Plan for Funeral of Taft
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£ rT''.-V V ‘'■'W THE WBATHliK^ PMeCMt b j «. a. Butmu, r NET PBES8 BUN Hartford. AVEBA.OE DAILY CIBOULATIQN Fair and lUghtly warmer tonight; for the Month of February, 1980 Tuesday inoreaslng cloudiness and t u f t t i n n Conn. State Library—Con#i warmer. » ' 5,503 Membera of »ho Audit Bureau of Clrcnlatlona TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1930. (CUsallled Advertising on ^ g e 10) VOL. XLIV., NO. 136. 104 PERSONS KILLED PLAN IN JAP THEATER FIRE FOR FUNERAL OF TAFT More Than 100 injured; Vic- BYRIW PARTY To Be Simplest That Ever Ladd Issues Orders . Marked the Passing of a h a s r e a c h e d For State Mourriing Great National Figure; Congress and Supreme w A i f c * .. NEW ZEALAND Hartford, March 10.—(AP)—Ad-Awlde, worn around the left arm above the elbow; also, when the jutant General William F. Ladd to saber is worn a knot of black crepe j Court to Recess Until Aft Seoul, Korea. March lO.-iAP)—ip 1 MomkafS day Issues the following order: on the hilt, also the National colors Ona hundred and four persons were | tO m in a n a e r dUU inZUWMio 1— His Excellency the governorwill be draped as prescribed in Par killed and more than 100 injured to- j announces, with deep sorrow and re agraph 434, Army regulations, by er Funeral—Body to Be clay in a fire which broke out at a j Get Enthusiastic Welcome gret, the death of William Howard two streamers of crepe, seven feet motion picture show at the Chinkai , Taft, ex-President of the United long and twelve Inches wide, at laid to Rest in Arlington Naval base in southern Korea. Most j States, who pjwsed away in Wash tached to the ferrule below the of the victims were Japanese naval , At Dunedh^ Byrd Speaks ington. D. C., at 5:15 p. m. March spearhead, during the next thirty men and their wives and chiklicn. ■ 8, 1930. days, terminating April 8, 1930. Cemetery. 2— As a mark of respect to ex- 3—The National flag will be dis The show was being held in a played at half-staff on all state warehouse at the naval base in ob' | Briefly At Reception. Presldent Taft, all officers of the . National Guard, while in uniform, armories, the state military reser Washington, March 10.—(AP) — Licrvance of the twenty-fifth anni- i vation, between revielle and retreat versary of the capture by the i will wear the prescribed badge of Parting tokens of affection and rc- ‘ Dunedin, N, Z., March 10.- i mourning, consisting of a straight until after the day of the funeral Japanese of Mukden in the Kusso-■ t>c„unrH tt Tuesday, March 11, 1930. sped were heaped high upon the Jananese The anniversary was 1 —Rear Admiral Richard K. band of black crepe, five inches bier of William Howard Taft today throughout the empire | American explorer, and the mem- x;clcbrated as the nation prepared to give him bers of his Antarctic expedition re-1 today. honored burial. GOO In Theater. turned to Dunedin today after hav-1 The house on Wyoming avenup The film, which ignited and caus ing spent more than a year in the I TAFT LIVED TO SEE ARLINGTON CHOSEN where he lived and died was filled ed the fire, was a patriotic repro scientific exploration of the frozen like a mammonth spring basket with duction of scenes in the _ Kusso- regions at the bottom of the world. a wilderness of flowers. A proces JauancHc conflict. About 000 pei- All Dunedin turned out to greet] U.S.W 0LRD POWER ! FOR TAFT’S BURIAL sion of messengers carried to the .sou.i were in the building when the the discoverer of the Antarctic re- j sorrowing family the consoling film burst into flames and fired the gion which he named Marie Byrd | words of friends in many lands. structure. land in honor of his wife. 1 Congress and the Supreme Court Most of those who died were trap Asked how it felt to fly over the WiD Be First President to Be decided to recess until after the fu ped in the building. The blaze South Pole, Byrd said: | When He Was In Office neral tomorrow. President Hoover broke out at 3 o’clock in the after “Very much like flying over the personally directed that the execu noon and raged for two hours. North Pole, except the Nbrth Pole Leaders Were Mostly Placed In National Ceme- tive branch of the government The victims were chiefly sma'l was bumpier." 9 should show every fitting honor to children. Flames from the ware- Byrd Is the only man who h as, the only man in history who had houjc for a time threatened to flown over both poles. He soared j tery—Others^ Graves. over the South Pole November 29, | Dickering Over Tariff. been both President and Chief Jus .spread to a nearby ammunition tice. magazine. The blue jacket lire 1929. On May 9. 1926 Byrd flew out .Army Guns Boom. fighters barely managed to prevent of Spltzbergen, circled the North Washington, March 10.—(AP) — Pole and returned. Among his other Washington, March 10.— (AP) While the guns of near and dis this. William Howard Taft will be the tant army posts boomed their re adventures was a trans-Atlantic When William Howard Taft closed first president of the United States- quiem, plans were completed for To- flight. Japan is now holding “silver anni Enthusiastic Welcome. I his desk in the White House seven- to be buried In the National t ceme moval of the body tomorrow morn versary" celebrations recalling Tumultuous enthusiasm held sway ! teen years ago this month the nation tery at Arlington. ing to the Capitol rotunda, to He In memories of her year of exaltation The last resting places of the state for a few hours, and for the as the expedition, borne by the i was moving Irresistibly toward a other chief executives of the nation service at 2 p. m., at the Washington — 1905—when her forces crushed barque, Oty of New York, and the commanding influence in world af- the Russians and defeated them on steamer Eleanor Bolling, entered the are: George Washington at Mount church which Taft attended. harbor of Dunedin. Dunedin was the fairs but apparently was unaware | vemon, Virginia; John Adams at At Arlington, across the Potomac, land. ! of this progress because of its hick- j Quincy. Mass.; Thomas Je«e” on at on a knoll overlooking the White Today's celebration, the twenty- last city to bid Byrd farewell when jof tmsprog domestic is -! Monticello. Va.; James Madison at and the Capitol, the family fifth year after the capture of Muk he set out for the Antarctic in De I cring and strife over dome ^ Montpelier, Va.; James Monroe at marked out the plot where the de den, was dc.signated Army Day cember, 1928. ; sues, principally the tariff. Richmond, Va.; John Quincy Adams. parted statesman will rest at last, Navy Day will be May 27, Uie date Thousands of persons lined the William Howard Taft waterfront to witness the return. 1 He lived to see America become a , Quincy, Mass.: Andrew Jackson amid the graves of the nation’s war tv.'cnty-fivc years ago when Admiral 1 power of the first magnitude, y e t; Nashville. Tenn.; Martin Van dead. Togo annihilated the Russian Baltic Bands played “The Star Spangled i the din of controversy over the tar- | gurgn Kinderhook. N. Y.: William Simple Services. fleet in the balUc of the Sea of Banner” and “See the Conquering GREAT SEA “ FIGHT” I iff roared on at the house of his' Henry Harrison at North Bend. For all of this preparation, the Japan. It will climax a large sei Hero Comes.” ! ' death. , • Ohio: John -Tyler at Richmond Va.; actual funeral service tomorrow will and air exposition at Uyeno Park, Scores of smaU craft scurried out | ENVOYS TACKLE FIRST was not the > j^mes Knox Polk at Nashville. and escorted the two ships to their, The tariff, however, be one of the simplest that ever Tokyo. sole domestic issue to 1 ''■ Tenn.: Zachary Taylor at Spring- marked the passing of a great popu docks. I NEAR CANAL ZONE 1 so le QOUltJSUl^ J fcic*v**»* J * These cnte."prises are designated Byrd’s comment on the accom- j ' the platform which Taft carried to, . Millard Fillmore at Buf- lar figure. It will be held in All to rekindle in some degree the pa plishment of the expedition w as, BIG PARLEY PROBLEM I the country in 1908. listed also the y.; Franklin Pierce at Con- Souls’ Unitarian church, at Six triotic fervor that burned in the na . ' famrirar" topics of- agriculture,------- ------ fall cord, N. H.: James Buchanan at teenth and Harvard streets. tional spirit during the conflict of brief. j Lancaster. Penn.; Abraham Lincoln The pew where Taft sat, will be twenty-five years ago, winning for He said: | American Warships in Mockjroa.,. ^ at Springfield, lUs.; Andrew John- decorated with flags and flowers. His Comment. ■ merchant marine and cIyh 1 Greenville, Tenn.; Ulysses S. Japan a place among the great pow “Surely the South Pole flight was | Consider France's Demand! As the church bell starts to toll, ers and-establishing her firmly on LANDRY CONFESSION I Grant at New York aty; Ruther- the Rev. Plysses G. B. Pierce, Taft’s not more important than the flight 1 Battle In Caribbean Sea i service.