Abstracts of the 19Th Biennial Conference Of

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Abstracts of the 19Th Biennial Conference Of NYAME AKUMA No. 70 DECEMBER 2008 0.2 Jan-Berend Stuut, Universität TH Bremen, Germany. Paleoclimate on ABSTRACTS OF THE 19 geological timescales: African climate BIENNIAL CONFERENCE OF since the Late Neogene. THE S OCIETY OF AFRICANIST In this presentation I will try to give a geolo- ARCHAEOLOGISTS, gist’s perspective on how past changes in e.g. tec- tonics, orbital forcing, and global climate change, FRANKFURT, GERMANY, shaped the African continent during the past 35 mil- SEPTEMBER 8-11, 2008 lion years. I will start with an overview of the present-day climate systems that act on the African continent 0. Plenary Session. Session Chair: and then go back into geological time to see what Diane Gifford-Gonzalez. these climate systems were like during geologic his- tory, and how these could have been important for 0.1 Nicholas Conard, Eberhard Karls the four large stages in human evolution and cultural history: Universität Tiibingen, Germany. Did behavioral modernity evolve exclusively •Hominid evolution between 6 and 2 Ma BP in Africa? •Appearance of modern man c. 100 Ka BP This paper provides an overview of patterns •Pleistocene/Holocene transition and the settling of cultural innovations in Africa, Eurasia and Aus- of the Sahara tralia. While Africa is certainly the source of anatomi- •Late Holocene aridification and the development cally modern humans, the archaeological record is of agriculture. less clear on matters concerning the paleogeography of cultural innovations. Several key innovations, par- ticularly in the areas of organic and symbolic arti- 0.3 David Killick, University of Arizona, facts, are documented outside of Africa prior to their USA. Metals in African history and appearance in Africa. Unless one rejects the current prehistory: a synthesis and some new empirical record of the Old World as highly biased by variable preservation or differential intensities of re- directions. search, the possibility of polycentric, non-exclusively The first century of research on African metal- African origins of behavioral modernity must be taken lurgy was dominated by two topics: (1) the social seriously. This paper presents data from inside and construction of recent African iron smelting; and (2) outside of Africa and argues for a mosaic polycentric whether metallurgy in sub-Saharan Africa was inde- model for the rise of behavioral modernity. Several pendently invented. The writings of Africanists on key innovations seem to appear at the geographic the first topic have attracted considerable interna- interface between anatomically modern and archaic tional interest, but there is little possibility of further populations. This suggests that some innovations field research. Debate on the second topic is at an developed outside of Africa in the social contexts impasse, as almost all of the earliest radiocarbon dates associated with expansion of modern populations fall within a ‘black hole’ in radiocarbon calibration (c. into territories previously occupied by archaic 800-400 BCE). Resolution must await new research populations. In some settings, Darwinian competi- using other dating methods (thermoluminescence or tion between populations appears to have triggered cross-dated imported materials), and close coordina- new cultural behaviors that provided expanding tion of results with those from North Africa, Nubia groups of modern humans with biological advan- and the Arabian Peninsula. tages in relation to indigenous archaic groups. 58 NYAME AKUMA No. 70 DECEMBER 2008 New directions in research include: the explo- et celle d’un Laboratoire de Préhistoire en 1980-1981 ration through archaeometallurgy of the extraordi- ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche nary diversity of past African iron smelting techniques; archéologique au Niger car, non seulement deux serv- quantitative estimates of the production of iron at ices au sein de l’Université, l’IRSH et l’Ecole des major production sites; the transfer of metallurgical Lettres et Sciences Humaines, font des recherches techniques to Africa through the Islamic world sys- archéologiques, mais aussi le problème de formation tem; the rise of indigenous tin-smelting and bronze- d’archéologues nigériens trouve ainsi sa solution, making industries in southern Africa; and changes in permettant ainsi a l’avenir une participation de plus the organization ofproduction of iron as a conse- en plus importante des spécialistes nigériens dans quence of the Atlantic slave trade. A particularly im- ce domaine de recherche jusqu’a présent totalement portant technical development is the developing use extraverti. of lead isotope analysis in reconstructing trade in metals. This is being used to track the earliest trans- Saharan trade and to trace the late trade in southern 0.5 Karega-Munene, United States African tin. In future it will play an important role in International University Nairobi, Kenya studying past trade in non-ferrous metals, glass and and Peter Schmidt, University of Florida, ceramic glazes around the margins of the Indian USA. Postcolonial archaeologies in Ocean. Africa. A plenary address on postcolonial 0.4 Oumarou Amadou Idé, Université archaeologies will provide a continent-wide overview Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Niger. of the varied success of archaeology in Africa to Evolution de la recherche archéologique decolonize the practice of archaeology. Such an over- au Niger des independances à nos jours. view will examine: what colonial legacies continue to influence and guide explanations for change; the si- S’interroger sur l’histoire de la recherche lencing and marginalization of African archaeologists archéologique au Niger des indépendances a nos who challenge established paradigms; the tensions jours, est un exercice complexe et passionnant a la between the privileged world of archaeologists and fois. Une approche délibérément chronologique the impoverished world of people among whom we pourrait aboutir à l’énumération des événements les work; the systems of patronage that restrict access plus significatifs de son évolution sur le territoire. to archaeology and “eat the young”; the embracing Les recherches archéologiques au Niger ont souffert of an activist archaeology that engages local com- pendant longtemps d’une disproportion munities, their social/economic problems, and their géographique par rapport à l’ensemble du territoire human rights issues; and an assessment of what the national. Jusqu’en 1976, le seul organisme nigérien future holds for an African archaeology that is still de recherche s’occupant d’archéologie était l’Institut struggling to find an African voice. These unspoken de Recherches en Sciences Humaines (IRSH), avec and mostly silenced issues deeply affect and inform un service d’archéologie crée en 1966. A partir de the practice of archaeology in Africa today. This ple- 1976, l’introduction progressive d’un enseignement nary address will fittingly and compellingly bring them de Préhistoire et d’Archéologie au Département to the surface for fulsome discussion and reflection d’Histoire de l’Ecole des Lettres et Sciences Humaines of an appropriate if not necessary condition as we de l’Université de Niamey, jusqu’a la création d’une come to the half-century mark for independence of option Préhistoire et Archéologie en année de maitrise most African countries from colonial rule. 59 NYAME AKUMA No. 70 DECEMBER 2008 1 The Gobero Archaeological Project: rock common in Holocene tool kits in Niger has a Early and Middle Holocene Human local origin. That rock is a microcrystalline felsite, Adaptations in the Sahara-Sahel Border- which has been used since the Pleistocene and be- came the exclusive source rock for Tenerean disc land. Session Chairs: Elena A.A. Garcea knives during the mid-Holocene. A chronology for and Oumarou Amadou Idé. Gobero was established on 9 OSL dates on palaeodune sand and 78 C 14 AMS dates on human 1.1 Abdoulaye Maga, Université Abdou burials, harpoon points, ceramics, midden materials, fauna and sediments. Direct dating of human skel- Moumouni de Niamey, Niger / ECOWAS etons, fauna and artifacts was based on the bioapatite (Economic Community of West African component of enamel and bone. The record at Gobero States), Nigeria. Circuits et facteurs was divided into four occupation phases extending internes du trafic des objets from the Late Pleistocene to the late Holocene. The archéologiques nigériens et ouest- most important are the early and mid-Holocene occu- africains. pation phases, which are separated by an arid inter- val recognized across the central Sahara. These two In West Africa the countries that are the most pulses of semi-sedentary occupation are clearly dis- affected by the plundering and trafficking of archaeo- tinguished by material culture and funerary practices logical artifacts are mainly Nigeria for the reputed as well as the distinct physical features of the occu- beauty of its bronzes, brasses, and terracottas; Mali pants. The taller early Holocene occupants (-7500 for the terracottas in its interior delta; and Niger for BCE) are buried in tightly bound, hyperflexed pos- its dinosaur fossils and funeral statues from the Bura tures that compose the earliest cemetery in the Sa- Site. Countries such as Guinea, Senegal, and Burkina hara. Most closely related to ‘Mechtoid’ populations Faso have also been affected by rings of plunderers. in Mali and Mauritania and to early inhabitants of In general, it is very difficult to find a country in the Maghreb, these early occupants have long, low Africa, which
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