VOL. 2 • NUM 4 www.LaPrensaTEXAS.com 27 de Enero de 2019 Poverty in San Antonio Let’s Talk About the Cover San Antonio Ramsey Muniz Kenney’s Food About it... Artist: Jobs, Income Released from Store Hispanic Identity Ana Fernandez and Poverty Prison By Yvette Tello By Dr. Ricardo Romo By Dr. Ricardo Romo By Charles Jones By Isa Fernández 2 La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO 27 de Enero de 2019 This grass roots publication is the life Let’s Talk About it... source for a community that is not easily afforded viable access to diverse and ac- cessible media. San Antonio and the sur- Hispanic Identity rounding counties have become accustomed By Yvette Tello Mexico. So I’m of Hispanic are considered White. Anthony L. Green: to relevant news brought to them in both English and Spanish since 1913. In a conversation recently, descent.” Many Mexican last names “They say the same thing I mentioned how when I are of Spanish origin and about us!! We are to strong Steve A Duran Sr. CEO/Publisher was in elementary school, Barbara Ann Mendoza maybe that’s why “they” when we unite and are work-
[email protected] I was a Mexican American. Mead: have lumped all Latino ing together!! We are not Af- Ramon Chapa Jr. Somewhere along the way, “I’m an American of Mexi- Americans under that eth- rican Americans we are just Co-Publisher
[email protected] I became “Hispanic.” I am can descent which includes a nicity. It would not be the blacks now.