The Splintering of Spain

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The Splintering of Spain This page intentionally left blank ii ii The Splintering of Spain This book explores the ideas and culture surrounding the cataclysmic civil war that engulfed Spain from 1936 to 1939. It features specially commissioned articles from leading historians in Spain, Britain and the USA which examine the complex interaction of national and local factors, contributing to the shape and course of the war. They argue that the ‘splintering of Spain’ resulted from the myriad cultural clea- vages of society in the 1930s. Thus, this book views the civil war less as a single great conflict between two easily identifiable sets of ideas, social classes or ways of life, than historians have previously done. The Spanish tragedy, at the level of everyday life, was shaped by many tensions, both those that were formally political and those that were to do with people’s perceptions and understanding of the society around them. CHRIS EALHAM is Senior Lecturer in History at Lancaster University. His previous publications include Policing the City: Class, Culture and Conflict in Barcelona, 1898–1937 (2005). MICHAEL RICHARDS is Senior Lecturer in Contemporary European History at the University of the West of England. His previous publica- tions include A Time of Silence: Civil War and the Culture of Repression in Franco’s Spain, 1936–1945 (1998). The Splintering of Spain Cultural History and the Spanish Civil War, 1936 –1939 Edited by Chris Ealham and Michael Richards cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 2ru,UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York © Cambridge University Press 2005 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2005 isbn-13 978-0-511-13263-6 eBook (NetLibrary) isbn-10 0-511-13263-8 eBook (NetLibrary) isbn-13 978-0-521-82178-0 hardback isbn-10 0-521-82178-9 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. For Paul Preston Contents List of illustrations page ix List of maps xi Listofcontributorsxii Preface xiv List of abbreviations xvi Chronology xviii Maps showing the division of Spain, 1936-1939 xxiv 1History,memoryandtheSpanishcivilwar:recentperspectives1 MICHAEL RICHARDS AND CHRIS EALHAM Part I Over views : vi olence, nationalis m and religion 2ThesymbolismofviolenceduringtheSecondRepublic in Spain, 1931–1936 23 EDUARDO GONZA´ LEZ CALLEJA 3Nationsinarmsagainsttheinvader:onnationalist discourses during the Spanish civil war 45 XOSE´ -MANOEL NU´ N˜ EZ SEIXAS 4‘Thekeysofthekingdom’:religiousviolenceinthe Spanish civil war, July–August 1936 68 MARY VINCENT Part II Repub lican political and cultur al pro jects 5CatalanpopulismintheSpanishcivilwar93 ENRIC UCELAY-DA CAL 6Themythofthemaddenedcrowd:class,culture and space in the revolutionary urbanist project in Barcelona, 1936–1937 111 CHRIS EALHAM vii viii Contents 7ThecultureofempowermentinGijo´n,1936–1937133 PAMELA RADCLIFF Pa rt III Ide ntities on the Fra ncoist side 8Oldsymbols,newmeanings:mobilisingtherebellion in the summer of 1936 159 RAFAEL CRUZ 9‘Spain’sVende´e’:CarlistidentityinNavarreasa mobilising model 177 FRANCISCO JAVIER CASPISTEGUI 10‘PresentingarmstotheBlessedSacrament’:civilwar and Semana Santa in the city of Ma´laga, 1936–1939 196 MICHAEL RICHARDS Notes 223 Index 271 Illustrations Every effort has been made to secure necessary permissions to reproduce copyright material in this work, though in some cases it has proved impossible to trace copyright holders. If any omissions are brought to our notice we will be happy to include appropriate acknowledgements on reprinting. 3.1.Republicanposterlinkingthepopularstrugglefor page 50 independencein1808withthecivilwarofthe1930s (fromJordiCarullaandArnauCarulla,Laguerracivilen 2,000cartells,Barcelona,PostermilS.L,1997,vol.1, p.95) 3.2.AdefenderofMadridfrom‘theinvader’,constructedas 51 atypicaleighteenth-centuryvillager(fromJordiCarulla andArnauCarulla,Laguerracivilen2,000cartells, Barcelona,PostermilS.L,1997,vol.1,p.95) 4.1.CarlosSa´enzdeTejada,‘Profanacio´nyescarnio’(‘Prof- 82 anationandridicule’)(fromJoaqu´ı nArrara´s,Historiade lacruzadaespan˜ola,Madrid,1939–43,vol.1,p.357, reproducedbypermissionofCarlosSa´enzdeTejada Benvenuti) 4.2.Wartimeimageofmummifiedhumanremainsdisplayed 83 onanaltar(fromJoaqu´ı nArrara´s,Historiadelacruzada espan˜ola,Madrid,1939–43,vol.7,p.216) 5.1.Catalanposterof1938invokingthepopulardefence 108 ofBarcelonaagainsttheCastiliansiegeof1714(from JordiCarullaandArnauCarulla,Laguerracivilen 2,000cartells,Barcelona,PostermilS.L.,1997,vol.1, p.121) ix x Illustrations 6.1.‘Thepeoplearmed’:rifle-totingworkerswalkingalong 120 theRamblesincentralBarcelona(fromAlfonsoCarras- co,Barcelonaconelpun˜oenalto!Estampasdelarevolu- cio´n,Barcelona,1936) 6.2.HotelRitz,Barcelona(fromJosepLluisMartinRamos, 122 HistoriaGraficadelMovimentObreraCatalunya,Barce- lona,1989,p.314) 6.3.‘Acemeteryforcars’:Santsbullring,Barcelona,atthe 125 startoftherevolution(fromAlfonsoCarrasco,Barcelona conelpun˜oenalto!Estampasdelarevolucion,Barcelona, 1936) 8.1.‘Execution’oftheSacredHeartofJesusbymilitiamen 168 atCerrodelosA´ngeles,August1936(fromEnciclopedia universalilustradaeuropeo-americana,1936–1939,vol.1, Madrid,Espasa-Calpe,1967) 9.1.CivilwarpostcardshowingmenofNavarranbrigades 183 advancingbehindthecrucifix(fromLuisBolin,Spain: theVitalYears,Cassell,1967) 9.2.‘Navarreatwar’fromthe‘Monumenttothefallen’in 186 Pamplona,byRamo´nStolz(photobyJ.Galle,1950. MunicipalArchivesofPamplona) 9.3.PaintingofthreegenerationsofCarlistsandflagsby 190 CarlosSa´enzdeTejada(CourtesyofCarlosSa´enzde TejadaBenvenuti) 10.1.Membersoftheleft-wingmilitiainthecentralparkof 207 Ma´laga,1936 10.2.Penitentialprocession,Ma´laga,1938216 10.3.TheentryofChristintoJerusalem(andintoMa´laga), 218 PalmSunday,1939 Maps 1.ThedivisionofSpainfollowingtherebellion,pagexxiv 20July1936 2.ThedivisionofSpainatbeginningofFebruary1937xxv 3.ThedivisionofSpain,April1938:republicanterritoryxxvi splitintwo 4.ThedivisionofSpain,March1939,aswardrawstoxxvii aclose 7.1.ThetwofacesofGijo´n:planofworking-class148 settlements(fromPamelaBethRadcliff,From MobilisationtoCivilWar,CambridgeUniversity Press,1996) 10.1.PlanofthecityofMa´laga,c.1930201 xi Contributors FRANCISCO JAVIER CASPISTEGUI is professor agregado in the Depart- ment of Contemporary History at the University of Navarre. He has co-edited several recent publications on historiography, including, with I. Ola´barri, La nueva historia cultural: la influencia del postestruc- turalismo y el auge de la interdisciplinariedad (1996), and En la encruci- jada de la ciencia histo´rica hoy: el auge de la historia cultural (1998). He is also the author of El naufragio de las ortodoxias: el carlismo 1962–1977 (1997). RAFAEL CRUZ is Lecturer in the History of Social Movements at the Complutense University in Madrid. His most recent publications are on aspects of collective action during the Spanish Second Republic, as well as a political biography of Dolores Iba´rruri, La Pasionaria. CHRIS EALHAM is Senior Lecturer in the Department of History at Lancaster University. His work focuses on labour and social protest in Spain and he is the author of Class, Culture and Conflict in Barcelona, 1898–1937 (2004). He is currently working on a history of urban conflict in 1930s Spain. EDUARDO GONZA´ LEZ CALLEJA is a member of the Department of Contemporary History in the Institute of Humanities, Consejo Super- ior de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas, Madrid, and Associate Professor at the Universidad Carlos III. His research focuses particularly on polit- ical violence in contemporary Spain and the evolution of right-wing and fascist groups in Europe. Amongst many works, he has published La razo´ndelafuerza(1998), El ma´user y el sufragio (1999) and La violencia en la polı´tica (2003). Currently, he is completing, with Julio Aro´stegui, a general history of violence in contemporary Spain. XOSE´ -MANOEL NU´ N˜ EZ SEIXAS is a member of the Department of Contemporary and American History at the University of Santiago de Compostela. His main research interests relate to the comparative history of nationalist movements and national and regional identities, xii Contributors xiii as well as to the study of overseas migration. His recent publications include Entre Ginebra y Berlı´n: la cuestio´n de las minorı´as nacionales y la polı´tica internacional en Europa, 1914–1939 (2001). Currently, he is working on the history and memory of the Spanish Blue Division and its experience at the Eastern Front in the period 1941–4. PAMELA RADCLIFF is an Associate Professor in the Department of History at the University of California, San Diego. She has published a book on the origins of the civil war, From Mobilization to Civil War: the Politics of Polarization in the Spanish City of Gijo´n, 1900–1937 (1996), and co-edited (with Victoria Enders) a collection of articles on the history of women in modern Spain: Constructing Spanish Womanhood: Female Identity in Modern Spain (1999). Currently, she is completing
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    THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR IN TEXT DESIGNED BY SARAH GLENSKI COURSE DESCRIPTION & OBJECTIVES Political strife is something that has pervaded modern Spain. During the nineteenth century, the nation was plagued by a series of internal conflicts, the Carlist wars, in which vying factions fought for the right to the throne. A polarization of ideologies continued into the twentieth century. In 1931, the Second Republic, a liberal, democratically-elected government, came to power, yet the Nationalists, a group of right-wing rebels led by Francisco Franco, challenged and ultimately defeated the Republic during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). In many ways, Spain’s war prefigured World War II (1939-1945), yet fascism was not defeated in Spain. After the war, Franco implemented a fascist dictatorship that lasted until his death in 1975. The war left its mark on the nation in the decades that followed and continues to plague national consciousness to this day. In this course, students will come to understand the political and historical context of the Spanish Civil War and Postwar through a close analysis of a wide array of texts, such as photography, art, narrative, film, and graphic novel. Just as the texts are of various genres, they are of differing political ideologies, points of view, and publication dates, which allow us to approach the war from many angles. Besides analyzing the texts for content, we will contemplate how the texts, which are organized thematically, dialogue with each other both within and beyond their thematic groupings. At the heart of our analyses, we will question what a civil war means for a nation, by considering the diversity of portrayed experiences of Spain’s war and the role of memory.
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