Behind Scenes at N. D. of the most important fig- I By Eddie Asln ONEures in the Notre Dame sports Sports picture, although of least Indianapolis the Times one latest orbett Name Is Nom de Plume mentioned, is the Rev. C. L. O'Don- nell. dean of the Hoosier upstate m m m school. He is shown here in one of INDIANAPOLIS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1933 PAGE 8 the few recent pictures made of him. Alvarado Described as Hard Puncher

• * * Sport Sidelights Collected at Random Meet Thomas Yawkey, Enthusiastic Young Millionaire Owner of Red Sox 'T'HERE have been three “Young Corbetts” in the boxing BY JOE WILLIAMS “T'M just a fan," Yawkey explains. "There must be millions of others A New York World-Teleeram Sport* Editor profession down through the years, as oldtime fistic A like me. I have always wanted to own a ball club. Fortunately I YORK, March I.—This is a story about the young man who just was in position sporting gesture recall, not a to buy one. I bought it both as a and fans will and the list does include the late James J. NEWbought the Boston Red Sox. a business investment. I am sure in the end it will pay dividends on Corbett, former heavyweight champion of the world. There are at least two reasons why he is an interesting man among both counts.” “Gentleman Jim” used his real name, but the other Corbetts Americans. But why did the gentleman, a New Yorker, buy. of all clubs, the money. Why, reported were nom de plumes. 1. He has Red Sox? for instance, not the Giants, who have been 2. He is spending it. sold and unsold repeatedly for the last fi\e years? The first "Young Corbett" was George Green, w-ho won the welter- third, most of all. he :yowcv. a- "I'm ball Mysterious Smith. And to add a 'fantastic is spending it on the an American Leaguer. I wouldn't buy a weight championship from Billy The second "Young world's worst ball club, the Boston Red Box. s. WS& Jgtag. club.” Corbett” was William who all the of the Rothwell, upset of predictions I was in meeting age And in this sentence you have Yawkey. not the business man, not the out Terrible Terry win interested Thomas Austin Yawkey, thirty, New "ejgicrts” of era by knocking McGovern to York business man, multi-millionaire, hitherto unknown in sporting cir- the baseball investor, but the bleacherite—old Gus H. Fan himself. the*featherweight title. cles. Where had he been hiding out? What kind of a guy Well, how did he happen to buy the Red Sox? At time McGovern it was about same was he? the Rothwell flattened the Yawkey had gotten back from Boston. game "They came to me, made me and I was interested. kind of that the just He had a handball a proposition an upset surprised world when Jim Corbett disposed on at the Health roof in the Grand Palace I This was months ago. I would have on the except for of John building. could see him accepted instant the mighty L. Sullivan. between 5 and 6 o'clock. one thing. I wanted to be sure I could get a certain fellow, and that Corbett,” the third, "Young who took the welterweight crown from When I arrived, Yawkey came out of one of the courts certain fellow was Eddie Collins of the Athletics. I knew if I could get the possession of Jackie Fields the other dressed in the day in a red-hot fight in San sub-deb ball Which to say, he very him I wouldn't have anything to worry about.” up room manner. is had little on. He Francisco, owns to the actual name of Rafiaele Giordano. is of medium height, build, Yawkey got Collins, and to use liis own words, "got him without Giordano is stocky has sandy hair and is round faced. a “southpaw” style of puncher and battled for a number "You look a like Hack Wilson.” any trouble.” Which may come as a surprise to Colonel Jake Ruppert. of years he bit before gained the opportunity to mix in a title match. Fact “I wish I could like him.” who offered Collins the management of the Yanks after the death of is, he is champion now, but fight scribes in are to Miller California inclined the That was the keynote. It was also the introduction to a young, suc- Huggins. opinion the Fresno glove thrower has seen his best What about the future of baseball? days. cessful business man who believes in the future of was a baseball. This "Well, for one a a tt a interesting and exciting. thing, I think it was a mistake to discourage the bleacher fan. I believe the real, genuine interest in baseball lies the You meet many men today, baseball fans in youth, say, in BODY ATTACK PREDICTION MADE AGAIN their who bleachers. Out there they know players, the records and the game. "Why do you write about baseball? That game is dead.” And here you the TIMES is permitting Sam Slotsky, Pontiac A. C. matchmaker, to I may be mistaken but I think the fan is comes meet a young man with an established business who grandstand a casual—he THEsay that Jimmy Alvarado, Detroit scrapper, do body background says, to the game in much the same manner that the theatergoer goes to a will some punch- "Baseball never had a greater future.” And he backs it up putting ing at Tomlinson hall Thursday night when the Michigander ties up with by popular hit. The social or sporting occasion demands it. Over in Boston his money in a team that nobody thought could be given away in Tracy Cox, the local thumper and pride of Brightwood. In the past, this these we are going to encourage the bleacher fan." same statement often has days. wu,_ been made only to see the opponents of Cox Naturally you want to know why. ®s do a reverse and stay away from his midsection. WW -W t Regular ringsiders here have an idea that Cox doesn't "like them downstairs,” and have been waiting for a long time to see how Tracy Middleweight in reacts that type City to of attack. Matchmaker Slotsky has a letter from Jimmy Brady, of Alvarado, in which Brady bears Butler down on the Faces N. D. in Bringing new life and new money—a promise that a quarter of a ability of his boy to sock hard to the midriff. million dollars is available immediately—into the Boston Red Sox is Alvarado fought Billy Wallace of Cleveland on the same card with Cox Thomas Yawkey's aim. The young New York millionaire is shown in Amateur Semi-Finals Joey and Marcus in Detroit recently and lost by a slender margin after the center here, with Bob Quinn, former Red Sox owner, on the left, great according a bout, to Slotsky. Wallace knocked out Eddie iKidi Final Basket Tussle and Eddie Collins, new' vice-president and general manager, on Wolfe in one round, Slotsky reports, and it is said Wolfe is carried higher the right. than Cox in the welterweight ratings. Johnny Chesunas, Ft. Harrison Boxer, Lone Survivor of tt tt tt tt tt tt Irish Seek Revenge for Recent 27-to-25 Loss to Bulldogs; Local Golden Gloves Squad: Nate Goldberg Loses EVIDENTLY BOBBY JONES MEANS “POSITIVELY” Upstate Collegians Boast Seven-Game Winning Boxers Put in Final Hard Bobby Jones, greatest of them all, has said definitely in Second Round Scrap at Chicago. ALTHOUGHthat he is through with competitive golf, reports come up from Streak; Action By Time* Special time Starts at 8:40. to time that he plans to re-enter the links game. CHICAGO. Mar. I.—Johnny Chesunas, rugged Ft. Harrison middle- A few weeks ago, Stuart Cameron of the A five-star attraction is featured on the final Licks for Thursday Bouts United Press received a cage showing at Fair- weight, today was the lone survivor of the eight Indianapolis amateur report from London that Jones intended to view fieldhouse tonight when Notre Dame and Butler compete in the English take the stage boxers entered in the Chicago Tribune's Golden Gloves tournament of open meet at St. Andrews. The report was passed at 8:40 to renew their twenty-five-year-old traditional rivalry. on to Jones, who is The Victory and A. lard Brown in of the Pontiac champions. making anew set of pictures on the west coast. Here’s his Butler's fast-traveling warriors, who their Washington one reply: reached C. gyms busy today tuning up Chesunas captured decisions in his first and second "I have not the remotest intention of entering peak against Creighton last week, will were places as A. C. ten rounders is at the British open, or be forced at principals in Thursday’s fistic Washington round battles Tuesday night, three Hoosier any other golf tournament. through top speed by the Irish, seeking the A. C. and his rival while other I’m with competitive golf. w'ho will be revenge for show at Tomlinson hall -went capital boxers were turned back. of course, would give the 27 to 25 is camped at the Victory headquart- "Nothing, me greater pleasure than a little in- setback handed them earlier in the sea- hard training. Tracy The soldier's left hand proved too much for Nick formal game at my favorite Old St. son by the Bulldogs. through final ers. Jackie and Willard used to be- course, Andrews.” Cox is trying to get down to 140 long in the same stable Micelli of Chicago, and he won a decisive point victory Jones’ answer seems definite enough, but the Notre Dame lost to the locals until the reports persist. Many during a five-game pounds for his main go bout with was in a first round tussle. In second round scrap, British golf followers still believe losing slump. Since Atherton-McClure partnership his that Jones will make one of the sud that time, the upstate coliegians Jimmy Alvarado of Detroit, and up year Johnny floored George Molnar of Ft. Wayne, den decisions, which have split a or so ago. twice in characterized his entry in tournaments of other recovered their form and now boast a seven-game the local lad’s friends say he will the second round with stiff rights to the jaw years, and catch a boat for Britain, as winning streak, The third ten-rounder Thursday and again late well as announce a comeback Butler has won fourteen of its last make it. Tracy and Jimmy will won the decision. Chesunas has only to win one and participate in the open fifteen starts. will bring together Hook, fight American tourney. He would help the golf battle over the ten-round distance. Henry the tonight to qualify as representative for in to forget the depression. Indianapolis officials Not since 1921 has a Butler team been able to con- There is a weight forfeit posted Elwood hard-hitting bantamweight, the finals on March 8. a tt a quer the South Bend tt tt a squad twice in a season. In their and Tracy doesn’t relish losing a and Ernie Maurer of Michigan. Nate Goldberg, hard-hitting Jewish welterweight nineteen meetings since 1909. “chunk” of money on the scales. He Maurer DAVIS Butler has captured ten is bantam champ of the and star of the Indianapolis team, easily outpointed AND GIDDENS ARE HARRISON COACHES decisions. is training at the Victory gym. It state. Wolverine Ernie and Henry John Polaski of Ft. Wayne in a first round scrap, scor- TIMES was guilty of a miscue in announcing that Second Tony Hinkle will start is said he weighed 142 pounds Tues- mixed in a fast fight at Ft. Wayne the same five players ing a knockdown in the second stanza. But he was too Lieutenant Harold A. Hughes the coach of the Ft. Benjamin Har- who have carried the major part of this day. several months ago and the THE was year’s burden. decision tired to be effective in his scrap of the evening rison boxing team that won four titles in the Ben Parrish, Jackie Purvis, who will battle Wil- was a draw'. second Chesunas Times-Legion Golden former Tech star, will be at the back and dropped a three-round decision to Gloves amateur boxing tournament. Lieutenant Hughes Parrish guard post, w'here has George Baratko of Clevehnd says the credit he shown great improvement, Frank Vogl, hard-hitting da.) belongs to bot h 011 Dubuqua heavyweight Lieutenant J. J. Davis, by Sergeant „ offense and defense, s-cred'a lech assisted Giddens of ™ in recent tilts. meal knockout triumph over Marshall - Kealing, ’ jotbali Battery B, Third field artillery. “Please place the credit Pr,°fflf hard working center, and Ray Miller, Butler U nlaver where it is r i,h key man of the in the first round. Vogl’s right hand due,” Lieutenant Hughes wrote to The Times. Bulldog attack,f f will play their final games for the bombarded Healing's midsection Tairviews tonight until the Hoosiei dropped after one minute and forty It was a great "sweep” for the soldier boys, at that, and it is said betWeen ltle Bulldog seconds of fiehtine they lreshmm Off The Edward Schmidt, another Fort; will be stronger than ever next year. the Backboard back Lieutenant Davis and RY BQXELI Harrison battler and Indianapolis’ Sergeant Giddens are entitled to the congratulations. uuK h won an earner engagement at VERN Terre Haute. light heavyweight champion, failed D. C„ will not is A1 Lindop pass Tonight's game will be delayed Jim Farley lisping: to the medical examination at ten minutes, Quits the only site of the in- THIS"This seems to be the open weigh-in time. Earlham ANYWAY, STREET HAS PLEASANT MEMORIES until 8:40, to allow Is time for many auguration of a ‘‘new deal” Satur- season for picking winners of re- Eight thousand - fans witnessed St. Louis Cardinals seem destined to fans to attend Ash become a shining example Wednesday services. N. Y. Boxing Post day. gional and sectional tourney play. Tuesday’s battles. Four other In- THEof the old observation that all that goes up must come down, The Over a two-day stretch, 707 In- The old dope bucket is boiling over, dianapolis battlers—James Hensley, Manager Tonight's probable lineups: other day Gabby Street was discussing his lineup for 1933 and it diana prep basketball teams will and as far as we can gather, this flyweight; Johnny Krukemeier, ban- Undefeated NOTRE By I doesn’t look so warm. Grimes, Bottomley and Hafey, of that 1931 cham- DAME BUTLER nit<:d Press be "dealing” themselves out of the year we’ll see upset upon upset. tamweight; Theodore Pep era, Jordan p Millpr pionship team, have gone. Frisch is not very happy over the prospect NEW YORK, I.—A shake ; championship race. After Saturday Secret Operative x-4306 featherweight, and Tillman March reports: Garrett, By Times Special of playing for of what got last year about half he and he's not so young of.the hand all around, a few poses ! night, the sixty-four survivors will Logansport—Fieldhouse bound. lightweight, were eliminated in first I now either. j start the cards to play for Froebel (Gary)—Nobody’s GREENCASTLE. Ind., March I. for cameramen, and ‘'Big Jim" shuffling sweetheart and second round scraps Monday Earlham s Charlie Gelbert who all but shot off his leg while hunting Time. 8:30 n. m. higher stakes week later in the this year—they're tough. veteran' hardwood quintet last fall, Farley stepped I a They were winners of Golden Gloves is question mark; a Officials—Shomer (Chicago! Lane (Cin- out of the sport North Side (Ft. Wayne)—Don’t say we finished the 1933 campaign a rookie, Joe Medwick from Houston probably will cinnati . regionals. titles in The Indianapolis Times’- un- I didn't warn with join Watkins and Orsatti in the outfield and Pepper picture Tuesday. Farley will be great game 771 vou. bcaten a last-minute rally Martin, hero of It’s a when the (Evansville)—Dynamite. American Legion tourney last week. which upset heroes, isn't even getting a tumble for a regular job! postmaster-general in President Hoosier quintets start grinding out Central De Pauw here Tues- j Winamac—Coming up the b. b. world. day night, 19 to 15. champion. It was Earl- a Franklin D. Roosevelt’s cabinet. a. These 1933 elimina- Cicero—Just a little frog in a big puddle. hams hec- twenty-third consecutive Harry Hooper and Tris Speaker, Greyhounds Before filing his resignation, tions climax one of the most Columbus—Looks like a dark week-end triumph, who were two-thirds of one of the tic and yet greatest seasons in the in Columbus. fifteen of them this sea- greatest outfields in baseball, are back i n the game. Lewis which became effective today, Far- Purdue Track son. Three thousand fans Duffv' was lay presided at a twenty-two years of the I. H. S. Delphi—Scheduled to upset somebody's wit- the other member of the famous Boston Red Sox fly-chasing trio meeting of the applecart. nessed the rivalry fray. Speaker manage state boxing commission which A. A. Both quintets will the Kansas City Blues this year and Hooper will Rap Franklin saw Muncie—A horse of complexion. displayed General John Upset after upset throughout the doubtful stubborn pilot the Santa Cruz club of the California State there is any J. Phelan elected Newcastle—The Troians have had their defenses. The Tigers moved League—if chairman season has kept the fans and ex- Team Invades out in California State League this season. and David Walker Wear, wings clinoed. front, 8 to 2, and led 10 to 8 at the Binghamton perts in constant guessing. More Vincennes—Maybe tt a a a a Bright and Swank connected for manufacturer, named and mavbe-not.” half. The score was tied three to fill the vacancy on good and evenly balanced teams times in the Wade (Red) Killefer, manager of the Indians, five field goals each to lead Indiana the board. Butler and Purdue thinly-clads second period, but is rather Hoosierfied are in the race than in many years. “Casting an anxious eve over the sec- Earlham went ahead at that. First, he hails originally tional clash on the at 16 to 15 out of Paw Paw, Mich. Please pass Central to a 26-to-22 triumph over There isn't a real standout in a drawings—New Albanv and Jeffer- Fairview fieldhouse and held the boys. sonville edge until the gun. the Hoosier bananas, Second, Killefer used to attend Purdue uni- Franklin college cagers the final PURDUE GRIDMEN DRILL champion faces were throwing veteran eggs at oval an track meet on De Pauw lift'. in carload. The 1933 each other last year in indoor Earlham il9i versity, where he was supposed to study steamfitting, poultry or some long, and they meet Fri- FG FT PF fg FT PF game University a hard climb. Undoubtedly day p. Thursday night, f" other tough subject. Third, Red went to Waynetown. for both teams at Ccach at 4 m At the Garrett sectional, with the first 2 0 2 Shamel, f... 2 ] other Kizer Expects 140 of " ® l Ind./the Candidates there will be upsets—plenty them I.arwill meets Waterloo That’s 2 Johnson, f. .10 4 to visit a cousin, Walter Heights Tuesday night. news event starting at 7:30. It will mark Eubank, c.. 32 2 l day B. Remley, and a good time was had by all parked 4 Maze, c .. . o for First Session Today. —and the team that is on There s a De Soto in the Muncie race, Graham, g. 1 1 at an old-fashioned popcorn party. The Greyhounds, finished and Purdue's final tuneup for the Big 0 3 Bower, g . 2 1 I who By top firing be at Canneliton, if looses it Ille.v. E l 1 2 Stoncrock, g 0 2 Times Special when they cease will Oiltown won't Ten indoor carnival. Simpson, 2 a a 0 tt tt be Rome for a title g. o o o Hall, f i o o the campaign with sixteen victories LAFAYETTE. Ind., March I. worthy of wearing the crown it a coincidence The mile event, which will pit that Leopold and Totals 11 Out in Idaho, where the big potatoes grow and where the snow and three losses, trailed 16 to 14 at CHAMPION. Weavenworth meet ... Popejoy against 5 5 Totals ... 7 5 8 Looking forward to the 1933 football Now that prohibition Purdue’s unbeaten 60-DSle oftentimes piles six feet high, lives a ball player named Ed Lowell. ana has been repealed, Rusself Umpire—Vaughn He the half. Indiana Central took the watch Bourbon in the Rochester doings.... Raymond Sears of Butler, features will be a candidate for first base on the season, which will find the Boiler- One of (he unusual twists of the An- Indianapolis ball club this year. period We find an Eden but the program. Herbert Sears, for- Lowell through here Tuesday, lead soon after the final makers derson case is the big hard knocks some no Adam and Eve passed on his way from Puerto Rico to meeting five Big Ten foes ....and no team from Santa mer Tech star, will carry Purdue said he baseball -opened and never again was headed, of the scribes are heaping: on A. 1,. Trestcr. Claus. Ind. Idaho. He was barnstorming in Puerto Rico until a in addition to Notre Dame, Car- Thurston may fool ’em in the Kendall- colors against Zahn, Butler ace, in [ndiana (2St. Lil’ Arthur, they say, is peeved at An- Seek Foe Central (22 . ville for wind storm blew him out. Franklin 1 negie Tech and Ohio university, kicking sectional... All in ali, picking the the FG FT PF derson and gained his revenge by half-mile event, another feature, FG FT PF Coach Noble Kizer 1933 winner is like that good old parlor and in Emig. f ... 0 1 0 Goens, f 0 0 2 announced today the Indian town into the ash-can for a the hurdles, Kenneth Sand- game of pin the tail on the donkey Bright, f... ft 0 1 French, f. .. 5 4 3 that spring practice for Purdue year. And just two or three years also unbeaten this year, will Florida the may bach. Mentor Dejernett, c 0 1 Miller, c You hit it exactly or bounce off I ..1 0 4 squad would get way back, these" same scribes were complaining it battle Knisley, Bulldog Swank, g... 5 1 2 Anderson, glO 1 under this I ncie Elmer’s toupee. . . .You have as many Tauer and Fans Spurgeon, g 1 1 1 Poison, g.... 10 1 afternoon for a six period. that Anderson was getting all the stars. Jim former Uproar as weeks’ chances nicking champion Carter, Wash- Ring Stage of the as In- Signing of an Qknbush, f. 0 0 0 Irvine, f, c.. 1 0 l “breaks”—that they were Trester’s “baby.” ington opponent today for Barrow, f... Kizer expects a squad of dianapolis has taxi-cabs ...” This is (Indianapolis) star, will ap- Leo 0 0 1 between a good thing Trester has big A1 Donoghue, clever Florida U. Kline, g ... 0 0 1 130 and 140 men to reoprt for It's signing off. pear in the pole-vault for Purdue. the shoulders. mat coach,' will complete one of the

... drill. tt n n Verdict Is Awarded Miller Totals ..11 4 ft Totals 9 4 14 initial strongest Armory mat cards of the an ominous silence season, to be presented Friday around the local camps. These Around the Big League Camps night by Matchmaker Jay Gardner. Bii I'nitcd Press missing, however, when it appeared THERE'S i • • ; sixteen Marion county teams realize Firemen Jim Mellen of Battle LOS ANGELES, March I.—Fred- his blows reaching the mark. Down Creek, Mich., signed were The slips won’t any more—- Catalina charge of drills. and was today to Alleys that count Island, Cal., the Pitchers catchers i face Ed die Miller, Cincinnati, retained the WITH LEFTY LEE one tumble and you're ready for ths March I.—The and several infielders were on hand. Baker, local light heavy- AVALON. weight, in world featherweight championship KANSAN HEADS PREPS balls. were at full strength today, with one of the prelim events. HELEN ROLLS 699 sets of 618 and 608. Feed moth By United Press W. H. recog- KRITSCH Tuxedo was the and Tech gyms ten and Coach (Billy) Thom, popu- today in those states which consistent and took the entire series from At Shortridge infielders outfielders re- ROBLES, Cal., March 1. lar Indiana Helen Kritsch, secretary of the Old Gold Cigarette Tech, U. mentor, and Joe authority E. R. Stevens Named President of the* team. Roe fin- the situation is tense. a state ported. nize of the National Box- Indiana Women’s Bowling ished with the high game of 248 to show' PASO Larry French, southpaw, Parelli, former middleweight Associa- on a total of 606. title favorite, realizes it faces one Manager Charlie Grimm picked cham- ing Asssociation. He kept his right National H. S. A. A. tion, posted all-time three- and Waite Hoyt, veteran right- pion. will grip in the anew of its toughest jobs in disposing of Malone, Herrmann and Henshaw to two-falls-out- face of By l Press game for The annual 180 scratch singles sweep- hander, are showing exceptional of-three feature hand in the Baby Arizmendi. ailed record the local women stakes for women Shortridge. Shortridge, beaten twice pitch against the Giants Saturday, event. Gorilla throughout the entire Minn., Mar I.—E. oowlers to shoot at when she bowlers has the girls early training form as the Pitts- Parker, Negro light heavy, unbeaten Mexico City, MINNEAPOLIS. rolled interested, and a large entry will roll the east knows with Warneke, Bush for the large this year by siders. and Yerkes burgh Pirates go through their here, faces ten rounds of their title bout Tues- •R. Stevens of Independence. Kan., a total of 699 on games of 222, 245 flock of merchandise prizes rugged Billy Love of m addition to the cash awards offered this will be its last chance to hum- slated for duty Sunday. tune-up paces here. Both were in Texas in the win clean-cut de- 242, during semi-windup. . day night to a today president and ' the Ladies’ Social The entry fee for this event is $1.50, bowl- | became of Na- ing ble the Campbells. fine condition when reported, cision before 10,000 fans. the League play on the Hotel Antler included. Reservations for play in PASADENA. Cal., March I.—Young Ed they ev e can calling But it Id be wise for Tech and tional Federation of State High ,. U. be made bv woi and not much hard work was neces- The gallery boys, mostly fellow- alleys Tuesday. Pritchett t alleys Walsh has arrived from San Antonio. Tex,, COUNTY Recreation at Lincoln 0852. Shortridge to remember there are sary before were AMATEURS RING countrymen of Baby Face, were furi- School Athletic Associations. This scoring helped the Geisen making the twenty-eighth member of the they ready to put presidency The final week-end of play in the Dela- fourteen other quintets in the local Chicago White Sox squad to report to something on the ball. TOURNEY IS at the ruling of Referee Harry The recently was va- Product team to a three-game total ware Recreation 1.050 MARCH 11 ous scratch team sweep- race. If you'll remember, Vincennes manager Lew Fonseca. Red Faber, start- Hoyt’s condition is the ring with bottles, cated because of death of George of 2,755 on scores of 901, 938 stakes is scheduled for Saturday and Sun- especially en- Lee and pelted -1 and day Scoring year, ing his twentieth season with the Sox, manager The Marion county amateur box- It the wildest E. Marshall, of lowa. to date in this event has overlooked Cicero last and left couraging to George Gib- fruit and chairs. was Davenport, 916, and the Geiger Candy girls lost been low and as a guarantee of S2OO has hurled in batting practice Tuesday. ing tournament will be held at the been posted for the your correspondent holding a well- son. scene of recent California ring his- Stevens has been a member of the all three games despite a 633 series winner, a large entrv South Side Turners seems sure for the final two davs of plav burlap. Saturday night, federation * worn tory. A man and a woman were executive committee since by Armstrong, on games of 203, 204 ee iS Der t€am F>owling charges Fla., March BILOXI. Miss., March I.—Tossing the March 11, according to extra ' n n n MYERS. I.—News an announce- unconscious by bottles, and 1929 and is president of the Kansas and 2.26 Other high totals during from medicine ball occupied early in ment by the knocked Notre Dame plays at Butler tonight. FT. Philadelphia indicated arrivals Turner athletic com- High School > the camp Arizmendi himself was nearly struck Athletic Association. this set were: Pyle, 560; Dawson, e n hr rolled totals Os has succeeded lin- of the Washington Senators mittee. Arthur Paetz, who 6-2 f n!P *ne e* > Nuff sed. in is in flying flask. 558: Broich. 539. and Mayer, 507. 6t>i‘ and 606 for the ifews team and these Tuesday. Trainer Mike Martin was in charge of the bv a bovs too< all three games from Prest-o- i Delphi has shown a great improvement ing up all members of the Athletics event, ha- sent out com- during charge of the exercises. Catcher Moe the Cincinnati youth Lite. the Commercial League plav since Whiteman, veteran guard, returned entries to a number of 'while on the alleys. Koelling j and that there will be no delay in Berg reported Tuesday. athletic or- Arizmendi, the LOCAL PLAYER SIGNS The Bowes Seal Fast won all Uptow-n s 622 was ago Myer. Manush ganizations, pletely outboxed of their high for the league. McAllen to action two weeks after illness had getting training under way as well as many unat- games from the Happy Wonder Bakers heavy assumed the spring and Travis were expected todav. Work will southpaw champion looked bad role for Abels-Fink. scoring 616 to kept him out of action all season. Delphi, tached boxers, and the in a series that featured only one 500 lva a here. be speeded up at once. Manager Joe Cro- largest field Beplay Is Among Group of New team ? them win over Phillips he tried to evade Arizmendi's total, Bunch of the winning rolling as Citizens Gas. Safety 66. incidentally, has one of the rangiest teams in years is expected when 526. Boosters and Pure A few players on hand and nin announced. to partici- Arizmendi was Tribe Candidates. OP won two games from Central States. in the state. Lamb, the center, stands 6 are pate. For bull-like rushes. Crescent waiting for Manager Mack and information, call M~ Paper and Hoosier Pete. Wrav. feet 8 inches. Grimm is 6-foot two, and Paetz more rookies have Alexander also was finding Stat€s star- batJ a three-game at Drexel 1116, or Three been Laura the totaFof *6l2 Smith is 6-foot 1. Boone, Gee and White- others to report. Pitchers George write South of the In- pocket in great style, scoring 632 with Side Turners, 306 Prospect street. added to the big roster scores of 230. 212 and 190, that led her j man don't miss the two-yard mark much. Farnshaw and Rube Walberg were Tuesday Cage Scores Indianapolis Baseball Club squad an ea 11 t t ,00 ,0D Basketball dians and they will be taken to the to h. \on .£ honors from Martinsville hasn't been at the field the regulars sign. Mack odd game win over Heidenreich Florists. Ri^kB,ack. whJ?who had2 599.1 during the Kingan last to wired French Lick training camp for the Keen rivalry spr but Black s Tip Top house since 1930, when the Artesians lost baseball boosters. FREDERICK IS between these two clubs won game Ham local There are several yet SIGNED STATE COLLEGES once-over by Red Killefer. nad all the cirls on their game. Shea roll- the odd from Laxen's La Perla to Washington's championship Hatchets. openings in the Manager 525; 517; as took all three annual Northside invitational " basketball By Special 19: De Pauw 15. ing 547. Thomas. Weistnan, from Re- Curtis team can clear LOS ANGELES. March I.—lnfielders and Times Earlham. They are Norman Beplay. local in- Wiese, 540. and 502. nable. ese eames the If the Bloomington tournament which will be held in the Indiana Central. 26: Franklin. 23 542; Burnett, Baxter, alleys. rolled on dependent sacker; Illinois | this year, it may surprise a few of the outfielders were due in the camp of the Riverside Olympic Club gym the second NEW YORK, March I—Johnny second H. Nettles, week in March Teams interested are Jack won games boys in the big title carnival. They’re in New l'ork Giants today and by Thursday, Frederick has joined OTHER COLLEGES outfielder of Atlanta. Ga.. and T. C. Carr team also two Robbins looked like a big night asked to call T. Johnson. Ha. 2533. the fold of the from Harlan Insurance, when in the bracket, supposedly Denison. 22. Rosner. League he opened that lower the Manager Bi'l Terry plans to have drills Brooklyn Dodgers. Ohio Wesleyan. 33: Tartarian, a young from Schneider. MacKinnon and Rutenberg w*th .13 and when easier. The hard-hit- 43: lowa Slate. 16. 196. but a 144 finish stopped H. O. Alstatt. who has picked the last going at full blast. Pitchers and catchers The Riverside Boys' Club Olympic ting outfielder, Nebraska. the Pacific coast. rolled scores of 557. 518. 509 and 502. him at 553. This total topped Flashes and Hardwood Kids would who established a Mount Si. Mary’s. 32; Johns Hopkins. 29 Geoth rolled best for the losing the bal- two champions in this column, puts have been here a week and are ready for like to 20 team, ance of the field however. his book games with teams that will share the new major league Yale. 44; Brown. having 517 for her series. on .Muncie this year. exhibition pinch-hitting rec- 46; Mississippi State, 27. pennies Now, now, the batting drills. The schedule cost of the gym. Other teams can ar- last year Kentuckv. NET CHAMP TO REST Rice rolling the Roy range games under same ord with six pinch-hit Akron. 39: Ashland. 23. Randall, of Audrey in Steele Ladies Mr. Alstatt, you’ve been looking at the of the Giants will open Saturday against the conditions. City. 36. The veteran Jim star League was also the victim of a poor Call Frank Heuser. Ha. 3739-R. homers, signed his 1933 CarneKie Tech. 54: Grove By Times Special Dunham's ' Safe Crackers” of the Rotary finish, her final drawings, haven't you? Muncie also the Chicago Cubs on the Catalina island contract on Washington. 52; Delaware. 34. league-leading 530 total com- Tuesday. George League, showed the bovs a flash of his ing with games of 176 is in that bottom bracket. diamond. Ripon. 25; Lawrence. 24. LOS ANGELES, March 1.-No old-time form when he hit for games of 217. and 137. Black Bats defeated Calvarv Baptist Marquette. 28: Carroll. 00. church at Brookside Mondav. 55 to 18 Nine Dodgers still are unsigned Mississippi more tennis until April—that's the ; 235 192 and 204. a total of 631 that led snot " Centennarv. 38; college. 30. this loop. Gulling carried off the single „„KinE - Nei rolled eames of 241 Phillips led the scoring with eighteen Dannv Taylor, Methodist. 26: Rice. 22. program for Ellsworth Vines, 224 and 171. a total of 636. to lead the CHESTERS TEST BALL March i.—The first points, and Chase was next with sixteen. Hack Wilson, Joe Southern young game honors when he finished with a 242 field bv games Washington. 29: St. Louis, 27. count. a wide margin during the Hoosier Cincinnati,squad of Cincy Reds left today Bats would like to schedule for Stripp, A1 Lopez and Ray Knox. 25. national singles champion, who re- A. C. League play on the NORTH MANCHESTER, Ind.. March. Call BE-1132-J. ask Billy. Phelps, Monmouth. 41: Pritchett drives. for training camp Tampa, Fla., for are the misssing regulars. Illinois Weslevan. 34: Eureka 24. turned Tuesday from a three Fred Shaw, rolling with the Meier Pack- March I.—Ball State and Man- at Denver 31: Colorado Mines 27. ing Company, team of the Intermediate Doc Longsworth broke loose again dur- and Manager Owen Bush has Plainfield Tigers, plaving in the 16-1“ William 20. months' tour of Australia and New : ing the Pritchett Chester will complete their basket- or- vear old class, downed Bovs Tarklo. 46: Jewell. League on the Uptown alleys, finished with Recreation League ses- I dered boys be for School Bisons Zealand, where he played in fifty- games of 245 and 269 to total 714 and sion rolling eames of 203. 216 and 257 ball schedules here tonight. Ball the to ready a 25 to 17. Mondav. Hollingsworth and lead his game a total of to top a long of Mackey were outstanding for Tigers, Additional Sports five team to an odd win over 676. list won an earlier game short workout late Thursday. Other Kegg while Page’lo matches. After the rest, Vines j Illinois National Suddlv. Shaw-Walker 600 counts Thompson had 639; Haught. State from Stutz and were best for Bisons. Tuesday Fight Results will begin training for defense of his also won two from Thirtieth and Central 634: Sevfried. 611 Kriner. 650: Runyon Manchester this year. players will report direct from their Sales. Parker and Ott scoring 653 and 630. and Smith. 615 joined GOLF CHAMPION I national title. 600 for the winners as Baker and Hamil- homes. Jewel Ens. coach, BOWS BADER DIAMOND MEETING HELD Bush here There By Times Special Cal -Lloyd Smith 143 ton rolled 633 and 606 for Thirtieth and Two to one wa? the verdict of the Opti- J W. Bader A. A. will hold an late Tuesday. were AT FRESNO Roberts Milk did not have anv cal impor- ALL-W OOL Fresno Red Gregorv 148. Holly- Central. League series. Fox and American de- tant meeting in the Lincoln room of the eleven in the Redleg party leaving PALM BEACH, Fla., March I. deciatoned KENTUCKY CAGE CHAMP honor counts, but they secured their pins feating Panoptic. wood (101 • Billy 140. Snelllng. at proper Paramount and Schon- Lincoln hotel Thursday at 8:15 p. m. Azevedo. the time, and won rubber *kr was good all the wav rowing Following Cincinnati. The Palm Beach amateur golf tour- Cal., atopped Wildman Johnny Higgins. By Times Special Million Population Wreckingthe 68 players are reouested to report: MADE-TO-MEASURE I from despite with games of 225 and 210, while Eader, Turk. Cline. Williams. ney today 140. bong Beach <4l. a series of 622 bv Mathews and a 619 bv 233. Percifleld. entered the*second round ATLANTA. March I.—Taking a Kelly. Bauer closed with this league's second Newgent. CriU. Anderson. Charles Ander- single game of 279 to total 624. ST. PETERSBI RG. Fla.. March I. minus the champion. Tommy Good- O Willie > Gorilla > Jones, big lead at the son. Orvis. Charles Smith. Collier brothers. PANTS $5.00 AT TOLEDO start. Kentucky U. Practice opened in the training camp of Akron. N. B. A middleweight champion Hadley Goldsmith I Dickev. DeMott. Good. Forster. Reed. Mas- win, defending titleholder, was FBOM (8 Tuesday O'Dell. here Tuesday to win the southeast- out-of-three series. J with the Warren here will Plasers cheeked in at different hours urs- U EON11 Marty McHaK 146. i j lolled be accented until Saturdav iGuv. Stiles. Slotqpp. Lauer brothers. Marsh by G. M. Scott of Pittsburgh ua TAILOR Cleveland tßi. Os- ern cage Seeds, during, the Delaware League olav night. officials said today. The entrv list McKim, day and this morning. Manager Joe Mc- the iers purse withheld.) conference championship. on the drives, they Coffin. Eichel. Nielson and James 131 F..IMT NEW YORK ST BEET Delaware when rolled originally was scheduled to close tonight. Brown. Also all tryouts, Carthy wae expected here today to iaha nineteenth hole.