Jr., then a Board of Education mem- in Summit. Tickets can also be pur- ber and the President in 1963-1964. chased ;ii the door on the night of the Dr. Juliun ugiiiii was honored auction. posthumously by the introduction of a new United Stales Posi Office United Fund Meets Commemorative sunup on January 29 at Rooscvcli University in Chi- On Campaign Goals cago. His old friend, Mr, Miner, wus The Executive Committee of the one of the speakers on Shut occasion United fund of Westfield Board of at the invitation of Dr. Julian's widow Trustees, Frederick Buhrcndorf, the and children. Second Vice President; Dr. James Nixon, the President; Mrs. Joanne Santoricllo, the First Vice President, Heather Feaster und T. Milton K (infer, ihcTreasurer, Serves Lynch burg recently met to discuss the 1992- Heather Funster, the daughter of 1993 campaign progress. Mr. und Mrs. Edwurd Feaster of James Shields Is the Secretary, Westfield, served as a hostess for The 1992 campaign hits raised Black Awurcnes.i Weekend ill S547.652 or K3 per cent of its $660,000 goal for 1993 funding. Lynchburg College in Lynchburg, f-f. Virginia. Diabetes Center OUTSTANDING SPACIOUS 1 he weekend is designed lo en- Immaculate apllt(iir«rnrut-In kitchen, Florida room, Fumlly rwm "•/built- 4 bed room, 21/2 liulh split level on mat Ml ucrv of property. Family room courage minority students to utlcml Sponsors Gala in bookvNwn, fiirmal dining room, living riHtm, 3 tmlrwimn. Convenient w/alldrrx lo fret-form lirkk piillo, I'urtliin ufju rd h ft (Kid. C AC.flrvplni't, college and case iho transition from location clou Id m-hooU anil Iruln. In Kanwuod fur $194,500. hardwood Hours, walk-up ex|inmlublt! utlk-, uuk kitchen (VI), Won I lust high school. "Evening ul Ihc lmprov 1993," lonfl. Offtrvd In WMIIWIII for $.Mv,«tNI, It gives participants a cluincc lo sponsored by The DliilKtcaCoiilcr of experienced typical college weekend New Jersey, un ufflliatc of und Internet with the college cimi- Mulilcnbcru Kcgloiml Medical Cen- munily. SmilemsaiteiHl classes, talk ter, will be held on Saninliiy, Febru- WESTFIELD OFFICE with professors atul meet represen- ary 27, at 7 p.m., In Ihc Somerset tatives of .sports and nmipu.i organi- Marriott on Duvltlson Avenue in 600 North Avenue West HOMEQUITY znllons, Somerset. Westfield, NJ 07090 llcntlier, a 1VVI) itrmluate of The fund-mlscr will fcuture enter- RELOCATION CEMTER Westliclil I liuli School, Is a junior laliunmii, Chinese and live uuclioru, (908) 233-0065 child development major at ucockiull reception imdbulTcldlnnor. Lynchtmrg. 1'or tickets und more Information, please coll 668-2023, Mil fttttfitlb JCitabtT, Ttwrfday, February 11,1993 Martin Jewelers Gives Proceeds to Heart Group ®bitnuxiti Aa » tribute lo National Heart MutinJewelen. SiMel'irecovery was to find a way to u a one-time expression. Robert E. Burslem, 68, Was Moolfa. Martin Jewelenof Crmford The idea waned lo hive been • mawasigniricantconiribution to the The response from cuttomen and la combining VMentine gift buying spontaneous reaction tmonc the American Heart Association." Martin Jewelers stiff's own feelings Coach of Football League andaphitanihropicpbuiaulwiUtid MMin Jewelers' Us/Tin 1986, when The original VUentine'J Day-heart of gratification has turned it into a the American Heart Association's the firm's owner Howard Siegel re- atsociation program had been meant yearly event. Robert B.Bunlem.6*, of Spring- of the Shore Acres Yacht Club in loflife-enhincingfewafcliuid turned to active buiineis life after field, formerly of WeMfleld, died Brick, a member of Suburban Oolf by-pau wrfery. TiMaday. FebrWy 9, in Ovaiook Oub in Union and a p« Director of ntiog to work at Martin Jew- Hocpiul in Summit. the International Prepreis Asaoeia- elera has meant leamini to appreci- Board of Education Begins hbTtunkm,Ttunkm, who w« born in don. ^ bad U vtdd toto WrttoJWerttoJdd f for Mr. Btnlem it mrvived by hit ••^P saw • Wm — mj ^rm J^T^^^^/| wmm ^ -w » B| — ™- aie and follow ihe Mutm Jewelers' or trimmed chin* and crystal pnu philowphy," Min Ellen Rimer, die Teacher Negotiations Today maolO yean and moved to wife. Mri. Gloria Schwartz BunlenL ctyital Silver Deer figurines win" be Kore'i Manager, noted. "That ethic SpiiaiiagflaMiiiiwgflaMiiiiwyMitMg yMitMOO. ofnirpon Spring!, Florida: twoaoni,: of S. S. donated to the heart association. not only ddinottei thereepeet, icrvke The school board does not need to He haad been ihe Pnddent of S. S. Robert E and Jeffrey S. Buraletn,' The Weitfield Board of Education An md EEnffavingConi C . of Union. and a daufhter, Miit Cynthii nils will be in effect Monday. and integrity that thould be forth- will begin negotiations this week with negotiate this year with the school Tying Vikminegift buying in with Goming loeachctuioner but alw die district's fifth employee group, the HehatfierveduaVWUeiiienaiuin Burtlem, all of WettOeM, and a theWestfieldEducalionAstocialion. the ArmyAir Corp durtaiWorWWar brother, William Burtlem of. benefiting the American Heart As- caring and sharing that ihould be representing 394 part-time and full- Weslfield Association of Educational II with the 15th Ait Force flying the Clearwaler, Florida. \': sociation has become a tradition at returned lo die community. Our ex- lime teachers, guidance counselor!, Secreuriei,repreKnUngS9part-tiine posure to the many wayi in which andfuU-timeschooliecretariei.That B-24 bomber. Priend* may viait the Dooley Cot school nurses, librarians, social Mr. Bunlem had been awarded an lonlalHomeat556We«fieUAveflue, PUBLIC NO I RUE Martin Jeweleri participates in worken and school psychologists in contract expires on June 30,1994. community »ndphilanthropic events Air Medal with two Oak Leaf Cliu- Weitfield tomorrow Irom 2 to 4 and Ihe town's nine public schools. School Board member*: negotiating 7 to 9 p.m. .: •s ML seemed to focui our entire s uff upon with the teacher association are: Mn. tera. 8UPERIOB COURTOF HEW JERSEY, The first negotiating session is He graduated &om Lehigh Uni- Service! wilt be on Saturday, the idea die most appropriate way to scheduled for today. Suian Jacobton, the Chairman; CHANCERY DIVISION, UNION expteu our joy and relief about Mr. vertity in Bethlehem, Peniwylvarua. February 13, at 10a.m. at the funeral; COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F-Z»1«-»1. The current two-year contract ex- Michael W. Fox. Mn. Susan H. THE HOWAHD SAVINGS DANK v». Pepper and Dr, Benjamin Rulf, in 1MB with a Bachelor of Science home. pires on Wednesday, June 30. Degree In Bwineu Adminiitratioo. In lieu of flowers, donation, may. QHEOORY PARKER. ET UX. ET AL. In addition lo the Weslfield Edu- members, and O. Bruce McFadden, CIVILACTION.Wnir OF EXECUTION. alternate. Mr. Bunlem alao was a founding be made to the Springfield Firtt Aid FOR SALE OF MORTGAGED PRE- "Y" Seeks Applicants cation Association, the board also organiwrandCoachoftheWewneld Squad, 10 North Trivett Avenue, MISES. will negotiate this year with three Negotiating team members for the By virtue ol me above-anted wrtt of For Fall Programs association include: Boyi Football League. Spriogfield,07081. other employee associations whose He abo had been apaatCommodoie FeOruaryit, leal •wculoniomadlrajcM I MX expos* (or The Weaifield "Y" is accepting contract! also expire on June 30. Kn. Cantt Is Xals\ aflsfttMasattai aav J MM by public vandue. in ROOM 207, in applications for fall openings in its baric skills lapmrwMai tMckav at t» Court Houw. m t* City ol Ellzabwh. They iretrteWestfield Association mj.in-1-y evhff^^ ttnT CMtt Usajltsrttr Naw Jereey on WEDNESDAY, the Idh kindergarten programs. of Administrators and Supervisors Players to Host day ot MARCH A.D., 1993 at two o'clock Please telephone 654-8460 for la tsachet at WsaWlaldHlgfc MMBI Mrs. Sikora, 83, In tw atMmoon ot aale) day. representing 37 administrators, su- further information. pervisors and department heads, the RobartHa*itaon.raIiaiia5ts»g|Mrat St. Patrick's Party MUNICIPALITY: Town of WMIWd. The WeitfieldCommunity Players COUNT YAND8TATE: County ol Union Weslfield Support Staff Association tBN Jsaet HusMia, a sdMol psy Was Homemaker, — Stall ol Naw Jeraey. PUBUCN0TIC6 representing SO custodial and main- eiologUt will host a St. Patrick's Day party STREET AND STREET NUMBER: 70 tenance staff members, and the WM IllMbath MoUw, aa InglU Trinity Member with all the trimmings, on Saturday. FAIR HILL DRIVE. teacher at tbe high acaool March 2O,at6:3Op.m.in their theater TAX LOT AND BLOCK NUMBERS: •UPBMOP) COUNT OP NEW JERKY. Westficld Instructional Support Staff Mn. Arthur (Margarey O'Neill) Tax Lot No. 17 — Tax Block No. 150. CHANCCRYOiVIMON. UNION COUNTY, Association, representing 26 aides. at 1000 North Avenue, West, Weit- DIMENSIONS: ApproxIfnMtfp 145.W DOCKET NO F4OM3MI. taachsratl Silmn.U.ahouaewUMedKfonday, field. February B, at Woodi Edge Care teat x 1».» Mat x zoa.sa fact OS CAPITAL MCflTOAOE «PAflCE«. With ticketstt$l5perperson.the NEAREST CROSS STREET: Approxt- INC. va MOMS WYLLAMI CIMACO; and dtantatiy. bielefy and seiane* Center in Bridgewater. majtly t92.o7f*atrromSunninM»c)Drtvt. OtVYE«H MiHTA: MR. HOOO. TENNANT. PUBLIC NOTICE Uecbsr et tb« high school evening will feature traditional fa- Kit. May Ann •ape, • Undatowtan BominWeitfiekl,thehBdUvedin Thtra Is due approximately fie mm ol C4V»L ACTION, WHIT Of EXECUTION, SNIPHTPSULI vorite* of corned beef and cabbage a270.3S3.4a Io0*thar with lawful Interest FOR CALE OP MOAT0MOEO PREMliC* teacher at Wllaon acbool Wen Patenon for the part 17 yean. and potatoes with all the beer, wine SUPERIOR COURT OFNEW JERSEY, She was a former member or Holy Irom July 1, 1 »B2 and coste By virtue of in* above staled wrtt of CHANCERY DIVISION, UNION and toda participants can drink. Th»fa l* * lu« lagal Oeecrtpllon on nia m •xacuion s> m» dlracwd, I ahaN axpoa* "The Boardof Education will con- Trinity Roman Catholic Church in tor aala by pubHo vandua. In ROOM aor.ln COUNTY. DOCKET NO. F-180S0-Si. tinue its goals of maintaining the Coffee and continental desserts will tw Union County Shsrm's Offlct. SECURITY PACIFIC FINANCIAL WeatOeld Tha Snarl ft resarvesttia right to adjourn tha Court Houae. In the Oty ot EKiabaVi. quality of our schools inacost-effbe- top off the evening. :'. Nev»JersevonW«ONBaDAV.theMt>day SERVICES, INC. V*. BOBBY E. Her huiband died in 1945. H HODGES. uve manner and recognizes its dual Entertainmentwill include an Irish RALPH FROEHLICH ol FKaaWAPir A.P.. 10M at two o'ctook In Surviving are two aont, Arthur J. SHERIFF the afternoon otaaJd day. CIVIL ACTION, WHITOFEXECL*TION, responsibilities in negotiations: sing-along and a raffle for a door FOR SALE OF MORTGAGED PRE- Sikora of Bemardiville and the prize. HACK. PIRO, I'DAY, MERKUNQER, Ttia property •> be aoM It looatad {n tha Representing the community's need Reverend Jamei M. Sikora of Great OTYof ELIZABETH si 1tiaOoufiVolUNK3N. MISES. WALLACE A MCKENNA, Attorney By virtue of lha above-stated writ of for property tax relief and the school Members and their guests may re- CX-122S-O5 (STL a WL) and *m aMala ot Naw Jereey. Falls, Montana; a litter, Mn. Jean Maeutfon lo ma a irwcMd I Dull expose for staff's need for competitive salaries Butler of Whiting; five grandchildren serve tickets by telephoning the hosts, 4T —2/11,»1B, Commonly known aa: 1009 WILLIAM aala by public vendue. In ROOM 207, tr\ •TREBT. BLI2A«ETH. NEW JERSEY and working conditions,"said School and two great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs, Louis CaseUa, at 647- aas a 3/4 F—:ti»e.sa the Court Houae, In the City of Elizabeth, Board President, Mrs. Pepper. 6308 after 6 p.m. 07a01-a«M. New Jersey on WEDNESDAY, lha 10th Service* will be at 10:30 a.m. to- TawLMNo, 1M1 kietookNo. S. day of MARCH A.D.. 1M3 al two o'clock "We look forward to good-faith Checks can be made payable lo PUBUC NOTICE CMmensloni ol LoKApproxtmalaly) 100 morrow, Friday, February 12,alHoly In lha afternoon of said day. negotiations with our employee as- Family Residence Chapel in Wett Weslfield Community Players and fee! wide by too feel long. BEINO THE SAME PREMISES Nearest Croae Blraat Sruaia on tha sociations," she continued.'Over Ihe Patenon. sent to the theater. Members should: SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERBSY, KNOWN AS THE CITY OF ELIZABETH, reservetheirticketsearlysincespace CHANCERY DIV18ION, UNION COUNTY, NORTHERLY aide of WILLIAM STREET, COUNTY OF UNION, STATE OF NEW pan few years, we have been able lo Visitation will be conducted from DOCKET NO. F-MSMt. 102.M feat from the WESTERLY skte of JERSEY. achieve contract settlements before is limited. SPRINO) STREET. 7 to 9 pam. today, Thursday, February THE NATIONAL STATE BANK. LOT NO. 877, BLOCK NO. 12. the opening of school in September EUZABETH. NEW JERSEY, • banking There I* due approximately the sum of DIMENSIONS OF LOT: 30 X 100. and to obtain cost containment in 11, at the Butnadz, Gamy ft Opuda corporation of the United State* of SM.SS4.M together wlti lawful Interest Lakeview Memorial Home in Clifton Michael Scacifero from June is. 1W9 endeoete. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 1090 Mag- health insurance costs. Infact, I think Anwlca v* HINTE RE AL ESTATE OROUP. noM Avenue, Elizabeth, New Jersey. and at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow at the a New Jeraey general partnership; Thera Is a ful I leoal deeorlptkin on file In WesUield was a leader in the county Division Engineer the Union Oounty Bherire Office. NEAREST CROSS STREET: church. SELRITE MILLWORK CORPORATION: MADISON AVENUE. and state two years ago when the ALLtED BUILOINQ SUPPLY CORPORA- ThaSherlffraaervaattia rlgfittoadlourn February 11, t«tt Michael Scacifero of Weslfield TION: RAYMOND R. HINTENACH. JR.: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE Weslfield Education Association and recently was promoted to division this wla. OBTAINED FROM THE SHERIFF OF THOMAS HINTENACH: DERW0OD 0. RALPH FROEHLICH the school board agreed lo significant engineer of elizabethtown Oat PLYLER, JR.: ELEANOR HINTENACH. UNION COUNTY. SHSHFF SECURITY PACIFIC FINANCIAL cost containment in the health insur- Mrs. Williamson, 74 Company's Union division, where EXECUTRIX OFTHC STATE OF RAYMOND •HAPtRO V KREWMAN, Attorney ance area." HINTENACH. SR: CITY OF ELIZABETH: CX-t 1O0-0B (STL ft WL) SERVICES INC. VS. BOBBY E. A Mass for Mrs. Frances he works with construction and and aROWNELL-KRAMER-WALOOR- • T— 1/aS, 2/4. HODGES, DOCKET NO. F-1SO50-SI. Williamson, 74, of Whiting will be maintenance, customer service and KANE AOENCY. Thera Is due approximately tha sum ol a/11 a.a/iav»3 Faa: (140.76 •,112,145.14 together with lewful Interest offered at 10 a.m. tomorrow, Friday, division administrators tocoordinate CIVIL ACTION. WRIT OF EXECUTION, from August 1, IMS and costs February 12, in St. Bartholomew planning projects and prepare capital FOR SALE OF MORTQAOED PKMISCB. Saverio Orzlllo, 52 Tr»re laa lull legal description on (I* In A Mass for Saverio Orzlllo, 52, of Roman Catholic Church in Scotch By virtu* of th* abovt elated writ ol the Urton County Sheriff's Office. Plain!, after the funeral from the execution to me directed I snail expo** Tha Sheriff reserves tha right lo adjourn Scotch Plains will be offered ai 11 r.Scacifero started with the tor aala by pubHa vendue. In ROOM 307. In SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY, this aala. a.m. today, Thursday, February U, in Dooley Colonial Home, 536 company in 1991 as a project engi- die Court House. In the City of Elizabeth, CHANCERY DIVISION, UNION COUNTY, RALPH FROEHLICH Weslfield Avenue, Wettfield. neer, designing new gas distribution Naw Jariay on WEDNESDAY, tiia 3rd day DOCKET NO O0O«71-S2. Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church of MARCH AD.. 1993 al two o'clock In the SHERIFF in Westfield. Mn. Williamson died Monday, systems and improving existing de- THE NATIONAL STATE BANK, MICHAEL A. ALFIERI. Attorney afternoon of aald day. ELIZABETH.NCW JERSEY.VA JOSEPH A. Arrangements are being handled February 8, in the Kimball Medical signs. CX-1227-06 (STL A WL) Center in Lake wood. PIR»T PARCEL eiLLIAM8;elal 4 T —2/11.2/18, by Ihe Gray Funeral Home. 318 East He is a 1988 graduate of the New BE'NO properly located In the olty of CIVIL ACTION, WRIT OF EXECUTION, MUM Fee: $153.00 She had been a bookkeeper with Jersey Institute of Technology in Elisabeth, County of Union, Slew ot New FOR SALE OF MORTOAOEO PREMISES. Broad Street, Westfield. Mr, Orzillodied Monday, February thelnternalional Underwriters in New Newark, holds a Bachelor of Science Jsreey. By virtue or tha above-stated writ of York for 15 yean before retiring 26 BEINOaleo known as Lota 324 A, B, C, D, execution to me directed, I ahaH enpoae PUBLIC NOTICE 8, in his home. Degree in Civil Engineering Tech- E. F In Block 01 on the Offlclal Ta x Map of for aale by public vencfcje.lnROOMa07.ln years ago. nology and is a member of the •Hcmrra BALK He was retired in 1990 as the ttle City of Elizabeth. the Court Houae, In the CHy ofEUxatoeth, Eastern Seaboard Regional Manager Born in Staten Island, she lived in American Society of Civil Engineers. BEINQ commonly known ee 1D6-110 New Jereey on WE ONE SO AY, tha 24lti day SUPERIOR COUBT OF NEW JERSEY, Whiting since laslyear. Magnolia Avenue. Elizabeth, New Jereey, of FEBRUARY AD.. 1M3 el twoo'ctock In CHANCERY DIVISION. UNION COUNTY, for the Midas Muffler Corp. Mr. Scacifero and his wife, Mrs. and having me approximate dimensions •he afternoon of said day. DOCKET NO. F-360-B2. He served in the Army in Germany Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Jeanelte Scacifero, reside on First of 100'x 126'. Tha properly to be sold Is located In tha CITICORP MORTQAOE.INC, vs JOHN W. from 1960 to 1966. Emilyanne Risko; two sitters, Mrs. Street, where they are in the process BEINOIocatedlnthetouthweeurlydde City of Ellubeth In tha County of Union, PETERS, UNMARRIED: AND 9ROADWA Y BANK & TRUST CO. Bom in Brooklyn, he had lived in Agnes Pampinetla and Mn. Helen of restoring their home. of Magnolia Avenue, distant 100 feel and Die State of Naw Jersey. Brady; two siepdaughiers, Mrs, Betty therein from !(• intereectlon with the Commonly known as: «54 Maple Av- CIVIL ACTION, WRIT OP EXECUTION, Westflcld before moving to Scotch northweataf ly aide of Flret 8treet. enue, Elizabeth. Naw Jereey. FOR BALE OF MORTQAOE0 PREMISES. Jean Fleming and Mrs. Janet Speith; By virtue ol Ihe ebove-slaled writ of Plains in 1985. The conclee legal description does not TaxLotNeMaxaccounif^eiaAlnBlock. Surviving are four sons.Scot.Chris, a stepson, Roy Williamson; 11 Miss Carol Hyman constitute a lull legal description ol the execution to me directed I ehall expoae Dimensions of Lot (Approximately! 50 for sale by public vendus.ln ROOM 2OT.In Marc and Ryan Orzillo; a daughter, grandchildren and a great-grandchild. premises, and the lull lagal description feet wide by 200 feel long. February 11,1 M» Earns Certification canbefoundlnthe Mortgage datedMarch the Court House, in the City of Elizabeth, Miss Kelly Orzillo; a brother, Greg Nsareel Croat Street Situate on the NewJereeyonWEONESDAY.trie 17th day 11.1987, recorded March 16.1087. In the easterly side of Maple Avenue, 400 feat Orzillo, and a sister, Mrs. Angelina Miss Carol Hyman, the Executive Office of the Regletar of Union County In of FEBRUARY A.D.. 1003 at Iwooclock In Irom Urn northerly aide of Csrteret Street. Iheatternoon of said day. Fowler. Officer of the Westflcld Board of Book 3738 of Morlgao.es al Page 369. el There Is due approximately Ihe sum of Eric Lyght Scores Realtors, recently earned the Realtor aeq. Municipality: Elizabeth. February 11.1S93 »B3,8B».sa together with Intereat on lha Tax lot and Block: Lot 944: Block 3 on Association Certified Executive SECOND PARCEL principal balance of S4S.3B4.37 to be Tax Map. Lot 4. 6: Block B on Filed Map For Saint Anselm designation offered by the National Tract One: computed at thecontr act rate of 13* from No. 37A. Alayne Ferraresi BEINQ property located In the City ol April 24. 1902 until August 3, 1092 and Eric Lyght of Westfield, a junior Association of Realtors. Elizabeth, County ol Union, Slats of New lawful Intereet thereafter on the tola! sum Street Address: 568-seo South Park On Dean's List forward, has played in all 15 iames Street The designation challenges the Jereey. due and coatt. Alayne Fcrraresi of Weslficld, a thi s year for the Saint Anselm College association management skills of BEINO also known as Lot O05 In 8'ocK There Is a full legal description on file In Property Dimensions: Frontage: EO feat; Depth: 1O0 feet. student at College Misericordia in Hawks Men's Basketball Team of candidates, ind hones a variety of OS on the Official Tax Map of th« City ol the Union County Sheriff's Office. Manchester, New Hampshire. Elizabeth. ThaSherlff re serves ihe rlghtto adjourn Distance from nearest cross street 25 .Pennsylvania, has been named other skills such as leadership, BEINQ commonly known aa 950 this aale. feet from Intersection of Sixth Strom and to the Dean's List forthe fall semester. Lyght is averaging 7.3 points and South Park Street problem-solving and financial man- Lalayette Street. Ellubetri, New Jeraay, RALPH FROEHLICH Students named to the Dean's List 2.9 rebounds per game. agement. and having the approximate dimensions SHERIFF There la due approximately the 9um ot In a 94-73 win over Quinnipiac of 12 Sx 30'. ZUCKER, GOLDBERG. BECKER t, • 76.086.14 together wllh la.vljl Interest must attain a grade point average of The designation program, offered BEINO located In ma aouthsrly line ol ACKERMAN. Attorney from April S3. 1892 end coats. 3.55 out of 4.0. College of Hamden, Connecticut, on only lo realtor association executive Lafayette Street, distant 1 26 feet tram Ita Tel: 201-783-77 W There la a full legal description on Thla I* January 16, Lyghi scored 12 points ths Union County Sherlll'u Olflco. officers and staff specialists, consists Intersection with th» weeterly line of Raid File No.: XVH 370*8 PUBUC NOTICE on four-for-su shooting from the floor of an application form outlining a Street. OX-1 1*3-05 City ol MAROUB N. DINIZ AND OOLORES DINIZ, FOR SALE OF MORTQAQED PRE- CIVIL ACTION. WRIT OF EXECUTION, HIS WIFE: JUSTINO ROSA & THOMAS E AN OHDINANOt TO AMCNO J. Schultz and Suzanne M. ZuwisUk Elizabeth, County ol Union, Btate of New FOR SALE OF MORTGAGED PRE- THB OOOI OP TUB TOWN Of MISES. Jeraey. CONBALVO. WISTPIILD GHAPTin 11 By virtue of the ebove-slaled wrtt of werenamed to the Dean's Listfor the MISES. CIVIL ACTION. WHIT OF EXECUTION, BEIN3 aleo known as Lot 804 In Block Oy virtue of the above-itattd writ ot "MOTOR VtHICLia AND execution lo me directed I snail expose for fall 1992 semester lit Trenton Slate 07 on the Offlolal Tax Map or Ihe city ol FOR SALE OF MORTQAOED PREMISES. TNAF'IC* TO PflOVIDB A sale by publla vendue, In ROOM 207. In execuilonlo me directed I shall sxposetor By vtrtus of the ebove-stnted writ of College in Ewing Township. Elizabeth sale by public venrJue. In ROOM 207, In HANOI Of PINALTIBa PO* lha Court House, In me Clly ol Elizabeth, BEIN3 oommonly known aa 834 Mag- execution lo me directed, I shall exposa CIHTAIN PANKINO) VIOLA- Naw Jsraey on WEDNESDAY, the 10th The honors require a grudepoint lha Court House, In the City ol Elizabeth, for sals by publlo vendue, In ROOM 307, In nolia Avenue, Elizabeth. New Jnresy, md New Jersey on WEDNESDAY, the 10th TION*. day ol MARCH A.0., >M3 al two o'clock average of 3.5 or above Tor the se- having the approximate dlmsnalom ol the Court House. In ths City of Elliabalh. In the afternoon of said day. day of MARCH A.D., 1B93 si two o'clock BG1TORDAI NEDby Ihe Town Counollof mester, 50' x 100'. Naw Jar say on WEDNESDAY, the 34lh day Tha property lo be sold slocacsd In the In Ihe afternoon of said day, Of FEBRUARY AD, 1B93 st two o'olook In the Town of Westfield aa follows: Christa is u junior elementary BEINO looatodlnthoBoulliwoattrly line Tr» properly lo ba sold • located In lha SECTION I — That a subsection (a) of TOWN of WESTFIELD In in* County of of Magnolia Avenue, distant 360 feet Irom Ihe afternoon of said day. UNION, and the Stste of Naw Jersey. education-English major; Kristlrte an CITY of EUZAOETH In (hs County of The propsrty to be sold Is looalod In the Saotlon 13-49 entitled 'Psnslly* be Elcntcntury cducutlon -sociology lie Intereeollon with Ihe southeseieriy line UNION, and lha Stale of New Jersey. amended to read as follows: Commonly known as: 2B2 SCOTCH ofSevenih street. CITYof ILIZAB6TH In ths County olUNION. PLAINS AVENUE, WESTFIELD, NEW major, Kevin n senior mechanical Commonly known as: 3B QRIER AV- Ta» Lol No. 3 In Block No. 747. 07201. ENUE. ELIZADETH. NEW JERSEY 07302. 1,1»8a«ndondlnBJune30,1888, and lor Suzanne u freshman imtjorlng in premlsee, and the full legal description eaoh eucoaodinoJuly' toJune 30 period Dimensions of Lot (Approximately) Tux Lot No. 664 In Block No. 7. Tax Lot No. 736 In Block No. 4, cducittion of the duvclopmciitally oan be lound In the Mortgage daledMarch DimensloniolLol (Approximately) 100 lharaalier al least five dollars, but not In 120.02 feal wide by 63.48 faal long. 11,1887,recorded March 10, IBBT.InUie f«et wide by 130 foal long, Dlmenelone ol Lol (Approximately) excess of tan dollars." Mearesi Crois street: 81 lusts on the handicapped. Offloe of the Reglsler til Union County In 20040 lee! wide by 32.3U foul lunQ Nsareil Cross Btrset: Slluate on Ihe 8E0TI0NII — All ordlnanoei or pans of SOUTHWESTERLY side of SCOTCH Book 372B of Mortgages al Pnge 3»8, el NOflTHEABTEFILY side ol MARSHALL Nearest Cross Otresl Bltualo on Ihe PLAINS AVENUE, 50.00 feel from Ihe seq. WESTERLY Bids of ORIER AVENUE. S4 SB ordlnanoea In oonfllo I,or Inconsistent, wllh 9TF)tl-T, 300 fust Irom lh» 9OUTH- any finrl of I'm lorms ol thli ordinance are NORTHWESTERLY Bide ol WARREN Thars la due approximately Ihe sum ol CABTEHLY Bids ol SEVRNTHaTHIfET. fset from Ihe SOUTHEASTERLY alclo of STREET. WA8HINOT0N PLACE. horoby repealed to the extent ihal lhay fad MBS 37 lojulhor wllh lawful Inlereel Tl*rs l»im(iii)l/ inn lumol are In suoh oonfllcl or Inconsistent. Thare Is duo approximately tha sum ol from June as, 19Ua andooile There le due approximately the •urn of »13D.HI?.01 tofjffllwf wllh lawful Inloreit SECTION III — In Ihe event Ihal sny 4200,477.71) togelfwr with lawful Intsrest Ttiers Is a full legal Usturlptlun un file in • 189.838 SO together wMh lawful Inlaresi from October 01. 1001 and coals Uom Auguit 31, 19B? and cosn from June 30, 1002 and uusia socllon, per I, or provision of trill ordtneno* lha Union County Sliarlfm Offlua. Tlmrais n full lna«l tlencrlptlori on fllo In shall be hald lo be .unoonstltutlonel or Thwre Is a full Isgiil description on file In Tha Sheriff romrvemlw rljjht to adjourn Thsre Is a lull leual doaurlpllun un Me In Ihe Union CDunly Shorlff'a Office. IIi» Union County Sherlll'i OKIce. Ihs Union County Sharlff'n Olflnn Invalid by nnyuojrt, luotilioldlnfjihiNnol Ihli tale. TIH> Sherlll rnnnrvnii Ihn right to fldlourn alfoul the vnll'JIty of this ordinance as a ThaSherllf rosarves Ihe right lo adjourn RALPH PROSHLICH Ths Bllerlfl ranarvna thn rlylil to nd|ou'n this snle. Ihls nala. tins sals. whole, or any part Ihereof, olhsr than Ihe BHKMPF part so held unaonstllutlanal or Invalid. HALPH FFIOEHLICM MA0KSNZI6. WELT, MAKER, NORTH & nAi.pnnioEHi.icn BHCRIPF SECTION IV - This cirdlnanos shall taks BMU In tho Arctic, floworlesjB vVGCKt, Attorney SHAPIRO S MARTONR, Allorney QHAI'inO » KnriBMAN, Atlornay SHAPIRO A KREIBMAN. Attorney elleul nfi(*r pnasnge and publlostlon ss plants called llchons keep the OX-1 aOil-Ot (STL s\ WL) cx.ia«.oBa* tdar.*4 vesaa Fea:S 107.08 IT-J/M/U3 Faa:l43.a6 2116 * 3/4 Fee; »103.B0 prevent erosion.