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; -T ^ WEATHER T : J n e t p r e s s r u n rorepact by W««t^jr Bm u. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Hartford. for the Month of March, 1930 \ Partiy Oiottdy .and pqnt|atied opM tonight; Friday fair. 5,511 , '■ Blenibera of the Audit Dareaa of Clrcnlnttons PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930. FOURTEEN‘ PAGES VOL. XLIV., NO. 175. '(Claimed Adverttslng on Page 13) SENTENCE LORENZ; FAMOUSCOACH Florida’s Unwelcome Guest—Capone PRESIDENT ADVISES SAYSDRYLAW DIES ON GALLOWS CALLMUTIA ISU A llD R E DISPUTE AUGUST 12th. Bill Roper Declares Threaten to Kill Score of WARSHIP CAPTAIN |(j|gf Executive Takes Hai^ I Secret Drinking Makes Guards If Not Released Hartford Youth Who Killed DAUGHTER OF DUCE COMMITS SUICIDE . > ^ ^ I Parents Fearful of Send- from Cage; IVouble Final In Controversy at White His Friend Found Guilty of IS MARRIED TODAY H ^gs Hiii)self in , His Cabin House Breakfast; Snti^ I ing Children to College. ly Averted. Just -teore British Crjaiser Murder in First Degree; S ta ^ for target Practice. BULLETIN With Senator Watson That Washington, April 24.— (A P .)— Portsmough, Eng., April 24.— His Statement at the Trial Miss Edda Mussolini Be Testimony that prohibition has fail (A P )—Tragedy came to the Columbus, Ohio, April 24.— British.cruiser Champion lying ed to prohibit in American colleges Lower Branch Should Act (A P )—Attorney General Gil at her berth here today. comes Wife of Count Ci- and neighborhood settlements, and Hartford, April 24.—(AP) — bert Gettman left Ohio. Peni The eraser was to have gone that Ontario province across the out on firing practice during the First— To Take Dp Mat Henry O. Lorenz who killed Nils E. tentiary hastily this afternoon border In Canada abolished its bone fbrenoon, out a short time be Anderson in Wethersfield on March ano— Simple Ceremony. to confer with Governor Cooped fore she was due to steam away dry regime because it didn’t work, ter Within a Week. 31 and who had pleaded guUty to on a proposal to suspend Pres ' her Commanding officer, Cap murder in the first degree before a was given the House judiciary com tain Richard Martin Welby, Rome, April 24 — ^AP)— Benito ton Tbonoas temporarily as court of three judges was convicted mittee today as its long prohibition vfM fou^d hanging dqad In the Washington, April 24.—(A P I- Mussolini, premier and dictator of warden. The • action was taken bathroom of hls cabin. The door this afternoon as Indicted. He was hearings neared an end. Taking a hand in the tariff contro Italy, this morning gave his daugh when several thousand, prisoh- had' tP forced to reach the sentenced to be hanged at the State W. W. Roper, head football coach j commander who was hanging versy, President Hoover at a con ter Edda in marriage to Count at Princeton, describing himself as j ers announced they would re Prison on August 12. by a rope , tied to a bolt in the ference with Republican Congres Galeazzo Ciano, secretary of the a teetotaler and a worker for tern- j volt against Thomas’ rule. Lorenz and Anderson were close ceiling.* I sional leaders today sided with Italian embassy at the Holy See and perance, said secret drinking had They charged the warden with Artificial respiration was ap friends but on the night of March thrown bad Infiuences about the Senate chiefs and approved a di 31 they went out In a car to discuss son of the Italian minister of com “cruelty’’ and held him re plied, but without success. young men and women in colleges, Here’s one tourist for whom the state of Florida didn’t hang out any It was understood farewell rect vote by the House on the cem- some matter which was not clearly munication. and had made parents fearful of the “Welcome" signs. He’s Mr. “Scarface Al'’ Capone. The prominent sponsible in part for the 318 troverted export debenture pro cxplsdned during the trial. ■ letters were left> by Captain The church of St. Joseph which la result. Chicaeoan Is shown above in the first picture taken of him since, armed fatalities in the prison fire Welby who was between 40 and vision put in the bill by the Senate Anderson's body was found in a Speaking for the Rlis Neighbor n Duce’s parish church was crowd with a federal Injunction that constituted h^s passjiort through Florida, i disaster. 50. *.He had been promoted to over his objection. field. Lorenz fied In his, car and hood Settlement In New York,- Mrs. ed with dignitaries. It was decor he arrived at his huge Miami estate on vacation. Governor Carlton had the rank of captain in Decem The Congressional pilots attend was arrested at Windsor, Ont., an Jacob A, Rlls declared In a letter ated with beautiful tapestries from ordered his arrest and deportation. But, here you see the racket czar, Columbus, April 24.— (A P )—As ber, 1928, He was appointed to ed a breakfast conference with the brought back. He confessed to put into the record that “the im annarentiy at peace with the world, resting from the strain of that big the Capitoline palaces and with investigators of the Ohio Peniten the (Jhampiou last October. President after the Serate . and slaying Anderson but claimed it possibility of enforcing an impossi nierger with the “Bugs” Moran Interests, by which aU Chicago was divid palms and fiowers. tiary fire today continued their House leaders had quarreled over was done during a quarrel. The wedding party drove from ble law" was having a demoraliz After indictment, Lorenz elected ed Into two parts. *_______ _____ __ i probe into the disaster which took which branch should act first on the premier’s home. Villa Torlonla, ing effect among the poor of the the tariff bill differences between to be tried by three judges. Yes a life toll of 318 convicts, thd gen to the church, where Signorina Edda great city. them which were left unsettled by terday when called to the bar he eral spirit of unrest in the prison led the procession on the arm of Canada’s Experience YOUTHS CONFESS their- conferees. pleaded guilty, . her father-in-law Count Ciano, The flamed into open revolt against, dis Anderson had lent money to Sir Henry Drayton, head of the cipline. After a night of disquieting Senator Watson, of Indiana, the gropm followed escorting Donna PLANET X IS DESCRIBE) majority leader, insisted that the Lorenz and the motive for the homi Liquor Control Board of Ontario reports, some 2,000 convicts In the Rachele Mussolini. Then came‘the House act first. House spokesmen cide was presumed by state pollcs province, told the committee that idle house threatened open warfare premier himself with Countess were reluctant to submit to this to be resentment at Anderson s de the province had gone from prohi if they “were not released immedi Ciano. bition to government control after procedure. manding payment, The bride and groom proceeded to SIMPLY FOR FIRST TIME ately. They said they would kill the Sides With Watson Yesterday however, County ue- multiplying hip fiasks and an inun score of guards in the cell block If the altar to the music of Enrico dation of illicit liquor had. convinced Mr. Hoover listened to the dis tective Hickey in his testimony said Bossi’s wedding march played by <?> they were not turned loose'from the Caught in Darien They Tell the people that they needed some TROUBLES OF FARMERS cage into the yajrtl. cussion and sided with Watson. Lorenz told him while at state, the organ and an instrumental more effective method of supervi Accepting the decision, the House prison that Anderson had threaten quartet. They knelt before the altar IS BLAMED ON DIETING. In the yard itself another disorder sion. Astronomer Tells Abput It in will take up the conference report ed to tell the father of his, Lorenz s, and received the initial blessing of I occurred. Some 100 convicts con Of Breaks Made in Vari R6per appeared as one of the re Chicago, April 24.— (AP)—Ar- fined temporarily In the ch^>dt a week from today. Separate votes sweetheart, “something." Monslgnor Glovenale Pascuccl the buttal witnesses for the wets, and will be in order on the Senate’s pro Today Lorenz, In his own behalf parish rector. Layman’s Language; Will , thur M. Hyde, secretary of agri were inflamed by Incendiary the letter from Mrs. Rlls was pre- culture suggested to the Chicago speeches made by leaders: 'These ous Places. posal for the export debenture farm said that the loan was not the cause Marriage Ceremony relief principle and on the Senate’s sented by the wet managers. Sir, Commercial Club last night that men were from the cell block where of the klUlng. He said Anderson had After he had read the brief cere modification of existing flexible Henry, who still was on the stand I Be Visible for the Next I widespread dieting is in part re a majority of the victims died. Na threatened to tell his sweetheart s mony uniting them In marriage a at the noon recess, said he appeared I tional Guard officers and prison of Darien. April 24.— (AP.)—Two tariff provisions. low mass was said and the nuptial sponsible for the troubles of the father “ sometiiing" and in the scuf for neither side but by Invitation of ficials attempted to quiet them. Both propositions were voted In fle which followed, he, Lorenz, pull contract signed In accordance with farmers.