Population 673,469 Population Density 1,598/Square Km Public
Norway Oslo Key information City background Current bus fleet 1,150 buses No. of stops Not available Population Diesel, biogas, biodiesel, hydrogen, Current type of fleet battery-electric 673,469 Ridership 168 million passengers (2018) Mobile ticketing (through the Ruter Population density Fare system Billett app) and paper tickets 1,598/square km The RuterReise app allows passengers to Technology (mobile plan trips and check real-time arrival and applications) Public transport modes departure information. Tram, bus, metro, train, Industry Structure ferry Ruter AS Manages public transportation in Oslo and Akershus. It is owned by Oslo municipality (60%) and Akershus municipality *40%) No. of passengers cars and vans per 1,000 inhabitants* Operators of bus services 547 Unibuss Nettbuss Average annual Nobina Norgesbuss AS No. of electric cars per household 1,000 inhabitants* income (EUR) Ruter has 23 contracts with bus operators 37 37,465 *Note – Data is for 2017 @Global Mass Transit Research Oslo Norway Currently, diesel buses are the dominant mode of transport Modal split in Oslo Distribution of modes by public transport in Oslo Car Boat 33% 1% Train Public 20% Bus transport 42% Walking 32% Tram 7% 10% Metro Bike 27% 28% Oslo’s bus fleet has decreased from 1,162 buses in 2014 to 1,150 in 2018 Decline in Oslo’s bus fleet Oslo’s current bus fleet by type 886 diesel buses 1,164 1,162 1,162 Electric 1% 1,160 5 hydrogen buses 1,158 Other 1,156 22% 1,154 6 battery electric buses Diesel 1,152 1,150 Bus fleetsize Bus 1,150 77% 1,148 Remaining
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