The present reader aims to give in concise fonn the main facts in the history of and Spanish America. Care has been taken to choose in every case the best mate- rial available, and to include only selections free from political and relgious bias. Alterations have been made in the text where it was deemed advisable to do so. Short introductions in English precede those selections which are not wholly self-explanatory, or not complete in themselves. Much of the information usually found in notes has been included in the vocabulasy; hence a minimum of tite former. Grateful acknowledgment is due to Professor H. E. Bolton and Mr. H. 1. Priestley of the University of California for help in securing material, and to Professor Rudolph Schevill of tite tiniversity of California and Professor. Razn6n Jaén of tite United States Military Academy for reading tite proof and for many helpful and valuable suggestions. E E. S.



Fel4fte Picatoste EL CID ...... 7 BATALLA DE LAS NAVAS ..... Fernando de Castro 9 GUZMÁN EL BUENO ...... Modesto Lafuente 9 LA CONQUISTA DE GRANADA (1492) Modesto Lafuente 12

DINASTÍA AUSTRIACA (1 S 1 6-i 700) Felifte Picatoste '4 BATALLA DE LEPANTO ...... Fel:)5e Picatoste ¡6 LA ARMADA INVENCIBLE .... . Modesto Lafuente '7 LA PÉRDIDA DE PORTUGAL Fernando de Castro 20 LA GUERRA DE SUCESIÓN ...... Fel:)e Picatoste 20 EL DOS DE MAYO . . . . Rafael Altamira y Crevea 22 LA GUERRA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA . . Felipe Picatoste 24



PAGE CONQUISTA DE Mdjico - ENTRADA EN LA CAPITAL Guillenno H. Fruto!! (Traducida al castellano flor D. José María González & la Vega) 40 LA CONQUISTA DÉ CENTRO-AM gRICA. Nicolás Estévanez 46 COLONIZACIÓN DEL PAÍS ARGENTINO Mariano A. Pelliza 50 CONQUISTA DEL PERÚ - SITIO DEL. Cuzco Guillermo H. Fresco!: (Traducida al castellano flor Joaquín García ¡ freía) 51 EXPEDICIÓN DE A CHILE Francisco Valdés Vergara 57 CONQUISTA DE NUEVA GRANADA . . . . José Coroleu 6o




CAUSAS PRINCIPALES DE LA INSURRECCIÓN DE LAS COLO- NIAS ESPAÑOLAS DE AMÉRICA .... . José Corolcu 79 LA REVOLUCIÓN DE MAYO EN ARGENTINA Mariano A. Pelliza 82 REVOLUCIÓN DEL PARAGUAY . C. Navarro Lamarca 84 BATALLA DE CHACAB*JCO. - . Francisco Valdés Vergara 87 SIMÓN BOLÍVAR . . . Biblioteca de la Juventud— Biografía del Libertador Simón Bolívar



LAS REPÚBLICAS ACTUALES Las REPÚBLICAS Actusss - IDEA GENERAL C. Navarro Lamarca 101 La GUERRA DE MÉJIco CON LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS Carlos Fereyra 102 Munn DE MAXIMILIANO . . Miedo de Zansacois 103 D. Poiu'uuo Dlaz - ESTUDIO Hi&rdaico Melesio Farra io6 CENTRO-AMÉRICA DESDE lA SEPARACIÓN DE LAS CINCO PROVINCIAS ...... Nicolás Estévanes 110 BATALLA DE YUNGAI (1839) . . Francisco Valdés Vergara iii LA CAMPAÑA DE LIMA Y EL TRATADO DE ANCÓN Luis Galdam,es 114 DEVAStACIÓN DEL PARAGUAY .....A. J. Deberle, it; PANAMÁ Y EL CANAL . . . A. B. Hall y C. L. Chester (Traducido al castellano Por R. Diez de la Cortina) 117



3 1 Bética: a province established by tite Romana in southern Spain, bounded by the sea, tite river Guadiana, and an irregular une from a point somewhat west of the present city of Ciudad Real to a point somewhat west of tite present city of Almería. 428 ano ser por: 1 i ¡titad notbeen for.' 7 13 Bingos: capital of tite province of tite same naxn, situated on a plateau of nortbern Castile, northern Spain. On the union oí Castile and Leon (1037) it vas made tite capital of Castile, and remained such until 1087, when tite roya¡ residence vas transferred to Toledo. Sorne aix miles to the north of Burgos ja tite village of Vivar, whence tite Cid took bis name. 7 16 Santa Gadea: on tite death of Sancho II of Castile, who vas treacherously sJain at the siege of Zamora, tite nobles of Castile invited his brotber Alfonso to be their king, provided he would swear that he had had no pan, either directly or indirectly, in Sancho's death. Of tite twelve nobles assernbled at tite church of Santa Gadea, in Burgos, the Cid vas tite only one bold enough to beard tite future sovereign and administer to him the oath. As a result, Alfonso always felt more or ¡esa enmity toward tite Cid for the affront which he felt had been placed upon him at bis coronation. 7 18 Zaragoza: Saragoasa, capital of the province of tite same name, in northeast Spain. During the Moslern dornination it vas a petty kingdom, like many other cities of tite Peninsula. -Barcelona: the capital of Catalonia, on the Mediterranean, and tite chief seaport of Spain. In 874 Barcelona vas established as an independent county. On tite marriage of Ramón Berenguer IV with Petronila, queen of Aragon, the county of Barcelona vas united with tite kingdom of Aragon (1150). 8 10 Al-MamAn: in ¡o65 Ferdinand 1 divided bis kingdom aniong bis five children: Castile vas to go to Sancho, León to Alfonso, Galicia to García, and tite towns of Zamora and Toro to bis daughters Urraca and Elvira respectively. War soon broke out between Alfonso 121 122 TROZOS DE HISTORIA and Sancho, through dic latter's ambitión to be sole ruler. In ;o tite Leonese were defeated at Golpejar, in León. Thereupon Alfonso sought refuge with the Moorish king oí Toledo, Al-Mamun. By 1072 Sancho was master oí Christian Spain, acept the city of Zamora, during the siege oí which he met his death. 9 3 arzobispo de Toledo: on May 25, 1085, Toledo was taken from dic Moors by Alfonso VI oí Castile. Two years later it was inade the capital oí Castile, and tite archbishop oí Toledo was ¡nade primate oí Spain. 9 10 las Navas de Tolosa: a tabieland in the Siena Morena range, in dic province oí Jaén, northern Andalusia. 9 13 Almohades: the original Mosiem conquest oí Spain was made by the Aral». In tIte eleventh century lthe Arab power disintegrated, tite Christians made rapid conquests, and tIte , preferring to be conquered by fellow-Moslems rathr than by Christians, invited tite help and dominion oí the Moors under the ternporarily powerful dynasty oí tite Almoravides, which ruled the southern haif oí Spain for sixty years and was then displaced by tite more vigorous Moorish dynasty oí tite Almohadss. Tbese remained strong tui their power was broken by tIte battle oí Navas de Tolosá; in sixty years after that the lan remnant oí their power even in Africa carne to an end. 9 16 una fiesta: tIte feast oí tite Triurnph oí tite Crasa falls on July ¡6, tite anniversary oí tIte battle. 12 GRANADA: with tite ending oí the Almohade rule in southern Spain, Al-Ahmar founded that oí tIte Nasrides (1238-1492). TIte capital oí tite kingdom was Granada; it iricluded in its tcrritory tite provinces oí Granada, Almería, Málaga, and Jaén. During this period tite civi- Iization oí Granada rivaled, if not surpassed, that which had, severa¡ centuries previous, made Cordova world-famous. 12 11 la Alhambra ("tite red fortreds"): tIte former palace of tIte kings oí Granada, built during tIte rwei and thirteenth centuria, and famous for its beautiful architecturel It is weIl-known to American and English readers through Washington Irving's"The Alhambra" and "TIte Conquest of Granada." 12 13 Santa Fe: three miles southwest oí dic city oí Granada; built by Isabella in eighty days during the siege oí Granada. It was laid out in tite form oí a Roman camp, with tite streets crossing one another at right angles. On November 25, 1491, the capitulation oí Granada was signed Itere. NOTES ¡23

13 1 el Genil: this river rises in the Siena Nevada, fiows in a south- ernly direction, and forma the southeastern boundary of the City oí Granada. 13 3 la puerta de los Siete Suelos: the cnt gatt leading from the Alhambra. In tbe days oí the Moorish kings of Granada it was the principal entrance to dic fortress. At the request of Boabdil it was walled np by Ferdinand and Isabella. 13 23 el rey Chico: that is, Boabdil. 14 7 Santiago: St. James the Greater is the patron saint of Spain. The battle-cry of Spain was Santiago y cierra Espafia 1" 14 14 la Epifanía: dic feast oí Epiphany is celebrated on the sixth oí January, to commemorate dic adoration of the Magi. It is known in England as Twelfth Night. 16 12 prescindir de las cortes: dic Spanish Cortes, or parliamcnt.s, composed mainty of representatives oí the larger towns, were sum- moned to vote subsidies and levy taxes, ami claimed the right to repeal laws made by them. In the reign of Charles 1 their refusal to grant him funds to carry on his foreign wars caused them to be forcibly dissolved. In dic succeeding reigns, continued protests on their part against thc maintenance of large standing armies, and against the levying of heavy taxes on a greatly impoverished country, resulted in their being no longer summoned. 16 19 Don Alvaro de Bazán: marquis of Santa Cruz (1526-1588), famous Spanish admira]. He was in command of the reserve division at the . He was to have comnanded the Armada (cf. foliowing selection), but died at Lisbon while the fleet was still in preparation (February, 1588). 17 19 Medinaeldonla: Alonso Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, dulce oí Medina Sidonia ( 1 50-16i5), was appointed commander-in-chief oí the Invincible Armada to succeed Santa Cruz (cf. note precedíng), in spite of his inexperience and lack oí courage. 1720 Parma: Alessandro Farnese, duke of Panna (1545-1592), distinguished statesman and general; governor .general of the Nether- lands 1578-1592. 18 23 CArias: at Cannae, in Apulia (southern Italy), Hannibal de- feated the Roman army, 216 B.C. 204 Olivares: Don Gaspar de Guzmán, count oí Olivares (1587— z64S), favorite and prime minister of Philip IV, was "everything" (as he hixnself said) in the Spanish government fTom 1621 to 1643. When 124 TROZOS DE HISTORIA tite king made him dulce of San Lúcaz he asked ]cave to keep also bis lower title oí count of Olivares; since this was unusual, he was known thereafter as "tite count-duke." ¡lis government. though bettcr titan that oí other Spanisb statesrnen of' his time, was bad at best, and tite disasters that befell Spain under his rule have made lis name one of tIte niost detested in history. In 140 Catalonia and Portugal re- volted, Catalonia putting itself under tle French crown tul i65, ami Portugal never returning to Spanish aLlgiance. 212 Anjou: a province of France, southeast oí Brittany. In 1480 it was annexed to tite French crown, and thereafter princes oí tite roya¡ family heid from tizne to time the honorary title of duke oí Anjou. 219 Saboya: Savoy, a territory Qn the boundary between France and Ital>'. The counts oí Savoy became dukes of Savoy in 1416, kings of in 1718, and (aher giving up Savoy itself to France) kings of Italy in i861. 2115 una pérdida: it was a bank for money; tite Spanish fleet was that which brought to Spain tite gold and silver from tite American mines. But tite bulk oí tite bullion had already been Janded. 2121 guerras anteriores: during tite wars betwecn Louis XIV and Charles II tite French made numerous invasions into Catalonia, ami conquered considerable territory (1676-1697). In 1697, by the treaty oí Ryswick, France gaye up aH claim to diese territories. 22 1 Menorca: tite British ceded Minorca back to Spain in 1803 (peace oí Amiens).—Orán: a city oí Algeria, conquered by Spain in ¡o9; reconquered by tite Turks in 1708; again by tite Spaniards in 1732, but finaIly abandoned by them in 1791. Since 1831 it has been in tite hands oí tIte French. 28 1 Don Antonio: Don Antonio Pascual de Borbón (1755-1817), second son of Charles III. When Ferdinand VII went to Bayonne (April, i8o8), Don Antonio accepted the presidcncy oí tite Supreme Council, which was to be the governiñg body during tite vnonarch's absence. 29 18 Génova: Genoa, city and port in northern Italy, on the Mcdi- terranean; it was a powerful republie during tite Middle Ages, azul even held several colonial possessions. Among these were tite islands oí Sardinia ant] Corsica, and holdings in Spain and Portugal. 3128 Sedan las din de la noche: 'it was probably about 10P.M.' 3130 ¿Seda una embarcación? 'could it be a ship?' NOTES 125

SSael hijo do Comogre: in tbe spring oí 1512 Balboa made an expedition to tite itorili oí Dañen. About a hundred miles to tite nortb he mci an ¡Mían chief, Coniogre, who welcorned tite Spaniards and gaye them a goodly amount oí goid. Comogre's son, seeing the partiality oí tite exploren for tite precious metal, toid titem thai to tite south lay a land witere gold was abundant (Peru), and offered to conduct them there. 34 24 Torecha: an Indian chief, killed in battle by Balboa's mcii, according to Las Casas. Balboa took sorne oí lila men prisoners, and made thc,n bis guides in his explorations. Tite sick and wounded Spanish soldiera were teft in tite village oí Torecha until Balboa should seM for them. 36 4 los Reyes de Castilla: Queen Isabella being dead, this means Ferdinand, king oí Aragon and regent oí Castile, and bis insane daughtcr Juana, titular queen oí Casille. 86 13 el santo del ¿la: tite feast oí St. Michael thc Archangel is celebrated September 29. 86 19 Santa tratas: Christian martyr. Her feast falla on October 21. 383 53040 read 53 grado. 4o minutos- 38 5 Thc Strait oí Magellan is 360 miles long and from two and one hall to seven miles wide. 3810 un monte: Mt. Sarmiento, in Tierra del Fuego, 7200 feet high. 40 8 tlascaltecas: Tlascala, situated in a hilty region casi oí , was, at tite time oí tite conquest, an independent siate which liad long held out agaunst tite encroachments oí tite Aztecs. Aher a desperate struggle witit Cortés, they became his alIjes, welcorning bim and bis men as those children oí tite Sun destined by prophecy to supplant Aztec domination in Mexico. On entering Montezuma's capital, Cortés had with him sorne 6000 auxillary Tlascalan warriors. 40 16 del pan lago: Tenochtitlan, tite ancient Aztec capital, was situated on a high table.Iand surrounded by severa! lakes, and conO nected with tite mainland by several dikes. To tite west oí tite maun. dike, which was ten miles long, was situated the lake oí Mexico. The lake oí Chalco was southeast oí tite capital. 40 17 del de Chalco: Le. del lago de Chalco. 46 10 la gran catedral: the cathedral oí Mexico is on tite site oí the Aztcc temple destroyed by Cortés in 1521. Begun in 173, it did not reach completion until tite beginning oí tite nineteentb century. 126 TROZOS DE HISTORIA 45 27 Malinche: Doña Marina was tite Spanish naine of a native woman witom Cortés had taken captive at San Juan de Ulloa. Tite Aztecs called her Malin (Marina) ¿sin (Lady), which tite Spaniards heard as M&ineke. As Cortés was alwáys accompanied by Malinche, tite Aztecs called him by tite same name. 41 21 Velázquez: tite governor of Cuba by witose authority Cortés was sent to Mexico. lic sent an order récalling Cortés; Cortés refused obedience, and defied Velázquez's authority thcnceforth. 488 el reino de Quiché: at tite timé of tite conquest tite kingdom of tite Quichés was great and powerful. ls capital was situated in what is now known as tite departrnent of Santa Cruz del Quiché, Central Guatemala. 50 1 río de la Plata: tite river Plate ¡5 an estuary of tite Uruguay aix! Paraná rivcrs, mt tite east coast of: South America. In 1515 Juan Dlaz de Sots penetrated close to tite mouth of tite Paraná. Later, Magellan explored tite Plate; ami Itt 1 526 Sebastian Cabot explored tite Paraná and pan of tite Paraguay. He gaye tite name of Silver River to tite estuary from tite great number of silver trinkets which he obtained titere from tite natives. 50 10 el Emperador: Charles V (King Charles 1 of Spain). 50 17 adelantado: of this titie, neakly equivalent to the English 'palatine,' we itear much in tite itistory of tite conquest of America. Tite Spanish Academy gives titree deInitions: "Anciently, military and political governor of a frontier protince." ' Anciently, in times of peace, president or chief jusdee of Ole kingdom or of a particular province or district, aud in time of war. Alí judges were subordinate to itim." 't Adelantado;de mar, a person to whozn was intrusted tite corninand of att expeditioli by sea, he being granted in advance tite government of tite lands ité sitould discover or conquer." Sorne of the most famous adelantados in America were de mar. 514 la 4udad: tite settlement foundd by Mendoza was later aban- doned for a point further up tite river ¿Asunción). In 1542 a second attempt under Cabeza de Vaca also fai1d. In 158o D. Juan de Garay, governor of Paraguay, made a settlemeht at Buenos Aires which was permanent. 52 21 el templo del Sol: now tite temple and convent of Santo Domingo. It was of elliptical form, witit tite main altar facing tau. GoId was used in abundance for purfioses of ornamentation. Tite temple was tite resting-place of tite in cas,Ionce tbey had been embalmed. NOTES 127

-la casa de las Virgenes: tite borne of tite nuns, whose duty it was to tend tite sacred fue, weave tite Inca's clotites, and make tite sacred bread and tite beverages destined for tite Inca's houschold. They numbered i ,000. The convent of Santa Catalina now occupies tite site of tite Inca nunnery. U 10 Santa Lucia: a rocky hill in dic center of dic city of Santiago de Chile. It was fonnerly tite citadel of tite city, but ja now a center of amusement and recreation. U 15 iglesia catedral: tite cathedral oí Santiago de Chile faca tite plaza de la Independencia, and was erected under Valdivia. Destroyed by tite earthquake oí 1647, it ns rebuilt more titan a century later. 0028 Colombia. for tite different flamee of this country cf. pp. 93-94 0028 Punta Carreta: tite boundary between Panama and Costa Rica on die Caribbean Sea; « Punta Mona" or "Monkey Point" on sorne mapa. 6124 Urabá: on tite aM side of the gulf named for it. 01 26 dátiles: so the early settlers called them evidently sorne American fruit appeared to theta to be a sofl of date. 61 29 Internóse: i.e., after crossing to tite other gide of tite Gulf of Urabá, where, as he was infonned, tite Indiano' arrows were not poisoned. He titereby went outside tite limite within which bis com- mission autitorlaed him to govern, thus giving a pretext for tite insub ordination which followed. 022 Santa Maria del Antigua: on a river emptying into tite weat gide of tite gulf of Urabá, about a league from tite river's mouth. It was burned to ashea in 1524.-La Antigua: Nuestra Señora de la Antigua, a celebrated image in Sevitie. 0211 ano ser por: ct note to428. 0*18 la descubrió Cristóbal Colón: in his fourth and lan voyage. 03 17 el Zipa: "tite chibchas were composed of titree loosely united nationalities governed by titree independent chiefe - tite Zita of Muequetá, tite tique of Hunsa, and tite Jeque of Inca" (Britannica). 03 19 nueve partes: that is, nine times a common sotdier's share. 63 26 Qulmulnchateca: tite Zaque. He was imprisoned by Quesada, and relieved of hall a million dollare in gold, silver, and emeralds. 04 10 el so de julio de iSxo: tite date of throwing off allegiance to Spain. 05 15 que fueron creándose: 'that were gradualiy created! 67 15 Invencible: about ioo a Spanisb general invented tite systeni of arming infantry witit a mixture of gune and apeara, equivalent to dic 128 TROZOS DE HISTORIA rifle and bayonct of to-day. Tite Spanish troops who liad fought tite mountain war of tite conquest of Granada were just adapted to make tite best use of this combination of wapons, and it took tite rest of Europe more titan a century to lean low to train soldiera to use tite new methods equally well; meanwhile tie Spanish always counted on victory. - Rocroy: Rocroi, a town in nortitern France, near tite Belgian frontier. The Spanish infantry suifered an overwbelming defeat itere at tite banda of the French in x64. 6721 Francia y Austria: Louis XIV of France, having married a Spanish princesa, claiined that certai9 Spanish possessions in tite Netherlant belonged to her rather th?n to tite Spanish crown, aS, after tite one-year War of Devolution, secured bis Netherland annexa- tioñs by tite treaty of Aix-la.Chapelle in ¡668. Austria, which ought for dynastic reasons to han supported Spain, did nothing. Tite spotiation of Spain by Austria fouowed in tite Ireaty of Utreçht after France and Austria liad fought titurteen years for dic Spanish crown (see pp. 20-22). 68 8 sardanapaleacas: worthy of Sardanapalus, a legendary king of Assyria, credited with being a voluptuaiy and sensualist. 6$ 10 ambas maree: tite Atlantic and tite Paciflc. Compare ambos mares in fine 24 below, noting that ambas and ambos are written by tite same author, José Coroleu. —vándalos: tite Vandals were a Teu. tonic people who invaded Gaul, Spain, África, and Italy in tite fifth cen. tury of tite Christian era. In 455 they sacked Rome. 68 11 Bajo Imperio: a name given :to tbe Roman Empire after it ceased to have Rome as ita capital or chief capital, Le. from tite time of Constantine onward. 70 7 aquella famosa escena: during an expedition to tite West Indica in 1572. ¡ 70 28 .l nombre de su soberana: Elizabeth Islands or Elizabetbides was tite name given by Drake to Cape ibm. 7122 aquellas latitudes: tite time how described la witen Drake was somewhere near tite mouth of tite Columbia River. 72 2 nombrándole caballero: April 4, 158 12 12 Lope de Vega; Spanish pon aid dramatist (1562-1635), native of Madrid. He wrote in afi genres of litemature, but excelled in tite drama. Sorne z000 playa carne from his pen. fis "Dragontea" is a poem dealing with the Life and advenwies of Drake. 76 22 Cabo Francés: the city now known as Cap Haitien. "It has been known, at various times, as Cabo Santo, Cap Français, and NOTES 129 Cape Henri. . Under the Frencb rule it was tite capital of tIte colony." (l3ritannica.) 76 12 Espártaco: Spanacus, tite moat famous of ancient ¡cadera of insurgent alaves. $020 las leyes de Indias: tite code drawn up in ióSo for tite govern- inent of tite colonies, described oit p. 66, II. 20-23. 61 o no son para olvidadas: 'ehould not be forgotten.' Fm tite con- stniction cf. tite proverb No t~ las verdades son para dichas. 82 10 La plaza de la Victoria: a public square in Buenos Aires, facing tite harbor; new the Plaza z 5 de Mayo; the place where govern- ment and history have centered from the flrst founding of tite colony. 63 17 Cf. English introduction to the present selection. 6629 la guerra del Paraguay; set pp. 115-117. 90 22 cuyo: 'whicb.' This use of cuyo for adjectivat 'which' la condeinned by grammarians, but is very wide-spread. 94 11 cuyo: set note to 90 22. 96 11 triunfo . . armados: a victory which redounded to their credit, and which enabled them to enlist 270 wcll-anned men within a few days.' 99 10 del Centro: j.c. de América. 9911 aquella ciudad: i.e. Guatemala, capital of tite Republic. 100 8 y que . . jamás: • and which patriotism demanded should never be broken.' 1044 Cerro de la. Campanas: a hill in tite western pan of Querétaro. 107 13 borrascosa: bern in 1795, he entered tite army in 18 10, was inade governor of Vera Cruz by Iturbide ¡it iSu, proclaimed tite repub- lic that year and ovenhrew Iturbide (p. 98, 1. 25), fought tite Spaniards ¡it 1829, lcd a succeasful revolution in 1832, lcd tite Mexicana against tite insurgent Texans and was beaten, bat a leg flghting tite French in 1838, was president 1841-1843, again 1844-1845, titen exiled to Cuba, becante president again during the war with tite United States, teR (p. 102, 1.19) at tite end of tite war, wa.s president " for lite" and "Serene Righness" 1853-1855, titen exiled again, was condemned to deatit for insurrection in 1867, died in poverty un 1876. 107 31 puso sitio: tite siege of Puebla took place in March, i86. It ended April 3. 108 8 Guadalupe, Loreto: a chapel and a fon in tite city of Puebla. 115 15 decidida ... definitivamente: tite dispute about this la still unsettled. VOCABULARY Tbe algn — meana tite word in black type at tite head of tite paragnph; titus, a4 under arma meane almas a to, toward; at, oit; of, front; abrnmar cnash, overwhelm under; around; in; aher, by, absoluto -a absolute; uncondi. with; into; not transiated token tioned; despotic; unlimited itis raed as Me ssgi's of tkePer- abaorclónf absorption sonal accusative; al + mf. = absorto -a amazed, astonisbed on + Eng. .gerund in -ing, or abundante abundant when + aflnftnate ten ¿e of ¡he abundar abound, be abundant indie. acabar end, finish; "a con put an Abahnl (explanada do) a alope end to, make an end of; 'u de soutb of tIte palace of tite Al- have just; acabó do was alt that hambra, Granada was needed to; para que acaba.* abajo down de morir that his death struggles abandonar abandon; desert ; leave might cease abastecer purvey srs.npar encamp abatido -a dejected; discouraged acandilado -a rich, wealthy abatimiento ni. dejection acaudillar command, head Abdelazlz son of Musa, q.v. acciónf. action; agency; engage- Abderrahm1n 4111) Abd-er- ment,battle; 'udoguerra batde, Rabman (912-961), caliph of engagcment Cordova acelerar accelerate, hasten ab.rturaf opening acento m. tone, voice, accent abnegacidnf abnegation aceptar accept; adopt aboliciónf abolition acerca de with regard to, about, abolir abolish concerning abonar manure; tierra abonada acercaras draw near, approach fertile soil acertar hit (by chance) aborto ni. abortion; monster aciago -a unfortunate, fatal abrazar embrace; cover acierto ni. dexterity; succesa abril ni. Apnt acobardar daunt, terrify abrir open (up), start, begin; e.ose acoger receive, welconte paso clear a way (for one's setO acometer attack; undertake, begin 131 132 TROZOS DE HISTORIA acompafiar accompany; join, adelantar progresa; c" poco make unite; attend but little progress, advance acontecer bel al! ; happen, take 4Iowly; c'e .approacb, come place forward acontecünlentom. event, happen- adelante ahead, in advance; for- ¡ng, incideni ward; más tu later; seguir acornado m. ironclad keep on, continue acordar de resolve (by common además moreover, besides, in ad- consent), agite to; sm de re- dition; "de besides, in addition solve, determine; remember to acostumbrado -a (en) characteris- adentro inside tic (of); lo acostumbrado es it is adherirse a adhere to customary adheslónf. adhesion acostumbrar accustom adhirió jd sing. ¿nL of adherir acrecentar increase, strengthen adiestrar teach, train actaf act, record administración!. administration; activamente actively management (of public affairs) activldadf activity, efforts administrar administer; look aher, activo -a active superintcnd acto m. act, deed administrativo -a adininistrative actual present, existing, present- admirable admirable day, real, actual admiraciónf. admiration; wonder actualmente really, actually admirador m. admirer acudir hasten, run to admirar admire acuerdo m. agreement; ponerse de adbe m. adobe eu con come to an understanding adoptar adopt (a resolution); em- with l4race (an opinion) acusr strike (a medal) adornar adorn, decorate Achila son of Witiza, q. ti., and adorno m. ornament opponent of Roderick (early adquirir acquire, gain eighth century) adversario m. adversary, oppo- adargaf buckier, shield üent adarve m. fiat top of a walt adverso -a adverse; opposed adelantado -a advanced, pro- advertir notice gressive; m. noun Adelantado; advirtiese jd sing. imftnf subj. of appellation fonnerly given to advertir tbe civil and military governor adyacente adjacent of a frontier or colonial prov- afanarse labor, toil, be oversolici- mce tous

VOCABULARV '33 electo ni. aftection ahi Diere; por -' wherefore afectuoso -a affectionate ahora now; n, in4ano even now afianzar make safe, make secure; ahumada ¡ signal given with assure amoke aficionado -a(a) attached (to), fond airado -a rough, boisterous (Oí) aire ni. ah, breeze; atmosphere; dliaree en enter, join expression afirmar make accure alelado -a isolated afligir afflict aislamiento ni. isolation afluente ni. affluent aislar isotate afortunado-a fortunate, succesiful ajustas forut £fricaj Africa al contnzction of a ¿md el agasajar receive and treat kindly Alt ni. Allah, God agasajo ni. kindness, deference; alabaras (de que) boast (that) graceful ami afectionate recep- alarido ni. yeil tion aIba5ll ni. mason agitaclónf. agitation, disturbance alborozar exhilarate, date agitar agitate; away (to aud fro) Alcadir, Moorish agolparas crowd together, assem- king of Toledo, and later oí bit Valencia (eleventh century) agosto ni. August Alcalá (de Henares) city in prov- agravar aggravate, render worse mce of Madrid; famous as the agregar add; ^m a join birthplace of Miguel de Cer- agreste wild, uncultivated vantes i agrícola agricultural; cultivos ea. alcalde ni. mayor; ~mayor chief methode of fanning justice agricultor ni. farmer alcanzar reach; obtain; ~ole auno agrlculturaf agriculttne be within one's comprehension agrupaclónf group aldea/. village agrupar group; .íe forrn in une alegrlaf joy (of baSe) alejaras inove away, go away aguaj water alemán -ana adj. and n. Gennan aguardas wait for, await liemaniaf. Gennany agüero ni. ornen alfoinbraf. carpet aguerrido -a inuredtowar; veteran Alfonso VI (1030-1109) king of Aguirre, Atan.aio (1804-1875) Leon and Castile; cu VIII (u 8- Uruguayan general and politi- 1214) king of Castije cian; presidenta interim(1864- Algeciras town on the bay of i86) Gibraltar, province of Cadiz

'34 TROZOS DE HISTORIA algo sornething almuerza f. a double handfui algodón m. cotton alrededor around, round about; algun(o) -a sorne, any; sorne one, -'de around; -oes mp!. environs any one; quite a; an occasional altisiso -a very high; .1 Altísimo .&lhacam (II) Hakam, caiiph of the Most High, God Cordova (961-976) altivezf pride Alhambraf. Alhambra; cf note lo alto -a high; tierras altas high 1211 ground, upland; el Alto Perú aliado m. ally Upper Peru alianzaf alijan ce alto ni. halt; hacer tu halt allane a join, become tbe aIly of altUra f height; summit; (nasil- MI-Bajá AH Pasha, leader of the iai)latitude; . . . de-'... high; Turkjsh lot-ces at dic battle oí a la de on a par with Lepanto (P571) alucinar deceive, delude alimento m. food Alvarado, Pedrode (149 (?)-1541) alistaras enlist Spanish , governor almaf soul oí Guatemala, and laterof Guate- almacén m. store, warehouse mala and Honduras Almagro, Diegode (1475C)-¡538) alzamiento ni. uprising, revolt companion of Pizarro ira the alzar raise, iift up; erect; a.4e conquest oí Pena. Made unsuc. irise, ascend cessful expedition to Chile allá there (molían lo), thither, yon- ('535) der; más tu further Al-Mamún Moorish king oí To- allende beyond ledo, friend and alIy oí Alfonso allí there (resI); por tu diere- Vi oí Castile abouts; de a poco in a short Almansa town in province of time Albacete; battle of Almansa, amanecer dan; al~ at tIte break April 25, 1707 4f day Almenara town in Murcia, on the amante adj. and n. lover confines oí the province of ambiciónf ambition Valencia ambicionar covet almirante m. admira! ambicioso -a ambitious Almohades ni. ftl. Berber dynasty ámbito ni. space, extent whicb ruled in Spain from 1147 ambos, ambas boda to 1269 amenazar threaten Almoravide. (Almorávides) ni. pi. América ¡ America; Central Berber dynasty which ruled in Central America; del Sud, Spain frorn 1055 to 1147 4 del Sur, South America


Americano -a a4. and n. Ameri- Ánima nr. apirit; mmd, intention; can; ~del sur South American courage, valor, fortitude; mmd, amigo m. friend thought ami.tadf friendabip, friendiiness anlmo.o a brave, courageous ano m. master aniquilar annihilate, crush, overO amontonar heap up, pile up wheim amor m. love aniversario nr. anniversary amovible removable Anjou province of France, south- amparar protect cnt of Brittany Anales m. pl. annais anochecer grow dark nr. non anarqulaf. anarchy nightfall Anaya, Pedro Maria (1795-I84) ansioso -a anxious, cager Mexican general; acting presi- ante before, in the presence of dent of Mexico, April to May anterior previous; preceding, 1847, and again November 1847 above-cited to January t848 antes before; previous(iy); rather; anciano -a oid; nr. noun oid man - que before anclaf. anchor; echar el~ anchor, antiguamente ancientiy, for- cnt anchor merly anclar anchor, cnt anchor antiguo -a ancient, former; oid Ancón seaport thirty-one miles antillano -a of the Antilles north of Lima, Pcni .Antillaaf. pl. the West Indica ancho -a wide; nr. noun width; Antofagasta province (since 1884) (tener) ... de-.' (be). - wide of northern Chile Andalucfaf Andalusia Antonio (de Borbón) cf. Borbón, andaluz -a Andalusian Antonio de andar go, waik; act, behave anual yearly anda pi. litter anualmente annuaily, ycariy Andes nr. fi. tite Andes anunciar announce, proclaiin; iii- andrajo nr. ng dicate anduvo jd sing o/andar aladi: add anexión!. annexation alo nr. ycar anexo -a annexed, joined; nr. Apagar pta out, extinguiah non dependency aparecer secm, appear; anac, angosto -a narrow make onc's appearance anillo nr. ring aparente apparent snimaclón/. aniniation, bustie aparlciónj appeanancc animar animate, encourage, move, aparlenciaf appearance induce apartar remove


apasionadamente passionately, sr- apropiarse appropriate dently aprovechar take advantage of, apasionado -a paesionate, ardent; profit by, turn So account par devoted to, a lover oí, vi apunta ami (at) admirer of apzrado -a desperate (,fsvns apurar apearas dismount j,ut in a predicaznent) apelar a maite use of, avail one'a aquel 4* (/1'. aquellos -as) that seli of (remote froin bearer, q ese); apenas hardly, scarcely ¡qué¡ etc. that one, tbe former apetecer long fo,, desire aoi1 here aplacar placate ni. river of northern Apodaea, Juan Ruiz de distin- guished Spanish dipiomat, vice- trabe adj. and s. Mohammedan, roy of Mexico from September Arabian; Arab, Arsbixi za, 1816, to July 5, 1821 Aragón ni. Aragon, province of apoderarse de seize, get posees- iorthem Spain, west oí Cata. sion of lonia aportar make pon arigonés -esa a ansi n. An- aposentaras lodge, take up one's éonese, native of quarters arar plow apoyaras en lean upon; apoya& arbitral arbitral; carácter sa -s resting powers of arbitration Apoyo ni. help, aid, support; pus- árbol ni. tree ¿u' todecufulcrum arcabuz ni. (fi. arcabuceg) blun- apreciaclónf estimafion derbuss apreciar value (highly), pSe; ap- archiduque ni. archduke • preciate arder rage aprecio ni. appreciation, estnm, ardorosamente ardently, fervendy regard áref. arta aprehender seize, take prisoner argamasaj mollar, cement apresar take prisoner; seize, cap- Mgentlnj Argentina ture argentino -a adj. asid n. Argen- aprestar prepare, make ready tine; nativo of Argentina apresuramiento ni. hastinese, un- A.ricaf.province of nortbeni Chile due liaste (since 1883) apresuraras basten aristocrático -a aristocratic apretar compresa, tighten; crowd; arnsaf. weapon ; pl. arma; troops; a el cerco a ¡ay vigorous siege to golpe de "Ø exploit. achieve- aprobar approve of, sanction rnent; dirigir sus ae costra bear


arma againat; pasar por las am asaltar assault, storni (a place); shoot; poner sobre las "e mise, attacic mobilize (troops) asalto ni. chargc, assault, storming armada f. fien; Ja Armada hiten- asamblea/. aasembly, congrees cale fien sent against tite Eng. ascender ascend; be promoted; lish by PhUip JI ('588). which amount to inclemcnt weather and defeat ascuaf red-hot coal in battle complctety destroyed asegurar assurc, make sure; as- asmaduraf annor sen, affirm armamento m. armament, ami- asesinar assassinate ¡ng así thus, so; «a conw as well as; armar arm; man, fit out, equip como as much . arrancar wreat (from); puM out equally.. . as arredrar frighten ASISJ Asia arreglo s. arrangement; C5e £ asiático -a adj. aud si. Asiatic in accordance witb asignar assign arremolinarji (si viento) irise (a asletenclaf attention storni, or equall) asistir attend, accompany arresto nz. spirit, courage asociarse con cnter ¡mo partner arriba aboye, on top; del pecho ni ship with abon tite breast; boca ni Qn asombro #y. wonder, astonishment one's back aspecto ni. aspect, appearance, arribar put ¡mo a harbor bearing arrimar place againat, ptantagainst áspero -a hard, rough arroganclaf arrogance aspiración f. aspiration; desire; arrojar throw (dow-u or up), huri; -' federal desire for union chive out, expel; titrive, fiourish; astronomíal. astronomy a throw one's adj, buri one's Asunción (la) capital of Paraguay, setf; ame a set about, enter upon soutbwestern Paraguay arrojo ni. intrepidity, fearlessnesa asunto ni. question, matter arruinar ruin atabal ni. kettledrum arrullar luli atacar attack artef art Atahualpa ni, name oí Peruvian artificiosamente artfuUy, craítily battleship, destroyed by fire. artiIlerlaf. artillery *88; artista ni. artist ataque ni. attack; llevar el «a a artístico -a artistic attack arzobispo ni. archbishop atar tic, gather asaltante ni. besieger atemorizar terrify

138 TROZOS DE HISTORIA atenclónf attcntlon Austriaf Austria atender regulate; inanage; attend austiaco -a adj. and n. Austrian Lo; cate for; heed, hearken (to) auténtico -a authentic atentado ni. transgression autonomía ¡ self-government, atento -a (a) attentive (to), beed- autonomy ful (of), mindful (of) autónomo -a autononaous aterrar frighten autor ni. author atizar Mit up, incite autoridad f. aulbority, power; Atlántico ni. Atlantic PI. officials atlético -a athletic autorización fi. authorization atmbaferaj atmosphere autorizar authorize atraer attract, captivate, allure, anrlftsr aid, help draw, win (over); invite antIlIar adj and n. auxiliary, atrajeron jdpl. ¿'ni. o/atraer ausiliatory; auxiliary troops atravesar croas; pierce anillo ni. help, aid, assistance atraviesan jd pl. ¿'ni. md. 0/ avance ni, advance atravesar avanzada fi outpost, reconnoiter- atreverse a date ing body atrevido -a daring avanzar advance, push forward atrocidad/ atrocity avasallar aubdue, subject, ensiave atropellar ¡ide down, trample aviikwaj small bird, little bird down, knock down aventajar a excel, surpasa atropello ni. indignity, outrage aventuraf adventure audaces pl. of audaz aventurero -a adj and n. venture- audacia/ boldness, daring, au- ome, adventurous; adventurer dacity avórlsj dainage audaz (pl. audaces) bold antiguar ascertain audiencia/. court of appcal avisar warn, notify; a4 take aumentar increase warning aun (aún wken /ollowing 14€ avistar deacry, note (from & dis- word it tnodØes, or token eni- Unce) phatü) cnn; stiil; a' cuando Azayacatl father of Montezuma even if Ayacucho town in eouthern Feru aunque although ayudaf help, aid aureola/ halo ayudante ni. adj utant; aid e-de. aurora/. dawn caznp ausenclaf absence ayudar help, aid ausente absent ayuntamiento ni. town councit; austral southerx* City hall

VOCABU LARY 139 azar M. chance, hasard / flag, standard; es su Azores/pl. Azores, dic Western «e under bis standard lates, a group oí ¡Manda in tite bandeHaf buid, faction Atlanlic belonging so Portugal bae10 a. band, faction azotar lasb, sweep violeotly (oí ha~ baihe casas tite elements); whip, hab bafioni. bah; 4e -a bathing. azoteaf. fiat roof oí a housc limases, baba azteca adj. ¿ini ni. n. Aztec Baq-4ano, Manuel ChUtan gen- azúcar m. sugar; Pan 4. Azúcar eral, active in wan againat Pena Sugar-Loaf Mountain, Peru, barbaf beard scene oí Chilean victory over barbarlsf. barbarity, cnaelty combined Penavian and Bolivian bárbaro -a adj. anis,. barbarcus; forera, January 30, 1839 barbarian, savage barcaf. boat bachiller ni. bachelor (oí arta, oí Barcelona chief seaport oí Spain leucra, etc.) and capital oí Catalonia, ca dic bagaje ni. baggage Mediterranean babfaf. bay barranco ni. nvine Bailén town in province oí Jaén barrer swecp bajaf casualty BarrIos, Justo RuIno (1835-1885), bajar descend; decrease; carry Guatemalan general, president down oí tite republic 1810-188 bajel M. veasel barro ni. clay, mud bajío ni. ehoal, shallow basf. basis ; pl. terma; a'e funda- bajo under, beneatb mentales fundamentals bajo -a low, lower; el Bajo Impe- bastante enough, sufficient rio tite Eastern Empire; el Bajo bastar suffice Perú Lower Peru bastimentos M. pl. supplies balaf. buliet batallaj. battle, stniggle, conflict, Balboa Balboa contest; order oí baSe, Une oí balcón ni. balcony baSe; para formar la. «'e to baluarte ni. bastion, bulwark fonn in une banco ni. bank, saS-bank batallón ni. battalion bandaf. sash; band (niusic); ter- batiente beating; con tambor tu ritory (near river, mountain, with druma beating etc.); naine given batir beat, vanquish, defeat; bght, to Uruguay, because oí ita being enter ¡Mo coinbat with; besiege, cnt oí tite 'ter Uruguay ¡ay siege to, storm, bonibard; bandada/ Ilock (oí bird.) -as. fight


bayonetaj bayonet; cargar a la tu Bogotá M. Muequetá, southern charge with the bayonet capital oí Chibcha Indiana; Bazán, Alvaro de marquis of Bogotá (Santa Pe de tu), capital Santa Cruz, Spanish naval coni- Of Colombia mander (1526- 1588) Bolívar, Simón (1783-1830) South Beata de Santo Domingo (la) cape American general and politician, on the island of Santo Domingo, called the Liberator on the Caribbean Bolivisf. Bolivia Bélgtcaf. Belgium boliviano -a Bolivian, oí Bolivia Belgrano, Manuel Argentine pa- bolsillo a- pocket triot general (1770-1820) Bonaparte: ¡aM aa Joseph Bona- belicoso -a warlike parte (168-184), brother oí Bencio nephew oí Roderick, last Napoleon; king oí Naples in king oí the Goths in Spain 8o6, and for a short time king beneficio ng . beneflt; benefice ¿f Spain (iSoS); Napoleón tu beneficioso -a beneficia¡ (1769-1821) emperor of the benevolencia¡ benevolence French benigno -a mili!, temperate; ¡ter- bodadj kindness ciful Bobón: Antonio de tu (1755-1817) bergantín nr. brigantine second son oí Charles III oí Bervick James Fitz-James, duke Spain; Francisco de Paula tu of Berwick (1670.-1734). fainous (i'795-1865) duke oí Cadiz, English-born French general $oungest child oí Charles IV bisar kiss bordar embroider Béticaj Bttica, set note Lo 8 i bodo a. side of a ship ; a tu aboard, biblioteca ¡ Iibrary on board bien nr. good; PL wealth; prop- / storni, tempest; haz- erty, estate; adv. well; mÁs árd, danger rather; no no sooner; el borrascoso -a stormy although bosque a. wood, foreat bizarro -a gailant, brave botín a. booty blanco -a white Braganza surnaine oí dic Po~ blandir brandish uese roya¡ family blanquear whiten Brasil (el) Brazil Boabdil Iast Moorish king oí Gra- brasileflo -a adj. and n. Brazüian nada bravamente bravely boca ¡ gnouth; tu arriba on one's bruJo -a wild, savage back bravo -a wild; swollen; brave; bodega/. hoid oí a ship Rio Bravo (or Grande) del Norte

VOCABIJLARY 141 Ser forming boundary between cabal perfect, complete Mexico aud U. S. A. from El cabalgar mide Paso to the Cid! of Mexico caballería 1 csvalry brairuraf energy, counge; valor caballero m knight; nombrar ea brazalete ni. bracelet knight brazo ni. ann Caballero, Pedro Juan cónsul of brechaf. breach Paraguay (1813-1814) Brnt m. snport asid fortress, west- caballo ni. horse; a.' horse, cay em France -alry, mounted soldiers; lee de breve brief, short; en soon a dic cavalry; a ea mounted, bribón ni. rogue on horseback brillante brilliant; splendid, glori- etbaffaf. hut, cabin oua cabello ni. Mit brillar shine caber a fa]¡ to one's lot; befa]¡ brillo ni. gleam; brightnese, ¡u»- csbezaf. head; a-a headfirfl ter, sheen ni. town council; meet- británico -a Brifisb ing, aseetnbly brotar leap fortb cabo ni. end, extremity; cape; cor- bruflido ni. luster, gicain poral aIsadeattheendof; al bruZir polish, burnish fin y al — in the end, ultimately; brutal brutal (con toward.) llevar a (or al) ea carry out; islas buen cf. bueno de CaboV.rde Cape Verde Wanda, bueno -a good, kind; reliable att archipelago in tite Atlantic, good in tizne of need, doughty west of Senegal (tf. Qnt..ila el Dueto) Cáceres, Andrés Anllno Peru- Buenos Aires ni. oid viceroyalty vian general; won distinction ¡fi of southeastern South Ainerica; war with Chile 1879-1883; pres. (Santa Masis de..) federal capital idem r886-i8go of the Argentine Republic, on cacique ni. cacique, Indian chief dic west bank of tbe Piste, about cada each, every ; — vez más more fifty-five miles from the sea and more Buines, Manuel (I799-I86) Chi- cadáver ni. corpse; /1 (tite) dead lean patriot general; preaident cadenaf. chain of Chile 1841-1845 Cádiz ni. Cadiz, a province of buque ni. boa veesol, ship; ea 4e Andalusia, southern Spain; a guerra inan-of-war aeaport on tite Atlantic, capital Burgos ni. city in northemn Canila of tite aboye buscaf search caer fail; a, en tierra faIl to tite buscar seck, look for ground

142 TROZOS DE HISTORIA caídaf fail; failing; downfall campaifa f. campaign; posena, Calata m. seaport of northern en tu take the fleld France, on tite English Channel campilia f. fiat tract of arable calamidadj calamity land; land, plain calcular calculate; estimate campo ni. fleld; camp; por la calenturaaf. pL intermittent fever parte del 'u towards tite epen calidadj quality, condition, char- country acter; encuite asa caflal ni. canal; channel, strait cálido -a hot canalizar canalize, build a canal califa ni. caliph through, dig a canal acrosa califato ni. caliphate Cenar¡-a (las) dic Canaiies, Ca- Callforuiaf. California; la Alta tu nary Islanda, a Spaniah mañ- California; 1. Baja tu Lower time province, composed of California Seven large and ala smaller calmaf. calm islands in tite Atlantic nonhwest calor ni. heat of the coast of Africa Calvo, Lila judge of Casille, tenth canciónf song; anthem century candente red-hm calzada f. causeway, paved high- candidato m. candidate way Canna, Cann, town In Apulia, Callao (el) chief seaport of Peru, southem Italy aix miles southwest of Lima cafloaf canoe callar(es) remain silent, becorne cansado -a tired silent cantar sing caflej street cámara Canterac, JoM lieutcnant general f. chamber, legislative in tite service of Spain1 in tite body South American nr for mdc- cambiar change; m de rumbo pendence (?-1835) change one's course cantidadj quantity, amount cambio ni. exchange; en on cantor ni. tinge tite other hand estala f. glen, glade; las Gas de caminar travel, waik lee cerros tite mountain ravines camino ni. toad, way, foute; *¡~de cañón ni. cannon the toad to cañonazo ni. report of a cannon campal pitched caaf cloak, mande; layer, flra- campamento ni. camp, encamp- tüm ment capacldadj capacity, talent, capa. Campanas, Cerro de las a hill in bility tite western pan of Querétaro capaz capable

VOCABULARY '43 capillal. chape' cargo ni. charge; office, function; capital M. capital; money a m de in charge oí; hacen. capital f. capital; chiel city of a do take charge oí pro vinc e Carlos Charles, tIte neme oí scv- capitalista m. capitaliat eral king. oí Spain; 1(1 oí capitán ni. captain Spain, and V oí Gerinany) king capitanaf. admiral'. ship oí Spain 1516-1555; U king capitPnaav captain, head in i665-1700; aa IV king in capitanía f. captaincy; general i88-i8o8 carr.ra/. profeasion capitulacldn/ capitulation Canora, tsfnj ('814-1865) presi. capitular capitulate dent oí Guatemala 1844-1849 caprichoso -a gay, sho, fanciful and z8z-i86 caraf face carril ni. cart-way, narrow way, carabelaj caravel narrow road Caracas ni. city in northern Vene- carruaje ni. caniage zuela, capital oí tite republic, cartaf letter; map, chan pituated near the pon oí La Cartagena city and pon in north- Guaira western Colombia, on tite Carib- caracol ni. conch bean carácter (ph caracteres) tu. charac- Cartqa ancient city oí aouthern ter; finnncse; naturc,dispoeition, Spain, probably situated north- temperamcnt; function, capacity cnt oí tIte .trait oí Gibraltar caracterizar characterize can f. house, home, household; Caraguatay ni. town in western '- de hfln batbing-house; ¿'a Paraguay ¿olas Virgenes an Inca nunnery caraquefo -a native oí Caracas in tIte city oí Cuzco, Pena (time cárcelf. prison oí the Spanish conquest) carcelero ni. jailer casar(es) (con) marry, get married cardenal ni. cardinal Casas : Bartolomé de Las ¿" Cardefa (San Pedro di) a monas- 1566) Spanishmissionary,known tery near Burgos as the Apostle oí tIte Indies for carecer de lack bis efforts in bebalf oí tIte op- carga / load, cargo; charge, attack presaed nativea; Francisco de cargamento ni. cargo, lading; ha- Las ea Spanish explorer, *4to cer un take on a load flourished in firat hall oí tIte cargar load, pack, lade; charge, sixteenth century attack dic enemy; las velas caserón ni. big house cia up tIte salta casi almost 144 TROZOS DE HISTORIA

Calo a. case; contingency; event; cedro su. cedar ailair, matter; a' de in case oí cMulaf. grant; arder, deate Gastaba y Áragonl, Francisco cegar blind Javier (zj8-zSz)famousSpan- cejar cease, stop ¡ab general celaje m. tinsil cloud moving be- Castellano-a CasWian, Spanish fore tite wind, acud castigar punish celdaf. ccli CaatillafCastile;— del Oto nante cel?bérrlmo -a moat ce1eLd, given to the land west oí tite mcet farnous Gui! oí IJrabé ce1brar celebrate; conclude, sub- castillo su. casije; forecasde skribe to catalán a. Catalonian, Catalan célebre farnous CataluMj Catalonia celo a. real catapultaf. catapult, military en- ashes gine centenar m. a hunStd catedralj catitedral centinela a. sentinel católico -a adj. cal u. Catholic, central cena-al ¡toman Catbolic; los Reyes Ca- centralizador -a centnlidng, of tAUco. Ferdinnd and Isabella centralization catorce fourteen Centro a. ceuter; dela'de AmM-jca caudillo su. conunander; chief, ¿f Central Ainerica leader CeÁtto-América Central America causa cause; reason; source, centroamericano -a Central Aster- occasion; cause, side ¡can causar cause; be tite cause oí, csZlr gird, surround occasion cerca near; a' de near, nearly, cautivldadf captivity bout; de~ cloaely cautivo a. captive cerpa! wall, inclosure cavar dig cerpanlaf neighborhood, vicinity cayeron d sin1. Pm.of caer cerpar surround, bern ¡u cayó jd sing. pnt. of can cerco a. biockade; aiege cazador a. sharp-shooter, ride Ceirdeifa Sardinia man, chasseur; a'es a asbalin ce4nton1af. ecremony light canity ceremonial a. cereaony, cero- cazar hunt; bring down ,iial cebar feed, fatten; rage furiously cenar clon, shut; shut off, ob- (of fire) struct cebo su, lun, incentive cerro su. hill; las '•• de los a ceder cede; yield t mountain ravines

VOCABULARY '45 cesar cene, reí ram (from); sin cu clarldadf. clearnesa ceaselessly claro -a clear; claro gak'. clearly CebO M. scepter claeef kind; daa,rank; nad9 Ceuta aeaport on the nortb coast piloS as a piot, in dic capacity of Morocco, in thc poaseasion of a pilot of Spain tletusnrjaj clemency Cid ni. dde given Ruy Díaz de clerical clerical Vivar by tbe Moors (Anibicfor clérigo m. priest lord) client m. climate ciego -a blind cobrar win, obtain cielo ni. aky, heaven cobre ni. copper den cf ciento cobrizo -a copper.colored clenclaj science; knowledge coche ni. coacb clentfñco -a scientific cochinillo M. little pig ciento a hundTed, one hundred codlclaf. cupidity cierto -a certain codiciar covet cimaj. summit (of a mountain or código ni. code of laws hill) coetáneo -a contemporary cimiento ni. foundation coger scizc clmitanaj sciniltar; la cruz yla colaborador ni. collaborator a' the croas and the crescent colega M. colicague cinco five cóleraj wrath, anger cincuenta fil ty colinaj hill, dope cingulo ni. girdie colmo ni. over-measure; beight, cinturaf belt climax; para a do tabajo. to cinturón ni, belt, girdie add to their Iroubies, to cap the Cipango nanie given by Marco climax Polo to Japan, and current dur. colocar place, pta. atation ing dic Middle Ages Colombial. Colombia circular circulate, be curteN colombiano -a of Colombia, be. circunstancia f. circwnstance; longing to Colombia phase, point, juncture Colón, Cristóbal Christopher Co- citar quote, cite lumbus (16 (?)-z5oG) ciudadj city, town Colón town in Panama, on tite ciudadano ni. citizen Caribbean civil civil, relating to tite commu- coloniaj colony nity; la población -a the masa of Colonia (del Sacramento), la sea- tite people pon town on nonh bank of tite clvillzaclónf. civilizaüon Plate, Uruguay


coloniaje m. colonial period comparar compare colonial colonial co"~ share colonizaciónf colon intion compaalónj pity colonizador m. colonizer, settler compatriota nr. compatriot,fellow- colono m. settler, colonial Countryman color m. color; de .4..) colored compendiar epitomize colosal colossal, gigantic compenetraree pervade cach other columna ¡ column compensación f. compensaüon collar nr. necklace competidor nr. competitor, rival, comandante nr. commander; major ópponent comarcal. territory, district complacer.e en lake delight in, combate nr. combat, conflict, en. take pleasure in gagement, fray, fight, struggle completamente cornpletely, en- combatiente nr. combatant, soldier tirely, total!y combatir combat; figltt completar bnish, complete combinar combine; connect completo -a complete, absolute; comenzar (a) begin (to) por complete completely comer eat complicación/. complication comercial commercial complicaree become complicated comerciante nr. merchant complot nr. plot, conspiracy comercio nr. commerce; frade; componerse de be coniposed of hacer el - con have trade tela. cotpraf purchase tions with comprar buy cometer commit comprender understand, realize; comidaf. food éomprise comienza jd sing. prs. indie. of comprometer.e a bind one's stif comenzar to, maIte one's self hable to comienzo nr. beginning compuesto -a composed comltivaf suite, retinue, followers común common como as, like; about; ni a' as comunicación f. cominunication; well as; sal.. . 'a as mucb... meana of communication - as, equally... as comunicar cpmmunicate, niake cómodo -a convenient known; cause to spread Como" Indian chief, friend and con with, to, by, in, from alty of Balboa conceblrconceive,imagine,thinkof compalero nr. companion, com- conceder grant; bestow rade; ~de armas companion in Coacepciónf. (lmmaculate) Con- arma ception, name of one of Magel- compafllaf company lan's shipa

VOCABIJ LARY '47 ascsptw(se) cocceive, judge aSar co~ inm; ba csuasIf. concession, gnnt upan; .e es ffi$ concibió id ¡Sg_ ptW. of ''' tnr aa borda upan concluir aid, terminatc come to atrló ji ¡ng. fmi_ of ala an eS; finiah, complete a.Irmar confirm, ben orn, cor- concluyó ji ¡Sg pr!. et roborate conrlr compete; assist, con- conlicto M. co~ stnzggle tribute confotaarae cm agree to concurso M. concowse; as d confundir confuse, misake for * together tUi (con); .ue bitad, pasa into mach otber, be linked together concbaf shell confusión conde M. co~, —duque count- f confusion, tumuk, duke disorder. condenar condcmn, sentence co~ -a confused, disordcrly condición f. condition; . fasbion, congregar asaemble, con giegate tse; circumstance; ala 2fl congreso a. congreso; asaembly uncondidonally conjeturar conjecture conducente conducive conjunto a. aggregate conducir lead, guid e, direct, show conjuraciónf. conspiracy tbe way; carry, convey; a45 conjurado M. conspintor beban, act, coñduct one's idi conjurar piot, conspire conducta f. conduct; bebavior; conmover nove, affect une of conduct, manner of pr<> connaturalizaras con accustoco ceeding one's seli to condujera jd 'Sg-. imperfi subj. conocedor -a adj ated n. judge, cf coeducfr koower; no sanger to condujeron jipi. ftnt. of conducir conocer know; be acquainted condujo jd sing. pnt of conducir with; realize, compreheud confederaclónf confederation conocimiento a. COflSCiOUSntsS, conferencia ¡ conierence, inter- knowledge; sin — senseless view conqulstaf conquest conferenciar con confer with, con• conquistador a. conqueror, con- sult with, hoid an interview quistador with conquistar conquer, win, gain conferir confer (upon), bestow consagrar devote, bestow (upon) (upon) consecuencia ¡ consequence, re- confesar confesa, admit sult; a .' de as a result of conñanzaf. trust, sense of secur. conseguir succeed in; win, gain, fty; confidence obtain

148 TROZOS DE HISTORIA consejo si. council; de (las) In- consternación f. consternation dia council of the Indica; cf coñaternar terrify, strike wich hor- text, ftap 66 ror consentimiento m. consent constltclónf consfittttion consentir (en) consent, acquiesce constitucional constitutional (in), agree (to); permit, allow coistitulr constitute, establish; conservaf. company (nautical); acate, establish, erect; fraine navegar 4. ' sail in company a constitution for conservador -a conservativo constituyente constituent conservar preserve; maintain constituyeron jdftI. pnt of c- considerable considerable, great etituir considerablemente considerably constituyó jd sing. pvt. of con- conslderaclónf consideration, re- ¡utuir gard; moment, consequence cotistrucción / smacture; con- considerar consider; esteem; re- átrucüon gard no construlx construct, buiid, loan, CO21619110 jd sin'. p?rs. mdv. q frame conseguir construyeran jdl. imjnf. susSJ consiguiente consequent; como oLí construir era " as a result construyó jd ¡Mg. pret. of con- consiguieron jdpLra. of coas,- giS Cónsul si. consul consiguió jd sing. pret. of *ee- consultar consult guir coñeuniar consummate, finish, consintieron jdpl.ra. of ra~ conclude, complete; effect, uy bring about consistir en consist in consumir consume, use up consolar console contar te!!, relate; count, number; consplraciónf plot, conspiracy itend; ~con possess; have; conspirar piot. conspire zely on, count on; la edad de constancia / constancy, faith- be . . years oid fuinas contemplar contemplate constante constant contener contain constantemente constantly, con- contento -a content, satisfied tinually contestar answer, reply Constantinopla / Constantinople contienda/ contest, stnsggle Constar be clear, be Certain, be continente si. continent evident; be composed of, con- contingente si. contingent sist in continuar continue

VOCABLJLARY '49 contra againet cooperarlAnf. coóperation contradecir oppoee cooperar coóperate Contradijo jd sin:. prel. of fr copiosamente copiously, abun- fradecir dantly contramarchar counterntarch coploelsinso -a vcry copiou$, very contraproducente producing dic abundant oppoaite oí what la desired; cus Corán m. Koran preclpi4.inn futile liaste corazaf cuirass contrariedad!. opposiüon; ini- corazón in. heart pediment, obstada cordillera f. chain oí tuountains, contrario -a oppo.ite; por lo re on ridge oí mountains tite conftary Córdoba Cordova. city ¡it Anda- contratante conttacting lusia, capital of province of contratiempo sn. xnialiap, nusfor- Cordova; town ¡u atate of Vera tune; disappoinunent, contro- Cruz, Mexico tcmps Córdoba, Francisco Hernández de contrato it,. cuntrict ( 1475(fl- 1 526) Spaniab soldier contribuir contribute and explorer contrlbgyendq pn. pan. *f cornetaf. bugle corouaf. crwn contribuyeron jd pl. piel. of con- coronaclónf coronation tribuir. coronar crown contribuyó jd sing. ftni. of a- coronel m. colonel; tenienta tribuir lieutenant-coloncl controverslaf. controversy,dispute corporal bodily convencer convince; cu55 become corpulento -a stout convinced oorretf. strap conveniente saLtable correaje m. leather strap or straps convenir (a) suLt; «a en agra correlaciónf correlat.iou; en con (upon) in accordance with conversar converse correr run (away); be, pus, elapee converalónf conversion (of time); 60w; blow (wind); convertir convan; change; trans- be exposed to (danger) ; re aven- form turas scek adventwe convirtió jd sing. pral. of ccvsrtIr correrlaf foray convocaciónf. convocation correspozideocla ¡ correspond- convocar convoke, suinmon ence; en re a in return for convocatoria f. edict. summons, corresponder a correspond to; be letter of convocation appropriate to, be one's due

1 s TROZOS DE HISTORIA correspondiente convenient, suit- crecido -a larga, great able crédito ni. credit, esteam corriente current creer believe; think corrlentef stream, current creyendo pnt pan. o/creer Corrientes pon on dic east bank creyente ni. believer of dic Paraná, Argentine Re- creyese jd sing. imperf subj. of public, south of dic Paraguayan creer frontier creyó jd sing. fint o/creer corrupciónf corruption crimen ni. crime corsario ni. corsair, privateer criminal criminal cortar cut, cut off, sever criollo ni. creole corte / court, capital; pi. parlia- cristal ni. crystal, paste (glass) ment, legislatura cristianismo ni. Cortés (Hernán o,- Fernando) cristiano -a adj. asid si. Christian (1485-1547) Spanish conqueror crénlcaf chronicle of Mexico cruces pi. o/cruz cortesano ni. courtier crucifijo ni. crucifiz corto -a short; smafl cruel cruel Co~ (La) Conanna, pon ¡a au.Idad/ cruelty; ounge Galicia, nonhern Spain crusilsimo -a most cruel, most conf. tbing, affair, something, -Intense anything; matter, question crñelmente cruelly Cosa, Juan de la Spanish navi- cruz (pi. cruces) ¡ croas gator and cartographer (fiour- cruzada/. cnssade ished early sixteenth century) cruzado sn. crusader cosechaf. crop, harveat cruzar croas, traverse cóstaf. coast, shore; coK; a~ de cuadrado -a square by dint of, a a result of; Costa cuadro m. picture, painling; apee- Rica Costa Rica tacle; body of troops costar cost; cause, occasion cuádruplo -a 41. and si. quadru pie, costarricense a$. asid X. Costa kourfoId Rican, of Costa Rica cual which, what, who, whom; costear coast; pay tite cost of, Iao (la aek.)who,whkh; he bear al] charges for vho, tite one who, whom; lo tu costumbref custom, habit ¿bat which, what, which; tu si coyuntura f. opportunity as ¡f cozf kick cualquier(a) any, any one, what- cresclónf. creation formation ever, whoever; ofro any crear create; forra Otiter u

VOCABULARY 'SI cuán how cuerpo ni. body; batid, party; di- cuando when; doto os cufrom vision (of en anny); assembly, time to time conclave; a a' hand to hand cuanto -a u much as, pL u caseta f. hill, siope; traer (armas) many as; what; sU tbat, what- £ 's bear (arma) over one's ever; unos a'e sorne, a few; en shoulder; a' de loe MSInn a as seon as; su a as for, as hilly region east of dic city of regards, in rcapect to; por Granada inasmuch as cuestlónf quesfion, problein cuánto -a inte,'r. how much pL 0iMs40 ni. care how many cuidar de take cate of, care for, cuarenta forty look aher cuartel ni. quarter; -'general head. culminante cubninating quarters cultivar cultivate cuatro four cultivo M. cultivation; e..,s agrlco- cuatrocientos -as four bundred las rnethods of farming cubierto -t ftast pan. of cubrir culturaf culture cubrir cover; occupy; envelop; cumbref. summit -'se cover one's scif, .protect cumplir con fuiflul; execute, ob- one's scif serve, comply with Cúcuta (San José de) town of cundir spread nortbern Colombia, on dic Vene- cupo 3d sing. prn. of caber nielan frontier cura ni. priest cuchlflsdaj cut with a knife, siasli curiosamente curiously, in a unique with a aword; tirar una a, give fashion a aword-tut, .slash curtoafeimo -a most interesting cuchillo ni. knife; Hade; puar a curioso -a curious put to dic aword curso ni. course cuello m. neck curvaf. curve cuenta f. account, atatement, re- custodiar , protect pon; computation, reckoning; cuyo -a whose, of whoni, of which de (Dr por) ea on one's own Cuzco ni. city of southern Peru. It account; dar -'de give informa- was the Inca, capital at the tizne tion about; datee a' do reabre; of the Spanish conquest (1533) tener su a' consider, bear in miS, take into account Chacabuco range of hills in Chile, cuenta(n) jdsing. (pL)pres. indie. n latitude 33°, uniting the coast of contar range with the main range of cuento ni. tale, story tite Andes

¿52 TROZOS DE HISTORIA Chalco ni. lake ¡a Mexico, south. Dávila: Gil González «a (?-T 526) east of the capital ?panish explorer; Podarlas «a chalchlviti ni. chalchihuit.l (Pedro Arias de Avila) Spanish Chaichuapa f. town la Salvador, governor of Dañen and Nica- on the Guatemalan frontier iagua (?-1513) Chiapas Indian chief, fricad and de of, from; as; with; ja; by; ally of Balboa ,han (befen a sisimenzi); for; chico -a sinail Id que (de la que, k) titan Chile ni. Chile deber be obliged to; owe; ought, chileno -a ¿41. asid sg. of Chile, should; dedo was co, ought, Chilean should; debió de must have Chilpancingo M. town lii Mexico, deben. duty southwest of tite capital debilitar weaken Chipre M. Cypnzs deéadenclaf decadence, decline chocar strike, dask (to piecee), col- deóepciónf deception fide; a,.., «a entro al, strike decidido -a decided, detennined (knock, dash) against one an- decidir decide (on); de decide, other determine choque ni. shock, encounter decir say,tell; utter,speak; neo Chorrillos ni. bathing resort nine namely, that ¡ato ny; por mejor miles south of lima ejrather decisivo -a decisive D. abbrevia$ionfor Don de&laraciónf declaration dAdlnf gift declarar declare, usen, proclain, daüo ni. harm announce Daoiz y Torres, Luí (1767-I8c8) decretar issue, promulgate; de- Spanish captain. ene of tite üree, armounce heroes of "el Dos de Mayo" decreto ni. deere; efficial kw, dar give; confer, bestow upen; ófficial ordinance deliver; cause; enact; utter; dechado ni. panera, modele en hit; take to (a custom); dedicar dedicate, devote; «ase a «a la vuelta return; «a al aite un- devote os' apply one's self to furl (flag); «a.o take place; -me dedo ni. finger a la vela set salt; por make defender defend, protect; pre- up on&s mmd titat one is serve, maintain dardo ni. dan defensaf defense; aid, assistance Darién (el) Darien defensor ni. defender datar date definitivamente once for sil; deS dátil m. date hitely

VOCABU LARY '53 defraudar defraud depender de come under degollar cut tbe throat of depouici6nf deposicion degüellan jd JI. frns. indk. of depositar place, entrust degollar derecho -a right; m. noun right; deldadj delty por la derecha on thc right dejar le; permit; lave; cene; derramar ahed, spill; pour out abandon derribar (eh, bring to tite ground; del oí tite; contnjc&n of de and e¡ M trono depose, overthrow delante altead, in front; a de in derribo m. (work of) demohition front oí derrocar puil down, demolish delfín nr. dauphin derroche nr. waste, extravagance delegado m. delegate, lieutenant derrota f. clefeat; en m routed; delgado -a thin, slender poner en tu rout, defeat delicado -a delicate, fine, dainty denotar rout, defcat demandaf request, petition; en desacierto m. error, mistake, de asking for blunder demás other, remaining; los a' the desacreditar discredit rest; por lo — aside from titis, desafecclónf disaifection, discon. on tite other hand tent demente a. aud u. demented, desagradar displease, be displeas- mad; madman, lunade ing demócrata nr. democrat desaliento m. discouragement democrático -a democratic desalmado -a cruel, inhuman de moraj delay desalojar disiodge, dispossess demorar delay desangrar bleed; make poor demostración / demonsuation, desanimarse become disheart. manifestation ened, grow disheartened, lose denodado -a daring, intrepid courage denominación f. denomination, desapacible sharp, rough,disagree- jume able, unpleasant denominar denoininate, name, cal) desaparecer disappear, vanish denso -a dense desarmado -a unanned, defense- dentro -de within; «a poco shortly Iess denuedo nr. conrage, spirit, valor desarrollar develop; aaØ uní oid, denuesto nr. affront, insult develop deparar give, bestow upon desastre nr. disaster, catastrophc; departamento nr. department. misfortune; repulse, rebuff province, district desatentadamente haphazardhy. dependenciaf. dependence desultorily

'54 TROZOS DE 1-1 STORIA desatinado -a crazy, foolish desdichado -a unfortunate desbandarse break np, diaband deBear wisk (lar), desire desbaratar overcome, do away with dele mbarasado -a irte, disembaa' descalabro m. miebap, misfortune rassed descalzo -a barefoot desembarcar disembark descansar rest desembarco ni. disembarkation, descanso ni. reat landing descarga volley; hacer a4 desembarque ni. disembarkation, volleys landing descender descend desembocar einpty descendiente ni. descendant desembolso ni. diebursement, ex. descenso ni. descent penditure desconocido -a unknown desempeflar perform the dudes of, desconsolador -a disconsolatc, fulhflthedutiesof; entróasda grief-stricken; distressing, dia- entered upon ¡te dudes couraging, lamentable deencadenarse break lose descontento -a discontented, día. desencanto ni. diaenchanttnent satisfled; ni. noun discontent, desenfrenado -a ungoverned, un- dissatisfaction bridied descorazonado -a disheartened, deSenfreno ni. wantonness, licen discouraged tiousness; boundless liberty, un- descorazonar dishearten; tose hounded ticense, rashness couragc desengiSo ni. disillusion, detee- descrédito ni. disesteem, discredit don of error describir describe deseo ni. wisb, desire, mmd descuartizar quarter deseoso -a desirous descubierto -a (pasi pare. irreg. of desesperado -a desperate, furious descubrir) discovered, uncovered desesperar despair (of) descubridor ni. discoverer desfavorable unfavorable descubrimiento ni. discovery dedladeroni. deflle,mountain pasa descubrir discover; disclose,bring misfortune, adveraity, to Iight; reconnoiter; -'se be disaster; losa of favor; por visible descuidarse de neglect, forget, aente unfortunatety ove rlook -a unfortunate, un- desde from,since; after;c'.'eiatonces from that time, from then on; desguarnecer disgarrison luego at once, straightway; deshacer rout, put to digbt; as que since; as soon as de rid one's self of, get rid of

VOCABULARV 'SS deshecho -t past fta'l. of deeMe desterrar banisb, exile deshonraf dishonor destierro m. exile, banishment designar name, appoint destinado -a intended dnlluslónf disillusion destinar destine desinterés m. disinterestedneu destino ni. destiny, fate; career deslumbrador -a dazzling destrozado -a shattered deslumbrar dude, blind destrozar rout, defeat desmembración ¡ dismember- destruir destroy mcm, division destruyendo gennrd of destruir desmontar dismount desvanecer cause to disappear, re- desmoronar.e crumble, decay move; tuso disappear, vanish desnudo -a naked, drawn desvelo ni. watchfulness; fil. desoir pretend not to hear, ignore watchful care desorden m. disorder, confusion desventuraf misfortune despedazar crush, mangle desvío m. discontent, displeasure despedir dismiu; tuse de tahe detalle ni. detail leave oí detenerse stop, halt despeifarue (por) fail headiong determinación f. determination, (over) resolution despertar awaken; -'se awaken determinante determinative, de despidieron jdpI. fiat, o/ despedir termining despidió jd sing. pat, of despedir determinar decide despilfarrar squander detrés de bebind desplegar hoin, unfuri (a flag); detuvieron jdpLet. of detener manifest, display devastactónf devastation despoblar depoputate devastador ni. devastator despojarse de dispense with, di- devastar devastate vest one's self of devoclónf devotion despojo M. spoils devoluclónj restitution despotismo ni. deapotism día ni. day; saint's day; de~ by day; despreciar despise, acorn a los poas -a after a few days desprecio ni. scorn diario ni. diary; log-book desprevenido -a unprepared Dias: Porfirlo-' (1830-1915) Mcxi- después later, aíterwarde; tu de can general and statesman; aher president oí Mexico for many despuntar begin to dawn ara; Rodrigo tu de Vivar the destacamento ni. detachntent, Cid Campeador, Castilian war- body of troops rior, Spain's national hero (six- destacarse stand out teenth century)


dice(a) jd sing. (fi.) ftns. judit. dirá jd sing.fut q decir qdedr dirección fi direcüon, course, diciembre tu. Decernber route; supervision, manage. diciendo ftres.pan. of decir men guidance; la superior dictador tu. dictator dic command ¡it chief; con (en) dictaduraf dictatorship — a toward dictar dictate; issue (a decree) directamente directly dictatorial dictatorial director tu. director; suprema dicho frast ftafl. qaecir; a.' -a as president, dictator a41. said dirigir direct, superintcnd; guide, dieron 3d fi. pret. of dar ¿onduct, take charge of; send, diesen jdfi. impel subJ of dar ddress ; a a go toward, inake diez ten; las ten o'clock; a ¿ne's way to, make one's way y ocho eighteen toward; advance (againat) difer.nciaj difference diáciplinaf. discipline diferente different, severa¡ dlacordiaf. discord, contlict diferir differ discretamente wisely dificil difflcult; trying discutir discuss diftcultadf. difficulty diseneiónfi diasension difieren jdftLftres. md. ojdlferlr disfrazado -a (de) disguised (as) difundir diffuse; tuse spread disfrutar de enjoy dignidadf. dignity; rank disiparee disperse, vanish digno -a worthy diamlnucl6nf leseening, decrease dijésemos ¿st fi. nnftetf ssbj. of disolución f. dissolution, disinte. decir ¿ration dijo jd sing. prt. of decir disolver dissolve; annul, set a.sjdc dflaciónf delay disparar fire dilatar defer, retard, protract disparo m. firing, shooting, dis- dimisión f. resignation; hacer çharge; hacer dos tus tire twice de resign dispersar disperse, scatter dinaatlaf dynasty diéperelónf. dispersion dinero tu. money disponer arrange, regulate; direct, dió gd sing. pret. of dar ordain; ¿use get ready, pre- Dios m. God; dios god, ido¡ pare diplomático -a diplomatic disposición fi. aptitude, natural diputaciónj deputation, commit- fitness; regulation, order, com- tee iand diputado tu. deputy, delegate, rep- dispuesto -a ready; diaposed, resentative iinded

VOCABULARV £57 dispuso ji sing. re'. of ¿la- dominar dominate, be master, Poner master; command, overlook disputar(es) dispute, stnzggle for, rule, govern, control strivc for domingo m. Sunday; el a' on distanclaf distance; a de ata Sunday distance of dominicano -a Dominican, of dietar be distant Santo Domingo distinción /. distinction; regard, dominico -a Dominican respect; difierence dominio ni. dominion; land, terri- distinguido distinguished tory; rule, domination, author- distinguir.e distinguisli one's selt ity gain distinction don. gift distintivo -a disünctive; m. psoun don ni. Mr., Sir; fonneriy used distinctive mark en a tille of nobisity. In ftresent distinto -a different, various usaip, ji ii somewhai les: fontal distraer remove, withdraw tkan señor, ¿ini ü bat placed be- distribuir distribute fon the ¡¡ven nne. fi dlveraldsdf diversity al/y nol lo be transiated dlnreiónf. diversion donde where; de~ whence diverso -a diversa, different ¿Olaf. Lady, Madam;fem. o/don, dividir divide; separate, disb'ib. q. V. tite, split up doquier anywhere; por a' every- divino -a divine where divisar descry (at a distance) dorar gild divisIón f. division; difference, dormir sleep discord; division (military) dos two; second; a las a' st two diz que = dicen que o'clock doble adj.ana'm. n. twofold,double, doscientos -as two hundred twice as mucb dosel ni. canopy doblegares bend, submit, yicld dotado -a gifted doctor m. doctor (of law) dotar (de or con) endow documento m. document dotes f. pl. qualities, character- dólar ni. dollar istica, traits; talents, endow- dolor ni. pain; grief, sorrow inents Dolores Hidalgo town in tite Mate doy ni sing.ftns. ina'k. o/dat of Guanajuato, central Mexico Drake, Francisco Francis Drake doloroso -a sorrowful, painful (1 54°—' 596), English captain, dominación Y. domination; rule; prominent in early expeditions power, suthority to tite Spanish Main

1 8 TROZOS DE HISTORIA drama si,. drama ególeta ni. seifiA, egoist dada f. doubt; sin — doubtle e, •jecuciónf execution no doubt; indeed, be sine ejecutar do, perform, execute dudar doubt ejecutivo -a executive duelo ni. grief, mourning ejemplar exemplary due5o ni. master ejemplo ni. example, instance dulce sweet ejercer exercise, perfonn, hoid; dulzuraj delight, pleasure enact, perpetrate duque ni. duke ejército M. army durante during, br et, la, los, las &f. an,,the; Iran:!. durar lan as dem. ftr. he, ahe, etc. (who), duro -a hard; unbearable thc one (who, which, that), that él; elia, ellos, ellas he, him; ehe, • and; used be/ore woni: begii her; it; they, them ningwiM torbi elecclón/. elecúoá Ecija town in province of Sevil]te electivo -a elective eclesiástico -a ecclesiastic(al) C" -a elected económico -a econontic elógjr elect, cboose Ecuador (el) ni. Ecuador elámeuto ni. element echar throw, caM ; -, a pique smi ; elevadlslmo -a very bigh, very el anda can anchor, anchor Iofty as encima biing upon one's se¡f elevado -a high, lofty, elevated edad/ age eligiendo prn. pan. elegir edificar bufid elcuencla/. eloquence edificio ni. building, atnicture elocuente eloquent edifice eludir evade educación fi education ella ahe, it; pl.them efectivamente effectively ello it; se uegann a -' they refused efecto ni. effect; consequence. to do so end, purpose; a cuyo a' foi ellos they; them which purpose; M in fact• emanar emanate in tnzth emanclpaclón/ emancipation efectuar accomplish, bring topas e emancipar emancipate eficiente efficient eSbajadaf. embassy efímero -a ephemerai, passing.• embajador ni. ambaseador momentary embalsamar embaim efuslón/. shedding, spilling; de embarcación fi ship, vessel sangre bloodshed embarcar ship, embark; -'se cm- Egipto ni. Egypt bark, set sail, go to sea

VOCABULARV '59 embargo: sin~ nevertbcless, not- encadenar enchain withstanding entallar strand, run ashore embestir assail, attack encaminar a direct; ~ea make embistieron sdftLprd. cf embestir one's way (toward), go embravecer(se) become furious, encargar charge, commission; en- become enraged; be extremely trust; «45e de take charge of boisterous, awell (nautkal) encarnizamiento ni. cruelty, rage, embrutecer grow stupid fury embrutecido-a degraded,stupefied encender light embrutecimiento m. abasement, encendido -a flaming degradation encerrar inclose, confine emigración! emigration enciclopédico -a encyclopedic emigrado m, emigrant, refugee encima aboye, over emlnenciaf eminence, heigbt. Enciso, Martin Fernández de hill (147o(?)-1528(?)) Spanish geog- eminente eminent, prominent rapher, mayor of Darien (1514) eminentemente eminently, con- encomendar intrust spicuously encomendero ni. encomendero, emir ni. emir slave-holder empapar soak f. an estate in Span- emperador ni. emperor jA America, comprising land empero however ami Indian inhabitants, granted empezar begin to one of the early military ad- empleado ni. clerk, employce yen turers emplear invest (money) enconado -a violent, bitter, im- empleo ni. use, employment; cal!- placable ing, profeasion enconar inflame, irritate emporio ni. emporium encontrar find, meet; tose meet, emprender undertake; begin; encounter one another; be; find la fuga flee, take flight (one's self) empreeaf enterprise, undertak- encrespar make rough ing, feat encuentra jd sing. pres. indic. cf empuje ni. impulse; iinpulsion; encontrar vigor, spirit, energy, teal encuentro ni. meeting; engage- empufiar seize, grasp ment, encounter; shock; le ea- en in, on, upon, at, from, among, 116 al went forward to meet under, into; to; throughout him; al de meet enajenar transfer (property) enderezar straighten; ni el rumbo enardecer enkindle take tite dircct road

memo TROZOS DE HISTORIA enemigo -a hostile; adverse, op- entradaf entrance, entry posed; of dic enemy; a. noun entrar en ente; 'va commence, enemy begin enemistarle con quanel with, be. entre among, betwecn come an enemy of entregar hand ove, yield, give np, energlaf strength, ¡orce, energy, ¿irrender; sale surrender; estar courage entregado si suelo be asleep, be enero a. January sleeping enfermar fall sick entretanto: en meanwbile, ¡a enfermo -a sick tbc meantime enflaquecimiento m. decline, de entretenerse (en) cuse one's self terioration (in, by) enfurecerse become infuriated entretuvo jd si,,1. fmi. of entre- engallar deceive; trick, ewindle tener engaloeo -a deceiving, tricky, un- entrevistaf interview reliable entusiasmo a. enthusissm engrandecer strengtben, aggran- entusiasta a. entbusisst; adj. en- dize thusiastic enorme buge, enonnous enviar send enriquecer enricb envldItf. envy ennitar ezalt; praise, extol envilecer d vil7 ensayar attempt envio a. consignmeat eusenadaf cove, ssnafl bay envolver np up, cnwrap; evince euseffaf. standard, enaign en riw1to -a $4 jan. of snvcivur enseftanza ¡ instnac Clon; educa- epidemlaf epádeinic clon Epipbany enseifar teach episodio a. episode enseñorearse de ponen one's epistolaf. epistie ecli of dcaf time, epocb, date, period, ensillar sadWe age enteramente completely, entirely equilibrio sn equilibrium enterar inform, acquaint; a4. de equipar equip, fit out find out, discover equivalente equivalent entero -a whole, entire; por entero era(a) jd sing. (PI.) ja/nf. indit. entirely, complctcly o/ser enterrar bury erigir raise erect entonar intone error a. error entonces then, at that time el jdúng.ftres. ¡odie. o/se entorpecedor-a iinpedlng progrese sufra. sing. of ese 1

VOGABULARY 16í escalaf ladder esospl. qeu escalar scale espacio un. epace; while, ¡in~ wamOao -a scandalous espadaf sword escapar(a) escape espaldaf ahoulder escaramusaf skinnish espantar frighten, terrify escarmentado -a macle cauúous, espantoso -a frightful, dreadful wary (through) Espatal. Spain escarmentar cake warning, be tu- espa3ol -a adj. and n. Spanish tored by experience Spaniard escarpado -a steep, craggy EepaZola (la) Hispaniola, Coluin- escasear be scarce is's nasne for tite Island of eecasezj se arcity Santo Domingo or Haití escaso -a amaD, scant, limitad, little esparcir scatter, disseminate escenaf aceite; incident Be~ Spartacus e.clavitudf. slavery especial special esclavo u,. slave especialmente especially Escoclaf. Scotland espectej sofl, kind escoger cboose, pick eapeclerlaf apices and ¡11 aorta eacoltaj. escort, guaM of aromatic druga escoltar escort espectáculo M. spectacle escribano st. acribe, ecrivener especulaciMf. specWation escribir write esperanza fi hope eecuadraf squadron, fleet esperar hope; walt, awalt; ex- escuadrlflaf. flotilla, equadron pect; noeradea' wunottobe escuadrón m. aquadron expected escuchar listen, hear; ¿~ iu espeso -a thick, citase be heard Espinosa, Gaspar de (?-1537) escudero un. equire Spanish judge and explorer escuelaf schooi espíritu st. spirit, courage; mmd, ese (esa, esos, esas) that,fl those ¡ate llige a c e esforzado -a valiant, stout esplanada fi. slope; m de Abahul esfuerzo un. effort; strong en- o" toma do Abahul a siope south deavor of tite Alhambra palace eslabón st. Iink (of a chain) espléndido -a splendid esmalte st. enamel esplendor un. splendor, magnifi- esmerado -a courteous cence esmeraldaf emerald espontáneamente spontaneously, eso that (thing, matter, or reason); voluntarily por oit that account esposaj wife


espunzaf foam estuvieran JdpL iinfterf. rn6f ./ esqueleto ni. akeleton ntn esquinaf. (outside) comer estuviese jd sing. Maøflf• subJ of estaf sing. this estar establecer establish, found; sse estuvo 3d sing. pM of estar settle, establish one's self eterno -a eternal establecimiento ni. settlement Etropaf. Europe estado ni. conclition; state, nation; europeo -a a4. and n. European hombre de co statesinan; Be~ evcua.clónf. evacuation Unidos United States Evangelio ni. gospel estallido ni. outburst, outbreak eventual eventual, fortuitous estancia ¡ dwelling, habitation; evidenciar prove, maite evident, (Amnt) farm make manifcst estandarte ni. standard, eneign evitar avoid, prevent estar be evOluclónf evoludon estatuaf atatue, monument exagerar exaggerate este (pl. estos), esta üns. adj. exaltar exalt this; éste etc. this one, examinar examine these, the latter exasperar exasperate esterlino -a sterling excelente excellent estero ni. salt marsh, creek, cote exceptional exceptional, unusual Estete, Martin de Spanish ex- excepto de except plorer, agent of Pedrariaa Dávila exceso M. exceso estimar estimate, value excitaclónf excitation estimulo m. stimulus, incentive excitar excite estipular stipulate exclamar exclaini esto this (thing or matter); a todo excluir forbid, exciude whereupon; con cu wherewith, acluslónj exclusion berewith; en wbereupon; por excluyó jdsing.pret. of excluir -, wherefore exigir exact, demand estrago ni, ravage existir exist estratégico -a strategic éxito M. succeas; issue, result estrecho -a narrow; ni. non strait exedlcIdnf expedition estrellaf star exjedlclonarlo -a exploring, ex. estrellarse dash to pleca Siüonaxy; ni. sons explorer, estruendo ni. clamor, noise iiember of an expedition ~co ni. stucco exedlr issue estudiar study exerienclaf. experience estudio ni. study experimentar experiencie, undergo

VOCABU LARY 163 experto -a skilied, expert fábrica ¡ fabzication, manufacture expirar expire facclónf. feature explorador 4 exploring; øs • non fácil easy explorer fscllMaAf. facility, ene; pren- explorar explore día cm tanta ea coi burned as explotar exploit; develop quickly as expollaclón ¡ spoliaüon facultar faciitate exponer a lay before fácilmente easily expresado -a before mentioned, facultadf power; privilege; au- aforesaid thorlty expresamente expressly facultar empower expresar inanUest, expresa faenaf work, labor, task expresión/ expression falso -a false expulsar expel faltar (a) fail, (alt abon of, be expul.l6nf expulsion wanting, be lacking; be absent extender extend; sprnd out; from record, draw up; aafl extend, fino m. judgnient 8tretch out fina ¡ lame, reputation; glory, exteuelÓnf extenston, extent renown; tener ~de be reputed extenso -a broad, extensive fantili.f family extenuado-a debilitated,weakened famoso -a famous exterior outer, exterior fanático -a fan ati cal extranjero -t adj. asd a. foréign, fantaslaf. fancy foreigner; en el extranjero in fastidioso -a tiresome foreign countries; marcharas al fatal fatal extranjero go ¡mo exile fat*ltv nte fataily, disastroualy extrafiarse be surprlsed fatiga fi toil, labor; wearineas, extraordinario -a unusual, extraor- fatigue dinary, uncommon, raye, won- fatigar tire, weaq de rfu! fausto -a happy, fortunate; ni. Extremaduraf province of Spain, ,wun pomp, ceremony soutbwest of Madrid, on tSe favor ni. favor, approval; a ea de Portuguese frontier in favor of externo -a extreme; ni. ,soun end, favorable suitable border; extreme; quarter, point; favorecer favor; help, befriend; hasta el m de $o far as to; basta encouragc el Óltmo ea to tSe ver, end fef. faith Escaray, Juan de companion oí febrero ni. February Balboa feckaf date; period


•federaclónj. federation independence of tIte Central- federal federal American states felicidad ¡ good fortune, proa- ni. end; purpose, design; perity; con toda tu crowued witb deatb; alcu,ent'u, por t,flnally, succ esa lastly; a -'ea de, basta de, Felipe Philip, dic nanie of several wward dic end of; a a, de, a kings of Spain: amiR king from + de que, in order tal in -1556 to 1598; eam king from tbat i8toi6zz;amiVkingfromxoo fihl final t01746 finalizar complete feliz happy, fortunate; successcful finÁlinente finally felizmente happily, fortunatety Finisterre ni. cape on the north- Fernando VII king of Spain.i84 west coast of Spain, in Galicia and again from 1813 to 1833 fino -a fine feroces pL of feroz firmar sign feroz (pl. feroces) wild, cruel, unge firme flrm, unshaken, steady ferrocarril m. railtoad fiscal m. attorney-general fertil fertile físico -a physical fertllidadf. fertility FlAndes ¡ Flandera fertillulmo -a very fertile, moat flechaf arrow fertile florf. fiower teniente fervent, ardent Flores: Juan José — (18o1-1864) fervor ni. fervor patriot general, and president fervoroaamente fervently ¿f Ecuador severa¡ tenns; Ve- fervoroso -a fervent, ardcut nMaa., (1809-1868) Uruguayan fiel faithful general; president, i865 flerif wild beaat flotante floating flestaf festival; hospitality; red- flotar ñoat bir con grandes s.' tender a roya¡ fogonero ni. flreman, stoker we!come to folleto ni. tract, pamphlet figuraf. figure; fonn, shape fomentar protect, foster, encour- figurar figure, appear; figure, be age; inaintain conspicuous fondear cast anchor fijar place, fiz; set (foot); settle todo ni. bottom, ground; tocar aa filal. row, Ale, une, Tank touch bottom, touch ground filial filial forajido ni. oudaw filibustero m.buccaneer; fihibuster forma ¡ fonn, ahape; build; Filleola, Vicente Mexican gen. form of government (e.g. la tu eral, who helped secure tIte republicana) o VOCABIJLARY fotmaclót f. formation; organiza- fronterizo -a frontier, along tize tion frontier formalmente fonnaily frutaf fruit formú form; organize; found; fruto M. fruit; profit ralee, educate; comprise; origi- fu (i)jdsing. pret. ofser; (a)3d nate; conceive (ideas); draw up sing. pnt. of ir (mil.-) ; a'n take ehape, grow, fuego M. fire; hacer a' sobre ñre develop upon; hacer la señal de a' give formidable formidable the sigual to fin fortalezaf fortress, ganison; fon fuente f. source titude; con ai,detninin withfor- fuera outside; a. 45 besides, in titude addition to; poner -a de la ley fortificación f. fortification banish fortificar fortity, strengthen fuera(n) 3d sing. (PI-) impnf. subJ fortunaf fortune; hacer — make of ser one's fortune; por - fortunately fueron (i)gdftl.pnt o/ser; (4j1 forzosamente necessarily pi. fin!, of Ir fracaso ni. failure fuerte strong; ni. naun fon; plaza fragor m. noise, clamor a' stronghold fraile ni. rnonk, triar fuertemente strongly, violently .ancés -esa adj. ana' n. Frencb; fuerza f. force, strength; torces, Frenchman; Cabo Prancés city troops; violence, coercion, com- ¡u northern It aiti pulsion; alaa'by force; a—de Pranclaf France by dint of Francia, José Gaspar Tomé. Ro- fuese(n) (1) Ja' sing. (pl.) impnf driguez de (1756-1840) dictator subj. q ser; (2) Ja' sing. (pl.) ¡ni- of Paraguay from i8ii tifl 1840 petf.subJof ir francisco -a Franciscan fuga/ flight Pranciaco de Paula de Borbón cf. fugitivo M. fugitive Borbón, P. de P. funcl6n / term of office; pl. franco m. franc duties franjaf. strip funcionario ni. funcdonaiy frecuencia f. frequency fundaciónj foundation, founding frente m. front, front rank; al—de fundamental fundamental, basic in command of, at the head of; fundamento ni. foundation, basis a' a opposite fundar found; base frentef forehead fundir biend, unite, combine frfo -a coid; ni. naun coid funesto -a sad, il-boding froateraf fronder; boundary furlaf. fury nm TROZOS DE HISTORIA furioso -a furious; vera' great gentilhombre st. gentleman in furor vs. fuzy waiting fusil M. prn geográfico -a geographic(al) bailar shoot, fin upon geómetra st. georneter futuro -a future germinar germinate, apread (of ilesa) gabinete st. cabinet Glrsltar M. a promontory ¡it tIte gaditano m. native of Cadiz. In- extreme south of Spain. Since habitant of Cadiz 1704 it has ben in the banda galaf. fui¡ (holiday, ceremonial) ¿1 tite English dresa; de rigurosa in p*IdC gigantesco -a gigantic dreas glorla/ glonj ; honor; Lame; pride gsleazaf galleass glorioso -a glorious, illustrious galeraf gafley gobernsclónj government; man- ganar win, gain; «los vientos go agement where the wind will be favorable gobernador st. governor ganoso -a desirous gobernante st. governor;fttoffice- gasto st. cosI, expense boldera gemelo -a twin, analogous, similar gobernar rule, govem generador -a primary gobierno st. government; control, general general; st. noun general; guidance, direction — en jefe commander-in-chief, CoMen MM no. naxne of Drake's generalissimo; st m in general, blp as a rule golfo M. gulf generalmente generaily; generally golpe st. b!ow, strike; de armas speaking chievement, exploit; de gra- generosamente generousty cia finishing soke, coup de generosldsdf. generosity, magna- grice nimity GoisAlez: Miaus] m (1833-1893) Genil st. river of southern Spain president of Manco (i88o- genio st. epirit; genius; disposi. *884); Pedro de Mendoza tion, inclination; - universal (1428-1495) Spanish cardinal universal genius; a man of broad sud archbishop of Toledo • aynipath ies gozar de enjoy Génova / Genoa gozo M. joy genovés -esa adj. and n. Genoese, graclaj grace, favor; PL thanks ¡ native of Genoa golpe de flnishing stroke, coup gentef. people; army, troops, fol- e gr&ce '— graciosamente gracefully

VOCABIJLARV ¡67 grado si. degree; mal de su America and Mexico signed with a bad grace, againet one's here, Febnaary 4, 1848 will, in epite of one's self Guanajuato si. capital of Mate of gradual persistent, unremitting, Guanajuato, Mexico, north of proceeding by degrees tite capital graduaree en graduate from guante m. glove; arrojar elachal- gran set pando lenge Granadaf capital of province of guarda/ custody, guard, keeping; Granada, soutbern Spain; pon guard nortbweit of tite Lake of Nica- guardar keep, hold; guard, pro- ragua tect, defend granadero si. grenadier guardia/ guard grande (be/ere noun) great, fantous, guarnecer decorate; fringe noble, large; (a/ter naun) large; guarnición! garrison Gran Bretaña Great Britain Guatemala/ Guatemala grandeza /. greatness, grandeur; gubernativo -a governing beroisrn guena/. war; en at war grandiosidad /. grandeur; nag- guerrear wage war; take dic nificence fleld grandioso -a splendid, brilhiant guerrero -a warlike; si. noun war- grandísimo -a very great rior; soldier grano m. grain Guerrero, Vicente (?-1831) Mex- gratitudf gratitude ¡can general and politician, grave grave, serious leader in war for Mexican in- grav.dadf seriousness dependence gravemente seriously, dangeroualy guerrillero si. guerrilla, civilian gritar shout who serves in guerrilla war- grito si. shout, ay fare grueso -a thick, heavy; strong gula si. guide grupo si. group, number guiar guide, lead Guadalajara /. city in Mexico, gusto si. tate; pleasure, deligbt; nonhwest of tite capital tomar el c- a take a liking to Guadalquivir si. river of southern Guzmán el Bueno, Alfonso Pérez Spain, province of Andalusia de (i 256-13o9) famous Spanish Guadalupe si. chapel in city of general. Tite suniame "tite Puebla, Mexico good," bestowed upon him by Guadalupe-Hidalgo si. town ditte Sancho IV, means « reliable Ip miles north of Mexico city; time of need," "valiant," « stout- treaty between United States of hearted"

168 TROZOS DE HISTORIA haber have; (impon.) be; 'u de hasta dli, to, up top as far as, even, +inf have to . .que evento; que until (impon-) + mf. = be + Eng. bat upen. jd sing. ¿ir:. indie. q panive influsitive (.0 babIa tiempo haber que perder there was no time to baya(n) jd sing. (Él.) ¿re:. subj. be Iost); m hay que buscar there o/haber ja no need to seek; "selu con haaZaf. 1 eat dispute with, bave it out with hechisado -a bewitched hábil clever, skillful heho pan pan. o/ "~; M. noun babilidadf akill deed, feat; act, event; pasar a hábilmente skiufully, ably vise de pasa into action habitaclónf. dwelling, borne helado -a frozen habitante ni. inbabitant hemos in pL ¿ir:. indic. of haber hábito ni. dresa, habit; tomar el heredar ¡nherit de fraile francisco enter the herldaf wound Franciscan order herido -a wounded hablar speak herir strike; wound; shine upon habria(n) jd sing. (pL) cond. of hermanaf sister haber hermano ni. brother hacer do, make; wage (war); hermoso -a beautiful have, cause, occasion; fonn; héroe ni. hero perfonn; carry into effect; give; herolcainante heroically; man- build, construct; hacia que + fully, determinedly impnf = Englisk pluperjt pn- háoicldad f heroism; heroic se. risive, çf. hacia tiempo que... tion; prowess meditaban br sorne time, for heroico -a heroic; courageous, quite a while,. .. had ben plan- nve ning; a.e become heroísmo ni. beruism hacia toward hicieron 3d PI. pnt. of hacer haciendaf goods, poseessiona hlcleae(n) 3d sing. (ph) impe,. Raitini. Haití subj. of hacer haisgileno -a flattering hidalgo ni. nobleman, gentleman hallar find; -'se be present; be (i.e. of gentie blood) situated; exist Bidalgoy Costilla, Miguel ( i - hanibref. hunger iSti) Mexican priest, leader in han jdpl. ¿ir:. indic. of haber war br national independence hará jd sing.fut of hacer hierbaf herb, grasa Dado enough, sufficiendy; ah hierro ni. ¡ron too hiJéf. daughter

VOCABULARY Mo hijo m. son; pi. chuldren hubiera(n)-3d sing. (pL) imftetf. hilera / row, Une, file; formar en subj. of haber e form in Une, draw up in une hubieron jdpt pnI. of haber hirió 3d síng.flret. of herir hubiesen3dpl. ímperf subj. of hacer hietoriaj history hubo jd sing. Pret. of haber histórico -a historic(al) huésped M. guest hizo jd sing. ftret. of hacer huestef army, host hogar in. hearth, home hninanldadf. bumanity hogueraf bonfire humanitario -a humanitarian liojeda, Moneo de (1468(?)-1515 humano -a human (?)) flrst governor of Nueva huir ¡lee; shun, avoid Andalucía humeante fuming, emitting smoke Holanda f. Holland, dic Nether- humlllacIéof humiliation lands humillar humiliate, bumble holandés -esa 44r• atad n. Dutch humo tu. smoke holgado -a wide hundirse sink hombre m. man huracán tu. hurricane hombro m. shoulder huye jd sing. pres. indie. q huir homenaje tu. homage, fealty huyendo pros. parí. of huir hondo -a deep, profound huyeron jdpL pnt. of huir Honduras tu. Honduras huyó jd sing. ftret. of huir honor tu. honor, commemoration; es bonors, privileges, marks oí lba(n) jd sing. (PI.) impetf indie. respcct of Ir honorable honorable Ideaf idea, notion honradez f. honesty, probity, in. Ideal ¡Ti. ideal tegrity Idólatra tu. idolater hora/. hour ídolo tu. ido¡ hordaf horde lgleaiaf. church horizontal horizontal 1gnoranclaf ignorance horrible horrible, dreadful Igual equal; similar honor tu. crime Iguala f. town in state of Guerrero, horrorizar terrify Mexico hoatilldadf. hostility, enmity igualar a equal hostilizar commit bostilities (a iluminar ligia up upon) ilusión/ illusion hoy to-day, now, nowadays iluso -a adj. and n. deluded, de. Hnamsliee tu. province of central ceived; dreamer, hallucinated Peru f 00


Iluetración/ greaiess, eminente; Impusieron 3dpl. pnt o/Imponer cnlightenment, learning Inaccesible inacceasible Imaginacldn/. imagination Inacclónf inaction Imaginarlo -a imaginary lnanlcIóit/. inanifion Imbuir inculcate, instili Inaudito -a unheard-of lmltacIónj imitation Inaugurar inaugurate, begin Imitar imitate Inca ¿4. ¿md ni. n. Inca Impaciencia/ imp adence Incapaz unable, incapable ImpasIbilidad / impasibility IncendIar set on fire Impasible impasible IncÇendlo ni. confiagration, fire; Impedir prevent ¶ comenzado tu dic rising flames Impeler push, propel Incentivo~YO ni. incentive, induce- Impenetrable impenetrable Imperial imperial incesante incessant ImperIalIsta ni. imperialist Incidente ni. incident 1iqeñO ni. empire; Bajo Imperio IneIft4o -a fixed; bent Byzantine Empire, Eastern Em- inclinaree a be inclined, be favor- pire, Later Roman Ernpire ab!y disposed to Imperturbable imperturbable Incluir include ímpetu M. violence Incomodar incommode, haxnper Impetuoso -a impetuous, wild, tur- Incondicional unconditional bulent; spirited Incorporaclónf. incorporadon Impidió 3d sing. ft ni. o/Impedir Incorporaree a join Imponente imposing incrédulo -a incredulous Imponer impose, put upon; ' aie a Incrustar incrust dominar; dominate, exercise indecible ununerable authority over Indeciso -a vague, perplexing Importancla/. importance Indsfinlñament. indefinitely Importante important; influential Indemnización!. indemnification, Importar matter rcimbursement Imposible imponible Independencla/. Independence impotencia f. inability independiente independent; ni. ímprobo -a dishonest, conupt nosin rcvolutionist, pardean oí Impropio -a unbecoming, in bad 4tionai independence taste; inapproprlate, unsuited Indias ¡ pL tIte ludies; consejo ImprovIsar improvise ° (las)-' Council of tIte Indice; Imprudente thoughtless; false leyes de m code of dic Indies Impulso M. impulse lndlcacIdn/. hint; percude st tIte Impunemente with impunity euggestion of

VOCABULARY '7' indica indicate, point out informe ni. account, statement Indicio m. sign, indication Infructuosamente unsuccessfully Indiferente indifferent Ingeniero ni. engineer indígena in. naüvc Ingenio ni. engine lndlgnaclónf. indignation Inglaterraf. England Indigno -a disgraceful, shameful Inglés -esa 4. asid it. Englisb, Indio -a adj. asid si. Indian Englishman indisciplinado -a undisciplined Inbnnnno -a inhuman, cruel indiscutible unquestionable iniciar initiate; start Indisponer indispose, disindline lnictativaf initiative; example Individual individual Inicuamente iniquitously individualidadf. individuality inicuo -a iniquitous Individuo m, individual Injurioso -a injurious, hurtful indolenciaf indolence Injustamente unjustiy indomable unconquerable, indom- Injusticia,!. injustice hable Injusto -a unjust Indómito -a wild, untamed inmediación f contiguity; que Inducir induce, persuade tenis a su which was ad• Indueüiaj industry joining Inefable ineifable, unspeakable inmediatamente iznmediately Ineficaz inefficacious, unavailing inmediato -a iminediate; close, Inevitable inevitable, unavoidable adjoining; nnt in order, next lnexperienclaf inexperience highest inexperto -a unskillful, inexperi- inmenso -a buge, vast; great; enced ¡mm en se Infame. infamous Inmoralidad,! iznmorality Infante 'si. infante, prince of the Inmortal inmortal roya¡ bleod; foot-soldier innegable undeniable infanterfaf. infantiy Innumerable incalculable, vesy Infantil childish, infantile considerable; countless, num- infantito in. little infante berless Infelices fil, of Infeliz Inocencio (TM Innocent III, pope Infeliz (fi. Infelices) aa,t asid ps. from 1198 tO 1216 unfortunate inquieto -a uneasy Inferior lower; inferior Inscribir inscribe, record Infierno ni. heli Inscrito -a fto.stfiafl. qlnealbir Infimo -a lowest Insigne famous, noted, notable Infinito -a infinite; numerous Insplraciónf. radius (niel.) inflexible inflexible Inspira inspire, awaken

172 TROZOS DE HISTORIA instalar insta!! Interino -a provisional instantáneo -a inztantaneous Interior interior, inner, interna!; Instigar instigate ni. noun interior Instinto ni. instinct, intuidon Iiiternaree en peneuate instituto m. instituto interoceánico -a interoceanie instrucciónf. instruction interrumpir interrupt Instruir ánstruct lntervencl6nj. intervendon instrumento m. tool, inairument intestino -a interna!; civic, do- Instruyód sing. m'. qlnstnir mestic Insubordinare. rebel againet ma- Intlmacidnf. warning thority Intimidar intimidate, discourage Insufrible insufterabie, intolerable Intrépido -a intrepid, fearless, Insultar insuit dauntless Insurgente ni. insurgent, insunec Inuiudar inundate, overøow tionlat Inútil needless, uselees; of no Insurrecclónf. insuarection, rebel- avail lion Invadir invade Insurrecto ni. insunecüonjst InTaslónf. Invasion Integridad f. unity, integrity; invasor ni. invader honesty, uprightness Invencible invincible Integro -a upright; honest; po Invernar winter o nada s more or lese dis- Inveroelmil unheard-of, unimagin- honest abie Intelectual intellectual Investir endow, invest, empower lnteligenctaf intelligence invierno ni. winter inteligente intelligent Ir go; be distant; be, become intempestivo -a unseasonable (+ gennad orpasi pan. q a,,. intenclónf intention oMer vn6); a. a be about to; intencionadamente intentionally e?ee go away intentar attempt, uy Iraf. anger Intento ni. intention Irlanda/ Ireland lntentonaf chimenea! attcmpt IrlAndés -esa aci. andn. IrIeh Interés ni. interest; self-interest, Irróiatible irresistible profit irrevocable steadfaat, unalterabie Interesado -a interested; selfish, Isabel Isabella; Elizabeth mercenary; ni. noun interested 1814 f. island; Isa Islas BsltÁnln. party tite Mritish leles interesase en be interested in islflIaf. lele, isiet, amali Island Interin ni. interim laSto ni. istitmus


Ita]taf. Italy to French intervention (1863); Iturbide, Aguatin de (1783-1824) preaident of Mexico (1867-1872) emperor of Mexico (1822-1823) júbilo M. joy Izquierdo -a Ieft; por la izquierda judicatura /. judgeship(s); tite on tite left judiolary Mio -a a41. aud n Jewish; Jew jabali m. wild boar juguete ni. toy, plaything eva (in conjuncüon wilh a JuliÁn Julian, governor of Ceuta, negahve frank!.) who helped tite Moorish iii- Janda (la) lake in province of vadera a tite time of tite con- Cadiz, Andalusia quest (711) jaTCI*J. tackle; rigging and cord- julio ni. July age junio at. Jurie jardin M. garden juntaf junta, assembly, council jefe m. leader, chief ; general en juntar coUect, gather conimander in chief, general- junto together ¡salmo juramento ni- oath Jeremías (jérérnie) p011 and City jurar ewear al tite extreme weat of Haitf jurladlcclón/. jurisdiction Jimena wife of tite Cid jurlsprudenclaj jurisprudence JÍménn 4. DaAa, Rodrigo (1180- justicla/. justice 1247)Spanish historian, cardi- justiciero -a just; dispenser of nal, and archbishop of Toledo juatice jinete m. cavalryman, horseman justo -a just jorf event, circuntatance juventudf youth José 1 Joseph 1, emperor from juzgar judge 1705to 1711 joven adj. orn. young; young man, kilómetro ni. kilometer young woman joyaf jewel la the; he; it; titat; tu que .tjf. Juan John; tu IV John IV, firat que dulce of tite house of Braganza laberinto ni. Iabyrinth tobecome king of Portugal(i 64o- labio ni. hp 1650; (e1Infantedon).u(?-1319) laborioso -a laborious, diligent brotiter of Sancho IV of Castile; labrar cause, bring about Don tu ¿e Austria natural son of lacio -a straight (of hair) Charles ¡ of Spain ladera fi side, slope Juíres, Benito (1806-1873) Mcxi- lado ni. side; section, region; a can patriot, active in resistance su 'u near by; dejar a 'u lave

174 TROZOS DE HISTORIA aside; del derecho on tite right leguaj league side; porotroeoon dic other hand lejos far; — de fa, front lago ni. lake lema ni. motto; fig. banner lágrImaf. ten lenguaf. language, tongue lagunaj swamp, znarsh león M. lien; como -oes fiercely, Latan, Diego father oí Ruy Din bravely de Vivar, tite Cid Campeador León province oí northwestern lamentable lamentable, deplorable Spain (a separate, independent lhmlnaj plate, sheet oí metal kingdoin during tite Middlc langostaf lobster, crawfish Ages); city oí nortbern Nica- lanzare (a) rush (upon) ragua, titirteen miles froin the largo-a Long, extended; prolonged, Pacific protracted; de largo long; tener L4poldo 1 Leopold 1, emperor (legan) de largo be... Érom i68 tO 1705 (leagues) Iong;p/. many, several Lepanto, Golfo de, the Gulf oí lasJftI. tite; thent; those Lepanto or oí Corinth; in a Iletimaf pity broad sense including tite Gulí lastimoso -a lamentable, deplor- oí Patras, where tite baSe was able fought lateral side Lerdode Tejada, Sebastián (.827- látigo ni. lash, whip 1889) presidentof Mexico( 1872-. latir beat, throb p876) latltudj latitude lee thein, lo titem laurel m. laurel; honor, distinction Leeaepe, Ferdtnand de (i8o- Lavalleja, Juan Antonio (1783- !894) Frencb count and civil 1853) Uruguayan patriot, tender engineer oí tite "Thirty-three" ('8z5) letrado m. lawyer lazo ni. tic, bond letrssf. pl. letters, learning le Mm, to hint; It, to it levantamiento ni. uprising, revolt, leal loyal irisurrection Leclerc, Charlee Victor Emntanuel lenntarraise; build,erect; awaken, (1772-1802) French general, ¿aH forth, excite; «ase ante; be brother-in-law oí Napoleon situated; rebel, revolt le leer read y r weigh (anchor) legendario -a legendary leyf law, rule, precept; pl. kw, legiónf legion láws; body oí laws, collection or legislador,,,. legislator laws; «ata de Indias kw code oí legitimar legitintize tite Indica legitimo -a legitimate lepndaj legend


L4nrd (cabo) LizaS Head, most lo him,it; tite (+ adj., e/ a' cierto soutberly point of Great Britain, the certainty); a' cual, a' que, in Cornwail cf cual, que liberal liberal lograr succed ira, obtain libertadf. liberty, freedom; eman- lontananzaf distance; en~ la cipation; a' del «unerdo free tite distance trade Lope de Vega €f Vega Carpio libertador st. liberator L6pez, Francisco Solano (1827- libertar free, liberate 1870) president of Paraguay libraf. pound (1862-1870) librar fight, engage in (battle) ; ea lord ni. lord de escape Loreto ni. fon in city of Puebla, Ubre free Mexico libremente freely, uncondition- los the; them; those; a' que ti ally; wilhingly que (el que) licenciaf. pennisslon Lonverture, Tonasaint Toussaint licenciado ni. licentiate; acholar L'Ouverture, negro patriot of of tbe University Santo Domingo (1743-1803) lIgaf league, coalition luciente bright ligeramente slightty lucha ¡ stnaggle, conten, atrife, ligero -a light; swift, nimble; dispute slight; faint luchar stniggle, contend, fight Liana capital of Pena. It 18 situ- luego presently, immediately; ated on the Rimac, aix miles then; desde -' at once, straight- northeast of Callao, ita pon on way; eodeapuéi soon afterward; the Pacific a' que as soon as limitarse a limit one's self lugar ni. place, spot, site; office, limite m. limit, boundary; re- dignity; tener a' take place, oc- straint, restriction cur lina ¡ line, rank, clan, order; Lugo, Pedro Fernández de (aix- en toda la a' aH along the une teenth century) adelantado of Lisboa Lisbon, capital of Portu- the Canaries, ami govenaor of gal, situated at dic xnouth of the Santa Marta Tagua Lula XIV Louis XIV, king of literario -s literary France froin 1643 to 171$ literato ni. walter; learned man, lnniinarla/. illumination literary man; fi. literafi lunaf. moon; medita' crescent literaturaf literature Liarla ni. sanall rina of Pena, south litoral ni. sea-coast of Lima

¡76 TROZOS DE HISTORIA luto m. ntourning madrugadaf dawn,early morning 1*ssj light; * la del .31* by tite madurar ripen; complete, bring light of day to a head Luzara victory won by Philip y Magallanes, Fernando do ( 1 4 0 of Spain in Italy (ioz) , Por--Í521), ¶uguese explorer in the service Uamaf. ñame of Spain llamar cali, designate; divert, at- Magdalena ni. largest river in Co- tract; -'es be caued (named); lombia, io6o miles long el fl.n.a.40 plan the so-called plan magistrado ni. judge llano ni. a level fleId, en even magn& magnanimoua, gener- ground; plain oua Hanuraj plain magnate ni. noble lIavef key magnifico -a magnificent liegadaf arrival magno -a great Hogar a arrive, reach; amount Mahoma Mobammed, founder of to; extendto; attain;coa+inf Islam ($69(P)-632) 8ucceed in, rcach the point of, mahometano -a Mosiem, Mohasn- finaily + Eng.fitsite tiró; eoa me da n ser come to be mala ni. maize, Indian con; paja llenar 611 de cornstalks, straw lleno -a fuIl; overcome, fihled mijeetuosamente niaJestically listar bear, carry; take away; majestuoso -a majestic, atately have, wear; lead, guide, con- mal ihi, badly; de su grado un- duct; camal resent; case take wihlingiy, witit a bad grace, in off, take away ; a(es) a cabo carry spite of one's self, against one's out, complete will; llevar a m resent lluvla/. ram maldiciente a. and n. defamer, censor, detractor macizo -a musite Maldonado, Alonso de (first bali maderaf wood of sixteenth century), governor Madera (la) Madeira, largest of the óf Guatemala (1542) Madeira Islands, a Portuguese malesaf. underbrush archipelago in the Atlantic Malinche name given by tite maderamen ni. framework of a Azteca to Cortés house malo -a bad; unsuccessful; poor, madrej mother imperfect Madrid ni. capital of Spain, situated miiograree tau in the center of tite Península inalquerenclaf iii will

VOCABULARY '77 maltratado -a damaged, in bad mlqulnaf machine shape mar M. orJ. sea; a' del Sur tite maltratar treat ¡II South Sea, Pacific Ocean malversaclónf. embezzlement maravillar astonish Maliorcaf. Majorca maravilloso marvelous, wonderful tnantposterlaf. masonry marcar mark; designate; brand Managua lake in western Nicara- marcial niartial, militaxy gua marchaf. match, marching; trav• mancebo st- youth, lad eting, course, progresa; going, mancomunadamnnte conjointly departure ""aX command, head; order, marchar march; progrese, pro. command, direct ceed; go, depart for mando ni. command, authority, mareaf. tide rule, control, power; al - de Marga-Marga ni-a mountain tange under tite orden oí, commanded in tite departinent oí Casablanca, by province oí Valparaiso, Chile manera f. manner, fashion, way, Margarita sister oí Charles II oí wise; a a' de like, resembling; Spain and wife oí Emperor de que, por a' que, so that; de Leopold 1 Igual a' ¡u tite ume way margenf. sitore, margin manicomio ni. insane asylum Muta Teresa sister oí Charles II manifestar manifest, make known; oí Spain and wife oí Louis XIV show, display; declare, state; oí France reveal, evince marinaf. navy; a' de guerra naval manof. hand; por a' de at tite torces, navy banda oí; pa~ acude pass into marinero ni. saBor tite banda oí marino -a marine, belonging to manta/. cloak the sea; ni. non sailor, mariner mantener maintain, keep; defend mariscal ni. field-marshal, com- mantenimiento ni. inaintenance mande r-in-chief manto ni. cloak ~timo -a maritime man uvieron jd pl. pnt. of man- Marlborough John Churchill, firat tener duke oí Marlborough (1650- mantuvo 3d sint.pnt qmantener 1722), fainous English general manufacturaf manufacture and politician maHal. craftiness, cunning Marruecos ni. Morocco, an empire maffsn*f. niorning oí northern Africa Mapocho ni. river in Chile depart- Martín, Alonso companion oí Bal- ment oí Santiago boa

178 TROZOS DE HISTORIA marzo m. March medidaJ. measure; action ; a que mas but (= pero) according as mis more, most; greater; (any) Medinasidonla Alonzo Pérez de otizer; —de (+ numeral) more Guzmán el Bueno (i550-i6x), tizan; bien rather; no. duke of Medinasidonia, corn not any more; not... again; mander of dic Invincible Ar- no. -que. . nothing but, noth- mada ingaave,only; no ... u(+ noun) medio -a haif a no other; por su que however medio ns. middle, midat; nicane, much; although ny; /1. funda; en a' in the '-ni!. masa, population; volume, middle, in dic midst; en de in quantlty tite nziclst of; in apite of matar kill mediree con uy one's strength matemático m. n%athematician ¿ith materlaf material meditar nieditate, plan, consider material material, substantial Medltenáneo m. Mediterranean matorral m. jungle; undergrowth Mejfa, Tomás (181 5- 1867) Mcxi- matrimonio m. niarriage qan general, aupporter of Maxi- matutino -a matutinal, moniing inilian Mauritanlaf. Mauritania, ancient mejicano -a a. and n. Mexican, kingdom of northwestern Africa of Mexico tnÁrImsf. maxim Méjico ni. Mexico M*rimillsno Maxhnilian, arch- mejor better, bat; por a decir dttke of Austria (1832-1867), rther emperor of Mexico (1864-1867) melancólico -a melancholy maxtlatl m. cotton saab memorable notewortby, memor- mayo m. May able mayor (comp. of grande) greater, memoSf memo!), greatest; larger, Iargest; cbief mencionado -a aboye-mentioneci, snsyorfaf. majority ahoye-named masa f. club, mace meiclonar mention me me, to me; myself; matare., Meiidoza, Pedro de (1487(?)-1537) ese kill my son (with un- Spanish explorer iransiojable dativo of disadvan- menester ni. necessity, need, want; Sap) ser a' be necessary mecánlcaf mechanica nteñguaf disgrace; tener & a, con- mecer(es) rock sider it a disgrace medailaf. medal menor umaller, smallest; leus mediar intervene, lic between Menorcaf. Minorca

VOCABULARY '79 menos len; except; a a' de que Miguel (San) St. Michael (arch- uniese; a' de except (ir»; ¡esa angel, leader oí tite heavenly titan; but; venir a ro fail off, de- host) teriorate mil (a) thouaand, (onc) thousand; menosprecio ipx. ecorn, conteinpt las Xli y una Noches tite Thou. mensaje ni. ineseage sand and One Nights, tite Ara- menudo -a smali, unimportant; bian Nights a 'a often, ftequently milagro M. miracle mercaderías f. ji. goods, mer- Muaneeado (el) the Milanese, chan clise fonner state oí northern Italy, mercado ni. market capital Milan mercante ni. merchant milicia fi. miitia mercedf mercy, favor militar military; ni. noten soldier merecer mali, dccciv.; ~la aten- inllla/. mile ción de attract tite attention of millar ni. about a titousand; a Mérida fi city oí western Spain. great number province oí Badajoz; capital oí millón ni. million tite Mate oí Los Andes, western minaj mine - Venezuela Mina, Francisco Javier Spanish meridional southern adventurer (1789-1817), fought mérito M. mcxii, wortb for Mexican independence mes ni. month minar predispose, influence, sub- mssetaf. table-land orn Mesqulta, Alvaro de Spanish cap- ministro ni. agent, minister tain, nephew oí Magellan minuciosidad f. minuteneas -a adj. and ,,. half-breed mira / intention, design, pr- mesurado -a measu red pose metal in, metal mirada/ look metro ni. meter Miraflores ni. seaside resort fow motrópoil fi inetropolis; motEn miles south oí Lima country Mlramón, Miguel (1832-1867) mezclar mix, mingle Mexican general, supporter of mesquitaf mosque Maximilian mi my mirar look (at), contemplate; "se ml prefi. p^ pr. me be miedo m. fear; tener a be afraid miserable miserable, wretched miembro ni. member miserablemente ntiserably mientras while; que while; mieerlaf. misery a' tanto meanwhile misionero ni. missionary

180 TROZOS DE HISTORIA mismo -a sanie, ver', own, seV, Montezuma emperor oí Mexico at himself (herself, ¿/t-.); lo like- tite time oí the Spanisb conquest wise; the sanie montón ni. pile misterioso -a mysterious monumento ni. monument mitadf. hali Mora, José Joaquín Costa Rican mitológico -a mythological, legen- general, president of Central dary America in 1837 mlxteca adj. and ni. n. Mixtec, m4adaf. dweliing,. abode name oí an Inclian race living moral moral south oí the city oí Mexico Morelos y Pavón, José Nada Modenaf town in northern Italy (1765-1815) Mexican priest, moderar nioderate, regulate, ten> leader oí tite anny oí tite south per in tite war fo; national mdc- moderno -a moderu; present pendence modesto -a modeat, unimportant moreno -a brown, swarthy; Sierra modtñcaclónf change, modifica- Morena range oí mountains in don south central Spain, between modo ni. mode, method, manner; New Castile and Andalusia de —que so that, in such wise that morir die molino M. mili; Cuesta de loe moro -a Moorish; ni. noun Moor Molinos a hiily region east oí morrión ni. morion, a sofl of bel- the city oí Granada met momento ni. moment, instant; mátuorlo -a funereal, mortuary; al straightway palo — pali monarca ni. monarch, sovereigu mosaico ni. mosaic monarqulaf monarchy; rule mosquito ni. mosquito monasterio m. monastery mostrar show, exhibit; evince; monedaf money point out; tuse appear; be, monopolizar monopolize show one's self Monroy, Alonso de (?-i licu- motejar stigmatize tenant governor of Chile under motín ni. insurrection, riot Valdivia motivo ni. motive, reason; con-' de monstruoso -a moristrous, exces- on account of sive, abnormal mover move montafiaf znountain movimiento ni. movement; acüy monte ni. mountain; hill -ity, action; revolt, sedition; Montevideo ni. seaport town on tite tu revolucionario revolution, re- north bank oí tite Plate, capital volt oí Uruguay muchedumbref crowd

VOCABULARY 181 muchielso -s very znuch; pi. very muy very, quite many Muza Musa, Arabian general, con- mucho -a much; a long (tiempo); queror of Spain (711) pl. many; mucho adv. much, greatly, long nacer be born; spring, originate mudar change naciente nascent muertef death nación/ nation muerto (pca pan. o/morir) dead; nacional national; tu. unuz native kiUed; les aj tite dead nada nothing, not anythinj; not muntraf demonstration at aH, not in tite least, by no mujer fi woman means; pata « in no wise mulato tu. niulatto nadie = alguien (any one) when multiplicar.e multipiy one's scif, used in conjunclion wiM a neg- reproduce one's self otitis fa flicle multltudfi (a) multitude, (a) great naof ship, vessel nuntbet; crowd Napoleón Napoicon mundo tu. world Nápoles tu. Naples municiones fi pL ammunition naxizf nose muralla fi wall natal native Murat, Joachlm (1767-1815) fa- natural natural; tu. nosn nativo mous French soldier, king of naturaleza/. nature Naples frorn iSo8 611 181 naturalmente naturaily Murcia fi province of soutbern naufragar suifer shipwreck Spain, on tite Mediterranean naval naval muriendo prez. pan. o/morir Nava. de Tolosa (La.) tabie.iand murieron jdøl. pret. o/morir in northern Andalusia, farnous murió 3d sing. pnt. of morir as tite Bite of a great Christian murmurar complain victory over the Moors (1212) murmurio tu. murtnur nanf ship muro M. wall naveclllaf. little (oid) boat Murvledro tu. a town in Murcia, navegable navigable on tite border of Valencia, now navegación/ navigation; voyage, Sagunto (Saguntuin) trip múalCsf music navegante tu. navigator músico tu. musician navegar sail, travigate; a de con- Muelfmico -a Moslem, Moham- leiva sail in company, navigate medan in company Musulmán -ana ac/j.and n. Mussul- avio M. ship, vesael; ~de guerra man, Mohantmedan man-of-war TROZOS DE HISTORIA necesariamente necessarily no no, not; obstante notwith- necesario -a necessazy standing, nevertheless necesidad f. need, necessity noble noble; ni. non noble, noble. necesitar need; neceasitate -man negar refuse, deny; eu55 a refuse noblesaf nobility; nobleness negoclacidnf negotiation noche f night; de at night, by negocio ni. affair; husmeas; busi- tight ness transaction nombrar nominate, appoint; cre- negro -a adj. ¿vid it. black; negro ate; elect; inention, cite; s45 neutral neutral be called, be named nevado -a snow-covered; Siena nombre ni. name, designation Nevada range of mountains in noroeste ni. northwest southern Spain, provinces of norte ni. north Almería and Granada norteamericano -a c asid si. nevar snow North American; American, na- ni neither, flor; cu • • ¿'a neither tive o tite United States nor nos us, to us Nicaraguaf. Nicaragua notaf offlcial communication Nicaragua lake in soutbweatern notable notable, famous; distin- Nicaragua guiahed, eminent, prominent; nicaragüense Nicaraguan remarkable; siseé siso as notar Nicarao Central-American Indian nftL eminentpeople, proninent chief (early sixteenth century) people Nicoy'a gulf on the west coast of notar note, notice Costa Rica noticia ¡ news, notice; repon, Nicuesa, Diego de (1464(?)-1511 áccount; daza Infonn (?)) firat governor of Castilla noticioso -a informed, aware del Oro novedadf novelty nieto ni. grandson noviembre ni. November nieve/. snow nubef cloud; shower ningún cf ninguno nudo ni. knot ninguno -a no, none; no. Nueces ni. Ser in soutbern Texas, not any nortE of the Rio Grande NlIaJ name of one of Co!umbus's nuevamente again, once more ships nueve nine nliesf. childhood nuevo -a new; de ¿'a anew, again; nido ni. child, boy Nueva Espala nne given to Nido, Andrés (1475(?)-1$32(?)) viceroyalty of Mexico; Nueva Spanish navigator and explorer Granada naine Colombia took


on the seceesion of Ecuador Ocaso ni. setting (of the Sun or and Venezuela; viceroyalty of any heavenly body); eclipse, Spain before independence; pasaing Nueva Orinas New Orteans; occidental western Nuevo Méjico New Mexico; occidente ni. west; de m western Nuevo Mundo tlie New World, Océano ni. ocean Ame rica octubre ni. October número m. number Ocular eye-, ocular numeroso -a numerous; large ocultar hide, conceal nunca never ocupaciónf. occupation Núfies de Balboa, Vasco ( 147 5- ocupar occupy, MI (a place, a posi- 1517) Spanish conquistador tion); inhabit; take possssion of; «ose en busy one's self in; 0o be interested in Oaxaca (Oajaca)f. city on isthmus ocurrir occur, happen; take place; of Tebuantepec, Mexico lo ocurrido wbat had happened obedecer obey ochenta eighty obedienclaf obedience ocho eight; - dias a weck obispo ni. bishop odiar hate Objeto ni. object, purpose; theme, odio ni. hate, hatred subject; thing, article odiosidadf. odiurn, hatred, enmity obligar force, compel; cite a bind odioso -a abominable one's self to Odisea f. Odyssey obraj work O'Donojú, Juan Spanish soldier, obrar act appointed of obscurecer obscurc (1821) obsequiar serve, walt upon oeste ni. west obsequio ni. present oficial official; M. non,, oflicer, observar observe, notice ; follow, oficial practice oficio ni. work, function obstáculo ni. obstacle ofrecer offer; present; exhibit, obstante: no notwithstanding, manífest; volunteer; promise nevertheiess ofrecimiento ni. offer, proposal obtener obtain; win, gain O'liiggins: Ambrosio ' (Ambrose obtuvo 3d sing. pvt. of obtener Higgins) (1730(?)-I80I) gover- iii northern Colombia nor of Chite (1778) and viceroy ocasión/. occasion; risc; junc• of Pena (1796); Bernardo ture (1776-1842) Chilean patriot, ocasionar cause, occasion commander of Chilean army in


Chilean war for independence, opuso jd ring. ¿ni. of oponer and later dictator oí Chile Orín ni. city oí Algeria oidor m. judge orbe ni. sphere, globe oír hear orden ni. order, arrangement; OJO M. eye clase; relation olaf. wave orenj oidor, comznand, mandato Olid, Cristóbal de (1492-1524) ordenar ordain; direct, oidor, Spanish captain and explorer ommand; enact, decree Olivares (Gaspar de Guzmán, ordinario: de — ordinarily count-duke oí, 1587-1645) fa- oreJaf ear vorite oí Philip IV organizador -a organizing, oí ui- olvidar forget ganization omnímodo -a fuil, absolute organizar organizo once eleven orglaf orgY ondaf wave orgullo ni. pride, self-estecm, sdf- Ondear wave, undulate respect, sense oí honor operaciónf task; pl. military oper- oriental eastern; Uruguayan ations oriente ni. east; plaza de Oriente operar achieve, accomplish public square in Madrid Opinión ¡ opinion; judgment; origen m. origin, cornee, motive public opinion originar originate, be tlie cause oponer oppose; offer (resistance); óf, bxing about offer in compensation; occasion orilla f shore, bank; border, (oí delay); offset (by nieans oí); iiargin, edge; a de Qn tlie ~a oppose; hinder, bar úhores oí oportunidadf opportuneness, ex- orlado -a adonied pediency oro ni. gold oportunisimo -a verr convenient, Os yoti, ye; to you inost opportune oaadlaf bravery, daring oposición ¡. opposition osado -a brave, daring Oppas Spanish bishop, opponent oscilar oscillate oí King Roderick (early eighth oscsro -a absiruse, difficult century) ostensiblemente openly,ostensibly oprimir oppress otogar grant optimista optimhtic otr -a otber, another; uno y opuesto -a pasi pat?. q oponer; de uno en e., edificio from ono opposite, conflicting building to tite other; tanto opulento -a wealthy, rich as much again, pl. as many again opusieron 3a'pl. pnt. of oponer oyó jd sing. pret. of *ir

VOCABULARY 185 aces p ÉL of paz pan ni. bread, loa!; Pan de Azúcar pacionclaf patience Sugar-loaf Mountain, in Peru, paciente patient scene oí Chitan victory over pacíficamente peacefufly; undis- Peruvian-Bolivian forces, Jan- turbed(ly) uary 20, ¡839 pacificar pacify Pana má Panama town on thc pacifico -a mild, peaceftil, pacific; Paciflc, capital of Panama .1 Pacifico the Pacific (Ocean) pánico ni. panic pactar süpulate, agite upon; lo pantanoso -a marshy, swampy pactado agreement, cornpact paño m. cloth; a momos palI padecer suffcr paquete ni. package padecimiento ni. suffering par equal; ni. noun pair, couple; padre ni. father; pl. parents sin matchless, unequaled; al Pies, José Antonio (1790-1873) de jointly, equally with Venezuelan patriot general in para to, in order to; for; toward; war for national independence. que to, in order to, that, in Later served as prcsident fin order that several terma Paraguay (el) Paraguay pagar pay paraguayano -a Paraguayan pague 3d sing. pta. adj. of pagar paraguayo -a Paraguayan país ni. country, land, region, ter- paraíso ni. paradise ritory; lo. Palas Bajo. the Neth- paraje ni. place, region erlands parapeto ni. parapet, breastwork paja f. straw; - de maíz corn- parar stop, end; ene stop, halt statks, straw parecer appear, seem; inzfttrs. pájaro ni. (small) bird pitase; á lo que parece appar- paje ni. page ently palabraf word, speech; promise; parecer ni. opinion con sus aJØ witb his voice paredf. wall palacio ni. pa1ce pariente ni. nf. relative palanquin ni. palanquin Parma Alessandro Farnese, duke pálido -a pate of Parma (1545-1592) palmito ni. bud or shoot oí a palm- parque n. park; armory tree parte ni. roya¡ or official communi- palmo ni. hand-breadth, epan; cation parte a a.' inch by inch f. pan, share, portion; quar- Palos harbor in province of Huel- ter, place, district, side; party; va, Andalusia decude by; desua onhiaside; pasnpaf extensive plain en todas -'s, por todas a.,s, on ah

186 TROZOS DE HISTORIA sida, everywhere; en su may r partmonIo ni. patrimony, inherit. a'mainly; por -' del Perú onhe- nce, possessions hall of Peru; por diversas -'e 1a patrio -a native, belonging to one's severa¡ pointa; por la a' del rlo native place or country Magdalena near (along) the riw r patriota adj.¡md n. patriot Magdalena; por una-' onth e patriótico -a patziotic one hand patriotismo ni. patriotism partIcipación ¡ aliare, particip a- patrón ni. guardian, protector tion p.ülatI niniente slowly, by de- participar de ahare in greca particular separate, distinct; apie- panudo -a slow, deliberate cial, individual pavoroso -a frightful, dreadful particularldadf particular pu(fr?. paces)f. peace partidaf departure; party; banc1, pecespt of pez squad pecho ni. breast; soul partidario ni. partisan, supporteir, pedir ask (a favor), beg, request; adherent demand, exact; petition, solicit; partido ni. party, polifical party saskof Mdc pedradaf large stone partir leave, start Pedrarlas cf. DLvila pasaporte ni. passport• pedregoso -a rocky. pasar pasa; endure, go througtr, peleaf fight suifer, undergo; —'a vis. de hecbo pelear fight pasa into action; a. a cuchillo pupu peligro ni. danger; menace to tite sword; de exceed, g O peligroso -a dangemus bcyond; a' por las armas shoolL, pelotón ni. platoon execute; -'se pasa (over) penaf. grief, sorrow; pain, penalty; pasear pande, display tu de muerte capital punishment paso ni. pasaing, march; tread, penacho ni. panache step; erosaing; way, punge; peáaltdadf. suffering, hardship al a' que as, while; abrirse pender hang clear one's way; gain ground,• pendiente ni. pendant, ring spread (of ideas) pendón ni. pennon, flag, banner Pasto ni. food penetrar penetrate patente manifest, evident peúlnaula/. peninsula patíbulo ni. scaffold peilnsu1ar peninsular patio ni. court, courtyard penoso -a painful, laborious patria f. fatherland, native land , pe,sador -a thinking, thought. country f l

VOCABULARY 187 pei'ntentom.tbought; idea, plan perro ni. dog pensar tbink; intend; consider, perseguir pursue imagine; —en tbinkof; lo pensó persiguieron jdpl. pnt of perse- mejor he thought better of it guir * peaf rock; Sierra deis PeSa persona)' person; personage de Francia a niggcd and rocky personalmente in person, pa- region bu the province of sonaily Salamanca perspectiva)' perspective Pega y PeEs, Manuel de la (1789- persuadir persuade; convince z8o) erninent Mexican lawyer pertenecer belong and politician; provisional pres- perteneciente a belonging te, ap- idem of Mexico 1847-1848 pertaining te peflasco ni. a large rock pertrechos ni. pl. stores (military); peZón ni. (large) rock, rocky de guerra military atores mountain perturbar perturb; disturb pequefto -a ama Perú (el) Peru perder lose peruano -a adj. and n. Peruvian pérdidsf loas Perú-boliviano a Peruvian-Bo- perecer perish liv ian perfeccionaras perfect ene's selí pesadilla)' nightniare perfecto perfect, complete pesado -a beavy perfldlaf. perfidy, trcachery pesar weigh heavily upon, weigh perfil ni. outline down; cu sobre la frente decrush periciaf skW pesar ni. sorrow; aso de in spite of periódico ni. newspaper peso ni. weigbt; dollar; llevar en~ periodo ni. period carry bodily peripecia J. sudden changc of pestilencia)'. plague fortune or condition; pl upa peticl6nf petiüon and downs, viciasitudes pez (pL pece.) ni. fisk perjudicar hurt, injure piadoso -a pious perjuicio ni. damage pico ni. arnail arnount, odd ; ochenta perlaf pearl y -' sorne eighty-odd permanecer remain pidiendo pres. pafl. of pedir permanencia)' stay, sojourn pidiera jd ¡Mg. inzperf. .n.ebj. of permanente permanent. -fr permiso ni. permiasion, leave pidió id sing. pret. of pedir permitir perinit, allow pie ni. foot; base; a— on foot; pero but a m firme steadfastly, without perpetuo -a perpetua¡; ter lite stirring; dar m give occasion

iSS TROZOS DE lA piedadf pity, merey plain, fiat and cnn piedraf stone piensan jd pL ¿res. indie. of pon- piSo ni. map, chan en pJtntaf sole of tite foot; arrojar pierda jdsing. ¿ni. subj. of perder sus en trample under foot; pierde(n) jd sing. (/1.) ¿ni. indie. fijar la e.' set foot of perder plantar plant; raise, 'boist Piérola, NicolM de (1839-1913) pltaf silver; rio do la Plata tite Peruvian politician, active dur- river Plate, an estuary of tite ing war between Chile and Uruguay and Paraná rivers, on Peru; president ¡894-1899 the east toan of South Ainerica pienf piece plátaformaf. platform piloto M. pilot platero ni. silversmith Pinta f. name of one of Colum- pláyaf beach, sitore bus's ships plaza f. square, market-place; pintado -a painted, depicted soldier; fortress, fortified town; pintoresco -a picturesque c10 fuerte stronghold; ea deOriente piuturaf. picture square in Madrid; de arma pique m. ground, bottom; echar éarrison; de la Victoria a public a sink üquare in Buenos Airee piramidal pyraznidai plazo ni. term, period plrdmidef. pyramid plebiscito ni. plebiscite pirita m. pinte pleno -a fuli;en plena paz intirne piraterlaj piracy of peace pirático -a piradcal pltinaf feather, plume Piribebny (or Peribebuy) ni. town plumaje ni. pluniage; feather cm- in Paraguay, south-southeast of broidery Asunción Plymouth ni. seaport on tite pirrarse por be tager Devonahire coast, southwestern piso m. floor, story England Pizarro: Praucl800 ao(1475-1541) población f. town; population; Spanish conquistador, con- tite act of populating queror of Peris; Hernando ea poblado ni. town, village (M-1 578) Spanish conquista. poblar eettle, occupy din; Gonzalo o (1502(?)-1548) pobre poor; -J do poor ¡u Spanish conquistador; Juan pobreza f. poverty; indigente, (15o5(?)-1536) Spanish conquis- vant tador pobrisinio -a very poor, ezceed- plan m. plan ingly poor


poco -a adj., adv, flr., little (pL populacho m. populace, rabble kw); small; soon, shortly (oí popular popular time) ; a ea de shortly after, soon popularldadj popularity aftez; aSeas días a few por by, for, through; because oí, days; de allí eo within a short on account oí, in behalf oí; on, time, soon after(warde); dentro along; + mf. = because + deeoshortly; noto nota little tense of mndk; aa que porque; poder be able; may, can; no tu qué why msnosdecannotbut,cannothelp; porciónf. (great) number que no puede menos de suceder porfiadamente stubbondy, deter- which always happens minedly poder m. power, authority; influ- porfiado -a obstinate, stubborn ence, control; rule; possession porque be cause poderoso -a powerful. porquesuelaf. a small aow podría 3d sing. tond. of poder porte ni. bearing, demeanor Poema M. poem Portugal ni. Portugal poesfa/. poetry portugués -esa Portuguese policía f. maintenance of good porvenir 'ti. future order pos: en de aher, behind; in pollticaf pblicy, politice pursuit of político -a politic; political ; aa-e poseer posaess nómico political and economic poeaiónj possession Polvo ni. dust; oro en gold dust posesionaree de seize upon, take polvoroso -a dusty; poner pies en posacasion oí polnrosa take to one's ¡tecla posible possible pollaf ben poslclónf. position, situation, lo- pollo ni. cock cation poner put, place; arrange; lay Ç poste ni. post, pillar give, bestow; pies en polvorosa posteridad! posterity cake to one's heS; postrares bend tite knee; kneel; maite prisoner; naes set (of tite postrado -a prostrate sun); aaee a begin; -'se de postrero -a last acuerdo cen (alguien) come to potencia f. power; authority, do- an understanding with (a pa- minion; strong nation, strong son); «ase en campas take tite state fleid; eaee en marcha atafl pr&cticaf. practice; de tu custom- marching ary poniente M. *cst praçticable passable; la brecha Pontificado ni. Papacy estuvo ea a brcach was made TROZOS DE HISTORIA practicar practice Presentar present; offer; repre. práctico -a practica¡ sent, set fortb; ea combate a al- precauclónj precaution guien engage in battle with precedente m. precedent a person; -'el pecho .1 enemigo preceder precede face tite enemy; -4e present preceptuar issué precepts; lo pr.- ane's self, appear ceptuado what was laid down, presldenciaj presidency what had been decreed presidente ni. president precio m. price presidir preside over precioso -a precious preso ni. prisoner preclpltaciónf haste prestar 1cm!; render; ease a offer precipitarse huri one's self prestigio M. prestige precisamente precisely pretender claim; attempt preciso -a necessary; e .' OIW pretenaiónj ciaS, pretension (we, etc.) must pretexto ni. pretext predicaclónf preaching prevalecer prevail, be paramount predicar preach prever foresee preferenclaf preference; el lugar previo -a previous de ea the place oí honor pre'vislónf foresight preferir prefer previsor -a foreseeing, sagacious prefirió 3d sin1. pret. q preferir primario -a primary preguntar ask (a question) Primer cf. primero -'prelado m. prelate primero -a first, chief, principal; prematuro -a premature earliest premiar reward principal cbief, principal, main premio m. reward príncipe ni. prince, mier prenda/ beloved objcct principiar begin prender take fire; set (fire) to principio ni. beginning; principie, prensaf press tónet; a ~a de at tite begin- preparar prepare, ntake ready ning oí preparativos m. fi. prepara- ponderar ponder (over), consider tions pSiónf prison; imprisonment preponderanciaf preponderance, prisionero ni. prisoner ascendancy privaclónf. privation prerrogativaf prerogative privar (de) deprive (of) prescindir 4e do without, dis- privilegiado -a unusual; rnarked pense with privilegio ni. privilege preaenciaf presence P10! (= provecho advantage) ni. presenciar witness en ea de in behalf of

VOCABULARY '9' proa/ prow (oí a ship) prominente prominent probabilidad f. probability promulgación/. promulgation probado -a wetl-tricd, well-proved Prontitud ¡ prompútude, diii- probar uy, attcmpt gence, promjtness proceder proceed Pronto soon; lo más 'u posible proceder m. procedure, conduct as soon as possible procedimiento m. method, pro- pronunciar pronounce, speak; cedure «'se declare one's seli proceloso -a ternpestuou8, stormy propaganda fi propaganda prócer ni. person who occupies propagar apread, diesezninate en exalted station, person high propiedad fi property in office propietario ni. owner procesar indict, accuse propio -a one's (his, etc.) own, oí proclaniaj publication one's own; same; suitabie; su proclamar proclairu vida propia iheir individual (sepa. procurar uy, endeavor;aeeobtain rate) existence prodigar Iavish (upon) Proponer propose; -'se decide prodigio m. marvel, prodigy proporción fi proportion prodigioso -a prodigious proporcionar provide, furnish producciónfi farming; product proposición/. proposition; pro- producir produce; bring about, posal, overture cause, occasion; ¿use becozne propósito ni. purpose, design, manifest, inake ita appeannce pian; a suitabie, seernly productor -a producüvc propuso jd sing. pnt. o/proponer produjo 3d sing. pnt o/producir proscrito -a proscribed profundidad fi. depth; de 'u deep proseguir continue, follow up profundo -a deep, profound prosiguió jdsing.pret. o/proseguir profusamente profusely, abun. prosperar prosper dandy prosperidad fi. prosperity progresar progresa próspero -a prosperous, successful progreso ni. progress, advance. protector ni. protector inent; ideas de ¿u progressive protectora/. protector ideas proteger protect, shelter prohibir forbid, prohibit protesta/. protest prolijamente prolixly protestante adj. and n. Protestant prólogo ni. prologue, preface protestar expresa prolongar prolong Proveer provide; - en confer on, promesa fi. promise bestow upon; ee do get a sup prometer promise ply oí; secure br one's seif 192 ti HISTORIA

proverbial proverbial puesto -a ¿así pan. of poner; as provincla/. province adj. placed, ainnged; ni. noun provincial provincial place, spot; post; puesto que provlsión/ provision since provisional provisional, temporary puáta / headland, proinontozy; provisto /ast/afl. o/proveer point, knob; Punta Carreta provocar provoke; bring about, (Punta Mnna) the boundary be- occasion tween Panarna and Costa Rica próximo -a near, next, foliowing; on the Cazibbean iminediate; próximo anear (adv.) puto ni. point, degree, extent; proyectil m. projectile, missile ivarter, place, spot; condition, proyecto m. project itate; instant, nionient; co de prudente wise, moderate, consid- ¡poyo fulcnim; al co instantly, trate prudent On dic spot, straigbtway; en prueba/ proof, evidence; test, 1xactly, sharp; por otroto experimcnt; a toda c° invin- another quarter, elsewhere; as cible, indomitable adv. little publicar publish; proclaim, an- puñado m. handful nOunce puflalm. dagger público -a public puleron ,ydptpret o/poner pudiendo ¿res. pan. o/ poder puso ji sing. ¿res. of poner pudiera(a) jd sing. (pi) impetf. subjo/ poder quewho, which, that; when; el a, pudieron jipi ¿nf. q poder la co, etc. who, whom, which, tbat pudiesen jd pi. imer/ subj. of ¿hich, he (dic one, etc.) who; poder lo as which, that which, that, pudo Ji sing. ¿nf. o/poder i'bat; how (much); por lo as Puebla (de los Angeles) city in e¿h refore Mexico, east of dic capital qu that, than, to pueblo ni. (small) town; people, quedar remain; be nation, masses; populace queja/ complaint; dar a de puede(a) ji sing. (pi.) ¿res. indie. ¿omplain of o/poder quemar buru puente m. bridge qurer wish puerta/. doer, gatt, entrance; Querétaro city of central Mexico Puerta del Sol dic nante of a querré ¡st sing./ut o/querer plaza in central Madrid Quesada, Gonzalo Jiménez de puerto ni. pon, harbor (1498fl-1 Spanish explorer pues Lcr, since; dita nd conqueror

VOCABULARV '93 Quiché Quiché, cf note lo 47 22 razonable reasonable quien who, whom, he who, the real royal; real, actual; pi. one who, (any) cric who noun camp, the king's tent m* quiere jdsing.ftres. indic. qqueror realidadf. reality quljadaf jaw(bone) realista adj. and n. royalist Qulmulnchateca chief of Tunja realizar realize, bring to pus, quince fifteen; din two weeks, bring about, achieve, accom- a fortnight plish; -'se take place quinientos -as fin hundred realmente really, actually quinto ni. one fifth reanimarse muster up courage, quisiera(a) jd sing. (pi.) impnf. pluck up courage, be reassured subj. qquerer reanudar renew, resume quisieron jd pi. pnt. of querer rebelar incite to revolt; -'se re- quiso jd sing. pret. o/ querer volt, rebel quitar a take (away) from, deprive rebelde adj. and n. rebellious; of rebel, insurrectionist Quito m. capital of republic of rebelión f rebellion, revolt, in- Ecuador surrection rebosar overflow, teem racionalista rationalistic recabar obtain by entreaty ramaf branch recatarse de scruple, shrink from, ramo ni. branch; department hesitate rango tu. rank reciamente heavily rápidamente rapidly recibir receive; meet, welcome; rápido -a rapid be the recipient of raplfla/ robbery, brigandage reciente rccent rarlñcactónf. rarefaction recinto ni. precinct, district, in- raro -a extraordinary, unusual, ex- closure ceptional recio -a strong; fierce, violent rasgo ni. dasb, stroke; deed reclamar protest; claim, de- raso -a: soldado taso a private, a mand common soldier recluslónf imprisonment ratificar ratify reclutar recruit rato m. short space of time; mal recobrar regain, resume unpleasantness; dar muy malos recomendar advise ratos a harass, pursue incessantly recomenzar begin again, recom- rayo ni. ray mence razaf tace recompensaf reward, recompense razónf reason, cause, motive recompensar reward

194 TROZOS DE HISTORIA reconcentraelón/ con centration, to intelectual pursuita; del te- centralisation fenilo año of dic sanie year reconcentrarse concentrate, center redere jd sing.pns. judit. o/referir reconciliaree con become recon- refinado -a subtle ciled with retejar reflect reconocer acknowledge; recog- retejo ni. reflection nize; reconnoiter; explore reforzar reénforce, strengthen reconocimiento m. survey,explora- refuerzo ni. reenforcement, aid don refugiado -a adj. aud u. refugee reconqulstaf reconquest refugiarse seck refuge reconstltucióuf reconatruction refugio ni. refuge reconstruir rebuild regenerador -a regenerative recopilaclónf. collection regente ni. presiding judge recordar recalE bring to mmd, re- Reñio (neil' ZnzIlla)m. town ¡u member; eu.e remember, caU to ñortbern Italy mmd, recali regidor m. aldennan recorrer travel through, traverse; régimen ni. system examine, survey reglo -a kingly, roya¡, regal recrudecerse rcnew itsclf, revive, regldn/ region, district, territory break out akain regir rute, govern recto -a upright registrar search, survey, inspect recuerda(n) jd sing. (pi.) fim. reglado -a trained, disciplined indie. of recordar reglamentar regulate recurso ni. recourse; meana, re. reglamento ni. regulation source; pi. means, funda regresar return rechazar repulse regreso ni. rcturn; de on one's red/. net; network ny back Redtng Theodore Reding(?-¡8o9), rehusar refuse Swiss general in service of Spain reliaf queen during the reinado ni. reign redondamente roundly, stoutly reinar reign; prevail reducir reduce; ea & prisión 1w- reino ni. kingdom prison ffel!nstalaciónf reinstatement reelegir reólect relitroducfr reinstate reembarcar rc€mbark re$ciónf. account; pl. (diplomatic) reemplazar replace referenclaj reference relámpago ni. flash of lightning referir relate; refer; por lo que se relativamente relatively reten al Intelectual ¡u respect relativo -. relnive, relating

VOCABULARY '95 relato m. statement, account representante ni. representative religIónf religion representar represent; picture religioso -a religious reprimir represa, check reIiqulsj relic, residue reproche ni. reproach, reproof reluciente shining; bright república f. republic; República rematado -a incorrigible, desper- Argentina Argentine Republic; ate República Bolívar name first given remate ni. knocking down to tite to Bolivia afterits independence highest bidder; en público at republicano -a republican publie auction repusieron 3dp1. pret Of reponer remedio ni. remedy reputaciónf reputation ramo m. oar; long and bard labor rescatar ransom, redeem remontar ascend, follow up reservaf. reserve (military) rendlciónj surrender reservar reserve; lay aside rendir subject, conquer, overcome; residenclaj residence, stay surrender; cuse surrender residente residing renombre ni. surname residir reside, be located renovar renew reslgnaciónf. resignation rentaf pl. income; benefices; resinaf resin revenue reslstenciaj resistance; opposi- reflidog -a hard-fougbt tion re ir quarrel; fight, contend resistir resist, hoid out; oppose, reorg nioclón ¡ reorganizing hoid one's ground; witbstand, reorganizar reorganize endure repasador -a expiatory, reparative resoluciónf resolution; detenni- reparar repair; aa55 (de) regain nation strengtb, repair resolver resolve, determine, de- repartir divide, distribute cide upon; settle, adjust repatriar return to one's country resonar resound repente: de suddenly respectivo -a respective repetir repeat respetabilidad¡ respectability repitieron jdpl. pret. of repetir respetable large, considerable repitió jd sing. pret. of repetir respetar respect, honor replegarse a fati back upon, re. respeto ni. respect; por -a out treat to of respect for, out of regard br reponerse (de) recuperate, recover respetuosamente cerernoniously, reposo ni. rest respectfufly representación f. representation, resplandor ni. splendor; bright- representative body ness, brilliancy


responder reply, anawer revolucionario -a a4?. and n. revo- respuestaj answer lutionary; revolutionist restablecer restore, retstablish revueltaf revolt, rebeuion ¡estafar stanch rey m. king; pl. king and queen; restaurar restore los —es católicos Ferdinand and restituir restore Isabella, "tite Catholic Sover- restituyó jd sing. fin!, o! restituir igns" resto nt remainder, balance, rest, Riachuelo m. (orltat.anzaa) a river rernnant in tite departnient of Buenos restricclónj restriction Aires, south oí tite city. lis restrictivo -a restrictive point of junclioti witk Me ¡'late resueltamente reaolutely it ca/lcd la Boca resuelto -a detennined rico -a rich, costly resultado m. result, consequence, rteiadaf reina effect riesgo ni. risk, peril; a de st tite resultar result risk of retaguardiaf rear-guard rIgiroeo -a strict, severe; c on- retiradaf retreat ventional retirares retire, retreat; with- rindió jd sing. ftnt. of rendir draw rlo'm. river retrasar delay Rio Janeiro (Río de Janeiro) retraso m. delay capital oí Brazil retrato m. portrait, picture rlquezaf riches, wealth retroceder fati back, retreat riquísimo -a very rich retroceso m. retrogression, retro- rivil ni. andf. rival gradation Rivera, José Fructuoso (179o(?)- r~b4x resound ¡'854) IJruguayan patriot, and reunlónj union; nteeting, gather- first president oí Uruguay (1830) ing, assenibly, asaemblage robar rob, plunder reunir unite, reunite, gatiter (to- rol1usto -a strong, robust getiter), collect, assemble; *e rocaf rock meet, gather together, assentble Rocroy ni. a town in northern revanchaf revenge France, on the Belgian frontier revelar reveal rodar rol] (down); echaran' knock reverente respectful; obsequious down, burl to tite ground revés m. reverse, disappoint- rodear surround, encircie ment rodeo ni. roundabout way, detour; revestir invest dar un take a roundabout way, revolución/ revolution make a detour


Rodil y Calloso, José Ramón saber know, know how te; be able; (1789-9)) Spanish general, com- litar; (inftnl.) learn; aceto mander of royalist forces in wit, namely Peru, during SpanishAmerican sabiamente wi8ely War for independence sabidurlaf wisdom rodilla fi knee; postrarse de as sabio -a wise, prudent; ni. noten kneel, fail en one's knees savant, learned man Rodrigo Roderick, last of tbe sablear strike at with one's Gothic kings (early eighth cen- sword Ruy) saborear enjoy, tate of (with de- rogar beg, beseech light) rojo -a red Saboyaf. Savoy Romsf. ¡tome sacar take out, draw out (from) romanCescO -a romantic sacerdote ni. priest romano m. Roman saco ni. sacking, plundering romper break; sunder; diasolve sacrificar sacrifice rompientes m.pI. breakers; white- sacrificio ni. sacrifice caps sacudir shake (off) rompimiento ni. nipture, break Sslsmancaf province of western Roosevelt, Theodore presiden Spain U. S. A., 1901-1908 salario ni. salar)', wages ropa/. clothes salidaf departure; saily rostro m. face salir come out, go out; come rublo -a blond fortb, spring, grow, proceed rucafi hut from, arise; leave, depart rudamente rudely, roughly saltar jump; a' en tierra, a' a tierra, rudo -a harsh, cruel, severe; bard- land, disembarlc fought, fierce saltear assault, attack rugir ron saludf. health ruido m. noise saludable healtbful ruina fi ruin, downfall saludar greet; a'se bow to one Ruiz y Mendoza, Jacinto (i9- another, greet one another 18o9) Spanish lieutenant, one of salva fi salute of firearms, salvo the beroes of "el Dos de Mayo" salvaciónf. salvation rumbo ni. road, route, way; bear- Salvador (el) Salvador ing, course, direction; cambiar salvadoreflo ni. inhabitant of Salva- de ce change onc's course; hacer dor, native of Salvador ~a ateer towards salvaje adj. and ni. n. savage rústico -a rustic; uncultivated salvar uve 198 TROZOS DE HISTORIA

San Agustín (Fortuguese Sio s4i Pedro town in northweatern Agostinho) St. Augustine, a Colombia cape south oí Pernambuco San Salvador city in northwest- Red, in Brazil era Salvador, capital of the San Antón name oí one oí Magel- óouay lan's ships Santa Anna, Antonio López de San Cristóbal Ecatepec town in (1795-1876) Mexican general state oí Morelos, Mexico ami politician; severa¡ times es daijaf sandal president oí the Republic San Gabriel island at tite entrance Santa Cruz hay and harbor in to tite Plate estuary Patagonia sangre f blood; bloodshed; SantaCruz:Alocaodea'(?-1573(?)) fría calmness, self-possession Spanish cosmographer; Andrés sangriento -a bloody, cruel; a' (17949)-1865) South Amen- stained with blood can patriot general; president San JuAn river oí Central Amer- oí Bolivia 1829-1839 ka, forming tite boundary be- Santa Fe town three miles south- twecn Nicaragua and Costa West oí Granada, Spain; de Rica, and serving as the outlet Bogotá cf. Bogotá to Lake Nicaragua Santa Gadea name oí a churcb San Julián St. Julian, a guiE in in Burgos Patagonia Santa Lucía a rocky hill in tite Sanlúcar: — de Barra~ pon in cerner oí tite city oí Santiago the province oí Cadiz, Spain; de Chile golfo de a' nante firat given to Santa María name oí one oí Co- tite GuIf oí Nicoya lumbus's ships San Marcial tange oí mountains Santa Maria del Antigua village in province oí Guipúzcoa,north- in Darien eastern Spain; scene oí battle Santa Marta seaport, northwest. between French aM Spanish era Colombia, on thc Car- Aug. 31, 1813 ibbean San Martin, José de ( 1 78-1850) Saistanderm.seaportonthenorth Argentine leader in tite South coast oí Spain Americanwarforindependence, Saittlago St. James tite Greater, active in Chile ami Pena the patron saint oí Spain San Miguel St. Michael, small Santiago (de Chile) capital oí hay situated on the isthmus oí Chile, near center oí country; Panama, and opening on gulf de loe Caballeros city in Gua- oí Panaina temala

VOCABU LARY LUJ saMa -a a#msda. boly, bicased; seguir follow; continue; ea Mr- uint late keep on aa - hhna aud ypn según according to, from (whst), lic in dic Weat Indica; capital a$ of dic republic, en dic south segundo -a secoS cuast of thc Island ngur"-b surely saquear nck segurldadf. security, salety sardanapuiesco -a wortby of Sar- seguro -a certain - seis ¡ix; a lea ea at aix o'clock sargento M. sergeant Selim U (1524-1574) sultan of WT'N) -a adj. asid ,s. Saneen, Turkey Moorish; Saneen, Moor eeln/ foi-est .aq4af.rriM.f. ath4acdoj .flar sea!; mark dic end of sav5nj seon, time SIGa. scsi se oiiVs idi, himself, hendí, raans ¡ week tbemselves; one anotber; one, semblante m. face, countenance people, they; (be/ore 1., lo, la, sembrado -a dotted, covered dc)rle, la, les Wat); ofien asahrar sow, scatter medas suhtilstefor ¿le panñ.v semejante such a; ea a like, simi- sea 3d sing. fins. sabj. of ser; lar to oeathatis,namcly eemejansaf. resemblance; 5-a de secdSf. section, division like, to represent secretamente aecretly, clandes- semicircular semicircular tinely, covertly eealflsf seed secreto -a furtive, stesithy; ni. ainln*rjo a. seminy non secret ni. senate sectas (pL secuaces) M. follower sencillo -a simple secundar second, uphold sensiblemente percepdbly secundarla -a secondaiy sentar seat sedición f sedition; mutiny, in- sentenciar sentence, condemn; surrection el sentenciado condemned man Segoynsia (de loe Coruejos)/ a sentido ni. scnse, respect town in dic province of Sala. sentimiento ni. feeling, senti- nunca ment; idea, opinion segregación f segregafion, sepa- sentir fe!; hear; -me conslder Tadon one's ecU, judge one's seIf seguida: enea forthwith, at once, seWf signal; sign, mark ¡mm ediately seflalar signalize, mark; indicate, seguidamente then, forthwitb designate; determine 200 TROZOS DE HISTORIA

señor m. sir, gentleman; lord; el sexo M. sez Señor tite Lord seto -a sixth separación ¡ separation; seces- si 'if; bien although sion si himself, ¿fr.; themselves; adv. separado -a separate; por - sep. indeed, be sure arately Siilliaf. Sicily separar separate; part; withdraw; Sidicf Cid se de separate from, leave; se- siempre always, ever; Mili; de cede from accustomed; una vez para eu separatista separatist once for alt septentrional northern sien fi temple septiembre rs. Septetnber sierpe fi serpcnt sepultar busy sierral. ridge or range of moun- ser be; eodebelongto tains; Siena de (la Peña de) Serena (la) city in north-central Francia cf. Pefla de Francia; Chile, near tite coast Sierra Morena cf. moreno; Siena serenidad fi serenity; calmness, Nevada çf. nevado self-possession siete seven sereno -a serene, tranquil clear sigilo M. secrecy serlef series siglo m. century; age serlo -a serious significar mean, signify Serna, José de la (1770-1832) siguen jd pl. pres. indic. of seguir Spanish general and viceroy siguiendo ftres.pafl. #f seguir of Peru siguiente foltowing servicio rs. care, service siguieran jd pl. impnf. subj. of servidumbre ¡ attendance, ser- seguir vants; service; servitude, siguieron jdpl. pret. of seguir stavery slgülese(n) jd sing. (pl.) ini/nf. servir serve; act stbj. of seguir sesenta sixty siguió jd sing. pret. of seguir aeslónf session silencio rs. silence setecientos -as seven bundred silencioso -a silent setenta seventy slmlentef. seed severo -a severe, Stern simpatlaf sympathy Sevilla fi Seville, province of simple simple southern Spain; City, capital of simplemente simply province of Seville sinultáneamente simultaneously, sevillano -a Sevilla, (native) of a the same time Seville sin without; que without

VOCABULARY 201 singladuraf a day's tun (nautical) Soconusco m. department in state singular unusual; special; strange, oí Chiapas, Mexico, on Guate- extraordinary matan frontier sino but; except; — que but socorro m. help, aid, assistance sinsabor m. discomfort sofocar choke sintiendo pres. pan. of sentir sois 2d pL pros. indic. of ser sintiese 3d sing. imperf subj. of sojuzgar subjugate, conquer sentir sol ni. sun; Puerta del Sol chicf síntoma m. symptom, sign, mdi- public square oí Madrid; templo cation del Sol Inca temple in the city sirvió jd sing. pret. of servir oí Cuzco, Peru sistema ni. system solamente only sitiador -a besieging soldado ni. soMier sitiar besiege soledadf. solitude, Ioneliness sitio m. site, seat, place, location; solemne solemn, impressive; siege; pl. land, ground formal situación situation; tocation; con- solemnemente solemnly dition solemnldadf solemnity situado -a situated solemnlslmo -a most solemn, very soberanlaf rule, sovereignty; au- solemn tocratic power, sovereign power solemnizar solemnize soberano -a adj. and n. sovereign; soler be accustomed, be wont ruler; Independiente y free and Soler, Miguel EstanIslao (1783—?) independent Argentine patriot general and sobornar bribe politician sobrar have more than enougb solicitar seek, solicit (le sobraban hombres eminentes solidezf firmness, solidity she had more titan enough solo -a single, atone; by one's eminent mci» selI; only (one) sobre on, upon; toward; about; sólo only after, in addition to; aboye soltar discharge (firearms), fire sobrenombre ni. sumame sombraf shade, shadow sobresalir be conspicuous someter subject, conquer; "se sobrevivir survive submit, yield sobrino ni. nephew somos ¡si pl. pres. indit. of ser sobrio -a sober, temperate son jdpl. pres. indie. of ser socavar undermine sondaf lead, plummet social social sondear sound sociedadf. society sonido ni. sound

202 TROZOS DE lODOSO -S sonorous, citar su*e.lvamente successively, oaar en dram of, contemplate, sucesivo -a consecutive, ncxt; en aS at a. tbereafter soplar blow S"CeIo ea. eveni, incident soportar support; suifer, endure, sucesor a. succeñor tole tate Sucre, Antonio José 4. ('793- sordo -a des!; silent; sardes agi- 1830) Venezueian patriot gen- taciones mutterings eral. Later, preaident of Bolivia surprise; sudden attack sucumbir succumb, yield; perish, sospecha fi. suspicion die sospechar suspect sud vi. south; América South sostener sustain; ben, endure; Ame rica continue, inaintain, keep up; suRsmmrlcano -a South American delend sudoeste a. soutbwester sostuvieron 3d pi. —. of sostener suegro ea. father-in4aw sostuvo 3d sing. pnt. of sostener suela. f. sole Stanhope, Jame. (1673-1721) suele jd sing. prn. indie. of soler Englisk atatesman and soldier suelo ni. ground, soil; fioor, story; Staremberg Guido Ubaldo Stab- Puerta de las Siete Suelos cnt remberg (1657-1737), Austrian gatt leading from dic Alhambra general sud count suéifo ni. sleep su his, her, ita, tbeir, your suerte fi. late, fortune; luck, good suavemente gen tly f rtune; kind, ciaBa subalterno -a adj andn. subaltern; Suz ni. Suez subalteni officer sufrimiento ni. suffering subidaf. ascent sufrir suifer; undergo, sustain; subir (a) mount, asccnd, clinib xieet with; — con suifer from súbitamente euddenly sujetar subject eublevactónf revolt, rebeuion su$to -a subjected sublevar.e revoli, risc, rebel, risc ¡uiaf sum in rebeflion snniinistrar supply, furnisb, pro- sublime sublime vide subsistir erist, subsist, last suúlsiónf. submission subyugar subdue, overcome superior superior, paxamount, suceder succeed; happen; fol- ¡reater; chief Iow; lo sucedido what had hap- superioridad fi. superiority pened eupersticiónf. superstition sucesión fi succession; issue, oil- supieron gdpl. pat. of saber spring suplicio M. execution

VOCABULARY 203 suplir supply, furnieb su a' que while, until; entre a', supo jd sine. pat. of saber mientras a', meanwhile; por lo a' suponer suppose wherefore, therefore, mi tbat supremo -a highest; supremo; pound, thereby last, final Tarapacá ni. province oí northern supusieron jdfiI. prn. of suponer Chile (since 1883) sur m. South; Américadel~ South tardar (en) delay; take (oí time); America; mardela. South Sea, noa'snnotbe long in; no tar- Paci.fic Ocean daban en disipars* loe celajes the surcar furrow, plow cloude soon vanished; lo que surgir anac tardaba en how long it took for suscitar excite, atir up tardef afternoon; adv late. suspender suspend tardo -a slow sustraerse & withdraw from, t.area/. task, work evade Tirif Berber chieftain in Moorish suyo -a bis, her, ¡te, their; oí bis, conquest oí Spain (711) etc.; el a' (la suya, etc.) bis, Tanlfa/. seaport in extreme south ben, etc.; de a' ID itself oí Spain TArlk Borbor general who took tábano m. gadfly, horse-fly pafl in the Mooriah conquest Teca (San Pedro de) province oí Spain (711) oí northern Chile (since 1883) teatro ni. thcatcr tacto ni. tact techar roof tajado -a cut, notehed; ragged, techo ni. roof rough Te Deum lau.lamus ni. Te Deum MI such,such a; cona'que pro- (hymn oí praise and tbanks- vided that; a' vez perhaps giving) Talavera (de la Relna)f. town in Tehuantapec ni. isthinus extending Estremadura betwecn the guIE oí Tehuantepec tantalio ni. size and the guIE oí Campeche, ex- también alzo treme south oí Mexico tambor ni. dnim; con a' batiente tejano ni. Texan with dnuns beating Tejas ni. Texas tampoco neitber; ni a' neither tejer weave Un so, such a; a' sólo only temer fear Unto -a as much, as man» so temerario -a rash, reckless much, so many; as, so, as well, so temerldadf temerity, rashness well; otro a' as much again, as temible dreadful, terrible, to be many again; the same, likewise; fcared


temor it,. fear ter si. purport, tenor; a '- de tempeatadf. tempeat, storni i accordance with tempestuoso -a stormy, tempestu- Tehsaquillo si. Tensaquillo oua; breezy, squaUy terkatiyaf. attempt templo m. temple; n4j Sol Inca teotla/ theory temple in the city oí Cuzco, tercer cf tercero Peni (sixteenth century) tercero -a third temporada fi. season, apeli, space terirnInsr end, terminate; reach oí time 4ompletion; terminó de equi~ temporal 'rs. stonn, tempest was finaily fitted out; ame come temprano early; mU eooner tó an end tenacidad fi. tenacity, peraistency téflnino si. tenn, period; end, tenaz stubborn, obstinate énding, conclusion; por m medio tenazmente tenaciously, stub- un an average • bornly ternura¡ tenderness tender raise (oí fireanns); stretch; terrado si. terrace • tendido -a prostrate tertaplena.r terrace, raise up Tendilla, Count oí, appointed terreno ni. land, ground, space, Christian governor oí Granada, área 1492 terrible terrible, dreadful tendría jd sing. cond. of tener territorio m. territory; region, tenebroso -a secretive, mysterious district, am tener have, hoid; defend; a terror si. terror, dread estimate, esteem; miedo be tesoro si. treasure, wealth afraid; «o Intención de intend; testigo si. witness noticia de hear of, receive testimonio si. testimony news oí; «o que have to, be tiempo si. time; term, period, obliged to; «ose keep one's self; space, while; age, era, epoch; - «ose por consider one's seIf weather; al «o que while; a un Tenerife m. the largest of che _ at once, at tIte same time Canary Islanda; town in north- tienda fi. tent en Colombia tiene 3d sing. pns. indie. q tener tengan jd fi. /res. subf of tener tiento si. touch; caution, circum- tengo ¡st sing. Pres. indic. of tener spection; •" £ «o grope in teniente si. lieutenant; deputy, the dark substitute; «o coronel lieutenant- tierno -a tender, young colon el tierra fi land; earth, ground; Tenochtltlan si. Aztec name for province, neighborhood, vicin- Mezico (city) ity, territory; Tierra Firme name


given by the first discoverers trabaf obstacle, hindrance of America' to the coasta oí trabajar work; shape, mold Colombia and Venezuela trabajo st. work, toil; pursuit, oc- tilmaUlf. square cloak worn by cupation; workmanship; hard- tite Azteca ship, difficulty, trouble; poner. tío ni. uncle ae start mining operations típico -a typical, peculiar, special, trabajoso -a arduous definite traciatani. architectural designer; tizanlaf tyranny schemer tirar fire, aint at; draw (a sword); tradiclónf tradition deal, give (a blow) tradicional traditional tiro m. shot traducir transiate, change título ni. tide, designation; claim traer bear, carry, bring tlascalteca adj. and it. Tlascalan trágico -a tragic tobillo ni. ankle traiclónf trcachery tocar touch; fail to one's lot; traidor ni. traitor play; a fondo strike bottom, traje ni. dress touch ground ftamsr batch (a plot) todavía still, yet trance st. peril, danger; a todo todo -a aH, every; everything resolutely, at any cost Toledo ni. province southwest of tranqullldadf tranquillity, peace Madrid; capital oí tite province, tranquilo -a easy, quiet, tranquil, fifty miles southwest of Madrid reassured tomaf taking; capture tranefonnaclónf. transformation tomar take, take on; receive, as- transformar transforin sume; use employ; choose, se- transportar transpon lect; capture transporte ni. transport, rapture, tonelada/ ton ecstasy;sí transpon ship topar con meet (accidentally or tras ter unexpectedly); (happen to) find trascendental transcendental, far- Torecha Indian chief, killed by reaching Balboa's men trascurrir pasa away, elapse tormenta¡ storm trasladar remove; —se move, be- tormento ni. torment take one's self tornar (a) return trasmitir transmit tonef tower trastorno ni. upheaval, disturbance torrente ni. torrent tratado ni. treaty


tratar treat; mingte witb, asaoci tropel a. confusion; en confuso ea ate with; aode (+ noun)discuss; in tumultuous disorder tzyto,attemptto; fropeliaf. atrocity, outrageous pro. twa di be a question of ceeding trato a. treatment tropezar con come across, mtet tray4e: a - de across accidentally trece thirteen boj4eso a. difficulty, hindrance tregiaj trace, respite; sin tróso a. bit, fnagment, selection constant, ceaselesa TrzjUlo a. town on Ihe uorth treinta thirty coast of Honduras; town la tremendo -a dreadful, horrible ñorthwestern Venezuela; sea- tremolar flutter pon town in northen Pena tite three; a las — at three o'clock tumba ¡ tomb; e» 'üar su — trescientos -as three huncired meet one's death trlbu/ tilbe tumulto a. tumult tributar¡¡-a adj. ¡md u. tributary; turba/ crowd, rabble vassal turbado -a cloudy, overcast tributo a. tribute turbar disturb, alaria trigo m. wheat tuco -a a41. andn. Tunlcish; Turk trinchera ¡ trench, intrencb- turqueaaf turquoise ment tutelaje a. wardship, tutelage Trinidad!. Trinity, name of one tutelar tutelar of Magellan's ahipe teiieron jdftLpret o/tener trlpulaciónj crew tulne imft. subj. ni or jd sing triste sad tener -áf trlstezaf. sadneu tuvo jd sing. ini. -,f trinnfsl triumphal, triumphant tuyo -a thine triunfante victorious triunfar triumph Ulises t.flysses triunfo m. triumph,victory;Trlunfo ulterior ulterior de la Cruz town forme ny situated último -a last; latest, most recent; on the north coast of Honduras, lo »'the las; theend; porea fourteen leagues east of Puerto finaily Caballos ultramara. en —beyond the sea, tnmpstaf trumpet acroas the waters (inri usa it, tronco a. trunk (of a tree) sfteaksng of Asnn*a) trono a. throne

VOCABULARV 207 único-a only; unique, unparalleled heid prisoner by Napoleon at uniformo uniform Talleyrand's chSteau at Valen- unión /. union; en al do togetiter çay, 1808-1814, and retened by with treaty of Valençay, Marcb 13, unir unite, join, bind 1824 universal universal Valencia /. province of eastern uno -e a,an; one;pLsomc;aly Spain on tite Mediterranean; otro both; guenas de unas con capital of tite province tu wars among thernselvea valer cnn, win; yield, produce; VraM m. region on coast of Co- ni. nosni wortb; aloe do make lombia, just cnt of tite lsthmus use of urna/ ura valerceamento courageously, val- Úrsuia (Santa) ChSüan inartyr orously, valiantly (third or fourth century) valeroso -a brave, valían coma- Uruguay (el) Uruguay geous tui (de) use, exercise, make use valldesf validity of valiente brave usurpaclónf usurpation valor ni. bravery, valor, co~, utilizar utilize, take advantage daring, fortitude; worth, stand- of ing; importance, value Utrecht ni. a dty in tite Netiter- Valparaíso ni. aeaport town on landa. By dic treaty of Utrecht, tite Pacffic, sorne sixty-slx miles Philip Y was recognized king northwest of Santiago of Spain (1713) valle ni. valley VAM*Mm. Vandal va jdsing.PM- indie. o/fr vanguardla/. vanguard Vacas (las) an affiuent of tite Pinte, v.nIAsA / vanity, vain pande, in Uruguay ostentation vacilar hesitate vano -a vain, futile; st nao in vain Valderrábano, Andrt do roya¡ vapor ni. steamship acribe and member of Balboa's Tar&/. rod party in tite discovery of tite varlaclónf change Pacific vario -a various, different ; pi. sev. Valdivia, Pedro de (1498Q)-1554) eral, sorne Spanish conqueror of Chile vasallo ni. vansal, subject Valdlria/. city in aoutbern Chile Taso ni. vessel; vase Valencev m. Valençay, town in vasto -a vast, extensive, immense

208 TROZOS DE HISTORIA vega an open plain, a tract )f venida/. coming, approach leve¡ and open ground; la Ve1 a venir come; aoa (+ mf) succeed tite Vega, tite fertile lowlancis in; happen, chance; —amenos west of the city of Granada deteriorate, fail off Vega Carpio, Lope Félix de (1 ventaja/ advantage 1635) Spanish poet and dram.a- ventajoso -a advantageous, profit- tist able vegetaclónj vegetation veitanaf window vela(ee) gi/sing. imper/. indic. o/VI r venturaf luck, fortune veinte twenty ver' see, witness, perceive; find veintiocho twenty-eight out, discover; realize; de try, veintisiete twenty-seven ittempt; ame find one's self (in vela /. watch, vigil; sail; cargtr i state or condition); be vis- las a5 clew up the sails; darel ible; be obvious, be evident • la a.' set sail; torre de la Velat Veracruz f. pon on the gulf of • tower of Dic Alhambra Mexico Velarde, Pedro (1779-1808) Spait. Veragna / tbat pan of Tierra ish soMier, one of tite heroes c Firme northwest of tite Gulf el Pos de Mayo" of Panama - Velázquez, Diego de Spanisli verano m. summer soldier, conqueror of CubaCuba verdadero -a real, true ( 1 465( 1 458)- 1 522 ( 1 523» verde green velocidadf velocity, speed, fieeit. ver ugo ni. executioner, hang- ness vencedor -a victorious; in. nou it veigotosamente shamefully victor, conqueror vergonzoso -a shameful, disgrace. vencer conquer, overcome, defea Lt fui vendar bandage veruinzaf. shame Veneclaj Venice verificaree take place Venegas, Francisco Javier Spar - veS -a real, trise; provincia de ¡sh general, viceroy of Mnico Vera Paz name given to pan (1810-181 1) df Guatemala after its conver- veneno m. poison Mon ro Christianity by Las venezolano -a Venezuelan, ci Casas Venezuela verter spill, shed Venezuela/. Venezuela vestir clothe, dress; put on ventador ni. avenrer vetsrsnn ni. veteran


more and more; en e de jy- viniera jd sing. imfterf. .subj. of stead of;otra again; tal venir perhaps; una — once vinieron jdfi. pret. of venir vlaf road, route; way, meana; vino jd sin1. prel. of venir pasar a -'o de hecho pass into vino m. wine action Viña del Mar ¡ a suburb of Val- viajar travel paraiso, Chile viaje m. trip, voyage, journey; violaclónf. violation passage violenciaf vioience vicepresidente m. vice.president violento -a violent; rapid, pre- vicio in. vice ci pitous vfctinsaf. victim virar turu, veer; GO de flhlubo tUfll victoriaf. victory, triumph back, change one's course Victoriaf. Victory, name of one virgen adj. andf. n. virgin; cabo de of Magellan's ships las Virgenes Cape of tIte Eleven victoriosamente successfully Thousand Virgins (at tite east victorioso -a victorious entrance to the strait of Magel- vidaf ii.fe lan); casa de las Virgenes an viejo -a oid Inca nunneiy in the city of viento m. wind, breeze Cuzco, Peru Vigo m, seaport town in Galicia virreinato m. viceroyalty vigoroso -a vigorous, active; n virrey ni. viceroy empuje with might and main virtud f. virtue; en GO de in vir- viUaf town tue of Villaviciosa ¡ Villa Viçosa, town visigodo -a Vis igothic; ni. naun in eastern Portugal, wcst of Visigoth Spanish province of Badajoz visitaf visit (near this town the Portuguese visitar visit defeated the Spaniards in 1665); vistaf sight, vision; view; ala~ Viitaviciosa, town in province of de within sight of; at the sight Guadalajara, Spain (in 1710 tite of; perder de GO lose sight of; Spaniards defeated the Austri- tenerla '- descubierta bave one's ans here in a battie which gaye eyes uncovered Philip y definite possession of visto frasi pafl. of ver the throne of Spain) vistoso -a gay, briliiant Villeroy François de Neufville, vitalicio -a holding office for life duke of Vifleroi and marshal vitorear cheer, applaud 210 TROZOS DE HISTORIA

town, onJune 21, 1813,a victor3r WAiker William Walker, American was gained over dic French by adventurer (1824-1860) the Spanish and their alIjes Wáshington rs. Washington vituafla f. victuals, food, pro WéUesley Arthur Wellesley(z 769- visiona i82), dulce oí Wellington, viudaf. widow fainous English general viva m. cheer, hurrah; long Uve Wéllington Wellington víveres rs. pl. supplies, provisions Witlxa Gothic king, deposed by vivienda/ home, dwelling Roderick (early eighth century) vivir Uve WiUsanom. partisanol Witiza vivo -a sharp, intense; alive; y ad deep (oí sorrow) 1 ya volar fly p1ready; flow; c, no, no. . vOIcAn rs. volcano no more, no longer; now... now voluntad / will; choice; de buena - with a good pace, will- Yeroe, Fulgencio Paraguayan cloneI, consul with Francia ingly 1 volver tun, return; -'a (+ ¿nf.) (1 again (i. e. volviendo a subir yendo gerundof Ir moundng again) yesa/ tinder voz you yo; YungaS rs. vosotros ye, you town in western Peru, votación /. voting itt department oí Ancachs, nortb voto rs. supplication to God; vote oí Lima voy ¡si singt pta. indic. o/ Ir Zaragoza f Saragossa, city in voz (pL vocee)/.voice; -'demando northeastern Spain, capital of command, order province oí nme name vuelta/. return; dar la rcturn; zarpar set sail dar la a circumnavigate Zipa M. Zipa vuestro -a your zou*f zone, region vulgo M. populace zozobrar sink, founder, capsize