F= HOW TO GET THE LEADER =n Just Fill in the Form On Page 5 And Return It to Us! -Serving the Town Since J89O- oi taU « WMMA N J. Thursday, February 11,1993 232-4407 FORTYCENTS TEACHER SALARY FIGURE ESTIMATED AT $15,865,098 'Restrictiveness' of State Cap May Result in $100,000 Cut In Proposed School Budget Total of $50,000 Trimmed From Account for Purchase of Textbooks; Private School Costs Total $223,376; Pre-Labor Day Opening Voted Down •J> TUCKER TRIMBLE "The cap may be more restrictive on Tuesday, February 23, and on Sptcitll) WrilM fiw 71. Wufitld L*t*r than I thought," Dr. Rader noted. Westfield Superintendent of Tuesday, March 2, when a vote will "We may have to cut $100,000 from be taken 10 comply with the Monday, Schools, Dr. Mark C. Smith, contin- the budget to comply with it." ued to discuss the proposed School March 8, deadline Budgetof $44,925,246for 1993-1994 Since the first reading of the bud- Also on the agenda was the final at the regular school board meeting get, $50,000 alreadv has been cut vote for approval of the 1993-1994 Tuesday night. from the textbook line item. New calendar. New information received by health textbooks for the elementary Slating thestaff has beenconsistent Board Secretary.Dr. RobertC. Rader, schools have been postponed for an- in itsdesire for the full week's vacation in meetings with state officials now other year. in February, Mrs. Pepper proposed enable the board to calculate actual Total proposed expenditures for an amendment tochange the calendar state aid figures and add in calcula- instruction are $25,375,703, which is to have school start on Thursday, September 2, which is before Labor NOT QUITE PONY EXPRESS»J>uMnby art thowa CMCMIM up on th* local BiwtouuSLiiw fcrmJJ'w tions for the cap, although final fig- 56.64 per cent of the budget. 'This is Office09 ElmStrttlnearQuImbyStrat In tin 1920*.TtMbulknng nowboumthe Golden Eigchudren'iclothlng§«or«, ures for the division of capital and as it should be," said Dr. Rader, adding Day, and to reinstate the week-long Elm DeUcatewen and Backroom Antique*, oa IJM tint floor. current expenses were not specified. there is an unwillingness tocut these break in February. "This information is split for us; programs. Alsodifficultto reduce are Board members, Mrs. Melba S. some good, some bad," Dr. Smith fixed charges, such as health, insur- Nixon, opposed the amendment, said. "It's not consistent with what ance and special-education costs. saying the week-long break could Town Council Unanimously Votes we understood to be the level of aid Almost a quarter of a million dol- lead to serious child-care problems, from the state, We are looking at lars, $223,376, is allocated for sub- and Dr. Smith sided with her, stating ways to reduce costs further. We are sidizing students who attend private the calendar as it stood reflected the satisfied with the percentage increase, schools, either in transportation or "balancing of conflicting views." For Share of Main Street Funding 4 per cent, but concerned with how textbook costs, Dr. Rader told the In fact, the amendment vote was that translates into taxes." board. U'ed4-4,since board memberG. Bruce Downtown Committee Raises $6fl00 in Two Days Toward the Cost of the Program The proposed 14-cent increase in Parents who transport their own McFadden was absent. the school tax rate due to the budget children to private schools receive Board member, Dr. B. Carol By ROBERT R. FASZCZEWSKI since he was the President of the would mean a $280 increase in taxes $657perchild per year, he said, noting Molnar, urged the board to try the charges imposed by Trenton to fund some families send as many as four original calendar, and when taken to Sptcialt, Wntu.fc.Tk, W,,fl,UL-+r Westiield Area Chamber of Com- various programs. on a town home valued at $200,000. The Town Council unanimously merce in 1978. This amount was incorrectly re- children to the same private school. the vote, it passed 6-2, with members, Mayor Garland C, "Bud" Boothe, Mrs. Darielle M. Walsh, and Vice voted Tuesday night to allocate The program will provide a great Jr. also announced the appointment ported as $80 in last week's Westfield Teachers' salaries figure in the $25,000 this year andpledgethe same investment. First Ward Councilman Leader. proposedbudgctat$15,865,098,and President, Mrs. Susan Jacobson, op- of Mark Boyd of the Boulevard as tax posing it. amount for the next two years in Anthony M. LaPorta added, because alternate to the Planning Board, Transition aid from the state is the principals' andassistants'salarics support of the Main Street program taxpayer dollars will be spent for the WjUuunG.KrabecofCoolidgeStrcct $1,118,272, which.is within $8,000 at $1,128,595. Board member, Dr. B. Carol lo help rejuvenatethe central business best benefit for the greatest number as the alternate to the Union County of theaidreccivedlasiyear.Dr. Rader Board President, Mrs. Susan H. Molnar, urged the board to cry the district. ofptople. Solid Was teAdvisoryCommitteeand reported, and cap is set at S.63 per Pepper, urged the board to go through original calendar, and when taken to Contributions from the town ac- The council also adopted an ordi- Or. Jerome Feder of Knollwood cent, although he is not comfortable the budget to see if a reduced tax rate the vote, ilpassed6-2, with members, count for one quarter of the total nance providing for a $25-per-hour Terrace to Union County Air Traffic with the application of the cap to the could be brought about. Mrs. Darielle M. Walsh, and Vice $100,000yearly cost of the program, fee with a maximum usage of three Noise Advisory Board. budget. This tentative budget willcontinue President, Mrs. Susan Jacobson, op- which will provide consultation on hours of organizations utilizing the to be discussed at a special meeting posing it. such items as how Wcsifield can new community room in the reno- "market" itself more effectively to vated Municipal Building when altractadiversificd group of retailers maintenance personnel would not to the downtown area. normally be on duty. New Mount Laurel Quota Figures Expected The Vice Chairman of the Down- There will be no fee for use of the town Committee, former-Councilman facility during limes when the Frank MacPherson, noted last week's building is in use for government To Have Little Effect on Town's Planning mailing by the committee to the en- functions. lire town had resulted in 83 returns in Also acted upon was the introduc- After Lawsuit Agnement Is Fully Executed Open Land Will Be Scarce; Ewan Tract Sale Discussed two days — partially in pledges and tion of an ordinance deregulating partially in checks, taxicab fares in Westficld. By ROBERT R. FASZCZEWSKI tribution Agreement through which Two local banks also have made few rehabilitation applications. homes in Elizabeth at a cost of According to Transportation, SlUWri/dnWfUUl the town will pay for the rehabilita- S17.000 per home. commitments to contribute to the Parking and Traffic Committee As part of the town's land-use ordi- Despite the release last Wednesday' tion of 21 substandard homes in nance, which now is being revised, $75,000 yearly cost to be covered by Chairman Kenneth L. MacRitchie, of figures from the New Jersey The council's Building and Town Elizabeth, rczoning of two sites to Mr. Brandt explained, a total of 4.3 Property Committee met Tuesday donations oiher than that from the the ordinance will do away with zone Council on Affordable Housing which provide a total of 17 Mount Laurel- town, Mr. MacPherson noted. fares regulated by the town. acres in the area of the Motor Vehicle night, andrecommendau'onsaboutthe show Weslfield will need an addi- eligible homes and the construction Inspection Station on South Avenue Mrs. Michele Picou, the Main tional 241 units of low- and moder- configuration of the lots and the sale of a second senior citizen housing will be rezoned to provide 34 hous- of the Ewan Tract were expected to Street Project Director, told The ate-income housing by 1999 to meet complex in the area of Boynton Av- Leader aficr the meeting, $6,000 al- ing units, seven of which would be be discussed at that meeting and the so-called Mount Laurel guide- enue to provide 133 rental units. low- and moderate-income units. ready has been collected, and the lines, the town will have no con- presented to the entire council at a Two Local Banks Several years ago, Mr. Brandt said, The site of Williams Nursery on later date, according to First Ward committee still will conduct mailings frontation with Mount Laurel re- the to wncslimaicd it would be able to to commercial property owners and quirements until at least 1997. Springfield Avenue also will be Councilman Norman N. Greco, the Also Make Pledges rehabilitate 115 substandard homes rezoned under the ordinance, he Chairman of the com mince. telephone and personal solicitations According to Town Attorney in Westfield, but to date only 90 have of business owners. Charles H, Brandt, as part of the noted, to provide 52 housing units, Scalzadonna Developers also will been done because there are few units lOof whichwillqualify under Mount pay the town back for a portion of the The deadline for submission of the settlementof thetown's MountLaurcl which can beconsidcred substandard Main Street application to the state is litigation, a Union County Superior Laurel guidelines. cost of the Elizabeth project after it Although taxicabs, unlike limou- and whose owners meet income-eli- Under the court-approved agree- sells approximately 19 single-family Wednesday, March 3.
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