RPO Rehearsal

On Friday 14th June some of 7G attended the rehearsal of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at the Marina Theatre in . This term Year 7 have been studying the Orchestra, looking at the different sections and how the instruments fit into these sections. The children listened as the string section played ‘The Four Seasons’ by Vivaldi. Some of the children were disappointed by the fact that there was no conductor for this piece and so they quietly conducted the orchestra themselves from their seats in Newsletter June2019 the audience! On leaving the theatre ,the group were thanked for their outstanding behaviour. K. Delf Welcome to The Ashley School Academy Trust Newsletter. Visit our website at www.ashleyschool.co.uk Expressive Arts Facebook: The Ashley-School Academy Trust or see https://www.facebook.com/The-Ashley-School-Academy-Trust-201492629958562/ The Expressive Arts group visited the Red House at Aldeburgh, the home of the Britten Pears or Twitter: tas_ac or see https://twitter.com/tas_ac Museum. The group were welcomed by Joe who was to be our guide for the day. The children demonstrated their knowledge of the instruments of the orchestra in an introduction to the Summer is here at last and we are all busy preparing for our next steps. work of Benjamin Britten, this was followed by a tour of Red House. During the tour the children learned of Britten’s life and how he liked to play tricks on his guests! The next part of Year 11 have their Graduation & Celebration at the end of this month and a week ‘Moving On’ in preparation for our tour was to visit the museum and here the children, and staff, enjoyed trying on the head going on to College or Training Placements. dresses used in Noyes Flood. After eating lunch in the garden the tour was ended by a visit to the library for a sing song with Joe and for a chance to play Benjamin Britten’s piano. The Our ‘Transition Week’ for all other pupils starts Tuesday 16th July. children’s words were, “This has been amazing, this is outstanding, can we come again?” A great experience and opportunity for our children. We look forward to seeing many of you at these events.

The following week the students were joined by Phoebe Wingate, Cultural Learning Officer for the Making Waves Project. Phoebe Reading Score Success! worked with the children to find out what sort of things they felt made a good festival and what they thought would spoil the fun. We are very pleased to announce that 100% of pupils at TASAT have improved their reading score this year. Each student gave their own ideas for activities to be included and voted on whether they would have liked to have done the ones This is down to the hard work of students, teachers, phonic intervention sessions and parents and carers. that were on offer at last year’s Ness Fest. Phoebe was invited back to work with the group in the autumn term to make an advert World Book Day, Reading Cafés, Library activities and clubs and the Library Van visits, as well as the study of for this years Ness Fest which takes place in the town in October half term. fiction and non-fiction texts in English lessons all contribute to the pupils’ love of books and these elements K. Delf have created a real reading community within the school. Well done to everyone! Mrs Redrup Show, Farming Finals! Greenest School Awards During half term, some pupils from Year 4 went along to the final of the Schools’ Farming I am delighted to inform you that The Ashley School Academy Trust have been nominated to receive an award in the event at the Suffolk Show. The six pupils had reached the final along with students from ‘Greenest County’ awards held at Snape Maltings in July. We received conformation last week that we have been Ipswich High School and Aldeburgh Primary School. On stage the children told of how shortlisted and are very excited to be taking some of our pupils along with us to the ceremony to celebrate all of the they had learned about farming through visits and activities in school. They shared jokes, fantastic work that we have been doing to encourage those in school and the local community to be more ‘green’. Watch pictures and ended their performance with a song about cows and bio-electricity. All the this space to find out if we win!! children were awarded rosettes for their outstanding performance.: in our eyes they were Mrs Jarvis all stars of the show. Well done Year 4 and thank you to parents and carers for supporting the children in this event. We hope you enjoyed your day at the show. Speech & Language This term the SLCN team have had yet another full timetable working across the school. A special mention goes out to the ‘functional communication’ group who have been visiting a local This art work made by Year 4 was part of a display in the Suffolk Recycling tent. Each pupil in 4P helped to make a part of the rabbit bakery for the past year, placing orders from staff and delivering them back to school. This has been a using empty packets that would normally have been thrown in the waste bin. After the show the art work was taken to Endeavour great success, but this term we decided to visit bigger supermarkets in the local area to expand their house to be displayed for two weeks. This weekend some of KS2 art work will be used to decorate the story tent at Lowestoft’s experience and skills in the local community. Well done Ben, Luke and Matty! First Light Festival, hopefully we will have photographs to show you next month. Well done KS2! Our young Talkpad users in Key Stage 2 have been making great progress with their language and K. Delf communication in our weekly group, using a specially designed app ‘Proloquo2go’ to support speech, communication and language in motivating activities like Playdough, Mr Potato Head and Obstacle courses! Well done Mya and Liam for great teamwork this term. We are also busy filming our Summer songs that pupils are signing to using Makaton, to support Total Communication across the school and beyond, so keep your eyes peeled for some new videos to be shared!

Outreach The Outreach Team are continuing to support mainstream pupils and staff, and as we approach the end of the summer term, we are helping to prepare some of our Outreach pupils with their transition to The Ashley School Academy Trust. We are looking forward to working with mainstream colleagues old and new next term Julie Broxup, The Ashley Outreach Team For this terms IPC ‘See the Term Dates Light’, Year 5 have grown

sunflowers from seeds Pupils break up for the Summer holidays on Wednesday 24th July. th and have transferred Year 6 Celebrated the 75 Anniversary of D -Day with a tea party. They them from pots into the Pupils return in September on Thursday 5th. pupils (& staff) enjoyed trying spam, corned beef and cups of tea made ground. We hope the sun with loose tea leaves and even got rations of chocolate. continues to shine and help our sunflowers grow Themes & Topics big and tall. Remember that termly subject Themes & Topics can be found in pupil planners and on our website (Go to—Our Learners—Curriculum Overview—Select the key stage your child is in and click on themes and topics) to support your child’s learning at home.

Medication Can we please remind parents & carers that all medication must come into school with an adult, not with the pupils. Thank you.

Parents and Carers Get Together Remember! ALL KS3 learners should have their own pencil case with a pencil, handwriting pen, ruler and rubber We would like to offer a warm welcome to our new parents and carers of children joining us in September. During th ALL KS3 learners should be reading at home 3x each week transition week, on Thursday 19 July they have been invited to our Get Together at 1pm. It would be fantastic if ALL KS3 learners should be practicing their spellings each week some of the current parents and carers could come along to the meeting to share your experiences of The Ashley School. Perhaps you can recall having some questions about the daily routine, or maybe you were a little anxious about the move. Maybe you could offer some support and advice. Maybe you will make some new friendships! Some Africa Alive Reward Trip of the teaching staff will aim to drop in to the parents and carers meeting also and it will be another opportunity to put names to faces. Hopefully most of you know that the meeting is relaxed and friendly, all are welcome. So if you are able to attend we look We are really looking forward to our first KS3 reward trip on Monday 1st July. Nearly all of our pupils have received the points required forward to seeing you. to get themselves on the trip and those who haven’t have now been notified. Just a reminder that all pupils will need a packed lunch Sam Bover provided either by school or home and appropriate clothing for the weather on the day (non-school uniform). Hopefully it will be a day of glorious sunshine and we will all need to slap on the sun cream, as there isn’t much shade around the park. We are very excited that we have been able to book some special sessions so that we can get up close to some of the animals and we hope that it will be a great E-Safety Café day for all. Mrs Jarvis Hi everyone, It was lovely to see those of you who made it to our first E-Safety Café, despite the traffic situation in town. Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday July 3rd, 1.45-2-45pm. I will be sharing some basic key safety rules, to Year 11 Graduation and Celebration Evening! help keep our young people safe when online and will be on hand to try and help with any concerns or worries you Year 11 pupils are looking forward to the Graduation & Celebration Evening, on Thursday 27th June, where pupils may have. Please do drop in, enjoy a cuppa, a biscuit and a chat. I look forward to seeing you all! will be celebrated for their successes during their time at The Ashley School Academy Trust. The evening will start Donna Sibbald at 6.30pm, and will end with disco, finishing at 10.00pm. We look forward to seeing Year 11 families to celebrate! E-Safety Lead and PFS Team Member

This is such a busy month in Key Stage 4! Many Year 11 pupils have enjoyed transition visits to their chosen colleges. Our photos show Leah and Rosie in The Eating House at Great Yarmouth campus and some of our pupils who are to join the sports course having their induction for using Summer School 2019 the gym equipment also at Great Yarmouth campus. A group of Key Stage 4 girls experienced beauty treatments by students on the Beauty Therapy course at the beauty salon at East This year’s Summer School is the 19th-22nd August. The sessions are for pupils who are going to be Year 7 and above Coast College Lowestoft campus under the watchful eye of the course tutors and really enjoyed this ,as you can see from our photo. in September. If you would like more information please contact Sam Bover at school on 01502 565439. We have a Some pupils are enjoying work experience placements and our photo shows Ewan and Harry decorating a cake at the Leading Lives range of eight fun sessions for pupils to enjoy! They can choose to join us for all the sessions or choose just or hub in Rotterdam Road. The cake is to be sold at the Compass Café behind Lowestoft Library which is also run by Leading Lives and two. If you already have your booking forms please do send them in as soon as possible as places are beginning to could be very helpful for future work placements for our young people. The Compass Café is a great place to call in for a drink and a fill up. We will try to meet everyone’s request, but do have a limited number of places on each session. delicious piece of chocolate cake! Sam Bover Mrs Holmes, Transition Support Worker Family Fun Night American style

We are planning a family fun evening on the Friday 5th July, 6.30-8.30pm. The evening will be a relaxed social event on the school field (weather permitting). Bring a picnic, the family and be prepared to join in all the fun of the fair with some games, ice-cream van, candy floss, and popcorn all included in the donation of £3 each or £10 for a family of 5. Please complete the reservation booking form which was sent home, or contact school for more information about booking a place. We look forward to seeing you all! Sam Bover