One Hundred Fifty Years of Organized Health Care Services in Bosnia and Herzegovina REVIEW One Hundred Fifty Years of Organized doi: 10.5455/medarh.2018.72.374-388 MED ARCH. 2018 OCT; 72(5): 374-388 Health Care Services in Bosnia and RECEIVED: SEP 05, 2018 | ACCEPTED: OCT 15, 2018 Herzegovina Izet Masic Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ABSTRACT Corresponding author: prof Izet Masic, MD, Introduction: Austro-Hungarian monarchy had great impact on healthcare system in Bosnia PhD, FEFMI, FACMI, FIAHSI. Academy of and Herzegovina (B&H), and consequences of that exist today. Aim: To launch of the section Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina. „The Most Influential Physicians in the Development of Health Care in Bosnia and Herzegovi- Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. ORCID ID: na“, in which, within next issues of the Medical Archives will be presented the prominent phy- sicians, dentists and pharmacists who gave contribution to development of healthcare system E-mail:
[email protected] in B&H. Results: This paper provides a full overview from the literature about health care cir- cumstances during 150 years in Bosnia and Herzegovina and important of the role health care institutions and of all the doctors working in B&H during the Austro-Hungarian administration. To some of them is devoted more attention in the texts about their life and work and their contribution to the development of the health service in B&H. Also, author gave description of the others, except for the medical activities who have contributed to our homeland, such as Dr.