I-.-- v^', ; ^ . '.- . ■• ..v' . ■■ ■ ■■ • ^ . : ' ■• - y>' asw s?^ Jbgr D ^ n e t p r e s s r u n a v e r a g e 'DAILT caROUIiATION for the Month of ApfU» IWO PUrnaiMN^i^ t o n i i ^ : 5,527 :i1uiTiiiBy fair |wt Bem benlot tlie AnOlt Bureau of Otrenlatloaa____ SaXTBEN,PAGES PIUCBTHRBB SOIJ^ft MANCHBST®Ri' CONN., WEDNESDAY,^^Y 21, 1930. (C^awrified AdvertiBlng on Page 14) VOL. XUV., NO. 198. AFTER FATAL TRAIN WRECK DAVIS STILL LEA ALL IS WELL ON ZEP / / * ih FLYING SOUTHWARD ‘ / f i :A' 'M Passes Oyer Canary Islands BRITAIN TO CALL Service C l^ Reports Secretary of Labor Early Today and Points GANDHI TO PARLEY (K $917 Last N i^ MISS ( K Y a g a in More Votes Than Gnmiy Toward Eqnator; Is Aver­ Compedtien Among .Can­ and BoUen C o m b in e d ^ aging Fifty Miles an Honr. London Report Says Nego­ vassers Notd. AiiiuMiiicement 9 m W3I Ron ReptAEcan Momnathii •t tiations Have Been Start­ Although General Chairman LOG OF THE GRAF ZEP. Arthur A. Knofla is a member of the Klwanls Ouh, he was very en- for Assmnbly Made at for U. S. Senator^ow n By Associated Press. ed to End Indian Trouble. All tiroes are Eastern Stand- thiisiastic in his w or^ of . praise to­ day for the work the lion’s club Is Lea£ag Rndot by London, May .— (AP)—Reports Women Voters Meeting. ^^Sunday: 11:18 a. 21 has done during the flrat two Friedrichshafen for Seville, of British negotiations with Mahat­ days of the Memorial Hospital cam­ 4 3 ,2 2 9 in Race f,or Gor- ma Gand> for settlement of trou­ paign for 836,000. In making his re­ port this morning, of the winners of Annouiicement .wiui made yester- ^^£nday: 12:40 p. m.—Arrive bles in India due to salt raiding, to­ Seville. _ the two contests which were In diiy afternoon at the regular meet­ em or. Tuesday: 3:30 a. ro.—Left se- day persisted in London. operation for the first two days of ing ^ the Manchester League of viUe for Perarobuco. - Although lacking official stamp, Pennsylvania railroad locomotive is shown here as it Iroked the drive, ending last night, Mr. Women Voters held in the Hotel 5:30 a. ro., passed over Cadiz, ^ the reports said the government Knocked far off i£s rails and overturned, a Knofla said he wau5 delighted with Philadelphia, May, 21.—(.AP)-^ theuic splendid spirit__ of______ competitionSheridan that Miss Marjorie Cheney, Spain and out to sea. j •was very anXious for such a move. _after___ r itsite collision with^th a work trainteata_at at ^a^^,^P^^ mjS^ Secretary of Labor James J. Davis Wednesday. | It was said that satisfactory de­ passenger train toward Reading, was and (Mithusiasm'iWith which the repres^tative from ManchMter in 12:24 a, m. sighted by S. S.: velopments would lead to persuasion varioXis teams went about their toe Genial Assembly wotfld again received more votes than 8dl his of the Mahatma to come to London work. Chairman Knofla reported the be a candidate for toe nomination. opponents combined for the RepuJ>- Segura at sea. t «= ' BED ^ R ENGINEER 10 a. m., passed over Las for the October round table confer­ Lions team 8un toe high twm for the Mrs. Stephen Hale, president of toe lican nomination for United States IN THIS l o c o m o t i v e Palmas, Canary I^laiwfe. | ence. total report of dollars, their returns local League was authorized^ to Senator in imofficial returns from 11 a. m., saw Teneriffe, Can­ Gossiped as a possibility from up to toe closing of toe contest Twaifft toe annoimcement for Miss DRY LEAGUE TO BACK New York, May 21.— (A P )—A period on Tuesday night being Cheney. The decision was greeted, ary Islsuids from air, but passed ^ time to time the subject came to locomotive with a compartment to eastward. ^ the fore today following official $917.00. Mr. Knofla said there were •with hearty af>plause from toe wom­ 12:20 a. m.—Sighted by j notification of the arrest of Mrs. In the rear of the tender contain­ two other teams that he eonsidered en- present. steamer Carnarvon CasUe south- , Saorjini Naidu for leading a salt fort in new jersey ing a bed, electric fan smd other worthy ofhaving 'Guest Speaker east Canary Islands. ^ i raid at Dharamana. comforts for the engineer,, has made iai very good shpwing for toe Mrs. Rachael, Conrad Nason of 3:20 a. m.—Reported 500 miles The Daily Mall’s Bombay cor­ made its appeatsmee on the New territory they had, these being Jphn Hsurtford, chhimiSJi o f toe eXecutive northeast Cape Verde Islands by respondent yesterday cabled the York Central rsdlroad. The Sadler’s atnd Mrs. Stephen C. Hale’s committee of toe CoimecUcut British steamer Accra. suggestion that the British govern­ engine wsis built for the Timken teams. '■ Couhcil of International R a ­ 8 a. m. (E. S. T.) nearing ment actually had opened imofficial McBride Says He Agrees S E E a MACNIDER Roller Bearing Company at a Other Contest tions, was toe guest speaker at toe Cape Verde Islands. _________ negotiations with Gandhi, basing his cost of about ?150,000 to test the The second half of toe competi-. meeting which was held at toe report upon “the activities of an With Candidate Bat usfe of roller bearings on the tion, being the team reporting toe Hotel Sheridan, It was preceded by TTingUwh labor newspaper’s corres­ FORGANADAPOST driving wheels which are sub­ greatest number p£ successfid calls, a delightful limcheqn served at one By Associated Press. pondent now in Bombay," who, ac­ jected to great strain. After a was won by Mark Holmes team No, o'clock by the manager, Mrs. lUiza- The Graf Zeppelin passed the cording to the Daily Mail’s repre­ Dodges Home Brew Issue; period in freight service on thfe 6 of Division 2, having reported 93 beto Costelo. The floral decorations sentative, saw, the Mahatma last New York Central, it will be sent were spring-like and beautiful and Canary islands today and inosed percent of their total district being week and laid several proposals be­ to other lines. successful calls* toe menu was one calculated to ap­ steadily southwest in a line almost fore him which Gandhi, it was said, RockefeDers’ Gifts. Former Head of American As a reward each of toe wiXmlng peal to toe taate of discrlminatog parallel with the African coast to­ asked for time to consider. teams will be cre<hted with $500; women. ; ward the Cape- Verde Islands. Her Sounding Out GandM Legion Picked by Hoover additional to their, team report Mrs. Stephen Hale, president of The Daily Mall writer added he Chairman Caraway of the com­ the local le ^ e introduced toe; course was shaped for the equator, which will put these'teams Ih a good believed the correspondent mention­ mittee inquired imd the League su­ P O L ineS IN STATE position to win toe competition be­ speaker, who showed a surpri^g with little chance, however, of at­ familiarity With her subject, ‘ Ii^ ed to be in close touch with the perintendent testified he would | for E n v o /s Position. tween tofe Divlirtons, which esdsts taining that epochal goal today. British government and engaged in throughout the period of thfe cam­ ternatioual Disarmament,” and ^‘say Amen” to the state branch' proved a most enlightening speaker, Her last reported ^sition w « sounding out Gandhi as to what START TO SIMMER paign. There is quits a keen com­ terms he would accept to attend the decision. petition' among sdl teams to assist lie council, she eXplained 500 miles northweA of the C ^ Washington, May 21.:i(;-(AP.)— formed flve years ago,; and Ctomw- Verde Islands, 200 miles due west London conference. “So you endorse the msmufacture their Division in carrying off th& Janies J- Davis A marked change in the Indian and use of home brew?” sisked Hamford MacNider of Iowa been honors of toe campaign,-which was ticut was toe first state in which toe of Villa asneros, ^ri<^ . situation today came with the ar­ new voters formed a council among The British steamship Accra Senator Blaine of Wisconsin- j selected by President Hoover as, sU rted at toe oppntoar dinner 6,740 o f toe state’s 8,7()1 dlstelteta^M - rest of Mrs. Naidu by British police “No,” McBride repUed. “Neither to Canada, Candidates Poppmg Up in througtf'Chsides Holmap, Major p* themselves.^ Tuesde^s primaiies. ■ ' nicked her up at 8:20 a. m. G. l. as she led a raid on -the Dharasana did Fort in his ^eech in congress. submitted to the 4th Division issuing a. diallengs , Navy ArmamentB , file of the former Pittsburgh (3:20 a. m., E. S. T.) and government ssdt pans, with nearly Various Sections; Levitt r/vto W-W.w w Robertson,nLODBruauu Major of the gho cXplsined thc stsndlBg Of the iron puddler rose above the h (^ the news by the German steamer 1,000 Nationalist volunteers. Re­ “A Good Speac . ’Canadian government, and a fa- ^ ’d DiyMton of any’othir DlVtotni 1 navies of the big world powers ip majority given him in Philadelidna Sierra Cordoba to the Associated peatedly warned that she would reply that hiTp^slen^uld turn in thelboto Jn» and monetary power, and with 1,961 districts to be talXi- which showed that the UMted States Press at London. arrested and once restrained by the was a “good Speech.” .1 MacNider is a formeV assistant Seeks Office.
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