Opinion Vs William B
/•/ Pog«2, Thursday, F0bruarY9, 1984, Th»H*adllght \y^., rhursdoy, February 9, IM4, Thm HmadH^t. fagm 3 YOUR VOTE COUNTS Colorado County Courthouse Report DISTRICT COURT 31,^ Columbua, «nd Patricia SUrrSFlLED Gift Cowart CoTiatructi»» a Eitata^ Mortimer G. Jean Mohon Jacobe, '28, Obenhaus, Jr. et ux'to Company to Le«H« '.] Helen M. Hattermann Columbus; 2-1-84. M-tJu" ^'- -Deceased —ONLY IF YOU ARE REGISTERED AND VOTE!! — 'JBeinhauer vs. Albert J. Richard R Obenhaua, un Weishuhn ^t ux. 1.900 M"'ldt R. Sullivan Be Our Jon Luther Knight, 28, Beinhauer; divorce; 127-84. divided interest to-wit, 100 acres, James Cummins Executor to Mitchell Schulenburg. and Deborah acres, John Hadden Survey. 1-17-84 «''"•'•» Corporation, 160 Ruby Lee (Becky) Pauline McGinty. 25. *"«. W. S. Delaney REGISTER BY MARCH 8lh - Voter Reglslrallon Foims Available at the Firet National Bank Wilburn ^d husband vs Survey. 1-17-84 Deed. Lillian Guinn «t al Schulenburg; 2-2-84. Gift deed, Gus F. to Delores Hartfiel Survey. 1M« VALENTINE General Motors Corp.; per MEMBER 1984 NEWS DEADLINE Micliael Switalski, 31. Obenhaua Jr. et ux to Mary Dabelgott,et al. 8 acres. H. Josephine Stanton sonal injikies; 1-27-84. .Weimar, and Patricia P. This opiaion page it meant to be a iharing of ideas, not Jast the Ellen Obenhaua Bolton, un M. McElroy Survey. 9*83 Sterb. to MitcheU"tnergy •^^/f^ 5 P.M. MONDAY Thea W^eks vs Thom Piper, 26, Weimar; 2-2-84. writer's views. It's objective is to stimulate thought* of readers divided interest to-wit, Deed.
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