I-.-- v^', ; ^ . '.- . ■• ..v' .

■■ ■ ■■ • ^ . : ' ■• - y>' asw s?^ Jbgr D ^ n e t p r e s s r u n a v e r a g e 'DAILT caROUIiATION for the Month of ApfU» IWO PUrnaiMN^i^ t o n i i ^ : 5,527 :i1uiTiiiBy fair |wt Bem benlot tlie AnOlt Bureau of Otrenlatloaa____ SaXTBEN,PAGES PIUCBTHRBB SOIJ^ft MANCHBST®Ri' CONN., WEDNESDAY,^^Y 21, 1930. (C^awrified AdvertiBlng on Page 14) VOL. XUV., NO. 198. AFTER FATAL TRAIN WRECK DAVIS STILL LEA ALL IS WELL ON ZEP / / * ih FLYING SOUTHWARD ‘ / f i :A' 'M Passes Oyer Canary Islands BRITAIN TO CALL Service C l^ Reports Secretary of Labor Early Today and Points GANDHI TO PARLEY (K $917 Last N i^ MISS ( K Y a g a in More Votes Than Gnmiy Toward Eqnator; Is Aver­ Compedtien Among .Can­ and BoUen C o m b in e d ^ aging Fifty Miles an Honr. London Report Says Nego­ vassers Notd. AiiiuMiiicement 9 m W3I Ron ReptAEcan Momnathii •t tiations Have Been Start­ Although General Chairman LOG OF THE GRAF ZEP. Arthur A. Knofla is a member of the Klwanls Ouh, he was very en- for Assmnbly Made at for U. S. Senator^ow n By Associated Press. ed to End Indian Trouble. All tiroes are Eastern Stand- thiisiastic in his w or^ of . praise to­ day for the work the lion’s club Is Lea£ag Rndot by London, May .— (AP)—Reports Women Voters Meeting. ^^Sunday: 11:18 a. 21 has done during the flrat two Friedrichshafen for Seville, of British negotiations with Mahat­ days of the Memorial Hospital cam­ 4 3 ,2 2 9 in Race f,or Gor- ma Gand> for settlement of trou­ paign for 836,000. In making his re­ port this morning, of the winners of Annouiicement .wiui made yester- ^^£nday: 12:40 p. m.—Arrive bles in India due to salt raiding, to­ Seville. _ the two contests which were In diiy afternoon at the regular meet­ em or. Tuesday: 3:30 a. ro.—Left se- day persisted in London. operation for the first two days of ing ^ the Manchester League of viUe for Perarobuco. - Although lacking official stamp, Pennsylvania railroad locomotive is shown here as it Iroked the drive, ending last night, Mr. Women Voters held in the Hotel 5:30 a. ro., passed over Cadiz, ^ the reports said the government Knocked far off i£s rails and overturned, a Knofla said he wau5 delighted with Philadelphia, May, 21.—(.AP)-^ theuic splendid spirit__ of______competitionSheridan that Miss Marjorie Cheney, Spain and out to sea. j •was very anxious for such a move. _after___ r itsite collision with^th a work trainteata_at at ^a^^,^P^^ mjS^ Secretary of Labor James J. Davis Wednesday. | It was said that satisfactory de­ passenger train toward Reading, was and (Mithusiasm'iWith which the repres^tative from ManchMter in 12:24 a, m. sighted by S. S.: velopments would lead to persuasion varioxis teams went about their toe Genial Assembly wotfld again received more votes than 8dl his of the Mahatma to come to London work. Chairman Knofla reported the be a candidate for toe nomination. opponents combined for the RepuJ>- Segura at sea. t «= ' BED ^ R ENGINEER 10 a. m., passed over Las for the October round table confer­ Lions team 8un toe high twm for the Mrs. Stephen Hale, president of toe lican nomination for United States IN THIS l o c o m o t i v e Palmas, Canary I^laiwfe. | ence. total report of dollars, their returns local League was authorized^ to Senator in imofficial returns from 11 a. m., saw Teneriffe, Can­ Gossiped as a possibility from up to toe closing of toe contest Twaifft toe annoimcement for Miss DRY LEAGUE TO BACK New York, May 21.— (A P )—A period on Tuesday night being Cheney. The decision was greeted, ary Islsuids from air, but passed ^ time to time the subject came to locomotive with a compartment to eastward. ^ the fore today following official $917.00. Mr. Knofla said there were •with hearty af>plause from toe wom­ 12:20 a. m.—Sighted by j notification of the arrest of Mrs. In the rear of the tender contain­ two other teams that he eonsidered en- present. steamer Carnarvon CasUe south- , Saorjini Naidu for leading a salt fort in new jersey ing a bed, electric fan smd other worthy ofhaving 'Guest Speaker east Canary Islands. ^ i raid at Dharamana. comforts for the engineer,, has made iai very good shpwing for toe Mrs. Rachael, Conrad Nason of 3:20 a. m.—Reported 500 miles The Daily Mall’s Bombay cor­ made its appeatsmee on the New territory they had, these being Jphn Hsurtford, chhimiSJi o f toe executive northeast Cape Verde Islands by respondent yesterday cabled the York Central rsdlroad. The Sadler’s atnd Mrs. Stephen C. Hale’s committee of toe CoimecUcut British steamer Accra. suggestion that the British govern­ engine wsis built for the Timken teams. '■ Couhcil of International R a ­ 8 a. m. (E. S. T.) nearing ment actually had opened imofficial McBride Says He Agrees S E E a MACNIDER Roller Bearing Company at a Other Contest tions, was toe guest speaker at toe Cape Verde Islands. ______negotiations with Gandhi, basing his cost of about ?150,000 to test the The second half of toe competi-. meeting which was held at toe report upon “the activities of an With Candidate Bat usfe of roller bearings on the tion, being the team reporting toe Hotel Sheridan, It was preceded by TTingUwh labor newspaper’s corres­ FORGANADAPOST driving wheels which are sub­ greatest number p£ successfid calls, a delightful limcheqn served at one By Associated Press. pondent now in Bombay," who, ac­ jected to great strain. After a was won by Mark Holmes team No, o'clock by the , Mrs. lUiza- The Graf Zeppelin passed the cording to the Daily Mail’s repre­ Dodges Home Brew Issue; period in freight service on thfe 6 of Division 2, having reported 93 beto Costelo. The floral decorations sentative, saw, the Mahatma last New York Central, it will be sent were spring-like and beautiful and Canary islands today and inosed percent of their total district being week and laid several proposals be­ to other lines. successful calls* toe menu was one calculated to ap­ steadily southwest in a line almost fore him which Gandhi, it was said, RockefeDers’ Gifts. Former Head of American As a reward each of toe wixmlng peal to toe taate of discrlminatog parallel with the African coast to­ asked for time to consider. teams will be cre

$ S Zr *f> r f •■•S .

MANCUBSTER BVENfmO HBRAU), SOUTH MANCHBSTBRi OONN h WBPNESDAY, MAY 21, i m >AGBTWO HIGHWAY TO BOLTON DEATHS SUNNY! h U O N SL^IN G National Guard IS MOW COM nnED N M l T i Frederlok W. Snow. Notes V Frederick W. Snow, » long-timo TEAM IN DRIVE Ccmcr«tc Rpadway N ow A ll resident of Manchester, died Mon­ Junior Kihg*s DaugHieiSi^ Being Used fdr Firit Tfane; day night a t the' Old People’s home, To Present Pti^raai r G. Company held its regutar w«ek- Is Big Improvement. 36 Jefferson street, Hartford, where ond Congregational ; FOR HOSPITAL ly Monday night conidsting of he had lived for the past few years. prelimina^ training in marksman­ The newly constructed cement During the greater part of this Suzayslde Circle of Junl9r Xteg** K time he has beeh in frai^ health. Daughters whifih was orgaidaed (Gontlnued from Page 1.) ship. It is expected that the com­ highway from v Manchester Gfoch pany ■will soon do its tour of range to B(rfton Notch was opened tSf t r i ­ Mr. Snow was born in Westches­ about a year ago, will n^ve ap' practice. After the drill a special fle over the entire distance for the ter in 1850, the son of Azee G. tertaininent tomorrow''eveping at g - butiona to date wbo have uot been meeting was held in the Company first time during the past week-end Snow and Ehasabeth Wethereil o’clock in the Second Cong^gation- previously acknowledged:— rooms at which Important business al church vestry, trhlchrall are and hundreds of motorists are com­ Snow. His parents moved to Man­ cordially invited without admission E. B. Ifilliard Co...... I 500.00 was traxisacted. menting today on the marked im­ chester at the outbreak of the Captain Charles Sargent, regular fee. E. E: HllUard...... 600.00 provement which the chan^ has Union War and the elder Snow en­ The program, will open ^ t h th e ' Alice W. Hilliard ---- 600.00 army, initructor attachi^ to the brought about. . listed in the service. Old residents Connecticut National Guard was Sunnyside song by tl>i drble. Etther Mr. and Mrs. W. S.'ifyde .. 100.00 The stretch from Boland s Cor­ of thls’^town tell of the great flood Wells will play a piano solo. The Edward. J.'JIoll 100.00 present during the Companys drill ner to the foot of Nigger Hm, was of------1870------when “Union------Wlage’’__ in the Robin’s Return; Miurjorle; Brown, Mr.^R. LaM. R ussell...... 60.00 period. He expressed himself as be­ the last to be opened although most northern part of the town was in The Dear Little Goose; Geraldine Wm.. Rublnow ...... 40.00 ing pleased with the company’s pro­ of this strip of hli^w i^ has been ------Tenney and Betty Park, jdano duet Lucius Plnney ...... 40.00 gress in marksmanship and expects ready, for several months. The t) good scores to he made when the March nrom Norma; Dorothy Wal­ M. Clarke Terrill and Miss reason-for the delay was due to a ton, reading! Jane Harris, song. Edna Terrill ...... 30.00 company goes on. the range; A number of local boys who have short stretch of quicksand which Sunbeams; “Poor Polly,, a playlet, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tinker had to be passed oyer. -This re­ will be given by the following girls: \ Jr...... N ...... 26.00 been accepted for C. M. T. C. train­ ing were on hand for their weekly quired several traprock fillings and Catherine Fike, Marjortt Brown, Dr. an4 Mrs. E. C. Hig­ while perfectly safe now for travel, Beatrice Juul, Lois Tracy, Jane gins ...... 25.00 diW' and were put in charge of Harris, Betty Park, Geraldine Ten­ 25.00 Coiporal Pagani. Corporal- Psganl tiie state highway -deparUnent has Howard Boyd, M. D ...... decided not to put a coating of ce­ ney. 'Vocal duet, 'When TWUlght 1^1. A. Burr 24. D...... 26.00 ' is very adept at handling recruits Weaves, Esther Wells, Lucile 1’. T. Bllsh ...... 26.00 and has made himself very popular ment for' few . that a slight addi­ tional drop would cause the surface Brown; playlet, “The Qrlginial .iPen,’’ D. M. Caldwell ...... 25.00 with the C. M. T. C. men. When aho'wlng the original of the King’s i E’. C. P ack ard '...... 26.00 these men report at'camps to which to crack. It has been topped vrtth Daughters-, Alma Bailey, Bernice ;! : and Mrs. W. W. Harris 20.00 they have been assigned, it will be macadam temporarily.: Pohlman, Dorothy Walton, Dolrothy T 'v. and Mrs. G. 'W. Strant 20.00 an agreeable' surprise to their in­ The comor of the new highway Marks, Catherine Wal'worth, Emma i-. and Mrs. N. Marlow .. 20.00 structors to learn that they have a t Manchester. Green has been Smith, Barbara Fish, Dorothy Post :i:-. and Mrs. Carl Bengs.. 15.00 already had efficient training. Cap­ opened for more than a week after Catherine Tracy,. Dorothy Ridey. Qlciinoys C lothiers...... 15.00 tain Idc'Veigh cordially Invites all being closed for many months un­ The program will close with a semg H. R. Mallory ...... 16.00 C. M. T. C. candidates to come to der repair. Previous)^ -automobiles by the circle, Glory to God. An of­ John Wright ...... 10.00 the Armory ^on Monday nights and had been forced to detour to the fering will be received. Samuel M. A lvord...... 10.00 receive this preliminary training. left aroimd the square at the Green Suimyside Circle which had only Frank Taylor...... 10.00 G. Company and the Howltxer over « rough and narrow roadway nine members when organized, now O Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pattison 10.00 Company will assemble Sunday -vehihh a t one i>olnt- cut onto the has a membership of 21. Miss Alma i 54Zr Mrs. Ina C. Bunce ...... 10.00 mon^ng at 10 o’clock and march sidewalk. Work was expected to he Bailey la leader and Miss Ethel Ush. J. S. Neill ...... 10.00 from the Armory to the North completed today on macadamizing senior ad'viBor. L. M. Foster ...... 10.00 Metho(Jist church where a. Me- the stretch in' front of the Green A. F. Howes ...... 10.00 morial service will be held in- honor store. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hatha­ of those who have served and pass­ PICK BETTER HOMES way ...... 10.00 ed on to-their-etemal rest. This is a M. E. Moriarity, M. D.' . .. 10.00 regular assembly for beth com­ Frederick W. Snow. Robinson Auto Supply Co. 10.00 panies. -As this is a church service ALL WELL ON ZEP CONTEST WINNERS Fradin’s Dry Goods Co. .. 10.00 no arms will be carried. danger of being Inundated. The James A. Turnbull 10.00 Sergt. Arthur Jobert of New Bri­ FLYING SOUTHWARD Herald carried a feature story sev­ Joseph Albiston...... - 10.00 tain, formerlyresident of South eral years ago describing Mr. Miss Alice Aitken Captures Leland T. Wood 10.00 Manchester, and a former, member Snow’s experiences when as a First Place With 220 Essay­ CLEANSLATE John Hackett . . 10.00 of G Company, was a ■irtsltof in ^ (Oopttaiiied fram rage 1.) young clerk in the bid Union store ists Competing. TO CLEAN THE SLATE IS OUR OBJECTIVE John E. Dougan 10.00 town over the past week-end. near the gingham mills flourishing I- Grace E. Hayes...... 5.00 Arthur is in I. Company, to which hour toward her -destination, Per­ at that timCk he attempted to save Announcement was. made, today We have reduced every item, except Blue Serge Suits, to such Arthur R. Wilkie ... 6.00 Captain Hawley has been recently nambuco,' Brazil. :, •, ' -the houseliold belongings from the of the prize winners : in ^ Better Arvid H. Seaburg .., 5.00 transferred. Naturally, he is glad to flood and nearly perishbd in the at­ Homes essay contest conducted a point that it will pay you to come in. We list some of the val­ W. A. H offm an...... 5.00 be with his old C. O. aigaiii, v AFTERNO<»f BBPOR'R tempt. Climbing a tree which of­ aunong the freshman class at Man­ Carlos S. Holcomb .. 5.00 Private George Rlsley who hw Friedrichi*afen, Germany, May fered tfie only chance of escape, Mr. chester High school in connecUdU ue^ there are more values in thestore-our advice is Take Ad- Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Pot- recently taken a partner for life was 21.—*(AP)—;The dirigible Graf Zep­ Snow was obliged to spend the present at drill Monday night and with thb plan supported by the ter ...... 6.00 pelin 'wirelesMd her home port this night in its branches, while a boat- Hartford Tmes, The Manchester vantage of Them.” Mrs. Lott Leahy ...... 5.00 received the congratulations Of his afternoon that she piasaed the Cape less excited crowd looked on, un­ Jessamine Smith ...... 5.00 ' comrades. George. has been working Herald and the C!hamber of Com­ Verde islands- a t 6:15 p^ in., mid- able to help him. The tree with­ merce. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Rogers 5.00 nights lately and could not qttend European t^me, (12:15 p., OJ.,. B. S. As our prices are exceptionally low w e will make a service Agnes Messier...... 5.0Q; drills regularly. - However he ex­ stood the angry waters and was an Miss Alice Aitkeh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer C. An­ pects to answer to his name when T.) . ' object of Interest for many years Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aitken 81 charge for merchandise purchased on our Ten Payment Plan. The Graff, reported that adl was afterward. Bank street, won first prize on the derson ...... 5.00 it is called hereafter. well aboard the huge ship which Mr. and Mrs. John Free- Private Clark who has been bn Mr. Snow- warn well-liked by oil subject “Better Homes.” Second burg ...... 5.00 the sick list in the Rockville City now is headed across the Soutli who knew hkn. He leaves a sister, honors went, to Doris Mohr, d%ughT Judson W. Cobb ...... 5.00 hospital has been removed to the St. Atlantic for Braxil. Mrs. Arthur Blake of New Haven, ter of Mr. ,and Mrs. Fred Moht of SPORT COATS Miss E. J. Golway . . : ...... 5.00 Francis hospital, Hartford. It is Thef Grtff, at the time of her mes­ and several niecea and nephews. 18 Gorman Place, who wrote «a SUITS Rev. Pszyjeniski ...... 5.00 hoped the change will effect" an im-. sage, was about'800 niiles north of “Better Homes from a Stanctooint the equator and about 1,400 mUes Funeral services for Mr. Snow $11.50 Values ...... $9.95 Helena M. Bady ...... 5.00 provement in his condition. The will he held Saturday afternoon at of Health and Beauty.” Dorothy $25 V a lu es...... $19.95 H. B. Bissell ...... 5.00 company hopes he will soon be on from Pemaunbuco, Braudl, the first Modin, daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. South American destinaition, 1:30 at the James T. P ratt parlors, $30 y a lu e s ...... $23.9.5 Herman C. Hill ...... 5.00 the road to health and that he will T1 Farmington avenue, Hartford. Otto Modin of Cooper street^ was Melville L. S ta c y ...... 5.00 soon be v/ith the boys again. The C ^ ' Verde islands are 820 third 'writing on toe-same subject Arrangements have been made miles w e« of Cape'- Verde on tho Burial will be in the East cemetery $35 Values ...... $27.95 KNICKERS Edithe M. Arnold ...... 5.00 of tlfls town. as Miss-Mohr whi^ Edito lippln- Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stock­ whereby .the members of bath com­ coast of Africa. They are used as cott, daughter of. Mr. and. Mrs. $40 V alues...... $32.95 7 Pair—Values to $6 ing ...... 5.00 panies can have thbir .. uniforms am adr base for South Amerlcam ■Ulysses Upplncott of McCabe G. H. Sankey ...... 5.00 pressed without carrying same out madls from Europe and return. street was foiurth. Sh/e 'wrote on the Extra Trousers...... f5«00 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mai(^ of the armory are imder'considera­ DETECTIVE H l l S “Developme^ of toe Hoine.’!( Oyer" $2«75 m e n t...... ;, 6.00 tion. ,The'‘ihen v^nl list on paper the t o w a r b t h e e q u a t o r 220 competed. , " $3.7l Linen ...... $2.75 Mrs. Horace B urr'. 5.00 articles of clothing to be pressed Las Palmas, Canary Islands, May Bernice M. Juul ...... 5.00 and v/ill turn in the papera- to the 21—(AP> — The Graf Zeppelin, on NEW LONDON MAN $4.25 Linen ...... • $3.25 Mrs. James H arrison...... 5.00 company clerks. The day. following a flight from'.Friedrichshaffen, Ger­ PROSBCUTER > J. and E. R eardon...... 5.00 the tailor will call at the Armory many to Pernambuco, Brazil, today New Canaan, May 2l.—(AP.T-^ STRAW HATS and collect the articles and return pushed steadily across the east At­ (Cootinaed from Page k.) Justice in New Canaan has no blind­ « 'll G-corge W ilcox...... 5.00 FELT HATS Oakes Service Station . . . *. 5.00 them after pressing to the lockers. lantic toward the equator, where ers for a procecutor, who prosecutes Ilp.ck’cy Chevrolet Co. . .. 5.00 - A very nominal charge will be'made the high temparatures and unusual Kay today by 'witnesses said that himself, was revealed to ^ y when 10% OFF Values to $7.00...... $3.50 ,I Tlv::. p.lirabeth Costello . .. 5.00 1 for the work. . climatic conditions are expected to the officer fired while lying in the Attorney P. Mead, to'wn prosecutor, Paul Hillcry Inc...... 5.00 The Howitzer Company has com- subject it to one of its severe tests. gutter where he had been felled by pleaded guilty to violating a law, 1 Bros...... 5.00 pleted its drills for the quarter, with There were three groups of land Sims. 'They told of seeing tho which he drew up himself sonie' time 11 •■-.'t;: Peterson ...... 5.00 the exception of the Memorial Day between its.goal, the Cape l^rde flashlight in Sims' hand and the ago. •I'l Lobcc ...... 5.00 parade. For this reason no drills Islands, 850 miles southwest from light was later found in the a'ley- Judge John J. Fearhake accepted . ; 'ary C. Moeser...... 5.00 ' arc being held this week, or,next the Canary Islands, which the Graf way through which Sims ran in aux toe g^ty’plea and assess Mead J ■ . Jeanio L. Cook ...... 5.00 A regimental order recent^ pub­ passed before dawn today, St. Paul attempt to escape. The metal riin a $2 fine for 'violating the . town or­ C 7 :a.l Richardson...... 5.00 lished prescribes the followixg uni­ Isletr a mere speck in the middle was badly bent and the bulb was dinance, which makes Railroad a've- >'V /.-.a'-.a.’ W. Norton ...... 5.00 form for drill during, the summer of the -Atlmtic and ' Fernando Do brok^ and it is the contention of nue a one-way street. J'. C. Wilson ...... 6.00 months: O. D. cottoh, breeches, flan­ Noronha, iust east of Pernambuco. the police that this damage was The violation of toe ordinance H. 'W ard...... 5.00 nel shirt and campaign hat. 1[hia , Delayed by Winds caused when the light was brought took place last Thursday at which makes a more comfortable combina- Delayed, already by contrary down on Smith’s forehead. Smith time Mead apologized to Officer CIi". •iG.s I. Balch ...... 5.00 Stephen 'Walsh, for breaking toe :7;-a H. A. Ruddell ...... 6.00 tlon for warm weather and iii much v;inda, it was expected that the received lacerations a.bout the fore­ $ dirigible might siiffer other delays head, nose and on the left cheek. traffic niles. 1.00 Louise Ruddell...... 6.00 appreciated by the men., John F. TjTian...... 5.00 The chaplain of tho 169th Infan­ la veering out of the path of local Ralph Russell...... 3.00 try, Rev. Richard H. McLaughlin, storms which beset the tropical area Our entire stock of Caps that regularly sold for $1.95. pastor of the Church of toe'Re­ and in ta^dag advantage of what Mrs Margaret Brown and favorable ..winds th e.area might Family ...... 3.00 deemer, Hartford, has recently re­ signed and has been honorably dis­ offer; ' There were; besides other Polish Grocery Co...... 3.00 techtocai ^problems' connected with Robert J. Dowd ...... 3.00 charged. His successor has not been TODAY ' Matinee 2tl8 UNDERWEAR SHIRTS appointed. '.! ‘ the operation of a balloon which now E. F. Ballsleper...... 3.00 cohfroat the ship's master, Dr. Hugo Eve. Continaoaa Sperber & Turkington .... 3.00 Men who anticipate joining the and Athletic Shirts, $3.50 V a lu es...... $2.75 Manchester Public Market 3.00 guard before camp should do so at Bckener, for toe f l ^ time THURSDAY 6:45 to lO iW once so as to receive toe maximum Sends Oat Messsges- regukir 7.)C ...... 59c $2.50 Values ...... $1.95 Smart S h o p ...... 3.00 Thd‘ dlriis^ble" sent out occasional Mr. and Mrs. Sydney 'Whea­ amount of recruit training possible as a preliminary to field trstolng. long wave length bulletins on its White Running Pants, $2.00 V alu es...... • .$L55 ton ...... 2.50 progress and position, wrifh toe brief regular 75c...... John Mrosek ...... 2.00 "all well: aboard”' but kept up a $1.55 Values ...... $L19 W. J. Buckley ...... 2.00 more frequent communication on IT Fancy Running Pants, Harold C. B elcher...... 2.00 a short wave chomiel wlto Fried- Helen E, W. R o th ...... 2.00 ABOUTTOWN richshafen. . regular 75c ...... BATHROBES Jerlmlah Healey ...... ». 2.00 After passing-the Canary Islands Margaret D onahue...... 2.00 Mr. and Mrs., Ronald Fer- the Zepi^in still had about 860 Rayon Athletic Shirts, $10.00 Values — ...... $6*50 Helmer V. Werdelin ...... 2.00 gjuson of Henry street, have re-, „aiies before sighting the next land regular 75c ...... Charles Werdelin ...... 2.00 turned after spending two* days in the_____ Cape Verde groupgro and altout BEAL AS LIFE WSELF! $8.^ Values...... $5.25 Thomas Benhison ...... 2.00 Boston at the annual meeting of the three thousand miles of its route to Rayon Running Pants, $6.50 Values ...... $3.95 Mr. and Mrs. Bjorkman .. 2.00 New England Daily Newspaper. As­ Pernambuco remaining. . regular 75c ...... Mr. and Mrs. Oscar C. An­ sociation'. The sessions were, h^ld ■Unusual Interest has attached to derson ...... ,. 2.00 at the Cdpley Plaza. .. ■ ' \ this trip of toe Graf since it Is the Robert Lennon ...... 2.00 first experience of .any lighter than Rayon Athletic Shirts, NECKWEAR Mrs. Gertrude Ellington .. 2.00 The regular meeting of the.. Cos­ air craft in crossing toe equatorial / BILLIE DOVE regular ?1.00...... Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Holman 2.00 mopolitan club will take place -Fri­ area and meeting toe extreme '—In----- $1,00 and $1.50 V alu es...... 79c Oscar.Peterson‘ ...... 2.00 day afternoon a t 2:30 at the Sopth weather smd climate conditions Rayon Running Pants, Two f o r ...... $1.50 Edward Cobb'...... 2.00 Methodist church parlors. Mrs, I*. there. One expected feature for in­ regular $1.00...... lUae Cobh ..., 2.00 N. Heebner will be hostess and the stance, Involved expansion of toe “The O ther T<«norrow^ $2^.00 V a lu es...... $1.39 P. H. D ougherty...... 2.00 speaker 'will be. Miss Emily LcmUie hydrogen lifting gas, necessitating Two f o r ...... $2.75 James Finnegan...... Nainsook Union Suits, 2.00 Plumley, past president of toe 'C^* loss of some of > It to be compensat­ Never before has she appeared so ' - Friend ...... 'i..... 2.00 nectlcut Federation of Womeii’a ed for later by dropping of water gorgeously beautiful—never ODD L O T ...... Garber Bros...... \ ... 2.00 clubs. , I ballast SOCKS Mr. and- Mrs. - F. Robinson 2.00 before has she had so great i Nainsook Union Suits, Mrs. F. Ai: Nickerson ....- 2.00 The annual Cradle .Roll'party win j.ole...^ever before has toe regular $1.00...... 25c V a lu es...... 20c Henry H. Miller ...... 2.00 be held at the South Methodist PO U nC S INSTATE thrilled yoa as toe will In Stuart H.^.Robinson 2.00 dhurch Saturday a t 8 o’clock , and aU till* story of now lo've li* 35c V a lu es...... 27c Thomas: McGill, Jr, « • • • • e 2.00 chll^n of the. i^sh under six Rayon Union Suits, * 50c V a lu es...... • * 39c Mary O’Connell • ••••• I 2.00 years of age have been in 'r^d i 'With START TO S m ilE R '*toe Old Sonth! . .regular $1.50...... Mr. and Mrs. M. St Clair to elr motoevs,'. The party'"will'i be Burr . $1.00 V alu es...... 69c 2.00 held ,as usual on the groundf" at;;the (OoBtiaMifl lro « rage 1). Balbriggan Shirts or Drawers, chutoh, weather permitting; ■>aa4 hh regular $1.00...... English,May day pageant vdll.-u.^ Wheeler who retires in a few Work Shirts, blue, khaki or presented. J. At the close of the i^ rty i months, be drafted 7” black. $1.00 value .... 79c BODENWEIN HEADS toe usual bapUsmoi seivLce'erill'.he 10% OFF ON ALL OTHER held^ih the chUrch. Mothers desir­ In" the Congressional field with , AND ON THE SAME FftOflHBAM ing transttortotlon ars asked to toe'vacancy in toe, Fifth ; District UNDERWEAR tify Mrs. .,Jo:^ph Stefpe, ’p l ^ toe Utchfleld county portion of toe 7617. The OWiaren are requested to district last 'week seemed to have a candidate in J. Mortlmet Bell of OVERALLS Boston, MassM'May.;2l.TT-(AP.^)— bring 'their mlte ,b<«es at this ume. Salisbury to offer against Senator MONTE BLUE PAJAMAS Theodore Bodenwein of the New • V . S* Edward W. Q ou o t Waterbury, Witti li.' Regular $1.50 $1.19 London, Oonn^Day^ Is toe new proO^ *1 Archibald SiBeSIohS^ of Highli^d whom toe RepubUeana in toe . New ident of Qie New England Publish­ Park left this monUng for Haven county ' portion have been Regular $2.25 •••••• $1.79 20% OFF ers Assodaxlon. The ‘ Association York, from which holnt ha -wfH ULALEE .■ leave for as< toss-coTtotty tyto hy iodklhg to 60 their prob*t>le nomi­ In the ^ am q r Bros. ('Vltiqto®ne ^reduction which held its Ohnual n»eting hwo v nee. yesterday, also.'ele ' ...... railroad. Ott the Paelflc coast he I t will be AugiUl before toe Re- Reed, Tauntok wUl take steamer fw we puMlean orfOaiaationa begUi to get dent; James M. Langle^t v^iuw^u,.. Hawaiian I^ d s, toua befimUng “THOSE DANCE’i N. H., Monitor, secretety; - Charles another, world, tour. into actl(m •• the agivwtiona for making nonunatioua are not held ta draia% t ^ getys ttks foar-wksto hrshes Fuller, Brockton Enterarlse, treas­ until efter the town caucuses which urer, 'William G. Spdicer of toe ' 'The fashion show'at Cheney hall are called for late in August t^veis'Uke-'aa'eagyess end has-Mat'fyk _ Lowell Courier-Citizen was elected which Hvtos open to toe pubUo yes- S r d a y ^ m 2 to 10 p. m., he . a ptte-drtveri'. to toe board of governors, succeed­ OLD POLICEMAN DIES . ing Viee-Preddent Reed. continued this evening until '10 ' ■ ■ * ' r t - --i .V r A. GEO. Other members of the board were o’clock. The display on Uving models re-elected. included dresses, hostess gowns, New Haven, May 21— (AP) — ; INC, Pullman robes, pajamas of toe lat­ James W. Waltar, 22 years on the Pictures of the ^senior class at est type and lounging robes for men. police force and wW ■was retired; JOHNSON BLOCK Manchester High achool in toe new The'costumes were'developed in a 88 years a ^ , died today aged 98. caps and gowns for graduation were great variety of oolorfyl silks, He was a aativs of Aiktiqua, West j taken today. satins, novelty, silks and flat erspss. Indies. _ r > i 'V;'

MANCjHk^im irmnNdi^HaaiAiD/so m a y ,21, wsoT ■VMf*

chester. Rock Ledge comprises the property formerly owned byjOeorge CENTER ST. PROPERTY BO U ro DEVELOP Waikdlr,, Jolrus H eu ^ ^ d ;- Freak Brother, Nearly Forgotten, MfiGulre and 40 sores .of the old Pi(kln^fer.m. - . . ' I.- . PURCHASED. • . ^ BY HOLL I W lm i you can to w TMClATGRlra Tfie new tract is partly wooded and ,, Writes After 36 Years Mr.iHoirplans to start work,soon building winding drives throughout Hiimphrey-Ma^h . Homes on the large tract which he says :uHl; Winter St. Corner Bought by;. Tom Hayes Gets Letter from Older Brother be developed into a high grade Real Estate Denier. ' John, Now in Australia—First Word To Open Up Walker Farm purely resldentisd section , for single 5 * ^ houses. While Rock Ledge wlU not The Humphrey and Msison prop-) Since Leaving Here. and Adjacent Properties reach the pinnacle of completion'for erty at Center and Winter streets; several years, Mr. Holl Intimated hem been purchased by E. J. Holl that he would carry out his present Fifty-six years ago John Haye_s of a Th« I for Hoffle SiteS. Manchester real estate dealer from left South Manchester for Australia close affections of kinship. The let­ alms" as continuously as opportun- John and Mary Humphrey andf and nothing has been heard from ter follows: tles availed themselves. Samuel and Suzeui Meuson respec­ him frpm that time until yesterday. ' Postoffice Tahmoor, via Plcton, tively. Mr. HoU has do present A letter arrived at the South Man­ Postoffice Tahmoor, Manchester Is eventually to have plans to build a business block on Via Plcton, N. S. Wales. chester postoffice yesterday ad­ another residential section to be BRITAIN TO CALL the site and has simply bought it to* t-. dressed to Tom Hayes, well known 18-4-30. develop for business purposes. The Manchester citizen, from the Dear Brother Tom: known as Rock Ledge at Manches­ property was posted "For Sale”, to ter Green, it became known today brother who at the age of 20 set his No doubt you will receive a" little GANDHI TO PARLEY day. face towards the west and the dis­ surprise In hearing from me after .so through an announcement by Ed­ long an absence. It Is quite a while ward J. Holl, extensive developer of tant Antipodes. No word has been (Continued from Page 1.) STATE DOCTORS MEET. heard from that day In 1874 until since we have had any communica­ real estate here. The new section tion between any of the family. Well yesterday. comprises 130 acres of land located Hartford, May 2 1 .—(AP)—The Tom, I have settled down to married on the south side of Middle Turti- Dharasana had stated she would not Wants to See Him. join the raiding herself again unless 138th annual meeting of the Con­ To say that the Manchester life now with a family of six sons pike East. Plans have already been and three daughters, all but the eld­ violence developed, in which event necticut State Medical Society "brother was surprised is putting it perfected for dividing the new tract she felt her presence would be neces­ opened here this morning, with bus-; ’liJe unusqal style and beauty of thin loom woven fibre group has mildly. “I would rather see him est son. Jack, are married with fam- of land into single house develop­ i Hies of their own now. My son Pat sary. iness sessions by the council and made it extremely popular.- Haa. spring .filled cushions covered In and talk with him now that I know ments. The action of the authorities in gayly patterned-cretoane. Choice of colors... .Turquoise and Green, he is alive and well, than anything ' was killed at the Great War. and house of delegates and. a clinical Rock Ledge has a frontage of a her case practically Indicated a session at St. FrEincls hospital. It or Cafe and Blue. Settee, chair and rocker $49JIM). Table and lamp. I else in the whole world,” said the my son Tom came home after two quarter of a mile on Middle Turn­ local old time hotel proprietor. I years "over there.” How are all the policy oiof immeaiaioImmediate restraintreotraiut of all will close close tomorrow tomorrow evenmg evening wiui with 19.95 each,’ ’ ' - * . . : , pike East and extends back to the further demonstrations or meetings i annual dinner at the Hartford • "Just to think how good Jack | family keeping? Have you any Msinchester water shed. One of the was to me when we went to school' photos you could let me have? If so> of the Satyagrahl, as the civil dls- aub. clinicalClinical work at the Hartford toeethcr in the old Porter district, you could forward them to me and l outstanding features of the now obedience volunteers are styled. hospital tomorrow, and sclentifl Whv everything that Jack ' will send you some from here, tract is that it has an elevation of sessions both afternoons are on the 500 feet above sea level which is wanted he ^purchased doubly—one South Manchester is sUll fresh In Twelve millionaires now have program. one of the highest points in Man­ seats in the United States Senate. for him and one for me. If he had a my memory also many little Incl- W t .■5uit of clothes made, I got one out dents that happened there before I of the same bolt of cloth. I was with left about 50 years ago^ Tom could him everywhere being only three you oblige me by trying to trace my i 1 years younger. I tell you it gets iDirth certificate. I was bom at from bur exhibit of color-furniture vou—a letter like this. I never Avon, about 70 years ago as fkr as Fur Storage 2% at Your Own Valuation. thought he was living after 56 years I can remember. of silence. No, sir, I couldn’t read Well, Tom, old fellow, I am not for Sutiroom> Porch and Out o’doors that letter through for crying. And saying too much in this letter In it takes something for a rough old case it does not reach its destina­ fellow like me to soften up like tion, which I hope it does. You that." would no doubt get a surprise If I LUXURIOUS Doing Well. was to send you a photo of ’myself. Now that he knows his only My good days are over now, but I GLIDER brother is alive and well and, (as he have a smaU selection here of five .states in the letter) doing fairly acres and doing fairly well. I will well at the advanced age of 76. close now with best love to all, hop­ there is a real desire on the part of ing you are all as well as I am as $39.50 both to meet and talk over the this note leaves me. bovhoocl experiences that ended so With fond love from your brother, (JACK) or JOHN. If your porch must be comfortably abruptly in the Porter district and smartly furnished at moderate whenticn .lonuJohn lULLleft forlUi partsya,i Viy unknown. P. S.—I------am addressed as Jack It is just one of those experiences here so you will excuse error. tim e ly Sale o f cost we Eisk you to see.this beautiful glider. Has box spring and is cov­ ered in durable painted canvas. HOTEL PLANS PARTY ABOUT TOWN TO AID HOSPITAL A meeting of the Divisional Ma­ jors of the Memorial Hospital cam­ ^ (Left). A limited quantity of paign will be held tomorrow morn­ these laVge size steamer chairs. ing at 9 o’clock Folds into, compact unit. Spe­ Mrk Elizabeth F. Costelo cial at 11.95. Detachable foot­ ifuttveaMakes Arrangements __for— Af- The editorial staff of the High rest 89c extra. fair- Prom inent ^Vomen Aid- school publicatipn "Somanhis” have rair, i rom uitm , asked the Chamber of Commerce ing. Solicitations and Approval commit­ tee for sanction to solicit advertise­ (Right) The convenient new Mrs. Elizabeth F. Costelo, mana­ ments from Manchester merchants Purchased Specially in ger of the Hotel Sheridan, conceived bar harbor willow chair com­ for their Commencement Issue but pletely finished and fitted 'with the idea of a large card party as as this publication is Issued five Time for Decoration Day the hotel’s contribution to the Me­ colorful cretonne cushion. Green times a year no approval is neces- or walnut. • Special 68.95. morial hospital’s campaign for ; sary, and furthermore the commit- For Three Days Only funds this week. She expressed her ! tee is in sympathy with it. The wishes to Mrs. Harold C. Alvord committee acts only on such maga­ who at once entered with enthus­ zines that publish less than four iasm into the project and enlisted times a year. the support of a number of local women. Friday evening was chosen There will be a well cWldren for the bridge, which it is expected conference at the Memorial hospital FIBRE PORCH AAill be the outstanding social event annex at 3 o’clock tomorrow after­ SPECIAL ’ tff the week. Mrs. Costelo is plan­ noon. ROCKERS SETTEE ning for a hundred guests and al­ t ^ I ready over fifty have signified their intention of being present. All Miss Evelyn R. Johnston of Bige­ meetings in connection with the low street is spending a two weeks present hospital drive will be omit­ vacation in Cuba. In company with $7.50 $ 1 1 .7 5 ted Friday evening in favor of the two of her associates In the Aetna card party. Life Insurance company’s office in Every style is a copy of an au­ The hotel management will pro­ Hartford, Miss Martha Troutner and Miss Frances Griswold, she thentic fashion success! Every Comfortable hand- Large settee to vide the.-, refreshments and every woven fibre rockers match conventional dollEu: received will be devoted to boarded a steamer in New York frock is, above all, wearable! Saturday morning. The young wom­ with efetonne covered porch chairs and rock­ the hospital campaign. No prizes None is extreme! ’ Every frock cushions. A fortunate ers. Has ca^d will be awarded, unless those spon­ en arrived in Havana yesterday morning at 9 o’clock in time to see is of a quality that brings a purchase enables us to seai' and back. im - soring the affair wish to do so. It offer them at $7.50. Ished iri lawn green. is expected that pivot bridge will be the big parade and other festivities higher price in most stores! played for the most part, although connected with Cuba’s celebration parties may play any game they of her twenty-eighth year of Inde­ Fashions for business, sports, desire, setback, five hundred or pendence. dinner, evening bridge! whist. In addition to Mrs. Costelo and Plans for the annual poppy sale Folding Chairs Mrs. Alvord, other Manchester for the welfare work fund of the Chiffon Georgette w'omen who have already offered Dilworth-Comell Post American, Le­ their assistance are: Mrs. Arthur A. gion of Manchester have been per­ Knofla, whose husband is chairman fected. A request Is being made that Printed Silk, Flat Crepe $4.75 of the present campaign; Mrs. Wil­ ladies who are to assist in the an­ liam A.' Knofla, Mrs. Robert Knapp, nual sale which begins Thursday lidrs. D. C. Y. Moore, Mrs. George night. May 22, and continues imtil It is rare to find such chai’ming Designed on a new principle Lundberg, Mrs. W. R. Tinker, Jr., Memorial Day, meet at seven style8^ fine details arid excellent so that they fold into extreme­ .tMrs. Willard B. Rogers. o’clock tomorrow and Saturday eve­ ly compact unit. Two coats i nings in the vacant store in the materials in dresses at this price of lacquer, and sun-proof Rialto building. —only you will hold the secret stripes meike them practical for use on porch, lawn, or GIVE SHOWER PARTY A number of Manchester people of the little price you paid. camping. Green or orange. are planning to attend the meeting at the Center Congregational 5 FOR MISS MAY BROWN church, Hartford this evening in the interest of law enforcement. Mrs. i Henry W. Peabody of Boston, chair­ Miss May Brown of Arch street, man of the woman’s national com­ mittee for law enforcement will be 'Who is to be a June bride, was the u • guest pf ionor at another shower one of the speakers. Her subject given iw f evening at the home of will be "Citizenship in a Demo­ Miss Nellid Haggart of Cedar street. cracy.” She is an excellent speaker .Miss Brown vrith her mother and and eminently qualified to discuss .sister were invited to spend the eve­ the subject she has chosen. Fred ning at the Haggart home. When B. Smith, moderator of the National ..they arrived they were much sur­ Council of Congregational churches prised to find it beautifully decorat­ will also take part in this meeting, ed in yellow and white and about 20 to which all are welcome. of Miss Brown’s associates at Che­ ney Brothers present. Miss Arlyne Moriarty, well known A mock wedding was one of the locEd soprano, and Miss Geary of attractions. ’There was vocal and Hartford, will be the vocalists at instrumental music and games and the open meeting of Gibbon's As­ ,k delirious buffet lunch served by sembly, Catholic Ladies of Colum­ the hostess. The gifts which em- bus, to be held at St. James’s Hall bracrii 1 beautiful specimens of tomorrow evening. Four young needlework, silver, linen and glass- girls from the assembly at Rock­ ■^are overflowed the large clothes ville will put on a humorous sketch. hamper iq w'hlch they w’ere placed, n, r e Herald which was also a gift. Mrs. Henry W. Peabody of B0S7 Would You like To Own Your ton who is in Hartford for the meet­ ing on law enforcement at Center Hears ■— Congregational church tonight, will Own Heme At Manchester (aeeal SELECTS MacNIDER receive at the the home of Miss Amy Welcher, Prospect avenue,* Hartford, tomorrow morning at 9:45 '■'That today is the annlverjMiry of We aK about .to begin developing the’Zopher Hills FOR CANADA POST all women who are Interested in this ' Colonel Charles Lindbergh’s com­ vital subject. pletion of the first* ’trto's-Atlantic estate. This property will be developed kito a IBne / (Continued from Page One.) .non-stop aeroplane fUgbt from Npw residential park. Any desired frcMitage can be had. This •York to Paris in ‘1927. :. ' 1' ' ■ ■ ..t • ' development will have paved streets, cement sidewalks, Division. His election to National DUNHILUS ’That one oif the b^at gaga heard ieommand of the American Legion to date concerns the present Hospl-^ water, sewer, and gas, in fact everything-needed for a ^ k place in 1921. He wears the INVITES YOU TO tal Drive. It seems that a worker first'Class development.' The prices are very-reason­ t^stingrished Service Cross and VPEN AN ACCOUNT solocited a person for”'' a ' donation ieveral foreign decorations. He is 40 $md was told that^he, (the person) able. We win give 15% discount on the first ten lots '^ears old. would givQ the same amount as 'last sold. Buy . your lot now as property at Mimiehester President Coolidge appointed him t o Buys All year. Retumtog to i headquarters Green is steadily increasing in value. It is the coming usistant secretary of war In 1925, the worker discovered this ambunt knd he served in that capacity until ^ The Clothes was $0.60 or nothiag. - SUghtly. In­ finer residential section of Manchester. For. appoint­ 1928. censed he telephoned . the . person ment Phoine 3451 or 8830. * 1 . ’ In selecting him minister to Can­ DOWN You Need?^ and aslfqd if he v(apte)l ,a receipt ada, to succeed William Phillips, lor the general'donation. ’,i ' rho retired sometime ago from the Uplomatic corps. President Hoover ‘^That Saturday Is *the anniversary liras influenced by MacNider’s busi- of- the first telegraph, invented in qualifications and by his varied 1844. •; '• .r . aperlences in public affairs. , South Manchester The Canadian post Is looked upon V 691 Main SL* Johnson Blodc Now we know why they say re >ere as one. involving many com- volvers "belch’i bullets. . > • . herdal relationships. .... , . . --.-r \

, .i. f a.-, ■ ,

i .J:

BVBNIKQ ^R A IJX SOtHH MANClfflESl'B^ 1P4GBF0UR ^ after the gain of about 86,000 cars monies of acceptance of this flag. flute ao^oiat, pianist and acconqpan- unannounced wedding trip and upon OPENING STOCKS reported last week, show^ ..a de­ S P A N M WAR YETS A social time will follow re> - 1st and a popular soprano aittger. theii return will reside in Vernon, cline of nearly 9,000 cars, and were freshments will be served. Cjaipman-- P R O N SCHOOL There should be a record crowd where the groom is engaged in the lowest since 1924. The weekly der Murphy asks all comrades‘of the from Rockville and surrotmdlng farming. report of crude oil production TO DEDICATE FLAG camp to attend. Plans for Memorial ROCKVILLE Notes New York, May 21.— (AP)—The Day will be made at the meeting. towns to enjoy the concert. Stock Market opened Irregularly- showed an average daily gain of 12,- To Speak In Ellington Mrs. William Day of Norwich is 750 barrels, and the gasoline stocks The camp will elect delegates for ' OPENS JUNE 22 Rev. George S. Brookes, pastqr of the guest of her parents, Mr. and higher today, as the rally which set New U. S.^W. V. Standard to the state convention to be held in Mrs. Emil Spellman of Windemere in late yesterday was extended. for the entire coimtry showed a Olean-Up Day Union Congregationsd Church will gain for the week ending May 10. Be Acc^ted in Special Cere­ Rockville, June 27-28. Announcement was made on be the Memorial Day speaker in El­ avenue. American Tobacco B gained 1%, Mrs. A. A. MacLeod of Plainville Columbia Gas and Studebaker about Steel production was reported as mony Thursday Night. Tuesday that the first of the bl- lington at exercises to be held at slightly lower. days would he 8:30 standard time. May 30. was the guest of her mother, Mrs. and New Haven, Missouri lAawwl Sanuner Session at monthly clean-up Sarah Wilson on Tuesday. Mrs. Kansas Texas, Yellow Truck and J. I. Case converted an early gain Ward Cheney Camp United Span­ Thoughful Moth^s: held on Friday. Under the new Monthly Meeting Thursday The monthly meeting of the Trin­ Wilson has been very ill for three Gillette, 1 point. Radio, Consol­ of 2% points into a loss of greater ish War Veterans will hold their You may be happy same • day policy of the city Health ^nd Sewer extent, and Westlnghouse Electric regular meeting at State Armory .St Peter’s to Be Devoted Committee clean-up days will be ity Past Noble Grand Association, weeks but is somewhat improved idated Gas, smd National Dairy yon read this. Aente fnfflge^ will be held in Stafford Thursday this week. moimted and American Telephone sold off Thursday night at 8 o’clock. The tion! DangeromT Yes, some- once every two weeks. Prop­ two points or more. American To­ new U. S. W. V. standard flag re­ erty owners are requested to collect afternoon on May 22 in I.O.O.F. A son, Charles Howard, was bom American Telephone, on the other ttmee fatal. When it cornea To Eighteenth Century. Hall. Supper will be served by to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiller of hand, lost %, and U. S. Steel, bacco “B” lost its rise and sold off cently purchased through the J. W. Into your home will yon fly any rubbish that they may have about a point, and American Can, accumulated, place it in proper Myriad Rebekah Lodge at 6 o’clock. Broad Brook at Mrs. Howe's Ma­ Chrysler and International Tele­ Hale Co., will be dedicated at this around, not knowing what to American Water Works and Liggett meeting. Past Com. Arthur E. Keat­ receptacles in front of their proP* A large number of the members of ternity Home, South Manchester on phone, about %. do till the doctor comes? Or Saturday, May 17. Mr. Schiller and Myers “B” were among shares ing will make the presentation and *A statement just Issued gives the erty and the city workmen will Mayflower Rebekah Lodge 'o f this The rally spent itself within the wiU you calmly step up to the city are p la cin g to attend the formerly resided here. first few minutes of trading, how­ sagging moderately. Commander Thomas E. Murphy will m ^ d n e chest, tidee oat- the program of St. Peter’s school, He­ carry it away free of charge. The Public Works Committee will meeting. Mrs. Frederick J. Cooley has re­ ever, and the market turned reac­ Food stocks were prominent in accept it for the Camp. Bell-ans and save the day ? Six bron, eighth annual session (June receive bids for concrete curbing Elks To Meet turned to her home on Union street tionary with a renewal of bear sell­ the opening rally, National Biscuit The standard will be used for the Bell-ans, Hot Water, Sure Be­ 3®oints and National Daily and the U. S. Flag which was given the anned. The eighth session, un- Work to be done will include Ruehl Lodge No. 1339, B. P. O. Elks, will showed a loses of two points. street, Davis avenue. Grand ave^e. be held on Thursday evening. May Mrs. Sariah Abbey has returned Speculative quarters were inclined Hershey making moderate gains. camp in 1910. The auxiliary mem­ e former ones, will be devoted en- 22. Considerable business will be to her home in Dobsonville from the to regard the rebound late yester­ Some, of the specialties rallied Sub­ bers have been invited to be guests Bell-ans ely to study of a single historic Hale street and Minteburn Hill. The work will amount to about $5000. transacted and it is desired that Rockville Private Home. day as representing little more than stantially in short covering. Auburn of yie camp and take part in cere­ rOR INDIGESTION riod, namely, the eighteenth cen- Auto'mounting 3 points. Operetta On Friday there be a large turnout of mem­ short covering, and turning their at­ ry, the aim being to survey from bers. tention to business statistics coming Foreign exchanges opened steady many sides as possible the rich On Friday evening at the Sykes Attend Manchester Meeting ODD FELLOWS GATHER to hand, were not encouraged. to firm, with sterling cables at UllllllllllillllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllltfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllintlllllllHUHHINHHIil d varied life of this period—the. Auditorium the combined Glee Clubs A large delegation from Kiowa The weekly freight car loadings. $4.861-16 up 1-16. i^ilosophical, scientific, social, of the Rockville High. School will Council, Degree of Pocahontas at­ igfesthetic, religrious. The following present an operetta entitled “Love tended a meeting of Simset Council Torrington, May 21.— (AP)—The iffctures have been arranged: Pirates of Hawaii.” Music through­ in Manchester on Monday evening. Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. held its an­ ! I Bishop Butler and Deism, Benja- out the evening will be furnished by Past Great Pocahontas, Mary nual session here today with dele­ Graduation Gift Suggestions the Sinfonians. The time for the Champagne and Mrs. Nellie Meyers gates from the various siirordlnate ittin H. Bissell, Ph. D. lodges. The address of welcome Girls’ OUendorff Wrist Watches— Wesley and the Evangelical Ke- Opening scene is 8 o*clock> D.S.T. assisted in the memorial service SERVICE ■ QUALITY ■ PRICE Miss Doris Hartenstein, well which was held during the evening. was by the Grand Master, James A. complete with bracelet...... Ittval, Benjamin H. Bissell, Ph. D. known in musical circles as a so­ Green who also combined it with his 'j Doctor Johnson, E. Austin War- Those in attendance from Rock­ Other Wrist Watches O C A ^ A H prano soloist will have the role of ville were, Mr. and Mrs. Charles review of the year. He said in this In all the newest shapes...... v A AtsOU ^ / O sl/U liin, Ph. D. leading lady as Dorothy Dear, and latter that too much emphasis had ' Lord Chesterfield, E. Austin Champagne, Mrs. Nellie Jackson, will have as her leading supporters Mrs. Nellie Meyers, Mrs. Mary Del- been placed on the taking in of new IJ^arren, Ph. D. George Robinson, Miss Mary Tracy members and not enough attention FINEST FRESH FISH a - ' $12.50^ $17.50, $19.00"" ' ifl Bishop Berkeley, To be announc- bene, Mrs. May, Mrs. Charles Clark Lighters, leather covered, and William Haun. Willeke, Mrs. Rose Marcus, Mrs, given to having new members well 1^. The program follows: Overture, Annie Steppe and Mrs. Rose La­ grounded in the principals of Odd Fresh Caught Connecticut River Buck Shad, ■ S Hume and Scepticism, To be an- Act I; Scene, Garden of Ladles Sem­ crosse. Fellowship. He said that in places 1 1-2 to 4 lbs. e a c h ...... 18c lb. New line of Evans Cigarette Cases in white gold and white and iBounced. where there are more than a single inary; Our Fair Hawaii, Chorus of Matyea—Lemek Fancy Fresh Mackerel Fillet of Cod green gold ' f > A IV Adam Smith and Economic Girls and Dorothy; Whisper Aloha, Miss Bernice Lemek, daughter of lodge a uniform scale of initiation •^j^heory, Charles Ramsey, M. A. Hawaiian Girls; Yo! For Pirates Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lemek of 115 and degree fees should be worked Fresh Haddock ...... 8c lb. out as well as a schedule of sick See the new Camera Pack . . C /Y ,'4/Gibbon as Historian, Professor Bold, Chief and Pirate Chorus; Why Brooklyn street and Joseph Matyea, Fresh Eastern Halibut Steak Vanity C ase...... s P i& s O v IJ^ugene Chase. rm Single, Miss Primer; You Need son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Matyea benefits. Pro- He was of the opinion that in PEN AND PENCIL SETS Montesquieu and Rousseau, A Good Cook Book, Chief and of Vernon, were united in marriage Stuffed^and Baked Mackerel iftssor Engene Chase. Chorus; We were Crooks now we’re at St. Joseph’s Polish Catholic some places there are too many Conidin, Waterman and ChUton makes. I ;; Burke and Fox, Professor Eugene Cooks, Pirate Chorus; How the Mo­ Church on Tuesday morning. The lodges, and where there is a weak Home Made Corned Beef H ash ...... 25c lb. Sets $3.75 to $12.50 ments Drag, Dorothy; Tell Me Who, ceremony was performed by Rev. one, it should be merged and if fi­ Fillet of Haddock I i$ha.se. nancial condition is not such as to Individual Pens $2.50 and up 1 . Jefferson and Hamilton, Profes- Dorothy and Billy; Oh, Is That So?, Sigismund Woronlecki. The church Steak Cod to fr y ...... 18c lb. See the Conklin Endura Pen, ^ C A A Dorothy, Billy and Chorus; Pirat­ decorations consisted of palms, make mergeracceptable, a plan l$or Eugene Chase. should be made whereby members Guaranteed for a lifetime ...... 1.;:', Jonathan Edwards, Professor ing, Dorothy, Billy and Chorus; ferns and cut flowers. Cod to B o il...... 16c lb. Finale. Miss Mary Kobak, the organist can be Induced to renew their inter­ Fresh Fillet of Sole Beautiful line of solid gold pendants, AO j^orse S. Allen. est. various colored stones ...... ip O s v I w I Benjamin Franklin, Professor Act II: Fair Hawaii Our Own played Lohengrin’s Wedding March Home, Chorus of Hawiian Girls; The grand master suggested also l^orse S. Allen. as the bridal party entered the Baked Beans, ready for noon ...... 25c qt. Other Pendants $3.00 Don’t Be a Slave to Old Man Worry, that a study be made to determine r ; Eighteenth Century Prose Style, church and when they were leaving Scotch Cones...... 23c dozen VVcstclox Alarm Clocks ^ 1 EC A Miss Primer and Dorothy; Simply she rendered the "Midsummer’s why a Rebekah Lodge holds more iJProfessor Morse S. Allen, Say Aloha, Lehua, Chorus; In An interest to members than their own Lemon Meringue P ie s ...... 35c each In colors ...... «plsU U i? Handel, To be announced. Night Dream” from Mendelssohn. Awful Scrape, Pirate Chorus and Battman’s Mass was sung by the lodge. Bach, To be announced. Dorothy; My Castle in an Unknown choir and during the ceremony Mrs. .ri».Eighteenth Century Drama, Sea, Pirate Chief; Can’t You See Rose Ciechowski sang “Joy Of My 1 Irving White, M. A. I’m Angry, Chief and Chorus and Heart” and at the offerotry DONNELLY : ' The Poetry of Cowper, Miss aimiTllHMSH Manchester Public Market Miss Primer; Old Flag of Mine, Gounod’s “Ave Marla” . JEWELER [Helen Moran, M. A. Dorothy and Chorus. The bride was prettily gowned in Buffalo, N. Y., May 21.— ( A P I - = 515 Main Street, South Manchester In addition to the regular faculty The public is cordially invited to white satin and veil of tulle caught Dial 5111 i the following special lecturers have attend the operetta and tickets can Twenty persons were injured, none up with pearls and orange blossoms. seriously, in a collision between two 1 been secured: William S. Knicker- be secured from members of the Her bouquet was a shower of bridal [bocker, Ph. D., jeditor of the Glee Clubs or at the door. trolley cars here this morning. The roses. majority were High school students ■ Sewanee Review, Irving White, M. Opera Company Coming Miss Catherine Gawlicia was maid and office workers on their way to i A., Charles Ramsey, M. A., Helen On Monday ev.ening there will be of honor and she wore a gown of work. , Moran, M. A., and others. a community concert in Central light green georgette and bandeau The accident occurred during the Question Box and social events Park, beginning at 8:30 o’clock D. to match. She carried pink roses. rush hour and both street cars will be held as usual. S. T. The concert will be given by There were four bridesmaids, were heavily loaded, many passen­ The services will be daily Euchai - the Paramount Grand Opera Com­ Mlsye.s Christine Pasternak, Mary gers standing in the front and rear I ist at eight, evensong at 5, with pany, under the auspices of the Uobo32, Sophie Zlra and Bernice vestibules. i Choral Eucharist on Sundays at American Band of Rockville, and is V alhal. Their gowns were of yel­ At Elmwood avenue and Johnson t eleven. made possible by the co-operation of low, peach, orchid and old rose park, the brakes on an Elmwood the local merchants. georgette, with hats to match. The avenue car failed to grip suddenly In addition to an attractive con­ ' bouquets they carried were of pink enough and the car crashed into the cert by the American Band, which roses. rear of another car. The cars were will play many of the latest and Following the ceremony a wed­ partially telescoped and passengers % 1 most popular selections, there will ding breakfast was served- at the standing in the vestibules were Wall Street ! be vocal numbers by Antonio Netto home of the bride’s parents with a 1 thrown to the floor. Five persons ! and Mile Mathilda famous grand reception in Poluski Hall on Village I were taken to hospitals, but later [opera soloists. There will be other street in the evening. I were said to be suffering only from Briefs I artists on the program. Including Mr. and Mrs. Hatyea left for an 1 severe bruises.

New York, May 21.—Copper con­ sumption in the United States dur­ TODAY, AS ing the first quarter of 1930 was 25,000 tons less than in the cor­ responding period of 1929, the j American Bureau of Metal Statis-1 FOR YEARS tics reports. The building industry consumed 11,000 short tons in the av first quarter compared with 15,000 in the first quarter of 1929; auto­ mobile industry 24,000 against 37,- 000 and electrical goods, manufac­ BUICK turers 53,000 contrasted with 52,000. New construction contracted for in the states east of the Rocky DEDICATES ITSELF mountains during the weqk ended May 10 reached a total of $119,- 596,400 the F. W. Dodge Corpora­ tion reported today, as compared TO THIS BASIC with $150,541,600 for the first eight business days of May, and with $126,881,000 in the like period of 1929. Contracts since the first of the year aggregate $1,850,161,900 against $2,205,156,600 for the like period in 1929. SERVICE The Southern Pipe Line Company has authorized the distribution of $5 a share on the capital reduction ac­ count, payable Sept. 2, to holders of record Aug. 15. POLICY. . The Car loadings in the week ending May 10 totaled 933,931 cars, an in­ •SoHify the eustsAter." Thti hoi boon th« idrvleo policy of the Buick crease of 8,968 from the preceding Motor Compony throughout the twenty-seven years of Hs history. week, and 115,029 below the same week of 1929. And so faithfully has Buick followed this policy that today the fomllior emblem of Authorized Buick Service means prompt, efficient and Acquisition by the Libbey-Owens courteous mointenonce to more than 1,500,000 Buick owners. Buick Glass Company of the Edward Ford has twice os many owners Os ony other compony selling cors Plate Glass Company at a cost of honest reason priced above $1200. nearly $20,000,000 to be paid in common stock has been approved Here ore o few of the many Impertent points ef Buick's Service Policyi by stockholders. More than 4,000 factory-supervised Sendee Stations assure T h e r e is o n l y one real reason for smoking and that’s phasurt, A The directorate of the United Cor­ oil Buick owners the some fine stondord of skilled luick service. poration has been increased from A written Worronfy, covering the first 4,000 miles or the first five to ten members to include the 90 days of ownership, whichever shell accrue 6rst. guorontees pretty good reason after all. The cigarette you select in the long run chief officers of the public utility every new Buick cor to be free frem defects in materiel or systems in which it is heavily in­ will be the one that can contribute most to your enjoyment. terested. New directors are Floyd worlmonship. » Carlisle, chairman, Niagara Hudson Should ports or workmanship provo dofecthre ot any timo during Power Corp.. B. C. Cobb, chairman. tho Worronty period) Buick deelers will supply the ports and Camels are made with that idea in m ind*-the idea that genuine Commonwealth Southern Corp., perform the necessary labor free of chorfo. Philip G. Qossler, president, Colum­ smoke pleasure is what you want in a cigarette. bia Gas and Electric Corp., Thomas in odditlen to foreful pre-delivory tosts, tho luick ownor recoNes Ask for a Copy of Buick's two mojor Inspections without cest»ono after SOO miles end N. McCarter, president. Public When you try them you will find a refreshing difference— a mild, Service Corporation of New Jersey, Owner Service Policy another after 1500 miles of driving. These Include o thorough and John E. Zimmerman, president, rood test of all elements of perfermonce. United Gas Improvement Co. The cemplat* fostt regarding Buick mellow richness of choice tobaccos— a blended harmony of fragrance, lorvlM, Including luick't new Owner The'tourist*'and "Change of Residence" ciouses permit the Buick A man arrested for stealing ci­ Teurlng and Change of Rocldanca prlvK owner to chonge his residence os frequontly os he desires or silky smooth— diat makes smoking a dehght* gars in Chicago said that he did it lego*, may now bo had In a briaf.cempaci to tour ony port of the U. S. or Cenede end still receive the for his starving childrtn. He must bMkIati “luick Ownar Sarvica Fetlcy.** full Warranty benofits frem tho neorost outherixed Buick doolor. The fact that more millions have chosen Camel than any other dga* have overestimated the amount of •uick would Ilka ovoryona who owni-> cabbage the cigars contain. or enpocH to own —a tuick cor to bo AIL BUICK dealers fulfill those previsions of BUICK'S sorvico poHcy. « _ _ _ . ______Iheroufhly oegualntad with the tlboral All dedicote themselvos to the tosk of serving promptly) effwlontiy rette ii a tribute to an honest product, marketed fi>r an honest pur|tose» provUiofii of thli Policy. \ and courteously* You may obtain • copy of thlt IntoroiHnt booklet from tho noorott Suick doolor, or BUICK MOTOR COMRANY, RIINT, MICHIOAN by writing dlroctto lul«kMoterCom|Mny. CsMCIcn fccIwlM |glMwi*t Hint, Michigan. MeL«igtinii4wi

and Ice-0*Matie ISALES and SERVICE^ Dajr P h o n e ...# . 5876 Night Phone .*..3662 James M. Shearer South Manehetter rOHNSON &\LITTLE Corner Main St. and Middle Turnpike, for pleasure IttBablaf aad Heattnc Goatraotors. No Ce WHEN ieTTee automoiiiis ari buut . . . buick WIU iUILP thjm ' OheetBot 8t* Booth Manoheeter S'',.

>■ ’V lV -6 • i

■ “ • •.

f i 1 erain broker and one-time partner, " < " . J ‘ condonescondones woneration woneration of of Bishop Bishop Can- Can- [.. [, CAHHON CASE CLOSED I S former Governor-Warren T . . ^ - . on on grounds of mercy. „ ^Cray. , aiiii iiW'__ ANNUAL MEETING ^ ------Cincinnati—Garry- Hermann, - r e [ i The body cf Simons, 50 years old, which he neither‘asked nor received : Overnight ^ cipient of 110,000 ^ 2 5 ^ ' iwas found beside a highway n « r interest from it. He insiisted that from and Wfealtty' Dallas, Tex., May 21.— (AP) —i ! here yesterday. Two bUllete had he had turned. over to the asso- in own right, get ?8 weekly pension As/the quadrkmial general conifer-i' been fired through the back qf tte heat, w cooling touch aho wmtheap . ciaUon the entire sum so , receive OF STATE CHAMBER A ; P i News from Typographical Union; ; • ence of the Methodist Episcopal | head and a third had entered , the tS p a itt of sunburn. 1 bv him from the Union Carbide body just below the heart. diacov^g comfort HUSTON FUNDS ‘ Washington — Senate commercpi Church. S(^th, heared its close to­ ' Company and he exhibited checta committee decides to retain Bouse th ^ have itching, pediM t ^ JW / Y-:: i \ to Worthington for the aggregate day,- an attempt was begun to pro­ I - The coroner who called' mi in- 20 W s it iMabcenuaed to d w n 1 1 — .-lU I' New Hkven—Mrs. Hannjdi W. provisions for operation of Illinois; i quest for today, believed he. was amount receivecl by him, induifing waterways without specific, restric­ test formally the ^oneration of Townsh^pd, vice chairman New I murdered. „• two checks made and delivered in FamousraiUUIlo upvatavSoCMRCrS ' ,,to., .r-.T I Au’'. ; ; RepubUcan toym coinmittee, tion of lake diversion in rivers and Bfahop James Cannon, Jr., of C h a ii^ of Senal? Lobby 1928, said to represent lowis to announces candidacy for Republican harbors bill. . ch a rts of stock market specula- 1 An old style single a ction ^ e- .3- > - Worthington and which Huston i volver was found near the Jjooy. nomlnatipn for lieutenant-goyeraor. Abilene, Tex.—Blanton leads Mrs. tiofi. * ^ __ _ elected to regard as satisfied out of dress Hartford New Hsiven.—Augustus Harnson, Lee in Congressional election... i There were powder burns on the the funds so intrusted to him by the Apparently more concerned in the head and hands. Rob^.’T AWar- . Comiiiittee Sobmits Papor 78, dies ' t t automobile injuries. Dharasana, Bombay — Police ar­ election of a third new bishop and Union Carbide Company. Thompsbnville ^ Rev. Sta^laus rest Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, new lead­ mtly was not.the motiv^’, if Sftions Officers t o je Bectied. perfection of plans for the coqstruc- was ' slain, for Ws valuables .were R n d The HeraU Advs. O i the Recent Hearing. “Haying asserted, as no doubt is i Federie^tz, rector of St. Adelbert s er of civU disobedience campaign. tion 'of several educational boards, the case, that he had often made | Polish R. C. church fractures leg m Las Palmas, Canary Islands— untouched. Graf Zeppelin passes over Las most delegates seemingly considered contributions to the association and i fair from horse. „ the Cannon pdlegations a closed had likewise often made loans to Hartford, May 21;-^(AP)—The ticut Meriaen—tcev.Meriden—Rev. Horace M. Green- Palmas. 'j, * „ 'issue* Washington, May 21. — (AP) Worthington, the committee asked annual meeUng of th f Connecticut Bombay — Headquarters o f All------VL 1A *' SnUM^osm ith/ eiCV;i»CWelected moderator of — pntral Judge G. T. Fitzhugh of Memphis, The Senate lobby committee’s re­ Mr. Hiifton, that it might know Chamber of ;Commerce was jt copgregational Association, A.sSOCi£Lti0D» ** India National Congress raided by prime, plover in the convention fight whether the checks made by him here today with n luncheon at noon^ waterbury—Sons and Daughter police. V ... . port oh the solicitation of funds by to Worthington in 1928 represented Ottawa—Senate passes bill pro­ against the militant Washington, D. aaudius Huston, chairman of tne contributions or loans, to provide .chedhted tor “ ‘ I hibiting export of liquor to United C. bishop, declared however, that he would protest exoneration on the Repubiican National committee it with a list of all contributions St&t6S» London—DaUy Herald says. Thaw ground that such action of the New Lot Of ' ■ from the Union Carbide Company made by him to the association since “ !^ d o rs m thc 'outc’s poUtlcal ln-i „ Episcopacy committee was illegal; 1926 as well as a list of all loans will be barred from England; he in behalf of Muscle Shoals le^sl - dustrial life were he * S g Wethersfield Cove. Medical The exoneration could not be given tion, and the use of ^liese funds m made by him to Worthington, with radios he is going to Prance. • his correspondence showing the na­ Mexico City—Friends of Sandino, after the coriamlttee previously voted Stock .Market t ^ n ^ f ’ te by S t „ ? . d S “ S spe“h ^ « J £ to bring the churchman to trial, Mr. WASH DRESSES submitted today to the Senate---- -y . ture Uiof the LUC payment, but he content------say he is back in Nicaragua and ‘ , • ___ tj! ..^4.1. tVid ran- ^vernor Oiarles ^ r®Hh?tford—J. Stanley Scott, secre- and wUl attempt to revive warfare. Fitzhugh contended. ■ • i Chairman Caraway. i cd himself With sending the can- New York, John J. oYMe department of Traye^rs The report made no comment celled -gpg^ checks as stated.stated.” Oslo — Fire wrecks residence of of the New Haven j S l i c e Company since 1904 dies Crown Prince Olaf and drives out Whatever on the incident ^and ja s . Resigned Office m u r d e r OR SUICIDE? ! *Just Arrived Huston testified that he had re­ royal newlyweds. S S 'ou? ?n"'^he committees 1signed from the Tennessee River KenUand, Indiana, May 21.-— j (A.P)—Authorities - were undecided Improvement Association when Corn stalks may be made into Piques, Voiles, Dimities became Republican chairman. paper, golf balls, fountain perns and, today whether murder or suicide | Asweiation. The committee was the answer to the death of 'Wil- | The report said the Association The annual report of the chainb^r “ SSS/M e. - B«.em fuB^ay many other more or less useful ^zed that Mr. Huston turiied over maintained an office in Washington liam Simons, prominent Chicago Prints and Plain Colors was submitted, and officers were^lo thester ^Krformanoes *“5 articles. - • all of the fundc to in charge of Worthington and add- be elected. ^ • N H^ fire sufferers abandoned aft- Annual Report. Sleeveless and Short Sleeves It “The office of the association, if ?r protests of Maine Ovic League the committee’s entire i n j e s ^ Commercial arbitration, assign than his, was in the residency of luon ox iauio ~—T" Vi state Athletic Commission SScle sL4 ° as S^^Bthat gentleman u/r^n in thetBe capital,ca£W. and PB.»H-«ob $1,95 “”^$2.95 mittee’ reported that Huston as ticut” and other activities in_which — ^gg recognize Sha^ey- Endorsers or Co-Makers always dominant in its affairs, he the chamber interested i t ^ f were g fight as. world title Iwut. president of the Tennessee River became latterly to,all intents and I Mortgage of Furiiiture Improvement Association was ac purposes the association. reviewed in the annual Concord, N. H.—Census returns I Embarrassing Investigations tive in advocating the In respect to ‘ show totalstate of 460,325, gam Hidden Charges, Advance Deductions or Fines The report said that the major her reported that the ^ of 18,309"since-1920. Congress of'the offer ox the Amen_ portion of the “propaganda and re­ Apartment House Frocks can Cyanamld Company for the de ?ng t^ r e iie f to land on which tim-lrim-| o 1 Mass.—Divorce of Your Siisnature Is Our Only Requirement x-elopment and utilization of Muscle lated efforts in recent years in p®‘ hpr is growing would stimulate re- ^ half of Muscle Shoals legislation Mrs. Frederick R. Wulfin, ^ ® ® S2 to $5 Monthly Principal Payments Repays a to $75 Loan. forestation in Connecticut to former curator at Peabody S r g e ? ca i be arranged on “has been carried on ostensibly by Harvard University, from Wuslin 10^8 $lo95 ^^Ster stating that the Union Car^ the Tennessee River Improvement degree. Thq forest^ iTthP same nroportion. Interest at Three and One-Half Per bide Company was ‘interested with was represented as believing that ?eBt Per S o n K tte UnpBld Balance, jBct for the ActBal Time the American Cyanamid Company Association. the time has not yet come for fos- ’‘^NSthfield, V t.-N orw ich Uni­ “In its earlier years, the report terinjg reforestation on a comm^^- the Money. Is In Use. in the Muscle Shoals lease, the com continued, “annual meetings were versity president announces; mittee reported thatthTt Huston on continuea, annual dal basis. Continued co-operation hatio^llionvention of Thete Chi, I PHONE, CALL OR WRITE. March 7. Iljq^ 1929, iu just st after President^res heldIICIU C.L at which wv.wsome kind------of account- S22.000 I in-ing was made of the moneys receiv-receiv^ with the state forester college fraternity, to be Ideal Financing Association, Inc. REARDON’S Hoover took office, solicited ?22,00u ent policy was ad'dsed. The boaid WatervUle, Me.—Thomas A. San- « ed by it and of its activities, but of directors, the report said, hM au­ dero, pStland, nominated governor »5S .Wn 8V Boom 3, Park Bldg.. «"s from the Union Carbide Company none such have been held since 1925,^ and in, June last year, before he be thorized money for an’appeal ip the of 38th District Rotary Interna- Telephone 7281 v* came National chairman, he solicit and from that time on there has been no accounting to any one, and case of a land owper who was taxed cd another $14,100. your committee, has been unable to in defiance of the 1929 tax relief ^''w^cester, ®of Details of Report cicf • 70 philanthropist and Pi^®?i^®“^. Discussing these transactions, the secure any statement of its receipts or expenditures since.” Part of the report Reed and Prince Manufacturing report'said: TT.,;.^r. a review of solicitation^ evils in the “The contributions of the Union state in which it was said that the ‘“ pM^del^la-Davis leads- Carbide Company were made by CHINESE------CITY FALLS chamber had been instrumental m for Senatorial nomination. Brown check of its president, one Hagger------... killing many spurious appeals lor leads Pinchot in gubernatorial race. son. to one Moore, a business asso­ Shanghai,oatuigiiaii MMXO.J ^ v.»-- w ------I funds*before they were launched. Washtogton - senate confirms ciate arid confidant of Huston, and ident General Chiang Kai-Shek was Other phases of the report dealt .Roberts for Supreme Court va by* Moore deposited to the cre^t of in full control of Kweiteh, Honan an account in his name with the with^the chamber’s drive for air iBd. -W ffllam Simons, province, today. Its capture yester­ marked cities and t o ^ s , tiie^makr stock-brokerage firm of Blyth and day afternoon culminated weeks of Chicago broker and one-time part Bonner of New York City, a trading ing of an aviation film to depict hard fighting. the progress of aviation hi Connec­ ner of former Governor McCray of banker it’s Integrity account. , During the final assault Chiang- ticut, the publication of an aero­ IndiMia, found shot to <^®^' . "These accounts, though carried Kai-Shek barely escaped capture by Nahant, Mass.—George E. Phelan, nautic trade directory. in the .name of Moore, were in real­ the forces of Marshal Feng Yu- Boston real estate man and mana­ ity, accoiuits of Huston, represent­ ger o f‘.George Robert White Fund, Hsiang, leader of the northern revo­ %*• K ing dealings on bargin in stocks and lutionary forces. .AVIATRIX DELAYED leaps to death from high cliff; death other isecurities. The $22,000 pay­ The northerners’ total losses were called suicide. „ , j, „ ment went to the credit of an ac­ ' Washington—Watson of Indiana estimated at 3,000 and those of the Subaraya, Java, MkY ^^“ l^AP*) count then running, reducing the Nationalists at about 1,500. The Na- 5ays London naval., pact considera­ . balance due the brokerage firm, —Despite intense eftort to je ^ i r tionalists claim to have captured the magneto on the plane x*:v;-;v:' 4 Retained Profit W i ••The'profit Huston retained, as­ east and west, due to the influence of the earth’s magnetic fieid. serting that he had frequently ad- -AV* - S. ?¥f:S<4;S?S\ ^ *• ir'.r If. vf'x'.,',. ; ’'.-‘xx'vx. V" •■r > A n t i -K n o c k i* f S ' ' s-V ' JY V

' . A A S i i t O O ° F . End Point ^ '.''"A .AS >v,. ''' 7 a- *v.' „ ' *'' r C A,? ' /• s*-*- *' *.*

Xa ' r ■■ i X - * ' ' r'V'-s / At No Extra Cost S,

A ^ THAT G O O D ■- r.rl



i n a C l it’ s

G oon M P m 'A T IO N and high standards—these are apaong the banker’s chief assets. Likewise, W e state it as out honestbe* Chesterfield’s. litf that the tobaccos used in SMOKERS THE WORLD OVER stick to Chester­ Chesterfield dgarettes are o f field bcMuse o f its thorough dependability o f quality, finer quality and hence o f its unchanging'good taste. better taste than in any other cigsrette at the price. G O O D TASTE!—VCTiat smoker would trade it for uouaiT a uTsw ioa*ccb oe» any numjber of cigarette claims? No Chesterfield fADE f ' , . wnokerwoitfd. For here choice tobaccos are blended uNinaihm'ictMnea and cross-blended to a^ner aroma and a richer, milder flavor to give you the utmost a cigarette can offer.. . T housands fof ’Tiew •TASTE above everything”. At the Sign of the quality this new -g a s ^ e “ ;tf^ oil tho Orange Disc confirm every claim we .m olte-^Ato^ PO ^R, t i/v is l ty- . r ^' _,y'*. C'. - . It ( G reater Mileage- - K, ,,V

.. . ■ --.<1-’ Gulf Refining ...... ' '. ''.IT AH 1-' .7 Wm ■■VW’' evi ■.n • -V ^ 1 4’--. • .y 7'* i--. TT' V 3

MANCHESTiSR EVBNINGIiBRALD/iSOlJTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1980. PAGE SIX ...... phantom figures, including medieval sorcerers, romantic ’ minstrels from DAILY RADIO PROGRAM WTIC PIMMSRARIS German mythology, gnomish bell­ rravelen Broadcastliis Se^oe ringers "of ancient French cathe- 10:30 9:30—Two dance orc^.lraa. Leading DX Stations. dtals and sturdy Vikihgs from the Wednesday, May 21. 11:30 10:30—Musical prosu'puemx Hartford, Oonn. V MAY (DST) (ST) northern wastelands, wUl pass in re­ Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh’s Im­ Sols^WBZ, NEW ENGLAND-^ 80,000 W.. 1060 E. a , 2823 M. Q 6:00—Amos ’n* Andy, comedians 40S>-W 8B, ATLAN TA—74a view in the imaginary picture to be mortal flight to Paris three years ago 7:00 9:00 8:0(P-WEAF progs. (1% hrs.) 7:15 6:15—Serenaders; homo towners depicted in music during th<^' Con­ LrktfiH' • 'co il >r(nl mrrirmY wil bo celebrated In music by Na­ 8:00 7 ;00—WJZ programs (U4 hrs.) 10:30 9:30—Musicale: Amos ’n’ Andy, thaniel Shilkret’s orchestra over 9:3C 8:30—Pioneers music, concert. Jl:46 10:45—Prohibition poll program. Wednesday, May, 21, 19S0 cert Classics’’ program from Station .j;3t)_WJZ programs (2% hrs.) 12:00 11:00—Studio musical: artists. E . O ; S* 'OD. W nc at 8 o’clock this evening, WBAF and associated stations Thurs­ 10:30 1:00 12:00—Geor^a vaudeville hour. day night. It was May 21, 1927, that 348.6-WABC, NEW YORK-860. 1:30 12:30—Transcontinental prog. 8:00— Concert .Classics — Chris* ■liie concert will include Paul GRAYCE De VYNE Colonel Lindbergh landed at 1.6 IJour- 6T5 6:15—Heywood Broun’s column. 293.9—KYW, CHICAGO—1020. ^ tiaan Kriens, .director.. Dukas’ tone poem, "The Sorceior’s get. Guest artists on the program 6:30 6:30—Dinner dance mtiaic. 8:00 7:00—NBC programs (3% hrs.) adually ouidoes herself in preseniing dils / will be Dei Staigers, cornetist, and 7:30 6:30—Astrologer's broadcast. 11:30 10:30—Amos n’ Andy, comedians Tone Poem ^'L'Aprentl Sorcier” Apprentice;” “Walter’s Prize Song” ITascha Zayde, violinist. Mr. Staigers 7:45 6:45—Adventures of Coh Powell. 11:45 10:45—Dance music to 3:00. — D ukas. froin- the Wagnerian opera, "Die colorful coiledipn frodcs for immediide’ wil play a concert oolka entitled "Soar­ 8:00 7:00—Russian village music. 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770. Orchestra. /’ Meistersinger;” Luigini’s French ing ’’ whies was written especially for 8:30 7:30—Sea dramatizations. 9:30 8:30—Drama: harmony boys. . Lindbcrgn by Shilkret. Mr. Zayde s 9:00 8:00—Orchestra, blues singer, 10;UO 9:00—Flower Garden feature. > Prize Song from “Meistersing- idyll, "The Voice of the Chimes;” veer. feature will be “ Flight. Thrills 9:30 8:30—Informal entertainmenu 10:30 9:30—Ted Weem’s orchestra, ‘-v er”— ^Wagnor. , and “ The March* of the Vikings” by which always characterize the Indian­ iv/.uw 9:00—Welcoming WPG. 10:00 '1:00 12:00—An hour .about Chicago. Julius Nussrnian, Violinist. Christiaan Kriens, who will conduct apolis Speedway 500-mile race on l a c ­ 11:00 10:00—Two dance orchestras, 254.1— WJJO, CHICAGO—1180. Hi»e the Meiroiv as veil as ihe Miss will eration Day will bo revealed by Ed­ 12:30 11:30—Midnight organ melodies. 8:30 7:30—WJZ male quartet. « Voice of the Chimes— Luigini. the orchestra. Julius Nussman of die Kickenbacker.- celebrated war ac» 454.3—WEAF, NEW YORK—€60. 9:30 8:30—Theater presentations. The'Vikings March—^Ktiens. the string section of the Kem ble and auto racer, in 6:00 5:00—Dinner dance music. . surdy find "just ihe ihing' for Mays warm^ an 12:00 11:00—Studio progs; artists. O rchestra. will interpret the "Prize Song” as a Grantland Rice, sports '"'rjter- 7:00 6:00—Violinist; comedp team. 4ia4—WGN-WLIB. CHICAGO—720. will be radiated by the ^ E A F net­ 7:30 6:30—Washington political talk. 9:30 8:30—WEAF progs, hrs.). S :25—rBaseball Scores— Eastern, violin solo. ■ days and pleasing evening. work at 10:30. Leonard Joy and his 7:45 6:45—Drama, 'Eternal Question' 11:10 10:10—Hungry Five; concert. ^ National, American; Benrus Time. all-string dance orchestra will offer a 7:00—East of Cairo drama. 8:00 11:30 10:30—Dance music (2 hrs.) 8 :3 0 — ^Mobiloil Concert— N athaniel program oi popular melodies during 8:30 7:30—Shllkret’s orchestra with 344.6— WLS, CHICAGO—870. the same entertainment. Yacob Zayde, viollnlet; 1 Shilkert, director, with Yacob iThe especially popular peiO polnl and idilf- 8:00 7:00—Family Circle -music, WBZ—WBZA dianopolis race is the most colorful in Del Staigers, cornetist. 8:30 7:30—Educational address. Zaydi, violinist; Del Steigers, cor- automobile competition in America. 9:00 8:00—Chicago Little Sympnony. 9:00 8:00—NBC musical hour. f Wednesday, May . 21. |ii embroidery combine vidi cape and )adc-■ 9:30 8:30—Revelers male quartet. 9:15 8:15r-Feature concert hour. . netist^NBC, I ' ' - O 7 Wave lengths In meters on left ot 10:30 9:30—Sports talk by Grantland 9 :0 0 — ^Runkel O rchestra. Rice, Eddie RIckenbacker. 447.5— WMAQ, CHICAGO—670.' t. ei ^[eds io meet ibe moods of Ate vedber. station tiUe, kilocycles on the right 7:45 6:45—WABC progs. (3% hrs.) ' Around the Comer—Kassel, Times are Eastern D ayli^t -Saying 1J:00 10:00—Mystery House, meloarama 4:15—Home Forum Decorating Pe­ ; • V • j 11:00 10:00—Dan and Sylvia; concert, The Song Without A Name— and Eastern Standard. Black face 11-30 10:30—Two dance orchestras. 11:30 10:30—Amos 'n' Andy, comedians riod— Vella 'Reeve. ■An inhreriing rxTle is dial ihe jaded modds type indicates be.st features. 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. R ussell. 5:00—Benrie Cummins' orch, 11:45 10:46—Minute men; orchestras. 4 :3 0 — ^Music Lovers. 6:00 299.8— w o e , DAVENPORT—1000. Down the Golden River of Dreams may be worn “vitfi” or "▼Aoul” 6;:i0 5:30—'Talk. John B. Kennei^. 5 ;00— stock and curb closings. Leading East Stations. 6:45—Prohibition poll prograin. 7:30 6:30—WEAF programs (5 hrs.) (waltz)— Shilkert. 6:45 12:30 11:30—Hawkeye dream ensemble 5:30—Poll Theater Stage Show. * ______. T:uo 6:00—Amos 'n' Andy, comedians If I Had A Girl Like You—Mc­ ATLANTIC C ITY -1100. 6:15—Dramatic sketch; orch. 1;0C 12:00—Barnstormers music hour, 5:45— ^WBZA Ensemble. 7:15 361.4— KOA. DENVER—830. D erm ott. 'Grayce de Vyne inviles you lo see ihese 8-00 7:00—WABC Russian music. 7:45 6:45-‘ Rise of Goldbergs. 11:30 10:30—Amos 'n' Andy, comedians 5:55— ^Kyanize Road Man. 8:30 7:30—Popular song harmonies. 7 :00—Piano duo, tenor solos. Medley of Hits from “Puttin’ On 8:00 12:30 11:30—Hill Billy boys music. 6 :0 0 — ^Time. new oealions and io dsserve ^ surprisingly 8:45 7:45—Eoprano, pian«it: orch 8:30 7;30_Forester8 male quartet. 1:00 12:00—Orchestra, male quartet. the R itz ." 9'30 8:30—Baptist Chui’cli orchestra. 8:00—Musical drama, orchestra. 6:01— Champion Weatherman. 9:00 2:00 1:00—Cotton Blossom minstrels. Dixie Ditties arranged by Frank 70:00 9:00—Welcoming Wl-G. 9:15 8:15—Musical reflections: tenor. 357—CMC, HAVANA—840. 6:08— ^Agricultiu»l Market report.

Theodore Roosevelt was commis­ narian. He fs the second man from Graduation sioner. the ranks to become commissioner. IIULROONEY HEADS Fighting river pirates along the Richard E. Enright was a lieutenant will soon be here with all its thrills water front, aiding in rescue work when appointed a commissioner by at the burning of the excursion Mayor John F. Hylan. —excitement—memories. It is a I nEW YORK’S POUCE boat Slocum, directing the handling His father, an immigrant from of the swarming throngs at the Ireland, was a rivei* pilot. ’The new momentous occasion marked with Dempsey-Firpo fight and trailing police commissioner was raised on joy and happiness. UNITAKIAN CHURCHES crooks through the underworld have lower Manhattan and educated in ^^4'. New York, May 21.— (AP.)—A been part of the career of the new the public schools. Commemorate this day of days with a lasting gift ■&an who pounded a beat back in police commissioner. O.K. BIRTH CONTROL •■■1896, today commands the 18,000 Before taking his oath of office, JAMES M. KEANE DIES: —a token that will be a glorious reminder of your .officers and men of New York’s po- he retired today from the police de­ thoughtfulness. :ji’ce department. partment as an assistant chief in­ New Haven, May 21.— (AP) — Boston, May ’ 21.— (AP)—The INSURANCE spector and was sworn in as a civil­ ^ Edward P. Mulrooney, 55 years James M. Keane, who died at his American Unitarian Association ian. sister’s home in Ir^and a few days A Wrist Watch a t ...... $17.50 and up was on record today giving its ap­ '^ d , who succeeds Grover A. Whal- Mulrooney is described by asso­ 8igo, was a former business msm proval t o birth control. ^ as police commissioner joined the ciates in the department as "every here, president of the National Cut­ A Strap Watch a t ...... $7.50 and up A resolution recommending to department as a patrolman when inch a cop” and is known by the lery Company, and interested in the Unitarian churches and their mem­ TTie Best Guardian o f ^ was 21 years old and the late men imder him as a strict discipli­ Yale Brewing company. bers that they consider the funda­ A Pocket Watch a t ...... $15.00 and up mental social, economic and eugenic importance of birth control, to the Life and Property A Stone Set Ring a t ______$9.50 and up end that they may support all reasonable eflents in their commun­ i < A Diamond Brooch a t ...... $15.00 and up ities. for the promotion of the birth .(Kintrol movement” was adopted al­ WARD’S LAST THREE DAY OFFER most imsnimously here yesterday A Diamond Ring a t ...... $25.00 and up at the 105th annual meeting. Rev.' br. Ifinot Simons, minister Come in and let us help you' select an' appropriate of All Souls Unitarian church. New Insure Your Valuables GREATEST OPPORTUNITY York City, offered the resolution. "B (x^ control is here among the A BOX IN A GOOD SAFE D.EPOSIT VAULT wett-to-do,” he said, “but not Tliursdfty, Friday, Saturday THE BUYING PUBLIC aipftng the ill-to-do who need it \IS THE meet. I do not know of a HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED single social worker who is not in { BJWr AND CHIIAPEST IN3U11AMCB. favor of it. Massachusetts is one of four Ward’s World Famous The Dewey-Richman Co. states in the union in which it is il­ The Manchester Trust Co. legal to give any Information about Jewelers, Stationers, OpticUms birth control,” he added. , g y r At o r w a s h e r “The House of Value” .

REDUCED Fire anil L iel^ TO TO OUR BUICK OWNERS In s u r a n c e Is your car runnuig right, for Summer driving? If it ii^not we are here to serve you, and take an interest in your Buick. • , • ' RICHARD G. RICH A few suggestions about your car that are essenUaL The Stnmig Box Having valves ground and carbon removed, this inelwles Tinker BuHdtog, Sm Hi CASH Tracing of valve seats with our special .tools. A miaU auniial depooit dur> Good brakes. You know the law requires this! ing your produ^ve years fluarautoeo you $100 a month Regular Price $81.50. Oiling and greasing, chedc battery and electrical units. begiuning at age 65, or earlier If oil filter or spark plugs need changing, we carry if poor health com p els^ u to ONLY GONE! Your last excuse for enduring the everything in this line. give up work, and $10,000 for drudgery of old fai^ioned vrashing. We’ve your nmily iif you die before PLACE YOUR “A Good B«ce |o Jkt” $5.00 Down priced this special lot of GYRATORS to Do not fool with cheap oil, as it is ei;pensiye for your agefiS. motor in the long run. ORDER NOW FOR g o l o ^ a b $1.50 clean them out. If you like a real bargain, LUNCH A I O ^ you can no more resist this offer than di^ The money you put in you We handle the best oil that is recommended for BuielKS. THAT MONUMENT loot Mam Weekly can resist the GYRATORS surging, cleans­ will never be tempted to in­ Let our Buick mechanics take cars of your wants. They Opp. Army ood Navy ClOb. ing suds. vest unwisely, spend on un­ in order that it may be set in know Buick construction. necessary luxuries or lend. time for Decoration Day. Buy On Budget Plan Let Us Demonstrate to You. if your car is laid up tor repairs, we furnish ysq^ with a Yet it’s ready when you need — ------car gratis, this is part ot our Buick service^ it AA fot cost at your age. WHITE MEMOMAL Let us take care of your wants. STUDIOS RADIO SERVICE CoAsecticut General on all Uto Insurance C om paq CHA& W. HARTENSTHN New seta aad afHaitfMd Local Bepresentativ i M ontgomery Ward &Co. 140 Sonmilt St. Dial WM Ifc JAMES M. SHEARjQ^ FAYETTE a ULAKK6 8^-828 MAIN STREET, ' ^UTH MANCHESTER TdL 7220 BUICK AND MARQUEtTE TsL 7220 STORE OPEN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY TILL $ P. M. iKSUEANCfi ;-^ .A v . - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SiOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. ; - ^ 21, 1930.

-'■ :'t r ' . t ir - . t l

anchorage and approach, the exca­ vators had to make a rock cut BIG imON BRIDGE! through the Palisades more than 750 feet long and 145 feet wide from the face of the Palisades to Hudson Something Terrace. The two inclined shafts for 55 P.G. COMPLETEDanchoring the cables into rock ex­ tend for nearly 200 feet from the level of what will be the lower deck of the bridge. Nearly 220,000 cubic Chief Engineer Reports yards of trap rock were removed SENSATIONAL lor this work. The portion of the New York Work to Port Authority; anchorage constructed comprises the central mass, or core, for the completed anchorage. The first por­ Opening Expected in 1932 tion contains 107,000 cubic yards of concrete and its construction involv­ ed the setting in masonry of 2,500 STOCK New York.—^Work on the $60,- tons of steel. 000,000 Hudson River bridge at The progress report describes the West 178th street is now 55 per spinning of the cables, arranged in cent, complete and the bridge two pairs, 106 feet apart, one pair should be open in the spring of 1932, at each side of the bridge structure. / according to information given out “The cables of each pair are by the Port of New York authority spaced nine feet on centers,’’ con­ REDUCTION yesterday after it had made public tinues the report. “Each cable will the third progress report on the consist of 26,474 parallel wires, com­ bridge by Chief Engineer O. H. Am- j pacted and bound together to act as mann. The report was transmitted a unit. Each cable will have a j diameter of thirty-six inches and to the commissioners of the Portj will weigh approximately 2,700 Authority by J. E- Ramsey, chief , pounds per linear foot. ^ I executive officer. SALE To date the w'ork on the bridge Wire of High Quality has cost $35,000,000 for all pur­ “Each wire has a diameter of ap­ poses. Eight lives w’ere lost during proximately one-fifth of an inch. The AT wire is of the same kind used in all its construction. Three workmen large suspension bridges since the were droWned in December, 1928, construction of the Brooklyn bridge. when a coffer-dam blew out during The quality of the material, how­ the building of the anchorage on ever, has been improved gradually ' the New Jersey shore. The five with the result that the wire used others were killed by falls during in the Hudson River bridge has a the progress of the erection of the tensile strength of 230,000 pounds 30,000-ton steel towers, which now per square inch as compared • with SHOE STORES rise to a height of 635 feet. the strength of 160,000 pounds per Within a few weeks the detailed square inch of the Brooklyn bridge.’’ plans and specifications for the ap­ The progress report describes the ! proaches bn the New Jersey side construction of the foot bridges that AND BARGAIN BASEMENT will be completed and the contracts had to be built before the spinning \ . \ \vill be advertised and bids received. of the cables could be begun. 1013 MAIN STREET, . SOUTH MANCHESTER ' Immediately afterward bids will be It gives Edso descriptions of the advertised for the approaches on plans for the approaches on both the New York side. The next step sides of the river, the same as were toward the completion of the bridge submitted to the Board of Estimate will be the advertising and award­ for approval on April 17, 1929, and ing of contracts for the floor of the to the New Jersey authorities about Starting Thursday, May 22 at 9 bridge. the same time. 100,000 Tons of Steel Used. The plan for the New York side T^e structural steel that will go includes the following approach and highway constructions: Business conditions call for drastic action to cut down our stock and to do so quickly. Om into the floor with the steel that Approach ramps, plaza and street has already gone into the construc­ connections west of Fort Washing­ shelves are overloaded with merchandise that has not turned over as well as we expected thw tion of the towers will total approx­ ton Avenue between West 178th imately 100,000 tons. The bridge is Street and West 179th Street. season. described as the largest structural Approach ramps, plaza and street steel job in New York City by tne improvements between Fort Wash­ Necessity kiiows no law. There is only one way to correct this situation. Price concessions Structural Steel Board of Trade, of ington Avenue and Broadway, be­ which its contractors, McClintic- tween West 178th and West 179th t h a t w i l l tempt the most thrifty are now going into effect. You need the g ^ ^ w e n ^ the Marshall Company, are members. Streets. The spinning of the four thirty- Approach connections with River­ money. Look at this landslide of wonder values. It will awaken your enthusiasm, stir your six-inch cables, the most spectacu­ side Drive west of Haven Avenue lar feature' of the construction, is and tunnel approach connections pocketbooks to open. Get your shopping bags ready. now 55 per cent, complete. It is with Amsterdam Avenue. expected that this construction The plan was approved by the be finished next fall. Until the Board of Estimate and Port Author­ cables are spun contracts-for laying ity on Jime 13, 1929, and by Gover­ One lot of Women’s Arch-Support Straps the steel floor structure will not be nor Roosevelt on Aug. 7, 1929. One lot of Ladies’ Felt Slippers. One lot o f Men’s let To date 55,000 -wires have been and Ties, patents, tans and black kid. ^ O. K. OLD AGE PENSIONS. spun into the sixty-one strands. moccasin - type Worth $4.00 and $5.00 a pair. The strands when placed in the sad­ ' All colors. Boston, May 21.— (AP)—A bill Gh)ing out at ' ^ dles atop the towers lie against providing for state old age assist­ each other to form a hexagonal Work Shoes and ance to persons more than 70 years section. After all the strands have a Pair been constructed and placed in their old was returned to the House of Representatives today after it had Oxfords. Uskide $2.95 ■ sadles, the cables will be compacted been given an overwhelming ap­ in cylindrical form, according to proval by the Senate. Mir. Ammann’s report. The Kiosk Contracting Company The bill goes to the House in the $1.95 form originally recommended by which, with its bid of $149,000, ob­ One lot of Children’s Crepe Sole the committee on pensions.' The Limited to 2 pairs to a customer. Pair 98c tained the contract to demolish the Housje amaidment, providing that buildings on the site of the New Oxfords, pair ...... York approach between Riverside women more than. 60 years old apfi Drive and Fort Washington avenue, men more than 65 years of age One lot of Misses’ and Children’s Plug cpihpleted its contract in March, should be aided, was eliminated by 19Sp, according to the Chief Engi­ the Senate in yesterday’s debate. Under suspension of rules after j Oxfords, all sizes, 5-2, C One lot of Children’s Crepe Sole J 1 AQ neer’s report. heated discussion the Senate passea j Oile lot (rf|fen’s Felt Slippers 49c Palisades Rock Cut P a ir ...... Oxfords, p a ir...... • Mr. Ammann further reports that the bill to be engrossed by a 30 to 4 i Ir^ ^Iir . . . . . •• in preparation for the New Jersey I vote. One lot of Men’s Ventilated Sandals. Just One lot of Misses’ and Children’s 79c the thing for inside wear. One lot of heavy first-quality, $1.69 1-strap tennis, new patterns, pair ■M P a i r ...... - . double sole tennis R egular $1.00 values.

One lot of Women’s and Misses QC 98 c Worth $1.50 to $2.00 a pair. Crepe-Sole Sport Oxfords, pair ^

One lot o f Boys ■ Sneaks One lot of Ladies’ Novelties. 69c ■—and it means *'the best money can buy** When P a ir ...... • .. Mother Nature can supply better materials and science better methods, then and not until then can you obtain something better than Budweiser Barley- Colors, patents and One lot of Women’s White Kid, J J ,98 Malt Syrup. No adulterants or fillers. No artificial dull leathers. 1-straps, ties and pumps, pair coloring or flavors. No substitutes. Guaranteed 100 One lot of per cent pure. Boys’ Oxfords Aged 5 Months in the Making 9 8 e a p a i r One lot of new Imported $1.98 $1.98 Sandals, P a ir ......

One lot of Men’s Dress Shoes and Ox­ a Pair One lot of Genuine Russian Sandals. fords $2.69 a pair. Regular $4.00 values. $2.95 One Lot of Bpys’ Bport Oxfords $2.69 One lot of Children’s Patent, 1 strap 89c I^a#ir sizes 4-8, p a ir ...... One lot of Women’s Novelty $ 1 95 Look for Tony’s Shoes, P air ...... ^ * picture on the top One lot of Men’s of every can. A One lot of high grade Novelty Pumps, booklet giving re­ Sport Oxfords. cipes for good leading styles and shades. $2.69 One lot of Men’s Scout Shoes J J , things to eat, wiU $2.69“*’“" be sent to any ad­ P a i r ...... dress upon request. Sold everywhere. Anhenser-Bnscli Every nook and corner of both floors of the store overflowing with shoe bargains to^c^ both of us. stretched to bring more values. The banner sale of all sales is now on. This great price slashmg event wiU be a tonic to botti oi us. B u d w d s e r Let’s g o . Barley-Malt Syrup ^^Youvs Fot BigQCT (ind BcttcT Shoe Bcurgains UGHT OR DARK - RICH IN BODY - NOT BITIYR

Standard Paper Co» Hartford^ Conn» OiBtributorb SOUTH ANHEUSER-BUSCH — ST. LOUIS 1013 M AIN STREET Also MakertoJ Busch Extra Dry Ginger Ale BMlM '

r‘: , .f",-' -r. ft . t MiUJCS®51^TlM ^i^^^.S 0in » C0N14, tpAGEEIGHT

tion In this state will have to he one 1 swer this question: "Where has It A Chicago, Ills. that the future water needs of the the estate of a ground-losing insti­ Full service client of N E A Service, Metropolitan District of Boston will tution into the condition of an Here Is a typical example: Three fiber pieces ^ M ovln c. _ ubiquitous and steadily accreting sofa, arm chair and rocker, sinoilar to sketch...... all Member, Audit Bureau of Circula­ increase in much the same ratio as tions. one. It has gone from social disap­ full size with cretonne upholstered spring they have been increasing for the cushions. Formerly $75.00 ...... $49 The Herald Printing Company. Inc., last generation. Starting from this proval to social recognition. - assumes no financial responsibility That’s where the,saloon is gone. - / for typographical errors appearing In point the Massachusetts advocates ...... advertisements In the Manchester reason that no adequate supply can Evening Herald. be obtained short of the Connecticut WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1930. watershed, while Connecticut argues IN NEW YORK See these new values tomorrow at Watkim that the waters of the Merrim^c SMART BUT DRY and other streams on the west side Under the letter head of the Re­ New York, May 21.—Here’s what of the height of land can be puri­ George Clark might refer to as a publican League of Connecticut fied and used by the greater city. "side glance” or two— .1 Professor Albert Levitt of Redding, What evidence is there that the It is a peep show spot in mid- crusader against various and sun­ Boston Metropolitan District will Broadway, On the window is a sign dry alleged abuses in the interest of reading, “For Men Only.” The at­ continue'to grow indefinitely in any public utilities corporations in this mosphere reminds you of those such proportion as in the past? whispered come-ons of the side state, annoimces his candidacy for What evidence is there that' any show barker in the days when the the Republican nomination for gov­ "men only” paid an extra two-bits THRIFT Eastern city—or any American city ernor of Connecticut. to see "Little Egypt” dance in the fro that matter—^will continue its side tent. The candidacy of Professor Levitt recent rates of increase? The vijndows are placarded with For the Living Koom For the Porch or Sunroom For the Bedroom , is interesting. He declares in his let­ clippings and signs, all of which Very little. On the other hand Modeme lounging chair of All hair mattress and fine ter that he is asking the support of indicate that something very, very Hammock with upholstered back and arm rests in plain ^ O Q B A there are numerous reasons for be­ the low type with solid walnut box spring for twin bed; Plain, the voters "in order that we may naughty is to be seen inside.' There duck with paShted design. Formerly $40.00 ...... herringbone linen ticking. 2 lieving that, this country has gone arc, you read, paintings that are arms. Imported tapestry up­ end the illegal and selfish exploita­ holstery. ^ 1 A pieces, formerly ’ through its greatest proportionate very oo-la-la and even more so. And tion of the state and its natural re­ Formerly $195.00. ^ i U U Hammock-stand canopy in striped duck. Formerly $10.00...... $74.60 ...... ^ 0 7 . / d ; : period of growth in population; par­ all, if you please, for a dime—ten $5 sources by Mr. J. Henry Roraback cents. Moderne occasional chair to All felt mattresses for full or ' ticularly New England. That here­ and his agents.’’ And he offers a Well, the other day Mr. John match chair above. Hair fill­ after we shall gain in numbers Sumner, the censor, swooped down ed; imported tapestry cover. Imported peeled cane settee. Formerly $19.00...... $10 .... $10.9 5 ' platform that necessarily commands much more in keeping with the and pinched the place. W hen, the Formerly d* C A Felted mattress for full size j the attention of the citizen. Without bed; striped ticking. A 4 o gains of European cities. case came to trinl, the proprietor $119.00...... Imported peeled cane magazine or wood basket. Formerly $8.00, $3 in the least committing itself to the admitted that these naughty nudes Formerly $1*6.60 .... In such event, is the need of Bos­ Occasional chair in denim up­ support of Prof. Levitt the Herald he was revealing were merely a col­ Innerspring mattresses in fig- ' ton for a mammoth increase in Its lection of Rembrandts, Goyas, Pi­ holstery. Hair and moss filled. believes his position should be made Formerly Imported peeled cane settee. Formerly $15.00...... $10 ured art-rtripe ticldng; F ull. water supply real or imaginary ? By cassos, and other famous artists. or twin sizes. ^ 1 A *7 B clear and so reprints the announced $75.00 ...... spH ri/ Imported peeled cane magazine basket. O f i the time all this water is actually Anyone could find their like or their Formerly $24.60 ^X2f./0^ platform, as follows: parallel in each large art gallery. Small Coxwell chair -with Formerly $4.98 ...... required probably methods ■will have Innerspring mattresses in ftfil' But the boobs, as usual, were be­ wooden arms. Cabriole legs; or twin sizes, covered with darn- ‘ 1. Honest enforcement of the been de'vised of getting it more ing lured in by the peep-hole sys­ tapestry covered. C 2-Piece Modeme fiber group of sofa and chair In, black and yello-w. Seat Constitution and Laws of our State. cushions o f rose brocatelle; back cushions o f black oilcloth, ^ ask tickings. Cotton uphold cheaply, by some wholesale distil­ tem; Which again demonstrates Formerly $29.00 .... ^ A O 2. Elimination of waste and cor­ the number of suckers that make decorated. Formerly $298.00 ...... ^...... ^ JL stered. B O O ruption in the expenditure of the lation process, from the ocean. Who Large Chesterfield club choir Formerly- $36.60 .... I up our main stem. with ball feet. Henna-rose 2- piece Fiber group in gray, orange and black with spring people’s money. knows? And not the least amusing fea­ Boudoir chairs in choice o f , 3. Adequate regulation of public brocatelle covering. seats. Formerly $58.00 ...... smart figured chintzes. Turned ture of the affair was a la-wyer’s Formerly $125.00 .... *P i U utilities so as to secure proper serv­ statement that be was really t ^ n g legs. ice at reasonable r&tes. The present IN PENNSYLVANIA Modeme club chair in gold 2-piece Willow group of sofa, and chair in brown finish with ' to educate the Broadway drifters cretonne seat pads. Special...... Formerly $9.95 $8.95 rates are too high. The apparently complete defeat and green wool and rayon tap­ Same chairs as above but 4. A thorough Investigation and and knew that they’d never come j of Senator Joe Gnmdy for renomi­ in for a peek if the paintings were estry.Down and hair uphol­ 3- piece Fiber group in gray, red and yellow with cretonne ^ y | Q with pleated valanoes. i reorganization of the Public Utili­ stered. upholstery to match: Formerly $79.00 ...... Formerly A q q a ties Commission because it has per­ nation in the Republican primaries, ballyhooed as Rembrandts and such. Formerly $125.00 .... ^ # O $10.95...... 927.210 « mitted the public utilities operating with the assurance that the next 3- piece Fiber group in yellow, green, gray and orange with ^ Q B Tin Pan Alley song makers are Modeme club chair in green Boudoir wing chair -with in this State to carry on lawless ac­ senator from Pennsylvania •will be mohair, piped with peach. cretonne to harmonize. Formerly $129.00 ...... tivities and to charge rates which constantly on the job for'numbers floss cushion; cretonne covered, i a man-who will at least be suffi­ v/hich will have a vogue because of Formerly 4 ^ 0 0 4- piece Fiber group with sofa, arm chair, rocker and table. Regular- B i O are illegal and dishonest. $185.00 ...... 5. A searching survey of all our ciently in sympathy •with the Presi­ some widely talked about personali­ Green with oremge and black trim. Formerly $69.50 ...... - ^ 4 2 / $36.00 ...... 9X27 welfare institutions sq that WP ihay dent not to utterly flout him as ty and event. Colonial wing chair -with Boudoir chair with solid wal­ At the moment, in the safe of stretcher bwe; cretonne uphol­ wipe out the evil conditions which Grundy has done in his tariff ac­ nut arms; green figured ere- ‘ now exist in them. one of the leading song producers, stered. [, Round fiber table •with wood top. Formerly $30,00 ...... < $ 1 9 ' tonne cover. B X B 6. Good roads in our rural com­ tivities, •will be received •with very is a tune entitled “ Lindy’s Baby.” Formerly $65.00 .... Regular $20.00 ...... 9X 0 It was written the moment that the munities. Enough of our taxpayers’ general satisfaction throughout the Small Queen Anne club chair I Oblong fiber table with wood top. Formerly $30.00 ..... $15 (2) Cretonne covered boudoir | money is now being wasted by the country. report went about to the effect that in henna-rose damask cover. a child was anticipated. And if chairs, B * 7 Q B Roraback machine to provide a hard Formerly formerly $12.50 9 > .2/0 surface road to every farm. The While political results in Pennsyl­ and when the birth is annoimced—. $55.00 ...... $39 I Square, wood top fiber table. Formerly $22.00 ...... $15 farmers are entitled to good roads. vania, perhaps as much as in any and the date was guessed at around Boudoir chair in yellow fig­ the middle of May—the copies will (2) Windsor side chairs of Oblong fiber table with 2 shelves and book racks in ured glazed chintz with remov- The development of the state de­ state in the Union, are determined birch, finished brown mahog- ends. Formerly $40.00 ...... mands them. be ready for national broadcasting. abel seat cushion. B Q 7 largely by the decisions of leaders, Lindy’s flight over the Atlantic Formerly $47.50 .... 9 9 / 1 7. Adequate labor legislation. Formerly $9.00 Child labor should be aboUi^ed. The it appears that even in those sec­ gave birth to at least a dozen nuln- $SeS5 Square, woOd top fiber table. Formerly $10.00 ...... $7.50 (2) ^ u d oir chairs with open, bers. Every disaster results in one (2) Windsor Side chairs with p~dded arms. Choice of two safety and health of all employees tions of the state where the leader­ Tuxedo style Fiber Chair in black and orange fiifish. Q must be conserved. Those who labor ship was entirely on the Gnmdy of those long-'wlnded ballads, such splat backs. Birch in brown 1 -O' figured cretonne coverings.. as "The Death of Floyd Collins,” mahogany finish. Formerly B X A the greater part of their lives as side there was a considerable wage-earners should be protected in which takes up two or three large Regular $11.00 (3) Wrought iron end tables with black marble tops. B V B $18.50...... 9XU 'their old age by adequate pensions. amount of independent voting by (fisc records. Windsor side chair with splat Choice of 2 designs. Formerly $24.00 and $25.00...... ^ ^ ^ Boudoir chair in black ground , 8. Equal application of the taxing Republicans who were completely Sales of phonograph records show back. Brown mahogany fin­ cretonne, Open padded arm s.' that this type of song, which never Reed ferneries with metal containers. Orange or gray Q C I laws. At present public utility cor- out of sympathy with Grundyism. ished birch. a q a If finish. Formerly $3.75 ...... v * » 2 / 0 Formerly A iporatioBS are given privileges and is heard by the jazz following public Regular $8.00 . . . $49.00 ...... 9 m 9 favors which are denied to other Especially impressive and of the heads many lists, -with tens of thou­ sands of customers "up in the hills” corporations and industries. highest value as a lesson to political t ■■ 9. Proper legislation to remove leaders was the imexpectedly hea'vy and "out in the lonesome places." legal discriminations against women and to secure to them a larger free­ vote i>olled by the dripping wet Many of the large cafes and night dom and equality with men before ticket made up of Prof. Francis H. clubs in Manhattan .have- bowls the law. Bohlen as candidate for the sena­ where the waiters toss their tips. 55 YEARS AT SOUTH MANCHESTER 10. Better provision for the care torial nomination and former Rep­ At the end of a night’s work ^ e ,bf war vetershs and their depend- coins are taken out and equally dis­ 'ents. resentative Thomas W. Phillips, tributed. Thus if one section of the 11. The conservation and develop­ candidate for governor. place has had a dull night, the wait­ ment of our natural resources for Apparently nobody knew what to ers equalize their tips by sharing the benefit of all our people. expect, as to prohibition, from Sen­ those of the busier men. The sup­ We will submit that Professor position is that all the waiters trust ator Grundy, while Daids had been each other implicitly. Levitt offers something definite. It charged with pussyfooting on that At any rate, the other night one must also be admitted that he is not issue, stressing his loyalty to the of these bowls happened to be half a politicad freak but a strong man supposedly dry Hoover administra­ filled -with water, “What’s the big opportunity to thoroughly mix -with when they are eaten. Those -with contagious and remains so imtil the to the lawfulness of war as a means j mous editor of the Woman Patriot,/ who comes into Connecticut politics idea?” someone asked. the starch before the latter enters strong digestive power -will be able skin has stopped scaling.. Some of of settling international disputes." I argued that the bill vmuld encour-\.: tion while seeking votes in the coun­ "Oh,” explained the waiter, with admirable antecedents. He has t))e stomach. to -withstand the effects of such a the usual complications of scarlet Lots of Opposition I age conscientious objectors and;;. try and allowing himself to be rep­ "that’s so the money -will make ! hamper efforts for a univeipal draft'i had, for one of his years—^he is 43 '^Starches should never be used at mixture for a long time, but it is fever are inflammation of the kid­ The bill was supposed to be more resented as a wet by his workers more noise if anyone tries to re­ bound to react upon them eventu­ neys, inflammation of the ears, and | law. ’ / . 1 , •—an extraordinary amount of ex­ move any of it.” tke same meal -with acid foods and or less in tune with the Kellogg in the cities. Probably no Pennsyl­ i^ldom with proteins. The use of ally and finally produce conse­ rheumatism. The recovery is slow { Congressmem Anthony .L Giiffin i GILBERT SWAN. peace treaty, but it had hot oppoM- perience. He is a lawyer, with an vanian regarded either of these ^ds-w ith the starches seems to pre- quences. The best way, then, is to unless the right treatment is used. tion when it came up for a hearing I of New York CSty made tiie LL.D., has an admirable war rec­ vj^t the thorough digestion of them, use only one kind of starchy food I believe the'patient should not be before the House Immigration Com­ ■ cipal argument for bis bill.-He 8aid> i nominees as a bona fide dry, but the I he had written, it five minutes after/ ord, an extensive college teaching ^ d - excess-fermentation is usually at a time and use it in combination given any food except citrus juices mittee./ ' candidacy of Bohlen and Phillips result with the different npn-starchy vege­ and water imtil the skin has reading Justice Holmes’ dissenUngv record, has been identified with big Representatives- of the D. A. R., opinion from the Sunrome. Cl^nirt de-'' was a definite protest against ignor­ ^{starches, all of the cereal tables, both in the cooked and raw stopped peeling. Patient-should be business and has served as a special form, The following combinations kept in bed, -witRUie room shaded, the Key Men of America, the Amer­ clsion denying citizenship tci Rosika;:; ing or straddling the liquor issue. Health and Diet p^du'cls,' ‘ bananas, peas, dried ican (joalltion and other patriotic assistant to the attorney-general of will give you iaome.'idea aa to. how and- if fever is too high, cold sponge Schwimmer because’ she would hot;; Nearly a hundred thousand votes t^ans, .tapioca, sago, potatoes and societies appeared against the bill bear arms. Griffin».told of a man^ the United States. He is a ready and i&ist of the fully developed root you can combine these foods. baths may be used. The patirat appear to have been cast for this should also be given enemas several while Quakers,’ Meimonites, named Offerman who was told that - Advice WJ^rs,, ; No. 1. Wholewheat muffins,cooked ists and "'representatives of peace forceful public speaker. He is fear­ wet ticket in Philadelphia alone. It carrots and string beans, lettuce times daily. this country didn’t want him when?; iWheB you 'da. use starches it is societies spoke in its behalf.' less. By DR. FRANK McCOY salad. he said that as a Christian .he had.? is possible that the wet vote may ‘ ' to use'only one kind at a Major (General Amos A. Fries, re­ no enemies and o f ‘a clergyman d e -' All of these things combine to No. 2. Baked potatoes, . cooked have had the curious effect of mak­ leal, and -this should, be combined summer squash, salad of raw grated tired, appeared for' patriotic socie­ nied dtizenship because he^said he . , make Professor Levitt, as an active ing Gifford Pinchot, fanatic dry, the only the'cooked and raw non- carrots and lettuce. ties and said they adl opposed the wouldn’t fight In a>war to hslp Cali- .^ opponent of the Republican organi­ Republican candidate for governor, BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR rchy vegetablM. No fruits of any No. 3. Boiled whole rice, cpqked bill and believed that no one should fornia annex, part.'of Mexicb. ? l^ d , not even'tomatoes, should be zation in this state, a force to be STARCH COMBINATIONS asparagus and carrots,' raw spinach be allowed to become a citizen with­ but it has accomplished the result UMd with a starchy meal. When out promising to bear arms in the Henty of Ddfeodns, Boo reckoned with. salad...... • . . . . Argument was ad-vanoed for free­ of showing Republican politicians in The term, carohydrate, includes starch is used -with tomatoes smd (Tomorrow:* More About 'Com­ national defense. That promise is But there is one thing in his rec- that state that it is unsafe to try to both sugars and starches, but in ar­ 'at, as this- mixture passes out binations.) exacted, not by the naturalization dom of consdeneb and for admis­ brd which may very well serve to ride the wet horse and the dry one ranging food combinations it is im­ the stomach,- both the meat' and law, but by an administrative order sion of good, peac^loving, law-aUd- J ft^ a to e s stimulate the flow of gas- from the Department o f Labor. counterbalance all these advantages. at the same time. portant that we distinguish between QUESTIONS Ain> ANSWERS By RODNEY BUTCHER ing dtizens who-would be wUUnglC 'W. the two. The majority of people use juice -W-hich has no digestive ele- “This is class legislation,” said Two years ago he sought the nomi- Meantime, in the practically as­ far more starch than their bodies n^nt in it that can in any way con- - (Scarlettna) Washington, May 21.—Our old Captain John B. Trever, represent­ to give their lives for ttieir country^ aation for Congress in the Fourth sured election of Secretary of Labor require. A small amount of starch -vert the starch. On the other hand, Question:—^Mrs. R, writes: "I en­ friends, the super-patriots and the ing the New York State Chamber even though they wcnld not kiu y anyone. --j ^ i Connecticut district—and he based J. J. Da-vis to the Senate in Mr. can be converted by the body into tM excess of the gastric juice is joy reading your articles, and I pacifists, have been..at...it again. of Commerce and the New- York lUlxed -with the starch and makes would like for you to state the These two elements, in their fre­ Board of Trade. "It would tend to Former CongressworSan Jeanette > l that campaign on his dryness. He Grundy’s place President Hoover is a form of sugar which it can use in performing work and keeping it/less liable to digest in the intes­ symptoms of scarletina—how long quent conflicts, sure perhaps the two let in the type that send representa­ Rankin of the National Council fof ^ 1 ran as personally and politically assured of a reasonably loyal sup­ warm, but an excess only produces tines where the principal change in the rash stays, and how long before most consistently- uncompromlMng tives to the meetings of dmigerous the Prevention of War, pdnted out':; porter, something that could hard­ fermentation, stomach acidity, bili­ stkrch takes, plsce. An exception the skin starts to peel. Is it danger­ groups which clash in Washington. organizations in Union Square." that the Supreme C o ta ’s Schwisai^ 1 In this 1930 pronouncement Pro- ly have been said had the domineer­ ousness, and leads to such diseases td:;,tiie starch ;nile is wholewheat ous to be around a sick person ?"^ This time the fight was over the Alinda C. Fries of the women’s mer dedsion had been handed down | sil^ins, which ^ y be used in small Answer: The early symptoms of Griffin bill, designed to admit to auxiliary Of the American L ^ o n before the Kelley pact -was ratf-i 1 lessor Levitt avoids all reference to ing Grundy been the -victor. as tonsillitis, stomach trouble, skin eruptions and liver disorders. an^loUnts -with k protein meal by scarletina are chills, high fever, citizenship such persons as Rosika argued that the* amendment would fled. Others who appeared for tUij I Ihe prohibition question. But ‘ we It is not necessary for us to eat tii^e in ,good he^th. Another ex- sore throat, and voinitmg. The (fis- Schwimmer,.. Professor Macintosh admit^to citizenship people who bill included Roy E. Bunt, education;*^ • vould not do him the discredit of SALOON “ GONE" starch, as all of the elements which e^ptiw is Starches which have been ease takes from a-fe-w hours to a and others who haVe xnOre or less preached "abolition of property al director of the MethSdist Bpisco-^ J imagining that he is willing to aban- • "The saloon has gone,” says Mrs. it contains can be found in the fruit tlmrouglfiy 'toasted, or , dextrinized, week to incubate. Small rash pa­ recently been, barred because they rights, total disarmament, free raw pal church, a representative of Tiftdi^ g them less liable to ferment pules soon coalesce into a imiform refused to promise to bear arms materiads and racial intermixture." Fellowship of Reconciliation Ion his dryness, even if he is cir- Ella A. Boole,' national head of the sugars and proteins. I have foimd I better results -with sick people by and): thereforev may be eaten in scarlet inflammation, developing and kill people'in defense of the Chairman Albert • Johnson of Mrs. Lola M. Lloyd, ohnirman I lumspect enough during his cam- W. C. T. U. Ten thousand other dry eliminating starch from the diet im- lAUtt qUantitlet with any other first on the head, face, wrists and constitution. The bill would amend Washington appeared strongly op­ the Griffin bill committee, who I |£ugn to keep still about it. leaders have said the same thing til they regain their health, fitarch abdomen and i^reading quickly the naturalization laws to provide posed and Intimated that the laws she had American Revolution • Connecticut sentiment is over- perhaps ten thousand times each. may be used in moderate amounts :^dme idsds; suoh as na-vy bekns, over the rest o f the body.,The erup­ that no persem. oth.er^e qualified might have to be amended in soma ceatorsoa both rides cCheri tions will last from seven to ten "shall be debarred from citizenship way to deal with pacifists who air and that that made Imr all Vhelmingly opposed to Volstead Perhaps Mrs. Boole or some one by healtlw people providing they ^":.iiaifii li :bad mixture of starch will take uie painif of properly mas­ , ,t';pratiHn;in tiliemselves that ex- days, and the disease from two to by reason of his or her relii^oiis or ready were dtizens. more eager -to prasism the yrohibition. The next administra- of the ten thousand others can an- ticating it so that; the saliva has an . tWUSfitAtioa always occurs .three weeks. The-disease is highly philosophical opinions with regard Miss Mary G. iOlhretfi, the fa- timial right to IfiMsty o f <

. ,V. i ■ 4 ----: i-,...... -iV-'.- MANCHESTER EVENING HEEAU). SOUTH M ANCHES^ e 0 ^ < ‘^BDNESDAY, MAY |1.1980-

beth Altemus, daughter of Ito,- Thursday, Jmift 'l2. .The society wiH Bessie Dobson Altemus Eastman, to be .repeated at. Gilead H^l meet Again at “tbe library on John Hay Whltney^elr to toe for­ THE evening. May 23. The proceeds will MARUOROIIGH Wednesday. be divided between the O. E. S. and tune of the late Payne WMtney, dDttMENlNSiST HEBRON The death of Walter Miner, aged will take place at Miss Altemus SHiENT . the grange. , ^ ^ S7, occurred at the Middlesex hospi­ The purchase of the Clayton A. Mr. and Mrs. Maro Strickland home here early in Septemlwr. ON BEING ARRESTED Mr. an^ Mrs. Howard O. Thomp­ tal, Middletown on Sunday. Mr. Mrs. Eastman today denied GLOW Lord farm by Mrs. Fitch N. Jones and Charles Strickland of Manches­ Miner had been a patient at the son spent Simday as the gueste of has just been recorded at the town ports that her daughter w ^ d their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Victor ter called on relations here last hospital for .^several months. The clerk’s office. Wilmer Dingwell and married on Long Island. That is KITCHEN Chinese News^per Burnell, in Willimantic.. week. deceaMd was local barber here for rldiciilous,” said Mrs. Eastman. family, formerly living in this town Heaton P. Blakeslee, who Mrs. Mary E. Cummings was the several months before he was taken “ She will be married at her home | BURNER \ f' l Says They Are Wanted for but who moved away some years ing a post graduate course at Wes­ Ul and had rooms downstairs in the leader of the Christian Endeavor ago, have returned here to live and and not on Long Island, as some !liurglary; Police Have to meeting at Hebron Center Simday leyan College, Middletown spent tte library building. ’ Burial took place misinformed persons has said.” IS Take Their Word for It. are occupying the small house week-end here with his parents, Mr. evening, with the topic, “ Causes of which was put up on the place in Middletown on Tuesday. CLEAN, War.” Mrs. Cummings took the and Mrs. Henry J. Blakeslee. ^ Henry Christensen of Fort above mentioned to take the placf Modern Method Lift Them Out .Chicago, May 21.— (APV-^eorge place of Albert W. Hilding who was of the dweUing house which was Nichols Pasane of East Green­ Adams, R. I.,'spent the week-end CONVENIENT \ov Yin and Benny Mei Chin, who, unable to be present. Little Janice destroyed by fire. _ wich, R. I., was a week-end gues- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. AND a may be suspected, are Chinese, Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Six large box shrubs, forming a of Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Lord. Chris. S. Christensen. nn into the Detective Bureau last Leslie F. Ward, sang a solo, “Jesus short hedge on the place owned by Memorial Day exercises will oe Mr. and Mrs. H.- Grant Duff arc GIVES nght waving a Chinese newspaper Loves Me,” Miss Marcia Zabriskie living in thblr. new cottage which CORNS Ike Goldstein, formerly known as held here Sunday afternoon May COMFORT md demanding to be arrested. accompanying on the piano. the Deacon Bestor place; have been 24. The children will decorate toe they have recently built on land Week end-visitors at the home of Callouses GrO Too “ See what it says here," saad Yip. sold to Mrs. F, C. Keech of New soldiers graves in both- cemeteries bought of W. W. BoUes. FIVE YEAR “ What ja mean, ‘see what it says Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kibbe were York, to be transplanted on her and speak pieces appropriate for The monthly Union Christian En­ hre?” inquired Sergeant Michael Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Raymond estate at East Haddam. The work deavor meeting will .be held in He­ The safest and real modem way GUARANTEE toe occasion and Rev. E. T. 'Thienes to remove coma, root and ^ —out Lrng. “I can’t read that lingo. and family, of New Britain, Mrs, of transplanting the shrubs has bron Sunday evening.r “It says,” explained the Chinese, | A. Wright and daughter. Miss Helen will give a talk. to stay is soak them every night for been done by Henry G. Gilbert, tree Mrs. Henry gordes of East Hart­ 3 or 4 nights in an invigorating, DON’T DELAY—ORDER NOW “hat we are wanted for comrrut- ■ Wright, the Misses Florence and expert, of Danielson. Goldstein re­ Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fuller and ford a former resident of this place thg a robbery in Boston. We did | Gertrude Bayer, all of Hartford, family .spent Wednesday in Middla- stimulating Radox Footbath. ceived $1,000 for the shrubs, which attended the Dorcas Society meet­ Then put on modish shoes again, n> such a thing. We demand to be • superintendent and-Mrs. John Mc­ are estimated to be about a century town. ing here Wednes^y afternoon. Gee of the Middlesex Coimty Home, walk and dance with gpreatest com­ e»nerated.” old, if not older. Mrs. Keech had two Miss Grace Kierstead, who is a The date for graduation exercises fort beyuse there’s nothing left to Sflent Glow Oil Bunier Crap. “It may be as you say, he de- Haddam, and their daughter. Miss unusually large shrubs of the kind teacher at the® Rockville has been set for Monday evening, clred, “These hieroglyphics are Dorothy McGee, and friend Miss ache, pain, no trouble. transplanted from Kentucky, for school spent Sunday with Mr. and June 16. The town schools will Radox liberates oxygen which 535 Main Street, South Manchester Phone 4360 Geek to me. Privately I suspect Crost, also Professor and Mrs. John which she paid $1,000 each. There Mrs. William Kierstead. softens hard outer layer of corn, each tby are a receipt for three shirts, C. Smith and daughter. Miss Mar­ close ^ June 13 for the sum m er'vaca­ were many of these box shrubs here Mrs. Ralph Carpenter returned night penetrating further and further si; collars and two suits of under- garet, of East Hartford. on some of the old places, but they tion. ‘ . ;'t thru the pores, carrying the salts to her home in Hartford the first o.. actual root of corn, so loosening it war. «tm , as I said before, I can- ' Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gallagher have nearly all wither died out or the week after spending two weeks that it conies right out. Nothing llKe nt be sure. Maybe some Tong is of New Haven were week end guests been cut down because the owners SOCIETY WEDDING healthy, free from corn feet to assure chising you and you think you can at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie were tired of them. It is estimated at the home of her father Byron b. ■ • - t happy days! Get a package of Radox w.ve a Chinese newspaper at me Lord. at Packard’s Pharmacy; North J^na F. Ward. that it takes these shrubs about 60 Pharmacy; South Manchester agent, ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-IT PAYS ari get into a nice safe jail. Maybe The remains of the late Mrs. The Dorcas Society plans to hold Philadelphia^ May :21.—^(AP.)-— years or'more to come to maturity. 'T>,« TTin.rriaere of Miss Mary, Eliza- Magnell Drug Co.—Adv. yfti want a ride to Boston, though I 'Anna L. Brown, wife of Franklin S. Many of the people here are sorry their annual strawbery festival on k»w of no reason why anyone Brown of Manchester, formerly of to see these shrubs being dug up sbuld want to ride to Boston. And, Gilead, were brought to Gilead and carried off. agiin, everything may be as you cemetery for interment on Sunday, S8^« May 18, following the funeral ser­ ‘Pick yourself out a nice hard cot vice at her late home. Mrs. Brown, ari I’ll telegraph the minions of who was Miss Anna Gesang of Tor- i WAPPING lav and order in Boston. If it’s a rington, leaves besides her husband, | robery, and you demand exonera-1 five sons, and a daughter. She also Mrs. Karin Peabody of Carpenter tin, n i help you, no matter how^ leaves two grandchildren. She was street, Hartford, and Lisle H. lo:g you have to stay in jail.” 55 years of age. Death was caused West of South Whitney street, rhis seemed highly satisfactory | by a paralytic shock. Hartford, but formerly of Wapping, toGeorge Moy Yip and Benny Mei j The Commimity Band held its out were married at eight o’clock, Mon­ Cln. door practice meeting Sunday after­ day evening. May 19to in Ellington, noon oU' the Godfrey. Hill fiats, his ■ former home town, by Carl where they rehearsed playing and Geohring. They were attended by S S S ja . marching in preparation for the Miss Roxy Peabody, Miss Hazel concert to be held at the -town hall, West, and Mrs. Emma West of Hebron Center, Thursday evening. Wapping, (Mr. West’s mother). Alfred Williams of the Berkeley They will reside in Hartford, where Divinity school. New Haven, assist­ Mr. West has a position with toe ed Mr. Allan L. Carr at the morning Royal Typewriter Company. service at St. Peter’s Episcopal Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Deffner of church, on Sunday, delivering the Springfield, Mass., were the guests a m e b ic a n r e d c r o s s sermon. Mr. Williams is a classmate of Mrs. Deffner’s daughter, Mrs. of Mr. Carr. He went to Colchester Arthur Frink, on last Sunday. )n May 21, 1881, the American in the afternoon assisting in the ser­ Miss Lillian E. Burger spent toe Rd Cross was formed imder the vice at Calvary church, and was the week-end with friends in Williman­ ledership of Oara Barton, who guest of Mr. Carr through the day tic. $1.00 Allowance For Your Old Flat Iron acBd as its first president. at the rectory. Recent guests at toe home of Mr. •aie American Red Cross Society, Harold Cummings spoke at the and Mrs. Wilbur C. HiUs were Mr. lik those of other nations, was or- Center Congregational church at the and Mrs. Moreland Lord, of East gailEad largely through the aetivl* Sunday morning service on behalf Hartford, but who formerly lived in Towards This Beautiful Chrome Plate tiei of Jean Henri Dunant, a Swiss. of “ aean Up Week” representing Wapping. Aneyewitness of the battle of Sol- the Boy Scouts of the town. He Edward M. Sullivan and son, femo, Dimant published a book in emphasized the necessity of the Morris, of Enfield, called on friends whch he vividly described, the hor­ townspeople taking an active part in town on Sunday. ror of the battlefield caused by the in the campaign, and brought out Rev. Harry S. Martin has ex­ $ 8 .7 5 Cash or Budget inaiility of the regular surgical the part that scouts could take in tended a cordial invitation to Ever­ cons to care properly for the the work. His remarks were supple­ green Lodge of Masons, No. 114, A. F. and A. M. to attend service, at Westinghouse wonded. mented by the Rev. John W. Deeter, Tie book was widely read and pastor, who also spoke briefly on the First Congregational Church of South Windsor, on St. John’s Sun­ the resulting agitation led to an the subject. intrnational conference at Geneva The Boy Scouts are planning an day toe twenty-second of June. in 1863 when delegates from 16 overnight hike on Friday of this The Garden Club met at toe sum­ Only 75c Down mer home of Mrs. P. E. Bossen at Adjustomatic couitries signed what is known as week, if the weather is seasonable. the Geneva Convention which pro- They have had several very enjoy­ Lake Tankaroosen in Vernon, last able hikes but have not yet taken week Wednesday. vidd for the neutrality of those of- Mrs. Helen Skinner has been ill at ficilly engaged in relieving the an overnight one. her home for toe past week. She is $1.00 A Month wonded. The confirmation cl-ss of St. 1 1905 the American Red Cross Peter’s Episcopal church, taught by improving at toe present writing. Iron wa chartered by an act of Con- Allan L. Carr, reader, met at the gres. There are now more than home of Mrs. Frederick A. Rath- 300 local chapters, with national bun Monday evening. The work FLOODS CONTINUE hedquarters at Washington, D. C. taken up was review of former class Th< work of the organization is not work, in preparation for confirma­ Little Rock, May 21.— (AP)'— conned to war time, but includes tion. The Bishop’s visit is expected Confronted by continued rises in the , ■ ' f the relief of suffering caused by on the second Sunday in Jime, when Ouachita and Red Rivers and small­ grat calamities such as epidemics, the class will be confirmed. There er streams, the Red Cross today re­ stoms, earthquakes and fires. will be one more meeting of the inforced volunteer relief corps for class at the church for a final re­ any eventuality as the crest of flood Free One Year’s Supply Of Rinso With Each hearsal. waters slowly moved toward the Among those who attended the inundated areas. LICENSES SUSPENDED Commimity Orchestra Concert given Refugees grew in number as the at the High school auditorium, Calion area on the Ouachita River, Willimantic, Sunday evening, were 20 miles north of Eldorado, while ^ list of operators whose licenses Mrs. Albert W. Hilding and chil­ further down toe stream at Felsen- todrive automobiles in Connecticut dren, Miss Victoria Hilding, and toal residents had made fast their hwe been suspended for one year Miss Helen Hough. furniture in their homes and with a Only $ 9 9 . 5 0 fo driving while under the influ- The Minstrel Show given by the few personal belongings had fled to ece of liquor was given out today O. E. S. at Colchester recently, will ask shelter of relief agencies. Autom atic at the State Motor Vehicle Depart- mnt as a part of the effort to re- $4.95 Down dee this highway menace. The de­ partment statement advised people to notify the department or the pdice in case they should see any SAVI'TT, INC.—40 Asylum St. Duo-Disc of these drivers operating motor vtiicles. $6.30 A Month Bridgeport, Edw. Grunnell, Chas is Magmficent 7-Diamo L Miller, Herbert I. Wedg3. Bristol, Pank Anderson. East Hartford, E-ik Skarin. Hartford, Henry W. Engagement Ring Electric Wistshe^ Kmny, Thomas Lapierre, Frank J. I Ikiurphy, Clarence E. Peno. Hazard vile, John Paynski. Arrange For A Meriden, Ernest A. Cossette, 4 ^ Eigene B. Havens. Mystic, Ray- imnd Campo. New Britain, Luther G Berry, James Cullum, John J. Complete With Siphon Demonstration Today Snith, Joseph Stafanin. New Hart­ ford, John Lynch. New Haven, Ipbert W’. Branin, Felix Lynch. Foxbury, James R. Sturges. Sims- biry, Mike Dlubac, Kenneth E; \Iale. '.Springdale, John Delinski. Stam fini, f'rank Busbart. Thomaston, louis Brown. Wallingford, W. Fred lannihg. Waterbury, Frank A. leld. West Haven, Edw. J. Tatra Yilson, Thomas Olihan. Amherst, Hass., Raymond W, Hadley. New Special Offer On Ail Tork City, Dean Wood. For This Month Only. PRICED FROM N E W Y O R K $1.00 via a week HARTFORD LINE $ 9 7 . 7 5 *" $ 2 6 4 . 7 5 This beautiful engagement ring is but one example Steamer of Savitt’s large selection of diamonds. A perfectly PASSENGER AND cut stone and further enhanced by six smaller'diamonds Small Down Payment FREIGHT SERVICE set in a modern 18K mounting. An unequalled value. Charge it—pay eaph week or month as is convenient for EtccW SunAiY COMPLETELY I t. HARTFORD 4 :3 0 PM you. Two Years To Pay Middletown 6 ; 45 PM * East Haddam 8 :0 0 P3£ Out-of-Town Accounts Invited INSTALLED : Essex' 8 :4 5 P3I I f . Saybrook Point 9 :8 0 PM Mail Orders Accepted - DW NEW YORK (Pier 40,N.R.); 5:30 A3I '■ )' - '1 IMnmine leave . NewW 4:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time) one Way Fare • - ?2.50 ibnnd Trip Fare - 4.00 Ohifortable staterooms, with ELEcnnc Co ^ and cold running water, ^.50, $2.00, $2.50, and $3.00 '• Tickets and Reservations PHONE 51M SOUTH MANCHESTER ‘ at Railroad Station or 773MAINST..'-f i State Street Wharf INC> ■ ^ ..V f Hm New Enfland 40 Asylum St., Hartford 1 Steamahip Company

f t ' r < • ' •• •► • ■ < t ■

MANCHESTER E\^OTn 6 HBRAtD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1980. PAGETE^J _____/■ -->■ . I , /j-! < ■ - ____ . ' I ~ ' Battalino’ s Time Expires THRiiXiNG Firliii o f Ke n t u c k y d e r b y six National r %r-rt Must Defend His Title N. Y. Board Decides LEGION W IU P U Y Greatest Ear^ Race in II ars GAME ON Clearly Shown by l|Ye- Boxing Commission Refuses i PIRATES VS. YA N ^ ments After Only To Sanction Battalino-Ter-1 TONIGHT OVER WEST TeamWifl Not Be At Fall Day's ftiy . ris Bout Planned for June Strength Until High School The amazing race of the Nt ional League clubs for the higher luces in the standing has stolen tot show 4; Must Defend Title or Teams Battle to Break Sec­ S ^ n Ends. in big league baseball froix their rival circuit. Four games were ond Place Deadlock; played yesterday in each mjQr Keep Out of New York. bandy guy like Earl.j,Gallant Fox (1), past the finish lineo- It was announced at last eve­ league, and while, toe Americli was an easy wanner by two lengths over offering but one change i- toe Sande to boot them under the wdre ning’s Legion baseball practice at standing, a shift of toe s^enti SQd The New York State Athletic Sturgeon to Face Kearns. Gallant Knight (2), whose lead over the West Side playground that a whether it be Wood Memorial, Ned 0. (3) was equally convincing. eighth place clubs, toe dder ircuft Commission yesterday refused an How They Stand Preakness or Kentucky Derby. “I talked ‘The Fox’ into his full With The Leaders game would be played Thursday left just two clubs, in toelr jnner posts. , . application from Bat Battalmo for i The Pirates and Yanks will clash Above is pictured the finish of the stride,” Sande said following the evening •with a team imported from permission to meet Sid Terris, the f race, “and he moved right away the North End. Last year the boys The Brooklyn Robins who 1 scame tonight in the West Side baseball YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Kentucky classic, with Sande, the (Including Games of May 30.) toe leaders only Sunday, heli^toeir Ghetta Ghost, in an over-the-weight dean of America’s jockey’s, pilotihg from them. He’s a great horse.” National: sprung a surprise on the Cardinals league at the Four Acres starting 1 place by trouncing toe Phillii i, stffl bout at Ebbetts Field, Brooklyn, Eastern League Batting—Herman, Robins, .435. of the frigid part of the town by the taileuders, 16 to 9. All t e re'st at 6 o’clock. These two teams are j Runs—^Terry, Giants, and Fred­ June 4. Pittsfield 9, Hartford 0. sending the team home on the short shifted about, toe New York Hants tied for second place in the -league! Bridgeport 13, Springfield 5. erick, Robins, 32. dropping from second to burth The decision will be a severe b ^ v Hits—Frederick, Robins, 55. end of the count. to the Battalino plans for the sum standing, each having won and lost | AUentown 6, Providence 2. ' place for toe day’s biggest faJ while Ti- was neuevcu one game thereby making tonight’s ' New Haven at Albany (rain). Doubles—Frisch, Cards, 14. Practically an entire new team I Pittsburgh made toe best clii b,- gp- mer months. It was believed that •will be used by the Legion as sev­ b S. X l d be permitted to appear in battle a pretty important one. National League Triples—Cuyler, Cubs, 6. 1 ing from fifth to third. . .■ Brooklyn 16, Philadelphia 9. Home runs—Wilson, Cubs, 12. eral who are at present on the 1 Even toe Boston Braves found f fpw bouts in the metropolis m py Holland will pilot the Pirates squad of the High school will be nrripr to show his fistic wares there } and “Yump” Dahlquist will be at Boston 4, New York 3. Runs batted in—Klein, Phillies, themselves in toe struggle a they 34. prohibited from playing with the Le­ do"wned toe g;iants for their fourth ■hpfore being forced to defend his the gun sights for the Yanks. Bobby Pittsburgh 5. Cincinnati 0. gion until the early part of'June. •featherweight title but the ruling of sturgeon, the chap who pitched a St. Louis 16, Chicago 3. Stolen, bases—Cuyler, Cubs, 7. "Victory in toe five game seri^ i. The the New York board will cause ^ a | one-hit game against the Red Sox American League bq'W illiam Braucher’ A full squad reported for last Braves pulled out a 10-innt g; tri­ conmlete re-arrangement of the recently, will oppose Walter Kearns New York 7, Boston 4. American: evening’s workout. There is spirited umph 4 to 3. The Braves ire In Batting—Ripe, Senators, 383. competition for several positions, sixth place today, haying me ed up Knttalino campaign for the sum- on the mound, Kearns working for Cleveland 7, Chicago 3 (1st.) MEETING INTJpiESTING <^son’s time, 9 2-5 - seconds.. Maybe the Yankees. Bill Brennan will um- Cleveland 7, Chicago 5 (2nd.) Runs—Hodapp, Indians, 30. and it is going to be difficult [to a notch through their M unh but PEOPLE. the A. A. U., which is an interest­ Hits—Oliver, Red Sox, 46. select the squad. ; they Eire only 3% games beh id toe The New York board informed pjj.g and a red hot battle is expect- St. Louis 8, Detroit 2. ing body of men, will discover that Doubles—Cronin, Senators, and league leading Robins. ' Battalino that if he fights jn New to result. Frank took too many steps and its At least seven Hartford county York he must defend his title, and | ------THE STANDINGS Newspaper work is wonderful, Kress, Browns, 12. posts •will be represented by boys’ Pittsburgh leaped up twoblaces we hear—ydu meet so many inter­ not official. Triples—West,; Senators, 6. In toe standing as Larry 'rench against a suitable oppon^t. , ' —Jack Dempsey isn’t champion baseball teams this season it-be­ esting people. Among the J. P. we Home nms—Gehrig, Yajiks and came known last evening with shut out toe Cincinnati Rect "with It is apparent that the board fee - Eastern League any more, but he’s still interest­ the Hartford boy has had reason­ W, L. PC. have met is Herr < Arthur Bulow, Foxx, Athletics,'7. Clarence Pfennig of Bristol in four hits to give toe Pirate their ing. He says Jack Sharkey is in­ third straight win, 5 to 0. able time in which to defend the Golfing With New Haven ...... 18 14 .563 former Manager of Max Schmeling. Rims batted in—Foxx, Athletics, charge of the county competition. tS e he won last September despite 14 .563 Herr Arthur says Max will beat vincible against anybody he thinks Within a few days full particulars The St. Louis Cards follow 1 toe Allentown ...... 18 he can whip and that he’s positive 30. Brookl3m system, downing t]» Chi­ his injuries. Bridgeport ...... 18 16 .529 ^ Sharkey, and doesn’t say it because Stolen bases—Rice, Senators, 6. will he known smd the playing The Duffer 16 .515 I he likes Max either. “Max is like he can smother Schmeling. schedule will be v announced. It is cago Cubs 16 to 3 to move ii o sec­ The featherweight king, scathe Hartford ...... 17 —Young Jack Thompson ought ond place and send toe Cubs down Springfield...... 18 18 .500 ' iron,” says Bulow. anticipated that play will start permitting, will tangle with Vic Bur to give Jackie Fields a return to fifth. t rone of Pittsburgh tonigh.- This Albany ...... 14 14 .500 I —Another interesting man, RED SOX WEN about June 1. By JOE O’GOOFTY. 18 .438 match, of course. And at the same Another St. Louis tela;, ' toe bout has been twice postponed Providence ...... 14 whether you like him or not, is Bro"wns brought about to only dxving to rain and Bat is anxious to j National Wide Open Champion. Pittsfield ...... 14 21 .400 Jack Sharkey. The sailorman says terms for which the pair recently The Ked Sox beat the EJagles in I fought for the title, namely ?14.85 NEW HAMPSHIRE 460,325 altercation in toe American league s e t it over and get back to h.s ,i Since I have started this series National League he wall knock out Max inside of five their, first game of the season at standing by downing toe letreit home He is reported to be in j on golf, many of my friends have W. L. PC. rounds. “And I don’t care hew to the challenger. the Community Club grounds. All Tigers 8 to 2, and exdinging c S t i o n for tonight’s fight, scaling ! urged me to do something for the Brooklyn ...... 17 12 .586 i strong he is,” sayeth the sailorman. —Just before the Derby, Concord, N. H., May 21—:(AP)— .567 j dockers at Churchill Dowms played exceptionally well on the A population o f : 460,325, a gain ,of placeS^ with them. The - frowns about 128. i sake of the explosion shot. They St. Louis ...... 17 13 Another interesting man is Babe went into seventh place. Pittsburgh - ...... 15 12 .556 I caught Gallant Fox in a slow Red Sox. The star for the Eagles 18,309 or 4.14 per cent since 1920, Ruth. The Babe says it’s a cinca was Brannick. was reported for the state of New With the first and secondteama, New York. May 21— (API—Jim- i New York ...... 15 13 .536 1 the races for the flag in both workout.- Earl Sande, one of the .531 ■ ^ Red Sox Hampshire in returns published to­ Washington and Philadelpl a eiv my Slattery’s light Chicago ...... 17 15 i leagues are going to be hot stutf most interesting of jockeys, said, joying a day of rest, toe fist di- .464 ' , AB.R.H. PO A .S . day. crovm, a gift to him from the New j Boston ...... 13 15 this summer.' And he doesn’t “Pshaw! What of it? ” "vision o f toe league Impro'sd its 16 .429 ; P. Deyorio, p .... 5 3 4 0 2 0 The greatest increase was in the York State Athletic | Cincinnati ...... 12 think the Athletics infield is so ^ , position a bit. ' The thirc place may be taken back again by the fis- ! Philadelphia...... 8 18 .308 i J. McCarthy, lb .5 3 4 10 Second District, more than 8,000. wonderful. . S^e, We Paid for It. J. Staiim, 2b ----- 5 Z 3 3 Cleveland Indians scored a double tic fathers. ■ American Leagu —You can’t deny John J. Me- Chris Cagle, who recently left The cities of Concord and Ports­ victory over toe Chicago 'Wl ,te Sox The commissioners qualinea as W. L. PC. fl. Meikoliet, If . .4 2 2 2 mouth are ~ in the district. Both Graw is interesting. John says | West Point for married and - H. Rudeen,”ss . . . .4 3 3 0 who hold fifth place by seres- of "“Indian givers” today by warning | Washington ...... 20 10 .667 ing life, was a very interesting Hillsborough and Merrimack coun- 7 to 3; and 7 to 5. the Buffalo boxer that he must , Philadelphia ...... 18 10 .643 that even if the Giants did 'win a A. Deyorio, cf . . . 4 2 3 1 tiea had gains of about 5,000. young man in a football suit. It P. Staum, 3b ....4 2 3 0 The New York Yanks ha tp.-gO; hatUe Maxey Rosenbloom, at But- | Cleveland ...... 17 12 .586 recent series from the Cubs, those Unofficial computations in Rhode Chicago boys are going to be dan­ cost us $4,288 to educate him for J. Staum, r f -----4 1 1 2 10 innings to gain a 7 to 4 victory falo, during the week of June 22 or i New York ...... 14 12 .538 his new occupation. Island yesterday showed a popula­ over toe. Boston Red Sox is Ed ibse on July 1 the title recognition I .414 gerous when their pitehers start J. Bycuseski, c .. 4 2 2 1 tion there o f 685,017, a gain of B oston...... 12 17 —Pittsburgh and St. Louis, in Durham did some great reli«| pltoli':-^ ^ven him for his victory over Lou . Chicago ...... 11 16 .407 working. Which also might be 80^620 or 13.3 per cent. ing." Icozza up-state last February Al­ .379 said of the Boston Braves. the National League, have inter­ Total ...... 39 20 28 19 14 2 St. Louis ...... 11 18 esting ball teams and interesting though the match has been pending Detroit ...... 12 20 .375 Eagles for months, the gladiators have fail­ Bare-Legged Helen. managers in Jewel Ens and Gabby AB. R. H. PO. A. S. ed to sign contracts. Slattery boxes Our own Helen Wills Moody Street, but attendance figures | E. Moriarty, 3b .4 1 2 0 2 0 GAMES TOD.\Y show the fans in neither city have Pete Latzo in Boston next Tuesday. Eastern League shocked the French people ' McCurry, p .... 3 0 1 1 2 1 been very much interested. The commissioners were mildly pay me the compliment of regard­ Pittsfield at-Hartford. last year when she went out to H. Smith, 2b .. .3 1 2 3 1 2 —Battling ^elson is - con^der- 2 aroused at the statements of Ira ing me as an expert in lies where New Haven at Albany. play SEins stockings. Just to let Bedwtha, c . .. . .3 1 0 2 3 Vorhies, Nebraska commissioner, an explosion is required, so I shall Springfield at Bridgeport. them know she wasn’t fooling cur ing a returii to the prize i-ring. .3 0 1 0 1 1 who protested today the suspension give a few rules to be followed for Providence at Allentov/n. own Helen Wills Moody is doing Which is interesting, if true. Wagne:^ rf . .. 3 0 0 2 0 0 of Primo Camera by the National this trick. National League the same thing this year. The Hemingway, If .2 0 0 1 0 2 Boxing Association and announced 0 0 2 0 1 One of the first things to re­ Brooklyn at Boston. French are so easily shocked! It may have been somewhat em.- .3 •he had been “reliably informed” member about an explosion shot barrassing to Edda Mussolini to Brannick, lb : 4 1 2 7 2 0 that the Italian Giant was barred in Philadelphia at New York. Frank Wykoff of the Uni­ is that you should explode quietly. Chicago at Pittsburgh. versity of Southern California haveOier father announce shortly New York State because he refused Also do your exploding from with­ T o ta l...... ’..2828 4 9 19 11 9 to give exclusive right to his ser­ Cincinnati at St. Louis. gave the A. A. U. something else after her marriage that Rome out and never from within, as I American League vices to Madison Square Garden. to worry about; the other day Will have 2,000,000 inhabitaiits by Red Sox ...... 431- 342 030— 20 have heard countless golfers do. St. Louis at Cleveland. when he ran 100 yards in Simp- 19:1. Eagles ...... 100 000 102— 4 - 'This commission suspended Car- It is rather dangerous to carry nera,” Chairman James A. Farley New York at Philadelphia. said, “because of his unsatisfactory TNT in the golf bag. If you drop Boston at Washington. the bag you are likely to make a Detroit at Chicago. match with Leon Chevalier in Oak­ • * land, Cal., and only upon receipt of permanent hole-in-one. Several copies of the evidence against him , cases where it is ad'visable to use from the California commission. the explosion shot may be listed EX-BIG LEAGUERS but it is w orse on the Camera has no contract ■with Madi­ as follows; son Square Garden and no refer­ 1— When your opponent adds ence or claim on his services has up seven strokes and announce.s IN N. E. CIRCUIT end of your cigarr;^-^ been made to the commission by that gives him a four. tile Garden.” 2— When a foursome of lady -V Phil Scott. English heavyweight, golfers tries to go through. Boston, May 21.— (AP.)-^Four -ffled a challenge to meet the winner 3— When you strike yourselfnew managers send their men into ©f the Sharkey-Schmeling champion­ in the chin with the mashie- the field today in the opening _ ship bout but the commission placed niblick. games of the 1930 New England the document on file without 4— When your wife asks yovbaseball league season. The circuit comment. to play a couple of rounds witt has six teams. The schedule of games: Salem at her. Lynn, Nashua at Manchester, and 5— When you shoot five newLewiston at Portland. Hartford Game' sinkers into the water hazard. The new managers are John Col­ 6— When your putts carry 78 feetlins, formerly of the Red Sox and over the next fairway. White Sox, at Nashua; Sam Post, At Hartford:— former Brooklyn first baseman, at 4? HILLIES 9. SE.VATORS 0 Salem; , old Braves T Pittsfield Yesterday's Stars pitcher, at Portland: and Ben Hous­ : AB. P.. H. PO. A. B. er, formerly of the Athletics, at Archdeacon, c f ...... -1 2 1 1 0 0 Rodriguez, lb ...... ~> 1 4 14 0 0 Lewiston. Tom Whalen at Lynn and Small, rf ...... 5 2 2 0 0 Herman, Dodgers—Drove in six Leo Hartline at Manchester con­ Tice. If ...... 5 1 1 0 0 0 runs against Phillies with four tinue their work from last season. IVilke. 2b ...... 5 1 2 5 3 2 singles and seventh homer. Borprmann, 3b ...... 5 0 0 0 3 0 Vachal, ss ...... 5 1 1 0 7 0 French, Pirates—Held Reds Lo iliert. c ...... 5 0 2 5 () 0 four hits and blanked them 5 to 0. £)ohcn.s, p ...... 4 1 0 0 1 0 Gehrig, Yanks—Hit single, double Last Night's Fights . - - — ;• 41) 9 11 27 14 2 and seventh homer,to drive in four H artford runs and aid Yanks beat Red Sox Cleveland—Sergeant Sammy . . . the 'war against Spitting is ’ t AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 7 to 47 to 4 in ten innings. Baker, New York outpointed Paul Corrclla. 3b ...... 4 0 0 0 1 0 Pierrone, Cleveland, 10. ■Walsh, If ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Willie Sherdel, Cards—Gave up R oscr, rf ...... 2 0 1 5 0 0 eight scattered hits as Cards Indianapolis—^Willard Bro"wn, crusade of decency . . . {oin Hohnian. cf ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 pounded out 16-3 triumph over Indianapolis, outpointed Howard Malav, lb ...... 4 0 1 9 0 0 Jones, Louis-ville, Ky., 8. Paynter, 2b ...... 3 0 0 3 3 2 Cubs. Smoke CERTIFIED CREMQ .t-lVatson, ss ...... 2 0 0 3 4 0 Sisler, Braves—Singled with Los Angeles—^Newsboy Bro"wn, Sniitb, C ...... 3 0 0 4 0 9 bases filled in tenth to give Braves Utica, outpointed Pablo Dano, Fili­ Pliillips, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 IMtlE SiT a M iLl IVatson, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 runs that beat Giants 4 to 3. pino, 10. • ■ » .' -. i ' * "Woodman, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Novo.selle, ss ...... 2 0 1 0 1 1 Do you remember the old, filthy cigtr Cannon, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 shop where the man in the window ro U ^ 29 0 4 27 10 2 j n l M UMPIRE fiNNIGAN Pittsfield ...... 500 100 021— 9 the leaves with dirty fingers...and i^t. ■ Runs batted in. Small. Tice 2, W il­ kie 2. Albert. Rodriguez 2, Dobens; on the ends? More than half ofallcigm two base hits, Roser. Novoselle, Small; three base hits. Small; sacri- as Wind as a bat,” roared Miiggsy MnUigan. made in this conntiy are still made fy lice. Dobens; double plays, Borgmann to Wilke to Rodriguez. J. Watson to hahdf and therefore subject to the ridt Paynter to Malay; left on bases, <1Tkat may be,” smiled the umpire, ” but you heard me, fnr I Hartford 9, Pittsfiejd 10; base on of ^it! The m od^ cim o HRHob of bells, oft Dobens 8. Phillips 3, Wood­ man 1, Cannon 1; struck out, by manufeedbore protects you against this Dobens 5, Phillips 1, Woodman 1, SBU^e OLD GOLDS and speak with anthorily. Now you. can Cknnon 1; hits, off Phillips 9 In 4. MOTOR TRUCKS abomination—gwM yon the finest dgar "Woodman 2, Cannon 4 in 3; •wild patches. Cannon, Dobens; losing pitch­ qnali^ plus the cleraliness of Certificid' er, Phillips; umpries, Dunn and Bar- ti? last ? to vears rStt; time. 1:55. food! 4x— B atted fo r Phillips In 4th. Ste-w'irt Ri.'cr'’-2s 40'- TENNIS TOURNEY lo n f jrvd l o w repair ------Brookline, Mass., May 21.— (AP.) -^Two Dartmouth playeri, Henry L. Johnson, Jr., of Waban and John Tne Year’s Truck Sen£i*:ron ^chardson of Staten Island, N. Y., dSeet today in the s lic e s finals of 1 ton — chafi'* the New England tennis touma- 4ent. They will pair in the doubles tp meet Shoafl and Dewey of Wil- MoJC' 1 :o ■’"or ^9 Wheelbases -e • ifiinm in the semi-finals. Owen and Howard, Wesleyan, and Hayes and Bowditch, Amherst, are the other sesd-finaUata. --Dartmouth has two and a half ^ n ts on the new eight-point cup ^ into fiomeetitigo laat _ AlANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER* CONN« WEDNESDAY,

less-populous states: Idaho, New He died shortly before 6 o’clock (E. rlgh\s along the Hudson river, % SHIRBS SATS HEXL NEW HAMPSHIRE DROPS Mexico, Vermont, Arisons, Dtia- JUSTICE YOUNG DIES S. T.) this morning. the incident provoked a oontroverqr ^ TUBN INTO ACTOR. The Nut Cracker ware; Wyoming and Nevada, sev­ Mr. Young came to prominence in in state politics at tha tiiae.. ^AMERICAN eral of which notably Idaho and politic as Republican minority Chicaco, May 21.—(AP)— .GISL HUBT nr WBEOK Jack Curley says that in the IN ROLL OF STATES Arizona, have been increasing rap­ Ossining, N. Y., May 21.— (AP)— lead^ of the State Assembly during Cbarlea Arthur (Self-Subdued) idly and nu^ still further reduce the speakendiip of Alfred E. Smith. season just closing more than ^200,- Frank L. Young, Supreme Court New Haven, May, 21.—(AP)— Shires, White Sox first baseman 000,000 has , paid to see the ranking of New Hampshire and He was a delegate to the state CL.BVEL.AND 7, CHLCAGO 8 has served notice upon John Washington, May 21.—(AP.)— District of Columbia. justice for the Ninth Judicial Dis­ constitutional convention o t 1915 Loretta (Senesl^ 16( o f CSieidiire, was (Flnt Game) wrestling matches. No wonder the For the firat time in the history of in a serious coniUtion in a ho^ital Cleveland Barrymore, Richard Bennett, prisoners in^ Ohio penitentiary have trict of New York, died at his home and a member of New York's com­ AB. R. H. PO, A. B. the census, th^ District of Colum­ mittee to the Pan-American Exposi­ here today as the result of an auto George M. Cohen "and other been rioting^ today of acute indigestion after a Jamieson, If ,...... S 5 } 1 2 2 minor league actors'* that he bia now ranks, above'New Hamp- tion in San Francisco^ He was p, 2b ...... 5 1 4 3 3 0 sing, I can’t do anything on the AWay back in 1790 New Hamp­ Portl^d, Maine, May 21.—-(AP) He was a resident of Ossining. F al^ rf-lf ...... 4 1 3 0 0 0 commission to l>s called upon for shire started thirteenth in the list of Charles Ehrans Hughes, as gov­ part of which struck' her I4' the L. Sewell, c ...... 5 1 0 4 1 0 stage—^which makes me a per­ some pickpockets’ licenses. —William Cardinal O’Coimell ..of He had been presiding last week ernor of New York, attacked Mr. head. The girl’s neck and jaw were QoldnAan. ss ...... 5 ? 1 ® “ states in point of population. She fect actor,’’ the Great One said. held that position ten years-^later Boston, who 29 years ago became in a trial at WUte Plains ^ which' Young by inference in vetoing a fractured.’ The others were unhurt. Hudlln, p ...... ------— ^ measure sponsored by Young as an T h e batting averages are higher the third bishop of the Catholic was adjourned because of his ill­ Rosa Genest, 20, the driver was:lield when the District of Columbia Assemblyman, giinng the New York 38 7 13 27 14 1 and the home fmore freqiient in tered, nineteenth in line. Dioce^ of Portland returned today ness, but he was not helieAred to be under 81,000 bond pending the out- C hicago seriously indisposed imtil last night. Central railroad certain waterfront some of Loretta’s injuries. Metsler, If ...... 4 1 1 0 0 1 the National League because of the Down through the decades, swift­ to join in the obsenrance of ■ the Hunnefleld, ss ...... 4 0 1 4 2 1 shorter fences, saya a scylbc. Brev­ growing new states came in, and 75th anniversary of the consecra­ -M , ,1, _ I I... it , I, Reynolds, cf ...... 4 0 0 4 0 0 NATIONAL tion of the first bishop of ,Portlwid Shires, lb ...... 3 0 1 9 0 0 ity is the soul of hits. larger states in the older group per­ Jolley, rf ...... 4 0 1 4 0 0 mitted great population increase^ and-the sixteenth anniversary of Oissell, 2b ...... 4 1 2 3 2 1 At New York— (LIVELY BUNT. "Tlie District” and UtUe New the dedication of the Cathedral" of Kam m , 3b ...... 4 1 2 1 3 0 BOSTON 4, NEW YORK 3 “I thought I ordered you to hunt," Hampshire were pushed farther the Immaculate Conception. Riddle, c ...... 2 0 1 2 1 0 B oston He told of his coming to the F aber, p ...... 1 0 ■' 2 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. The Mgry manager said. and farther down the list, until in Welland, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 Rlchbourgh, rf ...... 5 1 0 3 1 0 "I did,’’ replied the big league runt, 1920, New Hampshire ranked forty- diocese and of the warmth and O H ! N A u t r v c .-••••••••• • 1 0 1 0 1 0 Maranvllle, ss ...... 4 0 2 3 4 0 “But It cleared the fence in­ first with 443,083 population; Dis­ friendliness with which he was re­ Sm ith’ XX ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 Sisler, lb ...... 5 1 2 12 - 0 trict of Columbia forty-second with W atw ood, XXX ...... 1 0 0 0 0 C Berger, If ...... 4 1 2 8 0 0 stead.” ceived and als.o paid tribute to the Is that the M oore, c f ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 437,571. But New Hampshire was priests of the diocese. 34 3 11 27 12 3 Spohrer, o ...... 4 0 0 3 1 0 always ih the lead imtil this last de­ R obertson, Sb ...... 4 0 0 0 1 0 Frsmkie Frisch’s homer and two (Cardinal O’Connell presided at washer with C leveland ...... 031 010 O il— 7 doubles the other day helped beat cade, when the New England state Chicago ...... ,...1 0 0 100 100— o Maguire, 2b ...... 4 0 1 1 5 0 the pontificlal mass which was Cantwell, p ...... 4 1 0 2 0 0 the Giants by and from whom Increased but 4.14 per cent, as Runs batted in. Shires, Ij. Sew ell, n sung by the Right Rev. John Frankie waa traded to the Cardi­ against 11 per cent in the Federal the new Huldin. llodapp 2. Riddle. Falk, Har- P District controlled by Congress. Gregory Murray, bishop of Port­ ris, Morgan; two base hits. Shires. 38 4 8 ,30 14 ^0 nals. Some kind of a club to be Below the two in 1920 were these land. CIssell. Fonseca, Smith; three base New Y ork formed among the men McGraw floating: ag:i- hits, Kamm; stolen bases, L. Sewell, AB. R. H. PO. A. E, has given to other teams to beat Watwood; sacrifices. J. Averill, Har­ Leach. If . . . 5 0 1 1 1 0 ris. Metzler, Fonseca; double plays, 0 0 0 0 . . .0 0 A him with. tator, Emily? Goldman to Hodapp to Fonseca; left 3b ...... 5 1 3 o 1 0 on bases. Cleveland 10; Chicago (j Terry, lb 0 0 12 1 0 Jimmy Johnston, erstwhile man­ base on balls, oft Hudlin 1; Welland . . . 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 • Caraway 1; struck out, by Hudlln !b ...... 5 0 2 0 r> 1 ager of Phil Scott, is said to be in Yes, it takes the place 4 ; AVelland 1; hits, off Faber « in 3 .. .4 0 2 4 0 0 line for appointment as manager ot Innings; off Welland 2 in 4 inning^ .. .4 0 1 4 0 0 H A r E S SELF-SERVE of washing by hand oft Blankenship 3 in 2-3 innings; oft 3 ...... 4 0 0 5 7 0 Vlctorlo Campolo. We hadn’t Caraway 2 in 11-3 innings; hit by .. .3 0 0 0 0 0 thought Campolo was such a ter­ pitcliex» by Weiland (J. Sewell); los- .. .0 1 0 0 0 0 and actually floats ing pitcher, Faber; umpires, Camp­ rible fighter as all that. bell, Owens and Morlarity; time of 40 3 11 30 15 1 E R D C E RY making a 3-8 turn. g a m e ,’2:13. Boston ...... 109 001 000 2— 4 Gelbert, ss ...... 4 3 2 1 5 0 jc—Batted for Riddle in Gh. 1 2 0 New Y ork ...... 000 100 010 1 - 3 .Sherdel, p ...... V 3 2. 1 TV—Batted for Welland in 7th. Runs batted in, Berger 2. Reese, XXX — Batted fo r Caraway in 9tn. Ott, Sisler 2, ^.Indstrom;. two base 38 16 15 27 14 0 xxxx—Ran for Autry in 9th. hits, Llndstrom 2; three base hit. C hicago The VOSS has a lovely Berger: , Berger; stolen AB. R. H. PO. A. E. \ At Cklccigo— _ _ bases, Leach, Llndstrom: double English, ss ...... 4 1 2 3 3 0 Wringer of the latest bal­ \ CLEVBl..\ND T, CHICAGO 5 play, Rlohbourg and Sisler; left on Heathcote, rf ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0 Shop For These \ (Second Gome) bases. New York 8; Boston 6; base Hornsby, 2b ...... 4 0 2 0 4 1 Cleveland on balls, oft Benton 2; Cantwell 1: L. Wilson, cf ...... 4 1 1 2 0 1 loon type, Anna. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Smith 1: hits. o« Cantwell 1 < ^ » Cuyler, if ...... 4 0 1 0 0 1 Morgan, rf ...... o J 2 1 0 0 InnlnHS, (none out In tenth in n in g )» Grimm, lb ...... 4 0 2 10 1 0 Self-Serve Specials J. {Sewell. 3b ...... o 1 1 1 5 0 ofi: Smith, 1 in 1 in n in g; stru ck out, Bell. 3b ----- ...... 4 0 0 0 2 1 -Averill c f ,••••••••5 0 0 3 0 ^ bv Benton 4; by Cantwell 2; by Smith Hartnett, c ...... 2 0 0 4 1 0 The General Electric Motor is only 1-6 H. Fonaeca. lb 4 1 2 10 0 0 li winning pitcher, Cantwell; um­ Malone, p ...... i ----- 1 0 0 1 0 0 Hodapp, 2b 1 1 o 3 1 pires, Jorda and Klem; time of game, Bush, p ...... 1 0 0 1 2 0 F alk. If -...... 3 2 1 4 0 0 2 *^03. Shealy, p .., ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tomorrow P. and the tub is made of Armco Rustless M yatt, c ...... 3 0 1 0 1 0 z—Batted for Benton In 10th In- McAfee, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Goldman, ss ...... 4 1 2 2 0 0 D. T aylor, x ...... 0 1 0 0 0 0 ilD.How.uy, p ...... 3 0 0 0 « 0 ” ^zz-^Ran for Leach In 10th Inning. Steel with porcelain enamel finish of F ersll, ...... -O 0 0 1 0 0 32 3 8 24 14 4 Week-End Low Prices on Butter! X—Batted for Bush in 8th. : ' 35 7 10 27 11 1 O FnO N AL ^ Chicago "^luJoKLYN^ PHILADELPHIA » C hicago ...... 010 000 020— 3 HALE’S SELECT green hue. The capacity is 6 sheets and THE B rooklyn St. Louis ..J ...... 005 003 44x— 16 Metsler, If ...... 5 0 1 2 0 0 R. H. PO. A. E. IRONER Hunnefield, ss ...... 4 1 8 1 - 0 AB. Runs batted In, L. W ilson, Adam s 4, c f ...... 5 3 2 3 0 0 ONLY , R eynolds, c f ...... 5 1 2 4 0 0 0 Frisch 2. Bottomley 4. Gelbert 5. Sweet Cream Butter the VOSS only occupies 22 inches of space...... 5 2 2 0 0 Douthlt. Hornsby 2; two base hits, 849JS0 Sh.ires,. lb ...... 4 1 2 12 1 0 2 5 1 0 0 Jolley, rf ...... 4 1 2 0 0 0 f ...... 6 Frisch 2, Hornsby. Grimm. Bottomley; ...... 5 0 1 2 8 0 Clsseli.'2b ...... 3 1 1 2 u 0 0 0 home runs, L. Wilson, Gelbert: stolen lb ...... 6 2 3 11 bases, Bottomley, J. Wilson; sacri­ Kaanm, 3b ...... 3 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 3 0 0 4 0 e pound Autry, c ...... 3 0 0 5 1 0 f ...... 5 fices. Douthlt; double plays, Hornsby Finn, 2b ...... 2 1 1 4 4 0 The Price of the W alsh., p ...... 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 to English to Grimm, Sherdel to Gel­ The highest quality butter you could possibly buy—every I see that they are giving an electric Lopez, c ...... '...5 1 3 bert to Bottomley, Gelbert to Frisch Weiland. p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 ...... 3 2 1 0 2 0 ounce is goarante^. ismltn, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Luque, p to Bottomley, Frisch to Bottomley; WASHER left on bases, Chicago 4, St. Louis 9; AVatv ood, XX ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 42 16 18 27 15 0 flat iron with the latest safety device gra­ Harris, xxx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 base on balls, off Malone 4, Bush 2, Philadelphia Shealy , McAfee 2. Sherdel 2; struck IS AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 36 5 12 27 12 0 2 0 out, by Bush 4, Sherdel 5; hits, off tis to introduce the VOSS. Guess I’ll go i. 2b ...... 5 1 5 5 Malone 2 in 2 (none out In 3rd), Bush ONLY $ 9 8 .5 0 Cleveland ...... OH 013 100— < ...... 4 i 0 2 0 0 Meadow Gold Butter C hicago ...... 191 991 020— 5 1 11 In-5. Shealy 2 In none, (none out), ...... 5 1 3 1 0 McAfee none in 1; losing pitcher. Runs batted in, Jolley, Myatt, Mor­ 3b ...... 4 0 2 1 3 0 in to see it tomorrow at gan 4, Shires, Goldman 2, Kamm, Malone; umpires. Moran, Reardon and ...... 4 1 1 9 0 0 M cG rew ; time, 2:06. 75c AVatwood; two base hits, Falk, Shires, c f ...... 3 2 1 3 0 0 38c Goldman; three base hit, Myatt; M cCurdy, c • . • ••••■ 3 1 1 1 1 0 home run, Morgan; Stolen base. Rey­ , 8S . .••••. 4 1 1 5 4 0 nolds; sacrifices, Holloway, Kamm, 1. P ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 ORIOLES ARE WINNERS. Grandmother's Pure Orange Hodapp; double play, Hodapp to Fon­ Collins, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 seca; left on base, Cleveland 6; Chi­ » ...... 2 0 1 0 3 0 cago 8; base on balls, off Holloway l b . j a r M. H. STRICKLAND X . . . 0 1 0 0- 0 Marmalade 19e 8 ; AValsh 2 ; atruck .out, by W alsh rib • *..• •. *• hits, oft AValsh 9 in 6 innings; oft 36 9 12 27 17 1 Haddock, c ...... 3 0 2 3 0 832 Main Street, Tel. 3768, South Manchester AVelland 1 In 1; Caraway none in 1; B rooklyn ...... H I 450- 211— 16 Tedford, 2b . ...4 1 1 3 3 McKaln none In 1; Holloway 19 in Philadelphia ...... 919 942 002— 9 Sunbeam’s Ckildcn Bantam 7 1-3; Ferrell 2 In 12-3; Wild pitch, Runs batted in, Herman 6, Luque, Sageant, p ...... 4 2 2 2 4 Walsh; passed ball, Myatt; winning Lopes 3, Frederick, Gilbert 2, Finn 2, Eraguskus, lb ..4 2 3 15 1 C a n s 3 S e pitcher. Holloway: losing pitcher, Wright, Thevenow, O’Doul, Klein 4, Haefs, ss ----- ...4 2 2 1 3 Corn 2 Walsh; umpires, owans, Morlarity Sigman, Smythe, Whitney; two base and Campbell; time 2:04. hits, Blssonette 2, Frederick 2, Gil­ Delaney, Sb . ...4 2 0 1 3 X—Batted for Welland in 7th. bert, Sigman, Finn; home runs. Her­ Grimison, If . ...4/0 0 1 0 Evening Luxury (Orange Pekoe) XX— B atted fo r A utry In 8th. man, Copes, Klein; sacrifice hits. B. Kerr, cf ...... 4 3 3 2 1 x x x — B atted fo r Caraway In 8th. Luque, Whitney; hits, oft Sweetland 4 In 3 Innings (none out in 4th), off Suchy, rf ----- ...4 1 1 0 0 5 2 c A t B ostoa— Collins 1; off Smythe 1; Hit by pitch­ Tea lb* k E W Y O R K 7, BOSTON 4 er, by Sweetland (Finn’; by Smythe 35 13 14 28 15 Try this tea and you will never use any other. New Y ork (Finn); left on bases, Brooklyn 8; AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Philadelphia 5; double plays, Wright. MIXED STREETS. Coombs, cf ...... 4 2 1 1 0 0 Finn and Blssonette; Luque, Wright AB. R. H.PO A. Good Luck Dessert and 2 -6 0 and Blssonette; Thompson, Theve­ S I M M O N S ^ I>ary, ss ; ...... 5 2 2 Hunt, lb ----- ...5 1 1 12 0 Ruth. If ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0 now and Hurst; losing pitcher, Sweet­ Lazzeri, 2b ...... 5 2 3 2 5 0 land; umpires, Clarke and Pflrman; Duffy, p ...... 5 1 1 1 2 Gehrig, lb ...... 5 1 3 17 0 0 time of game, 2:00. F. Anderson, 2b . 4 0 0 3 0 Pie Filling % p W g s . Cooke, rf ...^ ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 X—Batted for Smythe In 9th. Weir, S3 ...... 2 0 1 0 0 Lemon, Vanilla cream and chocolate. Chapman, 8b • •••• . 0 0 0 3 0 Serpliss, c ...... 3 i 1 3 0 Bengough, c ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 At Clnclnaatii— D ickey, 0 ...... 8 0 0 2 0 0 PIR A T E S 5, RED S 0 Larder, rf ...... 2 0 0 1 0 H ayt,. p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 STOCK P ittsburgh Rautenberg, cf ..3 1 1 0 0 Pennock, p ...... 3 0 0 0 1 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Kose, c 3b ...... 3 2 1 4 0 PiUsbury Cake Flour E ngle, 3b ...... 5 1 1 9 5 0 f ■ ■ 39 7 10 so 15 0 Brlckell. If ...... 5 0 2 1 6 0 Becker, If ..,. ...3 0 0 0 0 Boston P. Waner, r f ...... 5 1 2'S O 0 Oliver, cf ...... 5 0 1 5 0 0 Comorosky, cf ...... 5 1 3 1 0 9 30 6 6 24 2 71 2 packages 69« Reeves, 3b ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Grantham, 2b ...... 4 1 11. 6 0 Durst, rf ...... 3 0 1 2 1 0 Suhr, lb ...... 3 0 9 16 1 0 I Free! A beautiful colored glass cake plate with every RE-ADJUSTMENT SALE Cicero, z ___ ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 B ool, c ...... 4 1 2 2 1 0 two packages. • X Scarrltt, If ...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Bartell, ss ...... 3 0 1 3.4 1 SNOW IN NOVA SCWHA O. M iller, zz 0 0 0 0 0 French, p ...... •..4 0 2 0 0 0 Regan, 2 b ...... 5 2 2 1 1 0 One of the Greatest Money Saving Events We Have Ever Held Sweejiey, lb ...... 4 1 1 12 1 0 38 5 14 27 17 1 Truro, N. S„ May 21.—(AP) — I Rhy4|e,- ss ...... 4 1 2 2 2 0 Cincinnati B err#, c ___ ...... 4 0 0 6 0 0 Central Nova Scotia was covered AB, R. H. PO. A. E. with a four-inch blanket of snow Miscellaneous Specials Lisefibee, p ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 Allen, c f ...... 4 0 0 1 9 0 Begins Today, Wed., May 21st, at 9 A. M* Durkiain, p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 0 Ford, ss ...... 2, 0 1 4 4 1 today and the snow continued to Meusel, If ...... 4 0 1 2 1 0 fEill. The storm wais the hea^est at | Castle Haven Tomatoes, 3 No. 2 cans 29c 39 4 9 30 8 0 Hellmann;. rf 3 0 0 5 0 0 so late a date in mkny years. Brown Kid Seamless Opera,ira. Lizard New> rk ___ 022 000 000 3— 7 Strlpfp, 3b ...... 2 0 0 1 1 0 Snake Calf Brown Kid Trimmed Sport Bos .031 000 000 0— 4 K elly, lb Rock-C)o Pure Cocoa...... ^ trimming on vamp. Runs' batted in. Gehrig 4, Lary, Critz, 2b . ,....,■.*..4 Former price $10.00, Now Tie... Former price $9.00. .. ^ /J Q Et Lazffirl 2, Llsenbee 2, Durst, Rbyne; Goocb, c , ',.4 Palmolive Beauty Soap ...... 6 baTs 39c $ 6 .8 5 two l)aae hits, (3ehrig. Reeves, Durst; Lucas, p . We CIlean Your N o w ...... ^ 0 e 0 9 th re i base hits, Combs, Regan: home Royal Baking Powder . .... 12 oz. can 42c run,] GShrig; double play. Durst, 30 9 4 27 11 1 Windows From Almora Kid Sport Tie. SweOnaytj'Rhyne to - Reeves; left on P itsburgh ...... 010 000*022— 5 Prince Superfine Macaremi and Former price $11. Now Almora Kid T Strap Pump, lizard calf bases, York 6; Boston 7; base on Cincinnati ...... 000 OOO AOO— 0 $ 7 .8 5 ballf, birV-Hoyt 2; off Llsenbee 1; off Runs batted in Bartell, Comorosky, Cellar to Attici Spaghetti, ...... 4 pkgs. 25c trimmed. Former price dJU Q C Durham 3; struck out, by Pennock 3; Bool 2; two base hits, Ford, Bool, $10.00. N o w ... . d p O e O Q by Llsenbee 1; by Durham 4; hits, off Meusel; three base hits, Comorosky; Let us do ’yoiK Spring Window | (Italian style) Arch Preserver Pump. Hoyt 6 la 2 innings, (none out in stolen bases, Stripp, Ford, Comoro­ Cleaning for you at our low prices. 3rd); off Rennock 8 In 8 innings; off Forme? Price $12.00. Now $ 7 .8 5 sky, Bartell; double plays. Ford to We do all kinds of windows. Ex-, Fresh Cut I.,lsenbee 6 In 2 Innings, (none out In Critz to Kelly, Critz to Ford to Kelly, Brown Kid Derby Tie. Snake trimmed 3rd); off Djurham 4 In 8 Innings; win- Grantham to Bartell to Suhr, Engle perlenced, reliable and fnlly Insured] sport tie. Former price Q •nlng pitcher, Pennock; losing pitcher, to Grantham to Suhr to Grantham; workers. Native Spinach 3 l b . p k . lOe Women’s Open Mesh Hosiery in suntan, Durham; umpires, Dlnneeu. Nallin left on bases, Pittsburgh 9, Cincin­ Outside windows cleaned without! $11.00. N o w .... . ^ § e O O and Geisel;, time of game, 2)18. nati 8; bases on balls, off French 5, white and flesh shades. ^ 1 A A !oa.. ' lbR6...... Lucas 2; struck otu, by French 2; entering your home. Regular $1.50 value at dP 1 •v/V z— Batted fo r Durst In 10th Inning, wild pitch, French: balk, Lucas; um ­ Imported Short Socks for zz—Batted for Bearrltt in 10th in- pires, Doaohue, Magerkurth and Big­ nin Special Rates ler; time, X:45. Health Market Newt Also Women's Full-Fashioned Silk Hos­ children. Finest grade...... A t [tsolt— At St. Lonls»— Gall 5425 iery in the new shades, biith medium ST . L O P U 8, D E T R O IT 3 CARDS 16, CUBS 3 and light. All perfect. Another lot of 3-4 length ' St. Louis S t L ouis Until 7:30 p. m. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Special value a t ...... 9 8 c Soijks for boys and girls at ...... 4 1 18 D o u th it Cf ...... 5 3 3 2 0 , f b ...... 5 AdewB, 3b.,...... 4 2-2 0 2 Manush. If ...... 3 Frisch. 2b ...... 5 1 2 4 4 Manchester Window. Veal Stew lb . 1 9 e Another lot of 3-4 length K ress, ss ------...... 5 . Women’s Service Weight Silk Hosiery Bottomley, lb ...... 6 0 2 12 1 ______Socks for boys and girls at Schulte, cf ...... 4 H afey, If ...... 3 1 0 0 0 Cleaning: Co. iii'broken lines. Msllllo, 2b ■....,..•2 Orsatti, rf ...... 6 2 2 2 0 $ 1 .6 5 Ottlllc, rf .,1 $2.00 je^ues at ...... Manion, c ...... 4 J, W ilson, os,,,,,,,! 2 0 5 0 701 Main St. ^ Coffman, p ...... 4 Hosiery for Men, Women and Children McNeely, I f ...... 2 Lamb Stew . 84 8 12 27 18 0 \ Another line of Women’sSilk Hosiery, values to $1.85, in service * -1 O A Detroit Funck, cf ...... 4 FRESH weight and chiffon.^Sale price ...... • • ...... eP J. • ^ ^ Gehringer. 2b ...... 3 McManus, 3b ...... 2 Alexander, lb ...... 4 Reverential Men^s Hosiery in fancy effecte; Stone, If ...... 4 Perk Chops lb. X7e Itice, rf ' ...... a. 8 Beauty Akers, ss ...... 4 FRESHLY g ROTJOTJ ■ No.>a l o t ...... 4 3 c No. 2 lot . . . . ------8 7 C No. 8 lot $1.00 Hargrave, c ...... 4 H ogsett, p ,2 A service by Quish is Sullivan, p ...... 0 Arch Preseirer and Matrix Pumps (broken lines) Nearly All Johnson, z ...... l satisfyinglycom plete.. Hamburg Steak lb. 22« ' , I'l III ' " 31 2 7 27 17 1 beautifully yet quietly Sizes $7.85. Formerly $11.00 and $12.00 St. L o u is ,...... 900 100 502—8 impressive an(i is a Detroit >1...... 000 010 901— 2 A Good Supply of Seafood for Runs batted In, by Manion 3, source of comfort to AM j SAIJS PINALy NOG. 0. D.D. NO SALES ON APPHOVAL Melillo •jL Cottmsn 1, McNeely 2; Kress l. jStone i; Ak'srsl; two base the bereaveiJ. Tomorrow: hits, Manion, HcNeoIy, {Kress; home ' 2 2 5 IWAtN" ST; 1 run. Stone; stolen bases, Manush; saoriflees. Giillic 2, Blue 1; double Fresh HaUbtit Conn. River Shad plgys. Al^rs tp Alexander; Mellljo to C()d Steak' H addock Krbss10 to'Blue;LV . left on bases, Detroit bAYd/idNlGHri Pollock Flotmders I ; Bt.- LLt^isA? o J base OT balls, off Coff man 47'flogsstt 8; Sullivan l^ttuck P»fONE 4340 Bfaokerel BsIWMtn out; by. Coffman l ; Hogsett >z; Sulli­ £7he Furiml Home Botterflsh Fillet pt Haddock van 1; Mts, off Hogsett 8 In 7 in­ . Porgies' iSIlver Bum nings;' dir Sullivan none In one; off Finet of Sole Scahopa 48-58 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD Page 4 in 1; losing pitcher, Hogsett; W m . ] R % n S H bropires, V u n . Oraflan, Connolly and Lobsters d a m s McGowan; time, .2 hours, x—Batted for Manush in 7tta. ■—^Batted for SaUivan is Stb. ■fL,, m


At th. First intsmsuoni di fcUTU DEVEY GROVES gress of Mental Hygiene that I at­ all with shy, sensitive little Billie. © 1 9 5 0 ' £ f NEA SEHVICL J/lC. tended recently in Washington, in We have no desire tO'Jita^ard- Poetess, Orator, Mother, Wealthy SMajini Naidu.BirMts which authorities on mind and be­ ize chlldken and make them aU havior from all over the world took alike, even if it were possible, or Florence obligingly amplified. part, one word invariably crept in right, neither of which Is the casej i-- BEGIN HERE TODAY able. ‘T’m afraid that’s k PPW “But what could you expect, as Much Ease as She Manages Offices and Pohtical Gainpa|gns plan,” he said quickly. “Better during discussions on child guid­ ■Wi^t we wdnt to dp is.to ta^e the: NATALIE CONVERSE, je«lou* when you didn’t encourage him child as he is and weed out the get what you ought to have in ance. That word-was “judgment.” o f her husband, ALAN, quarrela things that eveptually will make the apartment;” to stEiy?** Sometimes it took the form of “ad­ o^»r- BERNADINE LAMONT, a to “But I told you, I thought he him, unhappy. In professional par­ “Well, anyway, let’s had an engagement,” Natalie an­ judgment.” light club hostess. Alan seeks lunch and talk it over,” Phillipa It saved the day—for mothers at lance “help him to fit into society as swered. _ ^ a contented being.” “Soclety’” mean- qj^ropathy from his secretary, insisted, quite unabashed. “Yes, I know. But a woman least; for it is just that word that "No, I really dont think Id makes the difference between “theo­ ing the world of people, not society AnLLIFA \^’EST, who sucoess- In love shouldn’ t thihk. She 11 in Its misapplied tefm o f fashion, of better,” Alan returned firmly, ^ d always make a mess of it. How­ ry" carrying out theory. 'What qpty schemes to arouse Natalie’s Phillipa realised . that her we call “practice.” course. ever, the real trouble, Natalie, Most Learn Consideration suspicions, and she leaves Alan. ence to their future home had was a touch of your old malady. Now theories on child-training in Wounded pride prevents either Johnny, while he is still young been unfortunate. Apparently it You’ve confessed what it was, the present day are soimd, absolute­ fflom seeking a reconciliation, and had put him on edge. ly sound. There isn’t any question and impressionable, should .bp han­ now confess that you were a lit- dled with the idea of developing con­ ^ a n turns to PhilUpa for con- "Very well,” she said, and Ue jealous again last night.”_ that the ideas now put forth by sslation. could not entirely strain the acid specialists In this field are right. It sideration for others and a fixed Natalie’s expression convicted idea of other people’s rights. Why? •^Fearing that Alan does not out of her voice. her. “Well,” she began defen­ is no mere guess work. Too much is mean to propose marriage, Phll- He had lost his interest in known about the workings of the For the benefit of the other people? sively, “wasn’t my coming back No. we arc not concerned with them Ifoa tells Alan her parents objrot snatching a bite. When he part­ enough? Nothing but a woman human mind and our reactions tor iS her going with a married man ed with Phillipa, a few moments life even in the yoimgest baby, to i in our immediate problem.■ - ^ IIt t is toethe more than a could have kept Alan away from .lian confesses to I later, he hurried back to the ot- me without an explanation.” be ticketed with that name. It isn't 1 boy we . - are__ thinking__ _ of. It is obvi- i)dendship for her, and they be- ce, and inquired if there had “Well, what if he did have a guesswork. It is facL “Newer ous that if Johnny develops a four­ (Jdme engaged. been any telephone calls for him. date?” Florence sensibly demanded. ways” In training children are right square mind and learns a nice bal­ r Unhappy and repentant, Natalie There were several; among “He might have broken it if you’d waySfS^d niotlicrs insiy rest assured ance of gentleness and kindness, to \Wites Alan that she is returning them one from his home. He asked him to .stay. But, look here, that the books they read now, and temper his self-importonce. he is m their home, without, howe\’er, a call put in at once. Natalie we’ve gone over all this before. toe suggestions they receive by toe going to be acceptable to other peo­ mentioning a reconciliation. A answered. , , It’s a good thing that I was calm professionals, are not wasted time. ple, later on have friends, and top il&endly letter from Natalies He felt his heart pound when enough to see that the poor They need make no mental reserva­ emotional satisfaction that true- liwther, followed by a telegram he heard her voice. was dying to stay, even if he did tions about it being “all bunk.” For friends and pleasant relatiimships iS-om Natalie, asking him to meet “ Can you pome up tom gnt. act a little queer. And now you these scienUsts are sure of their bring him. Otherwise'he iS sowing hbr at the station, leaves Alan she asked pleasantly. “I want seel was right. He jumped at nettles in his path'. He won’t be- kbpeful, but baffled as to Natalie’s | ygy Alan. ground. The real test of a new the chance to come up, didn t theory is experiment and the intelli- happy, for he won’t “fit into society. intentions. Phillipa, fearful of Is that a dinner invitation 9*» gent observation of results. Years of Billie, quite toe other way. By ^ losing .Man, tells him she is he hinted eagerly. Natalie nodded. % “Maybe _ he experiments have proved beyond all every sort of wisdom in her power, (^iged to leave home because of “Why, yes, if you like. Nat didn’t have to break a date,” she doubt that science is not mistaken his mother will try to bring him out. her father’s objections to him, ana agreed, laughing a little at He needs encouragement, praise, to remarked skeptically. this time. Alan offers a raise in salary to him. .. , “Good lord,” .Florence groaned. be taught indepefidence, assurance offset the expense of renting an “I’ll be there at six,” he prom­ A.Role for Mother “A moment ago you were tickled But to go back to toe word and self-respect. Again why? To smartment. Alan says he will ised. “How are you?” silly just to hear his voice, and “judgment.” This is where the make him a normal happy being meet her that evening, but that “I’m . . . almost . . . happy, who manfully tsdee his place free now you’re looking for trouble. mother comes in. lie will be somewhat late, Natalie admitted, though she had Whatever you • do, don’t go dig­ Of t r e e W ! of mental turmoil when he is grown.. ^ \lan’s meeting with Natalie, Every mother knows toe tem­ not intended to say anything of ging into Alan’s recent past. Re­ Good judgment, you see, on toe part wito brings her young sister peramental difference in children. the kind when she answered his member, he's been his own ®an of his mother in applying toe things FLORENCE with her, leaves them She knows that the suggestion toe call. Then she hung up. while you were away. You made she is learning. l»th unhappy. He meets PhilUpa chlld-speciaiist gave her about Alan whirled his desk chair him a present of his freedom. li^ r and alopogctically explains ful specimen’s of the Indian jewel- around. like a gleeful little Better not ask him what he did _ 1 flame of the movement. She knows He met Natalie and took her home. boy, himself in it, his feet stuck EDITOR’S NOTE: A woimn-, spinning of cotton with it.” Sarojini Naldu--holds In her hands J jg g^^^t political and She was a memorable figure in most of them following a general CHAPTER XXIX straight out before him. He felt basic rule. .The vegetable;.can be like singing hallelujahs. Natalie smiled uncertainly the destinies of ndlUons 1 sniritual gesture for the Indian peo- the Algonquin Hotel in New York populatlon. Here, m a reveaUng spiritual geacu ^ run through a sieve. and gdded to “Let’s not .stay long at dinner,” But ■ there was some work he “Perhaps you’re right,” she said. last winter, where ■ she made her the soup or just toe water In which Phillipa suggested. “I do w'ant you had to do. He did it with dis­ “Right? Hah! Leave it to the tide, she is described by E™estlne language though she American headquarters. But few SISTEI^ toe vegetable was cooked may he to see the apartment, Alan.” patch, keeping an eye on the younger generation. And now, Evans, a noted is she knows thatdeeds, not words. people noticed her clothes once they 3Alan started. “Apartment? Oh, let’s see. What are you going to had bewi caught by the directness used. Then the vegetable can he clock. He figured that Phillipa New York and London newspapers, [ is,^can weld a political t«nvATnent.movement, and yis." He had not entirely for- would shop until nearly time for have for dinner?” ‘ who is a personal friend. and lustre in her eyes, nor after used for another meal. ^ tten the apartment. It had “Chicken, with waffles, Nata­ 1 that in this Way alone can a sim^e HARYS Butter and cream are added to the office to close. He wanted they had seen some snatch of her shadowed his meeting Tvith Nat­ lie answered unhesitatingly. people demonstrate against the make- the soup as rich in fat as to get away before she came back. New York, May 20.—Thousands , foreign owned capital and executive ability. . alie too thoroughly to be put out “Alan left his car. I’ll go out and She is famous for the skill with needed. And he did. ’When she arrived of Americans last year had the op-! machines of the Manchester and of his mind altogether. he w'as on his way to his hotel, do the shopping while you help which she can nianage offices, cam­ Seasoning is of u^oost impor­ "Can’t w'c wait until another portunity to hear Sarajinl Naidu, the Bombay mills. But s_he_ also KITCHEN tance, for this deteriB^ta toe popu­ happily anticipating the evening Ethel. Oh, how I wish I had paigns, press interviews, and the tljne? he asked. "I’m pretty Hannah and Frances back again. the Indian poet and orator, who now knows that once the Indian people larity of toe soup. ' ;, . ahead of him. He congratulated would gain their right to govern British have a right to be worried tired.” c,,. u .4 himself upon having no previous “Serves you right, but wait a succeeds Mahatma Gandhi, and the about her generalship of the pres­ By SISTB;^ MARY Phillipa was willing. She had engagement. He smiled over minute; don’t buy any chicken dteromatically chosen Mohammedan themselves, they would be using ent movement. Of her two brothers, got what she wanted by bringing for me. I’m going out with An- a W s Tyabji, as the third leader j machines to “ lake cloth. u this, thinking it might be one on A Woman of Wealth one is a revolutionary exile, resident There is no better way of serv­ hjjn back to her. She had men- Phillipa. for the thought had drew.** of the present Indian nationalist in Berlin, and the other is a poet, t^ned the apartment only to “Florence you darling,” Nata­ demonstration against British rule Sarajlni Naidu is wealthy. The ing vegetables and milk to little come to him that, innocent and color and texture of her silken like his sister, who has this winter c^ n g e the subject from Natalie, dear as she was, she had a most lie cried. in general and the salt tax in par­ been lecturing and reading before children than in a so-called “cream” saris are I to and lovely, and her aid to remind him she was tak- devastating way of keeping him “Yes?” Florence stood with her ticular. soup. This sort of soup is highly In BaM ig Suit i ^ an apartment. She didn’t bangles c»l ear rings are beautt American colleges dated up ahead. hands on her hips and her head In public last year she spoke frem nutritious and economical. ■vmnt him to forget, either, that Perhaps she expected him to on one 1, side, a teasing smile on end to end of the United States and Milk is almost a perfect food, but he had an interest in it. dine with her. No doubt he \ier lips. “ Maybe Andrew would Canada, reading her poetry in one it does lack iron. If the vegetable Caned 15 Lbs.” ^“Tomorrow?” she proposed, would have had some trouble get­ agree with you if I ^8’^ 8 red of the most surpassingly sweet and “ Gained 15 lbs. tak*- afed Alan had no choice but to Is chosen to make up this deficiency, ting out of it if she caught him velvet evening wrap.” resonant voices of our time, lectur­ the resulting cream soup is nearly ing iremized Yeast. edhsent. at the office upon her return. It was Natalie’s wrap she re­ ing on the ancient high estate of ■Was always- ashamed They dined more or less in si­ ferred to. "Take it, you little a “complete” food. ■Well, he had business with Nat­ Indian women and their present day Children who dislike milk often to weai^ ^thlng suit lence. Phillipa sparkled when robber,” Natalie laughed. alie. Certainly they . had endless awakening, making friends for her­ like toe vegetable cream soup with hut now J can and no^ she could, and cleverly made Alan things to discuss. “Business” Florence kissed her ecstatical­ self and her narivc land and defend­ feel tool skinny.” believe that it was a great ef­ ly “ I’ll dust around,” she prom­ crisp squares of toast and these had never appealed to him quite ing her beloved India from the too DOCTORS SELDOM KEEP PA However, it must also be real­ Bulah Laonlngham. . fort for her to be gay. ised. “And then I’ll blow. I’ve soups are so easily digested that so much before. widely distributed unpleasant pic­ TIENTS IN THE DARK ized that the person with tuber even very lltUe chUdren.^may eat Thousands write of; oAo 15 Ib^ His thoughts, most of the time, Natalie was just as happily ex­ got to get a wave. What time ture of conditions there, “Mother culosis may have such a disturbed gained in ■ 3 weeks with Ironized were up in Hillshirc; when a b o u t THEIR ILLS. them. cited as he. is Alan com ing?” „ India.” mental state that the; mere knowl­ Yeast. Bony limbs roimd out. Ugly tjiey did come back to his com- “ He said he’d be here by six, Laboratory tests have shown “Well, how did it g o ? ” Flor­ Mahatma Gandhi had chosen By DR. MORRIS FISHBBIN. edge of toe fact that he is 'thus that from 15 to 60 per cent of the hollows fill in. Blemished skin gets pfepion, it wais to feel guilty over ence asked, when her sister Natalie told her. afflicted might cause him to wish clear- and rosy like magic. Nervous- hj»r.' He might easily hate her, Madam Naidu to undo the ^m age ' ^ journal of the American food value of various vegetables ------turned away from the telephone. “Unfashlonably early, but I ii the Knni, book VioHhad annodone, and byhv herhCl iLailOr, oouriMii to end his life or to take measures ha' told himself, if she were in be out. Good luck, sis.” Medical Association, and of Hygeia, Resolves into the water in wWch ness, .indlgwU ^, “Splendidly!” Natalie ex­ very presence, she gave Amerlc.iris which would mean sorrow to toe vegetables were cooked More appear oyemight. Sound sleep. Ne'WL any way to blame for the present claimed. Natalie hugged her tight and the Health Magazine. health and pep from very first day. slate of affairs. • But she was just a new slant on India. A Brahmin many of those who might . be close than this, a larger percentage of “There, didn’t I tell you s o ?” let her go. “Don’t stay out too woman, one of the few to have mar­ Two great -tonics in one—i^ccial a sweet kid, who probably knew, For at least a century or more to him. ■ 1 the minerals is lost in the water. Florence gloated. "The idea of late,” she begged. ried out of her caste, herself edu­ In the , vast'^majority of in­ weight-building Malt Yeast" ^ d and was terrified to death over “Certainly not,” Florence de­ the question as to whetoer or riot a So every time we use this water your tearing your heart out all cated in England and the mother of stances it is believed that pa­ in a soup we have presejved these strengthening Iron. Pleasant ’ httlo it, (that her fate hung in the bal- night—yes you did, you look it— clared. “Andrew’s n iw job is physician should tell- the patient the two daughters, graduates of Oxford, tients co-operate better if thej' mineral salts for our own needs. tablets. Far stronger than unmedi- $LtlCC« when a word will settle every­ our marriage license. It shall re­ disease with which he is affleoted she had an astonishing command of know about- their. actual copdition, ■Vitamins edso are lost to some cated yeast. Results In % tiw - He could chuck her. The thing.” ceive all due consideration.” So quit being ashamed pf .akinnl- thought made him ashamed. He Naralio looked at her watch. the English language. "Words rolled degree in toe water in which veg^ Natalie became solemn. "But from her in the manner of the great Son^those toter4te?“to ness,” sallow skin. Get Iroi^d. reached over and caught her I’m not so sure of that,” she said. “ I must hurry,” she said. Which and what can Ije’ done for them tables are cooked, but vjhen toe Yeaat from druggist today. Feel hjind. It happened to be her left ■Victorian parliamentary orators who problems. ■■ toward , benefittlrig' and perhaps water is used in a soup none thwe “Poof! What you need is me, v/as precisely what Alan was say­ It is a fundamental rule In great tomorirow. Money, hack* from hand, where his ring emitted a in turn had learned the lessons of nutrients so essential to good health dearest, to advise you. Good ing to hiriself a few hours later medicine that theigowi of the pa­ even curing the disease. After all, mEuiuf^cturor If n ot. with ebst^ sparkle. His fingers pressed at his hotel, as he reached for Cicero and Demosthenes. there are but. few conditions to­ are wasted. thing I caught you crying this A Different In Oratory tient must be the first considera­ quick results.-;-Adv. ' V it into her flesh as they closed morning, or you wouldn’t have his hat and coat. He had only day in which the outlook Is abso­ Cream* soups arc simply , made, ovdr it. ten minutes to catch his train. But no one who heard her in tion of the physician, Hence it la told me a word about it.” America can completely judge her necessary. for him to consider lutely hopeless. I phillipa knew that he had suf­ Natalie looked inquiring. Aud then the telephone rang. ' Much depends on the way in fered a twinge of conscience, that His heart sank as he recognized eloquence. Here she was careful whether or not it is to the pa­ "I mean how you felt about to avoid in public all reference to tient’s Interest te/be formed of v)hlch the information is given hp. W’as convulsively hanging on Alan’s going aw^ay last night Phillipii's voice. to toe patleriti It is possible fo..* the completely revolutionary char­ toe nature of his disease. to his honor. when you wanted him to stay. (To Be Continued) those yho understand something ‘‘And I’ll keep him hanging on acter of the Indian nationalist move­ “ Obviously tiiere are some di­ of human, psychology to make the until it hurts,” she said to herf ment. She spoke in social and his­ seases, such as the major venereal -message of information inspira­ self. At the same time she smiled torical terms, not in the fiery langu­ diseases^ in- which , it is of the The Smart up at him from eyes brimful of age of political slogan turned by a greatest,importance, that the pa­ tional arid uplifting. It will then h o s i e r y c o a t s UNDBIR^ upshed tears. iron chains great poet. tient be properly .ipformed how to play a . considerable r part- in the DRESSES steps that maybe taken toward wouldn't hold him as effectively WSflmcHWGOftf? Those who heard her five years protect his family and his asso- State Theater Building as the clinging weakness with ago at Cawnpore, when- she was ciaties again secondary Infectiim. cure. whjch she had entrapped him. elected president of the Indian Na Certainly, it is desirable that the Humming birds beat their viings • She glowed, inw'ardly, with the tional Congress, under the big tent person- v^lto tuberculosis protect knowledge of her power over him. nearly 1200 times a second and are of handwoven cloth, where 15,000 those who surround ■ him against .Blit what the devil was he to delegates from all parts of India able to fiy backwardis. Our Weekly New York Trim do? He asked himself this had gathered, remember her words; his disease. , ' . - question far into the night, while “ How shall I kindle the flames that Results In Two SpeeUtls ^^^} Phillipa reposed for the last time shall wake you men from slavery?” under her father’s roof, calmly And again: “ You men, what are R eflects G hic, F em ininity, Y riuthf^ sleeping the sleep of the unjust. you but cheap Imitations of models From her point of view, his from the Occident?” The measure a fashionable with % yard of 39-inch contrasting. alie. dinner party and was charmed by ^Printed ______voile,_ printed^____ cotton net, Regularly $5.95 If she could stick to him her. "I shall hope to see you often nririted batiste, crepe-sUh, canton through luncheon . . . her) Pfepe pastel hahiikerchief lawn “ it’s after twelve.” she ex­ in Delhi,” he said, bending over hand in parting. Mme. Naidu ] are^ideally suited to this modal claimed. looking at her w'atch; smiled. She knew that a viceroy in ( ji^ttorn price 16 cents in stw ps "shill we lunch, A lan?” $3.95 They were on their way to the London and in India'were two dif-! or'coin (coin is preferred), wrap street from the apartment of the ferent people, and she also knew | ggin carefully. superintendent of the building. that an Indian nationalist may be a f‘I was thinking of snatching diivtinguished poet and diner-out in ,Manchester Hfrtid London, but must reserve all her The Necessary, a ; bite somewhere, and hurr3dng Pattern Service - • > baici to the office,” Alan de- time and loyalty and contacts for mui^ed, her own people when In India. “I )888; ; / "Oh, don’t do that,” she ob­ think you will see me not all,” she A i o w patterrie /'are naatlea jected hastily. "You’ll have In- replied to the astonished Reading. from New Ybfk Clt^ plaaee aliew Summer dlfestion all afternoon, and be Sarajinl Naidu is in many ways live days. V-- sidef,' I want to discuss my shop a complete' contrast to Mahatma Price iS Oeata in White ping list with you.” GandM. She is a .'more sophisti­ . f i n d then you'll get what you cated politician with experience in Name .. »•••••••• Basket Weiwes-B^-Mi wdnt anyway,” Alan declared reconciling divers points of view teasingly. , and the conflicting power-seeking Size . . . “No, I won’t, really, Alan, UHEtlEVel? 1 CHQD9L personalities around her. She has , e ••••«• • • •.i need your suggestions. You see,' often blunted the sharp edge of Addreee ^il sHfetation of vriiat she ^ a s goinf AU OF trt "^9 Ii, forts to preserve a lipitcd front .of Be#n t* *he toiaiy. "I want to get things that I sects and clasiberi. Yet she is ab­ terii I>epL; M a a cliif^ • wif-can juse later — when we have solutely loyal to Mahatma; QacFdhl, whose purity and fafivticism aM j^e our own home.” tv Alan became vastly uncomfort- .. ',.■ ■" \ > A 6 E MANOHBSTBB BVEKSG HBEALD. SOOTH M ^C H E STiE ; c 6 m . T U E S D A Y , lU Y 21. » » 0 -

\ ness depresslcBS. They all act alike ■‘X HINT AT MURDER The men who. If business fell off 66' do everything in its power to elect ^ cent increased their selling «f- representatives who will favor the ANDOVEK u o w q ATM ROBINSON FILES modification or repeal of the Queer Twists fort 76 per cent, managed to puU amendment.” Los Angeles, May 21.— (AP)— A through, as if there were no de­ Robinson discussed also the ap- Mrs. Mark Bass has returned to Bbr an Ua ' fiaM are mttow^ New' York after spending several request that an autopsy be per­ pression, afiS the r efforts of Auch mad Me travafl grief; yea, his / j pearance as a witness of Henry In Day’s News formed on the body of Robert O. men tend to shorten the ^rlods of ,r a s k o b r e p o r t ! Curran, president of the associa- days at her summer home hero. ‘T should like to he known as a tsdtoto apt reel to altfit. TW* Parker, 88, who was foimd hanging depression.”—Thomas A. Edismi. Is vanlty.1—EodfBSlastes 2:28* . ; ^ 1 tion. and said he “intimated in his i Mrs. Ward Talbot spent Friday from the rafters of a shack near. former president who tries to mind ! testimony that there might be and Saturday with her daughter New York—Mary Rizzo, dancer, Coaling, Calif., AprU 21, in an ef­ his own business.”—Calvin Coolldge. armed revolution in this country and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. .yaaity h** no sex.—Cblton. ^ 1 seems to have done something no­ fort to dMermine whether he was “He who is ;taught to live upofi Senator Says Political Lead­ j against prohibition, and on being WUliams, in New Ha^n. body ever did before. She moved on poisoned hM been telegraphed to “Every man who does not do his ! asked what the policy of the as- The WlUlmahtlc ChrisUan En­ little owes more to his father’s ^ s - her toes down Broadway for la the Buffalo, N. Y., authorlUes. best commits the unpardonable sin.’’ dom than he who has a gfeat awl Afraid of nothing in his prime, i aociation would be in that event, re­ deavor union meeting will he held blocks Officials here described Parker’s —WUllam Lyon Phelps. the liW, king of b e i ^ becomes tbs er is Also Leader of fused to commit himself further in the Gilead Congregational church left him does to his father’s care. Atlantic aty, N. J.—“Psychologi­ death as a “plain case suicide” and —WllUani Penn. prey of hyenas when old ago cqptes. than to say that he would cross that on Saturday. The afternoon meet­ cal beer,” of legal alcoholic content, the body was sent to Mrs. F. A. Wil­ .“I have been through five busi- Wet Association. bridge when he got to it.” ing will begin at 2:80 and the eve­ which makes customers of saloons liams, 514 Union drive, Buffalo. De­ I Statements of this nature, the ning service at 7 o’clock, dayUght hilarious. Is described in a report to tectives working on tips later said ______I Senator continued, were “rather saving time. Supper will be served Washington by H. H. Porter of t ^ they had evidence that led them to 1 common in the circles o f . the m - between services. prohibition staff. Saloon keepers believe Parker was slain because he Washington, May 21.— (AP) i sociation’s officials. He quoted Charles Phelps spent the last spray the tops of kegs with McOhoi. “knew too much” about two mur­ Senator Robinson. Republican. In-1 Emory B. Clark, a director of the week-end in Boston, the guest of The kegs contain less than half df ders here. senator rtuom -hnir-' association as saying m a letter: If Kenneth Little. diana, today asserted that r j revolution this one per cent but buyers think it is Detectives said Mrs. Wllllaroa Howard Turner, a student of Am­ 'A man John J. Raskob of the Demo-, gg^^try. let us approach it with a herst College, spent the week-end the real stuff. posed as the wife of Parker until leaving here.April 26 for Orange, N. cratic National committee, had had gane mind.” To Arthur with bis mother, Mrs. Alice Turner. New York—Women are back in INC. j frills and are glad to be there, as J., and that Parker was a boot­ an “important part” in all the ac- j w . Machein. head of the M aryl^d Miss Mildred Hamilton was the STYLE Lady Armstrong, wife of the Brium legger. They said they were In­ guest of Mrs. Eugene Platt of Man­ SO U TH M a n c h e s t e r buted the statement: “If the dry consul-general, expresses it. She formed Parker had witnessed the 825 MyUN STREET the Prohibition Amendment and chester Monday night. slaying of Edward Bennet, May 81, tyranny is not overthrown by bal- Some unknown person or persons doesn’t believe women will that “few if any of the methods of trousers; they’re happier wearing 1929, for which Eddie Murphy, al­ lots now, it will be overthrown by painted some of the windows of lobbying were neglected by that skirts. leged gangster was tri^ and ac­ bullets hereafter.” Frank Hamilton’s and Ralph Bass’ quitted, and that he a ls tf-^ e w too organization. houses with green paint Saturday Washington—Trousers for w om ^ THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SA'TURDAY A “partial report” on the That New Party. are foreseen by Miss Lucy Park, much” about the Slaying of Police­ committeecommittee’s s investigation --of tnp---- . AoveruugAdverting totu the question---- _ of-- a night. They also decorated one of man Peter Muller, Jr., who was shot the school house doors, painted or fashion expert. She told a group wet organization and Raskob s con-1 political party, Robinson said meeting of the Advertising Federa­ by hi-Jackers April 13 last. nection with it was introduced by | j.jyj.d political party to be decorated the signs at the comer by the station and then painted part of tion of America that all indications, the Indianan, who is the only regu-. j^uown as the Liberal Party favor the prediction that women arc Bad weather, a crop Insurance ex­ lar Republican on the committee. ; mussed at one of the meetings of the the Nathan Hale sign near the Absolute Clearance church. Andover is one place where moving toward adopting the only, pert recenUy estimates, costs tho| "Throughout the activities of the, ^j^getors (of the association) ana ‘ remaining masculine distinction in United States $2,620,(»0,€ TO a year. association, the name of John J .: correspondence indicated that Rerre the hoodlums seem to do anything OF they want to and go unpunished. dress. ' , Raskob appears and reappears, and; g Dupont, chairman of > New York— A debtrtante wrho aoparently few important activities | ^^.^g committee would probably b e-; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cloudman and son Robert, Jr., of Hartford, inaugurated a movement against w-ere engaged in wthout reference: active member in this late hours at dances so that busi­ to him,” Robinson said. Indeed, i t , p^rty. It developed also in testi- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Helmer. ness men would attend hsui captured NEED developed that a letter was sent out ^^at the Duponts are large one of the most eligible bachelors. over hiS signature to prominent manufacturers of industrial alcohd The Ladies Benevolent Society will hold its annual meeting and Miss Marks Truesdale is engaged Democrats throughout the country, j therefore, would have ® s®l*^ to Grover Cleveland Loening, air­ COATS asking them for contributions t o , commercial Interest th^e election of officers at the home of Mrs. Charles Wright Thursday aft­ plane designer. ' this organization.” i question of Prol^^'^^tion. Fu r Roslyn, N. Y.—Rosina Is keeping MONEY Large Gifts. I more, correspondence t°nnd ernoon. up with the Joneses. ' She has a Again, the Senator said Raskob s ^jjgg gf ^^e association revealed that Mrs. H. A. Philips, who has been swing that rivals the great Bobby’s, contributions to the association j ,jj.g„gg oupon said one of in St. Joseph’s hospital for some for forin and she has caused a sur­ “were among the largest and the | ^^gg ^ould have 510.000,000 in weeks, being treated for a broken prise in the current metropolitan association has generally had his 1 Pg^pgration taxes if we should have, ankle, returned home Monday after­ woman’s championships tournament active aid and assistance m all of > ^he British tax on beer. noon. Mrs. Philips will have to re­ by downing veteran stars. Rosina US plans and undertakings.” ^ had previously ^^dentified turn to the hospital in ten days to is the daughter of Ernest Jones, pro­ Value to $19.50 . The greater part of Robinson s re- irenee. Pierre and ^ammont Dupont have the cast on her foot changed. fessional. You con make oil port consisted of a recital of the | among the principal contributors Alfred Whitcomb, in company Nottingham, England—One work- evidence received by the committee | ^g ^.^g association, with two other young men from ingwbman has decided ideas about orrongamonts tor o in connection with the association, ------Columbia and one from Manchester Lady Astor. ^In a speech the Vir­ visited the Aviation field in Hart­ ginian referred to George Lans- loon/ up to $300/ In Closing Out Our Entire Stock of Spmrt and ?h"e tS5«»y S' b e p o b t ford Sunday. They flew in a plane I bury first commissioner of works, as over Andover, circling over Mr. 2 4 hour! or loss Dress Coats at Far Below Cost, Regardless T t n V Beriin, May 2 0 -(A P ) - A state- j muddle-headed, whereupon a woman Whitcomb’s home. lin the audience exclaimed: "Mr. of Ori^nal Price. All Sizes and Colors. ' Lansbury at any rate is a gentle­ k il l s SELF IN GALLERY man, but you are no lady.” Ropaymonts to S e NatSnL pfrty chairmanship he-1 of InUh-Cftot ‘ St. Louis, May 20.— (AP)—A Suit Your Incomo cause ot Ws wet views and h.a con- consi^ment K the ^ ernment of poison gas which, it was man about 27 years old walked in­ QUAKES RECORDED nection with the association. clearly intimated, came from Ger- to a Market street shooting gallery Raskob’s Testimony. last night, fired forty three practice St. Louis, May 20.—(AP.)—Two Courteous Attontion DRESSES DRESSES The Indianan told also of Ras- shots '^th a pistol and then sent a earthquakes were recorded early to­ r.erman foreign office em­ Again Offering You a Large Assort­ kob’s testimony that he had con­ phatically contradicted the report, bullet into his head. He died early day on seismographs at St. Louis Complete Privacy Crystal Shantungs, Wave Crests, tributed a total of $77,000 to the University. The first, of slight in­ declaring it absurd anti-German today. Silks, Celanese and Washable ment of New Dresses and En­ association since 1927 and of his as The same shooting gallery has tensity, was at 2:16 a, m., with the The only charge ,1b three, and one- .rS S devo« r polntid* out th.t secondary shock at 2:3S a. m. The Silks Included sembles in All the Season’s to caJS ne out thTp^ the Treaty ot Veraallles atrictly pro- been the scene of one other suicide half per cent per month on unpaid and an attempted suicide under distance or direction were not de­ amount of loan. Wanted Shades and Styles. oosea of the orfS a ftlon . , a,hf,.hibits the manufacture or export of A L L SIZES poison gas from Germany, while similar circumstances in the last termined. An earthquake of moder­ This, Robinson said was_ signifi­ ate intensity was recorded at 5:25:- there is no such interdiction for several months. P e r s o n a l F in a n c e C o . cant in connection with Raskob s _ Last night’s victim died without 11 a. m., with the secondary phase statement that the aim of the asso-1 other countries, regaining consciousness. ’Two other at 5:33:28 a. m. Its distance was es­ Rooms 2 and 3 ciation was the presentation o f A French scientist asserts that he patrons saw the shooting. There timated as 4,200 miles from St. State Theatre Bldg., Second Floor “facta .and data to the American Louis, probaWy in the Aleutian is­ that t S Sem tte ™tS can age wine by aubjecting It to an were no Identifying marks or papers 755 Main Street in his possession. lands. K t th^ e S l o S ea tin g , and toidectric current ot 120,000 volte. So. M a n c h e s t e r , C o n n . T.kphoii« Dial 3-4-3-S Open 8:30 to 5—Saturday 8:30 to 1 } ---- LICENSED BY THE STATE— Better FUEL Assures SOent, Pasteurized Milk |j rt Economical Refrigeration 0 i Constant, silent refrigeration .. .trouble-­ Is Always Consistent In Quality free. That is how if s done with Gas, the % better, the modern fuel. Germ-proof To have m»Ht that is consistent in butterfat or cream line it is necessary to purchase milk on the butterfat temperature, food kept sweet and pure, ARTIC3LB test. Practically every pasteurized milk plant uses plenty of ice cubes.... and silence. Gas NO. 4 this method. Each producer’s milk upon arrival at the plant is weigrhed and sampled daily and is then refrigeration is now standard equipment This seiies will appear every ’Tuesday tested for butterfat from a composite sample. In in thousands of the newer homes and this manner the milk dealer knows exactly the qual­ ity of milk that he is buying from day to day. Milk apartments. If you live in a small home purchased on this plan calls for a pendty on low test­ ing milk and a premium on high testing milk. !^ic or a many-roomed house, there is a gas re­ system encourages farmers to produce milk of high­ t-i frigerator suited to your needs...... artd it er qualiiy from lime to time. Really there is only one'good way' to milk—^that is the way o? costs so little to operate. Why not give pasteurization.

your nerves a rest, for there are no moving V \ parts to cause noise or repair bills. Let your own gas company show you the at- 3 ^ tactive new models of gas refrigerators... PASTEURIZED MILK m with no obligation on your part. They the Safest milk 1 -M may be purchased on cemvenient terms. IS

The Manchester ■-S,. **It costs no more to tume siafe m ilk” Gas Company .Telephone 5075

-■/■■■ .

^ ... - * r - , ■ * o


*g«se«s686tosa tx9i%si8ssex%%%3sx%%x%ai9ix9fxx%%y AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 REPAIRING 23 WANTED—TO BUY 58 HOUSES FOR RENT 65 of the light u d the atiWogr o f the W»nt Ad In^ormstloB ' key, but alro decreased Lhe ac­ SEWING MACHINE repairing of JUNK FOR RENT—7 ROOM house, with PICK ESSAY WINNERS curacy. When a time had elapsed FOR SALE—LATE MODEL Reo other tests were made. The time sedan in perfect mechanical con­ all makes, oils, needles, and sup­ I will buy anything saleable euid 6 acres-'oT land, artesian water. Manchester plies. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward pay best cash prices. Prompt atten­ Telephone 6012. was increased between seeing the dition, good paint and tires, car light and striking the key. The num­ Evening Herald will be sold this week for $350.00 street Tei. 4301. tion. Wm. Ostrlnsky, 91 Clinton. Tel. 5879. FOR RENT—2 FAMILY house, five IN W. C. T. U. CONTEST ber o f mistakes was greater than to close a business deal. Phones rooms each flat', modem at 73 and the correct results. What greater CLASSIFIED 7780 or 3406. COURSES AND CLASSES 27 75 Benton street. Inquire Home proof is necessary to show that ADVERTISEMENTS GOOD USED OARS ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 Bank & Trust Company. Essays written by Manchester^would shrink from doing ordinarily. alcoholic drinks are false stimu­ BARBER TRADE taught in day lants £^d cause lethargy. Cash or Terms FOR RENT—FURNISHED rooms WILL LEASE WITH buying op­ school children in the W. C. T. u. I Tobacco, perhaps, hasn’t such a Count Blx avsraffa Madden Bros. and evening classes. Low tuition The best known fact to illustrate Initials, numbers and rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 ’ by the week, at The Waranoke tion, new house, six rpoms and sun contest have all been judged and deadly effect as liquor yet many each count as a word and compound 681 Main St. Tel. 5500 Hotel. Call 3886, or at hotel. room, fire place, ' oil burner, aspiring youths have found them­ that total abstinence is essential to words___MB as two words. ^finldUni Minimum COSt coet IS Market street Hartford. today the winners were announced. garage, excellent view, nice selves not eligible in the field of physical strength, is the athlete. urlce of three lines. FOR SALE—1929 Essex Sport FOR RENT — EAST CENTER Miss Anna McGuire, Principal ^ Lino rates per day for transient neighborhood. Address Herald, Box sports because of their smoking. Alcohol and tobacco are forbidden Coupe, rim 4000 miles. Archie street, 131, room, near center. Con­ Mabel Lanphear of the Manchester to athletes while in training. They s ds HELP WANTED— F. Even if one does not aapire to Effectlre Jrfarch IT, 1®2T Hayes, rear 829 Main street. tinuous hot water, on bathroom Green school and Miss Lois Parker, prominence in sports tobacco is, in must have perfect control of every Cash Charge FEMALE 35 floor. teachers in the grammar schools an all-around manner, a harmful in­ nerve and muscle and alcohol breaks Consecutive Days 7 cts » Cts 9 Cts 11 cts judged the essays submitted by dulgence. down this control. Riveters, steeple­ Consecutive Days AUTOS—FOR HIRE WANTED - - RELIABLE girl for FARMS AND LAND FOR High school pupils and High school 1 Day ...... 11 cts 18 cts housework, days only, 44 Lewis In regard to the ever-prominent jacks and men who run submarines, All orders for Irregular insertions WANTED—ROOMS— SALE 71 teachers examined those written by prohibition and the eighteenth must practice total abstinence. will be charged at the one time rate. street. FOR HIRE—7 PASSENGER Pierce BOARD , ------■ ■ — the elementary scholars. The winner amendment in general, I heard, re­ Their nerves must be in perfect con­ Special rates for long term every 62 of the first prize, $4, was Miss day advertising given upon reQuest. Arrow limousine for private TALCOTTVILLE FARM—28 acres, cently, a lecture by the chairman of dition. Ads ordered for three or six days parties; also for weddings and SITUATIONS WANTED^ REFINED Workman wants cheap 6 rooms, electric lights, furnace, Lylian Hutt, a high school senior, the National United Committee for .and stopped before the third or fifth funerals. A. E. Bailey, 125 E. Cen­ room, country life surroundings, and second, $2, Miss Frances Lucas. Men and youths of culture, be­ MALE^ 39 beat, new bam, silo, apple orchards Law Enforcement. During the cause of their drinking ruin their day will be charged only for the ac­ ter street. Phone connection. state price. S. L. Post Office Box A total of 1,150 essays were submit­ tual number of times the ad and small berries. Will exchange speech he said something to the ef­ own lives and cause sorrow and su^T- rd. chargin': at the rate earned, but WANTED—LAWNS TO mow, win­ 169, Hartford. for small 6 room house well locat­ ted by local pupils, 200 by the upper fect that never once in our history classes. ferlng for their loved ones. When no allowance or refunds can be made dow washing, all kinds of miscel­ ed. O. R. Lamphier Farm, Man. has an amendment once added to imder the influence of alcohol men on six time ads stopped after the BUSINESS SERVICES laneous work around house. Phone Doris Mohr, who won first prize the Constitution been withdrawn. fifth day. , ,, __, 860 Main street, East Hartford. last year as an eighth grade pupil have disgraced themselves forever. Ko "till forbids": display lines not OFFERED 13 7647 after 5 p. m. TENEMENTS 63 Phone 8-3221. at the Green echool, won irst hon-! This quotation comes from Gay. APARTMENTS—FLATS— i apt to break this record and to “A lost, good name is ne’er re­ ^*^^he Herald will not be responsible ASHES REMOVED BY the load or ors over 125 High school freshmen, for more than one Incorrect Insertion with Edith Lippincott, second. The safeguard it, he continued, we have trieved.” Only one drink, a thought­ of any advertisement ordered tor job. Any other jobs for light truck. ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, the nineteenth amendment. HOUSES FOR SALE 72 prizes are the amounts of money less act and the future of a man is more than one time. V. Firpo, 116 Wells street.. Dial near Center and trolley.?, steam Is his reasoning not logical? destroyed. The inadvertent omission of incor­ 6148. heat, all Improvements. Phone mentioned above. The essays writ­ rect publication of advertising will be FOR SALE—GOOD LOAM, dark or 4920. COLONIAL HOMESTEAD, four ten by the two last named girls There is a family that I know of. rectified only by cancellation of the WANTED—^TEAM WORK carting light. E. Dickenson. Tel. 7188. fire places, 2 baths, electricity, run­ were avedlable today and are pub­ SECOND PRIZE ESSAY The father is able to earn a large charge made for the service rendered. pay—when he is sober. The four All advertisements must contorm ashes, plowing, etc. L. T. Wood FOR RENT— 4 ROOM tenement at ning water. State Road and bus lished in this issue. (By Edith iJppencott) In style, copy and typography with Co., 55 Bissell street. 64 North Elm street. Apply 68 line, one acre of land, 2 car garage. They foUow: children have no home life because regulations enforced by the publish­ ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES North Elm street' or telephone Will exchange for a small 6 room A bird of gigantic size, droning their mother is also a drunkard. ers and they reserve the right to FIBBT PRIZE ESSAY Bill collectors are always after them edit, revise or reject any copy con­ —RADIO 49 6011. Laurence A. Converse. house. O. R.-Lamphier Farm, Man. as numberless bees; not a bird with sidered objectionable. ^ FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 860 Main street, East Hartford. (By Doris Mohr) pulsing heart and moving wings, because the money goes to satisfy CLOSING HOURS— Classified ads to LATEST MODELS of Atwater FOR RENT— 4 ROOM tenement, Tel. 8-3221. singing as it soars. It is a man made their appetite rather than to pay for be published same day must be re­ At this present time prohibition is PLANTS AND FLOWERS for Me­ Kent, and Zenith Radios, electrical second floor, all Improvements, bird, propelled by a motor and its the necessities of life. The Children ceived by 12 o'clock noon; Saturdays morial Day, pans, boxes, baskets work of all kinds. Raymond A. rent $19. Call at 56 School street. constantly being brought to the are poorly clothed, irregularly fed 10;3U a. m. FOR SALE!—6 ROOM house; also 5 music, the wind whistling in the and tubs filled with beautiful fiow- Walker, 64 Mather street. Phone Dial 7393. room bungalow. All improvements. foreground with magazine polls and wire struts. A daily sight now but and in no way taught manners or TELEPHONE YOUR the series of hearings taking place ers, vines and foliage plants, 4673. Call at 168 Benton street. Dial we do not stop to think of its signifi­ obedience. WANT ADS. baskets, wreaths, sprays, crosses FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement at 8713. in.our capital. cance. They will grow to be careless citi­ Ads are accepted over the telephone 235 Spruce street, with all im­ If our people could only realize or amy other design made to your The plane must be faultlessly con­ zens and menaces to their com­ at the CHARGE RATE given above FUEL AND FEED 49-A provements. Inquire 237 Spruce the havoc they wreck in their bodies as a convenience to advertisers, but order. Carnations, roses and bou­ structed but the most perfect plane munity. The parents are of the type quets of all sizes. We have a com­ street. LEGAL NOTICES 79 by using alcohol and tobacco; Sure­ that if they stopped drinking, would the CASH RATES will be accepted as FOR SALE—BIRCH seasoned hard is worthless In the hand of an inex­ EL'LL EAYMENT it paid at the busi­ plete stock of everything for your ly, they would heed it. perienced or imsteady pilot. Flying care for their children and be good ‘ ness office on or before the seventh wood, or hickory sawed for stove, FOR RENT — BUNGALOW, SIX JAMES HEIVETT Almost everytime one picks up Memorial Day needs. Wedding- ■ vs. almost more than any other occu­ citizens. What a difference total dav following the first furnace, or fire place by the truck roc‘.’'-'i.-?, .sleeping porch, 2 car a newspaper he ipay read of some each ad otherwise the CHARGE bouquets and funeral designs are garage, nice lawn and shrubbery, NANCY SHINN HE-WETT pation calls for physical perfection abstinence would make in this case. KATE will be collected. No responsi­ our specialty. Annual bedding and load, good service and measure Superior Court, State of Connecti­ case where a person has become The moral standing of the eom- bility for errors in telephoned ads guaranteed. Fred Miller, Coventry. Henry street. Geo. H. Williams, cut, County of Hartford, the 21st day and mental alertness. A drink of hardy plants by the thousands. paralyzed, ruined his stomach, be­ “fire water” means that the pilot is munity would, be raised. will be assumed and their accuracy Telephone Rosedale 33-3. 711 Main street. of May, 1930. come insane or weak-minded, com­ cannot be guaranteed. Evergreen trees and all other ORDER OF NOTICE not one hundred, percent efficient The prophets of Bible times were varieties of shrubs for your garden FOR RENT— 4 ROOM tenement', Upon complaint in said cause mitted crimes and the like because and alert. We hear of learning to loud in their assertions agaipst INDEX OF and hedges. Burke the Florist, brought to said Court, at Hartford in of intoxicating liquor. Tobacco, es­ strong drink: CLASSIFICATIONS GARDEN—FARM- with all Improvements, except said County, on the first Tuesday of fly in a short time but as a rule ex­ Wayside Gardens, Rockville, Conn. heat. Inquire at 136 Bissell street June, 1930, claiming a divorce, it ap­ pecially cigarettes, ruins ones lungs tensive training is necessary. The “Woe unto them that rise ' up Births ...... ^ Tel. 714. DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 pearing to and being found by the and heart, stunts growth and in early in the morning,^ tiiat they may Engagements ...... " or telephone 4027. drunken pilot, if flying a plane, will subscribing authority that the where­ similar ways m3ikes one quite a fail­ most probably trade his aviator’s follow strong drink; that continue Marriages ^ FLOWERS FOR MEMORIAL DAY VEGETABLE PLANTS, tomatoes, FOR RENT—3 ROOM shack, with abouts of the defendant Nancy Shinn ure physically. until night, till 'wine inflame them.” pepper, cabbage, cauliflower, kohl­ Hewett is unknown to the plaintiff. wings for heavenly ones. —Geraniums, Matha Washingtons, Our pupils as young as twelve Card of Thanks ...... * rabi and eggplant. 621 Hartford two acres of cleared land in Man­ ORDERED:—That notice of the In­ Why will the railroad companies “Woe unto them that are mighty In Memoriara ...... r fuchsias, ageratum, colens, bego­ years, realize this in a general way to drink wine, and men of strength Road Greenhouse. Call 8962. chester Green. Wm. Kanchl. Tele­ stitution and pendency of said com­ not keep men in their employ who Lost and Found ...... 1 nias, sweet alyssum, petunias, phone 7773. plaint shall be given the defendant because it is being taught to them. to mingle strong drink.” Isaiah 6 Announcements ...... J heliotrope, lobelia, dusty miller, by publishing this order in Manches­ are known to drink intoxicants? Personals ...... • WANTED—CUSTOMERS for T. B. Hygiene classes are taught about Because one loose spike, pracked Chapter. t ' AmtomobllM vinca vines, English ivy, dracaena, FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all ter Herald, a newspaper published in tested milk, at your door dally 13c Manchester, Conn., once a week, for the effects of these stimulants while Without total abstinence there Automobiles for Sals .••••»««•• 8 also annual fiower plants, asters, modern improvements at 19 Rus­ rail, wrong signal, or faulty engine Automobiles for Exchangs • a quart with tickets. Maple Rowe two successive weeks, commencing current event classes discuss pro­ might mean death or injury to hun­ cannot be success in any ei|terprise, zinnias, salvia, calendulas, snap­ sell street. Inquire 21 Russell St. on or before May 22, 1930. Auto ACC68POriC8—“Tir6B •<##•••• • Farm, Coventry. Phone Rosedale hibition often, earnestly and Intel­ dreds of passenger.s. This is not a whether physical, menfau o r moral. Auto Repairing— ^Painting...... 7 dragons, straw flowers, scaliosa, ROBERT J. STACK. ligently, From Proverbs, tw oitie^ chap­ Auto Schools ...... saJpiglossis stocks, cornflowers, 33-13. Assistant Clerk of said Court. practice based on a theory but on H-5-21-30. If one is physically well his brain, experiments. ter, first verse, comes this -warning: Autos— Ship by Truck ...... J larkspur, cosmos, verbenas, mari­ FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement at too, should be in good condition or “Wine is a mocker, strong drink Autoi— For Hire ...... * 28 Marble street. Phone 6712. A telegraph operator was given Garages— Service—Storage gold, phlox and some perennials, HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 normally developed at least. Liquor is raging; and whosoever is deceiv­ Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 delphiniums, coreopsis, candytuft, a test. If one light flashed he would FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ has the power to tear down the strike one key, if another light ed thereby is not -wise.” •*. Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... 18 Sweet William, hollyhock, pansies FOR SALE — RECONDITIONED brain tissues leaving the brain as a Bn.sincss and Professions! Services and forget-me-nots. 621 Hartford refrigerators. An opportunity to ment, all Improvements, small GALLANT FOX’S HALF flashed, the remaining key. The Business Services Offered ...... 18 family, 17 Cottage street, E. J. whole just a hopeless mass. Did you tests were mostly accurate. The Household Services O ffered...... IS-A Road Greenhouse. Call 8962. supply your needs at extremely ever happen to consider the posi­ Building— Contracting ...... M low cost, sizes and style to meet H611. same operator was given a drink of The Soviet- football teani^ which Florists— Nurseries ...... 15 BROTHER WINS RACE tions of men who as a general thing liquor. Then the tests were repeated was recently denied permisibott .'to every requirement, thoroughly FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, are drinkers? Do they hold posi­ Funeral Directors ...... 1* HEATING—PLUMBING- renovated and in many cases both at certain intervals. It was found tour England was probably consid­ Heating— Plumbing— Roofing . . . 17 all improvements, garage if de- tions “at the top?’’ Our “captains of that the reaction to the liquor less­ ered better at Russian than the insurance ...... JJ ROOFING 17 interior and exterior reflnlshed, jiired. Apply 95 Foster street or industry” certainly do not en­ .Millinery— Dressmaking ...... IS offered in five groups at $9.50, Newmarket, Eng., May 2l— (AP) ened the time between the flashing home talent. .Moving— Trucking— Storage . . . 20 dial 5230. —The Scout II, owned by W. Wood­ courage drinking. In fact, most of Painting— Papering ...... 81 ROOFING, FIRE RESISTING, by $12.50, $15.00, $17.50 and $22.00. them have taken steps to prevent I’ rofessional Services ...... 22 reliable concern, terms or cash. Keith Furniture Exchange. 3 ROOM SUITE, new Johnson ward, won the Newmarket Stakes i ■ today. it, refusing to employ men who are Uppairing ...... 82 Tel. 4-8323. Eichler & Williams, Block, all modern improvements. known to be habitual and “heavy” 'llailoring— Dyeing— Cleaning . . . 24 1046 Capitol Ave., Hartford. FOR SALE—SECOND-hand Flor­ Phone Aaron Johnson 3726 or jani­ The Scout II, a bay colt, was bred Toilet Goods and Service ...... 25 ence oil stove with mantel and in the United States and is a half drinkers. Surely, we have not a bet­ tVanied— Business Service ...... 26 tor 7635. ter proof that liquor docs not help ICducational oven. Cheap. Inquire 310 Charter brother of Gallant Fox, winner of AUCTION (bourses and Classes ...... 27 STORAGE 20 Oak street. APARTMENT AND OFFICE rooms the Kentucky Derby Saturday in to keep us mentally awake. - I J’rivate Instruction ...... 28 MOVING—TRUCKING— for rent in Forest Block, Main the silks of William Woodward of Employers realize that work is ...... 5 PIECE MAHOGANY bedroom best done by a man who has no Musical— Dramatic ...... 2J street. August Kanehl. Dial 7541. New York. The Scout II is by Sir Island No. 2 Williams Pond, Lebanon Wanted—iastructlon ...... 80 L. T. WOOD CO.—Furniture and set; bed, spring, vanity bench, Galahad III, sire of Gallant Fox, out “ cobwebs” to be constantly “dusted” Financial piano moving, modern equipment, dresser and chest of drawers $150. FOR RENT—4 ROOMS all im­ of La Rablee. from his brain. A drinker’s brain is Saturday, May 24th, 3 p. m., D. S. T. Bonds— Stoclos— Mortgages ...... 81 experienced help, public store­ Watkins Furniture Exchange. provements, rent reasonable. In­ not one which will allow deep and V iiusinesB Opportunities ...... 32 Money to Lioan ...... 83 house. Phone 4496. quire H. Mlntz Department Store. serious concentration. A man who About 1 acre of land, 5 room furnished cottage, boat, canoe. Help and Situations must be constantly told what must New York owner instructs us to sell to highest bidder. Sale on Help Wanted— Female ...... 35 FOR SALE—GRAY enamel gas FOR RENT—5 ROOM modern be done and who is practically being Help Wanted— Male ...... 36 range. Apply 18 Arch street. premises. MOVING—TRUCKING- tenements, including ■white plumb­ NOTICE! “pushed” along is a liability. Assets Take New London Turnpike to Marlborough Four Comers, PIcIp Wanted—^Male or Female . . 37 ing, Walnut street, near Pine, very Agents Wanted ...... 3 7 -A STORAGE 20 are the object of the business world turn left to Hebron Green, inquire road to WilUams Pond. MATTRESSES reasonable, inquire Tailor Store, Situations Wanted—Female ..... 38 and they are found in “wide-awake If you nish to enjoy a real quiet cool summer vacation buy Situations "Wlanted—^Male...... 39 PERRKTT & GLENNEV INC. STEAM STERILIZED 5 Walnut street. Tel. 5030. I will not be responsible for any non-drinking men, men who want to this property. Price low. Jlmployment A g en cies...... 40 Local and long distance express Box springs, mattresses and all bills contracted by my wife Anna go ahead, who are constantly striv­ I.lve Sfocla-— FOR RENT—3. ROOM flat, all im­ Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... 41 and freight service, including over­ kinds of bedding steam sterilized after today. May 21, 1930. ing to better themselves. Is it not l.ivo Stocks—Vehicles 42 night express service between Man­ and made over equal to new, one- provements, hot water heat, at 168 AUGUST ANDRULOT. plain that such a man is a valuable T. D. FAULKNER CO., AUCTIONEERS J’ouliry and Supplies ...... 43 chester and New York. Furniture day service. Oak street. Inquire 164 Oak or call 58 Summer St. employee to any concern? 64 Pearl St. Tcl. 2-2241, Hartford Wanted — Pete— Poultry>—Stock 44 moved under the supervision of ex­ 8241. For Sale—Mlscellaneons FREE ESTIMATES May 21, 1930. One may readily see how these Articles for Sale ...... 45 perts and in specially constructed ALSO two factors, physical and mental Boats and Accessories ...... 46 trucks. Phone 3063, 886U or 8864. FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement A-1 16uilding Materials ...... 47 Furniture reupholstered & repaired condition, Charter Oak street, be­ strength, affect morality. If one is Diamonds— Watches— Jewelry . . p48 tween Spruce and Main streets. weak in mind and body he does not Electrical Appliances—^Radio ... 4 3 GEORGE HOLMES, MGR. give the thought to what he in­ PAINTING—REPAIRING 21 Manchester Upholstering Co. Apply Sam Yulyes, 701 Main Fuel and Feed ...... 4D-.A street. Telephone 5425. dulges in from the standpoint of .Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 50 244 Main St. Phone 3615 Dives From 100 moral. It is very easy to persuade a Ifouseliold Goods ...... 51 PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, Machinery and T o o ls ...... 52 neatly done, prices reasonable. FOR\ SALE—HOUSEHOLD furni­ FOR RENT—FOUR room flat, third drinker to commit rash deeds. In­ Musical Instrum ents...... 53 floor, all improvements, all re­ toxicated, one becomes very daring Office and Store Equipment . . . . 64 James F. Roach, Jr., 36 Walnut ture; also piano, in excellent con­ Specials at the Stores ...... 66 street. Dial 6921. dition, party leaving town, 220 decorated, garage, at 38 Clinton and feels and possesses a strength Wearinj? Apparel—F u rs ...... 67 Center street, telephone 7969. street. Phone 4970. Foot Tower Into not ordinarily his own. A clear brain Wanted— To Buy ...... 58 PAINTING, PAPERHANGING and is not his, for liquor clouds it and IT’S A fin e Itoonis— Board— Hotels— Resorts kalsomining, first class work, FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, all mod­ THIS IS A SMALL RANCH; Restanmnts FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD furni­ deadens the nerves of his body. J2 0 A cR ss — wF expecT RANCH - AMO prices reasonable, by job or 75c per ern improements. Inquir> at 27 Many men have done things under Rooms Without B o a r d ...... 69 ture, in good condition, leaving THIS IS A Boarders W a n te d ...... 59-A hour. Telephone 8475. town. Call 88 High street. Elro street. the Influence of liquor that they TO BUY ANOTHER £IUAR’ Country Board— Resorts ...... 60 Plate of Soup TER SOON ANP THEN a o o p BUNCH Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 FOR SALE— ONE 3 BURNER gas FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, all mod­ l h a v e a f u l l OE F O LU P AVanted—Rooms— Board ...... 62 YIE' L SEC­ REPAIRING 23 range, one 2 burner gas plate, price ern improvements. Inquire Robert TION; HALF U N P E R O IL- DURHAM STEERS llenl Estate For Rent R. Keeney, 16 Eldridge street. TWO FAMILY FLAT Apartments, Flats, Tenements .« 62 reasonable. Inquire at Selwltz Shoe A circus once adveftised the In Greenacres • only few years TIVATION.THE REST PASTURE. Ydu have here. Business Locations for Rent ... 64 A BETTER PLACE Shop, Main street, corner Pearl. above stunt. Houses for Rent ...... 65 FOR YOUR UPHOLSTERING. FOR RENT—FIVE ROOA flat on built all up-to-date in style and Suburban for Rent . . . . . How absurd! Impossible said the T ISSSSSSSC We gpiarantee to reupholster your Center street, also 6 room tene­ equipment. Two car garage goes y ~ .Summer Homes for Rent public in general. So does the fol­ furniture like new. Protect your MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 ment, all modern Improvements. with it. A good investment or a AVanted to Rent ...... 68 Inquire 147 East Center street. lowing. sound impossible. nice home at only $9,000. Figure Real Eatate For Sale furniture and beautify your home Seven-room house for $3,800.00, Apartment Building for Sale . . . 69 Telephone 7864. it out for yourself. with the latest in beautiful cover­ FOR SALE—STUTZ Bros, upright three-piece bath outfit, heat, electri­ Business Property for S ale ...... 70 piano, in good condition. Call 5734 We have''!a-,nlce cottage of 5 l'''nrms and Land for S a l s ...... 71 ings. Do it now and save! Geo. city, eJetra lot, 1-2 mile from Man-' Houses for Sale 72 Holmes, Manchester Upholstering between 5 and 7 p. m. chesteb Gteen school and bus all for rooms that is Up-to-date with a Lots for Sale 73 Co., 244 Main street. Phone 3615. One reason why Jack Dempsey $3,8p0.00. $500.00 cash. Balance garage, close to Main street that we Resort Property for Sals ...... 74 offer at $5,200.- ‘ ’Easy terms. Suburban for Sale ...... 75 is going to Africa to hunt big easy t^rms. This place was taken by Real Estate for Exchtngs ...... 76 MOWER SHARPENING, vacuum ' All nails were originally; made at game may be that he wants to us,in ti'ade for a larger place. Not a Wanted—Real Estate ...... ,77 cleaner, phonograph, clock repair­ home. In the fifteenth century show a dubious public that he msinsion.-Just a cozy cottage. ROBERT J. SMITH Anctlon-L egal Votlcea ing, key fitting. Braithwaite, 52 there was tovnefl one of the first l.cgal Notices ...... y...... 78 can still lick his weight in wild­ For appointment phone W. Harry Ffre'and Autoinoblle Insuranoe. Pearl street guilds of nallsmlths In Augsberg. cats. ; Engliuid, Manchester Green store. Phone 8459 ' “ ■ 1009 Main ______^ i, I GAS Miser’s Lust k. t-i £ By FRANK BECK

’- t w o n ’ t l_O N G N O W Tlt-L. HAL.P O* TH» VAU-EEV WIL.L. BEE M I N E ------— M i N e MIM6 c Oa s |e:|b i o |l |t Ugually in thewgy.

There are at least four xnlatakea in the above picture. They mey per> tain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnot. See If you can find them. Then look at the scrambled word below—and uiberam- ble it, by switching the letters around. Grade youredf 20 for each of the mistakes you find, and 20 for the word if you unscramble it.

OOBBBOnONS (1) A section of land Is 640 meres, m quarter 166. acres and a*qnarter would make m seetton. (2) isutttb Save no home. (8) One side of the bant reef Is gambrel, the ethe# plala. (4) C a ttle ^ not have tails as bosky ns ttat of the steer at flie M t (5) The scrambled word Is OB8TACXJB. 1'

. . . ' ‘ U- . 'life'?.-

-Va SDHE>^

He put hie arm around her Xndr-whispered In She listened and then nodded, Ab h® drew her near, Then he gently kissed her . And talked In a quiet tone The girlie was his sister; He was asking for a loan.

Sales Blessedness Blessed are the workers for they ■hnii not want. , Blessed are the courteous for theirs is friendship. • Blessed are ^the neat for they make-a good for' Blessed arc those who study f their is knowledge. Blessed are they who are ^ya to the firm for which they work for they shall be recognized. Blessed are they who bel>ev® OUR BOARDING HOUSE SleS86Ci are. _ _ uiej ▲ <>11 ct'OTTIftrS 'flrivmg-giving .service,service to tu 'their ----- customers | By Fontaine Poa By Gene Ahem Tor they shall receive orders in le His ‘sJResistance” Was Certainly Not Low ^'^Kessed are they who ^ o w when | Silence Is golden only when It 5^ the sale is made and know when gives consent. w HaT ; ^ m i s s ’ e r a I akiE S stop for they shaU average m ore! OF 60URSE, IT'S NONE OF MY BUSINESS, X WISH , MAtToT? 3 /llP -YHAT 2 •*'1' WELL, MISS orders. . , . i every now and then without author­ ' V/OLI WodUP SPeAK To t h a t ^ CHdRCH., AS LAIRP OF-TKE Blessed are they who know the > BUT 'AFTER t h e BATTUE HE PUT UP ity of the federal radio commission, MAIP EMPUOV/e-P s He MAUoR , I w il l p e m ia j p HeR difference between arguing and pei- is now signing off. po YOU WOMEN STII-l- FKiURE suasion for their words shall carry 15 TiO POPE ANiP SARCASTIC. \*lnH , oE He r PLACE um-m f - Radio religious services will never h e r e a u u Y n e e d s a jgR REMARKS To WE odESTS / **^EEAP -sa-ToR t h r e e CEAiTdPlES Blessed are the cheerful for their ; be popular, because the women can OKiUV THIS MOPdlflO I SPOKE WE HooP L E S HAv/E HAP troubles will not be heavy* | not see each other’s hats. S p r iHg^ ToNie Q 1 6 He r ABodT THE sHoPTrtiESS oF" SERUAdnS N /idR. ^ioBLE ■ - * p / s riE T2iUP An old lady was out riding with The radio should settle the evolu­ TAMILV AliP I WILL her son and his wife. Presently tion argument. In a year or two the WOLlLP U o K 3>&MAiaP P E S P E C T AMD they came to a group of buildings human ear should begin to close up. p a r c Hm e ^a t HodoR *io TIE HOOPLE surrounded by a high w’all. Old Lauy—What is that, son . The Old Dear—Y es,'w e’ve been M- u a m p -s Ha p e ojd He a p C R U S T I Son—That is the state insane goin’ on forty years, an’ my hus­ -rHe ipeA..' MEAti CREST/ asylum, mother. band has never deceived me once! - Next they came to a golf course The Dear—My, isn’t that wond- V adjoining the asylum which was well populated with the usual Sun­ The Old Dear—Yes, isn t i t . I u day crowd. ^ , can tell when he’s lying—every Old Lady—Oh, isn’t that nice of time. them to let the poor crazy people out in the pasture! But they do The past decade will be known act queer, don’t they? as the one if which woman was completely exposed. "Ls'/, * The Budding Genius Often Turns m Out a Blooming Idiot. First Picnicker (after heavy m meal)—I feel lethargy creeping on I Mr. Aylesworth in Alabama pre- | me. diets that the radio will help to es-: Second Picnicker—Me too. This £ tablish peace. He evidently hasn t grass is full of ’em. . beea tuning in on KWKH. ] ■ ■ "■ » The secret of happiness is not in This broadcasting station now op­ doing what one likes, but in liking erating on a frequency of once what one has to do. She—The world is full of rascals. This morning the milkman gave me a counterfeit half-dollar. He—Where is it, my dear? She—Oh, I’ve already got rid of it—luckily the butcher took it.

In former times the left-over ta­ I S -Zf ble scraps went into the hash. Now x\\N MATTER T c R they are served as salad. t h e m a s t e r Only rarely is it worth what it c Ifsp BY HEA «w vice, INC. costs to tell a man just what we noku think of him.

\ handicapping CUPID By Crane The Wanderlust Kobe, Japan—After a young in­ WASHINGTON TUBBS IL \ spector of the local Customs House recently eloped with the wife of a SUREI ANSTHlNG BIASESI BUT / millionaire, an edict was issued by \ OH, NOT O'lER 7 0 MILES.' iS BETTER THAN officials ordering that all young NEW. AN’ ' EAV, 1 k HOiH an \SLANP \N THE THE COM?ASS ^SWOOl NOTHIN' left ONUS OttEtWUG 150T 1 IT'S ALMOST DUE N O ^H . Th is , e a sv . come men in the service have their heads 7 LAMP IN ■FttWlP^VNES. PAPPW' USED To EAt BUT BANANNS AH' To PO. GCfT TO HOW ) V I E COULP MAKE \T 1, LET’S GET REAPN. completely shaved to prevent a re- S6UI GpPRA THERE. IT HAS A TO PIECES. ON occuTFcnCG of tbG GlopcniGnt. Girls COCONUTS. yJOTTA TAVee A CHANCE BORMEOl f * EAST VJITH A COMPASS. John McCor N\X, l"J£ HAP ^TRAplNG POST, SOtPlERS, even. will not fall in love with baldheaded ^\ME.LL tAtSS THEM ON REACAiNG AVlAT? J JUST THINK- WHV, VlE'P THOSE mack, Irish ^A NOMlE.^g HUNTERS COMPASS OR tenor, who re­ men, it is .agreed. WEAOiXOKtER.'S LtFT UANP \M TWE ENOUGH OF ■ BE IN MANILA 'N LESS HEAPHUHTERS.J COMPA^Sj/ cently Joined US VN, CAViOE WE Tha n a vieek . the ranks of MUST HIDE KNEES CAPTURED. talkie stars, made his first Berlin—Bavaria is guarding its professional ap- morals by regulating the dress of its peai^anc'i in an \romen. A circular has just been . opera at a the­ issued by the Bavarian Ministry of ater near Ge- Education which says that school­ noa, Italy,. girls must wear dresses reaching , where he , re­ below the knees and that older girls ceived a salary must wear long stockings reaching of 13 a week. I well up the thigh.

lU.t. 01*30 BY I LINO. ..A

« i S r Y 4 / m AI, COCHRAN-^p i c t u r e s ICIN By B losset Mischief Afoot FRECKLES AND fflS FRIENDS TBVINS TP OUTFCK FARBAR IS “A~MW1E1E£ O O B -* ! HAPPEN • Zo! SCO AHD THE U\0 6EHT UE OlONT S\ME TG HA'VE A FEW TRICRS UP MV A NiESSAGE TUAT 1 VIAS IN 1 t h a t rock to SLEENE AHP VinU A BUNCH OF \ OSICS CAN'/0H,EH? V1EL.I. - V(Od Dio u t • • It /-iw) ■■■ I IT (SOT To ME before IT ALL.R«HT! pot REACHED THE TEUESRAPH t h a t thins OFFICE - ANg^OOR I HOI AN lAWAV


(READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE.) The people at the boat house all | crowd go boating on the little stream. The Travel Man went, too. werf at the Tinics’ beck and call. | He didn’t want the lads to fall In­ One fellow in a yachting suit step-1 to the stream. ’Twould soak them ped. put .and prompUy said, “Now | all. They rowed and then ate dinner. lade, juat make yourselves at home Then they left, when they were and 'rotmd the clubhouse roam. through. >. . . WhaievW you desire to , do, don’t A horse and buggy then v^nt by ask, just go ahead. and all the bunch heard Clowny “At noon time we will have a cry, “Hey! Mister, can we hai^ a meal and I just want you all to feel ride?’’ The man yelled back, ‘ Hop th at you ar.e very welcome. You can In!’’ And then it really was a fright join rig® iu An^ ®®l-' And, also, if the way the whole bunch packed in you warn to row, out on the water tight. They looked so very . funny you cimgo. But, please don’t stand that it made the drlvjr grin. up to the boat. ’That’s very Indis- The next thing that the TJ°I®® knew the man said, “I’m inviting c ^ e t ” *' Then ^couty said, “You’re very you to stop and see my wondrous S r kind and I am sure that we will farm — the best that can be find a lot to do whUe we are here. found." They reached the farm ^ d I love a_ boat. We’d like to all hopped out. The' next tolng use. til* SEK®8t one, because I think Scouty did was 'about, “Oh, look. 'twill be mope fun. The bigger boats Fine flowers and vegetables are a r e a a f « ^ - if. th^;Atip* they’re sure growing ^ around." • to float. This made the man laugh rather (The Tlnyinltea leave Denmark In loud and then be watched the Tiny the next story.) 1 ? -j . -c. ' r'V |||ai^^?0tnr €ttrniit9 tAGfi SlXTKJfiN ,

ANNOUNCE ROLES about town 1- FOR THE BASS CLUB Friends of John M. W ^am s of 5,000 YARDS OF NEW Hudson street who suffered a s^KhJ shock on Sunday Manchester Fish and Gaine OEPARTMENT STORB^^S^HAHCMKTB yiart to know he Is resting comfort Club Wants Sportsmen to ahlv. Mr. Williams was not para­ lysed in speech or Umh but it will Sign Up for Contests. STnecessSy for him to be very At the, monthly meeting of the quiet for the present Manchester Fish and Game club it Mrs. R e b e ccr^ rlg h t of Holl was decided to inau^rate a Bass Club for the season of 1930 and the street returned last evening from rules governing it are given below. New York where she repre^ted The cornmittee hopes that all y jt the Woman’s Home sportsmen who are interested will Salvation Army at the Jubilee Con­ be prompt in “signing up it gress in New York. will be noticed from the rules ttat j a S! registration money is to be paid a t. ••J* The Girl Scout Drum and the Bantley Garage and all fish * ■ 1 Corps wiU meet for practice at 6:so weighed in at that point on scales • •••*a a Thursday evening at High school bought by the club for the pu^ose. ^ % hall. At 6:45 at the same place a Last year some sixty i rehearsal for the 'May rally wiU signed up and it is hoped that a s . take place and all Girl Scouts and mlny or more wiU sign this year s o . leaders are urged to be present that prizes worth while may be dis j tributed at the end of the bass se^ | j The Ladies Sewing Circle of the Make The Interior Of Concordia Lutheran church will The season for the catching of j Simiinery Cotton Prir meet tomorrow afternoon at i . bass commences July 1. j o’clock. l_T h is Bass Club shall be oper- j “Pentecost and the Individual” ated by the Manchester Fish and Your Sedan Cool for home and resort wear Game Club. I will be the subject of “ 2— Admission fee $1.00, the ■ re- [ >*.♦! v '.V the series of Pentecostal studies ceipts to be distributed at the end ,0' this evening at 7:30 at the nudwwk of the s e ^ n , in the form of 1 meeting at South Methodist church. 3— Limiftd to members of the Manchester Fish and Game Club in With Yatco Auto Covers TMftTitli'i our wash goods buyer has been assembling for this, our fn ,,rth sgr^ rfa& ale, ^ of yards of cotton fabnes Mrs. W. F. Stiles is chairman of eood standing. . , . ^ the rummage sale w l^h Ever 4 ____^Bass to be caught in Connecti­ Som^tte f^ m ost cotton mills in the country-manufacturers whose cot- Ready Circle of Kings Dau^ters K cut waters. •„ v- /iio f on? are tooTn for their style, quality and tubability. p o l summery opened this afternoon in the Buci- 5 ______Money taken in will be dis­ land building, Depot .Square tributed at the end of the season nrints in both sheer and heavier cottons that will fashion sfoart^racti^ will continue this evening. Otters in the following proportions: f S k s *>r yonmell and the children. New, 1930 patterns m modernistic, on the committee include Mrs. L. 40% (First Prize). floral leaf dot, coin dot and futuristic designs in colorings tta t ^ e =jia - Loomis, Mrs. George Wilson, ^ 25% anteed washable. The assortment includes the smartest fabrics fo Carl Benson and Mrs. F. A. Nicker­ 15% son. 10% mer 1930. i 5% (Cover for Coupes $1.98) A total of 42 tables were in play • e__^Fls^ to be weighed in at the I last night at the card party in St. 40-inch Printed Voile 36-inch Printed Batiste Bridget’s parish hall; sponsored by Bantley Gasoline Station, Manches­ 36-inch Printed Shantung the Holy Name society. ter Center. | Hale’s presents the striped auto seat and back covers 40-inch Printed Batiste 7__X member can win but one 36-inch Dimity Prints St. Mary’s Ladies Guild will omit prize but can weigh in as many| that will make the interior of your sedan or coach cool 36-inch Handkerchief Lawn its meeting tomorrow afternoon and fish as he pleases. 36-inch Printed Ch^meusette no further regular meetings will be 8— There shall be a number of and summery. These are the weU known “Universal” 36-inch Dotted Swiss held during the summer. A meeting prizes according to the membership 36-inch Printed Suiting ' is called for Friday evening at the and receipts secured. | covers which are on and oif in a jiffy, they look well bn, 32-inch “Year Round” Prints parish house at 7 o’clock and all 9— The $1.00 fee to be paid at tte i f-’P ' members who have returns for tick Bantley Station at time of regis- give an added swank and dash to the car, look and feel Busy motters wiU fashion cool frocks suite m w ets sold for the May supper are so that they wiU be ready to don the next hot spell. Pat­ urged to make setUement at ttat ^^lO^The fish are to 11 summery, and save many times their cost in wear and time. Plans for the annual J ^ e riety known as “ Small Mouthed, | terns colorings and fabrics for smart home frocks, resort outing will also be made Friday tear on expensive upholstery. One size fits nearly all dresses active and spectator sports frocks, ensembles, children’s frocks and suite, beach pajamas, kitchen aprons, evening. ^^11—S te r July 1 any person must have been a member of the Bass | makes. These covers aer offered at a surprisingly low brief sets and summer draneries. Ward Cheney camp, Spanish War a u b at least seven days before Veterans has inv>-d the member weighing in any fish. price for tomorrow. • t of Mary Bushnell Cheney aindlia^ to join them at their meeting m the Over a Hundred Patterns State Armory tomorrow evening. NUTMEG TRAIL OUTING From Which to Make Fits Makes o f There will be a whist card party A ll J1 O. Your Selection. at the East Side Rec tomorrow aft­ AT APPLECROFT FARMj tsl ernoon at 2:15. Sedans and Coaches The members of Troop 1 will hold On Monday evening the Epworth zheir meeting tonight m th® League of the South Metho(hst Coneregational church at i Church held its re^lar monthly o S k The initiation of the new] business meeting and social. At tne Ter-derfeot scouts will also take ^business meeting annoimcerment v/as made that the Third Annual Vatco ‘‘Universal” Nutmeg Trail Outing would be held at Appleeroft Farm on Jidy 19th. \ REV. PORTER DESCRIBES The local league at this time will Fender - FlaJ)s \ entertain the leagues of the Bum- side. East Hartford, Manchester, MINISTER’S RECEPTION I Hockanum, and Rockville churches.-! At the social which following the business meeting the Epworth Tells Missions Board People of League of the North Methodist Churck of Hartford were guests. Czecho-Slovakia Greeted Games and refreshments were in Boston Man Warmly. charge of the Fourth Department. ______About fty attended the social. Pair Pev John S. Porter of this town .V “ Is sSp^orted by the Second SALAD—BAKED Every Psittcrn Is Gusire-ntecd Congregational church as m “ Fender flaps protect the car from mud, oil and ary in Czechoslovakia has w n tt^ BEAN SUPPER to the American board of tar. Adjustable brackets make them easy to missions of the reception accorded Friday, May 33, 6 to 8 P. M. Ladies Aid Society at Prague to the newly appointed put on. One size fits all cars— sedans, road­ Main minister, Abraham QuarryviUe Church, Near Bolton Boston, by President Masaryk^ The Lake. Main .Floor, Supper 25 cents. sters, coaches and coupes. latter spoke in warm terms of the Floor, part America played in the inde­ left pendence of . Czechoslovakia and le ft DEPARTM ENT STORE SOjlAtlCHESTE^^^^) Mr. Porter said that durmg the Mrs. M. S. Manning feremony the flag of the United States took its place beside HEMSTITCHING Hale’s Auto Covers— ^Main Floor, left. president’s flag over the old castle of Prague. 11 Park Street Mr Ratshesky’s carriage was Phone 7905 proceeded by cavalrymen ano miinijii: miiuiiMii: MiiiiliMliy miiliriy: sniiiiui; unmuu soldiers lined the sides of the mU I! I 11111 u streets, leading to tte casUe. -A-t BUY AND BUILD tlMlIIIIII iilllllTiT entrance to the castle grounds stood Summer two divisions of the castle guard t do honor to America’s representa­ tive while tte band played Amer­ MON Embroideries ica’s hymn. ____ _ clemI oew 42 Restricted, large POUCEOTT lots. Terms. Reduced Prices G O O D TUINOS T O EAT See Models of All Pieces The case of Morris Jainchell, 3b, You always depend upon Pinehurst quality, service and of Fairfield avenue, Hartford, ar-1 rested for over-loading an automo- prices. Dial 415 1. I hile truck with cows, WM nolled Thursday the Fish De­ Arthur A. Knofla Mrs. Elliott s Shop this morning by Assistant ^osecut- We Believe That You Will Find Large h ea d s 853 Main St. ing Attorney James B. Rowland. partment features: i Dial 5440. 875 Main St. Jainchell had purchased two Peterson’s Boston It Worthwhile— and two calves from Samuel K. Ijettttce ....•»« 10c Woodward in Bolton and was on his Fancy larg;e fresh way back to Hartford last Wednes- To Cultivate Enough dhy when one of tte animals lay| B u tte r fis h ...... 24c lb. down in the truck. , Cucumbers, WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. A complaint came to Pouce 2 fo r . . . Headquarters and Officer John 4 fo r . Of The Spirit Of Thrift Crockett investigated and placed the Hartford man under arrest The best quality Funeral Directors Jainchell was told to put one of the I ESTABLISHED 55 YEARS cows in another truck before pro­ Fresh Mackerel.,. 19c lb. Fancy Bunch Beets, To Establish A Savings ceeding to Hartford which he d if 3 bunches ...... 25c CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. The case was continued until tms Cod, Sole, Haddock. morning and Jainchell obtein^] lUpe Tomatoes. William S. Hyde as Ws counsel. At- Fresh Salmon and Halibut. Phones: Office 5171 Account. Asparagns, Celery. Robert K. Anderson ter a conference this morning, it Open Clams for chowder. Rpsidonce 7494 Hard heads Cabbage for coW which you may add to as much or as little as you wish and m was decided not to bring tte case Large Qnohang Clams to trial. slaw. often as you wish. You wUl always have a fund of money in Johnson’s ISectrlc Polisher Wax Green Beans. for roit f L60 per day. Strawberries reserve then in case of necessity. DUNHHX’S X Sugar, 10 lbs...... INVITES YOU TO Brown’s Butter 45c lb. Rott Blotter 42c lb. OPEN AN ACCOUNT E Savings BankofManchester Any day In tiie week you will Hud our Bleat Dej^rtment ASPARAGUS Buys A ll f^eady to serve you ndtii all the ordinary tiilngai also Brollersi SOUTH MANCHESTER,CONN. ^owl, WftimUwg Chickens, Tenderloins, Crown Boasts, etc. y We wish to can yonr attention to too fact that no deliveries (The Clothes be made-after 6 p. m. . ^ d o w n YouN eedZ 2 ^^uarts ...... I.OU 1S £ • G R A N T FANCY GREEN BEANS 2 Quarts ...... C . URANT rASHS m s is the lowest price we’ve seen on fancy green beans S bAI bmI, CMufa § . '691 Main Sfc, Jolmson Block South Manchester IbiayiBar,