A 18 Ablative Case 25, 26 Accessibility Hierarchy 91 Agent 18 Agreement 3

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A 18 Ablative Case 25, 26 Accessibility Hierarchy 91 Agent 18 Agreement 3 Index A 18 nominative-accusative 21, 27, 64 ablative case 25, 26 syncretism 25, 114, 115, 137, 173 Accessibility hierarchy 91 causative 71 agent 18 Chilasi 146 agreement 3, 13–18, 36, 77, 85, 171 Chilisso 152 function 14 Chitral languages 143, 159 gender and number 3, 14, 22, 29, 31, 34, Churahi 141, 163 36, 90, 131, 152 clitic 12–14, 17, 94, 108, 162, 166 hierarchical 69 Vedic 123, 139, 166, 169 person 69, 90, 152, 169 co-argument sensitivity 69, 76, 95 alignment 2, 27, 62, 139, 171 complementizer 109, 118 co-argument conditioned 69, 70 construction 3 ergative 31 converb 102, 111, 120 hierarchical 69, 76, 96 coordination 59, 103 semantic 63, 64, 68 shift 149, 151 Dameli 159 Alignment-based rh hypothesis 64 Dardic 2, 10, 11, 141, 146, 153, 166, 170, 172 analogy 82 dativus commodi 40, 43 anti-absolutive 84 dativus ethicus 43 Apabhraṃśa 110, 111, 114, 116, 127 differential agent marking 67 aphorism 110 differential object marking 3, 63, 65, 67, 77, Astori 146, 148 82, 93 auxiliary cliticization 107–110, 116, 120, 137, diffusion 139 172 direct-inverse pattern 4, 69, 73, 74, 77, 96, Avestan 110n3, 166 127, 171 Azad Kashmir 7, 164 dislocation 107 ditransitive construction 41, 70 Balti 143, 165 Doda region 8 Baluchi 144 Dogri 8, 130, 135, 136, 141, 163 Bangla 1, 115 double agreement 92 Bhaderwahi 141, 163 double objective marking 70 Bhattiyali 141, 163 Drasi 146 Bilaspuri 141, 163 Dravidian 139, 144 bilingualism 7, 166 dummy subject 101, 102 Bodish 143 bound pronoun 3, 14–16, 18, 36, 94, 101, economy 51, 64, 84–87, 172 171 elicitation 58 Brahui 144 empathy 91–94 Brokskat 147, 150 experiencer 36, 38, 52, 63, 104, 134 pronominal suffixes 147 Burushashki 144–146 face 92 Finno-Ugric 105 case hierarchy 95 focus 72, 99 case marking 3, 18, 63–65, 95, 171 frequency 76 ergative 22, 26, 30, 64, 84, 149, 151 future tense 21, 24, 45, 56, 79, 111, 113 loss 106, 113, 115 index 197 Gaddi 141, 163 diaspora 8 genitive case 26 dictionary 2 Germanic 97, 98, 101, 105, 109 identity 8, 9 Gilgiti Shina 146, 148 Kamrāz 7 Government and Binding analysis 9, 109 Marāz 7 grammaticalization 4, 48, 94, 107, 135, 172 phonology 2, 9 Greater Hindu Kush Region 139, 149 script 9 Grierson, G.A. 1, 9, 23, 47 speakers 7, 8 Guresi 146 Standard 7, 58, 98 Kaśmīraśabdāmṛta 2 head and dependent marking 14, 16, 78 Kaula, Iśvara 2, 9 Hindi-Urdu 1, 3, 8, 63, 76, 93, 96, 100, 114–116, Khah 129 127 Khowar 159 Hindko Kishtawari 7, 97, 127, 132, 134 Kohat 160 Koasati 68 Northern 141, 160, 161 Kochi 135 Peshawari 160 Kohistani 143, 152, 170 Southern 141, 160, 162 Kohistani Shina 146, 148, 149 honorificity 91, 93, 171 Kotgarhi 135 Kullu Pahari 141, 163 iconicity 88 Kunar languages 143, 159 imperative 83 imperfective constructions 21, 27, 34, 51, 76, Ladakhi 143, 165 78 Lahnda 141, 160, 170, 172 inanimate subjects 59 language isolate 139 indexes 16 linguistic area 4, 139, 165, 173 cross-indexes 16, 51 Linguistic Survey of India 1, 7 gramm-indexes 16, 46, 47 locality 15 pro-indexes 16, 17, 46, 51 locative case 26 individuation 67 Indo-Iranian 2, 10, 139, 143, 146 Maithili 91, 94 Indus Kohistani 152 Mandeali 141, 163 Ingush 78, 127 Marathi 92, 94 instrumental case 26, 61 Marwari 67 interjection 104 minimal semantic distinctness principle 67, Iranian 98, 139, 141, 143, 159, 165, 170, 173 76 Jammu and Kashmir 6, 8 Nepali 1, 149, 163 Nocte 74 Kafir languages 143 null anaphora 17 Kalam Kohistani 152 Nuristani 11, 143, 144, 153, 159 Kalasha 159 Kalkoti 147 O 18 Kashmiri object 18 alignment 2, 62 objective case 24, 51 case marking 3, 24 obligational construction 117 classification 2, 10 oblique case 27, 84, 114 corpus 50 obviation 78, 87, 171 dialects 7 obviative argument 77, 96.
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