RPP Packet Attachments
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Sacramento Area 1415 L Street, tel: 916.321.9000 Suite 300 fax: 916.321.9551 Council of Sacramento, CA tdd: 916.321.9550 Governments 95814 www.sacog.org Regional Planning Partnership Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. SACOG Rivers Room, 1415 L Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA Meeting Information: https://www.gotomeet.me/GoToMeetingSACOG1 You can also dial in using your phone: Dial-in #: 877-568-4106 Access Code: 732-591-877 The purpose of the Partnership is to assist SACOG with its transportation and air quality planning and programming processes, with an emphasis on technical issues, by providing consultation with a broad range of public and private constituencies. It also provides a forum for local agencies in the region’s transportation and land use industry to contribute to the policy-making and fund programming activities of SACOG, and to improve coordination within the region. The Regional Planning Partnership (RPP) consists of the five local air districts, representatives of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), California Air Resources Board (ARB), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and state and local transportation agencies. The RPP meets bimonthly. Each RPP meeting is open to the public and held at the SACOG offices. 1. Introductions (Renée DeVere-Oki, 5 minutes) o Welcome o What is the RPP? o Introductions in room, phone, computer. Please enter your name upon logging in. 2. The SACOG Regional Agencies Partnership Update o Updates from Staff (12 minutes) . Topics in Transit – (Barbara VaughanBechtold, 5 minutes) Update on any current topics in transit and SACOG’s Transit Coordinating Committee. i. Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearings - https://www.sacog.org/unmet-transit-needs ii. Next Generation RFQ . SACOG Events – (Alastair Paulin, 3 minutes) Update on SACOG future events. Safety Performance Target Update – (Sam Shelton, 3 minutes). Update on SACOG current activities. Sacramento Area 1415 L Street, tel: 916.321.9000 Suite 300 fax: 916.321.9551 Council of Sacramento, CA tdd: 916.321.9550 Governments 95814 www.sacog.org . Project Delivery Update – (José Luis Cáceres, 3 minutes) Update on project delivery in the SACOG region. o Updates from Membership (5-10 minutes) . Please feel free to share updates relevant to the region during this time. Limit yourself to two minutes. 3. 2020 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy and Associated Document Schedule as Related to the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule (Clint Holtzen, 10 minutes). SACOG released the Draft 2020 MTP/SCS, Draft EIR on the Draft 2020 MTP/SCS, Associated Conformity Analysis, and MTIP Amendment #18 for public review and comment on September 23rd. The public comment period closes on November 7th. SACOG is proposing to act on these documents as soon as November 18th. A presentation on next steps will be made to the group. 4. Consensus Action on the Conformity Analysis for the Draft 2020 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy and MTIP #18. (Renée DeVere-Oki/ José Luis Cáceres, 10 minutes) The RPP took consensus action on the conformity assumptions to be used for the Draft 2020 MTP/SCS in January 2019. SACOG released Conformity Analysis on September 23, 2019. The RPP will provide consensus on moving the analysis forward in the SACOG approval process. The documents can be found at the following locations on the SACOG website: SACOG MTP/SCS; SACOG MTIP; SACOG Conformity. 5. Sacramento Region Parks and Trails Strategic Development Plan Launch – (Victoria Cacciatore, 10 minutes). Please see October Transportation Committee Item 7. 6. Upcoming Board Public Hearing on Draft Regional Housing Needs Allocation Methodology Menu (Greg Chew/Dov Kadin, 10 minutes). The SACOG Board of Directors will hold a public hearing at its October 31 meeting for public testimony on the four draft Regional Housing Needs (RHNA) methodology options that were released for comment on September 19. Please see LUNR item 5. 7. Other Matters 8. Adjournment The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December TBD, 2019, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. ◄ Indicates Action This agenda and attachments are available on SACOG’s website at www.sacog.org. SACOG is accessible to the disabled. As required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Federal Rules and Regulations adopted in implementation thereof, a person who requires a modification or accommodation, auxiliary aids or services in order to participate in a public meeting, including receiving this agenda and attachments in an Sacramento Area 1415 L Street, tel: 916.321.9000 Suite 300 fax: 916.321.9551 Council of Sacramento, CA tdd: 916.321.9550 Governments 95814 www.sacog.org alternative format, should contact SACOG by phone at 916-321-9000, e-mail ([email protected]) or in person as soon as possible and preferably at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Parking is available at 15th and K Streets. 1 Contents Chapter 1: The Promise and Peril of 2040 ...................................................................................................... 6 The Sacramento region needs to be bold and intentional in its planning to ensure success in a rapidly arriving future. .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Our optimistic vision is not risk-free. .............................................................................................................. 9 Chapter 2: What is the MTP/SCS? ................................................................................................................ 10 A transportation and land use strategy to support an economically prosperous region ................................. 10 Who is SACOG? ............................................................................................................................................. 10 The MTP/SCS must address state and federal requirements ....................................................................... 12 Chapter 3: The Sacramento region in the year 2040 ..................................................................................... 15 What is the future we’re planning for? People, places, and travel in the year 2040 ....................................... 15 PEOPLE .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 The region’s economy and population will continue to grow. ..................................................................... 15 Our population will be older than in 2020. .................................................................................................. 16 We will continue to become more ethnically and racially diverse. .............................................................. 16 This older, more diverse population will have different housing needs and desires than today’s population. ................................................................................................................................................... 17 The region will have more jobs, more diversity of industries, and less reliance on the government sector. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19 PLACES .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 The region will have to develop more compactly over the next 20 years. .................................................. 20 TRAVEL .......................................................................................................................................................... 21 People will have better access to jobs, make shorter trips, and more options to avoid heavy congestion.21 The region will have a safer transportation system that’s in better shape. ................................................. 21 The region will have cleaner air. ................................................................................................................... 22 What will we have done to get to our brighter future? ................................................................................... 23 PEOPLE .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 To ensure better opportunities for workers, we will support growth in these tradable industries — agriculture, food, manufacturing, life sciences, and innovative mobility. ................................................... 23 We will ensure everyone benefits from the expanded range of travel options........................................... 24 2 PLACES .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 The public and private sectors will work in partnership to build more types of housing for today’s and tomorrow’s households................................................................................................................................ 25 Regional growth will be focused on existing cities and suburbs. ................................................................. 27 We will have re-imagined